TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - 2020 Rigged Election: What Are Democrats Hiding in Maricopa County?

Episode Date: May 12, 2021

Today on TRUNEWS, host Edward Szall provides the latest 2020 election news coming out of Arizona, with the ongoing audit unraveling questionable incidents. Routers and hard drives may have been acces...sed by ‘bad people’ to change the results of the presidential election from Donald Trump to Joe Biden. Also, the team provides footage of real ballots being manipulated in real time, showing how it is possible. Edward Szall, Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate (05/12/21)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit This is True News for Wednesday, May 12, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll. Liz Cheney, the daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, has been ousted from leadership in the Republican Party I'm Edward Zoll. Liz Cheney, the daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, has been ousted from leadership in the Republican Party after leading a military coup against President Trump. In a secret voice vote this morning, Republican representatives swiftly removed her from the number three position
Starting point is 00:00:56 as House Republican Conference Chair. She emerged defiantly and vowed to continue her crusade for the Constitution. I will do everything I can to ensure that the former president never again gets anywhere near the Oval Office. We have seen the danger that he continues to provoke with his language. We have seen his lack of commitment and dedication to the Constitution. And I think it's very important that we make sure whomever we elect is somebody who will be faithful to the Constitution. Clearly a crusade against President Trump more than our founding document. What if the big lie was true? What if votes are still being questioned six months after the 2020 election?
Starting point is 00:01:48 Don't wait to discuss the latest developments in the election challenges in Michigan and Arizona. Our True News founder, Rick Wiles and Doc Burkhart. You know, she said she wants to defend the Constitution, but President Trump was constitutionally elected. So is she saying that if he was constitutionally elected again, she would be opposed to that? Yes, she would be. Of course she would. As she was opposed to him during the four years he was in the White House. And we now know that she was
Starting point is 00:02:10 one of the people who secretly conspired to overthrow the president. Not surprised. Not surprised that her father was directing her operation. But you asked a question, Edward, what if votes are still being questioned six months after the election?
Starting point is 00:02:32 Well, the answer is they are. They are being questioned and they are being audited. There are two major election investigations underway, one in Michigan, Antrim County, and one in Maricopa County, Arizona, Phoenix, Arizona. And these are important. It's, you know, most American citizens, and I would say 99% of the Trump voters have no idea this is happening right now. Why? Because the news media doesn't talk about it. There's a big distraction.
Starting point is 00:03:11 You can't find news about the audits in Maricopa County. But it's a big deal. It's a really big investigation. The Republican-controlled legislature of the state of Arizona ordered an audit of only the votes in Maricopa County. And that's the Phoenix area, right? Phoenix. But that's the county that controls the state. Right. As goes Maricopa County. Sure, people were asking their neighbors, who did you vote for?
Starting point is 00:03:55 Well, I voted for President Trump. I did too. Well, apparently President Biden won here. Yeah, and Mr. Biden officially carried the state of Arizona by 12,000 votes, something a Democrat hasn't done for many, many years, a solid Republican state. Right. And so the state legislature started an audit, a commission. They commissioned an audit. Everyone should be in favor of an audit, right? You want everything to be done correctly, right? Anytime there's somebody who wants an audit, if you have nothing to hide,
Starting point is 00:04:32 then you welcome an audit. Yes. I mean, if somebody's going to audit the books of an organization, audit the records, the minutes, the corporate meeting, somebody wants an audit, okay, that's a legitimate thing. the records, the minutes, the corporate meeting. Somebody wants to audit? Okay, that's a legitimate thing. Especially of a public institution. In fact, in sound business, it's a welcomed procedure. Sometimes it's mandatory that there's an audit every so many years of an organization. My father-in-law taught me, and I implemented it I implemented it when I pastored three different churches in different places.
Starting point is 00:05:08 When I became pastor of those churches, we did a full audit, full financial audit of the records past seven years. There's only been one incident that occurred as a result of it, but generally it was welcomed. It was something refreshing for a lot of people because they said, well, yeah, this should be done. They just verified that everything was upright. So Maricopa County, the state legislature has an audit of the votes in Maricopa County.
Starting point is 00:05:35 Well, the problem is the Democratic Party leadership is really fighting, fighting an alarm. Why are you fighting an audit if you didn't do anything crooked? If all of the allegations of a rigged election were conspiracy theories and they've been debunked. That's, you know, what the news media likes to say. Secure election ever. But while the conspiracy theories were debunked. Debunked by who? Who are the debunkers? That could be a TV show. The debunkers. Who are these debunkers?
Starting point is 00:06:15 Where is the debunking department? You want to get something debunked? All I hear is a lot of bunk. But they always say they've been debunked. The conspiracy theories have been debunked. Well, I never I've never met the debunkers. OK, what that means is the media, the news media has put out propaganda against the allegations that something is true.
Starting point is 00:06:41 That's what that means. So the Democrats are really fighting there. And the more that they fight the audit, the more it makes me believe they're hiding something right now. I think most people had pretty much gotten over the election, even if you believe that it was rigged. I believe it was rigged in several states. I don't have any problems about that. I believe it was rigged in a number of states, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia. It doesn't mean the entire state was rigged, but certain counties. You don't have to rig the whole state to win the state election. You just have to rig one or two, three counties, depending on that particular state.
Starting point is 00:07:30 So it's not hard for me to believe that a Democrat-controlled, populous county could have a rigged election. But I think a lot of Trump voters just got over it and just said, it was rigged. Joe Biden didn't win, but he is in the White House, and I got to live with this. And look, I didn't believe Barack Obama had a legitimate birth certificate. I still don't to this day. Still haven't seen one. Not a real one. You haven't seen his college records either, have you?
Starting point is 00:08:03 No, nothing. All they did after many years of questioning, they put a doctor digitally altered birth certificate on the Internet. Nobody held a physical copy of Barack Obama's birth certificate. And I interviewed a number of experts who had nothing in the debate at all, one way or the other, about whether Barack Obama had a legitimate birth certificate, but I interviewed various experts in specific fields. Like one man was an expert in typeset fonts from the 1960s.
Starting point is 00:08:48 Which would have been the time period where Barack Obama was born. Was that the man that found that the font used on the digital version couldn't have been font? Yes, yes. It didn't exist yet. I interviewed that man. And so his qualifications were so high that he easily could have been an expert witness in a court trial. If somebody had a forged document, that's the type of person you would bring in. And and that person would would provide expert witness to the court about the font type and and style.
