Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 339: Rubber Room Rest Stop

Episode Date: April 18, 2024

Another week where we take a road trip through the horrors of the world Support us on Patreon:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 dude i'm so tired i feel like um i'm so sleepy it's like trying to drive a car at like two miles an hour and not wreck it like i just the mud i just i'm not even pressing the gas like it's just rolling forward and i'm just like all right dude let's just not turn let's not make any turns like i'm not gonna pocket yeah i'm just i'm not gonna make any sudden moves i'm just gonna keep put my hands to the side actually i'm just gonna let it roll forward for the next hour sitting there like a coffin just tight just arms at the sides look at people who pass by like y'all good fine here i just yeah any sudden moves i don, it might completely derail me. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:00:48 So talking about cancellation, I can't go there. That would be like putting my foot on the pedal just a little bit. Too much. We're getting up to five miles an hour here, boys. I don't know if I can handle it. We've got children playing in the streets. Back it here, boys. I don't know if I can handle it. We've got children playing in the streets. Back it down, boys. Animal crossing.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Let's animal crossing. It's a bunch of ducklings trying to cross, man. Just slow down just a little bit. Okay, Biden said his uncle was eaten by cannibals. Wait, hold on. We can't... Before we get too far away from that. Like, what is...
Starting point is 00:01:31 What's going on with modern cannibalism? That's still happening, or what are we doing? Yeah, I feel like... I feel like modern cannibalism has fallen to the wayside. I think it's kind of wholesome in the grand constellation of cancelable offenses. it's like eating somebody is like you know like you you're gonna get canceled but you could come back from that i think you go back for that yo you got a full you got a full
Starting point is 00:01:55 milly a full belly what's those guys uh what what what trip is that if you live in a food desert i'm eating good or if you're stranded. I'm eating good. Like, here's an Appalachian revitalization effort. Let's bring... You know how they're all the time trying to harken back to the old world ways?
Starting point is 00:02:14 The food ways. We need Appalachian food ways. Let's just go back to cannibalism. I'm eating good. I want to tell you something. I want to tell you something. I have heard stupider ideas than cannibalism revival
Starting point is 00:02:26 when it comes to Appalachian revitalization. I'm dead fucking serious about that. Just like sitting at my homie's house and inviting some friends over like, where's Tom? We're eating good tonight.
Starting point is 00:02:43 We got buffalo wings. If you guys eat me, I hope you at least put some seasoning on it. Don't do some white people shit where you just eat me with no salt. Listen, I'm the jerky brother. I'm the jerky brother. With some rice and peas, dog. We're going to jerk Terrence out. With some black beans and rice and peas, dog. Also, too. We're going to jerk Terrence out with some black beans and rice and some plantains. Jump on it.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Also, too, I mean, I was thinking of the Donner Party. I think any situation where cannibalism is a last resort to survive, I mean, they didn't get canceled for that. You know what I mean? We all understand. We were like, homie. We understand. Yeah, the homie. I get it. Yeah, the homie, I get it.
Starting point is 00:03:25 Hey, listen, Donner Party style cannibalism and being prison gay? Cousins. You know? They give you a pass. Which is to say, it don't count. They give you a pass on that. Interesting. And we get it and we understand oh man that's what the funniest thing yeah um it's a while it's a wash if it's one of those
Starting point is 00:03:58 two circumstances you know i like the thing about the biden, though, is he didn't explicitly say it. He implied he was like my uncle Ambrose. He went down in New Guinea. There's cannibals there. He implied that he was eaten. He didn't actually like connect us on the cliffhanger. He had to. He did the iceberg theory.
Starting point is 00:04:19 The Hemingway iceberg theory gave us just enough details so that we have to fill in the rest. I appreciate his literary acumen for that i do i wonder if that's even true like if like you were to like uh contact uncontacted tribes and it's just like man we've been sick of the u.s characterization of us as cannibals for over the course of hundreds of years we forage here we eat berries and shit right the sweetest people in the world like we have an air fryer what the fuck are you talking about yeah let's say yeah we're vegans of all the war mythologies though it is fascinating like generally somebody would be like yeah uncle uncle pierce like he fucking went down and like you know the vc got him and he like killed 13 of them while they were dry but like
Starting point is 00:05:13 what was going on with uncle ambrose where they had to concoct that story they were like he was weird he was he touched you weird he was really weird and creepy. He died dishonorably eaten alive by animals. He was not a POW. He was not captured with any honor. None of that. Uncle Brosey. If your uncle's name is Ambrose Finnegan, he's probably one of those kooky uncles that leaves you his estate
Starting point is 00:05:40 because he had no kids. But you have to survive one night, and it's just going to be a night of tricks and torture and his you're just gonna see his eyes behind the painting moving with the room you know what i mean there's like there's like there's like a secret room behind like a bookcase or some shit like that yeah right yeah some mysterious figure snatches you yeah his house was like a scooby-doo set basically it's basically like house on haunted hill you know yeah like no his house is uh did you see uh guillermo del toro there was a picture of his
Starting point is 00:06:12 his house with all of these uh whimsical like i mean it looks like literally like a lovecraft or edgar allen poe house you know uh-huh i think there's like a skull on a mantle or some shit like that. Jeez. Like human leather bound books. He's got like human leather. We skipped right over that. Remember that's from like a week or two ago that there was a controversy at Harvard. They actually had a volume. One of their volumes was bound by human flesh.
Starting point is 00:06:44 It was, yeah. Of course it'd be Harvard, man. The literal like death factory, you know. they actually had a volume one of their volumes was bound by human flesh it was yeah of course it'd be harvard man the literal like death factory you know what are you talking about like during death university man cannibalism like at least use all the body parts you know how like exactly the native americans they used all the parts of the bot like of the buffalo they have a saying in the south from the rooter to the tutor. It means you use the whole hog, you know? Sustainable cannibalism. Yes. Free-range cannibalism.
Starting point is 00:07:12 It's foodways. Listen, it's traditions and foodways. Basically what it boils down to. All right. It's a bizarre week. Look, we're taking this car two to three miles per hour. We're waving at the homies that we've eaten along the way. Parade speed. Parade speed.
Starting point is 00:07:38 Motorcade speed, yeah. You look out the left window, you see Biden talking about, you see Biden's uncle getting eaten by cannibals, non-combatant cannibal people who didn't even have like a part in the war they're like let's just eat this guy he fell out of the sky we have no idea what these white people fighting about oh but like sure yeah let's just look out the other window you say oh man daily plaza is beautiful in the spring yeah you look at the other window uh a cyber truck is trying to overtake you because you're we're driving slow as fuck right i'm very sleepy we're driving cyber truck is trying to overtake you and it hits a puddle of water and the whole thing like short circuits out and not even spontaneous, just combustible. It blows up.
Starting point is 00:08:25 I saw my first Lexington Cybertruck in the wild. I was in Nashville a few weeks ago and saw like three of them, which is no surprise. Right. But I saw my first one in Lexington pulling up to a Vietnamese joint yesterday. Oh, no. I have to tell you, a grotesquerie. And I felt a little sorry for the driver.
Starting point is 00:08:45 Because he's going to die soon, obviously. Right, you saw him, like, it was Final Destination. You saw his death flash before your eyes. Yeah, yeah. Well, in Final Destination, the scene that got everybody is like when the log truck, you get behind the log truck. I think everybody of that generation, every time you get behind the log truck,
Starting point is 00:09:03 which probably, for those of you in the metropole, probably doesn't happen that frequently. Those of us in the provinces. It does. You're like, oh God. Yeah, and you just see that scene. The Cybertruck's the opposite. You can't get out, nothing can get in.
