Trillbilly Worker's Party - The Big Three

Episode Date: August 8, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 He liked men He liked men and women He's French wasn't he Um Hold on Turn your Wait nevermind I just had you turned down
Starting point is 00:00:16 Okay I um Uh Did a lot of research into tetanus. Buddy, let me tell you something. There's three ones you don't look up. Okay? The big three. Tetanus is one of them.
Starting point is 00:00:43 The other is botulism and rabies those are the big three those are the big three you don't ever want to look those up that's the kevin garnett paul pierce and rajon rondo of of hypochondria of hypochondria yeah yeah you don't do that i would say tetanus is the rabies of bacterial infections. That sounds to me... In the sense that it makes your body do things that you... That makes you look like you're the lead singer of the Mars Volta. Yeah, it makes you kind of involuntarily Mick Jagger a little bit.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Uh-huh. Start me up! Yeah. Oh, I got locked, John! Ever since Tom got tetanus, his swag levels are off the chart. You walk into a room. I gotta tell you,
Starting point is 00:01:39 he's the only man whose life got better post-tetanus. I've been sitting here thinking it's like i know for a stone cold fact i got tetanus shot before i went to cuba but i'm sitting here thinking damn what if i didn't know what if that's just a false a faulty memory and now i've got it because I've cut my hands and flood water got in. Uh-huh. What did you learn about it? Well, I learned that the reason it gives you... Okay, so first of all, it's a common misconception that you get it from rust. There is nothing inherently about rust that gives you tetanus or lockjaw.
Starting point is 00:02:22 It's just that, just that objects that are rusty are commonly hanging out in the same environments that tetanus hang out in. They frequent the same places. They go to the same bars. They frequent the same places and rub shoulders and such. Yeah. So that's it.
Starting point is 00:02:48 It's a bacteria found in soil in wet, damp places. And part of the reason that it makes you have these spasms, like you can have just insane spasms, like if you go to the Wikipedia
Starting point is 00:03:04 page, there's a great painting I always love those Like medical anatomical paintings From like the 18th century Because they really do capture the essence The horror Of the infection Of the disease
Starting point is 00:03:18 But that painting Is excellent I mean you can imagine The painter and his boys Like you can imagine when that dropped They were like Yo pump Deleon the third Or whatever his new depiction of
Starting point is 00:03:35 Bro he He went off on that one Off on that Yeah Because that's an art being able to capture my man was in a room with a person suffering and was just rendering it as realistically as possible yeah i wonder what lockjaw actually feels like um well so the thing is like you have like spasms and stuff and you can have them so hard that they can break your bones and tear your muscles kind of like uh the new suspiria yeah did you watch
Starting point is 00:04:17 that no i hate i hated that when she was all contorted and yeah I never saw the new one. I did see the original. The message of which is truly, you must dance like no one is watching. That is what the plot and message of Suspiria is. That's what Argento is trying to get through. You must always dance like no one's watching the the reason you have those spasms with tetanus though is because so the bacteria
Starting point is 00:04:57 much like rabies the rabies virus goes after the central nervous system and it blocks your body's ability to produce like gaba and some of these other uh proteins and stuff that that at all other moments like keep your muscles um firing on all cylinders right right or like even just regulated at a state of rest you know what i'm saying like so that your your central nervous system isn't sending like electrical signals to your muscles and saying move they have to be regulated under some sort of system where you can just sit there and be chill, be relaxed. We had to evolve the ability to be chill. It was not something that we were just innately.
Starting point is 00:05:53 It was an uphill battle over several millennia. I'm learning it right now. It's hard enough for me just right now learning to be chill. Yeah, maybe that is. Everybody, I mean, much is said about the age of anxiety, that phrase, and the sort of shared collective, yeah, anxiety that we feel. But it's like we came out of the primordial ooze kind of ball of nerves and had to evolve to actually be somewhat chill, and now we're reverting.
Starting point is 00:06:24 We're going back to the ooze, man. We are're reverting. We're going back to those, man. We are. We are. We're losing our ability to be chill. It's a shame. It's a shame, honestly. So anyway, I need to know more. So what's the mortality rate?
Starting point is 00:06:38 It's like 10% or something. But it's because it's bacterial, because you could probably use antibiotics to combat it. I guess so. I guess they give you medication diazepam and methocarbamol. Diazepam is anticonvulsant, right? It is, yeah. A benzo, right?
Starting point is 00:07:00 It is, yeah. What is that? Is that Klonopin? Yeah,onopin is usually a diazepam yeah um and methocarbamol is a muscle relaxer uh is a medication used for short-term musculoskeletal pain may be used together with rest physical therapy and pain medication it is less preferred in low back pain wow you imagine the guy going to rehab and he's like what are you everybody's been like car accidents it's like lockjaw lockjaw one of the classic one of the big three infections.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Uh-huh. Wow. It is really a crazy disease. It, like rabies, like the time from which you catch it to the time that you start exhibiting symptoms... Is of the essence. Is of the essence. Is of the essence. It marks the time that it takes the bacteria, like the wound that you get, it marks the time it takes
Starting point is 00:08:16 until it gets to the central nervous system. Yeah. So, it depends. That's the hallmark of the big three. That's the hallmark of the big three. That's the hallmark. There's a countdown that starts from the moment you come in contact with it. It is interesting to think about that. Like, our specific anxiety around the big three is that there is a countdown.
Starting point is 00:08:43 It's the final countdown. Yeah, there's some that you can just kind of put off is a countdown. This is the final countdown. Yeah, there's some that you can just kind of put off for a while. You know? I'm just trying to think what comes to mind. There's some things you can't put off for a while. You can put off cancer for a little longer than you would expect. For a little bit. Certain types of viral hepatitis or long suffering but for the most part yeah you want to be a little prompt you know yeah
Starting point is 00:09:13 yeah i mean i guess with most bad things yeah there's a countdown i mean but but with but rabies and tetanus it feels a little more it just feels dramatic because like we've all seen the movies and stuff like you know you get a nick on your finger or something and you kind of wave it off and there's just nothing like you know you would suspect nothing but then it was ominous if he had only known that little thing it's kind of like the spider-man thing like him getting bit by the spider yeah that was a very that was the thing with spider-man like the origin story like what the fuck was there there's the origin story of spider-man was very much like my man was infected with a pathogen yeah he got he was in a
Starting point is 00:10:06 lab he was kind of like the coat the original covid patient zero he was in one of those covid like bio labs in ukraine and you know just got just got tagged let me ask you a question. Is there any, I mean, is there any disease you could contract where, like, some cool things happen to you? Interesting question. Without something, I mean, like, it'd probably be kind of cool to, like, have the involuntary ejaculations of rabies until for about an hour that would be time. Yeah, after the first two. At the first two, you'd be like, alright. And then the next 5,000
Starting point is 00:10:54 you're like You just go out of the world stark raving mad, busting nuts and foaming at the mouth. Rabies is the king of the big three yeah let's be clear he's the kevin garnett he is he's the yeah you're right i mean um but like obviously like one of the earliest symptoms of tetanus is like
Starting point is 00:11:19 and i'm sorry to tell you this because you'll i know you'll put like you know some men have the spank bank i have like the hypochondria bank like i have i take a statistic or a fact about a disease and i file it away in like a cabinet that i and i immediately go to it you know like when i right so one of the first symptoms of tetanus is um high blood pressure fast heart rate trouble swallowing headache sweating fever and like i was laying in bed and we had helped michella clean out their parents place and i got covered in just shit man like it is just shit it's it's literal shit septic tanks and um dude i was thinking about this well so so yeah so anyways i freaked myself out that i had tetanus like laying in bed later that night my heart did one of those weird like oh yeah yeah when you've eaten like a big salty meal yeah my heart my heart was doing like
Starting point is 00:12:34 nick cannon and drum line like oh boy and i was like yeah okay i. I got tetanus today. That's all there is to it. I've got about... Now the countdown starts. So I went to the doctor and I asked him to give me the flood water special, right? You get a tetanus shot. Combo, hepatitis, and tetanus shot. Give me the number one combo. Number one combo.