Starting point is 00:09:24 He's told us, he said, here are the mistakes. These things did not exist in the 19th century. And he pointed, that was just one example. Okay, what I'm saying is, even though I am convinced Barack Obama is a liar and a deceiver, and he did not possess a legitimate birth certificate. Regardless, that rascal stayed in the White House for eight years.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Yes. He got away with it. And so with Joe Biden, I do not believe the man legitimately won the election. I believe Donald Trump overwhelmingly won re-election, but it was stolen from him. But Joe Biden is there. What I'm saying is I think most Trump voters have just resigned themselves to the fact that the election was stolen. Biden is there, whether you like it or not. But here we are now, six months later, in mid-May of 2021, and the Democrats are freaking out in Maricopa County about an audit. Right. Well, now you just brought back to my remembrance all of the suspicions I had in November and December about a rigged election.
Starting point is 00:10:49 If they did not rig the Maricopa County votes, then the Democrats would be saying, go ahead. Waste your time. Waste the state's money. The voters are going to punish you for wasting the state taxpayer money. There's nothing to find here. You're going to end up looking like idiots. But that's not what the Democrats are saying. Right. They're scared. They're coming up with all kinds of flimsy excuses to stop the audit. One of them is they're questioning the right to give routers. This
Starting point is 00:11:21 is Arizona Central, number 11 for control. The election experts are saying that they can't give routers, specifically routers which were used in an election process in Maricopa County, because it would be a security threat.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Now, first of all, I talked to our IT staff and I looked this up online too. A router is like a light switch. It's supposed to be a go-through. It's supposed to be a direct-through. It's supposed to direct traffic, manage traffic. A bridge. It has a hard drive on it. For example, it stores a little bit of data, but that's the operating system. It's not supposed to store social security numbers,
Starting point is 00:11:55 not supposed to secure people's names, not supposed to store other things which could maybe cause an issue with a fair and free election. But in Arizona, specifically in Maricopa County, the sheriff is saying, I cannot give you the passwords to these routers. So walk me through this here. So the people that are doing the audit, they want access to these routers, these internet switches. They want the passwords. And to be able to access them, should be no information on there other than information directly related
Starting point is 00:12:27 to switching information. Then what's anybody worried about then? What are you doing, Doc? Why were the voting machines connected to the Internet? That's a great question. We were told in November, December, none of the machines were connected to the Internet. That's a conspiracy theory.
Starting point is 00:12:47 It's been debunked. More bunk. Yeah. Well, we're bringing a bunker buster to that because their only retort to this was, well, it could have hosted a local network connecting the various Dominion machines together. That would be it. But they need to answer this. You mean Dominion had their voting machines in Maricopa County
Starting point is 00:13:07 connected to the internet. And a hacker? Like somebody that hacked a pipeline. A hacker. If they can hack a pipeline, they probably can hack Maricopa County. But the sheriff is saying that the routers, in this case in Maricopa County, not only does the county or the sheriff not have control of them, they're saying that Dominion controls the routers, even has the passwords for them. What?
Starting point is 00:13:34 But the sheriff's department can't even go about getting the password because it would violate security. The county doesn't have the passwords to their voting machine routers? The county doesn't have the passwords. That's right. From Maricopa County. They keep the passwords stored over Dominion voting system? With a private company? With a private company that was also running the elections in Maricopa County back in November.
Starting point is 00:13:56 But this sheriff, who is a Democrat, Paul Pinzone, he's not alarmed about this. He's alarmed that the state auditors want to look at the routers. He's trying to stop it. One other thing a router does, besides just switching information back and forth, is it's sort of like a sign-in sheet, Rick. That's right. Okay, so when someone comes into our building here to have access to the building, they have to sign in. We want to know who's in the building. Digital signature.
Starting point is 00:14:24 So we have them sign in, who they're with, the company they're with. They sign in, they sign out. So we know that they're either in the building or out of the building. Well, a router works the same way. A router will tell you, it'll keep enough information to tell you who accessed that router and where did that information go to. So it's a gateway. And that information is stored. A visitor log.
Starting point is 00:14:50 Right, like a visitor log on the router. The sheriff is saying the personal information of voters, their names, their addresses, and social security numbers, he says they're stored on the router. I've never heard such a thing in my life. And the IT staff here, expert IT staff we have here, said that is near impossible. There's hardly any storage space on these routers, let alone, it's not what they're used for. It's not a hard drive. That's right. Well, we just debunked the sheriff. He's blowing smoke. He either doesn't know
Starting point is 00:15:24 or he's telling a line that's been told to him. But the Arizona Central newspaper, the TV stations in Phoenix, are letting him blow the smoke. Right. And they're not questioning him, saying, Sheriff, there's no information stored on a router. A router routes. That's why it stored on a router. A router routes. That's why it's called a router. It's not data storage. So the sheriff is fighting this. We got a report. This is produced by the local ABC affiliate, Channel 12 in Phoenix. Just watch this and listen to the alarm of the Democrats about an audit of these routers.
Starting point is 00:16:11 I find that to be reckless. Now that may seem offensive to some, but in its purest definition, that's what it is. Maricopa County Sheriff Paul Penzone was toning it down. Late last week, he blasted the Senate Republican audits demand for the heart of the county's computer network. He called it mind-numbingly reckless and irresponsible. If you're making decisions that affect law enforcement, have the courtesy or at least the responsibility to understand you must first hear from us. At issue are Maricopa County's routers,
Starting point is 00:16:39 the superhighway that connects computers in all departments, including PennZone Sheriff's Department. Routers are very central in that they see all of the communication that happens between computers on the network. Senate Republicans have subpoenaed the routers so their auditor can test a conspiracy theory that the county's election results were hacked by someone
Starting point is 00:16:58 who gained access via the routers. Ask any IT professional if they would be willing to hand their router over to just anybody and 10 times out of 10 they will tell you oh god no. That was Pinzone's response. He's concerned that information about cases inmates and detention officers could fall into the wrong hands. Suddenly we're empowering them to be responsible for critical infrastructure information that we need. Pinzone says if he has to go to court to protect the routers, he will. The Senate spokesman and attorney didn't respond to a request for comment
Starting point is 00:17:30 about the status of their demands. Well, maybe the sheriff wasn't legitimately elected. He was running in 2020. People were voting for that sheriff in that election that he's saying it would be mindlessly reckless to go out there. Do you know who he replaced? Joe Arpaio. That's right.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Oh, really? Wow. Sheriff Joe. Maybe we now have a clue about how they got rid of Joe Arpaio. But the sheriff says he has to protect critical infrastructure. Well, the auditors are trying to find out if critical infrastructure in the voting system was hacked. Right. So wouldn't the sheriff want to help cooperate in an investigation?
