TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Big Pharma allies unite to silence Covid vaccine critics on social media

Episode Date: July 16, 2021

Today on TruNews, Edward Szall and the team share with the audience the accusation by President Joe Biden that those individuals who choose to remain unvaccinated are killing people. The US administr...ation endorses the finding of the UK’s Center for Countering Hate, targeting twelve individuals at the Disinformation Dozen, that should be banned from all media platforms. Rick makes a challenge to the Marxist Left to meet at Gettysburg for a ‘serious face to face talk’ about the pandemic and vaccines. Rick also has a message for pastors and Christian leaders who choose to remain silent, hiding in fear waiting for the rapture to appear. Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Lauren Witzke, Doc Burkhart, Kerry Kinsey. Airdate (7/16/21)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help,, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll. President Biden says he's going to do something about vaccine deaths, but not the ones caused by syringes and experimental shots. I'm Edward Saul. deaths from COVID shots. No, misinformation. And his administration is now working hand in hand to de-platform American citizens. We'll have more on that in just a moment. And the claims of fraud in Arizona. The auditor has held a hearing yesterday and announced several unexplained oddities in the 2020 election out of Maricopa County. Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers is now calling for a new presidential election in the county, which could be a bellwether for challenges and erosion of trust throughout the nation.
Starting point is 00:01:33 But first, here is Kerry Kinsey with today's True News Headlines. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. Zero Hedge says it's a war zone in South Africa where 25,000 troops have been deployed to put down riots and looting. They claim that a civil war is about to break out there. One person said, we are on the verge of eating each other. Army personnel have since been deployed throughout Johannesburg, bringing a relative return to calm. But elsewhere, tensions remain high. In Durban, rioters have continued to loot and burn buildings. Highway of death,
Starting point is 00:02:10 go for it. That's what it looks like down here. If you carry on further down the road, the cars burnt out, wrecked cars in the road. They've looted everything. The factories are burning, the warehouses are burning. The people are coming by their thousands to come and loot. Sparked by last week's arrest of former president Jacob Zuma, the riots have mushroomed against the backdrop of rampant unemployment, gross inequality and the economic fallout caused by the pandemic. More than 100 people have been killed, with over 2,000 arrests so far, as police have been left overwhelmed. UK Daily Mail reporting that a new podcast by journalist Vicky Ward reveals that
Starting point is 00:02:48 Bill Clinton flew on Jeffrey Epstein's private jet in February of 2005 while visiting Japan, Taiwan and China. Clinton also flew on a jet with Ghislaine Maxwell as a passenger during a trip to India in November of 2003. The two trips with Epstein and Maxwell have never been disclosed before. For information on this story and more, please visit our companion website. It's A judge in France who offered his 12-year-old daughter to pedophiles on a swinger's website is blaming it on PTSD. Oliver Bailey is a vice president of the law courts in Dijon. He's been dismissed from the bench. He admitted the crime
Starting point is 00:03:34 at a hearing last month. Get ready for several more months of rapid inflation before it eases, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen telling CNBC. But she is concerned about the impact on lower-income homebuyers at a time when housing prices are soaring. Daily Beast says the pro-Trump Internet went wild for the Freedom Phone, a $500 smartphone that comes stocked with conservative apps like Parler and Rumble and is not controlled by Apple or Google. But they say it's just a vastly more expensive version of a phone made in China.
Starting point is 00:04:15 PJ Media says the founder of the New York Times 1619 Project is praising Cuba's communist revolution for bringing about the end of racism. Nicole Hannah-Jones said to the National Pulse in 2019 on a Vox podcast, the most equal multiracial country in our hemisphere, it would be Cuba. She also attributed the alleged racial equality there to socialism. That's a look at True News headlines. Let's toss it back to Edward now. Thanks for watching. Thank you, Kerry.
Starting point is 00:04:57 I wonder if that lady would like to move to Cuba since she loves communism so much. I would say she was educated there. Yeah, well, she just got her tenure, so she's going to be living pretty here in America. She has no interest in moving to a communist country where she'd actually have to struggle with everything that they're going through down there in Cuba. Right, and get paid the same job, $300 a month, and government housing. So anyway, lots of things happening today, Edward. Well, today our president has laid out the single greatest threat against America.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Rick, it's misinformation. Did you hear? Specifically, vaccine misinformation. I heard our illegitimate president, President, fraudulently elected in a rigged election, say today that people who say or post anything on the Internet that is critical of the experimental drugs that are fraudulently described as vaccines. He said such people are killing people. fraudulently described as vaccines, he said such people are killing people, murdering people. Now, I don't know exactly how he's going to prove that, but I can prove that the experimental drugs that the FDA has yet to say these are safe. And they're not vaccines. No. They're not vaccines. Pharmaceutical companies should be prosecuted for
Starting point is 00:06:37 misleading information, false advertising. It's not a vaccine, but we'll put that aside. But what I do know is that thousands of people have died days, sometimes hours, days or weeks after getting the vaccination. I know that something like over 80% of pregnant women who've been vaccinated have had miscarriages. I know that people are having strokes. People are developing. What is it? Guillain-Barre. Guillain-Barre paralysis.
Starting point is 00:07:23 I mean, the list of complications goes on and on and on and on. And so those of us who are very concerned that big pharma is making billions of dollars off of government money that comes from the people, and we're pointing out these drugs have not been tested. They've been pushed onto the world. You're the guinea pig. If you take it, you're the guinea pig. And for those of us who are saying this is extremely risky, you have the president, the false president of the United States, the illegitimate president elected in a rigged election with a corrupt son who has made money with the Chinese, who has split that money with this illegitimate,
Starting point is 00:08:19 crooked politician named Joe Biden. The big guy. Big guy, yeah, the big guy. You've got him accusing people of killing others. Of being assassins, basically. Yes, being assassins. Information assassins. Right. So he's up the level today. I mean, he took it to a new level today. Well, what do you have to do with killers? You have to eliminate killers, Rick. Yes. You got to arrest them. You got to lock them up. You got to round them up. You took it to a new level. Yes. When you're accused of killing, then you're at a different level of anybody else. Okay. So the White House is working with social media. They're pretending to be chastising social media. They're not. That's as real of a fight as professional wrestling. They're not fighting with, I mean,
Starting point is 00:09:14 look at this, Reuters. White House slams Facebook. Yeah, right. Facebook works hand in hand with the leftists that are in the White House and in the Democratic Party and in the news media. It's one big secretive cabala of people that are overthrowing the United States of America. And so this guy, is this our is this our new surgeon general? Yes. Okay. I don't even know his name. So he's holding up this report, Confronting Health Misinformation.
Starting point is 00:09:56 And this is the report that they put out. Now, the White House press secretary. So named Saki. Yes, Jen Saki. Jen Saki. Not Saki. Saki. Saki. She sounds like she might have been drinking. Yeah. So she said the Biden administration is flagging problematic post on Facebook. The federal iser is watching. Watching, I say, who is posting problematic post by the Führer's press. Yes.
Starting point is 00:10:39 We will be coming after you. What country are we living in? Where are we right now? The occupied states of America. This is bizarre. This is weird. And I'm running out of patience for it. I'm running out of patience.
