TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - America Prepares For War With Doomsday Drills as China Buys Texas Border Ranch

Episode Date: July 26, 2021

Today on TruNews, host Edward Szall and Lauren Witzke lead the investigation into the public announcement of the infamous ‘Doomsday Plane’, and its message to China and Russia that the US is ready... to go to war. Rick and Doc discuss the latest abomination in the United Methodist Church, as an ordained drag queen takes to the pulpit, endorsed by the denomination’s media service. Patrick Howley of National File talks to Edward and Lauren about the Chinese infiltration of various aspects of American society. In our final segment, Milo joins the team to talk about the neutering of the conservative message in the Republican Party. Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Lauren Witzke, Doc Burkhart, Kerry Kinsey. Airdate (7/26/21)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit www. I'm Rick Wiles. The front page of today's Hong Kong South China Morning Post contained this headline. China, U.S. draw lines in the sand at top-level meeting but agree to keep talking. Today's high-level meeting between U.S. and Chinese diplomats was rare. It was not convened in China to chit-chat about international affairs. Instead, both sides put on the table a list of serious grievances against each other. News reports described the meeting as contentious and confrontational. The USA was represented by Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman.
Starting point is 00:01:12 China was represented by her counterpart, Foreign Minister Wang Yi. The Hong Kong newspaper said the meeting ended with both sides sticking to their hardline positions on the divisive issues of Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the South and East China Seas. Chinese officials said its relationship with the United States of America, quote, is now in a stalemate and faces serious difficulties, end quote. Now, there is one sentence in the South China Morning Post article that caught my attention. It said, for the first time, China handed the United States a list of grievances and a list of red line issues demanding the U.S. take remedial measures to repair their damaged relations. When asked about the list, senior Biden administration officials refused
Starting point is 00:02:15 to tell reporters the topics that China gave American officials. Beijing Xinhua News Agency, however, said the list of grievances included a demand that the U.S. withdraw its extradition request of Huawei chief financial officer Ming-Wan Zhao. officials to remove visa restrictions on China students and to stop suppressing Chinese companies seeking to do business in the USA. Now, let this sink in. Communist China handed the USA two lists. First, a list of grievances, that is, things that are making China angry. Second, a list of red line warnings, things that will make China fight. What is a red line? According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, it means to cross the red line is a figurative point of no return or a line in the sand or a limit past which safety can no longer be guaranteed. Plain and simple, the point of no return means war. The warning signs have been flashing bright red for over a year. Just weeks ago, Chinese President Xi Jinping
Starting point is 00:03:48 told PLA soldiers to prepare for war. Few Americans know it. They are sleepwalking into World War III. China fired the opening shot of the World War in 2020 when it released the weaponized coronavirus into America and killed hundreds of thousands of our citizens, shut down our economy, and forever changed our way of life. And it's about to get worse. China gave Washington its list of red lines not to cross. Now, the most important thing you can do to prepare for a China-USA war is to get your spiritual house in order. If you are not a born-again disciple of Jesus Christ, you must act quickly to make things right between you and your creator in heaven. How do you do it? Well, you talk to Almighty God, your heavenly father, in your own words and confess to him
Starting point is 00:04:54 that you are a sinner who deserves punishment, but that you heard the good news that he has offered forgiveness of sins and the free gift of eternal life to all who believe in the name of his Holy Son, Jesus Christ. Then you must be baptized in water in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Now, don't procrastinate. Get it done today. Make things right with God before you go to sleep tonight. Now, if you are a born again disciple of Jesus Christ and baptized, make sure that there is no unforgiveness in your heart and mind against any person
Starting point is 00:05:36 who has in the past or is currently mistreating you. Second, make sure you fulfill all vows you made to God in the past. Get your affairs in order. Trouble is brewing between China and the USA. May God have mercy on all of us. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. NBC News says Reuters is reporting that a counterterrorism organization formed by big tech companies is expanding the types of extremist content shared between firms in a key database. They want to crack down on material from white supremacists and farright militias. Now, until now, the database at Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism
Starting point is 00:06:28 is focused on videos and images from terrorist groups on a list from the U.N. U.S. News reporting that Reuters says PayPal is working with the ADL to investigate how extremists and hate movements in the U.S. take advantage of financial platforms to fund their criminal activities. They're also looking into networks making money from anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, racism, anti-immigrant, anti-black, anti-Hispanic, and anti-Asian bigotry. For information on this story and more, please visit our companion site. It's Wall Street Journal says the DOJ is dropping cases against five
Starting point is 00:07:12 visiting researchers accused of hiding their affiliations with China's military. Now, the paper says prosecutors would no longer pursue visa fraud and other charges against those scientists. Among them, a biomedical and cancer researcher in California and a doctoral candidate studying artificial intelligence in Indiana. And Politico says Huawei is hiring Tony Podesta as a consultant. The Democratic lobbyists will try to help the Chinese telecom giant warm up relations with the Biden administration. Podesta will work to advance the company's goals in Washington, D.C.
Starting point is 00:07:55 He's known President Biden for decades and is friendly with a number of his advisors. That's a look at True News headlines. Let's toss it back to Edward now. Thanks for watching. Thank you, Kerry. You know, that last story is interesting because that same action, that same conduct ended Paul Manafort up in jail. That's right. It's ridiculous, if not hypocritical, but I suppose the justice is uneven.
Starting point is 00:08:25 But that's not the story we're going to focus on today. The story we're actually going to focus on is a warning that America is preparing for war, our military at least, and the people haven't been told. The American public are unaware that our doomsday planes are being flown to secret airfields in Nevada. This is a story from The Drive. E4B doomsday plane has just made a highly unusual visit. Doug, what can you tell me about Tonopah Test Range? Well, it's not too far from Area 51. It's actually the junior site for Area 51, even though Area 51 now has been moved.
Starting point is 00:09:02 But Tonopah Test Range has been a top secret testing range for the various branches of the military for a good 60, 70 years almost now. And so it's significant that they went to the Tonopah Test Range. But what was really significant about it was who was on board that plane as it went to Tonopah, and that was our own Defense Secretary Austin. He was on the plane as they landed out there. And to make it even more unusual, they actually had video footage from Tonopah, which is kind of interesting since it is a top-secret site.
Starting point is 00:09:37 So this is Secretary of Defense Austin as he's on the flight line there at Tonopah. No, this is actually in Alaska. Oh, I'm sorry. He was departing. That behind you is the E-4B Doomsday plane. But this was after the trip to the Tonopah test range. This is inside the E-4B. Doc, from my understanding, is this plane, the Boeing 747 frame, is actually inside a
Starting point is 00:10:03 command center for nuclear war. And as you're seeing here, these are pictures from inside the cockpit. This is what Secretary Austin flew in to the secret range, you say, by Area 51. I'm starting to wonder, why has the government kept this absolutely quiet and instead has fed us the lies that General Austin is focused more on critical race theory. It appears if he's flying this plane to a secretive test range, he's really actually on the verge of declaring a critical war theory.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Well, as we mentioned before, Tonopah is a top secret area. And so I actually think we have a live still of it here. And so we'll take a look at that here in just a moment. But it's significant that they're making a big deal about the doomsday plane being out and about. The idea is, of course, that they're making it very clear that we are always ready to go to war. And when they make a big announcement and do a big press junket of the Secretary of Defense on the doomsday plane, and they show video of him at different places, they're making it very clear, sending a message to Russia, sending a message to China, we're ready.
Starting point is 00:11:17 Well, something that was very odd about this, and maybe you might be able to weigh in, Lauren, on the oddity here is that there was satellite imagery that was leaked. Now, this is a map of Tonopah Test Range. It shows you exactly where it's at in Nevada. There was satellite images which were released by The Drive, and they were posted online. It must be a private satellite company taking them. It confirmed that this doomsday plane, this plane we only launch in the event of preparation for nuclear war or in the event of it actually breaking out. That confirmed its location, confirmed its landing at the secret airfield. In addition to this, this flight with Secretary Austin took place as the United States Air
Starting point is 00:12:01 Force and military brass at large were conducting what's called a red flag drill. I learned these red flag drills, they involve combat aircraft flown in response to enemy aircraft coming into our country. Or in this case, they actually were testing B-52s. But it was done right out of Sin City. This is the promo that the Department of Defense actually produced for this drill happening as the Doom Days planes are in air.
Starting point is 00:12:27 Well, of course, Vegas is about an hour bus ride from Tonopah and just a few minutes by plane, of course. And so a lot of the military are based in the Vegas area. Actually, many times they're actually, if they ride the bus, they're taken out in blacked out buses. So they can't see the scenery or anything like that. I found it interesting that they actually showed the satellite imagery because a lot of times you can't access that. And so it's interesting they brought that up. In that video, do you notice at the end there,
Starting point is 00:12:57 if Control was able to play this back just a little, do you notice one of the aircraft is painted to appear to be a Russian fighter jet. Yes. You'll see it at the end of this. So this is an indication what this drill is preparing the country for. That's not a regular paint job they give to F-16s. It's usually a gray camouflage, not anything. They will sometimes add something if it's deployed to a desert region.
Starting point is 00:13:21 But there was an almost numeric kind of skin given to the aircraft. They've done this in the past, but I think they made maybe even a mistake in including that in the B-roll. Because this tells you they are preparing the US military for a fight with Russia or even China, who also uses that right there.
Starting point is 00:13:40 That's what I'm talking about. The Russians and Chinese use that style of paint on their planes. So a drill, a red flag drill taking place. And all this, while we have a slew of retired military officers who are warning Americans that not only are officers being told, get your affairs in order, but war itself is on the horizon. I'm not sure if you saw this video, guys, but there's a very odd video posted.
Starting point is 00:14:09 It's going viral right now. It was claimed to be posted by a retired Air Force colonel. Now, all we know is his first name's Roy. We can't independently confirm the veracity of this footage, but I wanted to show you this is what colonel roy is warning is coming things are getting really nasty we see what's happened with the supply chains with and i mentioned this yesterday the ships offshore the the containers sitting and not being able to get transported or getting materials transferred to them.
Starting point is 00:14:45 The rail lines being basically slowed down, even stopped. In other words, ladies and gentlemen, they're turning off the economy. The point is that the shells are getting there, energy is getting more scarce. We have all of these different things happening with what apparently are attacks on the grid. Hello, Marshall, how are you doing? Attacks on the grid, cyber attacks, warnings from the elites that there are going to be all of these different cyber pandemics, etc. In other words, as I've said, they're attacking us on multiple fronts, in depth, and with full spectrum dominance. On military, on certain military bases, and I
Starting point is 00:15:35 imagine this is throughout the entire military, and I don't know about the enlisted ranks, okay, but apparently amongst the officers, especially the higher up officers, 04, 05, etc., they're being told to get their houses in order with what's coming. What they're saying is that they need to go out and get food, water and supplies now. Now, you'd think that being on military... We'll have more from Colonel Roy and this Billet for War in just a moment. You've been watching True News. Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge. But he who hates correction is stupid. A man is not established by wickedness,
Starting point is 00:16:28 but the root of the righteous cannot be moved. An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, but she who causes shame is like rottenness in his bones. The thoughts of the righteous are right, but the counsels of the wicked are deceitful. The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but he who heeds counsel is wise. A fool's wrath is known at once, but a prudent man covers shame. Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who deal truthfully are His delight.
