TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Begging for a Nuke! Ukraine hit Russia Again with U.S. ATACMS

Episode Date: November 25, 2024

If space aliens are observing mankind’s madness, they would quickly conclude that the American ruling class is eager to engage the Russian Federation in a limited nuclear war. Days after Vladmir demonstrated Russia’s new hypersonic missile and warned that he is prepared to hit Western cities with nuclear warheads, Ukraine was given the go-ahead today to strike Russian targets using American made ATACM missiles.Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 11/25/2024Join the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comCelebrate Christmas with TruNews! Donate $200 or more to TruNews and receive 8 gifts: 2 Final Day books, 2 Sacrificing Liberty DVD sets, 2 The Greatest Reset DVDs, and 2 talking Fauci Elves. Donate at, call 800.576.2116, or mail to PO Box 399, Vero Beach, FL 32961. Request your gift bag today!Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!             It’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 True News has a great offer for you. Christmas is only weeks away. Could you use some help with your Christmas shopping? We have assembled a gift bag of assorted products from True News. What's in our gift bag? Two copies of Final Day, the ten characteristics of the second coming of Jesus Christ. Two DVD sets of the Sacrificing Liberty four-part docuseries. Two sets of the Greatest Reset DVD film. And, of course, two of those
Starting point is 00:00:26 ridiculous talking Fauci-Ls. The Fauci-Ls are collector items and great gag gifts to make people laugh. That's eight Christmas gifts, all for a donation of $200 or more to support True News. Donate online at Checks and money orders may be mailed to P.O. Box 399 Vero Beach, Florida 32961. You may also call 800-576-2116 at any time of day. Eight Christmas gifts from True News. Our gift to you for your gift of $200 or more. Make sure you request the Christmas gift bag when you donate $200 or more. if space aliens are observing mankind's madness they would quickly conclude that the American ruling class is eager to engage the Russian Federation in a limited nuclear war. Days after Vladimir Putin demonstrated Russia's new hypersonic missile and warned that he is prepared to hit Western cities with nuclear warheads. Ukraine was given the go-ahead today to strike Russian targets again
Starting point is 00:01:48 using American-made Atacom missiles. This is True News for Monday, November 25, 2024. Let's begin our analysis and commentary of today's World war iii news by examining this late breaking headline published hours ago by london's telegraph ukraine strikes russia with cluster attackams doc when i first saw it come across my computer screen i was hoping that it was a headline from a week ago that was my first thought as well and then I saw that it was just updated a few minutes ago no they just did it again and uh Doc will give you the details we've got some um some video uh showing um uh showing the attack on the Russian sites uh Again, what you're seeing is inside Russia. You see the explosions?
Starting point is 00:02:49 These are American-made attack missiles striking Russia during the nighttime hours. And where did they hit, Doc? Well, Ukraine appears to have hit Russia with cluster attackums for the first time since Joe Biden lifted a ban on the long-range weapons. Kiev hit Kalino Airfield near Kursk City overnight. Ukrainian military bloggers sharing geolocated photos of the site. The airfield is no longer used by Russian aviation, but they said the facility still contained a command headquarters, ammunition depot, and a drone launching area. A video of the strike showed hundreds of small explosions, typical of cluster munitions hitting
Starting point is 00:03:31 the airport. Now, these attackams can come in two forms, as cluster munitions or a unitary warhead that hits a more specific target. It was the second time that Ukraine has fired attackams into Russia since the U.S. lifted its ban and the first time the cluster version of the attackams into russia since the u.s lifted its ban and the first time the cluster version of the weapons have been known to be used so there were hundreds of munitions hundreds of small explosions that hit the russian airport today um doc putin told us last week what he's going to do.
Starting point is 00:04:07 He can't back down now. He went on national television in Russia and told the Russian people and the leaders of the West what he's going to do if the U.S. and the Europeans attack him one more time. But I'm supposed to believe Secretary Lloyd Austin, Kurt Steiner, Macron, that Russia's just bluffing on them. I want to remind you what we told you last week. Putin told the Russian people that as
Starting point is 00:04:36 a humanitarian gesture, he would give the cities advance notice to evacuate. My friends, I am convinced that
Starting point is 00:04:52 one or more cities will soon be told to evacuate. Putin could, if he wanted to be devilish, he could say we have five targets. One of the five will be attacked. All five cities should evacuate in the next 24 hours. And in a way, I think he already did that once.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Remember the last week when we reported they were evacuating the embassies in Kiev? But they attacked another city. They attacked Donopro, the military base in Donopro. And so this is par for the course for the Russian leader to give a warning. And he gave a warning to the West. I could hit Kiev. I might hit somewhere else.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Doug, I think Kiev will disappear very soon. Very soon. The city of Kiev will disappear very soon. Very soon. The city of Kiev will disappear very soon. I'm talking possibly today. I hope our audience understands the gravity of this headline right now. This is, you could say everything up to this point was, okay, it's all preparation and everything. It's testing. But since Vladimir Putin made the comments that he did late last week, this is the first attack since then.
Starting point is 00:06:12 This is violating that very message that Mr. Putin put out there. This is going to be a real test for the Russians at this point. Will they do it? He has to now, Doc. He demonstrated last week. If he doesn't, he's lost. That's right. He demonstrated last week they have a new weapon, a super hypersonic missile that the Americans could not detect, couldn't shoot it down. It hit its target. It came in like a lightning bolt.
Starting point is 00:06:44 And he proved what they have. And then he told the Americans and Europeans what he's going to do if they attack him again. And he said that cities would be given advance warning to evacuate. So what happens if he says today, all right, these attack them came from the United States. Therefore, we're going to take out an American city. We have five cities in our target sites. Washington, D.C., New York, Miami, Chicago, Dallas, Fort Worth. All five, you should evacuate in the next 24 hours one of the five
Starting point is 00:07:27 will disappear are you ready for that are you ready for that to happen in the next day are you prepared for it because it is going to happen or putin will be seen as a paper tiger. And I do not believe he went on television last week and gave that speech believing that he would not carry through on his threats. Correct. Yes. Putin is a very even keeled, calm guy. He doesn't get emotional.
Starting point is 00:08:07 He doesn't let anybody rattle him. He's steady. That's what really bothers me. To give you an example of that, when he gave his message to the Russian people last week, he sat there the entire eight minutes of the message. His hands did not move. The only thing that moved was his mouth. His body didn't move. He didn't fidget in his seat or anything. To me, that was clear body language of his absolute resolve. This is a message for the world we're giving you right
Starting point is 00:08:39 now. This is it, folks. The last warning before we really do something drastic. Get ready. It's about to happen. India. I found this today in Doc, it's nowhere else in the United States. Bad news for Russia as U.S. gives long-range JASM missiles missiles to ukraine yes this isn't published in america i
Starting point is 00:09:08 found it in india it says the in a significant escalation amid the ongoing russia ukraine war u.s president joe biden's government has given ukraine u.s long-range jm ballistic missiles to ukraine the long-range missile is very dangerous as it can help ukraine attack inside russia to it to its capital moscow oh we'll see if that goes down that's right well the full name of this missile is of course the joint air to surface standoff missile through this ukraine can target at least 30 air bases of russia name of this missile is, of course, the Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile. Through this, Ukraine can target at least 30 air bases of Russia. With the combination of F-16 fighter jets and the JASM missile, that's a formidable force in modern warfare. The JASM, weighing about 1,100 kilograms, is designed to deliver precision strikes within its 453-kilogram warhead,
Starting point is 00:10:03 capable of causing significant damage to strategic targets. Ukraine, equipped with numerous F-16 fighter jets, can deploy the Jazm missile effectively from a standoff range of 370 kilometers, keeping their aircraft well out of the reach of enemy defenses. Furthermore, these missiles and their range can be extended to an impressive 900 kilometers if needed, enhancing its strategic flexibility and allowing it to strike not just deep but very deep into enemy territory. That 900-kilometer number, that would reach Moscow for sure. Yes. two and a half years that this war has been raging, I've alternated back and forth in trying to discern the mindset of the Western leaders. Like, are they deceived? Do they really not see the lunacy of their policies?
Starting point is 00:10:59 Do they truly believe Putin is bluffing? And the other viewpoint that I've flipped back and forth on is, no, they know what they're doing. They want a war. It might be a little of both. There are probably an elite few that know exactly what's going on. No, I'll wear them out now today. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:21 As of today, they want a war. And you know what? They've wanted this war for a long time and they didn't tell you and me. They didn't prepare us for it, but they are prepared. They think on their own, for themselves and their families. They think they're prepared. Folks, they have been preparing for this war now in late November, December of 2024. They have been preparing for this for now in late November December or 2024 they have been preparing for this for years they didn't tell you because they don't care about you okay they don't care about
Starting point is 00:11:53 your children your grandchildren your dog your cat I don't care okay they've planned this war for a long time and now it's about to happen and 99.9% of the American people are clueless. And when the bombs start falling, when the warheads start exploding, there will be total pandemonium, shock.
Starting point is 00:12:21 That's what Colonel Lunoff told me was the strategy he said the american people will go into shock he told me all the things that they would do the nuclear suitcase bombs the biological chemical weapons already inside the united states the poisoning of the water supply, the assassination of the, he said, he used the word decapitation. He said, we will decapitate the American government within hours.
