TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Bill Gates Has a Wang Problem

Episode Date: May 6, 2021

Today on TRUNEWS, host Edward Szall looks at the controversy surrounding Bill Gates and his announced divorce. Did a Chinese flight attendant-translator cause the split? Next, a one-two punch in deat...hs from the COVID virus and its vaccines are killing the elderly and babies. The double-dosed are dying from the shots as well, even as the media and governments promise normalcy with vaccine submission. Finally, a new conflict emerges as UK and French navy vessels face-off near the isle of Jersey over fishing rights. Edward Szall, Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate (05/06/21)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit This is True News for Thursday, May 6th, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll. Coronavirus was made in a lab for the purpose of waging biological warfare. This, according to the Trump of Brazil, President Bolsonaro. During a speech at the Planalto Palace in Brasilia, Bolsonaro said no one knows where COVID came from, but we know which country's GDP has grown the most from the pandemic. He didn't say China, but he's obviously not talking about North Carolina.
Starting point is 00:01:09 He thinks we're already fighting a new world war, and he's naming the new Germany. Wisdom suggests he should stay away from tall buildings. Joining me to discuss this story and more are True News founder Rick Walls and Doc Burkhart. Hey, Edward. Did President Bolsonaro, did he actually link or did he liken the coronavirus to a biological weapon? Yes, absolutely. Yes. First of all, Brazil is under siege right now. And I say this by, they're going through what's being reported as a wave nearly as bad, if not worse, than India. So you place this.
Starting point is 00:01:46 This is how the speech has been given. It's giving a time when most Brazilians, all they can think about is coronavirus. He goes to the podium. He says it's not just a plague that's come to our country. It's a biological weapon. That's what biological warfare is. He actually used the phrase biological weapon. He actually used the phrase.
Starting point is 00:02:02 He said the military knows what's happened here. The military experts in biological, and nuclear warfare. He said military leaders know? Yes. Was he referring to Brazilian military leaders or military leaders in other countries? I believe he was talking about military leaders throughout the West. He's obviously talking about his own country, but he's speaking about every country affected by it. Okay, remember about a month ago?
Starting point is 00:02:32 Was it in Poland or Czech Republic, a Catholic priest, it was like a bishop, archbishop, he said, military leaders around the world know that this is a biological weapon. Yes, that's right. That was about a month ago, maybe. I think it was in Poland. And the Polish government, the Polish military issued a statement and said, we don't know what he's talking about. Of course not. But for the president of Brazil to come out, and he did not directly name China.
Starting point is 00:03:00 All right. But he did say which countries' GDP has grown the most throughout this pandemic. Well, there's only one answer to that because there's only one country whose GDP has even grown in the past year. And that was China's. Everyone else's has shrunk. It grew 20 percent in the first quarter of this year. Yes. So is it going to take two years to get to the place that world leaders openly accused China of biological
Starting point is 00:03:26 warfare? It depends, because I think the question many of these world leaders have to decide, they have to ask themselves this, are they willing to say something that could cut their country off from trading or receiving loans or even help from one of the predominant superpowers in the world? China, you know, it's already threatened Australia. Do you want to trade with somebody that's poisoning you? They might. That's what the disgusting nature of world politics right now is you have to pick the lesser of two evils.
Starting point is 00:03:55 I think for Brazil, they're making the argument right now, maybe better to side with the United States. But for countries in South Asia, they might have to say we're siding with China because they might invade us or completely cut us off, blockade us, destroy our economy if we don't go with their perspective. Now, Mr. Bolsonaro also said that he told his audience that he expected President Joe Biden to send doses of AstraZeneca vaccine to his country, major shipments of it. I'd like to point out that AstraZeneca has not been approved for use here in the U.S., not even for experimental usage here in the U.S., but we're shipping it all over the world ourselves. And so because there's a lot of it made right and nobody's using it here. And so so we're sending it to India and now we're going to send it to Brazil as well.
Starting point is 00:04:47 But getting back to the influence of China, obviously there are lines being drawn globally. President Bolsonaro is making that distinction now. He's showing what side of the line he's landing on here. And so it's going to be, you know, for a viewer or listener out there that's keen on some of the information that we talk about to see how all this transpires, especially over the next several months. That's right. Hey, one story that's big this week is the divorce of Bill Melinda Gates. And I don't think we've talked about it.
Starting point is 00:05:24 We've about it. We've respected it in a sense. So over 22 years of doing True News, I've always avoided talking about the personal family affairs of world leaders. I just think it's off limits, it's just tacky. This isn't TMZ. Yeah, and we're not a gossip podcast or something like that.
Starting point is 00:05:50 And it doesn't matter who the couple is. I never relish seeing anybody go through divorce. It's unfortunate. And so I don't take any great comfort in knowing that Mr. and Mrs. Gates are ending their marriage. They've got children. There's a lot of pain there. But we are going to talk about it today because there is a topic that has come out of this that is related to Bill Gates, and that is his interpreter, the person play a role in the divorce? And again, even at that, I would avoid talking about it. Well, the world media hasn't, though.
Starting point is 00:07:00 But the connection is, Edward, that because this woman is Chinese, that we need to take a look at it. And that's obviously because of Bill Gates's business relations in China, his involvement with Event 201. And the WHO. And the WHO. So he's very high profile as relates to China. Right. So. All right. And he is a high profile world leader in America that we know the Chinese are targeting such people for to infiltrate.
Starting point is 00:07:40 We saw it with Congressman Eric Swalwell. Right. With his his girlfriend. We saw it with Senator Feinstein. The driver. And her, yeah. Driver in quotation marks. Office manager.
Starting point is 00:07:53 Yeah, office manager. A congressional office manager who was a Chinese spy for 20 years. So we have to ask the question, Should we be looking more deeply into Mr. Gates' relationship with this woman? So let's start with, well, we'll just look at what the news media is saying. Here's Yahoo News. And actually, this is from She Knows. She Knows is a woman's news outlet that is republishing on Yahoo here. And so the headline says, All Bill Gates Chinese interpreters being accused of breaking up his marriage with Melinda Gates. Now, we're not saying that she did.
Starting point is 00:08:41 We're just saying this is what some of the major media outlets are looking at with Bill Gates. And they're asking the questions, is there a Chinese influence here with everything that's happened within the past few days here regarding Bill and Melinda Gates? Yes. And she knows that this is going viral in China. Even I say it was, even Fox Business ran this story. They said, actually, pointing simply to the fact that over 50,000 Chinese individual accounts have spoken about this, have started to speculate. And actually, the name that we have, because of She Knows, Fox Business, and others, came from Chinese researchers in China on their version of Facebook, Weibo. Now, the woman they've named, and part of this what we can confirm, is there was a 36-year-old
Starting point is 00:09:34 woman who started working at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as an interpreter. Her name is Zhe Shelly Wang. She began working there in March of 2015. Now, she knows more than just Mandarin, but she worked personally for Bill Gates as an interpreter during meetings, meetings in China, meetings in America. She also did translation work, according to her LinkedIn profile that is now deleted, for Melinda Gates and others at the foundation. Now, on this same profile, Rick, it noted that she'd done translation work, freelance, for the Bank of China. She's also worked for TED, the TED Talk brand.
Starting point is 00:10:14 So she's well-connected. Well-connected. I'd say it's a success story, if any. She actually started out, Rick, coming to the country. I mean, look at her resume. Bank of China, TED, and Bill Gates. She speaks how many languages? Six.
