TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Aussie Teens Coerced by Needle Nazis to Attend Mass Vaxx Event

Episode Date: August 20, 2021

Today on TruNews, Rick Wiles and Edward Szall discuss the draconian measures taking place in formerly free Australia. From lockdowns, vaxcentration camps, to herding children into arenas to be jabbed,... the Land Down Under is showing the rest of the world what they have to look forward to. In part 2, the team discusses how medical professionals may be denying healthcare to individuals based on their vaccination status. Lauren Witzke and Edward Szall welcome Patrick Howley of National File, as they discuss the collapse of Afghanistan under the Biden Administration. In our final segment, we speak with TRUNEWS viewer Brandon Henry who speaks about his victimization from pedophile abuse, to his deliverance from homosexuality. Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Lauren Witzke, Raymond Burkhart, Kerry Kinsey. Airdate (8/20/21)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to True News, I'm Edward Zalp. The city of Sydney, Australia, 2 million residents are under lockdown today. But a stadium has been set aside for vaccination. We'll have more on this story and a member of parliament in Australia collapsing. At least part of his face did. He has now been diagnosed with Bell's palsy. Now that we have more on this story and including the updates on Afghanistan, Joe Biden is saying we're working with the Taliban. Later we'll have Patrick Hawley to discuss this. But first, here is Kerry Kinsey, today's True News Headlines.
Starting point is 00:00:53 Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. Watch a man who took the vaccine develop Bell's palsy on live TV. News 7 Australia says an Aussie politician claims he has Bell's palsy after viewers noticed his droopy eye during a COVID press conference. Here's what happened to Victor Dominello. And the quality of service that we provided over the last month is not up to standard. We are making headway in relation to the business grants and I'll provide you with. Dominello, the minister for customer service, later said he was diagnosed with a condition that causes a sudden weakness or paralysis in one side of the face. Back in July, he said he had gotten the AstraZeneca experimental jab and was about to get another one.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Check out this picture. It's of him getting the shot in late May. He told people, if you have health concerns, please get them looked after. Of course, the media down under is not talking about him getting the jab. For information on this story and more, please visit our companion website. It's really a good one. It's Children' reporting that CDC studies show that the Pfizer and Moderna jabs get less effective over time. A UK study shows people with breakthrough infections carry as much virus as the unvaccinated.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Zero Hedge says the county board of supervisors in San Diego didn't know what they were getting into when Brittany Mayer showed up. The meeting was swarming with people who were at their wits end with more COVID measures. There are 3.338 million people in San Diego County, 3,811 people who have died with COVID. Of those, 96%, 3,652 had comorbidities with hypertension, diabetes, cardiac disease, accounting for the top three, median age 77. That is a total fatality rate of 0.1%. We remove consent from treating us like we are patients in a hospital ward. We are done. The consent of the governed is removed.
Starting point is 00:03:22 We will not comply. We do not consent. Nathan Fletcher, you are on notice. We will constitutionally remove all petty tyrants beginning now. Your time is up. Thank you, next speaker. Now, many thought she had hit a home run. That is until the screamer got up to the plate. Do you think that the four feet of marble that holds you above high in this chamber will help you from the fate of humanity which you are unleashing? No! No!
Starting point is 00:04:00 It won't! Your children and your children's children will be subjugated. They will be asked, how many vaccines have you had? Have you been a good little Nazi? I think I got his drift. That's a look at True News headlines. Have a good weekend. Thank you for watching. Well, thank you, Kerry. Rick, San Diego, a place you wouldn't expect there would be people standing up against vaccine tyranny. Here in the United States, we haven't had to deal with the extent that other countries have for the government coercion, government vaccination drives. Ironically, the United States have the most available vaccine. But we're looking right now at other countries and the extent they're taking their lockdowns,
Starting point is 00:04:49 taking their measures against Delta, Delta Plus, Epsilon. And one country that keeps popping up, Rick, this week is Australia. Sydney, one of the largest cities, about two million residents are under lockdown. You literally can't go out to look at the sunset. But that's not even the worst of it. Australia is the first country in the world, from my understanding, to publish a plan for concentration-style camps for quarantine. Well, actually, CDC last year published a plan for vaccination camps. It was in the CDC document in the United States last year. And they tried to discount that, but it's been published in numerous sites
Starting point is 00:05:32 and highlighted that they had places for segregation of those unvaccinated. I know what the letters C-A-M-P-S mean. Yes. And that's what was in the CDC document. Camps. And not fun camps either. Well, if Hillary was running them, she'd run them.
Starting point is 00:05:51 They wouldn't be fun camps. They would be fun camps. But, you know, last week, neighboring New Zealand went into lockdown. Over one case. One. One person in the country had COVID and their wacky, crazy prime minister locked down the whole country. Yes. These people are tyrants.
Starting point is 00:06:14 And look, they will never, ever give up their power. You will have to take it from them. If you think three to six months from now. These crazy, whacked out politicians are going to say the crisis is over and everybody go back to being free people. You're really naive if you think they're going to do that. They have no intention whatsoever of giving up one inch of the ground that they've taken. In fact, six months from now, if they're not stopped now, they will have taken more ground six months from now. Right. But Australia, who would have imagined Australia of all countries, that they would be the ones that are on really the leading edge? Well, I don't know, Doc. Look at it. Isn't it
Starting point is 00:07:05 the five eyes? Well, that's true. Part of that intelligence. United States, Canada, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand have the most extreme lockdown measures in place right now. It appears that's the five eyes. It appears that Her Majesty, Her Empire is going dark. So it seems like New Zealand has been the most drastic, followed quickly now by Australia. We see the same thing in the UK.
Starting point is 00:07:36 Australia has been the most drastic. New Zealand just went in the lockdown last week. Well, that's true. And so kind of flip those around. Australia has been leading the way. So will we? Canada. Canada is, I just talked to a friend last night who told me about a young man that used to work for me as an independent consultant.
Starting point is 00:07:56 You remember Andrew? Oh, yeah. Okay. In Canada. in Canada, and his family was traveling to go visit a sick relative, and they had to go through six police checkpoints to get to the relative's house. Man, Canada. Now communist Canada, I guess, right? Well, you got Fidel Castro's love child running the country. Yeah, shutting down churches, arresting pastors.
Starting point is 00:08:26 That wasn't that long ago. And now police checkpoints. Yes. And if Biden gets his way, you're going to have military checkpoints in the USA. Maybe that's why they're bringing so many Taliban over here. We have to look at this document then as a five-eye template. It was published by the government of Victoria. I have the front cover here with some of the contents. But this same document could be coming to a country near you, could be coming to a city near you.
Starting point is 00:08:55 Because, Rick, this document, they call it the Alternative Quarantine Accommodation Hub. Alternative all? Like I have a choice? And it's a hub, Rick. It's a hub. Sounds safe, doesn't it? It does. You've got a fence. You've got a back porch and everything.
Starting point is 00:09:09 It's accommodations. But do you notice out in the distance there, the wall on the outside? You're supposed to just focus on the porch. So in this document, however, they have laid out very real areas in Australia where you could set up an alternative quarantine accommodation hub. They've laid out how much land you'll need. They've laid out exactly the scale and even the blueprints. You see here, this is almost like a little city. Oh, there's plenty of green space there so you can wander around when they take you out for your one hour of sunshine a day, I guess.
Starting point is 00:09:42 So this is a cluster. Where are the ovens? Probably in the center. You have to wander to the center there, at guess. So this is a cluster. Where are the ovens? Probably in the center. You have to wonder, the center there is where some, at least where the kitchen is. They said this is out of the kitchen. We have some more. Look, we're dealing with needle Nazis.
Starting point is 00:09:53 Let's call them what they are. Needle Nazis. This is a template for us. It's needle Nazis, and they're going to put people in concentration camps. They're needle Nazis. Let's stop being polite. We're up against tyrants. These people are tyrants.
Starting point is 00:10:09 Tyrants only understand one thing. And that's strength. Yes. Overwhelming strength. Tyrants don't back down. You can't reason with tyrants. You can't negotiate with tyrants. Tyrants understand one thing and they're pushing people to the breaking point. They're building concentration camps. Vaccination camps. This is like a nightmare. Get me out of this planet. Come Lord Jesus and get us out of here. So you can clearly see where the Australian government is heading. Their mindset is where you need to create accommodations for those who refuse to take the vaccination or maybe even give up their children to the system of control. Now, Rick, this past week, many
Starting point is 00:10:56 Australians have had to make a very hard decision. In Australia, for many years, there's been several punishments in place if you refuse to follow the recommended vaccination schedule. So this before before the pandemic, if you chose to say, I'm going to keep my child unvaccinated, I'm going to separate out the vaccinations. You could face fines, potentially not be allowed to go to certain schools, certainly have problems getting into higher education, even at the doctorate level. You're not going to go in the medical field if you aren't vaccinated. Well, during the pandemic and last week, a stadium was set aside by the government of New South Wales. It's a province in Australia. And what was said, this wasn't mandatory, but if you wanted to take your SATs, your exams moving forward, if you wanted to go to college, if you wanted your parents not to get punished, you wanted your parents not to face a fine, the parents were told you have to bring your children to this stadium, leave them. Parents have to stay outdoors.
Starting point is 00:11:59 And you have to be funneled into the stadium to be vaccinated. Yeah. It's real, Rick. And look. This can't be happening. stadium to be vaccinated. Yeah, it's real, Rick. And look, this can't be happening. This cannot be happening. 24,000 students were expected to go through last week. The reports we're hearing is it was about that number that went up. Parents actually showed up for the kids to do this.
Starting point is 00:12:17 Parents dropped their kids off. Are you serious? Dropped them off and said, do it. Death day camp. I mean, the vaccination camp, stadium. They actually brought them to a stadium. And we actually have video of the Australian health minister, Brad Hazard, urging parents to do this. When I first saw this, this was the day before yesterday. I was like, shock, how far have we gone in this?
Starting point is 00:12:42 So would you like to see this? I would. Let's watch this. You have the chance to go to that stadium next week and actually land some gold by getting your first vaccination, your first Pfizer vaccination. New South Wales Health and Education are doing everything to back you in and make sure that you can go safely to your HSC exams by October. But what we really need you to do is to go for gold next week. We have about 24,000 of you who can get along to the QDOS Bank Arena next week. And the way you do that is that there will be a link come out to you, there will be messages come out to you with a letter that will explain what you are required to do. But what you are required to do is just keep safe, basically. Get along to the Kudos Bank Arena. You can get there by your own car or by public transport. Maybe your mum
Starting point is 00:13:34 and dad can drop you. If mum or dad or one of your family drop you, make sure they stay outside the arena because we don't want too many people obviously milling around inside the arena. And so they were instructed to just line up, just get in line, just come on over here, get in line, because basically they're being blackmailed, Rick. You cannot take their equivalent of the SATs. They can't advance in higher education. They can't do anything unless they get the vaccination, their version of the vaccination. The comparison is gold. And they're saying to them.
Starting point is 00:14:08 This is going to get gold. And parents, they have to stay outside because we don't want too many people in there. Right. But we're going to shove 24,000 people in there, but no parents. We're unvaccinated. Right. Think about that. If you ever had any doubts about how the mark of the beast will be implemented, you can now rest assured we are witnessing it.
Starting point is 00:14:38 Yes. The system is being revealed in front of us. The same model can be used for a mark on your hand and your forehead. And we see how many people will submit. Fold like a cheap deck chair, really. That's a great point. Isn't the Prime Minister of Australia, Scott Morrison, he's a Christian, or at least professing He's a Hillsong Church Christian.
