TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Arizona Election Audit Could Expose Massive Political Corruption in USA

Episode Date: May 3, 2021

Today on TRUNEWS, host Edward Szall examines the activities surrounding the election audit taking place in Arizona. Will the results change the outcome of the 2020 election? President Trump has weigh...ed in on the 2020 Election, labeling it ‘The Big Lie’, as a former official in his administration says there is a freight train of state audits on the way. Mike Lindell says that President Trump will be back in office by August. Edward Szall, Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate (05/03/21)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit This is True News for Monday, May 3rd, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll. We are 100 days into President Biden's administration and he appears to have broken a campaign promise. No foreign business relationships for family members. Remember that one, President Biden? Business records reveal that Hunter Biden,
Starting point is 00:00:55 the president's crack-smoking, amateur porn star son, still owns a 10% stake in a Chinese private equity firm, co-owned by the Bank of China and controlled by the Communist Party. And yes, Hunter knows this is wrong because he stepped down from the firm's board in October 2019 because he knew it looked like the Chinese would have a hook into his father through the scheme. When asked about Hunter's investment in Bohai Harvest, Press Secretary Jen Psaki said he's a private citizen and And of course, he's working to unwind his investment. He better be careful.
Starting point is 00:01:29 The world knows what he gets up to when he's unwinding. In other news, the credibility of the New York Times, Washington Post and NBC News is also unwinding after they admitted this weekend that they lied about Rudy Giuliani and his alleged scheme with Russian disinformation. Joining me to discuss this story and more, our True News founder, Rick Walls and Dr. Burkhart. Hey, Edward. Hey, Edward. Good to be back here on Monday. So, Hunter hasn't resigned.
Starting point is 00:01:59 No, at Easton's at Equestake in a company, a corporation directly tied to the Communist Party of China. Well, you know, you're not suggesting he talks to his father about his Chinese business investments, do you? Well, he's a private citizen, Rick. He can do what he wants to, right? He wants to. He's an adult. That's right. Over 18. Yes. Where's the news media? Where are the scandal hunters? Well, Rick, they're too busy reporting about how the Biden administration is preparing for a cat to be brought in to join their rabid dog major.
Starting point is 00:02:35 How about Adam Schiff? How about Adam Schiff? Isn't Adam Schiff holding intelligence committee hearings on Hunter Biden's involvement with the Communist Control Corporation? Of course not, because Democrats can do whatever Democrats like to do. They get to do that. Probably busy taking a playwriting course. Well, I'm plagiarism. One more.
Starting point is 00:02:58 One more stab at sarcasm. Certainly, Congressman Eric Swalwell has demanded that Hunter Biden sell off his interest in a Chinese Communist Party-controlled corporation. You know, Rick, on that one, he might want to get his fang fangs into that scandal. Oh, my. I set you up for that. On a serious note, any scandal like this, let's just say this relationship, this scheme, would have set the entire country alight. Every news media outlet in the country would have been on this had it been President Trump or really actually any president before Biden, maybe not President Obama. But how is this not undue foreign influence? They're sitting here making an argument, Rick, that the Russians, the Chinese, every country in the world is trying to unduly influence our
Starting point is 00:03:50 politics. We've got the president's son unduly enriching himself with China. So, you know, I'm going to date myself and tell everybody, you know, how old I am. Like Like it's not a secret. But just to give you an idea, for our younger viewers, to give you an idea how far America has descended into the cesspool of corruption.
Starting point is 00:04:16 So I can remember when I was your age, Jimmy Carter was in the White House and the big scandal was his brother Billy started Billy Beer. Right. That was a scandal. Yes.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Were the cans made in China? No, they were made in Georgia. And the other scandal with Jimmy Carter was he gave an interview to Playboy. Remember that? Yes. That was like, oh, my goodness. But his brother trading on the Carter name and having Billy beer. It didn't even say Billy Carter beer. It just said Billy beer. Right.
Starting point is 00:04:50 That was a huge scandal that that engulfed the White House in a lot of controversy. Joe Biden's son smokes crack, makes porn movies, and is in business with the China Communist Party. To this day. To this very day. And this is not even an issue. No. Well, we were told this was just a disinformation campaign. To allege the president's son was involved in any untoward business activity, whether it be China or Ukraine, that was Russian disinformation. Remember? It was so dangerous and so deceptive, you couldn't read it.
Starting point is 00:05:33 You couldn't read or watch it on the social media platforms. It hasn't been that long ago we were being told by the news media that the FBI warned Rudy Giuliani, you are meeting with a Russian spy who is feeding you disinformation about Hunter Biden's laptop. Yes. And the funny thing about that one, Rick, is that they now are saying their source was terrible, not as bad, terrible, so much so they've had to retract the story. Their new claim, and I'm talking about the New York Times, the Washington Post, NBC News, is that no such meeting between Rudy Giuliani and the FBI ever took place. There was no defensive briefing.
Starting point is 00:06:20 There was no telling Rudy, you're about to go meet with a KGB agent. But I read it in the Washington Post and the New York Times and NBC. They said the FBI met with Rudy Giuliani and warned him. And here are some examples of the headlines. That the FBI was aware, Washington Post saying that, NBC saying that, that the FBI had met with Rudy Giuliani, except the meeting never took place. Who am I supposed to believe, you or these lying headlines? Well, certainly not our lying eyes. Well, Rick, you know what their new position is?
Starting point is 00:06:48 What they got wrong is that the briefing was prepared. The FBI agent never got the chance to give it. That's the news story. Wait a minute. How did they know what the FBI was going to brief them on? That makes you wonder if the FBI is their source. So they knew what the FBI was going to brief them on. That makes you wonder if the FBI is their source. So they knew what the FBI was going to say, but Rudy Giuliani didn't know what the FBI was going to say.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Yes, but their position specifically is that the FBI had prepared a presentation. They'd done everything but go actually meet Rudy Giuliani, and that's where they got it wrong. But Ricciuto's made a very good point. How would they have had access to that? Well, maybe the FBI shared with The New York Times their PowerPoint presentation. Like how Andrew McCabe, the former deputy director of the FBI, leaked to the media. So I get the feeling that for the past five years, all of these unnamed, I can't say all, but a lot of these unnamed sources, you know, that with damaging information about President Trump or other Republicans,
Starting point is 00:07:51 that those unnamed sources were actually FBI agents who lied and fed the media information, disinformation, just like the old KGB. Right. I'm telling you, the KGB would be proud of the FBI. Make up a story, feed it to the news media. The news media runs with it. Why? It came from the FBI. Right. The agent says, hey, you can't let anybody know that I leaked this to you.
Starting point is 00:08:20 You know, I'm a federal agent. I'm telling you what, Rudy Giuliani, we went to Rudy and we told him, you're meeting with a Russian agent. That story about the laptop, Hunter Biden's laptop, that came from a Russian spy. Don't you, Rudy, you need to back off. But it never happened. But it never happened. And in those same stories, gentlemen, if you recall too last week, they were reporting that the FBI had visited One American News as well. That they had made a, you know, a similar. Did they?
