Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 94: The Situation Package

Episode Date: April 25, 2019

The gang recaps the CNN town hall debates, Elizabeth Warren's student debt forgiveness plan, and how to be a good wedding guest....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Just a big old-fashioned big dong. Hey, is it true what they say? If you're going to play in Texas, you got to have the fiddle in the band. Depends. That lead guitar is hard, but not for a Louisiana band. Depends on if all your exes live in Texas. And if you hang your hat in Tennessee. I watched Roadhouse for the first time this weekend.
Starting point is 00:00:32 For the first time? For the first time. Michelle was also very upset about it. Terrence loves Roadhouse. Yeah, that's good. It's good. I probably heard him talk more about Roadhouse than any other movie. Really?
Starting point is 00:00:43 Why? Because he rips the guy's throat out? Yeah, he some great fighting scenes that's your favorite yeah yeah instant death scene love seeing people's throats ripped out i think that was the first for me when where else can you see people get their throat ripped out true oh my god this is a street side and the third time the third time when he like stops himself but you can see his hand in it. Like he's ready to do it. I was like, oh shit. That's ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:01:12 That was Mueller with the Mueller report. But he spared us all. He was like, look, I could do it. I could do it. I could do it. In fact, I wish the motherfucker would. But I'm not going to. No collusion.
Starting point is 00:01:26 I was in, when I was in Texas, the car that I had, you know, I like made it a point to listen to NPR. Because I like wanted to go back to who I was in my early 20s. Both geographically, but also sort of viscerally, literally. So I was listening to a lot of NPR. And so I got there on Thursday. literally literally so i was listening to a lot of npr and so i got there on thursday dude i swear to god npr must have been reporting on the mueller report until well after like midnight like they were doing like a live like they were doing live um discussion about it for hours like it was 9 11 and i guess telling tom like they would have guests on and the host would
Starting point is 00:02:02 be like so what does this mean? Will Congress pursue impeachment? Blah, blah, blah. And the vast majority of the guests were like, yeah, it probably shouldn't mean anything. Congress should probably move on. Basically, there's really nothing here. And the host, it was just desperation. The host was just like,
Starting point is 00:02:20 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. But, but, but, but, I mean, it was the most depressing thing I'd ever heard. And this morning they were still on that too. Oh, that's what they've been on. Are you kidding me? Are they going to pursue impeachment? And like the resounding answer is like, no, they ain't going to do shit.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Nancy Pelosi's already said months ago, they ain't going to do shit. He ain't worth it. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Well, last night, right before we started Roadhouse, impeachedald trump was trending on twitter and i had to shut my phone off put it away what do you feel about impeachment tanya i just don't care i don't know i i'm i'm completely numb to the whole situation at this point i'm like i don't know what are we pussyfooting around here for? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Cancel the motherfucker. Throw him into the Bermuda Triangle. Tanya Soprano. I'm over it. I want his head on my fucking plate. I want to rip his throat out. Fucking Swanksy style. I'm just done with it.
Starting point is 00:03:22 I don't want to hear about it anymore. We'll wrap him in carpet and throw him in the back of a dump truck Jesus Christ I don't know maybe I don't have enough information I don't know yeah I don't know either I mean that's the weird thing about having a I want to say before we sort of get into any sort of political
Starting point is 00:03:44 whatever I am fed up. I'm up to here. I've had it up to here with people calling us ultra-leftist commie tankies. Are we? This is the first I've heard of this. I'm going to go ahead and piggyback on something, too. What's a tankie?
Starting point is 00:04:00 Why are you saying that? What's a tankie? Anybody caught me fat on the internet this week? I got a fat fucking dick you can munch on anytime you want to, bitch. I'm honestly so glad I wasn't in the video. I can't handle that type of... Exposure? Yeah, I can't handle it. Yeah, it had like...
Starting point is 00:04:22 I change my selfies once every three years. I can't take it i'm cuter in person honestly i'm the same i don't so much cuter in person come up here visit everybody saw that video i was like that don't really look like you you don't look you don't look that bad i was like thanks there's people on the internet that think I look bad. You had a pop collar. Let me just address that little thing, too. Yeah, Tom's defending his. Wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 00:04:53 Before you address that, let me just say, okay? Let me just say, I went to a wedding this past weekend, and you were my, I don't know how to put this. At any point where I looked around and was like am i dressed badly you know am i not fly right now whatever if you have to ask i wish well i was just thinking of tom every time i think that i think of tom and basically tom's mantra is if you know the rules you can break them no and i was like this man doesn't wear socks he pops his collar on a jean jacket he makes it work my man not only that tom has also done the fashion what many would consider to be the biggest fashion faux pas and has managed to pull it off tying a tie i was about to say doing the
Starting point is 00:05:38 back longer longer i tried to fix this tie one time he was like get off me man i'm sorry i don't fucking like a statement here I was like buddy your tie is fucked up here we're in public you got you fucking coming here looking like most people don't have the bulls they had the fucking cojones to actually like stand out in the crowd man
Starting point is 00:05:57 I think he said it's Italian or something I don't even remember it's a disheveled elegance I'm telling you that he's got a whole every and that's the thing like because i have real bad insecurity about this kind of stuff i mean i don't know how to fucking dress i'm colorblind so i never really learned how to dress i do say this too and i think tom would agree if you're not taking risk it's not
Starting point is 00:06:19 fashion that's true no you're right that's very true i was just gonna say anybody that tries to tell me how to dress you you wouldn't teach you wouldn't tell picasso how to paint you know what i mean you wouldn't tell uh you wouldn't you wouldn't tell howard schultz how to be a dickhead you know what i mean this man is iconic okay you. I just want to challenge anybody. Go down to Critton Rollins' place down there in Midway, Kentucky. Now, Critton Rollins was the head of Polo forever. Oxford clothes, a lot of, like, you know, the big fashion houses or whatever. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:58 Just go ask Critt about me. That's all I'm going to say. I love this. Kurt Rollins showed me the fucking he has the Duke of Windsor suits. Like notoriously the best dressed man of all. Who was the Duke of Windsor? What was his
Starting point is 00:07:17 claim to fame? He innovated the short pants fashion. Because he was 5'4". And so he innovated. You know, you see guys now, they'll wear the cropped pants, like the high water pants. And I've done this.
Starting point is 00:07:34 Now you've got to kind of, I'm trying to think how to switch it up because it's a little passe. But he innovated that because short pants make you look taller. How long ago was this, Duke? Really? Short pants make you look taller? How long ago was this, Duke? Not a long time ago. Really? Short pants make you look taller? Yeah. Huh.
Starting point is 00:07:48 That's nice. Yeah, there's a rationale. Like, when you see guys that, like, you know, go sockless with their short pants or whatever, I mean, it is kind of a fashion-y thing. But also, it makes you look taller. It draws itself. See, I like wearing socks. Not aesthetically.
Starting point is 00:08:02 I just like the way they feel. Well, unless it's fucking hot as shit, obviously. But mostly I like socks,. Not aesthetically. I just like the way they feel. Unless it's fucking hot as shit, obviously. But mostly I like socks, you know? Especially if you're dancing on the dance floor. You need a little cushion in your shoes. Did you dance at the wedding? There actually was not dancing. I was very shocked about this.
Starting point is 00:08:20 At an Austin, Texas wedding? Yeah, my people. There was no two-stepping? My people generally, by that, my people, I mean people from Lee County, New Mexico, are renowned for their ability to get absolutely shit-faced and dance for several hours. But there wasn't any dance. I think what happened is maybe people just peaked a little too early. Just didn't want to get out on the dance floor.
Starting point is 00:08:45 I don't know. Classic thing that happens in your 30s that didn't happen in your 20s. Yeah. 20s weddings, you go there and you know the score. You know what I mean? It's like Willie Davis' wedding. Now, contrast that with a wedding now a couple years down the line in your 30s. Everybody gets a little too hammered too early,
Starting point is 00:09:03 and they just don't have that extra push you need once like midnight comes around you know what i mean so they're drinking for midnight the ones that do are typically unrepentant alcoholics right right yep which i've been there too well the last wedding that i danced the night away at the dumb dick that i took with me uh got so trashed at the open bar that he uh got up in the middle of the night went and peed in the floor somewhere because he thought it was the bathroom then went and stripped off his clothes and got in bed with another couple dating i know right i think i know who that was that softy dating am i right no oh no no bb it was bb that motherfucker my only the only silver linings to that situation i'm still so mortified by that because we were sharing a huge cabin this is in west virginia we were sharing this big cabin with
Starting point is 00:09:59 a bunch of other people i didn't even know the couple some of the other couples i knew the couple he got in bed with but they came and woke me up like, Tanya, he's in our bed. I was like, he's drunk. Just wake him up. Because I was asleep too drunk. And he was like, well, he's naked. Oh, boy. So I had to go there and beat the fuck out of him.
