TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - 5000 Chinese PLA troops to be deployed to Iran

Episode Date: April 8, 2021

Today on TRUNEWS, the team discusses news the latest in the ramp up to World War III, as Chinese troops make their way to build bases in Iran. We also discuss Israel’s effort to get a war started Iran, as they admit to attacking a surveillance ship in the Red Sea. Edward Szall, Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate (04/07/21)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit Welcome back to part two of True News. If you missed part one, you can watch it on our website, along with this segment at That's T-R-U-N-E-W-S dot com. As Tehran negotiates with the Biden administration in Vienna, China has decided to deploy 5,000 PLA soldiers to Iran to secure their source of oil. They're also going to build a military base.
Starting point is 00:00:35 It's just got a lot tougher for Israel to attack the Iranians without starting a world war. Join me to discuss this development, Israel's attack on an Iranian spy ship in the Red Sea, and Russia's warning to the West. Our True News founder Rick Walls and Doc Burkhart. Welcome back. And so I was shocked when you guys shared with me today that there were 5,000 Chinese troops that are now going to be stationed in Iran. This is a big move. This is huge. Edward, you found the story. Where did you find this? So this was actually published by Memory. Now, you found the story. Where did you find this? So this was actually published by Memory. Now, Memory is an outlet that translates reports out of Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, and other Arabic countries.
Starting point is 00:01:15 They actually took this from the Pakistani daily newspaper, Raznama Ahmad. Now, the title of this article they were able to translate was, deployment of 5,000 Chinese troops in Iran is part of the agreement. Now, what they were discussing in this article was, the Chinese had just secured a 25-year plan, a $400 billion agreement with Iran. So this is the agreement we talked about a week or two ago. They have the details. And in this plan is a 5,000 troop deployment at a minimum. This is the first iteration for China to have a security, basically a presence in the region
Starting point is 00:01:54 to make sure that the agreement can be followed through on. How many bases would you estimate China would need for 5,000 men? I would say at least three. The article says one, but you're going to need a logistics base. You're going to potentially need an airfield or to use an Iranian army base for that. And you're going to need someone to house them. One base for 5,000 soldiers is going to be an enormous base. That's not just a small outlet. We're talking about a base the size of Ramstein. And they're not going to put them all in one location. No, that would be stupid,
Starting point is 00:02:23 strategically dumb to place the entire unit in one spot. I think what we're seeing is the first deployment of many for the Chinese. Did the Pakistani newspaper indicate when the Chinese bases will be constructed and when troops are expected to be deployed to Iran? They didn't give an exact date, but they said that the move has started, as in troops have been sent, forward troops, to look for locations and to start the process of actually setting up the base. PLA troops are already moving around in Iran
Starting point is 00:02:55 scouting for the base locations. Yes, and that was based on the signature. The second the deal was inked between Iran and China, the deployment began. The Middle the deal was inked between Iran and China, the deployment began. The Middle East just changed. Yes. The balance of power just changed. Now you've got China involved. They've already been negotiating business deals with Saudi Arabia and several other players in the Middle East. Of course, they're in the port of Haifa.
Starting point is 00:03:18 And so, I mean, if I was advising China, I'd tell them to do this. I mean, to tell them to do that. Am I in support of it? No, but if I was advising them, this is a smart move. It fits into their philosophy of the One Belt, One Road initiative that they're implementing. The Middle East is going to be the hub of that global transportation system. Well, Israel just got their wings clipped. They can no longer bomb Iran and not start a world war. China is going to play the same role that Russia has played in Syria,
Starting point is 00:03:51 in the sense that every time now Israel wants to launch an air mission or do some kind of invasion, even the United States had to take note of this, you have to deal with the S-400 or S-500 air defense systems that the Russians brought with them. The Chinese will undoubtedly bring, in addition to this military contingent, the apparatus to protect them, which includes air defense systems, potentially even fighter escorts. Something else that happened in the Middle East last week,
Starting point is 00:04:17 and we haven't mentioned it, I think we've posted articles on If you haven't been visiting, check it out. It's where we put all of our headlines that we don't have time to bring out here on True News. They're important, and we read them, but not for the segments. Only the most important things are presented in the segments on the program. But if you want to see what the three of us are reading and studying during the day, go to That's really our reading list. We find it, we put it on News Coup for you. That's really a nutshell what it's all about. But something else has been going on in the Middle East. There was an attempted coup
Starting point is 00:04:56 in Amman, Jordan. According to the reports, King Abdullah's half-brother attempted to carry out a coup or was plotting a coup to overthrow the king. And the Jordanian intelligence agency said that the king's half-brother was working with a foreign intelligence agency to overthrow the king. Yes. But they didn't name the foreign intelligence agency. They've been very careful not to name, although the ex-crown prince, Prince Hamza, the half-brother of the king of Jordan, his wife was offered by a Mossad agent to be flown out of the country before his house arrest. So there was one country to come from there, Israel.