Starting point is 00:17:18 The culture warriors in this country are breaking down traditions, morals, family structure. They've been doing this for decades, and they are aiming their guns at young men. They want to feminize them. They want to demonize them. They want to criminalize them so that they will not act like the men that God created them to be. God Tribe is a social media educational platform, a digital platform for young men and to give young men a place to congregate where they feel safe.
Starting point is 00:18:00 Its mission is to build better men. It's a place for Christian men to congregate with other Christian men and communicate with each other, fellowship, encourage each other, building up each other to be better men for Jesus Christ. That's the purpose. Since the beginning of 2021, tens of thousands of people have discovered True News. If you are among the new members of the True News tribe, you probably don't know much about our history. But last May, we celebrated the anniversary of our first newscast, and we have now entered our 23rd year of continuous broadcasting and streaming. Our original name was America's Hope. We started on one AM radio station in Dallas, Fort Worth, Texas. We were pioneers in audio streaming and audio on demand.
Starting point is 00:19:11 We were podcasting years before iPods and iPhones were invented. My first office was in a hallway between our kitchen and garage in our home in Colleyville, Texas. Today, True News originates from our Flowing Streams Church facility in Vero Beach, Florida. Our growth over two decades has been slow but steady. This organization is rock solid because it is built upon the rock, our Lord Jesus Christ. All of it has been made possible because Almighty God has blessed us with thousands of wonderful brethren who have partnered with us to underwrite the growing expenses of this worldwide ministry. If you like what you see and hear on True News, I personally invite you to join with tens of thousands of men and women just like you who live around the world who financially support True News.
Starting point is 00:20:14 I assure you that your heavenly father will richly reward your generosity and faithfulness. Thank you, Rick. Before the break, we played a video from Colonel Roy. First, what did you guys make of that video? That was pretty shocking what Colonel Roy was saying. I'll defer to Lauren first. Well, so what we have to know, just like with the planes, there is something, there are always governments
Starting point is 00:20:40 always doing something that we don't know about, the ordinary people don't know about. So what this guy witnessed was these officers that are getting this intel from the U.S. government that ordinary people aren't allowed to know because they don't want us to know. They don't want us to be prepared. They want us to be in complete chaos. You know, and that's very terrifying for ordinary American families. You know, and that guy was just an ordinary guy who happened to ask the question, hey,
Starting point is 00:21:05 what's going on here? And it's very concerning because I do believe something's coming. And I do believe people need to prepare. And I think that it's something that the U.S. government can't be hiding from us. They can't be hiding from ordinary Americans. What do you think, Doc? Well, the phrase that kind of caught my attention was that they were marked for elimination. Okay. Now, I don't think that they mean attrition as in retirement or, you know, or getting fired from the military or dishonorably discharged. But using that word elimination is kind of a loaded word, isn't it? When you start talking about eliminating soldiers, airmen, sailors from the military, that takes on a whole new meaning. And so does he know
Starting point is 00:21:47 something that he's privy to, that something is about to come down that they are actually going to go through and start purging the military? And how far will they go in purging the military? That's the question. It's something certain. It's a way. And these topics are difficult. They're difficult to even address as a regular American. We're here. Anchor is on a news show. But we're inside the country that Roy and the Doomsday Drill is taking place in. And I just think to people I've spoken to, I've spoken to someone who has neighbors that work for Dietrich.
Starting point is 00:22:24 Those neighbors are stocking up on water. They're stocking up on food. I've spoken to someone who has neighbors that work for Dietrich. Those neighbors are stocking up on water. They're stocking up on food. They're telling my friend he should do so too. It's an odd thing to say. Maybe it's just a one-off. But then you also look at some of the things that are coming in the near future. We have reportedly a mass vaccination drive.
Starting point is 00:22:44 It's going to be placed on the military at the end of September. This hasn't been officially ordered yet, but as soon as FDA approval goes through, it will be. And we just saw today, the VA, for example, is the first federal agency to mandate that federal employees get vaccinated. I'm sure they're going to have it. I say, sure, I'm hoping there's an exemption for religious reasons. For example, having an objection to the way the vaccines were produced because of the connection to abortion. I don't know that. They may have no exceptions to it. France, for example, Doc, they are allowing an exemption if you have an issue, but you have to get tested daily even if you wish to circumvent that.
Starting point is 00:23:27 If you do a search online for religious objections to the vaccine, you're going to find the overwhelming majority of them saying we should not allow a religious objection to vaccines. Of course, I don't agree with that. But you see the trend. You see the mindset and everything. So the idea is that at some point people are going to have to make a choice if they choose to remain unvaccinated which you should if they choose to remain unvaccinated then you're there's going to be consequences you need to realize that they have the fix in for you that they are determined to stick something in your arm, no matter if it
Starting point is 00:24:06 costs you your job, if it costs you your benefits, your retirement benefits, maybe your social security, maybe your VA pension, whatever it takes, they're going to make sure that they plunge a needle in your arm one way or the other. I'm convinced at this point that the mass vaccination order is less about obviously keeping the soldiers safe or helping them fight COVID. No one is buying that. And I'm convinced that it's a submission jab. The reason why they're doing this now is if you're testing to see if your military will even listen to you, that you have to go to a world war or you have to deal with DEFCON-style circumstances, you need to see that they'll listen to basic orders or something that could risk their life.
Starting point is 00:24:52 I mean, as we've seen with side effects with vaccines, I believe the military brass, including Defense Secretary Austin, who traveled to the secret airfield this week, I think he's found a way to test if the force will actually follow through on orders from the commander-in-chief. And think about this. There is a question whether regular line soldiers, because the man we heard from is an officer. Just think of the young men and women who serve at the lower ranks
Starting point is 00:25:19 who cheered President Trump up until him leaving office at the beginning of this year. Do you think they're ready to listen to orders from Joe Biden, especially as the election is still being challenged, questioned for the obvious fraud allegations? Right. And remember, you know, Trump was the president of peace. You know, he was. You know, I have my criticisms of him for sure. He stopped the strikes going on our end, right?
Starting point is 00:25:45 Exactly. Ten minutes before the strike. He was the president of peace. And, you know, there was a lot of controversy saying with the Joe Biden presidency where they were saying like 100 percent of the ballots that came in, the military ballots were for Joe Biden, which was absolutely impossible. So, you know, that a lot of these military officers and these soldiers are frustrated because they know that they have their votes stolen from them and they are being actively purged from the military as extremists or you're going to see a lot more with these vaccinations. And it's really sad because Biden's new woke army isn't going to hesitate to show up to your door and insert a vaccine in your arm. They aren't going to hesitate when Joe Biden tells them to come and take your guns. And that is what is the most terrifying.
Starting point is 00:26:28 You know, Doc, as preparation for war and stocking up, generally, they cause shortages. And, you know, we've seen over this past year, for various other reasons other than a potential World War III scenario, people have spent a lot of time stocking up on water, food. The grocery stores and produce aisles are somewhat better, not necessarily due to shortages, but due to drought. But, Doc, there was an interesting story from CNBC regarding a fuel shortage. What do you know about this? Well,
Starting point is 00:26:55 what that kind of signals is that the military may be holding back some fuel for a possible escalation of conflict between us and another power, whether it's Russia, whether it's China, whatever it is. You see this pattern before in different conflicts that we've entered into in the past. It's been a long time since we've been in a major escalation. But in the two conflicts that we're involved in in Iraq, both times you saw this spike in the military taking back fuel and holding onto it prior to the real ramp up of activity. So is that an indication that we're about to enter into a escalated conflict here pretty quick.
Starting point is 00:27:45 It's just one of many signs, and so it's something we really need to keep our eye on here. It's something that makes me wonder if these are the seeds from the shutdowns of ports in China. We reported on this about a month ago that reported outbreaks of variants. A Delta variant in China's largest port, for example. These were going to lead to essentially a shortage of fuel supplies in America. The thing I don't understand, though, is that we had a period last year where the airlines were done. They were not operating. You'd think there would be a huge glut that would have spilled over from 2020 into 2021. And it doesn't make sense that we would now be facing shortages unless you're correct, Doc, that this is an
Starting point is 00:28:31 artificial shortage, that the airlines may have a hard time getting jet fuel, but that's because the government has requisitioned it. And another thing to think about, too, is a number of the airlines may have bought fuel when it was very cheap last year and bought a large reserve of it and had been burning through that reserve until now. Now that we're a year later, planes are flying and everything. The supply chain is such that now gas prices, fuel prices are up nearly double what they were a year ago from now. That is also an indicator there. But the thing is, these patterns that we've seen in supply chain, especially relating to fuel, are one of those red lights on the dashboard that tell us that we may be entering into a whole new phase of conflict here in the U.S. You know, Doc, I think another aspect to this, too, is that when
Starting point is 00:29:21 we approach war or in war, fuel prices obviously go through the roof. That benefits our partner in the petrodollar. That's true. And this could be, if this is what has taken place, it's been requisitioned, this could be an in-kind payment to our friends in the Middle East who are willing to supply fuel in event of a world war, especially if those same nations have a growing relationship with one of the countries we might fight. Now, we've spoken about the Chinese threat, but the Russians have made it very clear that they're not going to fold under attack from America. Just this past weekend in St. Petersburg, Vladimir Putin warned of a lethal and unpreventable strike if Russia is pushed, if Russia is challenged.
Starting point is 00:30:07 And you think about this. All the countries that could beat America, could beat the mighty dollar, could beat our country, it's China and Russia, or Russia. Hello, True News viewers. I'm Lauren Witzke, and this is today's True News headlines. The CDC said on Wednesday that it will withdraw its request for the emergency use authorization of real time diagnostic COVID testing kits, which were used starting in February of 2020. In 2019, the CDC estimated that between 24,000 and 62,000 people died from influenza related illness.
Starting point is 00:30:42 But in 2020, there were only 645 adult deaths reported relating to the flu. Incredible. The CDC is urging laboratories to adopt a method of testing that can differentiate between COVID and influenza viruses by the end of 2021. On Sunday, Anthony Fauci told CNN's State of the Union that the United States is going in the wrong direction as COVID cases allegedly surge. Dr. Fauci said that the new masking guidelines for the vaccinated are now under active consideration. Meanwhile, over at CNN, you'll find wall-to-wall broadcasts calling for unvaccinated people to be punished. CNN is now calling for those who haven't gotten the COVID shots to be segregated from society and forced to pay for tests every single day. Absolutely. And look, if people say they don't want to be vaccinated, which some people might say, I think it's perfectly reasonable to say that's fine. But we'd like you to show up every
Starting point is 00:31:40 morning, an hour before work, and get a negative test, maybe even at your own expense, until the point where people will say, you know what, it makes more sense to actually get vaccinated. So if you give people that option, I think you're going to see more and more people take the option to get vaccinated. The DOJ has announced that they will not be investigating the nursing home deaths in New York, Pennsylvania, Michigan and New Jersey in regard to the Democrat governors reportedly funneling COVID-positive patients into nursing homes, resulting in thousands of senior citizen deaths. The DOJ stated, we have reviewed the information provided by these states along with additional information available to the department.