Starting point is 00:18:15 I mean, it's a criminal. Basically, I'm not calling it a criminal investigation, but it's no different than a sheriff's deputy carrying out an investigation to find out if a crime was committed. Sure, and you're not giving it over to DarkSide, not giving it over to a hacking group. You're giving it over to a state-ordered audit. Now, one thing the router would be able to tell you is whether someone from the outside had access to the system. If the argument can be made by Dominion that the routers were only used for an internal network so the voting machines could talk to one another,
Starting point is 00:18:51 okay, for the purpose of tabulation. Let's just leave that argument there. Why? Well, just put that there for a second. Their argument is it was not connected to the internet, to the outside world, worldwide web. But the router would be able to tell you if anyone from the outside had access to any of that. If they could access that route, if it could access that router, it could access all the voting machines on that network.
Starting point is 00:19:18 And the sheriff, you know, using his constitutional role as the chief law enforcement officer of the county opposing an audit. And yet there are subpoenas. He's the sheriff. When the sheriff issues a subpoena,
Starting point is 00:19:39 can I tell the sheriff, I don't intend to comply with your subpoena? No. What does the sheriff do? He's going to come arrest you. He'll lock you up, throw you in the pokey. So what the sheriff should be doing, what he's constitutionally empowered to do, responsible to do, is to arrest the people who are withholding the routers. Well, in this case, he should be going. Who's in possession of him?
Starting point is 00:20:05 The county is. The county. The Dominion company is in charge of the username and password. Passwords, okay. So he should be going to both parties and saying, as the sheriff, I order you to surrender the routers and the passwords. If you refuse to do it, I must arrest you. That's what a sheriff's supposed to do.
Starting point is 00:20:25 I have no role in this audit except to enforce court-ordered subpoenas. But here, again, you have a Democrat who says, it doesn't matter about the law. We're the law. That's the way the Democrats operate. We're the law. We decide what we want to do. So keep the pressure on in Arizona. If you live in Arizona, just pile on the pressure. Talk about it. Get your neighbors talking about it. Don't let them get away. You know, the audit is temporarily halted. Yes. Coming up. Because of. Prom or something. Prom or yeah, something going on where they got to use the building. You give me a break. Which they're going to use to say, well, this isn't a true audit because the audit trail has been broken. Right. I mean, I can't imagine
Starting point is 00:21:23 if I, let's say I was having an audit. It's been compromised. Yes. If I had an audit going on at the church, if I had an audit going on at the church and we said, we got to stop because. Move all the books. Yeah. Move. You got to move everything.
Starting point is 00:21:34 You can't access the computers or anything. We've got a special event here Thursday. And so you guys can't be here. No. I mean, that's just beyond thinking about that. But that is what's happening. They'll use that too. Kelly Ward, True News guest in the past, now GOP chairman in Arizona. She had a response to this. What did she have to say, Edward? Well, first of all, she's saying that the vote should never have been certified with the amount
Starting point is 00:22:03 of things that she's hearing out of this audit. She herself hasn't been privy directly to the findings. But what she is finding out is that hundreds of lawyers from George Soros-affiliated organizations on the left have been sent to her county to harass her. And this latest battle over the routers, to her, seems like a smokescreen. Today, we are going to explore the Maricopa County big router lie. The argument that the Maricopa County election officials are making that accessing the routers would risk compromising the social security numbers, medical histories, and or law enforcement files is another big lie. Maricopa County had 2.1 million votes in 2020 and therefore requires a very large system to handle them.
Starting point is 00:22:53 No software routers would be used, only hardware routers. Decades ago, hardware routers were expensive, but the price has fallen and many more capabilities have been added to those devices. Hardware routers are a separate, dedicated piece of equipment with fast networking and limited disk storage. Fast networking, limited disk storage. Only the rawest of rookie network technicians would install additional applications and data files on a router. In beginning classes, network technicians are trained not to install applications or data files on routers. They're trained that the router is a single-purpose machine used to route packets of data.
Starting point is 00:23:47 A router would never be used as a database server because the disk storage would not support a database server, especially for an entity as large as Maricopa County. Each application or data file installed would reduce the performance of the router. And guess what? Users want the routing to be as fast as possible. There is no danger when a forensic copy is made of the router hard drive. The certified forensic software programs start the router in single user mode without network capability enabled. This includes disabling any wide area networking capability. So without
Starting point is 00:24:34 networking capability there is no access to other servers or to other workstations. Even servers, network attached storage units, or workstations in the same physical rack are not accessible when in single user mode with networking disabled. The reason single user mode is used by the forensic software is to keep other computers from changing anything on the router. The forensic software will make a true copy, a true copy of the router disk. Now, while it's not necessary to unplug the network cables from the router ports for a certified forensic copy
Starting point is 00:25:17 of the router to be made, a network technician could, he or she could, unplug them. With no physical connection to a network, it would be impossible, that's right, impossible to access any other computer or storage unit. So, Dominion Voting Systems has manuals, and those manuals describe configurations with Windows, database and application servers, and network-attached storage. Databases are stored on the database server. The applications are stored on the application server.
