TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Bird Flu: Will Deep State Hit Trump with Another Pandemic?

Episode Date: December 9, 2024

Last week Russian President Putin warned that President-elect Donald Trump was not safe and could be the target of another assassination attempt before his Jan. 20 inauguration.  Days ago, a former U....S. Secret Service agent also warned that he fears there will be another attempt to kill Mr. Trump. We will also talk today about the possibility of a bird flu pandemic and lock down during Mr. Trump’s new administration. And finally, we will give you a World War III update on the stunning developments in Syria over the weekend.Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 12/09/2024Join the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comCelebrate Christmas with TruNews! Donate $200 or more to TruNews and receive 8 gifts: 2 Final Day books, 2 Sacrificing Liberty DVD sets, 2 The Greatest Reset DVDs, and 2 talking Fauci Elves. Donate at, call 800.576.2116, or mail to PO Box 399, Vero Beach, FL 32961. Request your gift bag today!Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!             It’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's day five of American Reserve's 12 Days of Preparedness, and today's deal is perfect for preparedness on the go. Buy any emergency survival backpack and get the second one for 50% off. These backpacks are packed with essentials like a portable stove, 32 servings of food, first aid kit, survival blanket, flashlight, a 5-in-1 survival whistle, and more. Everything you need to stay safe and prepared no matter the situation. Whether it's for yourself or someone you care about, these backpacks are designed to keep you ready for
Starting point is 00:00:34 anything. Don't miss this chance to stock up on survival essentials. Don't wait. Visit today and grab this deal while it lasts. American Reserves, keeping you prepared every step of the way. Last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned that President-elect Donald Trump was not safe and could be the target of another assassination attempt before his January 20th inauguration. Then days ago, a former U.S. Secret Service agent also warned that he fears there will be another attempt to kill Mr. Trump. We will also talk today about the possibility of a bird flu pandemic and lockdown during Mr. Trump's new administration. And finally, we will give you an update on World War III and the stunning developments that took place in Syria over the weekend. This is True News for Monday, December 9, 2024.
Starting point is 00:01:54 Let's begin our analysis and commentary of today's news and national news headlines looking at this article published by the daily caller all right uh ex secret service agent warns he certainly can see trump being attacked again before inauguration day well that's not a good sign doc when secret service agents say yeah i can definitely see another assassination attempt. Where are we right now in our country? Well, I wouldn't be surprised by that either. And so, I mean, it's the atmosphere of things. Daily Color here today is reporting that back on Thursday,
Starting point is 00:02:42 former Secret Service agent Richard Staropoli has given a warning that President-elect Donald Trump could face another attack that his former agency is unprepared to prevent. Star Polly on America Reports suggested Trump could face a threat of a much bigger magnitude than crooks before he takes office in January. We actually have this clip. This was on Fox News from back on Thursday as well, where Star Polly appeared and made these same comments. Well, this is President-elect Trump, soon to be President Trump, back in office again.
Starting point is 00:03:13 They are going to have a huge task before them. He travels a lot, right? I mean, he's out there a lot. Are you, where are you with your confidence that they will be able to safely secure the president? I'm not highly confident at all. The Secret Service that you see out there today is not the Secret Service of yesteryear. Somewhere along the line, they've completely dropped the ball. That testimony that you saw today was purely a smokescreen to cover up the shortcomings of a politically compromised agency. It should never have gotten to that point. This whole talk about all these drones and these UAVs, hey, that's all great, but you need to get back to the basics. What made the Secret Service great was its ability to put human intelligence, manpower on the streets and effectively secure an environment to make it safe for the president of the United States. I don't see that here.
Starting point is 00:04:00 As a matter of fact, I don't think I'd be alone in saying that I certainly can see something happening between now and Inauguration Day. And it's not going to be some 20 year old kid on the roof of a building that's allowed to get within 100 yards. It's going to be something of a much bigger magnitude. And I don't think the Secret Service is anywhere near equipped to handle that situation. We're no longer talking about the fact that the first assassination attempt was a Secret Service operation. I told you they turned this into, this is a case of incompetence, political correctness, DEI. And that's scary in itself right there. Yes. But they turned the public's attention away from a failed assassination. That was a failed state-sponsored assassination attempt.
Starting point is 00:04:58 It failed. It was an attempt by the Biden administration to kill Donald Trump. And all discussion of that just dried up within days. In the aftermath of the first attempt, there were several congressmen who were on the edge, just close to saying this was a state-sponsored assassination attempt. And then they changed their tune, dropped it, and have never brought it up again. Then the focus went to, we've got to reform the Secret Service. There's incompetence in the Secret Service. No, there's conspiracy in the Secret Service. And so this gentleman is either aware of it or he's going
Starting point is 00:05:47 along with it. But you know what I hear? I'll tell you what I hear, Doc. If there is another attempt on Mr. Trump's life before January 20th, we're going to be told Iran did it. Iran is now afraid that they're going to be told Iran did it. Right. Iran is now afraid that they're going to be taken down like Syria. And Iran struck out and made an attempt to kill Donald Trump. And then that will then be used to inflame Donald Trump as he goes into the White House. And the Israeli propaganda machine will be telling him, Mr. Trump, you're going to have to blow up Iran. It's personal now.
Starting point is 00:06:29 Yeah. They're trying to kill you. They're trying to kill you. I think about George W. Bush. Okay. Okay. His father, George Herbert Walker Bush, went to war against Saddam Hussein in, let's see, what was the country?
Starting point is 00:06:52 Kuwait. Ordered him to leave, ordered the Iraqi troops to leave, and declared mission accomplished. When General Schwarzkopf was pursuing the Iraqi troops to Baghdad, President Bush called it off. Senior Bush called it off and said, no, we're not here to invade Iraq. We're not here to kill Saddam Hussein. Our mission was to get him out of Kuwait. And a lot of people didn't understand President president bush's decision but it was very wise senior bush was very wise now i know he was deep state you know you don't have to send me emails
Starting point is 00:07:33 former cia director yes for you don't have to send me emails and and straighten me out on this i know that i'm just saying his decision making was very okay, in the way he ran things, in the way he managed things. He pulled the troops out, said, mission accomplished. We're not going in there to kill Saddam Hussein, take over his country, all right? Yet. Well, it wasn't his plan. George Herbert Walker Bush was not a raving Zionist. That's why the Zionists got rid of him. He served one term.
Starting point is 00:08:12 That's true. His Secretary of State, James Baker, was not a Zionist. You got to go back and look at the history of the Bush administration. The senior, senior Bush. Okay, now, here's where I'm going with this. When George W., when the son became president, and we have the September 11 conspiracy and so forth, and I think we all know there were state actors involved in that operation but there was a moment when george w bush revealed something about his motivation to take down saddam hussein invade iraq and he
Starting point is 00:08:58 it it he lashed out in his comments and he said, he tried to kill my father. He tried to kill my father. And what he was referring to were that there were stories that Saddam Hussein plotted to assassinate George Herbert Walker Bush. And Junior, I call him Junior, okay, just for the sake of knowing which Bush I'm talking about, the second President Bush, he said, the reason I'm, I mean, he'd say it like this, he said, when they were pressing him about why are we in Iraq, he said, because he tried
Starting point is 00:09:40 to kill my father. So he became personal for him. What I'm saying here is they're going to make this personal for Donald Trump. They're going to make it personal for the Trump family. It's the same play. It's the same strategy. They're going to say to Donald Jr. and to Eric and the whole Trump family, Iran's trying to kill your father.
Starting point is 00:10:10 You better tell your dad to bomb Iran. He better get in there and blow that place to smithereens. They're going to try to kill him. They just tried to kill him. I mean, if there's a third attempt, they're going to say, they just tried again. They got close, really close this time.
Starting point is 00:10:26 You've got to blow up Iran. And I'm afraid Mr. Trump's going to fall for it. OK, so let's see if this is the way it plays out. It's day five of American Reserve's 12 days of preparedness. And today's deal is perfect for preparedness on the go. Buy any emergency survival backpack and get the second one for 50% off. These backpacks are packed with essentials like a portable stove, 32 servings of food, first aid kit, survival blanket, flashlight, a 5 in 1 survival whistle and more.
Starting point is 00:11:02 Everything you need to stay safe and prepared, no matter the situation. Whether it's for yourself or someone you care about, these backpacks are designed to keep you ready for anything. Don't miss this chance to stock up on survival essentials. Don't wait. Visit today and grab this deal while it lasts. American Reserves, keeping you prepared every step of the way. But then let's look at some of the other things. They have, they, the deep state boys, they have. The mob. Yeah, the mob. Yeah, the Bob mob, yes. Yes. They have a bag of tricks, okay? One doesn't work, they've got something else. Six ways to Sunday, yes. Yes. They have a bag of tricks.
Starting point is 00:11:45 Okay, one doesn't work. They've got something else. Six Ways to Sunday, Schumer said. That's what Schumer said, Six Ways to Sunday to get even. MSNBC, that reputable news network, why the threat of bird flu makes this presidential transition problematic? Did you know that the Trump transition is in trouble because of bird flow? Nope. First I heard about it was today.
Starting point is 00:12:15 Hmm. You mean we could have trouble in a transfer of power because of bird flow? Where is this going? Well, as you dig down into the article by MSNBC, the network that has no viewers, I probably give them more attention than they get all day. That's right. Okay. But one of the things they point out is the anti-vaccine mentality of some of the leading people in the Trump administration like Robert Kennedy. Right.
Starting point is 00:12:53 Isn't this very problematic? We're going to have a Secretary of Health and Human Services who is anti-vaccine. And we're going to have a bird flu pandemic. And our HHS secretary is going to be against a bird flu vaccine. And we're going to have a bird flu pandemic. And our HHS secretary is going to be against a bird flu vaccine. These are the problems that we have with the Trump administration. If there is a pandemic early in the Trump administration, this Trump administration is conspiratorial. It's right wing. It's anti-vaccine. It's anti-American.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Yes. They've got all these adjectives and they're telling us we're not safe. We're not safe if there's a bird flu pandemic. Well, what else can we read about? Mother Jones, another conservative newspaper or magazine, right? This article came out the same day as the...
Starting point is 00:13:47 Same day. Same day. Avian flu could define Trump's second presidency. And see how they frame the image there. You got Donald Trump and then RFK
Starting point is 00:13:57 back there in the background. And then there are viruses. Yes. Okay. Look, they tried to take Donald Trump down with bird flu. I mean, with COVID. I'm still, I'm not sure on what Donald Trump knew in his first term about COVID.
Starting point is 00:14:24 I suspect, Doc, this is just my speculation. I suspect that the deep state boys he had around him, and he had a lot of them, that they knew how to work him. They've got psychological profiles on everybody. I mean, they know how you think. They knew how Donald Trump thinks about issues. They knew how he could be persuaded. They knew his hot buttons. They know, you know, his weaknesses, his strengths.
Starting point is 00:15:00 I think they went to him. Let's just say that bird flu virus was developed by the NIH and the Pentagon. You mean COVID? I keep saying bird flu. COVID. That COVID was developed by the Pentagon and with the cooperation of the NIH. Right. As a scenario, I'm just saying this. And this was a top secret.
