Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 96: The Feelings Caucus

Episode Date: May 9, 2019

This week we dig into the Kentucky Derby, the State Department's plans for the Arctic, and another article about how insane rich people are. Please support our Patreon:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Working 9 to 11, down at the Apple shop. Working 3 to 6, down at the Sierra Club. Is this a Patreon episode? This is not. I don't think so. I can't hear anything. Oh really? Oh, it's because I unplugged that headphone set. Unplugged me, thought I wouldn't notice. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:00:27 You know, we're in the business of silencing female voices. That's what we do as Bernie Sanders supporters. Right. Working 10 to 1 is my longest work day. Every week goes by and I just feel... I don't know what to say. Got it. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:00:52 So, all right. Before we get started today, I have a little bit of an article I want to read. Actually, I have two articles I want to read today. Maybe we can bookend the episode with that. The first, though, I just want to get it right out the gate. This just in. Pompeo says shrinking Arctic ice presents new opportunities for trade. I told you, man.
Starting point is 00:01:25 That's Andrew Cunanan tourism, baby. Just as I prophesied on Patreon this week. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Monday that the Arctic, a region that has been significantly impacted by climate change, presents, quote, opportunity in abundance when it comes to economic opportunity. The Arctic is at the forefront of opportunity and abundance pompeo said it houses 13 of the world's undiscovered oil 30 of its undiscovered gas an abundance of uranium rare earth minerals gold diamonds and millions of square miles of
Starting point is 00:01:57 untapped resources fisheries galore pompeo added that steady reductions in sea ice are opening new passageways and new opportunities for trade. Noting that the developments could potentially slash the time it takes to travel between Asia and the West by as much as 20 days. What? By horse? Does this dumb bastard think the fucking British East India Company still? Yeah, he thinks we're riding whales across. Well, it's opening.
Starting point is 00:02:27 So much sea ice is melting that there's sea lanes that are now opening. That would have been a huge boon if your name was, say, Amerigo Vespucci. Tom, they still ship things. Where do you think all of the shit that says made in China, how do you think it gets here?
Starting point is 00:02:53 On a big ship. a coal barge they load it on top of the coal well i understand they still do things by sea but but does it take 20 days well it will now um with not as much sea ice left oh you're saying it takes more than that normally well they're saying it could slash the time by as much as 20 days so right now i'd say it probably takes a few weeks um they could probably get it down to like maybe a week or two now if i had to guess this just goes to show you how uh truly disconnected we are from all commodity chains yeah at least me no i think you're right um one of the things that i thought was so funny about it was uh in the this is in the hill and in one of the comments there was like a lib guy that was like uh trying to do like the hypocrisy thing like well i thought climate change wasn't real i thought climate change was fake news it's just like
Starting point is 00:03:42 well, I thought climate change wasn't real. I thought climate change was fake news. It's just like, wake the fuck up. These people have known for a long time that climate change is happening, and they're trying to create a world in which they can continue to survive while the rest of us just... And do what they need to do to...
Starting point is 00:04:00 Yeah, pretty crazy. I thought climate change wasn't real. Anybody that thinks that pointing out hypocrisy is the ultimate mind dropper in this year of our Lord 2019 is, well, you're dumb, France. A fool. Who's still reading The Hill besides you and this guy? It's my question. Great question. I like to, I don't read, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:29 The Hill is good hate reading, I guess. It's the comms arm of the Biden campaign. Hate reading, that's it. And this is what you read when you hate yourself. Exactly. I saw one of the biggest ratios today come from The Hill saying that, oh, it's amazing. Joe Biden's up 32 points in the latest polls over Bernie.
Starting point is 00:04:47 And it was just. I saw that. You can tell the polls by the ratio. I didn't read the article, but was it legit? Is Biden really up? I think the poll was people like 45 and older. And like mostly concerned. like it was definitely weighted toward in jamaica plain massachusetts it's like the smallest community right right yeah what is
Starting point is 00:05:15 bernie's demo like 18 to 35 i don't know but i'm just saying like it's probably not 45 year old conservative 45 plus conservative right right yeah well i know it's not teens the teens are skeptical of bernie yeah you said that what are the you got a pulse on the teens well i've just been reading this guy um i don't remember his Joshua Ciccarelli I think is his last name and he wrote this thing Ciccarella and he wrote this thing about how you know like a lot of the content online
Starting point is 00:05:56 is produced by teens the vast majority of it really yeah I mean it always has been for all time teens have been producing most of the content that's right of it. Really? Yeah. I mean, it always has been. Very online. For all time, teens have been producing most of the content. Even going back to
Starting point is 00:06:11 prehistoric days. Unpaid labor. Right, right, right. The old internet sweatshop. Yeah. I logged so many hours on ICQ when I was a teen. I live journaled my fucking life away. What was your thing? live journaled my fucking life away what was your thing live journal zanga zanga no it wasn't live it was mine was uh it was like my open diary or some
Starting point is 00:06:36 shit like that it was like real just extra emo i don't know i never heard that yeah it was i don't even remember what it was it was like a live journal but it was you got lured in some chat rooms by old creepy man's oh i i didn't i did some luring in the chat room i was like 14 acting like i was asl in a fucking chat room. Did you throw out the ASL? Oh yeah. Yeah. Oh yeah. So I when I was in college I like watched this movie called Collapse
Starting point is 00:07:14 about this guy named Michael Rupert who was like I guess he was sort of like on the conspiracy line of conspiracy theories. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:07:27 He wasn't a leftist necessarily. He was just kind of like an environmentalist. And I remember watching this movie and they interviewed him and he was like, the Republicans are cheering on climate change because the Arctic sea ice will melt. And then they'll be able to have access to new trade routes and all the minerals so it's yeah and so i was and at the time i was like that seems a little conspiratorial yeah come on and now
Starting point is 00:07:52 it seems very much like that is exactly what they want i mean they they they mined coal between here and harlan to shave off five minutes of a 20 minute drive. Yeah, true. Well, is it all about improving trade rounds? It's all about improving trade rounds. They built a $2 million bridge in Bell County just
Starting point is 00:08:17 as a coal haul road. The bridge to nowhere. I think every county in eastern Kentucky has a bridge to nowhere. Just so they could haul coal out of there. $2 million bridge. Just. The bridge to nowhere. I think every county in eastern Kentucky has a bridge to nowhere. Just so they could haul coal out of there. $2 million bridge. Just this huge bridge goes to now. They call them coal synergy projects, right? Well, now it goes, first it goes to a wilderness ATV park now is what they're calling it.
Starting point is 00:08:38 And, of course, they started having these annual four-wheeler festivals and somebody dies every year. annual four-wheeler festivals and somebody dies every year because it's literally a combination of moonshine and dust and high-powered vehicles like atvs can you name three things that have killed more appalachians than dust atvs and moonshine now combine all three of those and call that economic development that's it that's it it. This goes back to the depopulation plan. Oh, yeah. But now, one of the most recent power grants went to this wilderness place, and they gave them like 10 mil or something, five or 10 mil to create a big petting zoo, essentially. It's like an elk viewing facility.