Starting point is 00:25:56 And the election data files are stored on the network-attached storage. There is no discussion of storing applications or data files on a router in these manuals. For an election system to be certified, the election computer should not and cannot be shared with law enforcement and should not and cannot contain medical records. Focus is now on whether Maricopa County's attorneys release critical passwords and routers as deemed necessary by the Arizona Senate to proceed with the full forensic audit. Just recently, we learned from Maricopa County attorneys that they don't have any more passwords to provide. They actually say that Dominion has those passwords and the county
Starting point is 00:26:45 doesn't have access to them, which in itself is an incredible admission of incompetence or of duplicity. And in total disregard to an earlier court-backed subpoena, they say the routers are off-limits, given the supposed threat to law enforcement if the information contained on them were to be released. Well, we debunked that sham yesterday in one of our earlier videos right here. Now we hear that the expense of providing the routers is just too high, maybe $6 million. Another excuse, another roadblock, another smokescreen. This sets the stage for some fireworks fireworks and it's the focus of our attention tonight. It's basically a waiting game. Will Maricopa County's attorneys relent and comply
Starting point is 00:27:32 with the audit and the subpoena? If not, the Arizona State Senate has indicated they are fully prepared to move swiftly, perhaps within hours, to subpoena the entire Maricopa County Board of Supervisors as well as Democrat Sheriffpoena the entire Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, as well as Democrat Sheriff Paul Penzone of Maricopa County, to address why the release of these passwords and routers, why they weren't released under the initial order, the initial subpoena. Democrat Penzone has weighed in recently, throwing his support behind Maricopa County's refusal to release the routers. Wonder why? He may find himself under particular scrutiny by the Arizona Senate as they ask him to support his statements.
Starting point is 00:28:12 All this has the very real potential to throw everything back into the courts, which thus far have been in agreement and adamant that the Arizona State Senate has the right to audit the election, administer the audit as it chooses, and act and report on those findings. To me, that wasn't complicated at all. She laid it out, and she's not wrong. Again, RT staff during the statements by Kelly Ward were saying they were looking at her technical explanations, and they're absolutely point on. Actually, she's starting to indicate here, what were the routers even being used for? They're not even in the Dominion manual.
Starting point is 00:28:48 Well, maybe they're not routers. Maybe they're servers. If they have that much data on them, maybe they're servers. And what were they storing on the server? Because they have specific servers for election database information. They're talking about HIPAA violations.
Starting point is 00:29:03 We're talking about social security numbers, personal names. That should never have been on a router. How, why would my medical records be on a voter, a router used for voting? Well, they shouldn't be. Yes. The fact that they brought that up in argument though, kind of, I think actually showed their hand a little bit in that maybe they had a database of voters that they were doing a comparison with and that database was collected from social media from health records from all sorts of uh different pieces of information that was aggregated uh to do a comparison against the voter rolls there within the state. Maybe tens of thousands of Arizonans voted who didn't know that they voted. Right.
Starting point is 00:29:55 And maybe even some dead Arizonans voted. Well, that happens every election. We wouldn't want to access their health records, would we? If you have names, a lot of information, I mean, you could generate votes. And how would anybody know if that voter actually came in and voted or mailed in a ballot? You wouldn't know. You wouldn't know unless you physically went and questioned the voter. Did you vote?
Starting point is 00:30:22 Right. And actually had the ballot that they turned in. Right. And said, is this your signature? Is this Did you vote? Right. And then actually had the ballot that they turned in. Right. And so is this your signature? Is this where you signed? Is this this issue? I did that. I did that in 1994 when I got defeated with absentee ballots. I went to the nursing homes and I questioned people, blind people, people with strokes who couldn't even lift their head. You did your own little audit. I did. I did.
Starting point is 00:30:49 And they couldn't even lift their head. Bless their hearts. There was, you know, stroke victims. And yet their signature were on the voter cards. So this has been going on for a long, long time. But once you can automate it, I mean, that stuff, that was the old school. The boss hog style election scheme. You pay a nurse at the
Starting point is 00:31:09 nursing home to fill in the ballots. I'll give you 20 bucks a ballot. Yeah, that's the old school. You don't have to do it that way in the modern age. No. You automate it. Right. You don't even have to have them come in and vote. It's all digital.
Starting point is 00:31:26 You just say they vote it. Yes. But the sheriff is worried, and maybe he's worried because possibly he could go to prison. Right, because, you know, this is Sheriff Paul Pinzon. Of course, he defeated Sheriff Joe Arpaio. By the way, to bring things full circle, Sheriff Joe was the one that really, you know, pushed the whole investigation into the Barack Obama birth certificate. Yes. And then he lost that election in Maricopa County to guess who? Yes. Sheriff Paul Pinzone. And so. And to my knowledge, Sheriff Joe never released. The information he gathered, That was my one criticism. Maybe he did. I used to interview his top deputy who was in charge of the investigation.
Starting point is 00:32:16 But that's a whole other story. But the Democrats had it out for Joe Arpaio. They wanted him gone. They got PenZone in. Now PennZone's covering up what could be a criminal operation in Maricopa County. Right. And so we may actually see something transpiring. There's also another incident that took place in Maricopa County regarding technology and perhaps influence of votes there. Edward, what is this about some hard drives that walked out?
Starting point is 00:32:45 So Kelly Ward, before that very powerful statement about the routers and the ridiculousness with the data, she brought out, it had been raised to her attention by party officials, that there were three external hard drives that on election day, this is the official Twitter account of Dr. Kelly Ward, those three hard drives you see there in the center, orange hard drives, were being removed nightly by a Dominion employee at the main voting center in Maricopa County, and were being taken, quote, off site to keep them safe. This is the external hard drives were loaded with nightly early vote totals.
Starting point is 00:33:28 Now, Scott Jarrett, is this man being quoted by Dr. Kelly Ward, said they were taken to an off-site, undisclosed location nightly for, quote, safety by an employee or a Dominion contractor working for Maricopa County. When was this happening? This was happening on Election Day. She's bringing this out now, I have to presume because of the audit, but she tweeted this on May 5th before the fight over the routers. You're going to have to wonder, why would you ever remove a hard drive from a loading
Starting point is 00:34:02 location? And we know those are external hard drives because we use the same kind of hard drives here, Rick. We use the exact same kind. And so why would those hard drives walk out of the building? Why would they even leave the building? Why the software vendor? If you saw me walking out the door with several hard drives, I already know what would happen, okay? You wouldn't get across the parking lot. Yes, I'd have to outrun, I'd die lead poisoning, okay? There'd be no way that would happen.
Starting point is 00:34:33 We really, you know, treasure our data here and we really guard it. But to have that walk out... I'd see you doing it on my phone. That's right. Because the cameras would be pinging and saying, look at Doc. He's walking across the parking lot with hard drives. Why has he got hard drives in his hand?
