TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Archbishop Vigano says Vaccines are Human Sacrifice of Innocent Victims to Satan

Episode Date: July 22, 2021

Description:Today on TruNews, Rick Wiles shares an update to some of the upcoming projects that we have been working on, particularly GODtribe, a new online platform. The team also addresses the rece...nt statements by Archbishop Vigano, linking the abortion and vaccine industries to ritual Satanic blood sacrifice. In the final segment, TRUNEWS examines how the Federal Bureau of “Instigation” had a substantial role in any number of ‘terrorist’ events, including the attempted kidnapping of Governor Whitmer of Michigan. Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Lauren Witzke, Doc Burkhart, Kerry Kinsey. Airdate (7/22/21)Hashtags:#TruNews #AfterLifeMatters #FinalDayTags:trunews, true, news, Christian, Jesus, Christ, Salvation, USS, Liberty, President, biden, kamala, harris, hunter, Trump, Donald, rick, wiles, final, day, book, second, coming, of, end, times, wuhan, china, coronavirus, pandemic, virus, emergency, flu, test, positive, prepare, mask, quarantine, world, spread, shutdown, israel, infect, lockdown, test, 5g, fauci, surveillance, covid, 19, gates, foundation, soros, unemployment, great, depression, tracing, closed, plandemic, riots, antifa, warzone, protest, depression, police, civil, unrest, riot, mandate, terrorists, election, court, vaccine, fraud, vaccine, stimulus, capital, maga, impeachment, gay, lgbt, pedophile,

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit This is True News for Thursday, July 22, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll. Our elected officials are obsessed with talking about drinking babies' blood. Seriously, they just keep bringing it up, especially during empty town halls. I'm Edward Zoll. report about the role the Federal Bureau of Insurrection played in last summer's plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. But first, here is Kerry Kinsey with today's True News Headlines. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. CNBC says House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy threatened to withdraw all his picks for the committee investigating the January 6 incident at the Capitol, unless Nancy Pelosi reinstates two Republicans she rejected. The House speaker doesn't want Jim Jordan and Jim Banks of Indiana in the mix because of concern about statements made and actions taken by the members.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Larry Elder is back in California's recall election. A judge found that he complied with ballot requirements and the state's election chief shouldn't have demanded that candidates provide five years of tax returns. Elder had submitted tax filings to California elections officials in his bid to replace Governor Gavin Newsom. The Secretary of State's office said Elder's documents were improperly redacted. Elder went to court and he won. For information on this story and more, please visit our companion website. It's called KCRA-TV says an off-duty Stockton, California, police officer is being called a hero
Starting point is 00:02:24 after saving two people from a fiery crash. Officer Mark Aniseff and his wife were driving through Rancho Cordova when he reacted to what he saw. And then the second car was sliding the opposite direction into a pole and then just fully engulfed in flames so i realized that we have to go there to help them because there was nobody else around i've never seen anything like that i've never been part of anything like that but um the only thing that i could think of was there's people in that car i gotta help them get out i can't let them you know burn in that car i gotta do something i can't i can't just stand by. So I just ran in there and the gentleman was able to make it out mostly on his own and his legs were on fire. And then the female, I helped her get out.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Babe, be careful. There's a car coming. And then get both of them away from the car. Oh, they were both screaming. They were both on fire. Their legs were on fire. But I feel like God put us in that position for a specific reason. Amen. The officer says although he stopped to help, he doesn't exactly consider himself a hero. The Times of Israel says the Biden administration is holding off on plans to reopen the U.S. consulate in Jerusalem for the Palestinians until after the new Israeli government has passed a budget in early November. The U.S. is wary of moves that might destabilize the prime minister's coalition and bring about the return of Benjamin Netanyahu. Israel Hayom reporting that President Isaac Herzog
Starting point is 00:03:58 says the boycotts of Israel are a new form of terrorism that's trying to hurt the citizens of Israel and the Israeli economy. He made that statement after Ben and Jerry's ice cream said it would stop selling its products beyond the green line, or as the company put it, in the occupied Palestinian territories. That's a look at True News headlines. Let's toss it back to Edward now. Thanks for watching. Thank you, Kerry. We have a lot of interesting stuff to talk about in this segment, especially with regard to Archbishop Vigano. But I wanted to introduce in our president and former host, founder of organization Rick Walls, Lauren and Doc, to share a very special preview of the platform we've been developing. All right, Edward. Hey, anytime Archbishop Vigano says anything, it's newsworthy.
Starting point is 00:04:52 He should have his own talk show here on True News. Oh, we will offer him that, right? Wow. Geez. I'd love to have him here. He says things that we only think about. That's right. So that's pretty bold. That's pretty bold, isn't it? We'll be sharing that here in a few minutes. But first. Yeah. So. OK, so I'll be here for the first half of today's true news and then I get it. Excuse
Starting point is 00:05:17 myself. But I wanted to tell our audience why I'm not here every single day. I'm here in the building. I'm just not here on the set because the Lord is expanding our endeavors and his favor is on us. He's given us a commission to do some big, new, bold things. And it's not, I want everybody to know, true news is not going away. We're not shutting it down. I'm not doing anything like that. True news is going to continue. It will only continue to get bigger. And in a few minutes, you're going to know it's going to get bigger.
Starting point is 00:05:59 But the Lord has given me some bold things to do. And he's because of the generosity of our audience who supports us faithfully with generous financial gifts. We've been able to build some new things. And we're at the point that I think it's time to share these things with you because they're going to launch very, very soon. POINT THAT I THINK IT'S TIME TO SHARE THESE THINGS WITH YOU BECAUSE THEY'RE GOING TO LAUNCH VERY, VERY SOON. SO I TOLD YOU AT THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR IN JANUARY OF 2021 THAT THE HOLY SPIRIT SPOKE TO ME AND TOLD ME TO FOCUS THE REST OF MY LIFE ON EVANGELIZING AND DISCIPLING YOUNG MEN BASICALLY men, basically between ages 25 and 45. That's not a hard cutoff date, but just in that group. And he's showing me that the spiritual fruit
Starting point is 00:06:59 that has come through this ministry in terms of salvation, people coming to Christ, leaving HAS COME THROUGH THIS MINISTRY IN TERMS OF SALVATION, PEOPLE COMING TO CHRIST, LEAVING ATHEISM, LEAVING PAGANISM, WHATEVER THEY'RE IN. IT'S PRIMARILY BEEN YOUNG MEN BETWEEN 25 AND 45. NOW THE BASE OF SUPPORT, THE FINANCIAL BASE, AS TYPICALLY IN MOST CHURCHES, IS, YOU KNOW, The base of support, the financial base, as typically in most churches, is 50 years old and up. But they're the ones who are paying the bills to keep this ministry running. But the fruit, the spiritual fruit, the people who are coming to Christ are young men between 25 and 45. So the Lord gave me a brand new commission at the beginning of the year and we God Tribe. And God Tribe is a social
Starting point is 00:08:09 media educational platform, a digital platform for young men. Anybody can join, anybody can come to it, but it's primarily meant to minister to young men and to disciple them and to give young men a place to congregate where they feel safe. Because especially here in America. There's a war on young men. Yeah. A lot of young men feel like they're under attack, and they are under attack. The culture warriors in this country are breaking down traditions, morals, family structure. They've been doing this for decades, and they are aiming their guns at young men. They want to feminize them.
