TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Are Democrats Plotting October Surprise to Sink Trump’s Campaign?
Episode Date: October 23, 2024Both Republican and Democratic political strategists are surprised by the number of Republican voters in the first wave of early voting across America. Republicans are outvoting Democrats – even in ...Democratic states. Meanwhile, a well-known political commentator on Newsmax said he was offered a news tip that would destroy Donald Trump’s campaign if it were published.Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 10/23/2024Join the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves! It’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!
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I'm Jake, but my friends call me Moose Jaw.
I'm a blacksmith, and I like to work with my hands.
I watch True News, and it's apparent to me that we are in World War III,
and the U.S. is very unstable.
I have faith in God, but He expects us to use our brains and our hands to prepare for troubled times.
There are two things we need, food and water. That's
why I buy my supplies from American Reserves offers easy to prepare chicken
and beef meals, pastas, soups and vegetables that only need boiling water. You can purchase
the world famous British Burkefield gravity fed water filters equipped with Dalton ceramic
handles and other emergency supplies at
My family's security is
critical to me. Something big
is coming. Procrastination could
be costly. Act today before
a crisis suddenly appears.
Be ready. Be wise.
Go to Both Republican and Democratic political strategists are surprised by the number of
Republican voters in the first wave of early voting across America. Republicans are
outvoting Democrats even in Democratic states. Meanwhile, a well-known political commentator
on Newsmax said he was offered a news tip that would destroy Donald Trump's campaign
if it were published. I'm Doc Burkhart. This is True News for Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024.
Let's bring Rick Wiles into our conversation today as we begin our analysis and commentary
of today's top news by looking at this article published by the New York Post. Rick, we're
starting off today with this headline, early vote totals indicate Trump is going to be president
on election day, according to Mark Halperin.
Welcome to the Godcast, Rick.
Yes, sir. Hey, and I will only be here for half the program.
I have my annual doctor's checkup, which I do every 10 years.
But I have an appointment.
Nothing wrong. Just a checkup.
And so I do have to leave it at about 12, about 1230, about halfway into the program.
But anyhow, this New York Post article is is indicating that strategists, political observers and campaign leaders in the Republican Party and the Democratic Party are both
stunned. They're shocked. They don't have an explanation. The first wave of early voting
across America is heavily Republican. And that includes places like Las Vegas. And, you know, Las Vegas is a Democratic city.
But the turnout in Vegas is heavily Republican, particularly in the surrounding county.
The rural voters around Las Vegas are coming out in large numbers.
The same thing is happening in Florida.
The first day of voting in Florida on Monday, twice as many Republicans voted as Democrats.
Likewise in Texas, but it's the same story state after state, even in states that are,
you know, lean Democratic. There are more Republicans voting. What they don't know is if this trend will continue.
Is it a burst at the beginning of early voting that's going to fizzle for the Republicans and then the Democrats are going to come in in large numbers? Or is it a sign that the Democratic
voter base is not excited about Kamala Harris and the Republican base is very excited about Kamala Harris. And the Republican base is very excited about Donald Trump.
That's what they don't know.
And Mark Halperin was on Newsmax, as we mentioned earlier,
on their program Two-Way Tonight.
And he explained some of these different things that are happening
as far as early voting is concerned, especially among Republicans.
And here is his take on that.
Now, early vote.
John Ralston is the David Broder of the Silver State.
He's just been there forever.
He's a great reporter, and he understands how to read the early vote.
Let's put up what John Ralston wrote overnight about the early vote in his state.
All right.
A little hard to read, but we wanted you to see the chart here.
It's pretty easy to explain.
The Clark Firewall, that's Clark County where Las Vegas is, where the vast majority of the
state's population is, has all but collapsed.
The Democratic usually have a huge lead there, 4,500 votes.
The rurals are overperforming their share
of the electorate. And he says, you can read this and it's linked in my sub stack, it's too soon to
call it a trend, but this was a huge day for Republicans. They are ahead now in Washoe County
too. A few more days like this though, and the Democratic bed or wedding will reach epic proportions. As we said yesterday,
don't overread the early vote, okay? It can change. We don't know exactly who's casting these ballots,
how they're voting, etc. But every analyst I've talked to in the last 24 hours, including people
who speak publicly, say if this continues, Donald Trump can't lose because the Democrats can't possibly do well enough on
election day. So, Sean, tell people how you view this data now. We've got one more day in the bank.
Every state is either bad for Democrats or not good for Democrats. How are you reading it?
I mean, like I said, I've spent cycles on my heels trying to explain the cannibalization of Election Day voters.
I had Seth Keschel on the show last night. You've you've had him on before we went through the data.
It is unbelievable. Like it's almost too good to be true on our side.
So I don't want to get giddy or excited. But when someone like Ralston and just out of context, I mean, Ralston has not been a friend to Republicans over the decades.
It has to admit. But he's but he's he's mostly an honest broker.
He's not he's not sure. I'll I'll OK. I just I have a different view.
But I will say this when when my view, which is what you were asking, is when someone like Ralston has to admit something like this, that's a big deal.
And so I feel very, very good about not just Nevada, but I think the folks in North Carolina
that I talked to and the folks in Georgia are absolutely giddy. Yeah. And Nevada, of course,
I've said all my sources have said that of the seven states, that is Trump's worst. And yet this
is what's happening in the early vote. Dan, before you say
how you're hearing Democrats are feeling about this, what could be causing this? Besides the
fact that Donald Trump went from saying only the devil votes early, what could be causing
Democratic underperformance here? Look, I mean, it's a great question. And no doubt in Wilmington,
they are frantically trying to figure that out. I think part of this is if you look at just not just in Nevada, but so far, Democrats are underperforming in Philadelphia and Atlanta. And now we're seeing Las Vegas. And what have we been talking about on here now for months? Problems with Latinos, problems with black men, problems with young voters.
And so far, it appears that those problems have not been solved. As you said before, look,
there are plenty of campaigns that have gotten off to slow starts, if not lost early voting that
have gone on to win. But when one of your calling cards, one of the things that we've been holding
our hat on during these bumpy last few weeks is we have the superior ground game and the get out
the boat operation. And Trump has outsourced his and it's an unproven model. Things like this,
you know, give you a little bit of heartburn. And at the same time, Mark, as you said,
Nevada is supposed to be, you know, one of
our best states. And so it appears that some of our base voters are not very energized right now.
Your take on that clip there, Rick?
Doc, it's shaping up to be a Trump landslide if this trend continues.
And even among the Democrats who are showing up to vote, you can't assume that all of them are voting for Harris because we've been told for weeks that young black men are turned off by Kamala Harris and her affinity for transvestites and homosexuals and that they're voting for Trump.
The same thing with Latinos and Hispanics.
They're not turned off by his tough stand on illegal immigration.
Hispanics and Latinos that are here in America legally are proud to be American citizens, and they don't want others coming in illegally. And so
it's wrong to think that Latinos and Hispanics are going to vote against Trump. Many of them
are going to vote for him. And there was a clip on MSNBC earlier today where they were interviewing
some African-American women, and it was a scorcher for Kamala Harrisris i mean it really i mean they did not trust her and this was on msnbc
and doc the same thing is happening with young voters in their 20s they they are enthusiastically
supporting donald trump so they see him as a celebrity they see him as a superhero
and and um you know and then the union workers, a lot of the union members are voting for Trump because they they see what's happened with the inflation under Biden and Harris.
And then you have the Jewish vote and a sizable portion of the Jewish vote is going to desert the Democrats and vote for Trump because he is he's more pro
Zionist than Kamala Harris. He's married to a Jewish husband. So it looks really good for
Donald Trump right now. Now, with all that said, Mr. Halperin made a statement in that interview.
And let's point out, he's been around a long time.
Currently, he works for Newsmax. In the past, he's worked for ABC News. He's written columns
for major newspapers. Previously, he worked in the government and he worked in political
positions. In fact, Doc, in his younger days, he worked for Henry Kissinger.
He was an aide to Henry Kissinger. So he's somebody who's been around.
He's somebody that has a lot of connections, is respected by a lot of people. And so when he says
something like what you're going to hear, you have to take it seriously. So let's take a look at what he said yesterday has been offered to him.
And I can tell you without going into detail that I've been pitched a story about Donald Trump now for about a week.
That if true, would end his campaign.
Your thoughts on that, Rick?
Well, I mean, I was surprised. That was the first time I heard it when I saw this this morning. And I started searching, like, what's out there? Is anybody
publishing anything? You know, something really bizarre, strange, off the wall, some terrible...
