TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Biden Hints He'd Nuke Americans if They Challenge Elite
Episode Date: June 24, 2021Today on TruNews, we discuss President Biden’s not-so-veiled threat to use nuclear weapons against Americans who dare challenge the ruling elite. We also detail Russia’s latest stand-off with NATO... in the Black Sea, as Putin pledges to bomb any British warship that violates their sovereign territorial waters. Lastly, we share a heart warming story from Oklahoma, where a 20 year old African American man gets a car, a bike, and a mentor, after a Christian Good Samaritan saw him walking 17 miles to work in the blazing sun. Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Doc Burkhart. Airdate (6/24/21) Episode 3.
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The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you.
To find out how you can help, visit www, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll.
President Biden has told America that he may use nuclear weapons
to defeat a Patriot uprising. Russia has promised to bomb British warships in the Black Sea.
And Taiwan's foreign minister says it's time to prepare for all-out war with China.
All this and more on today's Godcast. But first, here is Kerry Kinsey with today's top headlines. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey.
Is the U.S. military becoming more woke? The U.K. Daily Mail says the USA's top military officer
is hitting back against growing criticism over teaching critical race theory in the military.
Army General Mark Milley is the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
But I do think it's important, actually, for those of us in uniform
to be open-minded and be widely read.
And the United States Military Academy is a university.
And it is important that we train and we understand. And I want to understand
white rage. And I'm white. And I want to understand it. So what is it that caused thousands of people
to assault this building and try to overturn the Constitution of the United States of America?
What caused that? I want to find that out. I want to maintain an open mind here. And I do want to
analyze it. It's important that we understand that because our soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, and guardians,
they come from the American people.
So it is important that the leaders now and in the future do understand it.
I've read Mao Zedong.
I've read Karl Marx.
I've read Lenin.
That doesn't make me a communist.
So what is wrong with understanding, having some situational understanding about the
country for which we are here to defend? And I personally find it offensive that we are accusing
the United States military, our general officers, our commissioned, non-commissioned officers of
being, quote, woke or something else, because we're studying some theories that are out there.
Now, he was responding after Congressman Michael Waltz produced a letter from
the U.S. Military Academy at West Point acknowledging teaching about critical race theory.
The New York Post says Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds is banning the teaching of critical race theory
in schools. The ban starts July 1st, but Fox News says documents that were leaked show that a large area education agency meant to support special needs students was workshopping how it might implement CRT, even as lawmakers were finalizing the prohibition. Bend Area Education Agency's April and May presentations heavily cited critical race
theory authors Robin DiAngelo and Ibram X. Kendi. This slide listed a lot of topics as
covert white supremacy and socially acceptable, including police murdering people of color,
celebrating Columbus Day, or the phrase, make America great again. The idea that
Americans can pull themselves up by the bootstraps and improve their lives was also listed, as was
the concept of colorblindness and the denial of white privilege. For information on this story
and more, visit our companion website. It's called
A socialist candidate in Buffalo, New York, defeated the city's four-term mayor.
It was a major upset in Tuesday's Democratic primary.
India Walton beat out Mayor Byron Brown.
Now, if Walton wins the general election in November,
she'll become the first socialist mayor of a large American city since 1960.
That's when Frank Zeidler left office in Milwaukee.
She might have a chance. Buffalo has a lot of Democrats.
The city hasn't had a Republican mayor since 1965.
Taiwan's foreign minister says we need to prepare for military conflict with China.
Here's Joseph Wu.
I think the Chinese are trying to unify Taiwan through peaceful means if possible, but they
want to use force if necessary.
So we need to prepare ourselves for a possible conflict.
What is the likelihood in your view of an all-out military confrontation between Beijing
and Taipei?
We hope it doesn't happen.
A war between Taiwan and China is in nobody's interest.
The important thing is that Taiwan is a democracy.
And Taiwan is a high symbol of democracy.
At the time when China is trying to expand its authoritarian influence, Taiwan is a high symbol of democracy at the time when China is trying to expand its
authoritarian influence Taiwan is on the front line the says the National Guard
simulated a cyber attack that brought down utilities across the country this year's cyber
Yankee exercise featured a make-believe scenario of cyber attacks crippling huge
sections of the nation's infrastructure. It simulated a cyber attack that targeted
utilities on the West Coast before spreading east towards New England. And for the first time,
they used the new Cyber Nine Line system. It was developed by the U.S. Cyber Command, otherwise known as U.S. Cybercom.
The system offers National Guard cyber units a template of questions that allow them to
quickly communicate the specifics of a suspected cyber attack up the chain of command. That's a
look at True News headlines. Now let's get back to the Godcast. Here's Rick
and Edward and Doc is back. Thank you, Kerry. Well, Rick, Doc is back. Yes, sir. Either that
was the shortest COVID infection or you just had the regular flu. Well, and I'm just believing just the regular flu
and went home for a couple of days
and feel much better today.
But I still had to get stupid COVID test
because you don't know.
That's the way the nature of things is now.
It's where we're at now.
If you have any symptoms,
you gotta get a COVID test
to make everybody else feel safe.
But I would say that I appreciate all the prayers and
all the medical suggestions received from people. A lot of stuff I was doing already. I'm already
taking vitamin D and C and zinc and selenium. And so I've been doing that for a while, even in the
midst of everything that's been going on. So I'm hoping that maybe I got a head start on things.
And there were a lot of people praying for you.
Yes, that's the most important thing.
I was pretty far along until people knew that I had COVID, until I knew I had COVID.
I was almost two weeks into it, at least a week and a half until I realized I had COVID.
I just didn't know why I was feeling so unenergetic.
I didn't have any other symptoms, you know.
So I was pretty far into it.
And then it got bad fast.
It went downhill pretty fast.
I got pneumonia and all that.
So either way, Doc, you're here.
Praise God.
The Lord took care of it.
That sickness is a trespasser.
In our bodies. I agree. Your body, if you are Christian,
your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. And there's no reason the Holy Spirit should share
living quarters with sickness and disease. So your body is the temple of the Lord. It is it is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
And when you when sickness comes knocking at your door, you have to say no room here.
There's no room in this temple. The Holy Spirit is here. I'm not receiving this package.
When the devil standing at your door saying, hey, deliver. Where's this from? Hell.
Okay. Well, what is it? What is it? It's sickness. It's divorce. It's financial calamity. It's
depression. No, I'm not accepting it. And you know, the great part is God's already
engineered our bodies in such a way to combat these things, you know, to begin with, if we
rest in him. Isn't it interesting that the
Bible has to continue command us to rest. And sometimes that's part of that healing process
is not only physically resting, but also resting in the Lord as well. And we got all worked up and
worried about sickness and disease and everything that brings on even more sickness. And, you know,
the last six months, five months,
I wasn't resting, I was pushing myself pretty hard
because we were driving back and forth every day,
waiting on our house to be ready.
It should have been three weeks, turned into five months.
I was eating poorly because of the schedule changes.
It's not good.
I read a report last last week that i believe
this was an israeli study that people who were severely deficient in vitamin d right had the
worst of time recovering from covet wow i guess we're pretty lucky to be in florida yes so get
plenty of sunshine yes sunshine old-. Good old fashioned vitamin D.
