TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Bibi’s Show & Tell: UN Delegates Shun Netanyahu in General Assembly Address

Episode Date: September 27, 2024

On today’s TruNews, we explore the dramatic scenes at the United Nations General Assembly as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took to the stage. The event was marked by tension and controve...rsy, with numerous UN delegates staging a walkout in protest. As Netanyahu presented his vision using visual props and maps, he described a divided region—one part under the 'curse' of resistance and the other part as a potential corridor of 'blessing' involving countries like Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Jordan, Sudan, and India. We dive into the various aspects of his speech, the reaction from the global community, and what this means for the future of Middle Eastern diplomacy.Doc Burkhart. Airdate 09/27/2024Join the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!             It’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You don't have to think the world is ending tomorrow to be realistic. Serious emergencies happen to regular people all the time. For the forward-thinking family man, American Reserves serves as the ideal safeguard. As a father and husband, providing for and protecting my family is my highest priority. With strength in every pack, American Reserves combines variety and durability for any family. Waiting until it is too late will be devastating. Ensure your loved ones are cared for in any crisis by building a storehouse with American Reserves.
Starting point is 00:00:31 Because strength comes from smart preparation. American Reserves, your ally in emergency readiness. Visit our website and become prepared today. This is True News for Friday, September 27, 2024. I'm Doc Burkhart, and I'm sitting in for True News host and founder Rick Wiles. Rick will be back with us here on Monday. Looking forward to that. On today's Godcast, we explore the dramatic scenes at the United Nations General Assembly as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took to the stage. The event was marked by tension and controversy,
Starting point is 00:01:19 with numerous United Nations delegates staging a walkout in protest. As Mr. Netanyahu presented his vision using visual props and maps, he described a divided region, one part under the curse of resistance and the other part as a potential corridor of blessing involving countries like Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Jordan, Sudan, and even India. We dive into the various aspects of his speech, the reaction from the global community, and what this means for the future of Middle East diplomacy. Here's the scene as Benjamin Netanyahu took to the podium at the UN today.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Talking of Israel and the conflict, that is now the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, about to address the General Assembly. Let's listen in. Ladies and gentlemen, order. Order, please. What we're seeing, ladies and gentlemen, a lot of people walking out of the General Assembly and the moment in which Benjamin Netanyahu walked in to address his, to give his address, perhaps a sign,
Starting point is 00:02:31 a bit of taking of the temperature as to how that session of the world body feels about his presence right now. And so that was the scene at the UN General Assembly earlier today as Benjamin Netanyahu appeared at the podium. We really don't have to go into the details of the UN General Assembly earlier today as Benjamin Netanyahu appeared at the podium. We really don't have to go into the details of the speech because I can basically write a speech for Benjamin Netanyahu on any given day. Palestinians are bad and they must be eradicated. The UN stinks because they don't support Israel. And we're going to do what we want to do anyway. That's basically the gist of his speech. And plus, we're going to pick up another $8 billion from the U.S. while I'm visiting this week. Now, much to Mr. Netanyahu's character, oftentimes when he appears before the U.N. General Assembly, he always brings along a prop, a map, or something like that.
Starting point is 00:03:19 So you see this here on the screen right now. Mr. Netanyahu doing his speech at the end shows a map of the curse of the region. Notice the cursed nations. They're in black. And the blessing of the region, including Egypt, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Jordan, Sudan, and India, where Israel aims to create that trade corridor after making official peace with Saudi Arabia. We have just a small portion of his speech at the UN today detailing this curse and blessing prop master scenario. Watch this. I presented here last year. It's a map of a blessing. It shows Israel, Israel and its Arab partners forming a land bridge connecting Asia and Europe between the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.
Starting point is 00:04:13 Across this bridge, we will lay rail lines, energy pipelines, fiber optic cables, and this will serve the betterment of 2 billion people. Now look at this second map. It's a map of a curse. It's a map of an arc of terror that Iran has created and imposed from the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean. Iran's malignant arc has shut down international waterways. It cuts off trade. It destroys millions, destroys nations from within, and inflicts misery on millions. On the one hand, a bright blessing, a future of hope. On the other hand, a dark future of despair.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Now, I've been to the United Nations a couple of times over the course of my experience here at True News. And just about a half a block away from the United Nations building, there's a FedEx Kinko's office there. I'm always curious as whether Benjamin Netanyahu dropped by the FedEx Kinko's and picked up those props and maps and everything before he shows up at the UDN General Assembly, because we actually did that on one of our trips. We saw Benjamin Netanyahu put up a map, and then about an hour later, we had the same map made at the Kinko's across the street. So anyway, as I said, Benjamin Netanyahu was met. About 75% of the delegates walked out. That's a significant number, but he did make his speech.
Starting point is 00:05:56 It was no surprise what he talked about. And while he was even speaking, though, and this is updated information even as we're speaking right now because his speech just ended a little while ago. Even while he was speaking, Israel and the IDF forces started a new round of bombing in Beirut, seeking out the leader of Hezbollah. Of course, if civilians get in the way, well, that's just the cost of doing war, right? So we'll keep you up to date on this story as it further develops here. Now, one of the things that's happened over the past 24 hours is that the United States, along with several other allied partners there, sought to present a, if you will, a truce for Lebanon for 21 days. Now, we have this from the Times of Israel here. As usual, anytime there's a call for peace or truce or a ceasefire, somehow Benjamin Netanyahu messes it up. So this is from the Times of Israel. Netanyahu says Israel shares the aims of U.S. troops proposal after rejecting it.
Starting point is 00:07:06 And so this kind of left the United States flat footed because they had thought they had brokered out a truce to stop the fighting, to stop the bombing in Lebanon for at least a few days, if not 21 days. This is the reporting from the Jerusalem Post here today. You see John Kirby there. The U.S., we issued Lebanon's ceasefire call believing that Israel backed it, that they were fully behind it. The United States issued a call for a 21-day temporary ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah because it believed that Israel supported it. That's coming from U.S. National Security Advisor John Kirby speaking to reporters late yesterday. He said, we wouldn't have worked on that statement the way we did, Kirby said, as referred to the joint ceasefire call by U.S. President Joe Biden and French President Emmanuel Macron, published late
Starting point is 00:08:03 Wednesday, calling on all parties involved to the year-long constrained IDF-Hezbollah war to halt hostilities for 21 days. Kirby went on to say we wouldn't have issued it when and how we did if it wasn't supported by the conversations that we were having with top Israeli officials yesterday. And those conversations continue today, Kirby said. Another diplomatic source said Israel was informed about the American proposal, but clearly did not give its consent to it. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, upon landing in the rain in New York Thursday, clarified immediately that the IDF would continue with its military campaign against Hezbollah.
Starting point is 00:08:46 We are continuing to hit Hezbollah with all our power, and we will not stop until we achieve all our objectives. First and foremost, the return of the northern residents to their homes. Our policy is clear, Netanyahu said, so nobody should misunderstand it. Well, obviously there was some type of misunderstanding there because apparently U.S. and French diplomats and administrations had sought and had pretty much secured a 21-day truce between Israel and Hezbollah, but at the last minute, as Benjamin Netanyahu was traveling across the Atlantic, issued another order to start bombing
Starting point is 00:09:26 Lebanon again, thus breaking any hopes for a truce that might come down. And that bombing continues today. Now, last week, there was a lot of reports on the Pager attack that occurred in Lebanon among, not just among Hezbollah members, but among a number of medical personnel and emergency responders throughout Lebanon and ended up killing hundreds, injuring thousands in this Pager attack. Now there's new developments that are coming out. With every plot, ladies and gentlemen, keep in mind there's always a fall guy. And I think they might have found their fall guy because they can't find him.
Starting point is 00:10:13 That's how you know he's the fall guy, when you can't find him. So Norwegian police, now this is coming out of Newsweek, Norwegian police have issued an international search warrant for Rinson Jose. And he's a Norwegian Indian man connected to the sale of pagers to Hezbollah that exploded across Lebanon last week. Now, Jose disappeared while on a work trip to Boston here in the U.S. and has not been heard from since September 18th. Now, Juni T. Grendahl, press chief for the Oslo Police District in Norway, said Oslo police have received a missing person report. It is being processed and possible measures are being assessed. The Norwegian criminal police unit, Kripos, confirmed that an international search request had been sent.
Starting point is 00:11:11 Now, those devices, initially traced to the Taiwanese manufacturer Gold Apollo, were reportedly licensed by Hungarian firm BAC Consulting and facilitated by Norda Global Limited, a Bulgarian company founded by Renson Jose. Now, the exact method by which the pagers were weaponized remains unclear. Investigators are trying to determine how and when the devices were weaponized as Bulgaria, Hungary, Taiwan, and Norway have all launched probes into the supply chain. Now, Nordar Global Limited is a company based in Sofia, Bulgaria, and according to Bulgaria's corporate registry, Jose established the company in 2022. Bulgarian authorities have investigated Nordar Global's role in the supply of the booby-trapped pagers but have found no evidence that the devices were manufactured or exported from Bulgaria. Now, it goes on to say that Jose's Norwegian employer, DN Media Group, stated that
Starting point is 00:12:07 he left for a conference in Boston on September 17th. He last contacted his colleagues via email on September 18th and has been unreachable since then. They said, we have not been able to reach him since September 18th, a spokesperson for the DN Media Group said at the time. So, as I said, we have not been able to reach him since September 18th, a spokesperson for the DN media group said at the time. So as I said, with every plot, there's a fall guy. And is it possible that they have found their fall guy by this missing suspect somewhere, maybe in the U.S., maybe anywhere in the world? Or does he even exist? Is he even real? Is he even real? Do we even know? We'll find out more as this story develops, and we'll keep an eye on this particular character in that conversation. Let's look at further stories in
Starting point is 00:12:53 World War III today. The World War III in Europe is continuing. We have this story. This is from RT, and there's a propaganda battle going on regarding Auschwitz right now. You see this headline. This is from RT. Banning Russia from Auschwitz ceremony perverted. And that's coming from the Serbian president. Well, the Serbs ought to know all about perversion as NATO stole Kosovo from them. But you're going to see this story have deep pockets in it. Soon you will have the ceremony
Starting point is 00:13:28 marking the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. And that's coming from Serbian President Buczyk speaking to Serbian media on Wednesday on the sidelines of the UN general session in New York going on right now. Now, he went on to say, and notice the sting in this comment from Buczyk, those who liberated Auschwitz-Birkenau, the Russians, won't be invited. I presume that those who had the camp built will be invited. Everything in this world is, pardon my phrase, perverted and inverted. Now, the Auschwitz Museum in Poland has made a point of not inviting Russia to ceremonies since the outbreak of hostilities with Ukraine back in 2022. Last year, the museum director Peter Czawinski accused Moscow of similar sick megalomania
Starting point is 00:14:22 and similar lust for power as the Nazis, drawing a rebuke from Moscow. They had this to say, this is the anniversary of liberation from Chilinski earlier this week. We remember the victims, but we also celebrate freedom. It is hard to imagine the presence of Russia, which clearly does not understand the value of freedom. Such presence would be cynical. Now, the Serbian president brought up Chowinsky's gesture in the context of Western leaders repeatedly invoking territorial integrity and respecting the UN Charter, but only when it comes to Ukraine. He says when it comes to the Serbs, and he would know, who cares, Vucic said.