Starting point is 00:10:16 I went there and punched him in the back as hard as I could. He was like in fetal position. This dumb son of a bitch. He looked up at me and I was like get the fuck up like i have not been i mean that's the maddest i've been in years man the sound equality of that's the fury behind what you just said let me tell you i never i never told you this but my first trepidation i had when you started seeing that guy was Because you brought him over for Rook. And I somehow ended up on his team.
Starting point is 00:10:51 And I was just fucking rolling. We were rolling. We could have literally just sat the bid out and beat y'all. And he bid real big, yeah. But hubris took over. I mean, I played three or four perfect, immaculate hands, and I'm like, okay, now we just got to coast out. Like, if we just get, like, one trick on the next couple, we're good.
Starting point is 00:11:14 This dumb bastard takes the bid four times in a row and gets set four times in a row. And fucking Tanya's over here waving her trophies around. Maybe he threw the game for me, huh? Yeah, could have been. I don't know. Find you a man that will threw the game for me huh yeah it could have been i don't find you a man that will throw the game for you anyway the only silver lining to that is that lemonade had just dropped the album and i cranked it uh i wouldn't let him speak the whole drive home four hours and i cranked it up as loud as it would go in my car and made him listen to it over and over the whole way home has punishment yeah that must have
Starting point is 00:11:45 i enjoyed it and listen to this really great album album you dumb bastard is that what they do to prisoners in like wanton it was all beyonce talking about what a piece of shit jay is does he have an affinity for Jay-Z? And so in that situation, no, I just mean in that situation, I felt like it was me getting to be like, I mean, I had this man locked in the car for four hours. You grew up in Boston. Yeah, that's how I felt.
Starting point is 00:12:15 He probably didn't care. He actually fell asleep twice, and I punched him and made him wake up. I was like, this ain't no fucking joyride, bitch. You ain't sleeping. Should we call him? I didn't get no sleep. Let's call him right now and hash it out no i'm saying like this sounds a little bit like uh you went past retribution into malevolence perhaps
Starting point is 00:12:35 he assaulted other people in the sleep that's true that is true he kept pulling the i was drunk i don't even remember it you know you ain't even told me what happened sounds like he deserved it then he sure as fucked it he came off easy if you ask me what was your best wedding moment that's a good question well i've had um i've had i don't know i don't know if i've been to enough to really like have a uh good sample size good sample size that was still a fun wedding i was in the wedding it was pretty fun without him but he ruined the end of it. But my friends got married in college. And that was a pretty fun wedding. Because a lot of reasons. Reason number one, our friend got ordained as a minister to officiate the wedding.
Starting point is 00:13:41 And then she got piss-ass drunk. And I'll never forget her dancing to soja boy on the dance floor and her whole dress come up you can see her fucking thong and her the the bride's grandma there's literally video footage that we have replayed over and over again of her grandma saying that's the minister wild as hell on the dance floor the wedding reception is truly the perfect marriage of the sacred and the profane i agree just getting together and running off in the woods together because it's just you know very high brow at points and then just very low brow at other points well what it is is like what i realized is that um weddings are fascinating because you're bringing in
Starting point is 00:14:32 you know when you have relationships with people like friendships with people like you are revealing a certain aspect of yourself to that other person so like i'm one way around y'all but around other people i'm another way or whatever a different hair right right a different an entirely different person and so it's kind of like a nightmare in some ways i don't think that's just you buddy i think everybody does that no no i know i'm saying like yeah everybody does that and so when you're having a wedding you have to bring in all those worlds that you've been this person to all these other people. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. And try to figure out what the perfect amalgam of those three personalities is.
Starting point is 00:15:13 It's like walking a tightrope between the Twin Towers or something. If worlds collide, especially when your family and your friends are all together, it's like, ooh. Mixing friend groups, families, it can be worked with, but mixing friend groups families it can be worked with but mixing friend groups is a very dicey proposition yeah no i i agree me and tom and we and tom have talked a lot about this before like um yeah it could be it's you never know what's gonna happen and and more than anything you're just scared that you are not going to come off as you normally do to them i'm more usually afraid that one friend's gonna embarrass me to other friends exactly yeah that's usually me especially
Starting point is 00:15:51 like any of my any of my high school or college friends that fuck with my friends that now i'm always like oh god it's gonna be bad yeah me myself me myself i'm a chameleon you can take me around any friend group and i'm i'm gonna be all right yeah i feel that way too i feel like i i cannot imagine that i have a friend who would be embarrassed to introduce me to another friend see the thing is is i i feel like i can be charming right like in the moment i can be whatever But if you press me on certain specific issues, I, you know, snakes ray comes out or, you know what I mean? Snakes ray.
Starting point is 00:16:31 You got a couple different situation packages. Right. If you want to talk politics, you know what I mean? Or if you want to. That's what I was going to say. I can be the over-political friend. That's the thing. I was the over-political friend in some ways. I can be the over political friend That's the thing I was the over political friend
Starting point is 00:16:46 I can be the friend where they're like Come on T right head in Hit the blunt chill the fuck out I'm like but Joe hates poor people Whatever you know I won't blaze this classist asshole You know that's You know but i much prefer that iteration of us to like you know when you're growing up particularly in the south and you're faced with that weird
Starting point is 00:17:17 situation where somebody makes like a racist joke or something like how you respond to it in the moment it's like okay uh you know what i mean this literally just happened so i'm saying i'm saying it's better to err on the side of even if you come off a little self-righteous still doing the right thing yeah maybe well here's the thing it's funny you bring this up um it's like i was standing in line in this taco truck line, and I feel like I met all these people this weekend and told them to listen to my podcast. Oh, my God, did you? They've probably heard this story.
Starting point is 00:17:51 This will be the fourth or fifth time. I never talk about us. Oh, the taco truck story again. Which, by the way, now that I think about it, I definitely had several bits I kept returning to, and people were like Jesus fucking Christ I was like I live in an area ravaged by the opioid epidemic that's not a bit that's a fucking buzzkill that's no but also just a fact what I was saying is that everybody and I was telling Tom this everybody in Austin has hope for the future they're hopeful
Starting point is 00:18:24 like things are bright. They're hot. And things are on the move. You know what I'm saying? Here, no one's really hopeful for the future. It's just kind of there. There is a, Terrence. Appalachia is a future.
Starting point is 00:18:41 There is a future. Look, I'm not saying either one because the one the thing about austin is that it's a false hope right it's like everybody's like sort of very individualistic careerist drive to get promoted to the top of their tech company or something like that but um so it's a false hope or whatever. But anyways. Sorry, I'm getting blank stares here. Nothing. Any good bits come out of Texas?
Starting point is 00:19:14 Taco truck. Well, okay, so I was standing in line in this taco truck, and there was these people in front of me from Hobbs talking to this young couple from, I guess, Austin. jobs uh talking to this young couple from i guess austin and um they were ranking which immigrant like ethnicity group which was the harder worker like which one was the so they were like this is uh just like south man salvadorians did you just step in there and be like can i record you i'll send this i need content. You don't understand. Are these white people?
Starting point is 00:19:51 I go to weddings not to crash them, but to get content. Yeah. Yeah, no, these are white people. Content minor. Yeah, yeah. So, no, yeah, but they were like, yeah, I mean, you know, at least those Central Americans. Like, they love to work. And, like, you can put them to work and they'll work. And so, okay.
Starting point is 00:20:10 And so the thing is, is that I was, you know, sort of doing this mental calculus. I was like, should I hop in here? Like, I don't want to, you know, disturb the peace at this wedding, obviously. Not my wedding. I'm not an asshole. I don't want to, like to like you know incur some sort of like physical altercation or emotional alter you know what i'm saying anything like that and um so what i ultimately decided on was i just stood off to the side staring at all of
Starting point is 00:20:38 them incredulously for at least i did it for a good five minutes. So you were somewhere between the snakes race situation package. And a, oh, you want to talk politics? Let's talk politics package. Yeah, that's probably pretty accurate. Okay. Cariel? Yeah. Well, and they never noticed me.
Starting point is 00:20:59 So they were so dialed in into their own whatever that eventually I just couldn't keep it up for much longer. Because everybody around me was starting to watch me and it started to become a bit and I was like okay well if this actually becomes a thing that you know then I'm gonna have to have actually have a performative woke interaction with these package number six, I become the meme. A woke interaction. Exactly. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's no way to actually have that conversation in a way that isn't. Unless you do it immediately on the spot and just in and out, there's really no way to do it without it becoming some sort of self-righteous,
Starting point is 00:21:42 performatively woke thing that will probably just result in some sort of altercation right i don't know what would you have done it's kind of like what we were saying earlier i think you were on to something but here's what i would have done i would have stepped in there and told them the error of their ways yeah and then i would have been like after they like beat the shit out of me and all this stuff and left me bloody, got me in a fucking chocolate, I'd have said, all right, it's Ecuadorians.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Going to my head. Jesus. Yeah, well. What happens when someone tries to drag you into a political conversation you actually don't want to do it you don't want to deal with it well that happened to me too because of the scenario you know you already know they're trying to get a rise out of you yeah like friends who i fucking know don't give a fuck be like hey tony who you gonna vote for for president because they think that's what i care about and then I'm going to go crazy.
