TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Billy Graham Linked to Scientology Cult Infiltrators
Episode Date: March 26, 2021Today on TRUNEWS, host Edward Szall shares the connection between America’s most prominent evangelist, Billy Graham, and L. Ron Hubbard’s satanic cult, through cult members Greta Van Susteren and ...her husband John Coale. Edward Szall, Rick Wiles, Matt Skow. Airdate (3/25/21)
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The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you.
To find out how you can help,, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll.
Former Vice President Mike Pence has made a surprise visit to Franklin Graham's facilities in North Carolina.
The former vice president and his wife were given a tour of a Samaritan purse facility in North Wilkesboro
to show how Franklin Graham's ministry responds to disasters.
Visit came after Franklin Graham continues to weather another disaster,
which started when he implied that Jesus Christ would have been vaccinated
if vaccines were available in biblical times, and that Jesus would encourage his disciples to be vaccinated too.
The story not being talked about is the long-term connection the Graham family has with the cult of Scientology.
True News founder Rick Wiles and film director Matt Scow are here to discuss the Grams' connection to Scientology.
Plus, later in today's True News, we will show you video of the mass shooting in Boulder, Colorado.
And we will also talk about Sidney Powell's response to reactions to her court documents.
Welcome to the program.
Hey, Edward. This story won't go away.
Each day this week we thought
we're done with the Franklin Graham story,
but another day comes along
and more information comes out.
And so now we're going to show today
that Greta Van Susteren and her husband, John Cole,
the connection isn't to just Franklin Graham.
It goes back to the late Billy Graham.
Yes. Very shocking that we found this. And I think this is a trend. When I say a trend,
something we've been noticing for many years, a reset in the body of Christ in America,
the leadership, that is. Many have been dying,
and many have actually fallen from grace.
This is really, look, if you would have said to me last week, you're going to be spending all
this week talking about Franklin Graham connected to a cult, I would have said, no way.
Yeah. Must be the Babylon Bee or something.
But a year ago, a year ago, if you would have said,
Jerry Falwell is going to be exposed as a swinger.
Or Ravi Zacharias.
And Ravi Zacharias is going to be exposed as owning a chain of massage parlors.
And Perry Stone's going to be removed from his
ministry. I wouldn't have believed it a year ago. So right now, as of this week, I'm not sure where
this is going with Franklin Graham, because I didn't see this coming. I didn't expect this.
I wasn't looking for it. Hey, do you see who's here today? Yes, Matt. It's good to see you.
We wanted to let people know that Matt's still here.
And Kerry Kinsey's still here, too.
We'll bring Kerry out.
I know a lot of people have been asking about Kerry.
We've given Kerry a new assignment, and he's working on a new program because we have a big new project that's coming out in a few months.
A project you've been working on your entire life. And Carrie's going to be working every week on a particular program that's going to be
part of that network.
Matt is making a new movie.
We are full-fledged, right?
Feet to pedal, metal to the pedal.
We're going.
This is, what we did with sacrifice and liberty was so
important for those men like to tell the truth to get that out that that that final say they had to
share what they experienced well as important it was for them this new movie is important for
humanity i mean that's like the scope we're talking about this movie we're we're
already being attacked by the adl oh wow the adl is already when they have put out that this is a
conspiracy a roman like vatican backs you already know which side they're on they hit archbishop
vagano and me talking about the great reset that they they've they They coined it as a conspiracy.
No, this is real.
You're going to deal with it.
You're going to deal with it.
I'm going to deal with it.
It's going to be depending on what you do when you're in it.
You're going to be in it.
That's right.
There's no doubt about it.
You are going to be in this system.
Are you going to capitulate?
And are you going to bow and do as those,
what they want to do,
like these overlords tell you to do? Or are you going to bow and do as those, what they want to do, like these overlords
tell you to do, or are you going to stand strong? And I think this is kind of alludes to what we're
going to talk to about today. Are you going to breathe Bill Gates's chalk dust? Look, we are
going to expose him for what he is. We're going to tell the truth in the why he's doing this,
but this is the mentality we're dealing with. A man who invented or came up with a code
for software for computers now thinks he can block out the sun with chalk dust. This is the
leaps we're making here. There are people who would argue that Bill Gates did not come up with
that code. And I'm talking about his former business partners.
Look, Bill Gates had a really troubled childhood. He was maybe thought to be autistic.
He would stay sheltered in his house, in his room.
He was sent out to boarding school where he met some of the people like Paul Allen.
But he would just chew obsessively on pencils.
Like this was his little thing he would do.
His mother, who was a high level into IBM. but he would just chew obsessively on pencils. Like this was his little thing he would do.
His mother, who was a high level into IBM,
she was on the board of IBM, very influential.
Her dad, his dad, Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger,
very influential in eugenics.
I mean, this is, you find the apple next to the tree it comes from, you know?
So we're going into the past history
delving into what are these people what are their intentions uh the ideology behind them
and what it boils down to is good it's the whole thing good versus evil that's right that's where
we're coming to so the film's going to talk about satan great reset, but then it's also going to talk about God's greatest reset.
Look, the only way to combat this and the only way that we're going to see it is going to be through Jesus Christ coming down and finally resetting this.
Because as we get closer to that time where he comes back, we're starting to see this spirit rise again.