Starting point is 00:32:22 Based on that review, we have decided not to open an investigation of any public nursing facility within New York, Pennsylvania, or Michigan at this time." Republican Senator Steve Scalise blasted the Department of Justice, stating, "...where is the justice for nursing home victims and their grieving families? These deadly orders contradicted the CDC's guidance and needlessly endangered the most vulnerable among us to the deadly COVID-19 virus. That's our True News Monday headlines. Now, back to Edward. Thank you, Lauren. Well, in this segment, we're going to be discussing some more Christ-centered topics. One topic specifically that I'll be introducing, Rick, our president and co-host, Doc Burkhart. Doc, is it true that drag queens are now making their way into some pulpits?
Starting point is 00:33:15 It is true, Edward, and it's a trend that we've been seeing here over the past several years. But usually it's those outliers, the groups out there that maybe don't have an identification with any particular denomination or group. And Rick, it used to be that the very thought of even someone professing homosexuality would never be, you know, have the opportunity to grace the pulpit. But now we see denominations like the Anglican Church, the Episcopal Church here in the US, and now the Methodist Church, United Methodist Church, both in the UK and here in the US, which now for years have openly allowed professing
Starting point is 00:34:00 homosexuals to be ordained ministers in the pulpit. You're right, Doc. Of course, it's inside those church denominations. It's not universally accepted. There's great contention and division and strife. You mentioned the Anglican Church. There is not one overarching hierarchical Anglican leadership. Like in a Roman Catholic Church, you have the Pope and comes down from the Vatican. The Anglicans are a communion, which means it's a voluntary collection of parishes around the world who have a like-minded faith, and they come together in agreement on certain topics. And with the Anglicans, it's really only the Church of England, the Episcopal Church in the United States,
Starting point is 00:35:00 the Anglican Church of Canada, and the Anglican Church of Australia. THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA, AND THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF AUSTRALIA, THAT, AND MAYBE, I THINK MAYBE SOUTH AFRICA THAT HAVE GONE HOMOSEXUAL FRIENDLY. RIGHT. AND THE REST OF THE ANGLICAN COMMUNION WORLDWIDE IS IN TOTAL OPPOSITION TO THAT UNBIBLICAL STANCE BY THOSE SEVERAL ORGANIZATIONS. to that unbiblical stance by those several organizations. Now we're seeing it in the Methodist church community.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Right. Now it used to be, at least in my recent memory, back in the 70s and 80s, the United Methodists were still considered conservative and evangelical. Definitely in that camp, I would say. Absolutely. They would be considered part of that block. But as we entered into the 90s especially, we saw a shift begin to take place. Now, of course, the Methodist Church is, really started out as a result of John Wesley's evangelistic efforts here in the United States. He was an Anglican minister. And so when we say the word Methodist, it was his method of teaching. And that ended up, it started out being a slur.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Yes. John Wesley never intended to start a denomination. He said he was an Anglican priest. When he came from England to the new America, he surmised that many American Christians were not literate in the Holy Bible. Right. And so he established a method to teach them scripture and sound doctrine. Right. And then when his groups would be meeting, again, he's meeting as an Anglican. And most of the country was Anglican at that time. When his disciples would meet in a town, his critics, they would make derogatory remarks and say, oh, that's those Methodists down there. Those are the people down there meeting to learn John Wesley's method.
Starting point is 00:37:08 That's where it came from. And so John Wesley never tried to start a denomination. The Methodist church grew out of his lifetime ministry. And to kind of inform our audience a little bit more, the Methodists were one of the leading forces, especially in the 1800s of soul winning and evangelism. A lot of the Brush Arbor meetings that they talk about in the 1800s, they were mainly Methodist ministers. Overwhelming majority were Methodist ministers. John Wesley put 250,000 miles on horseback preaching in the new America. Now, I don't know if that was one horse. I don't know how many miles you can get to a horse before you wear it out. But he traveled by horseback 250,000 miles preaching the gospel. The man was on fire with the gospel. And Edward, he would write his sermons while he was riding horseback. So while he's riding on his
Starting point is 00:38:03 horse. He didn't want to waste any time. Yeah, he's writing sermons. He's studying while on horseback to all these meetings. He was totally dedicated to the preaching of the gospel and to seeing souls saved. Now, in this day and age, we see a whole different United Methodist Church. Rick, I'm going to show a video here. It came across, believe it or not, this is from the United Methodist News Service. Okay, so this is the news service for the United Methodist denomination.
Starting point is 00:38:31 And it tells the story of a young man, a very confused young man named Isaac Simmons. And Isaac came up with the idea of merging two different concepts, dressing up as a drag queen and preaching in the pulpit. Let's watch this. He thought that the best ways to enact systemic change is through joy and carnival. Drag is carnival. It is over the top. It is loud. It is carnival, it is over-the-top, it is loud, it is joyous, it is laugh-filled, and it is in moments where people on the margins are handed just a little bit of power, and when they hold on to that power for longer than it was intended, things happen.
Starting point is 00:39:51 Our prayer statement here is that we are a place where absolutely everyone can experience God's love. And hearing that made me feel at home because here we can celebrate everyone. Well, as you can see, this is the new United Methodist Church. First of all, Isaac is openly gay, and that does not disqualify you from ministry in the United Methodist Church. And obviously dressing up in drag doesn't qualify you from ministry in the United Methodist Church. But he is actually, Rick, dressing up in drag and preaching from the pulpit.
Starting point is 00:40:35 What would John Wesley say to that today, Rick? John Wesley was a peaceful man, but I don't think he would have been peaceful if he saw such an abomination taking place in a church that was identified with his name. I can't imagine the horror of the shock. You said it's the new Methodist church. Doc, it's just old Babylon. Yes. The devil doesn't have anything new. He just trots out the same old lies and deception that he has used on mankind for thousands of years. So we're witnessing old Babylon that's seeping into the churches. Not only is it the Methodist church going this direction, but just last week, I saw a video of a young homosexual man who was excited to announce that he was going to be baptized.
Starting point is 00:41:28 And, you know, he had met his homosexual partner. They were going to church together. And the pastor who was going to baptize him was Andy Stanley, the son of Charles Stanley. Yes, I saw that video. And, I mean, it shocked me. I'd say it shocked me nothing really shocks me anymore but just to have that associated with the stanley name but andy stanley has gone off the reservation quite a bit over the past years he's denied the inerrancy of the bible of course if you start
Starting point is 00:41:58 doing that that everything's fair game after that point. And so this is the idea. That's why it's important to recognize when people attack the authenticity of the scripture, if they start questioning the historicity of the scripture, if they start questioning the doctrinal importance of the scripture, then anything goes, right? That's right. And what we're seeing,
Starting point is 00:42:23 and this split in the Methodist church has been brewing for years, but it's now out in the open. The United Methodist Church is no longer united. Yes, it's the divided. It is the divided Methodist church and the conservative Bible believing traditional Methodist churches. The local congregations are voting to leave the far left United Methodist Church, which is now in a state of apostasy. No good, no Christian in good standing with the Lord would remain in the United Methodist Church at this point. And that's the intent of the propaganda. That's the intent of this movement. Clearly, what we saw on the screen is not a church. It's honestly, it's an agent for the devil. They have a method of recruiting souls for help.
Starting point is 00:43:14 So Wesley had a method. Satan's got a method. And should we be surprised that Satan has infiltrated churches? Well, he's in every Sunday service, I would think. That's right. So if you're in a war, each side is trying to infiltrate the other side to weaken it, to bring division and strife and confusion. So Satan has infiltrated what used to be strong biblical churches in America and around the world. And so now they're starting to fall apart. There's a conservative group of Methodist churches called the Wesleyan Covenant Association. But now they were the leaders in the creation of a new denomination called the Global Methodist Church.
Starting point is 00:44:05 Right. Because there are churches in other countries that are saying, we're done with this. If the Methodists endorse homosexuality, same-sex marriage, abortion, and so forth, we're walking out. We're done. And so now it's almost every week I see news articles about a Methodist church voted to leave the United Methodist denomination, join the Global Methodist Church. Same thing happened with the Anglicans. You have a group called GAFCON, Global Anglican Fellows what is it? I'm trying to remember.
Starting point is 00:44:48 A Fellowship of, I don't know, Confessing Christians, whatever it is. I forget the name of it. But GAFCON represents millions of Anglicans. They've given them a home for the Anglicans who are holding on to the Bible. Remember, the King James Bible came from the Anglican Church. That's right. Well, Rick, we're going to talk some more about this. Edward, what's coming up next here? Yes, we'll be back in just a moment to continue our discussion on the unbiblical way.
Starting point is 00:45:30 Hello, I'm Edward Zoll, the host of True News. When we're not reporting on the breaking stories of the day, we're placing them on a special website. It's That's N-E-W-S-C-O-U-P dot com. It's a coup, not just against the Marxist media, but against Matt Drudge and the Drudge Report, which, let's be honest, is terrible. It went out to lunch and never came back. We're filling the vacuum with truth. Again, if you've wondered about links to send to your friends or you want to see the stories of the day in a newspaper style, in a way you can just watch and listen and read, even during the show, is the answer to that. It's the right alternative to drudge. That's,
Starting point is 00:46:07 Hi, my name is Lauren Witzke. I'm a brand new show host here at True News, coming to you Monday through Friday, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. I'm a God-fearing Christian, and I'm so blessed to be here with you and the viewers of True News as we are taking on a Luciferian, satanic regime that has every agenda to take out Christians. I'm so blessed to be here because we will be informing Christians. We don't answer to any narrative. We're just here to bring you truth. We have no agenda except for the agenda of Jesus Christ. So I'm so blessed to be here.
Starting point is 00:46:43 Please tune in Mondays through Fridays, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. to get nothing but truth here at True News. I have a big announcement for you. Very soon, we will launch our biggest project ever. It is God Tribe. God Tribe is an exciting new digital online platform for young men to learn more about Jesus Christ and his kingdom. The first phase of God Tribe will launch in early fall 2021, and it will include social media and audio chat rooms. Our chat feature is called Campfires. Any member of God Tribe will be able to start and conduct a campfire conversation any time of the day. And I personally plan to have a campfire conversation every weeknight from the comfort of my home. I am confident that you will love holding your own campfire chats
Starting point is 00:47:42 along with your friends. But there's more. God Tribe will also have its own 24-hour television network. God Tribe TV is the first Christian television network for men. The programming will include hunting and fishing and outdoor shows, do-it-yourself shows, sports, news, and inspirational programs. Our in-house development team has been quietly working since January with developers around the world to build the God Tribe platform. And it's not been cheap. We have invested several hundred thousands of dollars into God Tribe.