I mean, what story could possibly come out that hasn't already come out well i mean you're
you know your imagination can run wild and and and you know i don't even want to go there because
it would just be speculation but i did find one article and i don't know if this is the story
that they're shopping around to find somebody to publish it because the London Telegraph published this headline today.
Trump is a fascist who praised Hitler, says his former chief of staff.
Now, that's a pretty shocking headline. And the Telegraph said today, Donald Trump once admired the work of Adolf Hitler and, quote, certainly prefers the dictator's approach to government, end of quote, according to his former chief of staff.
And it says his comments are set to shake the former president's reelection campaign, describing his exoss as lacking empathy and fitting into the general
definition of fascist. Former General John Kelly said he had witnessed Trump praising
the Nazi Germany dictator on more than one occasion. Right. So the Telegraph goes on in
the story to say that Kelly, who was the White
House chief of staff between 2017 and 2019, alleged he commented more than once that, you know,
Hitler did some good things, too. Now, earlier this month, General Mark Milley branded Trump
a fascist to the core and the most dangerous person to this country.
Now, remember, General Mark Milley served for over a year as chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff under President Trump before continuing his position under Joe Biden.
Looking at the definition of fascism, it's far-right, authoritarian, ultra-nationalist,
political ideology of movement characterized by a dictatorial
leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief
in a natural social hierarchy.
That's coming from John Kelly speaking to the New York Times.
And so we have a number of these former administration officials, Rick, under Donald Trump.
They're making similar comments and everything.
These aren't new.
I mean, we've heard this a couple years ago.
But now it seems like it's the big push now, as if they're making it the current October surprise. On the surface, you've got two U.S. generals claiming that the man that they served under was a fascist who has the traits of a dictator and who admired Hitler.
It's hearsay in the sense that it's somebody saying, I heard him say it.
General Milley didn't hear him say it. He's just saying,
well, that's my opinion of Trump. He's a dictator.
General Kelly is saying he actually heard Donald Trump praise Hitler.
More than once. I'll be honest.
Doc, I'll be honest with you. Because it's hearsay, I don't think it's going to have
an iota of impact on the campaign.
I think it's too late in the game.
And, you know, they would have to have something you know substantial to make people believe that
donald trump admires hitler right it certainly this isn't the story that rises to the occasion
that will sink the campaign right but i have a feeling this is what mr halperin was alluding to
because i can't find anything else out there right now today
that would be very damaging. Okay, so that's enough of politics. It appears that the Republicans are
coming out in massive numbers. We don't know if that's going to continue. We've got two weeks to
go. And, you know, if it continues, then it will be impossible for the Democrats to cheat enough to keep Donald Trump from the White House.
A lot of things could happen in the next two weeks.
Joe Biden could resign.
Kamala Harris could become president in the next couple of days.
I mean, there's all kinds of things that could happen.
Yeah. Joe Biden yesterday was calling for the arrest of Donald Trump.
No, no.
He was calling for the imprisonment.
Oh, yeah.
Excuse me.
The imprisonment.
Yes, that's correct.
He said we need to lock him up.
See, they haven't quit.
They have not quit.
And so we've got two weeks to go, and they may actually become desperate.
So that's just, you know know politics changes day by day and it's very dangerous
to make predictions when you're two weeks away from something because things can change very
quickly but a lot of the voting has already occurred yes see the last two weeks you're you're really down to the last it could be the last uh
35 of the votes in a lot of states uh vote by mail is the majority of the votes cast
and they have already been sent in that's right
okay here's the story that's really important.
This is the telegraph again in London. New World Order is forming.
Putin tells growing BRICS summit. Vladimir Putin proclaimed the start of a new world order.
As his allies rushed to sign up to a Kremlin-led economic club at a summit in Russia.
The Russian president will more than double the size of the BRICS block by the time he leaves Kazan in central Russia Thursday night,
creating an economic block to challenge the West.
Mr. Putin said, quote, the process of forming a multipolar world order is underway
a dynamic and irreversible process so they're they're signing up 22 new members yes
uh now I've got I got one sound bite um I don't have a lot of time here today. Maybe we'll play some more tomorrow. This is Vladimir Putin. He's got an English translation. This is him talking about how the West has weaponized the U.S. dollar to use it against his country and other nations. You said that the dollar was used as a weapon.
It is true, and we see that.
I think it is a great mistake by those who do it,
since the use of the dollar,
which is still the most important tool in global finance,
and its use as a political tool undermines trust in this currency
thereby reducing its capabilities we are not the ones who do that it's others we are not rejecting
the dollar or fighting against it but if they don't let us work with it what else should we do
we should seek other alternatives and this is exactly what we do. Notice he said there, Rick, we're not going to reject the dollar,
but you're not letting us use the dollar. So we have to find an alternative pathway here.
I'm glad you picked that up, Doc. That's a really important statement he made.
He made it clear. He said, you know, basically what he's saying is, hey, we're not trying to
destroy the dollar. We're not trying to destroy the dollar.
We're not trying to take down the dollar, but you guys won't let us use the dollar.
Right. So what are we supposed to do?
You're forcing us to find an alternative. And what is that alternative?
There's going to be a new. Semi global currency.
The dollar will not be a global currency. It will be a semi-global currency,
right? Because it will only be used in half the world. The other half of the world is going to
use a new currency. And that currency is going to be issued by BRICS. And it may be a gold-backed
currency. And that's what we're watching for. Now, I'm going to give you an example. He said,
he said the West has weaponized, weaponized the U.S. dollar. Look at this next headline
published today by BBC in London, UK to boost Ukraine funding using 2 billion British sterling pounds from Russian assets.
What are they talking about?
This is like 3 billion U.S. dollars.
The West seized 3 – no, no.
They seized – I don't – I remember the amount.
100 billion?
Nearly 3 billion.
No, no.
The 3 billion is the – that's the interest.
That's just the interest that's just the interest on the
on the russian money they seized and so they are going to they're giving the interest money the
three billion they're giving it to ukraine to fight the russians and so what he's saying here is you guys are forcing us to do something you're
weaponizing the money against us all right so what i want you to see here um is the number of
a brick members that united for a group photo today in kazan just look at the number of nations that are coming together
of course you see uh xinping you see president modi a number of uh african nations now uh there's
mariposa there as well and so uh the bricks alliance now is getting ever larger.
These are the main players here.
But they're adding 22 new members at this meeting.
So, Doc, I need to get out of this call for just a moment, and I'll log back in.
All right.
Very well. So in other news related to the BRICS summit, U.N. Secretary General Guterres arrived at the BRICS summit here for talks with President Putin and also to speak to members that attended BRICS.
U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres arrived in Russia on Wednesday amid international outcry that he was bolstering
President Putin's regime. Now, a video of Guterres published on Kremlin Channel shows the Secretary
General arriving in the city of Kazan, nodding appreciatively as he sampled traditional food
from the Tatarstan region. Now, Guterres is due to speak at the BRICS summit on Thursday
and hold talks with the Russian president,
where the pair will discuss the Ukraine conflict, according to the Kremlin.
And this is despite an arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court for President Putin
over the alleged war crime of unlawful deportation and transfer of children
during Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine
that began back in February of 2022.
In addition to the UN Secretary General appearing at the BRICS summit, Turkey's President Erdogan
also made his appearance today.
Now, yesterday we reported that Erdogan, the President of Turkey, is making a formal request to join BRICS.
Now, remember, Turkey is a NATO nation.
That's right.
It's a NATO nation now applying to be a member of BRICS, trying to have the best of both worlds there.
He was welcomed with a military welcome there at the airport in Kazan. And we're expecting to hear additional news about
President Erdogan meeting with President Putin and other member states at this important BRICS
summit. We're going to be watching the story for the next day or two here, because there are going
to be some radical things that come out as far as future development of the world's economic system.
And you can hear it here.
So we're bringing Rick back in here.
I was just telling our audience here about President Erdogan and his appearance at the
BRICS summit here earlier today, Rick.
And of course, yesterday we reported that Turkey is making a formal request to join
And so the changes are coming, Rick.
It is. The NATO military alliance is now split by BRICS. And you have an important
member of NATO, Turkey, that is joining an alliance, an economic alliance that's against
the West. At some point, Turkey will leave NATO.
And if Israel is still left around in the coming years, because I'm not sure it's going to survive,
if it's still around, they will replace, they'll put Israel in the place of Turkey.
Israel will get that seat in NATO.