And there are also vitamin D supplements too that you can take.
I've been taking that for quite a while now.
And so once again, thanks for prayers for everybody.
And so if you survive that, watch out for Joe Biden, right?
That's right.
Because our president, I don't know if he intended it to come out of his mouth the way it came
out, but the way I heard it was the president of the United States basically said to patriots
in America, if you rise up against the ruling elite, we have nuclear weapons and F-16s.
That's how I heard it.
I'm listening to, this was again a speech at the White House yesterday.
Joe Biden's talking about new gun control.
He's talking about criminalizing large capacity magazines, sports rivals.
And then out of nowhere, he starts saying, well, I know a lot of you citizens, you patriots,
you people have a problem with government, are getting lots of guns.
And you think you're getting these because you might want to challenge the government.
Let me tell you what.
I've got nuclear weapons.
To me, that was his response.
That's what, in his mind, that's plan A if there's an uprising.
His answer to the Second Amendment is we have nukes.
To kill Americans.
Whose government is this?
We have bigger arms than you do.
Look, years ago, I told people, if there is ever a serious challenge to the ruling elite in this country,
they will use every weapon they have on the American people.
And I was talking like this 15, 18 years ago,
and people would say, no, no.
I'm telling you, they will flatten Texas.
They will flatten the South.
They'll use whatever weapon is necessary
to put down a challenge to the ruling class of this country.
Joe Biden just confirmed what I said years ago.
We've always seen little nuggets, little breadcrumbs, which indicate this is the way
they were thinking. But no one has outright said it. I mean, remember when Barack Obama
closed down the aerospace of Texas. He said, wow, that was an incredible act.
He didn't want any flights coming up because Texas was challenging abortion law and challenging other issues
in the country. But Joe Biden, he uttered it.
This is not fiction. This is not an exaggeration.
These are the words Joe Biden used in the White House yesterday.
The Second Amendment, from the day it was passed, limited the type of people who could own a gun
and what type of weapon you could own. You couldn't buy a cannon. Those who say the blood
of patriots, you know, and all the stuff about how we're going to have to move against the government.
Well, the tree of liberty is not water in the blood of patriots.
What's happened is that there never been, if you wanted to think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons.
The tree of liberty is not watered with the blood of patriots.
He worked on a Thomas Jefferson quote there.
It is watered with the blood of patriots.
That's where his mind was at.
There's no question that he was referring
to a future revolution in this country.
One that doesn't seem to be that far off
if the president keeps talking like this.
Because patriots have said
the Second Amendment was not put in the Constitution to provide for hunting.
Right, for deer hunting.
Sports shooting.
It was there for the citizens to have a militia to oppose tyranny, foreign and domestic. In my mind, what he just said there, Rick, just gave me absolute reason to say, well,
maybe citizens need to have F-15s and nuclear weapons, too, to defend themselves against
the government.
This is scary.
This is where these people, these people are not for the people.
They are for the ruling elite, a ruling class.
And the ruling class knows that the average citizen in this country is fed
up. They're just fed up with it. And we're actually in a very, I think, more dangerous
stage right now, because since the November election, where millions of Americans realized we just had a rigged election. They just
overthrew the sitting president. They just rigged a national election. And then the crackdown on
free speech. I think a lot of patriots are just being very quiet right now. And that may be the most dangerous time because they've come to the place of realizing nothing works to solve the problem.
And then you have Biden saying, we use nukes and F-16s against you.
Nukes on American citizens.
Literally saying he would nuke Texas
if Texas left the Union.
Hiroshima, Houston.
I mean, I can't even fathom this.
But again, it's a president,
as you noted here,
is trying to respond to that silent
patriot movement still alive in the country.
Rick, and the patriots are paying attention.
Would General Milley carry out an order to nuke, Texas
I think he would I think he would too
With Secretary of Defense Austin what he would he sign off on an order to nuke, Texas?
I think they would be in his head says well, I'm finding domestic terrorism a fighting white rage
With nuclear weapons. It's it's something that you wouldn't think we'd ever have to say.
And as you pointedly noted, the American Revolution couldn't happen again. They've made it,
legally speaking, the framework, it could never happen again, based on what Joe Biden, what his
other friends in the House are doing with this domestic terrorism bill. Well, they're listening
to our conversations. They're reading our emails. They're reading our texts.
They're using AI to figure out who is a potential rebel against, not against the United States
of America, against the ruling class.
That's the problem.
It's the ruling class.
And you think about it.
The ruling class has been under siege for a couple of years now.
I mean, I'll just point back to the Epstein scandal.
Oh, I would go.
You go way further back than that.
Go back to Waco, Ruby Ridge.
I mean, people have been growing increasingly concerned and nervous about the power of Washington
under the control of a ruling elite of this country.
Right. And now, what we've seen with, like, Epstein, the scandal,
no investigation, Wiener, nothing happens.
You know, I mean, he got a slap on the wrist,
wears his laptop with the thousands of names.
Nothing happens.
Las Vegas shooting.
I mean, I can name a hundred events where there's been no action.
The FBI colluded with others to bring down President
Trump. I mean, FBI officials should be in prison. We've reached a state where the country is just
absolutely corrupt to the bone. And now we have the president of the United States saying,
I'd use nukes. You want to challenge our power? We'll take you out with a nuke.
We'll strafe you with it. F-16s.
Is that where we're at five years from now? How is Joe Biden indifferent than China
now? That's a good point. That is a great point,
Edward. Look, Putin wouldn't bomb his own people.
We say Putin's a monster. Assad's a
monster. You're right. They don't kill their own people. Xi Jinping would, but Putin wouldn't bomb
his own people. Flip the script like you do, Rick. You know, if Putin had said,
you'll need MiGs and nuclear weapons to take on the Russian government,
what would we be saying about Vladimir Putin? He's a tyrant. He's-
That he just threatened to annihilate the Russian people.
All right.
But Joe Biden?
And he was talking about gun control.
That's right.
When this subject came up, he was talking about gun control, and he wants to remove,
he wants to confiscate guns from the American people. If he had his way,
you would only have a shotgun.
Oh, you would, yeah. He would have, That's right. Remember the video, the shotgun video?
Buy a shotgun. And so, but he would take that away too. Of course, because only he would have
a shotgun. Well, another example here, guys, of how this country is descending rapidly into a political abyss is that Rudy Giuliani was disbarred today from practicing
law for making false statements about the 2020 election. So here we go again. If you challenge
the rigged elections, they're coming after you. What lawyer now would dare file a lawsuit against a rigged election?
Oh, none would dare.
You're talking about the former mayor who had the best record in the history of New
York City of fighting crime. You're talking about a former federal prosecutor.
Took down the mafia.
Took down the mafia at that time. And he has been disbarred because he made statements that said the election
was rigged. Yes. And specifically, we take the names out of this. We're talking about the man
which was hired to represent the president of the United States. I don't care if you're a Republican
or Democrat, you should be troubled by this. And the statements, Rick, that they brought up in court,
that they've moved for this disbarment.
Rudy Giuliani,
there's many things we've covered on the subject of Rudy Giuliani in the election,
but he was actually the most tempered.
He was the most tempered of the lawyers.