Starting point is 00:09:02 They want to demonize them. They want to criminalize them. They want to, you know. want to demonize them they want to criminalize them they want to you know depress them depress them so that they will not act like the men that god created them to be right lead families be fathers that's right there's been a whole attack on the young men and their identities is what it is they attack their identities so they don't even know like how they're supposed to act or you you know, society tells them it's one way. So I think this is amazing. I think it's so desperately needed, especially now. I mean, the war is on young men, the identities of young men. And God Tribe is going to fight
Starting point is 00:09:36 Where do young men turn to be affirmed in their identity as a male, a straight male, living for Christ in a pagan world. Where do they go right now? There's nowhere for them to go that isn't tainted. You know, there's no spiritual leadership or guidance on where they should go, how they should act, what they turn to. And this is wholesome, much needed content that we need. You know, there's a spirit of fatherlessness, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:09 America actually is number one in the globe. That's right. So God tribe, its mission is just, is to build better men. If you have better men, you'll have better husbands, better fathers, better communities, a better nation. Look, I've said this a zillion times. We're not going to fix this mess through politics. The Antichrist forces worked quietly for decades to infiltrate every aspect of American society and to rot it, just absolutely rot it.
Starting point is 00:10:48 And what we're witnessing right now is the collapse. Yes. You're not going to fix it through politics. You can only launch a sustained effort over decades, over decades, to undo the damage. Yeah, this is the antidote to this. The political salvation people have tried to adhere to. There's no such thing.
Starting point is 00:11:14 I mean, if people think that there's a political salvation to spiritual rebellion, you're going to fall into the pitfall the devil wants you to fall into if you turn to political leaders or influencers online. They need shepherding. And that's what this platform is going to do. I mean, we've never, I mean, certainly people my age, we've never imagined a society where people question their gender. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:36 It's like... I thought it was obvious. Yeah, it's very obvious what your gender is, okay? But the people who are running the war on culture, and what is it against? It's against Christianity. It's not against America. It's not against conservatives. It's against Christianity. It's a war on Christ. And so every aspect of our society is distorted right now, and there's no place for young men to go to hear the truth.
Starting point is 00:12:09 I just saw a video today of a young homosexual man in Atlanta announcing that he was going to be baptized as a homosexual at the church pastored by Andy Stanley. Yeah, I saw that video. That's all Stanley's son. I mean, dear. That's been out a few days, yes. Okay, so I don't want to go down that road.
Starting point is 00:12:33 The apostasy is everywhere. It is the apostasy. It is the falling away. Look, if I stay here at True News in this format, all I'm doing is talking about the falling away, the apostasy, the rot of society. There's a place for that kind of work, but it doesn't allow me to devote any time or effort to doing something positive. And I have spent 22 years reporting the news and analyzing it, and there's nothing left for me to say. America has collapsed.
Starting point is 00:13:15 A lot of you, you've been worried, will America fall? Yes, it fell last year. It collapsed. You've been warning since 2000. I'm saying, remember the shows in 2018 we were saying, this election, it doesn't change. The country's done. So it did collapse.
Starting point is 00:13:33 America did fall. The America that we knew, the America that we grew up in, it collapsed. It's over. So we are now in a post-AmericanERICAN REPUBLIC AGE. WE'VE ENTERED A NEW TIME. MY FOCUS HAS GOT TO BE ON SOULS. AND THE LORD CLEARLY TOLD ME TO, LIKE A LASER BEAM, FOCUS ON A SPECIFIC GROUP, YOUNG MEN, 25 TO 45.
Starting point is 00:14:23 AND YOU'LL BE ABLE TO CREATE YOUR OWN, Okay, so people will come to God Tribe, and you'll be able to create your own tribe inside God Tribe. You're friends. You can create a group, a tribe inside this platform, and you can have your own social media. Truly social media. Yes, social. Actually social. Friendly. How about friendly social media? And build relationships with other men. Yes, social. Actually social. Friendly. How about friendly social media.
Starting point is 00:14:46 And build relationships with other men. Yes. And you can access it on your phone, right, too? Yes. It'll be available on mobile. And as Lauren just said, it's a place for other Christian men to congregate with other Christian men and communicate with each other, fellowship, encourage each other, share insights, problems, get advice in a friendly environment where there's nobody attacking them. There's nobody coming in there calling them a white racist or any racial AND THEY'RE CALLING THEM A WHITE RACIST OR ANY RACIAL TERM. EVERYBODY IS TO BE ACCEPTED, WHATEVER COLOR, THEIR SKIN, WHATEVER THEIR NATIONALITY, THEY ARE TO BE ACCEPTED IN THIS ENVIRONMENT.
Starting point is 00:15:56 MEN WILL BE ABLE TO CREATE THEIR OWN COMMUNITIES AND LINK UP WITH OTHER MEN OF MUTUAL INTEREST. AND THAT COULD BE MUTUAL INTEREST THAT'S BIBLICAL IN TERMS OF TOPICS up with other men of mutual interests. And that could be mutual interests that's biblical in terms of topics in the Bible, or it could be... Like hunting. It could be hunting or fishing or something like
Starting point is 00:16:13 that, or fixing cars. Whatever it is, they're going to find... It could be divorced men who need to be around other divorced men and get some support. And what are you going through? And what happened to you? And how can I get through this crisis in my life right now? It could be young fathers who are trying to figure out how to raise their teenagers
Starting point is 00:16:40 in a rebellious, anti-Christian world, getting advice from each other. The next one, which I'm really excited about, is campfires. What's a campfire? A campfire? What do men like to do when they go camping? Start a fire and gather around it, you know, cook some food over it. That's right. They start a campfire, they sit around the campfire, and they talk. So we created a digital campfire. And so anybody who joins God Tribe will be permitted to start a campfire.
Starting point is 00:17:15 And a campfire is an audio chat. And you can invite your friends. You could have a private chat among people that you invite. Or you can have a public chat where anybody can join in to your campfire. It's like a live chat room. Yes. Audio chat. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:39 So if people are acquainted with, what's the other big? Clubhouse. Clubhouse. the other big? Clubhouse. Clubhouse. They're acquainted with Clubhouse. This is the same thing. Except here's the difference between Clubhouse and Campfires. Clubhouse, their audio platform is built on a platform owned by a company in China. Right.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Which means that all of your audio chats are in a server in China. Right. Which means that all of your audio chats are in a server in China. Yes. Your chats here on Campfire, we built our own proprietary platform and it will be run inside our facility on our servers. So cool. There's privacy. We're not sending your private chat to communist China. Will you be hosting a daily campfire? Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. I'm going to be having my own. This is going to be fun. So I'll have my own campfires. See, this is what I'm trying to say to our audience about I'm not going away. I'm just doing new things differently.
Starting point is 00:18:42 So I'll have my own campfire and people will be able to join in, ask questions, talk, share their thoughts. I'm sure Doc will have one. Edward, I'm sure you're going to be doing your own campfire. Lauren, let's see. What are we going to do? No girls allowed, right? No, I don't know how. We'll figure this out. We'll figure it out. We'll give you a special pass. But this is going to be a very exciting thing. I think this is going to take off. We're going to launch campfires first, the social media and campfires. That's going to go first.
Starting point is 00:19:19 Some of the other parts of the platform, we're not ready. The platform, the actual structure is ready. The content's not ready. But the social media aspect and the campfires are going to be launched very, very soon. I would say early, late summer, early fall, September-ish. Yes. All right. October-ish. It'll hopefully be up for the year. October-ish? Something like that.