Starting point is 00:13:16 We'll take the tetanus and hep A. I did, dude. I went in there one time. I was such a hypochondriac. I went to get... I think it was when that hepatitis A outbreak happened. Because when I went to Cuba, I went in there one time. I was such an apocondric. I went to get, I think it was when that hepatitis A outbreak happened. Because when I went to Cuba, I got the first one, and then you got to wait six months, then get the second, the booster, and then you're good.
Starting point is 00:13:34 You get the booster any time afterward. But I never went and got the booster, and then that hepatitis A outbreak happened a couple years ago, and I was like, like nah i ate enough too much fast food to to not to skip on this you know damn i got terrible news for you the hep a vaccine is only good for six months i believe i hate to tell you this i hate to tell you this on the air but folks you've just witnessed the beginning of a final countdown oh god this show needs we need a segment where one of us gets each other with a final countdown hypochondriac scenario and then in the top right corner of the top the top right corner of the screen it's like a set of numbers appears and it becomes like 24
Starting point is 00:14:21 with keifer sutherland well these guys get the correct prophylaxis in time? Tune in next week to find out. Oh, that's great news. Anyway, I went in there and I was like, well, hell, this is like a buffet of vaccines. And it's like the pneumonia vaccines only offered to 65 and older. It's like, I don't want pneumonia at fucking, I guess I was like 32 then. I was want vaccine i don't want pneumonia at fucking i guess i was like 32 then i was i don't want pneumonia at 32 why don't you why don't you just give it to everybody well it's did it i was like no no here well they they talked me down and then i was like
Starting point is 00:14:57 you know i was just outside the hpv vaccine range and now they've extended that and then the doctor looked at me like I'm sorry. You've probably been exposed to most strains by now. And if you haven't, I feel sorry for you you fucking pussy. So I basically just got turned down for a lot of vaccines and then finally settled on a combo of...
Starting point is 00:15:27 Tetanus was just de rigueur. Hepatitis A. You have to be able to make a good enough case. It's like getting any drug. You have to be able to make a good enough case to your doctor. I think I ended up getting hepatitis A. I got... Oh, I got... Fuck, what was it?
Starting point is 00:15:49 Typhus? Typhus, ah, yes. Typhus is knocking on the big three's door. That's like the little brother of the big three. You don't see him around much, but he's still out there lurking in water systems and whatnot. But I got that, and that vaccine is interesting because it's not a vaccine at all but like a series of pills you have to take over the course
Starting point is 00:16:10 of like 14 days well you know i was just thinking about this like honestly it is really a testament to the staying power of rabies that it can hang around when like surely rabies incidences have to be decreasing like humans interfacing with the natural world this becomes less and less so fewer and fewer people you would imagine are getting bit by rabbit rabbit animal now and the fact that rabies is still able to hold on like that is a testament to how powerful and clever it is you know what i mean like it's it's it's adapted through all kinds of challenges and obstacles and it's still out there giving you the most insane still fucking up at least two or three people in this country right just enough to just say still the king. That's the thing.
Starting point is 00:17:12 There is a whole rabid subculture that we don't even know about in the animal kingdom. They hang out at bars. They hang out at the same bars. Rabid animals hang out at the same bars that rusty nails do in tetanus yeah it's all the same you know well it seems like botulism the the the other of the big three is uh well i mean i don't know anything about botulism is that food poisoning botulism is from the dirt so usually people that get it get it from improper canning or like, you know. You know like when jarring vegetables and stuff came into vogue a couple years ago for the all-star crowd? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:54 Well, the whole step where you have to boil your glasses and stuff and then like all that, that's an important step you shouldn't skip. Because botulism likes to hang out in mason jars. It, too, is a y'all star. Correct. You're right, right, right. Howdy, y'all. Yeah, just hanging out in your pickled corn and pickled cabbage and whatever else you're pickling these days.
Starting point is 00:18:22 Uh-huh. The last time I ever heard of somebody getting botulism was from an improperly canned jar of nacho cheese that at a movie theater or maybe it's a gas station in california man you hate to go out like that you would think like a cool way to go out with botulism would be like you're on an Arctic expedition in 1842. Like that's a cool way to go out on botulism. Not going,
Starting point is 00:18:53 not, not on a can of queso, nacho, nacho Rico from fucking, uh, the cinema art three. Uh, this is watching minions. Yeah. Fucking Cinemark 3. Watching Minions. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:08 This is like what those trad guys really are mad about. They're mad about that we've created a world so stupid that you can go out on nacho cheese now. Which I'm mad about that too. Yeah. I mean, dude, I... So yeah, so I got the shot. I had to about that too. Yeah. I mean, dude, I, I, so yeah, so I got the shot. I had to get the shots.
Starting point is 00:19:28 They made like, they were like, if you touched any of that shit, you know, that shit that just washed through town and covered everything. Yeah. You touched any of that. Come see us.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Yeah. So like I, I did that and there's a big line out the door at MCHC and all of MCHC is wrecked on the inside dude that shit is fucked up so this looks like a field hospital in Mogadishu
Starting point is 00:19:55 right now or something I mean yes it is absolutely beyond belief it's absolutely beyond belief. It's absolutely beyond belief. Every day you think you've finally got a hold on it, like kind of got the reins on it, and every day you're encountered with an entirely new anecdote, thing.
Starting point is 00:20:21 I don't know. It is just... Anyways, they had all the people lined up in front of mchc and like i don't know why i never really thought of this but like usually yeah you think that like not very many of us see other people get shots that's usually something that occurs behind like a curtain or a closed door or something like you see it i guess when you go donate blood i gotta tell you there's something refreshingly socialist about it though no i mean it was kind of interesting yes i it was uh you know a long line of people and you know
Starting point is 00:20:57 they just have these big ass fucking needles with the like plungers and the the circles on each side of those two fingers where they can just stick your ass and fucking shoot it in there. Yeah. It really is just like, all right, man. And then they give everybody the same vaccine from the same hole. That seems... They suck. They reuse the needle of like four or five people.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Yeah, it's like, yeah like yeah yeah we came here now we don't have to worry about hepatitis a it's hepatitis b we have to worry about that oh no trust me there's no shortage of single use anything there's no shortage of single plastic i've been thinking recently as of America as a human, right? Like a person. And the shit it eats, just like us, and drinks, eventually gets shit and pissed back out. In this case, in the Gulf. Just like the particular load working its way through its like digestive tract like
Starting point is 00:22:08 down the kentucky down the ohio into the mississippi just like working its way down like you've got like that hundreds of thousands of gallons of gasoline um uh uh you've got propane fertilizers a new one that i didn't think of today until i walked into a back i hadn't thought of yet until i walked into a back room in neon and there was just fucking paint everywhere i was like oh yeah paint i i don't know why i hadn't thought of that like yeah i mean every chemical you can imagine is like, and not to mention, not just that, but like coal slurry, lots of dead animals and like bacteria that gets kicked up from, you know, deep in the soil and everything. Like just been passed through. And I mean, no wonder there's like a dead zone in the gulf right like it is insane like the
Starting point is 00:23:05 degree like the astonishing level of ecological destruction is something that is is hard to wrap your fucking mind around dude i was thinking about this you know that graphic that gets passed around from time to time i think it's like from an old like issue of popular mechanics or something where they're like telling people how to like safely dispose of like leftover motor oil it's like bury it in the ground with like post hole diggers and it's like we don't understand how like there was just decades in america in the 50s and 40s and 60s where like everybody in america just did that changed their own oil to their like chevy novas in the driveway and and 40s and 60s where everybody in America just did that. Changed their own oil to their Chevy Novas in the driveway and then just went out with post hole diggers,
Starting point is 00:23:51 put a hole in there and just stuck all these. Like America is one huge brownfield. I mean, dude, it really and truly is. And not just that, there's a whole other aspect of it that really depresses me that I don't remember if I mentioned on the last time we recorded. Because, like, a lot has happened between since now and then.