Starting point is 00:15:24 But the plan was to, it was two-fold. Destabilize Trump so he loses the election and blame China. And maybe destabilize China. And destabilize China. And make
Starting point is 00:15:39 billions of dollars for pharmaceutical companies, which is all part of this fascist war economy. You've got defense contractors and you have vaccine makers. It's all part of a fascist war economy. So let's say that they did develop coronavirus and they had to sell this to Donald Trump. And he didn't think this through.
Starting point is 00:16:09 He wasn't thinking that our own government would do it to take him down. What were some of the side effects of the lockdowns? First of all, destroyed the Trump economy. Absolutely destroyed the Trump economy. Absolutely destroyed the Trump economy. There was no way that man was going to be defeated in 2020. The economy was roaring. They were not going to defeat him.
Starting point is 00:16:37 They had to destroy the economy. Number two, they had to have a justifiable reason to mail tens of millions of mail-in ballots. And it's changed the way we do elections forever now. It's permanently changed our elections. Institutionalized mail-in ballots. So there were all these reasons for the coronavirus. I suspect that they sold it to President Trump as saying, we have been attacked
Starting point is 00:17:08 by China. We can't say this. We can't tell the public. The public will panic. There'll be demands for war. There could be pandemonium. The economy could collapse. We don't know what would happen. We can't tell them, Mr. President. We have to tell them that this is a virus that came from bat soup. In a market in Wuhan. And we're going to have to appoint the Pentagon to run Operation Warp Speed to develop these vaccines. These are going to be experimental vaccines, Mr. President. They're going to go down in history as the president who presided over the development of these new vaccines.
Starting point is 00:17:58 And we could even name it after you if you want. Trump scenes, okay? That's how I imagine they sold this to him. I think the whole time he wanted to fire Fauci, but he was told you can't. You don't have the authority
Starting point is 00:18:17 to fire Fauci. He's above you. I really believe it, Doc. I believe they said he's above you. Fauci works for Fauci works for the real government. Not the one you're running. He works for the
Starting point is 00:18:34 real government. And I think Mr. Trump went along. So what am I seeing here? We're being set up once again that they're going to try to take Donald Trump down in the second term with bird flu. Will he be smart enough to catch on what they're doing, or will he fall for it again?
Starting point is 00:18:57 So, Mother Jones, avian flu could define Trump's second presidency. It's like they're predicting a prophecy. It's not really a prophecy if you know about it in advance, right? Exactly. This next one. Trump immigration crackdown could make it harder to contain bird flu. Well, we can't deport all these folks, can we? Why?
Starting point is 00:19:22 Are you telling me that all the illegals are going to pick up their chickens and go home you know you and i think alike i just imagined a whole bunch is that what they're telling us before you can deport them they're going to say i got to get my chicken i'm not leaving without my chicken and all that you're going to stir up all this chicken dandruff and i mean what does that headline mean immigration crackdown could could make it hard to contain the bird flu outbreak basically they're going to blame trump if there's an outbreak it's because we're deporting all the illegal aliens in this country. That's where...
Starting point is 00:20:05 Because we're focused on illegals and not the outbreak? Right. I thought they were saying it's going to stir up all those chicken feathers. I imagined initially when I saw the article... Chicken feathers. Millions of illegal aliens carrying chickens back across the border. Then you had this article. By the way, these all came out within days of each other, all these articles.
Starting point is 00:20:24 And what does it talk when we see a theme in days? We know that a script has been delivered out. The propaganda script has been turned loose. So this is New York Times. This was back from the last week of November. I ran Operation Warp Speed. I'm concerned about bird flu. This comes from Dr. David Kessler.
Starting point is 00:20:42 So he worked for Donald Trump. That's right. So he was the commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration during the H.W. Bush and Clinton administrations and was also the Biden administration's chief science officer during COVID-19. As Donald Trump, now this is coming from the article here, as Donald Trump gets ready to return to the White House, he must be prepared to tackle one issue immediately. This comes from Dr. Kessler, the possibility that the spreading avian flu might mutate to enable human-to-human transmission. I was the Biden administration's chief science officer during COVID-19. I was a co-leader of Operation Warp Speed, which began in Mr. Trump's first term
Starting point is 00:21:23 to accelerate the development of COVID-19 vaccines. I worked on the purchase and rollout of hundreds of millions of doses and on developing antiviral treatments. One of my jobs was to assess the trajectory of the virus. And based on what he's saying, what Dr. Kessler is saying, this is going to be a big problem for President Trump. Well, the NIH, the organization that employed Fauci for decades, this came out on Friday, single mutation in H5N1 influenza protein, could enable easier human infection.
Starting point is 00:22:06 We're just one mutation away, Doc. One mutation. One teeny weeny little mutation. And if Fauci was there, he could help push it over. He would know how to push that little mutation over the line, and bang, you've got a bird flu pandemic. So the NIH is, they're issuing press releases. We've got to tell you, folks, we're one tiny little mutation away. Now, you really begin to see the connection of the deep state in all these stories.
Starting point is 00:22:37 They all come out about the same time. Even the government websites release information the same time media does. For instance, got this next article. This is from the Scientific Journals. This is Science magazine. They're asking the question, hey, Rick, why hasn't the bird flu pandemic started? It's like they're frustrated. Yeah, like we had this planned.
Starting point is 00:23:00 It should have been going by now. If the world finds itself amid a flu pandemic in a few months, this is from science, it won't be a big surprise. Birds have been spreading a new clade of H5N1 avian influenza virus around the world since 2021. That virus spilled over to cattle in Texas about a year ago and spread to hundreds of farms across the U.S. since. There have been dozens of human infections in North America, and in some of those cases, the virus has shown exactly the kinds of mutations known to make it better suited to infect human cells and replicate them.
Starting point is 00:23:35 Now, this is coming from the Science article here. No clear human-to-human transmission of H5N1 has been documented yet, but this feels the closest to an H5 pandemic that I've seen. That's coming from Louise Moncla, a virologist at the University of Pennsylvania. Quote, if H5 is ever going to be a pandemic, it's going to be now, adds Seema Lakdawalla, a flu researcher at Emory University. It's almost like they're waiting with bated breath for the pandemic. They're cheering for it. Come on, come on, virus. Do that mutation. You're just one mutation away.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Man, it's off to the races for scientists. That's right. There's all kinds of funding. Man, it's party time. Making vaccines, you're doing lockdowns. There's all kinds of stuff that happens if there's a pandemic. There's job security in a pandemic. Job security, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:24:36 But it's this sense of frustration. Why hasn't the bird flu pandemic started? We're waiting on it. Let's get the show on the road. You know what they're waiting for? To take down the Trump administration. That's right. KWCH, Wichita.
Starting point is 00:24:57 Game wardens alert public about geese carrying bird flu into Kansas. KCTV Channel 5, Kansas City. Geese falling out of the sky. I heard this story last week. Did you? Yes. Up in Kansas City. Bird flu begins to infect birds in the Kansas City metro.
Starting point is 00:25:18 Geese just dropping out of the sky. That was frightening some folks. As calls continue to roll in about geese that have fallen out of the sky, wildlife officials have warned residents in the Kansas City metro area that these birds show signs, guess what, of avian or bird flu. Operation Wildlife, a Linwood-based wildlife rehab, announced on Friday that avian influenza has been confirmed to be in the Kansas City metro area. With an increase in the number of geese due to migration, rescuers have seen an uptick in calls about geese falling out of the sky. So the geese are dying in flight.
Starting point is 00:25:57 Yes. They're so sick, they die in the air. New York Times. U.S. milk to be tested for bird flu virus. The Department of Agriculture will begin testing the nation's milk supply for the bird flu virus known as H5N1
Starting point is 00:26:21 nearly a year after the virus began circulating through dairy cattle. Under the new strategy, officials will test samples of unpasteurized milk from large storage tanks at dairy processing facilities across the country. Farmers and dairy processors will be required to provide samples of raw milk on request from the government, and farm owners with infected herds will be required to provide details that would help officials identify more cases and contacts. And then out of Great Britain, here's the Independent. Experts say bird flu is more widespread than we think.
Starting point is 00:27:01 We are in a soup of virus. A virus soup, Doc. It's day five of American Reserve's 12 Days of Preparedness, and today's deal is perfect for preparedness on the go. Buy any emergency survival backpack and get the second one for 50% off. These backpacks are packed with essentials like a portable stove, 32 servings of food, first aid kit, survival blanket, flashlight, a 5-in-1 survival whistle, and more. Everything you need to stay safe and prepared, no matter the situation. Whether it's for yourself or someone you care about, these backpacks are designed to keep you ready for anything.
Starting point is 00:27:42 Don't miss this chance to stock up on survival essentials. Don't wait. Visit today and grab this deal while it lasts. American Reserves, keeping you prepared every step of the way. And if that is enough to scare you, how about drones? Drones in the sky. We've got more stories. More stories about drones.
Starting point is 00:28:09 New York Post, more mysterious drones spotted over New Jersey's Bergen County. They're just pacing back and forth. And this coming out of the Post today is more mysterious drones were spotted pacing back and forth above New Jersey as government officials assured Garden State residents that there's nothing to fear. The footage that you're watching here captured by a New Jersey mom and shared on X shows blinking lights buzzing over Bergen County Sunday night. Once again, these drones are just flying unfettered, unrestricted.
Starting point is 00:28:45 No one seems to be too worried about it except folks with drones over their house. They're the only ones that are really concerned, Rick. Law enforcement officials don't seem up in arms about it. Military officials don't seem concerned. I'm just getting more and more convinced. If they're not concerned about it, then they have a hand in it. That's the only conclusion I can come to, Rick. No one seems upset about this.
Starting point is 00:29:12 Or the fix is in. We've already been taken over, Doug. That's the scary thing. The reason nobody in the government is – if the drones are Chinese and nobody's doing anything about it, it's because those in the know already know. You've been conquered. The takeover is underway. 10,000, 15,000 Chinese soldiers every month coming across the Mexico border. The troops are coming into place.
Starting point is 00:29:51 You let this continue, and you have a standing army inside the country. And nobody seems to be alarmed about it. Right. I mean, just one drone could drop a chemical agent could drop a biological agent we're just talking about avian flu what if somebody had a sample of avian flu they could they could fly it anywhere in the world doc last summer i ran for united states congress one of my top issues was talking about chinese young men coming across the border i couldn't get anybody interested in it it was just like not only the media and it's the public everybody's just kind of their
Starting point is 00:30:33 eyes glazed over i'm like do you all understand we're talking about tens of thousands of young chinese men coming across the border every month. Do you understand what this means? No, they don't understand what it means. They don't get it. That's the problem. They don't get it. It's like you're being conquered. You are being conquered. And you're not reacting to it.
Starting point is 00:31:14 Have you noticed, right now, who is the President of the United States right now? Well, officially, it's... I know, but who... Does he look like he's even attempting to run the country? No. I mean, before, they were at least making it look like it. Right? Right. They propped him up. They took him outside
Starting point is 00:31:28 once in a while. They made it look like Joe Biden was coherent to run the country. Right. Last week, they let
Starting point is 00:31:36 they allowed him to be photographed with his hair all messed up. Right. He knew where he was coming back from. Was it a Christmas tree lighting? No, knew where he was coming back from. Was it a Christmas tree lighting?