Starting point is 00:22:45 I have tons of dumb friends like that. That's their feather in the cap thing. Yeah, and I'm always just like, I don't fucking care who's president. Fuck the presidency. You're voting for crazy Bernie and they think that's just such the sickest Bernie.
Starting point is 00:23:01 Yeah. How do you back out of it? don't know usually i would start getting some new friends or just like go i don't know there's several ways i guess you could sort of be like sarcastic and charming about it or you could be like just edgelord like my cousins and my friends from high school okay so people that are immune to charm okay then you can yeah i mean you people know who my stupid friends are they're not saying hey right right they don't care who i'm voting for well if it's family then usually i just go with like an edgelord response like you know i don't know richer on the menu you know what i'm saying
Starting point is 00:23:42 something edgelord yeah yeah you yeah. What's that mean? Just say something over the top that's so absurd. Yeah, like, I don't know. It's like, I saw Tom, I kept getting questions about like, apparently it's like a big scandalous thing that Bob Ray's son has a communist podcast that Nick Offerman went on. So I had multiple people being like, how's that gonna work? How's what gonna work?
Starting point is 00:24:07 Communism. Oh. So I was like, after a certain point, I just tapped out. And so I just, and you know. You know what my go-to response is for that?
Starting point is 00:24:17 I go, you know, a lot of people don't know this, but Stalin's the one that got Hitler. That's good. That's all. That's, I don't think that's going to work with my craft.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Well, and then, and then they, then they bookend that with, uh, you know, well, Stalin killed like X amount of his own people and all that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:24:43 And then, and then I'm like, it's an interesting tension and friction mistakes were made and you know churchill and whatever that's how i got drug into the i told y'all last time i was on having to i was fucking talking about organizing the military i have no interest in organizing the military personally right but that's what you said because you just didn't really know what i was backed into a corner and i was like well i guess we gotta get military coup d'etat is one way to do it yeah it's certainly a path.
Starting point is 00:25:25 Yeah. I think it's probably, honestly, probably our only option. Well, I'll tell you this. Back in the quarter, I had no other. I was like, I don't know. I'm sort of kidding. Me and Terrence were talking earlier about, you had a new theory about the Overton window. Oh, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:44 And where it's going that'd be something interesting to flesh out so well you know what the overton window is sure but tell me anyway i guess it's like the sort of window of acceptable acceptable discourse would that be yeah like what's considered sort of imagine the strike zone in baseball it's imaginary well but depending upon who the umpire is it could be a little to the left a little to the right Like what's considered sort of imagine the strike zone in baseball. It's imaginary. Well, depending upon who the umpire is, it could be a little to the left, a little to the right.
Starting point is 00:26:10 And sort of like the, or is this what they call it? No, it's a, it's a different word where it's like what defines what centrism is. It's how far we can move the fucking sort of like horseshoe theory. Is that what you're describing? continue.
Starting point is 00:26:24 It's forget it there's only so far political axes maybe yeah like I don't know well um this is the thing like most of our politics are informed by memes and so this is what you get like our sort of
Starting point is 00:26:42 half assed attempts to be like put it on a spectrum or something well I didn't get this from a fucking meme but oh it's just been a while since i heard it or read it um so like um yeah the overton window is like the window of acceptable discourse like what's okay to say and what's not um yeah and what's and i guess maybe well anyways like what i sort of gathered from spending the weekend with the hobbs upper crust and a bunch of austin yuppies is that um you know the hobbs upper crusts are conservatives obviously uh fascists as we have just established ranking the ethnicities of various... Literally.
Starting point is 00:27:26 Oh, so this was just not just two dudes waiting in line for... These are people you know. Oh, these are people I know, yeah, for sure. Wow. Who is Terrence around these people? Anyway, carry on. No, this is why I'm in such a weird mood today. I went through this weird, like...
Starting point is 00:27:43 Yeah. I went through this weird process this past weekend where I was, like, had to step into old shoes, but I'm still who I am. But does that make any sense? So I was, like, trying to, like, anyways. You catch yourself smoking mids again. It's just, it's a mess. Literally.
Starting point is 00:28:01 Yeah, smoking cigarettes again. Oh, yeah. I've been there i literally am like smoking cigarettes to be cool and then running to the bathroom to hit my fucking inhaler like a goddamn maniac i'm with you even though i did that also in my early 20s i had to do that as well just to be cool anyways um i feel like a lot of these people already have an idea of socialism as like nancy pelosi and obama like that's socialism yeah like they're always referring to like socialist obama like socialist nancy and all this like even they called hillary clinton social you know what
Starting point is 00:28:43 i'm saying it's like they've already got this notion of that that it's like the far left and so that's why like I'm gonna try to thread a needle here but earlier this week I tried to ask Tom I was like this is a genuine question like what's the functional difference between Elizabeth Warren and Bernie and like I guess the best we could come up with is that Bernie just openly states that he's a socialist as opposed to Elizabeth Warren who doesn't right she says she's she says she wants like i guess the best we could come up with is that bernie just openly states that he's a socialist as opposed to elizabeth warren who doesn't right she says she's she says she wants to save capitalism bernie just says he's a democratic socialist that's that's it right but he probably would save capitalism right functionally they're oh yeah they're very similar i won't say they're
Starting point is 00:29:22 the same very similar i heard eliz Elizabeth speak like I almost touched her. I was so close years ago in D.C. But she still believes in a heyday. Are you trying to get a DNA sample? Yeah, I tried to grab a hair. I was like, I did the roundhouse. She believes in a heyday of capitalism. What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:29:43 Like she speaks about you know it was nicer at one point right economically so from like in the united states from i don't know if i ain't read none of her shit she's running for president there's plenty of information we could get about i don't know what she's saying today but you know i only retain things i hear directly essentially so anyway but i know i think she's still basically the same it's like she uses these same bullet points is that from like 1940 to 1970 or whatever like most of the economic growth in the in the country was shared around yeah i mean comparatively to today for sure. 1980 to now
Starting point is 00:30:26 100% of economic growth has went to the top 1%. Right. 100%. And so she basically wants a return to that. Yeah, so she's like saying we have to figure out a way to make this work again. Yeah, which is basically what Bernie wants, right? I mean, I guess I haven't really seen him.
Starting point is 00:30:42 It's cash in different language though, right? Yeah. I guess has elizabeth warren called for like the nationalization of any major industries like because that's basically no and and no no because bernie did call for i guess the nationalization of the health and health industry which is pretty you know yeah i would guess that you would say she's not for universal health care no i don't think she is no she's not that's the big blemish i mean there's a lot of big blemishes on her resume but that's the glaring one so i guess she's just a very progressive well i don't know i guess my theory is that um you could say that like if nothing else the sort of function of social democratic parties either in europe or whether it's bernie's campaign
Starting point is 00:31:26 in america is that at least they're sort of making palatable socialism um for you know so that a lot of people for a lot of people right right so like so i guess i feel like if a lot of these people think that anything to the left of Hillary Clinton is socialism, then you might as well just embrace communism. Because that's what they think anyways. Look, I'm just saying, I just spent the past weekend being called a communist. It's like, well, if that's what you think, then I don't really see what's controversial about taking that word back. I don't think it has the sort of stigma people think it does.
Starting point is 00:32:04 Because the people who are stigmatized by it already use it pejoratively. Yeah. I'm a bitch, I'm a mother, I'm a commie, I'm a whatever the song is. That's how the song goes. I'm a commie, I'm a... I haven't heard that version of it.
Starting point is 00:32:19 Maybe that was the B-side version. Well, when we interviewed interviewed um kaz kaz said something interesting that i hadn't really thought about before but said that you know because they were an organizer for a socialist organization and they said you know i'm a communist but i see socialism as the best vehicle to communism. Yeah. That's what Cass said. When I was in Cuba and would talk with communists there,
Starting point is 00:32:49 like young people, they had the same take that socialism is sort of a bridge to communism. It's not intended to be where you stop. Get you there, yeah. Right, right, right. Which is interesting because here it's almost like we just use those two words interchangeably yeah you know what i mean yeah but commie definitely has a very communism has a very i'm talking about amongst ourselves communism socialism we kind of
Starting point is 00:33:18 use them interchangeably but yeah when we take that out of our circles, communism definitely has more of a stigma than socialism does. And Bernie, you know. Yeah. Well, I mean, I guess obviously he's not going to embrace communism. I guess that's not what I'm, I'm not asking Bernie to do that. No, he's not going to.
