TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - 2027: That’s When Scientists Will Know if Asteroid will Strike Earth in 2029

Episode Date: December 3, 2024

In case you have forgotten a news article from years ago, an asteroid named for a god of chaos will fly by the earth in 2029 at an extremely close range. Will it strike our planet?Rick Wiles, Doc Burk...hart. Airdate 12/03/2024Join the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comCelebrate Christmas with TruNews! Donate $200 or more to TruNews and receive 8 gifts: 2 Final Day books, 2 Sacrificing Liberty DVD sets, 2 The Greatest Reset DVDs, and 2 talking Fauci Elves. Donate at, call 800.576.2116, or mail to PO Box 399, Vero Beach, FL 32961. Request your gift bag today!Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!             It’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 True News has a great offer for you. Christmas is only weeks away. Could you use some help with your Christmas shopping? We have assembled a gift bag of assorted products from True News. What's in our gift bag? Two copies of Final Day, the ten characteristics of the second coming of Jesus Christ. Two DVD sets of the Sacrificing Liberty four-part docuseries. Two sets of the Greatest Reset DVD film. And, of course, two of those
Starting point is 00:00:26 ridiculous talking Fauci-Ls. The Fauci-Ls are collector items and great gag gifts to make people laugh. That's eight Christmas gifts, all for a donation of $200 or more to support True News. Donate online at Checks and money orders may be mailed to P.O. Box 399 Vero Beach, Florida 32961. You may also call 800-576-2116 at any time of day. Eight Christmas gifts from True News. Our gift to you for your gift of $200 or more. Make sure you request the Christmas gift bag when you donate $200 or more. in case you have forgotten a news story that was published years ago an asteroid named for a god of chaos will fly by the earth in the year 2029 at an extremely close range. Will it strike our planet? Well, scientists say we'll know in about two years.
Starting point is 00:01:36 I'm Rick Wiles. Welcome to True News at our new start time, 3 p.m. Eastern. Today is Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024. Let's begin our analysis and commentary of today's news by looking at this Newsweek article published about the asteroid. Here it is. God of Chaos. Asteroid may suffer dramatic changes during Earth flyby. Doc, I think I first read about this asteroid it feels like i've been hearing it for 20 years that's what i'm thinking 15 20 years and you're thinking oh 20 29 oh yeah that's way that's way out there yeah okay and the russians were saying
Starting point is 00:02:23 back then this is going to strike the planet i mean they made a big deal about it the russians were saying back then this is going to strike the planet they made a big deal about it the russian space scientist said this thing's going to hit the planet everybody's quiet about it now we're just a few years away we're four years away from it and um there's little discussion about this asteroid uh but it did pop up in the news. Newsweek published a story, and we'll take a look at it right now. By the way, I hope you're okay with our new start time. I'm okay with it. I'm definitely okay with it.
Starting point is 00:02:57 I had a very productive, relaxed day. Doc, I didn't have stress in my chest at working at a rapid pace. And I'm serious. I mean, every single day, I just felt like, you know, I can barely catch my breath because the speed that we were going from Morning Mana to True News and have two podcasts done by 12 noon. It was exhausting. Okay. done by 12 noon um it was it was uh exhausting okay um not so much physical exhaustion but it was the tension of getting it all done by 12 noon and that's why yesterday i decided you know because we had we had uh problems with uh we had several people out sick key people in the production department out sick it's like why are we doing this why are
Starting point is 00:03:46 we doing this this but today was such a relaxed day worked the whole time but not under that extreme deadline to get every single thing done at a time so i hope you're okay with it because i'm okay with it and this is where we're going to keep it. If you want me to do this, I'm going to do it. I can't do another year like I did. I just can't. I can't do it. I mean, I could if I was forced to do it, but I didn't like it. It was just too much.
Starting point is 00:04:17 So this is a better pace for me. I've had meetings with staff. I had the program done what 12 30 one o'clock that was relaxed okay and this was a big news day a big one major news day and we we don't have to end in one hour we're just going to go until we get it all done there's a lot of stuff in here so let's get into the asteroid i want to get the end of the world stuff out first and then we'll go to the uh world war stuff and we'll work our way down okay from total destruction to world war three okay okay well looking at this newsweek article here today uh that rick was mentioning scientists predict that the asteroid apophis that's the god
Starting point is 00:05:04 of chaos may undergo significant surface changes when it makes its approach to earth in the year 2029 that's according to a new study now this asteroid named after the egyptian god of chaos will pass within 20 000 miles of earth on april 13th in the year 2029 closer than some human-made satellites while this proximity poses no danger to earth researchers believe the encounter could literally shake up the 1100 foot long space rock now first earth's gravitational pull is expected to trigger tremors across the asteroid beginning about an hour before its closest approach and while these quakes may seem mild by Earth's standards, they could be powerful enough in Apophis's extremely low gravity to dislodge surface
Starting point is 00:05:50 rocks and create distinctive patterns. The second process involves changes to the asteroid's irregular tumbling motion. Like a poorly thrown football, Apophis doesn't rotate on a fixed axis. Earth's gravitational influence could alter this tumbling pattern, potentially triggering landslides over thousands of years as surface materials gradually destabilize. What is fascinating to me, Rick, is they named this after the god of chaos years ago. It's arriving at the time of chaos. Arriving at the time of chaos and that fourth turning that we talk about quite a bit. And I don't believe
Starting point is 00:06:30 in coincidences. I don't believe, well, what could we name this asteroid as something benign, you know, like Bob or the maple asteroid or something like that. You wouldn't be afraid of an asteroid named Bob. But no, and somebody at the meeting said, I got one for you, Apophis, the god of chaos. Well, Doc, it's because they knew it would be extremely close. Yes. We're talking about 19,000 miles away from Earth.
Starting point is 00:07:01 We have satellites that are farther away. That's right. All right, so this thing's going to come in on fire, crossing across the Earth orbit. And what this Newsweek article was saying is that there are going to be earthquakes on the asteroid. And they just ride it. Did you know that asteroids can have an earthquake? No right i didn't know i didn't did you know that asteroids can have an earthquake no i didn't know but the fact that they just you know just casually mention that by the way there's going to be uh earthquakes in this asteroid and landslides and landslide well
Starting point is 00:07:36 isn't that a bad thing it is okay shouldn't i be worried about that that? So what if boulders come off of Apophis? Right. Or let's say an earthquake splits it. And now it's going in two different directions. Right. But don't worry about that. Right? I saw another article where scientists were saying they were concerned that it could bump into another asteroid.
Starting point is 00:08:04 Right. And get knocked off its course, which would then bring it in to the Earth. They're worried about this one, and I think everybody should. The next one, this is Forbes magazine. Will Apophis hit Earth in 2029? We'll know in 2027. See, it's out of view right now.
Starting point is 00:08:27 And the scientists won't be able to see it for another two years. And they said in 2027 they'll be able to accurately discern its trajectory and whether it's going to hit Earth. So for the next two years, nobody knows. But in 2027, I have a two-year heads up on what's going to happen. Yes. I would like a little bit more breathing room on this. I have a feeling that the top scientists already know.
Starting point is 00:08:56 I do. I think they already know. But they're going to tell us maybe in 2027. Let's see what Forbes says. Yes. A city killer asteroid the size of the Empire State Building is still a potential threat to Earth in 2029, according to new simulations. It was given the nickname Apophis. The Egyptian got a chaos when it was first discovered in 2004.
Starting point is 00:09:19 There you go. 2004 rick because it appeared to perhaps be on a collision course with earth either in 2029 2036 or 2068 now astronomers don't think apophis will collide with earth on its current trajectory on april 13th 2029 they now predict it will come within 19 400400 miles of Earth. That will be the closest approach of an asteroid of this size that humankind has ever experienced and within the orbits of Earth's geostationary satellites. However, simulations suggest that there is a small chance, just a small chance, Rick, that its trajectory could be altered if another asteroid nudged it.
Starting point is 00:10:03 That could have potentially devastating consequences for Earth. A paper published in the Planetary Science Journal claims that Apophis could collide with a small asteroid like the ones that frequently and unpredictably strike Earth, which could alter its trajectory. And there's another problem, Rick. Apophis is in the daytime sky and unobservable from mid-2021 to 2027. That's coming from Paul Weigert, meaning any change in its trajectory will go unseen until just two years before April 12, 2029. However, he adds that a single observation during 2027 would be necessary to determine whether the asteroid threatened an impending Earth impact.
Starting point is 00:10:48 So, folks, you don't have to worry for two years. But make sure you have your umbrella on April 12th, 2029. There could be debris. The first thing that comes to my mind, there are two things I'm thinking about. Back in the late 1980s, I seldom talk about this. I was living in Maryland.
Starting point is 00:11:19 I was in the kitchen. Just a normal day. I'm in my kitchen. I don't remember what i was obviously eating okay i was getting food something well i remember i was in the kitchen and all of a sudden doc i had a very vivid vision i like i froze and i could see something it was like my mind like I went soaring into outer space. Back in the 80s? Yes. I remember it was like I'm just flying like a rocket through space in my mind. Right.
Starting point is 00:11:58 Okay. I get out in space and I see this asteroid. Okay. space and I see this asteroid okay it's moving and I heard a voice say I have hurled a fireball towards Earth no I have hurled a fireball at America that's, Doc, the feeling I got was that Almighty God, I don't know what millennia, thousands of years ago, when did He pick up an asteroid and throw it like a baseball? And that thing was sailing.
Starting point is 00:12:41 It was moving. I remember in space seeing that thing move. It was moving. I knew that thing is headed somewhere. It's got a target. And it's got a target date. That was the end of it. Happened. It was over. Nothing else. There was something else that went on about the same time. There were very unusual events happening in the sky, and it was happening around the world.
Starting point is 00:13:08 People seeing mysterious lights, hearing noises and things like that. And Susan and I experienced it on a Sunday night. I remember it was on a Sunday night. And we were driving from Susan's mother's house to our home. And it was, I'm going to say, you know, eight o'clock at night on a Sunday night. It's dark. And all of a sudden, the sky started to light up, the entire sky. But it started at the horizon.