Starting point is 00:09:24 Elk viewing. Yeah. Empowering. Yeah. It's like it's going to be raccoon petting zoo essentially. It's like an elk viewing facility. Elk viewing in Pineville yeah. It's like it's gonna be raccoon pet zoo over there. Gonna start a rabies outbreak in Bell County. Yeah it's gonna be a possum petting zoo which honestly sounds pretty cool. What's so funny about all that is it's so transparently
Starting point is 00:09:40 bullshit though. Like all they're doing is throwing up a little structure and saying oh come look at the elk while they can mine the fuck out of it and then get grants to like you know put like two percent of it toward building the facility and then 98 goes in people's pockets and all of this was granted they probably got i don't know maybe 20 more mining um what do you call them? Lies, not contracts or whatever. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:08 Permits. Permits, yeah. They probably got 20% more permits because of their reclamation plan was economic development instead of just putting it back or whatever. So they wrote that punny. I would also love to know the budget for every time they have to spray paint
Starting point is 00:10:22 over the graffiti that they keep covering up on the bridge like local yeah it's like jimmy loves suzy and you know over and over or or like fuck joe tackett you know just it's big ladders on the bridge or what i saw the best graffiti i saw was at kingdom come state park it said, weenie in the butt. Here on tour. Weenie in the butt. Well, I am, I am, would you say two for one?
Starting point is 00:11:01 No, I think I'm one for two on trill billy's fandom at the apple shop this week because late last week i have to report that some dedicated fan who saw us on means tv who had terrible handwriting i couldn't read most of the postcard they sent to apple shop i'm so sorry i could not read what you said. All I saw was, like, I was busy. I checked my mail. I saw the postcard. It said, Trillby Workers Party. Saw you all, found you all through Means TV.
Starting point is 00:11:33 Couldn't read some more of it. Then I have no idea where it went. So I didn't even get to finish reading it, and I don't know who sent it. Please. Probably some of the haters and losers over there ripping it up. Someone lost it. Probably Ben Fink running through the paper shredder he ain't been to apple shop in months someone said someone sabotaged uh someone sabotaged us yeah i don't know where it went i had it my hand it was gone
Starting point is 00:11:56 i have no idea i've looked everywhere i put out a couple uh apbs on it, one for two. So that's the one that was my loss. That was a loss, but you got a win? Got a win today. A woman called, who is a founder of Rounder Records. Okay, what's that? Rounder Records? Do you know what that is? It's a record label.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Oh, I know. I mean, I guess. We gathered that much. It's like a lot of country and folk They're also celebrating their 50th apparently I learned all this today Anywho she called to talk to me Because she's a Trillbillies fan
Starting point is 00:12:34 No shit She loves Trillbillies She couldn't figure out Patreon So she is taking the bold step That maybe we should all take Passing Patreon And sending us a check which promptly got deposited tanya's account well i told her it was addressed to me she said she asked me how to do it and she said do i make it out to apple shop do i make it out to trill
Starting point is 00:13:00 billy i said you make it out to Tanya Bernice Turner and I'll see that it gets to the right party. We'll see what happens. Tell her, give us a record. Well, depending on how big it is is whether I'll see if it turns up or not. Okay. Y'all may never see me again. I'd count that as a W, sure.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Well, there you go. Marion, what's her name name that's a good name so thanks for calling yeah she's yeah i hope her and i have a lot more also shout out the our friend with the bad handwriting yeah yeah please resend that i'm so sorry uh god um maybe have somebody else fill it out maybe yeah. Maybe get a ghostwriter and shoot me another version of that. Thank you. I was so upset.
Starting point is 00:13:51 And I thought I would find it. That's why I hadn't told you all already. But after five days, I feel like I gotta just... Yeah. Maybe it was a cryptic message. Like Krakatoa. You know how that is on the last colony road?
Starting point is 00:14:04 Maybe you weren't supposed to read it. You have to decrypt it. It self-destructed after I sat at the Elm somewhere. Some guy in Australia, their body's going to wash up on a beach, and they're going to have the same thing in their jacket pocket. And he's been missing since 1957. Well, yeah, shout out to them. Shout out to the shirt that Matt Carter sent me me today that he saw little caesars that i've been trying that we've all been trying to make sense of since then
Starting point is 00:14:34 first annual right to bear arms run uh the confederates motorcycle club um it has second amendment on the back but here's what i'm not sure what they're trying to say. They put dates on it, like they dated the lifespan of the Second Amendment. 1791 to 2013. What happened in 2013? To end the Second Amendment. Obama's second term started.
Starting point is 00:15:03 That would be a pretty funny take if he was like i was just seeing him i was i was giving him the benefit of the doubt his first term but his second term became clear it got clear to me he was gunning from our tailor i don't understand that but it did give me a funny idea that if and when the rev ever does come, the... I thought you were going to say if and when we ever get our t-shirts. If and when we ever get our
Starting point is 00:15:38 t-shirts. Which may sound sort of rev. Yeah. Then making the MAGA chuds run 5Ks would be pretty funny. It would be like a sort of roof yeah then um making the maga chuds run 5ks would be pretty funny like having it would be like a sort of like baton death march in its own way five k's not that long i've done a 5k and i'm no really yeah have you seen most of the maga chuds though you run 5k i haven't ran a 5K recently, but I have walked many 5Ks. And they're not, I mean, I roller skated a 5K. I rode bike 5K.
Starting point is 00:16:12 You roller skated a 5K? Yes. Well, I think what Terrence has in mind is that somebody will stick a gun to their head and make them run it. That's the point. It ain't even three miles. It's not? No. i don't know anything about that is less than the loop at uh fish pond fish pond no shit okay well the only reason i thought of this because it's the right to bear arms run which tom then informed me that that's actually
Starting point is 00:16:40 a motorcycle thing i thought it was if i thought they were were running. That's when you fill your saddlebags up and head to Sturgis. No, I'm with you. I mean, I feel like most of these motorcycle riders can barely walk to their motorcycles. Yeah, well, that's the point. Like, if you can just be as paranoid as possible and think that the world is sort of coming after you,
Starting point is 00:17:09 you don't have to really be angry. Y'all ever been to, not participated in, but just been in the same town where there's a biker rally going on? Yeah, here every Monday, every Saturday. First Saturday of every month. Myrtle Beach. Myrtle Beach. Myrtle Beach bike week.
Starting point is 00:17:27 Bike week is insane. Really? Yeah. We went. This is the ultimate own for my mom was, you know, when tax returns came in, she'd come pull us out of school. As soon as they come in, she'd come pull us out of school, we'd go straight to Myrtle Beach.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Three years running. For the bike rally? Well, no. It just so happened that it's right around tax time. As soon as she got her check, we'd head to Myrtle Beach. Three years running. For the bike rally? Well, no. It just so happened that it's right around tax time. As soon as she got her check, we'd head to Myrtle Beach and we did it two years in a row
Starting point is 00:17:50 and it was fucking bike week. And she's like, fuck it, next year we're going to wait a week. I can't deal with this bike shit. So we waited a week. We went the following week. It was black biker week.
Starting point is 00:18:02 Oh, that is right. Yeah, that is right. Wait, so it's segregated? There's like a biker week and then a Black Biker Week? Yes, yeah. The motorcycle world, even at the 1% level at the Outlaws, is very segregated. They ride together, but there's no intermingling of the races. Well, as you might imagine, Black Biker Week was much less hell.
Starting point is 00:18:22 It was just like it wasn't that bad. So, yeah, it was probably pretty pretty chill yeah it was much more chill than raged out white biker week at myrtle beach yeah i was at the north myrtle beach hotel one year i was probably junior in high school during bike week and i was with a friend of mine we called Rainbow Trout, real name Josh Blair. And we were out on the, you know, here's the pool and the deck, and it was facing the street where all the bikes are
Starting point is 00:18:53 and everything like that. Josh had been sipping a little Ripple and started getting a little lippy with a guy that, his real name was Rick, but they call him the Great Pumpkin. Little red-headed motherfucker. Looked like the Lucky Charms dude, but had this fucking hot-ass wife with him. And you know, she was done up.