Starting point is 00:19:46 It'll be, hopefully we'll have more than a year. Current timeline, right there, so. We have our own in-house development management team, and then we have a team of developers around the world who are working on contract
Starting point is 00:20:03 for us. So I want our audience to understand that every day we're doing some awesome things that you've not known about for a long, long time, but we are engaged in some exciting projects. So we have a team of developers around the world who are working to build this platform, like God Tribe and the other things that we're working on. There's another component to God Tribe. That is a 24 hour, seven day a week television network,
Starting point is 00:20:37 which will be called God Tribe TV. And so God Tribe TV will be going on the air fairly soon, probably. We're trying to time it with the launch of Campfire. So it's September-ish, October-ish. And this is just a temporary website that we have up for God Tribe TV. But it will be 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It will be on broadcast, I like this, many colors, one tribe. Amen. And so we don't have the broadcast schedule. We have just general topics there right now because we're still adding shows, but there will be fishing shows, hunting shows, sports, financial news,
Starting point is 00:21:27 inspirational programs. There'll be a lot of content on God Tribe TV, and it will be on broadcast TV stations around the country and various OTTs, which we are not ready to announce, but we will announce those OTTs later. But I will tell you, I can give you a list of the cities where we have already signed contracts with television stations. This isn't just speculation. We have the signed contracts. So God Tribe TV, starting in the fall 2021, will be on broadcast television in Atlanta, Georgia, Macon, Georgia, Augusta, Georgia, Columbus, Georgia, Vero Beach, our own hometown here, Vero Beach, Port St. Lucie, Fort Pierce, yes.
Starting point is 00:22:21 Gainesville, Florida, Key West, Florida, Panama City, Florida, Tallahassee, Florida, Quincy, Illinois, Salisbury, Maryland. One of them. Yes. Five minutes. I lived five. Yeah. That's right. Delaware. She was wondering about it. She was wondering if it was going to be right by her. Salisbury, Hattiesburg, Mississippi, Tupelo, Mississippi, Las Vegas, Nevada, Reno, Nevada, Waco, Texas, Midland, Odessa, Texas, and Amarillo, Texas. Now, these are just the ones that we're starting with. Yes, these are signed contracts. Right.
Starting point is 00:22:54 We are negotiating with about that many and more right now to launch, maybe at the same time, but certainly before the end of the year. Absolutely. So God has opened up a brand new avenue for us, a new vista to communicate. The internet is being censored. It's getting more difficult on the internet. So we will expand. Look, truth is like water. When people put up a dam to stop the water, the water just goes around it.
Starting point is 00:23:29 It goes over it. It goes around it. You're not going to stop it. Truth is not going to be stopped. The gospel is not going to be stopped by any method of censorship. They've tried for over 2,000 years to censor the church. They can't do it. So I'm not worried about the censorship that's going on. It's troublesome, but it's not going to keep me up at night
Starting point is 00:23:55 because I know the gospel overcomes. What I see is, oh, the enemy is really, really worked up right now. Satan's people are very, very agitated right now. They want everybody to be deceived. They want everybody to be in a delusion. But God is working. God is moving. And the Holy Spirit is moving upon the earth because Jesus Christ is coming back soon.
Starting point is 00:24:20 And so there's nothing that Satan can do to stop the gospel. Now, can certain political thoughts be censored and stopped? Yes, if God's not in it. But he cannot stop the gospel. Right. So if you want that freedom, if you want that assurance that your voice isn't going to be silenced, make sure your voice is speaking the gospel of Jesus Christ. Make sure you're being used to communicate the kingdom of God to people.
Starting point is 00:24:54 God will himself, almighty God himself, will personally make sure you are not censored. He will personally make sure your enemies cannot stop you. God himself will get involved. So that's where we're going with this right now. Now, a couple more things. Very, very soon, probably about the time that we launch God Tribe TV, It's interesting how internally our projections to get things done, various projects have been delayed for various reasons. But everything seems to be coming together right now. It's worked out just like with your book. We thought these delays were a harm, but it worked out perfectly. But all these things seem to be coming together one time, which is around September, October. It is converging, which that's a sign to me, God is, he's got a specific time that he wants to spring forth a bold new work. So I want to show you some of our new television studios
Starting point is 00:26:09 that we have built. And the first one, I think we're starting with True News. Yeah, here's the new True News studio. So we have been sitting here inside our church, you know, doing True News for many, many months since we started renovation. Do you all remember a long time ago I said we're going to tear down our True News studio and we're going to build something new? Well, here it is. That's the new True News studio. And we will be moving into that studio sometime. Again, I'm thinking it's probably going to be early September. sent it back and we're waiting on that hardware to
Starting point is 00:27:09 be returned to us so that's uh just to give you an idea on hardware anything in television oh wow if you put broadcast in front of it you could just add another zero. One and multiple. They jacked the price up so much. There was a piece of equipment that we needed, and we needed three of them, one for each camera. About six months ago, those units were $30,000 each. Okay, this is the other set. This is where I will be doing my Morning Manna Bible study, which is going to be a new daily program Monday through Friday. I will be doing a 30-minute Bible study from this studio. It will be on God Tribe TV. It will be on other Christian television networks. We're already getting positive feedback from other Christian television sources.
Starting point is 00:28:14 So this will be an early morning TV show, 6, 7 o'clock in the morning. And it'll be a Bible study, Morning Manna. Yeah, this is going to be great. YOU KNOW, SIX, SEVEN O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING, AND IT'LL BE A BIBLE STUDY, MORNING MANNA. THAT'S A BEAUTIFUL STUDIO. YEAH, THIS IS GOING TO BE GREAT. AND I'LL COME BACK TO MORNING MANNA IN JUST A MINUTE, BUT THIS IS TO GIVE YOU AN IDEA OF WHAT WE'VE BEEN DOING. AND THEN THE NEXT STUDIO, WHICH WE'LL GO TO, LET'S SEE IF IT'S THE GOD TRIBE. LET'S GO TO THE NEXT ONE. studio, which we'll go to. Let's see if it's the God tribe. Let's go to the next one. All
Starting point is 00:28:51 right. The camera's stuck. There we go. This is Campfire. Oh, wow. That's a really nice place. Have you seen this? Oh, this is the first time I've seen this one. This is the first time? This is where you'll be doing your campfire. This is the Campfire studio. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Look at that. So in addition to, you'll be doing a live campfire video program every day? Me or other people. My goal is to have a variety of hosts. The campfire, so I'll help our audience. So campfire is an audio chat on the campfire platform. But this is a audio and video chat because this will be broadcast on television.
Starting point is 00:29:37 Right. But everything else will be strictly audio. My goal is that we have a variety of men who will host campfires each night. So the host may be me one night and doc one night, you one night, every night there's a different host. That's, that's my goal. And, um, but this will be going out to, to the whole nation to advertise the God Tribe platform, the Campfire Prep platform, and it will be men talking about stuff men wanna talk about.
Starting point is 00:30:12 You were inspired by the beautiful evenings here in Florida? Oh yeah. Okay. Yeah, yeah. That's a typical Florida view. And so I wanna go back, let's see, I'll talk about- Cameras, but I wanna- You're also gonna go back to- Well, yeah, let me go back to see, I'll talk about. Cameras. You're also going to go back. Well, yeah, let me go back to cameras.
Starting point is 00:30:27 I'll tell you about the cameras. So we bought these gadgets, hardware that we bought six months ago. They were $30,000 each. We needed three of them. It was $90,000. I just, you know, I just, it was hard for me to say, let's do it. I gave $90,000 for three pieces of hardware to fit on a camera. We waited.
Starting point is 00:30:53 We waited six months, and the prices fell to $10,000 each. It's still $30,000 to buy the hardware. So we bought it. And we needed it. We absolutely needed it. It wasn't a question. Well, we thought we could make the studio work without the hardware. And then we found out it just... You can't do it. There's more problems. There are more problems fixing the problems Then it was worth it's like you just got to bite the bullet and buy the equipment that equipment fixes the problems itself Okay, and so we we ordered the three units again
Starting point is 00:31:39 $30,000 total two of them came in and they weren't working and so we had to send them back But that's what your donations go to. I mean nothing comes in $100 invoices anymore. Everything's in the tens of thousands of dollars, okay? The enemy is investing billions. Oh, yeah. To ensure that men, women, children, they end up in hell. They spare no resource. They spare not a dime going after the young men.