Starting point is 00:13:46 It wasn't a brilliant flash. It was a soft light, like you're turning a dimmer switch. You're slowly turning the light up. And the sky became yellow. Because it was giving off so much light. Yes. We've watched it, but it wasn't a brilliant flash. It was just like a soft glow, but it was giving off so much light yes we've watched it but it wasn't a brilliant flash it was just like a soft glow but it was everywhere we looked around in the car it was like everywhere
Starting point is 00:14:11 the entire sky turned yellow and then we read um a week or two later that these sites sightings were being seen around the world there was no explanation for it uh i i don't recall what the other ones were people were hearing well that they were oh i know what it was people were hearing rumblings in the sky i remember those stories and they they said it sounded like like bowling balls going through the atmosphere yes and that was this all pre-internet i remember those stories of what you're talking about it's about the same time the story was circulating about hearing voices screaming from inside the earth somewhere in russia right where a hole had been drilled and people they the scientists stopped the drilling because they could hear voices screaming i don don't know if that was real, but it was out there. It was floating around
Starting point is 00:15:08 in those days as pre-internet days. There were news articles appearing like that. Now, the second thing I thought about that's actually the third thing. The third thing was let me think when this happened. I want to say early 2000s, Oral Roberts had a vision in his home. I think he was living in Palm Springs,
Starting point is 00:15:39 California at that time. He was retired and he had a vision and he said that a fireball came across America from the east to the west and was extremely close to the earth that everybody stopped. He said everybody in the country stopped and looked up and saw this fireball skirt across the country it was very profound for him he was visibly shaken by it in fact i still have the recording of it somewhere in our files doc and i did i did a true news episode based on that vision he had. And I remember, oh, I tell you what, we were in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Starting point is 00:16:35 So that would have been 2005, 6, 7, in that range. Between July 2005 and July of 2008. That's when we were in Chattanooga. And I remember a schoolteacher, I forget your name, if you're still out there watching, please forgive me, I forgot your name.
Starting point is 00:16:54 She was a schoolteacher in Chattanooga. And she contacted me when we did the show. I did a whole week on fireballs. There was just a proliferation of stuff happening about fireballs. Can you find that in the archives? I bet I probably could.
Starting point is 00:17:16 I did five shows on the doc. Fireball week. Yeah, it was fireball week. The school teacher called me and she said, Rick, the eeriest thing that happened um a a boy a little boy in her classroom he's small came up to her desk and said i drew this for you and she looked at it and and it was an asteroid.
Starting point is 00:17:46 And he said, I had a dream. I think she said he had a dream about a fireball coming across the sky. And it happened the same week I was doing my fireball week. The child didn't know anything about us, didn't know of me, didn't hear true news. But it shocked her because she was listening and this little boy in her classroom comes up and says i drew this picture for you it's a fireball which for her she said this is a confirmation that what you're telling us is from the lord right i'm telling you this i'm not predicting that Apophis is going to hit the earth in April 12th, 2029. But I'll tell you something I do know.
Starting point is 00:18:31 This world's going to burn up. I can tell you that for a fact. Yes. There's a fireball. This whole world's going to become a fireball. That's a fact. How do I know? Peter said so.
Starting point is 00:18:44 And Jesus said so. The elements will melt with a fervent heat. The elements are everything that makes up the universe. Even fire itself is an element. The fire will melt. The fire will burn up. What's coming is so hot, it burns up fire. That's a fact.
Starting point is 00:19:03 And you can take that one to the bank. I don't know about apophis but i know in the late 80s the lord gave me a vision and showed me a fireball coming from space didn't see it near the planet just saw it in space and i knew it in that vision doc this thing has a rendezvous. It has a destination. It has an impact already chosen by God. It has a rendezvous date. It has an impact date.
Starting point is 00:19:34 It has a target date. It has a target chosen by God. And God threw this fireball like a baseball. And it's going to hit its target at the right date. If it doesn't hit, it's going to skim by. It's going to make the hair stand up on everybody's head.
Starting point is 00:19:57 Imagine an asteroid crossing the United States a couple thousand feet above. Will they repent, Doc? No. No, they won't. I can answer that question. They won't. They won't repent. They won't repent. There'll be people that repent. Sure. But as a nation,
Starting point is 00:20:19 we won't repent. And that might be the final warning from God before as a nation, we won't repent. And that might be that might be the final warning from God before the wars of 2030. That might be the final warning. I know what I'll be preaching if I'm here. Repent. The Lord is coming. there are people watching me
Starting point is 00:20:51 you still watch me you've been watching and you're not saved would you just email me and tell me what I need to say that will get you to be saved so I can wrap this up that's a great that's a great challenge there you're making me do this because you're hard
Starting point is 00:21:13 headed and stubborn you won't be saved so the lord keeps sending me out here day after day after day because you won't be saved you keep resisting what what is it just tell me what it is that you need and i'll say it if that's leads you to you know we learned in sales if somebody said well um i'll pay this price they want to cut the price okay so what's your response in sales a good salesman says let me get this straight if i can get this discount for you you'll sign the contract right yes i can get the discount from from the boss you'll sign the contract you smoke them out yes or no because if they're just using the sales drop the price drop just for the fun of bargaining okay but they have no intention of doesn't matter what price it is they're not going to buy then you just you're done with you walk away but if that's what it takes to close the deal
Starting point is 00:22:20 then you go to the boss and say hey this guy will buy if we drop the price to this level i'm asking you right now what do you need what do you need me to say to you that will get you to accept jesus christ to repent of your sins believe on his name and get baptized i'll go upstairs and talk to him just tell me because some of you are playing games with your soul. We just told you there's an asteroid coming in 2029. Well, to add another layer of intrigue to that asteroid, the name Apophis in ancient Egyptian is serpent. And the correlating god in Greek mythology called Apep
Starting point is 00:23:07 is depicted as a dragon in Greek mythology. Serpent? Dragon? Those don't sound familiar at all, do they? They sure do. And the week I spent in Myrtle Beach months ago, I firmly believe the Lord said the big war, the really big one, will be held off to the early 2030s. We may have a small nuclear war. I'm not ruling that out.
Starting point is 00:23:39 I told you that when I came back. We might have a small nuclear war. A limited, I love that, a limited nuclear war. Only a couple cities get blown up. We'll keep it a small nuclear conflict, one we can manage well. So that might happen. But the big one's coming in the 2030s. And it's going to involve layers, chemical, biological, nuclear,
Starting point is 00:24:05 and weapons we don't even know exist. You know, those creatures I saw, Doc, we did all this work, and I feel prophetic, I just feel today, okay? We did all this work for hours to build this, okay? So, before I got to say, somebody needs to hear this today. I want to close the sale today.
Starting point is 00:24:29 Do it. I want to sign contract today. I want the Lord to say, you got one today. A soul was saved today. Okay? Is that you? Are you the one that's going to get saved right now? So, when I was in my 20s,
Starting point is 00:24:49 early 20s, okay, so I had, I can't think about, this is like, you know, this is the 70s, okay? Mid-70s. So, I had long hair. I was smoking dope.
Starting point is 00:24:59 I was drinking hard. You know, I wasn't a derelict. You know, I was just, I was just party boy was just a party boy. Okay. Went to work every day. But after work, it's party time. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:12 And a lot of people like that today. And so that's where I was at. And Susan, we were young, married, had our first child. Susan didn't participate with me, but she didn't harass me. And, you know, we'd have, I'd have my buddies over to the house on the weekends and have a big old party. Susan's attitude, I guess, was better to have your friends over here smoking dope than you gone with them. Right.
Starting point is 00:25:42 Okay. I guess that was her attitude. She'll put up with it. Bring your buddies over them. Okay? I guess that was her attitude. She'll put up with it. Bring your buddies over here. Okay? So what would happen to me is that, you know, this was going on for years. I want to say sometime around, let me try to get the dates. I would say late 77.
Starting point is 00:26:11 Okay. I'd say around the fall of 1977 something began happening i would be hitting the bong i'm all drunk up i got whiskey i'm just trying to picture all this i got tequila doc i could have smoked and drank you under the table. I was like, you know, so I'm doing, you know, I got everything there. Tequila, I got my whiskey, I got beer, I've got hash, I've got pot. I got everything. All right. We're having a party. And I would hear my name. Right.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Audibly. Rick. I heard it. That's all I heard. My name. And I heard it audibly. And heard my name i and i heard it all the way and i knew it came from outside i'm like what did i just hear now yeah you could roll your eyes and go yeah but you were stoned you were imagining oh well okay well let me tell you the
Starting point is 00:27:00 rest of the story so i'd go outside had a little porch there's concrete slab it wasn't a porch a concrete slab okay in front of our little apartment and i'd look up at the sky say who are you what do you want you said my name nothing silence but i'd instantly sober up. I'd be sober, just snapped out of it. I'd go in, tell the guys, hey, party's over, go home. Hey, no, Rick, come on. No, party's over. It's time to go home. Go home.
Starting point is 00:27:34 Okay. Well, next week would come, you know, two weeks, three weeks, four weeks, and then it would happen again. So this happened over months. In late 77 77 early 78 finally it happened one night doc and i walked outside now nobody knew none of my friends i wasn't going to tell them i was hearing a voice i'm going to tell my buddies that they're gonna make fun of me okay i'm not going to tell them i hear the voice happens i'm thinking it's a space alien. Right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:28:06 That's what I was thinking. This must be some kind of voice to skull communication technology that they got. They're communicating inside my skull. I'm hearing this voice. I finally got fed up with it. I got frustrated. I marched outside, stood on the porch, looked up at the sky. It was a clear night. I looked up at the sky. It was a clear night.
Starting point is 00:28:26 I looked up at the sky. It was wintertime. I remember the sky was clear and I could see the stars. And I said, okay, you said my name again. You know my name, but I don't know your name. If you want to talk to me, you identify yourself. I went back in. I said, you identify yourself. Waited and waited and waited. Space alien never talked to me. Until a
Starting point is 00:28:55 Saturday night, close to sunrise somewhere, you know, four or five o'clock in the morning on a Sunday, Sunday morning. I had a dream. And in the dream, I was in an underground tunnel. And it was man-made. It was not a cave. And I'll tell you why. I'll tell you three reasons. I know it was man-made, first of all. It had a dome ceiling. Number two. It had a dome ceiling. Number two, it had a highway.
Starting point is 00:29:29 I don't remember if it was four lanes or six lanes. It was wide. It had a highway. And number three, it had artificial lighting. And the artificial lighting was orange. It had an orange-ish, okay? It just had an orange-y glow, okay, in the tunnel.
Starting point is 00:29:52 And the one thing I know about lighting in a tunnel is that the tunnel lighting near the exit, the entrance exit, is orange. To acclimate your eyes to the tunnel. Lighting engineers choose orange at the entrance exit of tunnels to acclimate your eyes.
Starting point is 00:30:16 First I've heard of that. That makes sense. I didn't know then. I didn't know that. I just remember the dome, ceiling, the highway, the orange glow. I knew it was a man-made tunnel. I was off in the darkness on the right side.
Starting point is 00:30:38 I'm looking down this tunnel highway. It's empty. There's not a vehicle on it. I'm over on the right side in the darkness. So nobody could see me. Okay. And I noticed soldiers coming out of each side of the darkness from the right and the left. A couple thousand feet away from me.