Starting point is 00:10:28 Six languages. Chinese, Spanish, French, German, Japanese. I speak partially one. Yes. And she attended Brigham Young University. She teaches piano. Expert in Chinese dancing. Expert in Chinese dancing. Expert in Chinese dancing.
Starting point is 00:10:46 Her first claim to fame is she ran a dumpling store in Provo, Utah. It was out of Four Seasons. It was called the Hot Pot Dumplings. That's what she did. It was out of Four Seasons? So these aren't small things. So that right there. That's Bill Gates.
Starting point is 00:11:00 Yes. Bill Gates was an owner of Four Seasons. You should have led with that. We know that because of the shooting in Las Vegas. Mr. Gates is a partial owner in Four Seasons. Well, okay, this got a little more interesting. She had a restaurant there, the
Starting point is 00:11:15 Dumplings Restaurant for Two. Not only did she have it, she ran it for two years successfully. You don't just walk into the Four Seasons with a restaurant. I've got dumplings for sale. Dumplings. Where did she dumplings for sale. Dumplings? Where did she get the capital to start this? Is that where she got the first connection? Where did she get the permission to have the restaurant there? Because the Four Seasons isn't known as being, you know, you just walk up,
Starting point is 00:11:36 hey, let's go over to the Four Seasons and have some dumplings. No, rather, the Four Seasons is a hotel geared to the elite clientele of America. Would you say that there's a vigorous, rigorous vetting process? Yes, yes, very much so. You can't just call up the Four Seasons and say, I have a lack of reservation at the Four Seasons. No, they call you to see if you want a reservation at the Four Seasons. And she was also an airline flight attendant.
Starting point is 00:12:03 That's right, airline flight attendant for Delta, specifically a flight attendant for flights from the U.eing. And she was also an airline flight attendant? That's right. Airline flight attendant for Delta, specifically a flight attendant for flights from the U.S. to Shanghai. She was picked for that. It made a point about it on her LinkedIn. The internet has been deleted.
Starting point is 00:12:15 The actual evidence on this, not her resume, it doesn't exist. It's just the stories by Fox Business. It would make sense because she speaks
Starting point is 00:12:22 Mandarin and Cantonese. Yes, that's correct. I mean, that's logical. She's also a private pilot. That's not a cheap endeavor. She's a pilot, too. Can she drive a submarine? We haven't been able to confirm that yet, but that was the one thing I wanted to find out.
Starting point is 00:12:37 I don't know, but that's what we said. This is the resume, very similar to Ghislaine Maxwell. Ghislaine Maxwell. Ghislaine Maxwell. So she's a ballet dancer, professional piano player, owner of Dumpling Maker, flight at Dumpling Store at the Four Seasons. She's a very talented individual. And speaks six languages. And speaks six languages.
Starting point is 00:12:58 And had more, one of the articles said she had more than a professional relationship. Is that the wording? What you're referring to is the original viral post on Weibo. That is China's version of Facebook. And yes, the exact wording which was used, the first post, the first mention of Xi, Shelley, Wang. It said she had a more than strictly professional relationship with the Gateses. Now, what was interesting is that post did not say Bill specifically.
Starting point is 00:13:28 It was inferred. Reading it, it was inferred that the relationship was with Bill, the more than strictly professional relationship. But the post actually also laid out in the open it could have been a more than strictly professional relationship with Melinda. We don't know. What I do know is I woke up today, read Fox Business. Fox Business. This isn't TMZ. This isn't the Fox News main site.
Starting point is 00:13:51 Fox Business thought this was important, that this could be the solution, really the answer to the mystery surrounding the $160 billion divorce happening right now. Has Ms. Wang made any comments? Through a friend, she's reportedly denied it. Now, I say through a friend. A former professor in China has made this post. Li Dongli is her name, the friend. She claims to have texted. That's the text window for the WeChat on the left.
Starting point is 00:14:23 She claims to have mentioned to her former student, Ms. Wang, that, hey, Wall Street Journal, Fox News, and other U.S. outlets are claiming you broke up the Gateses through a relationship with Bill. She has denied it. She said it's unconfirmed rumors. At least that's what we're being told
Starting point is 00:14:40 by her former teacher. But Mrs. Wang has not come out, done an interview, said anything, nor have the Gateses addressed what's become one of the biggest stories in America. All right. Made it to Fox Business. Our good friend, economist Martin Armstrong, he's had some comments about this. Yes, he was cheering this. And not for, obviously, a divorce, a marriage breaking up, but more so
Starting point is 00:15:07 he believes that Bill and Melinda Gates breaking up may severely derail his attempts to blot out the sun and his projects to release genetically modified mosquitoes all around the world. Sounds like Dr. Evil you're describing there. These are simply projects that Bill Gates has championed. Of course, among them is the global mandatory vaccination push. And Bill Gates, according to Martin Armstrong and his supercomputer, this is what he's claiming he's got this information from.
Starting point is 00:15:40 He claimed actually he predicted this. I don't have an independent confirmation of that, but that's the story. He claims he was predicting the downfall of Bill Gates, and this is a marker on the Gates family. I'd imagine so. They're hated. Yes. Dare I say billions. They're hated by billions. Maybe say, billions. They're hated by billions.
Starting point is 00:16:26 Maybe there's a lot of pressure. Mr. Gates is no longer welcomed in many places since the pandemic. So maybe he's under a lot of stress by the negativity towards him. Maybe he's under a lot of stress that the Great Reset is not going as fast and as well as they expected. Right. Maybe Melinda's been bugging him. Why haven't you blocked out the sun yet? I mean, what's taking so long?
Starting point is 00:17:01 You were supposed to have the sun blocked out a year ago. The mosquito project. How's that going? You loser. You were supposed to have the sun blocked out a year ago. The mosquito project. How's that going? You loser. You big loser. Get the sun blocked out. Yeah, the population should have been down by 10 million people by now. Look, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:17:18 We're talking about a man who says he has the power to block the sun. Yes. Yes. Okay, the guy is, I don't care how brilliant his mind is, he's still a psychopath. When you reach that stage that you say, I will block the sun. Right. I believe the population of the world needs to be reduced.
Starting point is 00:17:45 I believe I have the power to to create genetically modified mosquitoes and release billions of them into communities where the people don't want them. Yes. When you reach that state, you're a psychopath. And so maybe maybe Mr. Mrs. Gates are are just stressing out from all the pressure of being a psychopathic world dictator. Look, I've always wondered watching looking at the pictures of Bill and Melinda Gates in Africa, especially with the children. If it ever came up in private. Hey, when you've gone to these conferences on depopulation, you've met with other world leaders to discuss depopulation, you know that the people who will be depopulated are the ones that we just held in our hands. The baby you just held in your hand
Starting point is 00:18:34 is among that poverty section of the global population that you're saying might be better for the Earth if they don't exist. Yes. Isn't that what the message has been? And he has said that. So I'd imagine, so if that is what it is, I can only imagine the consternation that would have caused in a marriage. And if that is the reason behind it, Melinda might be the one with
Starting point is 00:18:54 the humanity, might be the one with the heart. Do we have any statistical evidence that the population of the nation is dropping? We do. And this is not good in the sense that we now have a marker to watch for. But the first marker is that Social Security claims plummeted last year. This is a story from Bloomberg. What Bloomberg is reporting is that 447,000 seniors, 65 years or older died last year, and that the claims now for Social Security, the payments you get when you retire from work in the United States, they plummeted to a 10-year low and are continuing to decrease. Do we have any idea, do you know what the average die-off per year is of Americans
Starting point is 00:19:43 65 years or older? I was looking last night. It's usually just above 300,000. But clearly a big bump for just one year. And we've already been told by the mashes of the pandemic that the group that was hit the hardest, not just from the disease, but from the lockdowns, were the elderly. But I remember talking a year ago when the
Starting point is 00:20:06 pandemic first was, you know, rolling out, the pandemic was first rolling out, that this would be the perfect opportunity to rebalance the books on social security. That if you can, you know, cut off a major block of the drain on the social Security Fund, you wouldn't have the pressure on it anymore. Well, another psychopath, Cuomo of New York, he killed at least 15,000 elderly people in nursing homes. Well, they're doing that in Ontario now, too. Got away with it.
