TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - 37 Years After 1984 Tucker Carlson Discovers Big Brother is Real

Episode Date: June 29, 2021

Today on TruNews, host Edward Szall and the team examines the comments by Tucker Carlson who finally has realized that the NSA is spying on him. Eco-terrorists get a free pass at protesting at the Wh...ite House, with no insurrection accusations. A Canadian doctor is dismissed from his position after standing up for children and the abuse by the government of vaccines. Finally, a man NOT wearing a mask into a bank gets shot. Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Doc Burkhart. Airdate (6/29/21) Episode 6

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit www, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll. 200,000 Indian soldiers have been deployed and placed on comet alert on China's border. 37 years after 1984, Tucker Carlson has discovered that Big Brother is real and he's reading his text messages on behalf of President Biden. And the Delta strain is killing pilots around the world. Or is it the vaccine? All this and more on today's Godcast. But first, here is Kerry Kenzie with today's True News Headlines. Welcome to True News Headlines.
Starting point is 00:01:12 I'm Kerry Kinsey. The New York Post says Senator Tom Cotton wants U.S. Olympic track and field athlete Gwen Berry to be kicked off the squad. The last Saturday at the Olympic trials in Oregon, Berry turned away from the U.S. flag while the national anthem played. She also covered her head with her T-shirt that read, Activist Athlete. I want to ask you about the Olympic hammer thrower.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Gwen Berry turned her back on the anthem. She only placed third in the hammer throw, so I don't know if she was bitter, but she actually took a lot of positive attention away from the other two Americans who placed first and second and destroyed all the chemistry that they had in the track and field female locker room, in my opinion. How do you see it? Yeah, I agree, Jesse. You know, I don't think it's too much when athletes are competing to wear the stars and stripes, to compete under the stars and stripes
Starting point is 00:02:10 in the Olympics for them to simply honor that flag and our anthem on the medal stand. If Miss Berry is so embarrassed by America, then there's no reason she needs to compete for our country. Exactly. She should be removed from the Olympic team. Of course, the White House is in Ms. Berry's corner that according to The New York Post, here's Jen Psaki. I haven't spoken to the president specifically about this, but I know he's incredibly proud to be an American and has great respect for the anthem and all that it represents, especially for our men and women serving in uniform all around the world. He would also say, of course, that part of that pride in our country means recognizing there are
Starting point is 00:02:56 moments where we are as a country haven't lived up to our highest ideals. And it means respecting the right of people granted to them in the Constitution to peacefully protest. Now, of the national anthem being played, Barry said it was real disrespectful. They said they were going to play it before we walked out. Then they played it when we are out there. She says she's representing those who died due to systemic racism. Barry said, I didn't really want to be up there. It was a setup. It was hot out there. I was ready to take my pictures and get into some shade. For information on this story and more, visit our companion website.
Starting point is 00:03:35 It's called That's a look at True News Headlines. Now, let's get back to the Godcast. Here's Rick, Edward, and Doc. Thank you, Kerry. Welcome to the God cast, Rick and Doc. She's embarrassed to be on the U.S. Olympic team. On the Olympics team, receiving a medal while they're playing the national anthem of the country that sent her. She wants to represent America, but at the same time, she's
Starting point is 00:04:02 ashamed of America. Did I get that right? Who made it possible for her to go to the Olympics? America. And was she aware when she started years ago training for the Olympics that they played the national anthem? Oh, certainly. They probably played it at other events along the way. Look, it's another gaslighting by the way. Look, it's another gaslighting by the left. What you've got to understand is the left is deliberately gaslighting the American people. They're doing things so outrageous, shocking.
Starting point is 00:04:39 They want you shocked, angry, stunned. Like, you don't know what to do. I can't believe somebody's that ignorant and disrespectful to the flag. Look, it's gaslighting. Everything the left is doing is to destroy anything that's good. Yes. The old America. They're destroying the old America.
Starting point is 00:05:05 Everything that they're doing. Just look around. Look at their tactics. What Biden and Harris are doing at the border. It's not a crisis. It's a deliberate policy. Yes. It can be stopped anytime. Anything you look at, what the left is doing, it is to destroy anything that's good in this country.
Starting point is 00:05:34 Now, if you want to be upset, you should be upset at the complacency of the American people who are letting them do it. That's what should make you upset. The complacency of the public to just stand by and watch the country be dismantled. Now that gets me upset. It's not the left destroying the country. It's the right doing nothing. That's what upsets me.
Starting point is 00:06:04 The laziness and apathy. Yes, yes. The public is so drugged through pharmaceuticals, dumbed down through public education, mesmerized by entertainment, their heads filled with propaganda from the news media, that they just sit there and do nothing. I mean, they don't agree with it, but they don't do anything. And they keep watching. I mean, look at what's happening with the NFL.
Starting point is 00:06:39 I'm not a huge sports fan, but I've caught the story. They're now saying the NFL is gay. The NFL is transsexual. There's come out a new ad to promote this new national football league. And how many Americans, right-wing Americans, patriots, Christians, will still watch this propaganda? And we have General Marxist Milley, who's openly telling us he reads writings of Mao Zedong and Karl Marx. And he's sitting in the highest position in the U.S. military and he's introducing Marxist doctrine into the military.
Starting point is 00:07:11 He's purging the military ranks of patriotic American men who believe in traditional values. And and he's introducing drag queen entertainment shows on military bases. Yes. And nothing happens. There's no reaction. Right. And he served under President Trump and did the same things. Yes. So you have to ask the question, does it really change? And so but so don't don't let that don't let the left make you angry. Get you give you indigestion. It's part of their tactics.
Starting point is 00:07:49 There's only two things that will stop it. Number one is, well, I'll say three things. Number one is true repentance in the land. Yes. Where the people who know right and wrong truly fall on their face before God and cry out for mercy and forgiveness of the land, of the nation. That's the number one. Number two is we just continue to go down the hill until we collapse as a nation. We get conquered as a nation. There's a calamity. It's a clear and bold.
Starting point is 00:08:29 Yeah. That in the country. It is Marxism. We have Marxism that has penetrated every fiber of this country. There's nothing left. Even the military has been infiltrated by Marxists. There's nothing left that they have not taken over. I don't know. I don't know which one it's going to be. But those are your three choices. And I mean, only God knows where this is going. But it's not good if it's any of the other options other than number one.
Starting point is 00:09:32 Number one is true repentance in the land. And we ask God to intervene and change the direction of the country. But even, Doc, the churches aren't repentant. The Christian, the pastors aren't repentant. The Christian, the pastors aren't repentant. The seminaries have been subverted by communism, Rick. All the major seminaries have. That's why you hear within the church all the talk about critical race theory and everything. That is just nothing but communist propaganda.
Starting point is 00:10:00 And of course, it's infiltrated the seminaries. That was a decade ago. And now the Southern Baptist Convention just had their big, you know, convention. Yes. Elected a new leader. But one of the big issues that they dealt with at the latest SBC convention was critical race theory. That's right. The president, the one they just elected, he endorses it. Yes.
Starting point is 00:10:22 Really? He's a woke president now. Of the SBC? Yes. Yes. That's how the Southern Baptist, Rick, that endorses it. Yes. Really? He's a woke president now. Of the SBC? Yes. That's how the Southern Baptist, Rick, that's how far we've gone. And so, but you know what? God is still giving an opportunity. We're still breathing.
Starting point is 00:10:35 We're still walking around. But just because we're breathing and walking around doesn't mean God is pleased with it. And so we still have an opportunity to repent. And the kingdom of God does not depend on the existence of the United States of America. Absolutely. It's a hard lesson. That's doctrine right there. You go back through thousands of years.
Starting point is 00:10:54 There are countries, kingdoms, empires that were great. And we don't even know their names. Don't even know that they existed. And yet they had great military power and economic power. And they ruled the world. And they're gone. What happened? Because God takes his hand and he moves them off the game board.
Starting point is 00:11:21 He goes, you're done. You're finished. And they just fall off the game board. And they go you're done. You're finished. And they just fall off the game board. And they go into the trash can of history. And that's where America is at right now. God's hand is right here. And he's waiting on the church. Are you going to repent? Are you going to cry out? Are you going to do anything? He's waiting and he's waiting. And at some point, he's just going to wipe his hand across the United States of America. And we're going to go into the trash can of history. And the world is going to go on. Yes. Life's going to go on. They'll still be buying and selling and trading and doing all that.
Starting point is 00:12:01 There'll be another group of people living here, another government, another empire on the land. But America will be gone and the world will go on. It will continue to exist without America. But Americans are so cocky and arrogant and proud, they can't even fathom the idea of a world without the United States of America just like all the other cocky arrogant empires so that's where we're at right now um I've decided a long time ago the left is not going to cause me to have indigestion and heartburn and high blood pressure. You know, I got their game. I know what they're doing.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Communists deliberately destroy that which is good. They attack art. They attack music. They attack education, literature, religion. They attack anything that's good, that makes life worth living. They attack education, literature, religion. They attack anything that's good, that makes life worth living. They attack it. They defile it. They pull it down, destroy it. They replace it with trash.
Starting point is 00:13:16 That's what the left does. And so we're looking at our... American people are just looking at this, and they've been watching it happen for years, and they can't figure it out. They just can't figure it out. You know, in the mornings I listen to Maria Barbaroma in the mornings. She's about the only one left on any of the Fox stations, Fox Business. I don't even listen to Fox News anymore,
Starting point is 00:13:47 but I do listen to Fox Business in the morning when I'm driving. But I hear Maria. I love her. She's great. She's got guts. Yeah, I love her. She's great. They're going to get rid of her
Starting point is 00:13:57 because Fox is shutting down the Fox Business Network. That's the way to get rid of everybody, to shut it down. But from time to time, you know, she has guests, senators, congressmen, professors and everything. And they're talking about these topics. OK. And it's always a senator saying, well, you know, it just doesn't make sense why the Biden administration is ignoring the crisis on the border. Why doesn't it make sense? They created it. They created the crisis on the border.
Starting point is 00:14:32 What's wrong with you Republicans? Why can't you see it? Why can't you say it? Why can't you confront a Marxist revolution? Or, you know, they'll talk about critical race theory. Well, this is the most, you know, outrageous, stupid thing that's, you know, they're just upsetting people. No, it's Marxism. Yes, right out of the Marxist playbook. It's Marxism.
