TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Barry is back! Is Obama pushing Biden to start World War III with Russia?
Episode Date: April 6, 2021Today on TRUNEWS, host Edward Szall and the team look at how the Biden administration seems to be ramping up American forces for a face off with Russia over Ukraine and Crimea. Edward Szall, Rick Wile...s, Doc Burkhart. Airdate (04/05/21)
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The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you.
To find out how you can help,, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll.
World War III will begin within a month. I'm Edward Sall. And all this is happening while U.S. warships steam toward the South China Sea to confront another nuclear-armed superpower.
Joining me to discuss this rapid descent to war and more are True News founder Rick Wells and Doc Burkhart.
Hello, Edward.
Hello, Edward.
How quickly we are back to a ramp up towards World War III with Russia.
Joe Biden came into the White House.
The atmosphere changed,
and I don't think Joe Biden has much to do with it.
I believe his boss, Barack Hussein Obama,
is in the shadows orchestrating the events.
And Obama wanted war with Russia very bad when he was in the White House.
And here we are now.
Once again, international headlines talking about World War III.
Sobering headlines at that.
It's not just the drills, Rick.
It's the deployment of nuclear submarines.
I mean, in the case of the drills being formed right now over the Crimea, this took place
over a month.
I mean, really, we were watching the stories, but this past week there's just been an increase
both in the West's announcement of troop deployments and even in Russia for preparation for thousands,
tens of thousands of troops showing up on their border here in just a month.
So what is attributing the latest ramp up of escalation to at this point?
Well, there's two drills, two, and really throughout the year is about six total.
But two drills have caught the eye of the Russians.
One is a Ukrainian-British exercise called Cossack Mace 2021.
Now, Cossack referring to the native Tartar people of the Crimea, the horse archers on horseback.
Now they're native Russians, but they've named this drill after the Cossacks.
This will be run out of the Operational Command East.
This is Ukraine's Armed Forces command center
But in addition to this drill because this drill just involves a thousand troops
the United States the United Kingdom Germany France and other NATO nations include Poland to
Holding what is being billed as a an invasion?
drill build as an invasion drill.
It's a drill where they're going to actually practice the means of taking back the Crimea,
which includes Sevastopol, the city of Sevastopol.
This is, to the Russians, unacceptable.
But to the West and their 28,000 troops building up right now on the border, this is the plan.
We were watching this last week privately, quietly here at True News. And we didn't say anything on True News last week because we spent our time talking about
Jonathan Pollard, Matt Gaetz, and the border invasion in Texas. But we were quietly watching this rapid buildup of troops in Europe and talk of war.
And it just seems like this has this is ramped up so quickly.
That is, I think it's catching a lot of people by surprise, even those who carefully watch Foreign Affairs, that the
tension has heated up to such a level in really what, 72 hours?
Yes. I mean, that's how fast things have really the temperatures changed here. While most of us were celebrating Resurrection Day, the weekend, what was actually happening in the other part of the world, in, with China, the United States, Japan, there's a lot of military movement taking place.
Rick, in your opinion, is this a new development or is this the resumption of the script?
To me, it's the resumption of the script.
I've seen this happen before.
And the last time it was this bad was in the
closing days of the Obama administration. And as we were in the 2016 campaign, the Russians
sent word to America, if Hillary Clinton wins, there will be World War III. And so the deep state boys managed to get rid of
Donald Trump
he was the doorstop
remember the doorstop
he was the doorstop
I believe prophetically what the Lord
showed me was Donald Trump was placed
in the White House as a doorstop
the doorstop to what
to hold back the world from war for the time being judgment on America Donald Trump was placed in the White House as a doorstop. The doorstop to what?
To hold back the world from war for the time being.
Judgment on America, really.
Judgment, what I saw, judgment coming to America.
And he was the doorstop.
And I said then in 2016, the church, the body of Christ has got to push that door.
How do you push it?
Through preaching the word.
Through intercession, through prayer,
through righteous living, through repentance.
You've got to push that door so that it does not close.
I think the door is closing again.
And I'm, look, I've lived with this stuff for 22 years, but I'm going to tell you how the speed that this has ramped up in a matter of a week alarms me.
It alarms you?
Yes, it alarms me.
That says something there.
It alarms me.
I've seen this repeated over and over again through the years.
But what I've not seen repeated is the level of depravity this nation is in.
That's true.
From satanic feuds to cannibals.
I've never seen this before.
We have no covering.
We have nothing.
Why would the Lord God protect America?
For what reason?
To preserve transgenderism?
To preserve abortion?
To preserve pornography?
Yes, which one of our sins one does he want to preserve?
So you ought to be very concerned right now.
