Episode Date: June 4, 2021

Today on TruNews, guest host Lauren Witzke takes the helm and shares with the audience her testimony of deliverance from bondage to drug addiction and working for the Mexican cartels. She also lays o...ut how Big Pharma is diabolically addicting white America. Virginia congressional candidate Jarome Powell joins the program to talk about the genocidal destruction of black Americans. Guest host Milo Yiannopoulos walks us through the corporate sellout of America to the LGBT agenda, and also gives pointers on how to spot a transexual. Finally, Jared Holt responds to rumors of being fired from Right Wing Watch. Milo Yiannopoulos, Lauren Witzke, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 06/04/41.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit 2021. I'm Doc Burkhardt. Starting off today, as you know, Rick, Susan, and several members of our True News family have had to step away from normal duties in order to focus on recuperating from flu-like symptoms. We ask that you continue to firmly pray for their speedy recovery. Rick, really need your prayers for strength and for continued healing in his body. Edward Zoll visited the emergency room today. He's back home resting, but it's confirmed he has pneumonia, so please be praying for him. Kerry Kinsey continues to progress in his healing as well.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Our special guest hosts filling in for Rick and Edward are here, and Milo and Lauren will join me in just a few moments. But first, here's a look at some of the national world headlines that you can find on our right alternative to the Drudge Report, Starting off, most people become organ donors assuming their organs will be removed after they have died and shared with someone who needs healthy organs. But a case study published in the American Journal of Case Reports concerns a homicide death of a 39-year-old woman that was caused by a direct fentanyl injection in the hospital. The woman was being prepared as an organ donor.
Starting point is 00:01:42 She was pronounced dead based on cardiac death. A minute after being pronounced dead based on cardiac death. A minute after being pronounced dead, the doctors noticed that her arteries were pumping and pulsing. The organ procurement surgery was stopped. The woman was then given additional doses of fentanyl and lorazepam, leading to her being pronounced dead again, 18 minutes after being pronounced dead the first time. They murdered this woman to harvest her organs. You can read more about it at Well, when Bill Gates isn't trying to mass vaccinate billions in a population reduction scheme
Starting point is 00:02:12 or working on releasing trillions of genetically modified super mosquitoes or trying to block out the sun to reduce global warming, in his free time away from his $130 billion divorce proceedings, he has a new hobby, building nuclear power plants. Power companies run by billionaire buddies Bill Gates and Warren Buffett have chosen Wyoming to launch the first Natrium nuclear reactor project on the site of a retiring coal plant. TerraPower, founded by Gates about 15 years ago, and power company Pacificor, owned by Warren Buffett's birth shirt Hathaway, said this week that the exact site of the
Starting point is 00:02:44 Natrium reactor demonstration plant was expected to week that the exact site of the Natrium reactor demonstration plant was expected to be announced by the end of the year. And Bill Gates said, we think Natrium will be the game changer for the energy industry. He said that in a media conference. Just another project for this global level bond villain. Get the whole story on American intelligence officials have found no evidence that aerial phenomenon witnessed by Navy pilots in recent years are alien spacecraft, but they still cannot explain dot com. American intelligence officials have found no evidence that aerial phenomenon witnessed by Navy pilots in recent years are alien spacecraft, but they still cannot explain the unusual movements that have mystified scientists and the military, according to
Starting point is 00:03:13 senior administration officials briefed on the findings of a highly anticipated government report. Here's some video they released. There's a whole fleet of them. Look on the ASA. My gosh. They're all going against the wind. The wind's 120 knots to the west. Look at that thing, dude. That's not our LNS, though, is it? It's not. I do have an on us, yeah. Well, if there's a good thing.
Starting point is 00:03:48 Well, that's our top headline right now over at We talk about so much on the Tree News Guidecast, we don't have room for it all. That's why we have, the right alternative to the Drudge Report. Back again with us as special guest hosts while Rick and Edward are out are Lauren Witzke and Milo Yiannopoulos. So welcome back you two. Glad to have you back. Thank you very much. Thank you, thank you. Well, letters, letters. We get letters. We do get letters. Now as you mentioned yesterday, I've been personally very touched
Starting point is 00:04:19 and moved by the extraordinarily positive response to my testimony yesterday and to our being on this program. And we're very grateful to you for having us and trusting us with the rental car while the owners are recuperating. Then again, there are always those people who just aren't sure and who are a little bit wary of change. And for insight into the criminal mind, we thought we would share with you some of the more skeptical emails that we received. Well, because if you're watching this, you already know that the show is great.
Starting point is 00:04:57 You can see it yourself. You have ears and eyes. You know it's wonderful. But in the deepest recesses of the internet, there are always people who take a different view. So here's some of our hate mail. And please do keep it coming. Although I have to say I'm somewhat disappointed.
Starting point is 00:05:12 I entreated viewers yesterday to indulge themselves, to really bring it. I begged you. I said, please, the Iliad of hate. But it seems like the hate mail is getting shorter, not longer. Have you noticed that? Maybe brevity is the... Soul of wit. Yep, yep, yep.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Soul of wit. All right. So here's the first email. You had this degenerate on again today. I'm done, says Warren. Would you like to address that? Well, first of all, Milo, I don't like being called a degenerate. I'm here every day this is the first time someone has ever called me a degenerate and so Warren I'm
Starting point is 00:05:52 offended by that and I you know I don't know what to say in response to that so we'll just leave it at that we'll do a better job of keeping these that this this this sort off your screens in future days of the God cast. Here's another email. The new guy. Oh, dear. I'm a big fan of true news, and I would like to comment on something.
Starting point is 00:06:15 The new guy who is the main host of the show is okay, but I think is not allowing everyone to speak uninterrupted. Otherwise, the show is informative. God bless you, John. I wouldn't say that's hate mail. I think that's probably fair criticism, isn't it? These people don't understand that I've never hosted a show before. So I flew in late and Milo has been carrying the torch for me, literally picking me up, putting me on his back and carrying me through this. So I'm actually, that's on me. That's my fault. She asked me to do the heavy
Starting point is 00:06:44 lifting for the first day or two. And as far as the interruptions are concerned, I mean, we have a different dynamic here than Rick, Edward and I do. And so this is a whole different, you know, chemistry, a whole different dynamic that's on here. I'm not offended by that. And this is, you know, this is almost like a mosh pit of information that we're doing here every day. So I'm not offended. Lauren's not offended. Don't you be offended. You know, just kind of work with us here and you'll find out you might learn something
Starting point is 00:07:13 along the way. So we have another email. You see, I didn't select these emails. I won't reveal to viewers who did. This is kind of a mixed one here. And so. All right. All right.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Please consider addressing Milo's continual interruptions. It is annoying and distracting. It is good that Lauren and Milo are on True News. Doc, maybe. Oh, no, I think what she means is, Doc, maybe be more in control. Rather than Doc, maybe. Be more in control.
Starting point is 00:07:41 Depends on how you want to word it. It is enigmatically punctuated as so many hateful screeds on the inside. No, it's not hateful. They're not also seeing me hinting at you when I lose my place. I'm like, help, help, help. If you were to pay attention properly, JD, you might have noticed the triple blink. Of desperation, please save me. I don't mind carrying the slings and arrows being accused of being an interrupter, a bloviator,
Starting point is 00:08:15 somebody who's even been accused on occasion of enjoying the sound of his own voice. You can believe that, viewers. But if I get the triple blink, it's only the chivalrous thing to do. The chivalrous thing to do. Oh, dear. I wasn't quite sure how to interpret the next one, Milo, so maybe you can help me with this one as well. Well, the subject line is Freemason. Where does it ever go from there?
Starting point is 00:08:35 All right. Very thankful Rick and Susan are recovering well, Edward and staff as well. Please get Milo off your show. He is 100% Freemason Illuminati puppet. Not transformed, no anointing, and full Freemason hand gestures throughout the video today.
Starting point is 00:08:52 I listened to him last night, gave him the benefit of the doubt. Tonight, I observe more closely. Nice bleached hair, too. That's also my fault. Oh, no, no, no. Wait, wait, wait. It goes on.
Starting point is 00:09:02 His accent is annoying. He's not a true son of God. I have much less respect for your show. Stop with your brick wall. That's not a metaphor. I presume she means the actual brick wall behind us. And you are misleading people and making them sick, possibly keeping people from eternal salvation. That's from Linda W. Yes. And so I, once again, this is kind of the, you know, not, I would say the extreme ends of the criticisms here. It wasn't as vile as yesterday. Someone had a comment about Lauren's segment yesterday. If you want this here. I was going to say, by the way, Linda, if you want to email us again at info at, I'd love to have you on the phone on Monday so you can explain to me.
Starting point is 00:09:50 I'm not exactly sure what full Freemason hand gestures are, but if they do exist, I'd like to know about them so I can not do them accidentally. Let me just say that I've had several people comment that you are very active with your hands on screen. Well, I'm Mediterranean. I'm Mediterranean. Greece is next to Italy. We do this a lot, you know. We do this and, you know. We talk with our hands in the Mediterranean.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Sometimes people read things into that, but don't sweat it. Let me tell you, if I wanted to do a hand gesture, I'd do it on purpose and I'd tell you about it because you are listening, ladies and gentlemen, to the person who invented this as a Trump supporting hand gesture and then bamboozled and baffled CNN into believing that it was a racist thing just to make fun of them to see if they were stupid enough to run it.