Starting point is 00:14:59 And yet his country is in the forefront of a totalitarian police state. So that doesn't, electing Christians doesn't really help as much, does it? No, it doesn't. Now, another benefit of not having the parents come in, Rick, is that there's not any witnesses to side effects or potential death. Now, officially, there's been no deaths or injuries announced. But we are being told, just based on the data of the United States and the United Kingdom, 24,000. If they came through, there will be at least 50 that will have some form of a side effect. God forbid a couple die, but that's the numbers right now. What we do have, however, is a video that was recorded inside the Kudos Bank Stadium. This is where the children were being brought. Now, this has been published online. It's
Starting point is 00:15:51 alleged to be taken by one of the students who came in. He pulled out his cell phone and started recording when he saw some of his classmates fall over. Now, of course, the medical personnel quickly got in front of it. They pulled the people way out of sight. I think I'm not the only one who has some questions about what happened to these three kids that you're going to see in this video. I'm allowed to record. I'm allowed to record. Why not? That's highly inappropriate. How is that inappropriate? As you heard them, Rick, they're saying you can't record.
Starting point is 00:16:39 Clearly that's a young man that's laying on his side. Medical personnel are rushing around and, of course, instead of tending to the young man, they sent someone over to make sure there's someone between the camera and the victim. Why can't you record? Is there something wrong? Right. I mean, this is safe, effective. Show everybody how wonderful this is. Right. There's also another video and maybe, I don't know if you've had a chance to see this one, Rick, but a father was dropping his daughter off, right? And actually, this is a very, very dramatic and chilling video that you're about to watch here,
Starting point is 00:17:16 where they literally rip her from his arms and then hold him on the ground. I mean, this, I don't know if you've seen this. At the same event? Yes. So let's watch this. I'm not sure what the fervor's prize for. It's a nine-year-old girl. He said on the left that he just walked out halfway through. Kampung Kampung I thought the Taliban were an enemy. Is that the first time you saw that? It is.
Starting point is 00:18:52 The needle Nazis must be stopped at all costs. The needle Nazis must be stopped at all costs. We went to war in 1941 to stop the German Nazis. The needle Nazis must be stopped. I don't know, Doc, if we're going to be alive next year. I don't know. As fast as this is going, I don't know if we're going to be alive next year.
Starting point is 00:19:24 This is a global takeover. You can't call these people, and I've said this for years, I talk about communists, Nazis, fascists. These animals are something we've never seen before. They're demonic.
Starting point is 00:19:43 They're demonic. It's beyond communism. It's beyond're demonic. It's beyond communism. It's beyond Nazism. It's beyond fascism. These people are demonic. They took that child from her father. The child didn't want
Starting point is 00:19:57 to be vaccinated. They took the child and then jumped on the father and held him down while they jabbed the little frightened, terrified girl. These people are Nazis. They're needle Nazis. We have to stop them.
Starting point is 00:20:13 They must be stopped. And it's going to cost us our lives to stop this. I don't know. Honestly, I'm without words. I don't know what to say. What we're witnessing is, this is a nightmare. This is a nightmare that we're living in right now. New Zealand and Australia seem to have advanced this scenario so quickly.
Starting point is 00:20:41 I mean, just so quickly. Why do you think it's advanced so quickly there as opposed to anywhere else? They didn't just come up with the plan. This plan was well formulated many years ago. They're just rolling it out sooner than Australia and New Zealand. They're going to roll it out here. Whatever you're seeing there, this is what they're planning here in the next six to 12 months.
Starting point is 00:21:09 This is where they're taking the world. Australia's the testing ground. Yes. The Australians, the Aussies, gave up their guns years ago. Yes, they did. They surrendered their guns. They have no way to defend themselves.
Starting point is 00:21:20 After a very odd mass shooting that I think the Australian people still don't know much about. BILL MOYERS DHS, FBI, you can put me on any stinking list you want to put me on, but you will not do that to me. You will not do that to my family. You will not do it. BILL MOYERS Who are these police enforcement?
Starting point is 00:21:40 BILL MOYERS Put me on a list. I don't care if they put me on a list. I don't care. Tyrants need to be eliminated. They're tyrants. And that's tyranny. It is tyranny. There's no point in living. There's no point in living if this is life.
Starting point is 00:22:01 That's not life. That's a horror show. It's a prison camp. Yes. And they are acting as if there's nothing to be concerned about. They're acting as if... Well, they're insane. They call the unvaccinated insane.
Starting point is 00:22:14 They say, you people, you're hesitant, you're unscientific. They're acting as if there aren't public examples of people collapsing after a vaccination, of deaths, of injuries. after a vaccination, of deaths, of injuries, even in Australia, Rick, they're one of their own ministers for both digital and customer services. But specifically, the man who came up with the QR system for checking in after you've been tested, after you've been in quarantine, that man has Bell's palsy.
Starting point is 00:22:41 The MP that Kerry showed in the headlines. Yes, Victor Domenalo. You see his photograph before the vaccination, and then you see him after. Get a good look at his face. He looks totally normal. He's very excited. He's first class.
Starting point is 00:23:01 Yay, vaccine. He's happy. All right, now let's look at him. His first class. Yay, vaccine. He's happy. All right, now let's look at him. Is that the same guy? Same guy. Same guy with the droopy eye. But I'm supposed to pretend that he's normal right now.
Starting point is 00:23:23 He's insane. He's insane. He's even admitted. He won't tie it to the vaccine, but he's saying, publicly announced, I have his statement. I have Bell's palsy. I've just been diagnosed with it. I can't imagine why I have this. He even shared the photo of it. I can tell you, sir, why you have it. You got vaccinated. Don't be an idiot. This isn't our opinion. We're scientific. We reference. We cite.
Starting point is 00:23:46 We're the smartest. They act again as if the unvaccinated are the stupid ones. No, no, no, no. We're the most conservative, the safest. There is a tie that has been brought up by the Lancet Medical Journal, tying the vaccination to the development of Pell's palsy. Now, they, of course, say it's super rare. Well, what about this man? This is a public official in front of people or during a live press conference.
Starting point is 00:24:12 The COVID vaccine is not the first vaccine that's been linked to Bell's palsy. It's been linked to a number of vaccines. But we're now seeing that. OK, so now Bell's palsy is connected to COVID vaccine. So these scientists know, they know that there's a connection. They'll pretend, they'll try to make it sound like, oh, we've never seen this before. Right.
Starting point is 00:24:41 It's a new thing. Oh, I couldn't see this coming. No, they're liars. Don't expect them to tell the truth. See we get surprised that they lie. Their father is the devil. Isn't that the truth? Aren't we surprised that they lie?
Starting point is 00:24:54 We go, oh my gosh, they lie. Yeah, they lie. They're liars. We forget the last time they lied. Yes. They're liars. And their father is the devil. And he's the father of lies.
Starting point is 00:25:10 We're dealing with demoniacs. And they're in power. And this is Satan's system. A lot of you out there, we have this huge audience of people that are, you're really into the news, you know something weird's going on, you're watching true news because you know we're connecting dots, but you're not inside the church of God. You might believe in God, but you haven't made the decision
Starting point is 00:25:39 to repent of your sins and believe in the name of Jesus Christ and be baptized into his church. You just haven't made that decision. I'm pleading with you. I'm pleading with you. Look at what's happening. This is the end of the world. We're at the end. Now, I'm not saying it all comes to an end in three days. That's not what I'm saying. It could
Starting point is 00:26:07 be 10 years, 20. It could be stretched out over a couple of decades. But compared to the whole history of the world. Yes. It's a teeny little piece of time and it's going to go by so fast. We are in a final stage of mankind's existence on this planet. And the Bible tells us that the devil will be loose from the abyss for a short season to deceive the nations. Now, the rapture people have taught the Americans for the past hundred years that the devil will be locked up for a thousand years after Christ returns. Now, the devil is in the abyss now, and he is loosed from the abyss for a short season
Starting point is 00:26:58 to deceive the nations before Christ returns. The reason so much evil is taking place right now i doc i honestly believe because i don't have any other explanation i believe we're witnessing the release of satan from the abyss i change the chain has been loose i don't have any other edward i don't have another explanation for what's going on other than Satan has been loosed from the abyss. He's now roaming the earth. When you see images like children being ripped out of the arms of their parents, I mean, what else is there? Are you going to see parents shot next?
Starting point is 00:27:41 It's coming. This is pure evil. You remember in Australia, the man was having a heart attack. And they tasered the man, brought him down the road. They arrested the man. Again, because he wasn't wearing a mask. Isn't this insanity? Mass delusion. He had a heart attack because the police were tackling him for not having a mask. And then when he had a heart attack, they tasered him. Yes. And laughed at him. The devil has been
Starting point is 00:28:06 turned loose. He's now roaming the earth and he's deceiving the nations. And the nations that are the quickest to deceive are the western nations. Because they turned their back on Christ. So he went after them first. I'll
Starting point is 00:28:22 preach that one, Doc. If the devil has been released from the abyss which nations did he choose to go after first the ones that used to be christian because he's he's going to rub their faces in it he said i convinced you to to walk away from christ now i'm going to take you use your freedom to sin i convince you to close the churches, to walk away from your liberty in Christ. The one who could protect you from the devil. And so why is the United States and Canada and Great Britain and Australia and New Zealand, why are they going into this Nazi needle nightmare so quickly?
Starting point is 00:29:03 Because they are the nations that turned away from Christ. My, my, my. Well, Rick, before we go to break, the Department of Homeland Security obviously is starting to weigh in on this subject. Rick, if you are hesitant, you don't trust how the variants, the vaccines, anything is being talked about, Rick, well, now there's a new terror alert about you. The Department of Homeland Security sees you, me, anybody, unvaccinated, critical of vaccines as a threat to the government. Oh, put me on the list. I don't give a flip.
Starting point is 00:29:40 Put me on the list. Go ahead. Put me on the list. We're on a list that matters more. Lamb's Book of Life. Okay, I know you're recording. Tyrants must be eliminated. Did you get that? I think they heard that one, Rick. I think Syria and the world heard that one.
Starting point is 00:29:56 Yes. Don't be afraid of them. Speak up. Let them hear your voice. Tyrants must be eliminated. We'll be back in a moment. Oof. Well, Klaus Schwab, a hard one to find. So before the World Economic Forum was created in 1971, Klaus Schwab's history was basically unknown.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Some people thought he was a construct, that he was just a made-up persona. Some people didn't even think he exists. Good morning. that he was a construct, that he was just a made-up persona. Some people didn't even think he exists. Good morning. I would argue that WEF is a front organization, just like Epstein was a front man. They're the front people for the same ideology. About the prospects for a new world order, now within our reach.
Starting point is 00:30:45 When I see how people who worship darkness, how they rise to power, it's extremely suspect. Using the frameworks of my Systemic Markets Initiative and the imperative of the Great Reset. I mean, we're taking things that are, you know, genetically modified organisms and we're injecting them in little kids' arms. We just shoot them right into the veins. We are basically creating a prison for ourselves and every future generation because they want to create this technology that's never existed before and push everything to this point of
Starting point is 00:31:21 singularity, but they don't know what it's going to do once it's there. Maybe it will hate them all. So when groups like the World Economic Forum come out and say, you'll own nothing and you'll be happy, they're not talking about themselves. They'll own everything, you'll own nothing, and you'll have to be happy about it. Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge. But he who hates correction is stupid. A man is not established by wickedness, but the root of the righteous cannot be moved.
