TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Biden Dares Dems Not to Oust Him… Chinese PLA in Belarus
Episode Date: July 8, 2024A defiant President Joe Biden today dared his fellow Democrats not to try to remove him as the 2024 Democratic Presidential nominee. Meanwhile, Chinese PLA troops are in Belarus today near the borders... of Poland and Ukraine.Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 07/08/2024Listen to this FULL show exclusively on Faith & Values the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!https://www.AmericanReserves.comGold & Silver Re-Imagined. Buy it. Break it. Trade it. Order your Prepper Bar now!’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!
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American-made, American-owned, American Reserves. A defiant President Joe Biden today dared his fellow Democrats not to even think about removing him as the 2024 Democratic presidential nominee.
Meanwhile, Chinese PLA troops are in Belarus today near the borders of Poland and Ukraine.
I'm Rick Wiles. This is True News.
For Monday, July 8, 2024, we will begin our discussion, our analysis and commentary of today's national and international news by looking at this New York Post headline.
Four senior House Dems, including New York Rep. Jerry Nadler,
joined calls for Biden to drop out of the 2024 race.
Doc, it's starting to fall apart for Joe Biden.
Yes, I think the Biden campaign was looking for some sort of reprieve over the July 4th holiday weekend,
but it just went backwards on them over the holiday.
And so President Joe Biden on Sunday faced his biggest challenge yet from inside the Democratic Party
when four senior House leaders, including Representative Jerry Nadler from New York,
who himself is 77 years old, reportedly told colleagues he should
withdraw from the race. The new Biden skeptics are Nadler, the leading Democrat on the Judiciary
Committee, Adam Smith from Washington, ranking member of the Armed Services Committee,
Mark Takano from California, ranking member of the Veterans Affairs Panel,
and Joseph D. Morrell from New York, the highest ranking Democrat on the administration committee, according to multiple reports. Now, they voiced
their concerns during a private meeting of two dozen ranking House committee members,
including Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, Minority Whip Catherine Clark of Massachusetts,
and Caucus Chair Pete Aguilar from California. Jeffries, Clark and Aguilar listened to their House colleagues without weighing in, according to the Washington Post.
Now, it's significant.
These are leaders of significant committees on the Democratic side.
Rick, I just don't see it lasting much longer here.
It's him or them.
That's where it's at now. It's him or them. That's where it's at now.
It's him or them.
Him being Joe Biden.
One of them's got to go.
Joe or them.
And what I mean by that is, if they don't get Joe Biden off the ticket, a lot of these guys are going down in November.
They know that.
They're going to lose their seats.
And they're frightened now they are
terrified i find it uh amusing that the democrats have spent there's two things they've spent years
plotting a dirty attack on donald trump right put him in prison and the other thing that they did
for years is cover up Joe Biden's sonality,
and it's blowing up in their face.
They're not going to put – Donald Trump was supposed to go to prison this week.
That's right.
He's not going to prison.
He's not going to get another orange jumpsuit, is he?
No, but Joe Biden is going to drop out this week.
Look at how this is turned upside down or right side up, which way you want to look at it.
So their plan, Doc, to me, it's proof of the Bible proverb that trust in the Lord.
The Lord will have your enemies fall in their own trap.
They had a trap for Donald Trump.
They expected to put handcuffs on him this week.
And it's been turned around.
And now Joe Biden, who his team orchestrated this lawfare attack on Donald Trump, Joe Biden
himself is being drummed out of the Democratic Party by his own members.
Rick, I haven't experienced this in my lifetime.
How about you?
The closest thing that I can remember is LBJ, 1968.
I was a teenager, but I do remember it.
You had Minnesota Democrat Senator Eugene McCarthy entered the primary, got a substantial portion of the vote in the New Hampshire primary.
And then Robert F. Kennedy – well, I think Johnson got out.
Johnson withdrew from the race, said he would not seek another term.
Then Bobby Kennedy got in.
And then Bobby Kennedy was assassinated.
And then Vice President Hubert Humphrey got in the race.
So 1968 was a – and it was Chicago.
Yeah, the infamous Chicago convention.