Starting point is 00:31:06 And they're coming out of the darkness and they're they're moving pretty fast and they're they're getting out on the paved highway they're strapping on their gear they're putting on their uniforms they're putting on gear they've got weapons they got helmets and they are they are moving and they're they're falling into formation. One after another, line after line. All right. And, you know, 50 become 100, 100 become 200. Now it's 500. It looks like there's 1,000. It's like this whole highway is filling up.
Starting point is 00:31:39 And I'm standing there in this vision, this dream. This is a dream. I'm standing there going, dang, there's going to be a war. Man, this is big. And then this commanding officer comes out. And he is barking orders at them. He's got his back to me in this dream. He's got his back towards me. And he's barking orders at these guys.
Starting point is 00:32:00 And he's telling them, move it, move it. Let's go. And these guys are falling in the line as fast as they can they're getting their gear ready right and all i'm thinking is man it's gonna be a war i gotta go down there and find out who they're gonna fight so i start walking down the center of the lane the commander doesn't see me coming because he's got his back to me. Doc, when I got close enough, I realized these soldiers were not human. They had human bodies. They had human torso, legs, arms.
Starting point is 00:32:37 They were big. They were strong, muscular. I thought they were men, but they weren't men. I mean, they're putting on all this gear. It's battle gear. It was their heads that were not human. They had long, elongated heads like horses, but their facial features looked like lions.
Starting point is 00:33:00 Think of a lion horse head. I don't know how to describe it. Big, long head, but it looks like a lion horse head I don't know how to describe it big long head but it looks like a lion wow okay and I notice and now in the dream
Starting point is 00:33:15 I'm like what in the world am I looking at and they're all that way I'm looking at all of them okay and they see the ones in the front line
Starting point is 00:33:24 see me but they're the front line see me. But they're not paying attention to me. Because they're following their commander's orders. So now I'm up close to the commander. As far as I am to you sitting here, and he's talking,
Starting point is 00:33:39 he has no idea I'm there. I get right up to him, tap him on the shoulder, and I said, excuse me, can you tell me, can you tell me what this is about? To this day, Doc, that dream was 1978. Late winter, early spring of 1978. To this day, I remember every frame of that dream. Every single, I could sketch it out. If I had an artist here, I could tell them every frame, okay? That commander turned. I mean, he whipped around.
Starting point is 00:34:18 I tapped him on the shoulder. I startled him. He turns around and looks at me. And he's got that horse lion head. So you're face to face with him. I'm face with him. I mean, up close. And he gives me the up and down.
Starting point is 00:34:36 From head to toe and back up. And he's looking at me. And he's reading me. He's scanning me. Okay. Because I'm not one of them. These are two different species talking here. And then he tilted his head like this.
Starting point is 00:34:55 He's looking at me. Hasn't said a word. He tilts his head and he's still evaluating me. I remember all this in a dream. Then he moved up close to me i mean he got right up in my face i'm looking in the eyes these big eyes this guy had this big long face looks like a lime i mean i'm like i'm staring at this hybrid creature in his eyes he tilts his head. He gets up real close to me, stares right in my eyes, and he says, have you never read the book of the Revelation?
Starting point is 00:35:34 End of dream. That was it. I woke up. I was shaking. I woke up in bed. I'm shaking. I was sweating. I was shaking. I was shaking. I woke up in bed. I'm shaking. I was sweating. I was shaking. I was scared. Okay. This thing scared me. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Have I ever read the book of Revelation? Well, I didn't own a Bible. I had never owned a Bible in my life. The only person I knew who had a Bible was my granddad. And, you know, because old people read the Bible. My granddad read the Bible every day. That's what old people do. I was young. Why would I own a Bible? I had never had a Bible, never opened up a Bible. How would I know what is in the book of the revelation? Now,
Starting point is 00:36:25 I didn't know that was in the Bible. I'd that before i'd heard that term i thought i'm lying in bed like i gotta go talk to my granddad i asked him what is in the book of revelation are there any horse lion people in there so i i lay there in bed shaking for a long time. The sun started coming up. And Susan woke up and she said, do you want to go to church with me today? Doc, every other Sunday, I always said to Susan, no, I've got to hang over. I'll sleep. You go to church. And, you know, I'll see you when you come home.
Starting point is 00:37:03 That morning, she said, do you want to go to church today? And I said, yes, I do. She was startled. She was like, you do? I go, yeah do you want to go to church today and i said yes i do she was startled she was like you do i go yeah i want to go to church and so i went to church and i went to church and i went to church and i went to church and week after week after week i sat in the back as far in the back as i could get close to the doors just in case i wanted to get out okay you had your escape plan i had my escape plan it was a big old church uh used to be a theater seated 900 people had incline seating and uh built in the 30s big high ceilings ornate carvings in the ceiling back when they used to make movie theaters beautiful okay um concert theaters and and so i you know i went to church week after week after week after week and i heard
Starting point is 00:37:52 the gospel i heard that jesus christ was the son of god i heard that i was a sinner and that i was separated from god and i was on my way to hell. And that all sinners separated from God would burn in the lake of fire. The only way out of it was to believe on the name of Jesus Christ and be baptized. I heard it week after week after week after week after week. It's like the only thing that preacher knew.
Starting point is 00:38:19 He just kept saying it. Just kept saying it. Then, one Sunday, June 11, 1978, Susan was sick that Sunday. And I got up and said, I'm going to church.
Starting point is 00:38:37 She goes, I don't feel good. And I said, well, I'm going to go. I want to go. I went to church alone. And I was seated in the back of the church is a true story folks absolute true story seated in the back of the church as usual and as the church was ending the pastor said don't you dare leave this service without getting your free gift remember you telling me this story.
Starting point is 00:39:06 There's a free gift waiting for you. Don't you leave without it. Don't go home. You come and you get this free gift. All you have to do is come down to this altar and receive your free gift. Is there anybody here that wants this free gift?
Starting point is 00:39:21 I honestly, truly believed the church was giving away packages, gift-wrapped packages. I truly did. That's how dumb I was. Okay. I thought they're going to give me a little box. With a bow and everything. With a bow and everything. I thought, I'll get
Starting point is 00:39:38 three of them. I'll get one for Susan, one for Carissa. Carissa was like two years old. I'll go down there and get three of them. He said, if you want this free gift, you stand up. I popped up like a jack-in-the-box. Just as dumb as anything, Doc. Pastor said, I see you back there, young man. Come down. I went skipping down the aisle the church
Starting point is 00:40:06 like an idiot going down to get my free gift oh man this is good go to church they give you packages give you a kiss i'll come every week they're going to give me something like this i got down to the front of that church and these these men, I didn't know they were elders. I didn't know what an elder was. These elders gathered around me and laid their hands on my head and my back and my shoulders, started praying. I'm like, well, can't I just get the package? Do we have to do all this? And then it hit me. Then it hit me.
Starting point is 00:40:44 Holy Ghost conviction. For the first time in my life, I was aware that I was a sinner. For the first time in my life, I was aware I was a sinner. I didn't know it. I didn't know I was a sinner. I was just me. I just did what I did, okay? I didn't know it was a sin. I didn just me. I just did what I did, okay? I didn't know it was a sin.
Starting point is 00:41:07 I didn't know God was going to put me in hell for this. But in that moment. In that moment, I was aware. I was aware that I could not be with God because I'm a sinner. And I never had that feeling ever. Conviction. Deep, deep conviction and the only
Starting point is 00:41:31 I didn't say the sinner's prayer I spoke these words Jesus make me clean those were the words I spoke Jesus make me clean the Lord saved me forgave my sins the Holy Spirit came into me
Starting point is 00:41:50 and when the service over the pastor said to me Rick this just happens to be the day we baptize new converts in the creek would you like to join us I said sure I'll be there and so I went to the to the creek waited out in the creek got baptized that day it's june 11 1978. my friends there's a fireball coming to this world
Starting point is 00:42:22 and it's not a pop us it might might be one that flies by to get people's attention. But there's a day this planet will be a fireball. And it will melt up. It'll burn up. It will disappear. There won't even be ashes left. The ashes will burn up. The universe will burn up. The whole thing. And God will burn up. The whole thing. And God will start over with a new cosmos, a new earth made for the people who believed on the name of his son, Jesus Christ. We get a brand new universe, Doc.
Starting point is 00:42:58 Yes. And it never burns up. That's right. Because there won't be any sin. Nowhere. There's no reason to burn up. There's no sin. If you are not saved, I'm asking you right now to make that decision wherever you are, in your home, your office, your truck, your car.
Starting point is 00:43:23 If you're walking, listening to me, however you're, wherever you are, you just stop right now and make that decision and say to your Heavenly Father, Father, I repent of my sins and I ask you to save me, forgive my sins and save my soul. I ask for your Holy Spirit to come into me and dwell inside of me. Write my name in the book of life. I promise to be baptized.
Starting point is 00:43:52 I will find a pastor to baptize me. And I await for the day that I will be with you for eternity. Just say those words. See, I said that that day, that voice, okay, you know my name. You keep saying my name. You identify yourself to me. He did. He identified himself to me through that dream, that underground tunnel I saw. What were those things? I've wondered about that
Starting point is 00:44:22 since 1978. I've wondered, that since 1978 i've wondered what did i see doc because it was a man-made tunnel i believe that these creatures were man-made i believe god showed me the hybrid soldiers that are going to fight in the 2030s. They're already there, Doc. They're in the tunnels. The Dr. Fauci's are making them. There's an army of these things that are going to come up on the surface. See, the orange light is at the exit. God was showing me they're ready to leave. They're at
Starting point is 00:45:03 the exit. They're coming out of the tunnel. They're going to come by the tens of thousands, the hundreds of thousands. Somebody's been making them for a long time. They're going to come up on the earth in World War III. Now you know why I talk about World War III so much? That's why. We do have a lot of World War III news here.
Starting point is 00:45:31 We're going to have to get through it quickly. I don't have to. I'm in a different mood today. Souls need to be saved. There are souls being saved. I believe that there were people that just got saved in the past 40 minutes. Amen. I believe that too.
Starting point is 00:45:49 All over the world. Let's go to number three. I'll show you some of the crazy stuff that happened today. Last night in Korea, the president, Mr. Yoon, declared martial law. Most of the South Korean people were asleep. They had already gone to bed. Yeah, this was about 11 o'clock at night, Korean time.
