TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Bankers’ Black Sea War: Is dispute over Ukraine or global money system?

Episode Date: April 28, 2021

Today on TRUNEWS, host Edward Szall provides the latest coverage and analysis on what is happening in the Black Sea standoff between the West and Russia. The team looks at the significance of the Guard Cutter Hamilton being sent as possible bait to lead the world into war. Later, Rick shares his experiences in cryptocurrency, and the team also looks at the moves to link digital coins to physical gold. Edward Szall, Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate (04/28/21)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit www, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll. Russia has begun a new series of live-fire war drills in the Black Sea. I'm Edward Zoll. warships led by the aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth, for us to challenge the Kremlin's blockade along the Kerch Strait. Further dispelling the notion that Russia had retreated from the Crimea, Defense Minister Sho Goose says Russia will continue to move troops around as it sees fit, especially as NATO contributes to what he phrased an increase in military danger. Russia's position is that their Black Sea is off-limits to foreign warships, and that decree is now in effect until October. Ukraine has called this edict illegal.
Starting point is 00:01:33 But what do the bankers think? And is it possible this has something to do with Russia and China preparing to operate outside the Western-controlled financial world order? Joining me to discuss this story and more, our True News founder, Rick Walls, and Doc Burkhart. Edward. All right, Edward. Every day the news is weird and a little bit more stranger than the day before. So let me get this straight.
Starting point is 00:01:56 The U.S. government has dispatched a U.S. Coast Guard ship to the Black Sea. Yes. Not a U.S. Coast Guard ship to the Black Sea. Yes. Not a U.S. Navy warship. A Coast Guard cutter. U.S. Coast Guard. Yes. What is the purpose of the U.S. Coast Guard?
Starting point is 00:02:16 Well, I always thought the purpose of the Coast Guard was to... Guard the coast. Guard the coast, our coast. Where does our coast end? From the sounds of the world is our coast, Rick. We could send the Coast Guard all the way to the interior of another continent. Think about that. The Black Sea sits in the Eurasian continent.
Starting point is 00:02:38 The Coast Guard that should be sailing around the Black Sea should be the Russian Coast Guard. The Coast Guard that should be finding pirates and drug sm, should be the Russian Coast Guard. You know, the Coast Guard, they should be finding pirates and drug smugglers and things like that here. Instead, they're over in the Black Sea. This is really weird. I mean, this is a strange story, but it centers around this potential tenderbox for the eruption of World War. Last week it kind of looked like maybe things were calming down a little bit.
Starting point is 00:03:12 The Russians allegedly pulled their troops back from the border. But now we learn today that the U.S. government has sent a Coast Guard ship to the Black Sea, which defies logic. Why a Coast Guard ship to the Black Sea, which defies logic. Why a Coast Guard ship? But I think in a minute we have a, well, we have an interesting spin on that Coast Guard ship. We've got from It says U.S. Coast Guard cutter enters the Black Sea. I just hope everybody just think about this. Wrap your mind around this. A Coast Guard ship that's supposed to be guarding the coast of the United States of America.
Starting point is 00:04:02 The East Coast, the West Coast, the Gulf Coast. The Black Sea Coast. No, no. The only thing the Coast Guard is supposed to be doing, Edward, is going up and down the American coast. That's it. Technically, if they were just guarding coasts, but we're starting to wonder if they're guarding something else.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Maybe guarding a financial system or the revenue of an empire. It just is bizarre to me. I've been thinking about it all day. Why a Coast Guard ship? I mean, is the U.S. Navy, did they not have any ships available to challenge Russia? Well, remember, just a couple weeks ago, we sent a couple warships, and they were heading up the Bosphorus Strait and got turned around. But I guess a Coast Guard cutter could be allowed to go in. Okay. So what becomes interesting is that when we drilled down into
Starting point is 00:04:58 this story and discovered the name of the U.S. Coast Guard ship that is in the Black Sea. Yes, so it is the USCGC Hamilton. Now, according to the U.S. Navy's deployment announcement for this vessel, they said that the Hamilton is the fourth national security cutter and is named for the father of the U.S. Coast Guard, Alexander Hamilton, the first Secretary of the Treasury and advocate for the creation of the U.S. Revenue Cutter Service. And that was the original name of the U.S. Coast Guard, the Revenue Cutter Service. They also had another service, too, called the U.S. Life Saving Service, and those two got
Starting point is 00:05:43 merged together at some point. But you're right, when it first started under Alexander Hamilton, it was the U.S. Revenue Cutter Service because the purpose was to get revenue. It was kind of like a naval version IRS agents who were sailing the Atlantic coast, stopping pirates who were smuggling and not paying taxes to the new country. They were protecting the coast. So that's what they were designed to do. Not really protecting the coast. Well.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Protecting the money. Yes. The money to the new government in Washington. They realized that there were pirates who were smuggling contraband goods, bringing them into ports and not paying the duties, evading the taxes. And so Hamilton came up with this idea, we will have revenue cops on ships and we'll sail up and down the Atlantic coast and and these revenue cops will be authorized. They're armed. These ships were armed. As is this ship that's gone into the Black Sea. It's not going in there under a civilian flag.
Starting point is 00:07:07 It's a warship. So those ships under Alexander Hamilton were armed. The sailors were armed. They were cops. They were tax collectors, armed tax collectors. That's where the Coast Guard came from. So, with that in mind, and the fact that Alexander Hamilton was the father of the U.S. Coast Guard, his mission was to protect the amount of the money that should be coming into the U.S. Treasury. He was the first secretary of the Treasury. And so that's why he created the Coast Guard. He's also the founder of the first U.S. Treasury. He was the first secretary of the Treasury. And so that's why he created the Coast Guard.
Starting point is 00:07:47 He's also the founder of the first U.S. Central Bank. And that's the other one. The first Central Bank. Of which Andrew Jackson was his nemesis and fought with all his might against the central bank for the new country. But Hamilton was the man who was the driving force. Of course, Hamilton died after a shootout, a duel with Aaron Burr. Right.
Starting point is 00:08:28 Interesting history of Hamilton. Yeah, born in Nevis, Charlestown in Nevis. Yeah, yeah. Nevis, St. Kitts. I've been to his house. Yes. I've been to his house. We went by there one day.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Hamilton was born on the island of Nevis, of the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis. He is probably their most famous resident of the island. And an amazing career in the new country. Well, it depends on who you refer to on the Internet for information about Alexander Hamilton and his alleged involvement in Freemasonry. The Masons in America deny that Hamilton was a Mason. And yet sources like, say that he was a Mason. And painters of the age. John W. Dunsmore in the painting The Petition actually has a direct link to the man that
Starting point is 00:09:36 killed Hamilton and the Dole, Mr. Burr, that you just mentioned. In this poet painting, it actually depicted, was said to be the first American Freemason lodge gathering with George Washington as the Grand Master. Yeah, the petition in the name of the painting by Dunsmore, it depicts a meeting of the American Union Lodge. And the lodge meant to consider a petition to create a general Grand Lodge for the United States, much like the United Grand Lodge in London. Right. Prince Philip was a part of it. Yes. And they wanted George Washington to be the general Grandmaster. Now, the artist, Mr. Dunsmore, John Ward Dunsmore, he included Alexander Hamilton in this meeting of Freemasons.
Starting point is 00:10:36 Although some Masonic logists say, no, there's no record of him being a Mason. So, you know, I'm not going to say he was a Mason because I can't find the absolute historical proof that he was a Mason. Right, and there's conflicting evidence on both sides of the issue on Hamilton. But there is this painting. Yes. And the other part to it, too, is there was a rumor,
Starting point is 00:11:00 and this actually was put into the posting, trying to debunk the whole Hamilton-Mason connection, a posting by the Grand Lodge of Ohio. On their website, they tried to put forth that Aaron Burr, the man who killed Alexander Hamilton in that duel, that he was a Mason and that he got expelled from the Masonic Order because he had dueled and killed Alexander Hamilton. Again, an odd series of
Starting point is 00:11:25 connections here. Let's just say they at least likely have an association with Freemasonry because we know George Washington was a Freemason. Absolutely. So was Benjamin Franklin. That's confirmed. And numerous others are the founding fathers. And so you can't escape that. That's part of it. Look, I came to the conclusion years ago that America was founded as a Masonic country. And that's a fact. Yes, I agree with you. You had two parallel competing streams flowing through the new country. Going back to the earliest years, pre-revolutionary days,
Starting point is 00:12:09 you had Christians who fled Europe, came to the new world for the purpose of establishing a Christian nation where they could worship Jesus Christ freely without government interference or religious oppression from any other entity. And you have that stream. You have that stream. Yes. Runs very deep through the country. But right beside it is the Masonic Masonic stream. And they've been running parallel ever since.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Yes. So. So in the creation of the of the society, the Christians were dominant. So we had a Christian culture. But in the development of the government, the Masons were dominant. Absolutely. And the government of America is Masonic. And I would argue it still is. It is. Yes. You don't have to argue. As much as we try to elect Christian politicians, it is Masonic. You don't have to argue it, Doc. It is Masonic to
Starting point is 00:13:14 this very day. And if you don't believe me, you go to your local county courthouse or city hall and look at the cornerstone and see if it has a Masonic engraving. And then tell your county or city officials it offends you and you want it removed. And then report back to me and tell me what kind of reaction you got. You'll find out if it's still a Masonic country. Yeah, you'll find out. Probably the city council itself has a slew of Masons on the committee. A couple other interesting things about Alexander Hamilton. This is from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, a very well-respected news agency.