Starting point is 00:20:36 Mass murder. The man is guilty of, what is, centicide? Is that the right? Centicide, yes. Centicide, the genocide of old people? Yes. Why hasn't he been charged with Centecide? His policies, his decisions, his instructions, his mandates
Starting point is 00:20:56 led to the deaths of at least 15,000 seniors in nursing homes. And those are numbers provided by the state of New York. Yes. Those are the numbers that New York says died in nursing homes. That those are numbers provided by the state of New York. Yes. Those are the numbers that New York says died in nursing homes. That he covered up. Right. His staff covered up those numbers. And Wacky Whitmer in Michigan, she did the same thing.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Yes. And Pervert Pritzer in Illinois, he did it. I mean, all of them were killing off old people. No wonder Social Security claims are down. And then at the other end of the spectrum, we have this story. This is coming out of the New York Times, that the U.S. birth rate has dropped again. And the pandemic may be accelerating the decline. There should be more babies.
Starting point is 00:21:46 That's right. People were at home. At home, locked up. Why weren't they having babies? Well, because fear. That's what the New York Times and the experts they interviewed said is couples were making the decision out of, really, a response to the propaganda. They were afraid to bring a child into the world because they thought that a virus, a mystery killer
Starting point is 00:22:06 would kill it. Remember a year ago, I was in either March or April, I wish I would have pulled up the article, that they talked about how coronavirus was impacting sperm count in men. Yes, in Korea. And so a biological weapon designed to sterilize people.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Appalachian reduction. We're seeing this happening at both ends now. This is like, you know, the proverbial military squeeze. You hit them at both ends of the spectrum here, and all that's left is in the middle. extreme environmental nut jobs who have been telling us for decades that the world is going to end because of global warming I really believe they're working with China on this project that their part is they believe they believe that this is the only way to save the planet, to reduce the human population,
Starting point is 00:23:14 to eliminate capitalist economic activity and reset the world. I believe that the extreme left, who are the most vocal global warming nutcases, I believe they have worked hand in hand with China and this project to depopulate the world. There's evidence of that, Rick, in the sense they've given China a buy. It's not just with the climate change agenda. First of all, China being the biggest pollutant in the world. Yes, I was going to say that. China being the biggest pollutant in the world. Yes, I was going to say that.
Starting point is 00:23:45 They are the biggest polluter in the world. Think about it. They will talk about Hitler and compare part of our country, a good portion of it, to Nazis. But they won't talk about the Nazi-like killings, the genocide during the rise of China. They ate people. They ate each other. The communists ate people who wouldn't submit to the communist state. They never speak about that. Because China because China to them is a success story. They successfully
Starting point is 00:24:10 enslaved their population. And now there are certain individuals, communist capitalists, that can lord over the population and even test some of the tech lockdowns, the tech tyranny we're having here in America. And they stole what they call the China way. America has a lot to learn from China. We should be adopting the China way. So I think they're helping us in the past year. I think they're trying to get us to adopt the China way. It's American technology companies, social media companies,
Starting point is 00:24:40 that have imposed social credit scores in America. Why are people like myself, why are we deplatformed for expressing our views, our constitutional rights in America? It's the China way. It's the China way being implemented the American way through social media tech companies, through banks, insurance companies. Look, I can tell you stories. People I know who have lost their bank accounts, lost their insurance policies,
Starting point is 00:25:12 lost business deals, lost contracts. For what? Their political views. Right. And it's reached a point that companies are now actively looking at the social media footprint of their clients. Doing a risk assessment. Their clients that are paying their bills every month. No problem at all with the client.
Starting point is 00:25:38 But somebody in the company says, we've got to look at their social media footprint and make a decision whether we want to do business with them not that we're not that they're communists not that they're socialists but that they stand up for american rights yes i think of how critical this is some of these companies do business with china they have no qualms of doing business with the communists okay but for americans patriots no they're too dangerous the reason they don't have any qualms doing business with the communists because they're communists they're comrades together they are communists that's why they don't it doesn't bother them that's the point i'm trying to make the communism is inside corporate offices in america that's why we're seeing
Starting point is 00:26:20 these decrees coming down from from Fortune 500 companies. And we're going, what in the world are you doing? You just told 100 million clients, 100 million customers to get lost. You don't want their views. I mean, you don't want their their money. You don't want their business because you don't like their views. I mean, it's just business-wise, it's so stupid. It is stupid.
Starting point is 00:26:50 I'm waiting to see when a group of stockholders will sue the board of directors of a corporation and say, your political correctness has chased off millions of customers and you've hurt my investment in this company. I made an investment in this company. I bought stock to get dividends. And now the dividends are not going to be as high because you've told 20, 30 million people to get lost. When is somebody going to sue them?
Starting point is 00:27:28 I mean, the decisions that they're making are reckless. But honestly, their view is if they can push this far enough, long enough, everything else collapses. That's the agenda. What I get so insidious about this is they also turn to the American people for a bailout. The very people they are declining services from, they're happy to take advantage of the PPP loan system, for example. Only available because of taxpaying Americans. But they'll work to deplatform the very people paying for that. Well, I saw Tucker Carlson, he's brought up that he says 30 people a day are dying after
Starting point is 00:28:09 getting COVID vaccines. Well, that's based on the official numbers. We know for over a year that the official numbers of deaths from COVID infections was inflated. So we have to assume that the official number of deaths from the vaccine have been underreported. Yes, they're underreported. But at least he's speaking out about it, but there's outrage now, people, another group of people now who want Tucker Carlson taken off of Fox News for questioning the safety of experimental vaccines. Experimental vaccines.
Starting point is 00:28:55 They are not approved by the FDA. They're only approved for experimental use, which means everyone taking the vaccine is in the experiment. They're the guinea pig. Everyone taking the vaccine is the guinea pig in the great experiment. We have a segment, actually, from Tucker Carlson's program last night where he mentioned this. And it almost seems as if Tucker is trying to do whatever he can to get himself removed from Fox News. Maybe he's going to go out with a bang.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Well, in this one, he hit it on the mark. This is Tucker Carlson from last night. Between late December of 2020 and last month, a total of 3,362 people apparently died after getting the COVID vaccine in the United States. 3,362. That's an average of roughly 30 people every day. So what does that add up to? By the way, that reporting period ended on April 23, and we don't have numbers past that. Not quite up to date.