This Nimrod spirit that we saw one time, the spirit that Noah talked about
before the great flood. This is a real live spirit that is these men and women who are part of this
reset. Some of them might not know they're being governed by this. Some do. Some enjoy that right but there's no mistake about it you're
governed by this that's right and we're going to show what their
utopia what their way that they want to shape the world that we have to live in
is going to be what do you have a little video yeah I got a little clip that will
show I just want to keep the excitement going. We are in full production now. We'll be traveling all over the world grabbing top economists, political
figures, doctors, because the COVID definitely was a start to this great reset, hence why
Klaus Schwab writes the book The Great Reset. So here's a little clip from our new movie davos also world economic form is built on a
narrative what these people are fundamentally doing is trying to attack and control and
dominate life itself and they think that they're smart enough to be able to do that, and they're not.
And really, they were talking about humans being the enemy.
The enemy of humans is humans.
The greatest reset.
That's what they think. The enemy of humans is humans.
The ones who are these benevolent people who want to create this world for us think of you and me as the enemy.
I don't spend a lot of time on this because we have so much here to talk about. But I have a feeling before this year is over, the biggest story of 2021 may turn out to be about so-called space extraterrestrials.
I can see that.
I really think they're going to drop a big deception bomb on the entire human population this year.
I think that's their Trump card or whatever.
They're one that they can say, well, we found this.
These people who have way more intelligence than us, they're going to lead us to this.
Who seeded the earth with their likeness.
They have to get God out of the picture because that's when you read through all their documents.
God's not mentioned once, but God is actually involved in everything we do.
They have to get that out somehow.
Well, you know what you're talking about, the world leaders striving to remove God from all parts of human society.
That's connected to what we're talking about here today.
Certainly. and the Graham family's long running connection with two high level influential members of the Church of Scientology.
Now, maybe some of you are not a church. It's a cult. It's a satanic church.
It's a satanic cult. Yes. You go back to the beginning of it.
Alistair Crowley was there with Ron Hubbard.
He is a science fiction writer.
Like, that's what he did.
You're talking about Ron Hubbard, yeah.
Yeah, that's the church.
Boy, he's a Satanist.
He was connected with Alistair Crowley, who was the most wicked Satanist.
The beast.
Yeah, his nickname was the beast.
Who, by the way, if you would read my read my book all right so let me get this here if you read this book you'd find out the true story about alistair crowley and his parents because
his father was a rapture preacher for john nelson darby that's right imagine that
alistair crowley's father was a preacher for john Nelson Darby teaching the rapture and Israel and Zionism.
Sundays he would go hear that message.
That's right.
Aleister Crowley, as a boy, heard John Nelson Darby preaching the rapture.
So they both worked for Satan.
So here we are.
We're now talking about Billy Graham, Franklin Graham, who also teach the rapture and Zionism and Israel and all that kind of stuff.
And a lot of Masonic stuff. So this was kind of dropped on our lap this week by the Lord.
We don't even ever night today. We can't even remember. It's the Holy Spirit.
We don't know how this started this week. We don't.
Well, we know this started with the discussion of Franklin Graham saying that Jesus would have been vaccinated.
Yes, that's obvious.
We have no recollection in our memories of how we got to Greta Van Susteren and Scientology.
We don't remember.
Doc doesn't remember either.
By the way, Doc is on a trip with his family to Texas.
He'll be back next week.
With barbecue.
Hopefully he's coming back with barbecue.
Bless you, brother.
If he knows what's good for him, he will come back with barbecue.
So we don't recall how this happened.
But we're here.
But we believe the Holy Spirit brought this to our mind
and showed us something that's going on.
So Edward opened up with former Vice President Mike Pence,
made a visit to Samaritan's Purse headquarters.
Now, maybe it was preplanned.
My first reaction was Franklin Graham is calling in the big guns.
He called Mike Pence and said, Mike, I need help.
The cleanup.
He's a cleanup man.
Mike, how did you weather the Mooney scandal?
Well, there was no scandal because nobody questioned him.
We're the only one who talked about it.
I think Franklin Graham called Mike Pence and said, I need you down here really quick.
We need a photo op. Just walk through the building for 15 minutes.
I can get a lot of social media, a lot of press. It'll change the headlines.
It'll boost the morale of our of our ministry employees.
There's there's there's shaken right now by by all the controversy about the vaccines.
Now this Greta Van Susteren stuff's coming out.
So they brought Mike Pence in yesterday.
But hey, Mike Pence, Mike Pence last month was speaking for the Moonies.
Yes, an international rally of hope after their weird ecumenical, really, ritual, I
suppose we'll call it ritual.
I mean, why would Mike Pence be upset at Franklin Graham being connected to Scientology?
Pence is connected to the Mooney Church.
Wasn't that bringing all the religions together?
Oh, that's...
What world are we living in right now?
And he honored the cult leaders.
That was the other thing he did there.
Such a great falling away.
This has, I think, made it easier for us to really understand the story we're about to share here.
Because like Mike Pence mainstreamed in his speech and honoring of Sunji Moon, the head of the Mooney cult,
Franklin Graham and his father appeared to have a long-term relationship with ata Mancestrian and her husband, John Cole.
That's right.
So, Edward, as you and I and Doc this week,
as we were digging deeper down into this,
we were scratching our heads like,
what is going on here?
What's this friendship about?
Then the picture started to take form.
And that is that the founder,
the founder of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard, had a long range mission that his followers would infiltrate all levels of society and bring the powerful, the rich, the famous into Scientology so that the world would be conquered for Scientology.
Now it starts to make sense. Yes, and he had one specific target
very early in the 50s. It was Billy Graham.
According to the LA Times, this is an article from June 1990.
1990. 1990. This is from the LA Times.
The Courting of Celebrities.
Now in this it had something called Project Celebrity.