Starting point is 00:13:59 And they reported that Alexander Hamilton is Jewish, which I didn't know until a couple of years ago, until I read that story. When he was raised in Nevis, his mother was Jewish. She was married to a Jewish man before she left that man. But to marry a Jewish man over on St. Croix, you had to convert to Judaism. So his mother was Jewish. And when she was on Nevis, she had Alexander Hamilton go to a Jewish day school. So he was raised in Hebrew school on Nevis. Now, some reports say that he, you know, abandoned the faith when he turned 13 and everything, but he always,
Starting point is 00:14:42 I guess the best way to put it, he was the proto-zionist in the administration i mean really was he uh favored you know a lot of the jewish principles in fact the idea of a central bank came from europe and a lot of jewish families controlled the central banks of europe which he admired and which he wanted to bring here to the United States. That's one of the other accusations against Hamilton, that he was an agent for the Rothschild banking dynasty. Again, a lot of controversy about it. Some people are vehemently convinced that he was a Rothschild agent. You have other historians and others who say, no, there's no evidence. It's one of those things I just leave it alone. Don't know, can't prove it. But I do know he demanded a federal central bank, which ended up becoming eventually the Federal Reserve in 1913. And we've been under the domination of international
Starting point is 00:15:49 banksters ever since. Well, I don't know whether he was a Freemason or not, but Jews claim Alexander Hamilton as one of their own. Yes. Okay. So it's not us accusing Hamilton of that, but, you know, JTA, Jewish Telegraphic Journal, the Jewish Journal, both of them. Yes, Alexander Hamilton. He may not have been expressive with his faith, but he was Jewish. All right, so where are we going with this? Where are we going? Alexander Hamilton, he's Jewish, first secretary of the Treasury, created the U.S. Coast Guard, the Revenue Cutter Service, the proponent of a central bank for the new country.
Starting point is 00:16:33 So what's the message that's being sent by having a Coast Guard cutter named the Hamilton in the Black Sea? Sent to Russia. Right. Think this through, folks. Joe Biden, the Biden administration sent a U.S. Coast Guard cutter to the Black Sea to challenge Russia, named the Hamilton. Hamilton started the Coast Guard. Hamilton, the first secretary of the Treasury. Hamilton, the proponent of a U.S. central bank. Is the confrontation with Russia about understand why the ruling class of America
Starting point is 00:17:32 hates Russia with a vengeance, a seething hatred, it's unexplainable why the ruling class of this country despises Russia and they want to destroy Russia. My theory is the Russians broke free from the Bolsheviks. The Jewish Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, when they sacrificed the Romanov family, the Tsar of Russia, did a blood sacrifice, Kabbalah, witchcraft, sorcery, demonic witchcraft, you know, murder of the Romanov family. My belief is that the ruling class of this country despises Russia for daring to break free
Starting point is 00:18:32 and to regain their independence and to return to Christ. The Bolshevik Revolution almost destroyed Christianity in Russia, but the Russian people held on secretly to their faith for 70 years until they could get free of the Jewish Bolshevik oppression that was on the country. The communists start getting saved. Couldn't keep it up anymore.
Starting point is 00:18:58 So is that why the American ruling class despises Russia. Is that why they sent the Hamilton, a U.S. Coast Guard ship, left the coast of America, went across the Atlantic? Where we don't have a coast. Where we don't have a coast. What is the message that the U.S. government is sending the Russian people with a Coast Guard ship named for Alexander Hamilton. There's got to be a message in it.
Starting point is 00:19:31 And this is the only message I can come up with, which is... A message from the central banks. Yes, it's the central bank. It's the ruling Rothschild-dominated Western banking system that's telling Russia, we will destroy you. You got free from our communism. You think you're independent. We're going to teach you a lesson. We're going to crush you.
Starting point is 00:20:00 We're going to bring you back under our thumbs. I can't think of another explanation. If somebody else can figure out, please, my critics out there, please tell me, why is a U.S. Coast Guard ship named the Hamilton in the Black Sea today? Right. And, you know, the Coast Guard is under the Department of Homeland Security, except in times of war. And then it's transferred under the Navy. So who sent it? Secretary of Homeland Security or the U.S. or the Secretary of the Navy? And the only one who can override that or make that transfer is the President of the United States.
Starting point is 00:20:39 So you're telling me the Secretary of Homeland Security dispatched a Coast Guard ship to the Black Sea? What homeland security are we securing in the Black Sea? So obviously there's something else. Somebody had to sign off on this, Doug. Navy or homeland security? Oh, certainly the presidency. I think that obviously the two destroyers that were going into the Black Sea turned around. And for us to make the decision that this is the ship and to go in before our fleet has even arrived. As we noted, there's a large armada of NATO warships heading to the Black Sea, planning to run this blockade.
Starting point is 00:21:13 But we've sent this vanguard ship forward. And again, this isn't a robust battleship. This is a cutter, a Coast Guard cutter. It's the name that's the message, not the ship itself. That's right. It's the name. What else happened today regarding Ukraine? Happened here in the United States. The FBI, the Justice Department raided Rudy Giuliani's apartment. And a couple of associates, Victoria Schoeling. Tunzing.
Starting point is 00:21:41 Tunzing, Tunzing. Tunzing, yes. Joe Genova's wife. A few other associates related to what are being described as FARA violations, Foreign Agent Registration Act violations. Essentially, they're accusing Rudy Giuliani of not registering his activity on behalf of a foreign power. And in this case, this would have been dating back to 2019, December of 2019, going into the election year, when Rudy Giuliani went to Ukraine to find and gather evidence that
Starting point is 00:22:12 Hunter Biden and the family was basically working a sugar deal with the Ukrainians. So Rudy Giuliani is going to go to prison. But Hunter Biden got a book deal. Yes. And he's going to be teaching at Tulane University on fake news on about fake news, a visiting professor. OK, back back to the main news, which which is a Coast Guard ship in in the Black Sea. So how are the Russians responding to the Hamilton's arrival? Well, they will be visiting that ship with live fire. According to Tsargrad TV, it's a Russian Christian TV outlet,
Starting point is 00:22:54 they've noted the Russians have launched live fire drills, but specifically a missile cruiser, this is their title, will meet the U.S. ship in the Black Sea with live fire. Now, the article describes a series of missile launches using the Moscow artillery fire system. But this ship is sailing toward the Hamilton right now. And the Russians have already laid out you will not go in major parts of the Black Sea, no foreign warship, which they consider the Hamilton to be. I believe they are calling the U.S. bluff. So what if Russia sent the Lenin or the Stalin to the Gulf of Mexico?
Starting point is 00:23:37 Or the Marx. Yes. Because that'd be the same message, wouldn't it? I mean, one of the framers of the United States, as far as the financial system is concerned, I mean, that'd be comparable to Marx there. So the Russian ship is going to be doing a live fire exercise in front of the Hamilton. If we read this correctly, that's exactly what they promised to do. In addition to this, the Russians are testing their S-400 systems. The S-400 system is the missile defense system that can stop incoming up to ballistic missiles. It's never been tested against an ICBM because we haven't launched any.
Starting point is 00:24:17 But the Russians have pre-placed these systems, not just the S-400s, but the S-500s and even 600s in vicinity of Crimea. If I recall, Edward, I think the S-400 can shoot down missiles and aircraft as far away as about 400 kilometers in distance and about 40 kilometers in altitude. So it's a very dangerous piece of machinery on the battlefield. So I don't think the Hamilton's going to be launching any torpedoes or any missiles or anything like that. I seriously doubt there's any weapons on the Hamilton. But something that these can do, Rick, that is often kind of discounted is they're used for electronic warfare. They can jam. They can shut down radio systems. They can even disable weaponry, according to the Russians. Well, they're really being put in place for the U.S.-NATO response to whatever
Starting point is 00:25:24 Russia does to the U.S.-NATO response to whatever Russia does to the Hamilton. Right. I mean, let's say that the U.S. Coast Guard cutter Hamilton decided to breach the Kerch Strait. It's going to get blown out of the water. Do you think they would blow it, or do you think Russians would board it? Or shut it down. I mean, think what the Ukrainian ships that they did back last fall, Do you think they would blow it or do you think Russians would board it? Or shut it down.