Starting point is 00:09:16 So you have to just avoid bodies of water. Which is proven hard for drivers of Cybertrucks to this point. I saw that you can't wash you can't put one in the car wash yeah yeah i mean like i also saw too that didn't uh mitch mcconnell's uh uh daughter-in-law some shit died because like sister-in-law she couldn't get out of it well that's the irony is that like when he rolled them out he was like they're elon musk he was like they're gonna be able to be submerged you know how like lyndon johnson had like a a car on his property that in a phoebus vehicle yeah they drive towards the lake and like freak everybody out like what's he doing and he would yeah he's like so you're gonna take this
Starting point is 00:09:59 deal or not like fucking scared scared this shit just to point that out that that's fucking i mean listen man lbj fuck all these people but like if you're talking about like bully pulpit like threatening like threatening like senators and shit by driving them out on a lake on an amphibious vehicle and that and that was one of his less extreme uh motherfucking techniques right he used to make people watch him take a shit okay his pants measured with his big ass dick or some shit man well he did that too yeah he just challenged with the hog out well like how it's it's further proof of everything degenerating because like how did they figure out amphibious vehicles in the 60s but like elon musk tries to
Starting point is 00:10:45 make one now and it like it just sticks like a rock i don't know it's true like how did we just effortlessly go to the moon in the in the 60s but now it's like every third one just i was watching apollo 11 uh which is a documentary that uses all archival footage from the apollo, the first moon. I thought Apollo 11 was like the, the art house version of Apollo 13. It's like a cosmic horror shit. Gary Sinise goes on the flight and gives everybody chicken pox in the mid,
Starting point is 00:11:19 smallpox in air. Yeah. Yeah. It's a, it's a, it's a commentary on the 2020 pandemic but y'all i was just thinking i was like in the beginning they open it up and there are these uh i don't know what kind of trucks they are man but uh they have like the tracked wheels or whatever
Starting point is 00:11:36 and it's just carrying this fucking saturn 5 rocket and just in awe of how big that shit is like they're showing a little guy a little tiny dude walking next to it and i mean i don't know man i guess it's that joke that uh that uh after roswell the roswell crash we stole all the alien technology and now we've used it all up by the 2000s so there's no more innovations left i know it's a joke but sometimes it's kind of like that's insane that we went to the moon in 1969 and so much so that i could understand why people don't even believe that we went to the moon because that seems insane nowadays you know what i mean what yeah one of my favorite shit is when like the soviet union would have like military parades and they would like put their missiles and
Starting point is 00:12:15 rockets on big trucks and just like rolling through town that was so fucking dope yo that's what i did as a little boy with my toys yes like if the united if the soviet union got its hands on that extraterrestrial technology like they probably would have been parading it through like moscow right like you'd see so you see like missiles you see like a rocket then you see like oh my oh my fucking what the fuck is that starship enterprise this is some shape-shifting thing. It's chained to the back of it. It's like...
Starting point is 00:12:49 And then just, you know, the guy's giving the thumbs up. Giving the thumbs up. Singing the international. You see one of the workers puts his knee up on it, his leg up on it and shit. Like, he's hiding his knee up on it,
Starting point is 00:13:01 leaning on it. Just taking pictures with this alien life form. Thumbs up. So, like, like yeah we're driving the car we're driving our car the fucking tesla cyber truck is trying to pass us and splashes water on the right side we look on the left side the soviet parade goes by with the et vehicles um there's linda baines johnson with his 1960s amphibious vehicle scaring the shit out of some yeah right passing everybody we look back out on the right side there's a group of protesters in the road and tom cotton is fervently you know uh advocating that we just plow them over sit a sitting senator just you know
Starting point is 00:13:48 advocating that we just like murder murder for like basically basically um a death toll comparable to like sandy hook you know what i mean didn't didn't we didn't we uh isn't there precedence for this though legal precedence because i know that a couple years ago there were a few states that passed laws that uh protected drivers from liability i think oh yeah if they were to strike protesters you know i don't know what states they were in um but i mean you know they were like uh republican uh republican control like north like south South Carolina or something, I think. I mean, fucking Georgia might have that shit. I don't even fucking know.
Starting point is 00:14:30 I think we should split the difference so there's no culpability either way and we should just start bombing road infrastructure. Listen, drivers will be well aware of it ahead of time. Protesters don't have to risk their own lives. These are just common sense solutions. I agree. It'll be an equal playing field for everybody. Although in the United States, you don't really have to bomb anything.
Starting point is 00:14:54 Just give it enough time, it will just crumble. It will collapse under its own neglect. Don't want to be standing next to a dead body with a smoking gun. You know what I mean? Yeah, he, um, Tom Cotton said, take matters into your own hands and confront the offenders. Let's just say I think there would be
Starting point is 00:15:15 a lot of very wet criminals that would have been tossed overboard. Huh? What the fuck is he saying? Wet criminals? Not by law enforcement, but by the people whose road they are blocking. If they glued their hands to their car or pavement,
Starting point is 00:15:27 it'd probably be pretty painful to have their skin ripped off. Well, is he talking about Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern and Home Alone? The wet bandits. That actually happened to them, like with their skin getting stuck. Yeah. What's he talking about? Yeah, he's saying... Getting ready to get his wisdom teeth extracted and just
Starting point is 00:15:47 repeating the plot of Home Alone under the laughing gasp. Yeah, he's like, put tarantulas on their head faces and tar and feather them. Tar and feather, hit them with a hot iron. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:02 I like that, you know, I like that I can say something vaguely. Something as vague as someone should do something about an objectively odious figure. And this motherfucker is talking about waterboarding protesters and it's fine. Him and Fetterman both, I think. I don't know if Fetterman said it explicitly, but he kind of did an implied thing, too, where he tweeted out the video of the supposed Hamas supporters and basically said something should be done about them.
Starting point is 00:16:37 Listen, I'm not going to get on here and edgelord and advocate for murder and furthermore i'm not going to pretend to understand financial instruments but i do understand uh antiques and chairs and rarities and so forth and all i'm saying is this if you don't have a solid retirement plan okay you don't have any money stashed away for a rainy day or anything like that what i am saying is that that that uh oddities museum in philadelphia that collects stuff would probably pay top dollar in about 20 years for a john federman skeleton that's all i want to say about it so anybody out there enterprising enough to do something about it any ghhanian cannibals perhaps
Starting point is 00:17:27 maybe just get you a little snack but make sure that the hard stuff stays intact because that's your retirement plan i mean honestly you could probably sell it off as like the skeletons of a giant or an ogre you know what i mean like that's what I'm saying. Yeah, it's like, listen, you won't believe this. I slayed this giant going to steal his golden goose. He chased me and he tumbled from the sky. And then we ate him. But here's a skeleton. I mean, I feel like the Tesla, like the Cybertrucks have very like whimsical, almost like medieval, like, uh,
Starting point is 00:18:13 like for example, do not wash your car in sunlight. Do not tell Tesla. Do not wash your car in sunlight. Don't look at your car under the cover of darkness. Don't look at your car for too long because that shit will rust. You will turn to a pillar of salt if you stare into it for too long. If you drive it between the hours of noon and let's say about 4.30 p.m., you may just turn into some kind of beast in the car for no reason at all. I hate things that are too goddamn finicky that the upkeep is like it's just too much aggravation proportional to the joy you get out
Starting point is 00:18:50 of it yeah so even if this thing was not like some sort of fucking death trap like if i can't wash my car in the daytime like what's the fucking point if you if you tell them you did they'll void the warranty i love that. That's insane. I'm telling you, it's like Troll Bridge. I think someone pointed this out. It's like bridge troll demands. It's like face east, issue a sacred utterance. If you don't before you fill it up with gas,
Starting point is 00:19:23 the wheels will turn to squares. It's like you have to answer riddles from a sphinx or some shit like that before you drive you drive it yeah yeah before you drive the cyber t you must answer my riddles three i should have i should have went in there and interrupted that guy's uh pho meal and just been like hey, you know there's a recall on those, right? I just feel incumbent on me to tell you because you're putting us all on the hook by driving that monstrosity. Oh, man. Oh, shit, dude. Quit being a fucking dweeb and get you a goddamn Toyota.