Starting point is 00:32:04 An excellent wife is the crown of her husband but she who causes shame is like rottenness in his bones. The thoughts of the righteous are right but the counsels of the wicked are deceitful. The way of a fool is right in his own eyes but he who heeds counsel is wise. A fool's wrath is known at once, but a prudent man covers shame.
Starting point is 00:32:35 Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who deal truthfully are his delight. Welcome back to True News. Rick, constantly we're getting updates on the vaccine. Things that would have had you deplatformed only two weeks ago are now considered to be accepted science. Now, obviously, there's been an update on Moderna. So they're going to apologize? No, Rick, they're just going to act. They're going. Oh, so they're going to apologize? No, Rick. They're just going to, they're going to act, they're going to gaslight.
Starting point is 00:33:10 They're going to do cognitive dissonance. They're going to say, ignore the fact that the science has changed. Do I get my YouTube account back? No, but you're vindicated. You've always been vindicated. All right. Moderna is now showing uncommon side effects, especially among adolescents. This is something that's linked to the vaccine. They're saying this is true now. Something that would have been, again, something to be deplatformed over about a month ago
Starting point is 00:33:32 because they were following the official scientific rules. And if we would have said this a month ago, we would have been branded as medical disinformation spreaders. Right. But now when the experts say it, it's official. Yes. But we're still on the outside. In addition to the experts working at Moderna and the FDA, the CDC is now saying the official position is the vaccines aren't effective.
Starting point is 00:34:04 Right. Now, the word they're using, vaccine effectiveness against infection may wane. Now, the wane word's important. Decrease. Be less than we thought. Not work as well over time. All these things aren't, isn't that equivalent to the vaccine doesn't work?
Starting point is 00:34:20 Wait a minute. I thought it was two weeks to flatten the curve. Wasn't that what they said? Wasn't that what they sold the American people? Get the jab. We're going to flatten this thing out, right? We're going to get back to work. Back to normal. Yes. Back to normal. Now you're going to get back in line for another shot. For the third shot and the fourth shot. And you'll keep going back. If they're building camps, if they're building expensive vaccination concentration camps, they have a long range plan of continuous perpetual vaccination of the public.
Starting point is 00:34:56 This isn't a you don't spend that kind of money on a temporary problem. Those camps are going to be here 10 years from now. Because there's always going to be another vaccine. And the people in those camps will die. They'll be buried. And a new group of residents will come into the accommodations. They're going to kill people. Do you understand? They're killing people. And they have killed people. Sherry Templin told us this week 220,000 already. Well, one group of people that they are very concerned about are those
Starting point is 00:35:29 who are unvaccinated and remain vocal. And so one way that they're trying to control that aspect of the population is by pulling back on you being a part of society. They won't let you go to restaurants. They won't let you walk out in public in some places, be part of a crowd. Now, here's one of the most chilling aspects of this. They are starting to deny health care services to those who are unvaccinated. And that doesn't mean somebody who comes into the hospital with a COVID infection. Right. It simply says you're brought into the hospital with a COVID infection. Right. It simply says you're brought to the hospital for any reason, and you're not vaccinated, you will be denied medical treatment.
Starting point is 00:36:15 So if I have an emergency situation, this is Dallas Morning News, by the way, you see a North Texas doctor's group retreats on policy saying vaccination status be part of care decisions. says they retreated on it but the the and the way they try to backpedal and said well this will impact poor people and people of color okay so what about white people have money right those are the people that started worrying me r Rick, in that story. In other words, they said, well, we don't want this to impact poor people. We don't want this to impact people of color, blacks, Hispanics, or anything like that, even though those tend to be the more unvaccinated portions of the population.
Starting point is 00:36:59 And so last night I heard about, I think it was in Seattle, patients in need of organ transplants have been denied organ transplants because they've not been vaccinated. We talked about this kind of stuff months ago and said, would they go that far? They're now doing it. Yeah, it didn't even seem possible then that they could possibly do that. I mean, that was so far out. But just a few weeks ago, I was privately talking with a friend. Would they cut off Medicare? Would they cut off Social Security benefits to senior citizens who refuse to be vaccinated?
Starting point is 00:37:41 The answer is yes. That's where they're going. And look, the medical establishment will challenge this. That's where they're going. And look, the medical establishment will challenge this. Here's some logic for you. What are vaccinated people doing at the hospital? Hey, if the vaccine works, what are they even doing at the hospital? Why are they there? What's caused them to have to come in? Is it the vaccine itself? Well, this man needs a heart transplant. So these needle Nazis said, you know, if you don't get vaccinated, you could get COVID and die. Therefore, we're not going to give you a heart transplant and you're going to die.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Look at the insanity of their reasoning. Yes. We're going to kill you. So, because you're unwilling to be vaccinated, we're going to deny you a heart transplant. We're going to deny you life. Yes. It's triaged by tyrants. And the Bible says about the mark of the beast that those who refuse to receive the mark of the beast will not be able to buy or sell.
Starting point is 00:38:47 We're seeing right now what the demonic mark of the beast looks like, how it will be implemented, and how quickly we now know half the world will fall in line and take it. Now, I would take that logic out even further. What's the difference between denying that man the opportunity to be on a heart transplant list and taking him out back and just putting a bullet in his head? There's really not that much difference, is there? You're just prolonging the death sentence on him, right? You're probably about three months ahead of him right now.
Starting point is 00:39:20 Because in my mind, there's no difference. You're killing that man. But in about three months, Doc, they will euthanize people like that. I believe you're right. Compassionate euthanasia. I really believe you're right. They'll say, it's out of mercy. You refuse the vaccination.
Starting point is 00:39:35 We can't give you a heart transplant. We're just going to put you to sleep. They're Nazis. Give you a needle one way or another, won't they? They're Nazi. You have to come to grips that these people running the world are demonic. Yes. They're not just bad people. Why are they trying to get the vaccines and the elderly first? I mean, it wasn't just the scandals of the governor of Michigan, governor of New York trying to have patients move into facilities for
Starting point is 00:40:04 the elderly. No, it goes down to the vaccination and the boosters, the new boosters they're offering. They made a point. The first place those boosters are going to go is in the arms of someone in a long-term care facility. Then they want the elderly. They've already had a euthanization process in place, deathless, by forcing this experiment on our grandparents. Yes. Tens of thousands of senior citizens in this country have been killed in the past year. Forced vaccinations in the nursing homes, and they're dead.
Starting point is 00:40:40 It's already happened. Tens of thousands. This is Nazi population reduction on a global scale. I don't know if there's. OK, is there a is there an alliance of nations that's going to fight the needle Nazis? No, I don't see a nation rising up in any. What nation is rising up against this? I don't see any. I know. I don't see anybody out there.
Starting point is 00:41:11 I can't. There's not one nation that has spoken against the needle Nazis. And the one, the few nations that have their leaders have come to an untimely end. President. Right. For example, the one who sent samples of oil, fruit, to the WHO to see if their COVID tests were even real.
Starting point is 00:41:32 The WHO thought they were real human samples. Why would I trust you? I'm seeing country after country going to mandatory vaccination. Small countries, like in the Caribbean. Some of the small countries. Some of them you can't travel to now. No, you can't go. I mean, St. Kitts has gone to mandatory vaccination
Starting point is 00:41:54 to enter the country. I mean, it's a place I'll never be able to visit again unless this insanity is brought to an end. But I don't see how, I don't see it's going to be ended. I think we're on a fast track right now to the mark of the beast. And they've learned in all of this, Rick, that they can, yes,
Starting point is 00:42:14 they can control the entire global population with this. I mean, what other time in history have you ever seen the use of one tragedy, one event that controlled the entire global population? I mean, everywhere from Antarctica to Africa to the farthest reaches of the countryside to the big city. What one cataclysmic event have they finally found that they can say this is it and their laboratories have such an inventory of deadly viruses that there'll be no end to the plagues that they will release in the years ahead to whittle down the resistors right well even just within covet itself you've got the rest of the Greek alphabet to work through.
Starting point is 00:43:05 Lambda is now coming. We've got to be afraid of Lambda. It's not and it's not a left or right thing here, too. It's it's bipartisan. You think about this. They have gotten most of their most fervent supporters to be the first subjects to testing. Most Democrats, 80 percent of them in this country, for example, have taken a vaccination. If, again, we're correct and what the doctors have shared is correct, they will be the ones hurt. Hurt before us, the ones that are resisting taking the vaccine. Now, Rick, the Dallas story is very interesting because that same website, and that's why we exist. Because if you just relied on reading the Dallas Morning News, you would have missed this.
Starting point is 00:43:42 Because they updated the story without giving much of a context of why they updated it. Rick, there was a memo that leaked. Initially last night, that website read, memo leaked showing ethics argument for denying care based on vaccinations deaths. Well, we have a copy of that memo. It was published by a man named Dr. Mark Casanova. Now, there's no love lost there. Director of Clinical Ethics, Baylor University Medical Center,
Starting point is 00:44:09 which is important because Baylor University Medical Center is the organization going after Peter McCullough. The same organization he was vice chairman of. Baylor is a Freemason institution. Well, that makes a lot of sense then. This is what his ethics memo read. COVID-19 vaccination decreases severe infection and death. Vaccine status, therefore, may be considered when making triage decisions as part of the physician's assessment of
Starting point is 00:44:39 each individual's likelihood of survival. When vaccination status is considered, accommodations may be needed when the reason for non-vaccination is beyond the patient's control, such as but not limited to caretaker refusal to have a disabled dependent vaccinated, recent COVID-19 infection, or medical contradiction. Many are understandably angry and frustrated with the unvaccinated, but triage must remain grounded upon likelihood of survival. Health care professionals should continue to honor duties of care and compassion. Now, this was an internal memo. It wasn't supposed to be for you and me.
Starting point is 00:45:16 This was supposed to be sent out to doctors, the nurses, the people caring for those coming in, whether it be from a COVID-19 infection or something completely different. Let's just look at number one. Vaccine status may be considered when making triage decision. Doc, you took some medical training. I know what triage means, but explain it. Well, triage is basically the process that healthcare professionals go through to determine who can receive treatment based upon the current resources that care professionals go through to determine who can receive treatment based upon the current resources that medical professionals have at a given time. And the likelihood of a patient surviving. Survival.
Starting point is 00:45:52 And so now they're making decisions based upon, first of all, a false assumption that the vaccination decreases severe infection, when we've been showing that people who have taken the vaccination can actually carry the virus. The CDC admits it, but that can't be considered in that area? Vaccinated people are infected and they are infecting others, but only the unvaccinated are going to be discarded in the hospitals. Right. So if you have received the vaccination, and this is from the CDC itself, you can have coronavirus. You actually become an asymptomatic.
Starting point is 00:46:29 But that can't be considered in the triage math that's going on? No. The triage math is based simply upon your response to the submission to the so-called vaccination. It's chilling, Rick. It really is. They are actually making these decisions really based upon a political or ideological situation. Now, as a Christian,
Starting point is 00:46:54 I am not taking the vaccination. I have my reasons for it. My reasons are because of the use of aborted fetuses and the development and testing of vaccinations I am NOT participating in this but if I'm in a car accident Rick they're my vaccination status is based upon my ideological view yes whether they're going to try to treat me yes so if I'm I'm pinned behind the steering wheel they may not
Starting point is 00:47:25 target you out. Well, is he vaccinated? Think about that. This is it. This is what we have to get our audience to understand. That's what Baylor said. That the decision on triage must consider the vaccination status
Starting point is 00:47:42 of the patient. And that in itself is even a placeholder because they're really saying Christians, conservatives. Look, it's about Jesus. If you are a Bible-believing Christian saved by the blood of Jesus, you're not getting vaccinated. So you're already in that status pool. Well, Edward, a lot of foolish Christians have been vaccinated. They need to repent. Yeah, that's what Sherrod said. I'm going to tell you vaccinated. They need to repent.