Starting point is 00:15:00 In Russia, they used economic class to divide the people. They divided the people by their economic status. In America, the Marxists are dividing us by race. Yes, and effectiveness. Throughout my lifetime, I've watched the American people, the goodness of their heart, I've watched the American people steadily remove racism and discrimination. Right. Naturally. I've seen it in my lifetime.
Starting point is 00:15:37 Just that Olympic story there. And the left is coming back saying every white person is a racist. They say systematic. It means the entire system. What do you have to do then? Destroy the system. But the thing here, there wouldn't be an African-American who's being sent to the Olympics as part of the field and track team
Starting point is 00:15:58 if we had a systemic racist country. Precisely. It's ridiculous. So what I'm saying is, I hear these politicians and commentators on television news networks and radio and they're like, I don't understand
Starting point is 00:16:14 why these people are difficult to reason with. And if they just use some comment, they're Marxists. Right. You know why they won't address it. The very commentators and the very politicians that are being brought on. They've got their own spiritual issues. Yes. I mean, just Jesse Waters, for example, had a clip in there. Jesse Waters left his wife and kid to marry his producer. That happened.
Starting point is 00:16:36 That was only a couple of years ago. Now, we don't even know the scandals that some of these politicians have hiding. But we can go on the past, all the other disgusting sex scandals, sex with kids, money laundering. The fact of the matter is, is these very commentators are not spiritually ready to address what's happening. The political right in America is not righteous. Yes. The political right in America is not righteous. It is vile. If you get beyond the TV coverage and the media, the veneer of media celebrities and everything, you find out that these people live vile, disgusting lives. They're not righteous people. They're not living for god they're not living a christian life so they get the country that you get when you go that direction but they get the christians voting for them right who's at fault the christians for not being discerning and not really investigating um you know and the political right in america you know, not only are they not righteous,
Starting point is 00:17:48 but they actually gain power by being in opposition to the things of the left. OK, so they can criticize the border. They can say all sorts of things about the border. What did they do about the border for four years? They built a wall with holes. I remember George W. Bush talking about the border. I remember Ronald Reagan talking about the border. That's right. And so we've all been talking about the border. And what has, tell me one thing that's happened.
Starting point is 00:18:17 We've got a piece of the wall. More illegals have come across the border. That's all. Because that is the official policy of the ruling class of America. Yes. Yes. On both sides. Yes.
Starting point is 00:18:31 It's great for sex trafficking, great for cheap labor. But there's something even greater. What they're doing. They are dismantling the original America. That's the purpose of it, to change the face of the national population. Why? Because the original America was a European Christian population. Right.
Starting point is 00:19:07 That's what they have to break up. That's what they've been breaking up. In a lot of ways, you mentioned why the elite hate Russia, turning back to Christ. A lot of ways, the average American came to this country, they'd revolted from the European system of control, of religion, of doctrines, of military control, and draconian systems. They'd revolted from the European system of control of religion, of doctrines, of military control and draconian systems. They were rebels too. They threw off the shackles
Starting point is 00:19:31 of the very same evil that you could say the Russians threw off when they finally overturned communism. You know, one other thing about the Russians too, we've been wondering, why do they hate Russia so much? Is it still tends to be a contiguous culture. Yes. Okay. It's amazing. Russia has actually 12 different time zones. Think about that, 12 different time zones,
Starting point is 00:19:53 and yet they manage a nation that identifies itself as Russia. And I know there's diverse populations within Russia, of course, but you're still Russian. And the overwhelming majority of the Russian Christians belong to the Russian Orthodox Church. Right. So there's harmony and continuity throughout the nation in terms of its religious practice. They don't have 10,000 denominations.
Starting point is 00:20:26 They don't have cults. Several years ago, I guess it was under President Trump, the State Department branded the Russian government as anti-religious. They put them on the State Department list of bad countries for religion. Well, what did the Russians do? They kicked out the Mormons and the Jehovah Witnesses. And they said, these are cults, and we don't want them in our country. What are we right to do? They're not Christians. Mormons are not Christians, and Jehovah Witnesses are not Christians. Both organizations created by Freemasons. That's right.
Starting point is 00:20:59 Yes. Okay? And the Russian Orthodox Church went to Vladimir Putin and said, the Americans are infiltrating. The American Freemasons were sending Freemason cults to Russia to weaken the Russian society. Yes. To destabilize it over time. This is how they do it. And so the Orthodox Church went to the Russian
Starting point is 00:21:28 political leadership and said, we've got to get these American cults out of here. We're a Christian nation. And so Russia gets branded as anti-religious when actually they're very religious
Starting point is 00:21:43 and they will defend their Christianity. And that's at the heart of the Crimea issue, too. That's what it's all about with Crimea. It is a spiritual fight. Hey, we're going to get back to Fox News in just a minute here, but there's some stuff going on in India that our True News audience needs to know about. Yes. So there's been an ongoing conflict for the last year in the Himalayas,
Starting point is 00:22:12 this Kashmir region of India. They share a border with China. Both sides, China and India, have placed permanent detachments of soldiers on the border. Now, we didn't know that the numbers were as high as they are until we started reading the Indian press yesterday. But according to the Times of India, an additional 50,000 soldiers have been deployed to the Chinese border. And you start to get in this article. Additional 50,000. Additional. So what's the 50,000 joining? Another 150,000. It's a 200,000 man army that is sitting on the border with jets, artillery, tanks, waiting for an order. Staring at China.
Starting point is 00:22:51 Yes, who also has, we don't know the numbers, but you can't think for a second the Chinese haven't matched what the Indians have deployed. And what they have admitted to is building runways, bunkers, setting up artillery. There were laser attacks last year from the Chinese against the Indians. I think what we're going to see here, Rick, as we noted, I believe, on a program last week, this is as hot of a war zone as the Black Sea, as the standoff in the South China Sea between the United States and China. This is a big deal. They're both nuclear-armed nations. Yes. Both countries with nuclear warheads.
Starting point is 00:23:30 I'm going to assume that the West is encouraging this tension for the benefit of irritating Beijing to make the communist war planners and the communist political leaders know, you may be fighting multiple wars. You may be fighting in Taiwan, in India. South China Sea. South China Sea. South China Sea and the United States of America all at the same time, and the Koreas. You may be fighting multiple wars at the same time. That's what I think the message is, that India has been encouraged, put the troops there,
Starting point is 00:24:24 and agitate Beijing. Another thing they've been doing too, Rick, is the Indian Navy has been riding side saddle on the shipping lanes in the Southeast Oceans down there, where all the Chinese freighters and cargo ships and everything. So they'll ride along outside of the sea lanes as these freighters from China are moving through that part of the world and everything.
Starting point is 00:24:48 So it's another one of those signals of the presence, hey, India is here and everything. But really, as you said, that would just open up an entire global conflict. Throw Crimea in there, too, with the Russians. So when Iran in there, I mean, then suddenly you've got a full-blown global war. That's right. You mentioned South Korea, the Koreas being a front. The Indians are actually currently in a naval drill with the South Koreans. They've deployed a corvette.
Starting point is 00:25:18 The South Koreans have sent a frigate. And both these two are basically trying to figure out what would happen if war broke out. How would South Korea be able to help India? I mean, could you ever imagine South Korea allying with India? I've never read stories of them having close relations But this conflict has brought him close and I have to imagine you're correct that the United States is the connective tissue Also, I know we don't have anything to show our audience, but in the past couple days, North Korean newspapers have been talking about-
Starting point is 00:25:49 The emancipated look. Yes. How much weight, how thin Kim Jong-un is looking. Well, he's probably not on a keto diet. He's probably on a starvation diet. Yeah, the bark, the tree bark diet. The other possibility is that some have suggested that he may have suffered COVID. And as a result, weight loss.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Of course, you experienced some of that yourself when you were going through your trial. Well, the third possibility, his sister's getting ready to kill him. She is definitely being primed to take over, isn't she? Well, she publicly contradicted him only two weeks ago. That's no small thing. Remember, he's presented as a god, right? He's a god-like leader in the country. His sister's
Starting point is 00:26:40 not. It's from the family, but she's not supposed to ever inherit power. They're an incredibly, I would say, very pro-man kind of culture there, too. They don't see women as going to take office. But she's in charge of intelligence. She's in charge of the secret security. She has a lot of power. And again, you have to wonder, if she's a pick for the generals, do they decide they want to go with her? You maybe could see a coup in that country. Maybe that's the destabilization you would see on China's border. You know, is the North Korean media telling us in advance, look at Kim Jong-un.
Starting point is 00:27:12 He's wasting away. He doesn't look healthy. Oh, my. He died. I could see that because it's very unusual for them to confirm it, to confirm that there's something wrong. Yeah, because they don't like to show weakness at all. Not at all. Okay, let's talk about Tucker Carlson and the NSA. Yes, so last night, Tucker Carlson revealed to the world that he has a source in senior
Starting point is 00:27:41 level government that was able to read back to him his text messages, details about a story that he was going to cover on his show they've been investigating, details that only someone who has Tucker Carlson's phone or is Tucker Carlson himself would be able to recall. Now, he says his source said the NSA, on behalf of the Biden administration, is spying on him, spying on him to dig up dirt, to take his show off the air. And look, I like Tucker, but is he just discovering that the government is spying on the American people? Isn't he kind of late at discovering this information? We've only been talking about it here for what, 20 years?
Starting point is 00:28:26 22 years. I remember the day at least 20 years ago walking into my office in Texas and I heard the Holy Spirit say, everything you say in here is recorded. I just had an awareness. That was 20 years ago. I knew that they had, the feds had, you know, entered our office building and planted listening devices. I hope I'm the most boring person that they have to monitor. And I've said this many times on the phone.
Starting point is 00:29:08 It's like, you don't have to record my phone calls. If I have any really mind-blowing hot information, the longest you'll have to wait is 24 hours. I'll blab my mouth the next day on True News. Save the government money. You know, I don't have anything that I'm keeping back. Everything I know, I tell it. My phone calls are boring.
Starting point is 00:29:36 My life is boring. I wouldn't say that. You have an interesting life, but you're right. I have an interesting life, but my life, I read my Bible. I walk my dog. You know, the agents have probably my dog. I sit with my wife and talk. I mean, I don't have any secret lives, you know? We don't live secret lives. Yeah. So, you know, for Tucker Carlson, if he truly, sincerely is just realizing that the government is spying on him, then he's been very naive. I mean, we're 37 years past 1984. People keep, you know, it always cracks me up.