Starting point is 00:33:37 Yeah, we can't get this man to renounce Israel. Yeah, and plus last night in that town hall, he said something along the lines of, you know, when we talk, because the moderator, I guess, asked him, like, what do you say to people whose first idea of socialism is authoritarian, Soviet Union, or Stalinism, whatever? His answer was basically like, you know, what I'm talking about is nothing like. It is very much anti-communist. It's very much not communism. So he said the word anti-communist. I don't know if he said it directly, but he literally said it's not communism. Like it's, I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:34:18 The way that he framed it I found to be kind of interesting. Because in the past I've died on the hill of being like nothing he said has been blatantly anti-communist but i remember reading it and like fuck i guess i gotta walk that back well let me ask you this let me ask you this because of omar they are all like never gonna say shit about israel again like they're all terrified well i think that's like that's the issue right they've they've pulled the trick of if you're critical of israel they equate that anti-semitism well they're gonna have to though because the israel's policy that like look just today israel was talking about there was a story about them
Starting point is 00:34:57 wanting to build a settle a new settlement in the golan heights and calling it like trumpville calling it name it after donald trump yeah that Trump. Yeah. That's a real story. That's a real story that came out. And this is like, this was like an Israeli like agency. What the fuck? Like a state agency. Not like. It was the prime minister's office that tweeted that out.
Starting point is 00:35:16 It was at, well, it's at PM of Israel. I guess that the prime minister, I'm assuming. Yeah. God damn. Sorry I interrupted you, Tom. Well, well no my question is this is like so what would you say to our friends that would say something like um well bernie's running for president so he has to walk a line or he has to you know be a little more judicious with his words and you know like obviously like like
Starting point is 00:35:48 are we off base to uh hold his feet to the fire of such things and it's like i don't know where to land on that because i get the idea of being tactical or whatever but also understand that words kill people sometimes a lot of times it's just like where does it end i mean this feels like the kfdc fucking how watered down this ain't going on possibly how could we possibly water down like the age old do we go for what's politically possible or what we know we need what is like in our vision and i'm just like where to where's the fucking end maybe maybe it is uh what word did you use um of that um what part even if it is bullshit and we shouldn't you know it's a bridge to something
Starting point is 00:36:42 else is that what you're saying no no i'm trying to say i'm sorry i'm trying to say i just don't know where the line is if you're going to be like well because i felt like this when i can what's her should rain it in saying what's her tits and what's his dick i'm gonna quit saying this It's not right. Angie Hatton. Representative Angie Hatton. That's my cousin there. Well, yeah, I used to love Angie and get drunk with her. And then she said she fucking was against abortion and all kinds of crazy shit and voted for Trump to get into office. And I'm like, and then she gets up there and votes like a Republican and has the audacity to say, well, they'll vote me out.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Well, what's the point in having you up there if you vote like them any goddamn way what is the fucking point and really the interesting part is that is sort of what sparked the whole wave the Bernie wave that spawned AOC
Starting point is 00:37:39 spawned Ilion spawned a lot of different people some good some not so good some okay some whatever um but it's interesting to see it come back now to where it's like there's there's people like that ostensibly agree with us that would like want us to not not us specifically but people that would like vocalize these criticisms of bernie or whoever to kind of like you're gonna fuck this up and you know what i mean like yeah and it seems to me it seems to me and and when when people say listen type of campaigns and they actually get in there
Starting point is 00:38:32 they always get more conservative than when they even were on the campaign trail you know what i'm saying yeah that's what i'm saying it's like i there we have no evidence to believe that people are not gonna lie now so they can be tell the truth later you think bernie's just being like soft on israel because like once he gets in there he's going to like fucking like chart like fucking go after net yahoo for war crimes or something no it's like that's not gonna happen this this is what i just this is how this is how i feel anytime people that there's just like a Bernie fucking explosion of defending these people. Like, we shouldn't waste our breath defending people. If you have chosen to run for president of the most bloodthirsty empire,
Starting point is 00:39:21 and you can't stand on your own two feet and the stupid things that you say like we have no reason to defend these motherfuckers right it's like i just don't i just don't understand why you got to get there and do the dance for for a fucking just disgusting fucking like apartheid state like it just as part of the deal you know what i'm. Like, you can call yourself whatever you want. Let's not fuck it. That's not a left position. Sorry. And that's not something that we should just... Yeah, that's the obvious thing to vote for.
Starting point is 00:39:54 Yeah, I... I don't know. If that's tanky, then what the fuck... Is that what tanky means? Is that what tanky means? I think when they say tanky, they refer to, people that, you know, are like Stalinists or whatever. Tank as in army tank? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:11 Somebody quit our Patreon because they said we were pro-Stalin. It refers to... What? Are you fucking stupid? Like... Oh, shit. It refers to like the 1957 invasion of Czechoslovakia by the Soviet Union. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:40:28 I think I got that year wrong. Maybe it was in the 60s. I don't fucking know. Whatever, yeah. But I think what it is, it's incredibly difficult to hold several things in your mind at once. The first is your indignant moral outrage about the state of things. it once the first is like your indignant moral outrage about the state of things but the second is like your need to engage with a system that is inherently reactionary and designed to push you out and so that's the thing it's like um and a third to that because i think that this is really
Starting point is 00:40:59 important to remember like we don't have all the fucking answers and we are living in horrible situations like well this is yeah yeah so there's a bunch of shit that we're holding but i just i'm sorry the third thing is trying to take in the unbelievable amount of information every day like we i think on average what we see like 4 000 images a day or something ungodly i don't even know i don't even know there's fucking numbers about this that are scary but strategy you want me to daily be like calculating in my head I can't even calculate my own fucking bank account and you want me to calculate based on all the information I'm getting daily a a coherent strategy about how the presidency should go well it's I think it's like what I'm saying is that by having to operate within a system that is inherently reactionary you have to make compromises and then that that is what really is hard to sort
Starting point is 00:41:53 of that's the square that becomes hard to circle yeah as a uh as a person who has moral indignation about the state of things having to then compromise on certain issues to see part of your sort of political vision achieve power or whatever. Most of the time when someone asks me, especially recently, but in the past too, who do you want to be president? I say no one. No one who wants to be the president of the united states is someone i want to be in power that's how it feels you know what i mean like i just at this point i'm just so well that was an interesting thing it was really funny people yesterday on twitter were saying well okay because you know yesterday was the day that elizabeth warren were recording this on tuesday
Starting point is 00:42:42 so was the day that she had put out this student debt forgiveness plan. Right. Like 600 something billion, 610 or $620 billion student debt forgiveness plan. Which, by the way, I think I was unaware there was that much student debt out there. It's 600 billion? Yeah. It's fast approaching a trillion. I think I have it written down.
Starting point is 00:43:02 Yeah. A 640 billion. It's what we in the business call a bubble and that's not even all of it she's not proposing to do away with all of it 640 billion is just a portion of it which has been phenomenal right yeah it may have it may have topped a trillion i think yeah and how could they not admit that this is affecting the economy well that's the thing that's so maddening about we live in a transparently ridiculous country led by transparently ridiculous people and we can't do anything about it like you know like when we were watching like when we were big on fucking
Starting point is 00:43:39 hyper normalization they were talking about like the later years of the soviet union this is what this is like this is what we're living in we're living in the american years of the Soviet Union. This is what this is. This is what we're living in. We're living in the American version of that. And Jacob Bacharach pointed that out with, I think he posted something about the Boeing jets and all that kind of stuff. Oh, yeah, yeah. It's like all our criticisms that in our civics classes and stuff that we hoisted at the Soviet Union when we were kids can be said about this country right now. Soviet Union when we were kids can be said about this country right now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:11 Well, it's the thing is, and this is another thing I realized over the weekend, is that the people at the top of the system have gotten very sloppy. Incredibly sloppy. I think they've gotten pretty sloppy. And I think Trump is the best manifestation of that. He is the perfect face of fascism that doesn't know how to implement itself yeah it's just the sloppiest sort of kind of decadence where like the rich have gotten so comfortable and they've gotten so self-assured of their own continued existence that for some um random you know guy in hobs to be you know gaining cultural purchase
Starting point is 00:44:43 espousing communism like you could tell they're just like what like that's not something that should be happening this is why impeachment is like a funny conversation to me i'm just like i don't this is why this and this is why the this is what i really wish i could impart to the Bernie people. It's that... You Bernie people. Yeah, well, and I consider myself part of it, but I'm on the sort of left or wing of that. But this is what I wish I could impart to a lot of them. Is that I think the people at the top have gotten sloppier than normal. Like, they, you know, and I think that's a sort of function of...
Starting point is 00:45:24 Oh my god, I'm almost out of space. I think it's sort of a function of how much wealth has been produced in the last couple decades. So they got a lot sloppier. Right. And then there's the added component of just general outrage among the rest of the sort of working masses. And so I just like I want to impart to them that people are madder than you think. The people at the top are sloppier than you think. And what you have is a recipe, in my opinion, for a fucking revolution.