Now, Rick, there was a story that you caught your eyes on today.
I was shocked when you told it to me, and this was from the Moscow Times.
Russia deploys all Black Sea submarines as NATO kicks off drills. How significant
is this, Rick?
All Black Sea? All the submarines assigned to the Black Sea, they've all been deployed.
And to me this is, I think they're on combat readiness alert. The Russians are.
If you read the American, European, British, Canadian, Australian, Five Eyes propaganda.
Russians on the move.
The Russian aggression.
The Russian aggression.
The Russians are on the move.
Joe Biden is worried about Russian troop buildup.
NATO is alarmed about Russian troop buildup.
Where are the Russian troops building up?
In response to NATO.
In Russia.
Inside their country.
Not in someone else's country.
In their own country.
Where are American forces building up? Someone else's country. In somebody else's country. In their own country. Where are American forces building up?
Someone else's country.
In somebody else's country.
On Russia's border.
On Russia's border.
Well, our border is open.
That's another story.
So the Russians, yes, the Russians are moving troops and tanks to their border.
In response to NATO aggression.
Because the Russians are afraid that this NATO drill will go live. Right.
That at any moment during the drill, the invasion of Russia will start. So you've got all these NATO
ships that are in the Black Sea. You've got all the Russian submarines that are sitting around in
the Black Sea. Anytime you have a whole bunch of ships in close proximity to each other, that increases
the possibility for something to happen, something to go wrong. And all it takes is one, you know,
one event to trigger a regional and perhaps even a global war.
Yeah, but I think, Doc, it's beyond, the concern for me is not so much that something will go wrong
in a drill.
That the drill is meant to go wrong. What I'm concerned about is that, yes, as Edward said, the drill is meant to go wrong.
The drill is meant to go hot, to go live.
And an invasion of Russia begins.
What's it all about?
The financial system.
Here's something else we haven't talked about.
We'll try to pick a day this week to talk about it. You've got rumblings on Wall Street of a hedge fund collapse in the next 30 to 60 days.
Right. The hedge fund market, all the dominoes are already started tipping yes a Lehman Brothers moment last week
driving uh to work I I was listening to Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business News she was interviewing
a Wall Street guy they were talking about the hedge funds collapsing and he said we, and I don't remember his name, he said, we're going to see another Lehman Brothers moment.
And Maria said, when?
And he said, the next 30 to 60 days.
Which, if you have a Lehman Brothers moment, that's in September 2008, the entire financial system of the West almost collapsed.
Yes. If it hadn't been for the infusion of cash to all the banks and everything, basically
the government bailing out the banks, everything would have collapsed.
And the smart economists say that the actions didn't stop it. They just prolonged, really,
the point at which we're going to feel the impact.
Oh, absolutely.
Intervention 2008 didn't solve any of the issues. They actually made it much worse when we're now feeling it. Yes. And so you're right,
Edward. So the trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars and euros and yen that
had been pumped into the world markets for the past 12 years, it's going to boomerang.
And the system is going to break under the weight of all this funny money that the central banks pumped into the markets.
So you have that taking place right now.
Harry Dent, a man who's been around for a long time doing financial analysis and projections,
Elliot Wave, expert.
He recently said that he now fears a Great Depression starting in the next few months. I think, I want to say, he was saying maybe by September.
You think it'll take this year to do it? He was saying, if I recall, you know, summer, mid to late summer,
early fall. And he said it would be a ferocious financial crisis, but short lived. He said we
would come out of it by the mid-20s.
That would kind of be a bump in the road.
No, not a bump.
Like a pothole?
Like a big crater that opened up.
A big crater.
But we would crawl out of it by the mid-20s. But he said it's going to be-
The mid-20s, not the middle of the year.
No, the mid-20s, like 2025. Okay.
And you think about it, we have the perfect scenario globally for a war like this to break out.
It's not just the economic turndown, but economic turndown has created unemployment.
Unemployment has been staved off by stimulus and these other governmental interventions.
But when you have unemployed, military-aged men, there's one thing a government can do.
Send them to war.
You can get greedy. You do. Send them to war.
You can get greedy.
You can send your soldiers to war.
You can try to conquer territory, maybe generate wealth and riches to bring back home from that conquest.
And what triggered the economic turndown?
Yes, the pandemic.
And so that set up the perfect scenario.
Now you have complete turmoil globally and the opportunity to blame that and a thousand other things on the upcoming conflict.
It's coming. One way or another. The script is on.
Doc, you know, you've been here for years.
I've been saying since before the 2008 financial crisis, it's not about all these various things that are going on in the world.
The wars and rumors of wars.
It's not about territory.
It's not about geography.