Starting point is 00:30:14 People say, you know, this sounds like 1984. I think we're getting closer to 1984. We passed 1984. Big Brother is real. That was the year it was supposed to happen. Yes. By the way, you know, 1984 was written by a communist. That's right.
Starting point is 00:30:29 And it was the anti-communists who were coming after the main character. Yes. That was the purpose of 1984. I was pretty shocked when I found that out. I think you told me that. That's right. So somebody that Tucker knows read his email, his text messages to him. Yes.
Starting point is 00:30:50 He said, how are you able to do this? He said, there is a government operation underway right now. I have knowledge of it. This is the documents from the operation. And they're going to try to intimidate you. They're trying to push you in a manner. And I think maybe this was more intimidation than it was a spying operation
Starting point is 00:31:07 because, Tucker, if the NSA has been watching you, they've seen anything they can use as dirt. Maybe you have been living in a transparent life. This is more of intimidation. Maybe in the same manner that those anti-funk, Black Lives Matter came to your house, knocked down the door. They're gaslighting him.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Gaslighting him. You might want to keep your mouth shut. But that's what he said. And Rick, it was shocking at least to some people in the conservative movement who are still living in a reality that we're in our grandfather's America. What did the FBI and the CIA do to Donald Trump for four, actually five years? They started in the campaign. Taxpayer funded. You had FBI agent, you had FBI informants that infiltrated the Trump campaign. Right.
Starting point is 00:31:51 You had FBI agents that planted evidence, lied, gave false information to the secret court. Oh, and on that, Rick, the lawyer for that just caught this last night. He is going to be able to practice law in two months from now. Oh, the guy they gave the pass. They cut a deal with him. The D.C. bar cut a deal with him and said, you know, we think you did something wrong, but you didn't have any moral trepidation about it. You didn't mean to cause him.
Starting point is 00:32:18 They'll disbar Rudy Giuliani. Yes, they'll disbar Rudy. The election was rigged. Well, speaking of Tucker and everything, here's the interchange from Tucker Carlson's show where he's talking to the supposed whistleblower that says the NSA is, surprise, spying on you. But it's not just political protesters the government is spying on. Yesterday we heard from a whistleblower within the U.S. government who reached out to warn us that the NSA, the National Security Agency, is monitoring our electronic communications and is planning to leak them in an attempt to take the show off the air.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Now, that's a shocking claim, and ordinarily we'd be skeptical of it. It's illegal for the NSA to spy on American citizens. It's a crime. It's not a third world country. Things like that should not happen in America. But unfortunately, they do happen. And in this case, they did happen. The whistleblower, who is in a position to know, repeated back to us information about a story that we are working on that could have only come directly from my texts and emails. There's no other possible source for that information, period. The NSA captured that information without our knowledge and did it for political reasons. The Biden administration is spying on us. We have confirmed that. This morning, we filed a FOIA request, a Freedom of Information
Starting point is 00:33:38 Act request, asking for all information that the NSA and other agencies have gathered about this show. We did it mostly as a formality. We've also contacted the press office at both NSA and the FBI. We don't expect to hear much back. That's the way that usually goes. Only Congress can force transparency on the intelligence agencies, and they should do that immediately. Spying on opposition journalists is incompatible with democracy.
Starting point is 00:34:05 If they are doing it to us, and again, they are definitely doing it to us, they are almost certainly doing it to others. This is scary, and we need to stop it right away. There's a law against the doctor. It's illegal, I say. The Constitution. They don't care about any of these rules and laws. There's no Constitution anymore. There's no rules of law. There's no Constitution anymore.
Starting point is 00:34:26 There's no rule of law. There's no justice. The country was overthrown. And we sent a sternly worded email to the press offices of NSA and FBI. And we're going to get the House Intelligence Committee under Adam Schiff and Speaker Pelosi to look into this and investigate. The same Adam Schiff that lied, entered false testimony into the House records against Donald Trump. And he's still there.
Starting point is 00:35:02 The same House Intelligence Committee that has a member on the committee who had a romantic relationship with a female Chinese spy. That's the House Intelligence Committee. It's going to investigate it. Wow. I like to pose a possibility here on the Tucker Carlson situation. Do you think it was a whistleblower or do you think it was the NSA itself that contacted Tucker Carlson and said it would have to be if it's a whistleblower it has to be somebody in the NSA who has knowledge of it and likes Tucker well what I'm suggesting are you suggesting that they intentionally did it saying hey I'm a whistleblower but freaked him. Well, I wouldn't put it past him to do that, too.
Starting point is 00:35:46 I mean... That would be gaslighting. It's gaslighting. It's shut your mouth, stop. I mean, where did Tucker's investigation of Hunter Biden go? Yeah, the thumb drive got stolen, went missing. They found it, and then you don't hear anything else about it other than that he had an existing relationship with the Biden family.
Starting point is 00:36:03 His FedEx letter was open. Yeah, that should have told you something right there. They took the thumb drive. They found the empty envelope. And then Tucker went on there and said, well, I've known Hunter Biden for years. Our family's very close. End of discussion. No more Hunter Biden on the Tucker Carlson show. Hey, I'm still upset with Tucker about Las Vegas. So you're not going to win any points with me for Tucker. Look, this has been going on for decades, for decades. So is this where Hunter once again stops the trail?
Starting point is 00:36:51 I'm just going to make a personal prediction. I think, and look, I really do like Tucker Carlson. I rag on him sometimes, but I do like him. He's like the last voice on national television who's daring to say anything. So I'm not critical of Tucker Carlson. I am kind of shocked that he, is he pretending to be this naive? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:37:20 My personal prediction is that he's made enough money at Fox News. He knows how dangerous it's become in America to tell the truth, to expose corruption. I think he will, in the near future, announce his retirement and move to another country. You don't think he'll stick around? No. Maybe try to run for political office? No, no.
Starting point is 00:37:52 No, no. I think he'll get his family out of this country. He knows it's gone. And he knows that if you speak against the corruption, you're going to be gone. That's my prediction. I think he's a smart guy, and he loves his family, and he'll do the right thing, and he'll get his wife and children out of the United States.
Starting point is 00:38:12 And he doesn't wear a double CIA pin. Right. Like other members of the Fox News team. That's my prediction. I think you might be on something, Rick. We're far more gone as a nation than most conservatives want to admit. They still think we're going to win the next election. Even though the last one was rigged, they won't rig the next one because it's illegal.
Starting point is 00:38:38 We'll win the next rigged election. It's illegal to rig the election. They won't do it the next time. There ought to be a law. Did you hear the machines can be hacked now, by the way, in Arizona? They've just passed the rule that they're not going to be able to use the Dominion machines, which are being audited, because cyber ninjas may have tampered with the machines, which would alter their way of counting votes.
Starting point is 00:38:59 So they're going to blame the company hired to do the audit for hacking the Dominion machine. Yes. They're going to have to replace the system. Now you know they were hacked. Okay. But think about it. What do they do? They blame you for doing what they did. So now you know they're hacked. That's like a bank where there's been an embezzler on the staff, blaming the auditors. For finding the money missing. For stealing the money.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Oh, boy. Like, yes, we were robbed, and you, the auditor, did it. Okay? That's what they're doing. Well, hey, I don't know about Dominion. A wonderful company. My concern is, as I said in the past, whether bad people in foreign countries hacked their machines without Dominion knowing it. Because we were told.
Starting point is 00:40:00 In 2016. We were told for four years that Russia hacked the election. Yes. That was the exact phrase. Russia hacked the election. Yes. That was the exact phrase. Yes. Russia hacked the election. At 29, I'm telling the same thing back in the right. Did anybody lose their law license for saying that Russia hacked the election?
Starting point is 00:40:18 Oh, no. There's lots of promotions. Promotions. So the Democrats spent four years telling us that bad people in other countries hacked the election. So, there's no way it could have happened in 2020 then. So, when I finally
Starting point is 00:40:33 come to the point of believing that bad people in other countries could hack the election, they then make that illegal. It's illegal to even think it. You'll lose your law license. You'll lose your career if you even say that an election could be hacked. All right, you'll be called a domestic terrorist. Those thoughts are now illegal, maybe even more so. You could actually be drone-striked by thinking about those bad people. Well, what else do we have here regarding official corruption?
Starting point is 00:41:08 Well, before he shared his revelation about the NSA, Tucker Carlson also claims that the FBI, two agents, at least two, spoke to him and confirmed to him that there were indeed informants, assets, and snitches, that was the word they used that were inside the crown and went into the Capitol building on January 6th. With hammers. With hammers. I don't know if he said hammers, but I mean, the January 6th operation was a FBI operation. It's plain and simple.
Starting point is 00:41:41 It was an FBI operation. The FBI is corrupt. It was by the grace of God. What's new? an FBI operation. The FBI is corrupt. It was by the grace of God. What's new? What are we doing? Any new news? The FBI is corrupt. We've only been talking about that once again for 20 years.
Starting point is 00:41:51 You didn't like the Russian, the Soviet KGB? You think the Russian people were shocked to be told that the KGB planted evidence? They expected it. They expected it. The KGB planted evidence. They expected it. They expected it. The KGB was here. I'm guilty. People laughed. It became a joke in the Soviet Union.