Starting point is 00:34:52 But why would they leave, especially an election site? Why would they even go anywhere out of an election site on election night? That alone. Very strange. If nothing else. That alone, if nothing else, if nothing else, that alone should question everything about the election in Maricopa County. And why hasn't that person been questioned under oath by the sheriff? The sheriff himself. The sheriff is busy fighting to stop routers from being transferred over. He's also not doing anything about the countless death threats being levied against those workers working the audit for the state.
Starting point is 00:35:29 Where was Bill Barr? Why wasn't the Justice Department investigating and questioning that employee who was taking the servers home? What do you mean death threats? Who's getting death threats? So the Maricopa County audit, the audit officials have set up a Twitter account to communicate with the public. Can't get anything out through the local media. What they're saying is there has been a slew of death threats against the individuals who have been hired to work, to process ballots, to do the analysis and the investigation. This
Starting point is 00:35:59 is from the Maricopa, Arizona audit. It is never okay to threaten someone's life. We are never going to get 100% of people to agree on what candidates should win, but we can all agree that 100% of people want to have confidence in the integrity of the process. Has the state legislature released the names, home addresses, phone numbers of the auditors? They have not, but you know what is taking place? There was an airplane flying around. From the police department. We know that based on the seal number.
Starting point is 00:36:31 And wasn't there suspicion that there were license plate scanners being used? Yeah, more than just suspicion. There were journalists and other officials that weren't working for a specific propaganda outlet. They were waiting by the cars, the parking lot where people were parking, who were working inside the Coliseum for the audit, that they were taken to a licensed place trying to get pictures of their name tags to dox them, basically to look them up online, figure out their name, and get their
Starting point is 00:36:57 name out there and harass them. The standard way the political left operates in this country, the communists. They can't win an argument, so they attack the people that are involved. Yeah. And so there were a couple other tweets with that, too. This also, again, from the Maricopa County audit. Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs has repeatedly called the forensic audit of Maricopa County's election ballots and machines the fraud it.
Starting point is 00:37:22 We invite her to stop fanning the flames of discord and attempting to disrupt the audit process. The secretary of state, which in most states is in charge of the elections. She should run an audit. Certifying the elections. She should be the ones actually ordering audits. And so another tweet here. Good morning. You know the rest. We won't stop until every damn ballot is verified. And so they're committed to the cause, even though they are under tremendous attack and threats and media blackout and everything else. If there's any light shining out there in the whole election, this is a little bit of light out there. Well, Doc, Edward.
Starting point is 00:38:09 There was one more thing in Arizona. What's that? One of the, I would say, the election observers. Someone was brought in officially to watch what's happening inside. She saw something very weird happen on Election Day. She's only now come out. An election observer named Jan Bryant, very well happen on Election Day. She's only now come out. An election observer named Jan Bryant, very well-spoken woman, I watched the full interview.
Starting point is 00:38:50 She is saying that she witnessed Dominion officials resetting all the tabulation machines and shutting down the vote counting on election day. That Dominion officials, not the county, Dominion officials on election day told the Maricopa County election officials, get out of the building. We're done counting for today. And they shut down the tabulators. On election day? On election day. Is that strange? It is. What was this? What is this woman's role? Was she like a Republican Party poll watcher?
Starting point is 00:39:06 She described herself as a as a observer. But yes, I'd assume she is a Republican. So she was probably hired or not hired, but say volunteered through the party to watch the election. She was close enough to hear this and was removed when the election systems were reset and shut down and voting was stopped. I'd say this is an incredible irregularity in addition to what we've already learned. She ought to go to the sheriff. Do we have any video of this woman? Yes, we have the statements from Jan Bryant right here. It would seem like Dominion would be the people that do the technical part
Starting point is 00:39:40 and the county people would be the people that do the supervising. Was it supposed to be somehow different? To me, the Dominion employees had total control of everything that was going on. So one of the things that made me the most nervous early was on Election Day, we had a full room of people, volunteers and employees there, doing the tabulation and the adjudication. And at 3 o'clock, they rebooted the servers and no one would tell us why and sent everyone home. So on election day, you wouldn't think that would happen.
Starting point is 00:40:11 And employees didn't seem to know what was happening. Dominion employees just called it and said, hey, go home. We're going to have to reboot. So there were just several things like that. I will tell you, the first week I volunteered there, and we didn't think it was going to be a multi-week volunteer thing, but it ended up going on and on. Ballots kept coming in. And there was a laptop that showed up the second week I was there that wasn't there the first week. And it was behind a wall where you couldn't see it from the viewing windows outside of the tabulation center. And it was run by one of the Dominion employees. I don't know how secure that laptop was. I don't know where it came from. I don't know how it got in the room. But multiple things happened like that that no one could or would explain to the volunteers. So on election day, a shutdown and then a mysterious laptop. Again, Dominion was running the election counting station. That is a new revelation and is not legal. The county has to run the elections, not their software vendor. And how does Dominion have the authority to order duly appointed poll workers to leave the premises?
Starting point is 00:41:19 Right. I was going to ask that very same question. And why did they leave? Yes. Why were they compliant? My gosh, people, get some backbone. You just say, no, I'm not leaving. The reason I'm here is to observe. That's right.
Starting point is 00:41:35 And I am appointed to be here, and I'm not leaving. Now, force them to physically pick you up and drag you out. Now you have a physical confrontation. All right. You got to get real with these people. But that's but that's a great. I understand. There's a nice lady.
Starting point is 00:41:52 She didn't want to get in a physical confrontation. But you were there to observe. We're at the place in a communist revolution. You better step up your game. They're disrupting the peaceful revolution. That's what the election is. It's a peaceful revolution. Well, Maricopa County is not the only place that stinks right now.
