Trillbilly Worker's Party - UNLOCKED: Posse Commie Tightass

Episode Date: June 1, 2020

We decided to unlock our Patreon episode for the weekend, about the nation in revolt. Enjoy! Support us on Patreon:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All righty. Well, here we are. What a time to be barely alive, huh? Newly designated terrorist. That's right. That's us. Well, I have always felt kinship, and I'm on record as saying with Hezbollah, so. Hezbollah, so... Starting to see that maybe
Starting point is 00:00:27 some of those groups had some very cogent points to make. Hezbollah? Hamas, etc. They are our comrades in arms now. Yeah. We...
Starting point is 00:00:43 Yeah. So, yeah. We're recording this on sunday may 31st 2020 the wheels are coming off my friends or they're putting they're putting new wheels on the fucking massive uh you know, all-terrain wheels that will go through any kind of fucking mud, dirt, gravel, anything. Or they're just putting tank tracks on. That's what they're doing. The wheels have come off, and so now they're just retrofitting their...
Starting point is 00:01:21 They're souping up their piece of shit Ford F-150 from 2006 with tank treads. No, they're souping up their riding lawnmowers because they got a big hillside. And they need big tires on them. Let me ask you a question. When we started this project in February of 2017, did y'all have on your bingo card, might end up in Guantanamo Bay for spreading terrorist propaganda? I guess I probably should have. Yeah, I guess we should have saw that one coming.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Of all the things coming down the pike, we should have seen that one coming. I mean, you're right. They won't put us in general pop. They won't put us in gin pop, but they will put us in solitary and duct tape our hands together and put those headphones on our heads and turn the AC down to like 40 degrees
Starting point is 00:02:22 and just play Cannibal Corpse really loud in the headphones. That's like what they do to terrorists. They just, they literally do that. They put headphones on them and play really loud heavy metal music. They try to turn them into terrorists. Yes. Be like a vacation for Brian Quimby. Oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:02:50 Yeah. I can't hang it. Well, it's not looking good, folks. I mean, like I said before we started recording this, I would literally hang myself first. Before I go to Guantanamo, I'm not fucking... I'll just go ahead and tell y'all right now, I'm not doing a day in Guantanamo Bay.
Starting point is 00:03:18 Did y'all ever watch Tales from the Tour Bus? You know, the Mike Judge thing. It's about the country music singers and the funk singers. Yeah. Stuff like the Land of Maid series. Well, he's got one where Johnny Paycheck had this delusional thing where he thought that the Hells Angels were going to bail him out of every situation. So he was like literally came unglued in the courthouse and was telling everybody the Hells Angels were going to swing up there and ride and grab him and they were going to ride off to the sunset together.
Starting point is 00:03:48 Well, that didn't happen. So, what's going to happen to me is I'm going to have delusions. We'll end up in Guantanamo and I'm just going to think that some international freedom fighters are going to bail us out because we had a poop joke podcast that spread propaganda.
Starting point is 00:04:07 We'll convince ourselves that they're withholding our fan mail. That we have all these letters. There's a letter. Oh, somebody. No, Terrence, I think you got the right idea. no terrence i think you got the right idea anyone if you end up at general pop and anyone finds out about that tight ass it's over for you they're just licking their lips and rubbing their hands together like you're getting tattooed titties my friend
Starting point is 00:04:40 your twinkie ass. So of course we're referring to President Trump tweeting out today we are designating Antifa. What did he say? If I could get my phone to work. The United States of America. We're going to be designating
Starting point is 00:05:00 Antifa as a terrorist organization. So the scary part about that yeah i mean again as you pointed out before we started recording they've been trying to do this for a while who knows if they'll actually follow through with it again if it's just trump talking a big game like he does with iran like he does with everybody well you know i thought that about the world health organization who pulls out about the world health organization who pulls out of the world health organization during a pandemic but then the motherfucker did it yesterday or the day before i don't even know i don't know what days are days but
Starting point is 00:05:34 he really fucking did it what he'll do is he'll he'll do some sort of grandiose thing to make a splash so what's going to happen is he'll probably imprison britney spears for putting out that mal tweet one time and then in his little fucking crusted applesauce cum brain he thinks that's going to send a ripple effect down to the entire movement and make a message so that's the good news our enemies are absolutely complete morons brutes but morons yeah the good news is Our enemies are absolutely complete morons. Brutes, but morons. Yeah, the good news is that they're morons. The bad news is that they're brutes. That's true.
Starting point is 00:06:11 I kind of like my morons soft. A friend told me they've seen multiple cops in riot gear fall down because they don't know how to walk around in this riot gear. They look like they're walking around in fucking bubble wrap. They just look insane. how to walk around in this rock gear they look like they're walking around in fucking bubble wrap they just look insane i saw a video last night of a two cops falling off the back of like a transport vehicle and um they they they fell off and one of them was so disoriented that he stood up and just started spraying tear gas in every direction there was no no one around him. No protesters. He sprayed himself. Not even close.
Starting point is 00:06:46 When you spray tear gas, you get some of it back. He's literally just spraying himself with tear gas. Like they are... I mean, have you ever sprayed pepper spray? Pepper spray? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:04 Well, this is a different kind i mean this is like this is uh i mean this is like some high grade shit yeah this stays on you for a long time they were they're shooting people on their fucking porches people just hanging out on their porch they're sweeping neighborhoods yeah in broad daylight. They shot somebody on their porch. It's truly phenomenal. And so, yeah, so we're recording this Sunday, you know, May 31st. Like, I looted.