Starting point is 00:25:51 I mean, think what the Ukrainian ships that they did back last fall when they tried to run the Kerch Strait. My guess is that they would stop it and board it and seize the ship. And that would be a big international incident there. And then NATO ships would start coming in. Right. Then there would have to be a face-off of some kind. Now, we were told last week. Hamilton, the banker, is going to start. Imagine that, an international banker starting World War III. You can call him from the grave.
Starting point is 00:26:14 Now, we were told last week, or there were reports, that Russian troops were possibly pulling back. We also talked about maybe a ghost army as well. But does NATO have the same opinion about Russia pulling troops back right now? If reports are correct, they're very suspect about it. And what I mean by this is the U.S. is reportedly sending drone flights 24-7 over the border territory. They're trying to figure out exactly what is still there and what's coming in. Now, the drone surveillance is being paired with the deployment
Starting point is 00:26:45 of a NATO armada. This is including, as we learned today, eight F-35B fighter jets. They've been sent to the United Kingdom to be placed in the combat group, according to Sputnik, being sent with the Queen Elizabeth. Now, this group, this warship, this armada, is the largest deployment from Britain since the Falklands War. Now, the Falklands War in the 80s against Argentina, or the Falkland Islands. Britain is taking an action bigger. Which almost went nuclear. Did it? Yes. Wow. I should ask you about what you know about the Falklands, because I don't even know what I've learned.
Starting point is 00:27:25 Margaret Thatcher disclosed many years later that she was prepared to nuke Argentina. Oh, my. Well, the British, they took some casualties. And, of course, a major British warship was hit. That's when the war ended, when she informed Argentina that she would use nuclear weapons to defend the island. Well, maybe Boris Johnson's taking a page out of Margaret Thatcher's book because the way it's being described is it's the largest naval deployment since the Falklands War. But what British territory in the Black Sea has Russia deprived Her Majesty of possessing? Maybe Maripol.
Starting point is 00:28:07 Not British, but they'd like to think they own it. That's the Ukrainian port. I mean, this is different from the Falklands. Yeah, certainly different. The British could argue a defensive war, and that says this is not a defensive war. Who's the aggressor in this situation? Oh, NATO. NATO and the U.S.
Starting point is 00:28:20 And the U.K. now. Yeah, it's clearly. So this is a subject we have fallen. We figured this had cooled off, but the drills are still moving ahead. Defender Europe, for example, is going to the main portion of it, including invasion drills, begins next week. You have movement of supply ships. But again, this is not completely being ignored by the Russian officials. Sergei Lavrov gave a very short and abrupt statement on this.
Starting point is 00:28:49 And he said simply that if Ukraine thinks that the United States will fight the war for them in the Donbass, this is one of the regions that is in contest right now, they're actually pretty stupid. He used very nice diplomatic terms in saying this, but he said that they will not, I'm talking about Russia, will not sit idly by while Ukraine kills Russian soldiers or continues to cause provocation. But clearly Ukraine's not doing this by themselves,
Starting point is 00:29:18 as we've noted here. The Hamilton is now the beginning of the provocation. But it is a Coast Guard cutter. It's not a warship. We had warships, Hamilton is now the beginning of the provocation. But it is a Coast Guard cutter. It's not a warship. We had warships, and we had the Roosevelt in the Bostra Strait just two weeks ago, and we turned it around. Now this week, we're saying, well, the Queen Elizabeth, the UK starship, I mean, it is heading out there with their strike group.
Starting point is 00:29:46 Are they letting the UK now take the point of this? Is that? No, they're letting the Hamilton. I feel sorry for the men and women on the Hamilton. Your government has sent you on a suicide mission. Right. Or a kidnapping mission or whatever it might be. You're going to be, if you, if you bear bait.
Starting point is 00:30:04 Yes. That's what they're doing with the Hamilton. You're it's bear bait. They're baiting the Russian bear to come out and eat this thing. You're exactly right. I believe you're sending, you're sending a Coast Guard ship that's barely armed and you're sending it into a confrontation with a nuclear powered nation that is going to defend its nation and its borders. You are sending American Coast Guard personnel into a death trap. Like the USS Liberty. And Biden, he will have to be held accountable if those men and women die. What is the purpose?
Starting point is 00:30:42 What's the rationale? President Biden, does he even know that the Hamilton is there? Does is the purpose? What's the rationale? President Biden, does he even know that the Hamilton is there? Does he even know? How would you find out if Joe Biden knows? You can't have a press conference and ask him. Does he even know that the
Starting point is 00:30:57 Hamilton is there right now? But what is going to happen to those American servicemen on the Coast Guard cutter when they're confronted with Russian warships? And could we have like another liberty event where something happens to the Hamilton and it gets sunk and is blamed on the Russians?
Starting point is 00:31:22 I mean, they were going to blame the liberty on the Egyptians. That's right. I hadn't thought about that, Doc. So, I mean, they could have sent in a destroyer and a battleship into the Black Sea and up to the Kerch Strait and caused a great conflict, but by sending a little Coast Guard cutter up there, and I hope this isn't the case. I hope we're not seeing history repeat itself,
Starting point is 00:31:45 but history doesn't repeat, but it sure does rhyme. It does. And we were just looking there at Mr. Lavrov, the foreign minister. He truly is a trained diplomat. A statesman. Because I don't know how he restrains his reaction, his response to these things. He's very truly diplomatic in what he says.
Starting point is 00:32:15 Once in a while, he does something like where he wears a mask that has a statement on it, which if you didn't see that, we'll just let you figure, find it yourself. And he collects them too. Okay, the obscene statement was in Russian, but he had a mask on a couple of weeks ago that said what he thought about wearing masks and lockdowns. But anyhow, I was reading a story today involving Mr. Lavrov. And so, you know, in the past week, Czechoslovakia and Russia have been tossing out each other's
Starting point is 00:32:53 diplomats from their embassies. Yes. Okay. Do you know what this is about? I didn't know what it was over. A 2014 explosion at a Czech government facility, a military facility in 2014. An ammo depot. Yes, it was an ammo depot. That's right. Somewhere in the past couple of weeks, people in the Czech government said the Russians did it. 2014, the Russians did it. And specifically, do you know which two Russians? The men who like church steeples. Yes. The Skripal guys.
Starting point is 00:33:39 The Skripal, the guys that they, remember the guys that were going around looking at the church steeples? That's who they named. They said those two guys blew up the ammo depot. Now here's where this thing gets interesting. The president of the Czech Republic said in six years, seven years in investigations, not once has any investigator said to me the Russians were involved. Right. Where did this come from? Where did this story come from? The president of the country said it.
Starting point is 00:34:10 He went on national television in the Czech Republic last week and said, I don't know where this is coming from. Well, we know. Intelligence agencies. And so when Mr. Lavrov was asked about it, he just referred to mass schizophrenia. For the entire country? He said they've lost their mind, and they must have lost their mind. He said, I don't know how to respond. I don't know what to say.
Starting point is 00:34:46 We're dealing with mass schizophrenia. There's no logical response to an illogical question. Well, he has been working on a response, but it's been quiet and it's been diplomatic, and it's actually about to be released, and it's the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. All those countries, including Czechoslovakia, Poland, even Ukraine, rely currently on the gas pipeline that goes through Ukraine into Europe to heat their homes, to provide energy to Europe. The alternative comes online in May.
Starting point is 00:35:18 Next month, Nord Stream 2 comes online. The Russians don't have to deal with the politics. Next month? Next month. That's what I read. Next month. Nord Stream 2? Nord Stream 2, the deal with Germany. The month of May. Well, this explains why this is heating up, pardon the pun, in the month of May.
Starting point is 00:35:34 Well, Rick, and it's also explaining another action today. The European Union has formally introduced a resolution to remove Russia from SWIFT. Well, there's been a group of about 50-some members of the parliament that introduced a resolution. So it hasn't officially passed. But there is now pressure building in Europe to remove Russia and the entire Russian banking system from SWIFT, which is the Western-controlled electronic bank wire system. When you wire money to another bank, it's going through SWIFT. And without access to SWIFT, you don't move any money. End of discussion. And who controls SWIFT, you don't move any money. End of discussion.