It's not about energy, even though many times they're battling over natural gas and oil.
It's about the banking system.
It's about money.
Because it all ties back to the bank.
It's who controls the financial system of the world.
That's what's
at stake. And we're headed towards a major war with China and Russia. And it is not over the
Spratly Islands. It's not over Crimea. It's about who will control the financial system of the
world. The U.S. is bankrupt. It's been bankrupt for a long, long time. And we joke that there's nothing behind the US dollar.
The gold standard was taken away in 1973 by Nixon.
The US dollar is not backed by gold.
It's backed by lead.
Yeah, bullets and aircraft.
Yeah, you mess with the United States and you're going to get some lead uranium.
And that's what's propping up the U.S. dollar.
Nations recognize it.
And they're tired of being pushed around and bullied and intimidated by the United States.
And that's the response we're seeing from Russia right now.
General Shogu, who we've featured on the program before in the past, he had some news that they're actually setting up a whole new regiment
in order to defend Crimea. Now, Crimea is Russia's holy land. It's where they claim
the birthplace of Russia took place. They are not going to give up Crimea.
No. And if you want to see men fight, you watch how the Russians fight for Crimea.
If you don't understand the Christian
sacredness of Crimea to Russia,
you will totally misjudge how the Russian men
will fight in this war.
In their mind, they're fighting for Christ.
I don't know if Milley and these guys, I don't know what they're fighting for.
Little green men?
I don't know what Milley believes.
I do know what he said.
I do know that he had an issue going out to a church with the president back in June of
last year.
I think for Milley and the others who've joined the Biden administration,
for them, this is nothing to do with Russia's religiosity.
Their mind is that this is a new Cold War, and they completely missed it.
That's our leaders.
You know, Congressman, former Congressman Ron Paul, he asked the question today,
is Biden pushing Ukraine to attack Russia?
He said, Ron Paul sees the same thing that we're seeing.
And I would say it's not Biden.
It's Biden's master, Barack Obama.
Obama's running the White House.
And Obama, for some reason, wants a war with Russia.
He's always wanted that war with Russia.
And so others are seeing that something is happening in the past week or two
that has changed the foreign...
Policy balance.
Yeah, the balance of power right now.
Like, where did this
come from?
What happened in the past
two weeks that said,
you know what, Doc? We'd better attack Russia.
We'd better have a world war.
Just exactly tell me
what's happened in the past week or two.
I'm not sure.
What's your thought on it?
What do you think?
The American financial system is collapsing.
That's what's happened.
It has nothing to do with Russia.
So that's going to be the trigger.
We have to have a war in order.
We have to have a war in order to hold on to the system.
The Jerusalem Post, Russia warns Donbass conflict could destroy Ukraine. NATO rebukes Moscow.
The next one is Defender Europe 2021.
So this is what outlines what the plans are for NATO right now and how they plan on engaging
in the current drill that's going on as if it's a live conflict.
An invasion.
And this is actually very evident by the U.S. taxpayer-funded video that U.S. Army Europe
and Africa produced to sell this idea not just to the troops, but to the generals and
the contractors paying for the bullets that will be in this war.
Let's watch this. Building on last year's success,
Defender Europe 21 will build readiness and interoperability
between allies and partners
and prepare our forces to rapidly respond to crisis
and conduct large-scale combat operations if called upon.
It will exercise U.S. Army Europe and Africa's ability to serve as a combined joint force
land component command and as a security partner in the strategically important Balkans and
Black Sea regions, while sustaining our activities in Northern Europe and Africa.
Defender Europe 21 will feature the participation of approximately 28,000 multinational forces from 27 nations
conducting nearly simultaneous operations across more than 30 training areas in 12 countries.
Critical to this endeavor will be the strict COVID prevention and mitigation strategy
implemented by U.S. and participating nations. Exercises like Defender Europe 21 demonstrates that the U.S. commitment
to NATO is ironclad and that NATO allies and partners stand stronger together.
That looks like war propaganda. It seems like it's a modern day newsreel. I don't know if you
saw that, Rick, that one portion. We're going to go up against Russia, but we're going to do it by social distancing, too.
So we're going to keep the Russian troops six feet away?
I guess so, or six feet under is maybe the case.
I want to show you guys a quote that I saw last Friday, which was chilling, because this guy is Alexei Arestovich?
And Edward, who is this gentleman?
He's been appointed by President Zelensky, the president of Ukraine,
to be their personal representative to what's called the Trilateral Contact Group on Donbass.
Donbass is the region just above Crimea where the troop buildup is occurring.
And it's the part of the country the Ukrainians have sought to take first
before taking back the city of Sevastopol.
What he said...
And he's talking about the drill that you just watched the video.