But Turkey is getting ready to split. At some point, NATO is going to tell Turkey to leave.
I mean, this is a major development.
You and I are witnessing the birth of a new world order.
And it will not come into its full manifestation until the conclusion of world war iii
that's why there's going to be a world war to make room for this new world order yes
now erdogan was not the only you know major a participant there, of course, Chinese President Xi Jinping, the Indian Prime Minister Modi was there, a lot of important people.
But another surprise, I should say, Mr. Erdogan was not the only surprise visitor.
We knew about the other ones.
But the other surprise was the Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres.
And here's the London Times.
UN Chief Guterres arrives at BRICS summit for talks with Putin.
Oh, Doc, that has shook up the world.
Yes, while you were away, we mentioned this while you were away.
We did? Okay. you were away okay but yeah this is very important uh because he did not uh the u.n secretary general
did not uh uh go to the u.n par excuse me the eu parliament uh meeting here last week which they
thought was odd but he shows up at bricks this week that's right um george galloway, former member of Parliament in Great Britain, old time, blue collar, Labour Party socialist.
All right. The kind of socialist you can sit down with and have a meal and have a good time and talk to him.
He's an old time socialist. I like George Galloway.
And he was at the BRICS conference in Kazan.
And here's a video of him, of his reaction to seeing the city of Kazan, Russia.
Let's watch.
Who sanctioned whom would be the question that you would ask?
Because you're lucky you're here.
This place is booming. Our place is
sinking and Germany is sinking. France is sinking. Our economies have thrown a boomerang at Russia
and it's come right back and knocked us all out. I am here as we all, in Kazan. This is not Moscow. It's not St. Petersburg.
This is Kazan, Tatarstan.
Most people in the West don't know where it is.
But it's booming.
I was in a shopping mall yesterday.
You couldn't get moving for shoppers.
There were no Western brands, no Western outlets.
All Russian or Russia's friends, the Bricks, for example, they're the suppliers now.
We have thrown away a market and a supplier of vitally needed raw materials, commodities that our economies needed to prosper.
So look around in America, Doc.
Look at our cities full of drug addicts yes zombies look at the
homeless people look at the the the the deteriorating infrastructure the bridges the
highways the potholes look around at our country when's the last time you've been to jfk airport it's a decrepit old airport yes
and where does our money go
our money goes to other countries like israel and ukraine
hey i hear music playing doll if you try and get rid of me not trying to but i know you have an
appointment that you have to get to today.
Yes, sir.
Well, bless you, sir. We'll be praying for you.
We'll be back here in just a few moments with more true news as we invite Eric Rodriguez and Paul Benson to talk Next Tech News.
Stay tuned.
More is coming up.
I'm Jake, but my friends call me Moose Jaw.
I'm a blacksmith, and I like to work with my hands.
I watch and trust true news.
Two things are clear to me.
World War III has started, and the USA is very unstable.
I have faith in God, but he expects us to use our brains and our hands to prepare for trouble.
There are two things we need.
Food and water. That's
why I buy supplies from
American Reserves offers easy to prepare chicken and beef meals, pastas, soups and vegetables
that only need boiling water. You can purchase the world famous British Burkefield gravity
fed water filters equipped with Dalton ceramic handles and other emergency supplies at
My family's security is critical to me. Something big is coming. Procrastination could be costly.
Act today before a crisis suddenly appears. Be ready. Be wise. Go to Well, welcome back to True News and be keeping Rick in prayer here.
Just a doctor's appointment, folks, and so nothing special.
Hey, we do want to remind you that we have a new sponsor here on True News, and that's Gold Co.
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Well, as I mentioned before the break here,
we're going to be doing a very special segment here on True News for Next Tech News.
I'd like to bring in our staff members, Eric Rodriguez and Paul Benson.
Oh, you guys dressed up today.
I like this.
All right.
Yeah, we had to match you, Doc.
Had to put the coat on.
All right.
Well, gentlemen, I have an interesting topic that Rick and I have been trying to get to for a few days here.
And so this is a perfect opportunity to do this.
And it all started with a story that we caught actually a couple weeks ago.
It caught our attention.
And we brought it out on True News.
But as we started to dig deeper into it, we found that there was a
bigger story involved.
So I want to bring this up from the Washington Post.
This was back in September 23rd.
Microsoft deal would reopen Three Mile Island nuclear plant to power artificial intelligence.
Now, for me, my generation and the boomer generation before me, Three Mile Island was the, if you can picture it, the picture of nuclear failure here in America.
They ended up creating all sorts of issues for folks in the area.
But now this story came out September 23rd that Microsoft, yes, Microsoft, the former Bill Gates entity, would reopen Three Mile Island.
That would be the big story in itself right there.
But they're reopening the plant in order to power artificial intelligence.
And so, gentlemen, why don't you come on in here and let's talk about this a little bit. I guess I didn't realize how much energy is required
to power this upswing on artificial intelligence. Can you help me fill in the gaps on that?
Yeah, you know, it is incredible. Artificial intelligence, they're projecting in the next
five to 10 years that there's just going to be an explosion of usage. And you have to understand
that Microsoft and Amazon, they are, this is including their entire operations that support
all the businesses around the world that use artificial intelligence. So anytime you see
a company rolling out some new feature that is using artificial intelligence. It's using a server in one of these data centers.
And it is true that artificial intelligence does require a lot of power.
We're running graphics cards and high output requests.
And as you try to scale that, power becomes an issue.
So they're looking at the most efficient ways to power these
facilities and have really ended up with nuclear being the only way to achieve this. And that's why
they're talking about these small modular reactors, which can be dropped into areas where, you know, nearby a facility and dramatically
reduce costs.
And Doc, in preparing for this, I was curious to find out like how much power is being consumed
by AI.
And First Post has a really good YouTube video out there and they have, they talk about how,
you know, we use AI regularly here in the office.
And they talk about how a year's, one year usage of chat GPT, just one year,
the power that's being consumed by just one year of usage of chat GPT
could power the entire country of New Zealand for three months.
That's the amount of power that's necessary?
And to do the same amount one year could power the entire country of Nigeria for four months.
That's how much power consumption is being used.
And that's just chat GPT.
That's not factoring in Claude.
That's not factoring in perplexity and, you know, Meta's AI.
You know, that's just one particular model, and it's power consumption.
Now, as I mentioned, this story that we just shared with you from The Post, Washington Post, is about now almost three weeks old.
And it caught our attention there.
Three Mile Island was decided the worst nuclear accident on American soil.
And now you're seeing it rebooted.
And we've been told for years that nuclear is bad, bad, bad, bad. It's bad for the environment.
It's, you know, nuclear is going to irradiate the soil and, you know, it's going to make bad
water and everything else. But now there seems to be a whole new attitude. And there were a number
of stories over the weekend and earlier this week that began popping up.
Paul kind of mentioned this a little bit, where these major players like Amazon, for instance, this headline,
Amazon goes nuclear to invest more than $500 million to develop small modular reactors. Now, for some of you out there, this is a whole new
term that you're being introduced to, small modular reactors. We're not talking big power
plants with cooling towers or anything like that. We're talking about nuclear reactors,
modular nuclear reactors that can be built on site and can be hauled in on trucks.
That's the size of these nuclear reactors.
Either one of you want to elaborate a little bit more on that feature of this new technology that's being rolled out?
Yeah, the small modular reactors is very interesting.
I think one of the biggest standouts with this is, like you mentioned, them being able to manufacture these in a facility.
So if you imagine building a large reactor, they'd have to come onto the site.
They'd have to build it there.
And it was, you know, very high cost. So this allows them to have much more efficient build times as well as better security on the units.
And they're able to just pump these things out and send them out to the locations.
And it's essentially they're taking what you would imagine a large reactor and they're just shrinking it.
So a large reactor would be able to generate, let's say, a gigawatt of power.
These would be generating 300 megawatts.
And it makes sense that this would be applicable for AI because you'd imagine them just putting one of these units nearby a warehouse and being able to power it.
In the past, it's been a little tricky because you almost needed a unique use case for this
where there was, within an area, a high amount of power required.
The other aspect is just the space saving aspect when it comes to these
small modular reactors. It takes about 0.05 square miles to put one of these SMRs in.
And in my research, I was seeing that the power output that one SMR would give you
would be the equivalent of about 18.6 square miles of solar panel fields.
So that equates to 11,000 square acres.
So that's a ton of land.