Starting point is 00:20:06 Just anything. Or just anything else. Anything that doesn't require like a magic token and like a phrase that like unlocks the fucking... You gotta rub it like a genie's lamp.
Starting point is 00:20:21 You know what I mean? Oh, shit, son. it's just also insane like uh i don't know i think about this shit all the time man how uh we've mentioned it before how uh in america now because products aren't really made any better they're just made bigger and more dangerous you know what i mean yeah that's like this car is like the epitome of that and i know i've mentioned it before but uh i don't know i think about the italian futurists man who were like they were fascists you know and they believed in like a power and a speed and all of these markers of social progress you know um and it's like i don't know man i look at this and i just think about like
Starting point is 00:21:00 like i just think about like uh someone driving that and heading towards like a walkway full of children you know a crosswalk full of children you know what i'm saying and like them making that calculation like well i'm driving a cyber truck you know they should move out the fucking way you know what i mean oh yeah they're entitled you know what i'm trying to say absolutely it's reoriented our entire approach to like driving that's why in our car i'm driving three miles an hour take any chances i'm taking any chances i'd rather i'd rather get to wattsburg in three days than three hours and risk it all you know yeah i'd rather get there on a like oregon trail type of you know what i'm saying? Like time distances, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:21:45 Look, we're back at cannibalism. We're back at dysentery. Oh shit, we're back at dysentery. It all leads back to dysentery, brother. It all really does. Yeah, Tom Cotton. And on that note, the House passed a resolution actually through 377 votes to 44 uh 377 votes in favor for 44 votes opposed one vote abstained house passes a resolution that says the slogan
Starting point is 00:22:19 from the river to the sea palestine will be free is anti-Semitic, and its use must be condemned. So, from the river to the sea? You know what, I'm going to take your attack, Tom, and I'm not going to make any threats this episode. But, man, that's, dude, that's insane that they're finding the time to ban phrases, you know what I mean? Uh-huh. Like, what the fuck are these people doing, man? What are they good for at this point? What are we doing here?
Starting point is 00:22:50 I don't know. To me, it seems kind of, like, wild, right? Like, in both directions. Because, like, we've seen, like, a sea change on this in the last six months that is, like, inconceivable. Like, I never thought would have happened. I also never thought I would have seen like congress in my lifetime just because free speech is such like a sacred thing in america that like i never thought i'd see like congress like being like yeah you can't say these things
Starting point is 00:23:16 well well that goes to show you that like seven words or whatever doesn't that just go to show you that like that free speech then doesn't exist you know what i mean like not at least at least it exists like i mean i mean if you like if you say the wrong thing right you know you can have your free speech taken away from you know yeah i mean it just goes to show that all of these these kind of uh these platitudes and all these uh freedoms i guess right that they hold so dear and that they love to tout are just completely hollow, you know, when it comes to actually defending them, you know what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Musk does has the chance to redeem himself if he makes the phrase that you have to say to get out of your drowning Tesla from the river to the sea. That's the phrase you have to say, and it'll magically unlock. Oh, these people would willingly die. They'd be like, never, never. No, but better yet, you have to acknowledge that the car has pronouns or something like that. Right, right, right. I mean, at that point, it would just become like a suicide capsule.
Starting point is 00:24:20 And these people would just buy it so they could freely die. You know what I mean? It's C. Valhalla, yeah. Exactly. Uh-huh. and these people would just buy it so they could freely die you know what i mean it's eva halla yeah exactly uh-huh yeah john fatter yeah let's see let's see what your commitment is to israel when you're in uh stuck in a cyber truck in the bottom of a fucking pay like you fucking slovenly prick i love fetterman's post about the ha, supposed Hamas supporters who blocked the highway. I don't know who needs to hear this, but blocking a bridge or berating folks in Starbucks isn't righteous.
Starting point is 00:24:53 Demand Hamas to send every hostage home and surrender. I just like throwing folks in there. I have a point. Accosting anybody in a Starbucks is pretty good right good right now also this is besides the point but i'm very tired of i don't know who needs to hear this especially coming from elected officials i know right i think for that reason alone like you should you should be inclined to sell his bones to a museum of oddities you know there but also too it's just like, I'm sorry, I will not, I don't care if you are seven foot eight. Like, I will not be talked down to by a man that wears like N1 shorts in the halls of power.
Starting point is 00:25:37 I mean, this guy dresses like, he dresses like fucking Adam Sandler off duty or something. You know what I mean? Not nearly as good. Oh, God. I just can't take that seriously. You know what I mean? I'm with you, brother. Mike Racine had a funny tweet where he did the Tony Soprano meme
Starting point is 00:25:57 where he goes and tells the guy to take his hat off and just says, John Fetterman in a nice restaurant, sir, take your basketball shorts off. Oh, yes, yes, yes. Sir, do you not have a belt? Are those drawstring? Oh, my God, dude.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Like, anybody that cinches their fucking shorts out, if you're not in the gym or on a run or chilling or whatever, if that's the way you cinch your fucking pants up with a drawstring you've lost sorry you have lost yes unless it's a key or something you know like that something cool like that but you're like scrubs fine yeah but like sure or if you're like a like a martial arts master or something if you have a belt is what i'm saying if you're a black belt you know what i mean or some shit like that that's
Starting point is 00:26:52 cool it's i feel the same way about as i feel about wearing athletic socks is that there's only two functions it's one if you actually plan on participating in actual athletics or two if you actually plan on participating in actual athletics, or two, if you plan on jacking off in somebody else's bed. As a cup socket. I feel the same way about basketball shorts. It's like, you know, only if you're actually going to play actual basketball should you wear them. Or maybe if you're going to mow the grass or like a quick trip to the gas station. But other than that, grow up.
Starting point is 00:27:26 You know, people were defending them i mean even myself man uh you know before when uh people were dragging on him for what he was wearing you know but now i love that you keep using the word slovenly tom because that's exactly what it is you know you can like fix your lips to say defend israel at all costs while dressing like a slob? Fuck it. What it is, it's the same thing with Matt Gaetz. There's, like, two grotesqueries, like, physical grotesqueries, that, like, the fact that they have power over me, it, like, adds insult to injury.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Yeah, especially with Max Gaetz, this Max Payne PS1 render-looking motherfucker dog. I hate this motherfucker. His head. You know those guys at the beach that draw caricatures of people? He looks just like the caricature dog. But half finished, though. The guy was like, wait, hold up.
Starting point is 00:28:17 I got to use the bathroom. And he got up and left. Well, that's another thing. You were talking about the oddities, the Museum of Oddities. You could get his skeleton, too. It would also fetch a high price because the head, you would have to imagine, dude. You could probably fit a whole Mississippi roadside watermelon into his fucking head. It's so fucking big.
