Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 86: Metal Detector Economics

Episode Date: March 1, 2019

How are we going to fund single payer healthcare? How are we going to fund the Green New Deal? Simple: the spare change in your couch cushions. That's metal detector economics baby. Please support t...he Patreon, here's the link:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 here's a thought I had today I may have come down I may have figured out a horseshoe theory for ultra leftists and opportunists okay okay I'm with you because I'm both
Starting point is 00:00:17 and ultra leftists opportunists yeah yeah yeah isn't it interesting how, like, what's the thing you hear the most on the left? I mean, like... There's a lot of things I hear the most. To me, the thing I hear the most when somebody is denouncing somebody else's,
Starting point is 00:00:39 and I do it all the time, dude. I do it. This is my main go-to. The thing you hear the most is, you know, you have to base your analysis on material reality. Yeah. Right? Are you going to give us the anatomy of a dunk right now?
Starting point is 00:00:59 I could. The architecture of the dunk. I guess I suppose I could. Anyway, material reality. Well, I think it's an interesting idea because, I mean, all of us are humans just, you know, well, ostensibly for the most part. I mean, excluding the few sort of non-profit robot cogs
Starting point is 00:01:20 who have no sort of sentience or self-critical awareness or anything like that. We're humans sort of navigating the world with the information that was presented to us, right? Right. So I guess the problem that I struggle with a lot is on one hand, you have what people consider to be like principles. You know, you have your principles. You put them up here on the left-hand side. Principles. I believe that – what's a principle, for example?
Starting point is 00:01:58 I don't believe that working within the system can really change anything. That seems like a principle right it has number one for you well it's not number one but it's up there it's number it's no no no you're just an example it's just an example an a principle on the other side though you have what you would say this response to material reality, right? Right. So it's like, if you're constantly responding to what you consider to be material reality, at some point you're gonna have to compromise
Starting point is 00:02:33 on some of your principles, right? Like, you can't be fully principled all the time. All the time, no. Impossible. You can't be all the time adhering to your principles. And I think, I guess that's what people consider to be ultra-leftism. Is not, or trying to adhere to all your principles? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Okay. Being consistent at all times with your principles. Would you say that's a definition of ultra-leftism? Yeah, I guess so. In a way, yeah. Keep going. yeah i guess so in a while yeah keep going well i mean so if you know so i on any given day i suppose that i tend to fall on the side of you know adhering to my principles so i can look myself in the mirror every night you know what i mean so i don't like you know so i don't you know
Starting point is 00:03:24 i don't look in the mirror and the person i see back is this totally cowardly um opportunistic person right right but that's just not the way that you can be really i mean if you're trying to sway people to your opinion and if you're trying to convince people of your cause or whatever, right? All right. I don't really have any larger point that I'm making with this. I'm just saying that you can't be an ultra leftist because nobody can adhere to their principles all the time. No, I guess what I'm saying is that if you are using this so-called material reality as your gauge for understanding how to and for informing your principles over on the left-hand
Starting point is 00:04:11 side right then everybody at the end of the day is an opportunist wow all of us me you every other person to the right and to the left of us. John Cusack. John Cusack. Fucking, yeah, all of us. I mean, I don't know. I'm being hyperbolic for the sake of making an argument. It's like devil's advocate advocate but devil's hyperbole
Starting point is 00:04:45 god damn um but yeah man that's uh i just think that that's i i you can you can justify it just kind of reminds me of like when i was reading that max l bomb book a few months ago and it was like how everybody used to justify their sort of principles and strategies and engagement and stuff by what they thought the working class cared about. Like that was their sort of like that was their sort of what's the word I'm looking for? There's a concept I'm looking for that you sort of submit your own analysis into and then you say, oh, this is what that working class actually is and it's what they actually want. And I think that
Starting point is 00:05:31 a lot of people do the same thing today with being like, oh, you know, material reality is this and therefore this is what the working class actually wants. It mirrors that, yeah. And the funny thing is, too, I hate the way the left talks about the working class. was. It mirrors that, yeah. And the funny thing is, too, I hate the way the left talks about the working class.
Starting point is 00:05:48 Like, it's infantilizing, really. Like, I'm talking about us, like the scene we find ourself a part of, whatever. The modern left or whatever. And, like, there's not a one-size-fits-all for what the working class wants. You know what I'm saying? Not one big underwear.
Starting point is 00:06:09 Anybody that tries to explain the working class, I immediately write off as some kind of a hacker, a grifter, a fraud, honestly. Yeah. And, like, when we're doing this show, like, we're only talking about a very specific place. That's true i mean my analysis of the working class is really only confined to letcher county the places i've lived 20 counties surrounding us like i think i have a firm grasp on like 16 counties in kentucky Vegas, Nevada, and Arkansas. That's just weird. I don't really even know
Starting point is 00:06:48 what's going on there because I was part of high society there. As high society as you can get in Little Rock fucking Arkansas. Sort of. You were like the hillbilly valet that everybody...
Starting point is 00:07:02 You were their exotic sort of pet. You know what I'm saying? I don't know why, yeah. Which is really weird when people like Hillbillies Done Good consider the poor hillbilly their pet, like their patron. The Hillbillies Done Good that we're
Starting point is 00:07:20 referring to here is the Clintons. That's correct. Anyway. I'm the same way, Correct. Right. Yeah. Um, anyway, no, I'm the same way though. I, I can't really say much about any working class outside of Hobbs, New Mexico and a couple of counties in Eastern Kentucky.
Starting point is 00:07:35 Yeah. And well, I mean, there's a lot you can deduce from where you live about Appalachia and rural areas. Right. But when it comes to like like, dock workers or something, buddy? I have no idea what the longshoremen are up to.
Starting point is 00:07:52 I'll be honest with you. I don't know what the hell a longshoreman is. I don't either. I know it's a guy that works on a dock is all I know. Right, right, right. It's just not my context. I'm the same way. I don't really know either.
Starting point is 00:08:04 And I try to remember that. I try to remember that whenever I get kind of bogged down. And another thing, I mean, we all do it. We've done it a lot on this show, but it's something I really hate. It's like when we, like, you know, go to that common refrain of, oh, that Brooklyn scene. You know, it's like the Coastals. Like, I hate that fucking shit.
Starting point is 00:08:23 A, because it's just so played. But B, because everybody's got their place in the world. You know what I'm saying? Correct. For me, A is more important because I'm a self-interested, narcissistic, Aryan asshole. I just said Aryan asshole. I was like...
Starting point is 00:08:42 Aryan asshole. So all I care about is how it relates to me. Same thing with J.D. Vance. It's played out. It has nothing to do with any other critiques about him. No. It's just... I don't want to talk.
Starting point is 00:09:00 In fact, I've been sitting here thinking about this. I'm like, man, when that He'll Be an Elegy movie comes out, finally on Netflix or whatever, and they do all this stuff, everybody's going to be looking for us for a take. I'm going to be honest with y'all. I'm fresh out of J.D. Manstein. I'm exhausted by him. You open the fridge and there's none.
Starting point is 00:09:20 I just really don't want to talk about him anymore. Now, if he becomes president of enterprise institute or something you know maybe that's but like no we're gonna make i wrote a book and made a movie about the book like that happens that happens a lot um yeah well um you know i guess, why was I even thinking about that in the first place? I just think it's, I guess I just find it to be kind of interesting. Um, I mean, I noticed myself doing it a lot all the time, you know, talking, talking about what we were talking about a second ago, like this invocation of material reality of using you know is there any objective material reality man
Starting point is 00:10:10 when you think about it man i guess that's the whole point of marxism right time trying to use a sort of scientific method of a kind to make sort of conclusions or deductions about the sort of social reality the social fabric around you um and it's really a the thing is is it's it's it's more than just like being able to sort of look at reality and synthesize it and say this is what it is this is what people care about. It's also politics. You have to actually fight other people who are on your side, unfortunately, for your vision of that reality to win.
Starting point is 00:10:58 Yeah. I was thinking about that today. I know that, you know, is politics though yeah like it's not just about struggling against like somebody that's just objectively your enemy yeah yeah or tacitly your enemy it's also struggling amongst ourselves to like come up with a concrete vision that's gonna you know totally that's gonna fly and i don't know so we get our feelings about it and we almost revert to like the sort of liberal line that we just like you know and we need to start with what we have in common that's fine it's like i'll just fucking fight with you for two goddamn hours and then
Starting point is 00:11:36 we're fine like i don't like i don't hate we i guess the bernie thing is kind of a good example of that it's like we were saying last week. The people who are skeptical of Bernie or who are more than just skeptical of him, who just flat out, and I'm talking about leftists who have genuinely good critiques of him and who have genuinely legitimate critiques of him, we are unfortunately outnumbered.