Starting point is 00:07:40 I looted. I watched a lot of news coverage of it last night Just flipping back and forth between CNN and NBC I've not watched the first minute of news Oh my god CNN was just Don Lemon literally mumbling into the microphone When did this country get out of control? When did this get out of control? They are seeing it for the first
Starting point is 00:08:10 time that this is not something they can keep a safe proximity to and just cover it. You know what I mean? They're seeing that nobody is safe. Journalists are getting their asses kicked, yeah. It was pretty wild to see the CNN crew hauleded off on live i bet they
Starting point is 00:08:28 just don't realize that these camera crews are recording live i don't think they care because it's like there's zero accountability for police in this country you know what i mean yeah they don't give a shit they're flexing that right now for sure wait hey they're trying you'll go ahead go ahead no you go ahead well on accountability you know how they they had derrick whatever is fuck the guy who murdered george floyd yeah they had his house around cops were protecting him for days and then when they finally had him arrested do you think the same cops that had been protecting him had to just go in the house and get him i've wondered they had been barricading his house and then they just had to go in and be like man we gotta take you
Starting point is 00:09:22 i've wondered that myself um i i don't know i i i mean like obviously if they did they let him walk down there without handcuffs or anything i'm sure they didn't really arrest them i'm sure sure. Like, the thing is... Oh, yeah, they just gave him a ride. He is not... Okay, so since we last spoke, when we recorded our last episode, it was Thursday morning, and things were starting to escalate,
Starting point is 00:09:55 but they hadn't quite reached the boiling over point. And then Thursday night is when they burned that precinct in Minneapolis. Am I correct? Right? That was Thursday night after when they burned that precinct in Minneapolis. Am I correct? Right? Like, that was Thursday night after we had recorded the last episode. Right. And that's when it felt like things kicked in to the next gear.
Starting point is 00:10:17 Yeah. What, Tanya? Yeah. Yeah, you're right. So, yeah, the timeline here. Like, that's when things kicked into the next year they burned down the precinct in in minneapolis and then the next day i think the minneapolis city council or government or minnesota state um government decided all right if we're gonna get a
Starting point is 00:10:42 handle on this we need to arrest the cop you know what i mean we'll try to release a pressure valve by arresting the cop even though we all know he'll walk in six months whenever the fuck they have the trial no doubt about it he'll absolutely walk um either because the prosecutors will like gaslight the jury into thinking he was right in doing it or what i'm thinking is that like i think so many of these cops walk by jury acquittal because cops literally function like the mob and they probably literally intimidate jurors like i mean literally probably go to their homes and intimidate them yeah i mean they might throw them in jail just to try to, I mean, that might be, they're going to serve up one head on a platter and say that that makes all these protests, you know, ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:11:38 Like, we did what was supposed to be done. Justice was served. And use that to treat what they tried to do more inhumanely yeah they've tried that in louisville too so they tried to so i mean it's been a interesting tension and contradiction between the actions of the governments and the police themselves because the governments seem to be trying to de-escalate while the cops are trying to escalate and we know that there's a difference between the two because as we have seen over the
Starting point is 00:12:11 last few days city governments especially mayors are absolutely scared shitless of their police forces terrified yeah absolutely well think about remember that judge that got murdered in New York and they found her in the river? Because she was going to go after the, I think she was going to go after one of the cops that was implicated in a BLM murder. Yeah. It's like, they're not, when people start getting hung up about the judiciary and stuff, these fucking brutes are not afraid of the judiciary. about the judiciary and stuff. These fucking brutes are not afraid of the judiciary. RBG's not going to get out there and form a human shield and protect us all
Starting point is 00:12:48 because she's got unreasonable power or whatever. It's like your tweet that you had the other night, what was it? Breaking the Supreme Court has ruled the rights are illegal. Everybody better go home now. You rbg says they're illegal what was the thing everybody was saying about the posse comatatus act or whatever the posse comatatus act however you say it yeah the tight ass act he's donald trump's in direct violation of the posse commentatus
Starting point is 00:13:26 act it's like as if anything this man's past or present suggests he cares what that is you know yeah he doesn't give a rat's ass well like so yeah these mayors are completely terrified of their police forces. You saw it across the board last night. So yeah, just to speed things up here for a second, for the expedience of the argument, things escalated again on Friday nights in several other cities. Several people were shot in Louisville. A 19-year-old was shot and killed in Detroit.
Starting point is 00:14:13 I mean, it's just been, you know, property destruction, damage, etc. You know, all this. And then last night, it was a continuation of the same. And so I was watching last night, and several mayors made speeches last night. de Blasio was one of them. So de Blasio gets out there, and he's like, these outsiders are coming in, these white anarchists, they're ruining things for the peaceful protesters, we have to have a peaceful avenue for this. The cops are being attacked. He basically is standing up for the cops this guy whose career has been marked by the police the nypd and their benevolent association their union
Starting point is 00:14:52 essentially being antagonistic to him every step of the way just openly and publicly mocking him deriding him insulting him this is these are the people that the mayor goes out there and just cops for. You know what I mean? Like he just defends them. Exactly. You know, the reason that is, though, is because these guys, the cops, are the last line of defense between us and the Cuomos and Andy Beshears and whoever else in the world. So against all odds, they have to cape for them. It doesn't matter how much tension or whatever there exists there.
Starting point is 00:15:29 You know what I mean? It's like their last barrier between the hoary masses and the people that immiserate and make the decisions that immiserate them. Well, the ironic thing about that is that the cops would snuff them out in a minute. They fucking hate de Blasio. all the liberal the me yeah they they don't give it their entire project is antagonistic to the mayors and the governors right yeah you know laurie laurie lightfoot chicago's mayor also made made a statement last night. They made a tweet about it. But she called, her phrase was, the others. Like, we can't let the others come in with their bowling balls and baseball bats and bottles full of urine. I want to know who's taking a bowling ball to a goddamn protest.
Starting point is 00:16:20 That's a liability more than anything. That's a liability more than anything. I really do love that they're still hanging on to this others narrative when almost every major city in the U.S. is riding right now. And it's like, where are these people? Are they going to blame this on rural people? These are just country bumpkin cowboy bitches who have took to the city a bunch of rednecks. Just a bunch of desperados.
Starting point is 00:16:43 Rednecks are going to take the heat for this you watch and see we are the others roving bands of barbarians maybe where are they coming from they have to the liberals have to fall back on this
Starting point is 00:17:01 and it was incredible to see even AOC and others falling back on this and it was incredible to see even aoc and others falling back on this as well they've gone dead yeah they've fallen back on this woke idea that like white anarchists agitators are infiltrating like first of all just logically think about that how can that make sense how can white anarchists in this country like are there do you really think there's enough to cripple at least a dozen major American cities? There's not that many.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Never has Antifa given so much credit. It's like Antifa probably wishes that we were that effective. Oh, Jesus Christ. Tifa probably wishes that wishes that you know we were that effective no it's but they so
Starting point is 00:17:51 they have to rely on this idea because they have the warren brain parasite they've got the warren brain disease where they realize they realize the problems are there they realize that this systemic racism exists and police brutality and etc there's a police state they realize the problems exist
Starting point is 00:18:13 but they are not at all interested in solving them um and so what they have to do is they have to fall back on the idea that like it's not actually the oppressed who are fighting back here it is white interlopers white saviors you know what i mean it is which which is a hilarious line because all these same people have been you know preaching the gospel of anti-racism and how they like you know white people need to use their privilege to protect black bodies and all this kind of stuff, you know? Yeah, but that's just a meme. That's all. It is bananas.