The one with the paratroopers, not a defensive drill.
A large-scale NATO exercise called Defender Europe 2021 has begun, which means protect Europe.
The scenario is that from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea, we are practicing for, well, let's put it directly, the war with Russia.
The scenario of armed confrontation with Russia.
The active phase of these exercises is May and June.
Now the preparation has begun, deployment of forces, logistics, transfer of equipment, which is also an element of the exercise.
All right. Now look at that. The active phase
of these exercises is May to June.
Can we go back and put number one on the screen?
World War III
will begin within four weeks, warns Russian military analysts.
Four weeks is May.
And we're in May.
It's chilling.
And it's a death ball they're playing here, right?
Because if it's about the economy, we're actually doing something very similar to what the the Germans did the Germans actually almost destroyed their economy in the build-up to World War two
But their big payoff was they thought well if we defeat all of Europe we take the world
We'll make our money on the back end if we control the system doesn't matter how much we've destroyed our economy indebted our nation
What was Russia doing the last five years while the U.S. was spending into deficit? Russia was paying off their debt.
And buying gold.
Thank you.
Setting up an alternative supply for oil and transition with China.
And enlarging their nuclear arsenal.
The hypersonic missile arsenal.
That's what they did for the last five, ten years.
What did America do?
Increased access to pornography. We brought trannies into the military. That's what we did.
And our health department member, Richard Levin. I mean, I have the first ever-
How about the elementary schools with drag queens?
Drag queen story time. The Russians weren't doing that. They were bringing the Bible into
elementary schools.
Today in our editorial meeting, I think, Edward, you're the one or maybe Doc, somebody remembered a video that we showed several years ago.
And it was a choir in St. Petersburg, Russia.
And they sang a song in Russian that was about the destruction of the United States of America.
Yeah, we featured this back in, I believe it was 2019.
And it got a lot of response from our audience.
A lot of people hadn't seen it before.
And as we got to talking about the ramp up of war once again here with Russia,
I think we need to take a step back, take a big, deep breath and ask ourselves, do we really want to get in, get entangled with the bear here?
Really, do we want to? Because it's apostate, we're worse than apostate.
We've now become a reprobate nation.
There's different stages.
There's backslidden, there's apostate, then there's reprobate.
America has reached the reprobate stage.
Well, we're directly fighting God now. There's apostate. Then there's reprobate. America has reached the reprobate stage.
Well, we're directly fighting God now.
It's one thing when you're apostate, you still think you're serving God.
Now we've rejected God and we're fighting against him.
We're reprobate now.
So we have a reprobate nation that's promoting the most vile, wicked values. Directly shaking our fist in the face of God.
And we're going to go to war with the nation that is trying to return to its Christian roots.
And we'll fight over Crimea, where Christianity was introduced to Russia.
And we think we're going to win that war?
You want to share?
Yeah, here's the video.
This is the Russian choir in St. Petersburg. Песня «Под водой» Вашингтон Песня «За первым» Субтитры создавал DimaTorzok Стал усталый еле ручник, не трыцит рассказ.
Ты простых, Америка, душа, я, Америка,
Но пятьсот лет назад тебя открыли зря.
Тру-ля-ля, тру-ля-ля, все могу за три рубля, Песня «Зеленый пепел» So as they would do anything for three rubles, that refers to back when you had the serfs
and everything across Europe and Russia.
If you had three rubles, you could purchase your way out of serfdom.
And so for that, that signifies freedom for them. So what I saw were two cities, Washington, D.C., and Norfolk, Virginia.
One our Cedar government, the other the home to our largest fleet presence in the United States.
Singing a sad song for, they said, a nation that was discovered in vain.
We mentioned on the beginning of the program that also this movement with China.
We'll mention this quickly.
The Russians are building a railroad to connect with their ally, their other superpower in
the world, China.
This is Nevestia speaking about this railroad.
The discussion of what Russia's role is with China, Rick, is very important.
Russia is going to defend China's
expansion and the new trade route. This is evident with their Arctic base. This is number 11 for
control. Their Arctic base is one to protect what will be the replacement, not just the financial
system, but the trading routes. But Rick, we've sent warships now, and it's not just about the
Baltic, not just about the Black Sea. We're also fighting a war with China while we're beginning our Defender Europe drill.
At the same time, this is the South China Morning Post,
we're sending warships into the South China Sea to challenge China.
And Japan is also ramping up against China.
There's talk of possible conflict over Okinawa.
There's talk that...
World War II is going to start back up again.
There's talk, rumors floating,
that China is trying to get Okinawa
to declare its independence from Japan.
Yes, and we're starting to wonder who might be behind that movement.
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