Starting point is 00:10:38 And they're still doing it. They're still doing it to this day. My friends and I posted on 4chan and whatnot this fake thing about this Trump supporting OK Hand sign, just to see if reporters were dumb enough to run it in the run up to 2016. And of course they were. So if I do a hand gesture, it's probably on purpose. And if it isn't on purpose, I want to hear about it because I understand the power of gesture.
Starting point is 00:10:58 So please do tell us. Now, sorry, you said that one about Lauren. Yes. So first of all, Lauren's doing a great job and everything. She is doing a great job. Lauren started a segment on Fauci emails very well. It was hijacked by, oh, come on. Come on.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Look, I trusted you to pick these before the show. I didn't read them ahead of time. You'll learn your lesson. Do you see what a gentle but devastating critique this is? I'm not going to say it. I'm not going to say stop interrupting. I'm going to let our readers do the talking. I'm going to, for every email I pick, by the way.
Starting point is 00:11:32 It's a quite passive-aggressive nature. By the way, we talk a lot on this. Yeah, it is passive-aggressive. On this show, we talk a lot about, we have been and we will be talking more about dishonest strategies used by the media. You know, saying something but not mentioning the rest of the story. Selective inclusion of evidence. Well, I'll put it to you, but this is, out of the thousand-plus emails we have now received across True News and direct people writing to the two of us
Starting point is 00:11:57 and all the rest of it, expressing their extraordinary joy at the show, you, you have done a search and selectively presented the four emails. I'm sure of it. Well, there's more. All right, I give up. I tried.
Starting point is 00:12:17 I tried. It was hijacked by Milo. We don't need a comment about gays in every segment. Enough already. Milo is not ready for primetime. Oh, dear. That's from Robbie. Very cool.
Starting point is 00:12:27 Thank you, Robbie. Oh, dear. I'm sorry to break it to you, but I'm afraid that ship sailed. Once you've been on and successfully executed a segment on real time, I think you are by definition ready for primetime. This one's funny. This one's my favorite. Look, message received, guys.
Starting point is 00:12:48 All right. And by guys, I mean Doc. OK. Straight man. This is our last email, and then we're going to move on. Dear True News, I am a monthly contributor to True News, and I hereby demand that you immediately stop this new format that I have listened to for the past two days. Go back to the previous sad, serious, depressing news delivery format or I might hurt myself.
Starting point is 00:13:11 This is a threat. Why? Because I find myself grinning from ear to ear and laughing uncontrollably at the same depressing news delivered with a whole new humorous and godly twist. You bamboozled us, didn't you, Doc? I did. You slipped in something lovely. Rick was obviously inspired, and I pray that somehow you integrate this winning combination. I mean, Doc is the best straight man, pun intended, to play opposite Milo.
Starting point is 00:13:33 Pure genius. Sincerely, Kevin. Well, you've bought me back from the brink of suicidal depression. With that one, so thanks very much. Ladies and gentlemen, we did promise you a show marshalled and led by the indefatigable and beautiful Lauren Witzke.
Starting point is 00:13:50 This is it. Over to you, Lauren. Alright, this is my first show I've ever hosted. I'm usually a contributor, so, and here I go. So I hope you guys are gracious as I continue. But welcome, and before we start, I wanted to offer an apology. Earlier this week, we may have left viewers with the vague impression that reporter
Starting point is 00:14:07 from Right Wing Watch, Jared Holt, was fired from Right Wing Watch. Comments made on this program could have left viewers assuming that Holt was terminated for being too much trouble even for that awful mudslinging publication. We apologize unreservedly. We should have made it crystal clear that he was fired. On behalf of everyone here at True News, I would like to express remorse that we didn't
Starting point is 00:14:34 hang on this for hours, which we should have. So yesterday in our last segment, people really enjoyed the scripture verses and reading God's Word and what we felt like God was saying to us and what we needed to share yesterday. So we're going to go ahead and do that again. I think that this is something that we should continue doing. It's very good. And Doc, would you like to start off with your verse that you chose today? Sure.
Starting point is 00:15:00 Here at the ministry, we have a Bible study every morning with our staff, and we've been doing it online here for the past week or so. But we finished up the book of Ephesians today, and we were in Ephesians 6. And this scripture stands out to me from Ephesians 6. And it talks about the battle that we're in, about the forces of darkness there in the world around us. And it says, Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand
Starting point is 00:15:27 against the plans of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore, take up the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day,
Starting point is 00:15:44 and having done all to stand." That's Ephesians chapter 6 verses 10 through 13 and something that inspires me on a daily basis to stand where we are. So guys? That was good. That was so good. Milo?
Starting point is 00:15:58 Well, we were talking yesterday about how newcomers to Christianity and people who draw closer to their faith again. Now I'm very self-conscious about my hands now. Those are amazing symbols, aren't they? I don't know. What are these secret messages people think? Do you know what? You can't just wave club hands.
Starting point is 00:16:18 Susan knows ASL, doesn't she? She does. I'm going to have to learn some ASL so that my hands are doing something specific rather than just waving all over the place. We were talking yesterday about how people who return to the church or who discover Christ later in life have this great realization, which is that you actually don't need to do it all on your own and that strength can come from Heavenly Father, from Jesus Christ, from anyone. So I picked something from Galatians
Starting point is 00:16:49 and it's in line with my favorite religious joke. Now, nuns and monks and priests and pastors are not known for their rib-splitting humor on the whole, although I find Rick very funny. But one of my favorite genres of religious joke is that whole, well, if you don't sin, Christ died for nothing. So this is in line with that, but obviously more serious. This is from Galatians 2.17.
Starting point is 00:17:23 But if, while we seek to be justified by Christ, we ourselves also are found sinners, is Christ therefore a minister of sin? Certainly not. For if I build again those things which I destroyed, I make myself a transgressor. For I, through the law, died to the law, that I might live to God. I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. Very good, Milo. That's a great scripture there. Praise the Lord. I chose 1 Peter 4, 16-17 for today.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in this matter. For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God. And if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God? So I chose that verse today because I am going to share a little bit of my testimony. So yesterday, Milo has been actually multiple times has come on here and shared a little bit about his story. And, you know, it was funny because we were watching it and he was like, I can't watch that part. And I was like, well, I can't ever watch them either. But it's not really for us.
Starting point is 00:18:47 It's for you. I know that there are people that have read my Wikipedia page that I did not write. And every time I try to change it, they've actually locked me out because I've tried to change it so many times. But, yes, I mean, it is true. I did struggle with addiction. And this is something that millions of other Americans are struggling with. It's devastating. Millions of American families.
Starting point is 00:19:07 And, you know, as somebody who came out of addiction all through my 20s, I struggled. I could not get clean. You know, I actually started working for a pharmaceutical company. And I bought into that lie that there was a drug to fix anything. You know, if you have depression, if you have anxiety, there's a pill for that. They even now have a pill for addiction. It's just remarkable. I started taking pain medication and it progressed to a full IV heroin addiction for years and
Starting point is 00:19:38 years and I just could not get clean. I have been radically saved by the grace of God he is and despite all the darkness that is going on like I want to tell you that God is still working he is still doing amazing things he is working behind his scenes he is saving lives he is radically delivering people from addiction from homosexuality from you know pornography addictions you know and he's still real and he still sits on the throne and he is good. So I wanted to share a little bit about my story because it's a God story. It's a Jesus story. And I hope that it could inspire any parents that have children that
Starting point is 00:20:16 are struggling with addiction or anybody that is struggling with any kind of addiction, whatever it may be, shopping, gambling, substance abuse, it all applies because it's the anointing of the Lord that breaks the yoke of bondage. And there's power in our testimonies. So after I got this job with this pharmaceutical company, bought into the party lifestyle, I was just a wild child. And I never thought that addiction would happen to somebody like me. I went to college on a full athletic scholarship. I had a great job, a car, an apartment, and drugs cost me everything. And they destroyed my life. And I still could not get away from them. No matter where I went, they followed me everywhere. So I eventually got to a point where I had
Starting point is 00:21:04 ran down to Tennessee. I had ran down to Tennessee. I was living down in Tennessee. I was running drugs for the Mexican cartel, gangs in Detroit. And I was 80 pounds. My hair was falling out because I was just so malnourished. I also started smoking methamphetamine in combination with my heroin, IV heroin addiction. And here I was in Tennessee, sitting on a dirty mattress selling drugs, and God met me there. And He just, He called me to something else. You know, I knew I was called to something greater. I knew that I was called
Starting point is 00:21:39 to fight on the front lines for, you know, His heart, things that matter to His heart. And I, but I still had to submit to the process of recovery. That's the hard part. You think, oh, I've been touched by God. I'm set free. No. I actually went through a program called Teen Challenge. It is a year-long residential program.
Starting point is 00:21:57 It was founded in 1968. It was originally set up for teenagers in New York City. But now it is actually a global ministry that is doing amazing things. They actually have an 80% success rate globally. So people that walk through the doors of Teen Challenge walk out. Eight out of ten of them never use again. But, you know, it was like boot camp for me. You know, it was just me, God, and the mountains. And he began to work on my heart and
Starting point is 00:22:27 transform me and rebuild my character from the inside out. And he changed me. And, you know, he has opened doors that I could have never opened for myself. He has just, he's just been so good to me. And he's, and if he could save me, if he could raise me up from where I was, from a dirty mattress in Tennessee, it is not hopeless for anybody that is listening to this, anybody that is out there. He is still working and he is still good and he is still faithful. So, you know, I also, you know, after I got free from my addiction, I was recruited to work for the Trump campaign in Iowa. I was eventually fired for being too conservative. I'll share about work for the Trump campaign in Iowa. I was eventually fired
Starting point is 00:23:05 for being too conservative. I'll share about that another time. I'm not so angry about that or anything. But I eventually decided to run for United States Senate. So, you know, your past does not have to disqualify you from having a good, good future and the future that God has for you. I ended up running one of the most successful U.S. Senate campaigns in the state of Delaware, defeating other Republicans. I won my primary, first time ever running, starting with $25 in my bank account. And I wanted to fight because I was mad because nobody, nobody in the political class was talking about the opioid epidemic.