Starting point is 00:48:05 Yeah, that's what Sherrod said. I'm going to tell you this. You need to repent if you've taken the vaccination. You've done something wrong. And I know you don't like to hear it, but you're going to hear it because you've done something wrong. You know the truth about this and that you've refused to accept the truth. It's that simple. They submitted to pressure, either pressure from an employer, pressure from nursing home, pressure from relatives, pressure from whatever source they submitted to pressure. If you can't stand up to the pressure on this vaccination propaganda, how are you going to resist the propaganda to accept the mark of the beast?
Starting point is 00:48:46 You are going to fold if you can't stand up to this. I'm now realizing, Doc, it honestly makes me just shudder thinking about when the mark of the beast really rolls out how many people that right now are resisting the vaccine who are going to succumb to it yes it'll be so intense that they just will give in because they won't know what to do. They're literally, you're going to be cut off from society. How do you pay your bills? How do you have electricity? How do you have running water? I mean, they're going to cut off services. They have to understand. Based on the mark of the beast. They're going to cut off your access to services. The side effect of that is eternal death. Yes.
Starting point is 00:49:46 I mean, it's not even a stroke, Bell's palsy. No, it's eternal death. If you cannot even during these times see this as training for that question, that could come in our lifetime. Yes. As you laid out, the system is in place to enforce something like this now. Not only come in our lifetime, it may come at the speed that we're going. It may come in the next decade. But you begin to see and understand.
Starting point is 00:50:14 I never, you know, when I would read Revelation, I would read implement a global way to buy or sell and restrict that to just a few individuals? Now you see it's so apparent, so easy. And they've done it in less than a year. I was just sitting here thinking, I had a flashback. We were operating out of our previous headquarters at Americana Way. So this is a, we bought that building in 2011. So it was probably somewhere between 2011, 2012 when I had this conversation, I was standing outside on, there was a, remember, there's a concrete patio next to the deli restaurant that was there.
Starting point is 00:51:16 Right. And I was standing on that concrete patio in the afternoon talking to a friend on the phone. And he had a friend who worked for the Federal Reserve Bank. You know, a management position, not a senior level executive, but a management position. And his friend's job was to bring up out of the underground vaults the pallets of printed money. He had basically robots that brought him up. He didn't go down and scoop it up. But the man was in charge of getting the money to the banks.
Starting point is 00:52:03 I don't know how many, five, six, seven state region. When a bank needed, you know, a million dollars and $100 bills, he's the man at the Federal Reserve that brought up the money and sent it out. So the government trusted him with his money. Yeah. He was, you know, he had a very important position in the Federal Reserve. I never met the guy. I'm just going by what my friend told me.
Starting point is 00:52:32 My friend was a trustworthy businessman, and those are the kind of friends he had. Okay. Again, this was somewhere around 2011, 2012. Right. He told me that his friend, he had met with his friend on a visit to that city. And in a private conversation, his friend told him, the Federal Reserve has the date for the introduction of the Mark of the Beast. And they didn't call it Mark of the Beast. Right beast in the incult mark of the beast right an implanted microchip that's what he said the federal reserve has a date for the rollout of an
Starting point is 00:53:14 implanted microchip mandatory for all americans doc i wish i would have written down the date because he actually gave a month and the year. You recall the month and the year? I just remember it was the early 2020s. We're in the early 2020s right now. I don't remember if it was 21, 22, 23, but he had the actual month and the year, and it was the early 2020s. Again, that was like 2011, 2012. I'm thinking, you mean a decade from now? They actually, they're planning to bring out a mandatory mark of the, I mean, a mandatory
Starting point is 00:54:02 implanted microchip in the early 2020s. And it just seems so. Foreign. So unbelievable. We're that close. We're that close. A decade away. We have a decade left.
Starting point is 00:54:18 Well, here we are. It's August 2021. And they're rolling out a system that looks like the mark of the beast. Right. And so now I believe that they do have a plan. They do have a date where it becomes mandatory.
Starting point is 00:54:39 Not mandatory yet, Doug. But it's going to be essentially mandatory if you can't go out to a restaurant, if you can't go to the supermarket, if you can't get medical care. I mean, if you've made a choice for yourself and your family, let's say you've got kids, and you've made a choice based upon your belief as a Christian that you are not taking the jab, that you are not participating in this global medical experiment that's going on based upon your faith in Christ. You've got a couple of little kids. Let's say when your kids
Starting point is 00:55:12 get sick with something, something real, like chickenpox or whatever, or gets a severe cold, not related to COVID or anything. You want to get your child help, but you can't take it down to the local clinic. You can't take your child to the hospital. Why? Because you have made a choice not to take the jab. That's going to give a lot of people a lot of pause at that moment because they're going to be questioning their faith at that point. Can God sustain me when I say no to the system? Can God pull me through when I can't buy food for my family? I mean, it's going to come to a point where they won't deliver food to unvaccinated, Rick. That's right.
Starting point is 00:56:00 I mean, you know, it was pretty convenient here this past year. You could have, you know, the grocery store deliver your food and you could have Amazon ship your stuff to you and all this other stuff. There's going to come a day where they won't let you do that either because you chose not to take the vaccine. Will you be ready for that day? That day is coming, Rick. It is coming. OK, so I'm trying to pull this up really quickly here. Dr. Jimmy DeYoung passed away this week. Right. I'd never met him. He's been around for a long,
Starting point is 00:56:36 long time. Prophecy Today. Prophecy Today. He was 81 years old. Good man. He preached the Bible. He was a Zionist and he was a rapturous. Yes. But he did believe in Jesus Christ and the rest of his doctrine was pretty good. I know he loved the Lord, but he did believe in a secret preacher of rapture and all that kind of stuff. But he passed away this week. And in this article, I'm trying to find here. It mentions that he was. Oh, here it is. During this is a Christian post dot com during an interview. Mind you, Dr. DeYoung was an ardent teacher of the secret rapture. You're going to leave before tribulation. You're going was an ardent teacher of the secret rapture. You're going to leave before tribulation. You're going to leave before the mark of the beast.
Starting point is 00:57:30 During an interview with Sam Rohr, president of the American Pastors Network in February, DeYoung asked, he asked Mr. Rohr, if it was possible, if it was a viable possibility that ultimately the government can make this mandatory vaccine, could make this a mandatory vaccine so that everybody has to take it in order to do business, to travel for whatever reason they want. And could this be another form of government control of the people? Mr. Rohr said, yes, it will be a measure of control. But Mr. DeYoung asked a guest on his own radio show if the COVID vaccine could be tied to the mark of the Beast. So what that tells me is that a man like Jimmy DeYoung, who preached the secret rapture all his life. Yes.
Starting point is 00:58:33 The secret pre-trib rapture. He preached it everywhere he went. In the last months of his life, he questioned it. He was having doubts. Could this be? Because he saw something coming, something developing in the past six, seven months that he said, this actually could become the mark of the beast. He was being honest, intellectual honest, but spiritual honest. I hope, Edward, that other pastors and evangelists and Bible teachers would just snap out of it. Just say the doctrine is wrong.
Starting point is 00:59:14 It was John Nelson Darby's doctrine and it's wrong. It doesn't match up with the Bible. It doesn't match up with reality. Pastor, your job is to prepare your flock to endure tribulation, endure to the end. If they endure to the end, they shall be saved. But you've got to stop preaching the secret pre-trib rapture. It defies the scripture and it defies reality of what's happening right now in front of us. If you're right about a secret rapture, we're all out of here really soon. Right.
Starting point is 00:59:50 And I would be so happy to be wrong. I would be delighted to say, yes, I was wrong. There was a secret rapture. But I don't think I'm wrong. I don't think you're wrong either, Rick. This next segment, we'll have Patrick Hawley discuss Afghanistan. Here's Kerry Kennedy. Welcome to True News Headlines. I don't think you're wrong either, Rick. This next segment, we'll have Patrick Hawley discuss Afghanistan. Here's Kerry Kinsey.
Starting point is 01:00:09 Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. The New York Post says as many as 80,000 Americans and Afghans who once worked for the U.S. still need to be evacuated from Kabul. The U.S. has moved out 7,000 from the airport since the Taliban got control, but there are many more who want to leave. CBS News says that includes 10,000 Americans. Fox News says the Kabul airport has reopened, but there's a corruption roadblock.
Starting point is 01:00:39 Getting through checkpoints to the airport can cost you up to 300 bucks. CNN's Clarissa Ward says conditions there are brutal. Imagine being here with your family for two days in the scorching sun, trying to take care of your children with no sense of what the future will hold, what happens when you get to America. I spoke to one woman who actually got separated from her family. She was inside here, but the rest of her family was stuck outside the base. There is no mechanism for dealing with a situation like that.
Starting point is 01:01:28 If you lose your family, you lost your family. There's no way to reconnect people at this stage. There's no way to bring them in from the front gate. Honestly, there's no way to rescue anyone from the front gate. It's survival of the fittest.
Starting point is 01:01:46 Dismal, indeed. For information on this story and more, visit our companion website. It's South China Morning Post says the U.S. destroyed and sank a warship amid a massive military exercise. The idea was to show how the U.S. could destroy enemy ships in a high-end fight. The USS Ingram was a U.S. Navy guided missile frigate. It was decommissioned in 2015. After more than 25 years of service, it was blown apart during a sinking exercise in the Hawaiian Islands. Fox News says a Lehigh, Utah teacher is out of a job after
Starting point is 01:02:26 a viral video showed her telling a high school class, I hate Donald Trump. And that's not all that Leah Kenyon said. We'll just keep getting Delta. We'll just keep getting variants over and over and over until people get vaccinated. I hate Donald Trump. I'm gonna say it. I don't care what y'all think. Trump sucks. Turn off the Fox News. Do your parents listen to the Fox News? So what? This is my classroom and if you guys are going to put me at risk, you're going to hear about it. Because I have to be here. Most of y'all parents are dumber than you.
Starting point is 01:03:10 I'm going to say that out loud. My parents are freaking dumb. Okay? Oh, I could go off on it the whole entire class period if you want me to. But I'm not going to. If you don't believe in climate change, get the hell out. At least one student pushed back on Kenyon, asking the teacher why she hates Trump. She said he's a sexual predator. He's a literal moron. Another student is also heard saying this is a
Starting point is 01:03:43 chemistry class. I worked in Salt Lake for four years and can tell you that kind of talk does not go over well there, especially among parents. That's a look at True News Headlines. Thank you for watching. Here at the Ministry of Foreign Streams, we do much more than news. You see a lot of us do the news and a lot of aspect and focus on the news. But another aspect in which I'm actively involved with and which I really like to encourage our viewers and listeners to be involved with is New Zion Assembly. We'd like to invite you to come and join us on a weekly basis for this time of worship, a time of great music, and our weekly focus on the Lord's Supper, the Eucharist,
Starting point is 01:04:32 the communion. We'd like for you to be involved. You're going to hear messages that will inspire you, that will uplift you, that will educate you, inform you, and exhort you. Now, Rick Walls is also involved, and he usually has a weekly message as well, but you're going to hear a sermon from me each and every week at New Zion Assembly. So come and join us Sunday mornings on for New Zion Assembly. We'll walk back to True News. I have here with me Doc and Lauren. We have a breaking story that's come across the desk. It appears, according to U.S. District Court filings, that Owen Schroer, a co-host of the Alex Jones Infowars show, has been charged in conjunction with his attendance at the January 6th protests.