In addition to this,
he brought up irregularities.
He was very careful with his wording.
One state was Arizona.
That state's going through an audit right now.
So tell me.
Which the Biden administration is threatening to shut down with federal goons.
Yes, yes. And forcing a state senator to say, I'll arrest your attorney general if he attempts to do this.
But that wasn't misleading.
Biden will nuke Arizona.
You don't have nukes.
You show the whole world that Biden cheated.
He's a fake president.
Will he nuke your state?
He just threatened to do it, didn't he?
I don't know.
I don't know how far these people will go.
These people are maniacs.
We know they'll arm cartel members and gang members in Chicago, fast and furious under Barack Obama.
Why wouldn't Joe Biden take it to the complete next level with weapons of mass destruction?
He'd have to ask his boss, Barack Obama, what he should do.
So Rudy Giuliani is no longer a lawyer.
And they made this decision without a hearing.
They didn't have a hearing.
They just went ahead and suspended him.
They just went ahead and suspended his law license in the state of New York pending upcoming disciplinary hearing.
So they took his law license way before they punished him before the hearing.
Right. And what was he being punished for? He was being punished for defending Donald Trump.
That's what he's being punished for. It's not a republic anymore.
It is not a republic anymore. Not a state of corruption. The Russians are growing increasingly nervous and frustrated dealing with America's ruling elite. years, the upper class of America have ringed around Russia, NATO missile launchers, NATO
military bases, tanks, troops.
Nuclear weapons.
Nuclear weapons.
This has been going on.
I can remember Putin warning President George W. Bush, don't do this.
That's how far back I can remember Vladimir Putin telling American presidents,
at some point you're going to make us respond.
Well, we're getting very close.
So yesterday or the day before, we had the situation where, was it yesterday?
Where a British warship entered the Black Sea,
tried to move towards Crimea, and a Russian warplane dropped bombs in the water in front of the ship. Yeah, so we're starting to get a couple of details now from this incident.
Rick, it really almost resulted in an all-out war. There was
a Daily Mail reporter who was on board the HMS Defender yesterday. He said there were
20 different Russian airplanes which were dropping bombs, circling, buzzing, the destroyer.
More than one dropping bombs?
More than 20. I'd say about four. They each dropped one. Four dropped bombs. Sixteen were buzzing. Sixteen were flying above the air. He said he could hear thunders, basically, of the engines and the jets. The Russians had two Coast Guard ships. That is. Not 10 minutes from now, not 20 minutes.
We will sink you.
The British, they put on full battle wear.
They had the fire retardant baklavas, body armored vests.
They were preparing for war.
The reporter said, they just gave me a body armor.
They started putting things on me.
He said, hey, we're in a situation right now.
He said he witnessed the British loading
Sea Viper missiles. Now, what these are, are missiles he used to shoot
down aircraft. The British, they were this close to
shooting down one of those Russian aircraft. And Rick, you know what happened that they'd done that. Oh, absolutely.
World War III started. We're already in World War III. It's already started with
China. Go back to the Times.
This is the London Times.
Boris Johnson, Prime Minister Boris Johnson
hits out at Russia,
threatens to bomb
warships off
then the next one, which is BBC,
excuse me,
yeah, the next one is BBC is a BBC. Excuse me. Yeah, that is. The next one's BBC.
The British Navy defending our values.
What are your values in the Black Sea?
What are those values?
Why don't you get a haircut?
Somebody comb your hair before you start a war.
All right.
What are your values, Mr. Johnson, that you are defending in somebody else's water?
Have you talked this over, Mr. Johnson, with Her Majesty the Queen?
Does she want a war with Russia?
Is she that desperate that she has to have a war?
Who's calling the shots in Great Britain? Does the
Queen know that her empire could end in about 30 seconds?
If she's living in reality, she should know. The fact that this has gone as far as it is,
the British deploying an aircraft here for the first time since World War II. You've got British warships without support going into Russian territorial waters.
The British, I don't know if they want to have a reincarnation in the 1900s.
It's not ever going to happen. It's gone. The empire is gone.
But yesterday they came the closest they've ever come.
And one of the British officials, I don't know if it was Boris Johnson, one of them today said, our actions were legal.
Moving our warships into the Black Sea, totally legal.
Well, everything Hitler did was legal, too.
He declared it.
But do you know why they said it was legal?
Because Britain and NATO does not recognize that Crimea belongs to Russia.
Therefore, it's legal.
It doesn't matter if you recognize it or not.
There are Russian soldiers and Russian citizens in that territory.
There's Russian warships, Russian defense.
I believe they even still have the nuclear missiles.
The ICBMs moved to that province.
It's basically not living in reality.
And how would the British respond if the Russians sent their warships
and engaged in war drills in the English Channel?
They wouldn't.
They wouldn't put up with it.
And they shouldn't.
If Russian warships moved through the English Channel,
the English had every right to stop them.
The values that Boris Johnson said they were standing up for were democracy, human rights,
equalities, rule of law, and freedom of navigation.
But as far as democracy is concerned, the people of Crimea had a democratic election
and voted to leave Ukraine and join Russia.
Like 90%.
As far as human rights are concerned, that was their basic human right to decide their
own destiny.
For equality, why aren't the people of Crimea being treated as equal with the Ukrainian people?
In rule of law, they've established a rule of law.
In freedom of navigation, it's part of Crimean waters.
It's not part of NATO.
Doc, you know, it's ironic you brought up here the democracy value. The British will say this is why they have to engage in freedom navigation missions in the Black Sea, yet they're doing everything in their power to make sure that Scotland
is not able to vote their way out of the United Kingdom.
I guess it's good for England, but not good for Russia.
Is that what I'm reading here?
So Russia should move their warships to Scotland.
Yeah, protect democracy.
And declare that Scotland is independent.
Because they think it is.
Because they're defending their values.
I mean, the West does not want any other nation to use their own tactics and words on them.
Oh, they hate thinking people.
They do.
But I keep going back.
Why does the United States hate Russia?
What is this hatred of Russia?
We're so much alike.
America is, we were started as a European nation,
a Christian European nation. Russia, a Christian European nation.
Russia is a Christian European nation.
We should be allies and friends.
Why does the ruling class of America hate the Russians?
Rick, the Russians were the only country to come to America's aid during the Civil War.
People don't know this.
While the British were building
ironclads to help the Confederates and the French were happy to trade with the Confederates
in cotton goods and potentially slaves, the Russians sent two fleets, one to San Francisco,
one to New York, to protect the harbors against these other superpowers. We're allied now
with the British. They were working against us in our own civil war. I have I have a theory
Which I've expressed in the past. I believe America's ruling class is
Controlled by Zionists mostly composed of comprised of Zionists and
Vladimir Putin's number one political threat in Russia has always been the oligarchs.
The oligarchs are Jewish.
That's true.
Look it up.
The Bolshevik Revolution was Jewish.
He's always had to deal with the Jewish oligarchs who would try to overthrow him. It's the Jewish American oligarchs
that are trying to destroy Russia. Why? Because the Russian people broke free of the Jewish
domination from the Bolshevik revolution. That's my personal view. There's no, I can't come up with
another explanation of why America's ruling class despises the Russian people.