Starting point is 00:46:12 An event, and I'm not using an event that goes deep into the sort of institutional and cultural beliefs and mores of the society and rips them up from its very roots. We're talking about altering social relations and, you know, not to mention economic ones. Like, I think that that is out there. I mean, maybe people would disagree. Maybe they'd be like, oh oh this country's not ready for a revolution i don't think it's ready for a revolution right now but um but this is this is the difference between a uh people see that everything's artificial yeah like you were saying yeah and we know that yeah and we know that they know that we know that yes right right almost sound like the eddie murphy bit hey norton i know that you know that i know that you know that you want to fuck me
Starting point is 00:46:49 uh no but that's absolutely right um yeah it's um here's the thing too here's the thing too and this is what kind of chaps my ass a little bit about the whole like be cool thing you know what i mean don't ruffle the the bernie's coronation and all this kind of shit it's like one you don't know where the fuck i come from what the fuck the situations that i've seen that my people have seen that like my mom's on a goddamn liver transplant list right now and still has to go to fucking work after retirement for working somewhere for 30 years
Starting point is 00:47:29 to make 180 fucking dollars a goddamn week. I'm not trying to hear from some upwardly mobile fucking dipshit about like, shut the fuck up about Bernie, you're gonna ruin this for working people. Quite frankly, you don't know the fuck you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:47:40 Yeah. Well, and also another thing that I've wanted to point out is that if Bernieernie loses let's say he gets the nomination and he loses it won't be because three dipshits sat in a cabin talking shit about him on a podcast it'll be because of the long standing which which would also in turn be the left version of the russiagate facebook ad saying well no it would be the left version of people in 2000 who said that people who voted for nader basically yeah
Starting point is 00:48:05 you know gave george bush the election yeah regardless it's not because of that it's because of the long-standing anti-democratic structural issues of living in a federalist system bound together by the most reactionary document in western industrial society the constitution yeah that's the that's. That's the point. Joshua Clover, who we had on the show a few weeks ago, pointed this out on Twitter today. It's like, you know, like, what makes you think that the liberal state
Starting point is 00:48:36 is just a vehicle or a device that you can just summon at hand to beat back capitalism? And you know what I mean? There's never been a period in history that that has ever worked. Ever worked. The closest it got was the New Deal
Starting point is 00:48:50 and the period immediately afterwards. And then look what happened. Which is funny. And I want you to stop there because I was thinking about this the other day. Thinking about it in terms of Medicare for All and all this stuff. Do you know why universal healthcare
Starting point is 00:49:04 wasn't included in the new deal no the american medical association said they were concerned that the medical profession would lose its prestige oh really and that's why that roosevelt balked because he got so much pressure for being a class traitor because the AMA came out and said that. No shit. So we could have had, you know. This whole time. Since the 20s, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:49:35 Just because. Yeah, when was Roosevelt? I mean, it's just, it's, yeah. It's just like a devastating line of conversation because you know what i mean because like our school systems are all still based on the system that the big 10 created which was to prepare every worker in the country for the same assembly line no matter where they lived yeah that's the same education system public education system that we all three came up through and that kids are in right now right it's unbelievable yeah it's
Starting point is 00:50:09 unbelievable and it's like i don't trust we have a justice system that has never delivered justice and you expect us to dance around for an impeachment trial through a fucking... Yeah. It's just... Yeah. I'm sorry. I'm trying to make sure that this episode, we don't lose it halfway through. Can we take a break? I have to pee. Yeah, let's take a quick break then. Hold on. Did you all listen?
Starting point is 00:50:41 I think that... Do y'all remember the... I think that what this country needs is. What the world needs now. I think that what we need right now is another ice bucket challenge. Do you remember the ice bucket challenge? Yeah, for, was it Alzheimer's? ALS. What are we raising awareness for this time?
Starting point is 00:51:04 This time. Sugar diabetes. No, it's so that we don't. I think instead of canceling student debt, Elizabeth Warren should do the ice bucket challenge. And just to raise awareness of it. So next time they have a town hall, they get ice bucket. Dude, if she really canceled all student debt, I know motherfuckers that would chop their finger off Yakuza style. Fuck the ice bucket challenge.
Starting point is 00:51:30 To pledge their loyalty to Elizabeth Warren. I'll donate my pinky. I'll donate my pinky. Yeah. If you unshackle me, I'll give you a limb for my firstborn child, whichever you want. Tom, we went to in-state school. Surely we ain't got it that bad i know people are you joking me i used to max out my fucking loan so i could gamble oh yeah
Starting point is 00:51:51 how did i take my refund check fucking caneland fuck yeah um no uh so wait where were we we're talking about elizabeth warren we would we had ventured into Some ultra leftist territory For sure Tankies Which is what people Would call it
Starting point is 00:52:09 Now I know Put the album cover art I just want the album cover art To be masterpiece Big gold tank And make them say I'm a video Get like them
Starting point is 00:52:20 Diamond tank pendants To my room Yeah yeah Oh my god Well So you watched this town hall. Clear something up for me. Was this five different locations?
Starting point is 00:52:32 Yeah, I was confused about that, too. No, it was all the same location. They all just took turns on stage. They weren't on the stage together. They just like one at a time. Okay, they were never on stage all together. Yeah. Were they afraid a brawl was going to break out?
Starting point is 00:52:42 I think what they were afraid was that Pete Buttigieg was going to wet them with that. With his big AR-15 or whatever he was packing. He's too dangerous with it. Have you seen him with it? He's too dangerous. What are y'all talking about? There's a picture that went viral of uh big pete holding a ar in a very strange
Starting point is 00:53:07 way to think uh the way matt pointed it out it's like why would you hold that gun that way yeah uh but anyway that's because that's the way you hold your gun if you're in the military and you're now running fort wayne indiana or uh south bend indiana yeah well here's my takeaway and granted i was flipping back and forth between the nba playoffs so i wasn't paying like super super great attention but my big takeaway was the kids asking the questions were all from harvard or this like catholic school up in New Hampshire. I forget where. And they were the biggest bunch of fucking killjoys I'd ever seen in my life.
Starting point is 00:53:49 And then Bernie said, your generation's the most progressive generation ever and that's something you should be very proud of. And I was like, are you listening to their questions? You had the one girl that was like, fuck, what was her question? It was something like, God damn it. um well there was one i saw about and i don't know if this was the same person or if they if she just put her question on twitter
Starting point is 00:54:14 but it was i am from chile we tried socialism but socialism failed when the cia backed a coup and assassinated eliende and installed Pinochet. Given the past failure of socialism in Chile, how will you make sure we won't have death squads? Oh, my God. You say, like, this is insane. Because it started off, I was like, okay, well, we acknowledge that the CIA overthrew the government. Whoa, whoa, whoa. So she was saying that it was socialism's fault the CIA overthrew Chile. Pretty much, yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:43 Yeah. What? Yeah, yeah. And then, well. Yeah. What? Yeah, yeah. And then, well, the next question is even funnier. The next question is hilarious. You say you want to prosecute all war criminals, but that would mean Harvard would lose half of its faculty members. How will you make sure we have some teachers
Starting point is 00:54:58 if you prosecute all war criminals? No, that's actually a brilliant question because that's somebody just trolling. Is this a troll? If somebody's asking that in earnest, then that kid gets do not pass go do not collect $200 to the fucking gulag. Yeah, there's no way they asked that on a CNN town hall. I think this is real, Tom. No, this has to be true.
Starting point is 00:55:20 Well, this girl that asked... Fuck, you're right. I'm going to have to delete this. to be this girl that asked fuck you're right i'm gonna have to delete this fuck i got i got it's irony it's got to be irony is it fake news i said i said anytime anyone is like anytime anyone steps to trail billy's too did we get got uh you damn it man i was i'm gonna have to go back and uh you know, like the little cartoons that say, like, how many days since accident? How many days since I've been owned by Ernie? Back to zero. I think I only noticed it because someone was responding in earnest to it.
Starting point is 00:55:58 Oh, okay. Anyway, when people come for Tribble, it's my official line. It's fake news. What do you want me to do interesting what's your reaction to that ben what's it have you gotten any good reactions to that me no they just drop it so i don't have to deal with it anymore the so the girl was basically that that the harvard girl that asked in earnest bernie like, the atrocities of socialism, the failures, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, whatever. Not in Chile, just wherever, you know.
Starting point is 00:56:29 And, you know, it was basically that line. And then come to find out that she grew up in a nine million dollar house in Silicon Valley. It's like all these kids were plants, and, like, here's the thing about the Bernie part to see, and, you know, and look, we're critical,
Starting point is 00:56:44 Bernie, Okay? But I will say this. I will give Bernard this. It's fucking A. You keep walking into these fucking CNN things that are designed to do one thing. To generate headlines for Yeah. And that's it.
Starting point is 00:57:02 All I've seen since. Bernie thinks Joe Carzer and I should be able to vote that was crazy the marathon bomber that's not even the question the question was about the question was about should people in prison be able to vote bernie supports that and then fucking anderson cooper whoever was up there beside him said so what about rapists murderers what about joe cars are not the boston marathon bomber and it's like anderson cooper anderson fucking vanderbilt little fucking twat said that only because only because to generate those kind of like sensational headlines to try to discredit Bernie. 100%. Yeah. 100%.