So they can shrink that into just a small little facility and be able to power what they need to. Probably the last thing I'll mention on this that
was very interesting is just the safety concerns, right? To me, when I was researching this,
I just thought, you know, everyone thinks of Chernobyl and Fukushima and Three Mile Island
and these disasters. And the thought of putting these little miniature potential disaster areas
all across the nation, all across the world, is pretty concerning.
And there are risks associated, but something to keep in mind
is that these new SMRs also come with a ton of new
technology. And I believe safety is something that is going to be improving for these as well.
Now, just for the record, and we can bring that CNBC article back up,
they have not installed any solar small modular reactors as of yet. They're in the process,
though, of developing. They've had
test models out in Idaho that they've been running. And so the technology is now.
And what surprised me, not only this article, but also the next one here from,
and this is from Google itself. Notice the headline here, New Nuclear Clean Energy Agreement with Kairos Power.
So Google is making the same sort of agreement, but with a different power company, to develop small modular reactors.
And notice the rebranding here of nuclear energy.
Nuclear is clean.
Nuclear is good.
After having decades of being told, no, it's bad, it's wrong. And the difference is,
is because now there is such a demand for power. We can't build enough windmills and solar panels.
We can't even burn enough coal to keep up with the demand that we're seeing for artificial
intelligence within the next, once again, here's that number
again, next five to 10 years. We're about to see a radical change in how we access power.
Your thoughts, gentlemen?
Doc, you mentioned about the coal. I just, in my research here, I ran across something that
kind of stood out to me and and the game plan behind
this is that they hope that these smrs just take off that they'll be able to decommission coal
plants I I even read an article where it said that these smrs are going to have such a small
footprint that they can easily fit multiple smrs on existing coal plant facilities, plots of land.
So we're going to potentially see the decommissioning.
We saw decommissioning of nuclear facility plants.
We're going to start seeing over time decommissioning of coal plants.
So we're going to start seeing these SMRs pop up everywhere because they're supposed
to be more efficient.
They're supposed to provide more energy and quote unquote clean
energy now that we are now re-
Uranium is clean now.
Yeah. Yeah. So it is quite interesting to see how we've now have embraced nuclear in
this fashion because of the high demand. And our government is getting in bed with AI.
So this will be part of their new
green initiative. We'll start seeing that popping up more and more at a political government level.
Yeah. And you know that the fix is in when you see government get rid of red tape in order to
allow new technology to roll out quicker. Here's an article from Reuters that kind of gives us a
clue on that. And this is from earlier in the week as well.
It says that U.S. opens applications for $900 million for small nuclear reactors.
That's Granholm there, who is about as anti-nuke as you can get.
But here she is touting, hey, we're opening up applications and money to develop the small nuclear technology.
And so last Wednesday, the U.S. opened up applications for nearly a billion dollars in funding
to support the initial domestic deployment of small modular reactors utilizing nuclear technology.
And all of this is for artificial intelligence. Now, one other thing
I caught, gentlemen, as I started researching small modular reactors, is the number of countries
around the world that are rolling out this technology. For instance, Turkey. They are in
the process of four different companies, power companies,
in Turkey developing small modular reactors. Uzbekistan says they plan to launch eight
small modular reactors by the end of 2026. And I can name a number of countries throughout the Middle East and Asia that are saying, we're in on small,
modular reactors as an energy and technology source for the future, because they realize as well
that AI is going to require energy in order to meet the demand of the 8 billion people that will attempt to access artificial intelligence.
Yeah, it is incredible.
And these SMRs are going to be starting to pop up everywhere all over the world.
And, you know, another interesting point here, we mentioned uranium.
You know, these reactors need fuel.
And so I was researching where they're actually going
to be getting this uranium from. And it turns out something that considers that Russia is the
largest exporter of the high SA low enriched uranium. And now the United States is also going to be starting to create and produce the low-enriched uranium for this.
And there are some concerns bomb or something like that. So
it's just bizarre that all of this is now happening. It's all speeding up.
And all of a sudden, nuclear is just fine. It's pretty crazy. You know, back on the safety concerns of these small nuclear reactors, it does appear that they have made some critical advancements. The more I researched how the reactors are supposed to cool themselves if there is a catastrophic failure, it is pretty convincing once you look at the design, the new
designs of these reactors and how they're stating that it does not require any kind of human
intervention, any kind of computer intervention, that essentially if there was some kind of
critical failure, these reactors essentially
will cool themselves down. Now, I'm not sure about Three Mile Island, because if they're
restarting these reactors, I would imagine that some of that technology is probably the same
technology from 10, 20, 30 years ago. But we do have a video that is going to explain kind of how these reactors cool themselves off.
And it also provides an animation of this occurring.
I believe this is 27.
If we could play that, it would be awesome.
Now, the problem with nuclear fuel is that it continues to generate heat even after the reactor is powered down.
It will continue to generate roughly 10% of the original heat for hours and days to come. And if it's not
cooled, that heat will pile up. The challenge with nuclear has always been
to ensure the reactor does not damage itself when cooling is lost. The MMR can
dissipate all excess heat passively and harmlessly into the environment in any
scenario. Like a warm puck, it cools off
just by sitting there. No moving parts or fluids, no operator actions, just simple cooling by
conduction and glowing. This means the reactor can tolerate extreme conditions and survive undamaged.
It can deal with complete withdrawal of all control rods. It doesn't need power to operate
cooling pumps or emergency systems. The MMR
doesn't even need coolant or natural airflow to stay at safe temperatures. It doesn't really need
very much at all. Instead of designing elaborate safety systems against particular scenarios,
we've designed a reactor that is inherently safe no matter the events. The MMR harnesses the fuel's So there you have it, Doc. It's safe.
There you go.
You can trust us. It's safe.
And so after being told for 50 years it's not safe so uh well gentlemen we are seeing
this the energy sector is changing rapidly here and there's innovation there's things that we're
going to be seeing over the next uh five to ten years that are going to radically change
everything that we do uh you know up until past week, I could not imagine how we,
even if every car in America was electric, we don't have the grid, we don't have the
power supply to meet the demand. But now, with the development of SMR technology,
small modular reactor technology, it's not only achievable, but I mean, not only possible, it's achievable.
I mean, you could really see it happening.
And another aspect of SMRs, too, you know, remote areas now could have access to massive
amounts of power that they didn't have before.
They don't, you don't have to build a hydroelectric dam to generate power.
You don't have to take up a mile, a square mile of precious farmland to put up solar panels
or to spend more on producing wind turbines than the wind turbines actually produce.
So I would understand that there would be some resistance to people embracing this small modular reactor technology.
But the fix is in.
I'll tell you why I know the fix is in, because the government is licensing it.
And when the government starts licensing something, they're taxing it,
and they're making money off of it.
And so they have already figured out this is the direction that we're going.
Another aspect of the – there's the energy demand for artificial intelligence,
and then there's the use of artificial intelligence in unique and new ways.
And this next story here, and we only have a couple minutes to talk about it.
Yeah, this is from the New York Post.
Take a look at that map there.
It says a massive lithium deposit found across southeastern U.S.
could end reliance on imports.
Now, of course, the big thing about electricity is you need to store it,
and you need batteries for that.
Lithium is a critical component of that,
and we have to import most of our lithium in order to produce lithium batteries.
But using artificial intelligence,
using artificial intelligence, a massive deposit of lithium has been discovered in the South Central U.S. Your thoughts, gentlemen?
Well, I mean, this is big news. And I think the amount of lithium that they're going to be able to start converting is really a game changer for the industry.
It is incredible.
They've projected in the past that the lithium that we needed to create batteries and all this was sort of going to be an issue and the costs involved. And this is
a big story. And I believe that what's coming is that I think they're going to have to develop
new ways to actually convert the lithium as well. It sounds like we're going to be seeing some more
news come out on this when they begin to explain how they're going to actually extract the lithium.
It's not like a metal deposit.
In fact, just one small portion of Arkansas, they're saying, just one small portion would be enough to meet all the demands for lithium for the United States right now.
Well, gentlemen, you hear the music and everything.
That's the end of our Godcast today.
I appreciate you joining us, filling in for Rick today,
Eric Rodriguez, Paul Benson.
We appreciate you very much.
Stay tuned, folks.
We've got a great lesson on morning manna today.
You won't want to miss it.
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Good morning.
Welcome to Morning Manna.
We're glad to have you
with us today. We are studying the gospel according to St. Matthew, and we are this week studying the
parable of the talents. We're taking our time. We started on Monday. Today's Wednesday. We're
working our way through this one parable. No need to rush let's take our time and and dig down deep and mine
this parable for all that we can get out of it this week so today we're going to be looking at
verses 16 through 21 let's ask the Holy Spirit to take his seat at the head of the table and direct this Bible study.