And isn't that where they're meeting this year?
I don't know.
I think it is.
But I do think it is. So that's, in my lifetime, it's the only time I've ever seen a president forced not to run again.
Teddy Kennedy tried it on.
Yes, Chicago.
Teddy Kennedy tried it on Jimmy Carter.
And Jimmy Carter beat him in the primaries.
And Teddy Kennedy had to withdraw.
It's very difficult to remove an incumbent
president it's difficult to remove any incumbent but were there cries to let's pull kenny jimmy
carter out there really wasn't that up for like we're seeing right now not like this and jimmy
carter wasn't mentally physically impaired at that time he waspopular, but he wasn't impaired. Nobody questioned Jimmy Carter's
mental state. They just questioned his policies, okay? So, take a look at the next one.
Ex-Obama strategist David Axelrod twists a knife in Biden.
Now, folks, this is significant here.
Oh, hey, it's Obama who's doing him in.
Obama put him in the White House.
Obama's taking him out.
Obama's running.
Obama ran the White House for four years.
Like your daddy saying, I brought you into this world.
I'll take you out.
And that's exactly what he's doing.
Joe Biden wouldn't be in the White House without Barack Obama.
Obama made him vice president
and then orchestrated
for Biden to get the
nomination when nobody wanted Biden.
Nobody cared. Biden
had run for president how many times?
He was running back when
Reagan was running. And he had to withdraw
because he was lying.
Plagiarizing. And puffing up his resume. He went to school here, there, and he had to withdraw because he was lying. Right, plagiarizing. Plagiarizing.
And puffing up his resume.
He went to school here, there, and everywhere.
He's been lying his whole life.
But never called out on it.
I mean, never really.
Never really got called out on it.
And so now Mr. Axelrod is publicly, that's what's really amazing.
These Democrats are publicly stating that the incumbent
president should withdraw, should retire. We've got a video clip of David Axelrod on CNN.
There are certain immutable facts of life, and those were painfully obvious on that debate stage.
And the president just doesn't seem to come to,
he hasn't come to grips with it. He's not winning this race. He's more likely, if you just look at
the data and talk to people around the country, political people around the country, it's more
likely that he'll lose by a landslide than win narrowly. Look, I don't know if the Democrat strategy, because they all knew that he was incompetent.
I mean, impaired.
Let's say impaired.
They knew that.
This isn't something that just happened two weeks ago at the debate.
They knew it for several years, and they covered it up.
And if you brought it up, you were a right-wing conspiracy theorist and spreading
misinformation using fake videos whatever cheap fakes cheap fakes yes they covered it up so
trying to figure out why why are they uh putting the knife in joe b back now. Did they plan to get him in,
you know, get him past the finish line in November
and continue the game, continue the cover-up
and continue running the White House?
I'm talking about the committee,
whatever committee this is that runs the White House,
directed by Barack Obama.
Did they plan to run the White House and keep Joe as a figurehead as long as they could
and then move Kamala Harris into the big chair?
But why did they set him up for that pre-convention debate, which to my, has never happened. Well, my opinion is that they saw the writing on the wall with the Trump trials, that they were collapsing.
And they had figured by this time, Trump would be so impaired, so handicapped, so weak by this time, that no one in their right mind would vote for him. So Obama or somebody in the White House talked Biden into doing a debate on national television
at 9 p.m., way past his bedtime, before the conventions, not even during the general election
season, but before either Trump or Biden has been nominated.
Did they talk him into this for the purpose of taking him
down? Because that's my opinion. That's where I'm at. Somebody put this crazy idea in his head.
Hey, you need to go on television at 9 p.m. and debate Donald Trump before you're even nominated.
And it turned out to be the worst thing that he could do now either either joe biden was
led to do it or he's so boneheaded stubborn and proud that he came up with this idea himself
and it's his undoing now right but it's brought him down there's nobody you can't say joe keeps
saying he had a bad night no you're having a bad life you're having a bad keeps saying, he had a bad night. No.
You're having a bad life.
You're having a bad life, okay?
It's not a bad night.
Sinality is not something that you get better the next day.