Starting point is 00:12:55 I said, how are you going to do it? He said, we already know. We know the names of every government leader. What's in public is easy. Congressmen, senators, judges, and so forth. But we know their spouses, their children, their grandchildren. But we know all of the senior leaders in the Pentagon, in government agencies. All of them will be targeted for assassination, including their families, within hours.
Starting point is 00:13:26 I said, who's going to do it? He said, we have Spetsnaz commandos inside the U.S. And this was what year? 1999. 25 years ago. January, February 1999? Yes. And if they were that prepared then, do you think that they're more or less prepared oh they
Starting point is 00:13:45 are more prepared with more weapons and more plans and he told me that it would begin and the american people would be uh put placed in a state of shock and would surrender they're going to call for us to surrender that was the plan 25 years ago total shock bring the people into chaos give them a ultimatum to surrender get ready for it what a monday telegraph u.s weapons are not good enough to take on Russia's nuclear threat, Pentagon official admits. Now, I want you to see, I only have one paragraph in this article. Let's put it up there. To be prepared for the 2030s, we have to modernize our nuclear forces, the nuclear command and control, and the associated infrastructure that will allow us to be flexible and adjust over time as new challenges arise, whether that's new threats or potential changes or delays in our modernization, said Grant Schneider, Vice Deputy Director for Strategic Stability at the Pentagon's Joint Chiefs of Staff,
Starting point is 00:15:07 to be prepared for the 2030s. Well, this is 2024. We should be prepared today. They are. Doc, they are. What they're about to do, according to their plan, they believe they're going to take out Russia this year. They believe they're going to take out russia this year they believe they're going to take out russia this year the preparation for the 2030s is the
Starting point is 00:15:33 war with china folks you and i if these madmen get their way in the next 30 to 60 days we're going to have a nuclear war with russia and these raving idiots believe they're going to win it. Now, sure, you and I might die. The Deagle Report might be true. 90% of the American people disappear in the year 2025. It's very real now, isn't it? It's very very real all this stuff we talked about for years the deagle report and everybody was talking about it for years what called uh it's a website called london loves business top nato military official warns businesses need to be prepared for a wartime scenario
Starting point is 00:16:36 you notice what that you know what that means we're going to war we're going to war so uh the article from london loves business is saying that speaking during event of the european policy center think tank he said that deterrence will end up going far beyond military capability alone reuters reported that dutch admiral rob bauer who you see pictured there said in brussels that all available assets could and will be used in the event of war as we are in an international crisis amid threats from Moscow. Admiral Bauer, who is the chair of NATO's military committee, said, if we can make sure that all crucial services and goods can be delivered no matter what, then that is a key
Starting point is 00:17:19 part of our deterrence. Now, the article goes on to say, we're seeing that with a growing number of sabotage acts and Europe has seen that with energy supply. We thought we had a deal with Gazprom, but we actually had a deal with Mr. Putin. And the same goes for Chinese-owned infrastructure and goods. We actually have a deal with Chinese President Xi Jinping. He said that the West depends on supplies from China and 60% of rare earth materials are produced and some 90% is processed in the nation of China. Admiral Bauer warned, we are naive if we think the Communist Party will never use that power. Business leaders in Europe and America need to realize that the commercial decisions they make have the strategic consequences for the security of their nation.
Starting point is 00:18:05 Businesses need to be prepared, and this is where it gets serious, for a wartime scenario and adjust their production and distribution lines accordingly. Because while it may be the military who wins battles, it's the economies that win wars. So right now he's calling for total war, basically. Yes. You know, motivating the industrial and the manufacturing base of nations to start thinking in war terms now. Yes.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Just go back and think of November 25th, 1941. Basically a week or two before Pearl Harbor. Imagine an admiral or U.S. general saying to the American people, to the American businesses, to Wall Street, you've got to go to war footing. Yes. We're going to war. This oil embargo that we have on Japan is going to lead to another world war. Yes. We better get ready for it.
Starting point is 00:19:11 He probably would have been laughed. Right. But the insiders knew they were going to war. LeMond in France, discussions over sending European troops to Ukraine reignited. Yes. What are we doing, folks? We're going to send troops to Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:19:35 NATO troops. Yes. I don't think that's going to last. Putin's not going to let it happen, Doc. Matter of fact, they used a thermobaric bomb today uh like a Moab where it sucks the air out of your lungs Russia used one today on Ukraine I had not heard this yet I forgot to put that in the in the elements um but no they did use some what what we would call a moab right a moab sucks the air out of everything and it just there's an inferno the air is on fire it's not a nuclear so basically
Starting point is 00:20:18 the air is on fire it's a blast and all the oxygen disappears for miles you understand for miles miles and miles all the oxygen is burned up they drop one today do you find it not yet i'm still looking for it so thoroughb buried yes okay um so now this says with the prospect of american disengagement from kiev really following donald trump's return to the white house paris and london are not rolling out leading a military coalition in ukraine we've got a uh video clip from TV France. Let's watch. I'm trying to pull the thread of your scenario to the end. Does that mean in this case I come back to the story of troops on the ground?
Starting point is 00:21:15 In the end, is it not in this framework that you would possibly imagine European troops that would allow to sanctuize this jail? Is this where Europe has to play? Here we have the difficult choice to make. It is the way the troops on the ground, which then commits us very directly, and I think it would not be a good thing. The risk of escalation would be almost mechanical.
Starting point is 00:21:36 In truth, you do not want this. I do not believe that this is the best solution, but I think about what would be the best guarantee because I believe that it is necessary to guarantee the ceasefire or the peace treaty. So what he is concluding here, Rick, is I'm not in favor of sending troops, but it might be the only option for us to guarantee either a ceasefire or a peace treaty. No, this is going to guarantee thermonuclear war by sending troops to Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:22:03 Yes, because that's the next thing to a land invasion into russia that's right let me tell you what you what you just saw in that video i'm going to analyze this in the context of the fourth turning by neil howe and the late bill strauss mr dr strauss so um the baby boomers the current baby boomers they are the arch type the prophets you have the prophets the nomads the heroes and the artists those are the four arch types in attorney in the generations the baby boomers are the current prophet archetype. So the baby boomers are sending us to war.
Starting point is 00:22:55 Look at the age of the old geezer there. I mean, he's my age, okay? Oh, we're going to send troops to Ukraine. Yeah, but you ain't going. You ain't going at all. I'll tell you who's going. Okay? So the next group, the Gen Xers, they're the nomads.
Starting point is 00:23:14 That's your generation. Yes. The nomads, the Gen Xers, are going to lead the war. They're going to be the generals, the colonels. They're going to be the generals the colonels they're going to be the ones out there leading the troops the heroes the archetype heroes those are the millennials they're going to fight the war right they're going to be on the battlefield and when the war, which are today's Gen Z, they will rebuild
Starting point is 00:23:49 after the war. If there's anybody alive. That's what's happening. Baby boomers sending us off to war. Nomads leading the war. Millennials fighting the war.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Gen Z rebuilding after the war. That's the pattern. And you know what? It goes back at least 600 years. Every 80 plus years, the same pattern. The same pattern. The equivalent of the baby boomers
Starting point is 00:24:22 led us into World War II. The equivalent of the baby boomers led us into the Civil War. The equivalent of the baby boomers led us into World War II. The equivalent of the baby boomers led us into the Civil War. The equivalent of the baby boomers led us into the Revolutionary War. So in the boomers' mind, then this conflict with Russia is not just necessary, it's actually unavoidable in their mind because this is their legacy yes we we beat russia yes we beat russia we grew up here uh in in the cold war and now we want it yes now we really we were little babies we were little babies during the first turning high, when Eisenhower, the Gen Xer, the nomad that led the war in World War II, led us to victory. But the baby boomers, we were little babies. And we were frightened because we had to crawl under our desk and hide from those Russian bombs that were coming in.
Starting point is 00:25:23 And now we grew up and we beat the Russians. Oh, my God, this is sick. Doc, this is sickness on a national scale. I wish it wasn't happening. I just wish it wasn't happening. Rio Navaste. Russia is considering the possibility of deploying missiles in Asia. Now, he's talking about the hypersonic missiles.
Starting point is 00:25:51 Right. You know that thing that just flew through the sky the other night? Hit Ukraine like a lightning bolt. Nobody saw it coming. Nobody could shoot it down. Yeah, guess what? Russia's going to put them in Asia. Any guess what country probably will be to put them in asia any guess
Starting point is 00:26:05 what country probably will be the first to get one uh north korea north korea and what does that say to south korea lights out yes you put a you put a dozen of these hypersonics in kim Jong-un's hand? Man, you've got a crazy deputy sheriff now patrolling the streets of Asia. Yes. Okay? So this article from Rio Novosti says this. Russia is considering the possibility of deploying intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles in Asia if similar American systems appear there. That's coming from Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov, speaking to reporters, said,
Starting point is 00:26:48 quote, of course, this is one of the options that have also been repeatedly mentioned. The appearance of appropriate American systems in any region of the world will predetermine our further steps, including in the field of organizing a military and military technical response, he said. The deputy minister stressed that Russia's opponents and their satellites should not have a false sense of security or complacency. The time has come when persuasion and some arguments can be used further, but practice shows that they do not have the desired effect, so
Starting point is 00:27:25 more potent means are needed, including the deployment of such systems from where they can hit the appropriate targets and act as a compensatory measure, Ryabkov said. So let's arm North Korea now. And they said months ago, if the West continues on this path, we will arm our allies around the world. And who's to say they haven't already? Because we reported last week that one of the trade-offs, if you will, with North Korean troops being deployed in Russia along the border with Ukraine were weapon systems, Rick.