Now we pulled a quote from the LA Times which reads, as far back as 1955, Hubbard recognized
the value of famous people to his fledgling offbeat church when he inaugurated Project
According to Hubbard, Scientologists should target prominent individuals as their quarry
and bring them back like trophies for Scientology.
He listed the following people of that era as suitable prey.
Edward R. Murrow, the journalist, Marlene Dietrich, Ernest Hemingway, Howard Hughes,
Greta Garbo, Walt Disney, Henry Luce, Billy Graham. Billy Graham was one of the targets
listed here. And they were going after Groucho. Yeah, Groucho Marx. Now we found this mustache.
Yeah, they just wanted this mustache and a cigar. Well, we found the actual document.
This is the original document from the Church of Scientology's Ability newsletter.
This is from 1955.
As you can see here listed, they have among the celebrities they wanted to court,
wanted to infiltrate the organizations of, Billy Graham.
They said here the reason they wanted to do this is for Scientology to be mainline,
for Scientology to be big enough to
implement their agenda points, their goals, their vision. They had to enlist the existing audiences,
the existing followers of people like Billy Graham. Okay, so let's keep this on the screen.
This is an actual Scientology document from 1955.
I didn't know Scientology was around in the 50s. But as I've done research, I've realized that Hubbard was working with Alistair Crowley in the mid 40s.
Oh, my.
Jack Parsons was a Satanist.
Parsons was one of the founders of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Yes, NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab.
That was in the 40s after World War II.
And so here is this document where Hubbard has instructed his disciples in 1955, go after these famous people.
Billy Graham is on the list.
Well, look, we know this is what they do today
because they have a thing called the Celebrity Center.
Now, this is a very high-level part of the Scientology
where you can't even go to unless you're in the club, a celebrity.
So who's been the most famous Scientologist?
Tom Cruise, for sure.
John Travolta.
And they treat them as these higher level beings in the celebrity center.
This is being implemented in the 50s until today.
And it's like big game hunting.
You saw how you described him.
In that same newsletter, it said, if you bring, and this is L. Ron Hubbard saying this,
if you bring one of them home, you will get a small plaque as a reward.
They were giving out rewards to infiltrate and to really enlist
people like Billy Graham. Okay, so we're not talking just about Franklin
Graham. They went after Billy Graham decades
ago. This doesn't implement him being part of it, but this is what they were targeting. He was
on there. What we're trying to say, we're not saying that Billy Graham was a
Scientologist. What we're saying is that the Scientologists targeted
the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association in the 50s. He was on the radar.
They wanted to get inside to change the organization.
Yeah. So in addition to this, obviously
since we've seen the implementation of this infiltration plan in society,
that's number six for control.
Inside Hook, it's a magazine we wouldn't usually cover.
This is an entertainment magazine with 1.3 million people in the newsletter listing.
They cover entertainment, and they've also covered the whistleblower Leah Remney.
Now, Leah Remney, she was in the cult.
She was in the cult of Scientology, came out of it, and has quite a lot to say about it.
She said in this article that Scientology hopes to take over our government.
She said she traced her escape and recovery from the church in this new documentary,
Leah Remini, Scientology and the Aftermath. But she says that the connections and the deepness of this call
actually go all the way into the Trump administration.
She said lobbyist Greg Mitchell, former Fox host Greta Van Susteren,
and noted Trump supporter Joy Villa were perhaps best known for supporting
basically this group and their infiltration of government.
She said there's a policy in Scientology dealing with the public image.
This is also under the fair game stuff and it's to infiltrate real churches, control governments, control government agencies.
Oh, the CIA, FBI?
I don't recall Joy Villa during the Trump campaign. Do any of you people remember?
I think she wore like Trump dresses.
So she was a very famous younger Trump influencer.
And she really fell from prominence.
Once people found out that she was affiliated with the Church of Scientology.
She was the one that wore the Trump flag as a dress to CPAC.
She actually accused Corey Lewandowski of sexually assaulting her.
That's who it was? That's the person. Okay. Yes. Okay. So that article in Daily Beast,
I mean, that's the Daily Beast. Okay. Left-wing Daily Beast. And they're saying that there was
a plan by Scientology to infiltrate the Trump administration. They listed three people,
one of them being Greta Van Sesteren. So her name was brought up during the Trump years as a possible candidate for press secretary, a press secretary.
And at the time, I thought, well, that would be good. Greta Van Sesteren would make a great press secretary.
I didn't know she was a Scientologist. And her husband. I didn't know it until this week. Yeah. Well, she
intentionally hides it.
It's a fair thing to say.
It's not her bio. You figure if you're part
of a church, I'm not calling
them a church, but you're part of this Church of Scientology,
part of any group that dominates
your life, dominates where you donate
your money, it's in everything.
Your biography, you mention it all the time.
She's very careful. But as we detailed throughout this week, she certainly is in the Church of Scientology.
And I think a lot of people don't know about the Church of Scientology and these HBO documentaries
Coming Clear came out and gave us a real in-depth about how controlling they are. I mean, this is
not like, hey, come over here and we're going to help you through no this is i can't get out you can't get out of it like his dad muskavich's dad had to get this a
plan to escape from that air from the the church the cults like uh headquarters you're talking about
the uh uh david muskavich yeah the uh the current grand poobah yeah his father couldn't get out
there was like some headquarters
where you can't even get in or out
and you have to work as he Sea Orgs,
but his dad couldn't even get out.
And then when he did,
they tracked him down,
hunted him down,
told him you better come back.