Starting point is 00:12:04 That's true. That motherfucker's gonna run whether we like it or not and there's people that are there's a lot more people that are gonna plug energy and resources into that and so we kind of you can't really sit it out though either you know what i mean you can't sit it out no you can't set it down and the thing is too it's kind of like we were talking about that a couple days ago it's like uh you know i look at the bernie thing in terms of like i'm opportunistic about bernie yeah i'm not trying to build a substantive politics around bernie's cult of personality i'm just trying to get my student loans forgiven yeah well i i even more i'm even
Starting point is 00:12:45 more opportunistic i'm hoping that it leads to a sort of madero type situation i'm hoping that it really does kind of could perhaps lead to a situation that creates a political crisis that people to the left of him can take advantage of and exploit so i'm an opportunist in that way and to say more about that well in the same way that like poncho via and uh you know like oh i see what you're saying emiliano's it's just like they he kicks things off and then we clean go back clean up and then we end up taking our mules into the white house and just right bathing ourselves and you see makers mark right you see what i'm saying though like um trump presents on a day-to-day basis all these sort of mini constitutional crises but he never actually has triggered a large political crisis all he's triggered is a bunch of
Starting point is 00:13:39 libs who are really pissed off about the norms and stuff. But Trump, Trump, people have an inflated sense of Trump's efficacy. Yeah. Really. And I mean, I don't mean that in a callous way, like, you know,
Starting point is 00:13:53 like the fucking sexual abuse that we read about this week, if like the border patrol and missing children and, you know, the, you know, all this kind of shit going on at the border. I don't mean to say that to trivialize it. I just meant like, you know,
Starting point is 00:14:07 there's not a land war going on some way where there's millions and millions slaughtered. Now that doesn't mean that other stuff doesn't need addressed. Well the thing is, is Trump is like, Trump is like if we had a stoner for president. You know, like he's constantly just forgetting things. Or just a senile, just like old fat dude.
Starting point is 00:14:30 Totally. Like I have no hate against stoners, man, because that's me, bro. If I was president, I would just be one or two. Wavy gravy dude. Listen, folks, all the longshoremen we're gonna line up on the coast uh if i was president i would ship in a bunch of weed man and when they show up at the borders we're gonna smoke them out welcome to america yeah look everybody uh tomorrow we're gonna need everybody in the
Starting point is 00:15:03 country to either go to the left or the right coast. One of those two coasts. There's going to be a lot of shipments of weed coming in, and then we're going to smoke it. Then we're all going to Canada. See what they're doing. Field trip to the national field trip to Canada. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:15:25 Well, yeah, no, Trump isn't actually. It's funny you bring that up, actually. Before you came over, I was reading this article in The Rolling Stone about Nancy Pelosi. Did you see that? No. That big interview with Nancy Pelosi in The Rolling Stone? Okay, well. What was it?
Starting point is 00:15:44 About Medicare for all, how we're going to pay for it? Pretty much, yeah. It came out yesterday. We're recording this on the 28th. It came out yesterday. I'm sure every other goddamn podcast has talked about it already, but let's fucking. Let's go ahead and join.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Let's punch the clock. Let's see. enjoy let's punch the clock um let's see so uh let's there you know the part of this article it's kind of strange because they did two parts of it they did a video with uh ocasio cortez and ilhan omar and um one other person uh another woman and the whole point was like you know um well what i'll just read the headline um it was about how you know women are you know getting elected to office after the 2016 election and everything and you know and all that including the one they pluried two weeks ago for yes for quote and puff Dad in the family. Weirdly enough, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:48 It makes me wonder if they did this interview before or after that happened. But it's a pretty fascinating interview because it really, I mean, it's nothing new, but it does give you a little bit of an insight into how Nancy Pelosi actually thinks and how she views Trump. into how Nancy Pelosi actually thinks and how she views Trump. And on that note,
Starting point is 00:17:08 okay, well, let's just go through it. What is your relationship with McConnell like these days? I've worked with him over the years as a member of the Appropriations Committee back when I was still on committees. I have a respectful relationship with him. I've been disappointed that he was willing to have the government shut down
Starting point is 00:17:24 because he wouldn't face down the president on the president's bad policy. That's discouraging for the leader of the United States Senate. Does he take an oath to the president? No, he takes an oath to protect the constitution. But it gets much better. Do you think there's anything the president would do that would cause McConnell to break with him? Another government shutdown or if he declares a national emergency or damning report from special counsel Robert Mueller? I'm starting a new club. It's called the Too Hot to Handle Club. The reason the government is open now.
Starting point is 00:18:04 Get that back, buddy. Tom's popping a bunch of Quaaludes The reason the government Is open now is because we made a shutdown Too hot to handle Finally Mitch was feeling the heat which he conveyed To the president and here we are With open government able now to negotiate
Starting point is 00:18:22 On how to protect the borders Our borders Public opinion is everything And here we are with open government, able now to negotiate on how to protect the borders, our borders. Public opinion is everything. Lincoln said public sentiment is everything. With it, you can accomplish almost everything. You know, a guy that's been dead for 200 fucking years. 150 fucking years. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Who was president of a country with like 40-something states. God damn it. I don't know what point that is. With it, you can accomplish anything. Blah, blah, blah. You can roll out statistics and timetables, but the consequences, the emotional connection to the rest of the public, is what really weighed in.
Starting point is 00:19:01 Would they back him, they being ostensibly the Republicans, if he tried to declare a phony national emergency at the border the national emergency has its critics on the republican side if trump does it then the next president whom we can predict will be a democrat can also do it and they don't want to the next president is not going to be a Democrat. Dude, it's... At least he doesn't call himself a Democrat. This is a thing that people on the sort of Bernie left have started doing as well.
Starting point is 00:19:34 We talked a little bit about this yesterday with Max. Is that, like, whether people are on the maybe Kamala Harris left or whether they're on the Bernie left, it seems to be a lot of consensus that the next president of this country will be a Democrat. And if there's one lesson, if you took from 2016, just one,
Starting point is 00:19:58 you don't add all the other lessons, the rise of fascism, the, you know, just the scent of the media into its own sort of bubble or anything like that. If there's one lesson, it's that you should never, ever, ever assume anything in politics. Ever. Ever.
Starting point is 00:20:16 At any given time. Ever. That's the one thing, tying back to our conversation about material reality, you can do all the analysis uh synthesis of reality you want uh but there's one thing you will never be able to do and that's determine the future that's true some people are a little bit better at maybe seeing which way it'll go but i mean look man fucking um you know the funniest example was Jackman's like speculative
Starting point is 00:20:50 fiction edition of Bernie's you know what that shit reminded me of you remember doing little retreats when you were working on the non-profits and they would roll out the parchment paper and you would draw your vision of
Starting point is 00:21:05 the future and it'd always be like the same three things it'd be like windmills and there'd be like a rabbit kind of hopping through a glen or something yeah it's sun sunshine yeah and then they would just like draw coexist up top. Yep. That just fucking means nothing. It absolutely means nothing. It's just bizarre. Look, it's like what you were saying yesterday with Max. It's entirely possible that Bernie does get the nomination
Starting point is 00:21:39 and then just gets his ass kicked like McGovern in 72. And then, guess what? And then you'll have an entire subset of the left who will be dead-ended just like Hillary's supporters are in 2016. I'll tell you, dude. That's my greatest fear is that we become the donut people. It's entirely possible.