Starting point is 00:48:23 The souls of young men are more than worth the money we have invested. All of these exciting projects are for the glory of Jesus Christ and the expansion of his kingdom on earth. They are made possible because generous people just like you contribute money each month to underwrite the growing expenses of flowing streams. I'm asking you to join me as a monthly partner of Flowing Streams. This is fertile soil that is producing a rich harvest of souls for God's kingdom. The Lord himself will richly reward your generosity and faithfulness. You know, Rick, the heretics don't seem to have a hard time raising money. Obviously, the church
Starting point is 00:49:13 has, from the beginning, preached the gospel, relied on very generous families and givers and figures in society to fund the gospel and the sharing of it. In the modern era, heretics are funding the anti-gospel. Well, Edward, there are two economic systems existing, always have been. There is the world economic system. Now, it has varieties, different nations, but it's the world economic system, money system of the world that belongs to Satan. Then there is God's economy. And when you are born again as a Christian, your spirit is born again, YOU'RE STILL PHYSICALLY IN THE WORLD.
Starting point is 00:50:06 YES. YOUR MIND HAS TO BE RENEWED BY THE CLEANSING OF THE WORD OF GOD. THAT'S WHY WE READ THE BIBLE REGULARLY, BECAUSE THE WORD CLEANSES OUR MIND. BUT WE'RE LIVING IN A FALLEN WORLD. IT OPERATES ON THE PRINCIPLES ESTABLISHED BY SATAN AND FALLEN MEN AND WOMEN. in a fallen world. It operates on the principles established by Satan and fallen men and women. God calls his people to be in the world, but not of the world. And so when it comes to finances,
Starting point is 00:50:38 Christians have to learn how to operate in God's economy. and God's economy is completely different than the world's economy but the world's economy is get all you can put it in a can and sit on the can right and God's economy is give all you can just give give give God's nature is generous he desires for his sons and daughters to be like him, to take on his personality. He's a cheerful giver, a happy, hilarious giver. He's actually a hilarious giver. And God desires that his sons and daughters take on his personality characteristics, which means we have to be US. AND IT'S THE, I'VE WALKED IN THIS, I'VE SEEN THIS FOR YEARS, I STILL DON'T UNDERSTAND IT,
Starting point is 00:51:34 DOC, HOW IT HAPPENS, HOW HE, HIS FAVOR COMES ON US, HOW HE MAKES. BUT IT'S GLORIOUS. IT IS GLORIOUS. IT IS GLORIOUS, BUT EVERY ONE OF YOU WHO KNOW, AND YOU WRITE TO ME, I READ YOUR EMA, and you write to me, I read your emails and letters, you talk to me about, hey, when I started giving, this is what happened in my life. That's all I can say to you is that people, look, if you're constantly broke, if you're constantly behind in your bills, if you're constantly scraping pennies to get by, I can tell you right now, you're not a giver.
Starting point is 00:52:05 And maybe they don't understand. You might be you right now, you're not a giver. And maybe they don't understand. You might be a Christian, but you're not a giver. Rick, I mean, both you might have been walking with the Lord longer than I've been alive. And something I've learned when you discuss God's economy is often I was taught about old covenant tithing. If you do 10%, then you're good to go. Then that's what the Lord is asking you to
Starting point is 00:52:26 do. And that really has fallen short. It's not the full story. It was almost cheated out of understanding God's economy. Well, we could do a whole hour on the topic of tithing. It's an old covenant principle. We're in the new covenant and we walk by faith and the new covenant doesn't require tithing. It tells us to be joyful givers and to give with faith and happiness and joy and God will meet our needs. He'll bless us. He'll provide more than we can handle. And why? So that we have abundance to give to others, to bless others, to further the work of his kingdom. And so, again, I'm just saying to our audience, those of you who are struggling financially and you're just getting by. I'm telling you, you're not a giver.
Starting point is 00:53:22 You're not a joyful giver. If you will begin giving with faith in Christ and begin giving to the work of God and giving to the poor. Find somebody who's more broke than you and give something to them. If it's only one can of beans out of your pantry, give. Just start the practice of giving. And every day ask God, who can I give to? How can I be like you? And you get into this practice of giving. And every day ask God, who can I give to? How can I be like you? And you get into this rhythm of giving. And then it's giving and receiving.
Starting point is 00:53:51 You give to those God instructs you to give to. But the giving, I mean, the receiving always comes from him. He'll use people, but the gift will come from God and he'll bless you. It's a great teaching. And giving is the cure for greed. Yeah. And you don't have to be rich to be greedy. You can be poor and be greedy.
Starting point is 00:54:11 That's right. So I know giving has been a cure for greed in my own life. And that's why I faithfully give. I regularly give. You can't be greedy and give and generous at the same time. I mean, once you start giving, you don't have to worry about greed and stinginess in your life. So in the last one, we were talking about the United Methodist Church. They're now having drag queens.
Starting point is 00:54:39 Now, by the way, this guy, this drag queen, I forget his name. Isaac Simmons. Isaac Simmons. Isaac Simmons. Okay. What I read was that he is a, uh, he was inspired by Mikhail Bakhtin. Yeah, this is a Russian philosopher and his idea. I looked a little bit into, uh, this, uh, uh, this gentleman today, Rick, in that he, uh, thought of using a carnival and fun events and things like that to draw people to the church. OK, that's at the core of it. I don't think I don't think he I don't think he thought of of men dressing up in drag as part of that. You sure as a church, because what I've read is Bacton was a Jewish Marxist. Oh, really? And he used carnival as a way to introduce ideas and change society.
Starting point is 00:55:30 See, it's important to see the source of where things come from. Yeah, so that's why this guy, Simmons, is dressing up, you know, as a drag queen and speaking in the church, because he's introducing ideas to change the church. Right, and this is in spite of the fact of what the Bible says about dressing up as another gender. The Bible's clear. In Deuteronomy 22.5, it says clearly,
Starting point is 00:55:57 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment, for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God. Now, I'm sure that those within the Methodist movement would say, well, that doesn't apply today. That, you know, that that doesn't fit in. What's your response to that? Wait to Judgment Day. Just wait.
Starting point is 00:56:21 If you're so confident about it, you just wait to Judgment Day. You're messing with God's holy church. And I would be very, very afraid if I were you. Your lights can go out so fast that people are doing this kind of stuff. God holds their heartbeat in his hand. Their breath at any moment, he can shut them down I mean what
Starting point is 00:56:46 they're doing in his it's his church see it's one thing to do things in Satan's world but they're coming now into the church for the past 20 years it's been to input it's been to bring their sexual abominations into the world now they're so bold we're going to bring it into God's church. Right. Okay. The game has changed now. A totally different situation. They're now challenging Almighty God himself inside his holy church. And I think what they're doing is extremely dangerous. It's dangerous not only for them, but it's dangerous for all of us because of the corporate punishment that could come upon this nation because of their sin and rebellion.
Starting point is 00:57:37 Right. I mean, what's different than the Hebrews dancing around a golden calf while Moses was up on the mountain talking to God. There is no difference. You have to either change what the Word of God says or ignore what the Word of God says. And, you know, speaking of changes in the Word of God, we came across something recently that will probably shock our audience. You've seen ministers dressed up in drag preaching for the pulpit,
Starting point is 00:58:04 like we showed in our first part of this segment today. Have you ever seen the Bible in drag, Rick? Not until a couple days ago when I saw the first copy. Right. Edward has a copy here of what is called the Queen James Bible. I've got to be careful. This might set on fire
Starting point is 00:58:25 in my hands. So basically what they've done is they've taken the Bible and the parts that deal with homosexuality or transgenderism or anything like that, they've modified or deleted
Starting point is 00:58:38 in order to make it fit their particular point of view. So they like their sins so they've got to change the Bible. You think about this. If this were a court of law and put before the Lord, first of all, what they're preaching is predatory. You saw in that video, the people who were sitting there watching it, the downtrodden, those who fall into gluttony,
Starting point is 00:59:01 those who are living a sinful life, maybe living a homosexual life, those are the people we're supposed to reach with the gospel. I'm talking about the gospel of the kingdom, not the gospel of love or the gospel of the half rainbow. It's predatory. And these churches, they're actually obstructing. They're obstructing the preaching of the word. I won't give a pass to all the preachers who aren't out in the streets confronting this or going to where these individuals are hurting. But what we see in
Starting point is 00:59:29 these videos time to time is they are preying on the weak, the addicted in society. You're right, Edward. More than anything, they are daring. They're challenging Almighty God Himself. I mean, look at this. First of all, to mess with the Bible. Is there not a warning in the revelation of Jesus Christ about changing? Do not add or take away from it. And what happens to you if you do? Your destiny is the lake of fire. Your destiny is what?
Starting point is 01:00:03 The lake of fire. If you add or take away from the Word of God, your destiny is the lake of fire. So your destiny is what? The lake of fire. If you take add or take away from the word of God, your destiny is what? The lake of fire. And we'll be back in just a moment. Here's Kerry with the second headlines. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. The Jerusalem Post reporting that Jordan has been attacked by drones from Iran. That according to King Abdullah II. In this interview with CNN, he talks about issues related to Iran, including skirmishes along Jordan's borders. We've seen Saudi being a recipient of missiles out of Yemen, Israel from Syria and Lebanon to an extent, and what misses
Starting point is 01:00:45 Israel sometimes lands in Jordan. So we do have these concerns. And add to that increased cyber attacks on many of our countries. The firefights on our borders have increased almost to the times when we were at the high end with Daesh. And unfortunately, Jordan has been attacked by drones that have come out that are Iranian signature that we had to deal with. So we do have all this in the recent in the recent months in the past year or so and escalating. For information on this story and more,
Starting point is 01:01:19 please visit our companion website. It's called The Times of Israel reporting that Russia says its air defense systems in Syria intercepted Israeli missiles. The strikes allegedly killed senior fighters from Iran and Hezbollah. Israel's military doesn't comment on reports of specific strikes in Syria except for those that are in retaliation for attacks. And the Jerusalem Post says that's exactly what happened on Sunday when the IDF hit Hamas targets in retaliation for incendiary balloons. IDF jets hit several buildings in a Hamas military base, as well as infrastructure and utilities used for the group's activities. That's a look at True News headlines.
Starting point is 01:02:10 A quick thank you to some folks who visited us on Friday. Check it out. There's Susan and Rick with Vanjie Melendez and her sister, Nilda Negron. Now, she lives here in Vero Beach. Saul Melendez on the end there, and Vanjie live in New York City. I had my picture taken with them and I loved it. Nilda turned her sister and brother-in-law on to True News many years ago. And now at 5 a.m. every morning, guess what? They pray for this ministry.