Starting point is 00:15:05 They don't care. That's the point. They can seize Serbian territory and back secession with impunity, which is actually what on his road tour here in the U.S., which includes signing rockets in Pennsylvania with the Jewish governor of Pennsylvania, Josh Shapiro. It includes getting another big payday from Joe Biden and from the U.S. Congress, another $8 billion, $8.7 billion going to Ukraine. And hobnobbing with all the celebrities and everything around the world. You see that headline there. Biden pledges $8 billion to Ukraine following Putin's proposed changes to nuclear rules. We'll get back to that story here in just a moment.
Starting point is 00:15:58 But I want to see what the Russians are saying about Zelensky's visit to the U.S. And this is the headline that you'll see in TOS today. Russian ambassador in U.S. compares Zelensky's visit to a Hollywood show. It's all theater, folks. Russia recognizes that. And I think those with a discerning mind can discern that as well. And we had that headline from Fox News here just a moment ago. President Biden pledged another $8 billion in security aid, or what we like to call lethal aid,
Starting point is 00:16:33 to Ukraine just one day after President Vladimir Putin suggested he might change Moscow's rules on nuclear engagement. Now, in a proposal to the Russian Security Council Wednesday, if you recall, the Kremlin chief suggested that any attack by a non-nuclear nation that has the backing of a nuclear-armed nation, such as the U.S., let's say, could be seen as a joint attack, a move that could have a resounding impact on the war in Ukraine. So we see how the rhetoric is ratcheting up between Russia and the United States. Are we about to enter the nuclear phase of the conflict in Ukraine? Well, the U.S. seems to want to place its bets, its continued bets on Ukraine with another eight plus billion dollars in support to the
Starting point is 00:17:27 nation. If it didn't have that support, there would be no war in Ukraine right now. So the only people financing and keeping the war alive is the United States and its allies. Continuing on our true news coverage of World War III, President Zelensky is meeting with Donald Trump or has met with Donald Trump today. So Trump agreed to meet with Vladimir Zelensky. And prior to the meeting, Donald Trump had this to say about the upcoming meeting with the president of Ukraine. As you know, President Zelensky has asked to meet with me, and I will be meeting with him tomorrow morning at around 9.45 in Trump Tower. And it's a shame what's happening in Ukraine. So many deaths, so much destruction.
Starting point is 00:18:21 It's a horrible thing. And one of the things that are very bothersome to me is the fact that Europe is paying only a small fraction of the money that the United States of America is paying and we have an ocean between Russia and ourselves. They don't. They should be equalizing. They should start paying up. I did this with NATO.
Starting point is 00:18:47 I made them all pay. It's very unfair to the United States, but I look forward to seeing him tomorrow. We'll see. I do believe I disagree with him. Well, he doesn't know me, but I disagree. But I will say this. I believe I will be able to make a deal between President Putin and President Zelensky quite quickly. So that meeting did take place this morning between
Starting point is 00:19:12 Donald Trump and President Zelensky of Ukraine. And before they got into their meeting, they did a very brief press briefer before going into the meeting room. And Donald Trump was pure Donald Trump in the interchange. Watch this. We have a very good relationship. And I also have a very good relationship, as you know, with President Putin. And I think if we win, I think we're going to get it resolved very quickly. Very work.
Starting point is 00:19:43 I really think we're going to get it. I hope we have more good relations. Oh, I think we're going to get it resolved very quickly. Very work. I really think we're going to get it resolved. I hope we have more good relations. We're going to have. Oh, I see. But, you know, it takes two to tango, you know. And we will, we're going to have a good meeting today. And I think the fact that we're even together today is a very good sign. And hopefully we'll have a good victory because the other side wins.
Starting point is 00:20:05 I don't think you're going to have victories with anything, to be honest with you. So we're going to sit down and just discuss it. And if we have a win, I think long before I before January 20th, before I would take the presidency, it's January 20th. But long before that, I think that we can work out something
Starting point is 00:20:25 that's good for both sides. It's time. And, by the way, the President knows that, too. He wants to get something done. He doesn't want to do this. And so we look forward to having him. I look forward to being with him. But what I said is true. He was a piece of steel. He gave a very honest, straight answer. And that really ended, essentially ended, the impeachment hoax.
Starting point is 00:20:52 And I appreciated that. Thank you very much, everybody. I don't know if you noticed there at the end how Mr. Trump tossed Zelensky a bone out there in saying, hey, even Zelensky's own testimony knocked out all the impeachment stuff related to the Ukrainian phone call. And so that was pure Donald Trump there. They had their meeting. They had additional comments. And we'll probably have that on Monday as True News continues to keep an eye on Zelensky's visit here to the United States. In the meantime, Mr. Zelensky is talking to the media. He's made several appearances that appear to be pro-Kamala Harris.
Starting point is 00:21:35 We have this cut. This is also from RT today, where Zelensky is accusing Russia on their plans to use tactical nuclear weapons. Watch this. President Zelensky said that Russia plans to use tactical nuclear weapons. He says many things. Depends on what he drinks or what he smokes. He says many things. That's classic Lavrov there. Mr. Lavrov is also in the U.S. meeting with a number of diplomats from around the world. He had the opportunity to also address certain segments of the U.N. as well.
Starting point is 00:22:21 And so Mr. Lavrov has no lost love for Mr. Zelensky of Ukraine. We have the story out of TASS today. This is their reporting, and they're forecasting that Ukraine's 2020 arms deliveries are at risk due to lack of money from allies. And they're actually reporting several Western reports that unless there's a massive infusion of cash over the next four to five months in Ukraine, that there is likely to fall apart the military support for Ukraine. And two factors in that, of course, money is always a big deal. So that big paycheck from Biden certainly helps out. But another factor is winter. And so the Ukrainians need to bolster up their military and their supplies in anticipation of what is being forecast right now as a mild winter.
Starting point is 00:23:10 But as we know in Eastern Europe, those can rapidly change. Another article that we're looking at today, this is President Lukashenko of Belarus, and he says that nuclear arms are to be used as soon as NATO attacks Belarus. President Lukashenko said during a meeting with students that nuclear weapons will be used by Russia as soon as NATO attacks either Belarus or Russia. He said, I've been saying that attacking Belarus is World War III. Actually, recently, Mr. Putin confirmed this, making amendments to the nuclear doctrine that in the event of an attack on Russia and Belarus, we are using nuclear arms. The Belton News Agency quoted him as saying, he confirmed my words. This is the essence of my
Starting point is 00:23:57 statement, the leader said. I'm giving a heads up to our production staff here that I'm going to run a different spot here in just a moment. And so I'm looking for it. There it is, number 21. I want to play this clip. Actually, Rick sent this over. And I wanted to share it with you today. This is testimony in Congress regarding a former FBI specialist. And listen to what this FBI specialist has to say,
Starting point is 00:24:28 and then we'll have this reminder from American Reserves. And everybody in the minority party, they're fearing what Donald Trump would do in the next administration while they sit here and they look at the guy who's been persecuted by the FBI. And everybody in the room understands it. Mr. Allen, do you have comments you wish to make? I'll give you about a minute, minute and a half, and then I want to turn the rest of my time to Mr. Jordan. Yes, sir.
Starting point is 00:24:53 I would just say that I consider the hearing today my last act of service as a public servant for the United States of America. And I'll give you my professional opinion. I was an intel professional for our country for many years, and I would give recommendations, and I'd also look at indications and warnings. So I would offer this to the American people as my warning to them. This is a warning to the American people. I say, I personally have no confidence that the FBI will rein in its own conduct.
Starting point is 00:25:26 I've been persecuted along with Garrett, Steve and Kyle and countless other whistleblowers. It is my opinion that the Bureau used reprisal and fear to control the workforce. It has been a seemingly effective tactic. I personally believe that there are no current effective checks and balances against them conducting lawless action with any type of correction in a legitimate time frame.
Starting point is 00:25:52 I welcome the work of the IG, but I think any type of lawless action, there's no legitimate time frame to rein them back in. Their ability to over-classify information can allow them to stonewall forever. To the American people, you have a duty as a citizen to vote and I strongly urge you to do so. It's how you participate in the American experience. I
Starting point is 00:26:14 know people have doubts about election integrity but you must vote. It is your claim. State your claim and don't forfeit it willingly. Have your voice heard. My other recommendations are in the natural order. First vote, the second is the second amendment. Arm yourself and know how to defend yourself. Make three to four friends in your neighborhood and promise to come to each other's mutual aid in times of hardship.