Starting point is 00:22:03 It's entirely possible, bro. We could just ride this thing into irrelevancy like i mean if that's my you know my withstanding of my my critiques of bernie and stuff aside that is probably the biggest one i don don't, let me say this, I don't think that's going to happen. Right, I don't either. If I were laying the odds right now, I would think, and my God, he's going to have to do a lot of fucking juggling
Starting point is 00:22:33 because there's like a deck stacked against him. I think I would lay the odds now that Bernie Sanders is the odds on favor to be the next president of the United States. Yeah, I mean, I would, too. I would wager that right now. I'd say there's a very, very, very good chance. But it's not like a cock-lock cinch
Starting point is 00:22:52 that he's gonna be, you know, that, like, he is gonna be. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like, again, it's entirely possible that he... I don't know. It's very interesting. Particularly if we start a fucking land war
Starting point is 00:23:05 in venezuela or iran or something like that before yeah then that's it's definitely becomes everything yeah absolutely yeah because you'll embolden the worst people that have already like got him there yeah yeah and we and we gotta be stronger than that but all i'm saying is that like we don't need to hinge our entire hopes on the election. Or we'll be the donut people. Or we will ourselves become the donut people. I've said this, you know, it's in a way that's already kind of happening. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:23:42 And I'm not saying, like, I'm not, you know, bagging on don't and i'm not saying like i'm not you know bagging on like dsa or anything like that but you got these like you know like pat the burner and the boys you know that you've seen that account no you don't seem pat the burner no i don't think twitter god damn what is it the bernie there's like there's a subset it's not the dsa people that have like that are interested in building socialism, more or less. Okay, I'm talking about there's another like out here somewhere. I don't even mean like to the left of the DSA. Actually, they're probably out here closer to the... It's more like the Occupy Democrats, Indivisible, Justice Democrat people, right? Kind of, but yeah, along that same line.
Starting point is 00:24:22 But also like Pat the Burner kind of strikes me as like a guy that would take to the streets for father's rights. Okay. So he's kind of like a Joe the Plumber, but for Bernie. But for Bernie, yeah. Very popular on Twitter. He's kind of... I've never even heard of him. I don't know anything about him, but just looking at his thing, I think he's probably a Boston Irishman,
Starting point is 00:24:46 just looking at his his thing he i think he's probably a boston irishman wears a newsboy cap and is probably probably um you know a single dad interesting well i didn't know i didn't know anyway but he's not the only one there's a lot lot of people who've made Bernie Sanders their personality. Not people who, and again, I'm not bagging on anybody, but like, maybe a little bit of Pat Burner. But people that have made Bernie Sanders their personality. You know what I'm saying? Dude, it's the same thing that people did with Hillary, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:24 I mean, there is a tendency to do that. And, you know, the great thing about the left is that most of us are, you know, smart enough and sort of agile enough, adaptable enough to not really go down that path. But as you get closer and closer to the election i mean fuck man we are all susceptible to it i mean yeah you know um it's an enticing thought because it it it represents i think a tangible departure from you know just this sort of like centrist neoliberal politics just this like fucking spinning your tires in the mud yeah i mean yeah yeah uh what i'm saying is that like we got work to do well and that's why for that reason i think it could be useful as a sort of madero type situation in our lifetimes in the last three or four decades
Starting point is 00:26:20 we've never known any kind of politics to go any direction except in the right. Even under Clinton and Obama, we were still moving in. We've been perpetually and linearly moving right our entire lives. We don't know what's gonna happen once that flips the other way. Who the fuck knows? I mean, you could ride that out to,
Starting point is 00:26:37 who knows? And Bernie could be the thing that does it. He could be the catalyst for that. Yeah, we don't know. Yeah, I'm not discounting that. Right, right, right. But it's interesting here that Pelosi said the next president will be a Democrat. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:26:51 Is that like some kind of like Pelosi type shade to Bernie? Well, let me just also rewind to Barack Obama reading mean tweets on Jimmy Kimmel. And Donald Trump tweeted. Oh, Trump tweeted something about him leaving office and then Barack Obama said, at least I will have been a president. Right. You're right. These people are so self-assured.
Starting point is 00:27:19 And you never really hear McConnell say anything like that. No. I mean... Well, and there's a reason for that uh the republicans have to be tighter yeah they're deeply unpopular right they they they rule but they don't represent the majority interest in any way shape or form that's very true so they they can't afford to be cavalier and flippant they have to be like intentional to use a non-profit term, about how they show up in these spaces in the world.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Yes, you're right. They actually listen to it, to that phrase. Right. They actually listen and live by it. It could be out of necessity. The Democrats can be all fucking wavy gravy about it because they think, ah, this kid's chill, man. If I lose to Ted Cruz by two points, I'll just go run for something bigger.
Starting point is 00:28:08 The Democrats are basically Matthew McConaughey in Dazed and Confused. Right, that's what I was getting at. They're just chill, bro. Oh, fuck. This interview is glowing, dude. It is hilarious. It's like they got on both knees
Starting point is 00:28:23 and just started sucking on queen's toes uh just just really love just giving her tongue tongue bathing her fucking uh her dogs um okay i want to get to the part don't you's... Okay, so what they're talking about is Trump. Blah, blah, blah. A damning report from Mueller. Would that lead us toward impeachment? You want to remember that President Nixon was not impeached. The Republicans went to him when they saw the evidence.
Starting point is 00:28:58 The House proceeded with hearings, but they never impeached. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Okay, hold on, hold on, hold on. Don't you think Trump is worse on immigration? Look, Ronald Reagan and George Herbert Walker Bush were great on immigration. The president- These are your heroes! These are your heroes!
Starting point is 00:29:18 Oh my God. The president I quoted most in the campaign was Reagan. The president I quoted most in the campaign was Reagan. Reagan said, We must recognize that the vital force for America's preeminence in the world is every generation of new immigrants who comes to our shores. Listen to this. Reagan, Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, all excellent on immigration.
Starting point is 00:29:44 Dude, that story that came out this week. Excellent on immigration. Excellent on immigration. Dude, that story that came out this week. Excellent on immigration. Excellent on immigration. Barack Obama deported more people than Evan. Yeah, we hear that all the time. Excellent on immigration. That story that came out this week about the children that had been sexually abused and abused in detention, that started under Obama. I mean, of course Trump's policies facilitated and encouraged that. But this has been going Obama. Right. I mean, of course Trump's policies facilitate and encourage that.
Starting point is 00:30:07 But this has been going on. Yeah. You can honestly, I'm not. I'd argue Trump's policies are the logical next step of Obama-ism. Absolutely. Absolutely. And it's hilarious. You can't just have this fucking drone Wall Street presidency and think that like the
Starting point is 00:30:23 next guy that's going to take over for you is going to unravel that yeah no they're going to run with that and take it to a darker place that's the thing that people in this country they again they don't see patterns in history they don't see systems uh all they see is individual personalities you. And so what they'll see is, and this is the hilarious way that they get you with, oh, I thought when Trump does something crazy, every time he does something insane like sending troops to the border, they'll be like, oh.
Starting point is 00:30:54 Like dropping an acne anvil on top of the roadrunner's head every time he does something zany. Every time he does something zany, they'll be like, oh, well, I thought that both parties were basically just the same. I thought that both parties were basically just the same. I thought that both parties were basically just, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:31:08 Like they'll try to like bait people on the left with that. It's like you, friend, are the dumbest person that ever lived. A complete fucking rube. You have to understand that like for Trump to do that, it needs, this is a dialectic in a way, it needs the sort of cover and facilitation of the Pelosi's and the Obama's and the Democrats. Like for those, for those, for Trump's policies to work, they desperately need the centrist, moderate people like Pelosi and the Obama's and stuff like that. Right. Doesn't actually anyways this president comes in and he's worse on this I have to say they're bad on the policy
Starting point is 00:31:52 he's terrible on the policy and the people and the way he describes them he's so disrespectful and discriminatory I think he's talking about the immigrants um okay hold on I so I'm not I don't have like interns I can't like find the exact place i'm looking for in this article i have to go through kind of just have to read the whole thing right i don't have somebody pointing out to me what's hilarious pelosi does have like her aid with her throughout this entire interview and there's one point where they ask her about something and and she has to check with them she's like oh they're like do you have any regrets and there's one point where they ask her about something and and she has to check with him she's like oh they're like do you have any regrets and she's like oh i don't know do i do i have we ever had any regrets she literally says that he's like uh i don't think so ma'am if only nancy's dad
Starting point is 00:32:38 would have got uh would have got fucking whacked by somebody from the Bonanno crime family or something. We could have avoided this whole fucking mess. Yeah, yeah. Well, you said the wall is, quote, like a manhood thing with him. Were you purposely trying to get under his skin? This is what I'm talking about when it's, like, glowing. I was saying it in a private meeting, and of course it went right out of the room. Boom.