Starting point is 00:24:11 But something that is incredibly depressing is the amount of single-use plastic, like water bottles and stuff. Like, this is necessary. People need it because they don't have water systems like a neon and stuff like they're not gonna have their water turned back on for like two or three months they're saying and so like they need water of some kind but it's at this it's jarring to see all that plastic and like realize that like this happened because of fossil fuel extraction right like it's like it's a it's just an example of how we just dig ourselves even deeper with each new one with each new disaster it's just there's no there's no stopping it there's no just saying like
Starting point is 00:25:00 there's no you know just saying like can't we put a pause on all this like isn't what isn't this like a revolution in and of itself the whole place is fucking destroyed like massive loss of life massive loss of property and and all this like isn't this in and of itself kind of like a revolution couldn't we stop and say maybe we should do things differently but no i mean perhaps we should have left that fossil plankton in the ground. You see how quickly the things start spinning into action that try to get things back to normal. It's like, it's why they immediately start talking about looters.
Starting point is 00:25:40 It's why, like, you know, it's why they talk about like rebuilding even though they don't mean it they're not like gonna build free housing for anybody or any or you know like six months into covid they started saying weird shit like human capital stock like if if things keep humming on along and like it like start drifting toward revolution or at least something changing people start the capitalists start talking funny you know their mask slips a little bit they start saying weird shit like you know again the human capital stock and stuff like that they start talking about you like you're
Starting point is 00:26:19 just a herd of steer or somewhere you know which is how they talk about you all the time. It's just that like, they have to start saying it in public to kind of like water the fascist plants. You know what I mean? Right, right. But I mean, it's, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:26:41 I don't know what the larger thought is there. It's just a really astonishing thing to watch everything scramble back into an attempt at normality. And by that I mean, like, nobody addressing... Like, there's not been... I don't know. I feel like every day I search for updates on google and stuff and in the last two or three days i've not really hold a whole lot heard a whole lot other than like stuff like our friend katie myers who reports stuff but other than that like i don't know there was the
Starting point is 00:27:18 new york times article about your your nephew that was like yesterday and that was good um but i i hadn't really even honestly i hadn't even really been reading a whole lot of that or any news at all up until about like two days ago when i was talking to you and you were telling me about nancy pelosi going to taiwan you just you you're out there in the flood ramp just just missed that i was like i better tell him that sounds like something he would have heard by now i mean it's it's like i told you and and i hate to say you hate to sound like alarmist or whatever but dude i'm not alarmist i'm fucking zen man look at my hand you can't tell but it's not shaking for those at home this man is i mean still still still i mean yeah yeah he could operate heavy machinery i could
Starting point is 00:28:13 um no i don't know it's uh it's like it's just an example of how it's of how something happens and you can so easily see how it could be a totally different way um well i mean like what like we were talking about the other day like people getting mad about people like double dipping and supply distro centers like getting out of line and getting back in line like yes okay that's that is selfish behavior if you're taking stuff away from other people but the name of the game here is survival and that's the fucking rules that you all agreed upon that when you you know when capitalism became embodied in everything the thing is that it all became surviving about it and
Starting point is 00:29:12 individuals need to survive so what the fuck i mean you you don't want to do planning there's no fucking planning or coordination any of this it's just all of the minutes uh like what i mean it's just um well what what happens and we've talked about this a little bit the other day just between me and you but it feels like what happens is people want a result and this is perfectly warranted but people want a result that the current system we choose to live under cannot provide. Yeah. Like, we want all these ends, but we think that, like, Appalachia Strong can get it and, like, all these other things where we basically assume that the generosity of our overlords can provide for us.
Starting point is 00:30:03 Yep. Or will provide for us or something, and it's just not the case. What the overlords want is for us to get. Or will provide for us or something. It's just not the case. What the overlords want is for us to get back to normal, get back to work. And it's interesting because what we want is we want for all of our homes and businesses and everything to be repaired and cleaned and in good working order. And we want, like, functioning infrastructure and all this kind of stuff but the current system cannot give that to us because eastern kentucky was set up as essentially a work colony with rickety infrastructure i mean i mean you were talking about like man we like i've called
Starting point is 00:30:38 like those shotgun houses and places like hayman and stuff rickety infrastructure for years but compared to like newer builds it's like a whole different deal uh-huh anyway what i was getting at is like what everybody wants is they want uh you know again homes and businesses and everything be cleaned out and get back up and running all that kind of stuff but here's the sobering thing to me and that what i was talking to my friend pete the other day about this it's like you know if like say you're a small business owner i mean you talked about this a little bit the other day let's say you're a small business owner and you get your like flood check like your insurance check and all that stuff it's almost like a get out of jail free card from like like probably years of toiling away at a small business that was like not you know was it was either barely making ends meet or not making ends meet right kind of operating at a loss
Starting point is 00:31:30 or whatever it's like a lot of people are not going to be kicking down the door to go back to a place and just like live that kind of precarious life again but like that's what we've sold a generation of people where we're from where we're at on it's like entrepreneurship starting small but that's the way that rising tide is going to lift all boats and well the rising tide came but no boats lifted and uh it it makes me mad it doesn't make me mad because anybody went and like you know started a small business or whatever like right like i mean we've got our own qualms about that more broadly but like that doesn't make me mad that is a perfectly rational thing people would like to do in communities like i
Starting point is 00:32:14 just want to move back home and open up whatever restaurant a shop whatever it is what makes me mad is that powerful people that were able to get everything of value out of the ground and out of the hills and everything sold people on this horseshit dream vis-a-vis things like the sore initiative and so forth well well all the while like all the while like cutting as many corners like killing as many fucking coal miners in the process like destroying as many fucking streams like basically in their end game convinced people that uh that i don't know communists were your enemy i don't know the environmentalist i guess that was their well not even communists or anything they probably don don't even... But like progressives or whatever.
Starting point is 00:33:08 Like any progressive that was like sort of... I mean, I hate to say that, but I'm just saying that as a catch-all for anybody left of center that had criticisms of that way of being. They convinced like an entire generation that it was in their interest to destroy this place that it was actually a an advantage and that if we listen to the people who were worried
Starting point is 00:33:36 about that then you were basically committing sacrilege a traitor a traitor yeah committing sacrilege yes exactly it's it's emasculating to be concerned about ecological problems that is like the big subtext they there's something pussy about being concerned that it oh floods are getting a little more storms are a little more devastating they had had been. You know, like, I got questions about this. Oh, well, you're a pussy then. Yeah. I mean, it is, I understand.