Starting point is 00:19:16 You know what I mean? Had the little chaps on and everything else. That's all she had on. Yeah. Josh made the mistake of flirting with her a little bit and rick aka the pumpkin walked up and said handed josh's business card he said i want you to call j and j construction down in charlotte north carolina and ask him why the fuck they call me pumpkin josh looked at him yes sir backed off did he do it yeah later we made friends with them they came back to the deck and you know she was so the rainbow trail in the great pumpkin
Starting point is 00:19:56 eventually bridged their differences some you know it's like any good pro some enemies become friends some friends become enemies and then they found common grain rainbow trout and the great pump a story a story for our uh political moment really this when we uh release our trill billy's tarot deck this will be the uh in description on the lover's card rainbow trout and grape pumpkin. Friends become enemies. Enemies become friends. It's all in the monster. That's how politics works, you know.
Starting point is 00:20:32 You know. That's why Joe Biden, John McCain, they saw past their differences and the things they didn't have in common to focus on the things they did have in common. Frankly, we're better for it. Yeah. As a society right right right i agree you okay tanya no i might have a heart attack you're coughing listen i hit my inhaler
Starting point is 00:20:53 before i come up here hoping that that would be a preventative measure uh-huh but damn do you need some like cough medicine no i don't want to take your drugs. No, I don't want a robo trip with you, Terrence. It's Tuesday. You want to feel good? I might just die up here and then Tom will have to haul me down these steps on his back. Y'all never had a robo trip. No, I haven't and I'll tell you why.
Starting point is 00:21:24 I had a friend in high school who uh liked to do it and i was always around him when he did it and it just turned him into the weirdest person yeah and so they're like i was like i don't know if this is something i want to do same it made me sick and i just like puked it up so i really didn't trip and then after that i was like couldn't because one of my best friends in high school, I drove him around RoboTripping all the time. Has anybody ever died from a Robitussin buzz? I don't know. Did you come close?
Starting point is 00:21:54 No, it's a hellish experience. That's what I've heard. It's not fun for like two hours and then it's fun. The first two hours are... Man, I wish the days when Tom did drugs Granted I guess I didn't know you When you were robo tripping but I used to do drugs yeah a little bit Yeah
Starting point is 00:22:11 Um Well I don't remember the last time I actually even took Robitussin Even as in medicine I remember the last time I took medicine Period As medicine As medicine How it's allergy season I took medicine, period. As medicine. As medicine.
Starting point is 00:22:29 It's allergy season. I'm so doped up right now. I don't know. I just don't. I mean, I guess I take my morning like Zoloft and, you know, heartburn medication and asthma medication. Well, while we're talking about this, let me tell you what I learned yesterday.
Starting point is 00:22:45 You know Natasha, the photographer? Yeah. I was talking to her and I was talking about maybe getting some shots for us. You know, like some legitimate promo materials instead of just, you know. Boudoir. Yeah, we're going to do all three of us are going to do boudoir shots. There's going to be a shot of me like sort of on a bed like this with my ass popped out and a thong on. And Tom going,
Starting point is 00:23:11 just point that at last. I wish I had it. This is my biggest insecurity. I just wish I had an ass. Like a bigger ass. That's your biggest insecurity? Yeah, me too. No ass. Speaking of asses,? Yeah, me too. No ass. Same.
Starting point is 00:23:26 Speaking of asses, I got a bug bite or something in my ass crack. Pretty close to my butthole. I'm telling you this as I'm putting my ass in your face. I'm as far away from you as I can get on
Starting point is 00:23:41 this couch physically right now. I'm not sure what else I can do. You don't even look happy to be that distance. Are you dealing with a bed bug situation? No, I think it's because in the daytime, I like to lay out there on the ground and look at the sun. Just covered in ticks. Just covered in ticks. Lizard man.
Starting point is 00:24:01 He's going to be anemic because he's got a hundred ticks On him just slowly Sucking his life force out God That's what I've been doing Up here on my hill I'm getting tanned Getting some sun I'm gonna look like you You know
Starting point is 00:24:13 You're always Am I tanned? You're always tanned I'm going to Cali next week I'm trying to definitely Get in the sun Yeah I got me some good sun
Starting point is 00:24:20 Let me tell you What Natasha told me I'm sorry Before we get too far away From this About our This is amazing. Boonwop it.
Starting point is 00:24:26 Did you know, did you know that you could take Mucinex to help you get pregnant? No. What? Because it doesn't just thin mucus up here. Oh, it thins mucus all over? Yes. No shit. that's what wait well how does your thinning vaginal mucus vaginal fluid help you get pregnant i have no idea she just told me that yesterday she's not pregnant i mean she's never had a baby how does she know this
Starting point is 00:25:03 fuck this old wives tale well but but mucinex has only existed for like Maybe 20 years I bet A new wives tale Anyway apparently It makes the I've not fact checked it but it makes the Sperm easier to travel It's got less mucus to wade through
Starting point is 00:25:22 Yeah It's just weird to me because I can tell when I'm ovulating because I'm thicker. My juice is thicker at ovulation. And that's when you're supposed to get pregnant. I don't know. This is a rumor, but it looks like there is no scientific evidence that it improves fertility. The active ingredient, guifenicin, I've never known how to say that word,
Starting point is 00:25:47 is usually taken to thin the mucus in the lungs. It also can thin the cervical mucus. However, there's no evidence that this helps people get pregnant. So, it does seem like the underlying theory here is correct. I'll tell you what would help you get pregnant. Fucking. A menstrual cup.
Starting point is 00:26:04 Menstrual cups will help you get pregnant why was it it holds the semen in but would that be wouldn't that be counterintuitive then you wouldn't be able to get your your eggs uh impregnated if it held all the semen in there like a damn in your body oh it holds it in there and so the sperm can just swim around forever. Not forever. Until they find their place. Until they find their wife. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:29 Popular queer way to get pregnant. What do you mean by that? Semen in a menstrual cup. Oh, you come in the menstrual cup and then you put it in you? Yeah. Oh. That's the way to go. $40 versus $1,500. Damn. What do they call it? That's the way I'm trying dollar uh versus fifteen hundred dollar damn um what they
Starting point is 00:26:47 call it that's the way i'm trying to procreate is anybody want to bear my child we don't have to have sex i will come in a menstrual cup and then you can put it in you and uh i'm done having sex i don't want to do anymore i did i just i was about to ask why are you you want sex. I don't want to do it anymore. I just... I was about to ask, why are you... You want a kid. You don't. What is the... You're just not interested in it anymore. Makes you weak-willed.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Yes. You can get... Can't you get money for sperm at a sperm bank? Not mine. Well, you know, they have those robots now that you fuck the robot and it sucks to come out of you. Oh, the Chinese robot? Yeah. That's... Yeah. that you fucked a robot in it. Oh, yeah. Sucks to come out of you. Oh, it was the Chinese robot? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:27 It'd be crazy if somebody pointed it out when that picture was going around Twitter. They make you stand in the hallway, too, while you do that. That'd be wild. What? It's not even private. No, you don't.