Starting point is 00:33:04 It was out the door before I even walked out myself. What do you think makes him tick? Does he tick? he tick where are we assuming tick has a certain predictability to it how do you negotiate what does that even mean dude something i've noticed there are there are so many interview cliches that like liberals throw out there yeah just mean nothing like do you remember when it is what it is was a thing yes yeah like everybody just punctuated their senses with they do what it is this is that's again that's the thing they also you know the most or at the end of the day at the end that's another one well the the most obvious one the most popular one is like when when they go high we go low or whatever when they go low we go high. It's like fucking platitudes.
Starting point is 00:33:47 It just means nothing. Absolutely nothing. Let's see. I wanted to get to the part about the Affordable Care Act because I thought that was the most fascinating part. You first came, no in november there was a sit-in in your office demanding action on climate change and some of your new caucus members participated what was your gut reaction this is undeniably the funniest section of this interview because it's i'll just
Starting point is 00:34:24 have to i'll just read it to you because it's her basically trotting out all of her credentials on climate change health care and then basically saying like we're not doing those things you have to understand oh yeah i know that i know that tia you have to understand i i came into the political arena as an organizer. You know, people say, oh, she was a fundraiser. Well, no. I'd like to know how in the hell she went from organizer to worth $300 million. Fucking do that math.
Starting point is 00:34:57 I'm a goddamn organizer. Broke as fuck. I understand that to be an advocate, you are persistent, dissatisfied, and relentless. I was chair of the Democratic Party for Northern California for a long time. We were like, quote, we worked so hard to elect these people and then they go back and they compromise.
Starting point is 00:35:17 We are the purists. I've been there. I understand it. You have that responsibility as an advocate. And this would be a good lesson for anybody who's listening out there who um has uh who's who doesn't believe us when we say that once you get into office you're beholden to certain interests and things that make it impossible for you to actually here she is admitting that she was once quote a pur a purist. A purist, yeah. And now is a hollowed out vacuous.
Starting point is 00:35:45 Just like got fucking Marcos Cosmelitis just fucking bringing her $60,000 worth of flowers. Right. Just the dumbest fucking guy that ever lived. His fucking leather men's warehouse ass just taking her all those fucking... Fuck you, Cos. I've been there i understand it you have
Starting point is 00:36:07 that responsibility as an advocate i have a different responsibility as a leader but enjoy you know enjoy what does that mean that's a new generation people keep asking me are you sick of that i'm like i'd probably be doing that myself i don't understand what she's saying there whatever um the group that stage that sit-in are advocates for the green new deal there seems to be a lot of energy around the idea but not a lot of specifics you've resurrected the select committee on the climate crisis what do you want this committee empowered to do what does it have as a goal when i was elected speaker bush is president mind you my flagship issue was the climate
Starting point is 00:36:45 it's a public health issue clean air clean water it's a national security issue to protect us from all the things that engender violence such as competition for food wait wait i i must have missed that the first time i read it is she saying that like invading armies are going to stream over the borders and take all of our food in a globally warming world? I don't think they understand what it is, what's coming. That's a very fascist idea when you really just strip it all away from all this. Oh, everything they say about the war over water and stuff like that, it's very fucking dystopian like just yeah dark
Starting point is 00:37:26 fascist shit it's like that episode we had with brendan it's very much the line between sort of progressive environmentalism and and or liberal environmentalist eco-fascism eco-fascism is razor razor every environmental group every environmental group had staff working on population control up until maybe 10 years ago oh yeah absolutely all of them absolutely uh and and this is the thing and this is a huge critique of the green new deal in opinion, it's like, look, a lot of these people are looking at it, climate change, as a national security issue.
Starting point is 00:38:10 And so, you know, if you're talking about climate change as that, as something that affects our empire, number one, and number two, can be treated and solved by our empire,
Starting point is 00:38:28 ding, ding, ding, you might have fascism folks you might have hit the lucky fox where you might be a fan you might be a fascist um let's see president bush was a denier i mean i loved him dearly but he was a denier oh my god we had republicans on our committee who were deniers now they're a little more like it's happening but i'm not sure what the human role is when we lost the democratic majority of the house one of the first things republican did was the republicans did was restore styrofoam to the cafeteria no more recycling. Everything went in the same trash. I didn't know that. That's hilarious. Just like as a
Starting point is 00:39:08 fuck you. As just a symbolic gesture of their allegiance to the fucking... Yeah. Fuck you. My recycling does fuck all anyway. This is the hilarious thing. In the same paragraph, Pelosi has, I loved him dearly and two sentences later
Starting point is 00:39:27 is basically telling about how her and her friends were getting styrofoam cups like flung at them and just flipped up fingers i love him dearly that's like i love my i love my bully dearly exactly bro as a fucking they're they're so flippant that they're going to win, and this is how stupid they are. Dude, have you listened to the newest, the latest Chopo bonus episode? Mm-mm. That Marshall Steinbaum, the economist on, and they're talking about this, like, they had this,
Starting point is 00:40:00 I forget what it's called. They called it the Nissan Sentra conference, but it was like these center- and center right groups got together and we're talking about how they can stem the tide of of growing radicalism on the right and the left and just like the most ineffectual leaders in the world just getting together and like and when i when you're reading this it kind of reminded me of that it's like matt crispin had this great he's like they're just they're just running out the clock is what they're doing absolutely it's like that's true that's what they're doing they're just they're just they're just needling the ball every time that's absolutely making us use our
Starting point is 00:40:40 timeouts until we have no more that That's completely what they're doing. Let's see. You know, they're really pathetic because they are just handmaidens of the fossil fuel industry, period. When they're not handmaidens of the gun industry. So they have those two wonderful things going for them. Like, motherfucker, you're a handmaiden of the fossil fuel industry. The dissonance about that is amazing. And I also wonder why the Republicans let them have that.
Starting point is 00:41:10 Yeah, I don't know. That's a good question. That's one of those inside baseball things I'm wondering about. Do they go to them and say, listen, we're going to say that you're the handmaidens of the fossil fuel industry. We'll let you run shit. But in exchange, just don't blow up our spot.
Starting point is 00:41:30 Right, right, right. No, that's a good question. She talks about clean coal, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. What's Queen Nancy's take on clean coal? Well, she said, I think coal is a disaster. It's an oxymoron, clean coal.
Starting point is 00:41:46 It doesn't exist. It's impossible. That's hilarious. They were fucking jacking off to that in 2008. Oh, yeah. Carbon sequestration technology and all that shit. I mean, I don't know if Nancy Pelosi was. I know a lot of the Dems was.
Starting point is 00:41:58 My hunch is if you go back into the fossil record, if you go back into the archives it'll be foretold that nancy pelosi no i bet she was probably they were probably all on board with that bullshit um they ran it over cnn during the whole campaign season every cnn commercial was like clean cold technology yeah totally well and. Well, and also they, well, I mean, Pelosi didn't have anything to do with this, but the reason cap and trade didn't pass was literally because of the Democrats.
Starting point is 00:42:31 They never brought it up for a vote in the Senate or anything. Granted, I don't think cap and trade would have done shit, but I just think it's interesting. Well, that and Joe Manchin. Oh, he was that. Picked it off. Was that when he, the thing he shot? Yeah, with the Remington shot guy. Hell yeah, he... Picked it off. Was that when he... He shot it with the Remington shotgun.
Starting point is 00:42:46 Hell yeah, dude. Politics is so badass. How do you deal with... Badass Joe... Joe Manchin's the least imposing person in the world. I'd fucking push fucking Joe Manchin down a flight of steps and he wouldn't do shit. He'd just hiss at me from the bottom. You're right.
Starting point is 00:43:03 He is the most bloodless, dispassionate person. Look, how do you do this? Again, literally one paragraph later, after saying they're handmaidens of the fossil fuel industry, how do you deal with entrenched interests, the energy companies, the coal companies, the oil companies? Yeah, they have a lot of power here there's no question but again we have to take it to the public and i think it should be an important part of the presidential campaign what the fuck does that even mean i don't even know what she's talking about it has to be what
Starting point is 00:43:37 has to be a part of the that they're lobbying the government i mean there's no specifics here i don't even understand somebody that was bagging on the Green New Deal people for having no specifics. Yeah. Now, in terms of the Green New Deal, that goes beyond what our charge is. Our charge is about saving the planet. They have in there things like single payer and, what is it, guaranteed income? Pelosi Deputy Chief of Staff Drew Hamill. Guaranteed income and then a jobs guarantee.