Starting point is 00:46:13 So they woke up in the morning and were under martial law. It can happen that way. Learn from this. You go to bed, everything's honky-d's fine while you're sleeping the president declares martial law you get up in the morning guess what there are black helicopters flying around yes that's literal literally that's what happens okay so listen to what he said the
Starting point is 00:46:39 martial law is aimed at eradicating pro-north Korean forces and to protect the constitutional order of freedom. He said, I declare martial law to protect the free Republic of Korea from the threat of North Korean communist forces to eradicate the despicable pro-North Korean anti-state forces that are plundering the freedom and happiness of our people and to protect the free constitutional order.
Starting point is 00:47:06 Doc, what is going on in Seoul, South Korea today? Well, this caught everyone flat-footed. I mean, I have friends in South Korea, and my wife does too. Of course, we both lived there for a few years. Did you call them or write to them? We were chatting online throughout the day today. And so they were just as stunned by the developments that occurred. Of course, it occurred at 11 at night and continued for a couple hours as there was a conflict in front of the National Assembly. Be
Starting point is 00:47:40 like the U.S. Capitol for us, okay us okay that capital building imagine legislators in our capital the u.s capital all the congress people and all the senators are trying to get in the u.s capital but military forces are blocking them on order of the president of the united states that's the similar thing that happened in front of the national assembly really for us early this morning but but for Korea late last night. The Korean Herald reported this, said President Yoon, said Tuesday in an emergency briefing that South Korea had declared martial law. He said, I will wipe out anti-state forces as soon as possible
Starting point is 00:48:20 and normalize the country's operation, he said in a televised briefing from his office. So, Doc, did he discover that the North Koreans had infiltrated his government? You know, we still don't know the whole story of what this is about. Now, we will say this, that the president is of one party, the PPP party, and the legislators, the majority of the legislature, which recently they had their elections for legislature. They were the other party, the Democrat Party. It just happens to be that's their name.
Starting point is 00:48:54 And is the Democrat Party of South Korea as pro-communist as the American Democrat Party? According to President Yoon, yes. So have the communists taken over the Democrat parties of the world? Well, you know, true democracy is mob rule, Rick. That's right. Well, we've got a video of the president's declaration of martial law. Doc's going to read the English subtitles.
Starting point is 00:49:22 All right, here we go. Says President Yoon, Dear Citizens, going to read the uh english subtitles all right here we go says president yoon dear citizens i am from threats from north korean communist forces protecting a free republic of korea they are plundering the freedom and happiness of our people shameless eradicate pro-north korea anti-state forces at once we declare an emergency concept to protect the free constitutional order. I am, through this emergency concept, falling into the abyss of all nations.
Starting point is 00:49:56 We will rebuild and protect a free Republic of Korea. To this end, I am the culprit of all nations who have commended rebellion so far. We will definitely eradicate anti-national forces and other forces. This is from the actions of anti-state forces seeking to overthrow the system, freedom and safety of the people, and ensuring national sustainability to future generations this is an inevitable measure to make a proper country cry I will do it within 10 minutes as soon as possible eradicate anti-state forces we will normalize the country due to the declaration of martial law to the good
Starting point is 00:50:44 people who believed in and follow the constitutional values of the free republic of korea there may be some inconvenience but we will focus on minimizing this inconvenience measures like this is unavoidable for the permanence of a free Republic of Korea. Korea, in the international community, fulfilling responsibility and contribution, there is no change in foreign policy stance. As President, I earnestly appeal to the people. I only trust only the people and dedicate your name to them we will protect a free republic of
Starting point is 00:51:29 korea please trust me thank you all right so doc uh he he in order to protect the constitution he suspended it yes in order to protect freedom he eliminated it yes okay that's the way it works folks it can happen in this country i think that there is a high probability the united states of america will be a martial law under the trump administration not because donald trump is a dictator as the Democrats have said, but because the Democrats will push him to do it, just as the Democrats in South Korea pushed President Yoon to do it. I believe if, let's just, let me, let me, let me condition my remarks with this. If the Democrats in this country and the anti-Trumpers in the deep state, if that coalition mounts a serious resistance to the Trump administration and really tries to stop him, I believe he will declare martial law. I think he made up his mind a long time ago.
Starting point is 00:52:49 He's going to bust them up. That's my own view. If they don't put up that kind of resistance, it's not going to happen. But I think the moment he starts rounding up hardcore criminal illegal immigrants when he starts rounding up the chinese young men in this country who are here illegally members of the pla i think there's going to be resistance why because the democratic party is the communist party of america it works for xi shenping right um we've um okay, Yanhap Martial Law Command announces decree banning political activities. I'm not going to go through all this because there's a time factor.
Starting point is 00:53:35 Yes, so any political activities, it said. Anything. Yes, any. And that was coming from President Yoon. The June Ang Daly Police Military military block entrance to the National Assembly. That's their Congress. So we're going to show you some video. First one, this is a still.
Starting point is 00:53:54 This is South Korean tanks on the street. That's just so difficult to imagine. And when I saw this image, I was reminded of the dream I had about Korea. And what did you dream? I saw tanks on the streets of Seoul. You lived in Seoul? Yes. And tell us the dream you had.
Starting point is 00:54:12 Well, the dream I had, this was, I would say, probably around 2012, maybe late 2011. It was winter. I remember that. And I remember I had an apartment on the 10th floor that faced downtown seoul okay um and it looked like a normal you know saturday sunday afternoon i forget which day it was and looking out the window and then in a moment's time the scene changed in my mind uh down below me where there was a subway station where people were just going in and out, daily activities, I saw in my mind North Korean troops putting people down
Starting point is 00:54:53 into the subways. And subways in South Korea, they're there for civil defense. But what I saw were North Korean troops forcing people down. And turning it into a concentration camp. That's right. And so – and there were people being assaulted in the park right below my building. There were tanks in the street. There were obvious North Korean – how I knew they were North Korean soldiers as opposed to South Korean soldiers, I just had that feeling. And, you know, I'm just questioning all this is going on. You know, it lasted maybe 25, 30 seconds seeing all this activity going on.
Starting point is 00:55:33 I knew that South Korea had fallen to the North Koreans. And then in a moment's time, I was like zoomed out to see all the Korean Peninsula. And I saw a hand over South Korea being lifted away. And in my spirit, I knew that was the hand of God being lifted off of South Korea. And I also knew that South Korea just wasn't South Korea. It was any nation out there that called itself Christian. God was lifting his hand off of them and no longer under their protection. And I knew why in the dream because South Korea had turned away from the Lord. And so when I started seeing this story today, I'm like going, oh, my goodness, what is happening in South Korea today?
Starting point is 00:56:29 And I saw those tanks. I'm just taken back to that dream. Do you think President Yoon was given intelligence that North Korea was going to carry out a coup, perhaps kill him, overthrow the government? Well, that's certainly a possibility. But I will say this, too. The opposition party was planning to impeach President Yoon. They had made the announcement that they were planning on impeaching him. And so there is a political, you know, handle to this.
Starting point is 00:57:02 But that's the way the Democrats act now. That's their behavior. And so in order to stop that process. He declared martial law. Right. Now, I had another thought about it, too, is that maybe this was a test run of some kind to see how Western, you know, even though Korea, South Korea is a Asian country. It's a Western Asian. It's a Western nation. And so maybe it was kind of a test run for maybe something that's going to happen in the very near future in other Western nations as well.
Starting point is 00:57:37 Or all-out war with North Korea where he'd have to put South Korea in the state of martial law. That's right. And that would, of course, bring North Korea out of the Ukraine theater, which impacts that situation. There's several different ways to look at this. Now, the National Assembly managed to get into the building. But before they did, you saw scenes like this, like black helicopters flying over the National Assembly there. You can see that. The original video that you sent over to me, Rick, they've already taken it down. Yeah, and so we had to find another video that had black helicopters in it,
Starting point is 00:58:15 and this was over the, you can see right in the center of the screen, the National Assembly building. These were the scenes in front of the National Assembly building, confrontation with legislators who are trying to get into the building. So these are members of the parliament. That's right. And the police, the military is holding the elected members of parliament from entering the building. Right.
Starting point is 00:58:43 So these are the scenes that were going on. Don't pull my hair. Now, in addition to this, South Korean troops actually entered the National Assembly to secure it first. And we have some video of that as well. So, we have security forces entering into the building here. Here are the helicopters. Right. And this took a lot of coordination and planning for this to take place. So President Yoon had obviously been thinking about this and planning this in cooperation with the head of the military for quite some time to have this kind and level of organization.
Starting point is 00:59:22 Once again, these are some of the legislators and their aides confronting police and military in front of the National Assembly. The National Assembly members eventually climbed a fence that allowed them access into the National Assembly building, and you see them rushing up the stairs to get into the Parliament Hall. So they were able to get into the building. So what you're seeing, members of the Democrat Party rushing to get into the Parliament Hall. They have a majority in the Parliament right now.
Starting point is 00:59:56 They were going to get in there to vote to rescind martial law. That was the purpose of them rushing to get in. They rescinded martial law, but President Yoon did not accept that. But I just had an update here just a few minutes ago that President Yoon has come out and has rescinded martial law. This has happened just within the past 15 minutes of us doing this. And so there's a lot of intrigue that's going on. I'm sure there's going to be a lot of questions. It caught U.S. diplomats off guard completely. President Biden was not even aware of it when he was asked about it earlier today. Do you have a response? What's going on
Starting point is 01:00:41 in South Korea? What do you mean what's going on in south korea what do you mean what's going on in south korea uh and then eventually said oh we're reviewing it and so uh to backtrack so this caught everybody off guard um it is a very very odd and how do you think kim jong-un was viewing it in pyongyang oh my goodness you've got to know is this are they faking us out? Are they getting ready to attack North Korea by doing all this intrigue at the National Assembly? Or was South Korea collapsing? Right. Or was his plan working? Had he infiltrated the government? And that's just it.
Starting point is 01:01:17 There are so many different avenues that this story can go. I will say this about previous South Korean presidents. Out of the last six South Korean presidents, five of them served jail time, prison time. Wow. And so Koreans, especially South Koreans, take a very harsh tack toward their leaders. Why would you even want to be president? Yeah, that's just it. President Yoon is going to be on the receiving end of a lot of criticism over this.
