Trillbilly Worker's Party - **UNLOCKED** The Beggar, The Blazer, The Blueline

Episode Date: December 15, 2022

No episode this week, so here's an unlocked episode from our Patreon, about a tale as old as time Find more content like this at our Patreon:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 okay testing one two did you watch the video of dave chappelle getting elon musk on stage i heard people talking about it i didn't see the actual footage was it was it as hard to watch as people have said it was it was brutal well hard to watch if you're a dave head i guess and probably fun to watch if you hate elon musk well the reason it's brutal i here's here's why it's brutal i mean it's fun to watch if you hate elon musk and i don't consider myself a Dave head necessarily. Like I've not watched any of his recent shit, but obviously I have found him funny in the past. You recognize his contributions,
Starting point is 00:00:55 but you realize he's made some missteps as of late. Yeah. Well, so what makes it hard to watch is, okay, so let's rewind the tape back to 1988. A little further than I expected. The guy's like, hell yeah, Chappelle Show. But actually, we're going all the way back to Doogie Howser. One of the formative movies of my childhood, of my personality, really,
Starting point is 00:01:29 like one of the formative inputs into the larger, always at risk of crashing Jenga tower, that is my personality. Big part of the sausage here. Yeah, is the 1988 Barry Levinson film Good Morning Vietnam. Okay, excellent pick. That movie posits a dichotomy. There is Robin Williams, who is the titular Good Morning Vietnam.
Starting point is 00:02:03 That's his character's name. Radio host, yeah. Yeah. titular good morning vietnam that's his character's name yeah yeah and then he has an arch enemy played by bruno kirby the great bruno kirby uh who passed kind of recently um and the conflict here is that bruno characters or bruno kirby's character i think his name is lieutenant hawk or something he's always trying to get good morning vietnam's show shut down robin williams show because he thinks he knows what's truly funny right like he he knows he thinks he knows what's funny and so there's a scene in that movie Where eventually Robin Williams
Starting point is 00:02:45 He pisses off all the wrong He says all the wrong things Like he finally goes too far right Right And so they take him off the air They yank him off the air An earlier example of a cancellation One of the earliest examples
Starting point is 00:03:02 Of a cancellation Of just being a victim of the woke media mind virus. The woke media mind virus. It was spreading throughout Vietnam. It was like dengue fever. Agent Orange. Agent Orange and the woke media mind virus. And then the woke mind virus.
Starting point is 00:03:19 It's just rampant. The shadow of the war loomed larger, larger than just the physical tall. Uh-huh. And so they yank him off the air and they replace him with Lieutenant Hawk, with Bruno Kirby's character. And this single scene was so traumatizing for me, more than anything else I ever saw in, like,
Starting point is 00:03:47 Faces of Death, Saving Private Ryan, ISIS beheading videos. This single scene was far more traumatizing to me than anything. And what it is is Lieutenant Hawk, Bruno Kirby's character, gets on air and tries to be funny. And he's got, like, little clown horns,
Starting point is 00:04:12 and he's playing polka music, and it's the hardest thing to watch. And the reason why it's so hard to watch is because up until this point in the film, you've got nothing but robin williams fucking killing it just man just keep being great just slaying this is your first exposure to secondhand embarrassment yes my worst the worst of the emotions the worst hands down feeling humiliated for somebody and also expecting you to react to it in some way in like a courteous conciliatory fashion like when george smiley comes and plays comedy in
Starting point is 00:04:54 whitesburg when he's black and whitesburg yes well but the thing is the reason why this scene is so hard is that he doesn't realize he's bombing. The blame is on everyone else. It can't just be that he is profoundly unfunny and uninteresting. It's that everybody else is... It must be everybody else's taste that must be off. And that's the thing. It's like you can have a dogshit opinion that no one else has and say, oh, it must be the kids that are wrong. It's them.
Starting point is 00:05:29 But it is a whole other dimension. It's a whole other level when comedy is involved because then you say, oh, the problem isn't that I'm funny. It's that everybody else doesn't understand comedy. It fundamentally misunderstands the form, yeah. That is exactly right. So bringing it back to current day, that is what is so profoundly disturbing about Elon Musk on stage with Dave Chappelle.
Starting point is 00:05:58 There's two things here, two layers. One is that Dave Chappelle has unknowingly become Bruno Kirby, who was the coolest guy in the world to me at one point. He no longer understands who and what is funny and for what reasons and why. He doesn't understand anymore. He's lost the plot.
Starting point is 00:06:19 I guess. I guess you could say so. But the other thing that makes it even worse is that elon musk can't accept that he sucks major ass and that the vast majority of people hate him as evidenced by the fact that he got booed at a dave chappelle show yeah not not not a fucking uh bo burnham show dave chappelle yeah it's like and so he gets on twitter and says it's the woke mind virus that's again yet another example of the woke mind virus yeah not to say nothing the funny thing about elon musk is that everybody has always This guy's been coddled since day one, right? Even everybody had to act like his SNL wasn't that bad.
Starting point is 00:07:12 He was awful. He was fucking weird. He just didn't got it. You know what I mean? He's Bruno Kirby. Lieutenant Hart. The other thing, too, I think about all that is... Well, a friend of the show, Paul Bless, had a good tweet about it.
Starting point is 00:07:27 He was like, Dave Chappelle, who famously quit because he didn't want to deal with all the cartoonish frat boy, I'm paraphrasing, cartoonish frat boy types, screaming, I'm Rick James, bitch, or all the other famous catchphrases of him, now has to act like it's the funniest shit in the world when the richest man in the world does it. Dude, that's a great point. It is embarrassing for Spam. It's a great point. That's a very good point for Paul. It's a great point, and the funniest thing about that clip about Elon
Starting point is 00:07:59 is that he says, I'm Rick, bitch. He fucks up the two fucking... Okay, if he meant to do this, then... He meant, I'm Pickle Rick, bitch, is what he meant. He was trying to do a callback. The Rick James, he fumbled... He was trying to say, Rick James and I'm rich, bitch.