Starting point is 00:44:05 So her aide off to the side, guaranteed income and then a jobs degree. Pelosi. And then they have, I don't know if it's single payer or Medicare for all. It's kind of like a broader agenda. All good values, but nonetheless, not what we hope to achieve with this focus determined decision making. You're either for the planet or you are not.
Starting point is 00:44:24 There is no plan B for the planet. We have to preserve it and it is in great jeopardy just a robot just a fucking robot is in great jeopardy um like that's the funniest like that's how you you're either for the planet or you're not i was there's this guy and I won't say who it was. Anyway, at this function I was at. A non-profit function? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:44:54 That narrows it down. They got me. I was in the car with them. We were talking. They were like, what do you think about Pelosi and Schumer? I think it's just the most uninspiredired ineffectual leadership you could imagine for a major political party and you would have thought that i just they just denounced that out of hand and like no i think they're great leaders and i think they're doing a fine job and like leading the
Starting point is 00:45:20 party i was like like leading it where? Exactly. Leading it where? At best, they're running out the clock. That's exactly what they're doing. That's the best they're doing. They're not running any offense. Let's see. Would you ask that going forward, appointees won't accept donations from energy companies? Appointees to her special
Starting point is 00:45:44 subcommittee or whatever in the climate. Granted, she could just answer this with a yes or no answer. That's all it takes. But this is what we get. What I want to know is, what is your vision about saving this planet?
Starting point is 00:46:01 Secondly, what do you know about the subject? This is not a learning process. I have to have people who have a commitment and a knowledge about the decisions that we have to make. Tell me your vision. Tell me your knowledge. We have to make some very tough decision. Let's work together for a plan to get this done in the soonest possible way. The most important part of it all, vision, knowledge, judgment, and strategic thinking about how to get it done all that means
Starting point is 00:46:26 nothing and how does it connect with the american people so all that means nothing it's just non-profit speak bro it's the same shit it's just like this means nothing we're thinking big on this we're not holding it against somebody if they if she got a utility contribution within her lifetime if she got a utility contribution within her lifetime. Oh, fuck. This is, okay, this is the... No, it's funny to see that they're getting out in front of it a little bit. Oh, well, yeah. It's like, hey, listen.
Starting point is 00:46:56 It's just like Trump after the election. Yeah, you know, it played well during the election. We're not really going to throw her in prison. Well, it's funny. Kamala Harris and Warren and other people who are doing, they're also doing that with popular things that people like. Reparations, you know, and stuff like that. They're saying that now,
Starting point is 00:47:18 but I guarantee you the minute they get in office, they're going to be like, yeah, that played well during the election. Reparations is going to be their version of closing Guantanamo Bay. Yeah, man. That's spot fucking on. And what's so funny is people don't see the inherent racism in that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:35 You know what I mean? Yeah, absolutely. No, it's cynical as fuck. Cynical as all fuck. It's courting. Yes, it's cynical as fuck. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:43 But that's a very good analogy. Yes, it's cynical as fuck. Yeah. But that's a very good analogy. There's a lot of debate on the question of single-payer Medicare for all. We've heard that expression just recently. What do you think should be done? Where do you want this to go?
Starting point is 00:47:58 This is a very interesting debate. And in any debate, as I start off this conversation, you must define your terms. Let's stipulate to some facts here. When we passed the Affordable Care Act, for us, it was a pillar of health and economic security for America's working families. Was it? Was it? Let me tell you something. Let me tell you something.
Starting point is 00:48:15 I'm going to tell you a story. I'm going to tell you a story. You know this. My girlfriend got bit by a dog this weekend, two months after she went off her parents, she aged off of her parents' insurance. months after she went off her parents, she aged off of her parents' insurance. She went to the little ACA kiosk down at our little health clinic here.
Starting point is 00:48:30 Mm-hmm. And was like, they told me at the hospital when I had to go to the ER that I could sign up on this and it would retroactively cover all this stuff. She gave them their information, ran through all these plans,
Starting point is 00:48:42 all this kind of shit. And the woman said, I'm gonna to be 100% honest with you, you're going to come out better not having insurance. Really? Yeah. Why? Just because, like, in this specific instance. Specific instance, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:56 Like, she could just pay probably the bill for that dog bite. It would cost more to get the insurance to cover it. Because the deductibles are like fucking six thousand dollars you know i'm saying like you gotta spend like six grand before you get any coverage dude the entire affordable care act can be boiled down to this the entire purpose for it was a massive handout to the health insurance companies a huge that's the only point of it that was the only point of it was it was injecting government certainty in the form of uh you know some sort of government-backed health
Starting point is 00:49:33 care into the market thereby stimulating the market that's it it wasn't done with the intention of actually enrolling people on health care with bettering their lives of transforming the health care system it was entirely a cynical point to make a bunch of people more rich a bunch of rich people more already more rich and and doing it vis-a-vis instilling confidence that every american behalf health insurance finally and honestly i feel embarrassed about even having had defended it at one point in my life. Because that's the thing. I mean, like, the right-wingers start coming after that shit, and then all of a sudden...
Starting point is 00:50:12 This is an important point, too. And I also heard the Chopper boys talking about this, but it's the same thing with income tax credits. All income tax credits are huge cash grabs for employers. Yeah. You know what I mean? Exactly. It's a way for them to keep wages low. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:50:32 You know what I'm saying? Yeah. It's the same thing. Any Democratic initiative that seemingly on the surface benefits working people is, I mean, it's really kind of Reaganomics in reverse. working people is i mean it's really kind of reaganomics in reverse it's like you know how like in you know like like they gave massive massive tax breaks to the to the richest people but then they gave just like nominal tax breaks to like everybody else you know and it made them think that like oh well wow you know all this kind of stuff that's what democrats do with their like
Starting point is 00:50:59 sort of like welfare policies that's exactly right yeah that is exactly right it's just uh it's cynical and it's an insult to your intelligence right it's all it is um we were on a good path and when republicans took over congress they let certain things expire people say well it's not doing this or that well it did until it expired restore the reinsurance elect more democratic governors so that medicaid can be expanded to millions of people can have access in an affordable way i myself wanted to have the public option bullshit whatever we couldn't get that through the senate but we enabled states to do a public option if they want this made as drastic a difference as day and night the most the most powerful democrat privately I wanted the public options.
Starting point is 00:51:45 You know. They wouldn't go for that, though. Fuck you. Let's see. When they say Medicare for all, people have to understand this. Medicare for all is not as good a benefit as the Affordable Care Act. Look, you know as well as I do, I have my own criticisms of medicare for all but that is the the biggest lie the biggest lie that may have ever been told i mean that's like that's tim pinocchio's at least with medicare for all with all of my own problems with it at
Starting point is 00:52:21 least you walk up and get your fucking care at the point of service. At the point of service. Like, you're not, like, having to go through paperwork and fucking staying on a phone call for 24 hours. Having some fucking... Dude, I'll never forget this.
Starting point is 00:52:35 I tell this story a lot. My mom needed this treatment, this medicine. It changed her quality of life completely. And, you know, her and her doctors had put in for the insurance to get them to cover it and all this kind of stuff. And an orthopedic surgeon
Starting point is 00:52:52 in Columbus, Indiana rejected that. Really? An orthopedic surgeon. Somebody that works on, like, repairs... Because of her insurance? Right. Yeah, that was like the insurance company's expert. And like, while my mom's gastroenterologist specialist said uh no this woman needs this but the orthopedic surgeon said nah we can't justify that right that's what these people do
Starting point is 00:53:18 they just get they just get their own that's like the coal companies they just get their own fucking in the pocket doctors to say no that's something else that that's exactly right that caused your lungs to shut down oh my god like every coal miner has bad lungs but all of them either smoke or like you know had some sort of medical procedure done it's everything but breathing goddamn dust for 40 years that caused them to get sick right right right now no it it's... If this interview doesn't convince you that Nancy Pelosi is just as much of your fucking enemy as Donald Trump, then I don't really know what to tell you.
Starting point is 00:53:57 You're the dumbest person to ever live. I'm tired of playing with these motherfuckers. I'm tired of playing with these motherfuckers. Oh, I'm with you, man. You can't square these contradictions anymore. You just can't. You just can't, man. I mean, people are dying.