This is deeper than,
if you don't know about it,
this is like,
it's cultish to an extent
where they own your life.
So if you're a high member in this,
like Greta is,
she's just not she
has motives because that this church dictates them yes so she is seeking to get inside franklin
graham's ministry samaritan's purse and the billy graham association i don't think she's seeking
she is inside she's been inside for a long long. We're going to show you some evidence of how far back
that this relationship has been going.
And it did include Billy Graham,
not just Franklin. So starting here, actually in 2013
at his 95th birthday party in Asheville, North Carolina,
this photo was taken. As you can see in this photo from left to right, you have Edward Graham in the military uniform.
J.W. Bill Marriott, he's at the left there.
That's the head of the Marriott.
In the blue suit there, in the red, you know, the striped tie.
In the back, you have Donald and Melania Trump.
This is before his presidential term.
You also have the Scientologists Greta Van Sesteren and John P. Cole.
The man with the red tie is John P. Cole and Greta Van Sesteren.
To her right, you have then North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory sitting next to Billy Graham.
That's Billy Graham in the blue sweater.
That's Rupert Murdoch, the head of Fox Corp.
Sarah Palin to the right with her husband.
What was interesting about this, Rick, looking into this event, I remember seeing the photo.
I didn't think much about it, other people in it.
Did you know that as part of the celebration, Billy Graham invited former President Bill Clinton?
He attended this.
He wasn't in this photo, but he was there on the property.
Let's put the photograph back up again.
So there's Billy Graham, Rupert Murdoch, owner of News Corp, Fox News, Sky News,
everything around the world, the Wall Street Journal, New York Post, on and on and on.
Sarah Palin, former governor of Alaska, vice presidential candidate,
former governor of North Carolina, Bill Marriott,
owner of Marriott Hotel chain, and
Donald and Melania Trump. That's quite the power block there.
Now, for Greta Van Susteren, this is like a
candy store.
And look, the husband to that one we haven't talked about, John Cole, he was running the pack for Sarah Palin.
Yes, the flag pack.
Okay, go into this.
Tell us about this.
Go ahead.
He dived into it.
But they're like a power couple in Scientology.
He has the same ideology as the wife does, Greta Van Susteren.
We got this coming up in a few minutes. We'll work our way there because there's more information about Sarah Palin and Greta Van Susteren and her husband.
This thing just gets deeper and deeper and deeper. What we want our audience to understand is
Greta Van Susteren and her husband are there
not to celebrate a birthday party.
They're there to
infiltrate into every one of these organizations.
She already was in Fox News.
She wants to get into the Marriott Corporation.
She's trying to get into all of these.
Donald Trump behind it.
Yes, she got Trump standing there.
And John Cole, this guy is a hardened Scientologist just like Greta.
They are a power couple in Scientology, and they want to promote the ideals of Ron Hubbard.
And Mr. Marriott, and I love the Marriott Hotels, a fantastic corporation.
I can't say a bad thing about the Marriott Hotels, but Mr. Marriott is a Mormon.
He's in another cult started by another Freemason.
Freemason seems to be the key.
Yeah, it's the common denominator here, isn't it?
So this was 2013. 2017, Franklin Graham is here posing with the Scientologist power
couple Greta Van Sesteren and John Cole. This is at the same facility that the vice president,
the former vice president Mike Pence visited today. So very close to him. This is 2017.
2018, here they are fishing together.
Again, this is Franklin Graham.
Has he talked to them about the gospel here? Cultists to the left, cultists to the right.
I think it would be a great time to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Fishing, you know, fishing for souls.
It'd be fishers and men.
All that could probably come up in conversation.
No, you think maybe this is just, these are just one-off.
Maybe they shared the gospel Scientology with Franklin.
That would be their mission if they're following L. Ron Hubbard.
Both here have missions, right?
That's what we have to understand.
Both have missions.
Which one's going to win in the end?
Well, would you invite Colthus to your funeral?
It turns out they did to the funeral of Billy Graham.
Here you have Steve Case
and his wife Jean Case. They're seated next to Greta Van Sesteren and her husband. They actually
were escorted throughout that entire time by Franklin Graham at his father's funeral at the
U.S. Capitol Rotunda. Let's leave this one up. This is really important because I went back and I found the Washington Post article that covered the funeral of Billy Graham
and it mentioned how
Franklin Graham personally escorted Greta Van Susteren
and John Cole to the casket.
That's a place of honor. Yes.
Now, when you have a close relative die,
only your closest friends are around you at that time.
Only your closest friends.
Yeah, they're family.
Yes, they're family.
So what I'm saying here is Franklin Graham views Greta Van Cesteren and John Cole as his
extended family they've been around Billy Graham so much that he walked them up to the casket
they got how about all those people out there who donated to Billy Graham supported him prayed for
him did Franklin Graham escort any of those Christians up to the casket? No, but he escorted two
Scientologists cult members. Now is
Franklin outspoken about trying to witness to them?
We don't know. It hasn't worked. Has he made public
acknowledgement of Scientology? They never made public acknowledgement of Scientology.
That's the biggest thing for me.
But we are seeing some evidence this week of them deleting
social media posts that have these photographs.
Those are the red flags.
Because look, I can have friends and be social with people who are not Christian.
I do have friends.
But, you know, if they're in prominent positions in my organization,
in my fundraising as Samaritan Purse, as they are, you would say, you know, if they're in prominent positions in my organization, in my fundraising as Samaritan Purse, as they are doing more than planning.
You would say, you know what? I pray that they will accept the gospel of Jesus Christ.