Starting point is 00:08:21 But, like, maybe that was intentional. And if so, I guess that's kind of funny but like the video is hard it's it's fucking hilarious but the reason it's hard to watch is because elon doesn't know what the fuck to do and so dave chapelle is trying to um like smooth it out and so he's like the booze are coming from the from the cheap seats like the blue the booze are coming from the bleachers it's like yeah yeah somebody made the point that the cheapest seats at that show were 175 pops yeah yeah it's just like no one can countenance that everybody hates this guy like no one can countenance if you are above even bring him out or was it one of those
Starting point is 00:09:05 things where musk called him up and said i want to come out on stage with you and you're like i don't know i hope that's the case i truly hope he asked to come out on stage rather than chapelle like seeing him in the audience and bringing him up because that would be way funnier yeah yeah it is chapelle is a hard one to to peg down man there's times when i see like just great humanity in his comedy and other times where it's like this guy could not be more detached from reality and even at his worst you know like just didn't hateful only because he can't he just can't deal with being criticized you know didn't his mom help over the cia like overthrow patrice or something maybe i feel like or she was involved in that in some way or didn't she like yeah for
Starting point is 00:09:54 certain like she was a lamumba person but then kind of like turned her back on him or something like that i can't remember well needless to say that uh once again it's just it's just a fascinating example of how like everyone over a certain income bracket cannot see it's like they literally can't understand it you might as well be speaking to them in a dead language or something they cannot understand how and why so many people hate this motherfucker it's like yeah doesn't doesn't compete with them they don't get it yeah no that's amazing what's chris rock doing during all this he's just kind of standing off to the side i didn't i the clips i saw i didn't even know chris rock was there until people afterwards
Starting point is 00:10:42 were saying that i think that's the tour right right? It's like Chappelle and Chris Rock were touring again or something. I don't know if he was on stage. I think it was during Chappelle's act, but I don't know, man. Yeah. I just don't know. It's like,
Starting point is 00:10:56 it's just like, Elon is Lieutenant Hawk. He's the guy that thinks he knows what's, this is why he's the worst poster of all time, too. He thinks he knows what's funny. This is why he's the worst poster of all time, too. He thinks he knows what's funny. He thinks he's funny.
Starting point is 00:11:09 And he's actually the guy with, like, clown horns and polka music. Like, he's... It's the humor of fascism. That's kind of the subtext of that scene in that movie. It's that, like, Robin Williams'iams character is like kind-hearted and understands humanity whereas bruno kirby's character is kind of like at at root of fascist and that's kind of like the subtext i feel like well i feel like yeah i feel like you're right i feel like like really physical comedy that lacks sort of an excoriating self-analysis or the ability to laugh at itself
Starting point is 00:11:45 is the hallmark of fascist comedy. True, yeah. And I also should point out, though, that Good Morning Vietnam, I haven't watched it since I was a kid, but in hindsight, it is like a pro-US, like pro-empire, pro-Vietnam. Well, maybe, I think that it's a liberal movie
Starting point is 00:12:02 in that it has a critique of Vietnam, but like the soldiers are... But they're still over there. Right, right, right. Right. Yeah. Anyways. I'll tell you this.
Starting point is 00:12:14 I've been on pins and needles. You said you had a story to tell me that was insane and going to blow my mind. And I've been sitting here for two days being like, hell yeah, I can't wait to record and hear this shit. Dude, it is. So y'all are hearing this for the first time with me so um this is bizarre this is really bizarre it seems tailor-made for tom sexton it seems like it seems like it was made in a lab to punch all the buttons of what you would find interesting and weird.
Starting point is 00:12:52 So I don't even know where to begin. I went down a rabbit hole with this. This isn't just a simple story. It's not just a story that you... It's not just a story that you, so like there is the thing that happened to me, which was weird and stressful and really got me agitated and whatever. But then there was a whole other layer that I found in a sort of subterranean sense. Like after I had processed it for a day or so, I was like, what the fuck was that? What just happened and then i started doing some research on it online and found this whole other layer to this that i
Starting point is 00:13:32 was not expecting or didn't really understand at the time but blew my fucking mind i mean it's like it's one of those things like i don understand. The more I think about it, the more befuddling and stupid it becomes in my mind. Okay, enough preamble. I'm ready. I'm tied off. Okay, outside of Pikeville, in between Pikeville and Prestonsburg,
Starting point is 00:14:03 there is a hotel called the All Pike Hotel. Are you familiar with this? Is that the one that's all black? Entirely black. Just all murdered out. Entirely black. It is, I hesitate to use this term because it's overused, but there is no other description for it other than lynchian it is
Starting point is 00:14:27 it is lynchian in the strictest sense it is entirely black like and i'm not just talking like the so the glass is black right but the foundation is black every aspect i think it used to be called the black gold hotel. I think the idea was like, we're going to make it look like coal. That was the thing. It was intended to evoke coal because that was kind of all the rage 20 years ago, right? The architecture around here is starting.
Starting point is 00:14:59 Yeah, it's like everything started turning black and lynching. In a way, it was kind of cool, but when you got right down to why, it was cool right like as cole was dying out it's like let's make everything like completely murdered out like yeah and the thing about that is that you know the cooling costs in that building must be in the summertime must be in the summertime it's gotta be outrageous out of the fuck and the there's one detail about it that makes it lynch in but in and of itself that would be weird but it has under each floor a neon red strip running around it so it's like neon red just a small tiny neon red strip running around the bottom of each floor it's like a three-story building yeah uh but other than that it is entirely black um see it's at it's outside
Starting point is 00:15:48 of pikeville in between pikeville and prestonburg and so you know i had a family emergency and i had to drive up to ohio and uh and so i was driving this weekend and um you know i passed that hotel the all pike hotel and next to that hotel there's a gas station and there was a guy sitting out front in a wheelchair like thumbing you know like he was trying to hitch a ride, trying to hitchhike. And so I was like, I mean, God, I mean, I don't always pick up hitchhikers.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Um, like, but you were, but you were like, you know, I don't think this guy's going to murder me. But yeah, he's like, he's in a wheelchair.
Starting point is 00:16:38 Like, I'm not going to just pass him by. I was like, yeah, he came like, I feel like I'm in kind of wheelchair like pissing the rain on his thumb and you're like something like karmically bad if i don't pick this guy exactly exactly like i've been you know i don't pick up hitchhikers 100 of the time but i try to do it
Starting point is 00:16:58 and especially since the flood i feel like i've done it even more like the funny thing is the only hitchhiker i've ever picked up was a guy that was in fact a convicted murderer a fact i knew when i picked him up uh monroe monroe you know monroe had the yeah yeah he carries a cross yeah it's a but it's a bubby where you going it didn't matter if i was going left right wherever he'd hop in i'd take him a little while and he would tell me yeah sometimes exploits yeah sometimes you just gotta go somewhere yeah um so i pulled over and uh and so you know i rolled the window down i was like hey man where man, where are you heading?