I think you hit it head on, Rick, because we came up with this by looking at the progression Russia's taken from the Soviet era to present day.
They're fighting against abortion.
They're bringing Christianity back into the schools.
They're kicking out heresies.
They're protecting life, promoting organic farming.
Hey, they're banning Twitter.
Nigeria banned them, too.
They won't promote gay marriage, but we will.
Twitter deleted the tweets of the president of Nigeria, and so he deleted Twitter.
And the U.S. government is condemning Nigeria for suppressing Twitter.
Well, wait a minute.
Twitter banned the president of the United States.
Oh, this hypocrisy is just incredible.
You know, they're just so stinking hypocritical.
They're jokes.
As the Soviet Union was coming apart there in its last phase,
NATO made a commitment to the Soviet leaders at the time,
we will not expand NATO into the former Soviet states.
That's a very good point.
We will not do that.
We promise.
Honest engine.
We're not going to do it.
Remember that, Doc.
Or is that racist?
The reason, this is a good thing you brought up, Ukraine is going to get membership to NATO.
That was just decided last week.
Well, we've got troops in Romania.
We've got troops in Bulgaria.
Also former Soviets.
Poland as well.
We had made the promise.
As far as promises go, we would not expand.
What have we done?
We've expanded four separate times.
We tried to overthrow Belarus
a couple months ago. Remember the coup? Yes, the coup. Well, Edward, this latest incident
involving the British ship, how serious is it? It's serious enough that the Russian response
is they will bomb the remaining fleet. You see this today, Don? Yes. If the British don't remove their ships now.
Folks, this is real.
This came out today in Russia.
Russia threatened Great Britain and NATO.
There was a Dutch and a British ship,
sorry, an American ship with that destroyer too.
So we could get brought into this very quickly.
The Russians today told NATO,
you do this again and we sink your ships.
And they said this includes an incursion into the Crimean waters.
So how far are we willing to go?
How much are we willing to bet that Russia will not respond? I'm not willing to bet a ship or a ship full of American sailors. But it seems like those that
are in power are willing to bet that. We need to stop gambling with human life.
The lives of soldiers, these soldiers aren't involved in these geopolitical games, but they are now on that ship
and they are being directed to challenge the Russians. Now this threat
came from Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Rybakov.
Now I say came from him.
He didn't come up with this.
This was clearly approved by Sergei Lavrov, if not Vladimir Putin himself.
He issued the statement.
He issued the statement.
This is what he said.
The inviolability of the Russian borders is an absolute imperative,
and it will be protected by all means, diplomatic, political, and military if needed.
What can we do?
We can appeal to common sense, demand respect for international law.
If this does not help, we can bomb not only in the direction, but also on target if our colleagues do not understand.
Now that's the threat.
They've said they'll bomb the targets.
Experts have weighed in.
This means Russia will engage if they are forced to.
The statement actually went on record.
Something very interesting in there.
Sergei Rybakov said,
I warn everyone violating the state borders of the Russian Federation under the slogan of free navigation from such provocative steps.
Because the security of our country comes first.
Now, this was the interesting part. We could not ignore biological risks over the non-transparent
U.S. biological activity, especially close to Russia's borders. That is, in many cases,
threatening our interests. The Russians, they always have a little extra thing they throw into their statements.
Throws you for a loop.
I only read the first half of the statement.
I didn't see this part about the biological risk.
And he wouldn't address that unless there was some risk that was potentially out there
or some intel that they had received. They clearly are worried that the U.S. is going to hit Russia with a biological warfare
Super COVID.
I've got two theories on this.
I want to hear your take on it.
They could be talking about the Lugar Biological Lab.
It's a center in Georgia.
It's named for Senator Lugar.
Lugar, yes.
There have been reports this is still active.
Actually, even going back to the Salisbury 2018 attack, they claim the Novichok that was used there was produced there.
The other theory, and we keep talking about Ukraine.
Ukraine is a center of U.S. politics, right?
And President Trump said we need to look to Ukraine. Ukraine is a center of U.S. politics, right? And President Trump said we need to look to Ukraine. Is it possible the United States has been using Ukraine to develop biological weapons?
Of course. They have these laboratories all over Eastern Europe.
And is that why we're fighting so hard to keep a presence there, fight against Russian,
I guess, claim across the Donbass.
We don't know what the interest is. We thought it was the soil, right?
And the DNC servers are there also.
It's almost like Ukraine is kind of that shed you keep out on the back property that's locked all the time.
We keep all the stuff you don't want anyone to mess with in there.
Everything's outsourced to Ukraine what this these two state I mean this is all
one statement from Sergey Rabakov but first he's saying let it be known we
will bomb the targets but then the issues a a warning to the United States, don't play games with biological items.
We're on to you.
We're aware.
And so they're expecting a biological attack.
Maybe they're expecting the ship has to get physically within a distance in order to launch a biological weapon.
That's a thought, yes.
Well, that's why we don't know what's on that UK destroyer.
We assume it's just sailors and British flags.
What if the destroyer is carrying biological materials?
The West is under the control of devil-worshipping Luciferian maniacs.
I don't know what else to say. I mean, they're just, and they're willing
to nuke their own people if people rise up against them. Right. That's where we're at today.
That's reality. That's the political landscape of the United States of America today.
Any other leader in the world that would say, we'll nuke our own citizens,
we'd call them absolutely crazy, dictatorial, a despot, right?
Can we say that about Joe Biden?
So what if Duterte said to the Philippine people, I'll nuke you?
I mean, that wouldn't be that far off with him to say it.
I was about to say, he hasn't said that, but he did say,
you better get vaccinated or go to India or I'll shoot you in the butt with a vaccine.
With a needle.
Yeah, with a needle.
The Daily Express, how a Russian member of parliament told Putin to drop a nuclear bomb on an island off Scotland.
Now, Rick, this story, like many conflicts in the world.
Oh, this is Vladimir Zaranovsky.
Oh, you recognize him?
Of course.
Oh, okay.
Is he known for wild statements?
He is, especially when he's drunk.
Well, he might have been drunk when he said this.
All right, I'll tell you a story on him.
Go back to, was it 2011 was the Fukushima earthquake and tsunami?
Yes, I believe so.
So Japan got hit by earthquake and tsunami,
wiped out the Fukushima nuclear power plant.
There were reports just before the, I'm talking about weeks or a month before the earthquake and tsunami.
There were reports that Japan had made a decision to begin producing hydrogen fuel.
And you only do that if you want to make hydrogen bombs.
So that was in the news.
And the Russians were very, the Russians made a statement about it.
So then comes Fukushima, weeks later.
Well, Mr. Zerunovsky was on a Russian news program.
It was kind of like their CNN.
I know where you're going with this story.
I remember this.
Oh, he was tanked.
He had been in the bottle all day.
Maybe he does his best thinking when he's drunk.
I don't know.
He does his best talking when he's drunk.
That's for sure.
His necktie was crooked.
Oh, boy.
His shirt's unbuttoned.
You know, his hair's disheveled.
He was Pelosi'd.
Oh yeah, yeah. But he's on live Russian television, and the woman asked him a question about Fukushima in Japan,
and he said something like, I'm trying to remember the exact words, but he insinuated that Russia used
a secret weapon against Japan.