Starting point is 00:42:13 They knew the KGB was corrupt. A really good example of this, Rick, is yesterday. I didn't even know about the story because no major outlet would cover it. I'm hearing about it for the first time. There are about 500 plus left-wing eco, dare I call them terrorists, eco warriors. Do we have a, we got a soundbite of this FBI agent. Yes. This is from Tucker Carlson last night. So who is the white Osama bin Laden? Joe Biden didn't say. Neither did his attorney general, Merrick Garland, when he reiterated Biden's claim several days later. So the rest of us were left to wonder, who exactly are these domestic terrorists? We still don't know the answer, and neither do many
Starting point is 00:42:56 longtime FBI agents, as we learned this weekend when we spoke to a couple of them. Biden's claim is absurd, they told us. It's not even close to true. In recent years, there have been so few crimes committed by avowed white supremacists that the FBI strongly considered dismantling the office within the domestic terror division that investigates white supremacist groups. As the agents we spoke to put it, the number of cases the program manager had didn't justify his position. There was nothing for him to do. For decades, by contrast, the greatest domestic terror threat has come from radical environmental groups. They commit the most crimes. Look it up. White supremacists, meanwhile, are at the bottom of that list, and federal statistics prove it. Americans are, in fact, much more likely to die
Starting point is 00:43:40 from a lightning strike than at the hands of a white supremacist. White supremacy may be ugly, many opinions are, but it is not a meaningful threat to the nation and claiming otherwise is a lie. So why does the Biden administration persist in telling that lie? Well, it's a racial attack, obviously. It's waged for partisan political purposes. You tell black voters that Republicans are the KKK and maybe they will keep voting for you. That's the idea. It's certainly easier than fixing Chicago or raising test scores, which they should be doing. But there's also a deeper significance. The Biden administration is signaling a very real change to actual federal policy. The war on terror, now ongoing for 20
Starting point is 00:44:21 years, has pivoted in its aims. The war on terror is now being waged against American citizens, opponents of the regime. We saw this on display on January 6th. We told you a couple of weeks ago, based on language and publicly available indictments, that the FBI clearly had foreknowledge of the riot at the Capitol that day. And the agents we spoke to this weekend confirmed that is true. Quote, the FBI had sources in that crowd, confidential sources, snitches. That's 100% certain. And what's new? That there's an operation in the open and we have no resolution to it.
Starting point is 00:44:58 He did mention something there saying, you know, that the war on terror shifted to now be a war on the American people. And who was responsible? Southern Poverty Law Center and the ADL. Yes. Who is waging war on the American people? The Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center. Those are the enemies of the American people. Yet they escape scrutiny and responsibility. And he also pointed out, too, that the majority of terrorist acts that are committed in the U.S. are not done by white supremacists, not even done by Muslims. You know,
Starting point is 00:45:38 we were told for decades, it's those Muslims that are doing all those bad things. Actually, it's eco-terrorists who are causing the majority of terrorist acts in the nation right now. What are eco-terrorists? They're the kind of people that believe that we've got to eliminate the population in order to make the world a better place. Depopulation, like our land bureau management. Like Bill Gates. Yeah, like Bill Gates. And just so happens that yesterday, about 500 of these eco-friendly terrorists,
Starting point is 00:46:09 they advocate for this kind of mantra, this kind of ideology. They decided to blockade the White House. I had no idea this was going on. No news yesterday. Nothing. I look at a lot of news. There's nothing out there. Because this is an approved protest or mob in the sense here. They blocked access to it. That looks like an insurrection to me. That's nothing out there. Because this is an approved protest or mob in the sense
Starting point is 00:46:25 here. They blocked access to it. That looks like an insurrection to me. That's an insurrection. They blocked government buildings. You couldn't do business and didn't. You were sharing with me, Edward, that the Washington, D.C. police stayed out of the way. Oh, they sure did. D.C. or Capitol Police? Capitol Police. Capitol Police. And the Capitol Police are under whose jurisdiction? Schumer and Pelosi. And so how was the White House protected? Secret service. Same way it was protected when General Milley took the military away from President Trump last June.
Starting point is 00:46:58 Are you saying somebody told the Capitol Police to stand down? I'm just saying, where were the Capitol Police? Where were they? Maybe they didn't get the memo. Maybe their radios weren't working that day, Rick. I don't know. But there's no Capitol Police to be found. They had to draw out uniformed Secret Service agents
Starting point is 00:47:17 to set up blockades around the White House. Now, we have some photos of this because a couple were arrested and the Secret Service did come out and they arrested that lady right there. About six were arrested, but they were promptly released. No charges filed. They're going to be just fine. Probably going to do it again. This is one of the blockades. It is sat down and blocked. This is the back entrance to the White House area. Well, there's no news. Nothing about it. Well, in addition to that, there's no news about a pretty major revelation in the Julian Assange case.
Starting point is 00:47:56 You know, the founder of WikiLeaks that the FBI considers to be a terrorist, considered to be a threat against the country. He hasn't committed suicide yet. Not yet. And I pray he doesn't. I'm surprised. The key witness, the man whose testimony led to the first, I'd say, the major push at the moment, because he hasn't gotten an extradition order, but the push for extradition, that man has recanted his statement. He's done more than this.
Starting point is 00:48:22 He's actually said that the FBI told him to lie. Get out. Heavens to Murgatroyd. Who would have thunk that? That right there is Sigurdur Ingi Thordarson, this man from Iceland. And they call him teenager because he's... He looks boyish. He's in his 30s and he looks like a teenager.
Starting point is 00:48:39 So in the government documents, they always referred to him as teenager. Well, it's because he was trying to date teenagers. Oh, oh he actually, actually yes he has has been accused several convictions for sexual abuse of minors. That didn't solve the, they didn't sign the Wintershop's testimony. This fits a pattern. So you find somebody who's involved in in child sex, pedophilia. And either you set that person up to commit those acts or you find a person who on his own is committing those acts and then you recruit him to do a favor for the FBI.
Starting point is 00:49:18 Right. In return, you tell the FBI says, we know about your pedophilia and we could put you in prison right now. But if you will do this job for us, we won't arrest you. And so Thorderson's M.O. in this particular case was that he told the FBI that, you know, he was a close friend of Julian Assange's. OK, I knew that before. OK. All right. And so and he did work somewhat with julian assange to help raise money in fact help him enough in order to embezzle fifty thousand dollars real friend of
Starting point is 00:49:53 julian assange right right yeah it's real friend and so um the stortesen either he was set up or they caught him in it in order to leverage julianange. But now- Or the FBI sent him there. Right. And so this is where we're at right now. The case against Julian Assange's extradition here to the US was weighted on this individual's, the sexual pervert's testimony. But now he has recanted that. He said, no.
Starting point is 00:50:26 He lied. That I lied. And why did he lie? Because the DOJ offered him an immunity plea and probably paid him good money. But did the FBI tell him the lies to say? That's what Mr. Thordeson said. He said the FBI wanted him to help build their case, wanted him to strengthen their case, and he was happy to oblige. So he wouldn't go to prison for pedophilia. Right. So the FBI is in
Starting point is 00:50:54 the pedophilia business. Don't they run, doesn't the FBI run multiple child porn websites? They sure do. And they have Jeffrey Epstein's vault contents. They have his island contents. They have the evidence to put away countless elites and top clients of these pedophiles, but we never see anything. Never see any indictments. But they sure have a task force
Starting point is 00:51:18 to go after those MAGA moms, those MAGA grandmas on January 6th. In addition to this, Rick, there have been some of the silent military that have begun to speak. One man, we've shared a soundbite of him before, his name is Jeremy Brown. He's a retired Master Sergeant from the Green Berets. He's the man that last year recorded the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI showing up at his home in Tampa trying to recruit him as an infiltrator, as an asset in the Oath Keepers. So what he said now, he's got a bone to pick. You wanted to try to use me to bring down other Americans? Well, I've got something to share with you. He has said that it is likely, because of these actions, everything we've seen here on this program at least, the country will be in a war by the end of the year.
Starting point is 00:52:11 That's from his assessment as an expert. An external war or an internal war? Either. He says, internally, we have many battlefields that could lead to the war. The Marxist revolution, the push even for Antifa and these other groups that continue to riot and burn without arrest. But he also says that overseas, China, the push against Russia, Iran, there are many battlegrounds which could lead to a war.
Starting point is 00:52:41 His assessment is that is the goal of the administration and more so the deep state to divert the attention of the American public away from the many problems, physical and moral, it is to start a war. Well, I could believe that. That's what I've been saying here every day. Okay. Who's this interview? Who did he do the interview with? It's a group called the MAGA Institute. It's a new, fairly new podcast group. But what you're going to hear is you're going to hear Jeremy Brown. OK, let's listen. Ladies and gentlemen, this is what you have to look forward to.
Starting point is 00:53:15 The republic has fallen. And in my professional opinion, and I always caution to speak like this, right? Because those who know what's going on always tend to be a little bit early and therefore, you know, you can say, oh, this is going to happen and then when it doesn't happen, everybody's like, you said it was going to happen now and then a couple months later,
Starting point is 00:53:37 it actually happens and it's too late. But in my professional opinion, I do not think that we make it through this calendar year without some level of open fighting, whether that is an outside military strike from maybe the Communist Party of China or some other stage event. I mean, you see what's going on in Taiwan. You see what's going on really all over the world. You have Iran launching ships into into the blue waters. Right. You know, blue water Navy. They've never really done that before.
Starting point is 00:54:13 You have the 10 megaton explosion off the coast of Florida. But don't worry, that was just the military doing some testing, which I will tell you straight up, any military release explanation for anything, most of the time you should be suspicious of those. But there's a lot of things going on. You've got the Chinese military in Canada. You've got them in Mexico. You've got them in the Isles. I mean, something is building.
Starting point is 00:54:46 There is a crescendo. And my assessment is this, that they attempted to surreptitiously take in there in order to get people to take the actual bioweapon, which is the vaccine. So if you choose to take it, by all means, go right ahead. One more leftist, you know, will only help us. I don't wish that upon anybody, but the reality is that some people you just can't reach. But all of these are going to come out, and they're coming out. You're seeing the links to Bill Gates. You're seeing the links to Anthony Fauci. You're seeing the election fraud all being exposed.
Starting point is 00:55:36 Well, what do we do in the military when we're sneaking up to a target with plans to get all the way up as close as we can before the shooting starts, but yet halfway there we get compromised, well, you execute what you call your emergency assault plan, and you just go, go, go to get as loud as possible and blow up as many things as possible, because your surprise has been compromised. And I think that's what we're seeing with the election fraud, with the COVID hoax inform and don't get me wrong i mean there is a thing called covid but i'm going to tell you right now in 2020 no more people in america died than in 2019. that's just right cdc informational facts now did they reclassify deaths that were flu and pneumonia related to call them COVID in order to create that
Starting point is 00:56:26 psychological demand for the vaccine? Yeah, I think so. But I don't know. I'm just some guy in a nondescript, undisclosed location somewhere in the middle of the country, you know, hypothesizing. But this is my assessment. And I think we all see it. We all feel it. I mean, I run into more people buying chickens at Tractor Supply than I ever have seen, right? Because everyone knows something's going on, but we don't't know what the spark is going to be. I don't know what the next step is going to be. But in the military, we always say every plan, no plan survives direct contact with the enemy. And the enemy always has a vote. So you can always have the deep state, the cabal, the new world order, whatever you want to call them. They have a plan, sure. But guess what?