Starting point is 00:36:26 And who controls SWIFT, Rick? The West, which means Western International Bankers. That's who controls it. And now we're back to Hamilton. We're back to Alexander Hamilton, the first central bank, the father of the Coast Guard, a possible Freemason. That's why the Hamilton is
Starting point is 00:36:53 on its way to Russia today. It's all about who controls the banking system. And so this threat has been controls the banking system. And so this threat has been levied against Russia, I would say, over the past, not periodically, over the past eight to 10 years. They've floated this idea. You know, you guys act, you start acting uppity, we're going to take you out of the banking system.
Starting point is 00:37:24 I think they're getting close to doing it now. Well, what's been Russia's response to all this? Well, several years ago, Doc, or after the 2008 banking crisis, I don't know when they started, maybe 2010 or 11, something like that, Russia saw the handwriting. They knew, OK, they're going to kick us out. We better get, We better get busy. And they came up, over years, they came up with a Russian bank wire system, which didn't go anywhere because the West put pressure on all the other countries, do not participate in it. You sign up for it, we will de-platform you.
Starting point is 00:38:08 And so they've got the system. It's like they've got the bank wires, but nobody's holding them on the other end. Nobody wants it. So they've got the infrastructure, but they're not communicating with anybody. There's nobody signed up for the system. A handful of countries, but not certainly in the world like the SWIFT. So Russia's still facing, I mean, it would be an instant financial meltdown. No money would move out of Russia or come into Russia. They'd be treating Russia like North Korea or Iran. Yes. It's an act of war.
Starting point is 00:38:53 Yeah, it's an act of war. Perfect complement to the Biden administration's Treasury sanctions, which stopped Russia from selling bonds. But in this sense, the removal from the SWIFT and paired with the EU's call to stop the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, because that was paired also with this resolution, it's basically a confrontation of Russia's exit plan. This is the plan they've been working on for 20 years. So is the plan by the West, the bankers, is it to provoke Russia to sink the Hamilton? Then the response is cut Russia off from the swift bank wire system. Now Russia says, this is sink or swim. This is life or death for us.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Now we have to go to war. Is this the plan? Is this what we're watching unfold right now? I certainly think so, because without gas export, and especially access to the international financial system, Russia's going to go into depression. And they already have some civil unrest, depending on which paper you read, the Russians or even the West. There is civil unrest related to Alexei Navalny, this lawyer turned political activist. And they've kind of bundled all this together into one package. In the resolution, that's right.
Starting point is 00:40:09 Swift, Navalny, and all of this, the pipeline, all this together. Russia's sins against the world. So I wonder where Silicon Valley learned the technique of deplatforming people. Because this is what the U.S. government and the West has done to countries and people for years. Yes. They just cut you off. You don't have any access to anything. You disappear as a human, as a country, as a corporation.
Starting point is 00:40:39 How are the Russians responding to the latest threat? Well, the Russians said that they have a response in place if this move is taken. Now, they had a foreign ministry official speak to press about this after the introduction of that resolution in the EU parliament. And the official, Andrei Khrushchev, he's a special representative for Russia. He said, let them try. On the account of technological and military political insurance against disconnection, you need to ask specific specialists in the field. But our armored train is on a sidetrack. And of course, complete confidence in the strength and power of the
Starting point is 00:41:17 response is undoubtedly present. An armored train appears to be the response. And I think he's talking about the military. Well, it's interesting they use that analogy, or it could be a literal figure. So because it got me thinking about, you know, well, if you've got an alternate system in place, then how do you secure that? How do you make sure that that's, you know, not something that can be targeted? Maybe you hide it somewhere. Maybe you make sure that that's not something that can be targeted? Maybe you hide it somewhere. Maybe you make it mobile and make that new system ready to be moved anywhere in the country at any given time. Well, let me remind you of the old Soviet Union days.
Starting point is 00:41:59 They were famous for moving their nuclear warheads on trains. Right. They had trains. They were warheads on trains. Right. They had trains. They were warheads for decades. Warheads on launchers, on board trains, moved throughout Russia 24 hours a day. Wow, it was like a land submarine fleet. Yes.
Starting point is 00:42:20 They were just constantly moving, crisscrossing the country so that the U.S. couldn't figure out where are all the missiles. So was that kind of a, you know, a veiled threat that our armored train is on a sidetrack? That's how I think. Wow. OK, I see where you're going with it. And so, wow. Now that takes on a whole new meaning there. So if you take down the SWIFT system, we've got a SWIFT response, and it's sitting in armored train cars right now. Well, wasn't that what the president, Vladimir Putin, said at his address? He told the West, this is our red line, do not challenge us here.
Starting point is 00:43:00 And then he explained how Russia would respond. He explained the arsenal of hypersonic weapons and tsunami-causing weapons that they have at their disposal. You know, I had a viewer that asked a question here that brought up, if they cut off Russia from the SWIFT system, how would Europe pay for their gas that they're getting from Russia? But I would say, well, they don't want Europe getting gas from Russia. They want Europe to get gas from Texas. From Texas, that's what they want.
Starting point is 00:43:32 They don't care. And how will the United States get gas from Texas to Europe? We'll have to put it on a boat and send it there. Yes. They're gonna, they wanna ship natural gas from the United States to Europe. Right. Instead of allowing Russian natural gas to flow through pipelines. To Europe, which is part of I mean, you're Russia is part of Europe.
Starting point is 00:44:02 So the the the ruling class in America said, oh no, they're competing with us. And the new pipeline that's coming online next month is a replacement for the pipeline right now that runs through, guess where? Ukraine. That has been siphoning the gas. What was one of the first things
Starting point is 00:44:20 Mr. Biden did when he got in the White House? He stopped the construction of a pipeline in America. Yes. So we're shutting down pipelines here and we're trying to shut down pipelines in Europe. So crazy. The old communist newspaper Pravda, they've got a story. Russia starts moving away from the U.S. dollar. Yes, and this is in relation to the system you were talking about. The Russians, for some time, have been preparing an alternative,
Starting point is 00:44:57 but it's not one that they can necessarily do by themselves. They're working, according to Bloomberg, with China. That story right there, Edward, seems very familiar. You know why? Because Pravda first printed that story in 2001. This is a 2001 article that was updated yesterday. On their website, certainly the idea of a system, I definitely think comes from 2001.
Starting point is 00:45:34 The author of this article laid out that we're now at the end of that plan, that the plan itself has come to the point where it really begins with Russia having to choose new allies, choose new avenues of economic expansion. But it starts again with a reinvention of the international monetary system. Okay, so we go back to 2001. If we have new viewers who don't know this story,
Starting point is 00:45:59 in July 2001, I read on this news program. It was radio at the time. It was in Granbury, Texas. And I read a Pravda article and a Moscow Times article in July 2001. Russian economist, Tadeyana Karagnyas told the Russian Duma the United States will be attacked in August. The title of the Duma committee hearing
Starting point is 00:46:40 was something about how Russia should prepare for the destruction of the American financial system. Right. So I read that story on this program in July 2001. I told our audience something big's coming. Let's pay attention to this. Fast forward, September 11, basically six weeks later, the 9-11 attacks.
Starting point is 00:47:09 Which totally disrupted the global financial system starting in the U.S. So about two weeks after 9-11, we're all in a state of shock about what has happened. I remembered Dr. Kouradnia. We tracked her down, obtained her phone number, called her, and I interviewed her for one hour, and I had a Russian interpreter with me, and I interviewed her. And she said that America was attacked by a cabal of wealthy people
Starting point is 00:47:44 who controlled trillions of dollars. And look, in 2001, I don't think I'd ever heard anybody say trillions of dollars. Yeah, that was just so far removed from reality. It made me question her credibility. I said, trillions? Yeah, what's this word? What are you talking about, trillions? She said there was a cabal of people who controlled trillions of dollars and it involved international bankers,
Starting point is 00:48:12 secret societies, religious cults, intelligence agencies, and crime syndicates. Everyone except Muslims. Yes. And well, I think when she referred to religious cults, I think she was referring to Kabbalah, although she didn't say it, but that's what I. But she did use the word cabal. Yes, she did say cabal. And that's close enough. Yes. But I ask her, what's the purpose? Why did they attack us? And she said, the purpose of the 9-11 attack was to bring down the American financial system. And they were surprised that it didn't fall. And I asked her, what do you expect this cabal will do? And she said, they will keep hitting you until you collapse.
Starting point is 00:49:02 And I said, what is the end game? What are they trying to do? She said, they have a new currency, a global currency they seek to implement. They have to take down the dollar. They have to take down the American economy to bring in this new system. Yes. Now, look, a lot of people who are aware of this kind of stuff think, well, it's Russia and China trying to do it. No, it's a cabal of international banksters who are attempting to implement a new world order, replacing the old new world order that's dying off right now.