Starting point is 00:11:02 Every day they show a little bit more of their true face. And it's ugly. We start, like people start, we have the audits coming out. We have people starting to notice that, hey, 9,000 people have died so far, according to their website from these vaccines. And people are starting to share information. And that's when they go and tighten their grip. And they're like, okay, well, now you're a murderer. If you even question or post a picture of your daughter who is sitting there shaking tremors.
Starting point is 00:11:26 I've seen them everywhere and they keep shutting them down after getting the vaccine. Lauren, post or pre pre-COVID, if a vaccine which was developed over years with testing, if a vaccine was introduced into the public and 10 or 20 people died, it was immediately taken off the market. Yeah, in the past. Immediately. Back in the real world. Yes. Immediately taken off the market because it meant the test did not reveal something that was wrong.
Starting point is 00:12:02 And do you know how that was policed, Rick? Not by the FDA, really, but by lawsuits. Okay? So pharmaceutical companies would be subject to lawsuits in the past. But what happened last year? All the pharmaceutical companies were given a waiver that they would not be sued for any bad things that might happen because of this so-called vaccine that they developed, those experimental drugs.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Because Donald Trump was telling them, I want this vaccine produced immediately. And even the pharmaceutical companies were telling Donald Trump, it takes years. And Trump said, I don't want to hear it. I want it done now. Warp speed. And so they said, OK, you want it. You want to do. Then here's what we need. We need immunity from prosecution. We need immunity from civil lawsuits. Yes. And the Congress and the White House agreed to it. We won't. You know, we're not going to guarantee it's going to give you immunity from covid, but we'll give you immunity. the damage it does. Yeah, they got the immunity.
Starting point is 00:13:08 And so let me, you know, I challenge any pharmaceutical pimp that come on this program and state that their vaccine, what they call a vaccine, will prevent you from getting COVID. Because if they claim that, it's a lie. Yes. Because it doesn't prevent you from getting COVID. It's a symptom suppressor. And therefore not a vaccine. That's right.
Starting point is 00:13:36 A vaccine would be one you take and guess what? You don't get the disease. Okay. That's the idea of a vaccine. Right. And, you know, the logical thought would be if you're so in love with the vaccine and you got all your shots and you're so happy, you know, you're going every month to get another covid booster, you know, whatever. And you're Mr. or Mrs. COVID vaccine, what does it matter to you if I don't get it? Right. It's my...
Starting point is 00:14:10 If it's protecting you, why are you worried about me? Right. Is it that you don't believe that the so-called vaccine is protecting you, or do you just want to make me do what you did? I mean, that'd be like... It free thought. That'd be like you being out in a rainstorm with an umbrella, but mad at me because I'm walking in the rain. Well, you know, and blaming you for the and blaming me for the rain because I'm just not I choose not to use an umbrella. Well, Doc, they're angry because you're telling that person the umbrella. It's not really raining. That's right. There's no storm. What do you mean? What do you mean? I have this
Starting point is 00:14:49 umbrella over my head. There's no storm. So, you know, that's that's the thing I always am baffled by that by the pro vaccine crowd. If you're so convinced. in the invincibility of this vaccine, why are you so worked up about the people who haven't been vaccinated? Right. Just mind your own business and let them alone. And if you're right, you're clear. You're vaccinated. And if we die, then we die. But we're not going to die.
Starting point is 00:15:20 In fact, by staying unvaccinated, we're not going to have heart problems. We're not going to have Guillain-Barre syndrome. We're not going to have strokes and aneurysms. We're not going to be permanently sterilized, can't have babies. We're going to live long and healthy lives is what we're going to do. You got COVID, and you're older. No offense, sorry. I was in the danger zone.
Starting point is 00:15:46 You took care of yourself. You rested. And I called upon the name of Jesus. And Jesus. Jesus is better than any vaccination. I'm not afraid of it. I'm not afraid of COVID. I'm not flippant about it. It's, you know, the Chinese have unleashed a very serious virus on the world. What I'd like to know
Starting point is 00:16:09 is why these pro-vaccine people aren't angry at China. Well, I know the answer. Because they work for China. They work for China. Okay, that's what it's all about. The vaccine movement is, the COVID vaccine movement
Starting point is 00:16:24 is about control, submission, control, division. We're going to have an apartheid society, the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. Look what's happening in in France. They did the same thing. So you can't even enter France now without a COVID passport. If you're planning to visit Paris, forget it. You have to have a passport to get into France. Well, I don't want to go to France, okay? France is overrated.
Starting point is 00:16:56 Yeah, I don't want to go there. Guess what, Mr. Macron? You can tell your former boss, the Rothschild family, I don't want to come. I'm not going to come there and spend money. Do whatever you want to do in your country. But they've got riots. They've got protests because the people of France are angry, saying we're not going to be treated like this. We're not going to be told that we can't go in. Try telling a French citizen you can't go to a restaurant. OK, you can't go to a cafe.
Starting point is 00:17:28 That's what that's what Macron is doing. So now today they did it in Greece. Yes. You can't go to a restaurant unless you've been vaccinated. So they're creating strife and division in societies. They're creating apartheid countries, vaccinated, unvaccinated. And it's all about control. It's about division, unrest, just having everybody stirred up, angry at everybody. This is the way they're operating. This is the way they divide and conquer. But here's the deal, Rick. You can't even have a civil conversation about the vaccine.
Starting point is 00:18:07 So, for instance, my position on the vaccine is I refuse the vaccine because of its sourcing and testing using unborn babies. For me, it's an ethical thing. I didn't have a choice when I was a kid when I was vaccinated for measles, mumps, and rubella. I didn't have a choice. I do have a choice now. I have an ethical choice that I make. Now, I can't even, according to the White House now, I'm a disinformation agent for even speaking against the vaccine, even if I have an ethical concern about injecting any of these experimental drug therapies in my body because
Starting point is 00:18:48 of the sourcing. I choose not to do it because someone has been sacrificed for me to have this. I refuse to do it. Yes. So… Doug, they've taken it to another level beyond aborting human babies. They're now going to the next level of nephilim science, which is... I like that term. Which is creating hybrid creatures of human pig creatures. Or human mouse. I mean, yes.
Starting point is 00:19:19 Humanized mice. I meant to say human mouse for the vaccine. So they're using human mouse cells in the Moderna vaccine. Human mouse. There's a creature in these laboratories. There are creatures alive that are part mouse and part human. Well, they've also got, they were grafting, this was funded by Fauci, grafting baby scalps, aborted baby scalps onto these mice.
Starting point is 00:19:51 Like, that's a known fact. I mean, how sick and how demented and how demonic are these people getting? And, you know, they are literally fusing two species together. Yeah, it's absolutely Nephilim science. So if they're creating a hybrid creature, a mouse and a human,
Starting point is 00:20:09 it's easy to get the mouse cells. Where are they getting the human cells? From us. Okay, so when you give your DNA, when you give your DNA to some company to trace your ancestry,
Starting point is 00:20:22 or like the Chinese are doing pregnancy tests and they're taking your DNA. Your DNA is going to these mad Nephilim science laboratories to create hybrid creatures.
Starting point is 00:20:38 That is frightening. I mean, think about it. Would you want to know that your offspring, that they've taken DNA from you, and without your knowledge or permission, have created an offspring merged with an animal? It's treating us like cattle.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Yes. You don't ask a cow or a pig or any of these other animals if you can do anything to the little pigs, the little cows, make veal, for example. They were treating us like cattle. And we're outraged by it. But we wouldn't know, right? We don't know what's been done with our individual DNA if we've engaged in these services. But we do know what the Chinese have said they're doing with prenatal test cells.