And he said, if they want another dose, we'll be glad to deliver it.
Yeah, that Russia had caused the earthquake and the tsunami against Japan.
He implied that they used a earthquake-generating weapon against Japan.
To destroy Fukushima because they were developing it.
They were producing hydrogen.
Because, yes, they were getting ready to produce hydrogen.
And clearly Japan wasn't doing that for themselves.
They were likely to be doing that for the United States.
Because Russia and Japan in conflict over the Kuril Islands.
They would have still been at war, actually, right?
Yes, they are at war.
And they still are today.
So from World War II.
But that was Mr. Zaranowski.
He has made statements about HAARP in Alaska.
Oh, that reminds me.
There's a story that popped up today about ultraviolet radiation over Moscow today.
Yes, I'm seeing, as I scan news articles around the world, and a lot of it we have to use Google Translate to get it into English.
I'm seeing a pattern of where there are warnings that right now there is a spike in ultraviolet radiation.
Specifically over Moscow?
Over Moscow.
Other areas too, but specifically over Moscow.
And the first thing that came to my mind was, of course,
You know, their, quote, secret, you know, modification.
There you go.
Experts call for refraining from sunbathing until vaccination course is over.
But in the story, there's too much ultraviolet radiation and sunlight over Moscow.
Now, Moscow is not known as Sun City.
I think I sent the statement from the Russian science expert that was issued to Moscow today.
I think I sent it to you individually.
Yes, I have it right here.
This is from R.A. Navostia.
It states, this is from the Hydro-Metallurgical Center,
the director, Roman Vilfrand.
What he said is,
it is extremely rare for ultraviolet
radiation in temperature latitudes to reach such a value, six or seven, a dangerous value. By the
end of the week, we predict that Moscow, ultraviolet radiation will be in this range. Now, Rick,
what can cause this? I guess Moscow. And yeah, why wouldn't it be other major cities in Russia? I
mean, the major, the cities
themselves aren't that far apart. We're poking a hole
in the atmosphere. That's how.
Or is there a
space weapon
beaming rays
to Moscow? Well, the Space Force
said they wanted to get engaged into
indirect weaponry,
scalar weaponry,
directed energy weaponry in space.
They're no longer just guardians.
They're attackers.
And what's significant about this ultraviolet radiation,
I know we went down this path, but now that we're on it,
what it does, Rick, is it reduces your cell immunity.
All right.
Which makes you vulnerable to viruses.
By weapons.
Maybe COVID, maybe a variant, maybe something else.
So is the U.S. getting, are they weakening the immunity of the people in Moscow
because they're about to deliver a biological weapon to Moscow?
Oh, well, remember that story we covered?
Sam Houston, the Army base there, they were collecting Russian Caucasian DNA samples. The Russians
actually Vladimir Putin himself questioned, are you trying to create an ethnic
bioweapon to kill Russians? So suddenly, Zerunovsky and the way he
talks and everything doesn't sound quite so crazy after all, does it? No, reality is catching up
with Zerunovsky. That's really crazy.
If you're going, I don't know what these people are talking about.
This sounds so crazy.
This is so bizarre.
Hey, it's because this is where we're going.
A rendezvous with the final day.
The very, not with the book, but the actual last day of the human race.
Mankind has a date with destiny. Mankind is going to meet this guy. It's on the
front of this book, the Lord Jesus Christ. He's going to appear suddenly, not going to tiptoe.
He's not going to knock, announce his arrival. He's going to burst into our reality.
Everything will stop. Everything. All the lights are going to go out
worldwide, throughout the entire cosmos. Everything goes
dark and all eyes will see Jesus because He'll
be shining in the sky. The Lord Jesus Christ is
coming back. I wrote this book to explain the ten
characteristics of the second coming of Jesus
Christ. It all happens one day. His second coming isn't spread out over seven years and judgment
isn't spread out over a thousand years. It all happens at once. And when the final day comes,
time ends. So you can't measure all these things. Well, how long will it take to separate the
nations? How long will it take to judge the people? It doesn't matter.
There's no time. It can happen in
what we think of as a millisecond. Jesus is
capable. God Almighty, He's capable
of doing all of this stuff instantly. The final day is
coming. I encourage you to get a copy of the book. It's $29.95 plus shipping. And if you want me to
personally autograph it, I will use my blue ink pen and I will sign it myself. And we're asking for a donation of $100 for the autographed copies.
Money goes to Finance True News.
And about $600,000 has come in from this book.
And I haven't been paid a dime.
That's the truth.
I haven't been paid a dime.
I gave all the money from this book to this ministry
because I believe in the work of
this ministry. And we're grateful for the people who have bought a copy. Some of you have bought
10, 20 copies. And I encourage you to get that book. You can order. If you're going to send a
check, add a little bit extra money for the shipping. It's about $10 to get the book out to you. This is a hardback.
It's over 400 pages.
If you order online, it'll calculate shipping and all that for you.
You can go to and click on the banner.
It'll take you to the store where you can buy the book.
And also, you can call the phone number, 800-576-2116. And there will be an operator there
who will gladly take an order and get this book to you.
We're getting really, really low on supply,
and I still have not reprinted.
I was planning to get that done,
and I had a disruption to my schedule. I ended up in
the hospital. Okay. I got to get the book, reprint it. We're down to a small supply and then we've
got to wait to get the new books in. But we still have some. But we have some. So $29.95 or $100
for an autographed copy. It's about the second coming of Jesus Christ. That's what's going on right now.
That explains all this bizarre news that's taking place
because there is no other explanation
to explain to us why is everything so weird,
so bizarre, so extreme.
The Lord gave us a manual.
Rick, you were talking about time,
standing still, not being
even something we can functionally imagine on that final day, how quick Jesus Christ, our Lord,
can operate. I was thinking that on the final day, we're not going to want that moment to end
in the sense of it's the glorious return of Jesus Christ. We're coming out of the grave,
looking up. Oh my goodness, it's here. We're looking at the return of Jesus Christ. We're coming out of the grave. Oh my goodness, it's here. We're looking at the
return of Jesus Christ. Those who are being judged in that moment and taken to the lake of fire,
they're going to not want that moment to end either. They're going to realize in that moment
they were wrong. They'd made a mistake. But that moment will be the most epic moment of our lives. Eternity starts when he arrives.
And we who are alive, those who are dead in Christ, who have died, they died saved.
They're not, their souls aren't dead.
Their bodies are dead in the grave.
They will come out of their graves.
In fact, everybody comes out of the grave.
All sinners, everybody who's ever lived, going all the way back to Adam and Eve, everybody.
Genghis Khan, Adolf Hitler, everybody comes out of the grave.
Famous and unfamous, they all come out of the grave, saved and unsaved.
Every eye will see him.
The first thing that happens
is that the angels
bundle and carry off to be burned
the wicked.
There is a book,
Tim LaHaye's book,
that Jerry Jenkins left behind.
You don't want to be left behind.
Actually, you do.
The first group that gets taken are the unsaved.
And Jesus is parallel.
I mean, a parable.
He said, you know, there's some get taken first.
And these scriptures are in this book.
It's full of scriptures. The whole pre-rapture, secret rapture doctrine that has taken over the churches in America,
this book obliterates it.