Starting point is 00:28:06 Yes. Maybe they're already parked in Pyongyang. Yes, I'm sure they are. They could be in Havana. Okay. There could be a dozen hypersonic missiles in Havana brought in in shipping containers. There could be a dozen down in Nicaragua.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Okay? The Russians are spreading their hypersonic seeds all over the world. And we drove them to do it. We forced them to do it. People, because of their greed,
Starting point is 00:28:48 their rebellion, their stupidity, they force other people to do things that they didn't want to do, but compelled to do it because they got fed up with your crap. That's the only word I can use, okay, without crossing the line. You just get fed up. You ever had somebody in your life and you just, hey, you know what, I'm fed up with your crap. That's the only word I can use, okay, without crossing the line.
Starting point is 00:29:06 You just get fed up. You ever had somebody in your life and you just, hey, you know what? I'm fed up with it. I'm just fed up with your stuff. There are people. I've had people in my life, Doc. They just get in your space. And there comes a day.
Starting point is 00:29:20 When you push them out. Give them more space. Yes, like you throw them up against the wall that's what the Russians are doing to the Americans and the Europeans get out of our face go away we didn't want to fight with you but now you made us man we're gonna fight and we're gonna clobber you so um next story Chinese this is reuters chinese hackers preparing for conflict chinese hackers are positioning themselves listen to this folks in u.s critical infrastructure it networks for a potential clash with the united states a top american cyber security official
Starting point is 00:30:00 said on friday morgan adamski executive director of U.S. Cyber Command, said Chinese-linked cyber operations are aimed at gaining an advantage in case of a major conflict with the United States. Officials have warned that China-linked hackers have compromised IT networks and taken steps to carry out disruptive attacks in the event of a conflict their activities include gaining access to key networks to enable potential disruptions such as manipulating heating ventilation and air conditioning systems in server rooms disrupting critical energy and water controls. Hasn't that already happened? Yes, they've already been doing it.
Starting point is 00:30:52 It happened here in Vero Beach. But this is going to be on a national scale during a war. Doc, I can prove to you, I have the recordings, I have writings, going back to 1998, a year before I started this program. infiltrating the y2k remediation operation and that they're literally sending their people to america to prepare the american computers for y2k i said how do we know that everybody working on computer software remediation is trustworthy because we don't know do we the u.s from what i remember during y2k did not do any security vetting of the people who were doing y2k remediation i was bringing this up in 1998 and 99 what if they plant back doors for use 15 20 years from now now it really makes sense they've had they've had entry for decades
Starting point is 00:32:18 they just kept it quiet they just let it lurk there in the shadows. Now, they're starting to open up the doors. It's not that they're penetrating now. They're opening the doors. They're opening the doors that they put there. And this comes from the chief of the U.S. Cyber Command. It's not just some analyst over at Fox saying this. This is the guy who, this is what should keep him up at night.
Starting point is 00:32:45 And who was in control of our national security during Y2K? Who was the chief, commander in chief? William Clinton. A man who took money from the Chinese to sell our national security secrets. And he was in charge of the country's security at that time.
Starting point is 00:33:12 You feel safe now? Okay, Doc, you told me about this next story, a DHL cargo plane crashed near Lithuania's airport. Yeah, I first started seeing this story pop up very early this morning and then uh then cbs made the connection here with the russians it said that a dhl cargo plane crashed early monday near the airport in lithuania's capital of vilnius killing one person authority said as they searched for clues to what caused the tragedy. There's the plane hitting the ground as it's landing there. Lithuanian officials, who in the past weeks have been investigating incendiary devices
Starting point is 00:33:54 allegedly sent on western-bound cargo planes, stopped short of linking the crash with that investigation. They said it's premature to associate it with anything or to make any attributions. This comes from State Security Department Chief Darius Janiscus speaking to reporters. Images from the crash site in the capital of Vilnius showed debris from the plane and packages on fire scattered across the residential area, which had been cordoned off by emergency services. Okay. Now, it wasn't premature for UME to associate it with something. No. The very first thing I thought of was an article that we came across two weeks ago. This is from the Wall Street Journal.
Starting point is 00:34:36 It reported in multiple outlets that devices, specifically electric massagers, had somehow exploded on DHL planes. Right. DHL. Massagers. Yes. And what I said was, don't you think we should find out who were the recipients of the massagers? Right. What's the address they were going to i don't think it was just hey let's just put bombs in massagers and just blow up anybody
Starting point is 00:35:10 that's having their back rubbed maybe there's specific customers you know kind of like these railies did with hezbollah right and the pages so there we have a DHL cargo plane blowing up today. And that article from earlier this month said specifically they were concerned about planes catching on fire as a result of these devices being in there. And then
Starting point is 00:35:35 two weeks later, about three weeks later, now we have a DHL plane that also, we don't know if it caught on fire before it crashed or what happened at this point do you think they're going to tell us no of course not um i i because of the timing here all right i'm going to i'm taking a little commercial break and i'm rolling three into one okay folks i feel totally bipolar in what we're doing here and i'll explain it to you i'm telling you the truth about world war iii
Starting point is 00:36:15 i mean we're laying it out here the way this thing is moving we could have a putin could in the next 24 hours name cities that are going to be obliterated that's how fast this thing is moving i feel bipolar because i'm telling you the truth and you know you're not hearing this in any other media you're not not hearing it in podcasters. You're not hearing it on the mainstream news channels. You want to know why? I'll tell you why. It would disrupt their income. That's the reason, Doc. It would disrupt their income.
Starting point is 00:36:56 I don't disagree with you. But I have this obligation to tell you. Where's the obligation come from? Almighty God. Okay. He's the one that gave me this assignment 26 years ago.
Starting point is 00:37:13 1998 with a vision of a miracle on fire. So I have an obligation. I have to tell you. But every time I tell you, I know this is probably going to hurt our finances. And so I feel very bipolar. Like I'm telling you the truth. And yet I'm trying, just like you, to live a normal life. I just want to live a normal life.
Starting point is 00:37:41 I don't want to blow up. I don't want to radiate. I don't want to turn, i don't want to radiate i i don't want to turn you know green with radiation right i want to live a normal life i don't want to think about this stuff but it's real it's in my face and i'm like how do i how do i run this organization? How do we pay our bills? How do I meet payroll? How do I pay for the bandwidth that we consume every week? How do I keep this going?
Starting point is 00:38:14 How do I pay the payroll taxes? How do I do this? If I tell the people the truth, how do I do it? I feel bipolar. Like, oh yeah, hey, we have a Christmas package. You can get eight Christmas gifts for $200 gift. Do we need the money? Oh my Lord, yes, we need the money.
Starting point is 00:38:35 We need it. We need the money. But you need the Lord's blessing on you. And the way it works is that when saints give offerings to God for a ministry to continue speaking for the Lord, the Lord blesses the giver. So we need the $200, but you need the $400. What do I mean the $400?
Starting point is 00:39:05 Because God gives back more than you give. See? He gives back more than you give. We need it. Our bank account is low. It's low. Okay? We're going to make it.
Starting point is 00:39:19 But it's low. I mean, I know it's sucking air. But I've been in this condition before. And I don't quit. So, yes, we have we have a Christmas special $200 gift for eight gifts. Yes, we're we're we're promoting American Reserves preparedness. But now that one. Boy, you bet that when you better get a hold of something really fast okay
Starting point is 00:39:47 because that stuff's going to run out very quickly the moment the first city burns up doc the first city the first city you know what's going to happen everybody's going to panic okay even if it's a city in europe that's right the people's going to happen. Everybody's going to panic. Okay. Even if it's a city in Europe. That's right. The people are going to know, uh-oh, the nuclear war has started.
Starting point is 00:40:12 The nuclear war has started. Okay. So, look, I'm like you. I'm trying to live a normal life. I don't want to burn up in a war. And yet I'm paying attention to what's going on and so i'm balancing these two that's why i say i feel bipolar okay because i i know what you're thinking you're telling me there's a that we're in world war three and yet you're talking about christmas gifts i don't know
Starting point is 00:40:42 what to do okay i don't know what to do doc Doc. This is crazy what we're in right now. This is totally crazy. Why are our leaders doing this to us? They're torturing us. This is mental, emotional, spiritual torture. If you're aware of what they're doing. Rick, I'm of the opinion that the only thing that is holding them back now is God's sovereign hand. Yes. And once God's sovereign hand is lifted, it's Katie Barber's door.