Starting point is 00:21:23 Well, but that's where I come from. But the fact that I believe that from my perspective is the reason I refuse the vaccines. Am I an agent of disinformation because of that? Because I, you know, I don't blast it from the housetop. But if someone asks me why do I refuse vaccine? I tell them, am I an agent of disinformation at that point, Rick? And therefore, am I now an assassin according to President Joe Biden? You're definitely a co-conspirator. In his warped mind, yes, you are. But it's really not about the COVID vaccine. It's about freedom. These people hate freedom. They hate freedom.
Starting point is 00:22:08 They do, but also they really, really, really want to put a jab in my arm. That is what also, you know, they don't want me to think the way they want me to think. It is absolutely about freedom, but there's something about the vaccine where they will do whatever it takes to get that vaccine. Oh, there's definitely something in the vaccines that they are just bent out of shape of making sure everybody gets it. And they're going crazy that people are resisting it. It's just driving them crazy. Well, then what is it that's, why are you vaccine pushers so adamant
Starting point is 00:22:42 of giving a vaccine to somebody who doesn't want it. If you have it, shut your mouth and just be happy. And not only are you so determined that I get it, but you're willing to find the homeless and the mentally handicapped in the streets, hold them down and put an experimental drug in their arm. Happened in LA. We showed the video of it. If it's happening in LA, it's happening all over the place. And so we just haven't seen it. And so, but even the White House can't get their story straight sometimes.
Starting point is 00:23:14 Jen Psaki was giving a press conference, and in this press conference, she actually said the vaccines kill people. Now, whether she meant to say it or not is, well, I'll let you be the judge. But listen to what she said in this press conference. Hence, we are quite focused on communicating directly with those people. Hence, our special guest today about why it's important to get vaccinated, why these vaccines are safe, why they can still kill you even if you are under the age of 27. We need to be clear and direct about our messaging. So we kill you. The vaccines can still kill you if you're under the age of 27. Now, whether she meant to say that or not, I don't know. But let's take her word for it. She's the White House press secretary. So the White House just said, hey, those vaccines can
Starting point is 00:24:01 kill you if you're in this information. We want to get clear messaging on this now. Well, one of the other messages that they're trying to get out now is they, Rick, they have finally found the dirty dozen, the despicable dozen, that are the real cause of all the misinformation out there online. And these are the people that have to be silenced. They have to be silenced. They have to be segregated. They have to be separated from the rest of us.
Starting point is 00:24:26 Did they identify these 12 evil people that are speaking against Big Pharma's experimental drugs? They sure did. So what the White House did is they had a press conference yesterday, and Jen Psaki mentioned a report. She actually quoted from a report from the Center for Countering Digital Disinformation, Digital Hate. OK, this is her statement. She didn't name the 12, but I have the report in front of me of the 12 that they're talking about. So about I think this was a question asked before. There's about 12 people who are producing 65 percent of anti-vaccine misinformation
Starting point is 00:25:05 on social media platforms. All of them remain active on Facebook, despite some even being banned on other platforms, including Facebook, ones that Facebook owns. Third, it's important to take faster action against harmful posts. As you all know, information travels quite quickly on social media platforms. Sometimes it's not accurate, and Facebook needs to move more quickly to remove harmful, violative posts. Posts that will be within their policies for removal often remain up for days. That's too long. The information spreads too quickly. Finally, we have proposed they promote quality information sources in their feed algorithm. Facebook has repeatedly shown that
Starting point is 00:25:44 they have the leverage to promote quality information. We've seen them effectively do this in their algorithm over low-quality information, and they've chosen not to use it in this case, and that's certainly an area that would have an impact. So these are certainly the proposals. We engage with them regularly, and they certainly understand what our asks are. So she admitted they're engaging regularly with Facebook with Facebook and they want to do more than just Facebook. We want Twitter, YouTube, every social platform available to get rid of the 12, the 12 citizens, the 12 people that are spreading disinformation. And what's funny is the report
Starting point is 00:26:19 she's quoting from is not a product of the US government. It's a think tank in London. Yes. So the same think tank, the same groups that produce the horrible lockdown. It's not a think tank ever. It's not a think tank. Maybe an agency of another government. Or an intelligence service. I would say an agency of MI6. British intelligence. Well, when would be the first6, British intelligence. Well, it wouldn't be the first time that British intelligence has interfered in U.S. politics. So this Center for Countering Digital Hate.
Starting point is 00:26:54 Yes, digital hate. It's headquartered in London. It's run by British people. And yet it's sticking its nose in American affairs. So what if we start an organization here in the USA to ban 12 prominent Britons from having free speech in Great Britain? How would they react to that? They would say that that would be the cause of an international incident, likely, Rick. We'd be meddling.
Starting point is 00:27:24 That's right. Well, this group is meddling. But I have a feeling they're meddling because this is an MI6 intelligence operation. None of this stuff is organic. No. We're being managed by intelligence agencies who answer to powerful people. You know, there's been speculation for years that Barack Obama is an MI6 agent, that he really was put into the White House by powerful people who, in Great Britain, to break up the United States of America. Why would Britain want to break up the United States? Because they've
Starting point is 00:28:13 never gotten over the loss. Yeah. They're sore losers. That's why. 2-0 against them. The monarchy never got over the loss, okay? Look, you know, I've always said that Jeffrey Epstein worked for Israel. Maybe Epstein, maybe it was an MI6 operation. They ran against Prince Andrew. Yes. Who knows? But this outfit here. The Center for Countering Digital Hate.
Starting point is 00:28:42 It is a British organization. Can we put that still back up on the screen, please? So here's the list of the dirty dozen, the disinformation dozen, Rick. Look on the left. That's the front page of the report, the disinformation dozen. Why platforms must, look at that, must act on 12 leading online anti-vaxxers. So when Jen Psaki said that there were 12 people that were promoting 65% of the disinformation online, she was quoting from this particular document because they make that very claim that there are 12 people who account for 65% of the disinformation. information. So the White House is relying on a British propaganda operation to cancel the free speech of 12 Americans. That's correct. And you notice how she didn't call on government. They
Starting point is 00:29:36 can't call for government action. Like they can't say, oh, the Biden administration is going to move to do this. So they call on big tech and they call on Facebook to do it for them. That's what that was. Lauren, shouldn't the White House, they said they're interacting with social media companies every day. Shouldn't they be interacting on behalf of freedom of speech? You would think so. But they're working hand in hand with these big tech outfits, Rick. And I don't want our audience to be fooled in the least that by them saying, well, Facebook needs to do something. Facebook is the trap. Facebook is the way to draw out the people because you have a free platform to express your views.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Right. You have freedom of speech on Facebook, right? No, you don't. They're using that to identify you and to identify your followers there. When they say they're working hand-in-hand with Facebook, you bet your sweet bottom they are. They are working hand-in-hand with them because that's how they came up with this list of 12 names, Rick. There's more names than this, but these are the top 12. There's a lot more. Well, let's go down the list. First of all, it's Dr. Joseph McCullough. I have followed Dr. McCullough for decades. He's an excellent medical doctor, great information. And like I said, he's been around for years. A lot of people recognize him. I was just told, Kerry Kinsey told me just before I came out here to the studio, that
Starting point is 00:31:06 Dr. McCullough, as of today, has taken down much of the information on his website because he told his base of supporters, they, Big Pharma, the left, the White House, are coming after me. And he's taken down articles and documents that had been on his website for years. My goodness. And he's he self-censored himself in the past, you know, 48 hours. See, this is what they do. They're making people self-censor themselves in order to survive online. And people start watching what they say. It's like in the Soviet Union. You whisper. You don't say anything out loud. You whisper. Why? Because somebody may hear you and report you to the KGB. So that's where we're at now in America. People are now censoring themselves so that the American KGB doesn't act on them.