Starting point is 00:26:41 And during the Great Depression, people stocked up a pantry. So I think that's a good practice, especially in our economic times, and make sure you have three to four months of food. As a person of faith, I'd say pray the rosary, go to the First Friday devotions. That's for everybody, all my brothers and sisters of all faiths, and I know I'm Catholic, and read the gospel of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and live it every day. And that's all I have to say. Thank you for the time. You know, Mr. Allen, the fact that there are servants like you who have been born up under persecution that a lot of political leaders in this country do not care about
Starting point is 00:27:16 is the thing that heartens the American people, and I'm confident the American people will resolve the situation. I'm Jake, but my friends call me Moose Jaw. I'm a blacksmith, and I like to work with my hands. I watch True News, and it's apparent to me that we are in World War III, and the U.S. is very unstable. I have faith in God, but he expects us to use our brains and our hands to prepare for trouble times. There are two things we need, food and water.
Starting point is 00:27:53 That's why I buy my supplies from American Reserves offers easy-to-prepare chicken and beef meals, pastas, soups, and vegetables that only need boiling water. You can purchase the world-famous British Burkefield gravity-fed water filters equipped with Dalton ceramic handles and other emergency supplies at My family's security is critical to me. Something big is coming. Procrastination could be costly. Act today before a crisis suddenly appears. Be ready. Be wise.
Starting point is 00:28:24 Go to Well, you heard it from FBI Agent Allen, and you also heard it from Jake there. You need to be prepared. You really, really need to be prepared, whether it's emergency supplies like shortwave radios or food, but especially water. When it comes to water, you need to be certain. In any emergency or unexpected situation, having access to safe drinking water can mean the difference between staying healthy or facing serious challenges. That's why American Reserves offers a line of water filtration products designed to ensure you and your loved ones
Starting point is 00:29:05 are never left in the lurch. Now, American Reserve's filtration products use multi-stage filtration to reduce common contaminants and chlorine. They're durable and reliable, built to perform in the most rugged conditions, whether at home, on the road, or off the grid. But best of all, they're easy to use with no complex setup required. Just clean water when you need it most. Visit to explore a variety of water filtration products that fit just about any budget. That's Well, as we're always
Starting point is 00:29:40 looking for unique headlines from around the world, I caught this one from the Wall Street Journal. And it's about a day or two old. And it's an interesting story, if nothing else, and raises the prospect of a number of other questions. Look at this headline here. This is from the Wall Street Journal. China's newest nuclear submarine sank, setting back its military modernization. Now, we'll walk through the article first, and then we'll have some commentary on it. China's newest nuclear-powered attack submarine sank this past spring, a major setback for
Starting point is 00:30:15 one of the country's priority weapons programs. Now, the episode with Chinese authorities scrambled to cover up and hasn't previously been disclosed occurred at a shipyard near Wuhan, of all places, in late May or perhaps early June. It comes as China has been pushing to expand its navy, including its fleet of nuclear-powered submarines. Now, the article from the Wall Street Journal says the U.S. doesn't know if the sub was carrying nuclear fuel at the time it sank, but experts outside the U.S. government said that was likely. The Zhu-class vessel that sank is the first of a new class of Chinese nuclear-powered subs and features a distinctive X-shaped stern, which is designed to make the vessel more maneuverable. The sinking of a new nuclear sub that was produced at a new yard will slow China's plans to grow its nuclear submarine fleet, said Brent Sadler, a senior research fellow
Starting point is 00:31:12 at the Heritage Foundation. This is significant, he said. It's not surprising that the PLA Navy would try to conceal the fact that their new first-in-class nuclear-powered attack submarine sank pier side, sank at the pier, said a senior U.S. defense official. In addition to the obvious questions about training standards and equipment quality, the incident raises deeper questions about the PLA's internal accountability and oversight of China's defense industry, which has long been plagued by corruption. Well, can this commentator offer yet another opinion? How do we know that it was some sort of technical miscalculation on Chinese part? Perhaps there's another player involved in this scenario.
Starting point is 00:32:02 Perhaps someone didn't want China to finish its latest nuclear power submarine because someone else thought it might be a threat. I'm just asking the questions. Don't believe everything that you read on the first reading. Start asking questions. Who would benefit from the sinking of a brand new, spanking new Chinese sub at a brand new, spanking new pier. Well, there's only a certain number of people who would benefit from that. I'll let you do the calculus and the math on that. Well, returning here to the U.S. for domestic politics and U.S. politics, beleaguered Mayor Eric Adams, under the gun here, turned himself in to the feds to face charges in the corruption case against him.
Starting point is 00:32:52 Donald Trump had this to say about Eric Adams in the past. Let's watch what he had to say. I will say this. I watched about a year ago when he talked about how the illegal migrants are hurting our city and the federal government should pay us and we shouldn't have to take them. And I said, you know what? He'll be indicted within a year. And I was exactly right, because that's what we have. We have people that use the Justice Department and the FBI at levels that have never been seen before. So I wish him luck. I don't know anything about what he did, but I told a lot of group, a lot of people right over there, that group was saying, you know, sir, you were right about that. When they mentioned that, I said, they came in and he was pretty strong about it.
Starting point is 00:33:47 He said, this is really unfair to make us carry this burden. We shouldn't be doing this. This is New York City. I mean, your parks are loaded up. I just passed recently Madison Avenue, the Roosevelt Hotel. It's like nobody would recognize it. That's Midtown. But he came out very strongly against it. He was right, by the way, because it's ruining our country. He was honest. And I said he will be indicted within a year. And that's what happened.
Starting point is 00:34:14 And I noticed the indictment is very old. It goes back a long time. Well, I had the same thing. They got they went way before the statute of limitations. So I wish him well. But I said that he will be indicted because he did that. You take a look. That's what they do. These are dirty players. These are bad people. They cheat, and they do anything necessary. These are bad people, and we need an honest Justice Department. We need an honest FBI, and we need it fast. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:42 The story that's been trotted out here over the past day or so, as far as the indictment is concerned, that a Turkish businessman supposedly told Eric Adams, you'll be the president of the United States very soon. And apparently in the indictment, this is what they're being, we're being told told is that Eric Adams either solicited or accepted bribes from this Turkish businessman for his political campaign. Now, I find this interesting that they're going after Eric Adams, the mayor of New York, for accepting bribes when Hunter Biden did that for years. And there's no indictment against him for that, is there? Not at all. And so what changed with Eric Adams?
Starting point is 00:35:31 I mean, Democrats have been accepting bribes and stuff for a long time. So what happens in the relationship when a Democrat suddenly finds themselves the subject of investigations and everything, which usually hints on a shift, apparent shift in loyalty that has occurred. Let's accept for just a moment that he actually did accept bribes from Turkey as far as his political campaign or future political prospects are concerned. Let's just say that's true. Who would be upset by that? Well, there's one country that would be very upset by any sort of alliance with Turkey, and that would be Israel. And you don't want to make enemies with Israel because bad things
Starting point is 00:36:17 sometimes happen. And is Eric Adams a friend of Israel? Well, in the past, he appeared to be. Watch this clip. This is from 2021, where New York Mayor Eric Adams boasted about one day retiring to the Golan Heights. Do you plan on doing what New York City mayors have traditionally done and be an advocate for Israel? Well, I visited Israel twice. I'm going back again and I'm going to try to find a plot of land so it can be my retirement place. I love the people of Israel. I love the food, the culture, the dance, you know, everything about Israel. You know, so. Where in Israel do you plan on retiring? Oh, and it was Golden Heights, you know. There are a couple of beautiful places that I really loved when I was in Israel.
Starting point is 00:37:12 And yes, I'm an advocate for the country. And I believe in the statehood of Israel. And again, Brooklyn is the Tel Aviv of America. Brooklyn is the Tel Aviv of America. Brooklyn is the Tel Aviv of America. That pretty much says it. But it's interesting that in June 2021, he was pledging his allegiance to Israel. And then, I mean, if it's true, he accepted bribes from Turkey. So could someone, say someone in Israel, have a motive in taking down Eric Adams? Perhaps,
Starting point is 00:37:47 or at least an excuse. But don't forget that Eric Adams has also been critical of the Biden administration over immigration, as Donald Trump pointed out. So when you're a turncoat in the Democrats, they go out for blood. They take you out. And so that's exactly what's happening, not just to Eric Adams, but most of the Adams administration in New York City. So we've covered a lot of different stories throughout the week this week in Rick's absence. And so I hope that this week you've been blessed by the information that we've provided. I want to take this opportunity for just a moment to urge you to consider, prayerfully consider, supporting the work here at True News. Now, we don't come out and ask very often. In fact, we make a point not to ask very often.
Starting point is 00:38:36 But there are times where it's necessary, and we want you to know that you can participate in this ministry by not only praying for us on a regular basis, but by financially supporting us. Now, it's very easy to financially support us here at the ministry. If you look on your screen there, if you're watching us by video, you can simply go to is the place where you can easily donate to this ministry, help support us on a one-time or a monthly basis, or if you have larger gifts with instructions on how you can contact us for wires and for larger transfers of assets, go to where you can give immediately. And also on the app, you can give as well. We also provide a toll-free telephone number, 800-576-2116. That's 800-576-2116,
Starting point is 00:39:32 where you can support us by just giving us a call. And the wonderful operators at the 800 number will assist you to help process not only your gifts via credit card, but also by bank transfer. And also they'll give you instructions that if you want to send precious metals to the ministry, they'll give you the instructions on that. So they'll provide all the answers that you need as far as that information is concerned. That toll-free telephone number is 1-800-576-2116. That's 1-800-576-2116. That's 1-800-576-2116. If you'd like to write us, you can.
Starting point is 00:40:11 Please do. Don't hesitate. We still accept mail here every day. Write us at True News, P.O. Box 399, Vero Beach, Florida, 32961. That's True News, P.O. Box 399, Vero Beach, Florida, 32961. That's True News, PO Box 399, Vero Beach, Florida, 32961. We would love to hear from you, by the way, whether it's online, through the app, through the phone, or by mail. We'd love to hear from you. Love to know how True News has been a blessing in your life, and also to hear that you are financially supporting us
Starting point is 00:40:45 on a regular basis to help us continue this work here at True News. God bless you for your help regarding that. As we begin our final segment here on True News today, Joe Biden once again, and this is like the fourth or fifth time I've actually heard Joe Biden do this. And it's really kind of humorous because every time he does it, he gets angry when he says it. It sounds like he gets angrier every time he says it. But it's his remarks that he makes, especially if a conversation comes up about the Second Amendment, that he usually has a comment like this where he says, you know, you can't own a cannon, right? You can't own a cannon.