Starting point is 01:05:26 This is a big deal. Before we discuss Afghanistan, that might have been a major shot across the bow to any non-Marxist media outlets, the, quote, alternative media. Yeah, and was he inside the building? Is that what they're saying? Or was he outside? Because I know a lot of people, a lot of journalists who attended, a lot of people who attended who didn't enter the building, but they were out there.
Starting point is 01:05:51 If they're expanding the boundaries of where you can be arrested, yes. Yeah, the definition of being involved. Well, yes. We know from the extremist identifier document which was leaked, which showed that some hotels, Airbnb, were about to put a version of a social credit score on individuals who were in the Capitol, that there was about 350,000 people based on your cell phone. Your cell phone, everyone, this thing you carry around with you, it's a spy device. But they know about 350,000 people were there. If what I'm reading in this court document is correct, there could be up to 50,000 people who've entered what's called the exterior security perimeter. Now, my understanding, and this is reading from the documents, he's not being charged with entering the Capitol building.
Starting point is 01:06:42 What he is being charged with, the federal government says they have, is video of Mr. Schroer on, quote, the wrong side of the Capitol's exterior security perimeter. Now, if they're trying to say that that is the grounds, the same grounds which they erected a metal fence around and had National Guard patrolling after January 6, that's a large area. And that was where most people were. So standing on the steps. More than that. Think's a large area. And that was where most people were. So standing on the steps. More than that.
Starting point is 01:07:07 Think about the lawn area. The fence that got erected goes all the way to the street. He was charged for standing on the steps. That's going to be interesting to see, the definition of what the exterior security perimeter is. I don't want to hold our guests for too long. We're in the process of connecting right now. But this segment, we're going to be discussing Afghanistan. Obviously, in the process of connecting right now. But this segment, we're going to be discussing Afghanistan. Obviously, there's been a lot of updates.
Starting point is 01:07:33 Joe Biden, our president, who is now stuck in the White House, stuck in the Capitol, he doesn't want to go back to Delaware because of the nature of this crisis. No, he wants to go back to Delaware. He just couldn't stand the backlash. He was getting too much backlash for going on vacation after leaving a country in turmoil, including his own country. But he decided he wanted to go back to his Rehoboth Beach house, probably. But the backlash was just too much. Yes. So with Afghanistan right now, some of the biggest stories that came up today on this one, Joe Biden announced himself. The U.S. is formally coordinating with the Taliban. Yes, he used those words coordinating. And so coordinating with the Taliban, both in
Starting point is 01:08:14 Kabul and in Doha. And so that word coordinating is an important word. That means we're cooperating with them, that we're working in conjunction with them. We're getting information to the Taliban. Taliban's getting information to us as well. So there's lots to talk about on this topic, Edward. Yes, mainly, why did we leave? 2,000 vehicles, 30 to 40 airplanes, 40,000 Americans. And they're all saying a combined number. You heard Kerry mention this. 80,000
Starting point is 01:08:45 of both those who worked with the U.S. and the U.S. citizens left in the country. This is starting to smell a lot like a Benghazi, a situation that had a lot of shadowy political activity happening in the background. You have to wonder, looking at this, if the vehicles, the planes, the U.S. citizens, were a form of in-kind payment to secure a deal with the Taliban that would end the war, the same way that Barack Obama's administration sent, what was it, $300 million of cash on pallets to Iran for the Iran nuclear deal. You have to look at this as potentially an in-kind payment. Boy, if that comes out, is that not treason? But to discuss this with us, I have National File senior reporter Patrick Howley.
Starting point is 01:09:37 How are you doing today, sir? I'm just great. Great to be here, my friend. Well, did you get a chance to watch Joe Biden's Sleepy Press Conference earlier? I have. And Sleepy Joe is one of the weakest and stupidest people who has ever occupied that office, probably the weakest and stupidest at this point, considering that he's totally mentally vacant. The reporters are handpicked. The questions are handpicked. So there's no opportunity for the American people to actually ask real questions. And what the reporters do in every Sleepy Joe press conference is basically just badger the administration about why they are not going even more to the radical left.
Starting point is 01:10:15 And then the administration tries to assure them that they will be going more to the radical left in the future. So, I mean, to call it the Sleepy Joe regime, when I say Biden in an article, when I say Sleepy Joe, you know, unless it's reporting on something he does like grope children or make bizarre, insane comments, I'm referring to the group of advisors, the group of deep state handlers who are actually making the decisions on behalf of Joe Biden and some of those people include Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett. Barack Obama obviously is involved. George Soros, Bernard Schwartz, who is, in my view, a traitor against the United States to China, provided them with all kinds of technology and actually coerced Bill Clinton to get rid of the sanctions on China in order to make that deal. He is one of the senior people in Joe Biden's orbit. You've got Joe Kochet, for instance, the good friend of Nancy Pelosi out in California, the lawyer. He's the one picking federal judges for the Biden administration. This guy was accused in his divorce papers of actually assaulting his
Starting point is 01:11:21 children and being naked around them. So, I mean, this is a crew of, I think, very disturbed, psychotic people. I think they derive pleasure, perhaps sexual pleasure, from the idea that children have to wear suffocating face masks. And I think we've never been in a situation yet where so many evil people have consolidated their power into one behemoth that is basically ruling over us? I think clearly any American paying attention and those with common sense no longer see the government as the protectors of our kids, of American citizens. This story alone has so many depths to it. You laid out the protections, the harm to kids, actually, in the sense of the mask.
Starting point is 01:12:03 Patrick, I'm not sure if you're aware of this story, something that was very shocked to find out. It even goes to our CIA. This is kind of unbelievable, but you know what? What's unbelievable anymore in a system that's turned from God? Our CIA, according to the Washington Post and according to Tablet magazine, RCAA was bribing Afghan warlords with Viagra. And the reason for this is not only were they aware that Afghan warlords were having sex with young boys, but they knew that with Viagra they could prolong the raping of kids. Now, I found this out, this shocking, unbelievable story last night reading. I know you're a voracious reader too, Patrick.
Starting point is 01:12:52 I want to hear your take on this. This was in this article. This is the Washington Post's first reporting on the use of the little blue pillsays CIA Wins Friends in Afghanistan. Now, in a commentary on this story, now that we're seeing some documents, seeing information leaking out about what was actually going on in Afghanistan, this is from Tablet. The reality is that America lost its war in Afghanistan more than a decade ago, roughly around the time when CIA officers began bribing aging warlords with Viagra. The Americans knew all about the young boys the tribal leaders kept in their camps because
Starting point is 01:13:28 the sex drug helped Afghan elders rape more boys more often. They are beholden to America's clandestine service. Losing Afghanistan then is the least of it. When you choose to adopt a foreign cohort's cultural habits, customs for which the elders of your own tribe would ostracize and perhaps kill you, you have lost your civilization. What do you make of this, Patrick? The CIA
Starting point is 01:13:53 has been obviously integrally involved in regime changes all over the world, and I think what they're trying to do now is to do a CIA style color revolution, as they call it, in the United States. This has all the markings of that. They are turning their regime change capabilities on America, which is why they are trying to use January 6th as a pretext to use the national security state against our own people.
Starting point is 01:14:16 Interestingly, Matt Fuller, the Huffington Post reporter who tweeted, they're shooting into the chamber, and then was commented on by Chris Hayes and various other people during these tensions. He's not being prosecuted despite the fact that the protesters were not shooting into the chamber and then law enforcement took it upon themselves to shoot and kill Ashley Babbitt, the peaceful protester. But they are using the national security apparatus against us, the American patriots, and they seek to replace us. It is called the Great Replacement. They want to invade the world and invite the world. And so their big priority right now is not saving the Americans who are stranded over there. I mean, that alone is like an Iran hostage crisis times 10 for the sleepy Joe regime. But they want to bring the Afghan refugees here, and they are already doing that. There are already Afghan
Starting point is 01:15:01 refugees at Fort Lee in Virginia. Yes, Patrick, I have a question for you. So I actually brought Michelle Malkin on yesterday, and we were talking about the incoming Afghan refugee crisis. Now, there's a possibility that Joe Biden created this chaos, allowed Afghanistan to fall the way it did to enable a mass import of Afghan refugees. You know, so we're not just we're not bringing in women and children. If you look at the planes and the people coming in, 90 percent of them are military aged men, cowards who left their women and children behind, pushed them out of the way so they could get on the planes to flee their country. And that is who we are bringing in en masse.
Starting point is 01:15:41 You know, first, originally, the number was about 30,000. Now we're looking at, I number was about 30,000. Now we're looking at, I think, almost 100,000. We have elected officials calling for one million Afghan migrants into the United States, and they've already started placing them into this country. Now, you recently did an article, you wrote, I read it, about who is funding, who is helping raise money for these Afghan refugees. And now I think it's also an electoral strategy because they're being called upon to bring them into red states. You know, it's Utah elected officials, Georgia, Virginia, well, parts of Virginia. And, you know, elections
Starting point is 01:16:17 can be swayed either way. And it can be an electoral strategy, but also it dismantles our social fabric. You know, you have done some research on who is helping, aiding and abetting this invasion of these military-aged men, Afghan migrant cowards who left their families behind. Yes, that's right. You know, for years when the State Department relocates migrants into the United States, they choose typically white Christian areas. This is why Minnesota now looks like Little Somalia, Northern Virginia, even Maine. They specifically target these places in order to move mass third world migration into it. And that continues. You've
Starting point is 01:16:56 got Fort Lee in Virginia, which now is housing Afghan refugees. You've got Fort McCoy is being targeted in Wisconsin, and then also Fort Bliss in Texas. So these are really key strategic places that these people are being moved into. And the Afghan refugees are being helped by none other than something called the Islamic Center of Virginia, which is led by Imam Ammar Ammonet. And this guy has actually spoken alongside the current gubernatorial candidate, Terry McAuliffe. He has spoken alongside Mark Warner. He has worked with the Virginia Attorney General, Mark Herring, in order to push hate crime legislation. And this is what he said. I unearthed this. This has been memory hold. I unearthed this in 2004. This is
Starting point is 01:17:43 what he said about the 9-11 attackers. He said, quote, terrorism is about symbolic targets. It's sending a political message. The World Trade Center sounds in Arabic like center for globalization. I think they took it literally and globalism may be a threat. But in Islamic law, even if you have a good purpose or goal, you have to follow the rules. He described the motives of the 9-11 attackers as a good purpose or goal. I don't think he quite knew that he was going to be so politically ascendant in the coming years when he gave that quote. But this is the guy who is being broadcasted by the mainstream media, raising money for the Afghan refugees. And in another instance recently, he said that Muslims have to get the vaccine even if it has pork ingredients in it, and you just
Starting point is 01:18:26 have to ignore that part of Islamic law. So I guess he's not uncompromising when it comes to Islamic law. So this is extremely disturbing. Obviously, the entire migration project that has ruined Europe and has ruined the United States has been all started by the destabilization that the globalists laid out in the Middle East and executed in the Middle East. Why have we been fighting these wars in the Middle East for so long? Various reasons. First and foremost, Israeli intelligence often goads the United States into conflict because Israel has an interest in conflict in the Middle East. And then defense contractors get rich. And then really they can push a globalist agenda because they can use the pretext of a refugee crisis in order to move these refugees into Europe and into the United States in order to
Starting point is 01:19:11 change the demographics to marginalize white people. All you have to do is look at the Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin celebrating the fact that the white population went down in the United States, according to the census, for the first time since 1790. And you begin to realize that they do have a very racially motivated agenda because they see white people in the West as the last bulwark against their new world order. But ultimately, they are going to end up targeting black people and Hispanic people in every race because their goal, the communist ideal, is to have a raceless mongrel class that can provide labor and is interchangeable and there are no countries and then the globalist controllers the people like Soros and Bill Gates are still at the top this has been in this has been going on for a long time both parties have used jingoism
Starting point is 01:19:57 they have used a sort of false patriotism in order to get people to accept these wars but I think that that is ending now that people see the agenda at work, where when you have working class Hollywood crew members even rebelling against their union in Hollywood during contract negotiations, saying we will not accept a vaccine mandate and we will vote against union leadership after their union leadership volunteered them to try to set up vaccination field centers for the Biden White House. I don't know whether it has to do with Hollywood productions, but this is what's going on. I think people of all stripes, all political persuasions are realizing this now. And I think
Starting point is 01:20:36 ultimately the right versus left paradigm, which keeps this whole system fixed and in place, is going to break down and it's going to just become the people against the controllers. Well, certainly, I think that anyone's watched the vaccination programs unfold with no consideration to those who could be hurt, killed, would see a system like that as coalescing and being in conjunction with any change in society. And you mentioned you mentioned Mongols. I guess we would be among that class. I shouldn't be offended that you called me a dog. We're both dogs in the sense that the globalists wouldn't want us to maybe even be a worker class. I do suspect.