Starting point is 00:42:13 It's got a sister, a sister fraud. Over in Antrim County, Michigan. And funny enough, the president has brought a lot of attention. I'm saying the previous president, President Trump, using his new blog, he said that the major Michigan election fraud case has just filed a bombshell pleading claiming votes were intentionally switched from him to Joe Biden. The number of votes is massive and determinative. This will prove true in numerous other states. He went on to say all Republicans must unify and not let this happen. If a thief robs a jewelry store of all its diamonds, the 2020 presidential election, the diamonds must be returned. And he went on to say the fake news
Starting point is 00:42:58 media is refusing to cover what he says is the greatest election fraud in the history of our country. Now, I looked at what President Trump was discussing here, and just like Arizona, Rick, there is hardly anything. I couldn't find major outlets that are covering, that they were happy to cover the alleged insurrections at their own capital when they had patriots showing up, honking their horns in Lansing. They were covering that, but they're not covering this. But I did find one paper, the Record Eagle, and this actually described a filing by a lawyer named Matthew DiPerno. Now, Matthew DiPerno is representing a client who is a voter in this
Starting point is 00:43:36 community, William Bailey. And what William Bailey is arguing is that he was cheated. He does not know if his vote was counted. But more than this, he wants an actual audit done like in Arizona. They've hired the same group, Cyber Ninjas. They've been signed on as an expert witness in this case. But what's interesting is this judge right now, it has until May 18th is the deadline for a decision. He's deciding whether to grant a statewide audit like in Arizona. Statewide or just the county? It would be the county. It could be expanded to statewide. Depends on the judge's order.
Starting point is 00:44:15 The lawyer, Matthew DiPerno, wants the whole state. I don't think a county judge can order a statewide audit, but he can order a county. Certainly for Antrim County. Right. And what's happened here is they haven't been able to get access, the same with Arizona, especially when it comes to day of election results. But something that they have been able to find is a strange difference in the vote tally. Now, officially, Michigan said they actually did a hand audit
Starting point is 00:44:42 in Antrim County and they found, look, everything, according to the Secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson, everything was hunky-dory. Everything was okay. The results were accurate. But, Rick, they did have to admit there was an error. Now, they claim that a Republican precinct accidentally switched 2,000 votes from Joe Biden to President Trump, but then they caught it and switched it back before the certification. How do you accidentally switch 2,000 votes? That's a great question. And it's specifically 2,000. Well, not 2001, not 1957 votes.
Starting point is 00:45:17 No, 2,000 votes exactly. All right, miscounted, misread a machine, but switch. How does that happen? Switching requires some type of action involving the software. Well, the 2,000 would be enough of a question, but it's not just 2,000. There actually was a 7,060 vote difference between the November 3rd count and the December 17th. What was the 17th? 7060.
Starting point is 00:45:47 What was? This was after several checks, recounts, and hand audits. First being November 3rd was the day they count, and then December 17th, the last physical hand audit. But they found a weird discrepancy. This hasn't been explained. It's been kind of dismissed by the Secretary of State. Oh, I see where it's at. You see that? The Secretary of State claims, well, that's just an error, human error.
Starting point is 00:46:10 3,000 people more voted, according to the December 17th audit, than the November 3rd. Look, it's 12,400. But look at the difference between November 3rd and November 5th and then back to the 21st. Yes. So you go from 12,000 to 17,000 to back down to 15, back down and 15 again. Okay, the 15,949 and the 15,962, the margin of error there is so minute. That's typical in an election recount. That's nothing abnormal in an election recount. There's nothing abnormal
Starting point is 00:46:45 in an election recount. But 12,423 jumping to 17,327, then falling down to 15,949. That's suspicious. And do you know the registrants for voting in this county have actually dropped? Every other county in the country, you've had more people registering to vote. The recorded number of people who registered to vote in Antrim has dropped since Election Day. Now, November 3rd, total votes cast, 16,000 at that time, 7,700 plus for Joe Biden, 4,500 for Donald Trump. November 5th, 18,000 votes cast, supposedly 18,000. 7,200 for Joe Biden, not nearly 10,000 for Donald Trump. But then look what happened November 21st. Suddenly, there's 2,000 fewer votes cast. And now Mr. Biden's vote is down to 59 60 this is why you have
Starting point is 00:47:49 audits folks this is in the fourth one the numbers don't jive again right it doc if you were given four sets of a financial accounting of the money in the organization. Right. Spread out over weeks. Mm-hmm. And the numbers jumped all over the place. Right. Would you accept the last number?
Starting point is 00:48:18 Or would you say, there's something really wrong here. I got four different sets at different dates. Right. I would assume someone's cooking the books. Yes. Four times. Yes. And they're covering up something. They're moving money around. They're hiding something. You know, there's been an error of some kind that they're trying to cover up or a crime. In fact, I would go ahead and have to assume that a crime has been committed and I would have to get a forensic auditor in
Starting point is 00:48:49 and actually dig into the books to help me interpret this information because the numbers don't add up. When the numbers don't add up, that's when you bring an auditor in. And no one should be upset about that. You want things to be accurate. You want things to be on the up and up. Anyone that would fight an audit of any kind.
Starting point is 00:49:12 You have to question them. You have to because they're up to something. Either know that they're that they've made a huge mistake and that does happen and people try to cover it up or a crime has been committed and i can't tell you you know i can't speak on elections but i can tell you a lot about churches i can tell you story after story after story where churches they had the little old lady doing the books for 20 years she oh everybody loves uh you know this lady she does the books does the books and everything. And then there's a pastoral change or there's a, you know, where she has to step away or something like that. And suddenly they open up the books. She got a retirement account.
Starting point is 00:49:55 Find out that she has been squirreling away money from the Sunday school fund for 20 years. Has an account with $300,000 in it. I wish I could say that's an exception, but you can see those stories time and time again. It does happen. I can tell you a story we started this long, long, long, long time ago. Okay. I was, you know, in, I was always employed in media, radio stations, television, so forth. But I was working for a television organization. I was young. I was advertising sales manager.
Starting point is 00:50:31 And I was a young Christian. And the gift of discernment was operating in me pretty keenly. All right. And being such a young Christian, I really didn't discern and under, I mean, I didn't know how to operate in that gift. I would just see things and I'd blurt it out. Right.
Starting point is 00:50:55 I learned not to do that. All right. And I'll tell you- You hadn't learned the gift of keeping your mouth shut. Yes, yes. Give some patience, right? Yes. Well, sometimes God shows you things.
Starting point is 00:51:05 It's not for you to blurt it out. It's to show you something to protect you. Right. Okay. And so one day I looked at the office manager. Now she was probably 25 years older than me. I was a young man. And I just, when I walked past her, I just heard the word embezzler. Wow. Oh, good thing you didn't yell that out loud. Well, I did later. All right. But I just heard it. I just heard embezzler. And this continued for weeks, for months. Every time I looked at her, I heard the word embezzler. Advertising firms, they have to hold large amounts of money for clients to buy ad time.