Starting point is 00:29:59 But we can assume that another 360 people at that rate have died in the 12 days since. You put it all together, and that is a total of 3,722 deaths. That's almost 4,000 people who died after getting the COVID vaccines. The actual number is almost certainly higher than that, perhaps vastly higher than that. The data we just cited come from the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, VAERS. VAERS is managed by the CDC and the FDA. VAERS has received a lot of criticism over the years, some of it founded. Some critics have argued for a long time that VAERS undercounts vaccine injuries.
Starting point is 00:30:36 A report submitted to the Department of Health and Human Services in 2010 concluded that, quote, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported by the VAERS system, fewer than 1%. So what is the real number of people who apparently have been killed or injured by the vaccines? Well, we don't know that number. Nobody does. And we're not going to speculate about it on this show. But it's clear that what is happening now, for whatever reason, is not even close to normal. It's not even close to what we see in previous years with previous vaccines. Most vaccines are not accused of killing large numbers of people.
Starting point is 00:31:13 The Menveo vaccine, for example, is given to people around the world, often children, to prevent bacterial meningitis. In this country, only one person died from that vaccine in the entire period between 2010 and 2015. One. So compare that to what is happening now with the coronavirus rollout. In just the first four months of this year, the U.S. government has recorded more deaths after COVID vaccinations than from all other vaccines administered in the United States between mid-1997 and the end of 2013. That is a period of 15 and a half years. The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, I've personally looked at this data set.
Starting point is 00:31:56 It's run by the CDC. It only shows cases and deaths reported by doctors or health care workers. They've seen, hey, this was right after the vaccine. What Tucker Carlson said there, and he said later in the interview, mind you, that the segment that if you had a vaccine, good for you. So he's not anti. It's kind of a weird saying. He's saying on one end, there's many deaths and adverse effects. The other end, hey, if you've got the vaccine, it's OK. So he's not anti-vaccine is what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:32:24 No. But by what he reported here. He's not anti-vaccine is what you're saying? No, but by what he reported here, he's not anti-COVID vaccine. Yes. If you listen closely to his, I heard it in its entirety, he several times indicated that he's okay with people being vaccinated with coronavirus. Then why report on people dying from it? Because his audience is upset about it. He won't take it so far. Yeah, just like the Las Vegas shooting. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:55 And Hunter Biden laptop. The best thing that we can do, guys, is just let's just stroll around the country, look at local headlines, and see what is being reported in local newspapers and local TV stations. So we'll start with Chicago ABC TV Channel 7. This is a local news in Illinois. Fully vaccinated Flossmoor, Illinois man, age 75, dies from virus a month after the second vaccine dose. Okay, so I've got... He's fully vaccinated.
Starting point is 00:33:28 All right, so I've got an honest question. So the report here is that he dies from the virus. Now notice... He didn't die from the vaccine. But from the virus after the second vaccine dose. So I got a question for you. Whose fault is that? Whose fault is it that this man died?
Starting point is 00:33:48 He did the right thing according to the current mindset, right? He, you know, he got a vaccine, he got the second dose, and yet he died from a virus. So whose fault is that? Is that his fault? Is that the doctor's fault? Whose fault is it that he died of the virus? If the vaccine protects you from coronavirus, if we can, if everybody's vaccinated, we can reopen the society again and go back to work and go to ballgames and all this stuff. Right. But this man got coronavirus a month after his second dose. It killed him. I don't think he came in contact with an infected person. I think he came in contact with a vaccine needle.
Starting point is 00:34:38 Now, Rick, they're giving you the virus. They're putting the virus in your body. Why is this hard to figure out what's going on? They're injecting coronavirus in your body. This is real simple. This is a mass kill-off program. If we could put that still back up on the screen here. Rick pointed out something to us earlier today that it's a new thing you're going to see a lot of.
Starting point is 00:35:10 And that's that word breakthrough infection. Oh, yeah. That word there, breakthrough. What's that mean, Rick? Well, it means that despite the fact that this man was fully vaccinated, somehow the virus broke through the protective wall of the vaccine. The vaccine was there to put a shield around him. But this evil, wicked virus mutated and broke through the virus. You know where that mutated virus came from? Some white evangelical Trump voter who didn't get vaccinated.
Starting point is 00:35:48 Because they're nothing but virus breeders, right? Yes. Mutant virus breeders. Yes, that man was fully vaccinated, but he stood next to a white evangelical Trump voter who was carrying a mutant virus in his body and didn't know it. So that's whose fault it is. That's who killed this man. And I would say that the pharmaceutical companies that made the virus,
Starting point is 00:36:16 put the virus in a needle, that's who killed him. They're injecting, they're injecting a substance designed to react to a man-made biological warfare weapon. Now, I'm sure this is just one case out of a million, right? Just, just one guy, right? No, it's not. Let's look at this report. This is out of Arizona. This is a lawmaker in Arizona. Arizona lawmaker says she tested positive for COVID after receiving both doses of the Pfizer vaccine. Both of them. Oh, gee. She's a breakthrough infection, too.
Starting point is 00:36:59 How did that happen? Some people just have bad luck. She did what she was told to do. She's a state legislator in the Arizona state legislature. She was a good example to the people. She went and got fully vaccinated, and then, son of a gun, she got the virus. So she had both doses of the Pfizer vaccine. And then a few days later, she started having severe migraines.
Starting point is 00:37:30 And then she lost the ability to taste or to smell. She just thought it was allergies. She's a state representative. A Democrat. Hernandez, a Democrat. And you know what she said? She said, I couldn't figure it out. I got fully vaccinated and I went back to work. But she thinks she has it now. She thinks because Arizona ended
Starting point is 00:37:51 the most severe aspects of their lockdown, she must have been exposed to someone, someone who wasn't vaccinated, someone who wasn't following the rules. Well, but how did that happen? It says in the article that she wore her mask all the time, even after being vaccinated. She was fully vaccinated and wearing a mask, and she still got the virus. She got the virus because they injected it in her bloodstream. It's that simple. They're putting coronavirus in your body. Doc, what is the polio shot?
Starting point is 00:38:25 It's polio virus. That's what's in it. They put polio in your body? Yes. It helps you build up antibodies against that very virus. Now, we know that. What do you get for measles? Measles?
Starting point is 00:38:36 Measles. But what's different about the. What are they putting in these people's bodies? But it's not. That's just it. It's not the actual virus they're putting in people's bodies. At least we think. Because, right, they're keeping it.
Starting point is 00:38:48 It's proprietary information. They're telling us it's not, right? That's right. They're having to take their word of it. There's a patent on it. That's right. And so, but we're told, we're told that even experts out there are saying you can't technically call these vaccines because of what's in them or what's not in them. All right, then that is false advertising.
Starting point is 00:39:12 Well, they've been doing it for a year now. Should the FTC be intervening? What, this FTC? Yeah. No, of course they won't. There's no reason to have these governments. If I sold you a product and I told you this absolutely is going to keep you safe and you got sick, wouldn't the government come after me and say that's false advertising? If you and I did that, but not a pharmaceutical. No, not a farmer because they've been absolved of any sort of blame that might come as a result of it.
Starting point is 00:39:44 Well, on this real quick, the other aspect, too, is the mRNA protocol for the Pfizer and Moderna. And what I've been seeing, real studies, and Lancet ran one, that the virus is changing our DNA, is changing us. Now, you could postulate they don't really know if the vaccine is changing us. We really don't know exactly what this vaccine has done to the human population. Now we're basically looking at the population of those that had side effects. We're wondering, well, was this something we could have seen? Obviously, this isn't a mistake. They rushed this through, and now they're shaming old, young, women, pregnant, everyone out to get this experimental shot.