Dear, gracious Father, we come to you in the name of Jesus,
and we give you glory and praise and honor.
We humbly invite the Holy Spirit to take his seat at the head of this Bible study and direct all of us in studying the word of god teach us illuminate us enlighten us strengthen us
that we may serve our master with great courage and and boldness and clarity that we would
shine brightly and taste salty father in, in this world. In Jesus' name, amen.
As Rick said, we are continuing in our lessons in Matthew chapter 25, particularly the parable of the talents.
And so if you've got your Bibles, read along with me here.
I'm starting at verse number 16 in Matthew chapter 25.
I'm reading from the King James.
Then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same and made them other five talents.
Likewise, he that had received two, he also gained other two.
But he that had received one went and digged in the earth and hid his Lord's money.
After a long time, the Lord of those servants cometh and reckoneth with them. And so he that had received
five talents came and brought other five talents, saying, Lord, thou deliverest unto me five talents.
Behold, I have gained beside them five talents more. His Lord said unto him, Well done, thou good
and faithful servant. Thou has been faithful over a few things. I will make thee ruler over many things. Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.
So we started, briefly touched on verses 16 and 17 yesterday.
Then he had received the five talents and traded with the same and made them other five talents and likewise he that
had received two he also gained other two so obviously this these verses
describe the actions of the two servants of one that received five and the one
that received two the respective amount of talents represents significant gifts and resources given to them from their master.
He entrusted them with it during his absence.
So the servants promptly went into action.
The moment the master left on his journey yes and they immediately
engaged in trade with those talents and of the things Jesus tells us.
Engage in business until I come. The King James says, occupy. Occupy until I come. But when you
study the Greek word, it literally means to engage in business. Yes, in yes yes engage in business so Jesus when
he you know he told his disciples when when he left I want you to engage in
business in my name so he gives us talents gives us abilities he gives us abilities. It gives us skills and gifties. And he says, take these gifts and
do something with them while I'm gone. I'm going to heaven. I'll be there for a while,
but I'll come back someday. In the meantime, during your lifetime, I have entrusted to you a certain amount of talents and skills and
giftings that are for you. They're unique for you. No more or no less than what you can handle.
And you use them, and you use them in my name, and you use them for my glory.
You use them for my kingdom.
And when I come back, I'll sit down with you, and we'll go over things.
That's literally what this is all about.
To make it very simple.
Once you get this in your mind, you understand parables you're like oh lord that's what
i'm supposed to be doing with my life yes it just eliminates a lot of the churchiness that's in
churches doesn't it yes it just simplifies things most of the stuff going on in churches has nothing nothing to do with these parables it's a good point it's churchiness okay so they get a lot
of people engaging in the business of the of the church leaders not necessarily engaging in business for the master so
the master did not order them to double their their talents nor did he tell them what to do
they just instinctively knew it was the right thing to do yes and I as I said yesterday it's because
they had observed their master in action they knew what he was doing and so when
he left they said we'll just copy him we'll just do what he does see this very
simple that's easy you don't have to come up with a plan he just
well I'll just copy him I I saw I observed him I watched him I saw how he handled his resources I
saw how he engaged in business I'll just do my best to copy his actions to mirror his thinking and and try to be like him so the term trade it they trade it with these
talents that speaks of the servants active involvement in commerce, in business.
There was strategic investment.
There was prudent management.
There was wise utilization of the resources.
And they were not careless.
Did they make mistakes? Yes.
Did they lose sometimes? Yes, but they made it up.
They gained ground.
They lost ground, but they gained ground.
See, it's never always you're constantly advancing.
That's not real life.
Sometimes you lose, but then sometimes you gain more than you expected,
and it makes up for the losses.
The bottom line is when the master comes back what's on the table
that's the only thing that matters so the servants trading with the talents given to them shows us the commitment to the task given to them by their master went and traded with the same it doesn't say they they sat and thought about it.
They went.
There we go again, went.
In order to went, it means you had to go.
And you can't go sitting down.
They went and traded there was action activity with the same the talents the talents that he gave them so there was the use of the talents for profitable purposes by making them other five talents the servants doubled the
resources entrusted to them and that speaks of successful stewardship yes fruitful labor you know you can be busy but not fruitful yes there there are
employees who go through the entire workday looking busy but not producing
anything digging holes yeah just digging holes busy. When the boss goes by, they look busy.
But they're not producing anything.
There's nothing to show for the busyness.
Except a deeper hole.
A deeper hole.
So we get to verse 18.
But he that had received one went and digged in the earth and hid his Lord's money.
Unlike the other servants who went and traded.
This one went and dug a hole.
He didn't trade.
He dug.
He dug a hole to hide that which was given to him he didn't steal it
there was not a dishonest thought in this man's mind he didn't hide it in the
ground because he planned to to steal it from his master and say when the master
came back I don't know what happened to it.
I was sitting here one day.
Next day, he was gone.
And that wasn't his plan at all.
He wasn't dishonest.
As Doc said the other day, this guy expended energy.
But it was non-productive energy it required energy to get a shovel and
dig a hole and to cover it up he was working he was sweating he was engaged
in labor but it was non-productive labor yes he could have used the same energy and time to trade so the
the bearing of the talent symbolizes neglect and inaction a failure to engage in productive stewardship of the resources
entrusted to him by his master yes it's a lack of initiative a lack of effort
and that led to a failure to utilize the resources entrusted to him.
Look, there's a lot of negative mindsets in modern-day employees.
And it's sad to say, I mean, a lot of employees have the attitude,
I'm going to do the minimum.
I'm doing the minimum.
That's all I'm doing.
I'm going to do the minimum that my employer expects of me. And if he or she has a problem with it, that's their problem.
I'm going to do the minimum. minimum and um according to my job description and according to what i think i should do according to
the pay that he or she is giving me right yeah you see this yeah you see the struggles that a
lot of modern ceos are having just getting people to come back to work. Doc, I can't believe that in the year 2024
there are still
millions of Americans
home for COVID.
I can't believe it's going on.
And it's not a matter.
They refuse to come into the
And companies aren't firing them
or anything. These big companies like like meta which
owns facebook and and apple and and amazon and city bank they can't get their employees to come
back to work they're on the payroll they're working from home and they keep sending the
memo saying you have to come
to work on monday and they don't show up and the companies are afraid to fire them because they're
afraid they won't be able to find anybody to take the jobs and it's better to have somebody sitting
at home doing half the work than to have nobody like what what is this mindset i i know i'm an old baby boomer i can't imagine doc i can't
imagine that when i was in my 20s and 30s and 40s telling my employer i'm not coming in
i'm not i'm not coming in and i'm not going to come in for a couple of years. I can't even
comprehend it. It's so foreign to my thinking. I can't comprehend it. The next question would be,
are you coming in for your last paycheck? That's how I would do it but but these ceos today these big corporations are afraid yeah it's it's
very unusual and apparently their their board of directors are very woke
so you have board members who are very woke politically
and saying now be careful let, let's not offend our employees.
Elon Musk didn't put up with it.
He fired people.
He fired people and moved the headquarters to Texas.
All right.
And Twitter never went down, did it?
Twitter kept working.
They kept going.
He got rid of nearly 80% of the staff in San Francisco.
80%. And the company still kept operating.
Yeah, kept working.
So what does that say?
At 80% of the people working at Twitter were useless see what what you've got to do
is you have to do more than you're paid to do you have to do more than your
employer expects you to do if you have that mindset you will never lose your
job you'll always be employed always you know doc when years ago I managed to Always.
You know, Doc, years ago, I managed a trade show back in my 30s. I managed this very big trade show.
And I worked really hard.
I was in charge of the exhibits.
And there were, you know, I don't remember the attendance. It was in the tens of thousands
of people who came to this trade show. I was in charge of the trade show. When that trade
show was underway, there's days of setup, days of operation, and then there's tear down.
I always had the mindset I was serving the exhibitors who were there.
It didn't matter how small or how big they were.
If they had a need, and you have needs like in a trade show, I've got
to get electricity hooked up to my exhibit booth. I need the carpet swept, vacuumed.
There's all kinds of things. They have labor problems, and there's problems getting their
crates brought in. If you would see a trade show before it opens, there's the building of a city in three days.
There's a city that goes up in three days.
Little buildings go off.
Electricity is plugged in.
Lights come on.