Starting point is 00:08:51 No, that didn't happen either. It did not happen. It's literally a fabrication, literally a lie. But how do you undo the damage of making that, you know, putting that information out there? One American News had said that didn't happen. Right. And Rudy Giuliani had said it didn't happen. But that didn't get into the headline. It didn't get into the headline, did it?
Starting point is 00:09:11 Because they actually told them that we have no recollection of this. I'm telling you, it's an outright lie. That was actually Rudy Giuliani. But the FBI did raid Rudy Giuliani's apartment last week. Yes. And they refused to take Hunter Biden's laptop. To find out what else he knows about Hunter Biden. This is starting to sound a lot like a counterintelligence operation. You better believe it. Because isn't that what the operation against President Trump was? Peter Strunk was a counterintelligence operative for the FBI. He wasn't an intelligence, wasn't a
Starting point is 00:09:38 defensive agent. No, he was a counterintelligence agent. This is starting to sound like counterintelligence propaganda. It is time to abolish the FBI. It is so thoroughly corrupt that I don't see how it could ever be cleaned up. Well, what about the news outlets, these major news outlets that reported that information, which was blatantly false, Rick? I mean, there's no question about this was an outright lie. They can't say, well, yeah, we got it from a source. All right, tell us the source.
Starting point is 00:10:09 Who gave you this false information? Let's name them. Let's put it out there. If you really believe in a correction, name the source now. They can't do it, Doc, because the whole propaganda operation would be exposed. They can't do it. Do you remember Lanny Davis? Oh, sure.
Starting point is 00:10:26 Lanny Davis. It turns out he was the source. Lying Lanny. Lanny Davis lies, and he sure did, in the case of being the source and the quoted person in the stories. The stories were literally doing this. I'm talking about the major outlets,
Starting point is 00:10:39 Washington Post, New York Times, MSNBC, were all doing this years ago. And I'm sure they've done it in the past too, but... Explain it again so our audience understands what Lanny was doing. So Lanny Davis was hired to represent Michael Cohen, President Trump's lawyer. And while he was providing information on background to the media, which they would then report as an anonymous source, it just so happened that his background, his reporting,
Starting point is 00:11:05 was used to confirm the very things Lanny was alleging. Lanny Davis was alleging these things were being said by the Trump administration, that certain actions were being taken, and he couldn't say how he knew this. And then they would quote an anonymous source backing up Lanny Davis, which turns out it was him. Turns out it was him. So he made up an accusation, then provided the media with fake documentation, and then they quoted him as the unnamed source who verified Lanny Davis's fake information. Right. And they call it the news media?
Starting point is 00:11:41 It's Pravda. Oh, my. American Pravda. Well, the good news is few people read the newspapers anymore, and few people watch television news anymore. And it's what really smokes them, that so many people are watching True News and other alternative sources out there, and all their effort to shut us down and stifle us and hinder us and slander us, whether they're slandering Gab or Gateway Pundit or Zero Hedge. I mean, it doesn't matter who
Starting point is 00:12:17 they're slandering. They're just lying about anybody who sincerely is trying to report the truth has no other agenda other than get the truth to the American people. And if that's your agenda, you will be attacked and you will be slandered by the so-called, I don't even use the term mainstream. No conservative, no patriot should use the term mainstream media. What would you prefer?. What would you prefer? What label would you prefer? Propagandists.
Starting point is 00:12:49 Mainstream media implies that they represent the mainstream of American thought. You're giving them credibility. They came up with that term. They named themselves the mainstream media. They're not mainstream. They're liars. They're deceivers. Propagandists. They're propagandists. We're far beyond giving them the benefit of the doubt. I mean, it used to be decades ago, the liberal media. Okay. They have a liberal bias. Okay. Okay. For years. Okay. a lot of us said, okay, we know that the
Starting point is 00:13:29 media is liberal. We know that they have a bias. They're at least reporting some facts. Yeah, they're reporting some facts and they're slanting it somewhat to the left. That's okay. Most people could process through it, but we're so far beyond that now. The media is waging a deliberate campaign of lying and deception. It's not that they get their facts wrong. It's not that they were given information from a source that turned out not to be accurate. No, they're deliberately lying and deceiving. They're deliberately smearing people. They're manipulating people.
Starting point is 00:14:13 They're manipulating media. Yes. And then the few outlets that do stand up to the party line, if you will, they get attacked. Even when they're speaking truth, they get attacked. Even when they're speaking truth, they get attacked. And we do, we stand up for our, when we say something, we say it and we back it up. But there are others who say it and then say, well, maybe I should back away from that story. Newsmax is an example. They try to shame.
Starting point is 00:14:44 They try to shame the average person into thinking, no, no, you really shouldn't believe what you're thinking, what you're talking to your friends about, what the majority of the population is saying. No, you're stupid for thinking this. All right, before we go to the story, I just want to tell our audience, I was contacted today by Newsweek. It used to be a magazine. Oh, they did reach out.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Yeah, they did. Yeah. Remember Newsweek? It used to be a magazine. Mm-hmm. It used to be a magazine. Oh, they did reach out. Yeah, they did. Yeah. Remember Newsweek? It used to be a magazine. It used to be a pocket. Magazines, those things that you buy at the store and open up and read. You had ink on your hands. Remember that?
Starting point is 00:15:14 Real obsolete. But they were big years ago. So Newsweek contacted me today. This is the second time in a week that I've been contacted by Newsweek. So they're responding to a piece put out today by our friends over at Right Wing Watch. Okay. And they do such a great job for us. I can't tell you how much I appreciate Right Wing Watch.
Starting point is 00:15:39 Honestly, if you think it upsets me, I am so happy. You do so much work for me. I don't have to pay you to do it. I love it happy. You do so much work for me. I don't have to pay you to do it. I love it. What's the burr under the saddle now? It's in response to Friday's true news. And we talked about genocide and that the COVID vaccine, the vaccination program, is global genocide. I now have come to that conclusion.
Starting point is 00:16:04 I believe this is an organized campaign global genocide. I now have come to that conclusion. I believe this is an organized campaign of genocide, population reduction. And so Right Wing Watch put out a story on it, obviously, but then Newsweek picked it up and they wanted a comment, a comment about the right-wing watch story. Well, my question to the Newsweek reporter is, did you watch Friday's program? Or did you only read right-wing watch? Yeah, did you go to the source? No. They only look at the propaganda smear piece. Did you watch True News Friday?