Starting point is 00:40:24 Well, if you look in the mirror and you have a tail, I'd say it's changed. You've got a third eye growing out of your forehead. All right, how about Nebraska? All right, so here's how the Journal star, Nebraska woman, who was fully vaccinated, dies of COVID-19. How is that possible? How does someone who's fully vaccinated, she probably went and telling her friends, you know what? And not only have I got the first shot, I got the second shot.
Starting point is 00:40:51 I can go out to the bridge club now. I can go out and see my grandkids again. I can do all those things now, right? No, because this doesn't protect you from COVID. It doesn't protect you from coronavirus. It only suppresses the symptoms, but it didn't protect you from COVID. It doesn't protect you from coronavirus. It only suppresses the symptoms. But it didn't suppress all the symptoms for this lady because one of the results was she died. Well, the chief of medicine, the chief medical officer for Nebraska said that don't worry about this death. It's sad, but it does not negate the importance of vaccination. And they pointed to
Starting point is 00:41:25 the fact that only 112 people have died. Out of the 95 million, he said only 112 have died. That's only a small number. Hello, what do we do after a mass shooting? We try to change the entire fabric of the country, get rid of the Second Amendment. Get rid of all the guns.
Starting point is 00:41:42 You're saying 112 have died. There's probably more than that. It's like a mass shooting. 20 die. Yes. You're saying 112 have died. There's probably more than that. It's like a mass shooting. Yeah, it is. It's multiple mass shootings throughout the country. Mass jabbing. Confiscate needles.
Starting point is 00:42:01 And I believe that death number is higher than that because they're suppressing the numbers. But think of there are a lot of people who are getting ill after the second dose, right? Paralysis, facial paralysis. Just as we shared last week from the U.K. report where everybody was saying, well, that crazy true news. And that report that the second dose kills everybody. We got that from the U.K. government that you're going to see a 60 to 70 percent kill off of people who had the second dose fully vaccinated. So what are we going to see here by the end of summer? Are we going to see tens, thousands, hundreds of thousands of people dying? And they're going to say, well, don't worry, just because they had the second vaccine.
Starting point is 00:42:39 The reason why they're dying is because the mutant virus. Yes, exactly. They're they're now saying we're in the fourth wave. Somehow I missed the third wave. We're now in the fourth wave. Somehow I lived through the dark winter that Joe Biden warned us was coming. This is now May. What happened to the dark winter, Joe? It wasn't as dark as we thought it was going to be, was it?
Starting point is 00:43:10 But we could be headed, seriously, we could be headed to a dark summer, a dark fall, because the fourth wave that is hitting India and other nations. It's happening in the countries that have massive vaccination programs underway. Yes. It's the vaccine that's killing the people. It's the vaccine that's spreading the virus in India, in Great Britain, in Germany. It's the vaccine that's doing it. And then they're going to turn around and blame it on a mutant virus.
Starting point is 00:43:52 Well, now we've got to have another vaccine. You're going to have to be vaccinated with another fake vaccine. Or symptom suppressant. If you survive, if you live through it. The other thing we don't know about, because this is a man-made biological warfare weapon, which means that the pretend vaccine is a response to a man-made biological weapon. A counter-biological weapon. Yes.
Starting point is 00:44:26 What we don't know is what the Chinese military built into the virus. What has been built into the virus that is activated at a second stage, maybe a year from now, two years, a sleeper cell, a sleeper virus that can be activated, maybe activated by the vaccine, maybe activated by another virus that becomes a second layer in your body. We don't know. Right. We don't know. But in two to three years from now, Doc, there could be a massive die off from this virus that the Chinese have unleashed on the world. But the thing they're selling people on, though, Rick, is the idea that if you if you just get vaccinated, if you get that first dose, if you get that second dose, why, you can start going and watch the ball game again. Why, you can go back to movie theaters.
Starting point is 00:45:13 Oh, and you grandparents, you can finally see those grandkids again. Don't you want to see your little baby grandkids again? You miss them, right? You get to do all the things to have picnics again. And and life goes back to normal and everything. If only you would get that second dose. You just need that second dose, right? But Granny's dying after she gets the second dose. And the fact of the matter is what they're not telling you is that you can still get coronavirus after you're fully vaccinated. Here is from MassLive. Look at this number here.
Starting point is 00:45:47 This is just in the state of Massachusetts. Nearly 1,800 fully vaccinated. Fully vaccinated. They had two shots, Rick. 1,800 fully vaccinated people in Massachusetts have tested positive for COVID. Must be a fluke. Yeah, just statistical, you know, blip. It be a fluke. Yeah, just statistical, you know. It's a conspiracy theory. Don't believe your lying eyes. Somebody who's fully vaccinated
Starting point is 00:46:14 cannot be infected with coronavirus. Because Dr. Fauci has told us that we must be vaccinated. We must wear five masks. We will be protected. But these people were not protected. Nearly 1,800 people in the state of Massachusetts did what they were told to do
Starting point is 00:46:36 and still ended up being infected with the China virus. In Hawaii, this is a sad story. A little boy died on vacation with his parents. The parents don't understand because the mom and dad were both fully vaccinated. I hate to say this, but most likely they passed the virus on to their child. Right. They were contagious.
Starting point is 00:47:05 And according to health officials there in Hawaii, they say, I can tell you that both parents had been vaccinated and they stressed fully vaccinated. And both parents had tested negative before traveling from the mainland to Hawaii. So they go on to say so soon after arrival that it is very likely this child was infected with COVID while on the mainland or perhaps in transit. And so but we're seeing evidence of once again, understand that just because you've been vaccinated, not once but twice, you can still have COVID. Yes. According to the test. So I'm with Rick. They likely passed COVID on to their kids. A big story is out of India. I don't think it's gotten any
Starting point is 00:47:51 news coverage in the United States, but this is a big story in a country of India. Yes, and it is a U.S. story, too, because Dr. Rahenja Kapila was actually one of the most renowned U.S. infectious disease doctors out of Rutgers University in New Jersey. So he's an American. He's worked in America. He's an American in the sense that we take his research, we use it. Actually, he worked hand in hand with Dr. Fauci on the Ebola epidemic and also on the HIV and AIDS crisis. This man, Rick, recently traveled back just this past month to India to care for an elderly relative. He got fully vaccinated prior to traveling.
Starting point is 00:48:35 Upon arriving in India, he succumbed to the very virus he was supposedly vaccinated against. So he's an expert, a world-renowned expert on infectious diseases. And he's fully vaccinated. An expert in HIV-AIDS on top of that. I mean, one of the top ones on HIV-AIDS. Which, allegedly, HIV is in the coronavirus. Right. Remember, that's what got Zero Hedge kicked off of Twitter about a year ago. And the only way HIV could be in coronavirus is if it was man-made in a laboratory. Yes, which we're not the only ones speaking about. Again, the president of Brazil just floated that at a speech yesterday. And we said a year ago, the reason Donald Trump brought in Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx
Starting point is 00:49:23 is that both Fauci and Birx were experts in AIDS. Yes, that's right. And we brought that up March of 2020 and said this ought to be a great concern to everybody. That's the real breakthrough. That the president's advisors are AIDS experts. There's HIV in the coronavirus. And so this man spent his entire life studying infectious diseases. Taught at Rutgers for 50 years, Rick. He'd been part of the 50 years faculty at Rutgers. He's such a true believer that before his death, he actually went on to
Starting point is 00:50:05 YouTube, did a Zoom call presentation, and was criticizing, attacking actually those who made the decision to avoid masking, avoid social distancing, actually had gone back to the regular walks of life. He also said that it didn't help him. It didn't. No, he said that he followed his advice and died. Yes, he followed his own advice and died. Yes. He followed his own advice and died. That's right. The infectious disease expert. So if they can't get it right. So what I'm going to do is not follow their advice. Yeah. They died. Yeah. If there was a builder, he's an expert architect. He builds a building and it collapses on him. You're not going to want to employ that person to build your house. Well, we're not going to trust Dr. Kapila, but he's dead now. They had a COVID scare at a recent G7 meeting. Was it in?