Starting point is 01:02:39 Thank you and others around the world for praying for us and for your support. Now back to Edward. Thank you, Kerry. Well, in this segment, we're going to discuss the infiltration of America. Now, we discussed in the first half of the program the spiritual infiltration and also the preparations for war. Well, China is the other country other than Russia that we're preparing for. But, Doug, a very weird story came across the desk today. The Chinese have bought a 200-acre ranch, 200,000-acre ranch near Laughlin Air Force Base in Texas. 200 square miles, to be exact. And that's a good chunk of real estate in Texas, even for Texas. And so this report from World Tribune, former Chinese general owns 200 square miles in Texas next to Air Force Base.
Starting point is 01:03:34 And so that's number 15 for control, if we want to get that up there so our audience can take a screenshot of it. His name is Sun Guangqin. Sun Guangqin. He's a former PLA general turned billionaire. See, in the Chinese military, it's normal, I guess, for their generals to leave the military much richer than they went in. This purchase has been on the radar of Texas lawmakers for quite some time. But it wasn't until the Texas Border Commissioner, the Texas Agriculture Commissioner, Sid Miller, wrote a letter regarding this ranch purchase that many in the real media started to take notice of this.
Starting point is 01:04:13 This isn't a small thing. They've actually built an airstrip on this piece of land. It's actually big enough for China's version of the C-130, the cargo plane used for troops and materials to be flown in to America. But in addition to this, they're also trying to hook into the power grid. The excuse for this sale, which was done through an intermediary, the people selling their land to this billionaire retired general, didn't know they were selling it to the Chinese. It was done through an intermediary. But what they're claiming to set up here are
Starting point is 01:04:47 wind farms. It's known as the Blue Hills Wind Development. And mind you, the ranch itself is called the Morning Star Ranch. Oh, Morning Star. It's an odd thing to name the ranch, especially when you think of the references to the devil. The devil is not in Georgia in this case. It's in Texas. And the backwoods dock, it turns out, could become a staging ground. What did you make of this story?
Starting point is 01:05:13 Well, first of all, Texas has been talking about, it's gone through several different hands between Democrats and Republicans. Under the Democrat administration, they built these enormous wind farms. And by the way, wind farms lose money for at least 30 years because it costs so much to produce these windmills that the energy that they produce doesn't even begin to kick in for 30, 35 years. And so, but what's interesting about this particular aspect
Starting point is 01:05:41 of it is that as part of these 200 square miles that is being purchased, there's a giant wind farm out there where there is no wind. Yes. And but having that wind farm does give the owner of this particular property access to the Texas power grid. And that's the warning that Texas lawmakers have had, is that this would give China a back door into America's power grid, into a grid which failed recently. Getting back to the stories just two months ago, the stories of power addresses across Texas.
Starting point is 01:06:18 Well, we now have a very real scenario here where the Chinese government, through this retired, I don't think any PLA general really truly retires, I think they carry on in retirement for the Marxist goals, world domination. Well, in this sense, building wind farms, even unprofitable ones, would give you access into the grid, would also teach you about how America's grid is set up. And if you needed to, if you were ordered to, in lieu of an attack or the outset of war, you could shut down power or send a surge. There's plenty of things that could be done.
Starting point is 01:06:55 Doc, something I found very interesting is that there was a hedge fund manager that was the one to raise this to the public's attention. Kyle Bass. He's also the founding member of the Committee on the Present Danger, China. This is an interview he gave to the Epoch Times in regard to this mystery ranch in Texas. The name of this piece of property that is their headquarters is called the Morningstar Ranch. And if you remember in the Bible, the devil's name is Lucifer Morningstar. And you should see the obtuse star that denotes the landmark of this ranch. It's just again, it's it's almost like made for TV fiction. You could you couldn't make this up if you tried. I investigated and realized that, you know, on a scale of one to 10, the wind assets in that region of the United States and southern Texas is like between a two and a three out of 10.
Starting point is 01:07:54 And if you and I were investing and buying big wind turbines and wanted to put them somewhere, Jan, we'd look for two things. We would look for major wind factors, and then we'd also look for transmission equipment to be able to transmit it somewhere to sell it. We would never build a wind farm where this one is. And so there's a strategic reason this general has acquired all of this land, and he did it, again, in an insidious way. He got a local businessman out of Lufkin, Texas, to front for him and purchase all the properties. So none of the landowners knew they were selling to a Chinese general. And to make matters worse, Edward, is that particular project, the wind farm centers, received millions of dollars. Green energy project green energy u.s funds in order to uh you know put in this money hole out in the middle of nowhere texas but kyle bass brought it
Starting point is 01:08:54 out very succinctly in that the there's a reason for this and the reason as we've outlined it's just minutes away from uh an air force base it allows access to the Texas power grid and thus the U.S. power grid as well. And the different fund managers that have looked at this project, Lauren and Edward, have asked the question, where's all this money going? Where is this money going to in this big giant hole out here? And you don't make this kind of investment unless you have some kind of goal to this. I mean, it's called Bass. He understands how you make money with these kind of projects. I think the point he's laying out is that clearly it's not to make money in wind farms. This is on the border. We've had a border crisis for multiple decades. We've had the notion already explained to us through the 2016 campaign with President Trump that it's an invasion.
Starting point is 01:09:51 But have we actually faced the prospect that another country, one we're preparing to fight a war with, could have the gall, the gumption, could actually build a base right on our doorstep with an airfield. This airfield is not even like made to, it's not even officially approved by the FAA to be used for this. And think about this. Imagine if Germany had built a coal plant in Pennsylvania in the late 30s. I mean, that would be akin to and let me ask you this, Lauren, do you think an American general would be able to go and buy 200 square miles of land in China and build a wind farm? Absolutely not. And, you know, there's been like a lot of criticism around Governor Abbott and his mishandling of the energy crisis that they had recently. But also he was allegedly purchasing
Starting point is 01:10:43 solar power equipment from China long before this. This isn't the first time that we have heard about this. So, you know, in this kind of Chinese companies would not big Chinese companies would not be moving into Texas. Like if Governor Abbott, you know, he's allowing it, he's allowing it to happen. And that is what's also concerning. So it means that also that the Chinese Communist Party has their roots in so deep, not just in the Democrat Party, like with Joe Biden, but also in Republicans and governors on the local level as well. Well, clearly, stories like this show that there already has been the infiltration. We're post-infiltration. Again, we keep looking at these stories, and we've talked about the revolution already taking place. They already toppled the statues. They
Starting point is 01:11:23 already sent their troops into the street. This ranch was already purchased. It's sitting on the grounds of vicinity to both our border and to a military base. I have to again wonder how many more ranches like this there are. And how many other countries have these bases set up? I don't think they necessarily even need a physical base, especially after they have the hooks into our president through previous business deals we've learned about from the Hunter Biden laptop. But this is a physical ranch. I mean, it's getting to the point,
Starting point is 01:11:55 as Karl Pass pointed out, it almost seems like a fictional movie. It seems like a script because of how ridiculous it is. We've sold out so much. We're selling our land to be used by our enemies. But, Doc, you've spoken this in the past. This could be part of the judgment on our country. Isn't it true that our lands can be given away if we don't live righteously in them? Well, the Bible in Deuteronomy tells the people of Israel that they received a possession of land, but they could lose that land if they refused to follow the Lord. And the way that they would be pushed from the land would be through famines, through the ground itself would revolt, Lauren.
Starting point is 01:12:35 The ground would push them out. And if that wasn't enough, the Lord would send invading armies to finish the job. After all, he did that to the Canaanites that were in the promised land before. He sent Israel in to drive them out, and they were supposed to drive them completely out. And yet, they allowed the Canaanites to live on the land and to serve them, to basically be the slaves to the people of Israel for generations. God had to judge that on Israel too. We're doing the same thing. The sin of our nation is going to, at some point, cause the land itself to vomit us out as a people. And what they'll do to finish the job? The Lord will send invading armies. It won't be Russia
Starting point is 01:13:19 sending troops. It won't be China sending troops. It'll be the Lord God Almighty sending troops and push a sinful nation out of their land, especially a nation that vowed to live for God. I think what's new with this latest onslaught is that it's a war on our minds as much as it is our physical country, our physical possessions, and not even our persons. We're bombarded daily with so much information. You have to try to pray to your discernment meter almost that it will catch falsehoods or narratives and propaganda. In the case of Carl Bass, I did find it interesting looking into the background of Mr. Bass is he's actually in a partnership with Miles Guo and Steve Bannon over at GTV News, this anti-CCP,
Starting point is 01:14:08 anti-communist party media outlet. But it was odd to find him on the subject of China. I know he's part of the committee, but you wouldn't expect someone on Wall Street to be weighing in on this story. As it turns out, he's actually working with Steve Bannon and Miles Guo. And maybe that's fine. Maybe there's not any issue with that. But I do have to wonder, because recently there was a question that was laid out. We're covering this a little bit more in the next segment. There's a man named Colonel Sellens. Lawrence Sellens became famous for challenging General Petraeus in Afghanistan, said the
Starting point is 01:14:41 way that the war was being fought with PowerPoints was going to lose the war. Guess what? He was right. Well, he's recently come out and said that the associates of Moskow, Moskow himself, are actually actively helping the Communist Party, that Moskow is a CCP agent. I'm not sure to make that. I don't have the personal evidence to prove this. But I do have some court documents, which we'll cover in the next segment. But I think the question is, we have to find our identity as a nation, not from Taiwanese dissidents, but from God. Loves instruction, loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid.
Starting point is 01:15:31 A man is not established by wickedness, but the root of the righteous cannot be moved. An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, but she who causes shame is like rottenness in his bones. The thoughts of the righteous are right, but the counsels of the wicked are deceitful. The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but he who heeds counsel is wise. A fool's wrath is known at once, but a prudent man covers shame. Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who deal truthfully are his delight. The culture warriors in this country are breaking down traditions, morals, family structure. They've been doing this for decades, and they are aiming their guns at young men.
Starting point is 01:16:37 They want to feminize them. They want to demonize them. They want to criminalize them so that they will not act like the men that God created them to be. God Tribe is a social media educational platform, digital platform, for young men, and to give young men a place to congregate where they feel safe. Its mission is to build better men. It's a place for Christian men to congregate with other Christian men and communicate with each other, fellowship, encourage each other, building up each other to be better men for
Starting point is 01:17:21 Jesus Christ. That's the purpose. Since the beginning of 2021, tens of thousands of people have discovered True News. If you are among the new members of the True News tribe. You probably don't know much about our history. But last May, we celebrated the anniversary of our first newscast. And we have now entered our 23rd year of continuous broadcasting and streaming. Our original name was America's Hope. We started on one AM radio station in Dallas, Fort Worth, Texas. We were pioneers in audio streaming and audio on demand.