Starting point is 00:31:46 No, no. He was coming back from France. He went to France and toured the Notre Dame Cathedral before this big event this weekend. Yeah. Isn't that weird? Did he go on the wrong date? Did nobody tell him? And you saw that Jill andley biden they went to the
Starting point is 00:32:07 note he went before the event he sure did and then jill biden turns around goes at the memorial this weekend the uh celebration this weekend that's weird just weird i thought he was like coming back from a christmas tree lighting ceremony something. But they allowed him to be photographed looking like a crazy old grandpa. Okay. Clearly, few people believe that Joe Biden is running the country. Yeah, by all intents and purposes, President Trump's president right now. He's in charge. Do you remember, Doc, after the first debate, I said Donald Trump won the election in that debate.
Starting point is 00:32:56 The American people made their decision. He's our president, and he's our president right now. Yeah. They made him the president that night. Mentally, emotionally, the American people just psychologically got rid of Biden and said, Trump's our president. He's acting like the president now. He hasn't even been sworn in. He's running things. He's doing things.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Meeting world leaders, making decisions. Setting policy. Yes. Which is something I've never seen in my lifetime. A president-elect setting policy and meeting with world leaders before he's installed. That was a no-no. You can't do that. But he's doing it and nobody's saying anything about it, including Mr. Biden.
Starting point is 00:33:45 And Mr. Biden hasn't called him and said, hey, dude, I'm president until January 20th. You need to back off. So Fox News, progressive Democrats rage at Biden for giving Trump the spotlight during the final weeks in office. It's like Joe Biden has just checked out. He's done. And he doesn't even care. And he's making no effort to run the country.
Starting point is 00:34:14 He's like giving President Trump, just run with it. It's yours. Wall Street Journal. Biden is ceding presidential influence to Trump. Democrats are furious. And it's the Wall Street Journal observing the same thing that I'm seeing. The American tradition is that the nation has only one president at a time right now.
Starting point is 00:34:36 That president looks like Donald Trump because President Biden is seeding the spotlight. While Biden remained in Washington, it was President-elect Trump who met on Saturday in Paris with President Emmanuel Macron and Ukrainian leader Zelensky. At the time they met, Damascus was falling to rebels in Syria while Trump briefly spoke to reporters about Ukraine and posted online about U.S.
Starting point is 00:35:05 interests in Syria, saying this is not our fight. Biden didn't make a public appearance on Saturday and waited until Sunday to comment on Syria. So Biden has just quit. He's done. And Trump is taking advantage of the vacuum. He's filling the vacuum. He's becoming the uninstalled president. But he's basically, the world leaders know,
Starting point is 00:35:34 that's the man right now. You don't want to meet with Biden. That's a waste of time. Here's the man you need to meet with, Donald Trump. CNN. CNN. Trump lays out sweeping early acts on deportation and January 6th pardons. Says Liz Cheney and others should go to jail.
Starting point is 00:35:55 He said it? Yes. He sure did. NBC News reporting here as well. Trump aims to end birthright citizenship and says American citizens with family here illegally may be deported. We'll play the clip in context here in just a few moments. Moderator Kristen Welker, that you have no choice but to deport everyone who is illegally in the U.S., including possibly removing the American citizen family members of those deported. President Trump also said he would move to end birthright citizenship long enshrined in the 14th Amendment of the Constitution, which would strip rights from those born in the country to undocumented parents. But he said he's open to working with Democrats to pass legislation that would ensure DREAMers, undocumented immigrants who entered the U.S. as children, would be able to remain in the country. Now, we have a couple
Starting point is 00:36:54 clips here of President Trump on Meet the Press from Sunday. The actual interview with President Trump went about an hour and a half. They only showed an hour of it, a little less than an hour of on Meet the Press Sunday. And if you get a chance, if you have online access, you should see the whole hour. on deporting, maybe deporting family members who happen to be Americans, but they are members of families who are here illegally. So let's listen to this in context and you'll get a better understanding of what he actually said. Four million families in America who have mixed immigration status. So I'm talking about parents who might be here illegally, but the kids are here legally. Your borders are Tom Homan. You're talking about separation?
Starting point is 00:37:49 Well, I mean, there are two aspects to this. Your borders are Tom Homan said they can be deported together. Is that the plan? Well, that way you keep the, well, I don't want to be breaking up families. So the only way you don't break up the family is you keep them together and you have to send them all back. Even kids who are here legally? Well, what you're gonna do if they wanna stay with the father?
Starting point is 00:38:09 We have to have rules and regulations. You can always find something out like this doesn't work, that doesn't work. I'll tell you what's gonna be horrible. When we take a wonderful young woman who's with a criminal And they show the woman and she could stay by the law, but they show the woman being taken out or they want her out. And your cameras are focused on her as she's crying, as she's being taken out of our country. And then the public turns against us. But we have to do our job. And his way is going to be.
Starting point is 00:38:48 And Tom Homan said it yes they asked him they asked tom homan and said are you going to break up families he goes oh no no we're going to deport all of them right together um this next one is where president trump mentioned the possibility of former congresswoman liz cheneeney being sent to prison. Let's watch it. And Cheney was behind it. And so was Benny Thompson and everybody on that committee. We're going to. For what they did.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Yeah. Honestly, they should go to jail. So you think Liz Cheney should go to jail? For what? Everyone on the committee. I think everybody, anybody that voted in favor. Are you going to direct your FBI director and your attorney general to send go to jail? For what they did. Everyone on the committee used to go to jail. I think everybody, anybody that voted in favor. Are you going to direct your FBI director
Starting point is 00:39:27 and your attorney general to send them to jail? No, not at all. I think that they'll have to look at that, but I'm not going to, I'm going to focus on drill baby drill.
Starting point is 00:39:36 He sent, he sent a message. Yes. Made it clear. So, that's why they're going to get as many pardons through before January 20th. This next story is also on immigration.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Trump's mass deportation plan could threaten workforces and industries from agriculture to healthcare. This is a CNBC report. CNBC said a labor market boosted by immigration after the COVID pandemic faces a threat from President-elect Donald Trump's plan for mass deportation. Foreign-born workers have been taking open positions in sectors from construction and agriculture to technology and healthcare. Fields where hiring companies have struggled to find domestic labor. Immigrant workers made up 18.6% of the workforce last year. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the timing and scope of Trump's plan remains to be seen, but companies and economists are trying to figure out
Starting point is 00:40:44 how much the deportations could hurt the U.S. economy. And then CNBC quoted Jenny Murray, CEO of National Immigration Forum, and she said, quote, American companies are going to fill the strain on labor cost, and we're going to be, depending on the skill level of the individual you're talking about, we're going to be losing the fight for labor. Now, I want to show you one more video, and then I want to tell you something about immigration. I'm going to tell you my hunch. We'll see if I'm right. Yeah, I'll tell you my hunch, too.
Starting point is 00:41:20 All right, okay, because I don't know yours, okay? But you know, last week, Donald Trump was trolling Justin Trudeau in Canada, saying, you know, we could make Canada the 51st state. Yes. And then they put out that picture of him standing there with the Canadian flag and everything. Oh, by the way, one of our friends, Chris, in Switzerland said, that's the Matterhorn in Switzerland.
Starting point is 00:41:45 Oh, yeah? He's coming for us, too. I said, oh, Switzerland. Make Switzerland great again. The 52nd state. You guys have all the gold. I would like that. Would you like to have Switzerland as a state?
Starting point is 00:41:59 That would be awesome. I think Switzerland would like to be a state. That'd be cool. So Donald Trump, what did I say last week Donald Trump was, what did I say? I said, folks, listen, people are laughing about this, you know, Donald Trump's trolling Pierre Trudeau, I mean Pierre, I keep calling him his dad, Justin Trudeau, all right? People are laughing, saying he's just trolling him. That's all it is. There's nothing serious. I said, what if Donald Trump is going to bring in the North American Union, the plan of the
Starting point is 00:42:35 globalists that George W. Bush couldn't bring in? That's right. Remember we were talking about the Amero and everything back then? Yes, but the way Donald Trump would sell it is, hey, this is MAGA. We're making MAGA bigger. We're making America bigger again. We're making bigger. Yeah, make America bigger, okay? We should have owned Canada in the first place. Remember, in his first term, he offered to buy Greenland.
Starting point is 00:43:00 Remember that? Yes. So if Donald Trump starts talking big about, hey, let's just annex Canada. Let's annex Mexico. Don't fall for it. But listen to this sound bite. It's only 20 seconds, 27 seconds from that NBC meet the press interview. Listen to what he says about Mexico and Canada. We're subsidizing Canada to the tune of over 100 billion dollars a year.
Starting point is 00:43:37 We're subsidizing Mexico for almost 300 billion dollars. We shouldn't be subsidized. Why are we subsidizing these countries? If we're going to subsidize them, let them become a state. We're subsidizing Mexico, and we're subsidizing Canada, and we're subsidizing many countries all over the world. And all I want to do is I want to have a level, fast, but fair playing field. Is he setting the stage for a merger with canada and mexico
Starting point is 00:44:06 it very well could be you know you wouldn't have any undocumented aliens then everybody's legal right and we'd have plenty of canadian maple cookies we wouldn't have to wait for a truckload of them to come in once a year. Okay? Now, you said you had a hunch about something. I've got a hunch. Okay. Okay. What's your hunch? Well, over the weekend, I was talking to a friend who lives
Starting point is 00:44:38 in another country. Okay. Okay. And he was talking to his attorney about um getting a visa to come to america because he he lives in a country that you know it's not automatic okay you have to apply for a visa okay and his his attorney said don't do it yet wait until the Trump administration comes in because the new
Starting point is 00:45:10 visa laws are going to be wonderful and I stopped and I said wait a minute what new visa laws he said the new visa regulations that are coming in with President Trump they're going to be very, very easy for me to get a visa to come in the United States.
Starting point is 00:45:32 And so we started talking. And the light came on in my head. Listen to where I'm going with this okay this is one of these things you mark it down put it in your put it somewhere in your kitchen cabinet where you can pull it out someday and say you know what rick said that was going to happen okay donald trump is going to round up millions and millions of illegal immigrants he's going to fulfill campaign promise. He's going to ship them back. Okay, he's going to get them out of the country.
Starting point is 00:46:16 Big business. Once open borders for cheap labor. Right. Big business is going to say, wait a minute, Mr. Trump. Open borders for cheap labor. Right. Big business is going to say, wait a minute, Mr. Trump. We need all these illegal immigrants. You can't just round them up and ship them out. We don't have enough workers.
Starting point is 00:46:42 Mr. Trump's going to say, aha, I got a plan. We're going to have the most liberalized legal immigration in the history of America. But you will have to have a skill. Nobody, he's going to go back to the Teddy Roosevelt rules. Teddy Roosevelt said, you come to this country, you have a skill. You're able to work, you're able to contribute to the country. No loafers, no free loafers are coming into the country. Donald Trump, I believe, is going to say, we are going to liberalize
Starting point is 00:47:18 immigration to America. It's going to be so easy to get a visa, to come into America to America. It's going to be so easy to get a visa to come into America to work. Now, Doc, it's not going to be just because you want to be here. These will be work visas. They're going to issue millions of work visas to replace the millions of illegals. They're shipping home. They're going to tell the. They're going to tell the illegals. That have potential. Go home.