I love them. They're going to I'm going to stick with them until they convert.
None of that. Instead, conceal that you have this relationship with them.
That's right. There's something wrong about it. Concealment shows intent to deceive.
I'm sorry.
That's what it is.
Exactly right.
I would have no problem if Franklin Graham would come out and say, look, I've been witnessing
the gospel of Jesus Christ to Greta Van Susteren for 20 years.
She's going to change.
She's going to turn to Christ.
I know.
I want to hear that out of his mouth.
That's what I want to hear.
Not put their names on foundations that they build together with donated funds from people who believe.
I bet you people believe Greta is on the pulpit with him.
I assumed up until this week that Greta Van Susteren was a Christian because she was always with Franklin Graham.
Because guess what? You associate them together, right?
So I assumed he's vetted her.
But I bet the Scientologists look at Billy and say, I mean, Franklin and say, oh, he's one of us.
Look how much time he spends with our people.
He's one of us because association goes both ways.
That's right.
We're learning that there have been actions taken by Franklin Graham's organization over the years.
They were overlooked, really, because no one quite knew what they meant.
But they do appear to show a trend toward protecting Greta Van Sesteren,
and specifically protecting the image of Scientology as a peaceful nonprofit organization,
even another fair religion that doesn't have an issue with Christianity.
Now, if there was any other question, obviously here that there is a clear relationship between Franklin Graham and John Cole,
Greta Van Sesteren's husband.
This is a Twitter post, one of the few that are still active, still available.
You can actually find, this was in 2015.
It says, pray for my friend John Cole, Greta Van Sesteren's husband.
He's having open heart surgery.
He survived this open heart surgery.
But wait a minute here.
Pray that he...
How about you pray that he comes out of a satanic cult?
Yeah, because you know what?
After that heart surgery that he might not come out of, he will be going to hell.
That's the gospel.
It's not his physical heart that needs healed. The man is
in a satanic cult. Imagine that tweet. Pray for my friends that they know Jesus. Yes. Because then
the prayers will work on him because he believes in the man who will heal, Jesus Christ who will
heal him through prayer. That's right. But he never says it. It does appear he has quite a bit
that his friend may need prayer for.
As I said, they're friends.
I want you to look at this article from Gawker regarding his friend.
Sarah Palin's advisor, secret Scientology's plot to take over Washington.
As it turns out, that is John Cole.
Obviously, great of ancestor in there to the left.
Good old Gawker.
In 1986.
Whatever happened to Gawker?
Well, they got sued into none-existence, I think.
For stuff like this.
Stuff like this.
This ended up being true.
Sarah Palin had an advisor, John Cole, the husband of grid of ancestry and Scientology
He was running a pack called the Flag Pack.
But he's just a lawyer.
He's just a lawyer.
A powerful lawyer.
With plans.
But he's not just a lawyer.
He has plans here. These are thoughtful plans to infiltrate U. A powerful lawyer. Yeah with plans. He's not just a lawyer. He has he has
Plans here. These are thoughtful plans to infiltrate US government. So this is totally new to me that Sarah Palin's
Political Action Committee
Was managed by a Scientologist. Yes one with a master plan That's not in the Super PAX commercials.
No, it wasn't. Just flags. American flags were.
So Greta's pointing and smiling to Brit Hume. Is there something we need to find out about Brit?
Oh, boy. Well, this this plan that John Cole was able to attempt to implement at the time was for Scientology to get into money and the votes game.
That's how it was, money and votes game, in order to create power and win influence in D.C.
Now, John Cole has played a major part in U.S. politics since.
He actually backed John McCain in 2008.
But before then, in the primary, he was backing Hillary Clinton.
Oh, so he's playing both sides.
Playing both sides.
That maybe is how Bill Clinton found
his way onto the guest list for Billy Graham's 94th birthday. Well, actually, McCain and Hillary
Clinton, that's not both sides. That's the same side. The same side. That's true. Different wings
of the same bird. But clearly here, a man with a master plan is hanging around with a man we
thought up until today was carrying out the Great Commission.
Well, it's turning out, we talked about Billy Graham, and this was, I think, the most troubling
thing we learned today, is that there does appear to be actions that were taken by the Billy Graham
Evangelistic Association to cover up this relationship, even to remove any mention of Scientology being a cult.
In 2012, Christianity Today covered a very interesting story.
They said, should the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association have removed Mormons from cult
Now, actually, they're referring to a post that had more than just Mormons listed.
They were talking about Mormons at the time because Mormon Mitt Romney was running as the Republican candidate for president.
Now, they said at the time, this is the Billy Graham Evangelistic
Association, that we do not wish to participate in theological debate
about something that has become politicized. Now, you see, that may just be
a PR statement. Okay, we can look at that.
Somehow, they had to convey the impression
that Billy Graham and Franklin Graham were going to vote for Mormon Mitt. Yes. But they had a
problem. The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association website listed the LDS church as a cult. Yeah.
So they had to remove the cult list. Yes. And on that cult list was what?
Well, it was Mormons, but also Scientologists.
Now, we have done the liberty of actually digging that post back up.
It is deleted now, but this is what it looked like.
Looking for answers.
What is a cult?
Yeah, I would like to know if I'm looking.
I want to stay away from those.
This was live.
I want to stay away from those. This was live on the Very Very Evangelical Association website. I want to stay away from those because they're dangerous.
It says here that a cult is any group which teaches doctrine or beliefs
that deviate from the biblical message of the Christian faith.
It is very important that we recognize cults and avoid any involvement with them.