Starting point is 00:32:17 That is so un-American. So number two on the list, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Kennedy. The son of Robert Kennedy. Former Attorney General. Former Attorney General. Assassinated. United States Senator from New York, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the nephew of former President John F. Kennedy.
Starting point is 00:32:43 Assassinated. And now Robert F. Kennedy is digitally assassinated. Yes. They've taken out another Kennedy. Oh, wow. They're taking out another Kennedy. Look, I have a great deal of admiration for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. I did it for his father and his uncle.
Starting point is 00:33:10 And this, I mean, think about it. We're at the place, we're at the time that the nephew of an assassinated president, the son of an assassinated U.S. senator. Is now being digitally assassinated. And there's no outrage, there's no uproar. They did it to a sitting president. Where are we? They've been emboldened. They did it to a sitting president. They have none to fear now.
Starting point is 00:33:39 Absolutely. They took down Trump. Nobody was able to do anything about it. Even President Trump. Nobody was able to do anything about it. Even President Trump. Every time somebody has tried to start another media platform, it's it's immediately attacked by cyber. Hackers, OK, it's taken down immediately. We're living in a in a digital concentration camp right now. And, you know, Robert Kennedy Jr., it's not new to this game. I mean, he didn't suddenly pop up last year and talk about vaccines.
Starting point is 00:34:14 He's been talking about vaccines for close to 20 years. I mean, he was one of the first people out there that talked about the relationship between autism and vaccines. If we can put the still back up, he, of course, is involved with the Children's Health Defense Network and works a lot hand in hand with the Informed Consent Action Network, Del Bigtree's organization. That's another one of the people not on the Dirty Dozen list, but the platform that Del Bigtree uses, they're wanting it to be deplatformed. So they're listing, in addition to individuals, they're listing one, two, three, four, five organizations that they want deplatformed. Yes.
Starting point is 00:34:59 So in addition to the nephew of an assassinated president now being digitally assassinated, next on the list, Ty and Charlene Bollinger. They've been doing a tremendous amount of work in this arena for a long time. They're not new to the game. And in cancer. Right. I know the Bollingers. Do you?
Starting point is 00:35:16 You know them? Yeah. Upstanding Americans. Okay. Not terrorists. Not people who need to be silenced. They are not criminals. Yet they're on Joe Biden's blacklist.
Starting point is 00:35:27 As killers. These are assassins now. They're calling them killers. Yes. Dr. Sherry Timpeny. I've not talked to her in years. I used to interview her a lot in the early days of True News. She is an outstanding woman.
Starting point is 00:35:45 Many of our audience of True News. She is an outstanding woman. Many of our audience of True News, I know, have followed her for many years. Again, unbelievable that Dr. Tempeny is being named by the White House as killer. As a killer. Yes. And specifically in the report on Dr. Tempeny, you know what her biggest crime is, Rick? What? She questioned the efficacy of wearing masks. She cited that Dr. Fauci's out in public without a mask. I don't know what she played videos of Dr. Fauci saying you don't need to
Starting point is 00:36:15 wear one. What this report is claiming is because she's been partially removed on Facebook for this high crime, she should be removed from all the other platforms. She's already been judged. The sentence has already been passed. She now needs to be completely eliminated from the internet. Okay, so who's number five? Number five is the dangerous Risa Islam. Now, Mr. Islam, he's a social media influencer. He really focused a lot of his messages on the African-American community. His vaccine hesitancy posts, as they call them, were actually very effective.
Starting point is 00:36:50 He simply was saying they're focusing messaging from churches on African-Americans. There seems to be a higher increase of side effects among African-Americans who take these shots. Oh, and by the way, what about the Tuskegee Airmen? Oh, we should talk about this, the Tuskegee trials. For this, he's been banned, he's been restricted, he's been removed from Facebook already, but not from Twitter and Instagram. The report now is asking for a full ban of all three. They have Dr. Rashid Batar. He is the one that has been connecting the vaccines
Starting point is 00:37:23 and infertility. And he's been a big, you know, voice, a loud voice regarding that. He also has made the claims that COVID vaccines, so-called vaccines, actually have living organisms in them. And so that's working through his claims. You also have Erin Elizabeth, and she works hand-in-hand with Dr. Mercola in his organization. And so she has been a, she is saying that the reason why the vaccines, so-called vaccines, are being rolled out is to create a revenue stream for the pharmaceutical companies. They actually put in the report a very interesting post from her Instagram.
Starting point is 00:38:08 We're not going to be able to show it on the screen, but she made a comparison between a Simpsons character and Jacob Rothschild. She said that the group, the family's worth $500 trillion, and they are financing both sides of the war. Now, they're also in charge of your news. So they added that in there to one of her high crimes as part of why she needs to be banned. The eighth, Syerji. I was just thinking, I'd like to know how much money big pharmaceutical companies have donated to this organization.
Starting point is 00:38:43 Oh, to the center for... Countering digital hate? Well, it's interesting about them because they only have two employees. Two employees, and they wrote that report. Yeah, that's pretty amazing. They only have two employees, and they have, you know,
Starting point is 00:38:59 like Tony Blair's on their advisory board, the mayor of London, Mr. Khan, Mr. Khan is on their advisory board. The mayor of London, Mr. Khan. Mr. Khan is on the board of this organization. So they don't have enough money to hire employees. No, they probably have plenty of money to hire employees. But they spend it all on their own. Basically, they're doing disinformation. When your reports come pre-written, you don't need a lot of employees.
Starting point is 00:39:26 That's true. So then you have Cyra G. Cyra G has been the one that's been critical of the process that the vaccines have gone through, that they haven't really gone through true vaccine trials to be tested. And thus, that's the reason why we're seeing all the health issues as a rollout of the vaccines, so-called vaccines, among the population. Edward? Yes, the next one is actually his partner. This is Kelly Brogan. And I want to point, there's several partners on her. Erin Elizabeth is in a relationship with Joseph McCullough,
Starting point is 00:40:04 but she's also very important, Rick, because she was the journalist that broke the dead doctor's story. She was at the forefront of the, about three or four years ago now, about a hundred doctors had showed up dead. Some hit on the back of the head with hammers, others found in creeks. That was a story she did before covering the COVID issue, again're getting the lockdowns and the vaccines. The other part too, this report, it has what they're justifying the removal for. It's important to note, this isn't a correct characterization of their work. Anyone on this list, they actively source every single thing they say. When they're criticizing the vaccines,
Starting point is 00:40:44 they're not just speaking out of turn. They are presenting soundbites, information, documents, patents. Therefore, they're very dangerous. Yes. So Kelly Brogan is number nine. Number 10, Christine Northrup. Now, she's a gynecologist. She has specifically gone after trying to offer alternative treatments, maybe therapeutics, other things other than vaccination or hospitalization or going to the ER to be put on a ventilator. She's offering alternatives for that high crime.