Starting point is 00:27:38 But, like, wouldn't that be crazy if you just walk in the ARH and everybody's just like, fucking robots. My God. They should put one of those things in the... You and everybody's just like, fucking robots. Fucking robots. My God. They should put one of those things in the, you know, have you ever seen the robots
Starting point is 00:27:48 that stock produce at the grocery stores? They should just put a little sperm receptacle in that. So while you're shopping, you get horny, you can fuck the produce robot. And they just, and then like you just hear a voice come over the intercom,
Starting point is 00:28:05 well, for your convenience we've uh we've added roving sex robots they're self cleaning so you don't have to worry about you know right
Starting point is 00:28:12 and it can feed you an apple or something you just reach yeah grab an apple whatever you want what's your butthole finger the roving
Starting point is 00:28:20 produce robot finger your butthole while you shop roving produce robot finger your butthole way shop. Roving produce robot. Damn. Well, they have these at discount grocery stores. I feel like this is an elite. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:37 No, it's only at Save-A-Lot. Exclusively at Save-A-Lot. Or Aldi. Aldi. That's a little more highbrow, lowbrow. I love Aldi. But they have those. And then when you go to the floral section, they just blow up sex dolls.
Starting point is 00:28:52 It's just like the pervious grocery store you've ever been to. Instead of balloons? The pervious grocery store. Everything is extraordinarily pervious. They don't sell you any fruit or vegetables. Don't look like a fucking dick. Yeah, I know. All the shelves are just stocked with- It's English cucumbers from all the while.
Starting point is 00:29:10 There you go. Fucking eggplant for the- Not for the faint of heart. You want to put your feet up there, Tom? Sorry. Well, you can. I'm just saying. If you unplug yourself, you won't be able to-
Starting point is 00:29:23 Help this man get comfortable, will you? Okay. He's had a long day of reading emails. I'm reeling, y'all. Have you been on a call today? I've been on a few. Yeah. A few calls.
Starting point is 00:29:37 I can't focus. I can't do my work because I lost out on my riches. Yeah. Tell the people what happened at Derby Day. Oh, yeah, I forgot about Derby. He's not recovered, I can tell. Yeah. I lost a...
Starting point is 00:29:51 So when you say... Or anyways, go ahead. Go ahead. No, you go ahead. Say what happened to you, and then I'm going to ask my question. I had a $3,000 ticket taken from me. So you didn't lose $3,000. No, I lost $36.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Okay. So when you said that on Saturday, I thought you lost, because after you left on Saturday night, Tonya, I was telling him, I was like, well, all right, man, what you got to do is you've got to bet and get it back.
Starting point is 00:30:19 You've got to win it back. You've got to bet more and get that. Now, if I'd have lost $3,000, I wouldn't be here today. Y'all find me laying face down in the goddamn Knott'sburg swimming pool.
Starting point is 00:30:30 It ain't open yet. You had Lanny Day, Jim Cottle, and the boys come. Yeah. Just, fucking, spatula me off the bottom.
Starting point is 00:30:46 He was a good boy i imagine remember when we had that pool party and tom did the flip over the plastic chair yeah yeah that was very that was very people don't respect my athleticism and alex was so bad. She was like, why are you doing this? Why? Tom is very. I went to watch him play tennis one time. Oh, God. Deceptively athletic.
Starting point is 00:31:11 They, you, you know, to be fair, got your ass kicked. But better than I could do. That was fun. Anyways, so you didn't lose $3,000. You lost a $3,000 potential gain. No, I won. I hit the ticket. It would have been about $3,000,
Starting point is 00:31:30 nine cents and something payout for how many times I had it. And when they disqualified the horse and bumped him down to 17th, then I no longer had the winner. So I had it. Because you bet. I had the winner for 22 minutes and then they just jerked it out of me. Yeah, I had him second today. What's funny to me is that you bet, you placed your bet on the horse that ended up winning,
Starting point is 00:31:51 but you had bet him to come in second. To come in second, right? What's that? To place. No, no, no, no, no. You bet on Country House, didn't you? I had Country House plugged in second. Right, that's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:31:59 So you placed your bet on the horse that ended up winning. Yeah, I just played maximum security on top. I thought he was a cock-block cinch. He was going to win. And then I played country house and a couple other horses in second. And so. Yeah. Well.
Starting point is 00:32:16 And you said that you figured out that the disqualification meant $9 million back to the house. What's the theory behind this? It's a $9 million swing to the house. What's the theory behind this? It was a $9 million swing to the house. And why? Wow. All the gambling institutions have been taking a massive hit
Starting point is 00:32:30 since Tiger Woods won the Masters. Because so many people had futures bets that Tiger Woods would not win another major in his career.
Starting point is 00:32:37 Uh-huh. And he won another major. And so Vegas, when that happened, Vegas took one of its biggest one-day hits ever. Really? And so, yeah, it's just like... of its biggest one-day hits ever. Really? Yeah, it's just like.
Starting point is 00:32:46 People put out future bets against Tiger Woods. What are called futures. Or four that he will win another major. What would that do to someone's self-esteem? If someone had literally placed a bet that you would never get another paying job. What does that do to somebody? You think it's about a baseball? Terrence Ray, you're getting a good price on it. Yeah, that would. It another paying job. What does that do to somebody? You think it's about a bank store? Terrence Ray, you'd get a good price on it.
Starting point is 00:33:06 Yeah, that would... It is very likely. Actually, I take that back. There's no money to be made in betting on Terrence not getting a job. It's very likely I will never get another paying job. On that note, Terrence is looking for sugar daddies. I'm thinking of just Going off the grid really Just living in the woods
Starting point is 00:33:27 And I'll tell you this Not needing Exiting the The money economy Altogether He's gonna build a tiny house Out of dirt and rocks
Starting point is 00:33:36 Exactly Him and Leon Are gonna set up An assembly line Well there's a guy That lives in a cave Outside of Hazard And
Starting point is 00:33:43 He's invited you To come live with him He's happy He He's invited you to come live with him. He's fine. Yeah, I might go live with him for a little bit. He seems nice. You'll bath in this tub over here. That pond. Is this a gravity bong over here?
Starting point is 00:33:58 Oh, that's my vape. What do they call it? Potpourri vaporizer. Desktop vape. Wow. You have a whole tub for your vape. Well, I just put it down there because I was trying to get it out of your way. Normally it sets as co-pilot.
Starting point is 00:34:16 Anyways, I'm sorry. What do you call the people that are like the Unabomber acolytes? They're Unabomber. The guy that, I don't know. Ted Kaczynski, like what do you call his followers? Like eco-terrorists or something? Like, you know, like they're the eco, yeah, they're like, there's a word for them, though.
Starting point is 00:34:36 I don't know. Weirdos? No. You hold your tongue. Yeah, you bite your goddamn tongue, all right? What's the word? What do you call it? I don't know, Tom.
Starting point is 00:34:49 You might be getting it mixed up with somebody else. The guy that bombed the Atlanta Olympics went to live in the woods for like... Until he went to live in jail? Yeah. Remember he lived... He hid out in the Smoky Mountains. Do y'all remember when my co-worker, her cousin, came back from Afghanistan, shot his girlfriend's new man, and then hid in the woods for like three weeks,
Starting point is 00:35:16 and she took him food? No. And the FBI came after her. Y'all remember this? I don't know if you ever told us this. No. That seems like a pretty glaring omission. Maybe she didn't tell us this because she didn't want word getting out.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Were you, like, sworn to secrecy at the time? At the time. But I'm sure that's passed now, right? Statue of Limitation. It's been eight years or better. That's insane. Yeah, our boss had to talk to the FBI and, like, convince them that she was a good girl or something. I don't know. That's insane. Yeah, our boss had to talk to the FBI and like convince them that she was a good girl or something.