Cults often teach some Christian truth mixed with error,
which may be difficult to detect.
There are some features common to most cults. They do not adhere solely to the 66 books of the Bible
as aspired word of God. They add their special revelations to the Bible and view them as equally
authoritative. They do not accept that our relationship to Jesus Christ is a reality by grace through faith alone,
but promote instead a salvation by works.
They do not give Jesus Christ, the divine Son of God, full recognition as the second person of the Trinity,
composed of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
Now, here's the line. Some of these groups are Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, the Unification Church, Unitarians,
Spiritualists, Scientologists, and others.
How about people that think that Jesus would take a vaccine because he wasn't God enough
to deal with the virus?
Well, challenging divinity is right there.
It shows you what happens when you hang around right there. This is the standard position.
When you hang around cult members.
Don't delete that. Maybe refresh that.
You start to get error mixed in with truth, as the Billy Graham
Evangelistic Association apparently used to believe.
And you say, how did we get to this point?
It's because of those statements that he made
that were so heretical.
Saying that Jesus Christ
would have taken a vaccine
so he wouldn't get
a virus. Well, Matt. Give me a break.
He would be able to reference his own website if he hadn't
have done this. Number 16.
It's gone. This is what you get today if you try
to go to that. You mean the page
that we just showed? The page we just showed.
It's dead. That's what it looks like now. Wiped away
from the torrents of history.
And if you look for Scientology or
cults, this is what you see.
You have nothing on the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.
There's Scientology.
Why won't the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
talk about cults?
Apparently they don't care about it anymore.
They care enough to delete it.
It's interesting, Rick.
This actually came up in an interview.
Franklin Graham addressed this in 2012
in an interview with CNN.
Now, he claims he didn't direct the
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association to remove its website reference to Mormonism as a cult.
Again, they're saying it's about Mormonism, but as we showed here, it's more than just Mormonism.
Scientology was also removed. But he said he agreed with the move. This is quoting Franklin
Graham. I didn't even know it was there. We have like
10,000 pages on our website. Graham said the reference isn't coming back to the site. I
don't want to be involved in calling people names. I want to reach people for Christ.
And how can I do that if I'm calling them a name? I don't even like the word cult. It
sounds like Dungeons and Dragons or something.
You're not calling people cult. You're calling the religion a cult. It sounds like Dungeons and Dragons or something. You're not calling people cult. You're calling their religion a cult. We're told in scripture not to mix the two together. You can't
but Franklin Graham has opened the door to Scientology to come into the Billy Graham
Association and Samaritan's Purse. That's what we're discovering this week. And apparently he's
quoting the doctrine. Well, I think people are hearing this too and are like, how dare you talk about Billy Graham?
Look, it's not the man. It's about his associations with people who he puts in prominent
places in his organization and then covers up what their intentions are. Look,
like it or not, Greta Van Susteren and her husband have
intentions to do something inside that ministry. And it's not spread the word of Jesus. I promise
you that. I was told maybe four or five years ago by a man who previously worked at Samaritan's Purse, that he had to be very careful about expressing his
religious and political views inside Samaritan's Purse. Why would he feel uncomfortable as a
Christian? He said that there were people working inside in high level positions,
like his supervisors, you know, directors, managers, vice presidents
who were pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage. He's a very leftist leaning. And I said, inside
Samaritan's Purse, he says, yes, I have to be very careful not to express my views.
How is that possible? Okay, guys, you work here at this ministry. Can you imagine
anybody here afraid to express their commitment to the kingdom of God, to Christianity, to
traditional biblical views? Can you imagine having that atmosphere here? It'd be impossible. It'd be
impossible to operate in the Holy Spirit.
It's just purely uncharacteristic of our organization or any Christian ministry.
How you've seen me in action, how stringent am I in vetting the people that come to work here?
Oh, it's a calling.
Yeah, it's a, you've had it.
I've witnessed it as well.
Have I removed people?
But have I?
The Holy Spirit has. 100%. Who has showed us that that person doesn't belong in this ministry.
That's right.
I've seen it.
I've witnessed it that when things were not seen in the same level and as like
where this ministry needed to go,
it wasn't you who,
who sniped it out.
It was the Holy Spirit.
I've seen it.
This, I mean, I've seen that get cut off of it because there's a mission and you want to adhere by that mission.
And I'm sorry that people have a problem with calling out the Grams.
They're not holier than thou.
OK, Billy Graham did great things.
He led a lot of people to Christ.
But as we know with Ravi Zacharias, some things are it need to be exposed and you know
what those women that were hurt in that in that thing if they would people came out not being
afraid of the man and called out the sin for what it was maybe he wanted to abuse so many women
yeah two okay years ago nobody wanted to believe that rabbi zacharias was a sexual pervert. When the truth came out that he owned a chain of massage parlors, I'm like, I couldn't, I couldn't believe it.
It's like, it hurt.
I love that guy.
How did a man, how did he become so deceived that he lived a double life?
He had multiple phones.
One day, he's one hour.
He's Ravi Zacharias, the Bible teacher.
And the next hour, he's Ravi Zacharias, the massage parlor owner. It's like, how do you live
like that? So the fact that this has happened in recent times, I'm now bracing myself that we're
we may see something develop here in the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
and Samaritan's Purse that is going to shock the evangelical world.
I believe it today. I do.
Because it isn't simply that they've been hanging around with Scientologists.
They're quoting them. They're including them in their books.
Here's an actual time when Franklin Graham shared a Scientology doctrine point.
It was on marijuana.
Seems like a ridiculous story.