Starting point is 00:16:43 And if you're unwilling to watch the episode, then why should I spend time giving you an interview? Right. Okay. So what did we say on Friday? According to Right Wing Watch, I based my conclusion on a report from a conspiracy theory website in India. No, we based our conclusion on a document submitted to the British government by a think tank that told the British government that in the next wave of coronavirus, up to 70% of the vaccinated people,
Starting point is 00:17:29 the vaccinated people will either be hospitalized or die. Right. That's not something from a conspiracy news website. That is from a UK government think tank. Now, right wing watch either is too illiterate to follow the level of our reporting, or they deliberately deceived. I'd say it's a conspiracy to lie. And then Newsweek is too lazy to watch the episode. So this show is for thinking people.
Starting point is 00:18:07 Right. The people who watch the true news think, and they've not turned their brains over to the media. And that's the real vaccine, isn't it? Yes. True information, true knowledge, true news. But it really bothers them that there are thinking people still walking around, breathing, talking and sharing their thoughts that they have not submitted to the communist revolution. And so I'm just I'm just, you know, we're talking about how Rudy Giuliani was smeared.
Starting point is 00:18:38 You know, this happens to us all the time. It's not an occasional thing. It's not by accident. It is a deliberate made a out-of-court settlement with Dr. Eric Coomer. Yes, he is the director of product strategy and security at Dominion Voting Systems, and he was suing Newsmax up until this week. Newsmax posted on their website on Friday, about the time we were doing the program, they put it up on a Friday afternoon, hoping not many would read it until the end of the weekend. What they said here is that their coverage of alleged election interference, hacking through the specific vote systems from Dominion, that that was wrong. They found no evidence of this claim. They've also claimed that what they were saying
Starting point is 00:19:45 about Dr. Eric Coomer having a tie to Antifa, that that also has come out to be without evidence. But didn't he tweet something in support of Antifa? Yes. And if you go back to how we reported on it, the way we do all these stories, we just show you the source material. We don't come to any unfounded conclusions. We simply present to you the evidence, the facts, and we let you decide. That's what the media is supposed to do. Well, in this case, they have settled. Now, Newsmax was not alone in this lawsuit, Rick. The lawsuit was also going after Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, and a couple others. But didn't... We had a video of Dr. Coomer explaining how to change votes with the software.
Starting point is 00:20:30 Yes. He did. It was his words, right? Yes, his words. This wasn't a fake, deep fake video. It was actually him. It was him. Absolutely him.
Starting point is 00:20:39 But his... I don't want to speak for him because the man's litigious. How about we let him speak for himself? This is the man that just got Newsmax to fold. We handle everything currently digitally. This is our digital adjudication system. If you have multiple ICCs, Imagecast Central's running,
Starting point is 00:20:59 they all write the data to a network drop location, and you can have multiple adjudication stations for multiple teams to handle the outstack ballots. This is a typical voter intent issue where they didn't fill out the ovals completely they just made little tick marks. It's what's called an ambiguous mark and what we're saying is we're not sure what the voter intent is but we're gonna allow the adjudicators to make that call based on any kind of state statutes. So right on the screen, I can go ahead and say, you know what?
Starting point is 00:21:30 The voter meant to mark this. They wanted those votes to count for those candidates. I can do the back page. I'm not going to fill all of them in here. And then I hit complete. It's going to go on to the next ballot. And this is another classic one where the voters circle the names instead of filling in the ovals any ballot that needs to be looked at will show up automatically on the screen um some key
Starting point is 00:21:53 things here this is a this is a great tool for doing things like audits and recounts okay so things like five percent recounts these days we have an entire additional system that works very similar to the adjudication product, but it's for reviewing ballots. So you can select whether you want to filter by precinct, a random selection of precincts, or just a random sampling of ballots across the whole election to actually audit. We're doing that to actually audit. We're doing that to support things, the buzzword in the industry these days are risk-limiting
Starting point is 00:22:29 audits. It's a statistical way of auditing election results, and we can support that through this system as well. Okay, if I understand, because I participated in a lot of local elections over many years ago. What he was referring to is what's called challenged ballots. Yes. So he said if a voter did not complete the ballot, didn't fill in properly who he or she was voting for, the Dominion software permitted a human operator to decide the intent of the voter and go ahead and make that vote.
Starting point is 00:23:15 All right. I'm a first generation American. I just want to kind of understand our system a little bit here. In America, isn't the voter supposed to choose their intent with who they're voting for? Right. But but people, you know, I mean, I do understand what he's saying. Sometimes people just make a mark and it's not completed. The machine couldn't read it. OK. OK. My view should be if the voter didn't, if you can't, with your eyes, if you can't see that that person filled out that ballot and said, I'm voting for candidate A, then that vote has to be cast out. Yes, absolutely. What he's saying is we've designed the software to allow a human operator working for a city or county government to decide who that voter wanted to vote for and change through the software the result of that tabulation, add a vote. Right. Or maybe take it from someone and give it to someone.
Starting point is 00:24:26 That's what he was saying. So by his own admission, they can change votes. Now he was talking about challenged votes. Ballots that were not properly filled out and completed.
Starting point is 00:24:42 But it does indicate that a human doesn't mean dominion. Right. See, nobody said dominion was changing votes. We just said it was possible. It needed to be looked into. It was possible. So I think the issue has always been
Starting point is 00:25:00 were there outsiders using, gaining access to the dominion software and changing the votes? Nobody said Dominion changed the votes. If they did, and they didn't have the evidence, then they're in trouble. The question is, were there Biden campaign operatives at the city and county level who knew how the system could be manipulated, altered. That's the question. And so it's possible Dominion has no knowledge whatsoever, did not participate in any kind of thing like that. But can you say that nobody in the Biden campaign, in the Democratic Party, did not alter votes? Can Dominion give us a sworn statement
Starting point is 00:25:56 that they can warrant, guarantee to a judge, a court of law, that absolutely nobody could crack their system and alter votes? Can they give us that ironclad guarantee? Under oath, can they swear under oath in court that their system is foolproof, that nobody could alter votes. In appearances in front of Congress, their representatives have presented the company as being that, that the system is impenetrable, that there is no way to hack it from the outside. Rick, the thing that they've never addressed is inside actors, people that are working the election system, as described in this video here. It would be an official who's operating at the county level that does indeed, according to what we just watched, have the ability to adjudicate a vote to somebody. Yes, but we know that voting
Starting point is 00:26:58 machines were connected to the internet. Yes, that's right. And we know that they had thumb drives. Yes. So you're telling me the voting machine connected to the internet, that there's not one hacker in the world that could get into that voting machine? Can Dominion give us a statement that says, absolutely, no Russian spy, no Chinese spy, no hacker anywhere in the universe can crack our system. I mean, we're told that the Russians or the Chinese crack, hack the entire government. Yes. A couple of months ago. If you read their accusations, the Chinese and Russians are always very careful to say that what they're actually hacking is the minds of Americans. That it's disinformation. It's never physically the machines. Because then if they did that, Rick, they'd have a real issue here because then they'd be admitting the systems could be hacked.