Starting point is 00:57:24 We have a vote. So therefore, their plan might not go exactly the way they thought based on our reaction to that. And really, that's what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to wake people up to, hey, this is happening. If my suicide comes unexpectedly, just ask them, well, if that was a suicide, how do you explain all the explosions and piles of brass, okay? Because we're in a war, folks. The republic has fallen. You might not realize it, but we are not in the beginning. The war isn't coming. You're near the end of the war. The enemy is about to declare victory. And if we don't wake up,
Starting point is 00:58:06 and I'm not calling for violence, okay, do I sound like George Washington or Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton? No. Like I said, I'm just some fat, retired SF guy. I'm not a violent extremist like those guys I just mentioned. But what I am saying is, if you don't get involved and you don't speak up and push back against these tyrants now in a way that is palatable and suitable, then you're going to have to do it in a different way. That's all I'm saying. I think what he... We're all saying the same thing. We're having a private conversations. We're all trying to figure this out, but we know right now we can peacefully scream at this thing, push it back. But we have to.
Starting point is 00:58:49 We have to, or the drag queens are coming for us. Yes. Well. Well, Rick, I believe we have a second segment of Headlines from Kerry Kinsey. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. Well, multiple media outlets reporting that California has banned state-funded travel to five more states, including Florida, because of their alleged anti-LGBT laws. Florida, Arkansas, Montana, North Dakota, and West Virginia join the list of 17 states now that are on California's no-go list,
Starting point is 00:59:30 which was first created in 2016. California Attorney General Rob Bonta says, Make no mistake, we're in the midst of an unprecedented wave of bigotry and discrimination in this country, and the state of California is not going to support it. But Fox News analyst Rob Smith doesn't buy it. And when you talk about the transgender in sports issue, this is protecting the rights of women and girls to be able to compete in sports against other women and girls
Starting point is 01:00:00 and not against biological men who claim that they are transgender. OK, so that's what we're talking about here. And like I said, the far left has sort of embraced radical transgender ideology because they need a new victim group. This has absolutely zero to do with the lives of gays and lesbians and everything to do with the fact that California is failing and they need to pretend that they are doing something while they are failing their citizens. But transgender women, the reason they don't want them to compete against biological women is because they don't think it's fair. What do you say? Well, it's not fair. Look at, so there's a transgender athlete in Connecticut, I believe
Starting point is 01:00:38 her name is CeCe Telfer, right? So CeCe Telfer, when CeCe Telfer competed as a male, was ranked 300, 400 among men. As soon as CeCe Telfer transitioned, she broke women's records, okay, in sprinting in the 400 meter dash and everything like that. And that stuff happens a lot. For information on this story and more, visit our companion website. It's called That's a look at True News Headlines. Now, let's get back to the Godcast. Here's Rick Edward and Doc. Thank you, Kerry.
Starting point is 01:01:17 That man they had on there, Rob Smith, that's open homosexual for TTSA. I kind of detected that. But, well, hey, let's talk about COVID. A lot of vaccine stories, vaccination, dead pilots, all kinds of stuff here. Yeah, the pilot stories were really kind of frightening here. Before we get to that, we had some information coming out of Germany. This is from Der Spiegel, where a Merkel advisor talks about the future of the pandemic. He says, I'm especially worried about unvaccinated children at school.
Starting point is 01:01:56 But they are. And this this is showing up all over the world. I see government officials in numerous countries saying children must be vaccinated immediately. They're going to put a major push on right now internationally to vaccinate little children. And they're going to say no vaccine, no school. It's going to lead to a lot of disabled children, a generation of children in wheelchairs. The vaccine is the agenda. It's not COVID. It's the vaccine.
Starting point is 01:02:39 Can I quote a source about children and vaccines? And I'll tell you who the source is after I quote it. Okay. So I'm going to read the quote. Why don't you guys tell me who you think it is. Okay. More evidence is needed on the use of the different COVID-19 vaccines in children to be able to make general recommendations on vaccinating children against COVID-19. All right.
Starting point is 01:03:04 Who do you think said that? I have no idea. Dr. Fauci? No, the World Health Organization. Oh, the WHO. The WHO does not recommend children to get vaccines. That's right. The World Health Organization. And yet every nation in the world is doing what right now? Vaccinating kids. And if you dare to stand up against that, and there was a surgeon in Canada who did this, Dr. Christian, he actually even quoted what you just said, Doc. You're going to be fired from your 30-year job, both professorship and working in a hospital. So if you are a trained surgeon, you work for a college of medicine, and you quote the World Health Organization, you'll be fired.
Starting point is 01:03:55 Yeah, because it says that COVID-19 vaccines are not safe for children. But the Canadian government says, this is the the agenda and we're doing it. Yes. This man right here, Dr. Christian, he was attending events. We're speaking out against the safety for children, for them to take. Just about children. And he had well thought out arguments. He even had written a letter laying out why he believed what he believed. Well, it turns out that if you stick your head up in Canada, especially Saskatchewan, and you dare challenge
Starting point is 01:04:30 the national vaccination drive, you're not just going to be fired. You are going to be shamed, attacked, and that's what happened to Dr. Christian. Well, I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if they stripped his medical license. Just like Rudy Giuliani lost his law license for saying the election was rigged. Right. I know, Edward, you've got some. Are these sound bites from the meeting at the medical, at the school of medicine?
Starting point is 01:05:01 What they're from is the head leadership at both the hospital and the school that he teaches at. They brought him onto a Zoom call. And what I was able to do is I got the audio of that call. They were firing him, but they weren't firing him without shaming him. And even telling him, we think you might be suicidal. We think you might be hurting yourself if we haven't moving forward with this. We want to let you know we're here for you. Very creepy. And you'll hear. That's very Soviet Union Marxist tactic. We're going to have to put you in
Starting point is 01:05:35 an insane asylum. You might be suicidal. You might end up dead by your own hand. Yes. Let's listen. Why are you meeting with me if you don't love me to speak? This is to give you the information. You can send me a letter. I mean, I know your faces really well. So, I mean, there's no need. If you don't let me speak, I mean, this is...
Starting point is 01:06:01 You can speak now. This is exactly the problem, isn't it? You're censoring people, not allowing people to speak. You're not allowing people to protect the vulnerable. It is not only a very unprofessional thing, it is also contrary to informed consent and the basic principles of medicine. You are violating all of those principles. Did you know, by the way, did you know, any of you, that the WHO has asked that children do not be vaccinated? That is not accurate. And that is certainly not accurate, Francis.
Starting point is 01:06:43 Well, then in that case… We are not here to debate the merits of your position. We're here to inform you of the decisions that the health authority… Again, you're not letting me speak. …are required to take at this time based on the current situation that you have entered into, based on the language of our policies and procedures. The WHO has suspended, and in fact, they never ever... That's not accurate, Francis.
Starting point is 01:07:09 They never ever... We're not here to debate that. There is a place for that debate. Well, it's not a debate. It's not a debate. I'm just telling you the statement. The statement was put out on Monday morning, and the WHO has stated that children should not be vaccinated from 12 to 18. And anybody less than 18 should not be vaccinated. You guys claim that you listen to the WHO.
Starting point is 01:07:39 I would like to speak. Well, you've spoken now for like, you know, 90% of the time. So it's only fair that I can speak as well. So, Francis, I would like to speak. I haven't spoken yet. Yeah, but can I just, I mean, you've basically read out some indictments against me. This is exactly the sort of panels that were set up in the Soviet Union and in Nazi Germany against academics. Anybody, any, any, these are the type of panels anyway.
Starting point is 01:08:13 I'm not saying that you're Nazis or Soviets, but it's really disturbing, isn't it? I mean, because I call for informed consent, informed consent from parents and children, I am essentially not being allowed to practice and to teach residents and to teach students. This is disturbing, dystopian, and it's just not acceptable. This is so bizarre. A qualified, educated, experienced surgeon. He saved lives, right? Saved lives. And he has been fired. His career has been destroyed because he said, you should not vaccinate children.
Starting point is 01:08:57 And by the way, the World Health Organization agrees with me. And they told him that's not factual. And he had not read the quote. I'm looking at it right now. And so. So they went into that meeting with their minds made up. They're going to punish this man. They're going to destroy his career because he's not going with the agenda. What is the agenda? It's really not about masks anymore. It's not about lockdowns anymore. It's about submission to the vaccine. Yes. And what really got him in trouble was the informed consent issue. Okay. Basically, you can't stick something in a child without letting the parents know or get their permission. So the government wants to vaccinate children without the knowledge of the parents.
Starting point is 01:09:45 Right. And so he refused to comply to that. You know, he felt an obligation not only under informed consent law of Canada, but also just general medical practice. Okay. Being a good doctor, you should inform the parents of anything,
Starting point is 01:10:02 the medical treatment of your child. You should get the parents' permission. Right. Not in Soviet Canada. In Soviet Canada, Rick, you listen to the experts or you get put in jail, you get fired. He mentioned the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany because that's what Canada has become.
Starting point is 01:10:23 Yes, they're locking up pastors and they're locking up qualified doctors. It was a purge of academics in the Soviet Union. And we have it happening in America and other countries. The agenda is the vaccine. They needed, the virus was released for the purpose of getting you ready for the vaccine. And in that regard, they were successful, at least for half the population here in America. Yes. Now you get another soundbite of Dr. Christian.
Starting point is 01:10:56 What are we hearing in this next one? This is the part it gets very heated. First of all, the manager, the man who's really in charge of this call, he actually starts getting very angry with Dr. Christian because he's daring to confront them. This is the last time they probably talk. But this is also the part where they start telling him, we're concerned for your health. We're concerned for your mental stability. You're talking like a crazy person. Oh, I see. All right, let's listen to this one. There are people, including legal representation, that can advise you as you follow your way through these procedures.