Starting point is 00:54:11 You can't do this style of incrementalism when there's 12 years of good earth left. Yeah, exactly. Get radical or shut the fuck up. Right. Go the fuck away. Go on your backpacking trip through Thailand. Get the fuck out of go the fuck away go on your uh backpacking trip through thailand get the fuck out of the country enjoy it enjoy the last 12 years you're gonna have so we can actually do some shit get the fuck out yeah that was the funniest shit ever when i told
Starting point is 00:54:37 uh i met somebody last summer remember i told you this i met somebody last summer who um i don't i the only reason i told her i didn't vote for hillary because i knew it pissed her off the only reason i told her the only reason i just troll just yeah the only reason i told her i did not vote for hillary which is true is because she said that the day after the election she like got on a plane and like went to fucking europe or something like immediately just bounce do you remember that do you remember that when everybody was like i'm leaving the fucking cut like i remember like even jacob and did like had an article that was like
Starting point is 00:55:09 no stay in fight yeah yeah yeah i wonder where all those people are now you think it was just like chilling in fucking southeast asia somewhere yeah probably um let's see. When they say Medicare for all, yeah, it's not as good a benefit as the Affordable Care Act. It doesn't have catastrophic coverage. You have to go buy it. It doesn't have dental. It's not as good as the plans that you can buy under the Affordable Care Act.
Starting point is 00:55:37 When you say that there are plans that you can buy under the Affordable Care Act, you're talking about a whole host of plans. You're not talking just about the ones that are backed by the government. You're talking about a whole host of plans. You're not talking just about the ones that are backed by the government. You're talking about every other fucking insurance provider. All the Affordable Care Act did was just create a market.
Starting point is 00:55:54 That's all it fucking did. I feel like I'm losing my mind. All it is is just an administrative procedure. That's it. Fucking losing it. So I say to them, come in with your ideas but understand that we're either gonna have to improve medicare for all including seniors or else people are not gonna get what they think they're gonna get and by the way how's it gonna be paid for
Starting point is 00:56:18 glad you brought that up, Nance. These people, that is the crux of everything. If every leftist today said, well, here's what we're going to do instead of taxing you, instead of taxing the rich, instead of expropriating your money, we're just all going to get metal detectors. Everybody's going to get a metal detector and then we're gonna go you know beach comb and fucking go through everybody's yard and we're gonna pull all that money together and we're gonna pay for it that way they'd be on it in a second they would be i mean i swear they would play the fucking international at the next fucking
Starting point is 00:57:00 presidential election yeah if it meant that that we could do socialism without these people would fucking rock the fucking hammer and sickle they would like this has been right the whole time you're exactly right they create militias and whole political commissars to bust into people's house and root through their couches that's right give that cash change yeah oh my god are you here for my money now i just want to see what's now single payer is a different thing people use the terms interchangeably sometimes it could be the same thing but it's not always single payer is just about who pays it's not about what the benefits are that is administratively the
Starting point is 00:57:45 simple thing to do but to do but to convert to it 30 trillion dollars now how do you pay for that 30 trillion dollars even if that's true whichever male may be this motherfucking country also dude it doesn't matter it doesn't matter i have this other idea hear me out here here's what here's how we need to do the green new deal we need to do a general strike as part of this okay but the general strike is this we're not general striking for like material conditions or more money or anything like that here's what we're gonna do we're not we're gonna come up with what i call an alexandro ocasio-cortez cryptocurrency okay and we're not a coin we're not we're gonna stop recognizing the american dollar so let's make all this wealth
Starting point is 00:58:39 they've hoarded irrelevant bro make all the wealth they've hoarded just like monopoly money because every normal people we only use fucking uh aoc coin that's you can't buy it's like or dude no we'll just do the mark of the beast as foretold in revelation no man can buy or sell save he that have the mark so we'll all just take the mark of the beast and render all their billions that would work much better because because they can keep their like tacky fucking houses and jets and like whatever we'll just like go fucking like that's what i'm saying we'll just like go fucking tear the fuel line out of their jets and like flatten their car tires um well i might want their houses um, I might want their houses.
Starting point is 00:59:27 And I might want their jets, too. I mean, it is for the people after all. We can't do the jets. TikTok. We can't have the jets? 12 years later. Oh, yeah, you're right. Can't do the cars.
Starting point is 00:59:40 You're right, you're right. We'll take their houses. I think I'm going to hit the weed pen for the last fucking 10 minutes of this episode you got me fucking worked up man so i said look just put them all on the table and let's have the discussion and let people see what it is but know what it is that you're talking about all i want is the goal of every american having access to health care all i want is the goal of every American having access to healthcare. All I want is the goal of every American having access to healthcare. There's a lot of fucking. She just put up like four fucking walls between the American people and healthcare there. All I want is the goal of having access for all the American people.
Starting point is 01:00:23 You're absolutely right. She just put up four fucking walls between person and healthcare there. The goal. The goal, wall one, access, that's the biggest fucking wall.
Starting point is 01:00:32 Wall two. You gotta run the goddamn fucking American Gladiators off-school course to get your fucking appendix removed in this country. You don't get there by dismantling the Affordable Care Act. As Californians have said to me,
Starting point is 01:00:50 we get billions and billions of dollars out of the Affordable Care Act coming into California. What she means by that is, as billionaire Californians have said to me. What she means by that is... She said that? No, no, no. She said, as Californians have said to me.
Starting point is 01:01:03 She's not telling you which Californians. She's talking about the CEOs of the healthcare industry. They're the ones. As everyday Californians with obscene fortunes. Listen, they would love to preserve the Affordable Care Act because that's fucking money for them. Yeah, of course. It's easy money.
Starting point is 01:01:22 They don't have to make any changes to the healthcare industry. I wonder if these people are corrupt or if they're just that fucking detached that they think CEOs are just everyday people. They live in so much of a bubble that they just think, you know. I think they probably, it's a combination of several things. It's that. It's the fact that CEOs have gotten really, really good. Just look at the fucking way that that twitter ceo dork jack dorsey whatever dresses they don't actually dress or look like
Starting point is 01:01:51 rich people anymore you know what's funny my friend leah sent me an article about you know when he did his little retreat you know a woman that was on that little retreat with him got bit by a rabid dog and died what yeah on that same retreat didn't even face him place yeah i don't know if i think she died when she got back here well i guess that means the meditation works for him yeah he's like listen the meditation is so powerful some lady died i didn't even didn't even face me no oh fuck um as californians have said to me, we get billions and billions of dollars
Starting point is 01:02:26 out of the Affordable Care Act coming into California. Now they want to get rid of that. How are they going to go to single payer in California without the money from the Affordable Care Act? Anyway, this is not a bumper sticker war. It's a complicated issue.
Starting point is 01:02:39 No, nothing is a complicated issue. Anybody that tells you anything is a complicated issue. Right. It's complicated to restrict you from participating or from caring. Yeah, that's exactly right. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:02:52 That is exactly right. It's just like the fucking legal profession. It's like it only exists to navigate these bourgeois hurdles to fucking humanity. That's exactly right. Or to liberation or to justice right what was it like to work with obama this is one of my favorite sections because softball here yeah because i wish this section don't fucking don't fucking hold her feet to the goals yeah i wish this section had a montage of like after everything she says, you've got like
Starting point is 01:03:26 weddings in Yemen just getting drone bombed. You've got kids getting thrown into concentration camps at the border. Women contracting rabies at Jack Dorsey's meditation retreats. Just the most insane shit that is associated with the Obama administration. People will never fully understand that every single day his administration did great things for our country. No, I'm sorry. Go ahead. The only way they could probably see it is to see the undoing of it now.