Starting point is 00:47:53 Reapply. We're going to let you in legally. You can come in. You can come across the border legally. We'll give you a visa. You will not be an illegal immigrant. But you will have a job. And you will not be an illegal immigrant but you will have a job and you will be working you will be paying taxes okay and we will know where you're at
Starting point is 00:48:11 and we will track you i think they're going to do this with people all over the world it's going to be a brain drain doc he's going to he's going to drain oh i could I can see. Now that makes real sense. Oh, he's going to drain the brain of the world. He's going to get the smartest, the best and say, come on over. The doors are open for a limited time for easy to get work visas. Come one, come all. And watch what happens. And he's going to replace all these illegals i mean it says 18.6 percent of the workforce was immigrant workers it doesn't say illegal or
Starting point is 00:48:56 illegal it just says immigrant but are they saying that nearly 20 percent of our workforce is illegal i just find that really hard to believe no i don't 20 of our work i don't believe i don't believe that doc no i think that i think they're openly telling you how many are here if that if that number is accurate rick that is just overwhelming okay so think about lawyers this is this This is tremendous business incentive for lawyers. You get to process all these legal visas coming through. I mean, this is a big business. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:49:35 Believe me, I know. It's a big business. But a lot of people who didn't think that they could get into the United States are going to be quickly given a visa. And that's why that lawyer said to this man, my friend, said, don't apply yet. Wait until the new rules come in under Mr. Trump. They're going to be easy. So let's just wait and see. Well, I had a hunch, too.
Starting point is 00:50:00 Okay, forgot this. So Friday evening, I'm taking a trip out of town, and I get talking on the phone with my brother. We started talking about all the pardons that Joe Biden was issuing. Talking about issuing to Cheney and Milley and Fauci and everybody. A thought crossed my mind. Biden could pardon anybody, right? Why couldn't he pardon every single illegal immigrant in the nation? Man, that's an evil talk idea.
Starting point is 00:50:34 Yeah, it's so evil it showed up on The Nation today. What? Look at that. This scared me when I saw this. You thought that before you saw that? We were talking about it Friday night while I was driving up to St. Augustine. Hey, that's spooky. President Biden should issue a blanket pardon of undocumented immigrants.
Starting point is 00:50:56 It could be one of the reasons why he's laying low right now, that he puts this out at the last minute. Constitutionally, I think it could be challenged i think it could be that a president can't pardon somebody who's not a citizen but can you pardon somebody preemptively i mean you know i think that's i think it's totally unconstitutional if i were donald trump i'd say i will rescind all preemptive partiesardons. And that's what I would see happening at that point. And then you have a Supreme Court issue. Yes. Now the Supreme Court has to decide, does the president have the right to issue preemptive pardons for crimes that have not been committed?
Starting point is 00:51:39 One thing's for sure. There's going to be immigrants here in this country. But they're going to be legal. Right. And Donald Trump is going to say, I solved the immigration crisis. I got rid of the illegals. And I brought in millions of legals. And they have made our country better.
Starting point is 00:51:59 Right. And he's going to be a hero for it. You probably have seen these videos i'm going to show show them to you anyhow there might be two or three of you out there that didn't see it there's the uh the trump uh hammer grip uh the vice grip look at that oh my goodness here's another one look how he pulls macron into what Pulled his arm out of his socket. Macron can't get his hand loose from Donald Trump. Who's in control?
Starting point is 00:52:33 Donald Trump. That's who it is. Here's a third one. Watch it. Pulls him in. Folks, you can learn a lot from this man. You may not like him, but you can sure learn a lot from him. So, I mean, he is totally in control.
Starting point is 00:52:49 And by the way, he was – Gritted his teeth. Yeah. So, if you watch Trump meeting all the different world leaders at the Notre Dame Memorial over the weekend, you would think Donald Trump was president of the world. I mean, really. The way he was moving around the room and everything. I mean, there were some people that were upset, but they still grinned and bared it. I saw that one video where there were various leaders sitting in a room and all eyes were on trump yes didn't matter who else was in
Starting point is 00:53:27 the room not on the beautiful new refurbished cathedral they're looking at him i saw that in world in davos the world economic forum uh and we have a picture of what happened to macron's hand afterwards here there you go there there's that's the x-ray of manuel macron's hand after shaking hands with uh with donald trump um i've got a i want to show this number 24b this is uh president macron and mrs macron the first lady of france his former school teacher um doc his wife is old enough to be his father that's not loss on me rick i just want to count to see how long it would take to get a reaction, okay? And there was a – I wish I would have grabbed it today.
Starting point is 00:54:33 There was a picture of McCrone, Bridget McCrone, and Schultz and his wife. And it was actually a pretty scary picture there. Because I don't know if you've seen pictures of Chancellor Schultz's wife. But she looks like – I'll be honest with you, looks like a guy too. I mean. I'm not surprised that these world leaders, these Western leaders are married to men. Wouldn't shock me at all.
Starting point is 00:54:56 What's Barack Obama? None of it. I mean, we're dealing with people that are demented. They're Satanists. Why would we be surprised that they're married to men? It's a sex club. It's a demented, perverted sex club. You probably have heard or seen the Trump watches, the sneakers the trump what else there's all kinds
Starting point is 00:55:27 of trump stuff out there uh of course the trump hats and everything else lots of stuff that you can buy with donald trump on it so the newest one is uh cologne and it's called fight fight fight but look at this ad that they put out over the weekend. Donald Trump put this out. He put this on his true social. This is brilliant. There is Jill Biden with this admiring gaze at Donald Trump. And the ad says, a fragrance your enemies can't resist. That is brilliant.
Starting point is 00:56:08 I don't know if he came up with that idea. But whoever did it, it's awesome marketing because it's gone all over the world. It's everywhere. Everybody has seen this meme. But look at the look on her face. Where's Joe? He's back home. She knows. I think she voted for him.
Starting point is 00:56:32 Honestly, Doc, I think she voted for Donald Trump. And in fact, let's take a look at this next. This is a New York Post. Joe and Jill Biden awkwardly ignore a beaming Kamala Harris at the Kennedy Center honors event. OK, they didn't they didn't look at each other. They didn't talk.
Starting point is 00:56:59 Watch this video. This is very strange here. So here comes Jill and Joe. And there's Kamala smiling, beaming, clapping. He doesn't acknowledge her, doesn't even look her way. Turns and looks the other way
Starting point is 00:57:17 but doesn't look at her. It's really, you just got to know that there is some bad blood there. I mean that, it's really you just got to know that there there's some bad blood there i mean that it's uncomfortable even watching it because you can just kind of feel the tension there so he um he helped throw the election to donald trump i mean he was sabotaging kam Kamala Harris's campaign in the last weeks. He put the Trump hat on the MAGA hat. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:54 He made various comments that were not flattering to Kamala Harris. Would make, you know, announcements from the White House. While she was doing press conferences, yes. He was sabotaging her campaign. Laura Trump says she'd 100% consider marco rubio in u.s senate she has resigned as the co-chair of the republican national committee this is a done deal this is senator trump yes all right so we're going to have senator trump from florida we're going to have several new congressmen we may have possible a new governor if um if mr uh pegseth doesn't get
Starting point is 00:58:34 yeah uh confirmed by the senate um big changes here it's day five of american reserve's 12 days of preparedness and today's deal is perfect for preparedness on the go. Buy any emergency survival backpack and get the second one for 50% off. These backpacks are packed with essentials like a portable stove, 32 servings of food, first aid kit, survival blanket, flashlight, a 5-in-1 survival whistle, and more. Everything you need to stay safe and prepared, no matter the situation. Whether it's for yourself or someone you care about, these backpacks are designed to
Starting point is 00:59:13 keep you ready for anything. Don't miss this chance to stock up on survival essentials. Don't wait. Visit today and grab this deal while it lasts. American Reserves, keeping you prepared every step of the way. I got a few minutes. I'm not going to be able to do all World War III. I'll save this for tomorrow. London Times, Donald Trump says Ukraine ready to end the war with Russia. This came as a result of that shanghai meeting that uh
Starting point is 00:59:46 macron set up with zielinski uh rick and i were talking about this earlier today that it was obvious that uh donald trump didn't expect to meet uh zielinski there in paris uh macron sprung this on him but did we show the video of him meeting macron i mean meeting zelinski we did did we pass over that? Yeah, it was number 25. So you got the first one here. Oh, there he is. There you go.
Starting point is 01:00:09 There's Mr. Zolensky meeting Donald Trump. And there's Mr. Trump turning him upside down and getting the money out of him. Okay. Well, let's hope that's going to be the case. But we've yet to see here what things may happen regarding Ukraine. It says that Zelensky and Ukraine would like to make a deal to stop the madness. This is what President Trump said on True Social. They've lost 400,000 soldiers, many more civilians. There should be an immediate ceasefire and negotiations should begin.
Starting point is 01:00:40 And it appeared they had some friendly handshakes there in Paris. but January 20th is just five weeks away. Let's see what happens. Doc, Vladimir Putin made a remark over the weekend. He said the West is pushing the world towards a global conflict. The West continues escalating the situation in Ukraine, pushing the world towards a global conflict. Putin said, quote, of special concern naturally is the situation in the European region, in particular Ukraine. Western countries are deliberately escalating tensions.
Starting point is 01:01:16 It is they who bear responsibility for the tragedy we see today, and they only continue to aggravate the situation. These were remarks Mr. Putin made at a meeting of the Supreme State Council of the Union State of Russia and Belarus. The big news, you know, to say this irresponsible policy is driving the world to the brink of a global conflict. Don't have to guess what he's talking about. A nuclear war. The big news over the weekend was the fall of Syria. Times of Israel. Rebels declare Damascus captured and stunning end to Assad family rule. Doc, 11 days. That offensive started 11 days ago.
Starting point is 01:02:04 Well planned. Well choreographed, well managed. A ragtag army of whatever came together, Doc, and brought down the president of Syria in 11 days with no outside help. You believe that one? Well, you know, if you believe that one, I've got a story about three bearers I'll tell you too. What we just witnessed over the weekend
Starting point is 01:02:34 is another major development in World War III. You will remember this. If you survive the nuclear war and you live to talk about World War III and you have children or grandchildren, you'll be able to say, I remember the weekend when Syria fell. That was a turning point in World War III. Look at years ahead. If you survive the nuclear war, if you survive the biological and the
Starting point is 01:03:08 chemical warfare, if you're not in a concentration camp, if you survive all that stuff, you might be able to tell your children and grandchildren, I remember when Syria fell. That was a big turning point in World War III looking back. At the time,
Starting point is 01:03:24 we didn't really pay attention to it. Folks, the Satan cabal took down Syria. They've taken down country after country after country. They are experts in bringing down governments.