Starting point is 00:41:14 She's made it on the top 12. Number 11, Ben Tapper. Now, he's a chiropractor. He decided to post about why he won't wear a mask, and he'll show up at every town to post about why he won't wear a mask and he'll show up at every town hall to scream why he won't wear a mask. Well, that now has got him on the British's MI6's hit list. They're really worried about that over in London, aren't they? They don't want people speaking out. An American chiropractor won't wear a mask. It's got people in London
Starting point is 00:41:43 upset. Isn't this strange? Yes. The last one is Kevin Jenkins. Now, he is the co-founder of Freedom Airway and Freedom Travel Alliance. It's a member travel company that is trying to push for travel without any kind of vaccination, any masks. He, again, is an African-American speaking out specifically about the increased risk of taking experimental drugs given a rubber stamp from the government to that ethnic sect. Right. So basically he's saying that the vaccines are targeted for the
Starting point is 00:42:17 African-American community. They are having a higher risk. They are a greater risk of response to the so-called vaccines than the general population. Basically, it's a genocidal mechanism for African Americans. So they can't let that keep going. And several other organizations we already touched on a little bit. Of course, Mr. Kennedy's Children's Health Defense, which has been around for a long time. Who would shut down an organization called Children's Health Defense? People who hate children?
Starting point is 00:42:50 Yes. Or the National Vaccine Information Center. Like, it's just information, and they're putting it on a hate disinformation list. It's just reporting actual facts. Well, these are the dirty dozen. These are the people you need to absolutely stay away from, Rick. These are the ones you can't touch with a 10-foot pole. Personally, I think every Christian should deplatform yourself from these wicked, vile
Starting point is 00:43:17 organizations like Facebook and Twitter. If tens of millions of Christians would simply say, I'm done with this stuff, they would have such a devastating economic impact on those companies. But if you just stay there and just keep crying about censorship, well, what is that doing? Get off the plantation. You don't have to stay there and be a slave. Just leave the plantation. Act like a free man. Act like a free woman.
Starting point is 00:43:56 Leave their plantation. I never went on their plantation. You knew what this agenda looked like. I knew where it was going. And I argued with my staff years ago, and I said, we're making a mistake going on social media. They're going to censor. It's a trap. And it's exactly what it was.
Starting point is 00:44:19 And so when you see that something looks like a bear trap, get out of it. Social media has turned into the waiting lounge of a slaughterhouse. Yeah. Just get out of this thing. Shut down your account. Stop using it. Hey, how about all the time you spend looking at Facebook? Why don't you read the Holy Bible?
Starting point is 00:44:45 You'll become a different person, all right? Use that time to get closer to God. A vaccine against sin. Yeah. How about a vaccine against deception? That's what you need right now, vaccine against deception. But people are making their choices where they spend their time. Get off the stupid phone.
Starting point is 00:45:05 Get in your word. Get into, I mean, we're down to the, we're going to the wire here. Christ is coming back. And people are wasting their time looking at social media and trivial junk. I mean, just, you know. You may as well get off now because according to the White House, they're going to digitally remove you anyway. OK, we have a soundbite once again. This is Jen Psaki. Once again, they aren't satisfied with just having them removed from Facebook. They want them deplatformed
Starting point is 00:45:39 completely off the Internet, off the internet. Watch this. Providing for Facebook or other platforms to measure and publicly share the impact of misinformation on their platform and the audience it's reaching. Also with the public, with all of you, to create robust enforcement strategies that bridge their properties and provide transparency about rules. You shouldn't be banned from one platform and not others if you are for providing misinformation out there. You're talking about banning people. Yes. They're communists. They're communists. Do you understand? These are dictators. They're anti-constitution, anti-freedom. It's now White House policy to censorship and even more so to lobby tech firms. This is fascism. Yeah. And it's even beyond censorship. Censorship is defined niche there. They want to ban them. They want to, when you say ban, that means you
Starting point is 00:46:40 can't do business in certain sectors of the economy. This is coming from the White House. If they can do this over something like your opinion on vaccines, think what they'll do when real Christians rise up and speak against this hateful society that goes as far. They'll shut them down too. Doc, the logical extension of where they're going, they're not content with just banning you from Facebook, social media. Then it's going to be your personal website has to be banned.
Starting point is 00:47:17 Right. They'll go to the ISPs. Your email account has to be banned. Your text messages. You can't text because you've been talking about it. Then your phone will have to be banned. Your text messages. You can't text because you've been talking about it. Then your phone will have to be banned. Your phone account will have to be banned. At the end of the banning comes the permanent solution. The permanent banning your breathing. Yes. That's where they're going with it. Because if you can't breathe, you can't talk. It's where they're going to eventually carry out genocide against people who desire to be free. History is full of examples.
Starting point is 00:47:56 Yes. Tyrants who kill tens of millions of people who want to be free. The Democrats are tyrants. The tech companies are tyrants. Biden is a tyrant. Biden is a tyrant. Obama is a tyrant. The news media are tyrants. These are not good people. The only thing tyrants understand is power. More than that. The only thing that stops them is just one thing. And you know what it is. And you know,
Starting point is 00:48:31 this is how bad it is. If I say it, if I say it right now, I run the risk of a corrupt FBI agent here tomorrow. That's how close we are to total concentration, I mean, total loss of freedom in this country. They only understand one thing, and people have to put them down. You have to put down the communist movement in this country. I think it's ironic that this nation was founded on the idea that we're responding against the tyranny of King George.
Starting point is 00:49:12 Right. And here it is again. And here it is. But now the script has been flipped. Now we're inviting, you know, NGOs from the UK now to come in and set the policy for us. So are we resisting the tyranny of Queen Elizabeth? Oh, and by the way, I didn't know this, Edward, about the Surgeon General that we had. He was pictured in number four, the still number four, if we can bring that back up. This is our new Surgeon General here. Yeah, he was born in England. This is at least a dual citizen.
Starting point is 00:49:51 He moved to the United States, joined the Navy, was actually brought in under the Obama administration to serve as the Surgeon General. But he's a Brit. He is loyal to the crown, at least up until his move here. Is he a dual citizen? Do we know? He had citizenship until he moved here. There's no record. And when did he move here? There's no dual citizen? Do we know? He had citizenship until he moved here. There's no record. And when did he move here? There's no reports about it. Actually, right before. He moved with his family
Starting point is 00:50:10 when he was a kid. Uh-huh. So he would have kept citizenship unless he renounced it. But the point is, that's a British-born individual holding a British-created plan. Saying, censor Americans.
Starting point is 00:50:24 Yes. Just like the British want to do in 1776. Hmm. Well, let's have the fight again. Let's see if they win the second one. I'm up for it. I'm tired of this stuff. I say have a town hall meeting
Starting point is 00:50:42 at Antietam. I mean, let's talk it out. All right? Let's go to Vicksburg. Hey, Gettysburg. Let's have a town hall meeting in Gettysburg. Let's have a talk. Your side gets on that side of the field.
Starting point is 00:50:57 Our side gets on this side of the field. And we meet in the middle and we talk it out. We see whose side wins. Let's do it. Let's do it. A vigorous talk. Yes, a see whose side wins. Let's do it. Let's do it. A vigorous talk. Yes, a vigorous talk. All right?