Starting point is 01:04:01 I'm looking around. I'm not seeing a whole lot of fucking difference. of it now i'm looking around i'm not seeing a whole lot of fucking difference my i would surmise that most people's lives say for uh immigrants on the southern border and people that have been historically marginalized i would say i would surmise that most people's lives with a few of those exceptions have not changed one iota no from i mean
Starting point is 01:04:27 mentally maybe just because you know you kind of want a nicer face on your empire or whatever a more charismatic face like
Starting point is 01:04:34 you know these people lull you to sleep but i'll say this the only way my life changes the content's better
Starting point is 01:04:42 good point yeah The way my life's changed is the content's better. Good point. I mean, there are things on a day-to-day level that are probably true, right? Like, we've even talked about it before. What you could consider, like, microaggressions. Like, the mask has slipped. It seems like there's more hate crimes. It seems like there's more stuff like that. Yeah, I mean, I say all that to make a joke make a joke i mean like obviously he's involved in some of the
Starting point is 01:05:08 worst people in society right but systemically institutionally this is the same goddamn piece of shit country it's always been just just a meaner face just exactly just uh just uh you know it still exists like i said a few episodes back it still exists solely to raid and expropriate the resources of other countries to make their lives from sun up to sun down absolute bloody violence and hell i mean that's been the point from day fucking one. Day number one. We literally wrote it into the fucking goddamn constitution. Anyways. The only way
Starting point is 01:05:51 Obama was not a bragger. You know, he did great things. Never talked about it that much. We were all in the trenches fighting these people who did not necessarily share our values. Every day they Did not necessarily. That's the word doing the heavy lifting. They do not necessarily share our values. Every day they... Did not necessarily. Necessarily.
Starting point is 01:06:05 That's the word doing the heavy lifting. Necessarily. Every day they spew forth horrible things into the air our children breathe and the water they drink, food safety, undoing of consumer protections. Almost every day they do something very destructive. But you don't want to be a fear monger you have to you have to be an optimist you have to kind of just keep the fight where it needs to be and win the elections because they have ramifications yeah bullshit
Starting point is 01:06:36 nancy what you mean is you want to stay in a job you want to keep your job you have to keep in the fight where it needs to be and win the election so that you don't, you're not sitting on your ass for the remainder of your life. One more complicated legislative agenda is the need to deal with the tech giants. I don't want to get into that part, actually. That's a really, really boring part because it doesn't have any,
Starting point is 01:07:00 no good content there, Tom. And then they start asking her what her favorite music is. You don't want to hear that. It's like, let's see. 21 Savage. Yeah, it's 21 Savage. No, it's just as bad as you thought.
Starting point is 01:07:17 U2. Of course, Nancy Pelosi's favorite music is U2. Like the worst fucking band really probably in the human historical record. Just, I put U2. Like the worst fucking band really probably in the human historical record. Just, I put U2 on the same
Starting point is 01:07:28 I put U2 on the same line as fucking have you ever watched It Might Get Loud? Uh-uh. No. Like Jack White's in it and they like interview
Starting point is 01:07:37 all these people. Yeah, yeah, I've watched it. With like Jimmy Page? Was it the history of the guitar or whatever? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And then they get to the edge and the edge like has his own little rig and he's like shows like he doesn't the history of the guitar or whatever? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then they get to the edge and the edge like
Starting point is 01:07:45 has his own little rig and he's like shows like he doesn't know how to play guitar. Right. So he shows like the hacks that he used. And he's just like
Starting point is 01:07:54 playing two chords. Right. But he's like changed it to sound different like it's like He puts a bunch of effects on it so that it sounds like this really pseudo
Starting point is 01:08:04 sort of inspirational, like you hear it. It's kind of like being at a praise and worship concert. You're like, yeah! U2 is a band like fucking Kiss or the Monkees that is essentially a fake band. That's true. That just became a real band.
Starting point is 01:08:19 They became a commercial. Yeah, right. They're a commercial that became sort of a real band, you're right. Or maybe they did that in reverse. Maybe they started out as a real band and became the Monkees or Kiss. Just became a fake band.
Starting point is 01:08:32 Became a goddamn iPod commercial. I mean, Bono loves capitalism. Man. Not that that's my litmus test for whether a band is good or not. Quick aside before we ditch this. When you were doing the Christian thing, did you kind of like... Bono was one of those characters where he was like...
Starting point is 01:08:53 Yeah, dude. He said before he was a Christian, he pointed to that as like, yeah, man. He had this sort of mythical thing about him where he did this intentionally as part of his brand. He did this sort of ambiguous, like, I'm just kind of spiritual you know like that whole joshua tree bullshit like i'm just kind of spiritual yeah like and so the christian people were like bonos but then he would also have quotes saying that like jesus christ was like the greatest and then like you'd point to like see he's a like there were a couple of bands where like if you grew up in the contemporary christian... You would look for clues.
Starting point is 01:09:25 You thought that they would be giving you... Scott Staff and Creed was another one of those guys. It's kind of like QAnon in the sense that you think that they're giving you secret clues and you're trying to divine the sort of tea leaves to see if they really are. One of us. Let's see. Okay. This is what I'll end on.
Starting point is 01:09:44 This is the best part. as you're looking toward the next two to four years what is one thing you feel you need to get done before you retire I'm gonna look you directly in the eyes as I say this tell me I can handle the affordable care act imagine having as much power as she has like as much sort of like you know she's trying to build this legacy she's trying to be she's trying to she's in her legacy years she's in the third part of her career she she's she's transcended that though dude she's she's like putting the sunglasses on she walks away from that meeting with Trump and like wiggling her shoulders. She's doing the gator chomp clap, the sarcastic clap, which is, you know, even by her own admission was nothing.
Starting point is 01:10:35 Exactly. But all that considered, she said the affordable carrot. One thing nobody gives the first fuck about nobody so to go back to your question of is this just how out of touch they are 100 because you like you cannot look at that and come to any other conclusion that then that she is completely out of touch but let me let me present a counterpoint to this too and i'll admit this up front okay you said something earlier you said rule number one never take anything for granted in politics there may well still be enough fucking donut corncob people corncob corncob people they were they're in the same interchangeable well. For anybody, if there are any listeners that aren't on Twitter, there's probably like three.
Starting point is 01:11:28 What we're referring to is a specific subset of like resistance liberals. The Hillary people. Yeah. The snowflake emoji people. It seems dumb to say that, but you never know. I might have to explain it. Anyways. Anyway.
Starting point is 01:11:40 I might have to explain it. Anyways. Anyway, there may be enough of those people in real life that that shit might inspire some hope in some people. Right. Those people would be the dumbest people that ever lived. Completely moronical. But that's what I'm saying. Like, another thing I'm afraid about in the whole Bernie equation is, and I took that, admit it, I mean, I took the bait and kind of got embarrassed the other day on Twitter
Starting point is 01:12:12 when I posted something about Hillary Clinton and how she's running. It was from like 2015. Oh, dude, I saw that you fell for that. I was like, I don't know that guy. It's weird. Don't know that part yet. I'm doing some different shit now, man. That's my old shit.
Starting point is 01:12:26 Doing some solo shit these days. But anyway. But the reason I fell for that is that is not a wholly unrealistic thing to think that she's going to announce. What I should have known better is I should have stopped for five seconds instead of just posting fucking clickbait and been like right oh wait why would she announce today that makes no sense there'll be like this big rollout like and but i'm telling you something here's what's going to happen is hillary clinton's going in now she's going to run
Starting point is 01:12:58 and her whole thing is going to be like this time it's personal it's going to be like a revenge tour and the dumbest people alive are going to eat that shit up. And it's not unrealistic to think Bernie loses to that again. Well, the thing is... Despite killer fundraising and having something substantive that people can glom onto. That's what really gives me the most pause. You don't even need Hillary for that. It seems to me that the new sort of
Starting point is 01:13:25 hillary type is kamala harris and so regardless even if it's beto if it's kamala harris even if it's not hillary in the flesh right it's someone who's basically of that same mold and it's entirely possible that the democratic party leadership once again says you must be out of your fucking mind of course we aren't going to let that happen yeah I mean I don't know and then you start getting this weird shit happening where Bernie Sanders wins by
Starting point is 01:13:53 9 million votes but like shit it's crazy like Kamala Harris got 7 more super delegates right is that what happened I don't even know what happened in 2016 man um it seems to me that it was pretty close. But regardless, if it wasn't close, what does that mean? I guess what I'm asking is, what are the numbers on the donut corn people?
Starting point is 01:14:17 Now, let me tell you something. Let me tell you something. I don't expect that to happen. I don't think that to happen. I don't think that'll happen. But my point is, is that I don't want us to get into our own little left bubbles enough to like underestimate how many of those people are out there. Boots Riley had a tweet that was like talking about like, you know, the sort of animus that leftists have for liberals.
Starting point is 01:14:38 Like he made a point. He's like, when you're talking about liberals, you're talking about most of the working class. Yeah. I don't know if that's true in Kentucky, like where we're at much anymore, and some other places. Like, there's plenty of reactionary elements, I think, in the working class, too. But I would say that's probably generally more or less true.