Starting point is 01:21:15 Well, that's what they call it, actually. They call it so. I'm just poking at you. But the premise of it is that Afghanistan, the moving in of migrants, in a sense, is a reverse colonization. I was shocked to see this in the prints. You know, Machiavelli wrote about this. When you allow, or rather, when you take over a territory, the only way to keep it is to move your people in. It's actually the cheapest way to keep it. It's very unstrategic, according to this political savant, the guy that has been studied by many of our politicians. It's very unstrategic to try to do it with the military, and you won't succeed. But if you do it
Starting point is 01:21:57 with colonists, do it with settlers, it works. Actually, think about the West. America, we were settled. You did have a military contingent in the country. It was very tiny. And in this sense of mass migration, whether it be Europe, whether it be the United States, do you agree that this is a form of reverse colonization? Yes, they say that explicitly, actually. When you look at the UN racism inspectors that Secretary of State Tony Blinken has invited into this country, Tony Blinken, by the way, who ran the Biden Center at the University of Pennsylvania, which took $14
Starting point is 01:22:29 million in anonymous Chinese donations. Tony Blinken has invited the UN racism inspectors over here. And I caught the UN racism inspectors in the past saying that free speech is not absolute. Free speech must be restricted. And so they have a censorious agenda. They're trying to censor the American people over so-called hate speech. Obviously, they hate Trump. They hate populism. They hate America first. They hate people like me. But one of these UN racism inspectors who's going to be doing this report actually published an article called Migration as Decolonization. She comes from the African continent. She believes that mass migration to the United States of America would reverse the colonization that she believes was some kind of global crime against her people. And so this is
Starting point is 01:23:12 all tribalistic. This is all very much about so-called correcting the sins of history. However, how do you really know what history was when history, you know, as Hunter S. Thompson said, history is hard to know because of all the hired BS. I won't say what he said on the show, but it's it's the history is being rewritten. I mean, there are kids today who probably think that, you know, George Washington tore down the black man's space pyramids at Wakanda. And that's what's being taught in our schools is absolutely ridiculous. So, I mean, if you're going to rewrite the history, then there is no objective history and they want to get to a point where there's no objective truth. And so therefore, anybody who says something rational can be censored, according to the UN. Okay. Well, listen, so I saw a really interesting
Starting point is 01:23:59 article on National File. So apparently the governments are having a hard time trying to figure out how to get their people out of there because this was poorly planned. It was just chaos. People are trying to get out of Afghanistan. Well, recently there was a Twitter frog. I don't know if he was a griper or Pepe the frog, but I found it really funny. You know, they consider them the right wing part of Twitter, but he actually negotiated with the Taliban on Twitter and was able to get his, I believe it was the Spanish diplomats, negotiate a way for them to get out safely, doing something that the government itself failed to do just by reaching out to them and talking to them. Actually, I think he was saying, blame America.
Starting point is 01:24:46 This is not our fault. You know, this kind of thing. So please let our people go. And they agreed. And apparently these Spanish diplomats have been removed successfully. What is it? How telling is it? Is that the governments of the world, the biggest, the most important governments of
Starting point is 01:25:00 the world that are supposed to keep us safe, fail to figure out a way to take care of their own people. And it's being left up to Twitter frogs. It's a total disaster. The sleepy Joe regime is Jimmy Carter times a million. And then obviously they have a radical anti-American bent. But if you look at what we were doing in Afghanistan all that time at great taxpayer expense, it is a fact, it is a matter of public record. And I've spoken to many people who have served in Afghanistan that the U.S. military was being used against their will, in many cases, being used to guard poppy fields. The heroin trade has exploded all over the world in recent years. Afghanistan is central to that. The Taliban actually made a deal with the Chinese Communist Party years ago when they were not in power in order to allow the Chinese to come in and take
Starting point is 01:25:45 over the copper mines. So the Chinese are going to get all of those minerals, all of that wealth that's in Afghanistan. There's a reason why the Soviets went into Afghanistan and the Americans resisted them there. There's a reason the Americans stayed for 20 years in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is not a random place on the globe. It is a mineral rich region. It has these poppy fields and they can rip people off. For instance, you know, the people who actually harvest the heroin get ripped off. They get, you know, a tiny amount of money compared to what the big institutional drug dealers are getting. Now, I am not in any way saying that the U.S. military service members were, you know, wanted to be part of this, but I am saying that the politicians were making sure that those poppy fields were
Starting point is 01:26:25 protected from terrorist conquest. So, you know, this entire globalization project is exposed now, and if it wasn't for censorship, I think the whole entire world would be waking up. But I think within what we can do in the age of censorship, we can definitely wake as many people up as possible. Patrick, if I was in a coma of the last year and if I was illiterate and couldn't read, I might believe that this is all just incompetence. But I'm really starting to wonder if there's something else going on here. I mean, other than the obvious here, we've left jets, we've left armored vehicles, we're giving up a very lucrative business in rare earth minerals.
Starting point is 01:27:05 There are so many actions that have been taken by the Biden administration to stop the repatriation of our citizens, to facilitate the handing over of the country to the Taliban, that I have to wonder if Joe Biden is doing what Barack Obama did with Iran. Do you think there's anything to that? Or do you think this is simply sheer incompetence? Well, it's a combination of both. It's incompetence. It's corruption. It's the fact that Biden is owned by China because of Hunter's laptop and all the things that Sleepy Joe has done and the business deals that they were doing over there. So, you know, to look at the Sleepy Joe regime, yes, it is a ton of incompetence. These
Starting point is 01:27:44 people don't know how to run a government. They don't really care how to run a government, but it's just about whatever deals they're doing at any given time. That's why there's really no way to predict what they will ground, globalize it, and get rid of its national sovereignty. Henry Kissinger laid this out at the Bilderberg Conference many years ago, where he said, as of right now, if we had UN troops rolling into this country, people would be against it. However, if we manufacture a crisis, I'm paraphrasing, if we manufacture a crisis, then they will beg for the UN to come in, and they will accept the one world government. That's a matter of record. He said that they've been working toward that ever since. The Bill Clinton administration was the first radical leftist administration that really pushed us in that direction, though it really started with Bush number one, who was right
Starting point is 01:28:35 before him. But ever since then, with the exception of Donald Trump, every president has tried to move us closer and closer to Henry Kissinger's one world government ideal. Well, Patrick, we have about a minute left. And of course, I agree with the balkanization argument you're making. I think it is intentional in the sense that we are carrying out the importation of these asylum seekers and others the same way that in 2015 Syrians were being brought in. I got about 45 seconds with you.
Starting point is 01:29:04 Is there any upside to what's happened? I'm talking about the America First movement. I know you think about this. Is there anything other than exposing the sheer incompetence of the Biden administration? Well, the upside is we just had 6,000 patriots at the Oklahoma State Capitol. When I say we, I talk about our movement collectively.
Starting point is 01:29:21 I have to be very, very careful. You know, they're everywhere. They're listening. But we had 6,000 patriots at the Oklahoma State Capitol saying we don't want masks. We don't want vaccine mandates. This is going to spread
Starting point is 01:29:31 all over the country. So the more that people wake up, you can look at the streets of Paris. You can look at the streets of Montreal. There were millions of people in Paris protesting just recently. So it's time for humanity to finally take a stand.
Starting point is 01:29:42 There are, what, 7 billion of us. And there's maybe about 100, 200 people in the globalist class who really make the decisions. The Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, Kissinger, et cetera. So there's a whole lot more of us than there are of them. Patrick, smartest man at National FOD. Appreciate you joining us. And we're going to be heading to break. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 01:30:01 We'll be back in just a moment. Thank you so much. We'll be back in just a moment. Thank you. The culture warriors in this country are breaking down traditions, morals, family structure. They've been doing this for decades, and they are aiming their guns at young men. They want to feminize them. They want to demonize them, they want to criminalize them so that they will not act like the men that God created them to be. God Tribe is a social media educational platform, digital platform for young men and to give young men a place to congregate where they feel safe. Its mission is to
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Starting point is 01:31:48 Welcome back to True News for our last segment on Friday. It's been a very busy week, especially with Afghanistan, the Mike Lindell situation with cyber-symposium. We've had a very interesting week. That interview, I love talking to Patrick. First of all, keeping up with Patrick. He's like a Corvette man. That man can speak, okay? But something he was laying into there about the balkanization. And I think for
Starting point is 01:32:10 our ministry and our position on this, it's not so much about melanin or the race of an individual, ethnicity coming in. We're more concerned about God getting pushed out. I think for Christians in this country, our government over and over has disappointed us. And I do suspect, Doc, that one of the actions here is to fire up the right-wing conservative Christian base by agitating us with something such as unmitigated importation of Afghan refugees, some of whom may have been involved with the CIA Viagra plan. Right. And something to keep in mind, it's not even something that's in opposition to Muslims or anything like that. So don't get that impression at all.
Starting point is 01:32:57 It wouldn't matter if it was the Ukraine or Malaysia or Afghanistan. We are importing a vast number of Afghanis into the U.S. We're doing it unvetted. There's no way to know that Taliban isn't embedded with the folks coming in on such short notice. There's no way. Come on. Come on, man.
Starting point is 01:33:21 So it's not a matter of just that. But remember always that it's Satan's schemes, part of his resume, to steal, to kill, and destroy. And within that word destroy, destruction is that word division. And so he is seeking constantly to divide. And that's the essence of that term balkanization, to make groups out of people and regions out of people, because he can control division. And so, but what Satan fears more than anything else is when believers unite, and they unite in the common thread of Christ's resume. He came to give life and the life more abundantly. And so that's the way we approach this,
Starting point is 01:34:05 that we serve a different kingdom. We're citizens of a kingdom beyond this world. And that kingdom is expanding. And even though Satan is loosed for a short time at the end to deceive the elect, the kingdom continues to expand and advance and to take territory. That territory is the hearts of men and women around the world. I pray for the Afghan refugees that they come to know Jesus
Starting point is 01:34:31 and that they come to as many as possible that they can. But I also say trust, but verify, as Reagan said. We don't know. So what we do know is Christ is still changing lives today, don't we? Yes, we do. And we have a guest on the line with us that's going to tell us a little bit about how they were delivered from Satan's bondage. Yeah. You know, it's good to remind you.