All kinds of stuff.
Carpet is laid.
But, Doc, I treated those exhibitors as though they were my employers.
I worked for them.
And I got to tell you that I was constantly offered jobs.
CEOs of major companies at that trade show would take me aside and say,
Rick, is there any
possibility you might be looking for another job? Why? Because we've been watching you.
We're watching you. We see you out here working. I didn't know that they were paying attention.
I didn't know that. I just worked. I didn't know that. I just worked.
I didn't know anything else to do.
I just worked.
But executives were watching me.
And I was always getting business cards.
Rick, if you ever need a job, give me a call.
See, if you have that mindset, your employer will not take advantage of you.
Well, that's that servant attitude, Rick.
That's a servant attitude.
If you have an employer who sees that kind of dedication in you and takes advantage of you, you need a new employer.
Because there's an employer out there who would love to have you. So have this servant attitude. Don't just do what you're paid to do. Do more than you're paid
to do.
It's frustrating that you even have to say this, Rick.
It used to be called the American way. Yeah, just what you did. I mean, you put
in a full day's work. And more. You know, you showed up to work early, maybe stay a little
late sometimes to make sure everything is taken care of and functioning and ready for the next day. But there's a different attitude today.
And it's, you know, some of that lost servant attitude.
So I always tried to find a problem that needed fixed in my place of employment that I was capable of fixing.
Wasn't in my job assignment.
But I saw it.
I said, let's get it fixed.
You know what happens when you keep doing that?
An executive will say,
that person has management abilities.
Let's give that man or woman a promotion.
Let's not lose him.
Let's not lose that woman. She's valuable. Look at the way she's
fixing things. Look at the way he goes about and solves problems. That's it. And that's the key
right there, solving problems. I'm thinking as a leader, as a CEO, man, I got problems. I see a guy
that can fix some of those problems. How much is that worth to me?
That's right. You know, when I worked at TVM, when I worked for Paul Crouch,
look, I did things like carry his suitcase from the parking garage. He didn't ask me to do it.
In fact, he'd say, no, I'd say, no, Dr. Crouch, you're tired. You just
got off the plane. Let me take your luggage for you. I was always looking for something to do.
Always going beyond what I was paid to do.
Always being helpful, contributing, understanding, hey, this guy is this chief executive. What can I do to
make his job, make his day easier? He's got problems I don't even know about.
He's got pressure I don't know about. What can I do to reduce his pressure today is it something simple that would just save him some time so he has time to work on
something big think like that a lot of people won't do it because they're like I'm not paid
to do it and I'm not going to do it that's it I'm not paid to do it okay you're not going to succeed
you're not going to double your talents you're not going to succeed. You're not going to double your talents. You're not going to prosper.
That's what this parable is about.
And if you have that attitude towards your earthly employer, you have that attitude towards
your heavenly Father.
You just need the minimum to get by.
What's the minimum I need to do to be saved?
But here's where my argument is on this, Rick.
The minimum is actually a losing position.
It is.
The one servant that dug a hole and put money in the ground, the value of that money started decreasing the moment and went in the ground.
It didn't increase in the ground. It didn't become more valuable in the ground.
It lost value in the ground just because of inflation in
the world. It was losing value in the ground.
And just like Jesus later on says, you know, master you know calls the one talent sermon in he says why didn't you just if all you did was invest it is
I gave it to the exchangers and gave it to them at 7% interest, you double it in 10 years without doing a thing.
You don't have to do anything to double your money in 10 years if you've got 7% interest going.
That's right.
So there's that attitude that if you just do the minimum to get by, you're already losing value.
That's right.
So, you know, I said earlier,
this slothful servant was not dishonest.
He didn't scheme to steal the talent.
That was not his motive.
He didn't misuse the money.
No. He didn't go down to the casino and spend it on slot machines and and martinis
he didn't misuse it he didn't go to the racetrack and bet it all on a horse. There was nothing immoral, nothing wrong, nothing dishonest.
But his inaction was immoral and wrong.
See, we've got to understand that lack of productivity is wrong in the eyes of the Lord.
And the reason that the one- servant uh explains is i was afraid
i was afraid that's fear and so you're making your decisions on your productivity to your employer to
your master based on fear yes i don't want to lose my job. So I'll just do what's expected of me and nothing else.
That way I don't have to take any risk. No one notices me. I just get by. That's it.
I'm just getting by, Rick. Just getting by. I can't stand it. Some employees go into their office and shut the door and never come out between 8 and 5.
You know why?
Out of sight, out of mind.
If the boss doesn't see me, I'll get through another day.
No accountability. me I'll get through another day yeah no accountability I came in I got in the
office on time and I left on time and I did not go out of the office other than
go to the restroom and go to lunch and that's it and I did not talk to anybody
I did not interact with anybody I did not contribute any ideas I didn't solve
any problems I showed up and I went home that's an attitude of
a lot of employees and at times i've had those employees and i one day i'll stop and think
you know i i haven't seen that employee in three months what's he doing yeah
in his office with the door shut and not talking to me
see if you if you have to talk to the boss the boss might ask you to do something
boss might ask you did you do something i told you a month ago to do. So just hide.
Dig a hole and hide.
See, those kind of employees dig a hole and put themselves in it.
It's a grave, really.
You know the employees I like?
The ones that are out in the hallways, the ones who talk to me,
the ones who are interacting with me.
Hey, I remember you every day, day all right I know who you are
others just disappear they disappear into a hole that they dig and they think
it's you know what I'll ride this out until I believe I'll sure
see oh I'm just thinking of a particular employee that we had in the past who
would disappear for hours on end oh that's the one that went into the portal
yes so we had a joke that there had to be a portal
somewhere in the building that this individual was going into for extended periods of time but
we couldn't find it literally gone good it was a 12 000 square foot building there was only so many places you could go uh his car is still in the parking lot. Where is this guy?
And you'd ask around, have you seen so-and-so?
I haven't seen him since 830.
Well, neither have we, so we're kind of curious.
Is he still working for us?
Who knows?
Well, maybe he is, and we haven't found him. You eventually say, he's got to go.
He's just got to go. We're not going to deal with this anymore.
Yes. We found him a new portal.
So, oh, if people only knew what employers deal with
i could tell you so many stories i i could honestly i could write a book on you could things that i have experienced in 25 years with employees in a christian ministry i i'm not even
talking about out in the secular business world i'm talking about that in a Christian ministry Like I can't believe that somebody would do that
Digging what they do. Okay, so
Learn from these things and be active in your place of employment
Whatever you're doing whatever God has given you to do be active be visible be active be engaged
Do things to do be active be visible be active be engaged do things you know hey if you're a if you're a manager or supervisor and you see something spilled on the floor
well you're not too good that you can't get a mop and clean it up before somebody falls.
I mean, it's just...
All right.
I'll tell a true story.
There was a box, an empty box in my office, a big box, that a device had come in, and the box was
empty, and it sat in my office for a long, long time, and the employee who unpacked it for me
never took the box to the trash, just left in my office i know where this story's going okay
just left the box in my office unpacked it and left the empty box and everything in my office
what what should you do if you were if if this is the executive of the organization what should you do with that empty box take it with you okay so it sat there for a while so eventually
you know after days I got to get rid of the box myself nobody's going to take this so um oh I know
I told an employee I did I told an employee said, get rid of this box for me.
The employee took it to the foyer and put the empty box in the foyer.
And it sat there for weeks, an empty box, a big, big box, an empty box in the foyer,
sat for weeks. It eventually turned into two months and i'm seeing this
so i started picking up the box and i would move it from the corner of the
foyer and put it in the center of a foyer so you had to walk around it
and somebody would put it back in the corner so then I started putting the empty box in the hallway
and people would move the the empty box back to the foyer nobody would take it to the trash
that went on for two months nobody knowing that I'm the one who's putting that empty box in various places for people to stumble over
like would somebody in this organization take the empty box to the trash compactor
see this should not be going on in a place of business
so you need to know that your employer is silently watching
and the lord jesus christ is silently watching you and me right now
he's going to watch you and me all day
your master is jesus christ he's watching you today
he's making notes he's observing your master is Jesus Christ. He's watching you today.
He's making notes.
He's observing.
It's all being kept for judgment day.
You don't want Jesus putting an empty box in the hallway and wondering how many months is he going to go around it.
See, employers do things box in the hallway and wondering how many months is he going to go around it
see employers do things to test people oh my I'll tell you something you some of you are gonna just cringe you go oh my I can't believe this guy okay you're like I don't believe this goes on oh yes it does okay there are times when
I do a job interview that when somebody drives their car to our office for a job interview while
they're being interviewed by somebody else I go out and look in their car windows.