Starting point is 00:41:34 Well, he did it again today. He did it again today. Watch this. I taught constitutional law for years, constitutional law. Never was the Second Amendment meant to be absolute. Back when it was passed, you could not own a cannon. No, I'm not joking. People like, you know, the liberty of America is water with the blood of patriots.
Starting point is 00:41:59 Like hell. I'm serious. Think about it. Think about it. It was never absolute. Never never never it's time we increase funding for the bureau of alcohol tobacco firearms and exposure now there's just that was just a big old load of lies right there you don't know what a lie is we all just run that spot over and over again to give us a definition of thing. It's interesting that he says, you can't own a cannon, but we're going to increase funding for the ATF right there at the end. Well, first of all, freedom is watered by the blood of patriots,
Starting point is 00:42:36 Mr. Biden, President Biden. Respectfully, it is watered by the blood of patriots. We would not have this nation today if it wasn't for the blood of patriots. We would not have this nation today if it wasn't for the blood of patriots. And the freedom to own firearms was a critical component in the establishment of this nation. But regarding this remark where he continually brings up that you can't own a cannon, that's just a bold-faced lie. You can own a cannon. And as a matter of fact, the Washington Post, Jeff Bezos' newsletter, the Washington Post debunked this claim back in June of 2021. Biden's false claim that the Second Amendment bans cannon ownership and went into a long thousand-word spiel about why President Joe Biden was telling a bold-faced lie about being able to own a cannon. So when he said this again today, I thought to myself, well, can you own a cannon? Is it possible to own a cannon?
Starting point is 00:43:37 And it turns out, yes, you can own a cannon. You can own a cannon. You can. Because I went online today, your True News investigator went online today to find this ad from Hearn Ironworks. You, too, can own this six-pounder cannon if you've got a little less than five grand. And this is a full-scale operational cannon that requires no license at all. You can own your own cannon here, folks. You really can. Now, I couldn't find any Revolutionary War cannons for sale because I guess they're all out of stock now because people actually own Revolutionary War cannons. But you can own a cannon.
Starting point is 00:44:22 That is your right. And so I bet right now there's about at least a few True News viewers and listeners right now that are going online or on eBay and Amazon to see if they too can pick up their own Canon as well. And so good luck in shopping there. But at least one, Hearn Ironworks, has a cannon for sale if you're shopping around for one. We had a scary story come out of China here. If you thought you've had a bad day, think about the worst day that you've ever had. If you thought you've had a bad day, you're not going to believe this. I'm just going to play the video first, and then I'll come back for some commentary. Well, what happened there, in case you caught the gist of the scenario there,
Starting point is 00:45:34 is that work was being done on a major sewer line that followed along a major interchange there in China. And they were pumping high-pressure air into the sewer line, and then the sewer lines exploded under the road, sending sewage over dozens of vehicles. So on your worst day, on your very worst day, can you imagine this kind of scenario happening in your life? So no matter how your day is going, at least you didn't have to drive through a shower of poo as you were on your way to work today. Now, before we go to Morning Manor today, I wanted to kind of give you an update on Morning Manor over the next couple weeks here, because we're getting into a fascinating time on Morning Manna that a lot of
Starting point is 00:46:25 people have been looking forward to. And so I wanted to invite our general True News audience to tune in to Morning Manna and join us live next week, if at all possible, 8 a.m. weekdays on, where you can join us for our live Bible study on Morning Manna each and every weekday. And the reason why I want to invite our True News audience especially is I know that a number of our viewers and listeners on True News are fascinated with the subject of end times and Bible prophecy and everything that's related to that. Well, this next week of Morning Manor is going to be a very special week. You're going to love this, and that's why I want to invite you to it, because over the course of the next week, probably the next couple weeks, we're going to be doing a deep dive into Matthew chapter 24.
Starting point is 00:47:13 And in Matthew chapter 24, which is oftentimes used by end-time pronosticators and end-time chart developers and prophecy writers and things like that as kind of their linchpin chapter in discussing the end of time, the Great Tribulation, the millennium, and everything related to it. But next week, Rick and I will be doing a deep dive in Matthew chapter 24, so we want to invite you to join us. And before I pitch to Morning Man here in just a few minutes, I wanted to read just a brief passage of Scripture
Starting point is 00:47:52 to kind of give you a little bit of a teaser what we are going to be hearing about over this next week. And it's found in Matthew chapter 24, appropriately, verses 1 through 3. I want to read that right now to you. I'm reading from the King James here. And Jesus went out and departed from the temple, and his disciples came to him for to show him the buildings of the temple. And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? Verily I say unto you, there shall not be left here one stone upon another that shall not be
Starting point is 00:48:24 thrown down. And as he sat upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? What shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world? Now, what you may not know from that, if you have not had an opportunity to really do a deep study of Matthew chapter 24, that verse 3 there is a key function of chapter 24, where the disciples ask three very important questions of Jesus. What are those three questions? Tell us, when shall these things be?
Starting point is 00:49:02 And he's talking about the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple. What shall be the sign of thy coming? And there's a difference between the sign of thy coming and thy coming and of the end of the world. So three very important questions there that the disciples ask of Jesus. And next week, as we begin our deep dive into Matthew chapter 24, we are going to walk through and we're going to answer those three very important questions. So this is my personal invitation to you to join us all next week on Morning Manna for a very special Bible study in Matthew chapter 24.
Starting point is 00:49:41 And that's all next week. You can join us live each weekday morning on You need to join to access the live content, and that includes our live chat, our live interaction, the ability to ask questions of the host, and to be able to fully participate in our live format, our live Bible study. I'd love to have you there. I'd love to see you there this coming Monday morning on Morning Manor. Now, I'm giving you a sneak peek here in the next few moments on what we're going to be talking about next week. Here is today's episode of Morning Manor. You're listening to WWCR International Shortwave Radio. You can find True News on frequency 12.160 from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern
Starting point is 00:50:30 and on frequency 4.840 from 10 p.m. to 2 p.m. Eastern. Connect with us on Rumble, Facebook, X, and Getter. I'm Jake, but my friends call me Moose Jaw. I'm a blacksmith and I like to work with my hands. I watch and trust true news. Two things are clear to me. World War III has started and the USA is very unstable. I have faith in God, but he expects us to use our brains and our hands to prepare for trouble. There are two things we need, food and water. That's why I buy supplies from American Reserves offers easy to prepare chicken and beef meals, pastas, soups and vegetables that only need boiling water. You can purchase the world-famous
Starting point is 00:51:19 British Birkfield gravity-fed water filters equipped with Dalton ceramic handles and other emergency supplies at My family's security is critical to me. Something big is coming. Procrastination could be costly. Act today before a crisis suddenly appears. Be ready. Be wise. Go to Well, welcome to Morning morning manna this is the global Bible study sponsored by faith and values faith values calm is where we do this Bible study every day live it's called morning manna I'm dr. cart sitting in for Rick Wiles Rick will be back here with this bright and early on Monday morning and so he and Susan are either still relaxing or they're on their way back, depending on where they're at storm-wise. And so that's enough said about that.
Starting point is 00:52:15 But Rick will be back here with us on Monday, and that's going to be a great time, perfect timing for him to come back as we continue our study in Matthew chapter 24. And we are in Matthew chapter 24 today, and we're going to read scriptures from there. But as we always do every day, we pray for the Lord to give us wisdom and for the Holy Spirit to be here as well. I'd like to remind everyone, today is Communion Friday. At the end of our lesson today, we celebrate the Lord's table. And so if you're in a position where you can join us and celebrate the Lord's Supper, you need the elements of bread and either grape juice or red wine, and you can participate that. If you're a confessing believer in Jesus Christ, been baptized in water according to scriptures, we invite you to join with us today. Let's pray. Heavenly Father,
Starting point is 00:53:06 in Jesus' name, thank you for the opportunity once again to learn from your word. And we just ask, Lord, in Jesus' name, that you would make your presence known to us, that you would guide and direct us in all things in our study today. We invite the Holy Spirit's presence here today, and we ask you to bless everyone that's here with us live and those that listen at other times lord let this lesson be a blessing to them and let the holy spirit's presence be made known to everyone that watches or listens today's study in jesus name we pray amen and amen well as i mentioned rick will be back here with us on monday and we are continuing our journey in the Gospel of Matthew.
Starting point is 00:53:47 We are now in Matthew chapter 24. And I know I've said it previously here, but so many people, the only things that they really focus on in the Gospel of Matthew sometimes is the nativity story or uh this passage here the chapter 24. really that's the main focus of most evangelicals today there's really not an emphasis on other aspects of it uh it just the way it is and so but there's an overwhelming, almost an obsessive, compulsive focus on Matthew chapter 24, when there's a lot more to be said in Matthew than just Matthew 24. So we're going to be getting into the meat of Matthew 24 starting on Monday,
Starting point is 00:54:40 but we are going today focused, we're still in those first three verses today and so i'm going to read the first three verses of the gospel of matthew chapter 24. our focus today is going to be verse 3 and i'm going to ask you if you're a note taker this is a perfect day for you because i'm going to give you a lot of information that if you love to study on your own, that you can go and you can go back and you can do your own independent study of some things and gain additional information on your own. And that way you can grow and develop as you study the scriptures as well. So let's read the first three verses, chapter 24. I'm reading King James. And Jesus went out and departed from the temple,
Starting point is 00:55:29 and his disciples came to him for to show him the buildings of the temple. And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? Verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down. And as his disciples sat upon the mount of olives the disciples came unto him privately saying tell us when shall these things be what shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world okay when shall these things be what shall be the sign of thy coming
Starting point is 00:56:07 and of the end of the world? And several of you on our live chat right now have already caught on to the focus of verse 3. The three questions of verse 3. So if you want to remember this, this is a great way to remember this, by the way. The three questions of Matthew 24, 3 way the three questions of matthew 24 3 the three questions of matthew 24 3 because these three questions help us to unlock
Starting point is 00:56:33 matthew the rest of matthew 24. now we're setting the scene here for matthew 24 what has been the focus of Jesus' conversation up to this point as he departed the temple and as he shifted to the Mount of Olives? What has been his focus? His focus has been the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple. Now, if you understand that, then that gives you a big clue as to what everything else is being said in Matthew chapter 24. Now, the reason why I say that,
Starting point is 00:57:21 that may seem obvious to anybody that's listening or watching right now, but for some it's not quite so obvious. Now, the reason why I say that, that may seem obvious to anybody that's listening or watching right now, but for some it's not quite so obvious. Because what a lot of Christian Zionists and dispensationalists do is they take Matthew chapter 24, starting at verse 4, and all the way through verse 44, and they kind of lift this out of the scripture. And it's kind of floating around here all by itself. It's independent. And this passage from 24, 4, 44, remember that?