Jesus said the unsaved are taken first.
Then the saved who were dead in the grave are lifted up into the sky to meet Jesus.
Then we who remain will join them in a split second.
When do we get our new glorified bodies?
When we see Jesus.
When we see his glorified body.
Right. Beckoning us to come up to him, the moment we see him, our bodies become glorified.
It's the sight of Jesus.
The glory is so great.
The glory is so great.
Let me tell you, this is true. I woke up, you know, I woke up every morning when I wake up.
The first thing, you know, I always talk to my Heavenly Father,
telling him how much I love him.
First thing.
And this morning, what I said to him, this is true.
I said, Father, when you call me home,
or when the Lord comes back, whichever happens first.
This is, I said, Father, this is true from my heart.
I don't want to tour the city.
I don't want an angel to take me around, show me everything.
I want to know where you're at.
I'm running for you. I'm going to find you, Father. I'm going to find know where you're at. I'm running for you.
I'm going to find you, Father.
I'm going to find out where you're at.
I'm coming.
That's the first thing I want.
I want to find you, Father, and I want to give you a hug.
And I don't know.
You're a spirit.
Can I hug you?
I don't know.
I'm going to find out.
Because you're going to have a boy running towards you that just can't wait to get his arms around his Heavenly Father.
That's my heart. I don't want any rewards. I'm not interested in. I want my father.
I love my father in heaven with all my heart, mind and soul. what i want if he lives in a shack i'm okay
with it doc i mean it a new jerusalem shack yo who cares is that new jerusalem if he's if that's if
he goes hey this is where i live it's a shack okay dad we're gonna live here we're gonna live here
together i'm okay with it i don't want what he has. I want him.
I hear so many Christians and pastors and preachers
and they're always talking about what they're
going to get out of heaven, but they never talk
about the Father. You're going to get the Father.
what it's all about.
It's the only reason
to be with your heavenly
I hope you just get that love and passion for him that it, you don't care about this world. This world is, you know, Doc, you say it all the time,
it's all going to burn. It's all going to burn. It's all going to burn. And then those that are
judged, they end up in the lake of fire and Rick I had I actually had
to change my thinking about something here a few weeks ago I saw a scripture I'd never really
noticed before because I had always thought that those that were thrown in the lake of fire were
eternally separated from God but um Revelation chapter 14 says this another angel angel, a third one followed them,
saying with a loud voice,
if anyone worships the beast in his image
and receives a mark on his forehead upon his hand,
he also will drink the wine of the wrath of God,
which is mixed in full strength in the cup of his anger.
And this is the key point here.
And he will be tormented with fire and brimstone
in the presence of the holy angels
and in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the lamb for eternity
that they we have resurrected bodies and will be those that end up in the lake of
fire will be tormented but you know what else they'll be tormented with they will God and never, never have an opportunity for salvation.
So, is the, is the torment because they can see God
and He has forgotten about them?
God and the angels don't see them.
Yeah. But they see God and the angels don't see them. Yeah.
But they see God and the angels.
Taunted by the mistake they made and not choosing Christ while they live.
You don't want to be in the lake of fire.
And salvation is so easy.
It's free.
You don't have to do any work.
There's nothing you have to do.
Except repent of your sins and believe on the name of Jesus Christ
as your Lord and Savior and be baptized in water.
That's it. It's really easy.
I don't know why people turn it down.
It's free salvation for eternity.
A pretty simple instruction.
Yeah, it's really easy.
All the work, all the heavy lifting has been done.
Jesus did it on the cross.
Pride and stupidity.
He's not going to do anything else to save people.
He's not going to, the Jewish people, Jesus isn't going to, God Almighty, the God of Israel,
is not going to do one more thing for the Jewish people.
He did it all, Calvary.
He did it all for the Jewish people.
He did it all for the Latino people.
He did it all for the African people, the European people.
He's not going to do one more thing.
He did it all.
Jesus said it is done.
It is finished.
What else is beyond the cross?
Nothing. Nothing.
Eternity with Christ.
But he's not doing any other work.
He's not going to rebuild the third temple.
He's not going to bring out a red heifer.
He's not going to reinstitute animal sacrifices.
He's not going to raise the political state of Israel to a world power of domination.
He's not going to do it.
It's all about his son, Jesus.
And if Jesus doesn't excite you, you have the problem.
That's a good point, Rick.
You own that problem.
I'm excited about Jesus Christ.
I don't want anything else except Jesus Christ.
It's all that matters.
But let's go back.
Where are we right now?
How close are we to World War III?
I mean, I am convinced we're in World War III because of the biological attack from China.
Look at the story from the Daily Express today in London.
Well, we're at at least six different locations from entering World War III.
This could be each of them their own regional wars.
The first one, the U.S. war with Iran.
This is the past month.
We had a standoff with Iranian boats in the water coming up on our carries.
Also, we now have an even more Zionist administration in Israel
that is pushing as hard as they can to declare war on
Iran based on the new president. You also have Iran and Israel. So this is a battlefield in its
own regard. If the U.S. doesn't come to the right, I don't imagine they would stay out of it, but if
they didn't, you have Iran and Israel. The third, U.S. and Turkey. That's interesting. They got on
the list. So the U.S. support of the Kurdish militias.
Now, so there's two Kurdish forces.
One's in Syria.
The other is in Turkey.
Now, in Turkey, the Kurds, for a long time, have been a terrorist organization.
They're considered, at least by the government.
Turkey is getting tired of the United States supporting the Kurdish people wherever they are. And weapons that the U.S. has
given to Kurds in Iraq and Syria are far in the way into the hands of the Kurds killing Turkish
soldiers and police officers in Turkey. And also we have this standoff with Turkey allowing the
Russians to put in S-400s and basically buying Russian jets. But Turkey is a member of NATO.
Yes, well for now, right? But if Biden's willing to nuke Texas, he certainly would be willing to nuke a NATO member.
Who else?
What's the other possible?
The Kashmir.
So this is India, Pakistan, China.
This region is very hot.
We've had two separate conflicts in the last six months in this region that all parties
involved in this have nuclear weapons.
They've shot down jets. They've
beat up soldiers, killed each
other with mortars and lasers.
Remember that story about the laser weapons?
The fifth one is U.S.
North Korea. This past
week, Kim Jong-un,
he's coming back out of seclusion, lost
about 20 pounds. People think
he might have been sick during this time, or he could be starving, actually, along with
his people. Their famine never ended. He said we need to be prepared for conflict and negotiation.
But then his sister, who was starting to look like she might be the one that has more power,
said, no, we need to be primarily preparing for conflict. We're not going to be giving
up nuclear weapons. Now, the last one that we spend quite a lot of time talking in this period because of the biological attack that we've endured is
the US-China war and that
Seems to be the one that's on the horizon unless the British start that conflict with the Russians
the thing with the the Brits and NATO in the Black Sea and Russia saying today,
we are prepared to sink a ship. What we did yesterday was their warning.
We drop bombs in front of the ship. The next ones will hit the ship.
How many of us are aware that World War III could start this week?
Could start tonight.
We could wake up in the morning and realize that Great Britain doesn't exist anymore.