Starting point is 00:49:51 They're bringing in a new new world order. They're masons. This is a Freemason operation. Russia and China are aware of this operation, what's coming down. And they're trying to establish their own new world order. Yes. They have to. One where they survive.
Starting point is 00:50:17 So a lot of Americans have misinterpreted these things, saying, well, the Russians, they're building the new world order. No, they see the West creating a new world order, and the Russians aren't in it. They realize the Russians will either be conquered or destroyed. And their only option is to beat them before they are able to pull off this victory. And that's why the Russians have been very, you know, very slow to respond to these, you know, taunts by the West, these, you know, these aggressions by the West, by NATO, they've had many opportunities where they could have done lots of things in response in Syria, in the Ukraine, now in the Black Sea. Because they know that the plan is to eliminate Russia.
Starting point is 00:51:15 Right. And so they're trying to stretch the game out as long as possible. So this story, guys, this Pravda story. This is nothing new to us here at True News. We've been talking about this stuff for 20 years. And part of that plan in 2001 was to divest themselves, Russia divesting themselves of reliance on the dollar. An update to this story now is that, is crediting President Putin with actually achieving a milestone. They've reduced the pendency on the dollar for trade to below 50% now, which means that the trade that's being done in Russia, 50% of it is no longer being done in U.S. dollars, which is necessary for you to switch to a new financial system.
Starting point is 00:51:57 And this is a threat to the U.S. I mean, think about this, Rick. It's moving Europe closer to Russia in all of this. And when Nord Stream kicks in, when that really, really kicks in and that, you know, that dependent, that lack of dependency on the Ukraine pipeline and all the profit making has gone there. When the Nord Stream 2 pipeline kicks in and those that trade starts going back and forth in euros with Russia, you're not going to be able to disengage that. That's right. So the Bilderberg guys in Europe who also want a new world order that they control, why would they participate in the destruction of Russia when Russia is now doing 50% of their trading using euros, the euro is replacing the dollar in international settlements.
Starting point is 00:52:56 That block is a little more friendly toward the Communist Chinese. They'd be happy to see a partnership. Richard Haass, for example, the CFR, he came out two years ago and said it's the China generation, the China era. We need to leave the American world order and let China achieve its role. OK, but China wants the yuan to be the global reserve currency. The Europeans want the euro to be the global reserve currency. The Europeans want the euro to be the global reserve currency. The American ruling elite want the dollar to remain the global currency. Well, what about those above all of them? What do they want?
Starting point is 00:53:36 The Russians have enough sense to know that the ruble is never going to be the global reserve currency. Right. But it can be a currency for their country and their trade. But look at who the Russians went with. They didn't go with China. They went with Europe. That's an important point to understand. The Russians did not move 50%
Starting point is 00:53:58 of their international trading settlements to Chinese yuan. They moved it to the euro. Because they don't trust the Chinese. Hadn't considered that before. Putin's a smart man. He doesn't want China to get that kind of power. I was thinking in terms of that President Putin now sees an opportunity to influence
Starting point is 00:54:22 Europe even more. I mean, we saw this trend back. Putin now sees an opportunity to influence Europe even more. I mean, we saw this trend back. I mean, I think my eyes were really opened in St. Petersburg when we went on that trip that I never even considered the possibility that France and Germany could actually get themselves in an alliance with Russia. But now you see things like this, see stories like this, and you say to yourself, oh, my goodness, if you're getting all your gas and oil from Russia and you're trading all you're doing all these exports with Russia. Russia is a European country. I mean, really, you get right down to it.
Starting point is 00:54:57 It's more European than anything else. It's you know, they're they have closer relations with Europe than any other nation. How strong does Europe become if the Western Europe unites with Russia? And that thought has crossed my mind. They become a powerful force. You've got the financial engine of the EU. You've got the incredible resources of Russia. And of course, the military power of Russia. You wouldn't have to have an EU army.
Starting point is 00:55:34 You wouldn't have to have NATO. That's right. And in fact, that invitation was extended by Vladimir Putin to President Macron several years ago. Let us protect you. What does the United States give you in protection? What will they give you except tell you how to live? We may witness it. We could see it. But the important thing to see in this Bloomberg story is that Russia is trading with euros. Yes.
Starting point is 00:56:03 I get it now. That's the really important story here also Cryptocurrency, uh china unveiled their crypto currency a month or so ago We heard about it when we were in singapore several years ago That a digital yuan was coming out. It is now out. But I think it's primarily for use inside China. It's a domestic digital currency.
Starting point is 00:56:32 Right. But now there's going to be a Russian digital ruble that will be launched in 2023. What's interesting about this article, Rick, is the Russians based this digital ruble on the model that China's digital yuan had, domestic usage. But it also gives them a way to circumvent sanctions which have been placed on them. The Russians say that they themselves can't print enough cash or provide the financial services to their people with the current physical instruments.
Starting point is 00:57:04 But with a digital ruble that has a, against the transparencies built on a blockchain, is a little more fungible, transistible into, let's say, yuan's, even if you're trading with euros, what they're doing is actually creating a whole new financial and economic union. A different kind, sort of a populist SWIFT. It's definitely an alternative to SWIFT because right now the SWIFT system controls the flow of money everywhere. If these different digital currencies start linking up and they can do instantaneous transactions over the internet, why do you need SWIFT? Doc, cryptocurrency is the biggest threat to the U.S. dollar. By far, it is the biggest threat. If anything is going to replace the U.S. dollar,
Starting point is 00:57:55 it will be cryptocurrency. And we're seeing it right now with Bitcoin and some of the other popular altcoins. You know, nations creating a digital coin, I'm not really sure what the purpose of it is. I mean, we have it now. Most people have no cash in their pocket. Right. I mean, they have digits, invisible digits somewhere in the universe floating around. You don't have cash. I don't know why we have banks. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:58:33 Banks are becoming obsolete. You don't need banks anymore. But the problem has been that up until with the U.S. dollar, it's been strictly fiat. I mean, just in the past, we just grew more trees or planted more cotton, made more dollar bills. It hasn't been backed by anything for decades other than by
Starting point is 00:58:53 nuclear power. But when we start talking about the digital ruble or the digital yuan, now we're talking about something that may be backed up by something more substantial like gold. Doc, I can get a digital dollar right now. Sure. Tether. Tether is, you know how much it's going to cost me to buy one tether coin? One tether token? One dollar?
Starting point is 00:59:19 A dollar. You know how much it'll be tomorrow? One dollar? No. A dollar. It'd be worth. It'll be a dollar. It's linked to the dollar. It's a digital dollar called the tether.
Starting point is 00:59:33 You can buy, you can trade right now with tethers. You can go back and forth. It's worth one dollar. There's already a digital dollar out there. It's just that the Treasury and the Federal Reserve don't control it, to our knowledge. But does it truly have value, though, without something backing it up? It's linked to the dollar.
Starting point is 00:59:57 Whatever the dollar is worth, that's what a tether is worth. All right, so the imaginary worth of the dollar, it makes the imaginary worth of the tether. Yes. Yes. Okay. I'm glad we cleared that up. But digital money, especially what you were saying, as they're going towards gold-backed cryptocurrency, that is a major threat to the U.S. dollar. Yes. And both China and Russia have been accumulating large swaths of gold to launch a potential system backed with this. The Russians this past month have over a trillion dollars worth of gold amassed in their reserves. $583.7 billion as of April 16th. Now, the holdings themselves rose $3 billion just this month, but the point of this is that the Russians have accelerated plans, if they need to, to shift.
Starting point is 01:00:54 Let's keep this here. So Russia's gold and foreign currency reserves surged by over $3 billion in one week. And today, Joe Biden is going to unveil his latest spending spree plan of basically $2 trillion of debt. So in one day, America will go into debt $2 trillion. Again. Again. The third time.
Starting point is 01:01:23 This year. But Russia in one week did not go into debt they added three billion dollars of hard physical gold yes that is important and that's another reason why we've got the hamilton in the black sea right now as a sitting duck. Because they want that gold. Yes. Because what's the first thing that America does when it invades a country? They rob the central bank. They rob the banks. And they do it time and time and time again.