Starting point is 00:57:46 In some ways... It was crazy. That headline, I was like, wow, okay. I'm sure that's why he came out of the gate saying at the fucking CNN town hall. They even gave him a chance to walk it back. This is the thing I really like about Bernie. They even gave him a chance to walk it back
Starting point is 00:58:01 and he was like, no, I mean, I'm going to get attack ads over it, but... Like me on True Billy's. You all are often like, walk it back. Yeah to walk it back and he was like no i mean i'm gonna get attack ads over it but like me on true billies y'all are often like walk it back well yeah walk it back you sure you want to oh god oh yeah it's just this is only the beginning y'all this is only the beginning of these fucking another hilarious thing they did like they had like a cnn moderator person up with every candidate and they like matched them up by like race or like sexual orientation because pete buddages was like anderson cooper and don lennon's was kamala harris really yeah i don't know if anybody noticed that but i thought that's the
Starting point is 00:58:47 most like just on the nose on the nose woke shit that you get jesus christ well that's the thing about the budget stuff that is really like scraping the bottom of the barrel because they keep going after him for um not hiring enough black cops in south bend it's just like is this where we're at this is where we're at and he and he has to like you know he'll sort of acknowledge this uh i think he acknowledged it last night like i want to be clear like i acknowledge that i wasn't as woke as i should have been it like, we're talking about cops here. Oh, you can bet your ass if there were a roving band of lesbian mercenaries
Starting point is 00:59:31 patrolling the southern border and shooting people that came over, Democratic Party would be like, fuck yeah, slay queen. Yeah. Slay queens.
Starting point is 00:59:40 Yeah, you're totally right. Were there any questions about the concentration camps at the border? I didn't catch any of those. Something funny. Because there probably weren't any. Well, it was so weird and disorienting to see. But it is like just the rapturous applause that came with him saying people locked up shouldn't be able to vote like
Starting point is 01:00:07 he almost got like a fucking standing oh yeah and it was bizarre because it's like yeah okay even if you believe that that's not like anything to like i think i really think that not all kids and i don't want to say this because like i don't want to be like kids are done blah blah blah whatever but i think there's a certain class of like elitist kid the kind of kid that might go to harvard or some like private catholic school or whatever that is so scared to death of their own safety because they've never had to feel unsafe a day in their life. They're just not conditioned for it. That they really, like, just beat off to shit like that. Like, oh, my God, a gay mayor that's going to, like, put more cops on the street?
Starting point is 01:00:53 Hell yes. A deep visceral reaction to it. I think you're right. Yeah. And it was funny because I know Achanga tweeted that, and there was the one black girl that just looked around like a astonished, like, what the fuck is this? Well well on twitter she even tweeted out the video she was like look at me at like 38 seconds the look on my face she's like what the fuck is going on looking around
Starting point is 01:01:15 at all the other kids that were asking questions that were cheering the uh the thing that buddha judge said about like nobody in prison needs to vote. Yeah. Even if that's your position. People literally don't think human beings are in. I mean, it is like Trump, people believe what Trump says. These are animals. That's not just about the border. They believe people behind
Starting point is 01:01:40 bars are animals. They don't see them as humans. No question about it. Yeah. No question about it yeah no question about it well it was i i didn't watch it so i just the only thing i got was i read the new york times recap of it i just couldn't understand why i figured they must have been talking about impeachment because that was all over the timeline i didn't catch the impeachment bits i caught a little bit i think it was.
Starting point is 01:02:05 They did talk about it. Yeah, they talked about it. Because even Klobuchar is in the Senate. That's the first place I caught was Klobuchar's comment about, I wish I could staple a college diploma underneath all your seats. Don't look. It's not there. You sit down, you get the staples in your ass.
Starting point is 01:02:24 The one thing, though, and it's a lot of people uh felix and a bunch of other people point this out on twitter so it's not like a uh you know not an original observation it's original observation but like it it is kind of funny that like amy klobuchar has zero chance of winning but like her brand is like i'm just going to tell you the hard truths that's the thing she's not swaying from that but she thinks that's going to hold water she's the candidate who has positioned herself as the heartland uh speaker you know like the person who the soothsayer oh is she a real american yeah yeah yeah from minnesota yeah she said that she's won every district she said she won every Like the person who, the soothsayer. Oh, is she a real American? Yeah, yeah, yeah. From Minnesota?
Starting point is 01:03:07 Yeah, she said that she's won every district. She said she won every congressional district in Minnesota, including Michelle Bachman's. So that's her thing. She's like, I know what real Americans want. But I thought that's what people were saying about Buttigieg or whatever his name is. Yeah, he's also of that sort of mold. He's the fucking, he's the only person running a red city.
Starting point is 01:03:28 South Bend's not a fucking red city. It's fucking Notre Dame. I mean, it may very well be, but I'm sure it's like every other college town, probably disproportionately liberal. It's Indiana. They elected fucking Mike Pence, for Christ's sakes. Jesus.
Starting point is 01:03:45 Yeah. That's sakes. Jesus. Yeah. That's so hilarious. But he, but Budda just plays the whole, like, I've got my finger on the pulse of rural America. You know what I mean? It's like, no, you're the fucking mayor of a town of like 200,000 people, like an hour and change from Chicago. Yeah, that's not, that's not the bread basket pal so those two are the sort of heartland whispers and you've got kamal harris who literally next question yeah no it was
Starting point is 01:04:12 hilarious she was like that's a conversation worth having she was on sketchy kamal harris if anybody up there did the worst because she was just on skates the whole time i don't because you could tell she's trying to distance herself from that whole cop thing and like that thing she openly embraced like she reads the tea leaves but she hasn't formulated her like sort of positions enough to like give them off the cuff like on the spot and so like her go-to line is um is um that's a conversation worth having yeah doesn't she have hillary's people didn't she hire a bunch of hillary people i think so she may have. I'm pretty sure she has the same, like, columns director or something.
Starting point is 01:04:47 See, I know this because Leon is being so... Hey, Leon. Hey, what up? He's been... You could tell he had a real lonely weekend. I did, too, actually. For many different reasons. Leon has his palm on my shoulder.
Starting point is 01:04:59 I love it. Kamala Harris is... We need to have a conversation about that. That is, is like her like Stephen A. Smith on ESPN when he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about and things of that nature you know what I mean
Starting point is 01:05:16 so what do you call those just sort of idioms I guess I don't know I know Kamala Harris is you can tell that she's not sure who she wants to be because that's who i was the past few days like do i give him the kamala harris package instead of snakes right it was skates ray It was skates ray I kind of feel sorry
Starting point is 01:05:47 I kind of feel sorry for her Because we've all We've all told a big loose one Where the timeline Doesn't really match up And like You didn't calculate that Before you let it fly
Starting point is 01:05:55 Yeah When she was talking about Well in college I might have smoked pot And listened to a little Snoop Dogg And then it's like Snoop Dogg wasn't out till 93 Yeah
Starting point is 01:06:04 So now she's maybe a little hesitant to say anything because she's like, I'm going to get caught. I'm going to get caught. Because now, once you're branded that, they're just going to
Starting point is 01:06:12 be looking for it. They're going to be fact-checking everything she says. She was on skates all night. Right. So maybe the two
Starting point is 01:06:19 only serious candidates there were Bernie and Elizabeth Warren. Yeah. Right? I didn't catch any of Elizabeth Warren's. They are the only two serious candidates anyway, right?
Starting point is 01:06:29 I would say so. I don't know who else is really... Cory Booker is in it. I've not seen nothing from him since that Hot Pocket fucking picture. I heard nothing out of him. Cory's not doing well. And I'll tell you another one's not doing well is Beto is not trending in the right direction
Starting point is 01:06:45 where the fuck has Beto been yeah where's Beto no no I do I keep hearing I've heard more
Starting point is 01:06:49 about Rosario Dawson than Cory than Cory Booker that's what that's his problem he's got he's he's just
Starting point is 01:06:57 he's just got that new he's he's hiding behind black women like the rest of America well what he's no what he's doing damn Tanya you literally rest of america well what he's not what he's doing damn tanya you literally just dropped the mic as after you said that bastard
Starting point is 01:07:09 that's what he's doing he's pussy drunk yeah oh car he's pussy drunk he's just like no he's just getting he's just like grants, statements. I just want everybody to be together. That's what you say when you... Everybody knows. Don't forget where you come from. Hot pockets. When you first get in a relationship, you get pussy drunk for about six months. You know what that is?
Starting point is 01:07:37 Some would call this love. Your hygiene goes to hell. Your job performance goes to hell. You can't do anything but think about getting that next tit. You know what I mean? I did that. And tough on him. He's running for president during this time.