Starting point is 00:50:55 London. It was in London? London. Yes. It's the foreign minister's pre-summit meeting. We have there the U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and India's foreign minister, Sabraman Jakonda. Now, what this signifies is that this man coming from India brought with him, reportedly, a strain, a strain that's going viral in India. They can't even keep the globalist meetings now quarantined. This meeting is interesting, right? Because they were meeting specifically to discuss what are we going to do if the pandemic never ends? Well, you now have a delegate among you potentially spreading a variant.
Starting point is 00:51:38 Well, you have to let AI run the world. And they would be happy with that, wouldn't they? It would help implement the fourth industrial revolution. Yes, it would bring it to fruition. The thing that bothers me about this article, Rick, they were meeting to discuss how they're going to deal with the rising superpower of China. Yet they won't discuss the elephant in the room, which is that there's a bioweapon from China, which has made you wear a mask, made you social distance, infected a delegate.
Starting point is 00:52:13 They won't discuss it. So these meetings are worthless. All right. Another interesting story. We've been talking about the doses and second doses and everything. Here's an interesting story that when we were looking at the VAERS information the other day before Tucker Carlson, we were looking at it before then, came across this particular story. And I don't know how you found this, Edward. This was just buried in cases from the National Vaccine Information Center. Tell folks what you found here. So this is case ID number 1166062. And it is a doctor who's put in basically a report
Starting point is 00:52:59 about a death. And this is what he said. A patient received second dose of Pfizer vaccine on March 17th, 2020 while at work. Now the date there looks to be maybe wrong, but that's what it says right there because it's not 2021. Do you notice that? 2020. March 18, 2020, her five-month-old breastfed infant developed a rash and within 24 hours was inconsolable, refusing to eat and developed a fever. Patient brought baby to local ER where assessments were performed. Blood analysis revealed elevated liver enzymes. Infant was hospitalized but continued to decline and passed away. Diagnosis of TTP, no known allergies, no new exposure aside from the mother's vaccination the previous day.
Starting point is 00:53:48 Now, look at the symptoms. One of the first symptoms that listed there, which I think is pretty cruel, death. Yes, that was a symptom of it. But, and I agree with Edward, I think they just somehow mistyped the dates because if you look at the vaccination and manufacturer line up there, it does say COVID-19 Pfizer BioNTech, Pfizer BioNTech dosage. So the gist of the story, Rick, is that this mother, she had received two doses of the Pfizer vaccine. Okay. She was, she breastfed her baby. The baby died three days later, three days later.
Starting point is 00:54:33 And so that's the gist of the story. Now the, the baby didn't die of COVID. It basically died of a blood clot. Yes. That's what TTP is. That's what TTP is. So the baby died of a blood clot. Yes. That's what TTP is. That's what TTP is. So the baby died of a blood clot from drinking the mother's breast milk. Well, Mr. Trump needs to take ownership of it. He said it's the Trump scene. He's the father of the Trump scene. So,
Starting point is 00:55:00 Mr. Trump, you helped kill that little five-month-old baby. And every preacher out there like Bob Jeffress and Franklin Graham that's hustling for the pharmacy industry, you own it too. Rick, this story is especially troubling because it's proof of what you were just discussing. Someone, a baby, not vaccinated, dies after contact with someone who was vaccinated. Shedding. This indicates shedding. As in the person who's vaccinated,
Starting point is 00:55:34 whatever's going on inside their body can hurt you and I if we're unvaccinated. And especially the children. Rick, we launched missiles at Syria because of dead children. Remember that? We invaded Iraq of dead children. Remember that? We invaded Iraq over dead children. Remember that fake story about Kuwait?
Starting point is 00:55:50 Where are the news stories about this? Where are the interviews of the mother? A five-month-old is dead today after her mother got two shots of that Frankenvirus. And yet, here we have the CDC. The CDC denying shots or killing people. When you have reports that are coming out every single day. Thousands of them. No evidence of vaccination contributed to the patient's death. Well, they got the vaccination and they died.
Starting point is 00:56:19 What more evidence do you need there? They'll even admit they had received the vaccine, but they didn't contribute to the patient's death. So what did contribute to the patient's death? What was it if it wasn't the vaccination itself? Doc, you can't reason with these people. They're hardcore liars. Let's just call it like it is. They're just hardcore liars. Let's just call it like it is. They're just hardcore
Starting point is 00:56:47 liars. They're liars and deceivers. Like their father. About a week ago, we talked about there's a discovery pretty late in discovering it that the rent moratorium that was imposed on American landlords
Starting point is 00:57:08 came from the CDC. I didn't know that. I thought state governments did it. Or there were something from maybe banks or something. Yeah. I didn't know the CDC, the Center for Disease and Control, issued the moratorium that prohibited landlords from evicting tenants who did not pay their rent during the lockdown. So this week, a federal judge struck down the CDC national moratorium, saying the CDC has no power, no jurisdiction, no authority to issue such a mandate. Well, I'm shocked. It took a year. I'm shocked that logic actually kicked in here, that somebody actually had common sense. Somebody actually asked the question, does the CDC have the authority to do that?
Starting point is 00:58:04 And the judge said no. It took a year to get to this place. And in the court ruling, they actually have now defined the actual powers of the CDC. The judge said that though the CDC has broad authority to enact regulations that prevent the spread of disease, their power is limited to inspecting, fumigating, disinfecting, sanitizing, exterminating, or destroying infected animals or articles. That's it. Not stopping evictions, not sending COVID agents to your house. And they can't run school board meetings. That's right. I'm just astounded how many local school boards, city councils, county commissioners have said,
Starting point is 00:58:45 well, we've implemented the CDC mandate. Right. When there is no mandate. They have no authority to issue mandates. Hey, the New York, if you want to go see the Yankees or the Mets. This is from Andrew Cuomo, by the way. And you're unvaccinated.
Starting point is 00:59:05 You'll have to sit, I guess, at the back of the stadium. Oh, they're segregating people in New York. Yes. So starting May 19th, full capacity seating at Yankee Stadium and Citi Field, because they've got to reopen everything, Rick, will be available for fully vaccinated people, you know, the ones that are dying. For unvaccinated, the capacity will be 33% to comply with CDC social distancing rules. To comply.
Starting point is 00:59:36 Comply. Rules. The CDC doesn't have any authority to order the state to do it. We just read the authority in this regard. Yes. Cuomo is saying, I am going to implement CDC rules. Rules that don't exist. The CDC has, they
Starting point is 00:59:55 don't have the authority to set a rule. Hold on a second here. Are they giving us a little hint here? The one rule the CDC has, the one power, is they can kill vermin. Yes. Okay, so is that the power they're quoting there? Yeah, they'll call us rodents.