Starting point is 00:34:11 I mean, it is completely fucking absurd. If bills are due, you've got to put food on the table, and you can't go to work because of, like, a fucking salamander or something. Like, I understand that. Right, right. Well, I'm not even talking about about like, you know, we're. No, like as a political project, as like an undergirding idea of a movement, like the Friends of Cold movement. Then, yes, that is when it becomes completely ridiculous because at a communal level, we should want to protect our community we should want to
Starting point is 00:34:45 protect the ecosystem you know we should uh you know we should have those values those are values that i think we should have that like a good society would have one that isn't sick to its fucking core i mean like i know it sounds fucking cheesy and like lame but i really am an environmentalist it really causes me an immense amount of distress thinking about this about how much damage we do to north america you know that's just because i live here but the world at large north america where i live that's what i'm starting to tell people they ask me where I'm from I'm going to say the most general thing
Starting point is 00:35:27 in the world you know North America the Americas I think I know where I was going with that basically a lot of this and again very much too soon to tell and also I mean you and I are both working.
Starting point is 00:35:46 I'm trying not to be so negative and backbiting and gossipy. But there is one hard line that we can draw, okay? It's like you were talking about Dee the other day. What did you say? That the unfortunate thing is that you've... You'll have to raise my estimation of some people. Right, right, right. Yeah, I mean, no, this comes at a weird time in my life
Starting point is 00:36:12 that I'm trying to improve some of my own behaviors. And I don't know, you just get stuck in cycles uh in life um you know like addiction or any of these other things and you like set out to break them and i guess maybe it's because this natural disaster lines up with an attempt of me trying to make some of those changes in my life that it feels like oh you could just reach out and uh with enough people try to i don't know break a a cycle of some kind all right uh but it's weird it's like it's like you were saying The other day Like Soar is dead
Starting point is 00:37:09 Yeah In one fell swoop Their whole theory of change has been decimated It's all Yes immediately Yeah The whole thing was predicated on like small business Incubation and innovation
Starting point is 00:37:27 i mean i guess pikeville didn't get hit very hard in this flood and pikeville is kind of the center of that whole scene of the whole source scene but pikeville has experienced flooding in the past they did move an entire mountain to make, to try to make sure it never happened again. And so far they've been pretty good at it. I guess it really was a pretty good, effective remedy to the situation of flooding in Pikeville. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:56 But like some of these more out of the way places that aren't on the way to anywhere where commerce isn't like done that like coal basically reigns supreme and now where zz top will never play zz top's playing there this fall i don't have to go check that out see if they've still got it without dusty hill uh um but yeah no i mean like this this is just a lot of those places the dream that they were trying to sell to people of a creative class of a rejuvenation for the region which let's be clear was sort of a dead idea to begin with. I mean, for any time anybody might say to us,
Starting point is 00:38:46 communism's a dead idea, socialism's a dead idea. Well, there's merits to that argument. Join the club. Your idea's now been also thrown on the trash heap. Yeah, at least mine's still got legs to some degree. Again, what it's done is it's created a situation whereby you know if i'm thinking about taking a chance on a small business in a place like eastern kentucky and i'm gonna have to raise all this capital and my margins are going to be razor thin because i'm
Starting point is 00:39:18 already dealing with a couple of things that are working against you. Let's just say restaurants in particular, because I know that business. Bars, restaurants, hospitality. You got chronic depopulation. That's already bad. Yeah. Especially in the hospitality business. You need people. And you got razor sharp fins.
Starting point is 00:39:41 You got all these antiquated laws that say you got to sell this, that, and the third. You can only sell this much alcohol and only during this time and whatever, whatever. So you've got the deck stacked against you already. You know, why would I say, okay, well, yeah, I'll just kick back up here and continue to just kind of barely make it. You know what I mean? Like that's going to be a tough sell for anybody. So I'm wondering how they pivot.
Starting point is 00:40:10 You know what I mean? Yeah. I to be a tough sell for anybody so i'm wondering how they pivot you know what i mean yeah i mean i've been wondering the same and now on top of that if i get a restaurant i'm gonna have to carry like financially prohibitive flood and natural disaster insurance right yeah and a lot of these buildings are already pretty old and so the infrastructure itself isn't looking too great now as well uh i don't know man it's just we just need a radically different society like not just a communist one with like a state bureaucracy that like tells people where to go and takes care of them if something disastrous like this happens or something like that, but also one that values freedom of movement, care for the environment, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:40:56 Like it has an entirely different value system, you know what I'm saying? Like a true social revolution revolution like a new human well i mean something that's like also that's not dogmatic while also borrowing from the best of all these traditions that we're talking about here like how do you create something new in the face of you know situation like this you know it's an open question it is i mean like it's just weird because like i was talking with this um i was talking with nicole about this the other night like when you're doing mutual aid which i've been doing some of people you know you can kind of get
Starting point is 00:41:41 like a knee jerk like we all have these things programmed i mean i'm kind of get, like, a knee-jerk, like, we all have these things programmed in, I mean, I'm kind of embarrassed to be admitting this in public, but at the same time, like, I would imagine that a lot of people also feel this way sometimes, if we've been raised in American society, in a certain kind of culture or community, like, you kind of sometimes have, like, a knee-jerk fear or paranoia, like, we have all these supplies, we have this money, like, oh, fuck have like a knee-jerk fear or paranoia like we have all these supplies we have this money like oh fuck like what if they robbed me like what if they you know like oh like whatever but then you're like well it's theirs anyways this stuff is there for people who need it and it's like it can't be stolen if it's not yours if it belongs to the community it is not
Starting point is 00:42:28 something that can be stolen there is no crime there being committed being committed exactly and that's what i'm saying like that is an a very interesting and i mean i don't know maybe people are listening to this and they're like i lived in a co-op in college, bro. I had this realization a long time ago. Yeah, but we're talking about living good, not just living off undersized root vegetables that you got in the garden. Listen, that's no slander to my anarchist buddies because I think there's a lot of merit to those ideas. I do. It's just I'm too big of an eater to be an anarchist buddies, because I think there's a lot of merit to those ideas. I do.
Starting point is 00:43:05 It's just I'm too big of an eater to be an anarchist. You know what I mean? This whole experience has completely dispelled any remaining interest or curiosity I had about anarchism. I'm sorry. I cannot understand why there are not systems that have a hierarchical structure and are able to use the technology we have to coordinate and distribute and respond to need and this I mean it but no what happens is you go into one of these distribution centers and like
Starting point is 00:43:43 everyone's screaming at each other. There's no organization in any of it. People are paranoid. There's rumors that go around. There's no one running the show. Yeah. You need communism, man. Yeah, there has to be some structure there.
Starting point is 00:44:02 And whether you're a statist or not or whatever, it's hard to dispel the fact that there is benefit in having some sort of structure and systems in place yeah yeah i don't know i shouldn't say that because like maybe that's a simplistic way of thinking about it maybe under anarchism i ain't even having this conversation but it's just that when you experience something like this you see the potential for other ways of political economy and other ways of uh you know like social distribution social building you know what i'm saying and so like you have these thoughts and so i don't know maybe under something like anarchism or syndicalism whatever there is a central administrative agency that does take care of this stuff and i'm just not yeah maybe there's
Starting point is 00:44:42 things that i mean we're being facetious i think yeah yeah now that i think about it i think what i'm actually describing is a society in which capitalism has eroded all of the social relations that a lot of us would normally have like the way to actually act that out on our values and everything it's eroded all those connections between us and has encouraged us all to be as competitive and individualistic as possible and not only that but like cynical because of the way we like pay attention to how others live their lives on social media and stuff like it is eroded that sense of community so that when people do try to get together to help out in situations like this it just completely devolves into chaos i mean i think
Starting point is 00:45:25 that's actually what we're describing rather than this isn't this isn't anything or poaching what anarchy probably well then the other wrinkle too that it's that you encounter in a place as tight-knit and close where everybody knows each other like ours is old beefs are either like deaded because again your estimation of people raises in a crisis and then on the other hand some of those things some of the people that you suspected were shit your suspicions get confirmed you know so i mean it's been it has been a very fascinating just at the micro sociological level it has been fascinating to find yourself next to somebody who just yesterday, you know, you considered an enemy or something like that, just because of some petty bullshit.