Starting point is 00:51:51 Well, it wasn't an ad agency. It was a television organization. And she dealt with a lot of money, a lot of cash. And, well, anyhow, I went to the company's CFO and nervously shut the door and said, I have to speak to you privately. And I just went ahead and blurted out what I suspected about the office manager. And I still remember the CFO was a woman and she gasped.
Starting point is 00:52:30 She goes, oh, my gosh, I've been watching her for months. And she goes, what do you know? And I said, I don't know anything. It's what I what I'm feeling that the CFO was a Christian also. Wow. So you could tell. So I was I was able to say it's just the Lord, I believe. And and so anyhow, over time, Doc, Edward, the Lord began revealing to the CFO and to me things that this woman was doing. OK. And what people would come in to pay
Starting point is 00:53:05 their invoice. Sometimes they paid in cash. Right. She would pocket the cash and enter into the computer credit. Right. So the books balanced, but the cash
Starting point is 00:53:20 register didn't. She put the cash in her purse. And the part about that is you don't know what's missing from the cash register because. There was never any. As far as the records, there's no cash. It was a credit. It was a credit to the account.
Starting point is 00:53:37 Okay. So as time went by, the CFO and I went to the general manager and told the general manager, the office manager is a thief and stealing a lot of money. Well, up until that time, I had been his fair-haired boy. Could do no wrong. I could do no wrong. I got anything I want. All right. I you know, I was I was advertising
Starting point is 00:54:07 You know Champion for the company. I brought in money. I got anything I wanted suddenly I was I Was worse than you know, what was even great? I well couldn't figure this out We couldn't figure out why he turned and became so defensive and, and aggressive towards me. We finally figured it out. Okay. He had no idea this woman was stealing.
Starting point is 00:54:43 Okay. He had no idea. So when we presented the case that she was a thief, the reason he went into shock was he was an adulterer. Oh no. With the thief? With the thief.
Starting point is 00:54:57 He was sleeping with the embezzler. I wish this was the first time I'd heard this story. But I've heard it repeated before. So he was sleeping with the embezzler, but didn't know his lover was stealing from the company he was managing. Now he's got a problem. Wow. He made his bed and he had to sleep in it.
Starting point is 00:55:15 Because not only is his employer going to find out about it, but his wife's going to find out about it. Okay? So I'm sharing this because this isn't the first rodeo for me. I've been around. I've seen a lot of stuff. I've dealt with crooks. I can spot a crook really fast. Honestly, if I had another life, I'd be a cop.
Starting point is 00:55:41 You'd be a good one, too. Good detective. Yeah, I would go. But I wouldn't. In this society, I'd be a frustrated cop because it's so corrupt. Yes. It'd be, it's so corrupt. I think of police officers, investigators who, who do their very best to put criminals behind bars and crooked, crooked people in the agency or in the court system cover for the crooks. Okay. That obstruct justice.
Starting point is 00:56:08 I've seen that in my lifetime. So we're watching something going on here in Maricopa County and that sheriff is helping to cover up a crime. And now we're seeing in Antrim County in Michigan and you know, mistakes happen. All right. I admit that mistakes happen because human beings are involved. An audit helps you figure out what those mistakes are and prevent those mistakes from happening again. Wouldn't the people in Maricopa County, wouldn't the people in Antrim County want to prevent those mistakes happening again? Well, you would think that the entire government of the state of Michigan would be in support of that, right? Well, they say they're happy.
Starting point is 00:56:51 They're happy with the audit, quote unquote audit, that they've done. But there's one catch with this. They quote the work of a professor named J. Alex Halderman. And this is where the, quote, human error explanation came from. It was simply a mistake. Well, see, the problem is that the lawyer who is pushing now to sue for an audit, he's got his own expert. A man by the name of Jeffrey Lendberg. Now, Jeffrey Lendberg himself is a CEO. He runs a nonprofit that helps children in Africa.
Starting point is 00:57:25 But this man also has an experience and a history with national security and election auditing. Specifically, he knows how to use a Dominion tabulation machine. And because the lawsuit has been successful enough to get access to the machinery that was used in Antrim County. Right. Guess what he did? He actually ran a voter tally manipulation simulation. He showed, and I'm about to show you, he showed votes going from President Trump to Joe Biden. He showed the software used on Election Day in Antrim County,
Starting point is 00:58:02 the actual hardware, too, could have been used to switch the votes. This is something that has never come out. Let's see it. They have brought in their own expert who has access to both the voting machines and the tabulation software. Jeffrey Lennberg is a systems vulnerability expert with an extensive background in national security who has been brought in by the plaintiffs in the case to give his analysis of the Antrim County election and their use of these electronic voting systems. Here's what Landberg showed us. So this first ballot is for Jorgensen. Yeah, this ballot is for Biden. Next ballot is for Biden. The next ballot is for Trump.
Starting point is 00:59:32 The next ballot is for Trump. And that's the seventh one. Okay, we finished our election. We've done seven. So now we're going to close the polls. So close poll. Now, while it's printing this, I will point out the modification that we made.
Starting point is 01:00:03 What we did is for the presidential race, we swapped Biden and Trump votes. We did not change the senatorial race and we swapped the congressional race. So that's what we're looking for. What we see is Joe Biden got four, Donald Trump got two, and Joe Jorgensen got one. So you'll notice Biden and Trump votes are swapped. For the senatorial race, Peters got two, James got four, and Willis got one. So there's no modification there that matches the ballots. For the third race, the congressional race, Ferguson got four, Bergman got two, and Boren got one. So it swapped those
Starting point is 01:00:48 between the top and the second candidate here. Now this gets a little bit more detailed over here. What I'm going to do is manual. I don't have a script set up to do it, but that'll be a next step. But what needs to happen here is a series of SQL commands, database modification commands. So bear with me please as I go through these. The first thing I'm going to do is put the database in a known state of the starting state the normal starting state so I have it in that state right now so what I need to do is that index I need to swap the index for the presidential candidates Democrat and Republican and I need to swap it for the congressional race as well.