Starting point is 00:05:47 In addition to Israel, two of the other main officials, one of them being a royal family member that were arrested along with Prince Hamza, were Saudi officials in the sense that the ambassador for Jordan to Saudi Arabia, a royal family member, he was arrested. And a former advisor to Mohammed bin Salman, who also advises King Hussein, is also on the arrest list. The only two countries that I could think would try to overthrow Jordan would be Israel and Saudi Arabia.
Starting point is 00:06:17 And those two countries are like Siamese twins. They're not enemies. They're friends. They're allies. They've been allies. They're frenemies. They're frenem They're allies. They've been allies. Huh? They're frenemies. They're frenemies, yes. But they've been working together secretly for decades. And Israel
Starting point is 00:06:31 would use, they would use an Islamic country to take down King Abdullah. Thank God his team discovered the plot. I continue to pray for King Abdullah. I pray for his safety. I pray for his health, his wisdom. I pray that he has discernment to see the plots of his enemies. And I've been praying like that for several years. From the time the Holy Spirit told me, pray for King Abdullah. And so somebody wants to take him down. And why I'm bringing this up is Jordan is a close ally of the United States. But could we see a day when Jordan is forced to reach out to Russia? Could we see Russian military bases in Jordan to protect Jordan from Israel?
Starting point is 00:07:32 I don't rule it out. The Russians offered the same deal to the Saudi Arabians about two years ago now, when it looked like there was a fracture in the U.S.-Saudi alliance. Why wouldn't the Russians or even the Chinese step in if it looks like the U.S. played any role in this coup? Or it's more advantageous, better for the security of both the lives of the royal family and the country of Jordan to side with the new rising powers. What about four years ago, the attempted coup in Turkey? Yes. And Erdogan, President Erdoganan accused NATO of orchestrating the coup.
Starting point is 00:08:10 An organization Turkey is a member of. They took part of the base from it, Incirlik Air Base, a NATO air base that Turkish forces came into and seized it for a short time. Where has Turkey gone since that attempted coup? Turkey has continued to move away from the West, away from NATO, aligning itself with other powers, not really close with Russia, but could Turkey reach out to China? Could we see Chinese troops at Insirlik? DAVID BROOKS You certainly could. This Chinese-Iranian
Starting point is 00:08:48 alliance in itself is odd. I mean, we know, we've known for some time that China's got most their oil from Iran. That's one of the primary sources. But Turkey, it would be, wouldn't it be that far of a shot for Turkey to do the same deal with China? They'd have to offer something more than oil. They don't have the natural resources. But it may be the strategic positioning of Turkey that they can offer the Chinese, the gateway to Europe. All right. So on top of this stunning story of China sending 5,000 troops to Iran. Which on any other day would be a top story for us. And market, you heard it first on True News. You didn't hear it on Fox News. You didn't hear it on CBS News.
Starting point is 00:09:31 You didn't read it in New York Times. You heard it on True News. They'll catch up with us later. But we're not a real news service. Right. We don't read the news. We just kind of make it up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:44 But something else is going on. An Iranian ship was attacked. And so the New York Times reported, Israel-Iran sea skirmish escalates as mine damages Iranian military ship. Yes, and speaking about the Savis, this looks like a tanker ship at first glance, but the reports, and I believe the reports to be true, this ship has operated as a spy ship and also a base for Iranian commandos to enforce Iranian maritime law in the region of the Red Sea.
Starting point is 00:10:20 So, you know, my first thought was, well, Israel attacked the ship. Well, of course, my first thought was, well, Israel attacked the ship. Well, of course, I'm accused of being anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist and everything else. But there's the Times of Israel says Israeli forces carried out strike on Iran's spy ship in Red Sea. In fact, when I said it, I did the plug for our movie Sacrificing Liberty. It's not the first time something like this has happened. Right.