Starting point is 01:01:53 They will impeach him over this. Well, let's move on to World War III with Ukraine. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said Joe Biden ordered him to oversee a massive surge of weapons weapon deliveries to ukraine uh i've got a a short video clip he was on abc this week this was on i guess sunday sunday morning this is when he announced this massive surge in the delivery of weapons. What are they doing, folks? They are Trump-proofing
Starting point is 01:02:26 the war. They're rushing weapons to Ukraine before Donald Trump gets in the White House. Let's listen. What are you telling your Ukrainian counterparts about American support in 51 days after Biden leaves office? Well, first, what I'm saying is we are going to do everything in our power for these 50 days to get Ukraine all the tools we possibly can to strengthen their position on the battlefield so that they'll be stronger at the negotiating table. And President Biden directed me to oversee a massive surge in the military equipment that we are delivering to Ukraine so that we have spent every dollar that Congress has appropriated to us by the time that President Biden leaves office. So that's first and foremost what we're focused on. And then I've encouraged the Ukrainian team to engage the incoming team as well as to engage all of our allies and partners, because again, on January 21st, the war in Ukraine doesn't just go away. Obviously, the new team will have its own policy, its own approach, and I can't speak to that. But what I can do is make sure that we put
Starting point is 01:03:36 Ukraine in the best possible position when we hand off the baton. What an evil guy. He's evil. I'll just keep it at that. He's evil. He's wicked and he's evil and he's rushing the weapons. They're draining America's military arsenal. They're draining our depots. Yes. armories to get the weapons to Ukraine. You know, I like something Bobby Kennedy said the other day. He said he'd like to pick up Zelensky and pick him up by his feet and shake him and get all the money to fall out of his pocket and hope that it adds up to $200 billion. That says it right, you know, the amount of money that's gone to Ukraine, how much has been pilfered. So Joe Biden is rushing the weapons to Ukraine to make this a bigger war before Donald Trump gets in the White House. So they're searching through couch cushions at the White House and everything for money
Starting point is 01:04:48 to send to Ukraine. Folks, we are in an extremely dangerous period right now between today and January 20th. If we make it to January 20th without a nuclear blast going off, we're going to be okay. I don't have any concerns about the four years Donald Trump's going to be in the White House. I don't think he's going to do anything crazy and start a war with Russia or China. We've got to make it to January 20th. I'm just telling you that between today and January 20th is extremely dangerous. You had yesterday, a couple days ago, Vladimir Putin telling people at a conference in Asia,
Starting point is 01:05:34 Kazakhstan, he wasn't confident Trump could live to January 20th. Right. I mean, think what he was saying privately in dinner meetings. What do you think Putin was saying? They're going to kill that guy. We better be... He tried twice.
Starting point is 01:05:52 Yes, we better... And he said, uncivilized way that they attacked Donald Trump. So, Putin and a lot of world leaders know that the warmongers that run America presently are terrified. Absolutely terrified.
Starting point is 01:06:12 Because Trump is going to interrupt their war making. So for you and me, it's very dangerous right now. You need to take steps. Preparation. Do not put off your preparations. I'm stepping mine up. I'm doing things that I put off. I've delayed, and I'm stepping up my preparations because I don't want to be caught off guard in the next week or two or even the next month.
Starting point is 01:06:41 I don't think about my friends in South Korea right now. They woke up, and they were in martial law. Yes. And I can see there are people they are not prepared in South Korea. If you talk to your friends yesterday and said,
Starting point is 01:06:52 hey, what's the chances you'll be in martial law in the morning? If you said, we're not going to be in martial law. They went to bed and they woke up and it was martial law.
Starting point is 01:07:00 That's a reason you should go to American reserves for preparation preparation supplies for food, for water filtration. And you should also go to Gold Co. and make preparations to move some of your assets into precious metals. Just lock it down, stabilize it, put some of your assets into precious metals. And there's your phone number for GoldCo, 844-960-GOLD. Or you can go to or just snap the QR code there with your phone. That's right. Okay.
Starting point is 01:07:41 Ask them for the 2025 gold and silver kit. They'll send it to you free. Postage is free. I think it's two-day delivery by FedEx. Just get the information. The information is free. The only thing between you and a wise decision is information. Correct information leads you to make a wise decision i can't tell you how many times in
Starting point is 01:08:08 my life where i said i'll look at doc and go doc if we'd known that three years ago we could have done that right and we didn't know it right okay we didn't have we didn't have the information okay information is what leads you to make wise decisions. You can't make a decision if you don't have the information. Call, call, call, call, and ask them questions about moving your assets into precious metals. They're not going to charge you for the questions. All right? They'll give you the answers without charging you a dime.
Starting point is 01:08:41 But if you don't call them, you're not going to know. 844-960-GOLD. I got a couple more World War III articles. There's so much going on, I could go another hour. Folks, war has broke out. It's bubbling in the country of Georgia and Eastern Europe. It's brewing where there are revolution. Another maiden revolution. Yes.
Starting point is 01:09:05 Yes, a George Soros special. ruling where they're a revolution. Another maiden revolution. Yes. Yes. A George Soros special. And you've got a surprise uprising in Syria. Yes. Al-Qaeda is back. How about that? Yeah, it's a surprise. Al-Qaeda came back.
Starting point is 01:09:18 I thought we got rid of Al-Qaeda. How many times have we gotten rid of Al-Qaeda? Well, they're back. I guess they stopped by Langley and picked up new supplies and paychecks. Let's go to number 17. This is Newsweek. NATO to deploy 100,000 peacekeepers in Ukraine, Russia claims. So, Russia believes that NATO is going to deploy 100,000 peacekeepers in Ukraine as part of its plan to prepare Kiev for revenge. Now, this is coming from the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, the SVR.
Starting point is 01:09:53 And they said NATO countries will occupy Ukraine under the guise of deploying a peacekeeping contingent in the country. So again, according to the Russian intelligence agency, they believe that NATO wants to freeze the war. Freeze it in its place. The West is not winning, so let's just freeze it. Just lock it down, freeze it. That's why they're rushing the weapons,
Starting point is 01:10:22 to Trump-proof the war. We'll freeze it. We'll get it to a place where Trump can't do anything. His hands will be tied. They'll freeze it and lock it down. If they have to, they'll keep it locked down for four years. They'll come back in 2029 when Trump's out of the White House and start the war again. They're just putting it in a hole.
Starting point is 01:10:42 They're freezing it. That's the plan, Doc. They're going to have that again. They're just putting it in a hole. They're freezing it. That's the plan, Doc. They're going to have that war. They are. So, is NATO planning to send 100,000 troops to Ukraine? Next story is Telegraph in London. Our troops should help defend Ukraine's border in a possible ceasefire, says Boris Johnson.
Starting point is 01:11:04 So they're already talking ceasefire, says Boris Johnson. So they're already talking ceasefire now. See, they entered into the conversation. We're going to have a ceasefire now because Donald Trump's coming. And in a ceasefire, you've got to have troops to enforce a ceasefire. And a ceasefire is a freezing of the war. That's right. It's not a settlement.
Starting point is 01:11:22 It's a freezing of the war. So Bojo is saying UK troops should be in Ukraine. Well, wait a settlement. It's a freezing of the war. So, Bojo is saying UK troops should be in Ukraine. Well, wait a minute. A couple days earlier, we were told this Russian stuff, that's all propaganda. They're just making this up. 100,000 NATO troops. That's just made up. That's Russian propaganda. And yet, Boris Johnson comes out and says, no, we want UK troops. They should be in Ukraine. Now, I got a video.
Starting point is 01:11:52 And again, I want so much just to buy a comb for this man. I think, how can anybody take this guy seriously? He can't even comb his hair. There's something wrong with the man. Honestly, Doc, there's something wrong with the guy. To be a world leader and you can't comb your hair. It just says something to me about his personality. Okay?
Starting point is 01:12:18 Well, what does that mean? A grown adult who can't comb his hair. He's just trying to stand out. That's all he's trying to do. All right. It makes him appear unpredictable and all this. To me, it makes him appear unstable. I see him as unstable.
Starting point is 01:12:41 If you got to, I have to close my eyes. His hair freaks me out. All right. This is what he said What would be the UK commitment well, I think we should I hope this would something that appeals to President Trump as well. It would be a Commitment that is very substantially funded by the Ukrainians themselves. So I think we should certainly be putting troops into backfill absolutely british troops yeah i think in the areas i don't think we should be sending in
Starting point is 01:13:12 combat troops to take on the russians but i think as part of the solution as part of the end state you're going to want to have multinational European peacekeeping forces monitoring the border but also helping the Ukrainians and I cannot see that such a European operation could possibly happen without the British we've got to be there that you know that's a long day's march from the UK sending troops to fight Russians, as I said. But that's got to be part of the package. I think when it comes to funding the whole thing, well, there is this $300 billion, the frozen Russian assets why on earth haven't we liberated those and started to use them for the protection of Ukraine in the
Starting point is 01:14:11 long run Ukraine is actually a very rich country the enormous potential they will be able to pay back the costs of their defense just as we did for decades after the Second World War folks when you frame this as a bank robbery, it makes a lot more sense. Yes, and he's the bank robber. And it looked like they went down to the insane asylum and said, hey, we're going to make you the prime minister and put you in charge of war. It looked like he came from the insane asylum. Who dresses like that?
Starting point is 01:14:43 Who sits in a position of authority deciding whether people are going to live or die and you can't even comb your hair how do you get in power how do you get in power and how did your father write a novel 30 some years ago about a virus that's right i forgot about that in a vaccine i've got the book here doc i forgot all about that how did that happen it was almost the same script as covet and his father wrote the book 30 years ago i i thought it was not that it's humorous but it was you have to admit it made me chuckle they said now we're gonna we need to put troops here but not combat troops no just troops with guns but not combat troops so where are we at today here's the telegraph today that's right britain considering
Starting point is 01:15:38 sending troops to ukraine under ceasefire deal so we went in in just a matter of days from the russians saying they're going to send troops. All that's propaganda. To Boris Johnson saying, yeah, we got to put troops in there. And now the government is saying Britain and France are going to send troops. Yes, Britain and France are considering deploying troops to Ukraine to monitor a ceasefire. Once again, that's in the conversation now. Should Kiev and Moscow begin peace talks? According to an anonymous senior NATO official,
Starting point is 01:16:10 Paris and London are preparing options for a variety of situations that could unfold in Ukraine. These discussions are taking place between national governments and not within NATO structures, the official said. It comes after the French newspaper Le Monde
Starting point is 01:16:24 reported last week that France and Britain had begun discussions about sending troops to Ukraine. So, you see, you see how this propaganda works. They put the idea out there, then they draw it back, and then they reinforce it, and then they admit it the whole time. That's what we're trying to do. When you understand the cycle of propaganda, things begin to fit together. And if you follow long enough, you spot it quickly. Right.
Starting point is 01:16:51 You know where they're going with it. One more before we wrap it up for today. This is Newsweek. Europe quietly prepares for World War III. Just casually. Here's a title for just casually here's a title for you here's a headline for you europe quietly preparing for world war three that's today that's today news week yes nothing to see here folks just keep on moving but we're telling you we're we're quietly preparing we're not being boisterous about a, Doc. We're just quietly preparing for a nuclear war. I got a couple quotes
Starting point is 01:17:31 out of it I want you to see. So this is coming from Serbian President Alexander Vucic. And he said back in July that NATO was not ready now for a possible war with Russia, but they will be ready in the future. And so we're quoting President Vucic here. They are already preparing for a conflict with the Russian Federation and are preparing much faster than some people would like to see in every sense. He spoke speaking to Syriac TV. We know this from military preparations.