Starting point is 00:23:42 And it mattered to me. And I was sick and tired of my friends dying. I was sick and tired of my friends overdosing in a McDonald's bathroom or being found in a Big Lots parking lot three days later. So I decided to run for U.S. Senate. And I decided to run for change. And we ended up defeating our primary opponent, endorsed establishment Republican,
Starting point is 00:24:03 beat him in a landslide, and then went on to take on the establishment Democrat. But we did not win. But I'm still so proud of our accomplishments because we were able to give a national platform to the opioid abuse issue. It's devastating. White working class America, it's devastating. Middle America, it's devastating. It's just devastating families. So I wanted to also share today, I wanted to talk about the Sackler family. The Sackler family is a Jewish family that came to the United States. They actually started studying marketing and psychology. So they had nothing to even, they really didn't even have any affiliation with pain medication, but they were good at learning how to market things and sell things.
Starting point is 00:24:51 Now, the Sackler family was the single reason that we have America's opioid epidemic. They invented, so they owned Purdue and they started producing a drug called OxyContin. Now, I even remember when OxyContin was marketed as the most non-addictive opioid when the truth is it was the most it was the most addictive opioid to ever hit the United States of America or the big pharma market. So they eventually started the worst part the most evil part of this, is these people made $30 million selling a drug that they knew was addictive that would destroy middle America. They started by targeting, there's a picture, the Rust Belt states, states that had lost their manufacturing. Can I get a map up?
Starting point is 00:25:38 Yeah, they started losing their manufacturing and they started, the Sackler family specifically targeted these states and these people became addicted. You know, once you lose your job, once you are not able to take care of your family, you start to become hopeless. And like thousands, hundreds of thousands of Americans started dying, hopeless deaths of despair. And this was specifically planned and targeted by the Sackler family. You know, you can thank them for getting middle America addicted. This is specifically affecting white working class America. They specifically had a vendetta against these people.
Starting point is 00:26:17 You know how crack was the black epidemic in, what was it, the 80s? Still, I think you- Yeah, and I mean, it was it, the 80s? Still, I think. Yeah, and I mean, it was specifically, even though I believe that the crack epidemic was done by the CIA, but, you know. So they specifically target demographics, and the Sacklers specifically targeted white working-class America, and as a result, thousands and thousands and thousands,
Starting point is 00:26:40 almost 500,000 people have died, and that's just the ones that have been reported in the last 10 years. Devastating millions of families and a lot of people are still out there and addicted. So I wanted to bring attention to that because recently we have seen the court case where the lawsuits against the Sackler family, who has refused to take responsibility. They illegally went after these doctors, incentivized them to prescribe these opioids in these Rust Belt states to get people,
Starting point is 00:27:13 Americans specifically, addicted to these drugs. You open our borders up, you mass populate the nation with Mexican cartels who are here, and they come here 100% legally. They sell fentanyl and drugs to your kids, and they come here 100% legally, they sell fentanyl and drugs to your kids and they don't think twice about it knowing that they're laced and they will kill you. So it was the perfect thing to usher in.
Starting point is 00:27:33 So we have opioid epidemic and then open borders and mass migration. It just all goes together into destroying the white working class of people. And we're not supposed to say that. We're not supposed to talk about the issues that affect ordinary people, but this is real. These people specifically, this family specifically targeted us and they came and they knew that it would result in millions of people dead
Starting point is 00:27:58 and millions of Americans dead. And the American opioid epidemic is still going on to this day. And it is something that I will continue to fight. It's something I'm really passionate about. It's something that I really know, especially as a pharmaceutical, former pharmaceutical rep. I know how the pharma reps are able to manipulate doctors to get them to write exactly what they want.
Starting point is 00:28:15 But these people are absolutely responsible. They made over $30 billion profiting off of the deaths of Americans. And interestingly enough, people like Frank Luntz, I don't know if you guys know who he is, he is a lobbyist and he actually gave the Sackler family talking points on how they could blame middle America, how they could blame ordinary West Virginians for their own opioid epidemic. So these people aren't sorry. They just learn how to spin the narrative so they can take blame off of themselves.
Starting point is 00:28:50 You know, and speaking of the Republican Party, you know, Frank Luntz happens to be the roommate of Kevin McCarthy, the House minority leader. To this day. To this day. They still live together. Not really sure what's going on there. But, you know, you know what I mean. They used to, in happier and more innocent decades, as you reminded me the other day,
Starting point is 00:29:11 they used to refer to that as confirmed bachelors. Confirmed bachelors. Confirmed bachelors. Leave the rest to your own imagination. Mm-hmm. We appreciate you sharing your testimony today and the work that God has done in your life and is continuing to do and how you've transitioned from running drugs for the Mexican cartel to running for the U.S. Senate. I mean, what an amazing work of grace has taken place. And so and then you ended up here on True News.
Starting point is 00:29:42 I don't know. So you keep stepping up. Yeah here on True News. I don't know. Keep stepping up. Yeah, that's right. I agree. If this is the kind of magic that happens when I shut up, I might not come back on Monday. You've got more for us today, don't you, Lauren? Well, you know, speaking of the Republican Party, Kim McCarthy, and I'd like to pull up, recently there was a tweet by the RNC chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel. Do we have that? Can we pull that up?
Starting point is 00:30:11 Number 14, I think. Yeah, it's number 14 for control. So happy Pride Month. The GOP is proud to have doubled our LGBTQ support over the last four years, and we will continue to grow our big tent by supporting measures that promote fairness and balance protections for the LGBTQ Americans and those with deeply held religious beliefs. So what does that exactly mean, that last sentence? There's something a bit patronizing in there, isn't there?
Starting point is 00:30:35 Yes, isn't there? I mean, the two things that strike me about it, first of all, why are you seeking in any case at all to balance the concerns of LGBTQ whatever who have no place in the Republican Party, whose lifestyle choices are utterly incompatible with conservative values. Why is the Republican Party in America seeking to balance their concerns in the first place? And then this interesting phrase, people with, people with, it even sounds, it's got the same sort of clinical sound to it
Starting point is 00:31:09 as when they say, instead of women birthing humans or whatever, right? People with deeply held religious views. Maybe it's just me, but isn't there some, there's something a little bit patronizing or condescending, like encoded in there somewhere, isn't there? People with deeply held religious
Starting point is 00:31:25 views. I don't know about you, but having had some experience of people in Washington, D.C., and how deeply they hold their views, which is to say not at all, I think they sort of look down their nose on anyone who believes in anything particularly strongly. I think they sort of think that only a Rube would take Christ seriously because well-educated, sophisticated, civilized people's views are up for grabs and up for sale. Right, they're broad. Do you know what I mean? There's this sort of assumption that if you have deeply held religious views, I can just,
Starting point is 00:32:00 maybe it's just me, maybe I'm crazy, But I can kind of, in my mind, picture her sort of holding these people in her mind at arm's length with tweezers. You know? Oh, yes, the religious right. We've got to. Does that make sense to you? She's Mitt Romney's niece, too. So I really wonder what the Mormon stands for. Romney McDaniel, yes.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Yeah, Ronna Romney McDaniel is her real name. So I'm really curious what the Mormons, how they feel about it. Well, she's not getting her own planet, is she? No, I guess not. Planet revoked. But you bring up a good point. There's a big shift happening in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I mean, there are some big changes taking place,
Starting point is 00:32:37 and they're much more open to what the left is calling alternative lifestyles, because there's a huge movement within the Mormon church of people practicing these values. And so they're going through their own huge cultural shift. But I found out that with that tweet, she said deeply held religious beliefs. Like, it's not okay to say the word Christian. Right. Why can't she just say Jesus Christ?
Starting point is 00:33:08 Right, and so unless she's throwing everything into that big pot there, but the fact that she put that and together with the LGBTQ Americans and deeply held religious beliefs equating those two instead of them being in opposition to one another. As though they were both morally equivalent yes and as though she is herself agnostic as to which of them might be right and which might be wrong right and we're a big tent yeah well big tent for me whenever i hear
Starting point is 00:33:40 it uh a big tent to me just means everything's for sale. Yes. And you know, the Republican Party platform, it still states that we stand for traditional marriage. You know, they voted last year to, they wanted to remove it from the platform, but they didn't because they knew it would be a bad look. But they still did LGBTQ outreach where they get this, you know, they're like, oh, we doubled our LGBTQ voter base. It was 14 percent. Now it's 28 percent, which amounts to 90, 900000 voters nationally, mostly in San Diego, where it's deep blue and it doesn't matter anyway. So it was just it's not electorally sound and they know this. So this is all about pushing an agenda. It's all about kind of making a mockery of their Christian base.