Starting point is 00:32:10 So this is our way of fighting back. And this is what you've sown into. You built this. You helped us build this. Every single thing. You're right, Lauren. Every single thing that you just saw, the True News audience paid for it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:23 So you get to see what you've sowed into. Absolutely. And it's going to save so many people. It's going to pull so many people out of the dark society that we're currently living in. You're going to save so many souls. And you're going to raise up young men, future young men who could be great husbands, fathers. That's right. It's great.
Starting point is 00:32:40 You were going to go back to morning manna as well. Okay. So morning manna. So I used to do morning manna. and then, again, we got so busy, I couldn't keep up with it. So what do I have to do? I have to cut out certain duties, okay? What consumes most of my time here?
Starting point is 00:33:00 News. And you just have to come to a place where you say you have to cut things out of your schedule if you're going to do something new. So I knew that the Lord wanted me to produce Morning Manna. He wanted me, look, my real gifting is to teach and to write. The Lord gave me a gift to connect dots in news and analyze news. But that's not my main gifting. My main gifting is to teach and write. But teaching and writing have been put aside for years
Starting point is 00:33:42 in order to do this news. I came across, Doc, the other day, I came across a document I wrote in 2017. And it was a list of books I was going to write. I remember that list. With the publication dates on it, 2017. All right, here we are in 2021. And the only one on that list that I wrote is this one.
Starting point is 00:34:08 I wrote the list in 2017. But you still have the list. I've got the list. But doc, what did I do during the four years? I worked on news. You were warning of what was coming. So when I was in the hospital, the Lord spoke to me. Those four days sitting in the hospital, you know, I got to have a lot of time with the Lord. And he's telling me, get busy, get serious about these things that I've given you to do. And and that's where I'm making these changes. Excuse me. So with Morning Manor, we will have an app.
Starting point is 00:34:54 It'll be for your phone. And everything on Morning Manor will be audio. There'll be no video, although there will be a video program, Morning Manor, for television. But the audio of the TV program will be on the app, but a lot of other Bible teaching content will be on the app. You know, we do a Bible study here every day. Every day. For the staff.
Starting point is 00:35:17 Good morning. We're in the book of Acts right now. Has it impacted the team working here? Oh, sir, it's impacted me. Again, going line by line, getting your guidance, especially on interpretation of the scripture. But just for the team, I know it's created a brotherhood. We're all learning together, but we're also growing spiritually,
Starting point is 00:35:42 not just to understand the scriptures, but to understand Christ. What he wants us to do here. I have seen and felt the change in the staff inside this building and this organization in the past six, seven months from this daily Bible study. And it's definitely changing people. Well, why not share it with the whole True News audience? Why not share it with everybody? CHANGING PEOPLE. WELL, WHY NOT SHARE IT WITH THE WHOLE TRUE NEWS AUDIENCE? WHY NOT SHARE IT WITH
Starting point is 00:36:18 SURE. THAT'S WHAT IT IS. IT'S AN AUDIO, IT'S AN AUDIO PROGRAM. WE COULD DO CAMPFIRES, A BIBLE STUDY IN THE MORNING. THESE ARE THE KIND OF THINGS THAT WE'RE GETTING READY TO ROLL That's what it is. It's an audio. It's an audio program. We could do campfires, have a Bible study in the morning. These are the kind of things that we're getting ready to roll out in the very, very near future. But I'm telling you, folks, it's all word focused. It's all about Jesus Christ. It's about his kingdom. It's about his second coming. It's
Starting point is 00:36:39 about righteousness. It is not about the Republican Party. It is not about the United States of America. It is not about any of this it is not about the united states of america it is not about any of this political stuff because it's all going to burn it's all going to burn when christ comes back what's important is that you and i are ready for his return and that while we're here living on this earth, we live a good, clean, righteous life in the eyes of God. That's what I'm focusing on. If that doesn't appeal to you, then you're the one who has the problem, not me. OK, that just means you're you're consuming junk food and you don't have an appetite for the bread of life.
Starting point is 00:37:27 Jesus Christ. So I just want our audience to know what we've been working on, what is about to happen. If you don't see me here every single day on True News, it's because I'm in my office working on these projects. And we've been working on these for a very, very long time. And we've been chomping at the bit for the opportunity to be able to share it with you but we have enemies out there that would like to take advantage of every opportunity that is that they can to criticize or try to tear down or anything but rick felt the holy spirit telling today now is the time to start sharing with the audience and to let everyone know that we're advancing in the kingdom. So we're building a platform called God Tribe. We've got a network, a television network coming out here in the fall called God Tribe Television.
Starting point is 00:38:19 24 hours a day, seven days a week that you'll be able to watch on broadcast stations around the country on various OTTs that we'll be announcing soon and streaming live as well from our website. And we're very excited about all these different things. Look at that logo up there at the top of the screen. You wouldn't believe the work that went in just for the logo. I know it seems simple, but we were trying to deliver a specific message about what God Tribe is and what we're all about and where we want to see it go in the future. And here's some examples of some of the mobile application that we're developing and everything. Courses, campURSES, CAMPFIRES, GROUPS, EVENTS. WE'LL BE DOING LIVE EVENTS IN THE FUTURE WHERE YOU'LL BE ABLE
Starting point is 00:39:09 TO COME AND MEET WITH OTHER MEN, GATHER TOGETHER, MAYBE FOR WORSHIP SERVICES, MAYBE FOR CONFERENCES, MAYBE FOR TRAINING EVENTS, WHATEVER IT MIGHT BE. AND OF COURSE, DISCUSSION. I'M EXCITED ABOUT CAMPFIRES. I THINK THAT IS A RADICAL OPPORTUNITY TO REACH A LOT OF MEN WITH THE GOSPEL, RICK. IT IS. discussion. I'm excited about campfires. I think that is a radical opportunity to reach a lot of men with the gospel, Rick. It is. It's going to be great. And this part, this is the educational side, which will be launched in early 2022. We have the infrastructure built. We just don't have the content built. And so if you are a man who
Starting point is 00:39:46 is active in a men's ministry, either in your community or some national organization, and you have a calling on you to teach and disciple men, you are welcome to participate in the second phase of God Tribe, which will be the courses, the video programs, the educational side of God Tribe. So it's not just going to be me and Doc. We want this to be opened up to godly men all over the world, not just the United States, all over the world. Yes.
Starting point is 00:40:24 That's what we've been working on. Very exciting. That's very exciting. Well, Rick, I know we said we're going to talk about Archbishop Vigano, but before we go to that, we'll play Kerry Kinsey's second True News Headlines. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. says Florida's governor was in St. Pete on Wednesday talking about red tides,
Starting point is 00:40:52 but then it sounds like Ron DeSantis started pushing vaccines. These vaccines are saving lives. They are reducing mortality. The governor adamantly defended the vaccine, especially when asked if the shot was working after this current spike in COVID cases around the state. He was emphatic when answering that question. He says it's simple. The most important information coming out right now is this. If you are vaccinated, fully vaccinated, the chance of you getting seriously ill or dying from COVID is effectively zero. Now, the governor said, I get a little bit frustrated when I see some of
Starting point is 00:41:33 these jurisdictions saying, even if you're healthy and vaccinated, you must wear a mask because we're seeing increased cases. He says that sends a message that the vaccines don't work. For information on this story and more, visit our companion website. It's Times of Israel says an Israeli study claims a major drop in vaccine protection. A report says the jab protection rate against COVID fell to 80% among the general population. Many are not buying it. Dr. Devir Aran says the health ministry is using bad research and allowing it to be presented without context. The Jerusalem Post says an anti-vaccine protest in Gloga, Poland, blames Jews as being responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Yeah, protesters chanted Jews are behind the pandemic and that they rule the world. They also said every poll can see today that behind the plandemic are the Jews. in Louisville says Kentucky's Ark Encounter wants to add a Tower of Babel attraction. Let's hear from Ken Ham. He's the founder of Answers in Genesis, which runs the attraction. Man rebelled against God, and then God gave different languages, and so people spread out across the earth, forming different cultural groups or ethnic groups. Ham says the aim is to tackle the issue of racism by showing how everyone developed from a common ancestor.