Starting point is 00:46:16 That you don't even remember what you were mad about. Yeah. But I was at the Letcher Central distribution thing for two days, just trying to understand it, like working at it and also trying to gain a comprehensive mental portrait of how it worked. And at one point I looked up and I see coming through the door the most menacing crew of geriatrics like you've ever seen in your life like literally three big three the big three grim the other is listen locally we have another big three the big
Starting point is 00:46:54 three plutocrats local plutocrats yeah the big three plutocrats who are like average age between them has got to be like 87 being generous there's two guys in their 90s in this so 87 is probably right that's probably the average age yeah hal rogers um hal rogers was one of them and yeah again i look up and like i'm literally face to face with hal rogers and it's like hey man did you squash that man hey man hey listen no i didn't but what i wanted to ask him was like didn't you wasn't your whole thing flood walls isn't that what you fucking spent billions of dollars of pork on fucking flood walls i mean they created jobs and whatever i mean that's the thing you're supposed to give hal rogers credit for even though he's like an insane psychopath people are like he at least created jobs through flood walls where it's like okay well maybe he
Starting point is 00:47:50 should have kept stuck it back in the oven for a little while longer because what he did build clearly didn't work in some places but that is very the the irony of that is really wild. Like, he's the flood wall guy, and he's, like, touring, like, this flood-ravaged facility. That was the irony of being, like, what is the other thing he gets credit for? Like, the cleanup, what do they call that? Pride. Kentucky Pride. Yeah. He did the cleanup, where, like, they gave, like, federal dollars away for people to, like,
Starting point is 00:48:23 go and clean up their communities, pick trash out of the creeks and all that stuff and i will i mean i won't give him any credit for i'll give the people that really invested in that the the place i grew up at was so i mean you ask eight or anybody that grew up here like in the 80s and early 90s like this place was like had trash every fucking time and then like we got you know more reliable garbage and all this kind of stuff recycling and you got kentucky pride and you got kentucky pride you know but uh yeah but it is the great irony of the pride and flood wall guys now presiding over at age 117 a bona fide ecological disaster that i saw somebody call the worst most deadly flash flood event we've had in this country since the mid 70s in the 70s yeah i saw that and they called
Starting point is 00:49:12 it a tropical storm this is yeah this has been the rainiest wettest summer i have ever experienced in my life not just here but in my life like this is well i mean i'm from the desert so every as soon as i move bar is low but as soon as i moved out of texas every summer was the wettest summer of my life oh dude when i lived in las vegas if it like was drizzled for an hour people were scrambling around talking about can you believe that that happened today it's like what are you talking about first day i moved to Vegas, it drizzled a little bit. I was just like, that just drizzles. But people, I mean, it might as well have been a goddamn hurricane. Now, I read like a science post about what it was.
Starting point is 00:49:53 They call it like training thunderstorms. And it was just a stationary front that just did not budge and just pounded the Kentucky River watershed with like 16 inches. It just kept like cycling back into itself. It couldn't move on. Someone suggested... Hey, just like a lot of y'all's ex-boyfriends, just couldn't move on.
Starting point is 00:50:22 Someone suggested to me that it could have been like bio it could have been a uh what do they call that like weather engineering thing oh yeah what did he cut the blue light yeah yeah yeah yeah um i appreciated that i appreciated that because like because like it's almost too cruel not to be i know yeah um but i was trying to remember what kentucky pride stands for it stands for personal responsibility in a desirable environment like all that shit they cleaned up dude like every every time you get pride back up again hal dude that is crazy like hal rogers two biggest things kentucky pride and operation unite each of them is not an acronym too yeah unlawful narcotics investigations. Task. Training and enforcement.
Starting point is 00:51:30 Training and enforcement. Yeah, something like that. But both of them were predicated on the idea of creating a quote unquote respectable environment. Was that what it was? Or like, what it was like instilling responsibility for a desirable environment that's what it is desirable environment yeah the end result is be completely suspicious of your neighbors and while you're out there narking on your neighbors maybe pick up some cans out of the creek dude it really is fucking crazy to think about because like how Rogers whole fucking thing was trying to create Eastern Kentucky, trying to make it a desirable environment for business.
Starting point is 00:52:13 Right. For large flows of capital, like new manufacturing and health care and stuff like that. And so to get people to actually invest in that that none of which of it ever fucking paid off they had pride eliminating uh the signs of poverty the trash problem yeah eliminating the signs of poverty from the roads in in the the environment and then eliminating the signs of poverty from the social environment you know what i'm saying yeah like drug users basically it's just yeah and and now to see like where we stand like he's on his dude he just hit like his 40th year in office like this year he's this is the end of his career and like and it's like might as well be 1978 again exactly exactly exactly dude um i mean well i don't know the police are still out there trying to create a desirable social environment by curbing uh the
Starting point is 00:53:13 illegal trade of water damaged goods that are built from the affluent's garages garages yeah that shit still pisses me off think about well it's um now they're towing those vehicles didn't you say they towed these vehicles from downtown whitesburg that had been flooded not drivable uh right not drivable and they didn't notify the owners. And they said it was because the National Guard was going to bring in... I don't even think they said the National Guard. They said someone was going to bring these pop-up showers. Those never materialized. Dude, this is a fucking farce. It is all so fucking farcical.
Starting point is 00:54:02 I mean, the fact that Joe Brandon is now coming is the farcical on top joe brandon coming to whitesburg monday that's the rumor he's coming to eastern kentucky they say but my hunch is that he will make a trip to whitesburg eastern kentucky is on brandon watch dude this is the first time he's left d.C. since he got COVID. Dude, wouldn't it be amazing? Just follow me for a second. It wouldn't be amazing. It would be, it would just be par for the damn course. These people that have, like, you know,
Starting point is 00:54:35 given their lives to the coal industry and everything else and had this misfortune of this happening to them. Now, Joe Brandon, none other joe brandon is patient zero for a new like a new just run outbreak of covet in the region i liked the uh i liked what we were working with last night i like the idea that i'm really bummed they didn't send Kamala out to be the face of this. Like, that is a huge fucking bummer. But I do like the idea of her going rogue, like AWOL, and, like, setting herself up in some fucked up Lord Jim, like, Colonel Kurtz situation.
Starting point is 00:55:28 up lord jim like colonel court kurt's situation and like joe biden riding in the kentucky up river the kentucky on a job boat trying to find kamla it's like say you think we can somebody tweeted this at me like he gets off the chopper and says, take me to that house that looks like a goose. He's looking for Kamala, he says. Yeah, he's like, yeah, you think while we're looking for Kamala, we can stop that house that looks like a goose? Just finding Kamala, and she's rubbing a sponge over her bald head.
Starting point is 00:56:09 Just several minions that have been living off the grid have never voted or anything. Right. Oh, man. I am very much looking forward to the next episode after we can report conclusively on uh the results of brandon watch i mean him coming here again it is the biggest farce it's just another i don't know i mean it is interesting it's certainly interesting i don't know the last time a sitting president came to the to eastern k like, I think Clinton in the 90s.