Starting point is 00:35:48 I don't know. That's fucking nuts. Yeah, she was like hiding in food in the woods. Well, I know it can be done. With someone who hides your food. That's true. I bet Tom would do some supply drops for you. Would you, Tom? Maybe once a month. Probably would.
Starting point is 00:36:04 He'd drop you a sack of weed and inhaler and a salbuterol weed cat food for you just taking kibble out in the woods you and leon sharing a bowl um so but anyways mean, you know, I'm not willing to lend much credence to some of their tactics, but, um, maybe subverting and, and rendering of none effect the American dollar might be a way to fly about the rev. Yeah. I don't know how you go about it. Not to sound like a cryptocurrency weirdo or anything but like what
Starting point is 00:36:45 if we just devalued all they're like and all of a sudden warren buffa ain't worth shit yeah because guess what the only currency that spends baby is encouragement it doesn't matter you know you know why because i read this thing i listened to this thing today um 60 percent of global assets are tied up in real estate 60 Oh, really? 60%. I thought you were going to say they're all just completely digital. No, they're tied up in real estate, land, buildings. Well, the other 40% is all digital. Like what?
Starting point is 00:37:14 Like URLs? Vapor. Vapor. Just a cloud. Vape shops. It's all type. 40% is tied up in the vape shops. Vape shops.
Starting point is 00:37:24 40% is tied up in the vape shops. Recently a friend told me that a mutual friend of ours had bought blocks of silver as an investment. Really? That's amazing. What a rube. It was amazing. I couldn't believe it. I just stared at a space for a long time. How would you do that?
Starting point is 00:37:40 If you had gold, you'd just take a cheese grater and go into the restaurant and just grate some gold flakes onto the table i really do not know um interesting but i still don't understand this future situation oh you mean the future betting situation yeah yeah how does it work what do you mean so that means just it just any i could i could place any bet basically about the future of serena williams career when tiger woods retires if he has not won another grand slam another major championship you get paid some people you can if if he does win another major before his career is over and you place that bet before he won the major you lose so so that he won at did he know what another major before his career is over and you place that bet before he won the major, you lose. So did he know what a fuck you his win was, Tiger?
Starting point is 00:38:30 Probably, yeah. So he was just like, fuck the haters. I bet he bet it against himself. Yeah, like Pete Rose. He says he never bet against himself. Oh, he absolutely did. You can bet on any goddamn thing. Yeah, you can bet on literally anything.
Starting point is 00:38:50 I once placed a bet on what color Lady Gaga's hair would be at the halftime show. I had a hot tip. Wow. You got it? You had a hot tip. You know her. No, listen to this. Listen to this one.
Starting point is 00:39:04 My cousin was in this racket with this guy named smoothie so many cousins no just adam same guy i always talk about him he was partners this guy named smoothie and every year you could you could guarantee you he had two good good bets the nfl draft and the super bowl halftime show and occasionally the Oscars. Really? Yeah. I guess the organization he was working for just had the inside track on who was going where
Starting point is 00:39:31 and what movies were winning and what Lady Gaga's hair color was going to be. That is pretty unpredictable, so I could see how that would be a pretty big market for attracting bets. I wonder who the sucker out there that was like bet on pink and then it's just like, God damn. What was it? big market for um yeah attracting bets i wonder who the sucker out there that was like like bet on pink and then it's just like god damn what was it what was the what was the hair color i forget
Starting point is 00:39:50 it was like blue or something she probably had a few changes throughout the show yeah um i once tried to when i well when i went to vegas that one time and fell in love with vegas yeah i found myself in the wrong casino, I guess, and tried to place a $10 bet at a blackjack table, and she was like, you'll never find a bet under $20 at the Maracas or whatever the fuck I was.
Starting point is 00:40:15 And I just had to stand there and look at this woman. If you've never, if you don't have any experience gambling, going to a casino is pretty intimidating. It's hard. I finally slipped in with Val, a woman I come to know who goes to the church in Chicago with the Obamas. What? That was her claim to fame. She goes to church with the Obamas in Chicago.
Starting point is 00:40:37 Let me be clear. The Lord is my witness. I shall not go. Let me be clear. I'm baptized in the Holy Spirit, and I speak in tongues now. Yeah, her and I. However, her and I. Let me be clear. I'm baptized in the Holy Spirit and I speak in tongues now. Yeah, her and I. However, her and I. Let me be clear.
Starting point is 00:40:47 Let me put my hands on you. Her and I ran a blackjack table for four hours outside of Amigo show in Vegas. Some Christian. Wow. Seriously. Did anybody bet on the Met Gala? Can you bet on that? Is it gala or gala?
Starting point is 00:41:07 I think it's one of those potato, patata things Have you ever heard someone say patata? In a different country, yeah Good point Tomato, tomato Have you ever heard anyone say tomato? I have heard some people say tomato Really?
Starting point is 00:41:21 English people Tomato I like to have some tomatoes in my... Basil. In my bum. In my bum.
Starting point is 00:41:30 Me and Michelle watch one of those fucking British cooking shows and that kills me. They kill me when they say shit like basil.
Starting point is 00:41:37 Basil. The one that I don't understand at all is they say aluminum like aluminum. Aluminium? There's not even an extra I in there. I don't know how the fuck they get that.
Starting point is 00:41:47 Vitamin's pretty crazy too. Instead of vitamin. Yeah. Schedule. Yeah. Schedule. Status. So since we're in the low-hanging fruit of content,
Starting point is 00:41:59 why don't we go to the reading? This is, I guess you could consider it maybe part two of last week's episode just because it's written by the same person uh it's in the new york times thanks for the content so this same dig rots for the new york times and the heel no this is um so remember last week we read the we read the article about the rich kid revolutionaries, about resource generation. Yeah. It was written by this woman named Rachel Sherman,
Starting point is 00:42:31 and she has a book called, and I will find it for you real fast, it is called Uneasy Street, The Anxieties of Affluence. So this article is called What the rich won't tell you all right let me buckle in here i've always wanted to know this what's up you're about to find out what's up over lunch in a downtown restaurant beatrice a new yorker in her late 30s told me about two decisions she and her husband were considering. They were thinking about where to buy a second home and whether their young children should go to private school. Then she made a confession. She took the price tags off her clothes so that her nanny would
Starting point is 00:43:15 not see them. I take the label off our six dollar bread, she said. She did this, she explained, because she was uncomfortable with the inequality between herself and her nanny, a Latina immigrant. She had a household income of $250,000. I can see both of you out of the corner of my eyes. Maybe I'm just getting comfortable. I can see both of you. She's not embarrassed that she has a goddamn nanny? She's worried about the $6 bread?