Starting point is 00:10:47 So watch this. You'll get an idea of what Israel does attacking ships to start a war. Well, Israel now has admitted that they blew up
Starting point is 00:10:58 the Iranian ship. If only they would do that for the liberty. Yes. But yes, they have admitted to it. In fact, like Rick said, if we had said that yesterday, we would be anti-Semitic. But I guess if Israel can take credit for it, they're being patriotic for doing it.
Starting point is 00:11:14 This is the ship that was attacked, this stock footage that we have of the Savis. Doesn't really look like a warship. No, neither did the USS Liberty. Very clear. It has a couple 50-cal armaments. There's actually quite a few similarities between this neither did the USS Liberty. Very clear. It has a couple 50 cal armaments. There's actually quite a few similarities between this ship and the USS Liberty ship. But the thing that came out, Rick, was that Israel had actually given the United States a heads up. The United States had demanded, this is according to the New York Times, tell us the truth of what's happening here.
Starting point is 00:11:41 You can't just go out and attack another ship, especially at a time when you're already saber-rattling for a war with this country. Israel gave the United States a head up, a confirmation that they had attacked, and reportedly how they did this was an Israeli commando unit attached a mine to the side of the ship. They were not successful in sinking it. Apparently they need to do more training. Even since 1967, it's sinking ships they're trying to destroy. But that's how this has come out now. It's a confirmation and it's troubling because they will start a war over this. They've claimed, Rick, the justification for this is the alleged attacks Iran has carried out on their ships. There have been a couple of mysterious incidents over the last couple
Starting point is 00:12:23 of months regarding Israeli ships also. And so Netanyahu is bragging that Israel will do whatever it's got to do to defend the Zionist state. There's the Jerusalem Post. Israel will defend itself. Netanyahu warns. Now look, as Iran nuclear talks begin. So a cargo ship's going through the sea. Didn't look like a warship. Didn't look like it was carrying missiles. But Israel said, we're going to blow it up. Why?
Starting point is 00:12:51 Well, because we're Zionists. We can blow it up if we want to. Right. And what are you going to do about it? And Mr. Netanyahu is still trying to form a government now. That's where I'm going with this, Doc. He's got major problems. They've had their, what,
Starting point is 00:13:12 fourth election? Fourth election. Probably heading to a fifth. Heading to a fifth. They can't get a coalition government. He's leading the fifth because he's on trial. He won't go away. You know, if he loves his country so much, why don't you just resign and retire? He might go to jail if he does that, right? Because he's going to go to prison. So he's fighting to stay in power to stop the prosecution of him for his crimes. And he's got a lot of political problems. He can't form that government. He's trying to just cling to power. So what do frightened politicians do when they're caught and ready to be put in
Starting point is 00:13:49 jail? They blow up something. They blow up something. Yes. That's exactly what he did. Nothing but a good war to unite the country. Besides, the Biden administration, and I'm not a Biden administration supporter, but I will say this. They have brought some balance back to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Yes. They declared the West Bank occupied territory, whereas Trump said it's Israel. Biden has reversed it. Good.
Starting point is 00:14:20 Appreciate that, Joe Biden. Then the Biden administration this week restored U.S. funding to the Palestinians. The hospitals. Trump tried to starve them out, even trying to close down the children's hospitals. Joe Biden has reversed it. I give him credit. I'm not you know, I'm going to be fair about what he's doing. And so the other thing, and I'm not so sure about this one, he's reinstating Barack Obama's nuclear deal with Iran. The JCPOA. Right. And that really has Netanyahu worked up.
Starting point is 00:14:59 So all these things are going against Netanyahu. He's desperate. He's got to do something. What did he do this week? He blew up an Iranian ship. That's an act of war. It's an act of war. Iran has the legal right to destroy Israel.
Starting point is 00:15:19 But have you noticed that no one in the global community is saying anything about it? No one is condemning Israel. Not a word. Not a single nation state. Even after Israel has admitted to doing it. They admitted it. They're immune from being held responsible for anything. They've never been held responsible for the U.S. liberty.