Starting point is 00:19:02 It's truly, even Louisville's mayor, I don't know if it was yesterday or the day before, he spoke and he said, I hear you, I hear you. And they ended no knocks Greg Fisher You know we've been joking about Greg Fisher needs to resign Greg Fisher needs to be strung up on a fucking light post Yeah The guy still has killer cops In his fucking precinct
Starting point is 00:19:23 In like still working You know what i mean they haven't released their names have they do we even know the names of them motherfuckers wait i think we do know the names of the guys who shot brianna but they're still working they're not even on leave well so the the louisville was interesting, and we got an interesting little historical oddity inserting a real deep-cut character, someone you would not expect, but really just brings full circle
Starting point is 00:19:58 the sort of historical importance of the whole thing. I guess I'm referring, of course, to Louis XVI's descendants who I did not know existed. Oh my god, dude. I want to tell y'all something. I want to tell y'all something. This about got me. This about got me.
Starting point is 00:20:23 Shit. There wasn't much more I could take after seeing this well no i'll tell you what got me i'm such a fucking dumbass i saw i saw the video of his fucking fists getting took off and i spent at least 30 minutes wondering why in the fuck there's a statue of this bitch in Louisville, Kentucky. That is a great question, Tanya. Well, then it finally dawned on me it's probably named after him. Louisville. Louisville, yeah. Louisville, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:59 We've just been saying it, Louisville, our whole life and didn't make that connection. Well, it took me 30 minutes. It took Terrence three days, I guess. Yeah. I felt like such a dumbass. Bourbon County, Fayette County, Lafayette. We live in a very French state. For sales?
Starting point is 00:21:22 Yeah. No, so the headline, King Louis XVI heir sad over Louisville statue losing its hand in protest. I mean, it's phenomenal because, as we all know, Louis XVI was the one who got his head cut off. He lost his little head. He's the unfortunate sap who happened to be sitting on the throne when the shit went south. Which is, I mean...
Starting point is 00:21:57 He was the subject of the Bastille storming. Yeah, he... If you are such a pitiful existence of a leader that you get your head cut off how do you get cities named after you how because we live in a country where the where history's losers like write the history yeah even the foreign ones i guess none of this makes any fucking sense can you imagine trying to explain this to like an alien species that shows up trying to explain does any of this is really or just anybody just someone who comes out of a coma out of a 10-year coma
Starting point is 00:22:37 i don't even know okay what if somebody comes out of a coma tanya and the first thing you say is comes out of a coma, Tanya, and the first thing you say is the descendant of King Louie's mad about a statue being defaced. And also, noted actor John Cusack got the hell beat out of him by police last night. Yeah, on video. Yeah, for
Starting point is 00:22:56 riding around with a cell phone on his bicycle. And those are just like the number like 14 and 15 news items. Well, not even news items. Those are just Twitter items. Yeah, I'm sure those didn't even make the news. Well, the statue made the news.
Starting point is 00:23:10 It only gets crazier from there. As a side note, go ahead. I haven't been watching news. I've just been watching people's live streams. And so I realize now that i've lost a big piece of this which is what the insane news anchors are saying you're gonna have to tell us terrence oh yeah i'll get to don lemon going dead in the eyes no literally it is don lemon at one point don lemon's tone last night was so strange.
Starting point is 00:23:48 He kept, he had this very weird tone. At one point, it came back from commercial break and he goes, he goes, here's our breaking news. The breaking news is that there's chaos across the country. Oh, you want some news, motherfuckers? Here's some news for you. His tone was very much like, you're reaping what you're sowing, but towards the white anarchists, really. I mean, that's his... So, again, I mean, it's not shocking that black people take the streets of their own towns across America, and the headlines are still about white people. They are still being quite literally whitewashed and ignored.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Even by our professed progressive leaders, like I said, like AOC and these others, they have adopted the narrative because they can't actually embrace the rage of the masses that would be actually revolutionary and their very position depends on them being a broker or at least the face or the gatekeeper of sort of progressive ideas and so they can't embrace mass unrest and rage and so they have to write it off as something that is contrived or, you know what I mean, that is the result of nefarious actors working behind the scenes. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I was about to say, some of my favorite, I've seen this a couple times, is that these are
Starting point is 00:25:19 crisis actors played by George Soros. Yeah, we're getting that one. My favorite line just amazing how how i mean even my friends my friend was over here last week and her brother sent that to her while she was sitting on my couch and i was like i just can't i can't fathom why it is so difficult to admit to reckon with the fact that people are over it. Literally the fuck over it. I just like.
Starting point is 00:25:52 Well, in order for their own bizarre worldview to make sense, there has to be some sort of element of anti-Semitic conspiracy and all this kind of stuff. So that's why you always see that exact line pop up. About Soros? Yeah. Yeah. Well, and also, but for them to acknowledge that people are fighting back, they have to be able to acknowledge that they've been wronged in the first place. And they definitely can't do that.
Starting point is 00:26:21 Well, some people can. The liberals like Aoc and shit can they can give lip service to the uh the cops doing uh you know killing people in broad daylight in front of dozens of people but again it's inconceivable to them that people would fight back violently it's like they they their entire worldview depends on them not being able to entertain or accept that. Yeah, I saw a tweet, a video of a few white people and a few black people flipping a car together. And the tweet said, look, black people were trying to keep the peace, but white people are out here flipping cars. I know, that was the most insane thing.