Starting point is 01:01:56 But the gold never goes to Fort Knox. Funny how that works. Show me that the gold that the U.S. government seized from Iraq and Libya. Show me a paper trail. Or Germany. Yeah, show me that it went to Fort Knox. No, it went to a vault controlled by a bank or a cabal of bankers. It didn't go to the U.S. government. Edward, go ahead. I know you've got another story here. Yes. To challenge this idea that Russia is moving closer to Europe instead of China,
Starting point is 01:02:44 I think the West has tried to propose this idea that both Russia and China are going to challenge together the U.S. dollar hedge money. It now maybe is that the truth in this might be simply that the U.S. wants us to think that they're working together, even though both are generating their own system to survive. And maybe they'll cooperate on a global scale, especially with the Arctic projects. But the Washington Post just this past month proposed the idea that both Russia and China were going to fight the dollar hegemony, a monopoly of control in trade internationally. I know that they're working on some projects, but we just saw from Bloomberg, Russia is trading with euros. And euros.
Starting point is 01:03:35 Not yuan. Russia does not want the world to go from a unipolar New World Order, one power source, the United States, they don't want to see it to go from just one to another. Yes. That China replaces the United States. Well, I can't help but think that the Russians, especially the Christians in that country, wouldn't want to see a version of their former selves
Starting point is 01:04:03 rising to the power where they can enforce communism around the world. I think what they're doing, Edward, is that Russia is trying to help Europe become a pole in a new world order so that you have a U.S. pole, a China poll, a European poll. Now you've got three power sources. Right. Which makes it safer for the Russians. Yes.
Starting point is 01:04:31 And for the world. For the world. But the Russians are looking out for themselves. And they're like, you know, if it's just the power transfers from Washington to Beijing, we'll be no better off. Right. If it stays in Washington, we know what we're going to get. If we can have three power sources, we can pit one against the other.
Starting point is 01:04:57 We can play favorites. Russia can be the swing back and forth. But if Russia joins up with Europe, oh, it is now part of a dominant power source for the world. Wow. I mean, that would really change the dynamics of global politics in a moment. Because, you know, everyone is geared up right now and saying it's the China century, China century, China century. The U.S. is aware of that. Russia is obviously aware of that. And so really the pivot there is going to be Europe, isn't it?
Starting point is 01:05:30 Who wins Europe? That's right. Between the United States and Russia. And if I have to bet at this point, I would say at some point it's going to be Russia. I mean, look how the EU has been drifting toward Russia. Just in the past five years. This is the best thing that could happen, Doc. Look how the EU has been drifting toward Russia, just in the past five years. This is the best thing that could happen, Doc.
Starting point is 01:05:59 For world stability, the best thing that could happen would be the Russians and the Europeans bury their hatchets and sign a peace treaty and come together. It would be the best thing in the world. It would really calm, I think it would calm things down. Europe was the place of both previous world wars. You think about it, if you'd actually have peace in Europe, that could stop this third world war, which almost kicked off out of Ukraine. They've been fighting in Europe for a thousand years. I mean, it's not just since World War II. They've been fighting for a thousand years between France and Russia and Germany and all the different nations there. Do we have a new
Starting point is 01:06:28 Holy Roman Empire coming? And that's something to think about as well. I mean, you know, the Orthodox Church now is so dominant in Russia. I mean, really what Russia and the EU offer each other
Starting point is 01:06:43 is far greater than what the EU and the United States can offer each other. There's much, I mean, you know, it is a much better deal for them. And so I know we have a lot of other things to talk about here. You know, Rick mentioned that China is coming up with its own digital currency as well. And this is from earlier this month. We talked about this. Right now on the app WeChat, you can trade in China's digital currency right now, Rick. And WeChat is very popular all over Asia, not just in China,
Starting point is 01:07:22 but in the Philippines and South Korea. And so right now, you can actually exchange currency in yuan from your native currency. I think it's banned in the U.S., right? It is. Did the Trump administration ban WeChat? It was. I don't think that's been lifted. What's ironic about this Wall Street Journal report is that they're actually making the argument for every country other than the United States to create their alternative. The Wall Street Journal says that this is a terrible thing because any country that controls a globalized financial system can track the transactions of individual citizens outside their borders. So they're saying in this case, well, China is going to use this for tyranny. China is going to create their own algorithms, their own systems of control around knowing what
Starting point is 01:08:08 their people and other peoples are purchasing. They're going to control the global currency system. And then you ironically think, well, aren't they trying to create a mirror of SWIFT and of the Bretton Woods and the US financial system? Oh, no, we're not talking about that in this article. But you are. Well, if I had to choose who would win that race to replace the Western-backed, U.S.-backed financial system, then I would choose Europe and Russia together if the alternative is communist China. Communist China in control of the world frightens me. And everybody on the planet should be terrified of the thought of communist China in control of the world. And you've got to know that Moscow is thinking the same thing.
Starting point is 01:09:06 Yes. I mean, they can say, well, we can work together on some of these things. Their population is small compared to China. Right. But their military arsenal is, you know, much larger than China. That's what's holding the Chinese horde from coming across the border, because they do share a border with China. Hey, I want to jump over to 27.
Starting point is 01:09:30 This was a couple of weeks ago. Peter Thiel, the founder of Palantir, who founded, co-founder of PayPal. He called Bitcoin a Chinese financial weapon. As he gave this remark at a speech at the Richard Nixon Foundation, this was actually in regard to previous statements made by he and Secretary Pompeo, former Secretary of State for President Trump, that China is finding any means to destroy the U.S. financial system, and one of them right now is accumulating large swaths of Bitcoin.
Starting point is 01:10:11 And that because they might own or be able to shift the value of Bitcoin rapidly, this in itself has created a financial weapon that could take down the U.S. dollar. I think we've got a video. We have video of his remarks. From China's point of view, they want to get – they don't like the U.S. having this reserve currency because it gives us a lot of leverage over Iranian oil supply chains and all sorts of things like that. They like – they don't want the renminbi to become a reserve currency because then you have to open your capital account and you have to do all sorts of things that they really don't want to do. You know, I think the euro, you could think of as, you know, was in part a Chinese weapon against the dollar. It didn't, the last decade hasn't quite worked out that way. But that was, you know, China would have liked to see two reserve currencies like the euro. And, you know,
Starting point is 01:11:02 even though I'm sort of a pro-crypto, pro-Bitcoin maximalist person, I do wonder whether at this point Bitcoin should also be thought in part as a Chinese financial weapon against the U.S., where it threatens fiat money, but it especially threatens the U.S. dollar, and China wants to do things to weaken it. So it's sort of China is long Bitcoin and perhaps from a geopolitical perspective, the US should be a little bit, be asking some tougher questions about exactly how that works. But some internal stable coin in China, I mean, that's not a real cryptocurrency. That's just some sort of totalitarian measuring device.
Starting point is 01:11:45 He said some interesting things there, Rick. He did. I heard it differently than I did weeks ago when he said it. I mean, first of all, he said that China doesn't want the yuan to be the reserve currency. I would think that would have been their goal. But he made, Peter Thiel made the case that if the yuan was the reserve currency, they would have to open up a global capital account for everyone to be able to trade in that. Yes. Yes. I think the Chinese-
Starting point is 01:12:16 They don't want that. They want to control their yuan their way. Well, they also realize the vulnerability. But they're helping the euro. Yes. Well, they want one or two. He said two, at least two reserve currencies. But I think they've also recognized the vulnerability of being that reserve currency. Remember the threat Saudi Arabia levied against the United States. If you dare move away from Bretton Woods, the petrodollar will sell off U.S. treasury reserves.
Starting point is 01:12:40 The Chinese have threatened the same thing. By having your currency as the reserve currency, you allow the countries to accumulate it to use it for trade We also give them the power to sell it off and crash your currency. You ever play king of the hill when you're a kid Oh sure. All right. And so what happens when you you win the hill and you're the king of the hill? You have to now ward off everyone else trying everybody's trying to pull you down the hill So so maybe China's looking at that, say we're not ready. We're not ready for that for that position yet. But we don't wait to weaken the U.S. dollar to weaken America.
Starting point is 01:13:16 We'll let we'll let Europe rise for a period of time. Chinese are patient. They're very patient. Hey, this is not financial advice. I do not give financial advice, okay? So if anybody makes a decision based on what I'm saying, that's your prerogative, okay? But I'm not telling you to do it. I I said a couple months ago that I thought The crypto market Bull the bull market was coming to a close Fairly soon and I Kind of have just you know, just a gut feeling, intuition on this.