Starting point is 00:15:42 34 American sailors dead. Mistaken identity, they would say. And they would claim they paid for this, although that amounted to $100 to traumatized U.S. service members. That's the most decorated warship in U.S. history from a single encounter. Well, we've got some more war news. Taiwan says it may shoot down Chinese drones. Yes, and this has come off of reports that the Chinese are already beginning the preparations for an invasion. They have about a two-year length, this is according to the Epoch Times, that they are going to begin doing large-scale dry runs,
Starting point is 00:16:20 as in everything but putting PLA boots on the beaches of Taiwan. The Taiwanese have said they're not going to put up any more of these flights over their territory, especially not drone flights over their ships. As you noted, Rick, they will shoot them out of the air. And as you said, with Israel and Iran, if Taiwan starts shooting Chinese ships, drones, starts sinking vessels, that will also be provocation for war. Now, at the same time, Rick, the USS John McCain is traversing through the Taiwan Strait. So this is part of the freedom of navigation. The Chinese have said, Rick, if we keep doing these, and especially this mission with USS John McCain,
Starting point is 00:17:00 they will be forced to use their military. They'll be forced to use their militia of boats. I can just see old McCain smiling in his grave. Yeah, I'm going to be part of another war. Just reaching out from six feet under and just crying out for war still to this day. The place that's really, I think, the hottest right now for a flashpoint to start a world war is Ukraine. And again, you're not going to hear it any place other than true news. Nobody's talking about Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:17:30 And yet NATO troops, meaning the United States and the Western countries, are assembling troops and tanks and artillery on the Russian border. And then they have the nerve, the audacity to complain about Russian aggression. And what is the Russian aggression? Russian troops are rushing to their border. Yes. Preparing for an invasion. Because NATO is making overtures like they're getting ready to run into Russia. Unlike the Americans, they're actually going to protect their country, their border.
Starting point is 00:18:04 And in this sense, you mentioned NATO. Rick, Ukraine is trying to join NATO to maybe bring this into an actual reality. President Zelensky is saying if the West is serious about this signal that we're going to keep Russia out of Crimea, take back this for Ukraine, They must allow and speed up the membership of Ukraine. This is important because they would inherit Article 5 protection, meaning if Ukraine is attacked or they claim being attacked, they can bring in the United States, France, Germany, and the rest of NATO to their defense. Now, have they started the process of joining NATO already?
Starting point is 00:18:42 Yes, they have started the process, but it's stalled because it's no small thing to join NATO, especially not to inherit the protection and armaments which come from this. Do you have to learn a secret handshake? I mean, what do you have to do at this point? Because it seems to me like NATO would want Ukraine in their organization for the purpose of confronting Russia. What's the holdup? Well, I imagine that the Nazi-style brigades that the Ukrainians were fielding only a few years ago is a problem. I also think the other issue is that the Ukrainians are very needy. They want armaments, and they also want the West to do the fighting for them.
Starting point is 00:19:18 They have many men, but they don't have the troops. They don't have the tanks, the airplanes. I can tell you what it is. Putin said this years ago. Ukraine joins NATO, there's war. It's a real red light. End of discussion. End of discussion.
Starting point is 00:19:38 They made it very clear years ago. Because if Ukraine joins NATO, then anything that happens in Ukraine, then, you know, for instance, if they try to take back Crimea, let's say, NATO would have to come to their defense, right? That's right. Edward, you served in war. How long does it take an invasion force to go 470 miles? 470 miles? The Thunder Realm was done in a day. You did it in a day?
Starting point is 00:20:09 Yeah, it depends on the speed, depends on the opposition, but you can do that in a day. I wouldn't say a day, depends on tanks. Let's say a week, a week for tanks, 470 miles if you're on foot. But the way wars are fought today, Rick, it's fast. It's like lightning. Here's why I'm asking. From Kiev to Moscow is 470 miles. Wow. From the capital of Ukraine to the capital of Russia is 470 miles. Russia knows NATO troops could be in downtown Moscow.
Starting point is 00:20:46 That's what they're looking at. Our tanks can go 30 to 40 miles per hour, Rick. So yes, a day if we were pushing. But it isn't that far away. It's a very good point to note. Moscow, they have to defend Crimea because to defend Crimea is to defend their own capital. You know, that's the distance from Orlando, Florida to Atlanta, Georgia. That's a day's drive for us.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Now you put it in that perspective, it's not that far away. Yeah. I can do that in half a day to get to Atlanta. We've got some more stuff about Russia to show you. So their National Security Council leader, this is Advisor Petrushev. He has warned the United States that your common sense
Starting point is 00:21:32 better prevail before the Russians have to set you right. This guy right here, this is an old school Soviet KGB military guy. Think of him as a director of national intelligence. I mean, you want to talk about Russian deep state? This man right here. And he's as educated as someone like Sergei Lavrov.