This is 2016.
It's absolutely true.
What Franklin Graham did, this is a quote from Raw Story.
Franklin Graham promotes Scientology propaganda in anti-marijuana Facebook rant.
Now, the article quotes as saying,
Franklin Graham, Christian evangelist and son of
Billy Graham, took to Facebook over the weekend to detail the evils of marijuana. So far, the post
has been shared 7,299 times by Christians who may not be aware that the link he posted as evidence
of the deleterious effects of pot was written by Scientology's Foundation for a Drug-Free World.
Wait a minute.
Franklin Graham posted online information that he got directly from Scientology.
That means Franklin Graham is reading Scientology material.
Yeah, exactly.
Because he mixes with it.
I'm sorry.
Maybe he's converted.
Maybe he has converted.
Well, look, when you make statements like Jesus would have taken a vaccine,
you open up yourself to let's dig down and deep and see what else you come up with.
Something seems wrong with the doctrine.
You're taking stuff from Scientology now.
As we're seeing here, there clearly have been examples of misquoted.
That article interestingly said, perhaps Franklin Graham spoke with Fox host Greta Van Sesteren and her husband, John Cole, when they journeyed to Cambodia together.
Van Sesteren and Cole are longtime members of the Church of Scientology.
This is still, we're still reading Raw Story.
Raw Story.
Put that in there.
Put the number 19, put that back up, please.
I want to thank the guys over at Raw Story.
I've been reading Raw Story for probably 20 some years.
They have the guts to do this.
See, they are more doctrinally correct.
They're a non-religious
news website
considered leftist.
But they are doing
they're doing the work
that the church ought to be doing.
Calling Franklin
Graham to account.
It was Raw Story
that said Franklin Graham
is promoting Scientology propaganda. It was in Christianity Today. It was Raw Story that said Franklin Graham is promoting Scientology propaganda.
It wasn't Christianity Today.
It wasn't Charisma News.
It wasn't any of the, it wasn't CBN News.
It was Raw Story that got it right.
Yeah, because they are scared of the name.
They will not touch the name.
Or maybe they're all in some kind of cult, like Freemasonry.
Look, at the heart of this thing is Freemasonry.
I believe it, 100%.
It's the common denominator.
Yeah, they will protect their own.
The group he was promoting there is 21, is the Foundation for a Drug-Free World.
I don't have anything to say about this, Rick.
This group that's run by Scientology is in use by tens of thousands of schools and over 800 law enforcement
agencies around the globe. They all quote from this. They are all using material from this.
They're using it from the Church of Scientology. Scientology has gotten into thousands of schools.
Yes, and law enforcement agencies. There's the LAPD. Now, in addition to this, it's hard to find
anything on this, Rick. A lot of the websites that used to have even a mention of a connection between Billy Graham,
Franklin Graham, with John Cole and Scientology, they're not existed.
We were doing searching today, looking around.
We did find one website, the Gospel Herald Ministries.
The website is now down.
You can't find it.
This is an archived version of it.
But there you go, right here.
This is a reference to a trip that had been taken by both Greta Van Sesteren and the Samaritan's
Purse Ministry.
You see in the photo, you have John Cole, the man with the master plan, Greta Van Sesteren,
Scientologist, and Franklin Graham.
Now this isn't the only...
He takes them everywhere.
This is Cambodia.
Everywhere. Look, those two have the only friendship, though. This is Cambodia.
Look, those two have a mission.
He has a mission.
They're not preaching
the same word.
No, I think the three of them
have the same mission.
Well, there you go.
I don't think they have
competing missions.
I think Franklin Graham
is on board with their mission.
Well, he takes them everywhere.
And it's past the sun
because Billy Graham also knew and was friends with at least John Cole.
Billy Graham's book, The Reason for My Hope, published in 2013.
Oh my gosh, look at this.
Has an entire chapter dedicated to John Cole and Greta Van Sesteren.
It says here, my friend John Cole and Greta Van Sesteren. It says here, My friend John Cole,
this is Billy Graham,
a successful attorney in Washington, D.C.,
experienced his own brushwood death on the sea,
as he would later tell my son, Franklin.
John and his wife,
attorney and television journalist,
Greta Van Sesteren,
surprised me by attending my 90th birthday celebration,
not the 95th that we saw her picture with him.
So they were there five years earlier.
Five years earlier.
They're family, family friends.
Family friends.
I was with them again in 2011 when Greta covered book signings at the Billy Graham Library,
former President George W. Bush and his wife, Laura.
Another Freemason.
Billy Graham.
You know how hard it would be to get into the book
of Billy Graham one of his last books
Billy Graham
didn't dedicate that
book to
man of God who spent his life
preaching the gospel
winning souls going on
foreign mission trips
risking his life no Billy Graham dedicated that book to a Scientologist.
I mean, that's a fact.
I'm going to tell you, the more I look at this,
Freemasonry is the connection.
Yes, I agree.
Certainly it was not explained.
Certainly it was not addressed.
You think you put them in the book and you're talking about message for hope.
There was no mention of evangelizing to these two cult members.
We also, I was talking to Edward about this today.
I told him, I said, you know, this is not the first time I've had to deal with this.
In 2006, I had to rebuke Billy Graham.
And I felt very uneasy about it.
Because in 2006, I'm just doing a little podcast.
Hardly anybody knows who I am, true news.
But I had to do it.
Because Billy Graham made a statement to Newsweek magazine back when they actually had a magazine.
And he said he made an interfaith statement that everybody can be saved.
Everybody can be saved basically without Jesus.