Starting point is 01:14:08 You know, I personally have my own personal money invested in altcoins. Last Saturday, I was almost, I don't want to say frantic because I don't become frantic, but I almost sold off everything last Saturday. You saw a major shift in the market? I just felt like, you know what? I need to sell everything. I'm content. The money that I put into altcoins, there's a nice return on it. Don't want to be greedy
Starting point is 01:14:46 I just want us I just want to sell out. Okay, I'll be happy, you know, and then you think well, what if it keeps going up? Okay, that's fine right now on my head and I almost sold everything to last Saturday. Well, what happened Sunday? major crash Okay, and I gotta tell you, I'm thinking that the crypto market has finally peaked for this cycle and that it happened last Friday, Saturday. That was the peak. That was the top. Now, if that's correct, then today, Bitcoin and altcoins were up. Slightly, yes. Slightly. So if that's correct, if last week was the top, then what we're experiencing right now is the dead cat bounce. And if it is a dead cat bounce,
Starting point is 01:15:58 this is your best opportunity to get out of that market before it takes another drop. And then the next dead cat bounce is not as high. Then it takes another job and then the next dead cat bounce barely gets off the floor okay the last time in 2017 when Bitcoin crashed altcoins eventually lost 95% of their value. And they stayed down for several years. So I'm really looking at this carefully right now. And again, I'm not giving people financial advice.
Starting point is 01:16:38 I'm just telling you where I'm at, that I'm probably going to sell everything today or tomorrow yeah i just i don't know i kind of got a antsy feeling about it i would have been better off if i'd sold everything last friday or saturday but i'll still be okay if i sell things right now do you think there will be a response in the uh digital coin markets with after the speech tonight by President Biden to Congress? I don't know. Is he unveiling his tax plan also? Well, they call it the family infrastructure plan.
Starting point is 01:17:19 So they're going to build roads and all this other stuff that they said they were going to do before. But nobody ever gets there. Biden wants to tax unrealized capital gains. Yes. Unrealized. What exactly is an unrealized capital gain? It might help to explain what a capital gain is. A capital gain is, let's say you bought your house for $100,000 and you sold it for $150,000. I don't know what market that is. Let me know what market that is. But you get $50,000 capital gain. That's a $50,000 capital gain. All right. Now, in the digital markets, however, in digital coins, let's say you bought $100,000 in a digital coin and the value has increased to $150,000. Now, the value of those digital coins is $150,000.
Starting point is 01:18:07 There's a gain of $50,000. Now, you have not taken your money out yet. You have not said, I'm cashing out. It's all paper, all digital, all ones and ones. Biden wants to tax it. But the Biden administration wants to tax that $50,000 in there. Well, what happens if it drops back below 100,000? Do you get your money back?
Starting point is 01:18:28 Of course not. That's what they're calling unrealized capital gains. What a shady outfit. It's like arresting somebody on pre-crime. Yes. You were thinking about committing a crime. Well, how do you know? So your question is, will the markets react?
Starting point is 01:18:47 Yeah, obviously the market's going to react if they introduce draconian tax measures, but they could introduce bills to regulate cryptocurrency. Right. And if that happens, you're going to see a serious plunge in the value. But Rick, if they do that, how do you regulate cryptocurrency for the planet? You can't.
Starting point is 01:19:12 So what you do is if Biden does try to go after cryptocurrency and the Bitcoin crashes, wait until it crashes, then buy all the Bitcoins you can buy. OK, at at the at the crash level. All right. Don't buy it right now. Buy it at the crash level. And but I'm thinking right now that it it peaked last week. It topped for this cycle. And you want to, you know, I'm personally, you know, I'm personally going to sell out and just wait and see what happens. But it's really risky. You know, I saw what happened in 2017 and look I had add Bitcoin I didn't have bit I had all coin holdings in 2017 but I got in at the top at the euphoria like an idiot okay you know like would an idiot do that
Starting point is 01:20:23 thing I did it. Okay. Because everyone is saying, well, this is, this is going up and up and up. And so I got in, right? Shortly thereafter the crash, I had to wait four years for that investment to come back to its level of four years ago. If if I don't sell it now, I run the risk that it loses that value again. And I got to wait another three or four years. OK, that's where I'm saying we're at right now.
Starting point is 01:21:07 And so, you know, do your own due diligence and pray about it and ask the Lord what to do. But I'm not going to say I heard the Lord tell me to sell, but I did feel that urge last Friday and Saturday. You know, you should you should think about getting out right now. So I'm expecting I'm expecting a Bitcoin crash. The marker I would watch for is if it climbs up to about 58 and it stays there, that's where it meets resistance and it stays at about 58, then that's the sign. That's the peak of this dead cat bounce. And it's not going to go, it's not going to go back up into the 60s. And remember just a couple of months ago,
Starting point is 01:21:51 they were, oh, this is going to 100. It's going to 250. It's going to 400,000. No, I think, I think we saw it, the top. The peak. Last week in the 60s. And that's it for this cycle.
Starting point is 01:22:07 A couple of things that I think we had to talk about while we're talking about cryptocurrency is we were talking about altcoins that are linked to the dollar, there are now altcoins that are linked to gold and actually a number of different precious metals. So the DeFi market right now, which is huge has been the the biggest the decentralized finance sector of cryptocurrency that's where that's where the dramatic gains were at this year and I gotta take a sense dumb dumb dumb I knew I knew the Holy Spirit was to I was seeking the Lord where do I make investments and I know he was telling me
Starting point is 01:23:10 pay attention to the DeFi market and it was just emerging late last year Doc I didn't do anything I was too busy too busy reading the news too busy reading the news and trying to do all this stuff
Starting point is 01:23:25 that I didn't make my own wise decisions. But look at this. Why the biggest DeFi projects are looking to integrate gold. They're bringing gold into cryptocurrency. So the next one is
Starting point is 01:23:40 soaring demand drives gold-backed cryptocurrency listings. I'm telling you, this is where it's going to go, because people have to have some sort of, something substantial behind their crypto. They have to have something they can peg it to. Even the cryptos that are crypto dollars, I mean, there's nothing to back them up except nuclear missiles. It's the lead-backed dollar. Exactly. And we're reverting back to these mechanisms of verification because another
Starting point is 01:24:21 story that's affecting the market for cryptocurrency is the chip shortage. Now, why this affects this is right now, current major and the biggest cryptocurrency in the world, Bitcoin, is verified through a process which uses computing. The working of computer systems, graphic cards and processors using chips to process through an algorithm that proves that Bitcoin's real, mines future Bitcoin, but also keeps the system of verification between the blockchain, making sure this is a real and not a counterfeit Bitcoin. All this relies on computing power. The problem is, right now, it's getting tougher and tougher to get replacement parts. And especially if you're
Starting point is 01:25:02 going to come out with a brand new cryptocurrency, you're going to have to revert back to something that people know has value, know they can trust, which is physical gold. Right. And there's also another factor too, and that's the energy factor. It takes a lot of energy to mine crypto. And so- That reminds me, you know, Kevin O'Leary, Shark Tank, a sharp businessman. He said last week that gold was a dirty mining business
Starting point is 01:25:33 and crypto mining was the clean mining business. He was dissing gold. He says, you've got to dig up the earth. You're tearing up a land. You're doing all this bad stuff to the planet. But you could do clean mining over here with crypto.
Starting point is 01:25:54 And I thought, Kevin, what are you up to here? You're trying to drive down the price of gold. And you're telling people owning gold is bad. It's bad for the earth. It's bad for the environment. But the truth is crypto mining is worse for the environment than digging gold because of the amount of electricity that you have to burn to do the mining. Right. But he didn't want to say that part.
Starting point is 01:26:26 No. He had his own agenda there. There's a New York City real estate mogul who has secured $6 billion in gold to back a new cryptocurrency that he has created. And he's going to peg this to the price of gold. This is Kent Swig, his digital token DIGAU, AU standing for the chemical sign for gold. He's going to peg this to the market value of gold, which is much actually like the Tether. I know Tether has their own version of this. It's not as robust as what Kent Swig is launching. They've got another option for you to own a cryptocurrency that's backed with hard value. Except when you look into this, that's impressive in the headline.
Starting point is 01:27:11 Real estate mogul secures $6 billion in gold. But it's not physical gold. Where do you go to get the gold? It is and it isn't. Okay, where do you get $6 billion worth of gold? Can I go see it? Can I go look at it? Where is it, Rick? Futures market? Well, if you read the fine print of the financial documents, you discover that the gold is in the ground. It hasn't been mined yet. It hasn't been mined yet. What he has secured are gold veins. The rights to mine it. The right to mine it.
Starting point is 01:27:48 But he doesn't have the gold in his hand. So he's got future gold. Yes, future gold. Potential gold. Yes. That's what he has. Can he be taxed on, unrealized gold? But if you went to cash in your crypto gold token and you wanted real gold, he'd have to go dig it up. He doesn't have it.