Starting point is 00:17:46 And he starts wheeling towards me. And before he gets three words out of his mouth, this dude pops up in my window. Like, stands up, basically. I'm telling you. He came out of fucking nowhere. I was like, what the fuck? He stands up. And this dude, he's wearing like, um... So, the guy in the wheelchair, uh, he looks like he lives in poverty, right?
Starting point is 00:18:15 Like, he's seen better days. The guy that pops up in my window does not look like that at all. The guy that pops up in my window looks like he has floor seats to UK games. He's got a UK blazer on and, got fucking gelled hair and shit and i think you it might have been one of those like you just lost like 10 hours like quantum leap things that's good i could have i could have it's like when i sir no offense but when when I saw you, you looked like a pauper. Now you look like a prince. I'm canceling this transaction. I'm no longer interested in giving you a ride.
Starting point is 00:18:52 No, what happened made me so interested in giving the guy a ride. Well, I didn't want to give it away because for a minute there, I was like, I don't know what the fuck I just got myself into. Because like the guy in the wheelchair, he's trying to yell at me where he's going. But the guy that popped up in my window starts screaming at me. So these are two different guys. Two different guys. Two different guys. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Sorry. What the fuck? I thought, no, I see. I heard that wrong. I thought like you saw a guy in a wheelchair in one state of dress and, like, repair. Right. And then a guy in another state of dress and repair popped up in your window. No, two different guys, each in their own state of dress and repair.
Starting point is 00:19:38 This is already fascinating. And the guy that pulls up, the guy that fucking pops up in my window starts screaming at me. And he's like, don't believe a word he says. Don't believe a word he says. This is the bogus beggar. This is the bogus beggar. Have you heard of the bogus beggar? That's my first exposure, I have to admit.
Starting point is 00:19:59 Mine too. My first exposure to the bogus beggar. I need to workshop that name a little bit. That's too alliterative. I'm glad you haven't heard of the bogus beggar, because if you had heard of the bogus beggar, half this story would be entirely impossible for me to... So this guy...
Starting point is 00:20:18 Let me get this straight. There's a group of guys that all wear UK blazers, like the guys that escort people to their seats at rep arena except they've been dispatched to pikeville just to stop people from getting fleeced by the bogus beggar dude so like i've never heard of the bogus beggar never heard this term this phrase in my life and i was like what the fuck and this dude is screaming at me he's like don't believe a word he says he's the bogus beggar you can't believe a word he says he's not really
Starting point is 00:20:50 disabled he's not really don't listen to him meanwhile the guy in the wheelchair has wheeled up to my window and he is also screaming at me don't don't believe a word this guy said don't worry this guy says he's like i'm the legit beggar i was like oh fuck man and the guy the guy's like listen look i'll pull the the guy in the uk blazer he's like i'll pull it up on my phone right now just you wait if you don't believe me just you wait i'm gonna pull it up on my phone so he started trying to pull it up on his phone and his like internet service is slow or some shit and it's taking him forever and he's like trying to play a video and an ad is playing and meanwhile the guy in the wheelchair is like man i'm just trying to find a ride i'm just trying to get a ride can i just get a ride
Starting point is 00:21:33 and the guy's like shut the fuck up don't listen to a fucking word this guy is and dude he the guy in the uk blazer he had this look on his face i I used to work in customer service, right? And there was always this look people would get on their face when they were about to lose their fucking shit on you and start screaming at you. It's when their mouth is extended to the limits of their face. Yes, exactly. And it doesn't really retract. Dude, their face is like stretched.
Starting point is 00:22:02 I know that look. Yes, it's like stretched into a rictus of some kind where like their fucking teeth are showing it's like they're showing their fangs or something like when a dog you know when a dog will show it like show its teeth yes yeah it's like it's some kind of like stress response or adrenaline thing where they know they're being unnecessarily mean or evil or like i mean maybe this is too big of a comparison but i would expect that you would probably see the same face on like a nazi soldier like executing people in the forest or something you know what i mean just this like well and then the other thing too i've always like like why why do you care that much what exactly and i asked why do you devote that much like you know what i mean like i'm down here
Starting point is 00:22:54 in lexington man like people are like the local government stuff they're like weirdly aggressive about panhandling dude they're like panhandling is dangerous it's like no it's fucking not man dude panhandling is legal a panhandling is legal by the supreme court the supreme court decided that panhandling like a few years ago they like you have a right to beg apparently this has driven people insane out Out of their fucking minds. This will be one of the things in the new Supreme Court with Gorsuch and Kavanaugh and all them. We'll try to overdo. Right.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Well, I don't know. Apparently, you can still get arrested for panhandling. So, I don't know. I mean, maybe local municipalities still can pass ordinances. Yeah, I don't really understand it. Time-honored hustle in my opinion that's what i'm saying i remember my first time getting taken to the cleaners by panhellers at a mcdonald's in washington dc on my eighth grade trip this guy came up to me he was like man i hadn't ate in three days and i was so like like i just never
Starting point is 00:24:04 experienced that you know what i mean like there was one homeless guy in wattsburg and his name was paris well i guess nosy adams too and they would like hang out at the bench in front of what was then united super grocery store but is now the rec center and that was my only exposure to like street guys right i mean right this guy's i ain't eight in three days and i was like like with a tear here you go sir and i gave him my like last 20 dollars then i'd see him go getting like a big big truck just fleecing eight-year-olds and then i knew what i wanted to do with the rest of my life panhand fleece eight-year-olds ask people for money fan has exactly um so like this guy's flipping out he's got his phone he's putting it in my fucking face in my truck he's like i've
Starting point is 00:24:56 called the police he's like i've called the police already they're on their way right now and he's like shut the fuck up sit the fuck why don't you stand up and show us you can really stand up and so the guy in the wheelchair stands up and he's really disabled i mean he can walk but he really is legitimately like disabled uh he's like right side of his body is like fuck fucked up um and uh yeah well he did have a stroke a few years ago. But other than that, he's lying. So I asked the guy, I was like, well, what's your story? I was like, why do you care so much? He was like, well, I just was staying in this hotel right here.