Starting point is 01:34:56 Hi, Brandon. Brandon is a true news viewer. Actually, he reached out to me. I got an email from him and it made my day. It's good to remember that in these dark times that God is still working and he's doing radical things. He's changing people and he's bringing people into his kingdom. Brandon, thank you so much. How are you today? Good. How are you guys? I can't believe I'm talking to you. Yeah, awesome. Well, we're happy to have you. Listen,
Starting point is 01:35:19 I loved your testimony. I was hoping you could share it with our audience and share how Jesus Christ came into your life and changed you and brought you to True News today. Cool. So basically, I was born to two drug addict parents and my dad had a rare kidney disease and he passed away from a failed kidney transplant when I was like six weeks old. And since my mom was such like a awful drug addict, she couldn't take care of me. So I ended up being raised by my grandpa and there was a lot of like sexual abuse. And that caused me to like like question my sexuality from a very young age. And just all this like abuse and stuff happened to me at a very young age. And then I was raised by my grandma, like for the most of my life.
Starting point is 01:36:05 And she was like, just crazy and mentally ill. Everyone in my family like has been through so much trauma and they're just very mentally ill and all of them are like lost in sin. Like I never went to church. I never had like a strong connection with God or anything like that growing up. So as I got older, around like the age of 15 or 16, like I started figuring out I could like escape my life on the computer, like doing graphic design and, um, stuff like
Starting point is 01:36:32 that. And so that's one good thing that came out of it. But then I started escaping my life in other ways, like with alcohol and drugs and, um, meeting people I shouldn't be friends with and stuff like that. And like being confused about my sexuality continued at that age too. And I was bullied really heavily in school. Like before I even knew what being gay was, people were telling me in school like that I was gay. So I guess I kind of just like, I don't know. Just got into the lie. You know, there certainly is an agenda
Starting point is 01:37:01 to go after young children and their identities. You know, that's a huge thing, like where they're telling you who you are, but it's like, are you going to let the devil himself choose who you're going to be and what your future is going to be? Are you going to let Jesus tell you who you are? Sorry, you can continue. Thank you so much. You're helping me like not be so nervous. Yeah, no, you're fine. You're fine. I'm loving it. But yeah, so that is what I did. Like I bought into the lie. Everyone told me that I was gay and stuff. And I mean, I'm now looking back. I don't think I knew how would a child know what they are, you know, but I just went with it. So yeah. So around the
Starting point is 01:37:36 age of like, I don't know, I just got deeper and deeper into addictions around like 18 college age. And I was addicted to prescription pills, to marijuana, to alcohol. Like every weekend I would just use as many drugs and alcohol as I could. And yeah, I know that feeling. I've been I'm in recovery myself. So I get I get that. I get the throes of addiction, the throes of brokenness. And, you know, it feels like it's a bottomless pit that you can't pull yourself out of no matter how hard you try. You know, and you can't do it alone. You can't do it on your own.
Starting point is 01:38:11 I told myself for years that I could do it myself and fix it myself. But it was impossible. That's exactly. Yeah, that's exactly what happened to me. I went through years and years of trying to be better, but I didn't actually start getting better. Like my depression started healing once I actually found the Word of God. Well, for me, it started with New Age religion, because since I was gay, I guess, I always had an aversion to Christianity, just because the big lie out there is, like, Christians won't accept you, or, like, if you're gay or whatever, and I just, I don't know, it scared me, I guess, but, so I started with New Age religion, and that kind of, like, I lost a ton of
Starting point is 01:38:43 weight. I helped, it helped with my addictions and stuff. But then the more I got into it. I realized like How much how attracted I was to Jesus Christ and the Word of Jesus Christ So I started studying the Bible more and stuff and that's when finally like a little voice told me like you don't have to be gay like you don't have to live this life anymore one day and I actually started listening to the voice and started studying the Bible more. And yeah, after that, I became delivered from being gay. But I battled with it for several years. Yeah. And it's a struggle. Life is a struggle. Sometimes there's days where you have, I have really bad days where I was like, wow, it'd be really nice to just go escape back into my sin and disappear again. You know, and that battle is real. And it,
Starting point is 01:39:31 you know, there's always a demonic entity or an evil Satan that wants to take you out. But I want to encourage you to continue the good fight. Keep fighting because Jesus loves you. And of course, like we as Christians, like we love you. We welcome you. We want you to be free from your bondage because I get it. Like it's like we feel comfortable in our bondage sometimes, you know, in our hurt, in our trauma. Being a part of that sin, it kind of makes you forget the trauma from before.
Starting point is 01:40:03 So I mean, I totally get that people, but people like God pursued you. Do you realize that Jesus pursued you every step of the way through this? Like even when you were seeking new age or drugs or sexual promiscuity, like he still kept pulling at you and speaking to you throughout, no matter what dark place you were into. Do you realize that? I do realize that. And that's one thing I do want to touch on is like, there have been so many times where I was trying to kill
Starting point is 01:40:31 myself so many times and it didn't work because, and I truly believe God was with me every step of the way because I'm supposed to try and share my story and show how he's helped me and you know, like saving my soul, it's been the best thing that I could have ever done for myself. And I never, it always seems so hard. Like I always felt like I could never get control of my addictions. I could never stop being with men sexually and all these urges
Starting point is 01:40:55 and everything that I would fight all the time for years and years. It just seemed like it was too much for me to ever conquer like by myself. And, you know, it was too much for me to conquer by myself because once I found Jesus, like it changed and I don't know I can literally feel him like with me all the time and it just helps me so much to read my bible to watch you guys and listening to I don't know if you guys are aware who Bryson Gray is he's um a MAGA rapper like his music is actually what helped me change the most this year because it all preaches like such Christianity how LGBT is wicked and just they he puts things in a way
Starting point is 01:41:31 that it's so easy for me to understand you know and like it gave me the drive to like pursue Christianity even more and like actually get over all of my addictions and everything even out of the like the next level or whatever. It's funny, I actually reached out to Bryson Gray this morning and I was trying to, yeah, see if I could have him on because I actually found out that the Christian, did you know that the Christian radio stations would not let him air his music
Starting point is 01:41:56 unless he got rid of the LGBTQ addressing? But look at what he's doing. Like, look what his music is doing. That's amazing. Like, it's reaching people. And I can't wait to tell him that. He's gonna be so excited to hear that he's doing. Like, look what his music is doing. That's amazing. Like, it's reaching people. And I can't wait to tell him that. He's going to be so excited to hear that he's making a difference because he's super discouraged because he's being told by the Christian music industry, you have to get this out because we can't air this, you know, because it's not about Jesus Christ. It's about not getting backlash or, you know, making sure I get the commercials I need,
Starting point is 01:42:22 you know, the media buys. So that's amazing. That's absolutely amazing that you know, making sure I get the commercials I need, you know, the media buys. So that's amazing. That's absolutely amazing that you're a, that's just really funny. I'm a huge fan of him too. Seriously, every day I listen to his music. I'm a graphic designer, so I listen to music while I work and all day I listen to his music because he's just such a good Christian. He's so close to God and everything he says is the truth. And like about the LGBT stuff, I can see how I guess people find it offensive, but it's the truth. Like everything in it is the truth and it helps deliver my soul. And I mean, I look back at how I was when I was gay.
Starting point is 01:42:55 I was so depressed. I was so lost. And now I've never been happier than I am now in my life. And like, I just want to shout it from the rooftops because, you know, I'm not depressed anymore. I've lost so much weight. Like I have a career I love now and I feel so close to God. And yeah, I just feel so blessed every day to just wake up and get to live life more and get closer to God. So. So recently you took the big bold step. I know we've had Milo Yiannopoulos on
Starting point is 01:43:17 the show. We had Maria Barton on the show recently to share their testimonies of everything that Jesus has done for them. You know, he's doing amazing things. And I wanted to show the photo that you shared that went viral, actually. When you took that step, look at how amazing he looks. Like, look at that transformation. I look at that and I'm like, look at what Jesus can do. You know, I shared my mugshot on here before and I was like, oh, brutal. But it's just amazing because it's
Starting point is 01:43:45 only him. Only he is capable of doing, taking a broken, drug addicted person and transforming them to the person you see actually today, you know, on the right. You're actually working in Peru now. Is that correct? Yeah. So I became a freelance graphic designer. I started my own career and because I was working in corporate America, I kind of contributed to my depression a little bit being around people who now I can see they they're just so lost, you know, and like all the gossip at work and just all the like low vibrational things that would happen. But so, yeah, I started my own career and I travel the world and I'm in Peru right now. So, yeah. But with the pandemic, I can't really travel now. So I'm kind of stuck here until it's over. So, yeah, I started my own career and I travel the world and I'm in Peru right now. So, yeah. But with the pandemic, I can't really travel now. So I'm kind of stuck here until it's over. So, yeah. Well, Brandon, it's such a pleasure to speak to you. We love all our viewers. They're family to us. And it's not often we get to speak to them, though.
Starting point is 01:44:38 I mean, the fact that we had the opportunity to bring you on to share your testimony. How did you first find True News? How did? I find True News? How did... I'm trying to think. Oh, from Milo, actually. I was watching... Or Milo. Is it Milo?
Starting point is 01:44:53 Milo? I don't know. I was watching his... But I'm going to start calling him Milo now. Yeah, we're all going to... Thank you. He does have... Yeah, he does like me using the last name.
Starting point is 01:45:02 Milo Yiannopoulos. Yeah. Yiannopoulos. But yeah, I actually saw his video about being delivered from homosexuality. And I was like, oh my gosh, I'm going through this exact same thing. And then he uploaded a video from True News on his channel. And I was like, oh, I should check them out. Because if they're having him on this platform,
Starting point is 01:45:19 like maybe I could relate to the stuff they're talking about. And then, yeah, I've never looked back. That was like probably three months ago, I would say. So if you've liked it in the last three months, I tell you, you're going to like the older episodes, too. Certainly. Maybe Doc has a recommendation or two of some true news classics. Yeah, but just keep watching, Brandon. You're doing great. Yeah. And, you know, you're you're family to us now and we support you. You know, I know. Did you receive a lot of backlash from the LGBTQ community? I know Mariah did, I'm sure Milo did, you know,
Starting point is 01:45:49 because once they have ahold of you, they don't like to let go. And instead of being happy for you, because you're actually happy now walking in freedom, it seems that they kind of try to drag you back in. Have you experienced that, leaving the lifestyle? Yes, I have. And the other thing, they love to put labels on me now that I'm like, what is it, conversion therapy and all this stuff that has really bad stigmas to it.
Starting point is 01:46:14 And it's like, you know, I don't know what it's called. I just know I'm living for Jesus now and going by the word of God. And once I read the Bible and saw the things that God himself says about sexual immorality and all those sins, it just completely changed like my outlook on life and the way that I wanted to live my life, you know, and I don't see how I'm hurting anyone by not wanting to have sex with men. Like, how is that hurting anybody on this planet? You know what I mean? So yeah, it's like ridiculous. They have a tendency to be absolutely unrational. Like the last thing, like the only thing we want is to be like left alone.