Starting point is 01:11:54 And the second thing that is really important to me is that you do take care of yourself through this process. This is a stressful process and an unfortunate process that has been made necessary by the actions to date. But it is still stressful and difficult. So in that realm, there are many supports available to you and particularly the physician health program I just have to say something I'm speaking well yes I will finish speaking and then you can speak I have to say that I'm not distressed at all I will finish speaking and then you can speak I'm not distressed at all. I would, I will understand. You don't have to shout over me. That's your choice, but I simply want to make sure you know those supports are available to you. Well, I'm not distressed at all. It's good to be on
Starting point is 01:12:37 the right side of history and to go to sleep with a good conscience. I'm thinking you guys must be really distressed because you're going against science, you're going against the WHO, and you are trying to essentially sense, you're basically doing your best to censor and to silence and to muzzle, intimidate, and essentially physicians, scientists, and people around the world who are calling for adolescents and children not to be vaccinated. The very fact that you don't know, let me finish,
Starting point is 01:13:15 because I know that you all want to jump in and cut me off. The very fact that you don't know that the WHO came out onay morning with the recommendation not to vaccinate 18 and under shows that you're living in a dystopian bubble you're only speaking to echo chambers you don't know the level of support i have you don't know how many surgeons physicians scientists in saskatchewan across can, who have reached out to me in support. You just don't know. You're living a fantasy world of self-congratulatory messages. It's really shameful. I think, Francis, this is why we're so concerned about you,
Starting point is 01:14:00 because this appears to me to be a change in the way that you see the world. Not at all. you and because this appears to me to be a change in the way that you see the world i read the world health organization statement i read it this morning in preparation for this meeting to make sure that i had as much information i've read the p-hack i've read everything i'm very concerned about your ability to clearly see what's happening and what's happening and what others may be doing with you and to you to take advantage of your position you're in highly intelligent man well thank you thank you for not making intelligent decisions well in your church or literature or behaving in a way that makes you and me understand that you understand how to navigate well a scientific debate to. This is why it's important that we reiterate, please reach out to the SMA health program
Starting point is 01:14:49 to ensure that you have supports that you may not realize or think that you need right now, but they offer amazing support that's confidential and that we will not learn about. I would recommend that you get those supports because I predict you'll be needing them very soon. Thank you for your concern, Francis. Thank you for that concern, Francis. So the purpose of this meeting has been accomplished. supports because I predict you'll be needing them very soon because yeah thank you for that concern Francis so the purpose of this meeting has been
Starting point is 01:15:09 accomplished and that was to inform you of the actions taken by the College of Medicine and the SHA reiterate that there are mechanisms for you to appeal these decisions in a process what will unfold at the University with regards to your faculty appointment again reiterate that the university with regards to your faculty appointment. Again, reiterate that the supports are available to you and that you, that they're excellent supports that you should consider taking advantage of. But otherwise, we've accomplished the purpose of this meeting and you will be getting the written documentation by email immediately well it wasn't really a meeting it was basically an announcement from a
Starting point is 01:16:07 group of very uh deluded uh healthcare people unfortunately uh you know up and down the country, you guys are living in a dystopian bubble. That bubble, you know, the truth will come out. And when that bubble bursts, you guys are going to be in big trouble. And you think I'm in trouble? You know, by the grace of God, I'm sleeping well at night and I'm not in any distress at all. By the grace of God, he's sleeping well. And he told them, if I'm correct, and he does believe he's correct,
Starting point is 01:16:31 he's laid it out properly in a letter that was published just days before this call, that they are on the side of the Nazi medical system. That's harming the world. Edward, how many times is this happening every week in America and Canada, Great Britain, Australia, Europe? We don't even hear about it. We don't know anything about it. Right. Yeah. We just happen to hear this one. A brave doctor standing up to it, happened to catch the record on the call and everything. They did everything but say to him,
Starting point is 01:16:59 you know, doctor, I'd be careful walking across the street. There's lots of buses on the street. All right, don't stand on the top of tall buildings. All right, don't be looking over the edge, trying to catch the wind. We have mental health services for people like you. I just love how he turned it on him. He said, well, I'm glad you're concerned, but I'm very concerned about you
Starting point is 01:17:21 and your ability to avail those services too. Right, you're crazy, You're a bed bug. Daily Mail in London. It's number 19. Doctors report first known case of rare blood clots in the United States patient who received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine and later died. Ten days after getting the second dose. We've heard the second dose is the one that really sets off the side effects or in this case, death. The doctors reported it as being associated. Now, this is a 65 year old man in Pittsburgh. He's dead now after taking the Moderna vaccine. Just a coincidence. Don't don't jump to conclusions that the vaccine killed him.
Starting point is 01:18:08 On Taiwan, they're also trying to stay away from those conclusions. They've had 29 deaths after COVID vaccination. This is just the ones that are being reported. In the past three days. In three days. But no links established. No links established. Coincidence. Another industry that's experiencing this phenomena is the airline industry.
Starting point is 01:18:28 We reported on a story last week about British Airways having four pilots that died after British Airways mandated it for their pilots. And presumably those pilots took the vaccine. They were in the best shape of their life. Look, some of them, we had pictures of them. And they're dead now. Well, it's gone around the world. India. In India, this started breaking in May. This is Hindustan Times.
Starting point is 01:18:54 The end of May, they reported there was five pilots who died in the month of May. That seems like a lot. That's a little more than British Airways. As this progressed, this was Air India. That number's up to 17. 17 pilots according to the Telegraph in India have died. From COVID infection or the vaccine? They've died from COVID
Starting point is 01:19:16 after getting vaccinated to be able to fly the plane. Wait a minute. They didn't have COVID. They got vaccinated. Then they got COVID. Then they died. Yes. What would that tell you is a smart thing to do? Stay off planes. Or don't get vaccinated. In this case, they actually vaccinated 20,000 employees.
Starting point is 01:19:39 This is all the major airlines, but specifically Air India. The other ones were Indigo and Vestera. We don't know how many had side effects. This is just the death. 17 deaths is enough. But they vaccinated 20,000 with at least one dose. So how would you like your pilot to have a heart attack over the Atlantic or Pacific? I would not like that.
Starting point is 01:20:00 Or over anything. I don't want him having a heart attack at all anywhere, Rick. And do you think this, Edward, in your opinion, do you think that number is actually lower? That 17 is just the ones they directly associate with COVID? Certainly. Because as we've seen here in the U.S., they'll blame odor and everything with as an outlet of COVID. Do you think that might be a possibility, too? There's actually more pilots that passed away? Certainly, certainly, Doc. And I think the part we look at this, you would not be OK with your pilot getting drunk and flying the plane.
Starting point is 01:20:38 You also would not be OK with a pilot taking in a unknown white substance in his nose and having a heart attack. Okay, but we're okay with them taking an experimental vaccine prior to flying with the lives of at least 40 people, kids, women, on their arms. Well, thank goodness that's happening just in Air India, right? No, and there has actually now been a report from View from the Wing. This is an industry expert. They're the people that airlines read to kind of figure out what's going on in their industry. American Airlines has had a spree of cancellations. And specifically due to a lack of pilots.
Starting point is 01:21:15 I knew that American was cancelling flights, but I didn't know it was because of a lack of the pilots. Where did the pilots go? They are sick or they're unavailable. And it's specific. But this was a hard headline to find, Rick. You have to dig in it. They have said 100 flights have been canceled. That's just in one day. So we've had hundreds of flights. I read weeks ago that American was going to cancel a thousand flights in July. Oh, the whole month. Wow. That was the headline I saw.
Starting point is 01:21:48 A thousand flights in July. Where do pilots go? Where do pilots go to disappear? I mean, I've never heard of disappearing pilots. In India, they're going into graves. I have to wonder if these American Airlines pilots, like Delta, who mandates the vaccine. Did American airlines mandate the vaccine? What I'm reading is American Airlines, Delta, and the other U.S. carriers have all gone in tandem to mandate.
Starting point is 01:22:15 Delta is the one that has officially put it on their website. So have a lot of American pilots just retired, taken a walk, just said, I'm done, I'm out of here? I wouldn't imagine so. I'd imagine this is the perfect time to come back. Everyone wants to travel. No, did they quit? Did they quit, retire or quit when the mandate for the vaccine came down from American Airlines? Well, a view from the wing is saying the issue appears to be concentrated on Boeing 737 fleet. American schedule seems too big for the crew they have available, especially since
Starting point is 01:22:45 they're only midway through the process of bringing inactive pilots back online. And one of these is that they didn't keep those pilots who were staying home active and qualified to fly. In other words, the pilots aren't coming back. It might be for a variety of reasons. They don't have the ability to come back, since they might be dead, or they're just not interested in going through the hassle. Think about everything you have to do just to get on a plane. Now, imagine all the extra layer of nonsense that these pilots and flight attendants have to deal with
Starting point is 01:23:18 and going through the vaccine hoops and everything else and the mask and everything. Some of them just said, forget it. I'm not messing with this anymore. I'm out. And that's certainly possible. I think if the pilots are very smart, they would realize they're sitting in a tube with circulated air with people who could be sick. I'm sure for the older pilots who said, this isn't worth my life.
Starting point is 01:23:42 Maybe I do retire right now. Okay. Edward here. the pilots who said, this isn't worth my life. Maybe I do retire right now. Okay. Edward, this is a USA Today newspaper. June 23rd, American Airlines just slashed nearly 1,000 July flights as Operation Woe's Mount. But the way they present it is there are so many passengers running back to the airports now that they can fly again that American Airlines isn't ready for all these passengers. So the logic in that is to
Starting point is 01:24:15 cut back flights? If you were to go with that logic there. But now we see view from the wing. The problem isn't the lack of customers. It's the lack of people flying the planes. Wait a minute. You were under something. Well, thanks.
Starting point is 01:24:28 You really are, Doc. So the purpose of an airline is to sell tickets. Right. Put people in this tube in the plane. They had the flights scheduled for July. And they had so much demand. That they knew the planes are going to be full. Except the cockpit.
Starting point is 01:24:45 Yeah. What? What? Right. What is going on here with American Airlines? And that is an essential part of having an airline, is having someone in that seat. What is going on with American Airlines?
Starting point is 01:24:58 They had the flights scheduled. They've sold the tickets, but they don't have any pilots to fly the plane and maybe flight attendants. Is it because their vaccine mandate caused their staff to walk? I think that's a big part of it. A big part of it. They just don't want to deal with the hassle of it anymore, Rick. I mean, imagine being showing up at a job every day and you have to go through some crazy COVID hoop every day. And the pilots don't need this. Pilots make good money when they fly.