Starting point is 01:28:14 So just be aware when you see these things. Number 32, where to buy precious metal-backed cryptocurrency. You might want to go to this website and find this article. If you want to take a photo of it with your phone right now, they give you the... Instructions. Well, they give you the sources
Starting point is 01:28:37 where you can buy crypto tokens that are backed not only by gold, but silver, platinum. I'll tell you, the one that I've been watching for over a year, and it's now on the market, it's on Coinbase, is the Perth Mint. And what's it backed with? Perth Mint Gold. Oh, okay. Okay. From the Perth Mint in Australia, in Western Australia, which is a government, the government mint in Perth. They have their own crypto token, which is linked to the gold that's in their vaults
Starting point is 01:29:21 in Australia. Physical gold. Physical gold. Not unrealized gold, but real gold. It's real, it's real, and it's, you know, it's the Australian gold bars, the Australian gold coins. And so the Perth Mint digital coin is on the market right now.
Starting point is 01:29:41 I've been watching this for over a year. And you can buy it on Coinbase. So that's one to pay attention to. Why? Because you can now move gold digitally. Okay, so right now, Doc, God forbid that something bad is happening here in the United States, and you've got to get out for your life, to save your life.
Starting point is 01:30:13 Maybe the economy is collapsing, maybe there's rioting, maybe there's war, but you have a safe in your house and you've got gold coins. How are you going to get those gold coins to another country? I have to physically carry them. How are you going to get those gold coins to another country? I have to physically carry them. How are you going to do that in a time of war, in a time of chaos? And you get to the customs office of the other country you're going into, and they go, what do you got there? And you open it up and go go i got a bunch of gold coins what are they going to do they could confiscate them so but if you had it in a digital wallet
Starting point is 01:31:05 that survives borders yes you move your gold from one geographic region to another, and you carried it in a digital wallet. And the digital coin on that wallet is backed by the Australian government. It's their mint, the Perth mint. You have your gold. That's the attractiveness of a digital coin backed by gold. That's one of the first times. Not a digital coin backed by, oh, I think I can. They said they got gold in the ground. There's gold in the ground.
Starting point is 01:31:34 Yeah, gold in the ground. I can get it out in about 10 years. Now, this is the Perth Mint in Australia. I mean, on some level, it's akin to buying real estate overseas. Yeah. In that you're actually able to invest in something outside the control of your current government. And why else would you be fleeing unless you had suspicions that your current government
Starting point is 01:31:50 couldn't be trusted? Yeah, I just did a commercial for the Perth Mint. They should give you a commission. Yeah, well, just a couple of coins. I'd be happy with a couple of coins. Hey, the last one I want to show. Well, I'll show a couple. I don't want to, we don't have time to talk about it. Number 37, Wyoming, state of Wyoming passed a bill
Starting point is 01:32:14 that established a decentralized autonomous organization as a new form of a corporate entity. Don't ask me to explain it. I'm not ready to. I'm just aware that here's a change. We now have corporations that are created on the blockchain. Right. That's what this is.
Starting point is 01:32:40 This is a blockchain corporation. Yes, and the way they described it was that it's a subreddit with bank accounts and governance. As if you have now your own forum where everyone can weigh in, potentially even change the structure of an organization. And it's being done transparently if you wanted to make it an open ledger. And then the last one, number 36, St. Kitts and Nevis, my favorite Caribbean country. The Eastern Caribbean Central Bank is located in St. Kitts. I drive by it every time I go to the island. I haven't been there for years.
Starting point is 01:33:25 I just found this out today. The Eastern Caribbean Central Bank has launched a digital currency. Doc, when it reaches the point that St. Kitts has a coin, a digital coin, you know the world's changing. Well, it's one of the greatest ironies of the crypto revolution, Rick, because if you look at the basket of currencies for international trade, you'd think only the major superpowers are really represented there. But in actuality, the global economy is made up of thousands of little cryptocurrencies like this. Because this right here, what made this important, other than coming from St. Kitts, was it's the first cryptocurrency that's built
Starting point is 01:34:05 within a currency union. All the fellow Caribbean nations which already have existing relationships with St. Kitts now inherited the technological ability to use something like PayPal. It's a system, a digital cash system, separated from the central bank system. We could see tiny nations become powerful nations with their cryptocurrency. Yes. All they have to do is be honest. Yeah. But if you'd been listening to True News two years ago, watching True News two years ago,
Starting point is 01:34:36 none of this would have been a surprise to you. No. And you know what makes me mad at myself, Doc? That when Bitcoin came out. You reported on it. I'm here reporting on it, telling our audience, you better pay attention to this Bitcoin. This is a new development.
Starting point is 01:34:57 And I stayed so busy with news and reporting news like Bitcoin that I didn't buy it when it was pennies pennies fractions of pennies how about dogecoin I mean nobody in the right mind would had bought dogecoin but those who did lose their mind and buy it just made a fortune right a Parity coin. Yes. It was a joke the the inventor of dogecoin Everybody thinks he's a billionaire and he's I forget his name, but he's tired of telling people. I'm not a billionaire He sold all of his dogecoin years ago because he was broke for he sold it for a used car Because he was out of work
Starting point is 01:35:46 it's like it's a joke as a dogecoin is a joke it's not meant to be i put a dog on it it's a dog okay but dogecoin got up into the 40 cent range last week or so and if you had bought you know 100 200 300 000 do 300,000 Dogecoins. What is it, a fraction of a penny? Seven, eight years ago when you could buy them for 0.00001. Okay. Do you know what you would be worth right now? Oh, you would be a Peter Thiel.
Starting point is 01:36:19 You would be a Bill Gates. Yeah. That's what's happening in the world of crypto. Well, I think we know, we know, know, you're looking at that example, why wars are started over money, over especially control of banking structures. Because if anything, this crypto revolution has shown us just how much power individual transactions have when they're done outside a centralized and not transparent banking structure. So what a lot of people do is that they invest money in Iraqi dinars.
Starting point is 01:36:51 Paper. How did that work out? They're still holding on to them. And the dinar has actually been devalued. It wasn't revalued. It was devalued. It's worth less than it was years ago. But if people in our audience, I want you to understand this.
Starting point is 01:37:14 Those of you who invested thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars into Iraqi dinars, believing the QAnon story, because that's really what it was. It was a secret inside. It was a QAnon story. Because that's really what it was. Secret insider. It was a QAnon story. An insider has revealed that the Iraqi dinar is going to be revalued to $3,
Starting point is 01:37:38 equal to $3 U.S. dollars. That was the line. And people went out and they dumped tens of thousands of dollars into buying Iraqi dinars. Do you know if you had bought tens of thousands of dollars of Bitcoin, you would be a billionaire right now. But instead you got a box full of Iraqi dinars that aren't worth toilet paper. So God
Starting point is 01:38:03 wants to bless his people, but we've got to stop being stupid. We need to listen to the Holy Spirit and take action. Because I'm looking back in my own life and go, I didn't take action. If I would have done what the Lord was revealing to me, showing me, if I had taken action, I would be in a completely different financial position right now today. So what am I thinking today? What is the Lord telling me today? What opportunities are there today that I need to act on that five years from now will be a tremendous blessing
Starting point is 01:38:46 that I would be able to take that money and do awesome things with the gospel. That's what I'm thinking about. I'm not thinking about what can I buy. I'm thinking about what can I do. Jesus Christ is coming. The world needs to hear the gospel. That requires the gospel is free. Salvation is free hear the gospel. That requires, the gospel is free.
Starting point is 01:39:06 Salvation is free. But getting the gospel out to the world costs a lot of money. Don't say, well, you should. Now, Jesus had a treasure. Judas carried the bag. Judas was a thief. He was stealing from the Lord. Jesus had a bag that they carried.
Starting point is 01:39:26 Jesus had money. And they had enough to steal. And he had enough to steal. So it requires money to spread the free message of salvation. And God's people, we need to wise up. The Holy Spirit is trying to tell us things that will bless us so that we can bless the whole world. That's what I'm thinking about every day. Lord, those are wise words and solemn words in this time because all is not lost, but especially as we fulfill the Great Commission. Thank you for
Starting point is 01:39:58 joining us for today's edition of True News. You have just got a fire hose of truth. No commercials, no propaganda, just facts and analysis you'll get nowhere else. Please share this Godcast with your friends and family. And consider becoming a partner with this ministry. You can do so by committing monthly to support us on our website, That is T-R-U-N-E-W-S dot com. Just click on the red donate button on the right side or the heart on the left side. Or you can call our toll free number at 1-800-576-2116.
Starting point is 01:40:29 That is 1-800-576-2116. You can also donate to us by mail at PO Box 69-0069, Vera Beach, Florida. Zip code 32969. We accept stocks, cryptocurrency, and precious metals. Thank you for joining us this time, and we'll be back here tomorrow, God willing, to share more shocking and revealing and inspiring information with you as we continue our mission to report on the good news as we approach the second coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Thank you, and God bless you.

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