Starting point is 01:03:48 We're watching the rise of antichrist in the world this is the spirit of antichrist doc yes you understand this is the spirit of antichrist marching in the world um u.s officials now see that guy right there wearing the uh zolinski wardrobe he got that from zolinski okay u.s officials discussed the merits of removing the 10 million dollar bounty on him we have a 10 million dollar bounty on this guy the united states government we know where this guy is right now he just overthrew basad in syria he's the guy in charge of syria right now yes so if i went over there and captured him do i get to 10 million well look it's legitimate right that's right u.s government says capture this guy you get 10 million dollars i could there's a lot of stuff i could do with 10 million dollars dog
Starting point is 01:04:50 i know where he's at right he's in he's in asad's office oh i gotta just go over there hog time he's a moderate rebel now well but that but the reward says bring him in. All I got to do is hog time. That's right. And if you doubt us, look at this. This is from the State Department. This is the U.S. Embassy in Syria posted this. This is the same guy. Very same guy. And this is from back in 2017, 2018. We remain committed to bringing leading AQS figures in HTS to justice. Now, in case you're wondering about this Hayir Tahrir al-Sham outfit, they are the successor of al-Qaeda.
Starting point is 01:05:37 That's that's exactly they are. They are the son of al-Qaeda, if you will. That's the best way to describe son of al-Qaeda, if you will. That's the best way to describe it. Son of al-Qaeda. So the same guys that for 23 years we've been blaming for knocking down the Twin Towers. And I don't agree with that. We're now cheering them. We're now cheering
Starting point is 01:05:55 and saying, hot dog, we got al-Qaeda in charge of Syria now. If you believe that one, I got a bridge to say it to. I'm going to show one more before we close here i'm going to go over to 36 uh this is a compilation video showing the uh ashara asad statues coming down here's the guys playing uh soccer with the head of asad here's a statue being toppled over.
Starting point is 01:06:26 Doc, when the statues come down, what does it mean? That the revolution is over. It's not beginning. It's over. So when you see statues come down, somebody lost the revolution. Guess who lost? Assad. And he's in
Starting point is 01:06:42 Russia. He fled to Russia on Sunday. Here's in Russia. He fled to Russia on Sunday. Here's another one. Isn't it scary? All the phones are too. Here's another statue that they're going to knock down. This is a big one. But when the statues come down, the revolution has ended, folks.
Starting point is 01:07:14 That's how you know. But which country moved troops into Syria? Israel. Well, the U.S. has troops there too. Yes, but moved them in over the weekend. That's right. Israel sent troops into Syria to make sure. In occupied territory. To make sure that no bad guys came over the border.
Starting point is 01:07:38 Why don't you just stay on your own side of the border? And make sure they don't come there. So, that old Netanyahu, he said, I'm sending our soldiers into Syria to make sure that none of those bad guys come over here. And we'll just stay over there on that side of the border. Israel got some more land over the weekend. That's right. They stole more land over the weekend. Is this an amazing world or what?
Starting point is 01:08:08 I got a lot more I want to talk about with, regarding Syria, but I'm going to save it for tomorrow because we're five minutes over
Starting point is 01:08:16 already. But, you know, let's, let's keep our mind on the important things, folks. It's World War III. We're not headed towards the start of the war.
Starting point is 01:08:33 We're headed towards the end of the war. You need to prepare for the end of the war. Don't listen to people who are telling you the war hasn't started. It has already started. You're in it. World War III, you are in it. You need to be prepared for the ending of the war. We have to survive the ending of the war.
Starting point is 01:08:56 The ending of the war is the grand finale. That's when they bring out the nukes the biological agents the chemical agents the laser beams the flesh-eating robots that's when that stuff comes out at the end of the war so don't don't don't deceive yourself into thinking because Mr. Trump is going into the White House, everything's going to be wonderful. I spent the first 45 minutes of this program today telling you how they could trip him up. They brought down Assad in 11 days. In 11 days, Doc, they brought down the president of Syria. These guys are skillful
Starting point is 01:09:46 experts at toppling governments. And our world can be turned upside down in a matter of days or weeks. So be prepared. The only thing that is certain is Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:10:03 He is the only one that's certain. And you can trust in Him. Hey, you probably heard at the beginning of the program, American Reserves has a special. And it's 12 days of Christmas. Every day there's another special. Today it's buy one emergency survival backpack.
Starting point is 01:10:22 Get the second one 50% off. There it is. There's the backpack. Buy one. Second one is 50% off. Let's see what's inside. You've got 32 servings of apple cinnamon cereal. There's all kinds of cereal in here.
Starting point is 01:10:44 Creamy pasta, southwest beans and rice, tortilla soup, whey milk. cinnamon cereal. There's all kinds of cereal in here. Creamy pasta, southwest beans and rice, tortilla soup, whey milk, their water pouches, first aid kits, a number of things in this packet.
Starting point is 01:11:04 Anyhow, it's a survival backpack. You buy one, and you get the second one 50% off. That's today. 12 days of Christmas, there'll be another special tomorrow. So you got to act each day to take advantage of the special. That's it. We'll be gone, be back here tomorrow. I am certain there will be more World War III news.
Starting point is 01:11:23 There will be more political intrigue. There will be more World War III news. There will be more political intrigue. There will be more drones. Yes, that they won't shoot down. It's going to become normal, Doc. Drones, drones over important buildings. It's going to become normal. We're being prepared. We're being prepped to accept drones flying over your home, everything.
Starting point is 01:11:46 And nobody doing anything about it. Just accept them. Just accept it. I got to go. See you tomorrow. It's day five of American Reserve's 12 Days of Preparedness. And today's deal is perfect for preparedness on the go. Buy any emergency survival backpack and get the second one for 50% off.
Starting point is 01:12:08 These backpacks are packed with essentials like a portable stove, 32 servings of food, first aid kit, survival blanket, flashlight, a 5-in-1 survival whistle, and more. Everything you need to stay safe and prepared, no matter the situation. Whether it's for yourself or someone you care about, these backpacks are designed to keep you ready for anything. Don't miss this chance to stock up on survival essentials. Don't wait. Visit today and grab this deal while it lasts. American Reserves, keeping you prepared every step of the way. Good morning. Welcome to Morning Manna.
Starting point is 01:12:58 We are delighted to have you with us as we complete our study of the Gospel according to St. Matthew. I expect tomorrow to be the final lesson on Matthew. And we'll be taking a semester break until early January. And we'll begin the book of Romans, God willing, in January. Today we're studying Matthew 28, verses 9 through 15. So let's pray and invite the Holy Spirit. Doc will read the word. We will begin our lesson. Dear gracious Heavenly Father, Father, you are exalted and magnified and glorified, and we praise you and worship you and give you thanksgiving.
Starting point is 01:13:44 Father, we are delighted to be your sons and daughters and father we are delighted to come to your breakfast table to be fed with your holy word so we invite the holy spirit to take his seat at the table and guide and direct this class, illuminate our hearts and minds, fill us with knowledge of Jesus, build up our faith, and prepare us for the most spectacular thing that will ever happen, the second coming of Jesus Christ. In his name, Jesus, we pray. Amen. Amen.
Starting point is 01:14:22 Welcome to Morning Man, and we're so glad to have you here with us here as we continue our study in the gospel of matthew uh we are in matthew chapter 28 and our focus of our study today is verses 9 through 15. so if you have your bibles please uh turn there with us now i'm going to read our passage today and you can read along with me. I'm reading from the King James. Verse 9, And as they went to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, All hail. And they came and held him by the feet and worshipped him. Then Jesus said unto them, Be not afraid. Go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee, and there shall they see me. Now when they were going, behold, some of the watch came
Starting point is 01:15:06 into the city, and showed unto the chief priests all the things that were done. And when they were assembled with the elders, and had taken counsel, they gave large money unto the soldiers, saying, Say ye, his disciples came by night, and stole him away while we slept. And if this come to the governor's ears, we will persuade him and secure you. So they took the money and did as they were taught. And this saying is commonly reported among the Jews until
Starting point is 01:15:35 this day. God bless the reading of his word today. Until this day. Until this day. They're still lying. Yes. Verse 9. And as they went to tell his disciples,
Starting point is 01:15:53 behold, Jesus met them, saying, All hail! And they came and held him by the feet and worshipped him. So, what we have here is jesus the resurrected christ meets the women as they leave the tomb to in inform the disciples of his resurrection and obviously the encounter was unexpected they didn't expect to bump into a resurrected Jesus. Funny meeting you here, Lord. We came to bury you. And you're here walking around. Are you attending your
Starting point is 01:16:39 own funeral? Amazing. Just think of the moment moment these women went to the tomb early in the morning at daybreak to anoint his dead body and the tomb is empty there's an angel sitting there on a stone just enjoying the morning the angels like hey you looking for any dead people around here I had tombs empty go and look they went into the tomb is empty they come out and now they're talking to Jesus so he rewarded them for their faith, their love, their devotion. The women were the ones who went there. And so they were rewarded with the first sight of the resurrected Christ. So Jesus, the King James, bless their heart, the King James translators, they inserted the word all hell.
Starting point is 01:17:56 Yes. That's so old middle ages Britain who says all hell do you know anybody that says all hell bless their heart that's the words that they stuck in there
Starting point is 01:18:20 what's the Greek word Cairo? Cairo. Yes. Cairo. Cairo. It means rejoice. Be glad.
Starting point is 01:18:37 Be joyful. Which words make you feel happier? All hail or rejoice. Be happy. Carrillo. The word conveys a sense of inner joy and delight.
Starting point is 01:19:01 In God's goodness, his grace. And the word is used in the New Testament to express the joy that we experience through our relationship with Jesus. Right. So the true meaning of the word is deeply rooted in God's presence and his promises. When you understand the meaning of kairio, it makes much more, it has much more meaning than saying, Jesus jesus said all hail
Starting point is 01:19:53 i'm not picking on the new on the king james it just a lot of the language in it is outdated and it it misses the the emotion the meaning of things that were said and done. Right. Think about the contrast between Jesus' greeting. Be joyful, be happy. Compare that to the mockery he endured on the cross
Starting point is 01:20:24 just hours before. Yes. He's got a different attitude. He's had a change of mind. He was on the cross in great agony and pain while men and women mocked him, ridiculed him, slandered him, dared him to come off the cross.
Starting point is 01:20:53 So he came off the cross. And he came out of the tomb. And now he's full of joy. He's full of happiness. And he's telling his disciples, receive this happiness receive this joy see we should stay in that joy
Starting point is 01:21:11 24 7 everything that Satan is doing to you is to keep you from being in that joy remember what happened to us last week as we were talking about the cross what jesus did to satan at calvary and satan launched an attack on my laptops and they both of them were having
Starting point is 01:21:34 meltdown same day same hour same seconds right one one laptop was shutting down and restarting, shutting down and restarting. The other one was scrolling. What is going on here? What were we talking about? I was talking about how Jesus humiliated Satan at Calvary. Now what we're studying, Jesus has come out of the grave. He's victorious.
Starting point is 01:22:09 He's happy. He's joyful. He's saying to his disciples, be happy. Hey, get yourself some of this. Get yourself some of this joy. What Satan desires for you is to never be in that joy, or if you enter into it, to steal it away as fast as he can. It's difficult in this life to stay in that joy
Starting point is 01:22:38 because the world is unjoyful. The world is sad. The world is full of depression, negativity, death, disease, unhappiness, division, strife, war. That's the world. Yes. Now, I was just describing our homes, right? I'm just describing our homes, right? I'm just describing our churches.
Starting point is 01:23:11 See, we have the same attitude inside the church. The things of the world have come into the church. We've got to get it out. And obviously, this is a message that needed to be heard then as just as much as it does now because that word rejoice occurs nearly 75 times in the New Testament. Yes. It's as if we have to be told over and over again, rejoice. Yes.