Starting point is 01:18:13 We were podcasting years before iPods and iPhones were invented. My first office was in a hallway between our kitchen and garage in our home in Colleyville, Texas. Today, True News originates from our Flowing Streams Church facility in Vero Beach, Florida. Our growth over two decades has been slow but steady. This organization is rock solid because it is built upon the rock, our Lord Jesus Christ. All of it has been made possible because Almighty God has blessed us with thousands of wonderful brethren who have partnered with us to underwrite the growing expenses of this worldwide ministry. If you like what you see and hear on True News, I personally invite you to join with tens of thousands
Starting point is 01:19:09 of men and women just like you who live around the world who financially support True News. I assure you that your Heavenly Father will richly reward your generosity and faithfulness. Thank you, Rick. We, we've been discussing the systematic infiltration of our country by the communist Chinese. We thought it'd be good to bring in a good friend of True News, the lead reporter for National Fire, Patrick Howley, to discuss how far this has gone into the cyber space,
Starting point is 01:19:45 and specifically social media. But I'm sure he has quite a lot to say about influence. How are you doing today, Mr. Hawley? I'm very good. This is a very disturbing subject matter, though, obviously, as the Chinese begin to assert themselves even more and with even more hostility in the United States. But we have to remember that it's our own political leaders,
Starting point is 01:20:05 the likes of Michael Bloomberg, the likes of Brian Kemp, the likes of Bill Clinton, who have sold us to the Chinese. And so really, the U.S. political class is to blame for making us so vulnerable to this threat. I feel like I woke up and my entire country has been sold out already. You think about this ranch. I'm sure it's not the only ranch we'll learn about in coming years, hopefully, as the media still stays free and whatnot. But you know someone in true media. You're like us. We have to fight both the censorship on our side, but also from the Marxist media, like Bloomberg, for example. You mentioned Mr. Bloomberg. Have you faced down any of these communist agents that I'm sure are lurking?
Starting point is 01:20:52 And what has been your experience with how they've tried to influence the public subtly through social media? A hundred percent. And there is massive Chinese influence in Washington, D.C. in both parties. Just days ago, the Biden Department of Justice dropped the cases against five visiting researchers who hid their affiliation with the Chinese military because the FBI wanted the cases to be dropped. That is par for the course in Washington, D.C. The Chinese own at the beginning of 2020, they owned the Chinese investors owned almost $2 billion in farmland. That number has gone up dramatically and astronomically recently. They are buying as much land as possible in order to try to control the American food supply. This is why we are seeing the psyop of eating cicadas, eating insects, being predictive programmed because the Chinese are preparing to cut the food supply or
Starting point is 01:21:46 at least create food shortages for people here in America using agriculture. Bill Gates, who is a Chinese partner, is now the number one private farmland owner in the United States. He owns $690 million in farmland. So there's an effort underway among some of us in Washington, D.C. I'm not in Washington, D.C. Thank God I'm America first, but we can operate anywhere. The House Appropriations Committee, this is kind of remarkable, actually just passed an amendment to an FDA spending bill that bans any Chinese Communist Party owned or part owned entities from buying any new farmland and cutting off the Chinese-owned farmland from getting any taxpayer benefits. And that might actually pass into law.
Starting point is 01:22:33 Of course, you know, it has to go through Sleepy Joe, and we can get into why Sleepy Joe is owned and operated by the Chinese Communist Party, and it dates back years. And we can walk through some of the massive political influence that China has, both on Democrats and Republicans. It was Bill Clinton who allowed China into the World Trade Organization, which gutted our manufacturing in America, ruined our economy. Who helped him do that in 2000? None other than Dianne Feinstein. Dianne Feinstein's driver for almost 20 years was a Chinese communist spy, including during the period in which the Chinese were killing and
Starting point is 01:23:13 jailing CIA sources over there. So it's obvious that China was taking advantage of her the same way that Feng Feng, well, maybe not the same way that Fang Fang took advantage of Eric Swalwell. But let me let me tell you, Fang Fang really earned the Medal of Honor over there in China. She really committed to Mother Mother China there. I mean, Chairman Xi really needs to to give her some honor. She she committed with that one with Eric Swalwell. But you can look at Joe Biden. One of Joe Biden's top donors is a guy named Bernie Schwartz. Bernard Schwartz,
Starting point is 01:23:46 back in the 90s, he was the CEO of Laurel Space and Communications, which wanted to launch these satellites into space. He gave $100,000 to the DNC. Then he goes over to China with Ron Brown, who's one of Bill Clinton's best friends, inks a $250 million deal, okay, a telecom deal for Chinese rockets to launch his satellites into space. What happens in October of 94? All of a sudden, Bill Clinton lifts the sanctions on China that had been in place because China was selling missile tech to Pakistan. It was such pay to play, okay? Dianne Feinstein's husband, Richard Bloom, was investing in Chinese candy, Chinese steel, massive investments in the 1990s. They got this deal done to get China into the World Trade Organization, fulfilling what Henry Kissinger had been working on since the 70s to try to make China the economic manufacturing power in order to reduce labor costs and create this whole globalized economy that's currently killing us. That's a fact.
Starting point is 01:24:50 The left is concentrated. They're focused on this great replacement theory. They keep trying to deplatform us and kick us out of meetings and events if we ever bring up anything close to being replaced. But what you just laid out is that most of American manufacturing and our wealth, our assets, have already been replaced, have been exported to China. And the way to become rich, it looks like, has been to capitulate, to compromise this. I think part of it, too, is our intellectual property, our thoughts, our ideas themselves we give away for free. And social media has really helped that.
Starting point is 01:25:24 There's been a new social media platform that was released. And I've stayed clear of it. I haven't really known what to make of it. It was at first glance, at least. I'm talking about Getter. It looked a lot like Twitter. It looked like a complete version of Twitter. It turns out that it was produced by anti-CCP coders, at least we're told this, from a platform called Getter. Are you familiar with Getter, G-E-T-T-R? Right, that's Jason Miller's outfit. I'm hearing that Jason Miller has been totally sidelined in Trump world recently after some
Starting point is 01:25:58 incompetent things that Trump didn't care for. Trump is not on Getter. And so, you know, we're on Gab, by the way. National File is on Gab. You can go there and you can read all this truth because there is so much truth that needs to be told about the fact, for instance, that Michael Bloomberg is the biggest economic trader in the history of the United States. He said, and this is a quote from Michael Bloomberg, quote, My daughter is tall and busty and blonde. We went to China together. And what's a 16-year-old going to do on a business trip?
Starting point is 01:26:28 So I got her dates in every city in China. This guy's over there getting U.S. corporations to trade in Chinese currency. He expanded his financial index recently to pump $150 billion into China, and he takes fees for himself. This guy has the nerve to run for president of the United States while he's destroying the United States of America. Okay. So he's just par for the course. You got Brian Kemp who met with the head of the consul general from Houston just months before that consulate in Houston was shut down by Mike Pompeo for being the main hub of Chinese spy operations in the United States.
Starting point is 01:27:06 And Brian Kemp made an agreement with this Chinese communist guy to bring in more foreign exchange students, a.k.a. spies, in exchange for business opportunities in Georgia, a.k.a. making money. They're all on the dole. You can look at the secretary of state there, Brad Raffensperger, who got elected to the Georgia House. And after he got elected, he did a call in Mandarin Chinese to his supporters, thanking them in Chinese for getting him over the limit. And it's a matter of public record. You can go to National File dot com that there was an operation in which they were getting absentee ballots for all of these Chinese people in Georgia in order to put Brad Raffensperger in office. And I just want to say this, which is extremely important, that during this election in 2020, Customs and Border Protection did a bust at Chicago O'Hare Airport,
Starting point is 01:27:57 another bust in Memphis, and found many thousands of fake IDs from China coming into this country. The fake IDs matched up with actual identities of people here in the United States who they didn't think were going to vote. And so they took unlikely voters, created fake IDs for them, sent them into this country. In Houston, I have sworn affidavits and photographic evidence showing that the poll workers at the drive-through voting stations had stacks of IDs already on their desks, were matching them up to people who were going through the drive-through Taco Bell voting window, and the identities did not match the people. China was sending these driver IDs, these fake IDs, into this country all through the election because they steal all your personal information on the internet, then they make fake IDs into this country all through the election because they steal all your personal
Starting point is 01:28:45 information on the Internet. Then they make fake IDs for you. Now, Patrick, go ahead. That's a good point. You know, I can't delete my Getter account. I tried. And, you know, they are just data harvesting methods of way of ways of collecting your name, your email address, your phone number, you know, and that's what these social media outlets have become. When you find one that's actually possibly connected to China, where do you think, what do you think they're using our data for? To continue to rig our elections, to take the identities of the American people and influence our politicians.
Starting point is 01:29:18 It's crazy. Well, it's something influencing our elections. Patrick, I think that you may or may not have heard if this took place, but I know in 2016, there were Chinese observers brought in for the Chinese government to watch our election. Have you heard of any activity or have you seen the affidavits where they witnessed Chinese observers or government officials near polling sites? Like, was this part of the operation or is that something maybe they got pushed off due to the pandemic? No, I have definitely heard that there were Chinese communist agents here in the United
Starting point is 01:29:52 States. And the other thing you have to understand, too, as Biden's Secretary of State Tony Blinken invites the UN racism inspectors into this country, is that the United Nations and China are like this. OK, they're almost inseparable. Blinken, meanwhile, ran a Biden project at the University of Pennsylvania that took 14 million dollars in China. I'm going to have to go real quick to our break. We'll talk to you the next time. I'm Lauren Witsky. And here are your Monday, July 26th True News headlines.
Starting point is 01:30:25 France has mandated COVID health passes for dining and travel. France's legislator approved a law mandating universal vaccinations for health workers and health passes for all restaurants and domestic travel. The health pass will require people to show proof of vaccination, evidence that they have recently recovered from the coronavirus, or they must show a recent negative test. Thousands of protesters across France took to the streets over the weekend to protest the new vaccine mandates, which now applies to adults who wish to enter restaurants, trains, planes, and other public venues. British Minister for COVID Vaccine Deployment
Starting point is 01:31:05 made a statement to the House of Commons on the pandemic in the UK, encouraging the use of the newly mandated COVID health pass and making a very interesting comment about citizens who were vaccinated with placebos, stating that those who were given the vaccine placebo would be considered fully vaccinated. I'm grateful for the honourable member's question, Mr. Speaker. On the Novavax trial participants,
Starting point is 01:31:33 they will have their vaccine pass in the United Kingdom. And of course, we're working with other countries to make sure that that is recognized. But as far as the UK is concerned, they will be considered as fully vaccinated, whether they've had the placebo or the vaccine. On her very good question. A series of Instagram videos went viral over the weekend, documenting a 34-year-old woman
Starting point is 01:32:03 and an Instagram personality named Georgia Rose Seagal struggling to walk and her feet twitching in her hospital bed. Evet, bu da bir ÅŸey. Georgia Rose says that she has had daily episodes of fainting, neurological issues and loss in the use of her legs after receiving her second Pfizer COVID jab and that she was perfectly healthy before receiving the coronavirus vaccine. The Times stated that the Instagram video of Georgia Rose's adverse reactions to the Pfizer vaccine was fueling mistrust among a younger generation, and that vaccine passports may be the only remedy. An unvaccinated snow leopard in the San Diego Zoo has contracted COVID-19. The zoo said in a statement that caretakers noticed that Ramil, a nine-year-old snow leopard, had a cough and a runny nose on Thursday.