Starting point is 01:18:02 We know how they are being conducted and I want to tell you, they are preparing for a military conflict, Vujic said. Now this is a European president saying this. Saying, my fellow leaders, my fellow nations in the community of Europe, they're preparing for a military conflict with Russia. And there's going to come a day with each one of these leaders, each one of these nations are going to have to make a choice about where
Starting point is 01:18:31 they stand on this particular issue. Let's go over this again. The president of Serbia said they, who's they? NATO. Yes. They are already preparing for a conflict, a war. With whom?
Starting point is 01:18:49 The Russian Federation. And they're moving faster than some people would like to see. In every sense. In every sense. We know this from military preparations. We know how they are being conducted. And I want to tell you, they are preparing for a military conflict. Not a military conflict, a world war.
Starting point is 01:19:15 With weapons of mass destruction. With robots. With laser weapons. With scalar energy weapons, and I think with hybrid creatures that are presently under the earth that have been bred for this war. They are preparing. What about you? They are preparing. What about you? Are you preparing?
Starting point is 01:19:42 The president of Serbia told you they are preparing at a rapid rate they're in the war mode are you in the war boat are you in a war mode are you operating in a wartime economy in your personal life are you in a wartime economy in your personal life. Are you in a wartime economy? Are you still in a leisure economy? The world is in a wartime economy. And my job here is to tell this to you over and over and over for the purpose of getting you ready for the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:20:19 That's what this is all about. The Lord Jesus Christ is coming. And the world is going to see a horrific war. The four horsemen of the apocalypse, one-fourth of the world population dies. What's the current population right now? Eight billion? And what is one-fourth? Two billion, eight billion. Eight billion? Yes.
Starting point is 01:20:46 And what is one fourth? Two billion. Two billion. Two billion people are going to die in this war. If you believe the Bible, two billion people are going to die in a war. It's coming, folks. It's coming.
Starting point is 01:21:00 It's underway. It's in motion. Are you preparing for that war? I got to go. Thank you so much for watching invite people uh to watch true news tell people you've got to check this place out you got we need new people and we need you to tell them tell people you got to watch this program you they're telling us stuff that nobody is saying I need you and we're all going to get through this we're going to see the Lord Jesus Christ coming
Starting point is 01:21:33 I believe it with all my heart I want to see him come I want to see the Lord arrive I want to be here when he shows up that's my motivation is to see the day the Lord Jesus Christ arrives. Gotta go. See you tomorrow. I'm Jake, but my friends call me Moose Jaw. I'm a blacksmith, and I like to work with my hands. I watch and trust true news. Two things are clear to me. World War III has started and the USA is very unstable.
Starting point is 01:22:07 I have faith in God, but he expects us to use our brains and our hands to prepare for trouble. There are two things we need, food and water. That's why I buy supplies from American Reserves offers easy to prepare chicken and beef meals, pastas, soups, and vegetables that only need boiling water. You can purchase the world-famous British Birkfield gravity-fed water filters equipped with Dalton ceramic handles and other emergency supplies at My family's security is critical to me.
Starting point is 01:22:40 Something big is coming. Procrastination could be costly. Act today before a crisis suddenly appears. Be ready. Be wise. Go to Good morning, everybody. Welcome to Morning Manor. And this is the second version of today's lesson. We had a brief encounter with Satan in the first session but he's been defeated and that's what we were talking about when things got crazy here in technology we were talking about his defeat at Calvary how God how Jesus
Starting point is 01:23:17 Christ made him a spectacle you know what a spectacle is a public spectacle I'll say that's what Jesus did to Satan at Calvary, made him a public spectacle, humiliated him. And to this day, Satan cringes when he hears people talking about Jesus's victory on the cross. And so we're going to talk about it in today's lesson. And we're going to exalt Jesus Christ. We're going to glorify him for what he did on the cross and the magnificent victory that he achieved that is eternal. Amen. Nothing like it has ever happened in the history of the universe. Nothing like it will ever happened in the history of the universe nothing like it will ever happen again
Starting point is 01:24:07 Jesus Christ defeated hell and death in a grave on the cross took the keys out of Satan's hands and he still got those keys and Satan was humiliated and ashamed
Starting point is 01:24:23 and his demons hung their head in shame, didn't even want to be associated with Satan. That's how bad it was. The demons were looking for more. They were looking for new work. Like we got to find someplace else to go to work. This guy's a loser. We followed him.
Starting point is 01:24:44 We left. We got kicked out of heaven. We went with him. He's a loser. We followed him. We left. We got kicked out of heaven. We went with him. He's a loser. Look what happened. We've been here on earth for thousands of years, and all of a sudden, we just got kicked in the teeth. We followed this loser, and now we're stuck with him. So, verse 50. Oh, we haven't read not yet we did in the first version okay
Starting point is 01:25:10 alright and our focus today is on Matthew chapter 27 and we'll be reading verses 50 through 56 today so if you got your Bibles read along with us Jesus when he had cried again with a loud voice yielded up the ghost and behold the veil of the temple was rent So if you've got your Bibles, read along with us. after his resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared unto many now when the centurion when they were with and they that were with him watching
Starting point is 01:25:49 Jesus saw the earthquake and those things that were done they feared greatly saying truly this was the Son of God and many women were there beholding afar off which followed Jesus from Galilee ministering unto him among which was Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Joseph and the reading of his word today. Amen. So in the first version of this class, in verse 50, Doc and I were having a wonderful time talking about the magnificent victory of Jesus on the cross, that he voluntarily surrendered his life. So to be absolutely correct, to be biblically correct,
Starting point is 01:26:43 neither the Jews nor the the romans successfully killed jesus christ he allowed them to nail him on the cross yes but they couldn't take his life he was in control of his life even on the cross he was in control their intention their motive was to kill him to murder him but they couldn't do it no Jesus Christ was in control of his life
Starting point is 01:27:17 he's in control of your life Satan can't kill you when you're in Christ he can't kill you. When you're in Christ, he can't kill you. He has no authority over you. So Jesus cries out loudly, and he surrendered his life. He chose the exact moment of his death. Can you name anybody else.
Starting point is 01:27:46 In history. Who chose the moment he or she would die. It's impossible. Right. Because you're not in control of your spirit. So he said. Father into thy hands. I commend my spirit.
Starting point is 01:28:02 Amen. Which. Speaks of his trust in his father's sovereign control over life and death. This loud cry is connected to his words, it is finished. Not that his life is finished. I'm done. I'm finished. My work is finished. Not that his life is finished. I'm done. I'm finished. My work is finished. Yes.
Starting point is 01:28:32 My work has been completed. I am now going to dismiss my spirit. Right. And the old covenant was finished too. All of it. Yes. Judaism was finished. And all attempts to revive Judaism and the temple and sacrifices is nothing but blasphemy and will come to nothing.
Starting point is 01:28:54 You're right. It is blasphemy. I'm tired of it. Okay, you know what? All you Christian Zionists that are talking about building a third temple and bringing back animal sacrifices and you're exalting Judaism, I'm tired of you. You're blasphemers. Get out of my presence. I don't want to hear it anymore.
Starting point is 01:29:16 I'm 1,000% for Jesus. So Jesus dismissed his spirit. He said to his spirit, you may go. Go, leave. He dismissed his spirit. He was in control of the entire situation. Can you dismiss your spirit? No.
Starting point is 01:29:44 Just try it. You don't have the authority to do it but the Son of God did amen and he still has it today he's never lost his power he has control over life and death in the Bible we read read of men and women dying, of their last moments, their expiration, their last breaths. But with Jesus, he actively dismissed his spirit and demonstrated his authority over life and death. The Jews were not in control. The Roman government was not in control. Jesus was in control. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:30:34 He used them for his father's purposes. I've said it in the past. People talk about the Jews as God's chosen people. Okay, they were at one time. But God could have chosen the Pygmies to be his chosen people. Right. It just happened to be Hebrews. Right.
Starting point is 01:30:56 And in that choosing, they were also chosen to crucify the Savior. Wrap your mind around that one. That knife cuts two ways, doesn't it? It does. So his the way
Starting point is 01:31:22 he left, the way he was in control. It's a model to us, to all believers, to trust God in the worst crisis. Never to let the circumstances around you move you away from your trust in God your peace, your calmness Jesus' death
Starting point is 01:31:52 it wasn't just a physical event it fulfilled prophecies it was the ultimate sacrifice for humanity's sins. He fulfilled all Old Testament prophecies, and he established a new covenant between God and humanity. Yes.
Starting point is 01:32:20 The earth shook. The sky became dark. Christ was in control of the universe. He was in control of the physical elements around him. Amen. For Satan, it was the worst day of his life. The lousiest day he ever had.
Starting point is 01:32:48 There's only one more day coming that will be worse. And that will be Judgment Day. When he will be hauled off and given a big kick in the butt and sent flying into the lake of fire. So until that day comes, this is the worst day Satan ever had. He was humiliated. He was ashamed to show his face among the demons. His demons were embarrassed to be seen with him. Have you ever thought about it this way?
Starting point is 01:33:31 What an embarrassment it was. Jesus made Satan a public spectacle. He humiliated him. Completely mopped the floor with his face. He went into Hades. He descended to the place of the dead. That's in the Apostles' Creed. He descended to the place of the dead.
Starting point is 01:34:07 And he ordered Satan to hand over the keys of hell and death. I personally believe he preached the gospel to everybody in Hades. I believe everybody who had died before Calvary got to hear the gospel. That's my view. I think he emptied the place. I think he had the biggest soul winning revival meeting in history. Can you imagine you're in Hades? You've been there for thousands of years
Starting point is 01:34:39 and now the son of God is in there with you and he's telling you, there's one opportunity to come out with me. Doc, that was quite a meeting. Yes. That was quite a meeting. So, verse 5, or verse, see, it just did it, Doc. All right. see it just did it doc alright okay I'm back
Starting point is 01:35:10 my pages flipped it took me back to verse 5 but that's okay we have the authority of Jesus Christ Satan does have no authority over this Bible study. That's right. He has absolutely
Starting point is 01:35:28 no authority. He cannot disrupt this Bible study. He left humiliated. He tried his best. He messed up two laptops. But we're back in control. Okay. So verse 51.
Starting point is 01:35:44 And behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom, and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent. Modern English says, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from the top to the bottom. The earth quaked and the rocks were split. Yes. Who was in control did the jews make that happen did the romans make it happen did the devil make it happen who did it it's almighty god the father grabbed the veil in the temple. A big, thick, heavy curtain. Massive curtain.