Starting point is 00:43:44 Somebody else is raising her motherfucking kids. Yeah. She had a household income of $250,000 and inherited wealth of several million dollars. Relative to the nanny, she told me, the choices that I have are obscene. $6 bread is obscene. An interior designer I spoke with told me his wealthy clients also hit prices Saying that expensive furniture And other items arrive at their houses
Starting point is 00:44:08 With big price tags on them That have to be removed or sharpied over So the housekeepers and staff don't see them This is because they're afraid Somebody's going to steal their shit I think it's even deeper It's even more psychologically Disturbing
Starting point is 00:44:24 I just want to hear more. Tom's settled in for story time. It's so funny how we're all just trying to be somebody else because I'd fucking leave a high price tag on something to fucking show it off. It's like we're all trying to be something we're not. And that's the thing. It's not that they're scared of people stealing it they're trying to hide their wealth which is interesting because we we think
Starting point is 00:44:50 of like conspicuous consumption right we think that like i'm a student of thorsten veblen yeah go on yes go on these people agreed to meet with me as part of research I conducted on affluent and wealthy. I'm probably saying that wrong. I've never known how to say affluent or affluent. Who gives a fuck? I interviewed 50 parents with children at home, including 18 stay-at-home mothers. Highly educated, they worked or had worked in finance or related industries or had inherited assets in the millions of dollars nearly all were in the top one percent or two percent in terms of income or wealth or both they came from a variety of economic backgrounds and about 80 percent were white
Starting point is 00:45:35 reflecting their concern with anonymity and my research protocol i'm using synonyms throughout this article okay we often imagine that the wealthy are unconflicted about their advantages and in fact eager to display them. Since Thorsten Veblen coined the term conspicuous consumption in theory of the leisure class. I told you motherfuckers. Wow. I think I made that up. Our current president is the conspicuous consumer in chief, the epitome of the rich person who
Starting point is 00:46:01 displaces wealth in the glitziest way possible. were in chief the epitome of the rich person who displaces wealth in the glitziest way possible yet we believe that wealthy people seek visibility because those we see are by definition visible in contrast the people i spoke with expressed a deep ambivalence about identifying as affluent rather than brag about their money or show it off they kept quiet about their advantages they described themselves as quote normal people who worked hard and spent prudently distancing themselves from common stereotypes of the wealthy as ostentatious, selfish, snobby, and entitled. Ultimately their accounts illuminate a moral stigma of privilege. Another woman speaking of her wealth of over 50 million dollars which she and her husband
Starting point is 00:46:43 generated through work and finance and her home value of over $10 million, told me, There's nobody who knows how much we spend. You're the only person I ever said those numbers to out loud. She was so uncomfortable with having shared this information that she contacted me later the same day to confirm exactly how I was going to maintain her anonymity. Like she was a whistleblower. Oh my god. They'll never let me back into the clubs if they find out exactly um let's see let's see these conflicts often extended to a deep discomfort with displaying wealth scott who had an inherited wealth of more than 50 million dollars told me he and his wife were ambivalent about the manhattan apartment they had recently bought for over four million dollars asked why he responded
Starting point is 00:47:30 imagine just being meh we're so so about a four million dollar apartment in new york right do we want to live in such a fancy place do we want to deal with the person coming in and being like wow that wears on you we're just not the type of people who wear it on our sleeve. We don't want that wow. Maybe you should have factored that in there, Scott. We don't want that wow. We don't want that wow. My interviewees never talked about themselves as rich or upper class,
Starting point is 00:48:00 often preferring terms like comfortable or fortunate. Some even identify... You're fortunate if you don't have a debilitating disease. Some even identified as middle class or in the middle, typically comparing themselves with the super wealthy, who are especially prominent in new york city rather than to those with less when i used the word affluent in an email to a stay-at-home mom with a 2.5 million dollar household income a house in the hamptons and
Starting point is 00:48:37 a child in private school she almost canceled the interview she told me later i'm fucking this is absurd others said that affluence meant never having to worry about money which many of them especially those in single earner families dependent on work and finance said they did because earnings fluctuate and jobs are impermanent blah blah blah more editorializing um it's not surprising then that the people I talked with wanted to distance themselves from the increasingly vilified category of the 1% anyways the
Starting point is 00:49:14 the uh the takeaway here yes please rush to the point before I kill myself I'm sorry this is killing me this is this is a pretty funny passage scott and his wife had spent six hundred thousand dollars in the year before our conversation we just can't understand how we spent that much money he told me that's kind of a little spousal joke you know like hey do you feel like this is the $600,000 lifestyle? Woo!
Starting point is 00:49:50 So he's saying that they feel like they didn't get their money's worth for spending $600,000. No, I think that he's saying that they, I think that they spend so much that it just doesn't even really register them. So he's being obnoxious. Kind of. I think he's saying that he doesn't even really think about it. It's just so easy to just spend money.
Starting point is 00:50:11 You know what I'm saying? What's his name? His name is Scott, but this is a pseudonym. Because she's protecting their anonymity, man. Oh, okay. Because they know that if... I'm going to write one of these pieces and just make up people they're worried that resource
Starting point is 00:50:27 generation is going to come after them paramilitary oh yeah well the funny thing to me about the funny thing that I forgot to mention about that last week is that that actually did happen in the late 60s that's basically what the weather underground
Starting point is 00:50:43 was you know a bunch of rich kids blowing shit up because they felt bad about their privilege and everything else. Yeah. Well, I mean, all that stuff is... There's a couple of things afoot here. One is that I always feel like... If you didn't have the sort of class anxiety of a rich kid who's probably doesn't have many like life and death like gritty experiences to call their own i think this is why like you
Starting point is 00:51:15 know in the 90s you always heard that like the super affluent white kids are the main consumers of rap music yeah you know what i mean right. And all that kind of shit. Like, I feel like that is kind of an extension of that. The weathermen were kind of like the progenitors of that. It was adventurism, for sure. But now, but now,
Starting point is 00:51:35 like, resource generation's not gonna really form a paramilitary wing. No. Because everything now is just about conversations and narrative. And so, like,
Starting point is 00:51:44 they can just talk their way out and don't have to make any adjustments in their lifestyle yeah the feelings the feelings caucus so imagine when we go from the weatherman to the feelings caucus it's funny basically yeah history repeats it truly does repeat itself first is tragedy then as far as we live in the most farcical times imaginable different than climate change creating new travel exactly you're exactly right um we we can't get rid of deeply deeply diseased that's all we have to talk about the reason another thing about the weatherman like i'm like famously bill ayers and like you know like during the obama campaign on that if the weatherman would have you know been black and poor
Starting point is 00:52:32 they never saw the light of day again all those people got off i was about to say didn't they all yeah they all none of them none of them went to jail for life did did they? I don't know. A few of them who stayed in that lifestyle did. But Bill Ayers and a few others. They just kind of had a foot in. They were in it, but as they got older, they just became sort of a part of the bourgeois. They went to the feelings caucus. I bet it felt better.