Starting point is 00:34:24 You know, I'm offended as a Christian. Like this offends me. You know, I joined this party. I can't be a part of this. I can't be a part of the party with Bruce Jenner parading around as a woman. As a Christian, I cannot drop my standard. And I know a lot of other people feel the same way. Do we have Jerome Bell on here?
Starting point is 00:34:43 So I know Jerome Bell. He is awesome family guy. He and I go way back. He's actually running for U.S. Congress in Virginia. Is that correct? In Virginia Beach? Yeah, that's correct. That's correct.
Starting point is 00:34:58 You got it. Yeah. So yesterday, Milo and I were talking about how overwhelmingly black conservatives are opposed to the LGBTQ agenda. You know, but the GOP has become the party of pandering more so, it seems. And I know that you're a father. I know that you're a strong father that believes in family values. And Jerome, can I ask you, are you a little embarrassed to be a part of this GOP right now with Ronna Romney putting out tweets like that in support of LGBTQ? I mean, you know, I saw that tweet and I said, well, that's an oxymoron, you know, with deep, you know, Christian values and LGBTQ. Last time I checked in the Bible, that didn't go together,
Starting point is 00:35:37 you know, but here it is. Let me explain something to you. And I'm probably going to be the only GOP candidate that's running that would that will say this and that will be honest and that will also campaign on this because these are american values you know the lgbtq agenda is as and i'm speaking from a black man family perspective one man's opinion you know not speaking for all black, because I know all of that's going to come back, right? You know, OK, so but the LGBTQ agenda is really just as deadly to blacks as the racist Margaret Sanger Planned Parenthood baby killing agenda that's in our black neighborhoods. Abortion destroys hope.
Starting point is 00:36:21 It destroys a human being made in the image of God. It destroys the mental and emotional health of the mother. You know, you have to look at it now. She has to live with, you know, a life without hope now, you know, in her soul, because, you know, where she has had a hand in personally ending the life of her own little baby, which was given to her by God. You know, motherhood is the primary role of women in society, a role given to her by the Almighty God. Mothers are priceless. They're without measure, without equal.
Starting point is 00:37:03 And these little girls and some of these women, they're being convinced to take this priceless gift and destroy it they're being convinced to rob I'll say rob themselves of this one area in which mothers have been set apart from everyone else right set above everyone else set on a pedestal above everyone else and that is the ability to be a mother. Jerome, were you aware that in 2018 the House, we have the House, Senate and the presidency and Donald Trump still signed a funding bill, a spending bill that forced taxpayers to fund Planned Parenthood. Now as a candidate for US Congress, do you think that the Republican Party is going the direction of, you know, we're such a big tent, now we should go after the pro-abortion vote and that they'll start,
Starting point is 00:37:49 you know, trying to keep, I mean, now we're going after the non-traditional marriage vote. Where does this end? Where do you see, you know, do you see this compromise ending well for the Republican Party? Well, I really don't. You know, that's the party that claims to be a family values. OK, so my question is, do they really want to assist the openly and anti-family LGBTQ agenda? I mean, 2018, you know, we had it all. We could have did a lot of things. And so is Kevin McCarthy going to condemn this course of action? That's what I want to know. Is Steve Kalish,? Is Paul Ryan? Since he likes to talk a lot. Is Mitch McConnell? Is Liz Cheney?
Starting point is 00:38:28 You know, are conservatives in the House and the Senate? They need to stand up and voice their opinion. We all need to. So I'm calling, actually, I'm calling on my opponent right here now, who's running against me in the 2nd District of the State of Virginia to stand up against this anti-American
Starting point is 00:38:43 black hating agenda, because I call it a blackating agenda, because you have to look at it. You know, these Bolsheviks and communists, they want to cancel motherhood. They've, this LGBTQ agenda, which is one that's obsessed, obviously, with unnatural sex between men and women, between men and men, women and women, you know, they've now targeted the black community in an effort to aid in the extermination of blacks. And yes, I said it, the extermination of blacks, right along with the black baby killing agenda of Planned Parenthood. You know, because here's a shocking note for you, and maybe not shocking to you because you know numbers, Laura. It's like, Laura, it's nearly two-thirds of abortions kill a black or brown baby.
Starting point is 00:39:26 And we need to stop calling it the abortion lobby and stop calling it truly what it is, and that's the black extermination lobby. So I'm calling on the GOP to not court the LGBTQ agenda, because what we have in the black community, along with abortion, you know, along with black-on-black crime, which the media wants and perpetuates by ignoring it, and obviously now the GOP does abortion, you know, along with black-on-black crime, which the media wants and perpetuates by ignoring it. Obviously, now the GOP does, too. You know, it's quite simply an agenda aimed at exterminating all blacks. And we're, while we're exterminating ourselves, it's self-discrimination.
Starting point is 00:39:56 I can't go along with it. Yeah, I understand why I appreciate you standing in the gap on behalf of these unborn babies where abortion does disproportionately affect black babies more than any other demographic. It was no mistake. Margaret Sanger was actually a eugenicist. So this was specifically targeted for, you know, your demographic. And I'm so glad to hear that you are standing up for traditional Christian family values for life. You know, there's hardly anybody left who's willing to stand up for life within our government.
Starting point is 00:40:28 Jerome, where can everybody find you? Everybody can find me. My website is, and you spell that And as long as at Jack allows me to keep my Twitter account, I can be found at Jerome Bell VA. And also I can be found on Facebook. I'm suspended right now, so I can't post on Facebook. But I am at Jerome Bell for Virginia Facebook and a gab at Jerome Bell VA. So as long as I'm not suspended on these platforms, you know, for speaking the truth and
Starting point is 00:41:06 speaking out against these various agendas, you know, that's where people can find me. But they can also donate at All right. Awesome. Yes, certainly we want to support our pro-life candidates who are going to go to D.C. and not forget about us when we send them there. Isn't that right, Jerome? Thank you so much for coming on today. Absolutely. Thank you. Thank you. Thanks for having me on. Thanks. We love our base blacks, don't we? We do love our base blacks. Don't we have the best ones? I wish he would come out of his shell and really say what he means. He was on good behavior. I told him no cussing. He's got what we can only describe as black privilege, which is the ability to actually say what's on your mind
Starting point is 00:41:48 rather than having to constantly second-guess yourself. Yes, yes. Great interview, Lauren. That was wonderful. Thank you, thank you. He's one of the good ones. He's going to win, too. You're not going to need me after very long.
Starting point is 00:41:59 She's doing great. Yeah, I agree. You see this coquettish dishonesty. Oh, no, I've never hosted a show. I don't know what I'm doing. I need you to help me. Milo, can you just, you know, the triple blink stuff. And she gets in the driving seat,
Starting point is 00:42:13 and suddenly she's like Megyn Kelly in her heyday before she went bad. Good heaven, we've been bamboozled, ladies and gentlemen. We've been hoodwinked. Well, so you can't tell I'm terrified. That's good. And not just pretty and competent, but self-effacing, too.
Starting point is 00:42:28 How about that? Well, speaking of genocide, so Jerome Bell was speaking about... I'm sorry. I apologize. It's just you're the only person on American television who would connect to a news segment like that. I am in the language of my former community. We're still working on our transitions. We are.
Starting point is 00:42:50 In the language of my former community, I am living for it. So please carry on. Don't let me stop you. Well, okay. So anyway, so Jerome Bell was talking about the black genocide, which is specifically targeting black Americans in these inner cities, resulting in 80% of the abortions performed are on, you know, America aborts one million babies, 1.1 million babies a year, 1.1 million empty cradles per year,
Starting point is 00:43:16 specifically disproportionately attacking the inner city communities and the black demographics. So, you know, I also wanted to, you know, go to the other end of this. Right now, there's also an anti-white agenda. Recently, there was an article put out. It will shock you. I mean, we've seen it everywhere. We see it on the news, the anti-white rhetoric. Black lives matter, but if you say white lives matter,
Starting point is 00:43:38 you are a racist, white supremacist, evil person. You must be exterminated. The entire thing is trying to condition you to make you feel like you have no right to stand up for yourself. It's gotten to the point now where, you know, it affects academia. It's in the marketing. It's in the corporations, the rhetoric. Everything you see is anti-white. Critical race theory, you know, let's call it what it is. It is anti-white. And it is all targeted at the destruction of the white demographic.
Starting point is 00:44:11 So recently there was an article that came out. What happens when doctors can't tell the truth? And it will shock you. I want to show this. I don't know if people want to look this up. So now this has gone to the point where it is in hospitals. So now hospitals, doctors are taking diversity training on how they can identify racist patients, correct them on their rhetoric. And now doctors, actually older, more seasoned doctors, cannot even call out their trainees who show up late if they're of a
Starting point is 00:44:39 different color because that would be racist. If they're doing things they can't critique them because that would be racist. But not only doing things they can't critique them because that would be racist. But not only that, they're being taught to treat the patients differently, just decided by the color of their skin. Now, if you are white, you come in with COVID, you are last in line in their priority list because the entire agenda is anti-white.
Starting point is 00:45:03 So I wanted to make you guys aware of that, that it has now gone from academia to the corporate marketing all the way to hospitals now. You know, there are doctors that are standing up speaking out about this, what this article is about. You know, people have a real problem with this. Doctors, it is not their job to police rhetoric or decide whose life is worth saving or not. It is their job to care for us and you know people are losing sight of them and it's majority the younger generation that is rising up they are learning it's divisive it teaches people to hate each other but also neglecting white patients in the
Starting point is 00:45:38 hospital I mean it's reprehensible I can't believe we've gotten to that point so I also wanted to bring up something. Did I mention that Jared Holt was fired? Yeah, we did mention it, I think. I missed that. Did you want to just recap? Yeah. Oh, shoot.