Starting point is 01:00:14 Well, the Yankees are expensive and the Mets don't play that well anyway. If I did go, I would gladly sit in the unvaccinated section because I don't want to be near all those contagious vaccinated people. That's right, because they're dying. And so, and still, but if we can put that still back up on there, please. Look, the very
Starting point is 01:00:35 last line, mask will be required for all fans. All? It doesn't matter. You're going back to the ball game and everything. Do the vaccinated people have to wear a mask? The vaccinated people have to wear them too, Rick. Why, if you're vaccinated, if double vaccinated, not just vaccinated once, you've been vaccinated twice. Well, just sit in the unvaccinated bleachers. Why go through all this?
Starting point is 01:00:59 Yes. Why risk your life? There's more room over in the unvaccinated section anyway. Look, there's all that room available. It's a greater risk to your life by being vaccinated. You might have a stroke. You might be paralyzed. You might pass the virus on to your children. There's no laughing matter. If the life expectancy average one in America is about 77, why are the elderly even rolling the dice with this?
Starting point is 01:01:24 How many people have died? You know what? Well, you know why? Because their children are pressuring them, saying, if you want to see your grandchildren, you need to be vaccinated. And why are they being, why are they doing the pressure? Because they're getting indoctrinated through social media and their employers and other places. Tell your parents to get vaccinated. CDC, Center for Death Control. All right, hey, we got a couple more stories. We're gonna change the subject now.
Starting point is 01:01:58 And we got some World War III stories here. This first one. Rick, if I told you a year ago. No, this is, if you would have told me a year ago that France and Great Britain were going to have warships facing each other over fish, I'd go, no way. But this is exactly what happened this week. Yes, this is in the Channel, the English Channel, the Channel Islands to be specific. Jersey
Starting point is 01:02:30 is right off the coast of Normandy, northern France. And there has been a dispute post-Brexit about who gets to fish in those waters. Well, the French fishermen, supported by the rise of nationalistic patriotism in France, they believe they have every right to fish there. Don't get blocked by the British Authority. And what they did today, Rick, they sent a hundred boat flotilla. I'm talking about regular fishing boats. They sent it to St. Heller, which is a port in Jersey. The Jersey Island there, those small red dots, those are ships sent by to St. Heller, which is a port in Jersey. That's the Jersey Island there.
Starting point is 01:03:05 Those small red dots, those are ships sent by the French. They sent to blockade the port. And of course, the British weren't going to take this laying down. Remember, they won the Napoleonic War. Well, round two, they've sent two warships. Britain sent two warships to stop the French. This is a French vessel bumping out, pushing, actually running into an English vessel. What's going on here? Well, my guess is this is the aftermath of Brexit.
Starting point is 01:03:40 Yes. The fishing rights. fall out there and they're going to have to renegotiate everything, even down to who can fish in the waters. Well, it's something like this that we've reported on the past that could escalate to war. In the case we were reporting, it was Vietnam, Vietnam and even the Philippines having to contend and arm their fishermen, their Coast Guard. They have a militia now among their Coast Guard. But this is in the West. This is between two NATO allies and both sides have deployed warships. The French have a few armed patrol vessels have been sent. The British sent two mid-sized warships to guarantee that Jersey doesn't get invaded. One of the fishermen actually yelled, we are going to recreate the
Starting point is 01:04:45 Battle of Trafalgar. Okay, that's true news. Okay. That's pretty crazy. Let's see, what is going on in France? Mr. Macron, you mentioned last week that 20 retired French generals sent a letter to Emmanuel Macron and ordered him to defend French patriotism. Yes, and they said specifically that a civil war and a revolution will break out involving the military coming against the government if action is not taken. All right. Was that little fishing skirmish in the channel, is that an example of what these generals are saying? They want Mr. Macron to defend French patriotism?
Starting point is 01:05:36 Well, the spokesperson for the British Ministry of Defense said today they blame what's happening on this rise of militarism in France. And I think it's happening in parallel. It's coexisting with this return to an empire mindset. This is actually today's anniversary, the 200th year anniversary of the death of Napoleon. And the French president, Emmanuel Macron, gave a speech. He said, Napoleon is a part of us. He's speaking about the French people.
Starting point is 01:06:06 He's saying that Napoleon, a grandmaster Freemason, the former conqueror of Europe, is France. The new France I want to bring in. And in addition to this, Rick, the generals haven't gone away. A couple of them got fired, actually. There were a couple active duty generals among that group that threatened military revolution last week. A couple have been fired. But it has also given rise to the mayor of Paris and even Marine Le Pen to come out and say, I will be your spokesperson. Now, for Marine Le Pen, many may not remember her. She ran against Emmanuel Macron. She was the contender, the person to maybe unseat Emmanuel Macron in
Starting point is 01:06:47 2017. And before her, her father was a perennial candidate for president. But she made some significant inroads in this last election. She's running again. She had success at the polls that her father never accomplished. But she was facing a hate speech prison sentence. They were going to put her on trial. They'd already tried to litigate this. So the government was prosecuting her.
Starting point is 01:07:13 Well, this week, the charges were dropped. The case was dismissed, which means that Marine Le Pen is coming back. And with her, so is patriotism. In this sense, militarism in France. So she's kind of the French Donald Trump. Yes. She wants to stop the flow of illegal immigration into France. She wants to revive nationalistic patriotic values. And she's not an admirer of the European Union.
Starting point is 01:07:48 In fact, I think she would prefer that France withdraw from the European Union. Yeah, she's EU hesitant. Yes. So the election is what, 2022? April 2022. But the beginning polls have begun and they have Macron, Emmanuel Macron,
Starting point is 01:08:04 the president of France, facing off with Marine Le Pen. Well, he also has to face off riots that are taking place in the nation as well. These have been building up more and more turmoil for Macron as violence breaks out on streets, upset on lockdowns and on invasions in the country. And of course, as we mentioned earlier in the Godcast today, that uprising within the ranks of generals that's taking place. So things are not looking rosy for Emmanuel Macron. Well, while you're talking about uprisings among generals, General Milley clearly is a pro-leftist supporter of a cultural revolution in America. He appears to have been inspired by that select invite, State of the Union, by Joe Biden. And he's given a speech now at a graduation, RTC graduation.
Starting point is 01:09:06 And what he has said is that he doesn't pledge himself to any country, people or even a king or queen, but he does pledge himself to identity politics. He will use the pronouns. He will encourage transgender officers. And he is working to get rid of white officers. He wants the military to become much more diverse, meaning he's going to pick one religion, one race over another, even one gender. And I read the transcript, Doc, and he is promoting transgenderism in the U.S. military. General Milley is part of the revolution, which is what I told our audience a year ago. Yes, you did. I said, the military, you cannot trust the top leadership of the U.S. military.
Starting point is 01:09:55 The top leadership of the Pentagon is pro-communist revolution. They transitioned. Yes. Well, we have those remarks actually from Howard University. This is General Milley. We credit this to the DoD. The United States military, those of us in uniform, we all swear this oath and we don't swear an oath to a person, to a government, to a king or queen. We don't swear an oath to a person, to a government, to a king or a queen. We don't swear an oath to a tyrant or a dictator, a tribe or a political party or a religion. No. We swear an oath to an
Starting point is 01:10:37 idea, and it's a powerful idea. It's an idea that's brought down tyrannies and dictatorships. It's an idea that's hated by our enemies. It's an idea for which Sergeant First Class Alwin Cash gave his life. Despite suffering second and third degree burns over 72 percent of his body. Sergeant Cash saved the lives of six of his fellow soldiers after their Bradley fighting vehicle was struck by an improvised explosive device. So what is this idea that Sergeant Cash gave his life for? It's a simple idea, like all powerful ideas are.