Starting point is 01:23:38 That's what I'm saying, Doc. Every single day. And as soon as you end this Bible study, some point today, Satan's going to show up and say, I'm going to wipe that grin off your face. Not that grin. You know why? Because that joyful grin on your face reminds him of his humiliation at Calvary.
Starting point is 01:24:04 Amen. You get the connection now? The joy on your face reminds him of the joy on Jesus' face when he came out of the tomb. That's the connection. That's why he's got to get the grin off your face. Yes. Because he knows the reason you're smiling, the reason yes because he knows the reason you're smiling the reason you're happy the reason you're rejoicing is is that christ is alive and christ is alive because jesus defeated satan at calvary yes oh now all the bad memories are coming flooding
Starting point is 01:24:40 back into satan's mind so he So he's trying everything he can to get you out of that position of joy. So the best thing you can do to irritate him is be joyful today. Don't let anybody steal your joy. Don't let anybody steal your joy. Don't let anybody steal your joy. When somebody starts acting ugly to you, just quietly stand there and grin and say,
Starting point is 01:25:14 they're trying to steal my joy. And when you get that in your head, oh, it's so much easier to endure it. Like I know what you're up to. I know who's directing you. I know who's motivating you. You've been sent here to steal my joy, to get me out of my position of happiness and joy and gladness. What am I happy and joyful and glad about
Starting point is 01:25:47 christ is alive he came out of the tomb he's alive and he's alive and he's in me and i'm alive and with christ in me i can do all things through him. Amen. Fear not. Think of all the things that come with this. Fear not. Don't let your hearts be troubled. Why? You get joy.
Starting point is 01:26:19 You have happiness. You have gladness. Why? I overcame the world. I overcame death. I overcame the grave. I overcame death. I overcame the grave. I defeated Satan. You can be joyful. You can be happy.
Starting point is 01:26:31 And Rick, can you be joyful and fearful at the same time? Nope. Can you be joyful and depressed at the same time? No. Joyful and angry. Can you do that oh i see people who confess to being christians and they go through life miserable how can you be a christian and be miserable how can you go through life unhappy how can you go through life depressed well rick you don't know what yes i do know i don't know all the details i just know there's a devil yes and i know that that
Starting point is 01:27:15 devil was defeated at calvary and i know that jesus came out of that tomb with a big grin on his face and looked at mary and said rejoice be happy i'm alive and that's the way you need to be today whatever your situation it can change first change it inside you it's not going to change on the outside until something changes on the inside. The women fell down. They fell down on the ground and took hold of Jesus' feet. That's a gesture of reverence, submission.
Starting point is 01:28:18 And holding his feet was tangible confirmation of Jesus' physical resurrection. That's why that line's in the Bible. That's the reason. That line's in the Bible. That's the reason. That verse is in the Bible. They held his feet. He wasn't a ghost.
Starting point is 01:28:35 He wasn't a spirit. He wasn't a hologram. He was in his physical body. He had physical feet they held him they held his feet and the rest of their lives they told that story
Starting point is 01:28:52 when he said rejoice I fell down on the ground and I gripped his feet they told that story until the day they died and they're still telling it today still telling it they told that story until the day they died. And they're still telling it today. Still telling it.
Starting point is 01:29:15 Man, I just, I get so excited just thinking about what it was like to be in a church meeting with those women. Mary, could you testify one more time? I heard it 30 years ago but would you just I've heard you tell this story for 30 years would you tell it one more time about when Jesus came out of that tomb you know she just magnified the Lord amen
Starting point is 01:29:40 how would that story ever grow old? So they held his feet, the evidence of a physical resurrection. No doubt about his bodily presence. And grabbing his feet was a way of saying through gestures, not words. We want to stay close to you. If you grab somebody's feet, you're saying, don't leave. You're begging somebody, don't leave, don't leave. I'm holding your feet.
Starting point is 01:30:17 Don't leave without me. the reverence the worship also expressed the women's object of our divine worship. So the encounter reinforces the gospel message of the resurrection. It validates his divine nature. It confirms his triumph over death. Doc, I'm going to defer to you on this one. Because you went to Bible college. I didn't, so you'll know the answer. That and $3.50 to get you a cup of coffee at Denny's, Rick.
Starting point is 01:31:25 Okay. that and three dollars and fifty cents and get you a cup of coffee at Denny's Rick okay so John in John chapter 20 John said Mary Magdalene was forbidden to touch Jesus how do we reconcile this she touched him
Starting point is 01:31:41 well notice I only touched his feet in this passage and maybe she attempted to touch him some other way that's the only way i i reconcile it so because obviously both are correct they can't uh that's right you know so um and jesus, and John, because he hadn't been glorified yet. So, and so we don't know, you know, at what point he was glorified. Maybe it was later that day. Maybe it wasn't until the ascension. But obviously here they're able to, you know, hold his feet and worship him.
Starting point is 01:32:25 Yeah, that's the answer I was hoping you'd say, because I think what it meant was he permitted them to touch his feet because they were worshiping him. Right. I think that when they stood up, Mary wanted to hug him. She wanted to embrace him and that's when he said Mary don't touch me yet right
Starting point is 01:32:49 so there's no discrepancy there's no contradiction verse 10 then said Jesus unto them be not afraid go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee and there they shall see me so do not be afraid be not afraid he reassures the women he calms their spirits their nerves
Starting point is 01:33:19 their all i mean they've had an encounter with an angel, and now the risen, resurrected Jesus Christ is talking to them. Quite a morning. Quite a morning. He says, don't be afraid. Jesus is regularly speaking that to us today. Don't be afraid. If you get bad news today or tomorrow, he's going to say, don't be afraid.
Starting point is 01:33:54 Yes. Fear not. Fear is the material Satan needs to disrupt God's plan. Faith is the material Satan needs to disrupt God's plan. Faith is the material God uses to fulfill his plan.
Starting point is 01:34:16 Avoid fear. Treat it like a poison. If you saw fear as a poison, and knowing that just a drop of it on your tongue could cause terrible suffering, then you would never allow fear to come in your mind. Yes. Fear, unbelief, doubt.
Starting point is 01:34:48 All three of them should have skull and crossbones on them. Poison, stay away, beware. Those things should be isolated, kept away. Fear, unbelief, doubt, poisons. Poisonous to your faith. Poisonous to your victory. So he reassures them, he calms them. And to me, Doc, it speaks of Jesus's consistent concern for the well-being of the people around him, his care. He just came out of a grave.
Starting point is 01:35:44 And what's he doing? He's ministering. he's ministering he's ministering he's consoling these women he's thinking about them that's the reason he came out of the grave for them right he came out of the grave for you he's always of you yeah you know it's always in your view. Yeah. You know, it's interesting that the angel told him the same thing. Don't be afraid. Very same word. Very same word.
Starting point is 01:36:12 But doesn't it sound better? It's not every day that you meet an angel. That's right. An angel said, be not afraid. It's one thing
Starting point is 01:36:20 when an angel tells you be not afraid and quite another when Jesus says be not afraid and quite another when jesus says be not afraid that's right but it's not a scolding no admonition it's a loving caring admonition he's looking at them daughters don't be afraid it's me um it's jesus don't be afraid it's me it's Jesus don't be afraid but he's always seeking to instill peace
Starting point is 01:36:49 in us particularly in moments of divine revelation and that was a divine revelation for these women and he's also the command to not fear.
Starting point is 01:37:09 He's redirecting their emotions from fear to joy, from fear to faith, from fear to confidence. He's resetting their mind. Ladies, don't go there. Get that fear out of you. Get back to faith. Get back to joy. Get back to confidence. See, I know people and I've known
Starting point is 01:37:33 people throughout my life and I've known them. Negativity is their default. Their minds default to negativity. You know what I mean by default how a computer is set to default to a particular a particular program that's its that's its established base there are people in the church their minds are set to default to negativity criticism fear all the negative emotions they can't think outside of those things and yet and yet they go to church
Starting point is 01:38:21 they they listen to christian music, they tell people they're Christians, but they can't get their minds out of fear and unbelief and doubt and negativity. You know why? Because throughout their entire lifetime, they just kept plowing passageways through their brain. See, there are passageways in your physical. Now, this is not just an imagination idea. There are physical pathways in your brain.
Starting point is 01:39:00 If you consistently think a particular way, you create a passageway. It's like a little road. There are little roads in your brain. That's a fact. There are physical passageways through your brain where certain thoughts and emotions travel. And so it doesn't matter. It can be positive or negative. If you are constantly thinking on fear, negativity, doubt, unbelief, criticism,
Starting point is 01:39:37 you have dug a road. And some of these roads are really deep. Yes. And the sad thing is the people can't get out of them yes they don't know how to get they're in it so deep they're looking up they're looking up and and to see daylight okay they can't get out of the passageway that they dug. That's right. It takes a supernatural act of God to deliver them. You're right, Rick. It's like those old wagon trails where the wagon wheels, and you will still find ruts in the ground
Starting point is 01:40:27 from the wagon trains back in the 1800s. Oh, yes. That's, I mean, the mind, it's hard to even comprehend that. 150 years later, those ruts are still in the ground, and so the same thing happens in our brain. That's why trauma and abuse and things like that leave such incredible scars on us because they dig a big rut in our brain. And it makes a supernatural act of God to heal those ruts that we have. And that's based on fear you know doc um when i was a child where i grew up um the the national pike was the main road us 40 okay it was called the national pike it was the first federally financed road in america i mean talking, you know, post-revolution days. The first federally financed road that the U.S. Congress appropriated funds for, and it took travelers from Washington, D.C. through Western Maryland into, I guess, into West Virginia, or at that time, Virginia, on your way to Tennessee.
Starting point is 01:41:50 And so I remember my granddad taking me, and this is really close to where I grew up. Like, we walked to it I grew up. Like we walked to it, okay, from his home. I remember my granddad taking me into a field and showing me the ruts. And he said, Rick, these are the wagon train ruts from the old National Pike. Right.
Starting point is 01:42:23 And so that was, you know know that was the early 1960s so those ruts were you know a hundred and probably 150 years old at that time and they were there saw them still still have that memory of those ruts so the the message is we dig these ruts in our mind with negative thinking, critical thinking, thoughts of unbelief, thoughts of fear, thoughts of doubt, thoughts of sickness, thoughts of poverty, thoughts of lack. I'm not going to have enough.
Starting point is 01:43:09 How am I going to make it? Yeah. I'm sick. I can't get over this sickness. I'm going to have this the rest of my life. I don't want to go out where I might catch a disease. These are patterns of thinking that you've got to get this stuff out of your mind.
Starting point is 01:43:29 That's why we need to have our minds renewed by the washing of the word. It's the word that transforms our mind. So Jesus instructed the women, go tell my brethren. You mean the knuckleheads? Is that who you're talking about, Jesus? Those knuckleheads that you couldn't get anything into their thick skulls about who you were what you were going to do you
Starting point is 01:44:10 your resurrection they didn't get it all they didn't understand your kingdom they didn't you know they they they fought among themselves they were competitors among themselves when you needed them they ran away and. One of them denied you three times. Is that who you're talking about? My brethren? Why am I saying it this way? Because he'd already forgiven them for all of their mistakes, all their faults, all their flaws. He'd already forgiven them.