Starting point is 00:56:46 Did Bush ever come? Did Bush ever come? No, Bush never came. I think it was Clinton in the 90s, yeah, to Hazard. And I guess Clinton came, but he wasn't a sitting president then, but when he was in, I guess, 2007, he came to Moorhead. Well, he came back to Hazard, I thought, like, five or six years ago, remember? Yeah, that is right, at the forum. what was that for i don't know yeah he came i remember people were just like uh
Starting point is 00:57:14 he was walking through the crowd i remember people were like you know they told all the vistas that were working that hey this is not political so you can't like go up and get pictures or autographs in the present everybody just like they were like they were like this is not political, so you can't go up and get pictures or autographs from the president. Everybody's just like, ah, I just want to go. They were like, this is not political, so you can't assassinate Bill Clinton. Yeah. As much as you want to assassinate the former president, curb that instinct because we can't get political here.
Starting point is 00:57:39 Because you're a VISTA. If you want to assassinate him, you can quit being a Vista. You got to turn in your Vista credentials. No political activity under being a Vista. That includes assassinations. That includes assassinations and attempts on any of the lives of presidents, both past and present. That's a niche.
Starting point is 00:58:03 I feel like that's a niche joke. Not everyone is going to get that, but the ones that do, they'll appreciate it. I was watching, I was in my mom's hospital room, and I was watching, what's that John Sayles movie about? I was listening to a podcast about it, and I pulled it up on YouTube. It's the John Sayles movie about the Vistas that have a reunion. Is it the Secaucus Seven or Vistas that have a reunion. Is it the Secaucus 7 or something like that?
Starting point is 00:58:27 I've never even heard of it. We have to watch this. John Sells has a movie about Vistas that all kind of go on in life and kind of lose their fervor for change and they get back together to find the fire. That's insane. He has a Vista movie? Yeah, he's got a Vista movie.
Starting point is 00:58:44 John Sells. Interesting interesting i can't find it how about to have john sales on the show so it's like basically you just described to me the big chill the big chill but everyone's a vista why is it wait hold on a second is it hold a second. What was it called? That's pretty fucking good. Oh, no, no, no. Return of Secaucus 7? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:16 Yeah. Yeah. That's what it was. Return of the Secaucus 7. Read me the plot synopsis. Seven baby boomers with ties to the anti-war movement of the 60s which they were vistas in the movie though get together for a weekend at the home of teachers mike and katie and what should be a peaceful reunion however is rife with drama oh no time couple jeff and mara are separating speechwriter irene is self-conscious
Starting point is 00:59:43 about her conservative boyfriend and francis has a flirtation with a local mechanic wow he made that movie for 60 000 in 1980 that's insane i bet it's really good i'm sure it's really good um yeah clinton i guess yeah clinton came down here like six years ago or something it's interesting that joe biden's coming but but but to kind of like follow that farce that thread of it being a farce just a little bit further i mean it is pretty ridiculous that uh for example, FEMA is probably the best example of how it seems like all of these institutions are designed to just kind of waste your time. And that's why it kind of feels like a prank. It's like, as I understand it, and I probably got this wrong, but there's so many rumors flying
Starting point is 01:00:41 around, it's hard for me to even know what's what. But people are saying to get FEMA money, if you get it, you have to then use it on a contractor. I don't think they just give you money. Like, you have to hire a contractor with the money they give you. Probably from a list that they provide. Yeah, yeah, yeah, something like that. I mean, there are FEMA trailers. Those are things. But they own those trailers, yeah, yeah, something like that. I mean, there are FEMA trailers. Those are things, but they own those trailers too,
Starting point is 01:01:09 and at some point they will want them back. You were telling me about a friend of your girlfriend's that, right, that lives in New Orleans that tried to buy a FEMA trailer because she had been living there for X amount of years. Yeah, it was a friend of Ada's. They had, like like lived in one and were trying to buy it off of fema because you know they lived in one after ida and it basically became their house and fema was like no we want that back uh i don't know the just the fact that
Starting point is 01:01:38 fema showed up like four days later i thought i don't know why i thought this i thought fema was like boots on the ground shit i thought they're ready to go right right where the need is i thought yeah i thought they showed the weather channel beats fema there you know it's fun i thought that yeah they showed up in like cute fucking crisis camo outfits or something especially after katrina with the debacle that was katrina you know i do i do think it would be funny i do think it would be funny there's all those rumors about fema scams going around and i do think it would be funny if fema probably started those like the government is 100 geared to like it's it's kind of like the united states is kind of like the uh 47 minute hold time of countries it's like all they do all they do is just wait
Starting point is 01:02:37 you out till you just give up till you give up you know what i mean that's why i think all this shit man is geared at that that's why like when you file your taxes, it's like playing a goddamn carnival game. That's why, and yet, I'm kind of with the Republicans on this one, and yet they want to add, Joe Brandon wants to add 87,000 IRS agents. I say no to new tax men. So they can turn us all upside down and shake every fucking cent out of our pockets. I say no, sir. I say no to any new tax men.
Starting point is 01:03:07 No way. I'm getting on board with the tax movement. These guys that I call charlatans and whatever, they were 100% right. Not for the reasons they thought, though. Just because it sucks for money that you could use or whatever it goes to just fucking uh starting these like weird antagonisms in places like ukraine and taiwan to try to bait the bigger protector it's into a global conflict i don't understand but whatever the um yeah uh so fema i thought that they would show up wearing like at least at least like national parks type uniforms wait wait wait there so you thought they were gonna
Starting point is 01:03:58 wear like like brown arby's hats and-sleeved shirt and green shorts and boots. Something that would designate their role as an emissary of the government. Like, I'm from the government and I'm here to help you. Like that kind of thing. But no, I guess it's just guys in polos. Like Ralph Lauren polos. Oh, boy. But I thought it would be fun so there were the rumors about fema scammers going around honestly i think joe biden you know like he's he's gonna have a
Starting point is 01:04:38 hard time like fitting in right like he's this is this is nobody knows nobody's like who is this guy this is trump country it's not you know it's not like biden country he's gonna have to do something to like diffuse the situation right to just be like to cut the room a little bit i have an idea you you you jest about the fema guys but i just put fema polo into ebay uh-huh and we have myriad options and colors including one that says fema disaster team so while probably unfounded it would be kind of easy to run a fema scam at a certain point i was like freaking out like when the fuck is the cavalry coming like fema and then they were like well there's some national guardsmen here and there and i like pointed that out on twitter
Starting point is 01:05:30 and people got fucking pissed they were like the national guard has rescued 500 people and i was like that's not what i'm fucking talking about like also let me say here's the thing about the national guard though i mean like it's our memory short they also murdered david mcatee yeah like cause absolute terror during the 2020 riots i'm not gonna fucking forget that like fuck that yeah i mean yeah it's good to be rescuing people yeah i'm not saying that like they should that's what they should do right but that's not all they do no it's not that is exactly right that's not all i do yeah but yeah like going back to biden he's gonna have to like you know ingratiate himself in some way kind of like um like i said cut the room a little bit cut the tension i think he should just get like a white t-shirt and like get a sharpie and write
Starting point is 01:06:16 fema on it and then like go to someone's house and pretend to be a fem scammer? I think that could be like... Yeah, that would actually be hilarious. Joe Brandon, yeah. People are like, sleepy Joe. He's got a sense of humor. Wouldn't it be funny if in that same spirit that we were talking about earlier, about some enemies become friends,
Starting point is 01:06:39 some friends become enemies during times like these, our estimation of people raises, what if we see pictures of this and it's like joe biden just hugging and giving thumbs up to guys that say like let's go brand let's go brandon shirts up and then they just become buddies and it's just like in some ways that would almost be worse than the trump train of 2020 in eastern kentucky it would be everybody became Biden guys. If everyone became Biden guys, and that's who swings the election for them in 2020,
Starting point is 01:07:10 it's like this fucking close, but East Kentucky comes through. East Kentucky comes through for Brandon. People, dude, people, I mean, people fucking talk about that shit, though. That's like, I've literally heard multiple people talk about that shit, though. That's like... I've literally heard multiple people talk about the liberal line that this happened because of who we voted for and all that stuff.