Starting point is 00:27:54 But the SolarWinds hack was an actual hack. It wasn't the government's mind. And remember, SolarWinds, the connection to Dominion. Yes. Remember, we found, we showed the website that promptly was corrected that said that the Dominion login, the login for an admin user, that the bottom, that the system itself was powered by SolarWinds. By SolarWinds. Yes.
Starting point is 00:28:14 Which was hacked. So did the Russians or the Chinese hack SolarWinds? Okay, that's a legitimate question now, right? Because that's... The media says they did, and the government says that they did. In fact, we're ready to go to war over it, right? So, and Dominion was powered by SolarWinds? The admin page that we showed on screen back during our coverage in the election
Starting point is 00:28:40 showed a login page for Dominion, and then you went down into the bottom of the page, and it said, powered by SolarWinds. We look at the background, it meant that the actual system was done through a cloud service with SolarWinds. Okay, so can Dominion voting systems verify to a court of law that whoever hacked SolarWinds could not hack Dominion's system. Well, I wouldn't dare ask them that. Have they yet? They can, can't they?
Starting point is 00:29:14 It would tell me that the cybersecurity of Dominion is greater than the Pentagon, greater than Los Alamos, Greater than the DHS. They got into it too. Homeland Security. I mean, Dominion then should be protecting our government. That's right. They should be in charge. You're absolutely right.
Starting point is 00:29:33 You're absolutely right. I'm just thinking it through, but that's what I do here. Logically, that would be the right choice. We should switch everything to Dominion. Yeah, they'd give them a contract. Because they've got super security, right? They're foolproof. Nobody can hack their system.
Starting point is 00:29:48 But I have to think maybe somebody did. If the solar wind hacking did take place, then I have to assume that perhaps hackers, foreign actors got into Dominion. Nobody's accusing Dominion corporately of altering votes. I think that was the mistake that they did because they named Eric Coomer as one of those players. Okay, let's just simplify it. Did bad people in another country hack Dominion? Bad people. Yes. Not Dominion. Not the Dominion? Bad people. Yes.
Starting point is 00:30:26 Not Dominion. Not the Dominion people. Did bad people in a foreign country hack Dominion? Good people want to know. And Dominion didn't know about it. But no one's asking that question. Nobody's asking that question because the whole American election system
Starting point is 00:30:42 could be opened up as unsafe and corrupt. We may find out that the last 10 to 20 years of elections has been fraudulent. That somebody in another country has been manipulating voting machines in the United States. Man, if that was happening, that would explain why both parties thought that Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush would be wonderful candidates for presidency. Topper ones at that. Well, anyway, I ask questions like that. It's interesting that the controversy about the 2020 election is not over.
Starting point is 00:31:23 And the legal challenges are still underway and One state is actually auditing the November 2020 election and that is Well, not the entire state but the county Maricopa County Phoenix, Arizona Is conducting an election audit. Is this a real? Genuine audit. I mean a real, genuine audit? I mean, that's going on? Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:48 The state legislature mandated and funded the audit. 2.1 million ballots. This is no small thing here. And on top of the ballots, this group, there's been a group that's hired, mind you, $150,000, hired by the Arizona Senate Republicans, called Cyber Ninjas. Their mandate is to look through- Cyber Ninjas? Cyber Ninjas.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Okay. And they've been hired to look through these ballots, and they've also been given access to voting machines. The very systems used on November 3rd. Are these Dominion voting machines? Dominion voting machines, from my understanding. So the auditors have access to the Dominion voting machines? Dominion voting machines, from my understanding. So the auditors have access to the Dominion voting machines in Maricopa County? Yes, and they've since handed back the machines, but they have made forensic copies of these machines. Because if any vote switching took place, you might now be able to name an individual whose vote for President Trump will switch to President Biden or vice versa.
Starting point is 00:32:51 So they have 2.1 million ballots and those ballots have been kept in a vault area and sealed since since November. And they've now been transported to the Maricopa County Fairgrounds. Right. And the audit is taking place at the fairgrounds. And inside the Coliseum there. Yeah, inside the Coliseum. The so-called mainstream news media doesn't think very much of this audit. And if you can find any reporting about it, it's very anti-audit. It is, the Arizona Republicans, you know, lost their mind,
Starting point is 00:33:36 lost their mind, still believing in conspiracy theories. And, and, you know, here we go. There's a channel 12 News in Phoenix. Arizona Republicans hire promoter of pro-Trump election conspiracies. Election conspiracies, Doc. I'll say conspiracies. You think they might be biased there, Rick, just a little bit? Well, anybody that believed that an election could be corrupt is a conspiracy theorist. Yes. Because
Starting point is 00:34:07 we all know that every election in America is perfect and untainted and above reproach. Right? Right. I love it
Starting point is 00:34:24 when he sets me up. According to Channel 12, if you believe that there's corruption in voting, then you're a conspiracy theorist. When there's been corruption in voting since the nation started, it's just that now it's bigger and better than ever because they've employed the technology of today to make it happen. Who is this conspiracy promoter that the Republicans in Arizona hired? So Cyber Ninjas is a Florida-based company.
Starting point is 00:34:54 Oh, that's right, you mentioned it. And it's headed by an individual that many of the media kind of characterizes as a QAnon supporter or a Stop the Steal supporter. The man who owns the company, he actually just simply wants transparency. Now, this individual has been paid $150,000, the company has been, and their job is simple. However amount of time you need, there's no deadline on this, other than the upcoming high school graduations, which are going to be held
Starting point is 00:35:20 inside the Coliseum there. They have as much time as necessary to check every single ballot, and not just checking to see if the vote got counted correctly, Rick. They're going to be held inside the Coliseum there, they have as much time as necessary to check every single ballot. And not just checking to see if the vote got counted correctly, Rick. They're going to be scanning the ballots using a UV light. They're going to be looking for watermarks. They're going to be looking for any kind of mark or indication that might have led to the machines miscounting or an individual pre-counting the votes. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:35:42 They're looking for watermarks? You mean like somebody spilled a cup of water on the ballot? UV light's being used, so I imagine it's more than just coffee. They look, part of how it's being, I'll say how it's being characterized for us, they're trying to say that this is based off of a QAnon theory that President Trump watermarked it. It's not what the organizers are saying, it's not what anyone who's doing auditing is saying. But they're going to look for it. But what they're doing is they've said they're doing this,
Starting point is 00:36:10 they're checking for watermarks, to be thorough. Because aside from the theories which are floated anonymously online, this is Cyber Ninjas' position, if they're going to do this properly, there apparently was an audit done after the election that didn't even bother to do half of what Cyber Ninjas is doing. Cyber Ninjas wants to make sure the votes themselves, the ballots, that they weren't manipulated. They weren't changed. They weren't altered, especially the ones maybe mailed in. 2.1 million votes. Or counterfeited. Or counterfeited.