I mean, we're that close.
And if we're really thinking, well, we're already in World War III,
I mean, between the intelligence wars that have been going on now for years,
and now the COVID wars, that any thinking person has to look at the different things that are happening in China and here in the U.S.
and has to come to the conclusion that it's likely that we're already trying to outfox each other with biological warfare weapons.
Sure. And you're talking about the attacks. Just the drills put me on edge. This past week,
the National Guard took down the utilities companies nationwide. They did a simulated
cyber attack on our water infrastructure, our electric, our power grid.
Hey, do you think Joe Biden would do a cyber attack on America?
I mean, he'd do a nuclear attack on America.
He said he'd do it to Russia.
I don't put anything past these people.
They're mad.
They want war.
They want blood.
And you've got to be prepared for the worst-case scenario to come.
And the most important thing to do is to be saved.
And be living right with your Maker.
That's the most important thing.
Let me tell you, when I was in the hospital, well, the night before,
the thing was really, really getting bad for me. I didn't know I had pneumonia
on top of COVID, but I was so weak I couldn't walk
and my breathing was very shallow.
I had no fear of dying,
but when you're in that state,
you do evaluate.
You do a heart check.
Because you're thinking,
I'm going to go tonight.
I mean, the Father's sovereign.
If He chooses,
He's going to take me out this way.
He's sovereign.
So I was very aware
that, you know, So I was very aware that any day I could expand and leave this world.
But I had peace.
I had peace because I was not in conflict with God.
I just wasn't in conflict with Him.
And I had nothing in me saying, whew i gotta deal with this no i didn't have
that did you get a sense of urgency that you wanted to get your mission done yes that was my plea
father don't let me die from covet i've worked i've not finished but i will tell you doc what
came to my mind what's that conversation you and I had back in March. Scripture the Lord gave me in Ecclesiastes.
Oh, yes.
There's a day the tree falls.
May fall to the north, the south, the east, to the west.
Doesn't really matter.
When the tree falls, it's dead.
And we had a conversation one day,
and the Lord gave me that scripture as I was seeking him about
the direction of this ministry. And, um, you know, as I've told people, I'm, I'm, I'm going to be
slowly weaning myself away from true news because the Lord is telling me, NEWS BECAUSE THE LORD IS TELLING ME SPEND THE REST OF YOUR TIME EVANGELIZING AND BAPTIZING
AND THE WAY I INTERPRET IT IS THE LORD WAS SAYING TO ME, And the way I interpret it is the Lord was saying to me, Rick, I gave you your assignment for the rest of your life.
There's a day that you're going to fall.
Your body's going to fall over.
You're dead.
Doesn't matter if your body falls to the north, the south, the east, the west.
You're going to hit the floor.
You're dead.
The time to do my will
is getting shorter and shorter
and shorter. While the tree is alive.
While the tree is alive.
That's a solemn message.
It's for all of us. It's in the Bible.
It's for all of us.
Many of you, you have
assignments from the Lord. He's told you
things to do and you haven't
done it.
One day you're going to fall over.
And that's it.
And the clocks run out. It doesn't mean you're not saved. You're saved. But did you finish your assignment?
Did you finish the work that God gave you? Did you use
your resources for his kingdom?
Some of you are sitting on all kinds of resources
and you're not putting it into the kingdom.
We're so close to the end.
What are those resources going to be used for after Christ comes back?
They'll burn up.
Absolutely. Absolutely.
So the only reason we're giving you these news headlines,
we're not trying to scare you.
We're not trying to make you afraid of the dark.
We're trying to show you how close we are to the end.
To the light, yes.
Some of you need to finish your assignment that God has given you.
Others need to get saved.
And others need to clean up their lives. You need to stop playing around with sin
and live right for God. The clock is ticking. We're moving
to the final day.
We're really close.
I have a story I think that actually would compare exactly to what you're talking about here.
Your mission, you're pushing toward mentorship of younger men.
I've seen a lot of stories this year in the subject field of older men
trying to find a way to give back to their community.
And specifically Christian men feeling this urge that we're going to fix society.
Men are weak in my generation and younger.
Way to do it.
You've got to get involved in these young men's lives.
And you have to start mentoring them, shepherding them, taking them under your wing, teaching them the way they must
go. Now, there was a story in Oklahoma that caught my eye, Rick. There's a young man named
Dante Franklin. He's 20 years old. He's lost his mother, but he's working hard. He walks 17 miles
every single day to Buffalo Wallings.
He works there as a cook.
It's not his end goal.
He wants to be a welder.
But 17 miles a day to and from to get to work has never missed a day of work.
While he was walking to work last week, it's hot right now, Oklahoma, Rick.
We're talking about 100 degrees.
Dante was spotted by a Christian man named Michael Lynn.
He saw him walking and said, I can't let this young man just walk in the heat.
Offered him a ride. They got to talking.
Michael Lynn posted on Facebook about the conversation and about what Dante is doing.
And the community in Oklahoma came together.
They not only got this young man a bicycle to ride to work, but they also raised
$49,000, or sorry, $47,000 for him to buy a car and apply toward his college education.
I got this report from Fox 24. It'll show you a little bit of the story.
I really don't care if it gets time.
Dante Franklin is the type of guy who always goes the extra mile.
I just have to keep pushing.
Actually, it's usually about 17 miles to be exact.
I mean, I don't like walking at all.
I don't, but I just walk just to make my family proud.
Because he rarely has a ride, to get to work on time as a cook at the Buffalo Wild Wings on the other side of town,
Dante has to leave his house about three hours before his shift even starts.
And yet I haven't missed the shift at all.
The job means too much to him.
Much of his motivation coming from his mom,
who sadly no longer walks this
Earth. She passed away when I was 16 years old.
She had hepatitis C and after she
passed away, it's just been hard.
The last week on a day the Oklahoma heat was relentlessly blazing down,
a stranger offered to pick him up and ended up turning his life around.
I'm like, man, he's walking a long way.
Impressed by Dante's dedication.
Hey, if you listen to the Marxists, the progressive socialists, the Democrats, the news media, the professors,
the theologians, the theologians. This is a racist country. Yes. And white people and black people
don't get along and they don't help each other. I mean, we have a critical race theory that this is
inherently a evil, racist country and white people want to destroy black people.
That's a lie from hell from the communists to split this country, split the people and pit us against each other. of a hardworking, dedicated young black man and a generous white man
who came together and did something good.
And the media really doesn't want us to see that.
You won't see that nationally.
That is a local story in Oklahoma.
It's hard to find.
But you're not going to find it nationally
because that goes against the narrative.
In fact, it wasn't that original story
out of a UK paper. Yes, yes. They had caught it. They wanted to highlight the narrative. In fact, wasn't that original story out of a UK paper?
Yes, yes.
They had caught it.
They wanted to highlight the story.
It wasn't on the front page, of course.
But these are the stories that show you true America.
And that's it.
The elite want to paint a picture of what America is in their mind, and especially for
the propaganda.
But they don't live in rural America.
They don't live where the rest of us live.
We're not racist.
Dimitri Dudman prophesied in the 80s or in the 90s that there would be an uprising in the heartland of America caused by the communists.