Starting point is 01:33:32 Two separate tests of his stool confirmed the presence of coronavirus. The San Diego Zoo has requested an experimental COVID-19 vaccine for animals for emergency use. That's your true news headlines. Now back to Edward. Thank you, Lauren. And I believe we still have Patrick in line. Sorry for cutting you off there, Patrick. You were discussing how Michael Bloomberg pimped his daughter out.
Starting point is 01:33:58 But I think what I'd like to really discuss in this segment, you just saw, Lauren, in detail, the bioweapon attack, the impact on our country. You saw that girl in England, the one that is having leg spasms, and they're calling the impact of showing that video to be misinformation. I mean, what other better example of the attack from China other than them distorting reality in our reaction to the COVID vaccine. Well, as always, coronavirus was a scheme cooked up by China in coordination with our political elites. Obviously, it was Dr. Anthony Fauci using our taxpayer money to fund the coronavirus project at the Wuhan lab in the first place. China has the clout to be able to influence so many of our politicians by virtue of the fact that they own over a trillion dollars of our debt in treasury bonds. And that's only cracking the surface of how much financial collateral and leverage they have over us.
Starting point is 01:34:58 And they're also using the method of blackmailing politicians, which other foreign countries have done throughout the years. Not to mention the fact that many of our allies, including Israel, have been caught selling our military secrets and our military technology to China over the years. And during the Obama administration, the Israeli military defense export official, whatever it is, had to resign in disgrace because of selling these secrets to China. So China has so much spying capability and they work with so many other countries around the world to spy on us in order to weaken us. President Donald Trump finally took it to them by imposing tariffs to hit their economy where it hurts, bring them to the negotiating table and say, hey, let's make a trade deal to get a ton of money, a trillion dollars, more than a trillion
Starting point is 01:35:49 dollars back into this country, buying up our agriculture. Now all of that is gone because we've got Sleepy Joe the puppet in there. So I have a question for you. So it wasn't China that shut down our states and our small businesses. It was our governors, including Republican governors. Now, I know that there has been evidence that's been presented of Brian Kemp being involved and connected to the Communist Chinese Party. You know, how deep does this go within the Republican Party? I understand that it has happened. I mean, the Democrat Party is entrenched in bed with China.
Starting point is 01:36:22 However, it's evident that there was something more to that. And it was there's more connections with China during the covid lockdowns because these Republican governors in conservative states were implementing a voter laws that were just absolutely ridiculous that were set up to fail. They were setting us up to fail. So I'm curious. I know you do a lot of research in this. And can you tell me how deep the influence of the Communist Chinese Party goes into the Republican Party as well? Well, the Republican Party is very weak because the GOP establishment is the party of big finance, and big finance is so heavily dictated by the whims of Silicon Valley and China. Kelly Loeffler got that Senate seat for a while by virtue of the fact that her husband
Starting point is 01:37:06 owns the stock market and was listing all of these Chinese companies on it. So, I mean, a think tank that actually is partnered with the ChaiCom, so it's a ChaiCom think tank, actually put out a list of friendly governors, and there were a number of governors, including Doug Ducey of Arizona,
Starting point is 01:37:23 a Republican who ended up on this list. And so it's obvious to me that the reason that the Republican Party on the establishment level is in the pocket of China is not ideological. It all has to do with big finance. Well, Patrick, something weird watching this from the sidelines. You know, I think most people who are Christian, conservative, they voted for President Trump in this past election, mainly out of the enemy itself that you were looking at having as an alternative. Well, communists, I mean, who could go into the poll and vote for Joe Biden, knowing what we knew about Hunter Biden's laptop. But something that was very odd is watching inaction last year in regard to China. We were both fed that China was the greatest threat to the United States since World War II.
Starting point is 01:38:13 But then we were also fed inaction. I know the president did actions. He took steps of what he could take. He was very tough on China. But I've heard more speeches about holding China accountable. And I haven't really seen much action on it. I haven't seen the contracts, for example, for the PPE. I haven't seen Republican states cut those. I mean, how many billions were made off of Americans off of this pandemic through the PPE we bought from Chinese factories that we didn't even know
Starting point is 01:38:40 might be contaminated? Well, that's absolutely right. And when you're dealing with China, obviously you're dealing with a situation where it's a powder keg because they are a nuclear power and the South China Sea is extremely volatile. As we all know, that's one of the flashpoints of potential World War III scenario is the South China Sea and everything that's going on in Asia, which is why it's more important than ever to ally strongly with Japan. But what we have to understand, too, about China is that China seeks world dominance. And so there are some states like Iowa and Minnesota are actually the two states that restrict foreigners from buying farmland in the United States. This needs to be replicated in every single red state in this country to prevent China from buying the farmland in the United States. This needs to be replicated in every
Starting point is 01:39:25 single red state in this country to prevent China from buying the farmland. Because in the second that there's a war scenario, you're going to start seeing our electric grid have all kinds of problems. Klaus Schwab already predicted program that. Jennifer Granholm, who is somehow the energy secretary for Sleepy Joe, is predicting some kind of blackout scenario. And they're also predicting food shortages, which is why they're telling you to eat insects. This all ties into China. And so we've got to keep China away from our agriculture. I have to wonder if the suggestion to eat bugs is tied in with them seeing us as bugs. I will not eat the bugs. I know, I'm not. It's so interesting. They don't want us to eat steak.
Starting point is 01:40:04 I will not eat the cicada cookies. I will not eat the bug. I know, I'm not. It's so interesting. They don't want us to eat steak. I will not eat the cicada cookies. I will not eat the bug bites. Huh? Tucker Carlson ate cicada cookies on TV. I will not eat the bugs. Ever. You will not program me. Gross. See, this is what they think of us. They want us scratching the
Starting point is 01:40:20 dirt, eating the bugs, and then they cause these food shortages so the American people are starving. It's just awful what they have planned for us. It absolutely is. But it's all, they can't help themselves. They always overplay their hand and kind of give us a hint of what they have planned for us next. And you're absolutely right, Patrick. That's why they are predictably programming us to start preparing us to eat the bugs. I won't do it. Patrick, are you familiar with General Chi Hao-Tien? It was a speech he reportedly gave in 2003 as a retirement. He's a former defense secretary for the PLA. In this speech, if you're
Starting point is 01:40:52 an author, I'll just give you a short brief. He claimed that America belonged to the Chinese. Have you read anything along this line? I saw a book in a bookstore recently, it was on this past weekend, making this distorted argument that some of the Chinese have a lineage to the American Indians. Is this part of the propaganda cell, even supported by the left, to legitimize the conquering of our country? Well, that is part of it. There's so much propaganda that China puts out. If you watch their propaganda networks over there, which you can get some streams and broadcasts of in certain locations, they just make fun of America all day. And all
Starting point is 01:41:32 they have to do is turn on C-SPAN and look at Jerry Nadler with his pants up to his nipples and, you know, drunken Nancy Pelosi, and they've got a daily show all day, every day. And so they make fun of America. They hate America. Even like kids, like teenagers in Call of Duty type games, like, you know, the Chinese will have these cheat codes. And then after they win the game, they'll say China number one, say China number one. These people are really in a psychology of war against us. And that's something that we really need to understand. So what you just shared is very interesting because I don't think the Marxist media does even a remote good job of covering the discussions that take place in the cyber world. I'm not specifically talking about the gaming world.
Starting point is 01:42:13 You're saying that there are Chinese agents or just pro-Chinese communists that are using Call of Duty, using games that many parents feel safe to let their kids just sit in front of them and vegetate while they're playing these games. They're using these to actually propagandize the next generation. They try to dominate those games, actually. And most of them are just teenagers. But what you have to understand is they're doing calculus in sixth grade over there, while we are, you know, our kids don't know if they're male or female by the time they graduate high school and can't read. And this is this is not a good trend.
Starting point is 01:42:48 Well, go ahead. Yeah, they're also if you look at the Chinese propaganda, they're actually doing building programs to masculinize their young men because they're not teaching gender studies at their school. They're not showing young children pornography and making them question their identities over in China. They are empowering themselves, building their army, and just supplementing masculinity over there, while America gets the direct opposite, where they go after our little boys and put them in dresses and have drag queens read to them. And it's just — it goes to show that we are literally empowering our enemies by demasculinizing our own men, weakening our military,
Starting point is 01:43:26 going after our military, purging them. You know, it's very evident. It's very evident now it's all clear that we can just see it coming. And, you know, not many people can. Well, Patrick sees it coming. And actually, I look forward to bringing you back on, Patrick. You've been very gracious with your time. We're about to go to break. I'll give you the last word. Is there anything you'd like to say to Christians in this country as we look down at an enemy that appears to have been fighting us for decades? Yes, thank you. I believe that it's absolutely essential that you know that they are trying to set up a one world government. This has been the plan for a long time.
Starting point is 01:44:00 It is the so-called New World Order. China is allied with big finance, with these globalist financiers and multinational corporations like Bloomberg, and they're against us. So it's time to buy land and protect your neighborhood. Thank you so much, Patrick. Well, there's no question.
Starting point is 01:44:19 It was a big cover-up from the top on down. What did we do wrong? Why are we being labeled the bad guys? We can't talk about it. Why would they go ahead and tell me not to say nothing? If you do, you're gonna go to prison or worse. Sent all of us in different directions. That was to ensure that we didn't talk to each other and come up with a plan. It was only the USS Liberty items that you were not permitted to put on your uniform. Lies and deceit cover up the truth. We want to uncover the lies and deceitfulness for the last 52 years. It's a terrific combination of American money, French equipment, and Israeli Air Force pilots.
Starting point is 01:45:07 What was he doing about all these people who were wandering in and out of the White House at the time? His girlfriend from the Mossad told him that he could raise all kinds of money to continue the Vietnam War. The story has to be told. I am not saying anything about the liberty period. A lot of exciting projects are underway here at Flowing Streams. Most of you know us through True News, the most watched Christian news and analysis program in the world, and always from a conservative, traditional, biblical worldview. Over two decades of continuous broadcasting and streaming have not been easy, but they have been
Starting point is 01:46:01 productive and rewarding. Only God in heaven knows how many lost souls have come to Jesus Christ through this news program. In addition to True News, thousands of people around the world each week join us for our digital New Zion Assembly Church service. And tens of thousands of people are blessed by Prazer, our digital music streaming service. And I'll let you in on a secret. Prazer will take a big leap forward this fall. Watch for the all-new Prazer coming soon to your phone. Moreover, thousands of people watch Sacrificing
Starting point is 01:46:42 Liberty, our first film. Likewise, my book Final Day has been read by thousands of people watch Sacrificing Liberty, our first film. Likewise, my book, Final Day, has been read by thousands of people, and it has changed the way they think about the second coming of Jesus Christ. Now, we are ready to launch our biggest project ever. It's called God Tribe. It is an exciting new digital platform for young Christian men to encourage each other in the Christian faith and grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus Christ. And I'll tell you more about God Tribe in the weeks ahead. How do we do all these things? In the grace of God. There's no other way.