Starting point is 00:28:43 Yo, listen, bro. I've been saying this saying especially with trump's parents like i don't know why phrenology was such a thing for people of color because these white people's head shapes are just so insane going on like fred trump's like ear thing and then his mother's like weird he looks like a xenomorph dude from aliens yo yes that head shape of a xenomorph what's going on here brother i'm i oh man um master race you say okay so like we're driving we're driving in our car it's five miles an hour we're still driving our car like the soviet uh missile parade is way in the rearview mirror like the fucking cyber truck like we're watching it nervously hoping like a part doesn't
Starting point is 00:29:34 fall off the bottom and bounce up and go through our windshield uh then we start seeing some rain on the windshield um like some drops start to come on on the windshield and we're like looking up like what where all these clouds come from all of a sudden just out of nowhere all of a sudden it's a torrential downpour and we're in dubai actually we're in dubai and all of a sudden it's a torrential downpour uh turns out the clouds were created artificially as part of a cloud seating and this is not real like okay so like i don't know if y'all see saw it but like there was huge floods in dubai and and to be fair oh no they can make a disaster they have been cloud seeding they've been doing cloud clouding with a chance of meatballs like they've been into themselves like the video that fucking
Starting point is 00:30:33 killed me dude god like i was laughing my fucking ass off it's like one of those like ritzy ass hotels in dubai and like the bartender is like there's water pouring from the ceiling all over around the bar and he's soaking wet and like someone's trying to order a drink and he's like carrying on like normal he's trying to carry on he's trying to and so he turns around to get a bottle from behind the bar and then one of the panels on the ceiling just collapses and all this water just starts like a movie when they break it when they break open a big ass fish tank like in a movie that shit comes and floods the room like mission impossible like fucking tom cruise throwing the you know bomb gum
Starting point is 00:31:17 against the fucking thing dude i just have to say like have, have we learned? I mean, since the the again, I have to bring it up. The submersible, you know, since the submersible, have we not learned? Has man not learned anything about his hubris with water, with nature? Like, have you? Why are you? Listen, I know it's the next the Nexus Torment tweet. But seriously, we have a plethora, a whole catalog of dystopian science fiction that speaks to michael crane actually is a great writer about this shit right i mean there are a lot of writers but popular as a popular writer about the
Starting point is 00:31:51 dangers of of man fucking with nature yeah what are you doing man do not fuck with it's one of mankind's foundational myths across all religions and cultures like the the ark noah's ark the great flood that's like across all cultures like every culture has the great flood myth ah man but like so okay so like the cloud seeding thing apparently okay so at first they were saying it was cloud seeding and then i looked into it and they were like and then like you know debunkers and like well actually people were like well actually it's not cloud seeding like they weren't doing cloud seeding on that day turns out it was just good old-fashioned climate change it's like okay well now i feel much better about this silly me i feel better that it's actually the delayed background change of the climate
Starting point is 00:32:45 than rather something that's intentional and focused that's going to end up on some fucking Michael Crichton novel that's going to kill everyone. I feel better that it's the actual thing happening in the background. I'm going to be honest with you, boys. I don't really like the monkeying around with the moon and the sky and stuff these fuckers are doing right now. Oh, dude, brother, 100%.
Starting point is 00:33:05 They're going to fuck around. We didn't even have full totality or anything like that the other day in Lexington. But just the way the birds and everything were just fucked up for a few minutes. They're like, the starling's coming out. I'm like, wait a second. I feel like Terrence Ray after two two hours of rest what's going on with that that it really can't be stressed enough that like these geoengineering projects are literally just that like they're literally talking about just blocking out part of the sun
Starting point is 00:33:41 that's it who's signing off on that you know like i mean have you not seen snow piercer dog i mean like also too i just have to say that like all right forget all the disaster apocalyptic scenarios right um because i mean i'm not a scientist but um i happen to believe that these big geoengineering projects probably won't work pan out the way they want them to right but forget even that i mean why are you pouring so much money it's just like we pour money and come up with these new schemes and ideas you know instead of like actually doing the thing you know what i mean like i don't know like changing political economy the way we produce things you know but like no instead we want to do a geoengineering project to block out the sun
Starting point is 00:34:25 you know what i mean it's just so insane dude well and there's i mean to me like i guess the cloud seeding thing in dubai is like the height of human of hubris you know i mean like truly it's it's like you're in the fucking desert for a reason. Like, there's, you cannot, you cannot change these things. Like, these things are static. Like, they are there for a reason. Dude, that's the same hubris, I guess, with Elon Musk types, where they think they're going to terraform Mars, you know?
Starting point is 00:35:01 They're going to completely change the geological landscape of a planet, you know what I mean? I guess that's the same thing when you think, yeah, we're out in the desert, and we're going to make it rain, you know they're going to completely change the geological landscape of a planet you know what i mean i guess that's the same thing when you think yeah we're out in the desert we're gonna make it rain you know well it's the same shit with like you know y'all saw this thing i saw kate wagner shared it where like the saudis are trying to like thought maybe that they could use palestine or gaza to make their like neon project or whatever and that was one of the curious reasons why they've not you know picked a dog in that fight or whatever you know like even that kind of shit like even bring it back down to earth for a minute it's like so sinister on like a you know just we're basically just ruled by content creators the saudis are in essence content creators oh dude and in in like sort of their conception of things you know what i mean i can't remember if i've mentioned this on
Starting point is 00:35:53 the show or not like the um so like in lexington muhammad bin salman has his own private... Airstrip, yeah. Airstrip for landing his plane because he has horses here in Lexington. It's, you know, horse capital of the world, basically. And it's really wild to think about, like, that, like, you know, he would have his own private airstrip and that, like...
Starting point is 00:36:22 Anyways, I was just thinking about this the other day. Like, wouldn't it be funny if, like, the Saudis really did kind of start taking over the u.s like piecemeal piece by piece and absorbing it into like their feudal system and like to the point that like there is no civil war there's no balkanization or whatever like the saudis just like slowly take it over like you know in the classical like territorialist way under like feudal sway and so then it turned out that like the conservatives were right but not in the way they thought when they said that sharia law was coming to the united states literally creeping sharia yeah it was more through like
Starting point is 00:37:03 it was more through like uh amenities and services that we you know you know what that you know i love about that dude it's like it kind of reminds me of like the disaster capitalism but instead of it being like you know like we move and uh you move into this like kind of like bombed out or drowned out or whatever it is whatever natural man-made disaster instead it's like they'll go around visiting states that are known for like georgia for example our peaches supposedly you know then we didn't have a saudi royal family that's just gonna own like a peach farm you know what i mean oh yeah it's basically gonna be like every state
Starting point is 00:37:33 is like a store for them in a really big luxurious department store that they can go to and get their amenities and services you know yeah all right you go go to West Virginia for Oxycontin. I think that like a color commentator for like the master's gotten a lot of trouble a few weeks ago for like slandering the live tour. I mean, like, I mean, I don't, I don't,
Starting point is 00:38:02 you can take this stuff too far. You don't want to sound like a... You don't want to be xenophobic or racist about it. But the thing is, it's not xenophobic because it's just one family and the UAE princes and stuff. You know what I mean? It's like...
Starting point is 00:38:17 Yeah, it's a handful of dickheads. I would tell you a very disorienting experience, though, boys, is seeing MBS in the flesh at Keeneland and him just walking around the grounds with 40 people around him and just knowing that man's uncle did 911 and everybody has just cast that aside oh man which you know whatever okay it's the u.s empire whatever but like don't hand ring about it and then just suck this guy off at every turn. You know what I mean? Exactly.
Starting point is 00:38:51 Well, okay, so, yeah, we're driving. We're leaving Dubai. We're entering Iran now. We're going pretty fast. Yeah. Well, it took us 17,000 days, but we're finally to the proud Persian Empire. Also, we're all three skeletons.
Starting point is 00:39:15 At this point, we're rolling. Our bones are rattling in our seats at this point. Yes, they're paying high dollar for our fucked up misshapen skeletons as well. Also, our vehicle is amphibious too. It actually is the same amphibious vehicle that LBJ used. Taken from that
Starting point is 00:39:36 Museum of Oddities. So yeah, we're in Iran now. We're in the Hormuz part of Iran. The Strait of Hormuz. The Strait of Hormuz butts up against the sea. A river there periodically turns red from a little phenomenon called iron pyrite.
Starting point is 00:40:01 Says you, pal. Says you, buddy. For me, that's some biblical connotations brother uh so you would join the um chorus with aviva clompass our favorite hasbarist who says uh the it is turned red like a biblical plague in case you were wondering whose side God is on. Which, if that's true, I invite her to come to East Kentucky and see her if she still thinks that. Because if that's true, God is not on East Kentucky's side. I'll be honest with you. I'm starting to think God is not on our side.