Starting point is 00:57:56 24, 4 through 44, the dispensation is kind of lifted up, and they throw it into the future, the far future. The far, far, far future. In fact, modern day dispensationalists, Christian Zionists would say that the ultimate fulfillment of Matthew 24, 4 through 44 is yet to be fulfilled. Now, over the course of the next week, we're going to be exploring that question and others as to the fulfillment of Matthew chapter 24. But I want you to understand that prior to 24-4, what has Jesus been talking about? And the disciples,
Starting point is 00:58:41 what have the disciples been asking about? They've been asking about Jerusalem and the temple. And Jesus has said, your house is going to be left unto you desolate. Every stone is going to be turned over. And the disciples say, basically in shock, they're incredulous at this statement. How can such a beautiful building, how can something so much that shines the glory of God, look at that white temple and the shiny gold and everything, you know, how can that be? When will these things be?
Starting point is 00:59:11 So that's where we set things up. Modern day dispensationalists and Christian Zionists somehow forget that Jesus is talking about all this here at the end of 23 and into 24, conveniently forget that because it's essential for us to understand that because it tells us basically what chapter 24, 4 through 44 is telling us. Jesus is telling us when the temple will be destroyed, when Jerusalem will be destroyed, when Jerusalem will be destroyed, when Judaism will truly die. And so in verse 3 here, we have this, if you will, transitional
Starting point is 00:59:56 verse, which gives Jesus the opportunity for his Olivet Discourse here here three questions that are at the uh core of what we're going to be looking at in the rest of chapter 24 so if you want to write these questions down these are essential the first question is tell us when shall these things be the disciples are asking, what things? When shall these things be? What things? The things that they've been talking about. These things. And what were these things? Look at verse 2.
Starting point is 01:00:36 See ye not all these things? See ye not all these things? What are these things? The temple, the temple buildings, the beautiful exterior of the temple. See all these things? What are these things? The temple, the temple buildings, the beautiful exterior of the temple. See all these things? Verily I say unto you, there shall not be left here one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down. Those are the these things. And so every time we encounter these things in Matthew 24, and we're going to see them several times in Matthew 24, what are these things? He's speaking specifically about the destruction of the temple and the
Starting point is 01:01:16 destruction of Jerusalem. And so, my friend, if you're watching today, if you're listening today, you just opened up Matthew chapter 24. You're smarter than a lot of theologians right now because you know what these things are. They're not these things that happen at some way off future event 2,000 years down the line, but rather these things that Jesus is addressing specifically. The disciples ask the question, when shall these things be? When will we see the destruction of the temple? And so they're asking Jesus the question, when? And amazingly enough, Jesus answers their question in Matthew 24, which we'll be getting to as we continue our study. The second question that's asked, what shall be the sign of thy coming?
Starting point is 01:02:12 And so the natural question to the disciples, I mean from the disciples to Jesus, is that surely that if the temple is destroyed, that must mean you're coming. That's your coming. Surely that's what that means. And so the disciples associated the destruction of the temple, the destruction of Jerusalem with the coming of the Lord. Now keep that in mind.
Starting point is 01:02:43 Kind of let that simmer in the saucepan on the back burner of the Lord. Now, keep that in mind. Kind of let that simmer in the saucepan on the back burner of the stove. Okay, we're not going to focus so much on that right now, but we will have further focus later as we study Matthew 24. There's a third question in there. That third question is, end of the end of the world. Now, a lot of scholars try to combine the second and third question into one question, saying that the coming of Jesus and the end of the world are simultaneous with each other. Now, there is a coming of Jesus at the end of the world, but there's a reason why Matthew breaks this up into three separate questions, because there are three separate events that are taking place.
Starting point is 01:03:29 When shall these things be? What shall be the sign of your coming and of the end of the world? We are talking about three separate events here. Three questions, three separate events. So if you can get that down in your gizzard today, three questions, three separate events. And that's going to unlock a lot of information for you as we journey through Matthew 24, because that's what is being answered here in verses 4 through 44. Those three things. Three questions, three separate events.
Starting point is 01:04:12 So, as we get further into Matthew chapter 24, I would encourage you over the weekend here to read all of Matthew chapter 24, so that when you're back here with our Bible study bright and early on Monday morning, you are prepared to find things in the scripture that you've never seen before. Praise God. You're going to clear up a lot of the dispensational dog hairs that have been floating around, you know, in the couch of your mind for a long time. One of the biggest challenges that we have in teaching Matthew chapter 24
Starting point is 01:04:54 is that there's been this large imprint of dispensational propaganda that's been now pushed throughout the Christian community for nearly a hundred years and so a lot of that information a lot of those dispensational charts and teachings and everything are still in some of our minds and so what I'm going to ask you to do as we get into our study of Matthew 24 is I want you to take every single dispensational teaching, piece of gossip, speculation, everything. I'm just going to ask you for the next week or so to just take that and put that on the shelf over there. Even if you kind of hold on to some of that, just put it on the shelf for now. Because it's this preacher's persuasion, this Bible man's persuasion, that the bulk of what is talked about in Matthew 24,
Starting point is 01:06:03 and this is from my perspective my study and my journey as a pastor as a teacher as a missionary where i've landed that the bulk of matthew chapter 24 is talking about the uh uh the destruction of the temple and jerusalem in 70 AD, and not some future event 2,000 years down the line. And there are a lot of clues in Matthew 24 that lead us to that. These things, this generation, you will see, speaking to the disciples, that you will be eyewitnesses to this. And so, that's going to be our approach to this. That's going to be our way of looking at this, our way of understanding. So just to give you a heads up, that's where we're going to be journeying in this. Do we have a bias? Yes, we have a bias, but that bias is based upon the study of
Starting point is 01:07:02 the Word of God and just being truthful about it without bringing in man's opinions and traditions, just simply looking at the Word and say, what does the Word say? And giving us the opportunity to explore. Now, there are the three questions there. Once again, when shall these things be the destruction of the temple what shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world so
Starting point is 01:07:34 we're going to talk about that second question a little bit today kind of in preparation for what we're going to be talking about here in the next week or so in Matthew 24. And what we need to be careful with in this question is to distinguish between the sign of his coming and his coming. Now, you may say, what's the difference between the two? There's a big difference between the two. What shall be the sign of thy coming and his coming? Notice that the disciples did not ask Jesus, when are you coming back?
Starting point is 01:08:22 Didn't ask that question, did they? They did not ask Jesus, when are you coming back didn't ask that question did they they did not ask jesus when are you coming back they asked jesus what shall be the sign of your coming now the dispensationalists would say that the two are one in the same i would contend that they're two separate things and a lot of you that are on live chat right now by the way if you're listening at another time besides 8 a.m eastern time here on the east coast on our live edition of morning manna you are missing out on the opportunity to interact with fellow members of the bible study that are asking questions that are sharing information back and forth and I'd like to invite you to join us live each weekday morning
Starting point is 01:09:06 for this Morning Man of Bible study. And you can do that by going to That's And you can join Faith and Values. And then you can join our Morning Man of Neighborhood. And you can participate in that live interaction that's going on between fellow class members, about 300 people online today.
Starting point is 01:09:29 They're asking questions or they're sharing scriptures and information back and forth. I invite you to join us. I noticed here on our live chat today that a lot of you are picking up on that difference between the sign of thy coming and thy difference between the sign of thy coming and thy coming. Okay, the sign of thy coming and thy coming. Now, without going too deep into that, well, I'm just going to give you a little bit of a kind of a, you know, how they bring out the biscuits to you at Cracker Barrel, you know, so you can eat a little bit before your food comes out. So I'm giving you a biscuit appetizer this morning. I just made a bunch of you hungry right now. And so I'm giving you a biscuit appetizer here about his coming,
Starting point is 01:10:16 the sign of his coming. I'm of the persuasion, I'm of the opinion that the sign of his coming is the when you see these things happen that's the sign of his coming I'm not of the opinion that Jesus came in 70 AD but that he directed the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD and that is just the first sign of his coming in other, just to sum it up in a nutshell, Jesus is going to explain here in Matthew chapter 24 all the things that are going to happen. And that shall be a sign to you that as you see these things happen, you can be certain I shall return, no matter how long it takes. So the sign is the destruction of the temple, Jerusalem, and all of it being plowed under.
Starting point is 01:11:09 That's the sign, that's the promise of Jesus' future coming after that. So that's kind of our biscuit appetizer for you. What I want to focus on today is that word coming, the coming of Jesus. And really, I want to do a deep dive on that word today. And it's a very special word that's found here in Matthew chapter 24, verse 3. And so I'm going to be spending a lot of the day here talking about his coming. And that's why I wanted to talk to you just a moment about the sign of his coming, but I want to talk to you about his coming.
Starting point is 01:11:48 Now, his coming, and the reason why I want to dig into it is I want you to understand that his coming is bigger, is a bigger story than the destruction of Jerusalem. His coming is a much bigger story
Starting point is 01:12:04 than the destruction of Jerusalem. Okay? And so we start talking about his coming in Matthew chapter 24, verse 3. And the word that's used for his coming is a very special word. It's the word perusia. Perusia. Perugia. Let me just pull this up here real quick. Tell us when shall be the sign of thy coming, the Perugia.