Starting point is 01:07:52 So he's sleeping in. Yeah. Got a lot of date nights. Just not taking drug company money anymore. I don't care. I'm in love. Rosario needs to leverage that. L that leverage his pussy drunkenness well here's another difference in while we're trying to figure out the differences in elizabeth and bernie uh
Starting point is 01:08:18 is their fundraising right oh yeah that's that's a good point tanya i don't know where elizabeth warren's money mostly comes from well she's refusing any pack money which honestly it's a smart bet because packs are insane and they put crazy shit out right like we've we've talked about this packs are packs are more likely to fuck you at this point yeah so you think so you say that most candidates shouldn't have packs like that would be the safest way to go that's how they they're just they use packs to launder money right right but that's very true but it was a pack that wrote that stupid song for adam edlin yeah you're right laden that's all i said that was the biggest ad against PACs.
Starting point is 01:09:08 She's not taking PAC money and is she not taking any corporate money too? Is that what it said? I don't know if that's true or not. She probably is. She's probably taking a little bit. Just a little bit. Like big hemp? Taking that big hemp money? I have no idea, personally. I have no idea either.
Starting point is 01:09:24 I've heard people say that. I don't know. And by that, I mean I saw one guy in the DMs today, or not the DMs, but in the comments say, laugh out loud, Warren takes corporate money. That's my source. Well, I mean. At least you're citing it.
Starting point is 01:09:39 I've not looked at her campaign finance stuff. I don't care enough, but somebody could look at both their finances i think maybe what we're sort of dancing around here is maybe we need an entirely new approach to how we think about presidential elections yeah about how we think about candidates you got an idea i don't yet we're still using the electoral college. There's just, we couldn't have, I mean, of course, you already mentioned the Constitution. You sounded like my Aunt Sheila there for a second.
Starting point is 01:10:16 We're still using the electoral college. I'll have you know your cousin Ashley is dating a beautiful doctor. It's just. Yeah. Maybe we need to start from the premise. Oh, that sounded weird. What was that? I think my mic's off.
Starting point is 01:10:39 Hello. No, you got unplugged. Oh, okay. Yep, yep. It's my head? Your headphone's got unplugged. Yep, it's my head your headphones got unplugged yep yep gonna play in texas you gotta have the fiddle in the band that lead guitar is all right sorry sorry sorry sorry okay to continue my thought from a second ago it was not a very
Starting point is 01:11:01 original thought whatsoever um but maybe the point is maybe we have to start from the premise that every single candidate is dog shit on every issue yes on every issue so just look at every candidate as a totally like just a like a pile of dog shit yeah yeah yeah um or maybe if it helps you to look at it in terms of graphs, look, on every issue, they're bad. They're at a zero. And occasionally they might throw out something that you will like. Canceling student debt, universal health care, something along those lines.
Starting point is 01:11:38 Important to remind ourselves that if you don't know somebody's a fascist they may occasionally say something you agree with exactly broken clocks twice a day so like maybe if you proceed from that position and you approach the presidential election from that standpoint
Starting point is 01:11:59 you will have a better understanding of why the US.S. state exists and what it exists to do and how it can be changed. And you can, as an adult, you know, who is intellectually mature and developed and all these other things, you can hold several ideas in your mind. One is that the entire system has to be burned. Right?
Starting point is 01:12:27 It has to be. Yeah. I mean, I don't really see much in it. Yeah, I think this is an emergent strategy. Even our natural woods need a controlled burn
Starting point is 01:12:35 every once in a while and that's where we're at. We need a controlled burn. Okay, yeah, that's a good, Todd is feeling a different kind of burn.
Starting point is 01:12:44 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Your woods need a controlled burn every once in a while. okay yeah that's a good time just feeling a different kind of burn yeah yeah yeah yeah control burn every once in a while we need to burn it out phoenix from the ash out of this some bitch there's no there's no other path you have to you know um i guess the term that's usually thrown around is dual power or whatever like uh maybe the social democratic parties in this case bernie and the justice democrats or whatever can perhaps create the conditions of a sort of revolutionary moment
Starting point is 01:13:11 but to do that you'd have to create the other part of the dual power in this case i guess the military there's no other institution currently existing that has the existing infrastructure, the pre-existing infrastructure and hierarchies and, you know, networks of communication and information dispersal that the military, that's about it. And that's what they would use against us in a labor uprising anyway. They already have. Right. So, I mean, I don't know. This is not my theory. This is Frederick Jameson's theory. But, you know, i don't know um this is not my theory this is frederick jameson's theory
Starting point is 01:13:45 but um you know i don't i was wondering why i was so good you know like i i'm way too stupid yeah no i think that uh that's i maybe people would say unions but i don't know like we just in the time that we have it seems like unions look we started talking about organizing a union at my job today good it got so it got so heated someone was like we should go close the door talk about this behind a closed door really damn well i was put this out there i'll ask you off camera i was on one i don't care i i got no shits to give honey my shits are over look tanya let me just say that as someone who once said i got no shits to give and then you might end up with a shit to give turned out the next day with all my shit in a box um you know she's gonna play in texas right going to walmart and staring at the rope section like
Starting point is 01:14:47 which one of these will withstand my weight i'm just saying take some precautions take some precautions oh i have i got some precautions um but i got a bunch of excel sheets the work at home um the workforce is on one i'd say the workforce in this country though is unfortunately the vast majority of it is underemployed or unemployed or working for small businesses which are by their very structure and almost impossible to unionize then we probably should look to to maybe another institution to uh to achieve that it's not my idea again it doesn't have to be either or it doesn't have to be one or the other the church i guess what i'm saying is that if you really want
Starting point is 01:15:40 a revolution which i do i really really do and that's what really brought that's what i really realized this weekend like i want every social really i really do want every social relation in this country to just either if not burn outright be called into question like why do we do the things that we do why does this country exist what purpose does it serve you know what i mean like what is our society i call that thanksgiving and my family yeah if you want to think if you want a revolution aka thanksgiving then um i think that you should be totally uh realistic about the fact that the social democratic movement is on is ascendant and it's not going away and that those of us to the left of it who aren't satisfied with incremental reforms and just things that might make society nicer can exploit
Starting point is 01:16:31 that and it has been done in the past that's what revolutions are revolution is you know that's why that's where the saying comes from revolutions eat their own children like someone can get the foot through the door and that's good enough. Like, revolutionaries should exploit that. So, I'm just saying that you can support Bernie and all this other stuff, and I'll also, at the same time, want to burn it
Starting point is 01:16:56 all down. Because, look, I do want to burn it all down. I really do. Well, they do, too. Just B-E-R-N-N-T, all down. Versus B-U-R-N-N-T all down and versus b-u-r-n-n-n all down hey we're all feeling the burn one way or the other baby yeah i guess why is that though like do you do you think it's a social movement do you think it's a like an unprecedented social movement that has the potential to bring about some sort of revolution. Do you think we could start
Starting point is 01:17:26 a revolution while Bernie's president? And he'd be with us? No. No, I don't think he would be with us. That's the question you need to fucking ask yourselves. It depends what type of revolution you're talking about. Would he overthrow his own government?
Starting point is 01:17:41 If we're talking about storming the Bastille and cut the king's head off, I'd have some things to say about that. As the king. But, yeah, you're right. It would depend. I don't know. You know, here's my stance on it all.
Starting point is 01:17:55 It's just too early to tell. And this country's massive. Right now, what I would say is we all just need to have some moral clarity and just kind of wait. Don't sit the election out vote for you know whatever that but but you got to be dynamic you know and things are going to change a lot and there ain't no fucking fault in pushing people to be better for christ's sake if these motherfuckers want the throne of this fucked up empire they can answer a few motherfucking questions yeah yeah i'm with you jesus christ
Starting point is 01:18:27 don't come for bernie bernie will be okay if he's if he's gonna suck on tom's fat dick if he's gonna if he's gonna be if he's gonna be the fucking uh uh commander in chief of the bloody bloodthirstiest military in the history of the world he can take some slack criticism yeah from people that more or less agree with him on a lot of things we only have so much energy every day defending bernie ain't something we should prioritize no that's good to go you know it just depends on who i guess if it's people like i mean i had to talk myself down from defending Beyonce years ago I had to tell myself She don't need me Beyonce don't need me to defend Her
Starting point is 01:19:08 Well I think it depends on who we're talking about Though like if it's like If it's like rich yuppies who Want to preserve the status quo and are Scared that Bernie may Squash their dreams of one day being able to Acquire wealth and whatever then yes We need to lean into that yeah you gotta defend it yeah absolutely but if it's if it's other leftists
Starting point is 01:19:30 then amongst ourselves yes we that's exactly right you've got exactly right it's the three terrence's thing except for with where bernie's concerned if i'm talking to people out here that see a pole within the working class they're going to support bernie i need to people out here that see a poll within the working class. They're going to support Bernie. I need to be out here kind of beating the bushes a little bit for him. Within reason and with critiques of how he talks about, you know, things. I'm not saying don't fucking organize your neighbors, goddamn. But you don't have to organize them around a person.