Starting point is 00:45:54 Jared Holt was fired. From where? Oh, Right Wing Watch. Imagine being too much even for Right Wing Watch. Such a big liability that Right Wing watch had to let you go. I'm so glad that you brought that up because I must have missed that among the other news. In relation to your story, it used to be the case that doctors would assign a priority, you know, in the course of triage, they call it, right? Figuring out who needs the most urgent attention in a room full of people.
Starting point is 00:46:25 That happened in Italy during COVID. Well, it used to be the case that doctors were taught to assess patient need solely on the basis of clinical need, like whose medical problems are the most urgent? Right. Who will die if they don't deal with them first? Right. Who will die if you don't deal with them first? It seems to me to be an extraordinary corruption, if not a cancellation of the Hippocratic oath, of the foundational principles of medicine in every Western country to inject critical race theory that requires that we treat patients differently according to the color of their skin, irrespective, for instance, of their socioeconomic status. Right. So you could be in an emergency room and you've got two people who happen to be white but are perhaps not immensely wealthy.
Starting point is 00:47:15 And you have somebody with black skin who went to Harvard who is going to receive preferential treatment despite his more minor ailments and greater economic power and greater choice that comes with that because of these superficial skin color considerations. And they always result in absurdities. They never help the people they're actually supposed to help. Harvard's racist admission policies, which discriminate against Asian Americans and against whites in favor of blacks and to a lesser extent Hispanics, because that's the way SAT scores are. No matter what you do, they always seem to come out the same.
Starting point is 00:47:56 They don't really care about helping foundational black Americans. They don't really want to help, to put it bluntly, the descendants of slaves who are suffering from the legacy of slavery, as it were, which was always how it was sold, right? Affirmative action is always sold like that. All they really want is just brown faces for their prospectuses, because it's the foreign students that put the big bucks in anyway. And at home, they just want to appear as woke as possible. So they found at Harvard that the people who were applying for the affirmative action and getting in were actually like really well-educated, rich, black, you know, Jamaicans and Africans who had like expensive British educations.
Starting point is 00:48:36 And they were applying to Harvard with the affirmative action. And because people started to notice this, Harvard took action to address the problem. Do you know what they did? What? They just stopped publishing where people came from. If you don't like the evidence. Never mind. Never mind about that.
Starting point is 00:48:54 Because it's not really about helping people who are languishing in poverty thanks to whether it's Republican inaction or Democrat malevolence. You know, they don't really want to help anybody there. They just want nice brown faces for their perspectives. But Lauren, isn't that at the very heart of the hypocrisy of those on the devonic left that on the one hand, they'll promote what they call critical race theory. It's saying they advance the causes of black Americans, Hispanic Americans, everything else. And yet on the other end of the spectrum,
Starting point is 00:49:25 they kill them off in the womb. Critical race theory has filtered down through the political spectrum, through the corporate spectrum. It's in the church too. Seminaries are teaching critical race theory. Churches now are teaching their congregations to apologize for being white if they happen to be a majority white congregation.
Starting point is 00:49:49 In fact, there are congregations now that are actually devoting certain percentages of their budgets now to give to black families in their community as apology, as reparations. Churches are doing this. And I'm not just talking about churches on the left. I'm talking about middle of the road and even what we would classify as evangelical churches. And yet at the same time, the hypocrisy that they eliminate, try to eliminate that same population in the womb and celebrate. So it's the ultimate hypocrisy. I don't know if you've noticed that as well. Remember yesterday when they put out that NBC hit on Rick? That's the way they see us. They laughed at the fact that he could potentially die. This is our enemy.
Starting point is 00:50:35 But this is the dehumanizing thing. This is why people say, and when you see it, you think, oh, maybe they're being a bit hysterical. but this is why people say this is how certain groups were spoken of before large scale, you know, genocide attempts in history, right? Yeah. This article that you found, it's called What Happens When Doctors Can't Tell the Truth. And it goes a little bit beyond just triage in the accident emergency room, doesn't it? It's published on a blog called Common Sense with Bari Weiss, which is, she's the one who, Jewish writer who got fired or who left, who knows, from the New York Times because she wasn't left-wing enough.
Starting point is 00:51:11 And in this, it explains why this is a problem, why this is a structural and substantive problem for Western civilization, for research and for medicine, beyond merely what happens to you when you go to the hospital. Under the heading, whole areas of research are off limits. Doctors explain, and I'll just quote just two paragraphs from it, Wokeness feels like an existential threat, a doctor from Northwestern said. In healthcare, innovation depends on open, objective inquiry into complex problems. But that's now undermined by this simplistic and racialized worldview
Starting point is 00:51:47 where racism is seen as the cause of all disparities despite robust data showing it's not that simple. Whole research areas are off limits, he added, saying that some of what's being published in the nation's top medical journals is, and forgive me for the phrasing, this is his quote, shoddy as hell. Shoddy as hell. Yeah. So this should concern everybody. This is probably the first place you'll hear people actually talking about it.
Starting point is 00:52:20 You know, there's doctors, and they aren't even allowed to say anything. You know, there are certain things that they are not going to be allowed to say. And it is real. it is here in America And you know it's just it's shocking that we've allowed ourselves to get this far So you know be your own advocate of your own agency look out for yourselves, and you know just stay prayerful I'm like I said I know times look dark however Christ still sits on the throne. He loves us You know he loves us very much, so right now, I'd like to turn it over to Milo. Something happened yesterday. It's very distressing.
Starting point is 00:52:51 Very distressing. I know. It's time, ladies and gentlemen, for... Speaking of white boys and white boy summer. Well, look, if you are familiar with some of the younger corners of the Internet, you might know about a little thing called white boy summer. White boy summer. White boy summer. You won't know about this. I think your heads have photoshopped in some white boy summer pictures
Starting point is 00:53:11 that the kids have put you on there. I've always had white boy summer so I don't know what is the... You see this is why I know the the groipers, the America first guys, the younger dissident conservatives, they have a healthy and correct skepticism about establishment Republicans, but it pays to listen to your elders because I'm sitting next to a man who has had many white boy summers before he even knew there was a name for it.
Starting point is 00:53:33 He just called me old. It was very graceful. He called me an elder. It was very graceful. I was attempting to draw attention to your wisdom. We'll let that be the sell on it. I'm not having a very good for someone. I was attempting to draw attention to your wisdom. Oh, okay. Well, let that be the sell on it.
Starting point is 00:53:50 I'm not having a very good show, am I? Anyway, it's time, ladies and gentlemen, for Why Isn't It On Fire? I love this part. We're going to have to get some music going, aren't we? We're going to have to get that Elmo gif. I want that on every day. That's going to be great. Those of you who... Oh, there he is.
Starting point is 00:54:07 Those of you with Catholic leanings or with any knowledge of Latin will know the expression miserabile dictu, terrible to relate. You know what this is, don't you? I know you know what it is. I know it's pit vipers. Pit vipers are the... You don't have a snake in there or something. No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:54:25 Pit vipers are the sunglasses of choice for a particular slice of the American public. And it isn't, it is exclusively Republican. Their custom base is exclusively Republican. When I don them in just a moment, you will recognize the aesthetic immediately. This is pit vipers. You familiar with pit vipers?
Starting point is 00:54:48 Yes, now at home you're recognizing. These are worn not just by Republicans, but by a particular kind of Republican, by Appalachian, Scots-Irish, Trump-supporting, NASCAR-loving, monster truck season pass holding. There's probably no season pass. It's a monster truck. It's a monster truck season pass holding, there's probably no season pass, it's a monster truck, monster truck season pass holding Republicans, a very specific kind of Republican. The kind of Republican, for instance, that might have shown up to a Trump speech
Starting point is 00:55:15 on January 6th in the Capitol. Well, Pip Viper, which owes its existence and the wealth of its founders to a very specific kind of Republican and also owes no small amount of its wealth to baked Alaska our guest from a couple of days ago has popularized them in the new white boy summer aesthetic has turned on the people love it most they all go in the end don't know this is why you can't you can't trust corporations. I'm turning into a Marxist, I swear I am.
Starting point is 00:55:47 Here is pit viper disavowing, quote unquote, extremist losers. Ladies and gentlemen, they mean you. They mean young people who enjoy, and I mean this not in any way as a dispiriting fashion or just a disrespectful way that whole kind of redneck aesthetic you know that the sort of defiant hillbilly style a mullet and pit vipers well I don't know to be honest with you and I know that people will have already had something to say about this I felt that you were supposed to take me to Macy's yesterday and you didn't.
Starting point is 00:56:25 Yeah. I felt that, I felt that both, both the sort of satin peaked lapel and a flowery shirt just took me a little bit over the line today
Starting point is 00:56:34 and I would have preferred to just be a little bit more. Subdued? Yeah. Restrained. Restrained, subdued. You are the man who has been teaching me
Starting point is 00:56:43 more than anybody in my life the virtues of restraint. He's still wearing his glasses. Yeah, I know. He has a bleached blonde mullet. You've been teaching me the virtues of restraint, he says, wearing Dolce & Gabbana in a bleached, straightened mullet with a pair of pit vipers. But listen, you see, I dress like this so you don't have to. No, I think my look today is just a little bit...