Starting point is 01:12:37 What does that word Perugia mean? Well, if we get into, I've got my Bible concordance out here today, all ready to go. Perusia, at its most basic form, just means presence. Presence. Perusia. It's spelled P-A-R-O-U-I-S-I-A. Perusia. It's a Greek word.
Starting point is 01:13:04 At its most basic form, it means the presence of someone if i walk into a room i have made my perusia known i have made my presence known perusia now there's a secondary interpretation but we have to be careful with the secondary interpretation of the word because sometimes we take what we perceive to be the meaning of a word and we apply it to the word. In other words, we already come into Matthew 24 here with an idea in our minds about His coming, what it looks like, what it sounds like, what it is. And so with that, sometimes we bring an imprint of the definition along with us when that's not the complete definition. And so what I'm going to do is we're going to do a word study today on that word perusia,
Starting point is 01:14:03 the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. And why I hold the position that it's a separate coming from the destruction of Jerusalem. It's a bigger story. It's like looking at the New York Times and you're focusing on the story
Starting point is 01:14:19 down in the lower right hand of the front page when the big story is the perusia okay so let's look at some of the places that that word perusia pops up throughout the scripture and it's going to be I think this is going to be a great study for a lot of you today because it's gonna first of all I think it's going to sweep out some cobwebs for you and also it's going to, first of all, I think it's going to sweep out some cobwebs for you. And also it's going to give us the opportunity to help us sort out some of the different things that have been said previously about Matthew chapter
Starting point is 01:15:01 24. Okay? So let's start our journey here. Matthew chapter 24 verse 3. What shall be the sign of thy coming? And so in 24.3 here, there's a distinction between the sign of thy coming and thy coming. So if you're taking notes, the note you would want to write here for Matthew 24 3 there is a distinction between the sign of thy coming and thy coming
Starting point is 01:15:30 they're two different things alright the next time we see that word perusia pop up it's just a few verses later later on in Matthew chapter 24 verse 27 and it says, for as lightning cometh out of the east and shineth even unto the west, so shall the coming of the Son of Man be. So, Jesus is giving a description here of the coming of the Son of Man. What shall it be like?
Starting point is 01:16:08 It would be like lightning coming from the east and shining even to the west. Now, in this, if you're taking notes for this word study of Perugia today, he's not discounting lightning that would be present that day, but he's saying it's like lightning. What is lightning like? We're going through these storms and stuff today, so we've got a lot of lightning. So what's lightning like? Well, lightning lights up the sky. It's loud, with the thunder with it, of course. It's bright. You can't ignore it. It gets your attention.
Starting point is 01:16:54 And it's almost instantaneous, isn't it? Lightning doesn't tend to linger over a long period of time. It's a flash. It's instantaneous. So, Matthew 24, 37 tells us that His coming is going to be bright, loud, and instantaneous. Bright, loud, and instantaneous. There's not going to be any question about it. There will be no body wondering, well, I wonder what that was. When you go outside and you see lightning,
Starting point is 01:17:28 you don't have to go, well, I wonder what that bright flash of light was. No, you know exactly what it is. And everyone will know what that is, that Perugia is on the day that it occurs. There will be no mistaking it. There will be no mistaking it. There will be no disguising it. And so if you're taking notes here
Starting point is 01:17:49 on our word study of the Perugia of Christ, it will be instantaneous, bright, and loud. Now later on in Matthew chapter 24, we encounter this Perugia word again in Matthew chapter 24, encounter this peruse a word again in Matthew chapter 24 verse 37 and it gives us another description of the peruse it says in Matthew 24 37 if you're taking notes think about this but as the days of Noah were so also so shall also the coming of the son of man be okay so jesus is telling us his coming the coming of the son of man will be just like as in the days of noah and what were the days of noah
Starting point is 01:18:37 like well in verse 38 it tells us for as the days were before the flood they were eating and drinking marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noah entered the ark and knew not until the flood came and took them all away so also shall the coming of the son of man be, so verse 37 and 39 are kind of partner verses here
Starting point is 01:18:58 in describing the coming of the son of man, now this description of the son of man is different than what we looked at before. But it's the same coming. Jesus says it will be just like as in the days of Noah. What were the days of Noah like? People were just going about living and doing everything that they've ever done. They were eating.
Starting point is 01:19:22 They were going to McDonald's. They were drinking. They had their second or third martini at lunch. They were eating. They were going to McDonald's. They were drinking. They had their second or third martini at lunch. They were getting married. They were going to their kids' weddings. In other words, life went on. There wasn't a care in the world. No one was concerned about the coming of Christ.
Starting point is 01:19:44 No one was concerned about the coming of Christ. No one. And that's really the attitude, not just of the world in general today, but really the church today too, the church world. Now, I hesitate even calling it the church world, because if you're not looking for the perusia, if you're not expecting the coming of Jesus, if you're not looking for the lightning, then are you truly a follower of Jesus Christ?
Starting point is 01:20:12 If you're not looking for the lightning of Christ, of his perusal, are you truly following Christ? Now, of course, this is a matter of conscience, a matter of conviction, but it should cause every one of us, from this is a matter of conscience, a matter of conviction, but it should cause every one of us, from this preacher to everyone out here, am I watching for his coming? Or am I just going about in life as if things are just going to continue as they always have? Because that's the way it was as in the days of Noah.
Starting point is 01:20:47 People were not concerned about an accountability for their actions, for their wickedness. And I'm not just talking about the heathen. I'm talking about those that should have an expectation of Christ. So every one of us here on our live chat today, you know, when we go enter into the Lord's Supper, before we enter into the Lord's Supper, we pray a prayer. We pray asking the Lord to search our hearts to find out if there's anything that's standing between us
Starting point is 01:21:15 and the Lord. And so we are making a concerted effort. Lord, search us. Lord, find out in us anything that stands between us and you. That's different than living as in the days of Noah. In the days of Noah, they saw the ark being built. They saw animals getting on board, and they saw all the signs that the rain was coming, and Noah was right, But they kept on living.
Starting point is 01:21:49 And unfortunately, there's a lot of believers out there today, or so-called believers, that do not have an expectation for the return of Jesus Christ. In fact, if Jesus came back, it would be an inconvenience for them. So keep that in mind as we continue our study of this word Perugia, because Matthew 24 is not the only place that we find this incredible word that's full of meaning. Another one, and Paul uses this word quite a bit, the Perugia word quite a a bit the next instance that we see of the word perusia in the New Testament is found in 1st Corinthians chapter 15
Starting point is 01:22:30 verse 23 I'm gonna read that to you 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verse 23 and reason why I'm not writing them down in chat today is I don't want to get distracted here and get and lose my place. Okay? So I'll just ask you to write down your own verses today if you're following along. 1 Corinthians 15, 23. But every man has his own order. Christ, the firstfruits, afterward they that are at Christ, that are Christ at his coming, his perusia.
Starting point is 01:23:08 1 Corinthians 15, 23. So what is Paul saying here? Well, what Paul is talking about here in this particular verse is the bodily resurrection of believers. In other words, at the end of the age, at the end of time time there's going to be an order and there's going to be a sequence that takes place prior to the perusia so paul is saying here there's an order there's a pattern there's something you can expect prior to his coming. It says, every man his own order. There's a sequence, there's a pattern here.
Starting point is 01:23:49 Christ the firstfruits, afterward they that are Christ at his coming. Now what is that phrase, Christ the firstfruits? Now that's a very important phrase there. Because at this time, Christ had already resurrected from the grave. We're about maybe 20, 25 years after the resurrection here. So why would Paul say Christ the firstfruits? What he's really saying there with Christ the firstfruits is those that are in Christ at his coming. And when I say in Christ, that died in the body
Starting point is 01:24:30 because the folks in Corinth were concerned about the resurrection. Would they truly be resurrected? And so Christ the first fruits, what Paul is really saying is those that are dead in Christ, they will rise first.
Starting point is 01:24:49 Afterward, they that are Christ at his coming. Basically what he's saying there, those that are alive at Christ's coming, they get resurrected second. So, at his coming, 1 Corinthians chapter 15, 23, Paul reinforces this
Starting point is 01:25:05 idea that the dead in Christ will rise first, then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with him at his coming. So one of the earmarks of his coming is going to be dead people coming up
Starting point is 01:25:24 out of the ground. That's how we will know his coming that's not the sign of his coming that's his coming now keep that in mind it's because there are those that make the argument that Jesus has already come okay but Paul is making a distinction here to the church in corinthians yeah those of you that are concerned about your loved ones who died in christ i got news for you they're going to be resurrected first and then if we're still alive and we are at we witness his coming then we get transfigured. We get changed.
Starting point is 01:26:09 Alright, so if you've been taking notes there, you're getting a lot of good information today. The next time we see that word perusia show up in the scriptures is found also in 1 Corinthians. Later on though, in chapter 16. And it says, 1 Corinthians chapter 16, verse 17.
Starting point is 01:26:30 1 Corinthians chapter 16, verse 17. If you're writing this down and you're taking notes on the Perugia today, I am glad of the coming of Stephanas and Fortunatus and Achaus for that which was lacking on your part they have supplied. Now, you may say, well, this has nothing to do with Jesus.
Starting point is 01:26:55 But I would say to you that this gives us additional context into that word perusion. So when Paul here is, he's basically writing the epilogue to his letter here and he's telling them you know I just want to say thank you I love you I'm going to be sending some folks your way and I happen to hear that that Stephanas and Fortunatus and Achaeus, I heard that they have visited you. I am glad of the parousia, the coming, the presence of Stephanas, Fortunatus, and Achaeus. For that which was lacking on your part, they have supplied.