Starting point is 01:20:02 There are plenty of issues that Bernie is good on to organize your neighbors around that you shouldn't have waited for a fucking election to do it. That's very true. Absolutely. What I'm just talking about is the people that see Bernie as this sort of second coming of the FDR-style Democratic Party. Then I can see having a situation package for that. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:20:23 But if I'm punching the clock at twitter at 8 a.m and checking out at 2 a.m god in that time frame in our own little echo chamber by god i'll say where the fuck i want to i'll call him a son of a bitch i'll fucking uh say he's got a tiny bird i don't care and we don't need you up in our DMs about it. Well, I do want to point out that there's only two times. Hold on a second before you say this.
Starting point is 01:20:51 There's only two times I've been chatted on the internet. Okay. And yeah, I get maybe sometimes we're, you know. Oh, shit. Did Peavy just bring
Starting point is 01:21:02 a snake in here? Holy fuck, Peavy. Holy shit. shit what kind is it pb just brought a live-ass snake in here god damn pb oh shit hold that terence hold it snakes ray God damn, PB. Oh, shit. Hold that, Terrence. Hold it. Snake's ray, baby. Holy shit. I thought somebody was coming through the window on us the way you looked. They've done this before, and I've had to take them outside before, and I've been bit before. By a snake? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:43 Yeah. But we've all been bit by something. Love. Snakes. Lord have mercy. That was so funny. PB's licking her lips like, what the fuck's your problem, dude? That was my identity, sons of bitches.
Starting point is 01:21:58 Took my score. PB's pissed with you. Yeah, she's like, god damn it. I worked so hard to get that thing. Wow, that's the first snake I've seen in a season. Anyways, she's like, God damn it. I worked so hard to get that thing. Wow. That's the first snake I've seen of the season. Anyways,
Starting point is 01:22:08 what were you saying, Tom? Brought right into the living room. Sorry. The only two times I've been chatted on the internet. One for making fun
Starting point is 01:22:22 of Pat the Burner. I don't remember that. i man maybe that was some bullshit on my part i'll concede okay i don't know pat maybe pat's a hell of a guy and then the other time was when any anytime we venture into the realm of of our bit about doing dna testing for cherokee and Melungeon heritage. Yeah. Invariably, somebody gets mad about that. That's probably legit. Or, you know, they do it in a sort of, you know, friendly way.
Starting point is 01:22:55 But it's like, I appreciate that. I know what you're trying to say, but don't step on the bed. Yes, it's a joke. Wait, what are they, what's their take? No, no, no, I'm not trying to air anybody out. I was just saying that the take is, as well as I understand it, oh, they're fucking doing yard work outside. The take is that you can't define
Starting point is 01:23:15 sort of native ancestry through Western sort of DNA science and stuff like that. Certain tribes pick who they want to be part of their tribe and whatever. Which presents a huge problem for us in our in our quest to yes, exactly. In our quest to prevent white
Starting point is 01:23:36 people in eastern Kentucky from claiming that they're a native when they clearly are not. Or, yeah, that puts a hole in your sitcom your fucking reality show not not not really i mean good point well okay well i the last time i was on the show i was talking about how angry and irritated i've been with poverty cosplay lately it's just a recurring theme one day i might be tired of being upset
Starting point is 01:24:06 i don't know it seems like a constant at this point but it's constant irritability but i was talking about how pissed off i get when people refer to trailers as tiny houses and like this bullshit and of course which i didn't know until you had said last i've never heard anybody do that but i also don't go to the same places you go to in terms of like where people would be talking about. Where people would simultaneously know what a trailer house is and a tiny house. Like I'm usually in one camp or the other. People who only. Does that make sense?
Starting point is 01:24:38 Right. None the two shall meet. Which me and my mom love HGTV. And we have joked plenty about trailers since we lived in one my whole life uh trailers being the original open concept of these like HGTV homes HGTV homes and And just the over-romanticizing of trailers is, I don't know. I need to think through why it's making me so angry at this time. But the point was not that trailers suck. That was not the point.
Starting point is 01:25:19 And Twitter has. I see what you mean. The thing is, it's like I told you, it's a classic example of people thinking they're in on the bit. It's like Charlie Murphy. It's like that thing. It's like... Yeah, and like trailer parks. That is like creme de la croix community is a trailer park.
Starting point is 01:25:41 People ain't to be fucked with. I've only lived in the housing projects or the trailer so I've experienced the two communities and I can say that I wouldn't have wanted I don't think to grow up any other way remember that kid I was dry snitching on
Starting point is 01:25:59 a while back that lives in my sister's trailer park gotta be more specific that's all you do is dry snitch he just got out of jail recently god love him Sisters Trailer Park. You gotta be more specific. I do remember that. That's all you do is dry snitch. He just got out of jail recently. God love him. But she complains about him all the time, you know. She acts like she hates him because I love him. And so it's just like she
Starting point is 01:26:16 has to hate on him because I love him so much. Is this the gay dude? Yeah. Yeah. And she called me the night and was like well you'll love this she said that uh she was out on the porch or something and she heard people hollering and so she walked down the steps still was going on and he was like running toward her house and this big old truck was coming down the road and they were like cussing out the window and then the truck
Starting point is 01:26:44 part and he was just like she said he was talking fast she couldn't hear what understand what he was saying but he was like these people and they got out of the truck um close to her house and they were like and she was like uh uh i don't bring that bullshit over here you take it on somewhere else like just telling them to get off her fucking property get away from her and then they started popping off about he stole from them or all this bullshit she said i don't give a fuck get the fuck back in your truck and take it somewhere else you don't live here we live here get the fuck out of here and she said that boy took one more step and she screamed jacob which is her boyfriend and she
Starting point is 01:27:17 said they took off got in the truck and left before jacob could even get out of the house but she was like but she just like instantly mama beard jacob would have came out of the house. But she was like, but she just like instantly mama bared. It would have been funny if Jacob would have came out and just been like the most puny dude. Yeah. I'm going to have to ask you guys to leave. Now you guys go away now. Please. But yeah, they had already took off.
Starting point is 01:27:33 She ran them off before he even came out there. But she was like, I protected old dumb ass. That's because I didn't want them over here starting a bunch of bullshit. I always wondered how I would react in a situation like that. Like I was dating somebody and she was like, Terrence, get out of here. I always wondered how I would react in a situation like that. Like, I was dating somebody
Starting point is 01:27:46 and she was like, Terrence, get out of here. And I was like, hey. Guys. I don't think I have this. That seems to be the problem here. You know, I could turn snakes ray on, but that only works with, like, one-on-one. You know, if you're outnumbered, you're fucked.
Starting point is 01:28:02 Well, that's probably the case with everybody. Surely you've picked up a few good moves from Roadhouse. Yeah. That knee. All right. Well, we should end this because the fucking people are doing yard shit outside. And PB brought a snake in. I mean, we're fucking doomed in here.
Starting point is 01:28:22 That's a sign. Well, maybe we didn't cover everything we're fucking Doomed in here that's a sign Well Maybe we didn't cover everything we Set out to do but That's the beauty of podcasting There's always next week It's an ongoing conversation Plenty more content
Starting point is 01:28:36 Please check out our Patreon P-A-T-R-E-O-N dot com Slash Drill Billy Workers Party All kinds of great content there. And we thank you for listening. Yeah, we got any parting words? Either of you? We a little dead today?
Starting point is 01:28:56 We a little dead today, aren't we? I have a sinus headache. I'm depressed because I got thoroughly shook this weekend. Just from being around a bunch of fascists? Just from like... You couldn't even hook up? You couldn't even manage that at the wedding? That's what you're bummed about.
Starting point is 01:29:12 The streak's over. The Cal Ripken of wedding hookups. Yeah, this one. That's really the problem. He don't want to come out with it. Streaks come to an end. He couldn't snag a fucking bridesmaid. That wasn't even on the table. Because there were fucking bridesmaid that wasn't even
Starting point is 01:29:25 on the table because there were no bridesmaids but it was just this really lonely feeling like oh I've changed a lot and you know that world is dead to me it's never coming back
Starting point is 01:29:40 to be a good comedian you have to be relatable you need to get more relatable you've gotten too un relatable. You're right. Fuck. You've gotten too unrelatable. I've gotten too unrelatable. You're right. Living in this cabin being unemployed.
Starting point is 01:29:52 That will make you unrelatable, unfortunately. Well, we'll fix it with Trailbilly Days. Yeah. Yeah. Well, check out our Patreon and go support us there. $5 a month you'll get a few you'll get an episode every sunday we know you like that and maybe one day you'll get a t-shirt maybe one day you'll get a t-shirt you love that
Starting point is 01:30:17 you have no idea the anguish i've went through this whole process and you just love it just laughing at it i I didn't see it. I think it's pretty funny. You have to admit that this is hysterical, that this whole t-shirt debacle is classic Sexton. It's classic Sexton for sure. It's so classic. It's so classic.
Starting point is 01:30:41 Oh, God. Fucking over-promising and under-delivering. Vantage Sexton. Anyway, all right. Go check out the Patreon, everybody. Please, the good shit's over there. Mostly me. That's right.
Starting point is 01:30:56 That's very true, actually. We'll see you next week.

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