Starting point is 01:01:46 So I have some queries set up to do that. So this is Biden. I'm going to go ahead and run that query. Then I'm going to go pull up each one of the other candidates. So I'll going to go pull up each one of the other candidates. So I'll go to Trump, run that query, then I'll go to Bergman and run that query. Okay, so what I've done now is in the database over here I've done the matching swap to what we did on the card here and so now we can go back and read in the results So this is card number three. It's checking the drive. Says it's the Helena Township.
Starting point is 01:03:15 We're going to load it. Loaded successfully. Now we're going to look at the results. So straight party is still zero. In the presidential race, what you notice now is Joe Biden has four. Donald Trump has two. Joe Jorgensen has one. If we go to the senatorial race, Gary Peters has two. John James has four.
Starting point is 01:03:43 Willis has one. If we go to the congressional race, Dana Ferguson has four, Jack Bergman has two, Ben Bourne has one. So what you see is the results now match the tape printout here. So when you do the canvas, they will match. But they're not correct. They don't match the ballots. Lennberg says that his analysis shows that these electronic voting systems are vulnerable to compromise
Starting point is 01:04:15 and demonstrated a series of manipulations he was able to perform within the software, which appeared to alter the reported outcome of this simulated election away from the results on the paper ballots themselves. So what you just saw there was a simulation. It shows that a bad person could have gone into the system. Not Dominion. A bad person. A bad person. Let's say a bad person.
Starting point is 01:04:38 Who knows how to get inside the Dominion system. Yes. A bad person could have defrauded a bunch of good people who voted, in this case, for President Trump in Antrim County. Because Dominion is a trustworthy company that only wants clean, honest elections. What we're asking Dominion to do is cooperate with the auditors to find out who the bad people are. Bad people get inside their good system and manipulate the votes without Dominion knowing about it. Because we know that there are bad actors in the world. We have a pipeline shut
Starting point is 01:05:20 down right now. Bad people, bad, bad, bad.'ve got to find out who the bad people are that got inside, if they got inside the Dominion voting machines. What this gentleman just showed, that video, I'm certain, is one of the most watched videos on YouTube, right? It's banned. It's banned? It's banned. You can't watch Jeffrey Lemberg using... Was it debunked? It was just killed. It was bunker busted.
Starting point is 01:05:48 They blew it up. They deleted it, took it down. And they said it was misleading. It's part of the big lie that Liz Cheney was parroting. The problem with this, though, is that all that Jeffrey Lemberg was showing is what's been entered into court in Antrim County and how a software that was on the machines on election day that was not certified to be there can be used by a bad actor to change the vote tally. The two things I came away with on watching that is it helps in my mind explain how a bad actor, an evil person,
Starting point is 01:06:26 if they were so motivated, where they could change the results of just one aspect of the election, but keep the entire rest of the candidates the same, which would explain why Joe Biden would win in precincts and counties and states, but the rest of the Republican ticket won, okay? The other thing it explained to me too is that, all right, so there've been these precincts and counties that have done canvassing. Now in canvassing, you don't pull out every single ballot and go through every ballot and verify each one.
Starting point is 01:07:03 What you do is you randomly select a certain percentage of them and then do a comparison. And so what they would do is they'd take a paper, in a canvas, you'd take a paper ballot, they'd look at it, they'd look over in the machine and then say, all right, this voter voted for this, that's verified. And that would be a legitimate,
Starting point is 01:07:23 it would say you did a legitimate canvas because you verified that the votes are accurate based on the random sampling of the ballots that you pulled. But what had been changed was the information inside the machine that an evil actor. So the vote, the voter fills out a ballot and votes for trump inserts it into the scanner and the scanner says it's biden yes yes but it spits out a receipt that says you voted for trump you see the deception yes the voters walking away with verification that he or she voted for Trump, but the machine said you voted for Biden, but it gave you a deceptive receipt. Now, that's what we want Dominion to help us investigate. Has somebody rigged their machines against their knowledge, without their knowledge? I mean, they'd want to root these people out, wouldn't they?
Starting point is 01:08:25 It's bad for business for them, right? I mean, if the credibility of their product is tarnished, it will destroy their company. So we want to help save Dominion so they can sell these machines all over the world. We want to have a complete confidence in the Dominion electronic voting systems. And that's all we're saying.
Starting point is 01:08:50 We're not accusing Dominion of rigging the election. We're just afraid that some bad people compromise their system and rig the election without Dominion's knowledge. And we're just hoping Dominion will cooperate in this audit to help root out these bad people. Bad people. Bad people. Could be the same people that hacked the pipeline. Or the 2016 election. Could be. Could be the same bad people. There are a lot of bad people out there in the world. Yes. Well, there's a lot of good people too, and a good God that has watched over us and supports us. And Rick, I pray again that evil be revealed and that we're protected during this very troubling time. That's right. The Lord will take care. By the way, one last word too, if you use an Android device and you have a True News app on your Android device, you may have discovered today that True News isn't there.
Starting point is 01:09:53 That's because Google removed the True News app today because they accused us of spreading medical misinformation about COVID vaccines. Medical misinformation. So Google, who has a contract to work with the Communist Party of China on surveillance technology, said we're spreading medical misinformation and they've banned us. And they cited the five. I do give them credit. They cited the five programs. Very good programs. That they said, yeah. And all five of those programs, we presented documentation for what we said.
Starting point is 01:10:32 That's why we were removed. We provided documentation. Yes. Which destroyed the narrative about the COVID vaccine. And, you know, people having blood clots and things like that. And now, now, but now they're going to vaccinate. Now they're going to vaccinate little children. And I guess the new vaccine is going to be called kitty clot. It's disgusting. And Rick, they can't get the app right now, but they can come to the website.
Starting point is 01:11:05 Yes. Yeah. The website's been around before Google was created. That's right, So the war is on, my friends. Do not sit there and do nothing. Please get behind True News and support us. There are some really big, bad people who want to destroy true news. This isn't, we're not talking about the boogeyman. We're talking about multi-billion dollar entities that want to destroy true news. And they keep taking swipes at us. Google
Starting point is 01:11:43 swung at us today. But we're protected by the Lord Jesus Christ. And their arms aren't long enough to reach him. Amen. Amen. All right. Well, thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News. You just got a fire hose of truth, free of charge.
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