Starting point is 01:36:28 He grabbed it and ripped it in half. Yes. Physically impossible for any human to do it. What was the veil of the temple? It separated the holy of holies from the holy place. Only the high priest was allowed to go into the holy of holies. And if he had sin in his life, he left dead. And so it was torn from top to bottom at the moment Jesus dismissed the spirit.
Starting point is 01:37:16 It was heavy. It was thick. It was intricately woven. It required many priests to handle it. Yes. Yes. The veil itself, we find this in Exodus 26, 33. It talks about what its purpose is to separate the holiest of holies. But the image there is that you've got this curtain uh that's woven
Starting point is 01:37:54 you know out of wool it's woven together it's intricate it's strong it's tremendously strong it's heavy but it represents the flesh of christ and just as his flesh was rent on the cross so the veil of the curtain was rent that allowed us access into the Holy of Holies, according to the book of Hebrews. Christ himself was rent in two in order to give us now access that we didn't have before, and now everyone has access through the broken flesh of Jesus Christ. The veil is no more their their attempts to uh redo the veil were in vain even if they did repair it uh and if they build a new temple another temple and they do a a veil in there too it's going to be a fake veil it's going to be blasphemy because god tore the flesh of christ to give us access to the holy of holies.
Starting point is 01:38:47 That's what the tearing of the veil represents. Amen. The place that was once accessible only by the high priest is now open to all who believe in Christ. So it represented the removal of barriers between god and humanity granting all people who have faith in jesus yes access to god's presence through jesus christ sacrifice on the cross but you have to go through that jesus's torn flesh that's the only pathway that's it not buddha not muhammad not any of the millions of hindu gods there's only one pathway and that's through the rent veil of the
Starting point is 01:39:35 flesh of christ you know again the christian zionists in america they they they exalt Judaism. They just act like being a Christian is an inferior spiritual position. Yeah. Oh, if we weren't Gentiles and Christians, we could be Jews. No, the Jews need to be Christians. The ripping of the veil was the end of Judaism. It was the end of the old covenant. It was the end of the sacrificial system. It was the end of the temple. It was the beginning of
Starting point is 01:40:19 a new way to approach God. And he's never going to return to the old way. Why are these Christian Zionists talking about something God abolished 2,000 years ago?
Starting point is 01:40:37 Because they're reviving Judaism. Yes. The temple, the rituals, no longer need it and it it marked the end of Israel's exclusive status and the introduction of a new era in which the Jesus Christ replaced Israel, replaced the physical Israel. The true Israel has always been the people who obey God. And that's still true today. Yes. But that's not found in the physical state of Israel and Palestine.
Starting point is 01:41:29 It's found in the glorious worldwide church of God. Yes. That's the true Israel. Dripping of the veil was God inviting all man to come in to the Holy of Holies and have a deep, intimate, personal relationship with him. He abolished the need for priest to be an intermediary between you and God. It says that Christ is our high priest. Yes. We no longer have human high priests. We have one high priest.
Starting point is 01:42:20 The eternal Jesus Christ. And through him. Through his atoning death on the cross, we can now approach God directly. Come boldly to the throne of grace. There was an earthquake that followed Jesus' physical death. It was a supernatural sign. It was judgment on the Jewish nation. Do the Christians in Zion understand
Starting point is 01:42:52 that that earthquake was judgment on Judaism? Apparently they don't. The earthquake, the splitting of the rocks were manifestations of divine power the earthquake, the splitting of the rocks, were manifestations of divine power. They were speaking of the magnitude of the event, the cosmic implications of what was taking place on that cross. now Matthew records that
Starting point is 01:43:29 there were people who came out of the graves yes and let's move on to that verse 52 and the graves were opened and many bodies of the saints which slept arose. Now, this one, Doc, I hope you do better than me in explaining it, because it just baffles me.
Starting point is 01:44:04 Okay. explaining it because I it just baffles me okay so the earthquake opened up a certain number of graves these were probably rock tombs that were cut into the rocks and so the rocks are remember the rocks are shaking the rocks were rent the rocks are, remember, the rocks are shaking. The rocks were rent. The rocks were split apart. The ground is shaking. The tombs buried, you know, dug inside these rocks. The tombs opened up.
Starting point is 01:44:51 Now, the saints did not rise immediately at the death of Jesus on the cross, but they arose shortly after his resurrection. Am I correct, Doc? That's where the general timeline falls and everything and so Matthew is the only one that mentions this and so you know and he places this at the death of Christ but that you know there are other things in Matthew's narrative to that he puts out of order and just cause they're out of order doesn't mean that they're not true it just means that Matthew had a higher priority in the placement of the narrative. There's a group of people
Starting point is 01:45:30 out today, Rick, that to this day believe that those resurrected saints are still alive to this day in the world. Along with John. That John didn't die either. And John's still alive on the earth.
Starting point is 01:45:50 And so I just want to clear that up. The early church, you know, made no mention of these folks after this event. You know, if they had existed, I guarantee you the church would have talked about it. The apostles would have talked about it. You'd have centuries of people saying, remember those people that were resurrected from the dead, and they're still around today? You have no indication of that.
Starting point is 01:46:16 So just like Lazarus, just like Lazarus, who was raised from the dead by Christ, by Christ's power. These folks were resurrected as well. Lazarus died, eventually died. And these folks died too. Well, this is the part that I don't understand. Did they die again? I believe they did.
Starting point is 01:46:46 Wow. A double death. You got to know that those folks, after they were resurrected, death didn't scare them anymore. They were dangerous. I've been dead. The scriptures describe it as they had fallen asleep,
Starting point is 01:47:10 which is a metaphor for death. So these are believers from the Old Testament era. Let's say believers. Believers in the promise of God that he would send the Messiah. Alright, so what were they believing? That God promised Israel a Messiah. Yes.
Starting point is 01:47:36 And I believe that these were devout Jews who never gave up on their hope to see the Messiah. They stayed with the promises, stayed with the program, never became corrupted, kept a pure heart. And when the Lord had come to earth there at Calvary, somewhere between Calvary and the resurrection,
Starting point is 01:48:03 they came out of the grave. Now, most of the grave. Now, most of the commentators, Doc, that I studied, Barnes, Gill, Jameson, Fawcett, Brown, they all taught that they came out of the graves
Starting point is 01:48:20 after the resurrection. Right. Which is okay by me wherever you want to put it. Hey, it came out of the grave. Whether it was the first day or the third day.
Starting point is 01:48:35 I've heard it preached that these folks were the first fruits of the resurrection, but that's not true. Because 1 Corinthians 15- 20 says, but now is Christ risen from the dead and became the first fruits of them that slept. So Christ is the first fruits, not these resurrected saints. And that's another teaching that's floating around out there.
Starting point is 01:49:01 What we do know is the Bible didn't tell us anything else. Didn't give us their names. Nope. Didn't give us their names. Didn't give us their family history. Didn't tell us their address. Didn't tell us what they did after they came out of the graves. The Bible doesn't tell us how long they were on the earth.
Starting point is 01:49:21 It doesn't tell us what happened to them. Did they die again? Did Jesus take them with him? It doesn't tell us what happened to them. Did they die again? Did Jesus take them with him? It doesn't tell us. It is an amazing mystery. Right. And then you have a few of those commentators that are outliers that said this didn't really happen.
Starting point is 01:49:37 Matthew just threw it in. Well, I don't believe that. I don't believe it. It happened. It actually happened. It happened, but the way Matthew said, oh, by the way, a whole bunch of people came out of the graves. We'll move on and talk about something else. Yeah, that wasn't the important thing to talk about.
Starting point is 01:49:58 No. That was people coming out of the grave was not what Matthew was trying to talk about here. He was talking about the cross. Yes. But it was a preview of the resurrection. Yes. The resurrection of the church on Judgment Day. It was like, hey, you see this?
Starting point is 01:50:22 It's going to happen to everybody on Resurrection Day. It was a foretaste of the resurrection, the victory over death. Doc, some scholars teach that those saints who came out of the graves were brought into heaven with Jesus as trophies of his triumph over death. Right, which sounds great. I, you know, I think that's a wonderful image, but there's no scripture. Yeah, there's no scripture that backs it up. It's just it's an opinion. That's all it is.
Starting point is 01:51:01 It's an opinion. That's all it is. It's an opinion. That's why I don't even go anywhere with it, because there's nothing to say other than they came out of the graves. You know, I can just imagine in eternity where we're asking Jesus, hey, about those folks that were resurrected. And Jesus might just turn to us, are you folks still hung up on that? It happened, okay? The big thing is I resurrected. That's the big thing, and I stayed resurrected.
Starting point is 01:51:35 Yes. So the resurrection of these previously dead people was a temporary event that pointed to Jesus' resurrection as the first fruit of the new cosmic order. Right. We'll move on to verse 53 and came out of the graves after his resurrection
Starting point is 01:52:08 ah there it is verse 53 Doug came out of the graves after his resurrection the Bible explains itself Rick there it is now we know so itself Rick there it is now we know so the the Bible answers its own questions
Starting point is 01:52:32 we now know what happened came out of the graves and went into the holy city and appeared to many. So they were walking around Jerusalem. We don't know how many years they had been dead. Right. And we don't know how many years they stayed alive after they came out of the grave. We don't know. Maybe they had been dead a thousand years. Maybe they're walking around Jerusalem going, I don't remember that store.
Starting point is 01:53:20 My computer is hiccuping again, Doc. I thought we had dealt with this. Okay. So they're walking around the city. Some of them may have been dead a thousand years or more. We have no idea. We don't know their names. Don't know anything about them
Starting point is 01:53:47 but Jesus knew them and Jesus resurrected them and Jesus had decided before the foundation of the world who would be resurrected after his resurrection so their resurrection was the main purpose
Starting point is 01:54:12 was to be a testimony to Jesus's power over death and his role as the first fruits of those who rise from the dead. As Doc said, they were not the first fruits. Christ is the first fruits. But Christ immediately said, hey, I'm going to show you an example. Here's some people. This is what it's like to come out of the dead. These people came out of the graves. They're walking around.
Starting point is 01:54:51 So, Doc, I have to believe that they were fully restored, body and soul. I do, too. Well, that means they were given a... Were they given a resurrection body? I would think if that's the case, they'd still be alive today, wouldn't they? Then they're still alive. Then it means he took them to heaven. If he just gave them a new physical body, they had to die again. Right.