Starting point is 00:53:09 I like articles like this because it gives you a glimpse into the culture of the 1%, you know, like into how they think and feel and what like. And I think that that is funny to me because it it humanizes them. And I think that that is funny to me because it humanizes them. And I think that that's necessary because you have to, I don't know. To me, it helps my anger towards them become more real. Does that make sense? To know that there are actual humans on the other side of this. To know that they are betting on the future of tiger woods
Starting point is 00:53:45 that's how much money they have ah that's not that's a different class rich people don't do that rich people like spend a million dollars on fucking like a horse with three legs you know they do dumb shit that's like like if you go to the horse track don't go talk to the rich young aristocrats in the stands go talk to some poor. Looks like he's at the end of his rope. He's got a hat that says Santa Anita Derby 93 on it. Smells like fucking gin. You mean go to him for your
Starting point is 00:54:13 pics. For your pics. These wealthy they worried about how to raise children who would themselves be quote good people rather than entitled brats. The context of new york city especially its private schools heightened their fear that their kids would never encounter the quote real world or have quote fluency outside
Starting point is 00:54:34 the bubble in the words of one inheritor so what you were saying i think this is why they listen to rap music you know what i'm saying like well i mean just look at it rich kids have always like the archetypal bohemian layabout is just like the rich you know what i'm saying like well i mean just look at it rich kids have always like the archetypal bohemian layabout is just like the rich you know what i'm saying like the fucking beats like when everybody's on the beats when they were around like that was their shit like all those guys all those guys were fucking rich kids you know what i mean right the weatherman the flower crown wearing coachella child exactly war bonnet sporting fucking coachella goer to be sure these are new yorkers with elite educations and most are socially liberal wealthy people in other places or with other histories may feel more comfortable talking
Starting point is 00:55:18 about their money and spending it in more obvious ways and even the people i spoke with may be less reticent among their wealthy peers than they are in formal interview. Nonetheless, their ambivalence about recognizing privilege suggests a deep tension at the heart of the idea of American dream. While pursuing wealth is unequivocally desirable, having wealth is not simple and straightforward. Our ideas about egalitarianism make even the beneficiaries of inequality uncomfortable with it. and it is hard to know what they as individuals can do to change things and this goes hand in hand with her other thing that she wrote about the rich kid revolutionaries i think about resource generation are these all excerpts from her book i would have i would assume this probably has to be um i'd be interested to talk to her.
Starting point is 00:56:08 Yeah, I don't know. Come on the show. Let's do a deeply, deeply diseased episode. The only reason I said I wanted to phase that out, the only reason, is because I like to use that term in my day-to-day conversation. And now when I use it,
Starting point is 00:56:24 I just feel like it's a bit. You're just pastiche. Yes, exactly. I've made elements of my life. You have yourself become the bit. I get that too because I catch myself saying that and then I'm like,
Starting point is 00:56:38 yeah, I'm like, fuck, now it just feels like I'm on the podcast and I want to have a life outside of it. Well, you know how it originated. You remember how it originated? Yeah, I was using it casually on the podcast and like i want to have a life outside of it well you know how it originated you remember how it originated yeah i was using it casually on the radio 8 a.m community radio show talk to your neighbors folks yeah go out unless they're rich then don't bother rich people are deeply well deeply diseased. After this, do you disagree? I never disagreed.
Starting point is 00:57:07 I agreed with you the whole time. I mean, speaking of rich people who are deeply, deeply diseased, just to sort of tack on to this point, can you think of any diseases that are just inherent to the rich? Yeah. Autoimmune disorders well i mean not not that's probably really controversial they're finding that autoimmune disorders are more common among the upper classes and the the reason why it's kind of hard to pin down but scientists kind of think it might have to do with the fact that their environments are
Starting point is 00:57:43 more sterile and they're not subjected to as many germs and other things that's not to say that if you have an autoimmune because i have autoimmune disorder i did not grow up in a wealthy environment so it's seems to me whatever it is that makes you gluten free i think that might be a different thing i think that might be a different thing. I think that might be a different thing. You're talking about the thing that makes you think that you can't eat gluten, but in fact you actually don't have, yes, you're fine. But I see what you're saying. Like gout used to be a disease.
Starting point is 00:58:20 Just corpulence in general. Yeah, like gout used to be a disease of the wealthy, and now it's a disease of the poor. Like it used to be the fact like if you were like very overweight, that was a rich person's like thing. Right. You know, kind of a signifier. Right.
Starting point is 00:58:34 Yeah. Now it's more likely. Not that that's, I'm not saying that's a disease. Signal malnutrition. That's not what I'm saying at all. I'm just saying that like, you know, most people couldn't eat, you know, you just couldn't eat at a certain point. And then, of course, you have Charles the Bewitched in Spain.
Starting point is 00:58:52 What? That was all inbred and had a million things wrong with him. There is that. And he ascended to the throne. Yeah, of course there's that. I mean, the rich people are obviously inbreeding, and they've got all kinds of fucked up. Their nose is like down here and their eyes are in their forehead they are hideous i mean it's it's no small miracle that prince william and prince harry
Starting point is 00:59:15 became sex symbols because wolf both of them are ugly as fuck yeah yeah well they uh yeah i don't know um i like so again just to sort of like hit back on the on the the takeaway though i like articles like this and um i like this kind of stuff because like i said it humanizes these people and and for me that's good i like for me that makes the anger more clear it makes it more palpable and and it's almost it's like dehumanizing them just makes it sort of abstract and and whatever it's like i have to have a human face on it you know what i'm saying because then it becomes more real like i felt like that looking at the derby yeah yeah derby i was like yeah this is a a this this looks like thousands of slave owners uh-huh and it's i think it's even supposed to have the sort of trappings of slave owning society it is a cosplay of that yeah make no
Starting point is 01:00:19 mistake about it it's a cosplay yeah and it's in it's it's interesting to me that um in in terms of how horse racing is um treated in the sort of live moment compare it with the nba you could almost put the two you could put like nfl and horse racing in one in the nba and another it's weird it's like when they show the owner of the n team, it's like a guy like Mark Cuban generally. Tech bro. Yeah, a guy that's trying to be cool or, you know what I mean, like wears like jeans. About 48 years old.
Starting point is 01:00:54 Yeah. Whereas like the NFL, and they always sit courtside and stuff like that. The NFL owner and the horse owner sit high up in the their glass box yeah exactly and they're all that's a good point and they're all surrounded by all the rich friends and you know what i mean like that has this more um sort of owner mentality to it i'm not saying that you can't really put a value you're not saying there's like good mba on no no i'm not saying that at all i'm just saying that like the way that it's constructed. The difference in aesthetics. Yes, the way it's constructed in the moment,
Starting point is 01:01:29 the sort of media product that you're being presented with is slave owner. And then you've got the trainers and the coaches. The managers. And then you've got the sort of the jockeys. It's a reinforcement of plantation politics, really. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, that's true. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:47 Not a lot of wise. And I just can't believe how, I mean. Okay, the winning horse wins $2 million. But did we even figure out a calculation of how much the entire derby, how much money is wrapped up in the entire derby? I forgot what the pool was, but I mean, it's astronomical. It's got to be. It's got to be.
Starting point is 01:02:08 Yeah. That's how they figure out the payouts. I mean, it's even more, just the accuracy to what you're saying is that almost all of these horses are actually kept by immigrants. Like all the farms in in uh central kentucky yeah like they have the most intimate relationships with these and the 12 million yeah 12 million dollar horses you're exactly right yeah and these horses are beat within an inch of their lives no get me wrong but they're living in nicer places than any of us have ever seen they live in better conditions than we'll ever know you know i mean this this should have been a deeply diseased segment when i catered i would bartend
Starting point is 01:02:52 these open horse sales and so i was like in i was basically bartending in a horse stall yeah a glorify you know but very nice right and there'd be kings you know the sultans whatever like floating around these fucking horse yeah you go to kingland there and follow me you're liable to see the sultan of bahrain just kind of yeah these are this is like you know that's fucking crazy it's wild it's absolutely yeah meanwhile the horse didn't really think much about the outcome or anything he's just like yeah put me back in a stable. Fucking jack me off and fucking feed me oats. Hey, bro, you got any of those painkillers?