Starting point is 00:40:39 I just want to know, which country is supposed to be the sociopathic, theocratic country now? Which one is it supposed to be? Is it supposed to be Iran or Israel? Yeah. I'm confused here, you know. The news from all this in the past few days is it's rubber room time. We're going to have to take a stop at the rubber room.
Starting point is 00:40:59 We're going to have to get some gas, get some road snacks, and take a little stop at the rubber room. Brother, I'll be honest. If we stop at the rubber room, I don't know if I'm coming out. The Rubber Room's been a rest stop, like on a big road trip. You just go there and get your head right for a little bit. They chain you to the wall, put you in a straight jacket. Send you home with a little medicine, and then, yeah, we're back headed toward the Persian Empire.
Starting point is 00:41:22 Mm-hmm. No, there was a few things uh first of all israeli officials said they didn't see their strike on an iranian target in syria as a provocation this headline was right beneath another headline eu will impose new sanctions on iran for attacking israel i'm telling you that these two headlines like together dude it's almost like these people live in like i don't mean an alternate reality where they think alternately i mean they actually live in a universe that is underlying this one that is operating at a higher vibration or frequency that we can't see but they can and they're interacting with those like those false shadow like events kind of like when
Starting point is 00:42:12 a dog hears a fire truck and starts doing that you know like that real or it's like it's like um have y'all ever seen that video of the bear who's walking in the woods, and someone's placed a mirror there, and the bear sees his own reflection in the mirror, and he freaks out, and he keeps trying to look behind the mirror. You know what I mean? Yes. So we know bears don't have objects. In addition to having no jobs they also lack object
Starting point is 00:42:46 permanence that's that's really what's holding them back from the job market this is why they're guys brother this is why they're just guys they're just dudes they're just dudes man um but yeah no i mean like there's nothing much to say about this the double standard is just really and truly incredible it's just like tom on i think the the patreon episode you i think it was the patreon episode you likened israel and i just keep thinking this over and over again since you've said it but you likened israel to like a little kid who just goes around slapping the shit out of adults and then like when there's finally a hint that there might be some repercussions they're like
Starting point is 00:43:25 i'm sorry i didn't know i couldn't do that i'm just a little birthday boy with glasses like everything i see i'm just young sheldon yeah it's young sheldon everything i see just bolsters that i have autism i'm neurodivergent you can't hit me you can't retaliate i'm neurodivergent eight years old this is like that headline fucking drove me insane israeli officials said they didn't see their strike on an iranian target in syria great way to like under underplay that by the way like great way to like really undersell an iranian target in syria it was only their consulate with their i didn't see it that way but i'll i'll hear you out listen i came in
Starting point is 00:44:20 your house and slapped the shit out of you it went in your fridge it drank milk right out the carton straight from my lip straight to my leg and you call shit out of you. It went in your fridge. It drank milk right out the carton. Straight to my lips. And you call that belligerent? And then I killed your dog. But you call that belligerent? Yeah, buddy. That's just neighborly where I'm from. Oh, my God, dude.
Starting point is 00:44:39 Can I just... I mean, I don't even know, man. I mean, there's nothing to say, like you said. But I guess the question I want to ask is, I think it's a theme, that kind of question we've been asking for the past, like, six months. Like, where does this go? Like, this is untenable, you know?
Starting point is 00:44:54 Like, how do you, how can they keep this going? It's untenable. Like, you can't keep this, you can't keep this going, you know? It's just insane. I'm going to tell you something. It's existential now. Like, at this point, the Israelis better hope that they don't complete this genocide. Because if you were to poll anybody in the free world, I think about 8 out of 10 people,
Starting point is 00:45:14 if you didn't have Palestinian people there, would be totally content with nuking them off the fucking map. Invading that fucking country. Nobody likes them. Nobody wants to say that either nobody nobody wants to say that either nobody wants to say that you know no like your only bulwark like the only grace you're getting is because there's palestinian people they're still trying to live through all this you know exactly but so what you're saying is that they're using the palestinians as human shields yeah Yeah, right. Yeah, exactly. I mean, it's like what I said the other day, man. Like, we've invaded other countries for not even much less,
Starting point is 00:45:51 but for nothing at all, right? You know what I mean? Yeah, the thing is, is I, like, I read the, did y'all see Thomas Friedman's op-ed this week? It fucking killed me, man. Let me tell you, the perma answer to that question for me is no. You can just strike that off the things you can ask me in the future. I don't think I've ever read a Thomas Friedman part.
Starting point is 00:46:22 Honestly, I've heard one read to me, but I've never read one. What did this motherfucker say? This is why I'm getting two hours of sleep at night and have to drive my car two, three miles per hour. The headline, how to be pro-Palestinian, pro-Israeli, and pro-Iranian. Yo, we should... You know what? Everybody, yo. That's the problem with liberals man you're trying to thread
Starting point is 00:46:46 too many goddamn needles dude it's it's like it's like that remember when we read that um um the characteristics of liberalism essay on the patreon a couple months back and yeah essentially it was like he was trying to occupy so many different positions that essentially wasn't saying anything because they don't actually believe in anything. So I would like to know how you can be pro-genocide, pro-Palestinian, or pro-human, actually. I mean, pro-Palestinian, but just a decent, conscious human being who understands the horrors of what's—anyway, yo. It's the shadow of Henry Kissinger looms long. It's like, how can you visit the worst horrors of what's... Anyway, yo. It's the shadow of Henry Kissinger looms long. It's like, how can you visit
Starting point is 00:47:26 the worst horrors on a population and still come out kumbaya on the other end? You know what I mean? I thought about that. Me and Terrence went to a Japanese restaurant yesterday. I walk in, first thing I think is like, these people should want us... the worst things in the world to happen to us.
Starting point is 00:47:43 You know what I mean? Right, right. Seriously. Oh my God, dude. us the worst things in the world to happen to us seriously oh my god dude the way friedman threads that needle is that all three societies need regime change iran uh makhmud abbas and palestinian authority and netanyahu and honestly what's funny about that is the most unrealistic one of all those is the israeli case it's like there is no universe where israel is reforming its way out of this there it's just not happening do you remember around 2008 when obama was elected there was like a secularist mayor of jerusalem voted in or something like that and people thought he was going to be like the anti Netanyahu,
Starting point is 00:48:28 like the check and balance. Like he might ascend to, I forget what his name was, but like people thought then that like, oh, Netanyahu's kind of a menace, uh, you know,
Starting point is 00:48:38 in liberal society. And what, what needs to happen there is just more moderate pro-genocide sentiment. Right. You know what I mean? And so, like, Netanyahu just, as a survival mechanism to himself, should, like, you know, see that he doesn't have very many friends in this world. And, in fact, dear God, man, most people on the planet Earth
Starting point is 00:49:03 want to see you as something worse than roadkill i mean it's not good enough for you to have you know to have to have cartoonish tire tracks smash you flat you know is not still not gonna do it there's no death good at like adequate enough to match your crimes. Also, too, I just have to say that, like not even just him, but the entire Knesset. Because even if you look at, I guess I've seen videos of moderate liberal Zionists, right, who are still saying that these Palestinian children deserve everything that happens to them. Right. And these are supposed to be the moderate right the moderates right goals just ghoulish yeah yeah i don't know it's i just thought that was a really hilarious um i mean like did you see
Starting point is 00:50:00 the israeli ambassador to the uk like statement, just imagine how things, she's talking about the Iranian strike, just imagine how things would have looked. This huge missile, think about it falling in the middle of a city like Jerusalem. Look how populated it is. Just think about it hitting neighborhoods and people and children. Hold up. Can I ask a question?