Starting point is 00:36:40 How do we know ballots were not printed and completed in Beijing? Well, a watermark would tell you that. Yes, but. All right. So the watermark, the theory is that the Trump administration expected the Democrats to cheat and they had Homeland Security embed a an invisible watermark on ballots that were printed, you know, millions and millions of ballots printed and then sent out to various state governments. Right.
Starting point is 00:37:12 And nobody outside of Homeland Security knew that the watermarks were there. I don't know if that's true. I've heard it from different people, but I have no evidence. It's a smart thing to do. It should have been done. It should have been done. It should have been done 20 years ago.
Starting point is 00:37:30 I mean, there ought to be a seal on a ballot. This is an official ballot of the state of Arizona, the state of New York. It ought to be mandatory. There's a seal on that ballot. We put special marks on our currency. Why wouldn't we do it with a ballot? Well, what about our driver's license? There's a seal on that ballot. We put special marks on our currency. Why wouldn't we do it with a ballot? Well, what about our driver's license?
Starting point is 00:37:48 There's a watermark on there. Digital watermarks there. That's right. A police officer can look at your driver's license and know whether it's fake or real. So why haven't we done it with ballots? I'll tell you why we don't do it with ballots. Because the politicians will get caught cheating. Right.
Starting point is 00:38:05 That's why they want to catch you. They don't want to catch themselves. Did the Arizona ballots have watermarks on them? I have no idea. I don't know. I don't believe so. So what they're looking for is any mark either placed in this case by the president. They haven't said they're looking for specific because the president or or a theory about
Starting point is 00:38:23 watermarking taking place. But they're looking for any watermark by any parties that might have wanted to mark ballots. Because you think about this, if it did take place and the machines were programmed to check for it, I'm just spitballing here, then you would have manipulation of a vote. Well, Mr. Republican of Arizona was none other than John McCain, the son of Admiral McCain, the guy that helped cover up the USS Liberty. Hope you've watched this movie. Old John McCain's father was, he's right here mentioning this,
Starting point is 00:39:01 because he helped cover up what Israel did to the Liberty. Anyhow, John McCain. You mean shortwave broadcaster John McCain. Yes, Viet Cong broadcaster John McCain. And certainly John McCain, the most senior Republican in the state of Arizona since the death of Barry Goldwater, whom he replaced. Certainly, his widow would want the Republican Party to prevail in the state of Arizona. Sidney McCain.
Starting point is 00:39:35 Rick, you'd think that she would be mustering the same courage she mustered to tell authorities about Jeffrey Epstein raping one of her daughter's classmates. She didn't, mind you. She hasn't here either. She says the election's over and you better just drop it. This whole thing is ridiculous. That's what she said this weekend to Jake Tapper. Is the Arizona Republican Party undermining democracy? Oh, listen, the whole thing is ludicrous. Quite frankly, it's ludicrous. And this also comes from a state party in Arizona that refused to be audited themselves on votes that were cast within their own party communications. So, you know, it's the election
Starting point is 00:40:19 is over. Biden won. I know many of them don't like the outcome, but, you know, elections have consequences. And so I, you know, this does not surprise me. You know, things are just aloof and crazy out there right now with regards to the election. How can auditing an election to assure voters that everything was done above board, how can that be undermining democracy? Yeah, it's like when you do a financial audit. How is that being bad toward the stockholders of a company? That reassures everybody that the books are in order. The only people that would be opposed to any kind of audit,
Starting point is 00:41:00 whether it's a financial audit or an election audit, would be those who seek to lose something in that audit. So why don't we just make an independent audit mandatory in every election? Rick, I'll be honest with you. I thought it was a rain. I know it sounds ridiculous, but I'm telling you, look. You really are. Welcome to America, Edward.
Starting point is 00:41:20 You really are new here in America, all right? I mean, you see how ridiculous this is. First of all, they frame it. So, of course, you heard her take a shot at Kelly Ward, the head of the Arizona Republican Party, about the election to make her the head of the party not being audited. That is what Sidney McCain was referring to. But the whole point here is that they're trying to frame any attempt to check the votes after the fact as a manipulation of the election system. Again, should we quote the Washington Post here?
Starting point is 00:41:50 Doesn't democracy die in darkness? Shouldn't we be pursuing transparency and light? Well, not for Sidney McCain. We know her husband loved to do operations in darkness. I'm not even speaking about the Tokyo Rose operation. I'm talking about the meeting with the Free Syrian Army. Remember the ISIS guys in Syria and the Nazis in Ukraine? And I would also ask the question, what gives Cindy McCain the authority to speak on anything? Oh, she's about to join the Biden administration.
Starting point is 00:42:18 I mean, what? She what? Yes. Yes. The reports are, this is from Politico. Mind you, they don't name their source. We have to be careful with this. There's the FBI. It could be the FBI. It could be Major the Dog in the Biden administration. Apparently, Miss McCain is going to be nominated to be the ambassador of the U.N. World Food Program. Are you kidding me? Are you see? She says the audit is ludicrous. And I'm on my way. The ambassador herself said it.
Starting point is 00:42:50 Yes. Oh, my goodness. But she's impartial. Wow. That's how the game is played, isn't it? All right. So the Arizona election chief has criticized the policies used in the recount. This is a Washington Post article, which is not favorable to the recount.
Starting point is 00:43:13 So they're quoting here the Democratic. She's a Democrat, the secretary of state in Arizona, Katie Hobbs. Now, what has happened is she sent a letter to the Senate president in Arizona, really pushing to try to put in different restrictions. Now, the rules right now, this whole audit has been controlled by cyber ninjas and a specific state appointed audit, the former Secretary of State. Under the state legislature, which is Republican, and that's what's smoking the Arizona Democrats is they don't have control of this audit. Well, Rick, specifically, it's a non-Dominion approved auditor.
Starting point is 00:43:50 That was in the previous reports. They said that one of the primary issues that both the Democratic sector of state has and Dominion is that the Senate Republicans in Arizona are using a non-approved outlet to do it. They claim they don't have the experience. They don't have all the background. No, they just haven't been approved to be used by the very group that some are alleging committed fraud. I see we got a quote from that article from Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett. Yeah, so this is the head of actually the Republican end, the man who's actually been appointed to be the liaison for the Senate to watch the recount. Now, he has watched. This is important.
Starting point is 00:44:34 This is a confirmation about machines. He has watched nine machines used to count early ballots, and they were loaded into trucks to be sent to Maricopa County offices. Now, these machines have been confirmed to have been copied by Cyber Ninjas. So anything that were on these machines have now been placed into the possession of the auditing firm. Now, these machines, part of the computer servers, were returned. Machines and the servers were returned. These are machines money that are used to compile the vote counts.
Starting point is 00:45:06 This is according to Megan Gilbertson, the spokesperson for the county election department. Now, still in the Senate's hands are 385 smaller machines used at Election Day polling places to count ballots. Now, the county does not know what Cyber Ninjas or the companies it has hired did to the machines. What we have heard, at least from the director inside the building, is they've copied them. They also said they're supposed to be subject to a forensic computer examination. Now, the kicker here is that Dominion Voting Systems has leased these systems to the Maricopa County officials so they can take them back. The machines that counted the votes. The machines that counted the votes.