Starting point is 01:27:41 Now, this is a great verse to actually preach from because what this does it does two things Paul is get is being blessed by the fact that brothers in Christ have visited the church in Corinth that they are provide that they're speaking to the needs of the church of the court of Corinth and what was it that they were providing that which they lacked that which they lacked and isn't that what jesus does at his perusia he gives us what we lack and what are we lacking lacking right now. The only thing that we're lacking in the Perugia is his Perugia. Isn't it?
Starting point is 01:28:30 The only thing that we're lacking at his coming. We're thinking about coming as in an arrival. But the actual definition is presence. And so the only thing that we're really lacking right now is the actual
Starting point is 01:28:48 presence of Christ, the physical manifested presence of Christ. And that's the only thing that we're fairly lacking. Now, we can say that Jesus lives in us, lives in our heart, and all these things. But when we talk about his coming, what we really mean is we want to be in the presence of Jesus. And Jesus wants to be in our presence too. So this is a two-way street. So the only thing that we lack in his coming is his presence. That's what we can gather here from 1 Corinthians 16, 17. Alright, the next time that we see this word perusia pick up, once again,
Starting point is 01:29:32 is in the second letters of the church in Corinth. This is 2 Corinthians chapter 7, verse 6. And so, Paul writes to this second letter to Corinth here, chapter 7, verse 6,
Starting point is 01:29:52 Nevertheless, God, that comforts those that are cast down, comforted us by the coming of Titus. And so, once again, Paul is bringing into human terms what that Perugia word means as far as presence is concerned. So the reason why I'm really emphasizing these human interactions of that word perusia or presence is I want you to, when we get back into our study in Matthew 24, that when you see and hear that word perusia now, you are now programmed, you're now primed, you're now receptive. Ah, coming, that's perusia, that's Jesus's presence, that's what we're looking for. In the very next verse, so verse 6 here, he talks about the coming of titus that the coming of titus uh comforts them but then he shifts his conversation about jesus and says in verse 7 and not by his coming titus
Starting point is 01:30:56 is coming but by the consolation wherewith he was comforted in you when he told us your earnest desire your morning your fervent mind toward me so that I rejoice the more. Now, Paul goes on in 2 Corinthians picking back up in chapter 10 and uses that word perusia once again.
Starting point is 01:31:22 That there are those that sometimes make their presence known, their perusia once again that there are those that sometimes make their presence known their perusia known but it's a weak presence and a contemptible presence what do i mean by that well let's pick this up here so you get the full context of what Paul is saying in 2 Corinthians 10, verse 10. It really starts up in verse 7. It says, Do you look on the things after the outward appearance? If any man trusts himself that he is Christ, let him of himself think this again,
Starting point is 01:31:59 that as he is Christ, even so are we Christ. For though I should boast somewhat more of our authority which the lord hath given us for edification and not for your destruction i should not be ashamed that i may not seem as if i would terrify you by letters for his letters say they were weighty and powerful but his bodily presence is weak and his speech contentable let one let such a one think this that such as we are in word by letters when we are absent such we will also be indeed when we are present now paul is making a reference here to his bodily presence in the church of corinth but what is he really saying here he's really saying saying, you know, whether I'm
Starting point is 01:32:47 there with you physically or not, you have the words that I wrote. Whether or not I am physically present with you, he's talking about himself here, whether or not I am physically present, you have this letter and the previous letter that I wrote. And that is just as good as if I was there in person. And you may say, well, what does this have to do with the perusia of Jesus Christ? It has everything to do with it, my friend.
Starting point is 01:33:17 Because just as Paul was saying to the church in Corinth, you don't need my physical presence there if you have my word. Jesus is saying, yes, I know you long for my presence. I know you long for the coming of my presence. But my child,
Starting point is 01:33:35 my son, my daughter, I'm saying to you, take heart. Don't despair. You have my word. You have my word. You have my word. And my word is me. My word is my presence.
Starting point is 01:33:52 And so even though we are hungering and thirsting for the physical manifestation of the return of Jesus Christ, our hearts can be comforted by his active presence of the word. That's why this Bible study is so
Starting point is 01:34:08 powerful. That's why studying the word of God is so significant to a believer's life because what we're actually doing is we're bringing about the presence of Christ into our lives. He is the word. In the beginning was the word. The word was with God and the word was God. He is the Word. In the beginning was the Word. The Word was with God and the Word was God.
Starting point is 01:34:26 He is the manifestation of His Word. And until His physical manifestation takes place, we have His promise. So just as Paul is making the reference here that Corinth, I know you want me to be there, but I've written you letters. And my letters are just as good as my physical presence. Jesus is saying the same thing to believers today.
Starting point is 01:34:51 That yes, I know at times you might get discouraged. I know you might get down. You're longing for my physical return. And you're watching and you're doing all these things. But you have my word. You have my word. Now, embedded in this is actually a warning and here's the warning there's a lot of people that are focused on the coming of the lord now i think it's healthy and certainly not negative to seek the coming of the Lord,
Starting point is 01:35:26 to seek His physical manifested presence, His physical return. But I would say to you that there are many people that are focused solely on that and they miss the rest of the letter. It's like receiving a letter from a loved one people don't write letters much today but it's like receiving a letter from a loved one and at you know and in the middle of the letter is a phrase by the way I'm going to be arriving on August 17th. And it's a three-page letter.
Starting point is 01:36:05 Well, let's say it's a 10-page letter, but there's that one phrase in there. By the way, I'm coming on August 17th. And from then on, the focus, everything that is thought about in the letter is August 17th, August 17th, August 17th. It's coming August 17th. And they miss all the information
Starting point is 01:36:24 and all the rest of the information and all the rest of the instructions and all the rest of the letter. And so there are many people today who are prophecy fanboys. Okay? That's probably the best way to describe it.
Starting point is 01:36:42 They will, they're so focused on the end times. They're so focused on the beast of they will they're so focused on the end times they're so focused on the beast of revelation they're so focused on on all the feast days of the jewish calendar which have no meaning other than to give instruction to us but they'll hold these uh jewish feasts and they'll wear beanie and they'll do all these other things. They'll focus on everything except what the rest of the letter said. Folks, there's more to the Word of God
Starting point is 01:37:14 than the return of Christ. Don't miss out on the rest of the letter that He's written to you. Alright, continue our study here in this word perusia, so we can get some additional meaning here
Starting point is 01:37:30 for Matthew 24.3. The next time we see this pop up is in Philippians 1.26. Philippians 1.26. It says, that your rejoicing may be more abundant in Jesus Christ for me by my coming to you again. And so just as Paul granted the church in Philippi, the idea that he was going to be manifesting his presence there,
Starting point is 01:37:58 so we can have the assurance that Christ will manifest his presence as well. And he adds to that a little bit later on in Philippians chapter 2, verse 12. It says, Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation
Starting point is 01:38:20 with fear and trembling. Now, we often hear this verse quoted, but they don't quote the whole thing do they they don't quote the whole thing they'll quote work out your own salvation with fear and trembling but the whole verse says wherefore my beloved as ye have always obeyed not as in my presence only but now much more in my absence work out your own salvation with fear and trembling and so paul is making the case here you know don't uh don't be obedient to the gospel just because i was there act as if i'm there and in absence, work out your own salvation.
Starting point is 01:39:07 In other words, we're to be as accountable in the lack of the physical presence as in the actual physical presence. Now, we're talking about Paul here, of course, but that application can give us an understanding and meaning of the presence of christ in other words we can't expect to delay our decision to follow christ based on when we think he's returning and this is a trap that unfortunately a lot of christians i don't even know if i call them christians or not a lot of people have fallen into when all these other groups, when they start setting dates and saying, you know,
Starting point is 01:39:51 Jesus is coming on this particular date, it does two things. First of all, when Jesus doesn't return on that date, it discourages believers. And they think, well, when is the lord ever going to come again and so the idea is that well if jesus isn't coming i can live whatever way i want to live right the other side of that coin is that when you have these folks that set dates and you have sinners and heathen they say to themselves well i don't have to worry about anything because if jesus coming August 28th, I have all the way up to August 27th
Starting point is 01:40:29 to repent and confess my sins. And so that's why this date-setting nonsense is so dangerous. So very, very dangerous. Not just to believers, but to unbelievers as well. Because what it does is it negates the presence of Christ. What we should be preaching is,
Starting point is 01:40:54 don't just wait for the physical manifestation of Jesus. That's a good thing to wait for. But you should be living for Christ as if he was in your presence right now. Not at some far off date, but right now. As if you're walking side by side with Christ. You need to be ready at all times.
Starting point is 01:41:16 Don't just obey because you think Jesus is looking in on you. He is looking in on you. His presence is now through his word and then uh we only have time for one more here today before we go into communion and this is found in first thesonians 2 19 and there's others we could get into but just don't have time today first us on its 219 Paul writes the church of Thessalonica for what is our hope or joy
Starting point is 01:41:53 or crown of rejoicing are not ye are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming? For what is our hope or joy or crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming? Now, this is a very interesting verse here. And you may think, some of you, this may be a throwaway verse. But to me, you know how they had the old coffee ad for the coffee company Chock Full of Nuts? Well, this is just chock full of good stuff here. I wish I had more time to really dig deep down into this verse. Paul asks the question, what is our hope, our joy, our crown of rejoicing?
Starting point is 01:42:43 Are not ye even in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming? He's not saying, he's asking the question, what's our hope, our joy, our crown of rejoicing? He's not saying that all that hope, joy, and crown of rejoicing is the coming, the physical manifestation of Christ. But the way that the Greek reads this is that you're already, you are even now in the presence of the Lord and will be at his coming as well. So since you're in Christ, you're established in his presence
Starting point is 01:43:23 and will continue to be in his presence even when he arrives isn't that awesome that for believers think how tremendous this is yes there is going to be a physical manifestation of his return, but we're living in that return now. We're in his presence now. We're in the presence of Christ right now. It's as if he's already returned. That's our hope. That's our joy. That's our crown of rejoicing. We're in the presence of Christ at this moment. We don't have to even wait
Starting point is 01:44:08 for the physical manifestation of his return. He's already returned for us. We're in him. We're in him. Praise God. Glory to God. All right, folks. Well, I wish I had another hour or two. We've got plenty of time
Starting point is 01:44:28 to talk about other instances of Perugia. I encourage you to do some own study on your own, and maybe I can go a deeper dive at some point in the future, continue in this word study of Perugia. But I hope I've whetted your appetite today. Just kind of, you know, put something on your tongue and on your lips and say, hmm, that's good. I want more. I hope that's the case today. Praise God. Well, today, of course, is Communion Friday.