Starting point is 00:27:02 It's a video where you can literally see people working together to flip a car. Well, it is racist in the same way. It denies agency to actual black people. You know what I'm saying? It's this continued infantilization of black folks. I mean, you even see this in anti-racist stuff. Absolutely. Lordy day dude it is um it's it's it is pretty incredible uh they they really so yeah so don lemon here's her you want some breaking news motherfucker here's our breaking news the country's burning well i'd love to see don lemon just it just cuts back to him he doesn't know what to say
Starting point is 00:27:51 so he just pulls a lighter and a cigarette yeah well some smoke at the camera and says let me talk to you for a second it's like christmas has truly come early I've watched cop cars drive around with fuck the police spray painted on them. It's just like the truest gift. A gift of 2020. The Daughters of the Revolution headquarters burned. People who... That was tight. That burned to the ground.
Starting point is 00:28:18 That was so sick. People... And these are people who have like all their tentacles in Eastern Kentucky non-profits. And... Oh, the Daughters of the Revolutionederacy the daughters of the confederacy oh yeah tell me about more about that tanya i'd be interested to know about that well oh well this is a patreon they are they spill it spill it sis they basically founded heinman settlement school and are the primary beneficiary of the 100 yearyear settlement school in Heinemann. I think you're referring to the Daughters of the American Revolution, but it's basically
Starting point is 00:28:51 the same thing. Oh, yeah, you're right. My bad. I got the daughters mixed up, but yeah, what's the difference? Actually, I think I thought what burned to the ground was the Daughters of the American Revolution, but it was the Confederacy building. I haven't been be fine, too. Truly, either way.
Starting point is 00:29:07 Somebody needs to be reprimanded for founding this goddamn country. Literally. So the news coverage of it was pretty, you know, sort of, it was interesting. you know sort of it was interesting um cnn like you know they've got this thing where they basically just show footage and have don lemon do like color commentary over it and um so that was entertaining in and of itself but then you switch over to msnbc and i mean they had this one guy walking through New York, and there was a moment where he was fired at. They were firing tear gas canisters at him, and it just barely—you saw it whizzing by the camera, just mere inches away from the camera. Like, cops running up on them, shooting it, and it just whizzing by the camera. And it hit a guy next to the reporter and the guy was
Starting point is 00:30:05 like ah fuck you know what i mean like screaming on camera like curse words and the reporter's just like wow you know he's just like walking through all this and describing it and as i was watching it it like felt like a dream i just felt like i was in a dream. And, you know, that is kind of what this is. Like, I feel like that's how you know bad shit is coming. Anytime you feel like things are so surreal. Ethereal. Ethereal, yes. Like, dreamlike.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Like, no one's got a hold on this situation. But the picture that... Let me ask you a question before you go on. No, go ahead. Are the inmates running the asylum? If only. The fox is guarding
Starting point is 00:30:55 the hen house, bitch. Is the fox guarding the hen house? Yeah. What's Rachel got to say? What's Rachel been saying on MSNBC? Maddow?
Starting point is 00:31:04 Yeah, Maddox. I called her that one time. People freaked out. God damn it, Tanya! Tanya, put some respect on her name. The precious Rachel. Let us know. I'm just going to start calling her Rachel Dash.
Starting point is 00:31:18 What's her other name? Who? Right, the woman, the NCAACP woman who faked being black for years. Oh, Dolezal. Yeah, I was going to start calling her Rachel Dolezal. What'd she have to say? I don't know. Mad Al wasn't on last night.
Starting point is 00:31:38 She's in the streets. She's Antifa. She's definitely in the streets. She's masked up. Yeah. For sure. No, at one point they had footage of people just looting an office for files. They were just looting files out.
Starting point is 00:31:56 I was like, hell yeah, man. I mean, I don't even know what that is for. Wait, was it like a probation office or something? Were they getting rid of their own shit? It could have been. That's what I do. No, it was people looting. It was definitely people looting.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. People getting rid of their own records and shit. Yeah, that's what I'm doing. Could have been. Could have been. I mean, like, but yeah, it would pan to like an image of people looting and Don Lemon would be like, there they are. They're looting.
Starting point is 00:32:23 People are looting. Look at it. Just look at it. He'd be like, when did we get to be in a country where people cannot live together anymore? When can we? Just like, you know, he would just say this into the mic. Like, what happened to us? Why can't we just live together in a country, the American dream and all of this?
Starting point is 00:32:43 Don, I'm going to have to ask ask you sit down with me for a second my friend and uh we just have such there is nothing in our history well we are in a historical country we've talked about this a fair bit about how like we just believe these myths and everything yes oh yeah but it's like absolute fairy tale otherwise intelligent people come on come on don i'm gonna have to ask you to shoot yourself on live TV. That's your next best step. He might. He might, literally.
Starting point is 00:33:12 I mean... You think he's going to go Howard Bill? Yeah, what was that guy? Well, that's from the movie, right? Yeah, Network. But what's the guy's name back a few months ago who just signed off without anybody knowing on MSNBC? What's his stupid dick?
Starting point is 00:33:30 And he said, you can't flirt with women anymore. And he just fucking signed off. Chris Matthews. It's Chris Matthews. Yeah. It was so dystopic. He literally was like, I've loved this time with you people, but, you know, it's a different time now. It's not okay to compliment women anymore.
Starting point is 00:33:50 And it never was. It never was. Just totally insane. Complete insanity. I kind of like Don Lemon. I mean, he is a total dumbass and a centrist. I love Don Lemon. It's interesting because he is a total dumbass and a centrist. I love Don Lim. It's interesting because he's a complete idiot.
Starting point is 00:34:10 Anyways, but regardless, okay, so let's get back to the protest, though, because the media coverage is whatever. The protests themselves are fascinating, and the image that emerges, the portrait that emerges across the board in pretty much every major city that this went down in, is that the cops escalated first. And you saw this. There was a video going around yesterday about cops in Louisville running up on the protest space and smashing water bottles and milk bottles did you see this oh yeah milk jugs they were smashing milk jugs and they filled an entire truck bed full of free water that people had set out throwing throwing water bottles and i saw so um a local a louisville
Starting point is 00:35:00 news crew the community radio station there i asked like in a press conference asked the cops did you see this to explain that and they said that the water bottles were being used as ammunition against police and they were so they were yeah they said flammable material the mayor mayor greg fisher said it was flammable material. It's just like, you stupid motherfucker. Okay, so they're throwing flammable material at their own truck? Yeah, okay. Definitely. Let's get all these Molotov cocktails, and they're just hastily throwing them in the truck
Starting point is 00:35:35 and bathing their truck in flammable material. Yeah, like, all right, dude. Definitely. You have to really imagine them holding a gun to the mayor's head and being like, this is what you're going to say, bitch. Like, it's fucking, it's terrifying to imagine. But, like, the thing is here is that they do that to escalate. They want to get the maximum amount of reaction so that they can justify the maximum amounts of crackdown.