Starting point is 00:41:15 I'm not so sure his hand's there anymore. Honestly, Doc, I'm not sure. I'm not positive anymore that God's protecting us at all. I think he's turned us over to a reprobate mind. It very well could be. Don't rule out. Do not rule out that Joe Biden is removed from the White House and Kamala Harris is installed as president while we sleep and suddenly the last
Starting point is 00:41:47 six weeks or so of the biden administration maybe eight weeks is under kamala harris and possibly under martial law yes so if a u.s city is taken out we go into martial law immediately will there be a transfer of power in january 20 i don't think so especially if the guy coming in wants to stop the war the ruling class wants the war trump is the anomaly he's not supposed to be there he's the doorstop doc we were supposed to be in the war back in 2017 with hillary clinton right the russians had world they had nuclear war drills in september october of 2016 and recall hillary clinton said that the impetus for us to attack would be a cyber attack that's right and the russians said recall hillary clinton said that the impetus for us to attack would be a cyber attack that's right and the russians said if hillary clinton wins we're going to war what
Starting point is 00:42:52 happened trump won that was an act of god an anomaly he wasn't supposed to win. The deep state went absolutely bonkers. They had to get rid of him. Now he's back. He's threatening this war again. The danger is they're going to push to get the war started before Trump gets in the White House and to maybe never allow him to get in the White House. Things could happen so fast in a matter of hours. We could be in martial law.
Starting point is 00:43:32 All food nationalized. All energy nationalized. Lockdowns of city. I'm trying to tell you how fast this can change. I need to uh i'm obligated to tell you about goldco i love these people they're good people they like us um i can only imagine what's going to happen to gold the price of gold as this continues. I don't want to speculate because I'm representing in this moment, I'm representing GoldCo. I'm just, for myself, I'm saying when the world is completely unstable,
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Starting point is 00:45:08 Again, 844-960-4653. And then on American Reserves, they are offering a 20% discount if you have subscribed to the American Reserves newsletter. Not the True News newsletter, not any other newsletter, the American Reserves newsletter. If you are already a subscriber, then you have already received a promo code for 20% off. If you're not a subscriber, go to, enter your email address address they will immediately send you a promo code you get 20 off of everything on the website okay that is good to december 2nd now let's get back to world war three um we may have to, the next one is pretty.
Starting point is 00:46:08 BBC, no red lines in Ukraine support, says the French. No red lines, Doc. Yes. Don't talk to us about red lines. We'll blow up anything in Russia we want to. Well, Putin's going to blow up anything in France he wants to. Do they not? Yes, they do get it.
Starting point is 00:46:25 They do get it. They do get it. They want it. They want it. Who wants a nuclear war other than the maniacs? All right, Doc, I'll let you read this one. Well, this is being reported by the BBC that John Noel Barat said that Ukraine
Starting point is 00:46:42 could fire French long-range missiles into Russia in the logics of self-defense, but would not confirm if French weapons had already been used. The principal has been said our messages to President Zelensky have been well received. He said in an exclusive interview for Sunday with Laura Kusenberg of BBC, Barat said Western allies should not put any limits on support for Ukraine against Russia and not set and express red lines. Asked if this could even mean French troops in combat, he said, we do not discard any option. We will support Ukraine as intensely and as long as necessary.
Starting point is 00:47:18 Why? Because it is our security that is at stake. Each time the Russian army progresses by one square kilometer, the threat gets one square kilometer closer to Europe, he said. Wait till you read what he says in this next one. This is Mr. Barreau speaking. Yes. Top of the list is to keep the money and military support flowing. I'd turn up with a trebling of European money for Ukraine and I'd go after Russian assets, one source said. We need to work out what is the war chest that Ukraine needs to find to fight through 2025 and into 2026. It's hard to ask the U.S. taxpayer to foot the bill.
Starting point is 00:48:01 Here's another person saying we're going to fight into 2026 2025 is a given we're fighting all the way through next year and we're going into 2026 even without u.s money yes we're going to find the money even if it bankrupts our countries because germany is just about broke telegraph NATO and Ukraine to hold emergency talks over Russia's new hypersonic missile well imagine that they're going to meet tomorrow um that's a that's a really smart move there NATO and Kiev will hold emergency talks on Tuesday over Russia's use of an experimental hypersonic ballistic missile. Putin said, quote, we believe that we have the right to use our weapons against military facilities of the countries
Starting point is 00:48:55 that allow to use their weapons against our facilities. Okay. So officials from NATO and Ukraine are now set to meet on Tuesday while Mark Rutte, the NATO chief, also will hold talks with Donald Trump. Which he did this weekend. So it's already happened. Kayev, head of the Russia Strategic Missile Forces, said the hypersonic missile could reach targets across Europe and be fitted with nuclear or conventional warheads. That's the man who runs the Russian Strategic Forces in charge of all of the ICBMs. So we can hit you and we can put nukes on there. And we got a map showing exactly where they could.
Starting point is 00:49:47 That's the hypersonic missile. That's right. This is the new hypersonic missile range. Much farther than that. Much farther. The gray in there, that's Ukraine. The pink in there, that's the provinces of Ukraine that have since joined with Russia. So you have Poland there. You have the UK. You have Great Britain. And you know, that bad boy will go over the North Pole
Starting point is 00:50:13 and land on top of the Pentagon. All it has to do is northward trajectory, Doc. It doesn't have to go around the world. It just goes over the world. But why aren't the European nations waking up? I mean, it's going to take 10 minutes to
Starting point is 00:50:32 reach London. 10 minutes. Okay. What can you do in 10 minutes, Rick? You can't pray that your sins be forgiven. That's all you can do, isn't it? You get back drive away fast enough you can't get to a bunker fast enough if there is a bunker right which we don't have anymore we don't
Starting point is 00:50:54 have them and you got this blabbing fool in paris this foreign minister saying yeah missiles troops everything we'll commit it all. We've got to give it all to Ukraine. And we're going to fight into 2026. Sure you are. Medvedev had something to say about it, as always. He usually puts something out on Fridays. This week he waited till Sunday.
Starting point is 00:51:20 He told the Europeans to stop supporting the war. And that wasn't a request. It was more than a request. It was a warning. Go ahead. So former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has issued a stark warning to European nations that continue to support Kiev. In a telegram post on Sunday, Mavetov referenced the recent deployment of Russia's Hazelnut or Oreshnik hypersonic missile system against a Ukrainian military facility. He called this his Sunday International Review about the five events that have already happened.
Starting point is 00:51:56 The first one, of course, the first is the use of the Oreshnik medium-range hypersonic ballistic missile with multiple warheads in a non-nuclear design? Europe is wondering what damage the system can cause if the heads are nuclear, whether it is possible to shoot down these missiles, and how quickly the missiles will reach the capitals of the old world. The answer? The damage is unacceptable. It is impossible to shoot down with modern means, and we are talking about minutes. Bomb shelters will not help, so the only hope is that kind Russia will warn about launches in advance. Therefore, it is better to stop supporting the war.
Starting point is 00:52:36 The second point he makes is the Ukrainian propagandists had published their curious proactive missile defense against the Oreshnik missile. They said, quote, there is no such thing as Oreshnik at all. That's right. We need to be simpler. And for protection is enough simply to close your eyes. For those who close their eyes, the problem disappears automatically. His third point, Western media outlets are vying with each other to suggest that the U.S. equipped the former Ukraine with nuclear weapons. An excellent idea, especially in light of the new doctrine of nuclear deterrence for Russia. It remains to think about which of the U.S.'s potential enemies we could transfer our nuclear technologies to.
Starting point is 00:53:21 Before we read on, because I got some more stuff i want to show you before we close for today but um if you had to guess what will be the first target that the russians will obliterate either kiev or a military base in poland where they're coordinating all the missile strikes from well that's a good point because i they said they're not just going to hit cities right they're going to hit military military sites okay but they're warning that these will these will include the cities where they're located uh you know two years ago the Russians were saying we will strike decision-making centers right okay and those those centers were Berlin and Brussels and Paris and London and Washington, D.C. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:28 But I think they're not going to hit a capital city. Yet. Yet. Yet. Because the reciprocal response would be to hit Moscow. Right. So they're going to hit a military site that is directly involved in coordinating the attacks on Russia. So you mentioned Poland. It's an excellent
Starting point is 00:54:51 possibility. You know what? I don't have to worry about the time because we're not on shortwave radio anymore so I don't have to stop exactly at one hour. So I feel sorry so I don't have to stop exactly at one hour, okay? So I feel sorry for the folks who were listening to us on shortwave radio, but they just didn't support us. I don't know what to say. We just didn't get financial support.
Starting point is 00:55:18 I want to go down. Looney Lindsey. I'm talking about Looney Lindsey Graham. He just blurted out. He's so whacked out, Doc. He doesn't even have the sense to pretend that it's not about money. It's not about pillaging, plundering. It's about pillaging and plundering.
Starting point is 00:55:45 Yes. And Lindsey said it again. Out loud. Out loud. He said it again. This is not his first time. He said, now this article says, Lindsey Graham says, Trump will negotiate a deal, a peace deal that benefits both Kiev and Washington. That's what Lindsey thinks.