Starting point is 00:22:03 He's seasoned and he's got a message for the United States, especially in regard to what's happening in Crimea. Now, this was a quote from Commersant, but we were able to translate it and look at this today. What Petrushev has said is that the Russian-American relations are at their lowest since the end of the Cold War. The already tense situation was further aggravated after an interview with the U.S. President Joe Biden in which he made a sharp attack on President Putin. Now, this was the interview where he called him a killer. The Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Petrushev, this is him telling Commissant,
Starting point is 00:22:40 said that the conditions Moscow is ready to cooperate with Washington in the future entail this. Let me start with Ukraine. In recent days, the situation in Donbass, this is the battleground in Ukraine, has seriously aggravated. Does Russia have any red lines upon crossing which it is ready to openly intervene in conflict in Ukraine? And his response is, no, we do not have such plans, no, but we are closely monitoring the situation. Based on its development, specific measures will be taken. There it is. Specific measures will be taken.
Starting point is 00:23:09 And that includes not just deploying their military, but their missiles. Where do you see the next statement? So he was asked, and what, from your point of view, is connected with the current aggravation of the situation on Bass? He said, by onerous foreign loans, the debt on which is growing, and those remnants of the industry that were able to stay afloat. Kiev is selling foreigners, as they say now, at democratic prices. Even the famous Ukrainian black soil and forest are transported abroad by railroad trains, depriving the country of this asset as well. Whoa, wait a minute. Let's just stop right there. That's the one that stunned me when I read it. Mr. Petrushev said
Starting point is 00:24:11 the famous Ukrainian black soil. Okay, Ukraine is a breadbasket of Europe. It's where the wheat is grown. Famous for its farmland. He said the soil and the forest are being transported overseas or over to other countries by railroad trains. They're selling the farm dirt, the topsoil. And shipping it out of the country. They're shipping the topsoil of their farms to another country. They're stripping the
Starting point is 00:24:48 value of Ukraine. Ukraine is valuable because of the soil. Who is doing this? I mean, I think we know he's implying the Western globalists. The Western oligarchs. The masters of money. Who comes up with this idea and says, you know what? Ukraine's got these great farms. We can't take the country.
Starting point is 00:25:15 Let's just strip the soil. Let's just take the dirt. Yeah. They can have the rock. We'll take the dirt. Where are they taking the dirt? Maybe to places that aren't going to freeze during a mini ice age. Maybe to the Middle East.
Starting point is 00:25:32 It's a really bizarre statement. Does he say anything else in this? He ended this part of the interview by saying, and in return for this soil, only the very same pies that the Americans handed out on the May Don. Now what he's saying is all they're getting back for it are the same rewards, the same desserts that were handed out at their revolution. The Maidan refers to the Orange Revolution.
Starting point is 00:25:55 Do we have time to show our audience what he said about biological weapons near the border of Russia? Yes, let's do this right before the end of this segment. So, Petrushev has said the U.S. is creating biological weapons. Now, this is what he said in the interview to Commissant. Earlier, the foreign ministry said that Moscow has serious questions in connection with the
Starting point is 00:26:16 military biological activity of the Pentagon. They also noted that the U.S. activity in Lugar's biological laboratory on the territory of Georgia contradicts the obligations of Washington and under the convention of the prohibition of biological and toxic weapons. Translation, we are using an eastern bloc country to mass produce biological weapons
Starting point is 00:26:39 that we can't legally do in the United States or around the world. And we're doing it on Russia's border. We export all our evil, whether it's viruses or biological weapons. We don't do it here. We send it out. We outsource our evil. That Lugar Research Center, that was named for Senator Richard Lugar. Yes, and it's become very famous in modern time because it is considered to be the secret testing zone for the U.S. again, to deal with viruses that we've inherited from the Cold War and to weaponize them and use them against our enemies. Because news that you will not hear anywhere else quickly, I want to put 27 up just to remind you what we've been telling you for days. World War will begin within
Starting point is 00:27:23 four weeks, warns Russian military analysts. Now we have a better picture of what that Russian analyst is addressing. He knows it's tense right now. We need to be praying that the saints prevail. Thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News. Please share this Godcast with your friends and family and consider becoming a partner with this ministry. As we report the truth every day
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Starting point is 00:28:03 and please share this with your friends. God bless you. The preceding program was made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit

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