Starting point is 00:36:02 And they're literally cutting off lifelines to people. Like, literal water what the one of the only things people need to keep going out there is literal hydration yeah and it because it you know it makes people matter it makes you know what i mean so like they are trying to escalate they're not trying to de-escalate in any meaningful way um and and the reporter who posted that video of them doing it she had a follow-up tweet that was like yeah i was standing on the sidewalk filming and this cop that truck just rolled up and like almost ran us over and so it's really fascinating to watch all these journalists like i guess maybe in 2014 and 15 um i guess maybe journalists weren't getting targeted i
Starting point is 00:36:48 don't remember them being targeted like this do you i mean this kind of seems a little newer to me and medics five years ago yeah and so it's interesting to see them all sort of wake up to this um sort of reality of the way it is but it's also interesting to see the cops just they've just lost one more sort of barrier to their own uninhibited sort of behavior you know what i mean like they just don't even give a fuck about that anymore whatsoever yeah um they'll be um it is discriminately yeah it is also just you know it goes without saying how uh incredible it's been to see the difference in how they handled people protesting to get haircuts with a a ar-15s and shit totally i know we already talked about this but just like just a month a month's difference is so
Starting point is 00:37:47 fucking bananas well you know so like an interesting thing is like so i guess i go to facebook for my like uh the right wingers opinions on all this and it is exactly as you expect cops are great. I love to lick cops' assholes. I love to lick their boots. I love to suck their dicks. I love everything about the cops. But it's interesting.
Starting point is 00:38:17 So they have this idea that if you even remotely support the protests, whether it's even bailout funds or anything like this, that you support businesses burning down and looting and all this. And so set aside for a second, like your feelings about looting. I support it. I think it's great. Burn down buildings. I don't give a fuck, whatever. But set aside that all for a minute. Like, do you really think in a society with 40 million plus people unemployed that that's not going to happen like there is like people are idle there's nothing they have no workplace to return to nothing to do like this is what happens like that's what i'm
Starting point is 00:39:00 saying it's just like how is it hard to understand this? It's the simplest fucking equation ever. I think that, and that's the thing that they sort of miss. Like, you know, somebody was posting, like, what are their demands? What are these protesters' demands? What are their demands? Oh my fucking God. Right. And it's like, do you even, which is maybe a valid question I guess like
Starting point is 00:39:25 if you're new to this you know what I mean like if you're completely depoliticized and this is your being brought back into politics through all this you have a nice cushy laugh and so you can't comprehend
Starting point is 00:39:41 well let's say for example let's say for example you're a working person who doesn't really pay that close attention to politics and you may work at a business that gets burned down or something you probably think that's fine or whatever but but you may not understand why it's happening what the demands are and so maybe they maybe they would say well the cop was arrested so why are they still going on with the riots and the protests do you see where i'm going with this like what would be the response to that yeah but i just feel like in in pandemic fucking america
Starting point is 00:40:18 no like working people i just don't know any happy working people. I just feel like they're not fucking happy. Increasingly, we just don't know any working people. 40 million of them sound work. Well, that's the thing about this. The sort of central contradiction of capitalism not being... You know, just basically being able to liquidate its entire working class overnight because the economy seized up for the virus put all these people sort of in this idle position in the streets and like now it's just like it was just a perfect tinder keg you know what i'm saying
Starting point is 00:40:59 like you you have these videos of cops just blatantly murdering people. Like, what the fuck did you think was going to happen? And why do you think our anger would be quelled so easily? Like, we're fucking sick of this. Like, we can't keep doing this anymore. Yeah, that's the thing. It's like, it's just such a wholly unrealistic expectation to think that. And you love to see it on the faces of the liberals because they know.
Starting point is 00:41:29 You know what I mean? They see the error of their ways and how the people have been immiserated and beat down and put down and can't get any sort of anything out of this government. And so this is just your chickens always come home to roost. And so here it is. And so this is just, your chickens always come home to roost. And so here it is. Yeah, I feel like at some point it's going to, the switch has to flip.
Starting point is 00:41:57 And we're going to move from the end of something to the beginning of something. Like that is the only hope I'm clinging to right now. I was like, this is're we have to be barreling towards something goddamn i'm wondering how long it is before we start like or if we'll have a chance to like you know people in the street like dragging mitch mcconnell dragging greg fisher out into the streets like please what's the odds of that happening? I want. The fact Greg Fisher's actually walking around the streets of Louisville right now is a gutsy thing on his part. Is he walking around the streets?
Starting point is 00:42:36 There's that video going around of him. There was this woman asking him about, you know, like, you still have officers that have murdered Breonna Taylor in your police force, and he just says, thank you, I hear you, thank you, and keeps trying to walk away. Take out his kneecaps. It's so, like, they're so... Now's the time to do it! Absolutely. You're never gonna have a
Starting point is 00:43:00 chance where you have an excuse to wear a mask and be out there with projectiles with these people walking around it's amazing and like there's just so many other little not little like you know normally the big things we would be talking about right now are draped around this and it's so dystopic it just continues to be like the like fucking space being commodified and cat and like commercialized like in a in a you know moments notice and literal the same like spacex has they are literally launching rockets into space the same week they're blowing them up like it's just it's also how do you explain this to someone this is our own private 1968 that's what it is it's like it's crazy it's just it's it kind of mirrors it almost to the letter you know in some ways it is true except it's
Starting point is 00:43:59 revived on even more farcical terms right even. Even cruder and farcical terms. Yeah. Well, you know, it's like, cruder and farcical are putting it mildly too. I mean, I think that the government is probably afraid it's about to get revved. I think that they are, like, I saw all kinds of reports from people saying like the cops
Starting point is 00:44:27 are scared like they've never seen cops like this like and um and I think it's that was a crazy video that was they literally replaced that cop in the video because he was
Starting point is 00:44:43 crying and replaced him with a guy with a baton. Yeah. Let me ask y'all a question. Let me ask y'all a question. This is just like little scenarios I think of in my head in terms of the rev, okay? The cops have proven to be little bitches in the streets.