Starting point is 00:25:35 I'm like, of course you are. Of course you're staying in a pitch black hotel. You're staying in the black hole hotel, the void. Yeah. Just like. in the black hole hotel the void yeah just like um and so it's like this might be the most interesting like quarter mile stretch of road in america because just down the road is the warring uh hibachi restaurant in the chinese restaurant they're right next to each other yeah like the one the one of them like unleashed like a herd of like a bunch of rodents
Starting point is 00:26:05 into the other one to get them shut down by health department like they're constantly playing tricks on each other uh-huh now it's like yes you're right it's only a few miles down the road from that um and i was like i mean i genuinely didn't know what to do, right? Because, like, I've got two guys yelling at me. And I was just, like, not really in a huge hurry. But, like, I had somewhere very important to be. And I was like, well, I mean, it's just a fucking hitchhiker. Like, the thing about hitchhikers is, like, if they're going to where you're going, you just drop them off. And it's simple.
Starting point is 00:26:44 It's not a complicated thing um and uh and so then like 30 seconds after he's like i've called the police they're on their way a fucking state trooper pulls in behind my truck and i'm like god damn it dude here last thing i need exactly mind you you're on your way basically to a funeral yeah wild as that yeah exactly and so i it's like the state trooper gets out and he's like what's going on here uh what uh tell me what's going on here and the guy in the uk blazer just starts fucking you know giving him this spiel and then the cop looks at me and i was like i was just pulling over to give him a ride man like i don't care to give him a ride i don't care if he's the bogus bear I don't give a shit like I just
Starting point is 00:27:29 I'm just giving him a ride um in the car and meanwhile the guy in the wheelchair the bogus beggar he's like bubby I'm just looking for a ride he says what he says is that exact sentence he says bubby I'm just looking for a ride it's unclear if he says it to me or the cop but the cop flips out and i he says don't you fucking call me bubby like he demands to be called sir or something like that like it's illegal to call a cop bubby or something yeah and it's it's like it's like i'm sorry your lordship exactly were you nodded shut the fuck up shut your bitch ass it's just like this glimpse into the fucking cop psychology you know what i mean just cannot abide being called anything other than having their boots licked fucking clean. You know?
Starting point is 00:28:28 He's like, shut the fuck up. Don't fucking call me Bubby. I'm going to arrest you on panhandling and trespassing. And I was like, can everybody... And then you're like, sir, actually the Supreme Court passed a decision a number of years ago that they... And he just beats the fuck out of you. Tases me.
Starting point is 00:28:44 I'm in the backseat with the bogus beggar and i was like can everybody please calm down like i will give the guy a ride i don't care and the cop is like well you can do whatever you want to but if you don't do something with him i'm taking him to jail and i was like well get in the car man let's not fucking go to jail so it's like i put you know i got his wheelchair put in the back and i take him and like he was you know talking to me and he's like man wait listen you know some do call me the bogus beggar but i'm trying to straighten up bub no he was like i'm a celebrity and i was like yeah no shit like apparently you are and he was like he was like okay this is a weird story right because
Starting point is 00:29:36 like part of what this guy in the uk fleece blazer whatever was trying to tell me was that this guy fakes a mental disability but his he was also trying to tell me that he fakes a physical disability and the bogus beggar once we were in my truck he was like yeah he's like i really am disabled physically but i i fake my mental disability and he's talking to me so he set this record straight and he's talking to me and like in my mind i'm like are you sure man are you sure you don't think yeah so he's pretty real to me but it's like i was like none of my business dude whatever i don't give a fuck i'm just giving you a ride i mean he didn't ask me for money didn't ask me for money. Didn't ask me for anything. Like, you know, and so, like, I dropped him off.
Starting point is 00:30:28 You know, I talked to him for a while, and he, like, told me his life story about, like, he had a degree in speech pathology, and, like, I told him, like, I was a history major, and he was like, oh, what discipline? You know what I mean? Like, he, like, like, you know, you gotta have a conversation with him. It's, like, totally whatever. like uh you know you have a conversation with him it's like totally whatever um but anyways like i dropped him off and like went about my day and i was like obviously very stressed out by the whole interaction right because he's like you've got this it was it was kind of like a devil
Starting point is 00:31:00 and angel on your shoulder type situation where people are like don't fucking do it don't fucking do it like you're waiting for like some crazy thing to happen this whole ride like yeah well i told him what's he gonna what's he gonna pull like this guy's infamous what's he gonna pull you know well i told him as soon as we got in the car he's like you're not gonna try to shake me down or anything are you i just i don't know if you saw this but i just saved you from going to jail back then and he was like no i'm everything's chill and so like um like i said it was kind of a stressful situation whatever but so like the next day i like get online and i start looking up about this guy i'm like who the fuck is the bogus beggar like why are people so fucking up in arms about him like why are they so where'd you drop him off at i just dropped him off in prestonsburg it's like so he was going
Starting point is 00:31:57 to louisville i mean i i was going to ohio like i wish you would have like you know how like uh george jones gave that guy a ride to florida and gave him twelve thousand dollars when he got out i wish that would have been you like you'd have took us all the way to louisville today man here's everything i have to my name well he was like i want to be on your podcast i was like yes you should absolutely be that's the way we yeah we just we get all these characters to have a little local color to it this is like this guy like i said sorry like the next day i'm like how old was it he's like in his 40s oh okay so not super old no and the next time like looking at like who the
Starting point is 00:32:40 fuck is this guy like why are people so freaked out about him? And like, I saw a news story, um, from like the day before this happened on YMT. Police believe the bogus beggar was spotted in Eastern Kentucky. It's like, there's all these like spottings, you know what I'm saying? Like,
Starting point is 00:33:01 he's like, he's the Loch Ness monster. Yeah. He's like, he's Sasquatch. I was like, and so i found a story on wave news this is what the guy was trying to show me yeah louisville this is what this dumb ass with the fucking uk thing was trying to show me he was trying to show me an 18 minute long video like you know while i decide while i weighed my options to like take this guy he goes listen yeah you like those guys that like show you something on youtube and make you watch the whole thing
Starting point is 00:33:38 you do not give a fuck about it i was like and then they wait for your reaction and if you're just not like slapping your knee, cackling that like something's wrong with you. Yeah. By this point, I had already decided I was taking him just out of spite. I was like, I don't fuck.