Starting point is 00:57:16 Look, if you're a Christian and you've been watching Christian-oriented programming for more than a decade, you'll remember some of the greats of yesteryear. The 80s and 90s megachurch pastors of the Deep South. I think I look positively cowboy next to some of those guys. So give me a break. It's a process. But you said that Pit Viper now has made a big shift. Yeah, I know I was getting off topic. All right. Isn't he delicate with it? I'm a diplomat. What a delicate way of saying get back to the point.
Starting point is 00:57:47 So Pit Viper, if we could have that tweet up again, has disavowed its own supporters, disavowed its own customers, called you all names. So no racist, no less of it. And there are some cuss words. It's got a comment about Baked Alaska. Yeah, there are some cuss words on there. Somebody rightly mentioned that Baked Alaska, who we heard from two days ago, who's being persecuted by the three-letter agencies for the crime of going on a museum trip on January 6th. And shock horror, hold on to your hair nets and clutch your pearls. Retweeting a meme in 2016.
Starting point is 00:58:20 Lord Preservers. I know. Sweet baby Jesus and the orphans. Anyway, he has popularized this brand all over again, and they have responded with their infinite grace and good judgment and gratitude by talking like this about Republicans. And, of course, inevitably, for Pride Month, I think this is a form of penance. Yeah. They were kind of getting it in the neck from their friends for
Starting point is 00:58:46 being too Republican a brand, which in America today is some kind of crime, so they have dutifully trotted out Is that a flag? I'm afraid it is. They have dutifully trotted out. It's the perfect marriage of American capitalism with subversive satanic, sodomitic nonsense? They've dutifully trotted out this most Republican for this, but I hope to be able to announce various strategies in retaliation in response to this.
Starting point is 00:59:31 But in the meantime, I just want to encourage you, if you're at home, to say goodbye to these poisonous, revolting people who hate you and who spend your money on making the world a worse place. I really liked these.
Starting point is 00:59:45 Spend your money making the world a worse place. I really liked these. Spend your money making the world a worse place. And in the meantime, it's twisted like it belongs to be, like it deserves to be. In the meantime, ladies and gentlemen, do me a favor. Smash your pit vipers and buy fakes. If you go on Amazon, I've never in my life recommended that somebody buys counterfeit merchandise. I would have looked down my nose a bit.
Starting point is 01:00:08 I would have thought it was ghastly. But please, ladies and gentlemen, I implore you, smash, strangle, twist,
Starting point is 01:00:16 and break your pit vipers, which cost you $90 or $100. Go onto Amazon or eBay and buy, if you must, wear these glasses. And they do look good on some people, maybe not me, but they do look good on some people, if you must wear them, please buy counterfeit pit vipers.
Starting point is 01:00:33 Buy the fakes, buy the Chinese knockoffs, so you get the look without filling the coffers of demons. Screw these guys. So that's, although it's not on fire, we have at least twisted and destroyed it. I just want to say, though, since we're aware and alive to the commercial sensibilities that Pit Viper's obviously struggling through, I don't want to leave Americans
Starting point is 01:01:00 under any misapprehensions about their brand, which is definitely not worn exclusively by racists. Don't buy them. Look, buy the knockoffs, buy the counterfeit, and when you do so, do it with joy and love in your heart because what this demonstrates is the power that you have to even make people sabotage their own commercial interests. This is a company that's basically killing itself
Starting point is 01:01:26 by disavowing its own customer base, and not just part of its customer base, but all of it. No Democrat has ever bought Pit Vipers. No. Ever. They are killing their own fan base, their own company, because they're too afraid of being seen as, in some way, quietly acquiescent to the crime of voting for Trump and going
Starting point is 01:01:47 to NASCAR. These people deserve to burn. And in the next life, perhaps they shall. But that's not a decision for me to make. In the meantime, remember, and I'll try and wrap up quickly. I'm very passionate on this subject. I care about it. In the meantime, remember, what this represents is the enormous power of the dissident right
Starting point is 01:02:06 Fred Perry about whom no one had heard or thought for 20 years had to remove their best-selling Perry if the shirts even named after the brands, right on ik company there to remove the best-selling one because proud boys a perfectly innocent Men's drinking club decided that black and gold was a cool combo and they were going to start wearing Fred Perry's. Well guess what? Black and gold is a cool combo and you can still buy those Fred Perry's in Europe and get them shipped over here. Because they're prepared to take a hit but not that much of one.
Starting point is 01:02:37 These companies are killing themselves so they won't be associated with you. That's power. That's a victory. That's wonderful. So we're fakes and Laugh at them wherever possible online and that's all I've got to say about that. All right great segment there Milo By the way, how much were those glasses? They were a gift from a fan. I'm gonna Look I like to think. Oh, I trunked the other half. No, I wasn't going to put them back together. I like to think that he will consider this to be a virtuous Christian end to a thoughtful gift.
Starting point is 01:03:19 We can have a cremation, too. Well, we're saving the bits because when we get we get a bit comfy with each other and you're uh you know happy to let us take some risks you know i've got a lot of things i want to do okay show so uh what you know why isn't it on fire isn't just a name uh now uh he's been pricing flame floors folks i have they've got some they've got some weird tech in this building where they can tap into your internet history. He seems to know what I've been looking up and I don't know how. Anyway, that's it. Pit Vipers.
Starting point is 01:03:50 Buy fakes. All right. Oh, back to me. Well, not really. I was just sort of looking at you because you're beautiful. A panic button. I got the triple blink. And that's because actually I forgot.
Starting point is 01:04:03 I've got to. Okay, look, there is. I was so glad just by happy coincidence that we heard from your friend, the black conservative, because there's another scourge on black babies in America. Not just black babies, but also on women. It's deadly. It kills hundreds of them a year and injures thousands more. It's called lesbians. Lesbians. Lesbians are...
Starting point is 01:04:26 What? What? What is this funny? Now, what does that have to do with black babies, though? Well, because, let me tell you, those few black babies that are not chucked into the incinerator at Planned Parenthood, many of them are given up for adoption.
Starting point is 01:04:43 And nobody loves adopting a lovely little chocolate bundle of joy like white lesbians and white lesbian parents are the number one requesters of black babies and you have to ask yourself it can't be a sexual preference they're not trying to like wait until they grow up and add them to a harem because they're lesbians. So it's got to just be literally picking skin color on the basis of woke politics, which is so sick and demeaning and objectifying and revolting. And the worst part is people like Charlize Theron, give them all sex change. The kids grow up.
Starting point is 01:05:20 Yeah. It's like, what is wrong with you people? This is a general problem with black men in America who are constantly feminized by prestige culture. Anytime a black guy gets really famous, within six months he'll be in a dress on a comedy show. They do it to all of them. Because I think the black community, white Americans are descending into just fat gay
Starting point is 01:05:42 cowards. But black America, the men are still men to a certain extent, you know, and the women are still understanding. And so they have to subvert it. Even though they love, you know, the cafe au lait skin colors, they still have to subvert and attack those people anyway by feminizing them because their masculinity is so terrifying, right? So one of the many ways in which this is done, in addition to putting every black celebrity
Starting point is 01:06:07 you've ever heard of in a dress on a late night comedy show within weeks of him hitting the big time, is white liberal lesbians adopting black babies. And well, what's the problem? There is now evidence emerging, despite years, in fact, now it's decades, of propaganda that gay parents are no more damaging for children than straight parents. They've done all these bogus studies about how, oh, kids with gay parents grow up just as happy and well-adjusted. They don't. Kids with gay parents grow up depressed. They grow up maladjusted. They grow up with psychiatric dysfunctions. One of the most iconic pieces, and I encourage you to seek it out, is called Dear Gay Community, Your Kids Are Hurting by a woman called Heather Barwick.
Starting point is 01:06:59 B-A-R-W-I-C-K. You might pronounce it Barwick here. She's a former gay marriage advocate turned children's rights activist. So she's come over to our side. Why? Because she was raised by two women. And sooner or later, she had to admit what it had done to her. And she's now talking extensively. I think she's published by The Federalist and some other places. She's now talking extensively about the extraordinary damage done to young children.
Starting point is 01:07:21 And that damage goes all the way up to murder. I mean, there are stories out there in mainstream news publications that are by no means receptive to or sympathetic to the conservative point of view about lesbian couples Thelma and Louising off cliffs with adopted kids in the car, right? And not just once, not just one of these couples. It's, it's, I, because of the sexlessness of lesbian relationships, because they basically don't touch each other. I wasn't planning on putting that up.
Starting point is 01:07:53 I thought it might be a bit spicy for this time of the day. No, it's appropriate. If you go and seek this out, this is an article I wrote. I'm going to be reading a couple of statistics from this. I wrote this in 2015, back when Breitbart was good, when I was there, about some of the statistics related to lesbian relationships. And it just shows you
Starting point is 01:08:14 how dangerous lesbianism is to women and to the innocent children that they are systematically and enthusiastically adopting as woke accessories. Living, breathing human beings with immortal souls who are being adopted by lesbian couples as woke accessories. And they're treated just like woke accessories, which is to say, when they wear out, they get discarded, just like a handbag. And so there's loads of data in this piece. Go seek it out. And I'll put it on
Starting point is 01:08:43 my telegram. Maybe we'll repost it on 2 News. You know, I'm finding our level, our boundaries, you know, so I wasn't sure about that headline, but I'm glad that's all right. That's a 2 News headline there. Fair enough, fair enough. Half of all lesbians say that they have been the victim of another lesbian beating them up. The lesbian domestic violence epidemic is astonishing.