Starting point is 01:25:38 And they've got other options. They don't have to go with American. There are other options. You can go with some of the mid or even private charter flights, which is a burgeoning industry right now. The now that Uber and some of these other players are moving into the private charter field. So they don't have to deal with it. They don't have a flight attendant berating you for not wearing a mask in between sips of a drink or eating of Skittles. It could be it could be that it's all the tyranny. Yeah, I think certainly that would be a big indication here that their choices to make flying a nightmare have killed the industry. It's a story we're going to keep watching because when I see dead pilots, just like dead bankers or dead lawyers, people falling off buildings, catches our eye. Now, United Airlines is not mandating that its current employees be vaccinated, but they will not hire an unvaccinated employee to fill a vacancy.
Starting point is 01:26:34 You're essentially silently mandating. They're keeping their existing staff without requiring vaccination. But if you apply to United Airlines, you have to show proof of vaccination. Somebody at United said, look what's happening over at American. Yeah, they lost their... They've lost all their pilots because they mandated vaccines. They came over to United and filled all their empty positions. Where'd they go?
Starting point is 01:26:58 They're at United. Wow. I'm trying to... They can't go to United because then they'd be a new employee and they'd have to be vaccinated. So unless they hired them before the right before they put the new policy manual, you know, kicked in. I haven't found anything that American has mandated vaccines for for their employees. Maybe if you were. I know we have American airline employees because you contact me from time to time.
Starting point is 01:27:27 I bet we'll know by tomorrow morning. Let us know if Fort Worth has told you you have to be vaccinated. Let's go down to, let's jump down to 28. This is from the National Pulse. COVID is best adapted to attack human cells, says Australian researchers. So these Australian researchers were actually looking at computer modeling, using this to look at how COVID works, how it's most efficient.
Starting point is 01:27:56 They found actually that it attacks humans way better than it attacks bats or pets. It's almost as if the COVID we're experiencing has been engineered to be deadly, to be potent, to be specific, that humans were the target. Almost like it was designed. Like a bioweapon. Like in a laboratory. That would be conspiratorial to think that scientists would actually develop a biological weapon to attack human beings. It also kind of knocks out the idea of this being transmitted from bats to humans. receptors for human beings, you know, really good receptors for human beings to attach to the cells
Starting point is 01:28:46 of humans, it is less likely to attach to bats. Okay. And so therefore it would be very difficult to transmit from bats to humans, extremely difficult. So that kind of knocks out this whole bat suit, you know, bat source theory on, you know, where the virus comes from. Yeah, I'm surprised that theory is even still floating around as anybody takes it seriously. Again, it goes back to what we were talking about earlier with the Marxism taking over America and hardly any resistance, the American people seem like they're really not bothered that they were attacked. I've wondered if it's a side effect from the bioweapon. We've read about the neurological problems, but maybe it's deeper than that. They've been prepared to be this stupid for a long time.
Starting point is 01:29:43 I mean, this is what dumbing down a population does. You can attack them with a biological weapon and nobody says anything. Nobody cares. Susan brought it up the other day to her hairdresser and her hairdresser said, that's your opinion. And the hairdresser said, Pfizer's my friend. Okay. All right. Good luck with that.
Starting point is 01:30:11 So do you have Americans who, I mean, you can try to present to them that this is a biological weapon and they don't care. They don't care. They don't have the ability to process it, Rick. You get so far out of their wheelhouse of TikTok and American Idol and everything else going on. Because then you'd have to do something. You'd have to do something if you were attacked with a biological weapon. You'd have to give up your convenience. You'd have to get into a state of war. You'd have to prepare for the next attack.
Starting point is 01:30:44 You'd have to accept the possibility you may die soon. And they're not willing to do it. So they just stay in this delusion, this denial. It's a spiritual veil that has come over the people. They really, I don't know, Doc, if it's Satan or has God brought this veil down to allow them to go through this plague. That was a day we thought homosexual marriage would never come to this country. But that was passed under Barack Obama. Now look what we're doing. We're talking about gender identities. You've got Nevada sending a transsexual person
Starting point is 01:31:25 to the Miss USA. They're trying to brainwash our kids. Interesting. Miss Nevada is a man. A man. A man. A Filipino man. Nevada.
Starting point is 01:31:39 Conservative Western state. Miss Nevada is a man. The country is a reprobate nation. That's the state of the affairs in the country right now. We'll get back to the COVID attack. Now, this one isn't about COVID. This is number 29. This is from the Times of Israel, but it is kind of about COVID. New Israeli GPS, a GPS drug, a nanodrug, super small. GPS nanodrug, burst inflammation touted as antibody replacement. It heads straight to the cells that are inflamed and either silences or edits the gene, gets in there, does a little tweaking to your genes.
Starting point is 01:32:38 This GPS nanodrug made in Israel. And they're trying to replace antibiotics with it, which means that it will be widely given for any kind of infection, as antibiotics are given right now. What it's designed to do is to modify RNA. In a drug now instead of a vaccine. Yes. What it's really designed to do is to defile your DNA as given to you by God.
Starting point is 01:33:06 Right. So that there's a day coming that there will not be any humans who are truly human, as in the days of Noah, when the Nephilim were present on the planet. And Noah and his family were the only ones who were pure as human beings, created by God. This is where the Israelis are going with this GPS nanodrug. Now, the president of this study is out of Tel Aviv University. He actually worked directly with Pfizer, with BioNTech. That's their vaccine. That's their mRNA vaccine.
Starting point is 01:33:45 He said that this is the similar technology. He's talking about mRNA. This is an mRNA through a drug, through a pill. You're not going to have to worry about getting it for the vaccine now. Your doctor could prescribe you this in the future with the mRNA process, that technology embedded in the drug. Now, I know you reported on this back in the day. That's why I grabbed it, Rick. This story smelled, it stunk like something we'd read back in 2009.
Starting point is 01:34:22 There was a Saudi inventor. This guy was a very innovative individual. He created a killer tracking chip that would be injected into the body of a dissident, a terrorist, or someone maybe you just don't like. It would either release a poison or it would explode. And if I recall, they were promoting it as it would be put into the bodies of prisoners. Yes. And to modify behavior, because you would know. If you were bad. If you misbehave, this chip would explode.
Starting point is 01:34:52 It could be activated to explode, and you would die. Right. So you would behave. But it's a conspiracy theory to think the United States government would have anything close to this, or the Israeli government doing anything with this nanotechnology. It's just the Saudis, right? The interesting quote from this article, because it originally was from Switzerland, they were trying to get a patent in Germany because they couldn't get this done anywhere else in the world. But the article noted- Here we are, 1984 again.
Starting point is 01:35:21 Yes, 1984. It sounds like an excerpt from George Orwell's 1984. An inventor from Saudi Arabia has developed what is known as a killer chip. Chips should be surgically or injected into the body. In addition to a first model that is only used for surveillance, he has developed a second chip that has a criminal chamber with poison. It is safety encapsulated unless we want to eliminate this person for security reasons. It says in the scriptures. That actually was the translation
Starting point is 01:35:50 from the German. It was very odd terminology they used. Then this agent will be released by remote control via satellites. Applicant justifies his request with security problems. Threats to state security from dangerous criminals and terrorists.
Starting point is 01:36:06 This is from the patent application. And that's 12 years ago. 12 years ago. What have they developed now? Chips were the size of a grain of rice then. You think they're smaller now, Rick? And how much smaller do you think they are? Nano size.
Starting point is 01:36:19 Right. Like the Israelis are creating. Do you think they could be activated by satellite? I think the technology is already in use. How would we even know? We have to assume they're not as archaic or they've actually developed the technology since 2009. We know to the extent of the mRNA technology. They tell us how futuristic it is, right?
Starting point is 01:36:42 It could edit our DNA. Oh, that's a conspiracy theory. I do remember that story. You know, when you explained to me what the Saudi inventor wanted to do, we did talk about it on True News. But, hey, we were crazy conspiracy theorists. Nobody would ever do something like that. How did you time?
Starting point is 01:37:12 Nobody would implant something in a person's body and then activate it by a satellite and kill them. By the billions. Yeah. Oh, come quickly, Lord Jesus. Number 32. This is from The Straits Times, Singapore. Worried by Delta COVID-19 variant, WHO officials urge vaccinated people to keep wearing masks. Well, why would we have to worry about it, Rick? Because you might die from COVID. You've been vaccinated, but that doesn't matter. There's a new COVID. There's a super COVID, Delta COVID.
Starting point is 01:37:55 And Delta COVID plus. Right. You get extra COVID there. And so the vaccine isn't going to protect you from these new COVID viruses. So keep wearing your mask, get vaccinated, but keep wearing your mask and keep social distancing because the vaccine really doesn't protect you. Isn't that what we've been telling people? And that's what they're saying here. Shouldn't the Straits Time be deplatformed for spreading medical disinformation? Oh, by that standard, they should. Shouldn't the World Health Organization be taking all Facebook and Twitter today? Tedros Ghebreyesus should be put in jail. He's telling people not to vaccinate children.
Starting point is 01:38:32 That's medical misinformation. Are they going to deplatform the World Health Organization? Of course not. How about the FDA? What did the FDA say this week? All right. They issued a warning about the vaccines. About
Starting point is 01:38:47 heart inflammation. I think Facebook and YouTube and Twitter should de-platform the FDA for spreading medical misinformation. I mean, when we say it, take them down.
Starting point is 01:39:03 Now the FDA comes out and says it. Well. The difference was is we said it early enough to warn people. Yes. And look, people who listened, they didn't go and get the vaccination. They stayed away from these experiments. Facebook blocked us. How many countless thousands were hurt or killed because Facebook intervened to silence those who were warning the public?
Starting point is 01:39:29 Well, we got a quote from The Straits Time. This is Dr. Mara Angela Samoa, the WHO Assistant Director General for Access to medicines, vaccines, pharmaceuticals. He emphasized at the briefing that even vaccinated people should continue to consistently wear masks, avoid crowds, maintain social distance from others, make sure that they are in well-ventilated spaces, wash their hands frequently, and avoid sneezing and coughing around other people. What we're saying, and this is a quote from Dr. Bruce Alward, what we're saying is once you've been fully vaccinated, continue to play it safe because you could end up as part of a transmission chain. You may not actually be fully protected. Somebody deplatformed that man. Take him off the Internet for spreading medical misinformation.