Starting point is 00:45:00 We got the numbers for that. Like, if we could somehow quell the military and have like them put their guns down like i know that's a extreme long shot but are we if that were to happen let's just in our own little fantasia here if that were to happen do we overthrow the u.s the united states government well do the streets take the what happens i think what would happen is you would get some sort of
Starting point is 00:45:28 compromise. It would probably be like February 1918 or 17, whenever the fucking Russian Revolution happened. You'd probably get a progressive liberal government like a sort of transitional
Starting point is 00:45:44 government that is unable to sort of transitional government that is unable to sort of withstand the contradictions you know and contain them and then six or seven months later you get an actual sort of proletarian revolution or something but I don't think that's going to happen
Starting point is 00:46:00 no I mean I don't either I'm just saying like just thinking out loud i'm just what more interesting is seeing how close we are to it yeah it is hilarious or just like bananas to think like in a few weeks they bring bernie out and they're like okay okay okay we'll give you bernie well he can take over it's fine and we're like that ship's sailed bitch fuck bernie fuck you too yeah i can see them trying to like broker it sailed bitch fuck bernie fuck you too yeah i can see them trying to like broker it with somebody like bernie yeah don don lemon just takes the cigarette out of
Starting point is 00:46:31 his mouth takes a big draw off and then just shoots bernie now we got don lemon as the common doctor because he's seen enough i don't think that's going to happen. I'm not as optimistic as you are, Tom. No, I'm not optimistic. I'm curious how close we are to some sort of revolutionary situation. How dare you call Tom optimistic? He'll not have it. No, I don't think that's going to happen at all. I'm just saying, like, it's just kind of weird to think about we could be one or two pieces away from the real revolution i think we're about to
Starting point is 00:47:09 see reaction i think that this is gonna play out through its sort of natural cycle um and then we're gonna see reaction and the government is going to it's it's a it's a struggle right it's like a fight you trade blows and so the government is is winding up its own blow right now and that's why they're sort of like oh we're going to designate antifa a terrorist organization which i guess would give them the sort of military approval to deploy all kinds of military resources inside the united. But it's very scary because Antifa is not an actual organization. No. And like militant Islam, like they did with militant Islamists
Starting point is 00:47:52 in the 2000s and 2010s, you can effectively just slap it on anybody. They were doing this. That's the dangerous part of it, right? They were doing this up until even a few years ago they're probably still doing it but arresting people for spreading websites that are pro-al-qaeda and pro-isis and etc like can you imagine can you
Starting point is 00:48:16 imagine uh a world where cops just beat the hell out of you and throw you in jail for five years for posting gritty memes or something some dumb shit like that anybody that's posted a gritty meme in the past 10 years just going to prison well luckily the thing about that is that the islamic terrorist um scare was uh it was completely contrived right because much to do about nothing yeah there's still there's very few islamic terrorists in this country very very few whereas there are quite a great deal there's a great many um radical leftists so like they that would require an extension of the police state that i'm not sure they have the capacity to do. But I don't know.
Starting point is 00:49:09 This country is incredibly fucking efficient and good at policing and militarizing government agencies and et cetera. So, I don't know. It's pretty scary. I don't know what it means for for any of us it could just be more fucking talk from Trump Trump you know he likes to run his mouth he likes to talk shit so um I don't know I say bring it on bitch I don't I really don't know what else to like you know I mean because like we we've entered into it now we can't turn back now you know i mean because like we we've entered into it now we can't turn back now you know what i mean like it's too late to fucking turn around and be like all right well
Starting point is 00:49:51 now we've we've gone down the down the path and we're gonna have to see where this takes us um it could be it could be good it could be bad um but right now it just looks like it's just street fighting and um and uh and i guess the the in some ways i do kind of agree with um the person who would say or at least see where they're coming from, who would say, what's the demand? I don't think you do need a demand. I think that this is obviously a reaction to generations of white supremacist violence, terrorism, et cetera,
Starting point is 00:50:34 inflicted on communities, and it needs to be met with violent resistance. But if we're talking about moving this into the next stage, which would be actually ending the police and ending white supremacy. Yeah, I was going to say like. Then it needs to have. A very clear demand that people are using.
Starting point is 00:50:54 No, I interrupted you. But a very clear demand that people have had is defund the police. They just don't know that that defunding is to zero dollars. The insane shit about this, y'all. I'm telling y'all, we talked about it a little bit on the last show, but I didn't realize it when I was in that situation. But so much of our tax code in this state, in terms of how municipalities can raise funds,
Starting point is 00:51:23 I just never got. I was like, man, that's kind of weird that that 80 of this has to go to police alcohol tax 20 to tour you know what i mean i was just like why why why and i'm just so goddamn stupid i didn't just understand that like these guys are stockpiling ar-15s and fucking like surface to missile fucking shit and fucking tanks that can go 20 feet underwater. You know what I mean? And that's like the city of Wattsburg, Kentucky, population 2,400. Do you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:51:55 This has been their project, to beef it up so they can reign the rabble in. You know? And I don't know. It's just so fucking embarrassing to... I don't know. I just have proximity to that and uh although it's just so fucking embarrassing to i don't know i just have well proximity to that not see it again though to tie it back to that last episode there's a structural reason for that under neoliberalism where all these sort of social welfare mechanisms of the state have been completely stripped out and the economy has become highly financialized,
Starting point is 00:52:25 and it's become a service economy. It is 70% service economy. Over 100 million people work in the service industry, which is why you're seeing 40 million people unemployed, because the entire industry can just be liquidated in a moment's notice. In a moment's notice, yeah. That means that people are idle in the streets,
Starting point is 00:52:44 and those people have to be controlled and disciplined disciplined because that is the point of capitalism. The working class cannot be free to do what it wants to do. It cannot have its own time. It can't have its own life, its own leisure, its own pursuits, and everything else. It must at all times be disciplined, policed, and surveilled. And ready to go. Exactly. Ready to go back to the middle. And ready to go back to work to produce more profit.