Starting point is 01:46:46 You know what I mean? Like why do you have to, you know, and let me walk in freedom. You know, that's a great story. This is absolutely wonderful. I think Edward has something to ask if that's okay. Yeah, so Brandon, since you're out of the country, you know, you're in Peru, correct? How is it down there? For example, have you been able to find an English-speaking church?
Starting point is 01:47:05 Do you speak Spanish? I mean, how has it been outside of the country during, was it this past year? When did you leave? I left in 2018, but I've been in Peru for the entire pandemic. I've been stuck in Peru. It's very different here because the government is actually more controlling here than the United States. Like if we don't wear our mask out in the street, we can be fined a lot of money and like arrested. And just like everything with the pandemic is way more. I find it's way more strict here actually than the United States. This year they actually in Peru had a coup with the president here.
Starting point is 01:47:42 So that's one thing that happened here. Like, I don't know, it's corrupt everywhere, I guess. But yeah. Oh, boy. Well, we hope you get home safely. Listen, yeah, listen, if you could share something with other listeners who have been through what you've been through and are walking through the walk that you have been through, what would you say to encourage them? Because I know people could use a lot of encouragement, and there's a lot of hurt. There's, like, a lot of people who are broken and hurt, and you're somebody, I mean, you can pave the way for others to be free as well.
Starting point is 01:48:13 What would you say to these people to encourage them? I think I would say that you don't have to give in and accept the person that you are today, that you should always keep hope to be a better person, you know, that as long as you hold on to that hope, that Jesus Christ can transform you to become a better person and live a better life, you know? And I never imagined that I would, there were points in my life I never even imagined I would be a Christian or anything like that.
Starting point is 01:48:44 And it's just crazy how Jesus Christ can truly transform your mind and renew who you are as a person the more you know him. So I would tell them to just not give up hope because I didn't even realize before how depressed and lost I was. And through finding the truth in the word of God, like it completely transformed my outlook on life. So I would say don't give up hope on, on being happy again, you know? That's amazing. Yes. Thank you so much. Listen, Brandon, we want to stay in touch with you. You have my email now, so I definitely want to stay in touch. Please keep us updated on how you're doing down there. And, you know, I just, I really appreciate you. It takes bravery. You know,
Starting point is 01:49:25 it takes bravery to be able to come on and share your testimony and be a loud voice for Jesus, especially in a world that doesn't want to hear it. And know that we will be encouraging you and praying for you. We pray for your safety and, you know, welcome to the family. Amen. Thank you so much, Lauren. It's so good to talk to all of you. Bye, Brandon. Thank you so much. Bless you, Brandon. Bye. God bless you all. Thank you so much, Lauren. It's so good to talk to all of you. Bye, Brandon. Thank you so much. Bless you, Brandon. Bye. God bless you all. Thank you. Amazing testimony there. Amazing. And we get a lot of criticism sometimes for these testimonies because there are a lot of people that are so addicted to the news. They don't want to hear about what Jesus is actually
Starting point is 01:50:01 doing in the world. That's bigger news to me than anything else that's going on. You're not going to get saved reading NewsCoup. That's NewsCoup. You're addicted to news. Trust me, that's updated. It has a hundred stories on there, but you're not going to get saved by reading a news story. And to understand that all of us are in that position. It doesn't matter what the sin was, all of us, you said that you're a recovering addict. We're all recovering. All of us are recovering from our sin. The devil's got a mugshot on all of us. Right. And so, and it's not pretty. And so, not that yours is a bad one. Oh, no, it's pretty bad. You can say it, Doc.
Starting point is 01:50:47 But it is interesting to see the transformation in her life. But that transformation is in all of our lives. And Brandon's a great example. And came to True News through Milo's, now Milo's, visit. And so that will definitely lighten things up for that. But what our audience needs to understand is every one of us are in that position, that position of bondage to sin. And it takes on different shapes and colors and the chains are still the same.
Starting point is 01:51:19 They may be longer. They may be a different color. But we're all in bondage to Satan. And we need deliverance. And the only way to have that deliverance in our life is confessing Jesus Christ. Believe that God raised Him from the dead. The Bible says in Romans 10, 9 and 10, confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead and thou shalt be saved."
Starting point is 01:51:45 That's the promise. It didn't put a condition of, well, except gays or except pedophiles or except whoever, anyone that calls out the name of Jesus and repents of their sins and believes that God is a supernatural God that raises people from the dead. They shall be saved. And it's just covering. You know how you said like, oh, they're obsessed with the news. That is news. To me, that is news.
Starting point is 01:52:11 That is the news. You know what Jesus is doing in people's lives. People sometimes get so addicted to the black pilling, as Michelle Malkin said yesterday, where you're just obsessed with the doom and gloom. And then you forget to look around you that there's other people that are broken. There are other people that are walking through recovery and healing and pursuing healing. And God's pursuing them, you know. And it's pretty good, like, to be able to see that firsthand.
Starting point is 01:52:34 You know, Brandon would have never gotten out of that had it not been for the intervention of Jesus Christ. And that's possible for all of you all. Well, it's what's unique about this program. Not only in the unique nature of our founding. Rick could have done many things in his life, but he's obedient to the Lord. Founded this ministry on the message of repentance. And again, that America would be judged if it didn't turn its wicked ways. Well, look at where we're at now. We're 20 years into this ministry, and we're looking at a country that, to be honest, it doesn't even look like the same country I immigrated to.
Starting point is 01:53:09 I immigrated here in 99, and I don't remember there being drag queen story hour, let alone the extent of debauchery and sin that's become so normal. But I ponder this a lot because we share information because the body of Christ has to be equipped. You know, for individuals not to fall into delusion, you have to have two things. You have to have the word of God inside of you. You also have to be informed of what's happening around you.
Starting point is 01:53:37 I think it's the key to defeating delusion. You know, you have to have the Lord with you. You have to also be able to recognize through discernment and being informed about what the delusions are. Now, you can't be obsessed about them. I think many, Doc, you probably could talk on this, that we turn these delusions into idols. Often we become obsessed with the very evil that we're simply trying to discuss and share. And there was a story we didn't get a chance to share in the first hour that kind of falls into this. We were talking about Australia. I mean, Rick pointedly noted that anything that happens in Australia, anything happens in a five eyes nation, it's a template
Starting point is 01:54:13 for the rest of us. Well, in Australia on TV, I mean, they're working in Satanism plugs. And there was a high television broadcast in Australia, and it was a story about just a police brutality, police crime incident. And out of nowhere, in comes Hail Satan. Yes. This actually happened. I think we have the video to show. Maybe we can show that in just a second here. But the most shocking part about it is that the anchor was just completely unfazed. Because a society that's turned its back on God doesn't see anything wrong with a slip-up as they're saying, or an accident. But more so that they don't have an issue with the sharing of Satanism with kids, with society.
Starting point is 01:55:00 Turning ourselves over to the devil will certainly come with many symptoms. We talk about the problems will certainly come with many symptoms. We talk about the problems of a pandemic. My goodness, I tell you the problems of turning into a Satanist, turning into someone who is not working for the Lord. You're working for the devil. You're working for death. You made reference to this Hail Satan remark. Where was this at?
Starting point is 01:55:20 This is Australia. We were sharing at the beginning of the program about the Australian vaccination camps, the Australian stadium vaccination, these being templates. Well, you're probably also going to see this in coming days and months and years here in America. Plugs for Satanism. The state government announced the proposed legislation today. It's in part due to the stabbing of a police dog during an arrest in Brisbane last year. Recent outages have shown how just one... Well, so quick you miss it. Seriously, that aired live on Australia's version of the BBC.
Starting point is 01:56:12 It's a state-backed entity. See, Doc, there's a couple of things with this. That group that was behind that plug, they're actually trying to teach Satanism in school. They have a lawsuit going in Brisbane right now. And they haven't been successful. Thank God they haven't done this. But maybe they will move ahead with this. This is the group, the Australian-based Nusa Temple of Satan.
Starting point is 01:56:35 But this has actually been defeated. And I'll tell you this. Most Christians, most who are smart, have separated themselves from this kind of media. This will be obsessed about on social media, and I think this will be the extent of what we address it. This is what's going on in the world. You always wonder, especially if you're addicted to something or you've fallen, we all have addictions. I have addictions that I've fought against. You do have those moments that you wonder,
Starting point is 01:57:05 how are the other side's living? The other side is living in a manner they're not even noticing an ad for the devil on their own television. But again, our job here is to spread the gospel of the kingdom. See, I think it's mockery. I think they did it on purpose because they love to mock us and do things like that.
Starting point is 01:57:22 Like, ha ha, we're in charge. There's nothing you can do about it. So they do things like that just to, I mean, nobody, really nobody's okay with that. You know, I don't care what religion you are. Like the people that blatantly worship the guy who wants you dead. He makes it very clear that he comes to steal, kill and destroy your life. Like nobody's okay with that. And it's like, it's a, it's a humiliation ritual slash mockery because they did that on purpose that's what the mask is it's a humiliation ritual we're doing it just on a global scale now definitely satan is looser now than he has been let's just say that whether this is the loosing of it it's definitely appears to be loosening each and every day
Starting point is 01:58:02 but the kingdom of god is also making advances as well. And don't be discouraged, believer. We can have territory here. We can take, when I say territory, I'm not concerned about real estate. I'm talking about kingdom territory, the hearts of men. And that's what I'm concerned about more than anything else is seeing people come to know the Lord Jesus. And there are people that watch this every day. Some of you are just casual viewers. AND THAT'S WHAT I'M CONCERNED ABOUT MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE, IS SEEING PEOPLE COME TO KNOW THE LORD JESUS. AND THERE ARE PEOPLE THAT WATCH THIS EVERY DAY. SOME OF YOU ARE JUST CASUAL VIEWERS. SOME OF YOU JUST DROP IN EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE.
Starting point is 01:58:32 SOME ARE HERE TO TROLL. SOME ARE HERE. I WATCH THE CHAT EVERY DAY. I CONVERSE WITH SOME OF YOU SOMETIMES. AND THERE ARE SO MANY OF YOU OUT THERE, MAN, YOU'RE HURTING. AND YOU'RE SO LOST WITHOUT JESUS. AND I'M TELLING YOU, THERE IS A WAY. JESUS SAID, I'M THE WAY, THE TRUTH, There are so many of you out there, man, you're hurting and you're so lost without Jesus. And I'm telling you, there is a way.
Starting point is 01:58:48 Jesus said, I'm the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me. Buddha doesn't save. Muhammad doesn't save. Satan doesn't save. The Q doesn't save. MAGA doesn't save. Donald Trump doesn't save.
Starting point is 01:59:01 Jesus says, I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me. That is his exclusive domain. And so if you want access to the Father, you have to go through Jesus Christ. Believe that Jesus died for you. Repent of your sins. Believe that God raised him from the dead. Follow the instructions of the Word of God.
Starting point is 01:59:20 Be baptized according to what Jesus instructed the apostles, and start living for God. And He will deliver you. And that's a promise from the Word of God. Hallelujah. And if you liked that, you can hear more of it this weekend, actually on Sunday at News Sign Assembly. That's our church here.
Starting point is 01:59:38 Get involved. All right? We are supported by viewership, but really, we're supported by your prayers. All right? We are supported by viewership, but really we're supported by your prayers. Stand with us in this time and use this weekend not to be addicted to news, but go hug your family. God bless you. Take care. Редактор субтитров А.Семкин Корректор А.Егорова

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