And if that car is full of trash, McDonald's bags and 7-Eleven slurpee cups, and there's
trash in the front and the back, I'm not hiring that person.
Because you're going to bring your trashy attitude into my office and he has done that folks are you
gasping right now going I can't believe this you don't know what employers are doing how they're
observing and looking I want the best working for me if you can't clean the garbage out of your car you're not going to take care of my business
because it tells me the attitude that you have right
so jesus is looking at us every day. He's observing. How diligent is this son, this daughter? How faithful? How hardworking?
How organized? How efficient are they? You're saying, this has something to do with my salvation?
Yes, it does. It is your salvation. We're getting down to the bottom of this parable, and it's got a shocking ending.
You have to be a good and faithful servant, folks.
What else is there?
Well, I was a servant of the Lord.
Listen, that's below the minimum standard.
Good and faithful is the standard.
That's the standard.
Not bearing your talent the minimum
standard is good and faithful that should be our attitude at least i'll tell you something else
doc i'm in that mood today to talk okay let it loose rick my daughter, Carissa, was a missionary in Ecuador for
seven years,
taking care of homeless children.
she was inundated
with people
from this ministry. I'm talking
about people who watched or listened
to True News, who
volunteered to be missionaries
with her.
They came from this ministry.
Almost every one of them turned out to be what I call moochinaries.
I would tell Carissa, I would say, Carissa, she's a moochinary.
You need to disconnect, or that couple's a moochinary.
They're not missionaries, they're moochinaries.
They moved to Ecuador for a free ride on your ministry's back.
But they're telling everybody back home in their home church I'm a
missionary look I'm gonna put photographs of me in Ecuador I'm gonna
put it on Facebook see me I'm a missionary but the truth is in Ecuador
they were mooch in Aries what do I mean by that they didn't do anything but they expected Carissa to do everything for them
they worked her to death
she was trying to take care of 40-50 kids
at a time
and full grown kids
these are children that had been
sex trafficked
and she's like okay, I need you to cook meals.
Oh, I don't do that.
Okay, I need you to change diapers.
Oh, I don't do those kind of things.
Well, I need somebody to do the laundry for these 40 kids.
I can't get my hands in harsh water.
Okay? She put up with this stuff for seven
years. And yet these people were putting pictures on their Facebook page. Look at me. I'm at an
orphanage. I'm a missionary. No, you're not. You're a moochinary. You didn't do a lick of work. You got a one or two year vacation in Ecuador.
And you ate the meals that my daughter cooked for you.
I'm being real, folks.
I am being real.
And I'm telling you, Jesus Christ is watching this stuff every day.
And this stuff is being done in his name.
He wants people who just work for him.
Who don't expect anything.
Just to hear, well done.
That's the only thing I want to hear.
When I meet the Lord, I want to hear him say, well done, Rick.
I applaud you. I watched and I am pleased a
lot of stuff is being done in churches that's not pleasing to the Lord dog is
anybody still with us I didn't look I'm afraid to look. Oh, no. We've got a good crowd today, Rick. You're on board with us.
I'm afraid. I'm afraid to look over and say, oh, we're down to three people right now.
I think it's good for us to be able to express to our friends and family that are with us,
and that's generally who's with us on Morning Manor.
They understand that these are the realities of the application of Scripture in our lives.
That's right.
So, you know, when we are studying the parable of the talents,
it's easy to fall in this trap of the spiritualization of parables or Scripture just in general,
that it only has some sort of metaphysical, esoteric application. No, this is
where the rubber meets the road. This is where you take the scripture and apply it in the real world,
whether you're a CEO, a husband, or mother, whatever it might be, there are applications of
these scriptures in our life. There is an accounting in our life as believers.
I think that's the biggest, if we can teach people that idea,
because there is no teaching of that in the modern-day church.
There is no accountability for the believer in the modern-day church,
not in this life or the next.
In this life, you're blessed in the next
life oh uh i i got got my ticket already and so i don't have to worry about that no it's the
parables if they teach nothing else they teach the readiness not of the heathen, not of the pagan, but of the believer.
The readiness of the believer.
And that there are those that will fall short of the mark.
It should be sobering to people.
So, Doc, when God called me to this ministry, it was in 1998.
I resigned from TBN in 1998, September of 1998.
I traveled throughout America until the spring of 1999,
and that's when we started the radio show in Texas.
Weeks before the radio show started, the Lord graciously gave my family,
and it was a gift he gave my family a
two-week vacation in Europe I'm not going to go to the details all it was a gift from the Lord and
so the four of us went to Europe compliments of the Lord bottom line is my son and daughter won a contest. We won a trip for family to Europe.
So we went to Great Britain and France and Switzerland and Germany and just had a blessed
time. I arrived back on a, I believe, a Friday or a Saturday, and this, my first radio show started on Monday.
It was called America's Hope at that time.
And I remember to this day, Doc, when I got back from that vacation, I said, Lord, I'm not afraid of work.
Work me hard.
Guess what he did?
He worked you hard.
He hasn't let up either.
He hasn't let up in 26 years.
He's not.
I mean, yes, over 25 years.
See, you know what the Lord's reward is in this life for hard work in his kingdom?
More work.
He'll promote you and give you more work, more responsibility.
You know why?
He said, told his disciples, he said, look, the harvest fields are white.
They're white unto harvest, meaning there are souls ready to be reaped.
Look at them out there.
Look at all of the lost souls.
They're ready to be brought into the kingdom.
But the laborers are few.
Pray to the Lord of the harvest that he will send workers into the field.
Almighty God is the greatest employer in the universe.
I wouldn't trade this job for anything on earth.
If I was offered CEO of Amazon, I wouldn't take it.
I wouldn't take any job. I work for my father. And he is the greatest executive, the greatest employer in the universe. And he's got to help want it sign up 24 seven.
Yes. Looking for men and women to work for him for his business enterprise and
his business is souls yes he's looking if you're out of work right now you
don't have a job sign up for the kingdom he'll put you to work today a lot of you're afraid to do it he will put you to work
my son Jeremy when he was uh in his 20s early 20s just out of college I was praying for him one night in a spare bedroom.
And the Lord spoke to me and told me that he had other plans for my son and daughter that they wouldn't be working in our ministry.
And at first, I didn't want to accept it.
It hurt.
I'm like, no, Lord, I want them to work in our ministry.
But the Lord said, no, I have other plans for them. You have to release them.
Okay. And I heard the Holy Spirit say, I'm going to send Jeremy to many nations.
He's going to travel soon. I walked out of that bedroom. Jeremy was sitting on the sofa watching a travel documentary.
Imagine that. It was kind of an archaeological documentary. I said, hey, Jeremy,
you need to go pack your suitcase. He looked at me and goes, you throwing me out of the house,
Dad? I said, no. He goes, well, why would why would I pack my suitcase I said I just heard the Lord say you're about
to travel he said really I said yeah I heard it he's sending you around the
world go pack your suitcase do it by faith what I didn't know, Doc, is I don't know if it was that night or the following night.
Jeremy got out of bed at around two in the morning, walked outside, walked into our pasture
field. This is back when we were in Texas, outside of Granbury, Texas. Walked out into our pasture field looked up at the stars and said to the
Lord two words send me turned around and went back and got in bed within days he
was invited to go on an archaeological expedition to Mount Ararat Wow within days I've lost
count of how many countries he's visited two words send me the greatest
experience you'll ever have is working for your Heavenly Father.
Oh, it comes with trouble.
It comes with lots of trouble.
It comes with a lot of criticism, slander, attacks.
It comes with all kinds of stuff.
But, man, does it come with a lot of excitement.
And it's got a great retirement plan excitement it's got a great retirement plan got a great
retirement plan i don't even know what it is i just know it's awesome i just know it's awesome
and i just keep busy and you know teaching this parable is making me this week reevaluate everything that I'm doing am I really
doubling my talents right now what's in my way if if I died today would I be
satisfied with what I've accomplished would I say yes I finished the work the Lord gave me and I'd have to say no I mean Lord please
extend my life keep me healthy and energetic for many many years I've got
more things to do for you you need and I hate doc up I'll just say Lord you know
you don't have enough workers you don't want to retire me yet I may be aging don't retire me you don't have
enough workers you got to keep me going and he gives me energy gives me good health I keep going
and I want to keep increasing the talents I'm never satisfied never ever satisfied with what I've done for him because there's more there are
more fields more souls the wickedness is getting worse in the world somebody my biggest problem is that I'm his ADD boy
and I need
Holy Ghost Ritalin
Doc knows what that means
Jody knows what it means
Eric knows what it means
I'm going to call our staff members
popping up now
they all know what
I'm God's ADD boy
and I require Holy Spirit riddling
what does that mean
I'm easily distracted
hey look at this over here
let's do this
here's something we could do
for the Lord
I just see opportunity everywhere Let's do this. Here's something we could do for the Lord.