Starting point is 01:07:39 Yeah. And that's fucking depressing. It's like... The liberals... Your estimation of people needs to decline. I wish Joe Biden was as effective as you thought he was. Or that even Kentucky was as effective as it... I mean, I guess they say that because we have Mitch McConnell,
Starting point is 01:08:03 but they'd be fucking saying it if it was Alabama or any other fucking state yeah in the south yeah um but that is really fucking depressing um that just goes to show you that things from political discourse are being circulated out there and people are looking for political answers and they get that who the fuck you think they're gonna be i mean like obviously that's that's why i really do think that the left should disassociate itself in any way possible from the democrats because like you're during more like escalating crises as this happens more and more like the people impacted by that shit were mostly poor and working people are going to get answers from you know people uh liberals and the answers they get are fuck you this is your fucking fault for voting for mitch mcconnell uh and you know what i'm saying and so they i like how they think that that god has a natural
Starting point is 01:09:05 disaster machine that he just just smites people because they didn't vote a certain way it is it is the same logic like they really do think that i mean i guess in their minds i guess walking through this logic in their minds it's a gotcha thing it's like oh you love mitch mcconnell and donald trump so much like that you voted for the people that make the policies that make climate change worse and it's like even if this fucking state voted for biden that would still be the case because there are states in this fucking country that do vote for biden and we still have this happening so clearly that's not the fucking problem yeah there are states that produce big oil that or whatever it is that's you know that's causing the earth to warm yeah the democrats they're just as fucking responsible and culpable for this as the republicans and i
Starting point is 01:09:58 mean i'm just as these crises happen more i do think people will look for political answers and like is it gonna be is it gonna be a movement that i don't know is mostly online yeah so i don't know why i'm even fucking saying that it's not like we're out on the streets as like a like a militant force like it's just a couple of people in a ragtag mutual aid office like handing shit out it's like it doesn't feel in any way that we're able to get out any kind of narrative that could add some coherence to this like it's that's the thing man it's just people are fucking looking for answers and like how do you get that out there and like in a way that is compelling and like uh honors their experience and speaks to it and
Starting point is 01:10:53 makes them want to join something worth fighting and probably dying for uh if y'all quit asking them their pronouns maybe they would yeah i don't think that's the issue i like when people act like that's what it all turns on is the pronouns there are there are things about leftist spaces that i do think need like re-examination just in the just in the but like i don't think pronouns you think um shit dude all right well i don't know if any of that was coherent uh i'm having a hard time talking and holding a conversation longer than an hour these days. And so I don't know if any of that was coherent, if it had any bit of wisdom or insight into it at all.
Starting point is 01:11:58 But, I mean, what are you going to... Every day is completely different. Like, I'm going to look back on this and it's going to be a blank space in my brain. Because so much has happened, like, that you can't process it all. But at the same time, I'm completely exhausted. So, obviously, the hard drives aren't even operating properly in the first place. Oh, dude. Yeah, same.
Starting point is 01:12:26 What if Biden comes and he's like, yeah, I've got a little experience in water. Or he starts talking about being a lifeguard and scranting or whatever, man. What was that guy, that black guy he fought? Peanut or whatever it was. Like, we've heard this. Boo!
Starting point is 01:12:43 We've heard this one, Joe. He's playing the hits. We need some fresh Brandon. I would actually be fine with that if he did come here and play the hits. He tells popcorn, that story. Oh, if he tells them about popcorn. God, that would be awesome.
Starting point is 01:12:57 He challenges a guy to a push-up competition by calling him fat. Like, let's get classic. Let's get some of the classics. Let's get some Biden classics. God, it's going to be so good. Wherever he is posted up to give a speech, we have to go record it.
Starting point is 01:13:14 I don't know how the fuck he's going to handle it. It's so fucking hot and humid. Dude, it is so hot and humid. This guy will melt, and he's coming off back-to-back covet infections what if joe brandon collapsed and died at whitesburg arh heat exhaust it would just be awful sort of i mean it would be really really fucking like i don't even know if i can joke about can we even joke about this i'm sure that the secret service has by now struck struck plotted out within like a 50 mile radius of eastern kentucky
Starting point is 01:13:50 like all the known subversives and shit i i oh yeah i made the mistake of making a joke about taking joe biden's snob hunting that's a hell of a thing to explain to the secret service it's like actually what it is is a cryptid whose name is Snipe. And you never find it. And that's the joke. That's the joke. Fucking idiot. And they're like, hmm.
Starting point is 01:14:14 I don't know. Guantanamo. No, that's when you take them Snipe hunting. Yeah, listen. Listen, let's just... I'll take you myself. And then they just draw their weapons on me, and it's like, no!
Starting point is 01:14:27 It's a fake little bird you go call for, and then like five guys stand and laugh while the guy's going, snap, snap, snap. I do still think it'd be hilarious if we got a picture of him. I'm wearing a shirt that says, Buttweiser King of Rears, and you're wearing one that says,
Starting point is 01:14:43 if you can read this, the bitch fell fell off and then we get him to wear a let's go brandon shirt in the middle uh-huh as long as i get to write fema on it yeah he you know that that's no you know i'm trying to give everyone a longer leash i've been trying to be easier on myself and that means that to do that i have to be easier on others and so you know if biden if joe brandon wants to break bread oh i'm breaking bread with joe brandon if the opportunity presents because it's content and it would be hilarious dude you're right you right. And we're not going to change his mind about anything anyways because no one is because
Starting point is 01:15:27 we're all on the fucking train heading towards, you know, the walled-in mountainside. There are a lot of things I would like to ask him. Yeah. What would you ask him? Well, most notably, what he thinks about Let's Go
Starting point is 01:15:44 Branda. Oh,a oh yeah yeah yeah do you think i would also ask him if whatever medical condition caused him to mistake his uh wife or his sister or sister for his wife i'm campaign trail i wonder if that's been rectified uh-huh yeah i guess there's a lot of things I would probably ask him. I would ask him for the nuclear launch codes just to see if I could catch him.
Starting point is 01:16:15 And he starts and he's like, B-4-2... Ah, you almost got me. Ah, you almost got me. You almost got me. You almost got me. Damn. You wouldn't ask him some, like, really smart nerdy question? Like, what are you going to say at the G12 in Saigon?
Starting point is 01:16:40 Or, I don't know, fucking, you know what I'm saying? Oh, yeah, like some sort of just wonky ass fucking land your dick question you wouldn't ask him to pass a specific piece of you get one audience with the most brain dead president the United States has ever had what do you do what do you do what do you say I'm not wasting that asking him to pass the stream act this is a great you're not gonna ask him to do that i don't know what would you ask him um dude i guess i would ask him i would ask him um um i would probably ask him about maybe like the lost city of Atlantis.