Starting point is 00:45:46 The machines that counted the votes. So if we're going to count by an election date until 2023, the county could actually copy and inspect and do anything to these machines. This is why there is a lot of attention on this right now. The group that's auditing has access to Dominion voting systems. Rick, this did not happen during the election. There was a report that some systems in Michigan got to be examined. Rick, this is an actual examination and an actual copy of the data. Rick, we should know if the group Cyber Ninjas is being serious here.
Starting point is 00:46:19 It's not just a political ploy for 2022 or 2024. We should have a definitive answer if these systems were breached. Is there any indication yet that they have found anything at all? There are a lot of rumors coming out from, and again, we're not going to report the rumors until we have something that's bona fide, something that's solid. But what we do have is that the auditor's director, Ken Bennett, was interviewed from inside the Coliseum, and he spoke specifically about the procedures. Those procedures you were being told by the propaganda media are not taking place, that they're basically conspiracy theorists counting ballots.
Starting point is 00:46:55 That's not what's actually happening. This is what's happening inside the Coliseum. The UV lights were part of their paper evaluation process to look for watermarks on the ballot. And the county elections department assures us that there aren't any watermarks on the ballot. So if there aren't any watermarks on the ballot, they won't find any watermarks on the ballot. But that was part of their procedures that they decided to use to evaluate the paper and the other things that I mentioned earlier. Okay, so are you guys on track to have all the ballots counted by the deadline? Well, there is no deadline. the floor of the Coliseum needed to be available for about five days for
Starting point is 00:47:45 18 high schools in the Phoenix Union High School District so that they could have graduations over those five days. So we knew that the floor would not be available during that time, but there's other portions of the building that we could move the ballots into that are secure and maybe we could even give people a break for four or five days. And then once the graduations are over, we could come right back in
Starting point is 00:48:09 and pick back up where we left off. And they've told us that after those five days are over, we can have the building for as long as we need it. All right. And then also I hear observers and counters, they're covering their license plates in fear of retaliation. Has there been any word on obstructionism by BLM or Antifa? No, we haven't heard or confirmed any activities by those particular groups or anyone else.
Starting point is 00:48:39 But unfortunately, we've had the press and the media taking pictures of people's license plates and trying to get close up on their name badges and their faces, of course. So it makes the workers and the observers a little bit nervous when the press is going to that length to try to identify somebody. They're afraid they're going to be doxxed or something like that. So we hope that doesn't happen, and we hope that everybody will be a little bit something like that. So we hope that doesn't happen and we hope that everybody will be a little bit bigger than that. Right, that's good. So is it, and then finally, is it true that voting machines were removed from the Coliseum? Yeah. Can you comment on that? Well, yes, we,
Starting point is 00:49:21 more than a week ago on April 21st, we received about six truckloads of machines from Maricopa County that were used in the election. Today, we returned four truckloads, and they were the big machines that were used to count most of the ballots in Maricopa County in what's called the central counting locations. There's a lot of the little machines that were used out at the polling or voting centers. But we returned more than half of the equipment that we had received from Maricopa County a little more than a week ago. The forensic company has captured all of the, or the IT company has captured all the forensic information off of the machines.
Starting point is 00:50:05 There was a little bit left on the machines that we kept for another day or two. We'll probably return those on Monday. And so, you know, within nine or ten days, all of the forensic data has been captured off of those machines, and now they'll move into phase two, which is analyzing that data. So, again... Very methodical. Very methodical, not conspiratorial at all. Oh, and, and answered my question on the watermarks. There is not supposed to be a watermark there. Yes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:36 There should be no watermarks on any of the bouts, which I would think should be reversed, but they would be looking for watermarks that aren't supposed to be there. Right. That's what he's saying. Right. Well, that would mean that the, that would, it would simply verify the rumor that Homeland Security had ballots printed with watermarks in order to smoke out illegal ballots that were printed someplace other than official vendor.
Starting point is 00:51:11 Right. Like, you know, like a print shop in China. Or in Philly. Yeah, who knows? Has he found... Oh, the other thing I wanted to ask, there are reports about a mysterious airplane flying around the Coliseum. Yes, and this is confirmed. I was able to look into this today.
Starting point is 00:51:38 There is a fixed-wing aircraft that has been flying in a very specific pattern, as you see here on the screen. This is from Flight Rad radar 24 is official database has been flying around the Coliseum Right in vicinity of where the audits taking place Specifically around where individuals might have parked who are conducting the otter who are involved in the actual counting now why this is of interest is it turns out that this plane, the PC-12, a Pilatus aircraft, it is owned by the city of Phoenix. Very odd case in this matter because it's not just owned by the city of Phoenix. It's owned by the police department, Rick.
Starting point is 00:52:19 It's one of the nicest airplanes you can... A Pilatus-12? A Pilatus is a Swiss plane. They're made in Switzerland. And I've had my heart set on a Pilatus 12 for a long, long time. Well, I don't think they're doing recreational trips on this. Well, I'm just talking about what I saw. That's a Pilatus 12, okay?
Starting point is 00:52:40 It's a weird thing, isn't it? The police department is flying it around Yes Well at least they're flying in style Some have said that it's spying on people Who are counting We just heard from the former secretary of state For the state of Arizona
Starting point is 00:52:54 That he's saying that there appears to be intimidation Not by Antifa but by members of the media They're trying to find out the identity But it's owned by the police department It's owned by the police department One has to wonder They're trying to find out the identity of... But it's owned by the police department. It's owned by the police department. One has to wonder if a camera has been put under... They're protecting the auditors. Protect and intimidate. They're protecting them.
Starting point is 00:53:13 Right? If they have a camera under If they don't have a camera, Rick, if anything, this is intimidation. Well, not so much intimidation as surveillance. What would they be looking for, Rick? What are they listening to?
Starting point is 00:53:30 And consider that option. Oh, man. Yes. Listening to conversations. An actual spy plane. Yes, a spy plane. You guys haven't worked here long enough. How do you think like this?
Starting point is 00:53:47 That's next level there, Rick. I have to tell you, I was thinking about this today. What are they looking for? Are they trying to read license plates? Or are they, you know, what is it that they're trying to determine here? They're listening. You're right. All right.
Starting point is 00:53:58 We haven't been here long enough. We've got another at least seven years to advance to that. Well, the government does use these in Afghanistan. To do what? To surveil. To surveil, literally. The government version of this aircraft, which the Phoenix is a form of government,
Starting point is 00:54:15 but I'm talking about the federal government, they put certain equipment inside the Polaris, and what it will do is it will pick up any cell traffic, will pick up any communications. You mean like cell phone calls? Yes. And so in this case, it does appear that they are not just outside. They're monitoring phone calls.