Starting point is 01:03:31 Because that's the thing. They always shoot the horses up with, like, steroids and painkillers and shit just to get them through the fucking. Yeah, imagine that. You basically get to robo-trip, get jacked off, and fed oats. And you get a crop taken to your ass occasionally. There's a worse reality. Have you ever seen a horse get inseminated?
Starting point is 01:03:51 Not in person, but I think I've seen videos of it. Just seeing. Don't they do it on Jackass? I think they did it on Jackass. Yeah, I think they did it on Jackass. Which is like my reference for everything. I saw that on Jackass. And of course
Starting point is 01:04:06 all these people are the worst tippers of all time. Yeah. Well the global elite tend to be bad tippers, Jenny. Fuck man. I worked a party a catering party at a house in Lexington
Starting point is 01:04:22 that had a helicopter pad and it was like Is that Lee Major's house that had a helicopter pad and it was like it was house i don't know who it was but it was horse people william shatner he lives in lexington does he yeah really on a horse farm yeah no way that's hilarious that's crazy anyway we worked for like six hours loading in all the food to the van setting up their party waiting on them and pouring their drinks serving keeping their appetizers coming for like two and a half three hours then all the cleanup they tipped me and the other girl forty dollars twenty dollars each jesus to serve like there were like 25 people there
Starting point is 01:05:00 well they hoard everything just it's just called i mean he hated it too i think i think what what the world is heading towards i think is what is probably best described as like fortress politics the hoarding of wealth as we just saw in this thing that we just read and then you've got in the face of climate change and the creation of a sort of new political order that will like these people don't fucking care like we on our episode we uh our patreon episode we had sarah our friend sarah miller on to talk about um miami and like rising sea levels there like these people don't give a shit about that like they actually like displaced people it doesn't fucking matter to them they care about
Starting point is 01:05:50 the trade routes they care about as we were saying the sort of real estate assets like that like this they really are in denial that there are climate refugees they absolutely are in denial about this they're not I don't just think they don't care. It's like we said last week. They're building up their own police forces just to be able to. Yeah. Just to be able to
Starting point is 01:06:10 keep the rabble in line. I don't know. It's eco-fascism, folks. That's the thing. For sure. It's going to be so scary when all the shit's underwater. You know how fucking scary
Starting point is 01:06:20 it is to get in the ocean and then you start thinking about shit that's down there. Imagine, imagine, imagine fucking go and check your goddamn mail and hearing the jaws keys just key up your head go to check your mail well uh what's what's the clock on miami well they were saying that um that by 20 by00, it will have risen. The sea level will have risen about six feet. By 2050, it's about three feet. They're saying by 2050,
Starting point is 01:06:53 they'll have about 200 and... Wasn't it like 250 days a year of sunny day flooding? You know, like days when it just floods without rain. The overwhelming majority of the year, it's just flooding for no goddamn reason. Sunny day flooding. And so that's like... And then another hundred is actual rain flooding yeah well i think that it's it's like we said before i i think that the right wing they don't have this conception of climate change that we do obviously i think that they they know it exists and they're fine with that they can see a world beyond it a lot of us on the left
Starting point is 01:07:25 we're like the world is ending climate you know like that we're we're approaching a sort of like i don't know what the word would be year zero or something we're like climate wipes off wipes down yeah and i don't think the right thing is that way at all i think they see it as like they see opportunity that's what that one that's exactly to charge people to live in the in the shit here's what i've been thinking about the past couple days because me and terrence have been trying to come in terms of the fact that we might just be rad libs trying futilely sometimes it feels like to be true marxist rad libs right well for the rest of our lives i i'd feel like this all the time we're just going to be true Marxist. Radley. Well, for the rest of our lives, I feel like this all the time.
Starting point is 01:08:06 We're just going to be saying, back when I was a liberal, back when I was a socialist, back when I was a communist, the line's going to keep moving. There might be some... We're going to be an alien eventually. Back when I was a human,
Starting point is 01:08:20 them sons of bitches. What were you saying, Tom? Carry on. You're right, Hib. There might be some guy that like sprouts gills a la Waterworld that comes up with some bitchin' new philosophy. Anyway. We'll be conservatives. I've found the common thread with impending ecological disaster is this is whereas we see it
Starting point is 01:08:48 as doom and gloom these people see this opportunity i say about this even with the means tv thing it's just like like even all the shit we talk about economic just transition appalachian transition all this shit it's just trying to figure out what we can do with all this flat and fucking land to squeeze a little more capital out of it same thing when shit's gonna be underwater it's like we've made a joke about andrew cunanan tourism like you'll be able to scuba dive in the versace mansion see where versace was shot and some tour guide will just tell you underwater that it's crazy he was shot here eight feet below the right you know right and uh i think that's just what it that's just what it's going to be.
Starting point is 01:09:25 Like, we have this conception of the world. I mean, it's not a new point, but we've talked about it on the show before, but we have this conception of this, like, brave new world. But these people that are the power brokers are going to still dictate that world if we don't, you know, do something. And they're just going to figure it. They're just going to make the adjustments and, like, what are we going yeah we're going to be dead well a lot of us will not survive it a lot of us will be but we won't be in their number crunches
Starting point is 01:09:54 yeah but i don't know i've got hope that the next generation gen z seems like they've got pretty good let me tell you something pal just is a gambling man they bet on us loser we bet on gent x fucking loser you think you don't think g and z what g and z has it in them either i hope they do i hope they do but i just feel like every generation says no we were the one that was supposed you know what i mean yeah that's true but i don't know i'm not gonna be crotchety about it till we see it i don't know i do get a lot of hope when i go to sexy sex ed workshops and like half the participants are trans and i'm like do you know how difficult it is as a teenager to see beyond the gender binary like how what a what a stranglehold the gender binary has on our
Starting point is 01:10:48 society to to say fuck that as a teenager like you're well on your way to saying fuck the whole empire you know what i mean teens slip it's it's a it's a they've got some good ideas you're the oldest man alive that's all they got some good ideas those teenagers fucking the gender binary as a 12 year old being like no this is bullshit
Starting point is 01:11:15 if you can see beyond the gender binary you can see beyond a lot of the bullshit of this empire there's some signs of hope for sure. Yeah. Well, if you hope that we keep making content, you should go support our Patreon.
Starting point is 01:11:37 This is where you need to pull out the piano again. P-A-T-R-O. I'll bring it out eventually. You know, you just hate to overdo something, you know? We'll synth-N. I'll bring it out eventually. You know, you just hate to overdo something, you know? We'll send the Patreon. I'll bring it back out. We'll make you miss it, and then we'll bring it back. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:11:52 Go check out the Patreon, slash Trillbilly Workers Party. If you don't know how that works or aren't interested, don't send Tanya a check that's exactly what you should do definitely send me a check i mean we don't i had to say well we don't have an llc yet okay well if you send tanya a check send two more one with my name on it one with tom's name on it take that part out by the llc because i don't want somebody saying, oh, they don't. Just fucking sue us. Oh, okay. Why would they do that?
Starting point is 01:12:29 It's just as important as... Well, I don't know anything about taxes, man. Anyways, go check out the Patreon. The IRS, man. Again, P-A-T-R-E-O-N dot com slash Tribally Workers Party.
Starting point is 01:12:47 We got episodes there every Sunday And they're good So go listen to them Make snide comments In the comment section Make snide comments To the snide comments Is that what people do? How do I see this?
Starting point is 01:13:04 Subscribing to our Patreon. Cash for five bucks a month. Reinvest your donations. All right. Well, we'll see you next week. Bye.

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