You don't get some sleep and then you're not senile the next day.
So they can't get rid of the story.
And they're stuck with him now.
And I don't know if i've ever i can't recall
maybe there's right now off the top of my head i can't think of a politician who has gracefully
graciously graciously bowed out when it was time to go yeah it's kind of hard to let go of that power, isn't it? It is. I mean, you've been elected to the biggest office in the land.
Well, he said last week he was running the world.
He said, I'm running the world.
Not only am I running for president, he said, I'm running the world.
That was news to a lot of world leaders.
Joe's running the world.
So they can't let go of the power.
It's like Mitch McConnell. You know,
every time he froze,
you know
somebody had to say to him privately,
Senator McConnell, you know it's time to go home to
Kentucky. Right. Sit on
the porch, talk to your grandkids,
look at the horses,
you know, look at the birds
and enjoy life. But he wouldn't do it now he he is
giving up his majority uh minority leader position uh but he's not giving up his senate seat yet
right okay but these guys won't give up they won't let go it's tough to do until the undertaker
comes until the pallbearer comes and carries their bodies out, you know, and buries them.
They just won't give up.
So Joe Biden, if he had wisdom, he would look at the circumstances and go, you know what?
I watched that video myself at the debate.
That's horrible.
I didn't know i'm like that
i gotta get out but i guess if you don't have your right mind how would you think right
yeah it may is i mean if you don't if you're not in your right mind how would you think right
that's a good point and jill his wife doesn't want to give up her perks she likes running the
country like that yeah she's doing campaign stops today.
Not Joe. She is not the president, but she is the intermediary between powerful people and her
husband. Right. Because that's what Mrs. Woodrow Wilson did. She had President Wilson in the
bedroom. He had a stroke. And for over a year, even the cabinet could not meet with the president.
She would go into the bedroom, come out and say, the president said this.
But nobody heard him say it.
She literally was the de facto president for over a year.
Jill is that way right now.
She's telling people what Joe Biden said. she doesn't want to give it up rick
imagine a scenario where this debate didn't occur if it didn't occur what would we be talking about
right now i mean we'd just be general election stuff i mean there'd just be you know dead heat
biden trump biden trump but it was supposed to Biden-Trump. But it was supposed to be Biden. It was supposed to be Trump in prison this week, July 11.
Just weeks ago.
I was looking at it going, this is horrible.
This is absolutely horrible.
They're going to put handcuffs on President Trump.
Days before the Republican convention,
the convention is going to be
in an uproar, in chaos.
And within a matter of two weeks,
this thing has flipped around
because of the Supreme Court decision.
Now all the litigation
against President Trump has collapsed.
And it's the Democrats
that are going to have
a chaotic convention.
I'd love to go to that convention.
Just watch.
It is going to be wild.
Yeah, you'd want the popcorn concession on that one.
You better believe it.
That is going to be one wild convention.
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ready for whatever tomorrow brings order now mr biden's uh letter today to democrats it already
produced a reaction because over the weekend, there were reports that Senate Democrats were being led by Virginia Senator Mark Warner were organizing to dump Joe Biden.
That was over the weekend. This is today. There's the headline Newsweek Senate Democrats move to oust Joe Biden collapses.
So Senator Warner immediately withdrew his plan of attack to get rid of Joe Biden. New York Post says the White House staff has provided Joe Biden with instructions on how to enter and exit a room with large print and photographs ahead of events.
Doc, do you need, do you need, like when you leave this room and when we finish here in a half hour,
do I need to give you photographs of how to get out of this room?
Rick, if you do need to give me photographs, just give me photographs on how to get home at that point because I don't need to be here anymore.
Well, we would drive you home if you reached that point.
But this is the President of the United States.
Look at this.
Walk to the podium.
There are pictures.
Here's the podium.
Joe, walk to the podium.
See podium.
See Joe run. Run, Joe, run. Run to podium. See, podium. See Joe run.
Run, Joe, run.
Run to podium.
Actually, walk.
Walk, Joe.
Walk to podium.
Talk, Joe.
Read teleprompter, Joe.
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