Starting point is 01:09:03 Here's a picture of a lesbian couple in love. It can sometimes seem like lesbian expressions of affection come at the end of a fist or a knitting needle rather than a delicate caress. I mean, this is a picture of lesbians on their wedding night, I guess it must be. Only transsexuals have domestic violence rates anything close to these lesbians. Really? And even they are only 34.6% of them. Only 34.6% of transsexuals say that they've had their nails ripped off, their wigs torn, and their HRT pills flushed down the loo.
Starting point is 01:09:41 It's lesbians where 50% of lesbians have been beaten up by another woman. It must be something to do with, maybe it's the sexual tension because they- Maybe it's the testosterone they take. Could be the- No, that's a good observation there. Maybe they're all on HGH and it's messing with their female hormones. Famously, there's a phenomenon that I've been speaking about for almost a decade now called lesbian bed death, which describes the fact that these women in these unions don't touch each other at all.
Starting point is 01:10:13 It's not like the male homosexuals. These lesbians, they basically kind of live as pals, but in this twisted friendship that involves extraordinary volumes of violence and the abuse of others. No, for real, their faces are so often planted in it by their violent partners. Look, it could be the faint whiff of cat sick. It could be the ever-present threat of the knitting needle. Whatever it is, the lesbian relationships are hotbeds of extreme violence, and that is being perpetrated on black babies more than anything else, growing up in their house.
Starting point is 01:10:51 So anyway, if you're thinking about, perhaps if you've had a rough relationship with a man, I mean, I know female sexuality is a bit more malleable. If you've had a rough relationship with a man and you're thinking about, I don't know, maybe I'll retreat into the comforting and safe arms of my mate Debbie. Don't do it because she'll probably beat the you-know-what out of you. So yeah, if you want to save black babies, end lesbianism. That's my public service announcement for today. You know, one of the comments that we read earlier in the Godcast today, Milo,
Starting point is 01:11:24 was why do you talk about being gay in every segment? Well, it is Pride Month, okay? We have to. We have to talk. And we would talk about it. Edward, Rick, and I would talk about it being Pride Month and everything. And so one of the things that Milo's been doing for us here for the past couple days is giving us some tools to work with to help us combat Pride Month and to survive through it.
Starting point is 01:11:50 So because every corporation is celebrating and even the Little League, this shocked me today, the Little League, and I don't know if we've got that logo. Okay, so this is on Twitter. This is children's news, right? Right. So everyone is welcome on our team. All right, now, when did Little League suddenly become a political movement instead of baseball? Right.
Starting point is 01:12:13 And this is, this is- That's all it was. How old are the kids who play this? Little League is five to 13, basically. Five years old. Right, there we go. That's Little League. And, but no, this agenda has to be pushed out. And of course,
Starting point is 01:12:27 you have to push it out. Pride Month. It's Pride Month, right? Be proud. Be proud. Don't you find it a little disconcerting that you have to keep saying, be proud, be proud, as if you're not proud? It's like the South Park movie where they take the headphones off Matt Damon. It says, breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out. You have to be constantly reminded or you'll forget. I consider Milo our secret weapon because who would know better? The darkness we're fighting, which we're losing the culture war on this, by the way. We have been compromising, pandering, and gotten to a point now where we are significantly losing this culture war. So we're actually really likely to have our own secret weapon. Milo knows how they operate. He knows how they think. He knows how they work.
Starting point is 01:13:09 And we're actually really lucky to have them. And let me just say also, it's not exactly conducive to my recovery to be talking about and thinking about this stuff all the time. I wouldn't if I didn't have to. But every company, the companies that make the food that's in your cupboards, the companies that make the car that drives you to work, the company that builds your house, the company that provides you with your Internet service, with your mobile phone, that makes your mobile phone. Every major company in America is trying to radically change the social attitudes of this country in line with what we're talking about. And you cannot simply bury your head in the sand and disappear off to a Catholic or a Christian, you know, evangelical, orthodox, whatever it is, religious podcast and hope to just not have to hear about it. You don't have that option.
Starting point is 01:13:54 I'm sorry. It's not available to you. And in fact, that's exactly how they got so far in the first place. So I don't want to be talking about this. This is not good for me to be talking about this. I mean, the lesbian stuff's all right. That doesn't set anything off, let me tell you. But anyway, so just very quickly, I've been posting toolkits to help people navigate this terrible, terrible
Starting point is 01:14:16 thing. I'll just give you, you know what we were talking about yesterday about how beautiful things lend themselves to beautiful language and beautiful music. And to illustrate what I mean, and I'll put this in the toolkit on my telegram, which will be reposted by True News and the rest of it. Here's an example from the political right and from the Christian right of what music sounds like when it is celebrating the divine and the eternally mysterious and beautiful. Here's an example of what we might call right-wing Christian music. Here it is. You get the idea? Haunting, ethereal, I know we could listen to it all day, but we can't, we've got too much to get on.
Starting point is 01:14:59 Haunting, ethereal, beautiful. Here's the equivalent from the left. Demons screeching. This is what happens when you don't take your meds. Do you know what? She's actually a professor. Do you know what set her off? Do you know what set her off? No, what?
Starting point is 01:15:26 The Trump flag. Really? This is why she's behaving like this. All right, I think we can put our viewers out of their misery. There are a few more minutes of that that you can see. Oh, my. They've stopped the picture and the sound's still going in my ear. Stop making it.
Starting point is 01:15:44 Stop. Okay, we're going to try and get through this as quickly as possible um but i will just point out look back in the days before barry weiss was talking about um uh it's talking about now you know where you can't do real research uh back in the 1970s when science was still science um the journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry published this uh septal stimulation for the initiation Heterosexual Behavior in a Homosexual Male. This was an experiment, apparently successful, that proved that you could, a 24-year-old male, overt homosexual, repeatedly hospitalized for chronic suicidal depression. Well, obviously, because naturally-
Starting point is 01:16:22 He's an overt homosexual. Because he's an overt homosexual. No wonder he's depressed. We all were um and most of them still are uh underwent a program of septal stimulation now don't get upset it's not as graphic or grotesque as it sounds um as far as i can tell from reading the paper it's just uh it's just this so what you're saying, they would stick a Q-tip? One of those little things in the doctor's office, the little wooden spatula things. I think it, I mean, they don't really say, but I think it's because, you know, you get the finger down your spine, makes you kind of tingle. I think it's the hairs in your nose.
Starting point is 01:16:59 There's a similar thing going on there. And they sort of made it titillating. And then they started putting pictures of women in front of the guy and doing the titillation at the same time, this sort of like, you know, autonomic response. Got the guy to give up dudes. He ended up attracted to women. And this is a published report, published study. Now, volume three, issue one, March 1972, pages 23 to 26, of the Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry by Charles E. Moan,
Starting point is 01:17:25 unfortunately named Charles Moan, and Robert G. Heath. They successfully turned somebody from... What this really is, is cognitive behavioral therapy, isn't it? Associating a nice sensation with a picture of a pretty lady and unlearning all of the destructive behaviors that this person had... He wired his brain.
Starting point is 01:17:45 Yeah, exactly. Unlearning all the destructive behaviors that this person had. He wired his brain. Yeah, exactly. Unlearning all the destructive behaviors that he'd wandered into as a result of whatever childhood trauma he suffered. Would you want something stuck up your nose, though? I've had enough bad things stuck up my nose by choice, unfortunately, which kind of went along with that sinful lifestyle. I barely have any sense of smell left. So I'm going to skip the septal stimulation, if you don't mind. But that was a report from the 70s? 1972.
Starting point is 01:18:11 Wow. 1972. I bet no one's ever heard of that before. No. Pretty fine there. Isn't it? Isn't it? Okay.
Starting point is 01:18:17 Finally, you're going to help us out. Well, we're all going to help out, right? There's a problem. There's a problem for the American male. And that problem is transsexuals. They're getting really difficult to spot. Not Bruce Jenner, obviously. You bought this picture, actually.
Starting point is 01:18:35 Show us. What picture did you bring us today? Of Brucey Boy? There we go. So talk us through this picture. All right, so here's the thing. We have a serious problem where, have you seen Robert White, I think his name is?
Starting point is 01:18:47 You know, transitions, they're getting good. Bob. Bob. Bob. That's right. Many people may know him as Blair White. He's a quote-unquote right-wing transgender, whatever. But anyway, he, it's getting really hard to tell is what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:19:03 And we've got to look out for our guys. Bob. Bob. Bob White. Bobby White. But it's getting really hard for, like, it's going to get to a point where it's like, ah. I know what you're saying. He does look like, quite like a woman.
Starting point is 01:19:15 Yeah, like, I mean, looking at Bob, I wouldn't know. It's funnier when you say it. It's funnier when she tries to be British, isn't it? You do it. Bob. Bob. Bob. Bob. It's funnier when you say it. It's funnier when she tries to be British, isn't it? You do it. Bop. Bop. Bop. Bop.
Starting point is 01:19:28 I'm just channeling my Mary Poppins. Yeah. Dang it. A British accent makes it sound better. No, but like, I mean, it's getting to a point now where we've got to look out for each other, right? Because what happens if you get married and you don't know? Or you take the person home on your wedding night and surprise, surprise, it was a dude all along. There's all these tweets from trans people saying that they're dating people and they're not telling them that they're trans because they feel no obligation to do so.