Starting point is 00:33:51 I hate this fucking asshole in my face. Like I'm taking the, I'm taking them one way or the other. I don't care if you fucking stabbed me. Uh, and, uh, but what he was trying to show me was a 18 minute long investigation
Starting point is 00:34:09 on wave news by a guy named john bull oh boy um and so i was like i was watching it and what it is is this guy John Bull, he does these investigative stories, right? Was he this guy that was insane about panhandling a few years ago? Probably. He did all these insane videos about like... I think this was the guy. I think he was a wave reporter. Dude, probably he is obsessed with pan
Starting point is 00:34:48 handling yes he's obsessed with it he's like this is what his investigative reporting is on not like criminal like uh you know like capitalist criminal activity like gentrification or like how we found out i remember seeing this a few years ago it was absolutely incensed because he had like a tweet thread about like the dangers of panhandling or something it's like bro what did you just get like all your money taking a game of three card money or something and just he got fucking he got like fleece i saw they saw him coming it's the same thing that happened to you at age eight but he went the other direction he was like by god i'll make them pay
Starting point is 00:35:33 yeah i was i looked at him as aspirational figures this guy and ultimately that is the duality of man it is you know duality of man like how have you had your brain broken by being fleeced? Which way, Western man? It's like people can get fleeced by, like, hospital bills, healthcare companies, credit card companies, and just, like, what they choose to actually fixate on. Is, like, the street hustler. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:04 Yeah. It's like, this guy guy has not only is he obsessed with panhandlers he's obsessed with the bogus beggar i mean you remember that movie catch me if you can with like tom hanks yeah leonardo dicaprio what was that guy's name in real life frank abagnale maybe frank abagnale yeah who is now like who isn't he now like an advisor to like investment firms or some shit like he is they should get the bogus finance guy yeah they should get the bogus beggar to be an expert on paying give him a job because like at this point they're like best friends john bull Bull has this Ahab-like obsession with the bogus beggar.
Starting point is 00:36:49 His white whale. It's his white whale. Bogus beggar. And you just ran up on this guy. And I just ran up on him. Wait, what if the guy in the UK thing was John Bull? Dude, he could have been. Well, look.
Starting point is 00:37:04 Okay, look. Wait, wait, wait. Like, if this video pulled up let me play it it's like the funny thing about this video part of the complaints are that you're doing this mentally ill thing again gary thompson doesn't like talking to me anymore to understand why, we have to go back to 2014. I appreciate you guys busting me. Okay, that's the bogus beggar.
Starting point is 00:37:33 I would not be okay when no one was looking, so I put on a hidden camera and tried to walk by. Please help, but... Okay, that's the bogus beggar doing his routine. Like, he's, you know, pretending to be mentally ill. Problematic Earl is his name. The bogus beggar is his name. He, you know, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:37:54 No worse than what's his name. Being a stealer did. It's kind of similar, honestly. Bogus Beggar needs a talking... That's where he took his character from. He needs a talking to from Robert Downey Jr. in blackface. Okay. Amazing.
Starting point is 00:38:22 Okay, this is what I found funny about this video. I don't have it perfectly queued up because it's not a youtube thing it's like a dollars in disability and medicaid benefits over four years the judge tacked on 15 more months to the agreement for a total of 42 so the bogus beggar he's also like a medicaid fraud he's also like you know he's like this guy is a is a folk hero he's like he's like my like john henry or paul bunyan that's what i was saying like you saw him in the wild i saw him in the wild i gave him a ride son of a bitch man i can't think cool like it happened to me dude this is he explains this in the intro but lexington police a few years ago made a press
Starting point is 00:39:09 conference about the bogus beggar being in lexington they were like he's hit the streets folks he's hit the streets like he's like he's goddamn jack the ripper or something keep the women and children inside the house my, this is panhandling on the next level. Okay. It's interesting you bring that up because that's the thing. Like something about this, like my brain could not compute. I was like, what the fuck is like, has he killed people? Is he like a serial rapist?
Starting point is 00:39:38 Like what the, why is this a big deal? No. Like he's had a few, like, i think he like stabbed someone over a drug interaction one time but like that's it's cost of doing business it's just cost of doing business like he's not like a violent guy like he's not like stalking people on the streets and like hurting people like this is this a guy it kind of tells you it kind of tells you what society sort of favors in the way it polices and stuff like that. Dude. It's like you could do all these weird finance crimes and bilk whatever.
Starting point is 00:40:19 Nothing would ever happen to you. But by God, you get out there and become a public nuisance and hold up a sign that says why lie i want to buy beer and get money for it you know uh-huh look listen to this throw the book at you i saw this tweet today elon musk donated 5.7 billion dollars at the end of 2021 but kept the recipient a secret new reporting shows the money went to his personal charity meaning he didn't actually lose control over it but it did net him a 4.6 billion dollar tax break like this guy is the one who's taking fucking tax payers yeah he's like this guy's the leech on society not the first i thought you were gonna i thought you're insinuating there was an elon musk
Starting point is 00:41:03 tie-in to the bogus beggars reign of terror yeah i would have lost my mind if you would have but that's the thing like the tesla autopilot cars like you know that they're uh they're building them so that they'll take out the bogus beggar they'll see them and then they'll swerve and take out all it's like the terminator goes to get sarah connor uh-huh that's like the new tesla's their one job is to take out the bogus beggar they're coming from the future to take out the bogus bag that's right that's right so um when he got out guess what he went back to doing back to john bull guess who put on a disguise and hidden camera again what is your deal john bull john bull has put on no less than two disguises in the course
Starting point is 00:41:53 of this investigation to expose the bogus three dollars the mental disability act changed when I pulled out another camera again. You're still faking your condition, embellishing your condition. I'm not in a condition. That's just kind of sad. I mean, it's just... He didn't straighten his life up. For all the people who've asked me whatever happened to the bogus beggar,
Starting point is 00:42:20 I discovered he wound up jailed here at Metro Corrections for most of this year after a stabbing melee at a 3rd Street apartment. Okay, a melee. I'm sure it was a melee, John. A melee. It's just... A stabbing melee, like you went there and just stabbed up a whole room. A man in a wheelchair with debatably, mentally, just stabbing up a whole room. I need the $1.50 and $1.50 to get in.