Starting point is 00:53:08 That is the mode of production in a society in which all of those, again, all that money and resources used to go to the welfare part of it to keep the working class sort of in order in that way. It now goes to the police state because that's all we've got left. That is neoliberalism. Well, and two, the other thing I want to say about that, just to put the local spin on it, the local
Starting point is 00:53:33 perspective on it, when you've been seeing all this Appalachian transition stuff, and all this money funneled into fucking local initiatives, that also is just a shrouded effort to beef up the police state. Tourism is. Because in every tourism meeting I've ever sat in,
Starting point is 00:53:55 they refuse to take police funding off of one of their line items. They do. Because they say, well, if you're going to have people here, they've got to feel safe, so we need more police. And it's sort of just been the window dressing to to give them more money even tiny departments yeah dude i'm seeing it now i'm sorry we had a fucking we had a a police officer here in whitesburg yesterday who just walked around all day with a bulletproof vest on just like what what you think antifa super soldiers are fucking invading little ass whitesburg kentucky like they really do they really do though literally they they do
Starting point is 00:54:31 they're waiting for them and they don't understand that they wouldn't have a prayer remember remember it wasn't too long ago they were accusing us of organizing a black lives matter rally in wattsburg and yep yep that's true we forget how wild 2014 to 2016 was for yeah the good old obama years buddy well i think the difference here is that um there's no end in sight to this recession. The people in the White House have completely lost control of the situation. And I don't mean just this. I mean of the pandemic in general, of all social cohesion. And so things are sort of spinning out.
Starting point is 00:55:23 And that's why you see these images on TV every night, just cities burning. And I really can't, you know, stress this enough, that, like, when you see those images of cities burning, it is not the result of outsiders,itators or white anarchists it is the result of police escalating it's the result of police meeting people in the streets with you know dressed like fucking warriors they're dressed from head to fucking toe in like and this is the this is the really the crazy thing about
Starting point is 00:56:05 this is that if you're some fucking facebook uh dumbass maga chud and you really do subscribe to this notion of like cops or the ultimate masculine macho guys etc it's just like it's never been true which has never been true but explain to me like why those motherfuckers go out there head to toe, fucking pads, armor, etc. And protesters go out there with nothing. Just the shirts on their back. Get fucking shot up. You know what I mean? Like, those are the actual tough people.
Starting point is 00:56:37 Those are maybe the people you should emulate. If you really want to be a tough guy. They're the heroes. Even the little bitches who are undercover obviously have vests under their fucking t-shirts absolutely they're such chicken shit bastards
Starting point is 00:56:53 you can't wash the cops stink off yeah you can't wash exactly they're just known by the fruit they bear you know what I mean the dead stare in their eyes yeah well i mean so i guess we'll see you know again we'll see how far this goes and um and what happens um because i mean i mean i'm just seeing all kinds of crazy shit from like white liberal, small business owners, organizing rallies,
Starting point is 00:57:27 peaceful ones, trying to like maintain that line. And then that getting sort of swallowed up in the larger, um, sort of, you know, landscape of the police cracking down and everything. And so I think liberals are even having a come to to jesus moment and some it's some of them are some of them have taken they've they've uh brainwashed
Starting point is 00:57:52 themselves into thinking that this is all a result of white outside anarchist agitators but some of them who are either trying to organize the peaceful rallies or who are journalists have actually come up face to face with the immense totality of the police state and walked away feeling like oh shit this thing is a gristmill the leftists were right this thing cycles and funds itself and reproduces itself on blood and violence. And, um... What gave you that idea, buddy? Was it the guy coming on TV saying our human capital stock needs to get back to work? Yeah, well...
Starting point is 00:58:37 Jesus. It is... I mean, it is crazy to think, like, that is a very strategic move for them to declare fucking Antifa. Try to convince everyone that this is just Antifa in the streets. Declare them a terrorist organization and that they're outsiders. Like, outsiders to where?
Starting point is 00:58:56 They're going to string the narratives about Antifa are about to get so goddamn bananas. They're going to string some crazy fucking stories that they all live in caves or some shit like they're like desert cave dwellers you know and they're gonna start blowing up from the sands yeah they're gonna start blowing up sand caves and be like oh oh we've we've took out 200 antifa leaders in the desert of New Mexico. In their minds, there is a cemetery in rural Idaho, and a camera sits in front of it, and a hand shoots up, you know, and it's in, like, the Black Power Fist, and, like, that's what they think the Antifa super soldiers are,
Starting point is 00:59:41 that they're all crawling out of the ground like zombies. Oh, my God. Living dead dead you're living dead yeah when in reality they're living 16 deep in studio apartments well somebody showed like somebody showed a graph an infograph about like where all the cops in minneapolis are from and they're all from the fucking suburbs like none of the actual cops in minneapolis live in minneapolis they're 92 Minneapolis are from, and they're all from the fucking suburbs. Like, none of the actual cops in Minneapolis live in Minneapolis. They're the fucking outsiders. 92% are from the suburbs and drive into work.