Starting point is 00:54:33 They can monitor inside activities. Yes. That's exactly what they're doing. Wow. No different than a Russian spy ship off our coast. The Phoenix police is spying on the voter, on the election auditors. That's incredible. They ought to go to prison for it.
Starting point is 00:54:48 They're spying on, they're spying on auditors appointed by the state legislature to verify the legality of the election. I hadn't even considered that aspect of it. Wow. Well, let's get a statement from the Phoenix police that there is no surveillance equipment on that PC-12. Do you think that's going to happen? No, of course not. So. Well, in addition to this, the discussion of surveillance and going after conservatives, Republicans, Christians, anyone for just being Christian, being conservative, doing the activity of a good citizen. The Biden administration is reportedly looking to keep a closer eye on them. This is according to CNN. Keep a closer eye on who?
Starting point is 00:55:35 On patriots or people specifically. Who don't like them? Actually, people they would characterize them, saying they, the propaganda media and the Biden administration, that they would characterize as domestic terrorists. If you are against the Democratic Socialist Chinese Communist Party revolution of 2020, you are a domestic terrorist. Well, and you don't even have to be a domestic terrorist. They can just suspect you as one, Rick. Suspected domestic terrorists. Well, they're the worst kind. Yes.
Starting point is 00:56:07 The suspected one because they're the sneaky ones. Now, Rick, this specific report claims the Department of Homeland Security, they're not happy with their current ability to browse Facebook, Twitter, and look through public posts of individuals. They want the ability to decrypt private messages. This is akin to going into someone's mail. But now in the modern era, we have apps on our phones which are communicating between each other. Department of Homeland Security wants to breach that and they want to be able to read everything in private. Well, the KGB did too.
Starting point is 00:56:37 Right. The Stasi did too. I mean, what makes them different from the Stasi and the KGB? And I believe they're reading our mail already. They've been reading it. And so I get an update every day from the U.S. Postal Service on every piece of mail I'm going to receive. Not that I have received. That's on its way to you. That's on its way to me. I get a picture of every piece of mail that's coming to my mailbox each and every day. Anybody can sign up for it. And if they can take a picture of it, they can look inside of it.
Starting point is 00:57:09 This is the core of this story. Up until now, if this gets pushed through, a warrant was required. I'll give you a second to laugh. Obviously, the government hasn't always been getting warrants to spy on the communications of individuals. But what is important is the government, through this initiative, is looking to move to a third party. Research firms that aren't the government, that have already breached these apps, can then sell that data back to the government, and then the government can use it.
Starting point is 00:57:36 This was called parallel construction back in the early 2000s when we first learned about the government surveillance programs. It's also called fascism. Fascism. Corporations and government merging. And taking care of each other. Hey, the truth getting out there is so bad that there are calls for the Biden administration to appoint a disinformation task force. Yes, they think that in order to solve why Americans don't trust them, and this is the government and the Biden administration, that they've got to appoint
Starting point is 00:58:10 a task force with police, with assets from the government to convince you to trust them. Now, they want to look specifically, Rick, into those who are telling people that the government can't be trusted, but they want the government to be proactive with this. They feel, first of all, that in order to get your trust back, the first step should be to partner with Facebook, with Google, with Twitter. Because they think, Rick, that if they just start a partnership with the people who control thought, I mean, actually look at posts, that they'll be able to change society for the better. I think they should probably start with their own lies, don't you think? Yes, but what the people should do is disengage from social media.
Starting point is 00:58:59 It's become unsociable. Not only unsociable, it's controlling your brain. It's rewiring your brain. It's become unsociable. Yeah. Not only unsociable, it's controlling your brain. It's rewiring your brain. It's actually rewiring your brain. Every time your phone vibrates or buzzes. But it's doing something physically to your brain. Just disengage. Why do you need Facebook?
Starting point is 00:59:20 You don't need Facebook. You don't. You lived without it for a long time, or some people have. Why do you need Twitter? You don't need Facebook. You don't. You lived without it for a long time, or some people have. Why do you need Twitter? You don't need Twitter, okay? Disengage from it. And you really want to drive them crazy? Refuse to participate in their matrix.
Starting point is 00:59:37 Just opt out of their matrix. Laugh at them. It drives them crazy. Laugh at them. You bunch of jerks. Stop using their tools of slavery. The digital concentration camps. Look, it's no different than an African voluntarily climbing up on an auction block.
Starting point is 00:59:57 You're right. I mean, blacks were sold against their will. Americans have voluntarily gone into slavery. There's a big difference. Blacks were brought here from Africa against their will and put on auction blocks and sold into slavery. Americans, citizens, have given up their freedom and voluntarily got on the auction block and said, make me a slave. You're exactly right. And that auction block is social media.
Starting point is 01:00:32 It's the news media. It's the movies, the television shows, everything that's used for propaganda. And people don't realize, Rick, that you've been read a digital Miranda rights by signing a terms of service agreement. Everything that you put on these platforms can and will be used against you
Starting point is 01:00:52 in Biden's secret court. That's right. So opt out. Just opt out. President, well, a former Trump official said that there's a freight train of election audits coming. Yes, this is referring to Arizona.
Starting point is 01:01:13 Is this story, is this from, is this an old story from November of 2020? No, this is from April 30th of this year, and it's from Boris Euston. He was actually a special assistant to the president, served inside the government. He is saying the freight train is every other state, including Georgia, which will follow Arizona once they complete their audit. Now, why would we need an audit in Georgia? I thought it was all free and fair in Georgia, right? Oh, the devil went down to Georgia. That's why.
Starting point is 01:01:50 Looking for some votes to steal. And Raffensperger went to burn them all. I mean, think about the problem in Georgia. If this election official is a former official, rather, with the Trump administration is correct, there'll be states you can't do the audits being done in Maricopa County because the ballots themselves have not been preserved. We don't know if there's any fraudulent voting that took place. Any election is fraudulent voting. It happens. Some dead
Starting point is 01:02:19 people vote. That's fraudulent voting. People who moved away from the state and vote by mail. That's fraudulent voting. Okay, there's all kinds of fraud. There's walking around money. Politicians give a wino $10 and says, here, sign this ballot. That's fraudulent. That stuff goes on in every election. But we're talking about. We're talking about cheating at a different level. We're talking about organized, massive cheating. If that is proven that it happened in Arizona in November, then the entire 2020 election, including a house in the Senate and the governorship. Are all in question. So we'll have a constitutional crisis.
Starting point is 01:03:10 Oh, at a level we've never seen. What do you do if evidence is presented in multiple states that the election was stolen? What do you do with a fraudulent president? I mean, Biden does have a legitimate birth certificate, something his boss didn't have. But in this case, if it's proven that the Biden-Harris election was fraudulent, what do you do?