Starting point is 00:43:19 Even in the secular scientific literature, they've been saying for years, there's only one race, and the differences on the outside are minor. The major differences are cultural and the Bible's history explains those cultural differences. And Hamm believes the new attraction can help bridge those differences. The real person is on the inside and we need to be teaching people that and we want them to understand, hey, we're all one family. We're all related. The Ark Encounter also planning to add its version of the Jerusalem Wall and a massive indoor scale model of the ancient city. We're not short on vision and we just keep moving ahead and people are pouring in. Ark Encounter trying to raise some 30 million dollars for the expansion. Right now plans are to open in about three years. On a personal note, that reporter Lawrence Smith worked with me in 1993 at WHAS-TV in Louisville.
Starting point is 00:44:09 That's me at the Final Four in San Antonio covering the Kentucky Wildcats on their way to a national championship. See the photographer with the striped shirt? That's Lawrence just to the left. Almost, wow, almost what, 25 years ago or more can't believe he's out there still beating the pavement that's a look at true news headlines let's toss it back to edward now thanks for watching thank you carrie wow you see that photo of carrie for right i think i think wow i think carrie needs to bring back the stash. You think so? Oh, no, I disagree.
Starting point is 00:44:48 No, bring it back, Carrie. I'd love to see it. Bring it on. We love Carrie. Yeah. All right. Well, Archbishop Vigano is back in the news today, And he usually is when he writes a letter, or in this case, a forward to a new book that's coming out. And so just writing the forward to the book is a compelling statement about abortion and its relationship to Satanism. Yes, you can clearly see the Holy Spirit working through this man. Again, not just a man aware theologically with what is happening,
Starting point is 00:45:29 that the vaccines produced through aborted fetal cell lines and in some chimeras, humanized mice, that this is a literal human sacrifice to the devil. This man also can serve most of his life at a high-level position in the Vatican. He was the ambassador to the U.S., the Annunzio, but in his new role, he seems to be a voice of truth in the wilderness, especially when it comes to this topic, a topic the Catholic Church under the Pope has actually completely gone absent.
Starting point is 00:46:08 Their position right now, Doc, if I'm correct, is that the vaccines are fine. Yes. That their benefit to the population outweighs the sacrifice of human blood paid to produce them. Of course, when they come out and say that, they don't bring out the sacrifice of human blood aspect of it. They simply say the science proves the vaccines work. So when the Roman Catholic Church comes out and endorses the vaccines, that's what they're endorsing. However, there is a movement, much of it led by Archbishop Vigano here, that is adamantly opposed to vaccines on the very same basis that I oppose the vaccine and that is a board
Starting point is 00:46:46 aborted babies are used in either the production or testing of all the major vaccines currently in use and it that's the that's just the honest truth that is why I oppose the vaccines there's a lot of other reasons you may have and, you know, whether it grows a tail on you or not or whatever. But for me, it's an ethical question. And I like what Archbishop Vigano does here in this forward to the book. By the way, the name of the book that it's coming out, it's an Italian, of course. The name of the book is called Your Death Is My Life. Your Death Is My Life.
Starting point is 00:47:28 And Archbishop Vigano, simply writing a forward to this book, but in the forward, he lays out the argument that currently the satanic church, and there is a satanic church out there. Yes, there is. Currently the satanic church
Starting point is 00:47:43 considers abortion a a a right and and they consider it a communion they consider a sacrifice of blood and so uh archbishop vagano makes the case that because of this idea of the religious attachment that the satanic church puts with the abortion abortion of millions of babies through the years that that in itself should give us pause on the vaccines just considering that and so he is doing battle within the roman catholic church in trying to stand up for the lives of the innocent. He's making the argument that innocent blood is being poured out so that other people can live. Yes. Here is a part of the foreword that he has written.
Starting point is 00:48:39 He wrote, We cannot fail to see how instrumental the vaccine is precisely in its mystical value to the collective acceptance of human sacrifice as normal and indeed necessary. is sacrificed and dismembered in order to extract tissue from his still palpitating body, with which to produce a non-cure, a non-vaccine, which not only does not heal from the virus, but in all likelihood causes a greater percentage of death than COVID itself, especially in the elderly or those who are sick. It goes on to say there too, the barbarism in which our society finds itself is now evident. Its values have been gradually erased as hateful vestiges of an instinct world to the advantage of the delusions of globalist ideology,
Starting point is 00:49:37 which shows itself to be even more anti-human, more anti-religious, and more anti-Christ. And the most antithetical principle of this infernal barbarism, and it is barbarism with respect to Christian civilization, is the infanticide, the human sacrifice of innocent victims offered to Satan. And despite the horror of seeing it brazenly admitted, we cannot be surprised if abortion is proposed by the Satanists as a true and proper religious right to which protection must be given in the name of freedom of worship.
Starting point is 00:50:14 That's how far that we've gone, that the Satanists can claim abortion as a religious right in the aspect of a freedom of worship scenario. This is Archbishop Vigano really lays this out much more eloquently than I could. And so I have to cheer Archbishop Vigano on. This is a great statement by him. Folks, we have traded our lives for convenience, for sexual lust, for a dollar. We have sacrificed. Let's don't even call it abortion anymore. Let's call it sacrifice.
Starting point is 00:50:59 A blood sacrifice. A blood sacrifice of millions of innocent lives. For what? Blood sacrifice of millions of innocent lives. For what? So we can continue in our carnal love, so we can continue. I don't want it to interfere with my career. I don't want to interfere. I'm not ready to have a baby.
Starting point is 00:51:18 I'm not ready to start a family. No, what we've done is we've said, I am willing to sacrifice this individual so I can have a better life. And that's exactly what the vaccine does, too, the so-called vaccine, which isn't a vaccine. It's a gene serum. That's what it is. That's what Archbishop Vigano said. And he makes it very clear that this is a blood sacrifice. And when we start thinking of abortion as a blood sacrifice, it should radically change our view of what's happening here in our nation today. Edward and Lauren, it frightens me to think of the millions of babies whose blood is just washed down into
Starting point is 00:51:58 the drains of our cities, down into the sewers of our city, underneath our feet, going down the streets in the sewer mains. You're walking over the blood of innocent children that have been sacrificed to Satan. We will be held accountable for that. The earth groans from the sin. Yeah. The earth has a mouth and the blood has a voice. We learn in Genesis in the sacrifice of Abel by Cain.
Starting point is 00:52:29 And so the blood of the innocent millions, that blood sacrifice of innocent millions cries out from the ground of America. And I can't help that we will be held accountable. Well, someone who also can't help but comment at this time, at a time when millions are experimenting with this form of devilish communion, is our own president, President Biden. He held a town hall last night. He wanted to raise the awareness that we just are falling short on vaccination. We're falling short on keeping the next generation alive, let alone the ones we're killing through legalized human sacrifice with abortion. But there was something very odd that came out of Joe Biden's mouth yesterday at the town hall.