Starting point is 01:44:46 They were his brothers and so he didn't say go get those guys go get that gang he said go get my brothers that's a tender expression of restoration forgiveness intimacy they're my brothers aren't you going to bring up what they did no no you see my resurrection covered all that stuff. Amen. Hallelujah. My blood on the cross covered their mistakes. Their mistakes is what made me go to the cross. I went to the cross to cover their mistakes, to cover
Starting point is 01:45:40 their flaws, to cover all of the things that's wrong with them. They are my brothers. So this is the first use of the word brethren. After the resurrection. Notice. Right there at the tomb.
Starting point is 01:46:02 He refers to his disciples as brethren. That's family, kin, relatives. He didn't say, go get those who follow me. Go get my subjects. He said, go get my subjects. He said, go get my brothers. It's the love he has for you and me. We're brothers and sisters to Christ. We're not peons.
Starting point is 01:46:40 We're not helpless. We're not helpless little sinners that need constant he's we're his brothers and sisters he loved us so much he went to the cross he died he descended to the place of the dead and he took the keys of hell and death out of satan's hands and he came back up and came out of the grave and got back in his body and he is alive and he went to heaven and he's seated beside his father right now and he's making intercession for you right now. That's who he is. He's praying for you right now. That's what he does all day long.
Starting point is 01:47:20 He intercedes for his brothers and sisters. So he shares his father with us. My father is your father. You are my brethren. You're my brothers and sisters we're family and this is the beginning of the New Testament era
Starting point is 01:47:51 first thing out of his mouth is go give my brothers go tell my brethren that ought to be what we're doing every day so That ought to be what we're doing every day. So the resurrection marks a turning point where Jesus transitions from an earthly ministry to divine glorification, while at the same time maintaining a close, intimate relationship with his followers. He's now the glorified, resurrected Christ, yet we remain his brothers and sisters.
Starting point is 01:48:43 Amen. He didn't say, hey, I'm too good for you now. Look at me. You can't do this. Oh, he's like, I did this for you. I love you. Amen. Amen.
Starting point is 01:49:01 It's just difficult for us to comprehend how much he loves us. You don't want to meet him someday and he says, why did you doubt how much I loved you? Why did you go through life not understanding how much I loved you? So go tell my brother here's a commission here's an instruction this is the first instruction of the new covenant era the first instruction go tell well that is the that's the instruction to all of us today. Go tell the world he has risen. He didn't say, hey, I'm hungry.
Starting point is 01:49:59 Could you go down to the deli and get me a sandwich. He said, go tell. Go tell the brethren I'm alive. So we see the very first instruction. In the church age. Go tell. This is a commissioning. This is a commandment, an instruction.
Starting point is 01:50:32 This is the first thing on their to-do list. What was the very first thing on the to-do list? Go tell. Yes. the first humans commissioned to go tell were women women ladies your women, ladies,
Starting point is 01:51:10 your ancestors were the first that Jesus gave the commission to. You can follow in their steps by telling people the resurrected Christ. I believe that that is absolutely biblical. By telling people the resurrected Christ. I believe that that is absolutely biblical. Women should be proclaiming the resurrected Christ. You should be going and getting the men. And isn't that what happens in so many churches?
Starting point is 01:51:37 Yes. The women are bringing the men into the church. That's how I got there. Susan was going to church. Long before I did. Yeah, men rarely go on their own, do they? No.
Starting point is 01:51:53 Because they're knuckleheads. Mama, their grandma, or their wife? Before we meet Jesus, we're knuckleheads. I had a praying grandmother and had a wife that was the first to start going to church
Starting point is 01:52:12 and so those two women were the roles and my older sister was also a constant witness to me about what God was doing. She would witness to me about what God was doing in her life. And I saw it.
Starting point is 01:52:34 There was always something going on in her life that was positive. She was telling. She was telling. So those were the influences. My grandmother, my sister, and my wife. So,
Starting point is 01:52:52 women, your, your, your biblical role is to go tell. Amen. Especially, go tell the men.
Starting point is 01:53:05 Bring them in. Speak of the resurrected Christ. Glorify him. So, Jesus' words empowered the women into action to communicate the gospel. The heart of the gospel is Christ is alive. Amen. He empowered them. He authorized them.
Starting point is 01:53:35 He deputized them. He instructed them. Go tell the men I am alive. He told them where he would meet them this is my favorite part well go for it doc you know a lot of people you know when you read the Bible and you read some verses everything you say well tell my brother and go to meet me in Galilee as if that was just down the street, make a left, and that's where Galilee is. Galilee was 80 miles away. 80 miles away.
Starting point is 01:54:18 And Jesus, before his death, had told them, by the way, I'm going to die, I'm going to rise again, and then I'm going to go to Galilee. He had told them before his death that he was going to go to Galilee, and it always, always amazes me that Jesus planned an 80-mile walk right after he rose from the dead eventually they did you know Jesus met them at Galilee much later but he'd ours are also had appeared to him you know in Jerusalem to twice within the next week once without Thomas and once with Thomas. But then eventually they ended up, Galilee, that's where Jesus was on the seashore
Starting point is 01:55:12 preparing fish for them when they were out fishing. But it was an instruction that he gave even before he died. So I always find it fascinating that we just assume that, oh, I'm just going to go to Galilee as if it's just around the corner and everything. Meet me there. No, this was an 80-mile hike.
Starting point is 01:55:38 So why Galilee? Yeah, I've pondered that for a long time. Other than that was the beginning of ministry, and Jesus was taking them back to where it all began. Yes, and I think he liked it. That's true, too. I think he just liked it. I think he loved Galilee,
Starting point is 01:55:57 and he had a lot of good memories about camping with the guys. Right. They were fishing. They they were camping they did ministry there was a lot of good memories in jesus's mind about his days in galilee and he knew the guys would be relaxed he did he wasn't going to tell him meet me in jerusalem where they'd be scared to death that's's right. They were hiding in Jerusalem. They were hiding. Hey, get out of town.
Starting point is 01:56:28 Meet me out there at the lake. You know, where we camp, where we put up a fire, where we fry fish. Where the ministry. Where it all started. It all started out of Galilee it's going to restart at Galilee I'm going to reset it in Galilee now Doc
Starting point is 01:56:53 yes the men had to walk 80 miles but Jesus didn't Jesus didn't so how many days did it take them to walk 80 miles well if you walk let's say you're you really are hoofing it and you do 20 miles a day it'd take at least four days all right so what did jesus do for four days well he he didn't have to walk it he could have just what did what did he do
Starting point is 01:57:26 well let's see uh later on that day he appeared to the disciples uh so without thomas that was at the end of that that first day and then about uh eight days later later he appeared to them again but this time with Thomas and so so Jesus yeah I guess he had to get him out of the house to get up to go get to Galilee because they didn't leave for a week they didn't leave for a week okay so what did Jesus do I guess we were you know where are these guys did he just did he just transport himself out to Galilee and just sit by the water and and relax and wait on him I don't know he had to do something he was somewhere while he was waiting on them to get out to Galilee. Yeah, Bible doesn't tell us.
Starting point is 01:58:33 But he did something. Maybe nothing was what he did. Maybe he just enjoyed, maybe he just savored the victory. Verse 11. the victory verse 11 now when they were going behold some of the watch came into the city and showed unto the chief priests all the things that were done these are the guards some of the guards came into Jerusalem told the chief guys you can't believe this but the tomb is open the body is gone
Starting point is 01:59:09 we don't know what happened to the body we don't know who moved the rock this is the worst thing that's happened we don't know what to say so the guards went directly to the chief priests the Jewish leaders. While the women were on their way to the brethren,
Starting point is 01:59:34 you got two different parties going different directions to report about the resurrection. One group headed to the Jews who crucified Jesus. They obviously don't believe that he's resurrected. They just know he's gone. You have the women who are going into town to tell the disciples he's been resurrected. We talked to him. We touched his feet.
Starting point is 02:00:06 Some of the watch, okay? Not all the guards, just some of them. A delegation of the guards. Either the leaders or a group of men who were authorized by the leaders to go. So that means some of the guards either stayed at the tomb or they scattered in fear. Right. It's not all the guards went. So if they went to the chief priest,
Starting point is 02:00:39 that means they definitely talked to Annas and his son-in-law Caiaphas, the two who orchestrated the crucifixion the two who took precautions to secure the tomb they're the first to hear the report so there's a delegation i just thought about this first time doc there's two delegations going into to into Jerusalem to report he is risen. Yes. One to the leaders
Starting point is 02:01:13 who crucified him, and the others, his disciples. Two different messages. One message, the body is gone. The other message, he's alive alive we talked to him we touched him one message we don't know what happened to him the other one we know what happened to him so the guards uh gave a truthful report which was astounding.
Starting point is 02:01:47 You just imagine the report that they gave. Sir, there was an earthquake. There were angels. They moved the stone. The stone was rolled away. And when they opened the grave, there was no body there. And no evidence of theft or tampering.
Starting point is 02:02:11 But there was a neatly folded napkin. And the grave clothes. And the grave clothes. Where's the body? We have no idea. There ain't no body there. did you guys fall asleep no no we we took turns sleeping we always had guards throughout the night how could somebody move the stone and you didn't know it we don't know this story doesn't make sense. Were you bribed?
Starting point is 02:02:47 Were you paid off? No, no, I tell you the truth. We don't know how this happened. But this big angel showed up. Sure, an angel. Okay, all right. You can say that to the chief priest who were of the Sadducee class. Right, An angel.
Starting point is 02:03:05 Sure. Okay. Hold on. So the story sounded preposterous to the chief priest, to Annas and Caiaphas. It just sounded preposterous. But it's a nightmare. It's a public relations nightmare. The narrative is falling apart.
Starting point is 02:03:25 The narrative was Jesus was a revolutionary. He was a criminal. Pilate put him to death. He was buried. He's dead. Now the narrative has been completely obliterated. Our worst fears have come upon us. His disciples somehow got in and got past the garden and stole the body.
Starting point is 02:03:47 And yet inside they knew that's not true. But they can't admit. There's two things that they can't admit. Number one, they can't admit that there's resurrection because these are Sadducees. They didn't believe in resurrection. And number two, they can't admit that Jesus was resurrected because it means he's the son of God. Amen. They just can't admit it.
Starting point is 02:04:17 They'll go to hell before they admit the truth. And they probably did. Yes. So these Roman soldiers were facing the death penalty themselves for failing to keep their duties. They knew when old Pilate found out a religious controversy, a fake news story, and angry Jewish leaders who were going to continue to pester him about a man he put to death.
Starting point is 02:05:04 Why won't this Jesus just go away how many times are we have to kill this guy why can't he be dead why can't he be like all other normal criminals so the priests I mean the guards obviously wanted to clear themselves of accusations of negligence or bribery and they were hoping that the priests were thrown into, they were already nervous about Jesus's claim of rising on the third day. So now they're thrown into turmoil by the disappearance of Jesus. And rather than investigating for themselves, their response was driven by fear and by the fear of losing control of the narrative.
Starting point is 02:06:17 And seeing the spread of the belief in Jesus' resurrection. Think about it. They could have stopped right there and said, he is the son of God. He has resurrected. There was nothing preventing them from saying it. They could have run through the city saying, we were wrong, we were wrong. He's alive. Instead, they lied and they bribed people to lie.