Starting point is 00:51:08 You lefties, you think you're so big and bad, meet us out there. Meet us in Gettysburg. All right? Meet us at Antietam. We'll whoop you so bad, you'll regret the day you started this censorship. We'll beat you silly.
Starting point is 00:51:26 I'm telling you, it's time we put down the communist revolution. I don't want to come in here every day and talk about it. What are we going to be talking about next year? What are we going to be talking about? Look at what they're doing. When do you put down the communist revolution? A year from now, are we going to be talking about, you know, they opened another concentration camp. This one's in Iowa. What used to be the hog plant, but now it's a concentration camp. Where are we going to
Starting point is 00:51:52 be talking about next year? Where you can line up for food. When do you put down the communist revolution? Now. Yesterday. But now. It has to be now. And also we're doing this method of madness, coming in here and telling you each of these steps toward communism because there hasn't been a unified uprising against the communist revolution, even when they were taking on the statues, even when they had the White House under siege. Who cares who's in it? The White House was forced into a position where they had to turn the lights off.
Starting point is 00:52:25 And the president was in a bunker. That wasn't enough. And General Milley committed sedition against the president while the president's in a bunker. He got to test his critical thesis. Let's stop being nice about these people. Look, I'm guilty of being too diplomatic and too nice. These are not good people. They're not good people. They're not good people.
Starting point is 00:52:46 They're evil. And they're evil. And they're wicked. And they want us dead. And they want us dead. Let's get it out on the table here. They called us assassins. Yes.
Starting point is 00:52:54 Yes. Let's get it out on the table. They're wicked. They're evil. They're not good. And they want us dead. Is that clear enough? It's clear as day.
Starting point is 00:53:12 I say let's meet at Gettysburg. Get this over with. Hey, listen, this is the times we're in. I mean, this is the reality. These people are ruling and reigning over us. A bunch of sissified lefties would never come out and meet real men. Never. They're cowards. They're a bunch of cowards. They never would come out and face real men. Real patriots that love this country. That's right.
Starting point is 00:53:38 They'll never do it. They're nothing but stinking cowards. I'm fed up with putting up with their crap. I'm a free man. I live in a free country. And men died for this country. And on my watch, in my generation, we're watching it being taken from us
Starting point is 00:54:00 and we're too lazy to stop it. We ought to be ashamed of ourselves. taken from us and we're too lazy to stop it. We ought to be ashamed of ourselves. We ought to be ashamed that we're allowing these cowards to take our country. We don't want to be inconvenienced with putting down a communist revolution. Well, too bad it's here. Yeah, it's here. And if the people don't do something very, very soon,
Starting point is 00:54:29 you're going to end up in a concentration camp. And after that, you're going to end up in a grave. That's where they're going with this. We're now, think about today, the White House wants to silence the son of Robert F. Kennedy. And then they're coming door to door. to silence the son of Robert F. Kennedy. And then they're coming door to door to take their checklist to see if you're vaccinated or not. They're keeping a list, and then they're silencing any kind of dissent,
Starting point is 00:54:57 and you better know they are keeping receipts. They already know who's vaccinated. Yeah. They already know. They know. They have digital, Google has digital medical records. The only reason they're going door-to-door, Lauren, is to see if you still refuse. Yes. If you're confronted. Because once challenged, a lot of people give in. Yes. Once they're directly challenged, they'll give in. Oh yeah, they'll be terrified. You think so? Yes. Absolutely. I think that you've done it this far. But you know a majority.
Starting point is 00:55:27 But think about it. Most people who choose to remain unvaccinated have not been directly challenged on it. Right. Okay? Once they are directly challenged with the force of the government behind you, then you have to make some very difficult choices. The first visit. Do I value my freedom?
Starting point is 00:55:44 Do I value my life? The first visit to your door will be like a census taker. Right. The second visit, they'll have a badge. The third visit, they'll have a gun. There won't be a fourth visit. There won't be a fourth visit. They show up with the gun and the vial.
Starting point is 00:56:05 And they're like, are you ready? So what do you? fourth visit. There won't be a fourth visit. They show up with the gun and the vial. Yep. And they're like, are you ready? So what do you... I wonder what all the prophecy teachers have to say about this. When's the rapture coming? When's the secret rapture coming that gets us out of here before there's
Starting point is 00:56:20 tribulation? When's it coming? It hasn't come yet. And it's not coming till Jesus Christ comes. These rapture tards, are they still expecting to be lifted out of here before there's any persecution? You're being persecuted right now. Yeah. So what's the line? I mean, what's the persecution line? They're burning churches down in Canada. 45 so far. They don't have to burn churches down here because all the churches are shut down here that have given into the COVID mandate. Or they're self-censoring. Right.
Starting point is 00:56:50 And so. Or their churches are vaccination centers. Right. Yeah. Full submission, not to Christ. Yeah. I learned one of the biggest Assembly of God churches in Springfield, Missouri. It shocked me to learn this as a vaccine. Say their name. James River Assembly of God in Springfield, Missouri. The biggest church in Springfield, Missouri. Assembly of God Church, now a vaccination center. I was like, Lord Jesus. I mean, is there nobody? If you'll open your church up to become a vaccination center, you'll let it become a
Starting point is 00:57:21 concentration camp. They're both for the betterment of society, right? How do you do that? And yet James River Church teaches that there is a secret rapture and the church will not experience any tribulation. Well, there won't be any tribulation for the vaccinated because they've given in. They've given in to the agenda. The church. they've given in. Right. They've given into the agenda. The church.
Starting point is 00:57:46 I said the church. Right. Not the tares. Okay. Good. Good point. There's wheat and there's tares. Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:56 The tares are getting vaccinated. The tares are all in on the agenda. They may not like it, but they won't oppose it. The wheat will stand. And we're told not to pluck the tares out, but the tares are trying to pluck the wheat out. That's right, yes. So all these rapture churches,
Starting point is 00:58:19 Assemblies of God, Church of God, Calvary, all the Moody Bible Institute, Dallas Seminary. Where are they right now? Assure me that there's no tribulation. Comfort me. Assure me that there's no tribulation. Now they're silent, aren't they? Right.
Starting point is 00:58:40 And they're not doing too much talking about the rapture these days. Have you noticed how it's gotten quiet? The prophecy teachers, where's all the prophecy conferences? Where's all the prophecy shows now on TV telling us the rapture's coming, the rapture, the rapture, the rapture? Well, where is the rapture? The only prophets I hear are QAnon. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:02 You know, that's it. You know, I don't hear any more like real prophetic words from really tuned in God loving pastors who are willing to say what might offend you to save your soul. That's right. So if you're confused about my theology and you're saying, I can't believe Rick is denying that Jesus Christ is coming back. That's not what I'm saying. He is coming back.
Starting point is 00:59:28 Of course he's, I wrote a book about it. Final day, the 10 characteristics of the Lord's second coming. I absolutely believe he's coming back. I don't believe in a secret pre-trib rapture that was invented by John Nelson Darby, who was an occultist whose family lived in a castle in Lep, Ireland, and they had ghosts and goblins and demons walking around in the castle,
Starting point is 00:59:56 and the Darby family had seances. Where do you think Darby got his rapture doctrine? Most likely he got it in a seance. From the devil. He was surrounded by high-level Freemasons. As a young man, he was a tutor to the Rothschild children. Yes, that's a fact. Then his vile heresies after he died were peddled in American churches by Cyrus Schofield, a con man, who when he got out of jail for defrauding trusting people, he reimagined himself.