Starting point is 00:42:55 And that's rather... Okay. ...from him on 4th Street in this pimp daddy get-up here with chains and all that and a sign that says, this man is a fraud like messing with me messing with me with a full well later on in this john bull talks about how in the course of his investigation like many times when he'll be out on the street harassing the bogus beggar with his camera crew and shit people will walk up and give the bogus beggar money and it pisses john bull the fuck off because he's like they're doing it in response to me they're doing it because of me
Starting point is 00:43:32 because of my work it's like get a fucking life bro fucking this man probably thinks he deserves an emmy for this hard-hitting coverage i'm serious yeah seriously like all the fucking corporate crime in the world the destruction of the environment the fucking theft of billions of dollars of wages and rent and everything else and this is who you choose to fucking focus on get a fucking life you piece of fucking shit that's my message to you john bole get a piece get a fucking life you fucking piece of shit you're a piece of shit you're a piece of shit and i just want to say this dude truly i just want to say it's a simple message one that uh obviously if you grew up in church you heard it a million times but i think is 1000 applicable here
Starting point is 00:44:26 what would jesus do would jesus fucking go harass a beggar for fucking taking you know it's a funny posture for a country that considers itself a christian country or whatever i mean seriously yeah especially like this region like this this predominantly like christian religious region it's just like grandstand about being church people and all this shit and like just mad at the idea that somebody's trying to like improve their station however they can well it's just the thing about it is that like okay um is it like wrong ethically or morally to like pretend to be someone else to like steal someone's money? Like, okay. If it's an eight year old Tom Sexton, that's probably pretty fucked up, but it's like, I don't care what the bogus beggar does with my money. He didn't even ask me for
Starting point is 00:45:19 money. I just gave him a ride. It's just like, what the fuck does it matter? Okay. So there's all these other things but at the end of the day we've said this a million times on this show the game here is capitalism that's what you all wanted the game here is survival by any means necessary if you don't have a fucking way to make money you die that's it and so like that's that's either in capitalism or shut the fuck up because there's no good there's no there's gonna be no end to people using the system to like get money out of it or fucking uh panhandle or whatever get whatever needs they they can get met in the cracks of the system because that's that's the system you set up so fucking quit bitching
Starting point is 00:46:06 john like it's just i mean it's just just like he talks about it in the intro like his absolute disdain for panhandlers he's like he talks with disdain about that supreme court decision that made it legal he's just like you know just you can just see this isn't the country i grew up in it's just like what country are you talking about like the when i think of the 1930s i think of the guy with like the bindle on his back yeah like yeah it's like the stick with like a handkerchief tied to the end of it yeah hopping trains exactly actually man that like the bum the hobo whatever you want to call it like this that's as american as anything else you know exactly and it's like in a country like with ours with just massive inequality and massive exploitation of labor and now even more so than back then massive
Starting point is 00:47:06 unemployment and underemployment and automation of jobs what the fuck do you expect i mean seriously it's just yeah uh i don't know man i just keep coming back to that it's like what what would jesus do would jesus like seriously just harass this fucking guy? I'm like, that's the... I know it's stupid and canned, and it's kind of like that John Fugel saying asshole on Twitter to point out, like, Jesus was a socialist. But that's kind of the whole image
Starting point is 00:47:36 of Jesus, like, giving alms to... You know what I mean? It's just like, what are you... What are we doing here yeah yeah yeah the most christian act you can do is uh you know every time every time jesus saw somebody bagging alms he did something like took them put them in a hot tub and they got out and could walk again you know like good things happen when you bag alms unless you're in unless you're in east kentucky
Starting point is 00:48:06 yeah unless you're in east kentucky and people just try to blow your spot up well i did see he got arrested in paynesville the bug right after you took him there like yesterday so that was a couple days started a legal defense fund for the bogus bagger and it's just like wherever he ends up at in jail like we have like dedicated attorneys to get him off and we have like a legal defense fund i'm making the bogus beggar it's like he's our new thing here i mean like again like there's all kinds of like moral and ethical questions i guess of like faking disability. And when you've got real people with real disabilities.
Starting point is 00:48:48 I don't think he's faking a physical disability. Like I said, mental, I don't. We saw that up front. Yes. But I just cannot reiterate this enough. Under the system we have, people have to make money or they die. That's just the common. And some people have the, some people are able-bodied and they can get jobs
Starting point is 00:49:15 and they can do the things that, like, make them a proper, respectable citizen of society. But, like. Yeah. I fucking nerd. Exactly. Like, it's's just i don't know it's just i guess the thing is like these two need their own tv show i guess is what i've decided john and the bogeys beggar they needed their their own like uh like the fugitive remember that like that show it's like the fugitive
Starting point is 00:49:41 it's like every episode it's john chasing the bous beggar, but sometimes it's the other way around. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Then we do it like the hunted becomes the hunter. I mean, like, you could, there's, there, it's like, why is this guy so obsessed with him? Like, he is completely, it's like Ahab-like. It's seriously.
Starting point is 00:50:01 It is weird, man. Down here in Lexington, man, it's crazy. It's so bad. There's signs posted Lexington, man, it's crazy. It's so bad. There's signs posted all over the street that say, fight panhandling. And it says, there's better ways to help out. And then it suggests you donate to a non-profit. Oh, my God. Dude, what it is, people get just as mad at the person giving them money or a ride as they do maybe not
Starting point is 00:50:28 just as mad but it riles them up in a way that is fucking crazy to think about um that is it's not quite equal to the actual panhandling itself but it is in the same sort of constellation or ballpark it's like what pisses you off so much about me it's my fucking money it's my truck i'm gonna give him a fucking ride what the hell i'll ask you a question what's the what's the difference between uh somebody trying to like feed their family by doing whatever it is they have to do it be it panhandling sex work selling cigarettes whatever and all these fucking petty boosh people that uh hit up giving tuesday begging everybody to send them fucking money most of which gets eaten up in like admin salaries and shit what does it doesn't actually really no as as much i won't say
Starting point is 00:51:17 at all but as much as you know it's all i mean the it's all a fucking... It's all in how you dress. Let's just call it what it is. It's all in how you appear. It is. Class session wise. That's exactly what it is. It all has to do with this idea of like visible poverty. It's like clearly something fucking insane is going on
Starting point is 00:51:38 when you have to make a press conference about one guy panhandling. I like how this man has put law enforcement agencies in at least Louisville, Lexington, Prestonsburg on skates. I tell you, this man is a folk hero. Just for asking for money. Like, not doing anything crazy. Not getting in fights or, like, you know,
Starting point is 00:51:59 shooting up a fucking bar or, like, doing anything. Rustling cattle or, like like none of that just asking for fucking money and rides that's it that in and of itself was a microcosm of like the whole operation unite dynamic like petty bouge upper middle class people getting calling in the cops to do some just just the utter cowardice and just absolute, they talk about pussified and sissified and all this stuff. There is nothing more sissified than calling the cops on a guy asking for money. The most pussy shit in the world.