Starting point is 01:00:10 That's insane. Yeah, they're just the white fly offspring. Absolutely incredible. Scared to live in the fucking city. And which is another reason why, if they would have built that prison here, nobody here would have got those jobs. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:27 Exactly. Exactly. Just hand jobs, rim jobs, blow jobs. That's what we get. There's only jobs we do. Very qualified. Jesus Christ. Dan Crenshaw says,
Starting point is 01:00:43 Antifa terrorist designation long overdue antifa has been engaging in organized and deliberate violence for years marxists have taken full advantage of this situation and they have to be brought to justice their behavior this past week has been inexcusable fellas folks we are going to fuck we're going to prison you better get that you better get that ass lubed up now terrence you better tell them that you need physical therapy sped the fuck up are we about to go back to like the 1890s where like it's going to be contraband to have marx's capital in your house and like we're going to be communicating via like you know spy networks
Starting point is 01:01:25 and shit. It's going to be an extreme red scare. It is. It is a red scare. You're right, Tonya. You're right. We are probably entering another red scare. I'm about to
Starting point is 01:01:38 make a frozen margarita with my cell phone in the blender and throw Alexa down the hill. You don't need Alexa in your your house that's for damn sure she turns my lights on and off tom what will i do without her oh my god this is how dangerous i think of myself i have an alexa in my house what is crazy what's fucking insane is that the literal name is anti-fascist it's the literal name of the fucking if you well yeah so yeah if you're banning anti-fascist what does that i mean and we have we have got we've got to mention i know we're over an hour but of the other things draped on this great fucking day is that my call for anonymous was answered tom tom dropped my birthday gift early today which was a link to epstein's unredacted black book yeah they heard your calls well
Starting point is 01:02:49 before even you sent me that multiple people had tagged me on twitter of an anonymous video that dropped i didn't watch it yet did y'all watch it was it about the little black book or something else no i don't know i didn't want you well what I asked them to do was redistribute all the digital wealth away from rich people and cops into something else. I don't know what. Just hide it for now, I guess. Or get it to us if you can. But what made them think that this was the moment they needed to dig up Epstein's little black book? Do you think there's some kind of strategy
Starting point is 01:03:26 here? I'm not... Tom, you take this one, Tom. I have no thoughts on this one. It's like, for me, that's just old hat now. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:03:44 I don't know, Tanya. It's a good question, but it does add to the disorienting, sort of psychedelic, like kaleidoscopic, you know, experience of the whole thing. And reading the people in the book is just a who's who guide to who runs the
Starting point is 01:04:06 world right now. And is it any fucking wonder why we're burning that world down? I mean, why wouldn't you want to burn down that world? That is a world of evil and, and torture and misery and pain. Why wouldn't you want to destroy it and create something new? Um, yeah yeah I
Starting point is 01:04:27 before we sign off here I just feel like we need to really stress like things could get bad here soon and I do mean that sincerely this is a fight there are blows that will be traded
Starting point is 01:04:44 and designating Antifa and a terrorist organization This is a fight. There are blows that will be traded. And designating Antifa a terrorist organization is an escalation that could prove ruinous for the left. In just literal material terms, they went after the leftists in the 1970s. There's been multiple red scares in this country in the past um and but the scary thing about it is how just uh vague the whole thing is since antifa is not an organization and you can basically slap that sticker on anyone even remotely critical of the government and the police anyone who uses signal anyone who uses signal could be antifa exactly exactly um and so this is just another liquidation tactic really did they did they declare black lives matter a terrorist org because they threatened that for a while too did they do do it? Well, police have.
Starting point is 01:05:45 I mean, I've heard even police, small town police say Black Lives Matter is a domestic terrorist organization. Like that's basically codified at the academy level. I don't know, Tonya. That's a good question. Okay. Black Lives Matter is not a terrorist organization.
Starting point is 01:06:03 It looks like at the moment but it does look like the i mean so we we do obviously know the fbi goes after black identity extremists um that's what they call it yeah but but uh i mean so maybe maybe it's not a deal. Maybe it's just a continuation of the same. But they're going to try everything they can to delegitimize you. And one thing I'm experiencing even now is, like, I thought I had weeded out a lot of people from my life in the years 2015 and 2016, but this will be hard for your interpersonal
Starting point is 01:06:45 relationships because as things become more and more intense you can't uh you know bury those conflicts and contradictions and etc and so i don't know you you might find yourself um getting into all kinds of interpersonal battles with people you know. You might find yourself in prison, et cetera. Just, I guess, keep in mind that we're all in this together. Keep your head up, buddy. Keep your head up. I like how the Nazis say, hey, you might find yourself in prison. In prison.
Starting point is 01:07:22 Who knows? Who knows where this is going? But just keep your head on a swivel. And don't give up hope just yet. Obviously, none of us are doing that just yet. We're still right now in the middle of very much of an uprising. And so the trajectory that we are currently on is still, I think, I don't know if we've plateaued or if we're still going up.
Starting point is 01:07:49 I guess we'll see what happens. But as of today, May 31st, things are still pretty intense. So, I don't know. Any final thoughts, friends? Any final observations funny clips you saw um interesting clips you saw
Starting point is 01:08:11 crazy shit you know anything that we missed in in the uh in the scrum not me myself but somebody in Letcher County
Starting point is 01:08:23 had an interesting observation this week. Which is? Dear Speak Your Peace, Go to YouTube where Ted Cruz delivers a huge coronavirus bombshell. It says the United States taxpayers paid for the Chinese government to do tests on the coronavirus. So our own government pretty much turned the virus loose on us. Sounds like Adolf Hitler stuff to me.
Starting point is 01:08:50 Our government, Mussolini, Chinese government, Hitler. Incredible. I mean, I've heard a lot of people say this, but I've almost forgotten that there's even a pandemic. I keep forgetting that there's a pandemic. No, it's true and i'm putting i've been like yesterday i went with a friend to look at a house for rent and we just went in there with no mask on talked directly to this fucking landlord and there were other people in there looking at the house and when i got in the car i was like we didn't wear our fucking masks i just can't even remember like i'm just disoriented it's really crazy yeah well now so
Starting point is 01:09:29 you reading that tom i forgot that they tried to manufacture an entire scare campaign against china and so um that's another element of this they may try to funnel all this into uh you know painting the target on China. Saying we're in league with the Chinese and the Russians. That's where the outsiders are coming from, China. White Chinese. Yeah. I mean, anything is possible at this point.
Starting point is 01:09:56 But before we go, why don't you read the coup de grace, the best speaker piece I think I've seen in quite a long time. And I'm sure you know the one I'm talking about, Tom. To a certain man who is selling meth during the novel coronavirus pandemic, I dare you to sell to my children.
Starting point is 01:10:29 You heard it here first, folks folks do you accept the challenge do you accept the challenge to sell meth to this man's children during the novel coronavirus just try to sell meth to this man's children he's begging for it oh my fucking god jesus christ well all right so no if there's no final thoughts we might as well put a cap on this one i can uh get on with my lovely sunday the weather's your kegels i can get on with my reverse kegels tightening and loosening my pelvic floor my i i've been my farts lately have been a lot looser there's been a lot flappier so i think i'm loosening my pelvic floor. My farts lately have been a lot looser. They've been a lot flappier. So I think I'm loosening up a little bit. Send me some literature on that
Starting point is 01:11:13 to send to my friends that struggle in a similar fashion. CPCPPS? Yeah. All right, gang. Thanks for joining this week and spread the word to your friends about our lovely show. So we can make some money in the short term and in the long term, beef up the CIA's terrorism case against us.
Starting point is 01:11:36 Yeah. Exactly. All right. Well, we'll see you soon. Bye.

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