Starting point is 00:50:19 I don't have to really imagine that. You guys have been fucking doing that for seven goddamn months. Yeah, you've not left much to the imagination. I hate to say that. Also, too, I'm crediting Noah Coleman for this because I saw his tweet. Because I think he was quote tweeting this person. But Israel loves to talk about human shields, right? But is it like their command center or their army?
Starting point is 00:50:41 Like their tactical center in a populous a metropolis a city and isn't that on purpose yeah i mean what the fuck are we doing here dog they're literally using their own people as cannon fodder and their own people fucking know that because they're so rabid right and they're settler colonialism and dude this dude, this is what Senate, yeah, we made the trip to the Rubber Moon, man. This is Senate. We made the trip. This is fucking Senate. Are we there?
Starting point is 00:51:10 Are we fucking there? Me from the back seat, are we there yet? Are we there yet? I gotta pay. Fuck. But did you see this story about how, like, staffers at the State Department under Blinken have, like, recommended, recommended like he's been sitting on these recommendations to like sanction Israeli units linked to like, you know, killings and rapes and like the crazy TikTok videos and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:51:41 Like, I think David Grossman pointed out a lot of these a lot of this stuff goes back way even before october 7th the incidents under review mostly took place in the west bank and occurred before hamas's october 7th attack they include reports of extrajudicial traditional killings by israeli border police an incident in which a battalion gagged handcuffed and left an elderly palestinian american for dead, and an allegation that interrogators tortured and raped a teenager who had been accused of throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails. I mean... Just fucking cowards, yo.
Starting point is 00:52:13 Just preying upon fucking young girls and old people, dude. 100%, man. Fucking cowards, dude. And, like, Blinken's just sitting, you know, like I said, it's just, like, granted, like, we've already pretty much known this, but it is kind of, like, final sitting, you know, like I said, it's just like, granted, like we've already pretty much known this, but it is kind of like final confirmation, you know, finally that like, yeah, they don't give a fuck. They don't give a fuck. It's just, just let them run roughshod basically. Let them run roughshod, dude.
Starting point is 00:52:39 And then like, and then, you know, when the dust has settled, then they can revise history, right? And they can say that, well, I mean, they're doing it right now, right? They're doing it right now where Biden expresses his displeasure privately, but publicly. He's not. He's fucking supportive. He supports it. I mean, dude, privately, he fucking supports it. Those leaks are just to make it seem as if he's he's actually moving on this issue yeah it's moving it's like trying to like put a fucking little tiny little band-aid
Starting point is 00:53:10 like a little pinky band-aid on a massive fucking gaping like knife wound or something it's like like you just got hit by a car they come to you with the pinky band-aid you know what i'm saying not by my car my car's going three miles not your car not your car the uh tom's pissed his pants in the back couldn't hold it still asking if we're there yet the rubber room was two miles ahead you couldn't hold it um i drank too much phantom on that note dude did you guys did you guys see this? This fucking killed me, man. Blinken personally asked Mahmoud Abbas on the phone to not pursue full status membership for the state of Palestine at the UN. In exchange, Abbas would have been- Who asked Blinken?
Starting point is 00:53:57 Blinken. I was talking about- Because he would be popular? I guess so, just because they didn't want- He wants to keep them delegitimized or something yeah i think so because i think they probably know that if it goes to the un like it would get the they would of course veto it but it would not make them look good that the vast majority of the world would probably give them statehood anyways in exchange blinken invited blinken uh
Starting point is 00:54:23 would have invited a boss to the White House to meet President Biden as a consolation prize. You know what I would do? You know what I would do to meet President Biden? I mean, you know, just to take him for the team, first spit in his fucking face, consolation prize, you fucking. Imagine Biden telling Abbas uh uncle brosey man anybody instead of poplar again he's like yeah man i think they dropped my uncle brosey
Starting point is 00:54:54 off over your way i think that i think they ate him over there by the Strait of Hormuz. The Red River. You know, they got the Red River and the Cloud Sea. The river runs red with the blood of my Uncle Brosey. After they cannibalized him. I have to assume that if you're offering Biden as a consolation prize, that is the show. The show is.
Starting point is 00:55:26 Like, what kind of kooky, crazy stories can joe come up with like i guess like because it sure as shit isn't gonna be any kind of like stop to the genocide or any diplomatic leverage it's just gonna be like yeah what's he come up with off what's he cooking in the lab today what's he coming up with off the top of the dome they're just gonna like leave him with biden to almost like babysit him and just close the door like they're like are we have others we have to keep this genocide going we have other things to do so we're just gonna say you guys playing us that is that's the job they just find various world leaders to babysit him for the day like all right we got iceland's prime minister tomorrow all right like you know just make sure we have juice boxes and there's like a bowl of carrots there all the president's
Starting point is 00:56:11 day a bowl of baby carrot they like they start scraping the bottom of the barrel you know and it's like uh god who do we have left here oh god then you just start that well i don't want to do it any more than you guys do but we're going to have to turn to some of uh you know uh under secretaries and al-qaeda to like the national like dog catcher of micronesia or some shit like that yeah yeah yeah oh man i heard the guy the iranian military spokesman that that admonished the zionists to quote don't be retarded don't be not my words i want to say not my words that's a direct quote folks yeah that's a direct quote oh my god the consolation prize fucking killed me dude i mean you know on the one hand it's like
Starting point is 00:57:01 you got to be so fucking angry at these people obviously i mean angry is not even the word but on the other hand we talked about it before about like them just dabbing on us you know you know what i mean like doing things that are like self-aware where it feels like you know that people are pissed and you're doing this to egg people on there's no way that you said consolation prize would have seriously you know you know there's no way you thought about that and you didn't look at what of your colleagues and be like yeah you know what i mean like we're hazing this guy or some shit like that uh-huh come on dude come the fuck on man oh that is true i mean so yeah so like we're back in the u.s now like on our trip like we just heard from blinkin uh we could we could swing by congress
Starting point is 00:57:46 real quick where they're holding a hearing um on columbia university anti-semitism on campus there did you guys see the clip of the congresswoman i can't remember her name. Lisa. Lisa for Congress. Lisa McClain from Mississippi's 9th District. Oh, boy. Yeah, I'm thinking the same thing. Oh, my God, dude. That sounded pretty good. She said, do you, as president of Columbia, condemn the infantada?
Starting point is 00:58:22 And she said that several times. Infantada. She said it like it started with an N. Like, what the fuck did the infantada say? Like enchiladas and shit like that. Infantada. Infantada. Man, that's such a cell phone.
Starting point is 00:58:40 It really is. That's what these people are. They're relating an infantada. I was going to say. Governed by children and fools. And for some reason, it's like the old adage, God takes care of children and fools. So everybody's decided to be a child and or a fool.
Starting point is 00:58:55 Yeah. So is denouncing the intifada, is that the new denounce Hamas? You have to denounce the infantada. You can't say from the river to the sea and you can't support the infantada which is great i would say which is great because i don't know what that is i have no problem i have no qualms whatsoever renouncing the Oh, man. Oh, God, dude. Well, while we're going, now we're doing a cross-country road trip. We could stop in Missouri on our way. Missouri. The Teamsters just gave Josh Hawley $5,000.