Starting point is 01:14:57 How many of those people could get roped back into Clinton nostalgia or something like that? Yeah. They could just, like, wreck everything we're trying to do. Right, exert a pretty good influence on them. So, I don't know. The other part to that is too, and the thing is like, Nancy Pelosi's probably the most powerful Democrat,
Starting point is 01:15:15 I mean, along with Chuck Schumer. Like, for her to say that, she would probably have to have a reason to say that. Like, maybe she just has this dumbass advisor in her ear that's like, you know, just like, that's what people like, you know. And maybe it's possible that the Democrats are not like the Republicans and that the Republicans are tight and know how to forecast things better and kind of pick up on the polls within the working class even better
Starting point is 01:15:41 than, like, liberals and Democrats do and know what's going on. I don't know. I'm just saying that I could see a ton of plausible scenarios in this sort of electoral thing. Absolutely. I think we need to consider that. A lot of people have said, where do you go?
Starting point is 01:16:03 What's the next form of dystopia? But when you really think about it, like we've already passed through one form of the dystopia like in the sort of Obama years. The worst thing that could happen in 2020 is a Beto type getting elected. It would be disastrous. I mean, he wouldn't actually win.
Starting point is 01:16:21 I mean, I don't know if, dude, I don't know. It's so far away. Who the fuck knows? But i just know that that would be the worst possible outcome yeah you would get affordable care act part two it'd be even worse yeah um affordable care act to grow it and expand it and increase the number of people who are covered by it the climate thing is a big deal for me the climate thing is a big deal for me the climate thing is a big deal for me that climate shit i'm all over that i'm all over if we ever get a revolution that's nancy's or any kind of upheaval in this country that you know goes really really deep uh like on the inside of the like lincoln memorial and shit i want those kind of quotes etched in.
Starting point is 01:17:06 You know what I mean? Like, Nancy Pelosi, the climate thing is a big deal for me. Like, it wasn't the biggest deal or the thing that you... Or the biggest deal for everybody. The biggest threat to our survival right now. No, dude, it's getting health CEOs paid, healthcare CEOs paid. Disparity in income in our country is an obscenity.
Starting point is 01:17:33 And I've said to the members, everything that we put forth has to be in furtherance of reducing that disparity. And what are they going to do with that? Let me guess. Income tax credits. That's exactly it. Whether we're talking about tax policy, whether we're talking about tax policy whether
Starting point is 01:17:47 we're talking about investments in education and workforce development investments in education and workforce development let me translate this this is political literacy let me tell you what that is that is welfare for for college admins. Job retraining, I don't know, like local governments. Yeah. Companies. Yeah. That's what that is.
Starting point is 01:18:14 Absolutely. Probably more for-profit universities. I never, you know, I want to tell you this, and this is kind of an embarrassing admission, but I never never really thought about like capitalism cannot be rehabbed it i mean like it just can't like it all it has to have any quality to as just it's part of it yeah you know what i'm saying yeah and i never i'm ashamed to admit that i've never like even at this level of my critique, this is something I've just been thinking about a lot lately, is that you can't, there is no way to save it or make it nicer
Starting point is 01:18:51 or anything like that. It will always, always, somebody has to be getting stepped on in order for it to work. Yeah. You have to have workers buying shit for it to work. Right.
Starting point is 01:19:04 You know what I'm saying? And their labor has to be exploited. Exploited in order for it it to work. Right. You know what I'm saying? And their labor has to be exploited. Exploited in order for it all to work. There has to be a reserve army of unemployed workers to keep wages at a certain point. You know, you're exactly right. There's no way to fine-tune it. Liberalism, what people like Nancy Pelosi believe,
Starting point is 01:19:23 and the reason why they talk so much about this is complicated, this is complicated. What they're really telling you is that they have erected a sort of screen in their brain to paper over the fact that the very identity of this country and economy, capitalist democracy, oppression is necessary to maintain it. also i just want to point out
Starting point is 01:19:47 something i just want to point out something to nancy i've seen what you got in the house and the senate there and i promise you most of those people are not smarter than me no they're not no they're they're they are quantifiably stupider but somebody with some money put them in there yeah exactly it's almost embarrassing to be a politician really yeah well it's like we were talking about in our interview with max yesterday which we'll just plug that go check that out uh working people pod where we were talking about yesterday is the most fascinating thing would be we were talking about how joe mansion might actually run for governor yeah of West Virginia. And so the most fascinating thing would be a gubernatorial election between a capitalist and, in Jim Justice, and the capitalist political patron, Joe Manchin.
Starting point is 01:20:35 You know what I mean? It is too... That would be a fascinating experiment. Exactly. The patron and the king. Exactly. The patron and the king. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:20:48 But anyways, you know, whether we're talking about tax policy, whether we're talking about investments in education and workforce development, whether we're talking about infrastructure and how we do it in a way that increases paychecks, or how we do our oversight. Look, there's one thing in that fucking sentence, that long-ass bullshit sentence you just said, that would actually maybe make some headway into that, that's increasing paychecks increasing wages but we know you're not gonna do that we know that because all the other things you just listed you just buried that in there because i don't know uh it's gonna get back to your constituents or something we don't begrudge
Starting point is 01:21:22 anybody their success or their wealth we just don't like i do i do nancy actually most people do this is exactly what you're talking about that tom we don't begrudge anybody their success or their wealth we just don't like exploitation of the worker that's you cannot have one without the other you fucking maggot it's so exhausting to to even it's so cliche and trite it's so tired to even say it but you cannot have wealth without the exploitation of the worker that's the whole point i feel like i'm gonna lose my fucking mind i feel like i'm gonna fucking lose my mind man um hopefully hopefully after reading that and hearing that you will come to the conclusion that we said earlier which is that this person
Starting point is 01:22:11 is just as much of your enemy as fucking Donald Trump they want more or less the same thing they just want they just are concerned about how it comes off they're concerned about how they're concerned about optics and that's it and they're also concerned about getting it comes off. They're concerned about how... Optics. They're concerned about optics. That's it.
Starting point is 01:22:27 And they're also concerned about getting paid. I mean, look, they get a pretty good paycheck out of this. But anyways, like I said earlier, it finishes up. Nancy, do you have any regrets? I don't know. Drew, do we have any regrets? Drew Hamill said no. Felicity said we don't deal in regrets.
Starting point is 01:22:46 That's very fucking creepy. Jesus Christ. Anyways, that took a lot longer than I expected it to. Well, let me just say before we close here, we've heard your cries. We understand, man. Terrence, our co-product. And you want more Tanya. We get it. The thing is, tanya couldn't be here today and your cries have not went unheard but if you do want more tanya there is more tanya on the patreon
Starting point is 01:23:17 that's true oh man visit that dude the last episode is so fucking goddamn funny i was i got kind of stoned last night and I was listening to it. And there's this part in the Speak Your Peace. I can't believe I'm talking about my own content. But I was just losing it, dude. Because there's somebody in Speak Your Peace who talks about Grace's closet going the way of the dinosaurs. But then they fumble the analogy. And then they start talking about cats and minding your P's and Q's.
Starting point is 01:23:43 You know which one I'm talking about? Yeah, I remember that. It was the funniest goddamn thing. Anyways, go check that out at Patreon. It's a good episode. slash Trio Billy Workers Party, no apostrophe. And yeah, tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, that's the first of the month, so it'll be a good time.
Starting point is 01:24:02 There's a couple of days to sign up. Goddamn, you're right. Is it leap year this year? Oh, man. Are we leaping? No, it's not leap year. Oh, yeah, okay. So tomorrow is the first.
Starting point is 01:24:12 Oh, it's tomorrow the first. It's the 28th. Yeah, today's the 28th. Oh, okay. So anyways, sign up for the Patreon.
Starting point is 01:24:22 slash Trill Billy Workers Party. $5 a month gets you all access to, I'm never gonna have an actual ad on there. This is the closest I'm gonna get.
Starting point is 01:24:32 Five dollars a month will get you all access to at least four episodes a month. And, well maybe not for February since tomorrow's the first. 3.25.
Starting point is 01:24:43 Every Sunday we put out a motherfucking banger. So, anyways. So anyways, we gotta go, but thanks for listening this week,
Starting point is 01:24:54 and we'll see you on the other side.

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