Starting point is 01:00:40 Right. He went from being a con man to being a prophecy teacher. Right. Overnight, suddenly overnight, he's a prophecy teacher. I mean, he's in jail and then he's out of jail and now he's a prophecy teacher. He got a new shtick. He found a new way to get money out of people. Right.
Starting point is 01:00:58 And he got hold of Darby's doctrines and he said, Darby didn't know what he had here. This is money. And Schofield began to promote. But he really didn't make money. Schofield never was wealthy from peddling these lies. And here's why. A powerful Jew in New York City, a lawyer, head of a Zionist organization. This is the early 19th. No, no. He's the one who who sponsored Schofield to be a member of the Lotus Club, which was a an elite club of writers, of influencers. Artists.
Starting point is 01:01:46 Artists, influencers. And Schofield. So he was a social media, they were a group of social media influencers for their day. Okay. Some very influential names. So Schofield was a pastor in, I think, Massachusetts, very small church, making, I think, Massachusetts, very small church, making, I mean, probably $100 a month, you know, just barely getting by.
Starting point is 01:02:12 But he had Darby's concepts down, and he wanted to print a Bible where he put Darby's heresies in the footnotes. So he was struck down by lightning there. And suddenly And suddenly, he's a member of the Lotus Club. His initiation, his dues are paid for. He's now hobnobbing with Mark Twain and all these people that are around. I don't know if Twain was still alive at that time. Twain was a member of the club. But all these influential, Chrysler was a member of it.
Starting point is 01:02:46 Right. So all these influential people were there, and suddenly... He got a book deal. Schofield got a book deal. He got an invitation to London. London, of all places. London, we're back to London.
Starting point is 01:02:59 And he gets a meeting with Oxford Press of Oxford University. The elite press globally of the day. They wanted to meet with this young preacher. Preacher who had this amazing idea. And without a single word written in a manuscript, he came back to the United States with a contract and an advance. Now, what happened?
Starting point is 01:03:26 After that, he assembles a team. I don't know where he got the money for it. He hired an editor, Gablin. Gablin. Gablin, who was an evangelical preacher who spoke Yiddish so well that Jewish people thought he was Jewish. And he became the paid editor of the Schofield Bible.
Starting point is 01:03:58 This all goes back to Oxford. What is Oxford? Oxford is absolutely saturated with Freemasons. Yes. And if you've got Freemasons in London, it reports to the crown. Yes. Well, here we are today. Here we are today. We're talking about. So that got into the church. OK? Schofield's peddled.
Starting point is 01:04:27 You know how he did it? He started doing Bible conferences around the country. That was the first time they did paid Bible conferences. I mean, people had Bible meetings and stuff, but Schofield and his gang, they started charging money for Bible conferences. The first one was up, I think, the Long Island Bible Conference. That was the big one. In Niagara. Yeah, in Niagara. In Niagara.
Starting point is 01:04:50 And so those were, you know, so every preacher of any importance, you had to go to the Bible conference. You had to go to the Bible conference, right? He also got another boost. Oxford, I guess, did a, I guess they overprinted the Scofield Bibles because they sent thousands to the United States and gave them away free to church pastors. Right. So nearly every church in America received a free one.
Starting point is 01:05:15 A free Schofield Bible. Now they're seeding heresies. Exactly what. So why am I telling this story? Because now, overwhelmingly, most evangelical pastors in America have been taught the Schofield-Darby lie. They have been told, you don't have to worry about tribulation, about persecution. You're going to be secretly lifted up in a secret rapture. Jesus comes back two times. He comes back secretly in a pre-tribulation rapture. He grabs up all of the Christians. Nobody sees him. It's secret. He appears. Suddenly millions, millions of Christians are gone. Airplanes are falling out of the sky. Cars are going off bridges. You know, a husband comes home. His wife
Starting point is 01:06:14 and kids are gone. He's been left behind. Oh, it's a horrible, horrible situation. Headlines in the newspapers. Millions missing. Millions of Christians missing. I mean, there's a bunch of fooey. Okay. And yet that's what's been taught to churches, church members in America. And they're sitting around waiting on the rapture. I'm telling you, I'm waiting on the glorious appearing. Jesus comes back one time. And when she comes, when he comes back, baby, that's all she wrote. It's over. It's done. You're either saved or you're lost.
Starting point is 01:06:53 You don't get a second chance in a seven-year tribulation to say, you know what? My mama was right. I've got to get saved. Because, see, that's what they teach. The people left behind will get saved during the tribulation. No, I'm telling you, when Christ comes back, it's over. It's over for those who were lost, who were not born again. And it's just beginning for those of us who are saved. That's the gospel. And what has been taught in America is a lie. And we're sitting here today,
Starting point is 01:07:22 a communist revolution in America is happening right now in front of our eyes. And the church leaders and the pastors and the Bible colleges, they don't have a word to say about it. Nothing. Not a word. Not one word. They're a bunch of silent cowards. And they don't know what to say because reality is not lining up with their false theology. They're going to have to give up their false theology of a pre-tribulation secret rapture. They got to give it up in order to have a relevant sermon for their congregation. Unfortunately, there's a whole industry devoted to it.
Starting point is 01:08:10 Yeah, the rapture industry, it's a billion-dollar industry. The three things that'll make you rich in American churchianity, number one, the prosperity gospel, number two, the rapture. Number three, Israel. And if you can blend all three together, oh, Mark. You hit the trifecta. You got it, man.
Starting point is 01:08:34 You got it. Well, you're rich, but you got a ticket to hell. Yeah. Yes. But that's where this is at. This is the state of churchianity in America. They've been milking these three cows, and now they're stuck because we're running out of time, and reality is changing.
Starting point is 01:08:56 Hey, what I heard decades ago, we should have been gone. We should have been gone a long time ago. I mean, we're at the point now, hey, we got Nephilim science. They're making hybrid animals with humans. They're implanting microchips in people and they're using them for cash. Yes, it's happening right now. Hal Lindsey, you still out there? I know he's still out there. He's 90-some years old.
Starting point is 01:09:21 Fifth marriage. He wrote The Late Great Planet Earth. He made millions of dollars off that book, telling everybody there was going to be a secret rapture. John Hagee is still hanging on. He's still clinging to the rapture. David Jeremiah, he's still thinking the rapture is going to come. All these guys, they're still sticking to their story. But secretly, privately, I think they're worried.
Starting point is 01:09:50 I think they're definitely questioning. I think they're worried. I think they're like, oh, this isn't going down the way I was told it was going to go down. They carried out what they were told to do, and now here we are, and we have censorship in America. We have bizarre vaccines that are being forced on the people. We have a fake election. The former president of the United States has been banned. He's gone. He's I mean, you can't. It's never happened before that a president has just been told, you are not permitted to speak.
Starting point is 01:10:31 Okay, where are the preachers? Where are the preachers? How come it's just true news? How come it's just us out here sounding the warning? Where is everybody? Where's all the prophecy teachers? Where are these people? Man, Doc, I thought 20 years ago,
Starting point is 01:10:51 I thought, man, the closer we get to the second coming, there'll be such an army of faithful preachers declaring the time of the Lord is at hand. The last great awakening, the great harvest. Where are they? Where are they? Where are they? Where are they? Where are they? What appears that their courage and their brains have been raptured.