Starting point is 00:59:50 What? thousand dollars um what the uh you know according to compact mag um the uh josh holly's leading a labor revolution and the teamsters are helping him do it and uh you you talk that's not good you talk wait hold up you talk about the motherfucker that on january 6th dog a couple hours before these motherfuckers was coming for his head he was was lifting up his fist. That's like a fist pump. And as soon as they was about to cannibalize this motherfucker, he was lifting up his skirts and running through the halls of Congress. You talk about that, Josh Hawley? And we're also talking about
Starting point is 01:00:15 a man who, despite being possibly the most light in the ass man I've ever seen that's not out, wrote a book about the crisis of masculinity but not from the perspective of like you know just that everybody's a a pussy and he's the paragon of manhood he is yeah apparently apparently we're all sissified and um this this guy is a he's a paragon of uh of manliness yeah and now he's
Starting point is 01:00:47 helping out now the teamsters that's not a that's that's not good at all man that's not a positive development that's not that's not a positive thing man it just reminds me of uh i don't know their whole uh civic nationalism thing you know i'm saying where the republicans are trying to reinvent themselves as um nationalists but um this means that they care about workers and um they are are warding off the excesses of uh they don't call it capitalism but i guess it's like woke capital i don't they don't call it woke capital either i said i was i just want to say something i say this as a man that grew up in the shadow of a umwa that left zero repped working coal miners in my state. I say this as a man that's been on negotiation teams
Starting point is 01:01:28 for my own union, all this kind of thing. The left has got to be a little more judicious with the modern labor movement and our interpretation of things. Anything, everything, we have a saying growing up in the church, everything that says Lord, Lord is not of God. Okay? Everything that says
Starting point is 01:01:47 union, union is not of God either. Okay? And I just want to say that. Please, for the love of God, quit jumping in the whole cloth of these motherfuckers every time just because you think or you like the trappings of like,
Starting point is 01:02:03 you know, every worker does deserve you every worker deserves those protections there's no question about that but you know i think it's to me the way that i read this story is kind of like after the teachers strikes in 2018 when like people on the left were like the revolution is coming i think the right is also doing something similar just because the teamsters gave holly five thousand dollars to like all right now the working class they're support the right wing they're gop adjacent it's like well yeah they're fools too yeah it's like is is that true or is it just like a few like leaders at teamsters that like are just cozying up to a potential trump administration you know what i mean like
Starting point is 01:02:46 the rank and file probably doesn't and also too i mean we know this is cynical but uh you just mentioned the teacher strike i feel like there are some professions that are how can i put it that are like feminized or that are seen as like you don't really you know what i mean jobs that are not deserving of respect you know so i could imagine something like i don't know um you know whether you work in construction or whether you do any job in their minds because it's not it's never the service industry right it's never when it's starbuck workers right that are striking for a union so all i guess all i'm saying is that these people are cynical man it's all about an image right let josh holly go out there and support striking teachers right right? Or nurses, right?
Starting point is 01:03:26 I guarantee you he fucking won't. Yeah, I think you're spot on. It's like, which is kind of funny because like of all, I don't know, like Teamster is like, you know, no shade to my UPS driver friends, but it's also like you're just carrying a package. Like it's not necessarily like they just say he tears just say all you do is carry the package motherfucker i used to work for at ups all right like i'm i'm saying it with all love i can say it i can say the word i got the i get the pass i get the pass. I get the UPS slander pass. I was a part-time package handler once myself.
Starting point is 01:04:13 Actually, I see that advertising UPS job listings from time to time, and I think there's not a job I'm more qualified for just based on my bona fides than part-time package handler. qualified for just based on my bona fides that part-time package handler now that is a fucking tough gig on those goddamn boxes with no one thousand percent i did i meant more like i just meant that like in their cosmology like the way they construct masculinity it's like yes you would think that like working at like operating a lathe or something it's like yeah i don't i don't dude who whatever anyways let's continue our road trip let's end it here uh let's end it on the west coast in um before we get too far away from josh holly i just want to say something that if i were
Starting point is 01:04:58 running against josh holly here's how i would do it i would get on my my bully pulpit and i'd say listen i don't give a damn who josh loves i would just insinuate that he was under but like from an earnest place because i'm like obviously he look at him right like you genuinely convinced that he's gay listen it ain't because listen i ain't got nothing against Josh's lifestyle. It's just I don't like his policies toward the working class. But you never actually say what it is that you're talking about. You just imply it. You preface it with everything that you say about it.
Starting point is 01:05:40 And then next week you see his poll numbers are dropping off. And then somebody tells me, sir, Josh Hawley's married with kids. He's straight. What? Me being aghast. What? Really? Well, I'm going to keep it going because it looks like it's working.
Starting point is 01:05:58 It looks like it's working. So, yeah, finally, I just wanted to cover this story real quick in the university of southern california that's usc right yeah jesus yes california has so many colleges and universities man i know there's a lot take some of those out uh the um usc canceled its valedictorian's grad speech uh it looks like to me for no other reason and then she just is visibly and publicly muslim it's like there's no other like maybe they said they found some tweets or something but like come on like it's got nothing to do with that. It's like, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:06:49 I just thought the whole thing was crazy. Like, especially because I read this story at the same time that I read this story that says, confirmed story, by the way, the IDF has quadcopters luring people to them with recordings of the sound of women and children screaming, then firing on them. You know what they should do? If you call that out and that's bad, you will get called anti-Semitic and you can't speak as your valedictorian. You know what I think Hamas fighters should do and all the Palestinian resistance fighters? I think they should, like a trail of breadcrumbs there should be a trail of women's lingerie you know that they that they lead into like a house and then just bomb that shit when all these motherfuckers go in there yeah they would be you're absolutely right like if they
Starting point is 01:07:35 just like instead of like firing rockets into tel aviv right like they just fired like women's underwear like they could probably lull the whole place to a narcotized state, like a trance state, because they apparently have an insane genocidal fetish for that shit. And you're absolutely right, Aaron. But that is some crazy stuff. That's like Vietnam, like, Psywar shit. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:08:04 Like, that's fucking absolutely serial killer, like psy war shit you know what i'm saying like that's fucking absolutely serial killer like psychopath shit um also too i just want to point out like uh i mentioned this on twitter but like this is like the most rabid that i've ever seen like white people man like i thought like after 9-11 the iraq war was insane you know like all the profiling and everything like that and i knew people i mean it was like I don't know it's like a sea change even as young as I was I knew friends that were getting profiled and I heard their stories you know um but you would think that like in terms of optics especially if you're a liberal university right or a liberal individual in terms of optics you would hold that back you know because you're like shit this looks bad like
Starting point is 01:08:45 we don't really have any other reason to like cancel you know uh her speech other than you know what i'm saying you think you'd be conscious of that but like they can't help themselves man they just have to display how like how rabid how racist they are and how much they do not give a shit about palestinian lives or anyone who's muslim or arab actually you know oh and i mean we didn't even talk about that but that video of that u.s uh uc berkeley professor assaulting that one muslim speaker um did y'all see did you see that if you touch me like that if you touch me like that dog if you ever touch me like that i swear to god you're getting it you know what's up and cut you dude like don't touch me people pointed out so that was crazy people pointed out that she does land acknowledgments at the front of at the
Starting point is 01:09:29 beginning of her class but what's also crazy about that is she apparently wrote like a widely used and widely cited book in case law about free speech so there you go dude again again again like actually it's perfect that liberals are the arbiters of what's free speech and what isn't and what isn't free speech you know because this is something that they believe in so dearly you know what i mean so yeah they of course they will be the ones to dole it out you know it is yeah it is really rich especially after considering like what we i think either on the patreon or the free episode last week talking about like chate's article that like liberalism is this universal like net of norms and principles that has to be applied universally everywhere and it's
Starting point is 01:10:11 like and then the left must defend that against like creeping fascism it's like well you don't even fucking believe that so like what what is the case you're making here i mean you know if you're if you're canceling like a 22 year old college student from just pointing out like who who even knew what she was going to say in her speech it's not like it's as far as i know it's not like she had like said that she was going to explicitly make any reference to this or do a call to action or call anybody out it's just like literally they were just being racist they were they were afraid that they were afraid that because of the way she looked that she was going to say something, which that's, I mean, that's like, I mean, I don't know, man. This whole, you know, silencing, this whole McCarthyism has been like troubling.