Starting point is 00:56:03 As though Putin doesn't have anything in this. Trump's going to cut a deal with Zelensky that's going to make, it's going to be a win-win for America and Zelensky. Sorry, Putin, you lose. I don't think so, Doc. If Mr. Trump tries that, he's foolish. It's not going to work. You're not going to tell Putin, we're cutting the, we're going to, we are going to decide the terms of the settlement. You have no say in it. For real? Right.
Starting point is 00:56:38 But anyhow, here is Lindsey Graham on Fox News blabbing his big fat mouth about plundering Ukraine. Let's watch. Ukraine is still standing. This war is about money. People don't talk much about it. But you know the richest country in all of Europe for rare earth minerals is Ukraine. Two to seven trillion dollars worth of minerals that are rare earth minerals, very relevant to the 21st century. Ukraine's ready to do a deal with us, not the Russians.
Starting point is 00:57:13 So it's in our interest to make sure that Russia doesn't take over the place. It's the bread basket of really the developing world. Fifty percent of all the food going to Africa comes out of Ukraine. We can make money and have an economic relationship with Ukraine that'd be very beneficial to us with peace. So Donald Trump's going to do a deal to get our money back, to enrich ourselves with rare earth minerals, a good deal for Ukraine and us. And he's going to bring peace. And Biden's been a disaster when it comes to containing bad guys. That's the guy whispering in Donald Trump's ear right now. He's out of his cotton pick of mine. That man, Doc, is seriously, there's something wrong with him.
Starting point is 00:58:01 There's something wrong with that man. Okay. You don't have the right to take me into a nuclear war, Lindsey Graham. Lindsey Graham should be committed to an insane asylum. He should be placed in a room with rubber walls.
Starting point is 00:58:21 Fill the room up with toy rockets and tanks and guns and let him play war all day long put a big map of the world on the floor let him attack the countries let him plunder and pillage he could play both the game war and monopoly at the same time okay just let him locked up in an insane asylum but don't let him in the u.s senate yes okay hey we gotta go uh folks be alert you need to be praying um you know what do we i didn't put any no no no no cut the music cut the music okay i'm not done talking yet cut the music i'm not done talking yet okay
Starting point is 00:59:14 don't play the music until i say i'm done talking okay um i know you guys want to go to lunch um i didn't put... I've been planning to put on our list some animal feel-good videos. I've been thinking, what can I show you at the end of this show that brings us back to reality? Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:49 I'll start showing you tomorrow. Folks, you've got to get centered on Christ. You've got to get centered on Christ. Most of the stuff that we do all day long is meaningless in comparison to the eternal things of life we're about to go into eternity a lot of
Starting point is 01:00:15 people are going to go into eternity very soon okay we're headed towards the final day okay we're headed towards the final day. Okay. We're headed towards the final day. Jesus Christ is coming back. Are your sins forgiven? Are you living right for God right now? Today?
Starting point is 01:00:38 Are you living right for God? Are your sins forgiven? Is your name in the book of life? Have you been baptized? These are important questions. Make sure, beyond anything else that you do today, make sure that you have your life lined up right with the Lord, your maker. None of us right now,
Starting point is 01:01:01 you know, it's a cliche to say, none of us are guaranteed another day. I want to tell you right now, none of us right now, you know, it's a cliche to say, none of us are guaranteed another day. I want to tell you right now, none of us right now are guaranteed another hour. That's how close it is. Okay. So, make sure your life is right with the Lord. Get your affairs in order.
Starting point is 01:01:21 I pray to God that we get through this. I don't see how we're going to get through it without losing several cities in the world the Russians are going to hit the West the West is going to hit Russia it's going to go back and forth it's going to be a limited nuclear war right now that's the way it looks like to me doc i don't see any other i don't see any other scenario that's what i see coming i don't see another scenario limited strikes back and forth tit for tat okay okay you just took out norfolk naval base now we're taking out a naval base in russia okay back and forth okay with nukes with
Starting point is 01:02:06 nukes okay until both sides say you know what we're going to destroy the world we better stop let's pull back and reserve everything for the 2030s for the big for the big war that's where i think this is going okay i want to pray almighty god my father in heaven i pray to you in the name of jesus christ father you called me to this ministry in april 1998 and i Father, what am I supposed to say? You showed me a miracle on fire. You gave me a vision of a miracle on fire. And I said, what am I supposed to say? And you said, tell the people to repent.
Starting point is 01:02:56 So Father, for 26 years, I've been telling the people this war is coming and they need to repent and to be right with you. And so I continue to pray, Father. I pray that your Holy Spirit convict every single person listening to me right now who is not forgiven, who is out of fellowship with you, whose soul is not covered by your son's blood. I pray for them, Father.
Starting point is 01:03:30 I can't reach the entire world, but I'm reaching a group of people who are watching me right now. And for those people, my hands are clean. I have no blood on my hands because I've told them a great war is coming and they need to be right with you, Father. And the only way to be right with you I have no blood on my hands because I've told them a great war is coming.
Starting point is 01:03:47 And they need to be right with you, Father. And the only way to be right with you is to repent of our sins, believe on the name of Jesus Christ, be baptized into his holy church, and keep his commandments as written in the Sermon on the Mount. Father, I've kept your word and I've been faithful for 26 years. I pray for every single person watching me, listening to me right now, that they will get their lives in order. And I also pray that you will speak to them
Starting point is 01:04:18 about the specific steps, the natural steps they need to take right now to get ready for what's coming. The spiritual steps are the highest priority, but then the secondary steps are the physical things that each of us need to do. None of us are ready. None of us are physically ready for this war.
Starting point is 01:04:41 So Father, speak to all of us. Tell us what we need to do. And may your peace reside in our hearts and minds. Have mercy upon us, Father, in Jesus' name. Amen. Amen. Now you can play the music. The Black Friday shopping season is here, and American Reserves is bringing you an exclusive site-wide 20% discount on all your favorites. This special deal runs from Friday, November 22nd through Cyber Monday, December 2nd. But there's a catch. It's only for American Reserves email subscribers. If you're not on our email list yet, don't worry.
Starting point is 01:05:19 Just visit, sign up for our newsletter, and the exclusive Black Friday code will be sent straight to your inbox. It's that easy to unlock these savings. And here's some exciting news. Our meat and sides bucket, which has been sold out due to overwhelming demand, is ready for pre-orders. Place your order now to secure your batch. Plus, we've just added some incredible new products to the lineup,
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Starting point is 01:06:04 We're glad to have you with us today. We're in the 27th chapter of the Gospel according to St. Matthew, and today we're studying verses 27 through 32. Let's pray. Oh, wonderful, gracious Heavenly Father, thank you for this awesome day and thank you for life through your son Jesus Christ eternal life a promise that you've given us through faith in him and our our earthly life we are living this very moment father we thank you for being our father and providing everything that we need. So Father, your sons and daughters from many nations are gathered right now online in a virtual Bible study class to study your Word. And we invite the Holy Spirit to take his seat at the head of the table and conduct this class
Starting point is 01:07:01 and teach all of us, teacher and students, your precious word. In Jesus' name, amen. Amen. And we are continuing our study in Matthew chapter 27, and so if you have your Bibles, we're picking back up today at verse 27 of Matthew chapter 27, and I'm reading down to verse 32. I'm reading from the King James this morning, so if you'd like to follow along, we greet those from Russia, from Brazil, from the Philippines, from South Korea. God bless you for joining us today for this Bible study. Verse 27, then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the common hall and gathered unto him the whole band of soldiers. And they stripped him and put on him a scarlet robe.
Starting point is 01:07:52 And when they had plaited a crown of thorns, they put it upon his head and a reed in his right hand. And they bowed the knee before him and knocked him saying hail king of the Jews and they spit upon him and took the reed and smote him on the head and after that they had mocked him they took the robe off of him and put his own raiment on him and led him away to crucify him and as they came out, they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name, him they compelled to bear the cross. God bless the reading of his word today. I have to start this study today by telling you that the crucifixion of Christ is very difficult for me to read and study. I become emotional over it. None of us can comprehend, imagine the horror of that event
Starting point is 01:09:01 and the pain and suffering that jesus endured for us uh i i don't like i don't like studying medical documents that describe um the physical um torture and what was taking place in Jesus's body. I don't like studying it. It's morbid. You know, the Bible doesn't tell us the details. Very scant details. But the Bible doesn't provide morbid details about
Starting point is 01:09:41 what was done to Jesus. It's difficult to read, especially when you know he did it for you, he did it for me. And when I read it, I meditate and I ponder the love of this God for these mortal creatures called humans. Beyond my comprehension. He did it for you because you are a treasure.
Starting point is 01:10:27 Yes. And he was willing to suffer the ultimate indignity, humiliation, pain and torture, and eventual death because he loved you so much. For God so loved the world. For God so loved the world. For God so loved the world
Starting point is 01:10:47 that he gave his only begotten son. So we begin with verse 27. Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the common hall and gathered unto him the whole band of soldiers. The location is the Praetorium. It's a Latin word. Originally it meant the General's tent. By this time in Rome's history it meant the governor's residence the governor's headquarters so it likely refers to the residence of Pontius Pilate in Jerusalem
Starting point is 01:11:37 and it served as the location for the soldiers to mock Jesus the Praetorium represents Roman authority and it's where the cruelty of Roman imperial power is on display. At that time on earth there was no greater power than Rome. Yes. The soldiers were members of a Roman cohort. That's a subdivision of a legion. So it was approximately 600 men. I never thought about it, Doc, that way. You know, the paintings that we see. Or the movies.