Starting point is 00:53:14 I think I'll let the president speak for himself. Well, why wasn't Nancy Pelosi prepared? Why weren't the Democrats prepared? No, they can say that and you can make honest judgments about it. Look, I sometimes get myself in trouble for what I'm about to say. Not that I ever get in trouble. As you've heard me say before, no one ever doubts I mean what I say. The problem is I sometimes say all that I mean. But all kidding aside, I have faith in the American people. I really do to ultimately get to the right place. And by the way, many times Republicans in the right place.
Starting point is 00:53:51 I don't mean that the Republicans only the Democratic point of view, but some of the stuff. I mean, QAnon. The idea that the Democrats or the Biden is hiding people and sucking the blood of children. And I'm serious. That's. Now, you may not like me and that's your right. Look, it's a simple thing. You can walk. I say I just don't like the. Did you hear what he just said? Yeah. He's trying to paint this picture. I'm bringing up QAnon and they believe this thing. But he just said, just during a live event, Town Hall to America, he brought up drinking the blood of babies. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:35 That is not a coincidence. To an empty Town Hall, by the way. But it was national television. Why would somebody bring something up like that? It's on his mind. Yeah? It's on his mind. Yeah. It's on his mind. And he's making the correlation to COVID.
Starting point is 00:54:49 That's a COVID town hall. That's a pandemic town hall. He brought it up without being prompted by his handlers. But he isn't the only one that's brought up the drinking of children's blood. We have someone from the not-so-distant past that brought it up as well. Oh, yes. The 2016 failed presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton. Again, she was making an appeal. She wanted to deny. She wanted to make sure everything's on the record of what she is not.
Starting point is 00:55:18 Well, she made a point to say that she, too, she, too, does not drink the blood of children. I don't I don't have to ask you if you drink the blood of children. Lauren, I don't have to state that. It's assumed that I don't. It's a pretty sure thing. It's a pretty sure thing that we don't. It's so odd hearing these demonic politicians, and that's the spirit that they're possessed by,
Starting point is 00:55:43 bringing up the subject, suggesting it even through their denial or their referencing. Doug, what do you make of it? Have you ever heard a politician say such a thing? I've never, and I'm shocked that Joe Biden brought it up, but it caused me to recall Hillary Clinton saying this. When was this, by the way? This was 2018, 2019? Once you made this was actually in May of this year. Of this year, really? Okay. So obviously it's on the minds of a lot of politicians. What I really think is going on that they've been caught red-lipped or instead of red-handed. I do think that this stuff is going on. If we treat abortion as a ritual human sacrifice,
Starting point is 00:56:25 I absolutely believe that there are those in higher echelons of power that probably do drink blood, either in the sense of trying to be younger or having, you know, either drinking blood or taking blood transfusions of younger people, which is also a blood sacrifice. And I know people are doing that. There are wealthy individuals that are getting blood transfusions of teenagers and even little kids. So they can have it. That's what it is. It's vampirism, but it's also a blood sacrifice too. But there is a religious component to it. And once again, what is it that they want to
Starting point is 00:57:05 achieve out of that? We want to be younger so we can live longer, live a more healthy life, a productive life. So I will sacrifice someone else so that I can live. You can't win that race that way. I mean, if you're looking for eternity, they'll give you eternity and health. They think they can if they view you as cattle, if they view you as fodder, if they view you as raw materials that they can use, that they can harvest in order to prolong their own agenda and their own demonic lives. Yes, absolutely they do. The fact that they even bring this up, like Edward said, you don't have to ask me, hey, Doc, are you drinking blood?
Starting point is 00:57:43 Well, no, just for the record, no, I'm not. Now, do I participate in the body and blood of Christ on a regular basis? You bet I do. I believe in the Holy Communion, the Eucharist, the Lord's Supper. We practice it on a regular basis at New Zion Assembly, and we invite people to participate in that. In fact, the early church, and you guys may or may not know this, the early church was accused of cannibalism. Yes, they were, by the Romans. Because there were rumors that these Christians were down in the gutters, in the
Starting point is 00:58:18 catacombs of the cities, and they're eating somebody's body, and they're drinking somebody's blood down there. And they considered that, even the Romans considered that sacrilegious, okay, in their day. And so Christians have been accused of that in the past. The only difference is those being accused today are probably actually, or at least some of them actually participating in that blood sacrifice. It's a weird world we're living in where blood sacrifice, drinking blood comes up in the political discussion. Right. And it comes up often, and we're probably going to hear more of it. You know, it's interesting you're talking about that,
Starting point is 00:59:00 you know, how everything that God has created, the devil makes a counterfeit. You know, so now we have the religion of COVID, where now we're sacrificing the unborn so that others can live, you know, where Jesus Christ, his blood was the ultimate sacrifice to cover our sins. You know, it's just so evil and it's so dark. And I have no doubt that these people are participating in some satanic ritual that probably does include, you know, this is my personal opinion. I think they're doing it. Well, they're also doing altar calls, at least according to President Biden. They're obsessed with our language, with God's language. They always use the biblical terms, the terms from the Bible, terms that Christians use,
Starting point is 00:59:39 but they're not using it for the way we're using it. Joe Biden decided to use this term at the town hall. And what he was trying to say is that there must have been an altar call that changed the mind, that shifted. Maybe this is their phrase for memos or talking points or orders or threats. I don't know. But he said that this is what happened at Fox News. There was an altar call there and poof, now they're pro-vaccine. Now they're promoting the Operation Warp Speed jab from President Trump. And they were even running PSAs on the network and on the network's website. They must have gotten that check from Big Pharma or something. I don't know what's been going on
Starting point is 01:00:23 because it's been very noticeable in the last 72 hours that Fox News has been pushing the vaccines on people. The party of pro-life, allegedly, the Republican Party, the party of life, is pushing you to partake in a vaccine. That actually violates, you're religiously exempt from as a Christian because we do not have to participate and take part in a satanic ritual where we're injecting aborted fetal cells into our bodies. Well, it's certainly a crisis of character for the Republican Party.
Starting point is 01:00:52 I'm not quite sure what the Republican Party stands for right now, because they're absolutely quiet on the subject of censorship. They're absolutely quiet on the subject of informed consent, on sovereignty of one's body. They're absolutely silent on the subject of informed consent, on sovereignty of one's body. They're absolutely silent on the persecution of Christians. We had pastors in jail just north of us. But what do our Republican officials care about? They care about silencing audits.
Starting point is 01:01:16 They care about going to war in Venezuela and Cuba. Or actually supporting boycotting, going after companies because of their choice not to do business in the West Bank. You know what they are really concerned about, whether it's Fox News or the Republican Party, is the almighty dollar. That's what they're really concerned about. Fox wouldn't be making this decision on vaccines and its shift and everything over the past few days and this past week if there wasn't money involved at some level. And it's probably corporate pressure that's been put on them. Either major, like Lauren said, major pharmaceutical companies put pressure on them and said, we're going to withdraw our advertising unless you guys have a big shift in things.
Starting point is 01:02:00 I don't think it was anything to do with pressure from the government at all. I think it had everything to do with money. Likewise, the Republican Party, the reason why they're making that big shift and why they have become pro-vaccine as well is because they were going to lose major donors over the issue. They don't care about your $5 and $10 donation at all. They want the $5 and $10 donation at all, okay? They want the $5 and $10 million donation. And there are people that probably said, you guys need to change your messaging or you won't get another dime from us. What is the age of the average donor in that category, probably $5 to $10 million?