Starting point is 01:19:54 They tweet about it. They gloat about it. They're quite happy about it that they deceive men. So we need to help people with this problem. There are ways to tell. All right. So talk us through Bruce. So Bruce. Let's bring back up problem. Right, because there are ways to tell. All right, so talk us through Bruce. Yeah, so Bruce.
Starting point is 01:20:06 Let's bring back up Bruce. Look at those man hands. Man hands never go away. If you have a question, look at the hands right there. So, you know, I'm just looking out for you guys. It's also true for a woman's age, if you don't mind me saying, because you have lovely hands. Your hands are wonderful.
Starting point is 01:20:23 But many women neglect the you have lovely hands. Your hands are wonderful, but many women neglect the backs of their hands. So you'll see somebody who is fresh-faced from a lifetime of slathering creme de la mer, but then you'll look at their hands and it'll be sort of very Hansel and Gretel. So women, the back of women's hands are a good tell on age, but man hands for trans. Man hands, like you can't get a hand reduction, I guess. There is actually a thing called a hand lift. A hand lift? A hand lift? A hand lift.
Starting point is 01:20:46 Yeah, it's the same as a facelift. But you still can't get rid of that bone structure. You know, like Bruce could grab hold of your head and throw you across the room. That's evident in the size of his hands, you know? That doesn't change. And he was an athlete too. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:20:59 All right, so look, as the charitable Christians that we are, we're always looking out for our fellow man, and especially our fellow God-fearing man. So, Doc, we're going to show you a picture, and we're going to ask you if you can tell what's up with it. Okay. No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:21:17 Oh, okay, fine. We'll do that one as well. That wasn't quite the one I had in mind. But since you bring it up, this is, this thing, I call it the entity. This entity is called Lady Marga. It is a Trump-supporting drag queen. Yes.
Starting point is 01:21:32 And the reason that it's very upsetting is it's quite a feminine stomach, isn't it? It does. When I tell them that it's Photoshop, it's a little bit too much flesh on display for us to leave it up all day. But then you get to the face, and you sort of think to yourself, hmm.
Starting point is 01:21:44 All right, now, for our viewers and listeners out there, this is a man that you're looking at. Yes. up all day but but then you get to the face and you sort of think to yourself all right now for our viewers and listeners out there this is a man that you're looking at yes and a man who's right now too but i mean that that picture that was a man and lady maga who's not a lady and not maga uh shows up at all these big events and shows up at all the conservative events that she has her own booth and everything whatever uh has her has it on has its own booth and everything like that um and is celebrated as this is this is the cons this is today's conservative movement. This is it. We're gun-toting, and we wear the red, white, and blue, and we're a man in a bikini. That's where we're at right now.
Starting point is 01:22:33 So, you know, the conservative movement has been co-opted as well, and so you can't trust that. And so that's a frightening picture. Yes, that wasn't actually. But no one's afraid. That wasn't quite the picture I intended. There's another one. Ask her for... no, probably my fault.
Starting point is 01:22:51 I don't want to give away the game by telling you the title, although I suppose you've got it in front of you as well. There's another picture with a line of people and a podium. There we go. Doc, here's your test. Let's suppose. Now, I know that you know which one is not really the gender they are pretending to be. Right. But I want you to tell me what the infallible way of conclusively determining it is. And not just because it's ugly and in a bad wig.
Starting point is 01:23:21 Look at this picture. Right. And see if you can figure out what it is about that individual that marks them out as a man. I already know this. And so I'm just going to jump right in. All the men have their feet at a 45 degree angle. Yep. So look at the picture, folks. All right. So all the men in the picture on the back row, all the men who are there have their feet stand at a 45 degree angle. All the women are in parallel. And so there we go. That's one way.
Starting point is 01:23:56 So that this is our helpful tip for you today to help you out. In case you're wondering, is the girl I'm dating a man? So and that's a public service announcement here from true news yeah you think it's ridiculous now but just wait until you're on the receiving end of one of these fraudsters because it will start happening because they're getting really good they quit passing what passing passing pass pass passing they're getting really good but we're gonna have to have British lessons every day and so well we did Well, we did discover yesterday that the Bible comes with a British accent.
Starting point is 01:24:29 Yes, that's right. So look at all the Jesus movies. Jesus always speaking with an English accent. I think you guys need to move closer to here rather than the other way around. Transsexual entities always talk about themselves passing, meaning they successfully deceive people into thinking that they're a woman. I'm told, although I don't spend a lot of time around these individuals, that actually in person, it's sort of impossible to pass because there's just something about pheromones, about the different... I think it's a soul thing, right? I think you can tell
Starting point is 01:25:04 when someone is a man and when someone is a woman. People have different energies, you know? But apparently it's almost impossible to pass in person, but I'm sure some people are taking in. So anyway, sounds ridiculous, but just you wait. Very useful, very useful. We mentioned about Jared Holt, right?
Starting point is 01:25:20 Getting fired, right? Jared Holt, good. Did we? Did we bring that up? I've got notes. Do we have the tweet that he put out? Oh, yeah. This is in response to the other day.
Starting point is 01:25:28 So back on Wednesday when we first mentioned about Jared Holt being fired from right-wing watch. Was he fired? That's what I heard. Are we dumb? Is he calling us dumb? If you have to ask. He tweeted this. It's probably you.
Starting point is 01:25:45 Notice he doesn't say who said this, but he says there's a misconception among the dumbest far-right pundits. Who is he talking about? That I was fired from right-wing watch when, in fact, I just got a new job. Not sure why that's such a hard concept to understand for these folks. Same work, different venues. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. Why is it that these liberals are always allowed to quit, allowed to retire, allowed to hand
Starting point is 01:26:12 in their resignation? You didn't know. And Jared, if it wasn't that big of a deal. Why draw further attention to it with a tweet? So, I heard you were fired. And it's like, girl, you mad? I'm speaking his language. Oh, by the way. He's calling us names, saying the dumbest far-right pundits.
Starting point is 01:26:29 Surely not us. This to me is evidence that we might be right over the target. So just, sorry, just, you know, I hate to bang on about it because I just, you know, there's so much to cover. I never know what we have covered and what we haven't. I try to check it off as we're going. Just in case we did miss it, Jared Holt was fired. Oh, no, but I did that already. I did that already. Okay, perfect. So do you have anything
Starting point is 01:26:51 else you'd like to add today? You know, that was really it. Guys, thank you so much for bearing with me my first time hosting the show. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Be quiet. I hope you guys enjoyed it. You know, like I said before, I just wanna bring to this fact, don't ever be ashamed of your past. It does not disqualify you for a great, great future that God has for you. And he does, his plans are good. It's right there in his word.
Starting point is 01:27:13 He talks about it. Keep praying for Rick and his family and the True News crew. Doc, you wanna close out from here? Yeah, we just wanna remind our folks, as Lauren said, continue to pray for the ministry here. I did want to draw your attention to something that's happening this weekend. And this weekend up in Pensacola, Florida, there is a reunion that's going to be going
Starting point is 01:27:34 on with the USS Liberty Vets. And of course, we did our documentary last year on sacrificing liberty. That's the story about the USS Liberty that was attacked by Israeli planes back on that faithful day on June 8th, many years ago. And so this particular weekend coming up is the reunion. And our plans here at True News, we were planning on actually being at the event and actually doing some broadcasts from there and being involved with everything that's happened here over the past week or two. We've had to shift our plans and everything.
Starting point is 01:28:09 But Matt Scow is going to be representing True News up there in Pensacola this weekend. Of course, Sacrificing Liberty, you can order it online and you can get the DVDs or you can watch it online as well. Purchase it online. We have recently updated the pricing on Sacrificing Liberty, and here's a promo to tell you more about it. That's what the world really doesn't know today, and I think it's why we were sworn to secrecy, is how close we really came to a potential nuclear holocaust. demonstrates that a major power when it believes its vital interests are involved
Starting point is 01:29:18 will sacrifice any number of its own people to preserve that vital interest. This DVD box set is now available for $19.99. The digital download now available for $12.99, updated pricing. If you're a veteran, you need to watch this. If you know someone who's a veteran, they need to watch it as well. The anniversary of that 67 event is actually coming up on Monday. The big reunion for the Liberty Vets is happening up in Pensacola. We've made some great friends within the organization supporting them. We regret that we're not able to be up there in full support,
Starting point is 01:29:58 but Matt Scowl, the producer of Sacrificing Liberty, will be representing True News and sharing with them our love for the remaining men and for those that lost their lives in 1967, June 8th. So we wanted to update you on that. And that's something you can take advantage of now. The weekend's here. You can watch it online. You can order it. And we're standing by for that.
Starting point is 01:30:21 Well, we thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News. And please share this Godcast with your friends and family and consider becoming a partner with this ministry as we report the truth every day with courage and conviction that you're not going to hear anywhere else. You can support True News by going to That's T-R-U-N-E-W-S dot com. And just click on the heart button on the left-hand side,
Starting point is 01:30:42 or you can call our toll-free number at 1-800-576-2116. That's 1-800-576-2116. You can also donate to us by mail at PO Box 690069, Vero Beach, Florida, zip code 32969. We accept stocks, cryptocurrency, precious metals, whatever you want to bless us with, we'll gladly receive and put toward our mission here to save souls and report the good news as we approach the second coming of Jesus Christ. Continue to pray for Rick, Edward, Carrie, and Miss Susan. Thank you and God bless you. the preceding program was made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support

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