Starting point is 01:12:44 The scenes that we see in Christian movies about the paintings that we see. Or the movies. The scenes that we see in Christian movies about the crucifixion. It's a handful of soldiers. Right. There were 600 soldiers. Right. It doesn't mean the entire 600 men of the cohort were present, but it means that this was, when it says, the scripture says, and gathered unto him the whole band of soldiers. Okay.
Starting point is 01:13:28 You know, I guess this is the whole ban i then we're talking about 600 soldiers that's right the whole band 600 soldiers gathered around christ and so they they mocked him um you know we all know that people can be cruel this was cruelty at a level none of us have ever experienced or witnessed cruelty
Starting point is 01:14:04 mockery, which is actually aligns with Roman practices of ridiculing condemned individuals. That was part of the Roman culture. It wasn't like this is the first time they've ever done it. It was part of the Roman culture. You mock and ridicule people who are condemned to death. But these 600 Roman soldiers represent the Gentile population rejecting Jesus the Messiah the Jews the Jewish leaders that demanded his crucifixion they represent the Jewish
Starting point is 01:14:55 population rejecting Messiah these 600 soldiers represent the Gentile population represent rejecting the Messiah. So all of humanity is rejecting the Messiah. Absolutely. So after the scourging, Jesus was brought inside the praetorium. The soldiers mockingly called him king of the Jews they dressed him up in a robe said hey you're a king we're gonna make you look like a king you need to be dressed for your execution since you're a king. And yet, their mocking, their ridicule,
Starting point is 01:15:50 fulfills Old Testament prophecies. Yes, indeed. Isaiah 53.3, he was despised and rejected by men. Psalm 22.16, dogs have surrounded me. A band of evil men has encircled me. And yet, the Jews who were present didn't recognize those scriptures
Starting point is 01:16:19 being fulfilled. Yes. But the humiliation emphasized jesus's role as the suffering servant who bore the sins of humanity so the soldiers treated jesus with extreme cruelty they mocked his kingship. They derived entertainment from his suffering. But this mockery reflected the depth of Christ's humiliation endured willingly for humanity's redemption.
Starting point is 01:17:08 It speaks of the incomprehensible mercy of God. Think about Jesus suffering this ridicule, mocking, physical torture, and to be enduring it knowing I am doing it for these men who are doing this to me I must allow them to
Starting point is 01:17:36 do this I can't strike out I cannot strike out at them I have to endure it I must die for these men they are sinners I cannot strike out at them. I have to endure it. I must die for these men. They are sinners. They were behaving like sinners.
Starting point is 01:17:57 They were behaving like unsaved savages. And Jesus, the son of God, who made these men, came to earth to save them from themselves. They could only be saved from themselves through himself. He gave himself to save them from themselves. Yeah. He died to save them from themselves. Yeah. He died to save those that mocked him. Yes. And when people attack you, laugh at you, ridicule you, mock you,
Starting point is 01:18:41 it is hard, it is difficult to have love for them i'm that's that's the truth it's just difficult we draw our strength through his his example yes he willingly submitted to humiliation to demonstrate his love for them and what was he seeking he was seeking to restore the divine image within them. He didn't see them as they were deformed by Satan. He saw them perfect as he made them. They were created in his image. They're acting in the image of Satan.
Starting point is 01:19:48 But Jesus through his faith eyes could see them as he made them originally. They weren't cruel when they were little babies and they came out of their mother's womb. They had to grow up in a fallen world to learn to be that cruel. How do little children, innocent, beautiful, precious,
Starting point is 01:20:17 how do they grow up to be monsters? They're trained by other monsters. They observe the society around them and go, oh, that's the way you survive in this world, huh? It's every man for himself. But Jesus was looking into the future. As he looked into the future, he saw the past, the Garden of Eden.
Starting point is 01:20:50 He saw Adam when Adam was perfect. And he looked at those men who were beating him, saying, I'm going to make a way for you to become like Adam again. I'm going to take you, I'm going to offer you the opportunity
Starting point is 01:21:07 to live in the Garden of Eden with me. You don't even know it. You don't even understand it. You don't even understand why you're hating me, why you're hitting me. You don't even but I do because I was there when I made you. And I saw Satan deceive Adam. Yes. And I saw the human race fall on that day. And I've never given up my love for the human race. And now I'm here ready to die for you thank god from the beginning to the beginning
Starting point is 01:21:56 yes not the beginning to the end from the beginning to the beginning he's taking us back to the beginning he's not taking us to the end he's taking us to the beginning the end of the world simply means we return to the beginning when everything was perfect so this term the whole band, it refers to the collective guilt of all the soldiers in mocking Jesus.
Starting point is 01:22:44 The whole band was involved the whole cohort every one of them whether they hit Jesus or stood back and laughed one way or the other the whole band of soldiers participated in the humiliation of Jesus this.
Starting point is 01:23:12 Doc, do you have any thoughts before I move on to the next? No, it's interesting to note that it's the whole band here because sometimes individuals do things, you know, they won't do things that they would when there's a crowd. And you notice that that crowd or mob mentality, once it kicks in, I mean, we have people that kill each other over a soccer game here in our day and age. But, you know, sometimes when that first blood is spilt, it just ignites the rest of the mob, the rest of the crowd. And that's kind of how I imagine this. Even though they were soldiers, they were still human beings. And so when they saw a few maybe of their captains striking and mocking Jesus,
Starting point is 01:24:02 they would say, hit him again, one more time, or, oh, we've got blood on the ground, or whatever it might be. Put a crown on his head. Yeah, do that. Put a reed in his hand like a king. You can just kind of imagine the soldiers kind of just getting into the mindset of the cruelty that we can inflict on a human being, and in this case, the Son of God. We see it today. We see it today. Social media has hundreds, thousands of videos of crimes, and I don't like seeing seeing them I turn away from
Starting point is 01:24:48 them when I see them when I'm you know scrolling through Twitter or something I I don't like looking at them you know but you get it you catch a glimpse of a video of a gang in a city committing horrible abuse of a human being beating them kicking them that just gives you a small idea of what these men were doing to jesus these guys were whipped up into a frenzy. Yes. One guy wanted to outdo the other guy.
Starting point is 01:25:30 Yeah, there you go. I'll do something that hurts him more and make you laugh more. Verse 28, and they stripped him and put on him a scarlet robe. The scarlet robe was what was called a clamsies. It was a Greek word, clamsies, or maybe clamses. It was a short mantle that was draped around the upper shoulders and pinned on the right shoulder with a brooch.
Starting point is 01:26:15 It left the right arm free and it was often used by both travelers and military men. Now, Matthew describes it as scarlet. Mark and John refer to it as purple. I don't see any discrepancies in that. None for me either, Rick. No. Ancient dyes produce shades, various shades that could appear as scarlet or crimson purple,
Starting point is 01:27:01 depending on the light perspective, the distance. I'm partially colorblind anyhow, so it wouldn't matter to me. It's like, what is it? And the word purple there anyway, just really is a translation from the Greek, meaning something with a red in it. Yes, right. Okay, so it's not like it has to be purple, purple, like we think about it, but with red. And so a scarlet robe is red, a purple is with red. And so there's not a contradiction, even though there are Bible critics that try to make a big deal and issue out of it. There's no contradiction here at all.
Starting point is 01:27:45 It was a blend of crimson and purple. But the thing is, here is this man. They strip him down. So he had some garments still with him at this point, but they stripped him of those garments. They'll put them back on him later they strip him down and then they mockingly put this uh uh robe or cloak uh you know and there are debates on about whose cloak it was and whose robe it was and everything it really doesn't matter i could just kind of imagine that
Starting point is 01:28:20 it's probably one that was cast aside or maybe it was one of the soldiers' cloaks, maybe one of the senior commanders of the soldiers. Maybe they had a cloak. The question isn't where did it come from, but on whom was it put on? Amen. Okay, that's the real issue. So when these guys do all this criticism about, well, whose cloak was it? It doesn't matter. The cloak was put on Christ to mock him.
Starting point is 01:28:51 They either went into the palace and borrowed a cloak, or they went up to an officer and said, can I use it? Or an officer said, here, take my cloak, use it. You know, it doesn't matter it it just doesn't matter you're right it doesn't matter where it came from it what matters is who it was put on and why was it put on him he was put on him to mock him as a king to ridicule his claim to kingship that was the purpose we have to dress you up like a king yes now imagine at this point in time jesus is a bloody mess he had already been scourged he'd already been beaten with whips so he was just basically a bloody pulp. I don't know any other way to describe it.