Starting point is 00:52:36 Yeah, particularly a man that's living with disabilities. Or at least disability, indomitable on the second one. But I admire his creativity and that's why i'm saying that's why that guy's face is like stretched into like a rictus it's just like like he knew deep down that he had a moral his soul was just as black and voided out as the hotel he was staying he was staying in maybe just because he was like chasing this guy like a storm chaser he could have been dude he could have been he recognized him yeah i know i know that's the thing like what what he recognized him and i had never even heard of this that's a that's another and you hadn't either
Starting point is 00:53:25 that's another weird thing about this like this shit circles around probably like certain um facebook groups and i'll definitely like probably pro cop people and they're probably like actually like mad at the bogus beggar yeah it's so we've just become so perverted as a society where we just are like actually antagonize people like this i know well and it's like because like i tried to put myself in the shoes of just like an average fucking regular ass joe seeing this story on facebook and someone who probably you know who might have someone in their family with a physical or mental disability someone who works hard and does all the right things and pays their taxes and shit and like gets mad about something like this like I can understand like from their point
Starting point is 00:54:18 of view I don't agree but I can see where they're coming from. But my only response to that is just like, again, this is capitalism. I mean, the fucking game here is survival. It's fucking do or die. My only response to that is, give the man a few bucks or move on. Yeah, move, who cares? I'm working here. It's like,
Starting point is 00:54:40 yeah, why don't you get a job instead of being over here hassling me while I'm punching the clock. It's like, That's the thing. The guy in the window, the fucking guy with the UK blazer in my window was like, he cleared $100,000 doing this. And that's what they said on that Wave News investigation. That's so sick, dude.
Starting point is 00:55:01 If that's true, it's probably not true, but that is so fucking sick if that's true. Exactly probably not true but that is so fucking sick if that's exactly my response to that is that my man's good at his job yeah yeah money real good right now that's what he told you he got in the car he's like listen man i'd normally shake you down for cash but uh money real good right now then i wish then he would have took you through McDonald's drive-thru and bought you dinner Oh man I've just Like I said layers bro I was just like Every fucking step of the way
Starting point is 00:55:36 I was just like looking around in disbelief Like you were grown ass adults You're a grown ass man that called the fucking cops Who And the cop got pissed off that a guy called you just pulled over for they're talking these guys and it turns to a goddamn three stooges sketch then the then the bogus beggar stood up and honked the cop's nose and his pants fell down and then there's all three started running around circles around
Starting point is 00:56:05 your truck yeah just a fucking oh my god man it's like that like 100k man yeah like yeah you're good at your job that means you're better at your job than i am podcasting and i gotta you know what i would say i would say to the cop sounds to me like you're jealous you ain't pulling in six figures tax-free that's ultimately what these guys are mad about it's play ultimately it's a form of player hating. Yeah, it is. Yeah. That's what it is. If anybody, a mark, well, a mark really can't say that they're a mark, but I guess part of it has to do with the fact that, yeah,
Starting point is 00:56:56 you're mad that you have to go do this while somebody else has found an angle. Yeah. Well, it's like i said earlier it's like i can understand why and how that would piss someone off like of a certain class station and background and life experience but you know again it's just like you just kind of you just you have to keep coming back to the fact that, like, in this society, you get a job or you fucking perish. And, A, not everybody can get a job, just any job, for physical reasons, mental reasons, or whatever. Or, B, people like me. Or just don't want to, like me.
Starting point is 00:57:41 Yeah. Or those jobs just aren't available anymore because they've been fucking automated out of existence and so it's just i don't know man it's just it's just one of those things it's like if the road you followed led you to this like what you know what i'm saying like uh i don't know it's just it's just like i said you get on, you read about Elon fucking hoarding $5 billion. I mean, that money would, even if he paid that in taxes, it would just come back to him anyways because he gets so much fucking military contracts and shit. Like, all of our tax money just goes to him anyways
Starting point is 00:58:20 to fucking shoot rockets in this space. But, like, presumably presumably in a better society like you would pay taxes and it would go to help people for like social services and welfare and shit but like that's not even the case anymore so it's like fuck it yeah it's like burn a plant run naked in the street fucking panhandle yeah and these folks are these these are our new folk heroes at the end of the world yeah yeah uh well anyways i hope it lived up to expectation i i i was like dude this guy was made in a lab i want an option i want an option the film writes to that story the film is like i said it's a catch me if you can situation or or uh it's or
Starting point is 00:59:13 like a fugitive situation it's two men obsessed with each other in their own way or like hannibal like that show hannibal yeah it's like that's the show it's like an investigative reporter obsessed with the bogus beggar. And he can't stop putting on disguises and costumes to bust him. And I mean, that's an episode format in and of itself. What's John Bull's costume going to be this week?
Starting point is 00:59:46 He's going to do blackface. It's like, yo, what's john bull's costume gonna be this week he's gonna do blackface it's like yo what's up my man yeah this smells cartoonish oh god this is like oh john we were with you for a minute when you said it was fucked up he was doing middle disability or john yeah it's like he's calling this guy out for faking his disabilities. Meanwhile, this guy's doing blackface, brownface, all the different kinds of faces you could do in an attempt to catch the guy. Exactly. That's doing disability face.
Starting point is 01:00:20 He's like Stellan SkarsgÄrd in Andor. He's like, I've adopted the tactics of my oppressors to take them down. He's like doomed to a life. He like, eventually he comes full circle and he becomes the bogus beggar to take the bogus beggar down. He fakes his own disabilities. He's like, his wife is like, John, I cannot keep doing this. He goes home in a wheelchair. I cannot keep doing this.