Starting point is 01:17:28 Like, I wonder what the government line is on that. And if he, if we have any ambassadors there that we don't know about, I like the idea of the United States government having ambassadors to like alien societies and others, you know what I'm saying? That like they have to have diplomatic relationships with, but don't know about it it's like yeah meaning black but
Starting point is 01:17:49 if men in black was the west wing yeah i kind of like that idea what about asking him if he's got any updated thoughts on bathhouses and round the clock sex like it used to be uh-huh i'd ask him i just i know i know i just go through the hits and ask him what his thought process is what it was his process with each of them fat yeah dog fat ugly dog face pony soldier you would i would just go through be like what's up i guess last time you talked to fat i'd ask him about his childhood in scranton probably yeah that's probably what i would ask him about because i'm a down home country gal and i'm down to earth which means i ask i meet people where they're at i would be joe biden where he's at yeah and he sees me and he's like, you're the first man whoever actually saw me for
Starting point is 01:18:47 who I am. Yeah, you'd be like, listen, when I look at you, I don't see the president. I see little Joey from Scranton. And then you all just become brothers after that. I go to Dairy Queen the next day and you and Joe Brandon sit there
Starting point is 01:19:05 having an ice cream bar together. Tom, I hate to tell you this, but you're getting replaced on the show. I have a new best friend. Joe. I couldn't even be mad, honestly. That'd be great. Yeah, you and Joeon during sundowning hours
Starting point is 01:19:26 you stoned out of your mind joe brandon in a delirium it's just that's dude that's yeah we're gonna we're gonna rebuild our radio station here we're gonna have a new radio show sundowning hours thursday nights 10 to 12 oh shit dude this no this would be good for the audience it would be good like participation thing like if you have a question you want us to ask joe if he comes here if we get a chance let's do this let's do this right now for the patreon i will record the answer to it on my phone if unless a secret service person takes it from me true he might be he's going to be pulling it out and they're all going to like reach for their guns thinking he's reaching for a gun but he pulls it out slowly and it's a phone
Starting point is 01:20:17 it's just a phone i just wrote the president on the record here if we get an audience with joe brandon what do you want us to ask what do you want us to ask you and think we'll ask the best question but sound off in the comments there but if we get an audience with joe brandon we're gonna pick the best the best question to ask him and that's what we're gonna do uh-huh i'll i. I can even yell it to him from the side of the road. The Secret Service would probably tackle me anyways, but there's no ill intent here. This is a genuine audience with the most powerful man in the world situation
Starting point is 01:21:02 where we're going to meet him where he's at and ask him what you, the man there's no politics there we're all just guys at that point you know made terry and joe we're all just guys yeah uh-huh so yeah no good bringing this back full circle you now have a countdown it's like rabies you've been bit by the bug in this case being the what do you ask joe biden bug uh so you have about 24 hours probably less than that so you better get on it by the time you hear this on the main feed in fact this will already happen yeah your question yeah you got about 24 hours, son. Your clock starts now.
Starting point is 01:21:47 Yeah, but yeah. On the SoundCloud, if you're listening from the SoundCloud, this is a thing of the past, and you missed out, and that's what you're missing out by not signing up at Dot com. P-A-T-R-E-O-N dot com. You too, by proxy, could have had an audience with the most powerful man in the world,
Starting point is 01:22:07 but you snoozed and kept your $5. That's right. That's right. All right. Well, sign off in the comments. Thanks for listening and being patient with us, everybody. It's been a really hard last 10 days or so. And, you know, but we're just smiling through the pain.
Starting point is 01:22:34 It's like that song, After Laughter Brings Tears. But in this case, it was the opposite. Yeah. Well, kind of. It was tears and then laughter and then more tears. April showers bring May flowers. Mm- bring may flowers yeah it's like that it's like that old saying that's not true anymore it's not true anymore july showers bring august floods no yeah no it's uh july 1950 or July 1993 Black Diamond Strip Mine brings
Starting point is 01:23:08 the lights on but it also turns them off too. It also turns them off too. In August 2022. Jesus. I don't even know where I was going with that. That's how fucking we need to get off. This is sundowning hours now. I don't even know where I was going with that. That's how fucking... Yeah, we need to get off this.
Starting point is 01:23:27 This is sundowning hours now. Sundowning hours now. Thanks for listening, everybody. Go to Patreon and support us, please. We appreciate all your help and support. We also appreciate all your help and support for Flood Relief. If you know someone who has one of those massive industrial mudsuckers, as one of those massive industrial mud suckers. It's a big truck that you can pull up somewhere,
Starting point is 01:23:52 pull out that big hose tube, and then just suck up all that fucking mud. Is that like what you see people cleaning out Port-A-Johns with? I think so. Yes, I think that's exactly what it is. Something similar to that. Something like that would be very there's like there's a specific needs that like fall between certain i'm like i guess i could go buy like 30 shop vacs there is so much fucking mud and debris though that like i if i
Starting point is 01:24:19 like just one shop vac i'd probably have to dump it out every 10 minutes or so. Probably even less than that. And I'm not even really doing a lot of cleaning, but I suspect there will be in the near future. And I know people do need that, and I might be able to coordinate it if you have a hookup there. That's a request that I don't even know how to ask. Weisberg also needs someone to pick up trash. The whole town, the whole town is soliciting.
Starting point is 01:24:48 We managed to get at least five or six different police departments in Whitesburg from around the region. And perhaps I think by my count, about 20 police cruisers in a town of 2000 people. But I think there's even more than that i think there's maybe like 25 or so but we can't seem to find any fucking truck trucks for trash pickup uh so you know maybe what we could do is you know before it gets too cold maybe in a couple weeks when things calm down a little bit maybe we can have us like a barbecue slash trash pickup day yeah get back to being environmentalists like we used to you know we could do that um maybe
Starting point is 01:25:32 some help from our generous listeners i think it might i think the help is out there i've just got to tap into i've got to find it um there's stuff like that there's also stuff like massive industrial dehumidifiers all that shit is really fucking expensive and maybe we could like raise individual go fund me's or stuff as the need arises or i can just solicit it like hey this weekend we're gonna do this would you want to chip in but i mean it's really if you just have it or if you just have it or no and know someone that can either loan it out operate it for us or if you can steal it from a warehouse or if you can steal it from a warehouse um this is righteous gangsterismo by the way you know don't don't forget about that uh it's it's not it's not just a simple thing of like where can we pitch in and send
Starting point is 01:26:27 supplies to the supply issue right now is like some of these distribution centers are so like there's like traffic jams and shit happening outside of them like this weekend so many fucking people drove in from out of town um And there's all these like church groups here and stuff too. There's no coordination to any of it. I'm not going to, it's like it changes from place to place. So like the supplies are necessary and good, but because there's no coordination or logistical kind of like foresight or analysis or any of that it's not really getting to the places it needs to go i'm you know trying to figure out how to do that and
Starting point is 01:27:13 others we've been trying to figure out how to do that but it's just it's just chaos and i feel like what we've been doing kind of some days feels like a drop in the bucket because like you see that stuff and they're like, everything is completely destroyed. But, um, but you know, everybody's just doing the best they can. It's fucking really,
Starting point is 01:27:36 it's just unlike anything I've ever seen or experienced. And you just wake up and you do it all over again. And it just is a never-ending like a mental paradigm right but i don't know anyways there's there's ways to help out uh just be on the lookout i guess on my twitter and shit on the trail billy's twitter uh that at Pikeville Pride and at EKY Mutual Aid, both of those accounts have a lot of good information. Like, I mean, literally like locational information, like locations that need certain supplies and stuff.
Starting point is 01:28:18 So if you are bringing stuff, that's good to check those out because they can kind of coordinate that stuff or at least respond to when people are making calls and stuff, calls for specific requests. So, um, anyways, thanks for being patient with us. Thanks for listening.
Starting point is 01:28:34 Go check out the Patreon. Um, once again, don't know what the episode schedule is going to be anytime soon, but we'll figure it out until then. Until next time. Thanks again, everybody.
Starting point is 01:28:49 All right. Peace out.

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