Starting point is 01:02:37 I would say it's got to be in the upper range. It's certainly not 20 to 30 years old. Let's say it's older than 60. It's probably older than 60, right? Probably substantial wealth. So 60-year-old plus are in the category. Where they're able to give $10,000 or more, let's say. Sure, sure. That's the specific group at risk from side effects from vaccines, specifically at risk even from variants of the coronavirus, We're to take them at their word. That group is so adamant about the vaccination drives, so adamant about the lockdown procedures
Starting point is 01:03:12 through their donations and through their own ambitions, I suppose, their own personal missions. They're enacting that, pushing that on the general population. And look, we don't expect much out of Fox News. Let's just be honest. we don't expect much out of Fox News. Let's just be honest. We don't expect much. That's why I call it faux news. Faux news. I spell it F-A-U-X, not F-O-X.
Starting point is 01:03:32 But also, I didn't expect them to completely turn on their viewer base. You know, because overall, they are kind of... Remember November 2020? They're happy to do it, Lori. That's true. That's true. It shouldn't be surprising. I'll tell you why.
Starting point is 01:03:43 I'll tell you why they did it. because they knew the viewers wouldn't leave. They already lost the big chunk of viewers earlier, I mean, late last year. They lost a big chunk. And so what they're doing now is they're holding on to the viewers that they have left now, and they know that the viewers they have left now will stay and will keep staying with them. Even if Fox News started doing live vaccinations on the air, they know that they'll still stay and they'll still be selling soap to them.
Starting point is 01:04:17 That's the purpose of Fox News. It's not to inform you. It's to keep you entertained with news to sell you soap. That's it. That's what their host said in court findings, wasn't it? That they're entertainers. That they're entertainers. They're not there to give.
Starting point is 01:04:32 I know it says news after it, okay, but that's an imaginary word to them. They are there to entertain you with news in order to sell you something. Maybe it's to sponsor an IDF soldier, or maybe it's to sell you the latest hair growth elixir, whatever it might be. But they're not there to change culture or to save your soul or even to make you feel happy. They're there to sell you something. And sometimes that sale involves the sale of propaganda. Yep. The sell you an idea, sell you false information. And one of the stories Fox News did a great job of selling was that a bunch of angry patriots, white supremacists were gathering together last year, conspiring in secret, conspiring in basements
Starting point is 01:05:25 to kidnap the Michigan governor, Gretchen Whitmer. Oh, yeah. Big plot. Big plot by a group of patriots out there to kidnap the governor of a state. Right? Wrong. What we're now learning, thanks to BuzzFeed of all places, this is the same outlet that published the Christopher Steele dossier, the claims of President Trump doing despicable things in Russia that they've since admitted came from Hillary Clinton, the blood drinker or denier. I want to give her there.
Starting point is 01:06:02 Blood drinker. But this story, they've actually done a pretty good job. They're quoting from court documents that have been filed by the defendants in this case. And a couple weeks ago we mentioned, there was a breaking update on the story. It was that there were at least 12 informants, 12 operatives in the 15-person group. So only three of them were actually there to actually be a part of something. There were 12 informants working for the FBI. Clearly, they must not have known each other
Starting point is 01:06:35 were working for the FBI. Shouldn't the title of this article be Watching the FBI? I mean, instead of Watching the Watchmen? It doesn't sound to me like the Watchmen need to be watched. It sounds like the FBI needs to be watched. That's what we probably have to rename the FBI, the Federal Bureau of Insurrection. Because in the case of this story, Lauren. And instigation. And instigation. That's good too. The Federal Bureau of Instigation. Because they did instigate here by their own admission. They had 12 individuals, at least 12. So I'm waiting to hear maybe the last three were on part time.
Starting point is 01:07:07 OK, but what we've learned is that the second in charge, he was a retired army medic. From my understanding, this man was hired by the FBI. Let's just call it what it is. If they're paying you money, which they were in this case. He was a federal informant, received almost $54,000. $54,000. They gave him a new car. They helped pay off his mortgage, all of this stuff. And he was a federal informant and he infiltrated and worked his way up to number two. Not only that, this guy was getting 25 year olds and other kids to try and recruit more people into the group. So it wasn't like he was just, you know,
Starting point is 01:07:45 kind of just sitting around seeing what was going on. No, he was actively participating within this group, getting other people in, luring other people in. And I think even the FBI helped pay for some things there. Well, they certainly helped pay for things and they promised to help provide materials. I mean, how many of these stories do we need to report on where the FBI not only knows about the conspirator, knows about the man carrying out the shooting or the action before the attack, didn't do anything, or they did speak to him, didn't stop the person from carrying out the action. Or in this case, we're now learning that the FBI not only watches people, but they actually actively co-conspire with the groups.
Starting point is 01:08:30 But, Doc, it's all in the name of investigation. I must have missed that chapter with Sherlock Holmes. Did Sherlock Holmes ever work with the criminal? From what I read, this would have never happened had the federal informants and the FBI not instigated it and pushed it to happen you know everything I read in that article is like well where it was like the normal extremists that were like leading the charge on this I couldn't find one yeah it's sort of like you don't guys don't
Starting point is 01:08:57 know this show but it's old TV show called the untouchables had Robert Stack on there as Eliot Ness Eliot Ness was the premier FBI agent. He's the one when kids back in the fifties and sixties, when they grew up and to be an FBI agent, you wanted to be like Robert Stack and Ephraim Zimbalist. So he was on the show too. They were the straight arrows. When you saw an FBI agent, you knew that was a man you could trust. Man of integrity. A man of integrity, honest, straight, straight shooter, straightforward. You knew you could trust him.
Starting point is 01:09:29 You could leave your wallet with a $100 bill in front of it, and when you come back, you knew there'd still be money in that wallet. But now the FBI, they're in the business not only of infiltrating these organizations, but actually instigating some of this stuff. You had a quote here from that BuzzFeed article, and it said, and this is number 22 for control, an examination of the case by BuzzFeed News also reveals that some of the informants acting under the direction of the FBI played a far larger role than has
Starting point is 01:10:06 previously been reported working in secret they did more than just passively observe and report on the actions of the suspects indeed they had a hand in nearly every aspect of the alleged plot starting with its inception this is BuzzFeed reporting this the extent of their involvement raises questions as to whether there would even have been a conspiracy without them. Now, leave this up for just a moment, and I want you to do a little mind game with me here. If you were to read this as that those informants acting under the direction of ISIS
Starting point is 01:10:44 played a far larger role than has been previously reported, working in secret that did more than just passively observe and report on the actions of the suspects. Instead, they had a hand in nearly every aspect of the alleged plot, starting with its inception. But you would conclude that ISIS played a major role in this. And not only that, you would say this was an ISIS plot. This was an ISIS attack, even a terror attack, right?
Starting point is 01:11:11 Well, it would replace the FBI. No, it says FBI, right? Replace the FBI with KGB. Yes, you'd say a foreign attack. Those Russians are at it again. Right. But that's where we're at right now, where the FBI has gone from Elliot Ness into what a mess now. Right.
Starting point is 01:11:26 Okay. And basically they are starting these things. Yeah. I think it's been going on for quite a while. I've been in the alternative media realm since the mid- The real media. Call it what it is. The real media.
Starting point is 01:11:40 The real media. That's good. I'm going to keep that in mind. The real media in one way or another since the mid 90s. I watched when the Murrow Federal Building minutes after the Murrow Federal Building was was bombed. I'm talking about like three or four minutes after it was bombed. I saw the video. I heard them talking, the police chatter and everything else that radically changed my life when I saw that back in the mid 90s I knew that there was something going on in this country that
Starting point is 01:12:12 it wasn't as things appeared and when I see stories like BuzzFeed is not known as a far right outlet okay for them to actually come out and say, the FBI actually started some of these different events, including, now we're learning, the kidnapping of Governor Whitmer. Yes, the attempted kidnapping, and you pointed out that this has long been spoken about. There is some things public, such as the COINTELPRO program from the FBI, directing agents to actually infiltrate political organizations, recruit, radicalize. That word is an absolute characterization of what's being done here. But Lauren, you were telling me this article, it spoke actually to the extent at which this is a career for some informants of the FBI.