Starting point is 01:00:53 He's like, the master's house will not be taken down unless we use the tools of our oppressors. Oh, my God. Too good. oh my god too good too good uh that's a great show that's a great show idea i think that's i give it 10 out of 10 that's yeah i'm obsessed with this guy now yeah which one john bull or the book is no the bogus beggar i want to kind of physically harm john bull uh oh man yeah i'm trying to think of other costumes and uh costumes and uh disguises he could use he dresses as hitler he could dress as hitler and and uh that would throw the bogus beggar off he He wouldn't expect John Bowles to be hiding under a Hitler costume.
Starting point is 01:02:06 You know? Yeah, I got you this time. You thought I was the Fuhrer. He rips off that mustache. Rips off the mustache and that weird side part. Like, haircut. But it's me, John Bowles, investigative reporter. I got you again, you son of a bitch.
Starting point is 01:02:28 Oh, man. It's like justified, honestly. It's like Boyd Crowder and Timothy Oliphant's character. I forgot his name. It's like they're obsessed with each other, man. They dug coal together. He dresses up as like An 18th century like French aristocrat
Starting point is 01:02:48 Like powdered wig Again Not one that Earl the bogus beggar would see coming Yeah the bogus beggar Like Osama bin Laden He dresses up It's like fuck no I just thought it was Osama bin Laden Yeah
Starting point is 01:03:06 I was like fuck I just thought it was Osama bin Laden Was giving me money You mean Marie Antoinette Wasn't giving me five dollars Your honor I swear I thought this man was Marie Antoinette This is a trap and giving me five dollars. Your honor, I swear,
Starting point is 01:03:26 I thought this man was Marie Antoinette. This is a trap. Yeah, it's Tom Obed and Lydon and he's got like a fake bomb like strapped around his chest and like a turban and everything. He gets tackled by the police. He's like, you don't understand. I'm John Bull.
Starting point is 01:03:43 I'm in the middle of an investigation. Yeah, I know who you are, you son of a bitch. You're the ace of spades in the deck. We finally got him. No, Osama bin Laden was apprehended and killed several years ago. Shut up, you son of a bitch. You son of a bitch. We've got him.
Starting point is 01:04:04 We've fucking got him. I'm in the son of a bitch. You son of a bitch. We've got him. We've fucking got him. I'm in the middle of an investigation. God damn it. Well, anyways. It paid off. It was as good as advertised. Well, I'm shocked we haven't come across him yet or even seen that story it's like i said it must have been one of those stories that was like corralled
Starting point is 01:04:29 or siloed off into like certain sections of facebook and stuff um that i that you know obviously i don't traffic in so it's like i didn't know yeah yeah i don't hang out an anti-panhandler twitter too much although i hear they're a surly bunch. Well, that's what they got them on in Paintsville, panhandling charges. So... I'll tell you what's bogus is those panhandling laws. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:57 If somebody wants to ask somebody for money, that's fine. What's wrong with that? Yeah, and if somebody wants to give them money, that's fine what's wrong with that well yeah and if somebody wants to give him money that's fine too like what who fucking gives a shit every time i give a guy money on the street i don't give a fuck it's gone at that point they could spend it on beer or what the fuck ever sometimes like some of those guys will come up to me and like they'll give me the hustle and it's like man let's sit down for about 10 minutes and workshop this because I think you actually could earn more money
Starting point is 01:05:30 if you went with this as your sort of story. Yeah. Yeah. Some are ingenious, others are like, oh man, I don't care what you do with this, frankly. Oh, fuck. others are like oh man i don't care what you do with this frankly oh fuck um well if you see him out there give him a ride he's not gonna he's harmless he's not i mean he will try to rap he is a white rapper so there is that well you know let him do his thing you know that's uh Well, you know, let him do his thing.
Starting point is 01:06:07 You know, that's, uh, did he try to rap for you? Well, he did a little bit, and he was like, I'll come on your show and rap for you. I will say this. If you're the bogus beggar, if you're listening, if you're within earshot, you have a lifetime appointment on this show. Well, it's the thing. Like, he doesn't have a cell phone i have no way to reach him so it's like one of those serendipitous things like you're only gonna just a moment in time just a moment in time exactly my moment in time happened to be in front of the creepiest fucking hotel in eastern kentucky i don't want to know what happens there. Same. Same.
Starting point is 01:06:47 Trespassing. The cop was going to get him on trespassing in a parking lot. Yeah. Trespass. Yeah. Oh, man. Well, anyways, I think that about wraps it up. I don't know what our schedule is going to be like in the next couple weeks.
Starting point is 01:07:15 My schedule personally is going to be a little dicey, a little erratic. So, you know, if we put out an ep, we put out an ep. If we don't, we don't. That's all right. But thank you for your patience and for your kindness thank you for your loving kindness isn't that a practice that people do that's my religion loving kindness yeah loving kindness that's my religion i've noticed that that's your religion sometimes i've been like damn tom's loving kindness was outstanding it's really showing That's my religion. I've noticed that that's your religion. Sometimes I'm like, damn. Tom's loving kindness was outstanding.
Starting point is 01:07:48 It was really showing through today. It was showing through today, yeah. Well, but you can tell your friends about Patreon. There's an entire back catalog for you to go listen to anyways. Sometimes we should just take breaks and tell people to go listen to the backlogs anyways. Yeah, just go catch up. Go catch up. Yeah, go check it.
Starting point is 01:08:14 Everything that I did on this show, 2017 to 2020, is not canon for me, for Tom. I don't stand by it. This is like, go listen to to that go listen to that stuff see we're no big we're no different than the bogus beggar i mean literally we don't have real jobs really yeah but i think that's why we feel such kinship yeah we'd get out here and shake our proverbial shake the bushes you know it's that time of year anyway. But if you don't, you don't get fed.
Starting point is 01:08:47 Right. We're like the bell ringers outside of the Walmart and shit, you know? That's right. Drop some coins into our bucket, please. Our bucket's empty. Yeah, drop some coins. Preferably $5 worth of coins. Yes, preferably. All right. Yeah drop some coins Preferably five dollars worth of coins Yes Preferably
Starting point is 01:09:06 Alright well thanks for listening Everybody we will see you next time Whenever that is Until then What would Jesus do Does Eric Jeremy think of that Why would you think of that You fucking dumb motherfuckers
Starting point is 01:09:23 But that never occurred to you. All right. Well, see you later. See you, guys. Bye-bye.

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