Starting point is 01:03:42 What's the constitutional procedure? I don't know. The only thing I can imagine is that the Trump campaign would go to the Supreme Court and demand that each state recertify their election results and that a new meeting of the Electoral College would take place. This has never happened in the history of the republic. Right, this is unprecedented. If it's proven that Biden cheated on a massive level, you can't let the man remain in the office.
Starting point is 01:04:20 And certainly not exercise the powers of the presidency. And what happens with everything that he has signed up until he's removed? If he is removed. I'm just saying. It's hypothetical. I mean, what do you do with everything that he has signed? It would have to be nullified. I mean, in a logical sense, the Democrats made an argument with this.
Starting point is 01:04:39 Remember, it said, not my president. Anything that President Trump is doing after his election is fraudulent because he got the help from the Russians to become president. They've made this whole argument for much for 2017. Can the Supreme Court order a new election for the entire country? I don't know. I don't know anywhere in the Constitution that would do that. It could cause a civil war, to be honest with you, because the Democrats would cry foul. Of course, they're not going to accept any audit results from Republican states.
Starting point is 01:05:07 And Republicans will say, we don't care what you think about our audit results. This is what the state's saying. Honestly, it sets quite the battleground for the next presidential election, even for 2022, because what election system do you use for the upcoming election, right? Every state has invested millions of dollars for the Dominion election system and the process of ballot counting. That all goes out the window. If one state proves that that is not as secure as Christopher Krebs says it was. Well, my pillow, Mike Lindell, is not backing down. He maintains that Donald Trump will return to the White House in August 2021.
Starting point is 01:05:47 I don't know what he bases this on. He's adamant that President Trump will be restored to the White House. Apparently, he believes that a scenario like we just described is going to happen this summer. And I guess he thinks the Supreme Court is going to order Donald Trump to be placed back in the White House. As crazy as the last couple of years have been, I would not outright dismiss this man's prediction. And this is why. First of all, he put his money where his mouth is. I personally cannot attest for what Mike Lindell is saying. We've asked specifically, show us the data that you're using for your slides in your
Starting point is 01:06:30 documentary. Because look, if his documentary is correct, we have looked at the documentaries that he's released. If he can prove each of the brackets which said there were fraudulent votes counted in specific swing states, wow, give that to cyber ninjas. What I have to suspect, if this man is not crazy, that this Christian man has actually made a big bet on the forensic analysis of cyber ninjas in Arizona. Mike Lindell has put his company and his legacy on the line for this. Has President Trump said anything about these audits? He has said that the 2020 election, this is an email he sent out last night from his...
Starting point is 01:07:14 Last night. Last night. The 2020 election should from this day forth be known as the big lie. That's President Trump's statement on the FAA. He released this last night? Yes. It came into inboxes last night, dated for today. Statement by Donald J. Trump, 43rd President of the United States.
Starting point is 01:07:36 So he's going along with the story there. But will he be back in office by August? I mean, even when Mike Lindell was on Steve Bannon's show, Steve Bannon wouldn't even take that bait. And, you know, and Steve Bannon is a Trump loyalist. And so. Well, past Steve Bannon, did you see Mike Lindell on Jimmy Kimmel, the comedian who tries to be a news anchor? The short of that was Jimmy Kimmel tried to make fun of and really try to ridicule Mike Lindell over his past drug use. He even tried to say, were you high on crack when you were making these accusations? Mike Lindell simply said, I'm for election transparency.
Starting point is 01:08:16 I mean, that interview, which was billed as some kind of debate between the right and left, why it's important is there is a complete divide right now in the country, ideologically. And regardless of the results from Arizona, what is true is there is emotional discontent among both the Republican and the Democratic base when it comes to this subject. And there's discontent in the Republican Party because carpetbagger Mitt Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts who then went to Utah and won a Senate seat there, although he'd never lived in Utah, he spoke to the Utah Republican Party on Saturday and they booed and booed and booed. This was a former presidential candidate.
Starting point is 01:09:04 Yes. I mean, he was the guy. He could not win a Republican primary in Utah if it was held today. He could not win. We got a little video clip of the state Republicans of
Starting point is 01:09:20 Utah booing their U.S. Senator Massachusetts Mitt. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Please, please stop.
Starting point is 01:09:58 Thank you for booing. Thank you. I guess all the magic was gone from his underwear that day. Yep. Massachusetts Mint. Well, Rick, we like to end our program on a good note. Obviously, we could go for another hour if we wanted to. If you want, you weren't satisfied with all this news,
Starting point is 01:10:19 an entire hour and a half almost of news without interruption, you can go to That's where our headlines for today will be, along with some other stories. But a great news story that we saw today, Rick. There was a fire, a three-alarm fire in Decatur, Illinois. Now, the building burned. There reportedly weren't any casualties, thank God. But something did survive. There was a cross that survived in the wreckage. Now, as the flame burned, there was a rainbow that formed in the fire. But in the aftermath, a cross in the center of the building stood strong.
Starting point is 01:10:54 A witness said at the time, Rick, that that's our God. Jesus Christ stands for us, and we will stand with him. And a rainbow appeared over the building? While the flames were going. The building itself was on fire, but in the fire, as the fire crews started trying to deal with the fire, a rainbow formed right over the flames. Okay, I'm going to do a quick sermon.
Starting point is 01:11:21 This book, Final Day, okay? The Ten Characteristics of the Lord's Second Coming, Final Day. Let me tell you what that says to me. Jesus said his second coming would be as in the days of Noah. Right. God destroyed all life on earth, save Noah and his family, with a flood of water. God gave Noah the rainbow
Starting point is 01:11:55 as a sign of a covenant that he would never flood the earth again with water. That's what the rainbow means. It doesn't mean homosexual agenda. It means God's covenant to mankind that he would never flood the planet with water again. But Jesus said his second coming would be as in the days of Noah. There is a flood coming at the second coming of Jesus Christ, but it is not a flood of water. It is a flood of fire. That's right. That's what that message is in that
Starting point is 01:12:34 Decatur, Illinois story. Let's put that back up on the screen again. So the building is on fire. A cross survives the fire and a rainbow is over it. There is a sign. Look at the rainbow. The rainbow says, never again will there be a flood of water. But the next flood is fire. And the only thing that will survive are those who have put their faith in Jesus Christ and what He did on the cross. That's the message.
Starting point is 01:13:10 That's good, Rick. Rick, it's a beautiful message and it is the most important thing we talked about today. The politics will not outlast us. The politics is not eternal, but that message, the gospel of the kingdom is. Well, thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News. You just heard a hundred plus minutes of raw, powerful, uninterrupted
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Starting point is 01:14:10 We accept stocks, cryptocurrency, and precious metals. Please, if you're sending precious metals, make sure the packaging is put together well. Thank you again for joining us. And as we continue the daily mission here of reporting the good news of the second coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Thank you, and God bless you.
Starting point is 01:14:43 The preceding program was made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit

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