Starting point is 01:10:56 But that's like you're silencing people because of how they look now. You know what I mean? Well, this person looks visibly Muslim, so they must care about this issue. That's insane where you have to check your, I mean, you just got to check your own humanity. I mean, these people can't check their humanity. They're incapable of doing that. But that's insane, you know. There was a story in the Washington Post earlier this week about how that account, is it like Stop Antisemitism?
Starting point is 01:11:18 Is that the thing? That's what it's called. About how, I mean, it really went into fine detail like it's just sickening just astonishing that like they would track down anyone and everyone who made pro-palestine comments tweets social media posts or whatever and got them fired from their job like we're talking numerous numerous people and obviously like we talked about this when it was happening, but seeing the whole scope of it and how successful they were at doing that, at finding these people, doxing them, getting them fired from their job,
Starting point is 01:11:52 it really is just like, when you hold those two images up, like a fucking helicopter that broadcasts screams of women and children that people in their humanity want to come help and so they come towards that and then they just get murdered for doing it if you say that's bad you will get fired for your from your job canceled from speaking in front of your class for your accomplishments i mean dude i don't know I know we're about to close out, man.
Starting point is 01:12:25 But what you just said, I think if you extrapolate that to the 2024 election, why the fuck would you expect me to vote for this guy or support this shit? You know what I mean? Why would you expect me to, like, throw in my lot with this motherfucker when that shit that they're supporting, you know, and not even just supporting it, but denouncing anyone who has a problem with it, you know, that I'm supposed to go and walk into that booth and knowing that they're they're clearly, you know, they're clearly like they have these this double standard, you know, this double standard that they don't even care about glossing over. Right. It's very clear. And they're very odd. They're they're very blatant about it, you know, totally. But I'm supposed to have any faith in this system or that. But get the fuck out of here, dude. All right. get the fuck out of here man like you're not that's
Starting point is 01:13:09 the thing like they they think they really think they're clever it's like you're not fucking fooling anybody like that's what makes it so grotesque it's like you really think that you're fucking fooling a lot of people like you really think you're playing some like machiavellian like game here where you're like manipulating the only the only way biden wins this i was talking to tom yesterday about this like i guess in this trump trial in new york like he this trial requires him to be in new york city every at least four days out of every week up until the election oh if anything i feel like that would probably then again i don't think biden's out there fucking biden ain't campaigning either bro he's not he's not hitting all the protesters yeah i mean they're in the atlantic
Starting point is 01:13:57 david from have had like a long article about like why biden if if he gets an invitation to debate trump he should shut him down he should not debate trump on the stage not platform a fascist really you don't want to you don't want to lay bare the discrepancies in their cognition that's really what you don't want to have that also i mean i know it's a moot point but this motherfucker was president you can't platform somebody who was the most powerful person in the world what the fuck are you talking about dude Jesus it was like
Starting point is 01:14:33 it was like he'd be normalizing the fascism if he like if David Frum is using the word fascism David Frum David Frum baby killer child killer extraordinaire yeah considering self an anti-fascist like yeah you guys deserve each other you and the liberals deserve each other listen man i don't i don't mean to be edgy about this but jamie uh jamie said something uh says
Starting point is 01:14:57 something all the time that uh like we are the adults in the room and when i say the adults i mean i don't know what marxist communist the left i don't know but i mean just the fact that again man there's the that headline though that double headline that you had brought up earlier terrence right about sanctioning iran you know about israel saying that it wasn't meant to be provocative like these people really think we're fucking stupid man they really literally they're playing us like we're children and we're just sitting here like like it's like it's like they're doing like it's like they're doing like a shadow animals on the walls with their hands and they're looking back at us like oh do you see the dog the real dog it's an actual dog and we're just like what are you talking about
Starting point is 01:15:37 man that's not that's your hand doing that it's not real man well as we're recording this like this morning like israel is basically demanding to be allowed to invade rafa uh like they are basically demanding to allow to be invade rafa in exchange for not going after iran for not like retaliating against this strike so let's commit another war crime it could not be more blatantly obvious that the reason they do these strikes against people like iran and stuff is like so that they can gain public support so that they can then leverage and turn back over so that they can continue doing the genocide. My first thought was when Iran got in, which the belligerence was on Israel. But I was like, fuck.
Starting point is 01:16:32 I know what they're doing. They're trying to poke the bear with Iran to draw them in so they can get some public support. Like, oh, look, look, look. They are. They're that little fucking bitch-ass seven-year-old kid that goes around fucking punching the hell out of adults and when you go to shake the little
Starting point is 01:16:48 fucker and I don't know no no they're big brother code I ain't even blew out my candles yet well what's crazy about it is that like all like US media is like I don't know how many times you've seen this story of just like someone
Starting point is 01:17:04 who has to take the hit silently basically in this case iran the actual adults in the room they basically have to take the hit on this while the whole world watches and like basically just have to be like all right well you motherfuckers like you know what i mean like they like i don't know it's like they're not going to respond immediately like and i think that iran is between a rock and a hard place on this unless unless fucking you know china decides to step into the ring or whatever it's just like it's i don't want world war three nobody wants this i would like for everything to be dialed back and for the genocide to stop but like no one wants any of those things there's dude i know this sounds silly to say man but i mean
Starting point is 01:17:50 i wish there was some kind of united front you know like when south africa came with those charges to the international criminal court you know and i would think it was uh i forget what other country maybe bolivia had cut off diplomatic ties with Israel. I mean, when I mean a united front, I don't mean like a military united front, but just a consensus among like select countries, you know, that say, you know, enough is enough, you know. But I guess it's because the United States is leering over everyone, you know, ready to fucking bomb, right, or cut diplomatic ties or sanction anyone who speaks out against this shit. The same thing they're doing domestically to people. bomb right or cut diplomatic ties or sanction anyone who speaks out against this shit the same thing they're doing domestically to people so it's just like yeah we're gonna let this country keep uh this this this this childlike country keep throwing tantrums and keeps kind of cycling the drain down to world war three when we could when they could have been pulled back from the brink
Starting point is 01:18:40 you know but nobody wants to fucking do it. Yeah. Yeah. Well, we've ended our road trip. It only took us, yeah, 17,000 years. It is now, we've come back full circle to the Stone Age. We're back in the Stone Age, post-human, post-civilizational Stone Age. The road we took led us to this of what use was the road
Starting point is 01:19:07 we gotta start society over again that's right not us cause we're vapor now long long gone we're a fossil fuel now we're a sedimentary rock exactly
Starting point is 01:19:23 I hope they're not using fossil fuels in 1700 years from now. We'll look like Venus, just a gaseous death to our gaseous planet. We'd be planet smoking bait, bro. Planet smoking bait. But, okay. So, if you would like to support the next road trip though please go over to patreon
Starting point is 01:19:48 I think you know how to spell it at this point I don't know why I spell it I think you know I guess I'll do it for I'll do it again one time for old sake I'm like Bart Simpson I'll do I'll say the thing p-a-t-r-E-O-N dot com slash Trillbilly Workers Party go support us on Patreon we'd love your support and please go tell a friend about the show and about the Patreon so any final parting
Starting point is 01:20:16 thoughts before we close this one down no it's a nice it's nice today looks like it's going to be a nice weekend there's one of my most favorite holidays is No, it's nice today. It looks like it's going to be a nice weekend. One of my most favorite holidays is coming up in two days. So happy 420 to all you people out there, and have a good weekend, man.
Starting point is 01:20:37 Smoke some weed and, I don't know, enjoy yourself. I just want to say a clarifying thing. I wasn't trying to besmirch the Teamsters, just this particular thing. This Holly donation. Perhaps you have some UPS comments you'd like to clarify. Yeah, yeah, just, that guy sucks. We can all agree there.
Starting point is 01:21:05 That guy sucks. All right. Well, thanks for listening, everybody. We'll see you next time. Peace out. Bye.

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