There's a path for everyone.
A path for everyone that doesn't necessarily have to go through Jesus Christ.
Bless me.
And I quoted him and I had to rebuke him for saying it.
And man, did people get mad at me.
Who do you think you are to rebuke Billy Graham?
I'm a Christian who is absolutely sold out to Jesus Christ.
That's who I am.
The Lion of Judah.
It's not about me. It is to Jesus Christ. That's who I am. The Lion of Judah. It's not about me.
It is about Jesus Christ.
It is about the sacredness of his name.
The holiness of his church.
And I will not let anybody bring in false doctrines
and use their prestige and influence to confuse people. So we were able to find that 2006 article from Newsweek.
It was called Pilgrim's Progress, August 13, 2006.
And this is what Newsweek said.
A unifying theme of Graham's new thinking is humility.
He is sure and certain of his faith in Jesus as the way to salvation.
When asked whether he believes heaven will be closed to good Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, or secular people, though,
Graham says,
Those are decisions only the Lord will make.
It would be foolish for me to speculate on who will be there and who won't.
I don't want to speculate about all that. I believe the love of God is absolute. He said
he gave his son for the whole world, and I think he loves everybody regardless of what label they
have. Such an ecumenical spirit may upset some Christian hardliners, Newsweek went on to say, but in Graham's view, only God knows who is going to be saved.
As an evangelist for more than six decades,
Mr. Graham has faithfully proclaimed the Bible's gospel message
that Jesus is the only way to heaven.
This is quoting the Graham spokesman, A. Larry Ross.
However, Mr. Ross goes on to say,
salvation is the work of Almighty God,
and only He knows what is in each heart, each human heart.
But he doesn't have to speculate.
John 14, 6 says it.
Yes, preach it.
You don't have to say it.
You don't have to speculate on it.
Billy Graham, in his old age age was teaching universalism.
That's right.
Everybody saved.
Joel Osteen said the same thing.
Larry King.
I'm not going to go there.
You need to go there.
I remember that.
I remember that interview when Joel Osteen said it.
And Larry King, who was Jewish, and I really believe Larry King was searching because he kept asking preachers questions.
And they would ask Billy Graham the same question.
The preachers wouldn't tell Larry King the truth.
But anyhow, in that interview with Joe Osteen, Larry King asked Joe Osteen, will Jews go to heaven?
Will Muslims go to heaven?
All this.
And Joel Osteen said something like,
no, no, no.
He asked him, he says,
do you have to believe on Jesus?
Do you have to believe on Jesus to go to heaven?
And I'm sitting there going,
okay, Joel, this is it. What are you going to
do with it? Here it comes. Here comes the ball. And Joel said, yes, you do. And I said, yes,
Joel got a backbone. Hallelujah. And then he said, but there are many ways to Jesus.
Prosperity paralysis.
He said, Jesus is the way to God, but there are many ways to Jesus.
No, there's a narrow path.
There is a narrow path.
There's not many paths.
You're gambling with eternal life if you believe there are many paths.
Well, and people, well, I can hear right now, oh, take your own plank out of your eye.
This isn't condemning.
This isn't about sin.
It's not about that.
It's about salvation. It's not about that.
It's about being bold with how you believe.
This isn't about sin.
This isn't about weaknesses.
This isn't about faults.
I would never do that.
You never hear me doing that on this program.
This is about deception.
This is about doctrinal deception in the church.
It waters down the word. It waters down. You have there's one specific way.
Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life. I mean, this is he said it.
I mean, plain and simple. It's our blessed hope. I mean, you cannot water down the gospel because you're you're taking away what will save. The man who's at rock bottom is looking for that hope, looking for how he can live past the grave.
And you know what? It hurts the gospel. It hurts when you say that Jesus Christ would take a vaccine.
Oh, I mean, this is all sort of makes sense. This is where it boils down.
He brought Jesus down to a human non God love.
And why did he do it? What was his thought? Is he being pressured into saying we need to get these vaccines going?
Because we see in other churches there, the churches open up for shots now. Well, we need to know from from Franklin Graham, has he personally or any of his organizations received money to promote the vaccine?
I'm going to give it. They're going to give the body, the blood and the shot.
Look, I know, Edward, we planned, we were going to talk about the shooting in Boulder.
We were going to talk about Sidney Powell because people think that we misinterpreted what she said.
We wanted to show you. No, weinterpreted what she said we wanted to show you no we have exactly what she
said the court document is right here read it all read it all show it to you so we'll try to get
this tomorrow the main thing and i hope we're not talking about franklin graham tomorrow but
who knows what we're going to find out tomorrow but it's your duty to call out these these things
you have to do it seek this out yeah seek this out. Yeah. It just appeared.
And I've got the task of doing it. But the main thing, what we want our audience to know is that
Greta Van Susteren and her husband are high level Scientologists. They are on a mission to infiltrate Christian churches and ministries.
They're on a mission to to entrap influential men and women into Scientology.
They're on a mission to advance the satanic agenda of the Church of Scientology.
That's their mission.
And they're making headway through the late Billy Graham and Franklin Graham and for the life of me I cannot understand how Franklin Graham has allowed this to go on
other than he knows about it and he is participating in it and there's a Freemason
connection to all this that's what we're talking about here today the ball is now in Franklin
Graham's court to answer these questions.
Maybe there is a logical explanation and it will explain all this and we can move on
and we won't have to talk about it again.
But now the ball is in Franklin Graham's court.
He needs to explain his relationship with these Scientologists.
Well said.
True wisdom, Frank. True wisdom.
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