Starting point is 01:29:47 And now you imagine Christ standing in front of these soldiers, blood dripping off his body from the wounds he received from the scourging. And maybe you can even hear the blood dripping to the ground. And then they put a robe on him they put a scarlet robe a bloody robe on a bloody man to cover our bloody sin and and nobody said this is cruel we have to stop it no no nobody winced and said I can't look at him this is inhumane
Starting point is 01:30:30 we shouldn't be treating any human like this not one person the robe was chosen and placed on Jesus for one reason, to mock his kingship. Purple or scarlet symbolized royalty and military rank. There was a reason they chose a purple
Starting point is 01:31:06 scarlet robe because it represents royalty it was a deliberate parody of his claim to be king of the Jews yes and so these
Starting point is 01:31:25 these soldiers actions were cruel they were scornful they displayed their disdain for Jesus they mocked
Starting point is 01:31:35 his kingdom hey we heard you have a kingdom I mean what what were they doing they were like they were dressing a toy, a doll baby.
Starting point is 01:31:47 Hey, we're going to dress you up. We're going to dress you up like a king. Then we're going to kill you. You bloody king. We're going to dress you up like a king. It's just hard to imagine. But the scarlet color of the robe reflected humanity's sins. Yes, my sins.
Starting point is 01:32:15 Isaiah 1, chapter 1, verse 18. Our sins described as scarlet so this mockery underscored the paradox of Jesus's kingship he's rejected and humiliated on earth by men but exalted and glorified in heaven by god the more they beat him the more they mocked him the more his father glorified him amen and keep that in mind when you're being mocked when you're being persecuted when you're being mocked, when you're being persecuted, when you're being lied about, when people are doing things ridiculing you. The more they ridicule you on earth, the more your father is glorifying you in heaven.
Starting point is 01:33:18 You have to understand that two things are happening at the same time. On earth, cruel men and women are attacking you, mocking you, calling you names, laughing at what you're doing for God. But in heaven, your name is being exalted. You're being applauded. You can't get the one without the other. That's the part I don't like. That's right. In order to get the applause in heaven, I have to get the booze on earth. Why does it
Starting point is 01:34:07 work that way, Doc? That's the rules, Rick. Those are the rules. That's it. If Jesus was going to have if Jesus was treated that way, his disciples are going to have to
Starting point is 01:34:23 follow in his footsteps. If you want your father's applause, you have to be willing to accept the boos of men. And when you think about it, it makes it easier. In fact, you'll just get, hey, boo me louder. Come on, bring it on. My father's clapping for me. See, we can get depressed and discouraged by the boos, the ridicules, the mocking of humans.
Starting point is 01:35:01 I guarantee you Satan will put somebody next to you, really close to you, to mock you. If you're serving God, he'll find somebody in your close circle, a relative, a friend, a co-worker, somebody in your close circle will mock you when you work for God. That's guaranteed. Yes. Well, he says, or she says, she's serving a king. Well, let's dress you up like a little king servant. And let's mock you.
Starting point is 01:35:48 So, Jesus was stripped of his own garments. They took his own garments, exposed his bruised, wounded body, as Doc mentioned earlier. Now everybody could see the extent of a whipping discouraging he was he was stripped of his clothing he basically standing there naked yes naked bloody flesh torn all over his body and then they put the robe on him. We can't comprehend it, Rick. We can't. And then they put the robe on him. A mock king's robe. Further degrading his dignity
Starting point is 01:36:36 and intensifying his humiliation. Yes. That's what it was meant to do. Degrade his dignity, intensify his humiliation. We're going to make you ashamed. We're going to humiliate you. We're going to embarrass you. Anybody in your life threatening to humiliate you?
Starting point is 01:37:00 Anybody threatening to cause shame in your life? Well, if they are, they're speaking under the anointing of the devil. Yes. Because saints don't speak that way. Amen. Devils speak that way. If anybody says, I'm going to hurt you, I'm going to humiliate you, I'm going to cause you trouble, that person is speaking under the unction of Satan.
Starting point is 01:37:37 Again, the prophecy is being fulfilled. Isaiah 50, verse 6. I gave my back to those who struck me and my cheeks to those who pulled out my beard. Psalm 22, verses 7 and 8. All who see me mock me. They hurl insults, shaking their heads. Yes. insults shaking their heads yes but the main thing here is that these the soldiers their cruelty was for the purpose of humiliating Christ.
Starting point is 01:38:29 To show disdain, disrespect, to rob him of his, not only his clothing, but of his dignity. If somebody strips your clothing off and makes you stand in front of 600 people naked, it is for the purpose of humiliating you to reveal your weakness you say you're a king but you're standing there naked if you're a king pick up your clothing and put it back on now the purpose of stripping him down was to humiliate him
Starting point is 01:39:11 military still do this yes look at what the Jews did to the Palestinian men in Gaza took their clothes off and marched them to a concentration camp. Yes. The very thing that the Nazis did to the Jews, the Jews are doing to the Palestinians.
Starting point is 01:39:37 And where are those men? Has anybody been able to find them? Has the United Nations been allowed to go into the military camps and see these men? How about the Red Cross? Yeah, where's the Red Cross? Or the Red Crescent? Where are they at right now? No, these men were likely but they stripped them
Starting point is 01:40:06 they stripped them of their clothing before they paraded them away to a concentration camp yes governments still do it today and it happened in the Holy Land yes close to where this happened to Jesus
Starting point is 01:40:30 verse 29 and when they had platted a crown of thorns they put it upon his head and a reed in his right hand and they bowed the knee before him and mocked him saying hail king of the jews the word plat it means braid it they they braided a crown the thorns they they gathered up thorns attached to a you know vines and they braided it together and made it a crown yes
Starting point is 01:41:08 obviously thorns are sharp anybody who's ever have you ever run your head into a thorn in a tree it hurts
Starting point is 01:41:23 when I lived in Texas we had 15 acres and what I had was 15 acres of thorns because of mesquite trees the only the only purpose for a mesquite tree is to grow thorns that's it because they and to make good barbecue other than that that's it it's they do make good barbecue chips but nothing else they don't produce fruit they don't produce anything but thorns and i you know many times ran my head into mesquite tree thorns and it hurt go ahead doc yeah no I was just going to say uh if you recall on our trip to Jordan we stopped at uh uh Jabbok stream where uh Jacob's ladder is supposed to have been. Yes. And when we stopped there, there was a tree over there. And I don't know what kind of tree it was, but it had thorns this long on it.
Starting point is 01:42:35 And I thought we had long thorns back in Missouri and Texas. These were like three to four inches long on this tree. And when I saw those thorns, it reminded me of the crown of thorns that Jesus wore. It wasn't just, you know, some sort of casual, you know, like a rose bush or something like that. No, these were massive, almost like spikes of thorns. And it's common all over the Middle East. And it's not like it stood out, but that particular day, I remember because I reached out when I was about to fall down and found out it had a thorn,
Starting point is 01:43:12 and so these are massive, and they serve no other purpose than to produce thorns. Yet God created him. For what purpose? Think about that. Christ the creator created his own crown of thorns. And obviously, this made-up crown, the thorns, when they placed it on Jesus' head,
Starting point is 01:43:44 the thorns were not pointing up. Theyesus head the thorns were not pointing up they made sure the thorns were pointing downward yes into the flesh into his skull cutting deep into his skull more blood more pain more disfiguring of his face so that they can mimic so that they get mock mock this Jesus who said he was a king you You want to be a king? Okay. We gave you a robe, here's your crown. But the thorns represented the curse of sin. Which Jesus bore on the cross on behalf of humanity.
Starting point is 01:44:46 There were no thorns in the Garden of Eden. The thorns were outside of the garden in the wasteland. Right. that the Garden of Eden was an enclosed oasis surrounded by wasteland. God made Adam in the wasteland, picked him up, and put him in the garden. Which is symbolic of what happens to us at the end of time as well. We get taken from this world and put into the new Jerusalem. Yes. And so when Adam sinned, he was cast out of the garden
Starting point is 01:45:41 and he went back into the wasteland where there were thorns and dry ground dust and weeds he left behind all the lush foliage the trees, the vegetables, the clean water. He left it all behind because he sinned that he chose the wasteland. And so the thorns represent the wasteland. The verse says they braided the crown of thorns they put it on his head and a reed in his
Starting point is 01:46:29 right hand we're not talking about a little straw they didn't give him a little straw it was probably a cane a walking stick right they said here's your scepter king jesus so they made him hold his scepter somebody walked up to him and took his hand and made him grip this reed this walking stick this cane
Starting point is 01:47:09 so there jesus king jesus you've got a crown you've got a scepter you got a robe got everything now we're going to fall down and worship you. Doc, I think this reed, which was a symbol of mockery, actually was a symbol of Jesus' future reign with a rod of iron. Yes. In Revelation 19 19 verse 15. absolutely you you cannot uh assume anything but that i mean it's it's got it definitely connected there rick everything that they did had a meaning yes here's a weak read at your scepter and jesus is thinking i'm coming back with a rod of iron i will rule the nations with a rod of iron and by the way you will fall down your knees shall bow and your tongue shall confess that I am Lord.