Starting point is 01:13:06 Yeah. As a matter of fact, one guy, I believe, who was a federal informant, received $4.9 million in government payments. $4.9 million? Yeah, over the last two decades. Oh, no, this is total. Yeah, one longtime federal informant. $4.9 million? You could be a millionaire, Narkin. You could.
Starting point is 01:13:26 Oh, my goodness. But it's interesting because it wasn't just, you know, what they do is they do radicalize. You know, one of the guys in this, in this Governor Whitmer plot, kidnapping plot, he was backing out. He was specifically said in the article that he was backing out. He was like, you know what? I don't, I don't think we have enough people to do this. I don't think it's a good idea. And the federal informant said, I'll help you find the people. We'll work on this together and recruit it. You know, when people started backing off. So that's what they do. They instigate and radicalize and then make you think that you're on their team.
Starting point is 01:13:55 And you're like, oh, we can do this. We need to do this. And then it turns out that they were working for the FBI. So it's literally the FBI is radicalizing citizens to set them up and throw them in prison. I mean, if we were people to do it, if we were doing it to, you know, foreign nationals somewhere else in the world, we would be accused of undue influence on the political structure. We'd be accused of starting a coup. Now, do I believe we do it? Absolutely. We do it. I know we do it because we're an evil and wicked nation. Have you figured that out yet? We're an evil and wicked
Starting point is 01:14:30 nation. And we do these things. If we can't find the people to cause an insurrection, let's start one. Okay. And then bring the people in. It always amazes me, Lauren and Edward, that every time there's a mass shooting, every time, it's almost like you could ride it out. It's without fail. That within hours, at least several days, what will you hear? Well, the FBI had been watching this guy for some time. Are you kidding me? Of course thebi was watching you
Starting point is 01:15:06 the fbi probably whispered to him you know now's the time to go shoot some people every time i mean every single time i mean it doesn't matter what mass shooting it is uh the you'll hear it say well the f FBI or law enforcement was aware of this individual. If you were aware of it, then why didn't you do something about it? And the reason why is you wanted it to happen. You let it happen. Reading through this, the gentleman that independently didn't know each other, didn't know that each of them were informants.
Starting point is 01:15:43 Seriously, there were times when there would be three of them in a car, according to this report, all three of them were informants. They didn't individually know that they were all working for the same overlord. But look, some things that were said by these men, it was not wise. It was not smart. Their defense right now is they're saying they were protected by the First Amendment. It's just fantasy. They weren't going to carry on these actions, especially for those who watch this program and especially those who are saved by Jesus Christ. If you're a follower of Christ,
Starting point is 01:16:16 you've got to act with discernment and wisdom in your life. And if you're frustrated, that's good. You should be grieved by the injustice in the world. But you've got to be involved with a community of brothers and sisters in Christ. They'll keep you on the straight and narrow. Because there are forces at work that want to set you up is what it is. We can catch you in a frustrated moment, and they will destroy your life. So use wisdom. Associate with Christ-fearing people.
Starting point is 01:16:43 You know, this is war. You know, this is a battle. But it's a spiritual battle that we can win on our knees. Now, I wanted to share before we close on out, there's been an update to this story. You may have not heard this yet, but stay hold of your seat here. The FBI agent at the center of this investigation is Special Agent Richard Trask. Now, this isn't one of the informants. This was the actual agent. FBI agent. You know, they've said a lot of things about the informants. This is an FBI
Starting point is 01:17:11 agent. One of the Bureau's finest. 39-year-old man from Kalamazoo. That man flexing beat the crap out of his wife, smashed her head against a nightstand, choked her, only stopped when she was able to grab hold of something, stopped his just relentless assault on her, right after a swingers party. What would you say if I told you that man is the man running these informants? I would believe you.
Starting point is 01:17:44 That man right there, you're being told, back the FBI's probe. Believe the FBI. That coward, that man being accused of beating up his wife, is the man, the agent, the handler of the informants being run by the FBI. Well, the FBI is willing to hire any degenerate as long as they're going to do what they task them to do. Case in point, there's been many cases of, you know, people who are sex offenders being revealed in the FBI.
Starting point is 01:18:15 You know, there is incompetence and there is corruption in the FBI. You know, and this is who they are hiring to be the ringleader to set ordinary Americans up. Well, Doc, I know we haven't lost hope, especially not with God Tribe all the way. But as a pastor, what would you say to this? I'd say repent, America. But we are trying to do something to respond to that. And that is why we're involved in these projects with God Tribe and others,
Starting point is 01:18:45 and we're seeking to bring men into the kingdom. You know, I'd like to see that FBI agent saved instead of hanging out at swingers parties and beating his wife up against a nightstand. I'd like to see these informants saved instead of trying to think they can somehow change society by blowing up something or shooting somebody. The way you really change society is change individuals. Hallelujah. Change by the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:19:14 You want revolution? You want real revolution? Then get a revolution, a Jesus revolution in your life and get radically saved, radically changed. Get on fire for a kingdom that in your life. Get radically saved, radically changed. Get on fire for a kingdom that will last forever. You know what? One day there will be no more America.
Starting point is 01:19:36 There will be no more nations at all. There will only be the kingdom. So get in the program early. We're taking recruits right now. We're looking for new citizens for the kingdom of God. And you can get started today by believing that Jesus Christ is your personal Lord and Savior, and that God the Father raised Him from the dead. On the screen there, by the way, you see an announcement.
Starting point is 01:19:58 We are looking for people to join us in our mission. If you have skills, especially in broadcast, and particularly right now in video editing within If you have skills, especially in broadcast and particularly right now in video editing within a studio broadcast environment, we're looking for you. We're looking for a few good men and women that can help us out
Starting point is 01:20:14 in this manner. And I encourage you, go to forward slash careers and find out more about some of the positions we have open, but especially in video editing and also in motion graphics. So we're looking for those candidates as well.
Starting point is 01:20:29 Well, guys, it's later than usual today, so we better head on out. Yes. Thank you, Doc. And thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News. While the elite are obsessed with drinking the blood of our kids, I know my protection comes only from the covering of the blood of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Do you? Don't procrastinate with your salvation.
Starting point is 01:20:51 Choose eternal life today and we'll sing together in New Jerusalem. Also, you may have not noticed, but there were no commercials in today's newscast. We're completely funded by the love gifts and offerings of you, the viewer. Please consider becoming a monthly partner with this ministry as we show you the fight, the fight of a lifetime against the forces of evil. And we show up every day, hurricane or snowstorm, without fail.
Starting point is 01:21:18 We will continue to report the truth no matter what, and we need your help. Please stand with us. You can go to our website, that's That's T-R-U-N-E-W-S dot com. Just click on the heart on the left-hand side or the red donate button on the right. You can also call our toll-free number at 1-800-576-2116. That is 1-800-576-2116. If you'd like to donate to us by mail or have a prayer request or a story like us to investigate,
Starting point is 01:21:49 we're also looking for good news stories. Our address is PO Box 690069, Vera Beach, Florida. Zip code 32969. We accept stocks, cryptocurrency, precious metals, and even real estate. Whatever you want to bless us with, we will gladly receive and put toward our mission here to save souls and report the good news as we approach the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:22:12 Thank you, and God bless you. the preceding program was made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support

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