I just see opportunity everywhere.
I'm overwhelmed by opportunity.
Look at this.
There's opportunity everywhere.
Opportunity to work for the Lord.
Opportunity to do something for his kingdom.
I'm that way when I travel, especially when I go into, you know,
what they call third world nations or undeveloped nations. I look around and go, oh my, so much opportunity. They don't have things. Look at all the things that they need, the items and the
services. This is awesome opportunity. I wish I could clone myself and stay here and
develop this stuff I just don't know why people are unemployed I'm with you on
that so I just don't understand so the the slothful, the servant who didn't double his talent, he wasn't dishonest, he didn't plan to misuse the money, he didn't plan to steal, he didn't waste it at the racetrack.
He just was afraid, afraid that he would not make the right decision that's what he
was afraid of he was afraid of failure what if I what if I engage in business
and I fail you probably will a couple times but you get back up and you do it again you learn from the mistake and you go at it again
but his fear was he was going to fail
so the fear was so great that he hid the talent and said i'd rather not use it than take the
chance i fail right there are people watching and listening to me right now you don't
do things not because you're lazy not because you're dishonest but because you are you are
afraid you will fail well now you have to now you're here what's? Now you're preaching, Rick. Yes.
So just admit it.
Admit to your father,
Father, I'm afraid. I have a fear.
Help me to overcome
this fear.
God already knows you have a fear.
Yes. He just wants you
to recognize it and admit it to him and then ask him for grace to overcome the fear.
We all deal with it.
There's always things.
God gives me things to do and I'm like, I don't have any idea how to do that.
I don't know what to do.
But because I know he wants me to do it, I know he'll give me the grace to do it.
Praise God.
So, first, what do we got, Doc? How many minutes here?
Not seven.
Okay, verse 19.
After a long time, the Lord of those servants cometh and reckoneth with them.
The phrase, after a long time, that represents the period after the ascension of Christ and before the second coming.
After a long time, the Lord is gone.
He's not on the earth. The Holy Holy Spirit is here but Jesus Christ isn't it now in this parable the meaning
is the final day the second coming when the Lord returns that's what this
parable is teaching the kingdom of God is as a man.
Remember the beginning of this parable?
The kingdom of God, the kingdom of heaven is as a man.
Who did what?
He went away and he entrusted to his servants talents.
That's what this is all about. So for us, it's teaching us to be continuously faithful until that day.
That day is the second coming.
The return of the Messiah.
The concept of a long time speaks of the uncertainty of Jesus''s return the date we don't know we we're certain
he will return but we don't know when and this idea of a delay occurs in several parables so
it's not just a singular event here in the parable of the ten talents jesus emphasized
the return of the king is going to be delayed a very long time
it's a recurring theme in the parables but the parable of the ten virgins the
bridegroom was delayed where was he why wasn't he there quote on time according
to the five foolish versions
he didn't show up on time because they didn't prepare they didn't prepare for
the bridegroom to delay his return so this parable is teaching us your master
may be gone for a long time but but during that time, you are required to be productive for him.
And when he comes back, he's going to inspect your work and the fruitfulness of your work.
It's not just your work, it's the fruitfulness the delay allows for a period of testing and preparation
we have a lifetime to be tested a lifetime to prepare a lifetime to increase our abilities i'm still learning today in october 2024 i'm still learning
i'm always learning i'm always seeking to improve
in my mindset i'm like i got so many handicaps in my life
i i'm always in my mind i'm i'm working to so many handicaps in my life. I'm always in my mind, I'm working to overcome my handicaps.
And I'm not going to let my handicaps stop me from fulfilling my duty to the Lord.
You know, I could point to my upbringing.
I grew up in Appalachia, in the western Maryland Appalachia Mountains.
We weren't exactly hillbillies, but we were close to it.
You knew where the hills were.
And the billies.
Grew up in a very country rural lifestyle very uh isolated
the closest town had a population of 500 people
um the next city uh had 36 000 people to go to that city was a big deal.
Something that maybe I went there once a month as a child.
Maybe once a month.
That's how isolated my lifestyle was.
Just living in a farm area.
I knew how to talk to cows more than I knew how to talk to people.
Didn't, you know, didn't go to college. I attended college, but didn't graduate.
I got married, never went back to college. Okay. You know know had a lot of things not going for me
got off to a rough start I had a rough start in the beginning of my life a lot of other things
that you know that impacted my parents got divorced as a child and it's a lot of things
that happened to me but you know what the Lord spoke to me one time
not too long ago a few years ago and he's and and I heard the Holy Spirit say Rick a lot of people
have a bad a lot of people have a good start in life and in and but they end poorly. You had a poor start in life.
You need to end good.
See, a lot of people have that silver spoon in their mouth.
They come from families that have a pedigree.
They go to the right colleges.
They got everything for them.
They get hard into
the best companies right out of college and life is good at the beginning and
yet they end up in a disaster at the end of their lives and they lose their soul
but so it's not how you start it's how you end yes if you have a rough start in your life you can overcome it God has given
you talents and skills to overcome it make sure you end good because a lot of
people that started good end up losing they lose their soul they lose everything they end up you know i study a lot of uh you know
what we you know would be celebrities whether they're uh entertainers or athletes or stuff
what you know business people i study them people that have passed away i study their lives and i
look at how they get started and so many of them had a horrible ending
so many of them people that we put up on a pedestal and and and you know idolize what
do we call them we call them idols Hollywood idols TV idol I don't want an idol okay but
that's what the world says hey these are TV idols these are movie idols but when you study their lives they ended up in a horrible position right
sad tragic endings some of the endings are so bad i wish i never read it it's like you just
changed everything i ever thought about that person. They started out good and ended poorly.
You can start out poorly and end up good.
So don't let how you started change how you end.
You may have more handicaps than somebody else.
You know, I heard
Sammy Davis Jr.
he said
he was invited to a golf game
they asked him about his handicap
and he looked at the guy
and he said you're asking me about my handicap
he said I'm a black
one eyed Puerto Rican Jew is that enough handicaps and he said it with a laugh
okay would think of his life think of his life but do you under do you know that at the end of his life he was practicing Satanism?
I had never heard that.
Oh, Doc.
You see, this is the stuff that we discover.
It's so sad.
Oh, my goodness.
It's so sad.
Frank Sinatra. Frank Sinatra had a stroke because he was so emotionally upset at being left alone in his house he had a fear of being alone in his house at night he was afraid of the dark Frank Sinatra was
afraid of the dark the man went through his entire life afraid of being alone at
night and one night he was left alone and he got so emotionally upset he had a stroke and died.
How was the ending?
It wasn't a good ending, was it?
He did it his way.
And his way ended up not being a good way.
Okay, we'll pick this up tomorrow. not being a good way. Wow.
Okay, we'll pick this up tomorrow.
All right, everyone.
Be sure to join us tomorrow for the next edition of Morning Man,
and we're going to continue our study of the Ten Talents here in Matthew 25.
And if you have friends here in Faith and Values, invite them to join us for the live edition.
No matter when you listen, no matter if you're listening with us live during our Bible study
or you're listening on one of our various platforms,
we love the fact that you've tuned in and that you're seeking the Word of God.
You are right at the beginning of being a good and faithful servant
by seeking the Lord and seeking His Word.
Did you learn anything today? Yeah, that's seeking his word. Did you learn anything today?
Yeah, that's a great question.
Did you learn anything today?
Has it impacted you?
Did you learn anything today that will help your life?
Praise God.
Look at those answers there.
That's what I'd like to see.
Well, let's learn again tomorrow.
All right, everyone, we love you.
God bless you, and we'll see you on the very next one.
I guarantee you, Doc, there'll be offices all over America today
that won't have an empty box anywhere.
That's true, including ours.
Praise God.
All right, until the next time, folks, we love you very much. God bless you. Join
us on the next edition of Morning Manor.
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and on frequency 4.840 from 10 p.m. to 2 p.m. Eastern.
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