Starting point is 01:11:25 It's an idea that today when you take this oath, you are saying to the world that you're willing to die to defend and protect this idea. You're saying that you are willing to suffer grievous wounds to protect this idea. You're saying that you're willing to separate from your loved ones to protect this idea. So what is this powerful idea that's embedded in this document that we call the United States Constitution. It's very simple. All it says is that you and I, no matter who you are, whether you're male or female, gay or straight or trans or something in between, It doesn't matter if you're Catholic or you're Protestant, if you're Muslim or Jew, or you choose not to believe at all. It doesn't matter
Starting point is 01:12:32 if you're black or white, Asian or Indian. It doesn't matter the color of your skin. It doesn't matter where you came from, what your last name is, what your country of origin is. None of that matters. It doesn't matter if you're rich or you're poor, famous or common. What matters is that in this country, in these United States, under these colors of red, white, and blue, each and every one of us is born free and equal. And you're going to rise or you're going to fall based on your knowledge, your skills,
Starting point is 01:13:17 your attributes, and your hard work. And you're going to be judged by the content of your character, not the color of your skin. That is the core organizing principle of the United States of America. That is the vision of our country that is written into the Constitution. And that must always be our North Star and our goal, to form a more perfect union. That is why I wear the uniform. That is why you are wearing the uniform. That is why you are taking an oath.
Starting point is 01:13:52 And that is why you will fight. An oath to what? He said an oath to an idea, so the general doesn't understand that he took an oath to the Constitution, to defend the Constitution of the United States, not to defend an idea. What he did is that he transferred the oath from a written Constitution to a mental idea.
Starting point is 01:14:19 Ideas change. Yes. Constitution doesn't change. Right. But ideas change. They change. Yes. Constitution doesn't change. Right. But ideas change. They change over time. They change based on the cultural norms of the society. So what he is telling those young officers is that you took an oath to defend and fight for the ideas that we today say are in effect. Yes. So if they declare a socialistic, communistic,
Starting point is 01:14:49 atheistic value system to be the, the ruling mindset of the country, then you have taken an oath to those ideas. Right. But the military oath is to defend the constitution of the United States of America. Yes. And they take the oath in the eyes of God as God's witness. He said it doesn't matter if you're gay, straight, transgendered or something in between. Right. And it doesn't matter if you're
Starting point is 01:15:19 Jew, Christian, or you don't believe anything. Well, then what are you swearing to? It was a very Masonic speech. Yes, it was. It was a North Star part. Very Masonic. Edward, you served in the military. You know what the oath is. Yes, there is an oath, and it's not to an idea.
Starting point is 01:15:36 It's specific, actually, right out of the Constitution. It states, I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I'm about to enter. So help me God.
Starting point is 01:16:04 I've said that. Every person serving the military has said that. But apparently the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff wants to reinvent the oath. And Rick, it's because you're swearing an allegiance to a new America. Yes. And that's why they're going after the Oath Keepers. Yes. That's why they've declared the oath keepers to be domestic terrorists. And remember back last summer when General Milley wrote that letter, this was after the George Floyd nonsense last summer and the protests in D.C. and why he
Starting point is 01:16:39 didn't feel comfortable in standing there with Donald Trump and everything. He wrote a letter saying, it's our job to support the Constitution. Well, you just heard General Milley say what he really thought about the Constitution. In fact, he couldn't even say the word Constitution except once. But he did say idea seven times. So that tells you where the value of the Constitution is in General Milley's mind. Now, this should be a telling remark for every one of our viewers and listeners out there to get an understanding. This man right now is in charge of our military. This was at an ROTC event in Howard University, and those 21 graduates there, he was encouraged
Starting point is 01:17:29 them not to swear an oath of constitution, but to something amorphous, something that you can't really define, something that can change over time, an idea. Yes. Yes. How many people were there? There were 21 graduates. I also saw some press there and everything, but there were 21 members of the ROTC class. That's pretty elite, you start to think about it. You were in ROTC.
Starting point is 01:17:56 You didn't have the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff come and speak. It doesn't make me feel safe. I just don't care for General Milley leading the military. I don't feel safe about him. He's a political man. He's changing the military to pursue a political, cultural revolution. And the U.S. military should never be driven in that direction. And Mr. Milley is part of that cultural revolution. Well, the biggest irony of this is that the military should fight against any attempt to overthrow the country.
Starting point is 01:18:37 Think about it. He's getting ahead of the very revolution that will overthrow the Constitution. He's part of the movement to overthrow the Constitution. And generally, when you change administrations, you also have a change in the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Notice, we didn't have a change in that position. You didn't need it. You didn't need to. He was already on board.
Starting point is 01:18:58 Yes, he was. Hey, we've said a lot here today. Yes, and all these headlines you saw, they're on NewsCoup. These stories, they're interesting, but they're not the biggest story of the day. The biggest story is the good news. We're here for your soul, not just to inform you or inspire you. And Rick, all these stories, I think they indicate to us that we're in the end of the age. Rumors of wars, wars themselves, and forced vaccination with mysterious substances in it.
Starting point is 01:19:30 They're not going to break us, Rick, because we have Jesus Christ on our side. The church, the body of Christ, will be under assault. We know that. The Bible tells us that the one who is referred to as Antichrist, the son of perdition, will wage war, make war against the saints. And it will prevail for a while. Will prevail for a time. The church will be under assault, but the church will not be broken. The church will not be defeated because Jesus Christ is the head of the church and he will return to rescue his church
Starting point is 01:20:06 and to establish his righteous kingdom forever. So I think true news is playing a tremendously vital role in these final days of mankind to encourage the body of Christ to strengthen believers not to give up, not to be afraid, not to be wearied. Because all of us, we're facing this.
Starting point is 01:20:41 It seems like we're just under assault from every direction. And it's easy to feel that it's hopeless, but it's not hopeless. I'll tell you who it's hopeless for, the people without Christ. It's hopeless for the ones who are without Christ, who do not know Jesus as their Savior. It's hopeless for them because we're rushing towards the final day. And when that day arrives, they will be the ones without hope. We will have our blessed hope. Amen. The blessed hope. The Lord
Starting point is 01:21:20 of Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen. Well, thank you for that, Rick. Thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News. This job isn't easy, but it's rewarding. Every day we fight to find the truth and deliver it to you to the best of our ability. We're able to do this thanks to the prayers and support we receive from you, the listener. Please support our work and consider becoming a partner with this ministry in the month of May. You can support True News by going to That is T-R-U-N-E-W-S dot com. And just click on the heart on the left hand side or the red donate button on the right. You can call our toll free number at 1-800-576-2116. That is 1-800-576-2116. You can also donate to us by mail at PO Box 69,
Starting point is 01:22:06 0069, Vera Beach, Florida. Zip code 32969. We accept stocks, cryptocurrency, and precious metals, and land if you want to gift it to us. Everything you give to us fuels the mission here to save souls and report courageously as we approach the second coming of Jesus Christ. Thank you, and God bless you.
Starting point is 01:22:42 The preceding program was made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit

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