Starting point is 01:11:14 Rick Silva hasn't been raptured and is coming up right now. It's Kerry Kennedy's second headlines. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. says Los Angeles County will again require masks to be worn indoors, even by those vaccinated against the coronavirus. Also, the University of California system says that students, faculty and staff must have the job in order to return to the campuses. Officials are pointing to what they say are increases in COVID cases, many of them from the Delta variant.
Starting point is 01:11:50 The head of WHO says it was premature to rule out a potential link between the COVID-19 pandemic and a laboratory leak. Director General Tedros Ghebreyesus says he's asking China to be more transparent as scientists search for the origins of the coronavirus. For information on this story and more, please visit our companion website. It's called An Alabama military base says you need to get the shot before going out without a face mask while on duty. Fox News says Fort Rucker is doing
Starting point is 01:12:26 this because of the Delta variant. Here's Major General David Francis. Due to the rising rates in the counties around us and some on Fort Rucker, we're now implementing geo number 12. The big difference is going to be that if you are not wearing a mask, the leadership will be able to ask you, ask soldiers to prove that they've been vaccinated by showing their vaccination card. This measure is very important so that we can nip this in the bud and continue to protect our mission, protect our people, and protect the local community. The Washington Post and other media outlets say Fort Rucker is the first U.S. military base to require proof of vaccination, that is, for soldiers who are not wearing a mask.
Starting point is 01:13:12 Chaos on the streets of Melbourne overnight just hours before the city entered its fifth lockdown. Angry protesters marched through downtown. That according to An anti-lockdown rally has taken place in Melbourne prior to Victoria's staff lockdown. Around 200 protesters reportedly gathered outside Flinders Street station in the city, some holding Australian flags as they argued against the lockdown. Police were stationed close by as protesters called on Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews to be sacked. Yes, many of the protesters do want Victorian Premier to be
Starting point is 01:13:53 sacked. Signs did read, I have a choice and lockdown kills, with many demonstrators not wearing face masks. That's a look at True News headlines. Let's toss it back to Edward now. Thanks for watching. not wearing face masks. That's a look at True News headlines. Let's toss it back to Edward now. Thanks for watching. Well, thank you, Kerry. As Rick was stating before the program, I think we've said it all today. No, we haven't.
Starting point is 01:14:16 No, we haven't. I just read a message Doc sent to me earlier today. I just saw it. Okay. Doc posted, this is on our in-house message system. This week, I will say in church land. Okay. Okay. Not Christian land. Amy Grant, you know, the original contemporary Christian artist, Amy Grant, endorses homosexuality as a guest on a gay podcast. That's true. It actually happened this week.
Starting point is 01:14:51 Reverend Andy Stanley, this is Charles Stanley's son, gave in to the Black Lives Matter pressure and says that you must offend white people to defeat racism. Yes. And number three, worship services at a event being held by Reverend Stephen Furtick cost $99 for the best seats. He's selling seats.
Starting point is 01:15:21 He's selling seats to worship God. I wonder which God they're worshiping. Yes. This is these three in one week. Yes. You wonder why you're going into captivity, into slavery. You've been following these people for years. Cut them off. Cut them off. But they make them feel good on Sunday morning. They make them feel good. Yes, they do. Tell them what they want to hear. Yes, that's true. But slavery makes you feel bad and you've got to cut off churchianity. You have to become a person of the way. Jesus Christ is the way. The early Christians were known as people of the way.
Starting point is 01:16:11 They weren't known as Christians. They were known as people of the way because they followed the way. Right. Now we have a lot of people in the way. So, but they're not of the way. And misleading people away. Yes. That's a major thing that's taking place in the churches. Misleading people away from Christ, away from the truth. People of the falling away. Good point.
Starting point is 01:16:39 People of the falling away. So either you're a person of the way or a person of the falling away. Which one do you want to be? The Bible does talk about in the last days, they've got great falling away. But I'm telling you, God is pulling off the veil and everybody's coming out onto the stage to be shown what he or she is.
Starting point is 01:17:03 I want to be known as a worshiper of the Lord Jesus Christ. I want that stamped on my forehead. Amen. Okay? But is this like everybody's being identified? Okay? Angels are stamping people.
Starting point is 01:17:23 I really believe that. I believe that angels are stamping people. I really believe that. I believe that angels are marking people. And you better be marked by an angel. This is the time. The angels are marking souls right now. And you need to be marked by Jesus Christ. You need to have the blood of Jesus Christ on your head. You don't want to be marked as the lazy one. You don't want to be marked as the one
Starting point is 01:17:48 that did not stand up when there wasn't being a gun pointed at your head. I want to be told, well done, good and faithful servant. Amen. Amen. I just want to remind everybody on Sunday mornings to join us for New Zion Assembly. And we usually post that on the True News website around 1030 Sunday mornings. What's your sermon this week? This week I'm continuing on my series on the Apostles' Creed. And I'm talking about, I believe Jesus will judge the quick and the dead. One of my favorite phrases in the Bible.
Starting point is 01:18:21 But I basically talk about the judgment of Christ. What the Bible says about judgment, the various judgment. how Jesus judged in the past, is judging now, and will be a judge in that final day. And so that's this Sunday morning, 1030, New Zion Assembly. We also, each week, we celebrate the Lord's Supper, the communion, the Eucharist. We invite you, if you are a confessing believer in Jesus Christ, you've been baptized in water, and we welcome you to participate in global communion with us. People all over the world, Rick, join us in that aspect.
Starting point is 01:18:55 That's probably my favorite part of the service, being able to share that with everyone. And they can watch on the True News website, Or the app on your phone. All right. News website, Or the app on your phone. Sunday morning, 10 a.m. Eastern. Download the app. And then the video's there throughout the day, throughout the week.
Starting point is 01:19:16 You can still download the app on Apple, correct? Yes. Like, make sure you download the app, because we don't know how long that we're going to be able to, you know, it'll still be on the App Store. And the app is great. I actually love the app. I downloaded it right away. But, you know, you can watch it via the website, but I highly recommend downloading the app so you have it now. All right. Everybody have a great weekend.
Starting point is 01:19:33 Yes, sir. Spend that time. Spend a considerable amount of time this weekend studying the Word of God and meditating on the Word and fellowshipping with your Heavenly Father. You'll be a much better person on Monday. It's the only thing that lasts. That's right. Praise the Lord. Well, thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News. We're living in crazy times, but there are also times of great harvest.
Starting point is 01:19:59 Don't sit on the sidelines in the end times. Get involved. You've got nothing to lose, but eternity to gain. This ministry is hard at work. Why don't you join us on the plow? You can support True News by going to That is T-R-U-N-E-W-S dot com. Just click on the heart on the left-hand side
Starting point is 01:20:16 or the red donate button on the right. You can also call our toll-free number at 1-800-576-2116. That is 1-800-576-2116. That is 1-800-576-2116. If you'd like to donate to us by mail or have a prayer request or story you'd like us to investigate, our address is PO Box 690069, Bexar Beach, Florida. Zip code 32969. We accept stocks, cryptocurrency, precious metals, and even real estate. Whatever you want to bless us with, we will gladly receive. But toward our mission here, to save souls and report the good news as we approach the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:20:53 Thank you, and God bless you. The preceding program was made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit

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