Starting point is 01:55:17 Well, did that happen to Lazarus? Yes, but, well, I guess he had started rotting, wasn't he? He was stinking. Yea, Lord, he stinketh. Stinking didn't stop Jesus. So they walked around in the holy city. And, you know, who knows if anybody recognized him
Starting point is 01:55:47 but apparently I mean doc Matthew apparently people knew hey these are the people that came out of the graves and appeared to many that's why a lot of commentators would rather just say this is just a made-up story because none of the other gospels talk about it or anything but i absolutely believe it happened i don't understand all the uh the uh theological implications of but i know that it happened and
Starting point is 01:56:19 it gives us a picture of what is going to happen at the end of the age on that final day where we all every one of us are going to be ripped up out of the out of our grave we're not staying there we're not staying on the ocean floor we're not staying under six feet of dirt a concrete vault isn't going to hold us we're going to have new bodies eternal bodies and live forever and that is the that is the only lesson that we can get from verse 53 that's it and if we add a good it where we add theological strings that we that we bind ourselves with they were a preview of a great resurrection on the final day. That's right.
Starting point is 01:57:06 Verse 54, now when the centurion and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake and those things that were done, they greatly feared, saying, truly, this was the Son of God. Yeah, I would guess so. At this point, you're finally realizing the sky's turned dark. There's been an earthquake. The rocks have been split in half. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:32 This isn't an ordinary person that you just crucified. Right. So, you know, you get a centurion, a Roman centurion with a pagan background and he's recognizing oh we just did something we probably should not have done they were at least a group of people
Starting point is 01:58:01 were aware this one centurion we know was aware yes the Jewish leaders a group of people were aware. This one centurion we know was aware. Yes. The Jewish leaders would not recognize the divinity of Christ. But a Gentile would.
Starting point is 01:58:19 A Gentile. And in Mark, his words are truly this man was the son of God. In Luke, the man of God. Right. In Luke, the man said, a righteous man. He said all of it. It's just the different Matthew, Luke, Mark, they recorded different words he said.
Starting point is 01:58:42 He said all of it. Truly this was the son of God, a righteous man. So obviously, the centurion and probably some other soldiers around him were filled with fear at this moment. And realizing that something extraordinary had just happened, that there was divine wrath happening around them. The sky was dark. The ground was shaking.
Starting point is 01:59:12 Yes, rocks were being... Rocks are falling down. They had never seen anything like it. You've got a pagan Roman soldier saying what the Jewish religious leaders would not say. Truly this is the Son of God. You've got to think of it too, Rick, that these centurions and the centurion and his men, they'd seen crucifixions before. Who knows how many they'd seen in their lifetime?
Starting point is 01:59:50 Maybe hundreds, who knows? But there was something different about this one. Something startling different about this one that got their attention. You know, criminals on the cross probably were cussing, swearing, using vulgar language as they were in pain. And this man was calm and graceful and prayed to his Father in heaven.
Starting point is 02:00:23 Just his mannerism on the cross was different. Verse 55, and many women were there beholding a far off which followed Jesus from Galilee, ministering unto him. Notice the women were there not the men that's a very important observation the women who were part of jesus's ministry were there. The men were not there. The men were afraid. They fled in fear.
Starting point is 02:01:14 The women went to the cross. Now they were far off because they're the weaker sex. They stood back. Nobody to protect them. But they had enough courage to go to the cross. The men didn't go. So even though they stood afar off, they were still courageous. They were still loyal.
Starting point is 02:01:42 They stayed with Jesus throughout his suffering. They had followed Jesus from Galilee, which means they had a long relationship with him that extended to the beginning of his ministry. So they were with him from the beginning
Starting point is 02:02:03 to the beginning of his ministry. So they were with him from the beginning to the end. Again, the women's presence is a stark contrast to the male disciples. They're the ones who said, I'll never leave you, Jesus. I'm with you all the time but they didn't follow through on their words so they were constant they were loyal and they were present as the main thing they were present that's the main thing they were present um we wouldn't have we wouldn't have christianity spreading around the world for 2 000 years if women were not still present in the church. Yes. They are the glue that holds it together
Starting point is 02:03:08 because of their constant presence. They became the first witnesses to his resurrection. So we know that Mary Magdalene was there. Mary, the mother of James and Joseph, and Salome was there. John 19, verse 25, mentions Mary, the mother of Jesus. Right.
Starting point is 02:03:50 Although some scholars question whether she was there, but it's in John 19, 25. Right. You know, I... I like to say this about Mary. Because Mary has this amazing testimony that she was the only human. Think about this. Mary was the only human who held Jesus in her arms as a baby and held him in her arms as a man.
Starting point is 02:04:37 When he was taken down from the cross, Mary was there to receive the body. At his birth and at his death. The mother, the mother was there to receive the body. At his birth and at his death. The mother. The mother was there. The mother who held this bleeding man, this God man, who held him when they took him down off the cross. That was the mother who held him when he was a baby in Bethlehem. Don't ever say anything bad about Mary. That's his mama. Don't ever say anything bad about Mary. That's a good way to get yourself in trouble with the Lord. That's his mama. I don't believe
Starting point is 02:05:25 that I don't believe the Roman Catholic viewpoint of Mary but Mary is alive and well right now she is still his mama she's not interceding for us she's not between earth and heaven
Starting point is 02:05:44 taking messages to Jesus or anything like that. No, she's a saint, just like every other saint that is with Christ. She's not a redemptress. She's not. But she's his mother. That's the point I want you to understand.
Starting point is 02:06:00 At this very moment, she is still mom. Can you believe that jesus calls mary mom mama today he's calling her mama she will always be mama that that role is never going to disappear. That's why she is to be respected above all women. That's what the angel said. You're blessed above all women. You're blessed of all women.
Starting point is 02:06:41 So Jesus still respects her she's still his mama and she held him as a baby she held him at the cross one more verse verse 56 among them was Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Joseph
Starting point is 02:07:04 and the mother of Zebedee's children. I just mentioned that. Mary Magdalene from the Sea of Galilee. She's a key figure throughout the gospel. This is the Mary who Jesus delivered from demonic possession. It's Mark 16, verse 9, Luke 8, 2. But she was deeply devoted to him. After he delivered her from the demons, she never left him.
Starting point is 02:07:41 And she's there at the cross. That's the man who set me free from the devil yes i i don't know what they were thinking at the time how can this be this is the man that had power of the devil how could he be up there in the cross what's going on we we knew he's the son of god we saw him do great things how could he be on the cross their little human minds could not comprehend the great plan but this is the woman who stood by him and then became a powerful witness to his resurrection. Yes.
Starting point is 02:08:33 I think a lot of people get her confused with Mary of Bethany. Right. There's a lot of Marys in the New Testament. And it's easy to get them confused. And the Bible tells us in Mark 16, 9, that Mary Magdalene was the first person to see Jesus after the resurrection. Yes. Her sons were James and Joseph.
Starting point is 02:09:18 I don't know if I can correctly describe her accurate relationship to Mary, the mother of Jesus. There's a lot of debate about it. Salome was there, the mother of Jesus. There's a lot of debate about it. Salome was there, the mother of James and John. Remember, this is the mother that requested high positions in Jesus's cabinet for her sons. Yes. Okay, she messed up, but she was there to cross wasn't she right so you can mess up you can make mistakes but he the bottom line is at the end of
Starting point is 02:09:52 the day are you with Christ yes she made a mistake she asked the wrong question she she allowed her Jewish motherness to get out of control. She wanted her two boys to have the best positions. Okay. But she's there to cross. Her boys aren't. Her two sons that were going to be in the cabinet, they're not there, are they? You know who should be in the cabinet? Mama. She showed up at the cross. So they remained at the cross. They went to the cross.
Starting point is 02:10:39 They remained at the cross while the men fled. That's the main thing to see in this message. Doesn't say much for us guys, does it? Guys talk big, but when it comes down to it, many of them flee. And that's what I'm going to do right now, Doc. I'm going to flee this Bible study and go to work on true news. All right, folks.
Starting point is 02:11:06 And we appreciate you and your patience today. You faithful folks, 300 people hanging out with us with all the different things that happened today. God bless you. They actually witnessed a demonic attack
Starting point is 02:11:22 on this Bible class. But if you're listening on the replay, just know that it was a hurdle to get to where we are today, but that God is still on the throne. So praise God. Well, we appreciate you joining us here on a Tuesday edition of Morning Manna. And you can always listen to repeats of Morning Manna on, so
Starting point is 02:11:47 we encourage you to do that if you're listening on one of the various social media platforms. Come on over to and join us usually at 8 a.m. every weekday morning, sometimes later, like today, and so but you can always listen to the repeats
Starting point is 02:12:04 of any of our Bible studies anytime by going to faith and values comm and just searching for the morning manna corner on the platform any final words today Rick before we sign off no people are wondering what happened all I can tell you is two different laptops went into epileptic fits praise god and just a reminder as rick asked yesterday we'd love to get your feedback on if morning manna has been a blessing in your life how it has impacted your life and we'd just like to know if you'd like to send us a message the easiest way to do that is if you see my icon anywhere on the Faith and Values platform,
Starting point is 02:12:47 is just click on that and just open up chat and just send me a message. And that's the easiest way to do it right there. So I encourage you to do that. Doc, people are asking, true news at 3 p.m. Eastern today. That's right. True news, new time. So all right, folks.m. Eastern today. That's right. True news, new time. So, all right, folks. Okay.
Starting point is 02:13:07 So, see, just problems like this, what we encounter today, puts tremendous pressure on us to do true news at 12 noon. Right. There is no time between Morning Manor and true news to hang out and get a cup of coffee
Starting point is 02:13:23 and sit around and talk. There is no time. It is crunch time. We are working, working, working, working. And yesterday I realized, you know, we don't have to do this at 12 o'clock. We're not on radio anymore. We had two or three people out sick yesterday, a key person out today. It was just a lot of pressure we didn't need. And we've been talking internally for about a month going to 3 p.m. And yesterday I said,
Starting point is 02:13:54 you know what? We're going to do it. This is it. This made up my mind for me. So anyhow, we'll be doing three o'clock. Thank you. Tomorrow's Wednesday. Join us for Morning Man at 8 a.m. Eastern Time on Don't miss it or all the drama that Satan tries to create in doing this every day. And remember why he was upset. We were talking about his humiliation at the cross. Amen. He is a loser and do not allow him to intimidate you steal from you hinder you he is a loser he has no authority over your life you have authority over him praise god
Starting point is 02:14:39 glory to god i gotta find somebody who's got a demon to cast out. I'm right now in that mood, okay? I feel like going outside and walking up and down the street and just finding a demon-possessed person. That's where I'm at right now. Praise God. All right, folks. Wednesday is the next edition of
Starting point is 02:14:59 Morning Manor. Come and join us. God bless you. We love you very, very much. Keep living for jesus amen

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