Starting point is 01:40:34 He said you could be fully vaccinated and yet get COVID and spread it to other people. What is a man like that doing in a high level medical position? Get him out of there. I mean, Doc, aren't you outraged? Yes. Outraged, I say. I'm outraged. That man just laid out, and I guess it would be a correction in a couple million people's minds.
Starting point is 01:40:59 I'd probably say about 50 million. Americans got vaccinated, dare I say those who were not informed without using a stronger word, because they thought that was the key to beating COVID. You know that's how they thought. They said, I'm going to go get the vaccination. I'm going to be good. I'll be able to go outside, be able to go to gay pride parades, be able to go to restaurants. That was the deal. Seriously, that was the deal. And they did it because of that deal. Caught me on that one. So right now, we've got half of America vaccinated. And very soon, Dr. Fauci is going to tell them, you're not safe. It's coming. Very, very soon. We're only into late June. I don't
Starting point is 01:41:43 know, weeks, a month. When's he going to come out and tell the vaccinated people, you're into late June. I don't know. Weeks? A month? When's he going to come out and tell the vaccinated people, you're not safe? I'm betting that they're going to tell people to go get another round of shots. Of course they are. They're going to double it up. Four shots now. Delta Plus shots. And they've got all these vaccines that are
Starting point is 01:42:00 ready to expire. They've got to get rid of them. In Los Angeles, Los Angeles County officials are urging all citizens to wear masks in public, in public indoor places, indoor, not outdoor. This is the Los Angeles County government urging people to wear masks. And this includes vaccinated people. Yes. You see how they've changed? This isn't some new development. This is part of the agenda. They have this laid out.
Starting point is 01:42:40 They've got the people vaccinated. Then they're going to hit them with a new dose of fear and tell them, you still have to be locked down. You still have to wear a mask. You still have to social distance. You'll never be safe. Rick, I'm reading other places that are locking down that this is the new normal. That there are places like New Zealand, the Prime Minister, they're saying that you need to be conditioned that it's OK for you to get QR scanned,
Starting point is 01:43:07 your mask in public. They're saying this is what people should expect to become part of normal life. And someday they won't scan your phone. They'll scan you, your arm, your forehead, just like the Bible said. Or your vaccine location. Hey, I think one more, number 37, just in case you don't wear your mask in India. Right.
Starting point is 01:43:31 You know, I remember a day that, and I said this recently in a bank. It didn't go over. What did you say in the bank? Everybody in the bank was wearing a mask. And so I'm standing there without a mask, and I said, you know, I know I'm old, but I remember a day that
Starting point is 01:43:47 if you walked into a bank with a mask, you got shot. They didn't think that was very funny. In India, if you walk into a bank without wearing a mask, without a mask, you get shot. You could be shot. And this actually happened in India. This is Times Now
Starting point is 01:44:03 India. And did we show it to you? It's a video. Oh, it's a video. OK, let's watch this. Let's now go across to my colleague Amir Haq joining us in the broadcast. Amir, this is absolutely shocking. I mean, it is fine that the bank guard was quite alert. He could have simply told this customer to not enter without the mask. But, you know, who really gave him this permission that he can shoot a customer
Starting point is 01:44:32 if that customer is coming without a mask? Well, Hina, this is perhaps the most bizarre stories that we've heard in the recent times because we've seen enforcement agencies as well as the police asking people to wear masks and follow the COVID protocol. But this is perhaps for the first time that a security guard or somebody who was in charge there has really taken out a firearm and fired a shot at one of those persons who was not following COVID protocol. In fact, this person who happens to be a railway employee
Starting point is 01:45:05 initially tried to enter the bank without wearing a mask. He had an altercation with the security guard over there, after which he went outside, purchased a mask, put it on his face and then tried to enter. But then the argument ensued. And after that, the security guard shot at his leg and in fact told the person that he's lucky that he has not shot him on the upper part of his body and just aimed at his leg.
Starting point is 01:45:32 Now the security guard has been taken into custody by the police. The police will definitely question him and then perhaps, you know, file a case against him. But this definitely will stand out as the most bizarre and shocking case of enforcement of COVID protocol that we've ever heard across India. Rick, I predict within a month that will not be shocking. They want that here. They want that all around the world. Be able to use deadly force. You heard him. They say next time we'll shoot you in the chest. You're lucky I didn't shoot you in the upper body. My goodness.
Starting point is 01:46:05 Because you didn't get shot. Hey, it's the agenda. It's the agenda. Resist the agenda. Okay? This is a global takeover. We don't have to accept it. There's enough of us to resist.
Starting point is 01:46:27 Don't sit there like a passive pumpkin and just let this happen. But is there enough will to resist? That's the question. There's enough numbers, sure. But is there enough will to resist? It's only going to take one nation that has a lot of clout to do it. And I think there's a growing number of people here in America who are just fed up with all of this. Not just the COVID, the lockdowns, but they're fed up with the corruption.
Starting point is 01:47:03 They're fed up with the war. They're fed up with all of it. All right. It's not going to take a lot to set it off. That's where we're going. That's what the master sergeant, that's what he was saying, is that we're headed in that direction. All right. That people have had enough of it. And at some point, that explosion will take place. It'll be unfortunate that it had to come to this. But these power-hungry Marxists don't know any limits or boundaries. And when people do not resist, you only feed their lust for power. Right.
Starting point is 01:47:46 It's as simple as that. They're amazed that they've made this much progress worldwide. Absolutely amazed. This is better than anything that they imagined, that they've taken this much control of the world in 18 months with a pre-planned pandemic. They're stunned. This is, you know, Karl Marx would never have imagined this.
Starting point is 01:48:13 Hey, it worked. Yeah. Let's do it again. Without firing a shot. Well, we fired one. Well, yeah. But I'm talking about, you know, Marx, you know, Karl Marx, all the, you know, all the early communists,
Starting point is 01:48:28 they thought it had to be done with guns and bayonets and bloodshed. And the modern Marxists have realized, no, we can do it. With a needle. With a needle. And Marx's writings, Das Kapital, he was heavily anti-Christian. He wanted to overthrow a Christian society. That was his mindset. He was writing this.
Starting point is 01:48:51 He was a Satanist. He wasn't an atheist. Marx was a Satanist. Lenin was a Satanist. Mao was a Satanist. Yes. They hate God. They hate Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:49:04 This is all a spiritual battle. It's leading up to the great confrontation between Satan and Almighty God. That's where it's headed. And you can, you decide your own fate. You, you decide your own fate. Where are you going to spend eternity? Which side of this battle are you on? Okay. You got to make that decision and you should do it right now. There's no better time to do it than right now. Make a decision. Don't procrastinate.
Starting point is 01:49:36 You've been procrastinating for years of your life. We're headed towards a confrontation. I wrote about it in a book. All right. Final day. All right. Get yourself about it in a book. All right, final day. Get yourself a copy of this book, The Ten Characteristics of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. It's $29.95 plus shipping.
Starting point is 01:49:55 If you'd like me to personally autograph, asking for a donation of $100, all of the money has gone to True News. I haven't received a single dime from this book. Not a dime. God is my witness. I've not received anything. It's true.
Starting point is 01:50:11 I have put all the money back into True News to keep this going. So get the book. It's the 10 Characteristics of the Lord's Second Coming. We're rushing there now. I mean, we're like on a fast bullet train. We are moving so rapidly towards the second coming of Jesus Christ. And none of us know the day or the hour, not even Jesus Christ, his father. Almighty God is the only one who knows when he's going to call an end to mankind's madness. But when that day comes, everything stops.
Starting point is 01:50:52 Everything freezes for eternity. Wherever you are spiritually at that moment, that's where you will be for eternity. You will either be lost and spend eternity in the lake of fire, perpetually burning, never being consumed by the flames, always burning, always being tortured. Or you're going to spend eternity in the presence of God in New Jerusalem. It's your choice. Repent of your sins. Believe on the name of Jesus Christ as your Savior.
Starting point is 01:51:24 Be baptized in water in the name of the Christ as your Savior, be baptized in water in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. That's what you do. You believe on Jesus by faith. Salvation is free. It's a free gift. And it comes by faith in the name of Jesus Christ. That's all you have to do. Jesus did it all for you. You don't have to do anything. He died on the cross for you. He paid the price for your sins. You don't have to do anything, but believe that he's the savior. I mean, what a deal. No wonder they call it the good news. Right. And it's simple news too. It's not complicated. There's not a whole bunch of rules and regulations to follow. No.
Starting point is 01:52:07 It's just follow Jesus. Get yourself a Bible and start reading the Bible at the New Testament. All right. Start reading with the gospel according to Matthew. And after you get to Revelation, then go back and read the Old Testament. But the Old Testament is old. It's past. Okay, we're in the New Covenant age. Start your biblical education with the New Covenant. I've always believed we get
Starting point is 01:52:39 the Bible physically backwards. Why don't we put the new to the front? We could do that. Has anybody published a Bible like that? Put the new to the front? No, but you've given me an idea, Rick. I've been thinking about it. It's like put the new covenant in the front.
Starting point is 01:52:58 And then when you get to it, read the old covenant, okay? But, you know, new Christians start out reading Leviticus and Deuteronomy, and I was like, oh, this is so hard to understand. Well, how about start with the Sermon on the Mount? Okay? Understand Jesus the King, the Savior. Then you can go and read all that Jewish stuff that God has done away with. Thank God we're in the new covenant.
Starting point is 01:53:30 Okay. Love you very much. Edward, I'll let you drive it home. Yes, thank you, Rick. Well, thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News. You can now testify under oath that you're well-informed on current events, geopolitics, and the coronavirus vaccine. But that's not the testimony that really matters.
Starting point is 01:53:49 Don't be the most informed person in hell. Choose Christ. And please stand with our ministry as we boldly proclaim Jesus as King. You can support True News by going to That is T-R-U-N-E-W-S dot com. It's clicking on the heart on the left hand side or the red donate button on the right. You can also call our toll free number at 1-800-576-2116. That is 1-800-576-2116.
Starting point is 01:54:17 If you prefer to donate to us by mail or send a prayer request, praise report or an idea of a story you'd like us to investigate. Our address is P.O. Box 690069, Vero Beach, Florida, zip code 32969. We accept stocks, cryptocurrency, precious metals, even bags of Sacagaweas. Whatever you want to bless us with, we will gladly receive and put toward our mission here to save souls and report the good news as we approach the second coming of Jesus Christ. Thank you, and God bless you. The preceding program was made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support
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