Starting point is 01:48:29 So the soldiers knelt before Jesus. They exaggerated, pretended to give him homage, sarcastically hailed him as king of the Jews, which just infuriated any of the Jews who were standing around watching this stuff. Yes. Rick. Oh, sorry. Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:48:57 No, go ahead. Go on. No, I was just going to say, relating back to the crown of thorns, I didn't get an opportunity to share the scripture, but Isaiah chapter 62, verses one through four, it reads, for Zion's sake will I not hold my peace
Starting point is 01:49:13 and for Jerusalem's sake I will not rest until the righteousness thereof go forth as brightness and the salvation thereof as a lamp that burneth. And the Gentiles shall see thy righteousness and all the kings thy glory and thou shall be called by a new name which the mouth of the lord shall name so he's saying talking about the gentiles here and then it says verse 3 isaiah chapter 16 thou shalt also be a crown of glory in the hand of the lord and a royal diadem in Isaiah is prophesying that this crown is actually the crown of the gentiles put on his head hmm so we sing that song all hail the power of jesus name behold the royal diadem
Starting point is 01:50:20 that first diadem that first crown that was put on him was the crown of thorns the crown of Gentiles that was put on his head God knew exactly what he was doing had every detail planned out including the crown of thorns you know it also says in the scripture I read he will not, and a smoking flax he will not extinguish, which is actually a prophecy about Jesus. And he had not a single broken bone, and that he won't die until he gets to the cross. You know, God went into extreme detail to make sure that we completely understood that he had a plan for us, a plan to redeem us from the very beginning.
Starting point is 01:51:08 It was no accident. Jesus didn't fail by going to the cross. It was the plan. The crown of thorns was the plan. The mockery of the robe was the plan. The reed in his hand was the plan. And, Doc, you mentioned the hymn. I believe he had the lyrics written.
Starting point is 01:51:34 He had already written the lyrics for a hymn that wouldn't be sung for what? 16, 1700 years? Yes. But someday they're going to sing this hymn. Have you ever wondered about the hymns that have disappeared? We have no record of them. The Christians sang them in various parts of the world. Yes.
Starting point is 01:52:01 Thousand, 2000 years ago. We have no record of those hymns. Oh, my. I'd love to. Don't you wish you could hear the hymns that were sung in those first couple hundred years? Praise God. How pure they were. One final thing I want to say here about this is that the choice of the verbs mocked and struck imply that the soldier's actions were continuous, sustained humiliation of Jesus.
Starting point is 01:52:40 It wasn't a single time. They didn't just mock him one time. They didn't just mock him one time. They didn't just strike him one time. It was continuous striking and continuous mocking for the purpose of humiliating him. Can you imagine, Rick, that there was probably a line of soldiers, each one taking their turn at Jesus. We don't know how many, whether it was three or 300. Just everyone coming up to this bloody mess of a man and getting one lick in on him. King of the Jews were ripping his beard out.
Starting point is 01:53:23 King of the jews were ripping his beard out king of the jews and think about this when he comes back all those soldiers come out of their graves all of those soldiers who beat him mocked him ridic, ridiculed him, tortured him. All of those Roman soldiers come out of their graves on the day Jesus Christ comes back, and they will bow their knees, and they will confess with their tongues, Jesus Christ is Lord.
Starting point is 01:54:01 And come back and say, hey, you remember me? You remember hitting me? You remember kneeling before me? You remember kneeling before me? Kneel now. Yes. And say, all hail Jesus. All hail King Jesus.
Starting point is 01:54:19 Say it. I want to hear it. Say it now. Say it now. See, he will get his day. And he knew it that day they were beating him. There will be a day I bring you out of the graves. And you will worship me.
Starting point is 01:54:44 And none of those soldiers ever repented and came to christ those men are destined for the lake of fire that's right so even though the the soldiers intended to ridicule Jesus, their actions actually affirmed Jesus' true identity as the King and the Messiah. They gave him a crown, a reed, a robe, a salutation, all of it. They meant it to be mockery, but they were actually worshiping the true king. So, verse 30, and they spit upon him, and they took the reed and smote him on the head um spitting obviously we all know this spitting on another person is a grotesque profound gesture
Starting point is 01:56:00 of contempt disrespect disrespect, degradation. If somebody spits on you, they're saying, you're worthless, you're trash. I reject you. I mean, it's a vulgar action. And so this is- That's going on today. Yes, oh yes. I mean, it's a vulgar action. That goes on to this day. Yes. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 01:56:33 Oh, it happens every day, every hour. Somebody's spitting either in the face of a person or spitting on the ground and say, I hate you. It goes on every day in Israel. Yes. Yeah, just go there and say the name of Jesus. Just look like a Christian. Let the Jews see you coming out of a church. They'll walk up and spit on you.
Starting point is 01:56:54 That's right. Isaiah chapter 50 verse 6 says, I gave my back to the smiters and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair. I did not hide my face from shame and spitting. Once again, prophecy fulfilled in this. Yes. Isaiah 53, he was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth. Praise God. So the reed that they had originally pushed into his hand and made him hold it like a scepter,
Starting point is 01:57:40 they took it from him and they beat him with it. Again, this is a cane. This is a walking stick. It's not a flimsy little straw. It's a hard stick. They grabbed it out of his hand and then beat him with it. And they, as they were striking his head, it was driving the thorns deeper into his scalp. I'll just pound that crown into your head. I'll put it into your brain. And they're using the stick to hit his head and drive that crown deeper into his skull.
Starting point is 01:58:28 So each blow inflicted physical agony on Christ. And it just speaks of the depth of human cruelty, sinfulness. But also, the depth of divine love. Yes.
Starting point is 01:58:52 Jesus' unwavering commitment to God's redemptive plan. He was saying, there is nothing you can do to me that will make me stop loving you and not go to the cross. There's nothing you can do. I've already made that decision.
Starting point is 01:59:14 I made that decision in the Garden of Gethsemane. Yes. And I'm going through with it all the way. I'm in it too deep now to turn around. So you got a mock scepter, a mock crown on a real king. Mankind
Starting point is 01:59:44 refused to recognize his divinity and so they mocked him and yet with every mocking and with every striking his father in heaven was affirming his
Starting point is 02:00:05 his kingship you know and the silence the silence under humiliation under physical torment again it speaks of his love for humanity that he was not going to open his mouth but he was going to allow his tormentors to torment him so that they could be saved from eternal tormenting in hell.
Starting point is 02:00:48 Think about Jesus saying, if I don't go through with this, you will be tormented in hell someday. I'm doing this for you, even though you're tormenting me. The one that you serve right now is the one who's going to torment you for life, for eternity. Satan. So I'm allowing you to torment me now so that
Starting point is 02:01:16 Satan doesn't torment me forever. But it's your choice. And we don't know how many of them in their lifetime chose Jesus. I mean, out of 600 men, I'm certain that at least some of them got saved. Verse 31, and after that they had mocked him. They took the robe off from him and put his own raiment on him and led him away to crucify him. So now they strip away his robe.
Starting point is 02:02:04 And imagine that, that robe, there's blood coming from all over his body. Imagine taking that robe off, that sticky blood in that robe. I just imagine them ripping it off. They're not casually taken off. They rip it off of you. Now,
Starting point is 02:02:21 according to Mark, the they who mocked him were not the same as they who led him away. So it means that a special detail of soldiers commanded by Centurion took over the bloody and terrible business of crucifying Jesus, along with the two robbers condemned with him. So the men that beat him and mocked him turned him over to another group of soldiers, and they led him away. But before they led him away, they ripped off his robe,
Starting point is 02:03:04 and they put his own clothing back on him. So they returned him to his personal identity for crucifixion. That's important to understand. We're letting you reclaim your true identity. We're putting you back in your own clothes. You'll hang on the cross in your own clothing. So,
Starting point is 02:03:39 we get to, I'm going to get to it because I'm watching here. Verse 32. And as they came out, they found the man of Cyrene, Simon by name, him they compelled to bear his cross. Cyrene, a city in North Africa. It would be today found in Libya. At that time, it had a significant Jewish population.
Starting point is 02:04:10 So most likely, Simon was a Cyrenian Jew who was in Jerusalem for Passover. He may have been a citizen of Jerusalem, but most likely, I think he was probably a visitor. He'd come to the city for Passover. He's mentioned again, well, his sons, he had two sons, Alexander and Rufus. Yes. They're identified later in scripture. And Rufus is mentioned in Romans 16.
Starting point is 02:04:52 Yes. So, you know, I think most scholars believe that Simon was either at that time a disciple of Jesus, an admirer of Jesus, or later became a disciple. But for some reason, a Roman soldier looking at the crowd, the onlookers, everybody who was standing there watching this happen, for reason they they fixed their eyes on simon and requisitioned him you know forced forced him to carry the cross um why simon again only God knows why but he was given the honor yes
Starting point is 02:05:48 he was given the honor of carrying the cross and I you know I have to say this doc as a close Jews demanded I have to say this, Doc, as a close. Jews demanded Jesus be nailed to the cross. White Roman men nailed him to the cross.
Starting point is 02:06:19 A black man carried his cross. Simon was the first Christian to pick up his cross and carry it. Simon had to carry the cross. Jesus had to hang on for Simon's salvation. Glory. That's it for today. We'll pick it up tomorrow verse 33 I don't want to say anything after that Rick that's just perfect
Starting point is 02:06:52 so God bless you everyone join us tomorrow morning for Morning Man at 8am on the east coast here right here on God bless you we'll see you Tuesday morning.

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