And when the government was preoccupied with putting down the communist insurrection, the attack would come on the East Coast and the West Coast and the Gulf
Coast. The communists are stirring the strife and the division. All the stuff you hear about
critical race theory and whatever topic they're on, okay, it's all Marxism. Yes. And I'm I, you know, once in a while I listen to Fox News driving in the morning and I don't watch it anymore.
But I do listen in my vehicle on Sirius XM.
And I hear these conservative politicians and commentators talking about, I don't know why, you know,
I don't know why the left doesn't understand
that the critical race theory is not right.
I don't understand their think.
They're Marxists.
Yeah, that's right.
This is a strategy.
You're never going to reason with them.
They don't compromise with communists.
They're laughing at you, conservatives. They're laughing at you, conservatives.
They're laughing at you.
It's a Marxist revolution.
These school board meetings that have become rowdy,
they're dividing communities.
They're pitting one American against another.
They want civil war.
This is a Marxist revolution. It's not hard to figure out
what's going on. And one of the mainstays of communism is great division. Either divide
people into classes, rich or poor, black, white, whatever it might be. Hey, we got some more
Kerry Kinsey before we leave? Yes. Here is Kerry Kinsey with the second round of headlines today.
Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey.
The UK Daily Mail reporting that a Nashville crowd booed on Tuesday when Jill Biden said only three in 10 Tennesseans are vaccinated.
That was part of her tour of the South to reverse the low rate of getting shots in the arms.
Well, you're booing yourself, the first lady told the audience
as she appeared at the Old Smoky Distillery.
She was alongside country star and Freemason Brad Paisley,
a guy who promotes Freemasonry. The Daily Mail says
around 33 percent of people are fully vaccinated in the volunteer state.
Studies show that they offer almost almost perfect protection against death and hospitalization. The First Lady's vaccine push visits Florida on Thursday with stops in
Kissimmee, Orlando and Tampa. President Biden and Attorney General Merrick Garland are both
touting a crime prevention strategy that would focus on tougher background checks,
banning assault weapons and high capacity magazines. But Senator Lindsey Graham
isn't buying it. But I think the Biden administration is really clueless. They're
going after trying to take guns off the street, which is a fine thing to do. But the reason that
the spike in crime is nobody's getting prosecuted when they go into Walmart and clean the place out.
The people who robbed and
looted in New York are being let go. There's a sense out there that the bail system is broken
down. You get caught on Monday morning, you're out on Monday afternoon. And the FBI director
said today, about 30 minutes ago, it's the hardest time that he can ever remember being a police
officer. They're not respected and there's nothing
worse for a cop than to catch a bad guy and see them right back out on the street. So the Biden
five-point plan will not address the rise in murder and vicious assaults in this country.
We have a lack of prosecution and we've declared war on the police and that is backfiring on those who have done it.
A conservative watchdog group filed a lawsuit this week against the ATF,
demanding that the personnel files for David Chipman come forward.
He's the president's nominee to lead that agency. The American Accountability Foundation has tried to get the employment files on Chipman,
who worked at the
ATF for nearly 25 years. Now, the group wants to use a federal court order to have the ATF
turn over the files on any complaints, misconduct, disciplinary records, and investigations into
Chipman. Even moderate Maine GOP Senator Susan Collins says she cannot support Shipman's nomination. She says he's too
divisive and has made past statements that demean law-abiding gun owners. For information on this
story and more, visit our companion website. It's called VOA News says the U.S. has
renewed its condemnation of Nigeria for its recent suspension of Twitter.
Senior U.S. officials say it's a sign of restricting political space in the largest country in West Africa.
Now, Nigerian authorities indefinitely suspended Twitter earlier this month.
This after the company deleted a tweet by the country's president
for violating its terms of service. Fox 2 in the San Francisco Bay Area says California's effort
to recall Governor Gavin Newsom is officially on. This after the state verified more than
1.7 million signatures from supporters of the recall petition. Only 43 people withdrew
their names from that petition, but there were still more than enough signatures to meet the
threshold of 1.5 million. The Jerusalem Post reporting the Pfizer vaccine has been linked to an increased chance of developing thrombotic thrombocytopenic
purpura, or TTP. Israeli researchers say it's a rare blood disorder. TTP is an autoimmune disease
that causes blood clots to form in various organs of the body. According to the National Institutes of Health, these clots can limit or
block the flow of oxygen-rich blood to key organs like the brain, the kidneys, the heart, and it
results in serious health problems. The Jerusalem Post also reporting that vaccinated foreign
tourists are not going to be allowed to enter Israel before August 1st.
The government says that's because of an increase in coronavirus cases.
Vaccinated tourists were originally expected to be allowed into the country starting on July 1st.
And wearing masks indoors in Israel could be back if the average daily cases exceed 100 a week. Here's a good story. A Florida highway sign was
hacked to read, Arrest Fauci. COVID was a hoax. How did somebody pull it off? NBC6 South Florida
explains. Sort of. Quite a sight here on the side of the 836 today.
The driver saw as they were heading down the Dolphin Expressway.
You may have noticed an MDX sign with a controversial message.
It's since been removed, but you can think of it as graffiti in the digital age.
We slowed down the video so you could see it along with us here.
Workers at the Expressway Authority found out about it early this morning.
They had the electric road sign turned off.
The sign in question was on the eastbound lanes of the 836 near Northwest 27th Avenue.
Some overnight broke into it.
They typed misinformation about vaccines on there.
Most e-signs are password protected.
But I guess if you search online here, what happened is they were able to reset the factory settings.
It says arrest Fauci.
COVID is a hoax and says other things
about vaccines as well. MDX said it was looking into this matter. It is unclear how many hours
that sign was up. I got to love it. She said it's all misinformation. That's a look at true
news headlines. Let's get back to the Godcast. Here's Rick, Edward, and Doc.
Thank you, Kerry. Well, Rick, it has been quite a show. We've talked about the Russians preparing to sink British warships. We've talked about our own president preparing to kill patriots,
to sink Americans. OK, Rick, I know Taiwan's foreign minister told their country prepare for war, all out war with China.
The Taiwanese, they're convinced that China will invade them.
It's not a question of if, but when. telling him China is going to invade Taiwan very soon, within months,
and use that as a cover to launch a second biological weapon on the United States.
I could see that playing out that way.
So brace yourself.
Get right with the Lord.
Get ready.
Get ready.
Get your soul ready.
We don't know what's coming up.
We don't know how we're going to physically get through these things.
Don't get anything else out of today's Godcast.
Get that one message there.
Get it right. Get it right now.
Jesus said numerous times, be ready.
Be ready.
You don't want to be the most informed person in hell.
It'd be ridiculous for a listener or viewer of this program to go to Lake of Fire.
There is no reason for it.
Rick, is there anything else you wanted to add before we close on today?
No, I think it's been a pretty intense program today.
This should be a Friday.
I wish it was a Friday and we could say it's been heavy. Tomorrow, I mean, I hope this doesn't happen,
but if the British run another ship in the next 72 hours,
we could be looking at all-out war between NATO and Russia.
And it's not going to be contained there.
It's going to go global.
That's where we're at, guys.
With a sober reminder, but important information for people to be praying about.
Well, thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News.
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Thank you and God bless you.
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