Starting point is 01:47:21 One important factor in God's grace to do his work is his supply of finances. There is always provision for the vision. If you have never experienced the grace of God touching your personal finances, I invite you to step out in faith and start giving gifts regularly to finance the work of God on earth, to expand the population of his kingdom. Expansion of his kingdom's population means lost souls asking Jesus to forgive their sins and save their souls with eternal salvation. What do you have to lose by giving away your money? I'll tell you what you'll lose. You will lose your financial hard times and living day to day to pay your bills. God's grace will abundantly bless your life when you trust him with your
Starting point is 01:48:21 finances and life. You can start your adventure by faith by becoming a partner with True News. Make a commitment today to Almighty God that you will give a gift to True News every month in 2021 and watch what happens to your finances and then let us know about it. Thank you, Rick. For the audience, thank you for sticking with us today. In our last segment here, I have Milo and Lauren to discuss and really reflect on the morphing Republican Party. I think part of that morphing, the metamorphosis, has been the onset of booing.
Starting point is 01:49:00 It's not just for people like Senator Romney. Who got booed this weekend? It was state senator, Arizona state senator, Michelle Uganti. What was the last name? I just knew her as Michelle Uganti before she got married recently. Yeah, yeah. So she was booed offstage. But not only that, she was invited to an election integrity rally with President Trump
Starting point is 01:49:22 as somebody who just vetoed or voted against the last election integrity bill has been fighting Republican senators, state senators along the way in Arizona to stop election integrity in Arizona. Let's check out this video of what happened this weekend. Patriots responded accordingly. Michelle Ugenti-Rida. Michelle Ugenti-Rida. Michelle Ugenti-Rida. Michelle Ugenti-Rida. Michelle Ugenti-Rida. Michelle Ugenti-Rida. Michelle Ugenti-Rida. Michelle Ugenti-Rida.
Starting point is 01:49:49 Michelle Ugenti-Rida. Michelle Ugenti-Rida. Michelle Ugenti-Rida. Michelle Ugenti-Rida. Michelle Ugenti-Rida. Michelle Ugenti-Rida. Michelle Ugenti-Rida. Michelle Ugenti-Rida.
Starting point is 01:49:57 Michelle Ugenti-Rida. Michelle Ugenti-Rida. Michelle Ugenti-Rida. Michelle Ugenti-Rida. Michelle Ugenti-Rida. Michelle Ugenti-Rida. Michelle Ugenti-Rida. Michelle Ugenti-Rida. Michelle Ugenti-Rida. Michelle Ugenti-Rida. Michelle Ugenti-Rida. Michelle Ugenti-Rida. Michelle Ugenti-Rida. Look, pay attention. It has been nearly 250 years since our country declared our independence, severed ties with the king, and formed a new country that ushered in a concept that the world has never seen or heard from freedom anchored by anchored by three great words that this society
Starting point is 01:50:29 or culture has never uttered we the people, look, it's we the people who are empowered by our founding... Listen, fine, okay. I am running to be your next Secretary of State. I'm going to win the primary. Thank you very much. I'm not an expert at this. That's not how that's supposed to go, right? Listen to the language she uses when she's challenged. You people, I'm going to be your next.
Starting point is 01:51:29 Listen to how Patricia is. I'm going to win my primary because. Listen to how arch and patrician and patronizing and condescending she is to the little people, meaning the people who put her in office. It's so telling when you challenge it. And how sassy she got as well. Did you notice that? Like, you people, why are you doing that? Who is this one? We haven't met her before. Who's she?
Starting point is 01:51:50 It's a completely different person that emerges out of the shell, out of the well-polished, wax-tweezed and coiffured con-ink shell, right? When they get challenged, when they realize that they actually have to be accountable to the people who put them in office. And suddenly, out of nowhere, the sassy cam girl comes out. No wonder TPUSA booked her. She is classic of the kind of women they love. Deeply, deeply, superficially conservative and really just a pretty face who can be pointed in any direction and will say anything. And just look at how she behaves when people hold her to account for her own behavior.
Starting point is 01:52:28 She's not being booed because of something that somebody did to her or because the crowd disagrees with her. She's being booed for hypocrisy. Yes, the hypocrisy being that she wants people to vote for her to become Secretary of State, yet she doesn't want to support the process which may lead to those
Starting point is 01:52:45 votes actually being counted. And the way you laid it out, Milo, she appears to be more calm than conservative. I mean, but this is the new generation, right, of people who are supposed to go put into office and support and go to rallies for. 2020 changed everything. And those emerging fault lines that were just starting to show themselves in 2019, you know, in the sort of Trump era, suddenly became chasms. And the gap between people like us and people like Turning Point suddenly became vast. You couldn't even throw a tennis ball across. You know, we're just not in the same universe.
Starting point is 01:53:22 We're not the same people. We don't believe in the same things. We don't have the same universe. We're not the same people. We don't believe in the same things. We don't have the same morals. And that fault line that was previously a crack and it's now a chasm is called Christianity. Because it's very clear and obvious from the way that the dissident emerging right has fractured over the past couple of years that it is splitting into Christians and everybody else. It is splitting into God-fearing, decent people and everybody else. And you can see when you look at the kinds of people that Turning Point books for its conferences that they're in the everybody else.
Starting point is 01:53:55 Yeah, well Christians also have a heart for justice. We have a heart for truth and we have a heart for what's right. These people will say and do anything. Actually as a matter of fact, Michelle, there has been multiple legislative aid scandals with her. There's also been a scandal where she was soliciting the lobbyists. Maricopa County ended up dropping the charges later because she was like, just make this go away. But what this does is it makes these legislators blackmailable. So now she is being propped up. But these are the kind of people that TPUSA is giving a platform to.
Starting point is 01:54:25 They're endorsing. They're financially supporting. And, you know, as you saw, real patriots who have a heart for justice responded accordingly by booing her off the stage. And rightfully so. There's other footage of this that shows the boos that were much louder than that footage. I think that might have been Turning Point's official footage. But if you go online, you can find footage where the boos are much louder. It must have been awful being on the receiving end of that.
Starting point is 01:54:47 But just look at the person who emerged from behind the shell, right, behind the happy, you know, political shell. Unfortunately, it's not just people like that. It goes all the way up to people who worked in the White House and who aspire to work in the White House again. And there's been a curious jump recently, a U-turn, a development in the way that conservative icons, in some cases, talk about the vaccines in the last seven days, hasn't there? It's been, again, like watching this shocking morph and evolution.
Starting point is 01:55:22 You have to wonder if they were always these people. They were. The person now we're they were always these people. They were. The person now we're seeing is Sarah Huckabee Sanders. The someone that we defended when she was accosted at the Red Ahead and the restaurant, remember this? When the left was calling her ugly and fat in a way that they know they would scream blue murder if that was ever done to one of theirs. They were saying the most appallingly misogynistic things, men and women on the left, about her. I mean, she's not the prettiest woman in the world, but what's that got to do with her job, really? It's the kind of thing that very mean-spirited, you know, 17-year-olds on the internet and me would say, but it has no place in public discourse. But the Republicans who stuck
Starting point is 01:55:58 by her have just been kicked in the teeth. Tell us what she just did. Well, she also recently, when the governor, the Arkansas governor, he ended up vetoing a bill, a chemical castration bill. Well, she's running against him. So she should have stepped up and been like, hey, you know, I'm going to make sure that this stuff doesn't pass. But she remained silent. So this came as no surprise to me, seeing that she is now pushing the vaccines because, you know, any alleged conservative or Christian that's advocating, not campaigning against chemical castrations of children, but however, also advocating for Christians to participate in
Starting point is 01:56:35 a satanic ritual of injecting aborted fetal cells into your body, you know, that's a red flag right there. This is not your girl. She's not a conservative. She's not a Christian. She doesn't represent Christian values. There's absolutely no way you can stand for suddenly urging people to get vaccines. They obviously don't believe this. They obviously aren't getting it themselves. They obviously are responding to an ultimatum from paymasters, from puppet masters, from, you know, whatever you want to say.
Starting point is 01:57:23 What was the deal when you ran for office that you turned down that they all said yes to? Was there a moment? Do you really want to know? Yeah, I do. I do really want to know. Say it. Say it. The Jewish Federation. It definitely was the Jewish Federation contract that I did not sign. That's probably why I lost. But hey, it's OK. We broke Delaware records in most GOP candidate votes. But, you know, I think there's definitely certainly some kind of deals that have to be made and compromises that have to be made because elected officials are selected, not elected.
Starting point is 01:57:52 There's a club. I'm just not in it. Excuse me. You just confirmed what they claim is conspiracy theory. There's a pledge. Yes, there's a pledge. You signed a pledge. I had to commit to sending a certain amount. Well, you really denied signing it. I had to.
Starting point is 01:58:06 It was, please sign this contract to say that you will support a certain amount of foreign aid every year being sent to Israel. I believe foreign aid, all foreign aid, to be unconstitutional. So I was like, no, I'll make care of a domestic terrorist organization. I'll declare them domestic because they are a bunch of terrorists. But I refused to sign the pledge. And then the attacks just came. And then it just went wow were they going to give you money if you signed this document it was you would have to
Starting point is 01:58:30 sign in blood right I would have had their support I would have had their support stop that so I would have had their support so I mean I could have won but you know the world my opponent signed the pledge I did not we try to be we try to be good We try to do all the things they want us to do to stay establishment friendly, but reality keeps getting in the way. It's true. And the other thing that keeps getting in the way is the behavior of people we trusted. People we trusted to tell us the truth when the Democrats and Goldman Sachs and this and that and the other, and now the Republicans all curiously, mysteriously, for reasons that nobody can work out, nobody can tell me why, they all suddenly flipped. You don't know. She doesn't know. I don't know. But there's something
Starting point is 01:59:10 behind this. Patrick Haley probably knows, doesn't he? I'm sure he probably does. We should have asked him. But there certainly is an oligarchy that selects our politicians for us. And I think it's also corporate donors as well. You'll be so surprised to find how many big corporations donate to both sides of the party. That's why we have had no legislation passed on censoring big tech or stopping big tech from censoring us, you know, because they are participants in the donation class. National Review, their awards are sponsored by Facebook. I mean, come on. Yeah, exactly. You know, they're all bought and sold and paid for. And that's why they start holding their feet to the fire. If they're about to vote on something that the big globalist corporations don't like, you know, you'll start
Starting point is 01:59:48 seeing the pressure and they will fall in line every time. They're controlled opposition. Exactly. But I can tell you, and I promised you, we are not controlled, but we do have a bias and we do have an allegiance. And it's to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Thank you for joining us. Amen.

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