Starting point is 01:44:57 We're always privileged to enter into the Lord's Supper. And it's always a blessing to be able to share with the body of Christ the Lord's table. And so I'm going to take a few moments here to give you the opportunity to gather the elements of the Lord's Supper before you. We're going to bless that here in just a moment. But what I'd like to do right now is you know we've talked about the presence of christ today the perusia of christ and for many the presence of christ is a far-off dream a far-off fantasy something that's going to happen way in the future uh after a great tribulation or after a thousand years that we aren't to wait that long for the real presence of christ my friend his presence is now his presence is now right now
Starting point is 01:45:57 and if we're in his presence are we prepared for His presence, really? Do we allow things that have to be left undone for Christ? When we often think about sin, we often think about things that we do. But what about the things we haven't done, that we should have done? Those are the things, and He doesn't look at our hearts in a condemning way.
Starting point is 01:46:29 If you're a believer and you truly repent of the things that you've done and the things you've left undone, the Lord says, if you confess your sins, that he is faithful and just to forgive your sins and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness. We have no reason to fear the presence of Christ
Starting point is 01:46:47 because we can come boldly before the throne of grace and lay down at his feet and confess our sins, confess those things that we've done and left undone, and he can cleanse us and he can forgive us. And so I'm going to pray a prayer for all of us
Starting point is 01:47:07 right now that the lord would search our hearts and let us repent of those things that are standing between us and him come to me father in jesus name i pray right now lord that you would search the heart of this preacher and everyone that's here today. Lord, there be any wicked way found in us, Lord, that we would repent of those things, that you would cleanse us from those things, and that you would forgive us, Lord. Lord, remind us of your presence constantly. We don't have to wait for some far-flung thing
Starting point is 01:47:43 to happen somewhere down the line that your presence is now we have a foretaste of your coming in our lives right now your presence right now and so lord we ask you in jesus name forgive us of our sins so we may stand boldly in the throne room of grace. In Jesus' name, amen and amen. Praise God. All right, well, if you've got the elements of communion there before you, I ask you to gather them together. We're going to ask the Lord to bless them.
Starting point is 01:48:20 And then we're going to enter into the Lord's Supper. Now, as I mentioned earlier today, who may participate in the Lord's Supper? This is a matter of conscience, but if I was your pastor, and you were in my congregation, I would say these words to you. That anyone
Starting point is 01:48:37 who has made a confession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, that has confessed their sins before the Lord and has been baptized in water according to the scriptures that you are welcome to participate in the Lord's Supper. That there's no condemnation for you.
Starting point is 01:48:57 There's no guilt on you for participating. And so I would invite those of you who meet those qualifications to join with us in the Lord's table today. And so what we're going to do next is we're going to ask the Lord to bless the elements of the Lord's table. And we're going to enter into it right now. Almighty God, in your tender mercy, you gave your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ,
Starting point is 01:49:24 who suffered death upon the cross for our redemption. He offered himself and made once for all time a perfect and sufficient sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. He instituted this remembrance of his passion and death, which he commanded us to continue until he comes again. And so, Father, we ask you to bless and sanctify with your word and Holy Spirit these gifts of bread and wine that we may partake of his most blessed body and blood.
Starting point is 01:49:54 Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed once for all upon the cross. Therefore, let us keep the feast. Hallelujah. On the night that he was betrayed, our Lord Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples,
Starting point is 01:50:10 saying, Take, eat. This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me. the body of our lord jesus christ which was given for you preserve your body and soul to everlasting life this is the bread of heaven take and eat in remembrance that christ died for you after supper jesus took the, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying,
Starting point is 01:50:46 Drink this, all of you, for this is my blood of the new covenant, which is shed for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins. Whenever you drink it, do this in remembrance of me. Praise God. Hallelujah.
Starting point is 01:51:02 The blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, which was shed for you, preserve your body and soul to everlasting life. Drink the cup of salvation in remembrance that Christ's blood was shed for you and be thankful. Behold the Lamb of God. Behold Him who takes away the sins of the world.
Starting point is 01:51:18 And blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb. This sacrament is the gift of God for the people of God. Feed on Him by faith with thanksgiving that christ died for you praise god i hope that was a blessing to you and i hope that it encourages you encourages you and your walk of obedience in his presence. His presence. His presence. Oh my goodness. That's just going to ring all throughout the day, isn't it? His presence. His presence. His presence. Praise God. I know it will for me. I hope it will for you too. Well, it's been a great week here on Morning Manna.
Starting point is 01:52:09 And thank you for your patience with me flying solo this week. And Rick will be back here on Monday. And we'll jump right into Matthew chapter 24, verse 4. He may back up a little bit and do a little bit of a recap. We'll see. But we'll be getting into chapter 24 next week. You don't want to miss next week. That's for sure.
Starting point is 01:52:31 So join us each and every weekday, 8 a.m. live on for Morning Manna. We'd love to have you here with us. Remember, you can always listen to previous editions of Morning Manna on And, of course, we broadcast throughout the day on shortwave, on social media platforms the same day study but if you want previous editions they're only available on god bless you i love you very much rick will be back here on monday and we'll see you then bright and early on monday's morning manna god bless you i'm jake but my friends call me Moose Jaw. I'm a blacksmith, and I like to work with my hands.
Starting point is 01:53:11 I watch True News, and it's apparent to me that we are in World War III, and the U.S. is very unstable. I have faith in God, but he expects us to use our brains and our hands to prepare for troubled times. There are two things we need, food and water. That's why I buy my supplies from
Starting point is 01:53:35 American Reserves offers easy to prepare chicken and beef meals, pastas, soups and vegetables that only need boiling water. You can purchase the world famous Britishamous British Burkefield gravity-fed water filters equipped with Dalton ceramic candles and other emergency supplies at My family's security is critical to me. Something big is coming. Procrastination could be costly. Act today before a crisis suddenly appears. Be ready. Be wise. Go to I had the opportunity this week to sit in for Rick, and it was really, truly a blessing to be able to share the news and information, the stories as it relates to our Christian faith, and to encourage you, viewers and listeners, to stand boldly for your faith in the midst of a troubled, troubled world.
Starting point is 01:54:40 But, you know, we have a lot of people that tune in to True News, and they come in for various reasons. There's a lot of people out there that come in strictly for the news headlines that we provide, and that's fine. We're okay with that. To those of you who are in that camp, I want to give you a very special message. You might be fearful right now, and you might be scared about the headlines that you read on a daily basis. Or perhaps the news about all these different things happening in the world around us actually provides some kind of entertainment to you. I want to speak to you directly. You know, every day we come here and we present not only news and information that we think is valuable, but we also every day present the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. And I would be reticent
Starting point is 01:55:31 if I, as a minister of the gospel, did not provide you an opportunity to know Jesus as a result of our efforts here this week. And so I want to make it very clear to you that to those of you who don't know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, I'm extending the invitation to you to come and join the army of the Lord. The Lord is looking for a few good men and women, those that are able to bend their knee to Him and confess Him as Lord and Savior in their life. And I would be privileged, I would be honored, if I knew that my efforts at sharing news and information and sharing the gospel message and teaching the Word of God to you brought about the salvation of your soul. After all, that's what I was called to do. That was my calling
Starting point is 01:56:27 when the Lord spoke to me when I was 15 years old to preach the gospel message. And so to those of you who don't know Jesus, I invite you to join him. I invite you to confess him as Lord and Savior of your life. I invite you to cry out to Him. Ask for the forgiveness of your sins. Repent. Turn from your wicked ways. You know what wicked ways you need to turn from. No one needs to tell you you're wicked.
Starting point is 01:56:58 You already know it. And you know the things that you need to turn away from. And so I want to invite you right now to, this is an invitation to become a citizen of the kingdom of heaven. I would hate to have made all this effort, and I've spent 10 years working alongside Rick Wiles. He loves the Lord and he wants to see people saved. Having news and information is great, but having the news and information of the kingdom is even better. And it's eternal in scope. And so it would be a shame to put all this effort into providing you news and information and all you had was a whole bunch
Starting point is 01:57:42 of facts and you didn't have Jesus. And so I'm going to pray a quick prayer for those of you that are watching today that don't know Him. Heavenly Father, in Jesus' name, I ask you, Lord, for those that are watching or listening to this program today that don't know you, that you, through the power of your Holy Spirit, would speak to them, that you would woo them, that you would talk to them, that you would provide comfort to them, that you would draw them into the kingdom. Lord, there's no effort on my part or Rick's part or the part of True News that can make this happen
Starting point is 01:58:19 other than through the power of the Holy Spirit working in an individual's life. And I pray in Jesus' name that hearts would be softened right now, that the Holy Spirit would speak, and that you would draw multitudes into the kingdom of God through our efforts of this ministry. In the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, amen and amen. God bless you. God love you. Rick will be back here on Monday. Have a great weekend in Jesus. God bless you.
Starting point is 01:59:02 You're listening to WWCR International Shortwave Radio. You can find True News on frequency 12.160 from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern and on frequency 4.840 from 10 p.m. to 2 p.m. Eastern. Connect with us on Rumble, Facebook, X, and Getter. Here are two massively important products to have in an emergency. Because it's not a matter of if, but when an emergency will happen to you. With years of experience in survival preparedness, let me tell you, these are must-haves. One, high-quality and nutrient-packed, shelf-stable emergency food buckets.
Starting point is 01:59:41 And two, reliable and long-lasting water filtration systems. These essentials will make all the difference in an emergency, supplying your loved ones with all the calories and nutrients they need to survive any scenario. Don't take the risk. Try my favorite America-loving brand, American Reserves, for your emergency food supply needs.

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