Starting point is 02:06:55 So they bribed the guards to fabricate a story. They gave them the story. Jesus' disciples. Sneaked in. And stole his body. And they did this to maintain control. And to deny the resurrection. And to this day.
Starting point is 02:07:26 Many Jews believe that that's what happened to Jesus. And to this day, many Jews believe that that's what happened to Jesus. And to this day, Jews are paying money to people to stop the testimony of Christians talking about the resurrection. And you know what baffles me, Rick? Everybody knows who Ben Shapiro is. He is the darling of conservatives and evangelical Christians. He denies the resurrection. He says the disciples stole Jesus' body. The Roman soldiers failed in securing the tomb. So this is a perfect example of Jewish people to this day putting out that continued line of propaganda.
Starting point is 02:08:14 But what baffles me is, you know, the church and conservatives, they just lap up anything Ben Shapiro says. He'll throw it out there. Slurp it up. And they don't rebuke him. No. Nobody rebukes nobody. I did. I know you did. Yes. And to my knowledge, Doc, I don't think
Starting point is 02:08:38 he ever publicly slandered Jesus again. I can't find any record where he ever did that again. So he knows there's one Christian that will call him out on it. There's an irony in this story with the soldiers. They actually became the first witnesses of the resurrection.
Starting point is 02:09:09 Yeah. And yet they disbelieved you get two groups of people yes the soldiers saw the angel they saw the tomb open they saw the the body is gone and they would not. And you have the women who believed. Right. Both go to Jerusalem to tell the same story. And, you know, that goes along with Luke chapter 16. You know, Jesus said to the rich man who was in torment, Abraham said to him, you know, they have the law and the prophets. They won't even believe somebody even if
Starting point is 02:09:47 they came back from the dead. They won't believe Jesus. They won't believe somebody coming back from the dead. But you have to believe the word. You can be a witness to the resurrection, but if you don't believe the word, you can't know him.
Starting point is 02:10:06 That's right. You know, another lesson in this is, I'm talking about the bribery and the lies. That people will entangle themselves in deeper sins to cover up earlier sins. Yes. It never ends. that's right they just keep digging their hole deeper have you ever known somebody you know that they're lying you know that they're covering up something and you want to say somebody take the shovel from hell. So he quits digging. They're just digging themselves deeper and deeper and deeper instead of just saying, you know what, I did it.
Starting point is 02:10:50 That's the truth. I'm sorry. Instead, they just keep digging and digging and digging. That's what happened here. The priests, they knew that they killed the Son of God, and yet they continued down that hole of bribery, deception. But nobody was stopping them from repenting and saying, we got it all wrong. He is the Messiah. Let us go worship him. There was nobody standing in their way. Nobody was blocking them from repenting.
Starting point is 02:11:29 Verse 12. Watch the time here. And when they were assembled with the elders and had taken counsel, they gave large money unto the soldiers. They gave a lot of money. It wasn't big money. It was a lot of money. It wasn't big money. It was a lot of money. A large amount of money. So the chief priests and the elders of the Sanhedrin called an emergency meeting to scheme, deliberate on the soldier's report.
Starting point is 02:12:08 And again, you got Sadducees that didn't believe in the resurrection meeting with Pharisees who did believe in a resurrection and yet they're united in their hatred of Jesus. The Pharisees should have been jumping up and down saying, hallelujah, we got the first resurrection. We've got it.
Starting point is 02:12:29 We were right all along. There is a resurrection. But they hated Jesus. And so they were in cahoots with the Sadducees. And both of them had vested interest in suppressing the truth about the resurrection. Why? Because they would lose control
Starting point is 02:12:54 of Jerusalem. They would lose control of Judaism. And the temple. And the temple. There's no need for the temple. They might turn it into a giant Bucky's I mean what are you gonna do with the temple when you don't have well they were already cooking brisket so they knew the empty tune the empty tomb changed everything changed everything there could be devastating implications for them and they were
Starting point is 02:13:40 going to lose credibility and control over the people so this had nothing to do with theology it was all about politics and money in power yes and power so they they came up with this plan to bribe the soldiers with a substantial amount of money i mean it had to be enough to lock these guys down for life and I'm sure these guys signed an NDA and a promise to repay the money if they ever told the truth do you understand if you ever change your story and tell the truth do you understand you have to pay this money back yes sir i'll lie until i die it was a desperate effort to suppress the resurrection account it was a desperate effort to create a false narrative about Jesus Christ's resurrection.
Starting point is 02:14:48 Well, look, this is just doing what comes naturally to them. They paid Judas to betray Jesus. There's a pattern of using money to manipulate the story. Today, we call them consultants.
Starting point is 02:15:09 Or expert witnesses. Or lobbyists. Yes. Besides, they took the money from the temple. Money that was given to God for sacred purposes.
Starting point is 02:15:25 They went in and stole the money and used it for corrupt purposes. Does that go on today? Mm-hmm. But the bribe story that the disciples stole Jesus' body while the soldiers slept, it had holes in it. If the soldiers were asleep, how did they know who sneaked in and took his body? And everybody knew the disciples were hiding. They were terrified. They weren't willing to go up there
Starting point is 02:16:09 and encounter Roman soldiers. There's something about this story that's not right. See, they knew this story's got holes. So we're going to give you a lot of money to emphatically lie. I mean, to enthusiastically lie you've got to you've got to put some emotion behind your lies because people are going to doubt it they're going to question well how did if you were asleep how did how did you know who took the body why are you blaming the disciples that's not going to hold up in court you were asleep
Starting point is 02:16:51 but anyhow they went ahead with the story they had to they didn't have anything else verse 13 say his disciples came by night and stole him away while we slept so this was a deliberate premeditated lie to counteract the resurrection narrative they were in deep trouble God did something none of them saw coming, even though the Son of God told them it was coming. And they crucified him for saying it. They twisted his words. Jesus said, destroy this temple and I'll raise it up in three days.
Starting point is 02:17:40 They twisted his words and said, oh, that was a terroristic threat. He's going to tear down the temple rebuilt in three days the very accusation they used to crucify him is now has now come to pass and they've got to come up with a way to stop this story so they were obstinate hard-headed stubborn I'm talking about the religious leaders
Starting point is 02:18:16 nothing was going to change their mind nothing these were the religious leaders these are the people that should have been of anyone proclaiming the resurrection and yet they dug their heels
Starting point is 02:18:35 in you get to verse 14 if this comes to the governor's ears we will persuade him and secure you in other words we'll lie for your lie. Yeah. If Pilate calls us in, we'll lie for you. We'll cover you.
Starting point is 02:18:52 Don't worry. We've got good relationships with Pilate. We'll lie for you. Don't worry about it. Nothing's going to happen to you. We'll intercede we won't let Pilate punish you right
Starting point is 02:19:08 that's all this means verse 15 so they took the money and did as they were taught as they were taught they had to actually instruct them in the lying Doc they had to have a lying class I never thought about that before they
Starting point is 02:19:27 had a class in line here's what you need to say they literally instructed them in detail how to lie and how to cover the lies. So they took the money and did as they were taught. Not as they were told. As they were instructed. There were no higher authorities in lying than the Jewish leaders.
Starting point is 02:20:02 Because their father is the devil. The father of lies. Father of lies. Jesus said, your father is the devil. And this saying is commonly reported among the Jews until this day. And nothing's changed. And unfortunately, a lot of Jewish people, good people in this world,
Starting point is 02:20:35 will not accept the gospel because they were taught the lie. They were taught the lie. They're still teaching the lie. Doc, that's a different twist on it, isn't it? Yes. They're still teaching the lie. Not telling the lie, but teaching the lie. Teaching it.
Starting point is 02:20:58 Wow. This is a lie you got to teach. When you're lying about the resurrection of jesus christ you can't just tell it you have to teach it all right i don't have anything else to say no i that you capped it off with a good one there i never saw that before rick so uh but i didn't either i didn't either i saw it as i was reading it so praise god, I hope you're learning something new today as well. And I learned something new every day, both in preparation and in our study as we're together. And we're coming to a close here, folks.
Starting point is 02:21:38 And so it's hard to believe we've spent nearly a year in the book of Matthew here. And I bet your life is a lot different now than it nearly a year in the book of matthew here and i bet your life is a lot different now than it was a year ago and i appreciate all the messages i've been getting uh here on faith and values about a hundred people have responded rick total uh just overwhelmingly uh saying that they love morning man and it's been a tremendous blessing in their lives. And so many people, I had a number of people, Rick, that have said, I've been here every single day for this study. And, Rick, you know, I was a pastor for nearly 20 years.
Starting point is 02:22:26 And if I could get just one person in my congregation to show up for all the services every time that the doors were open that would have been a miracle yet we've got people here uh online today on our chat today that have been with us every single day of morning man isn't that and they would be there if we had it on saturday and sunday too. And just as the Jewish leaders taught the lie, we are teaching the truth every single day. That goes back to the
Starting point is 02:22:55 poison squash in the pot of soup. Just because the devil put a poison gourd in the soup you don't stop to pick out the pieces you just pour in more truth yes so hey hey i got one more instruction okay get another instruction send to doc uh anybody who needs a healing yes i want to know who needs a healing?
Starting point is 02:23:26 Yes. I want to know who needs a healing. Okay? That can be a physical healing, an emotional healing, a financial healing. Send the message to doc. We're going to have some healing services on this morning man of this week. Amen.
Starting point is 02:23:48 I feel faith rising. We just spent all year teaching and learning about faith. How can we just go away and not use it? All right. So if you want to message me, the easiest way to do this right here on faith and values any place you see my image a picture of me just click on that image and it'll go to my profile page and right at the top it says chat and you
Starting point is 02:24:15 can click on that button and you can send me a message directly I'm also putting my email address here for those on the live chat today that you can email me as well if you prefer to do that. So either way, the easiest way is just to direct message me here on or and I just posted my
Starting point is 02:24:37 email address there in chat. So if you'd like to have us pray for you for healing this week, this is the week. And so please let us know. And the reason I'm asking in advance is so we can group them into categories. I want to see the trend where, you know, how many need physical healing in their eyes, their ears, their heart, you know,
Starting point is 02:25:08 their physical body, how many need emotional healing? Help me see, how many desire healing in their family, relationships, relationships with friends, whatever. Let's group them into categories, okay? And Jesus just blow them out
Starting point is 02:25:24 at one time. Okay? We did them into categories. Okay. And Jesus just blow them out at one time. Okay. We did them in bulk. Yes. So I got to tell a story before we leave. So I told Doc about this. I don't know how many of you remember R.W. Schombach. He was an evangelist, preacher for many, many decades.
Starting point is 02:25:50 He was on TBN for many years, and he passed away, I don't know how many, 10, 12, I guess it's been, yeah, over 10 years ago. But a couple weeks ago, i found this interview online with him i had never seen him interviewed i always saw him preaching but this was an interview and it was about 90 minutes long and he was just sitting there relaxed telling stories about his life um and he he i perked up in the as I was listening because he said he asked the the woman who was interviewing him he said do you know st. Kitts I'm like saying cats sure I know st. Kitts what are you gonna say here brother Sean Bob they so back in the early 1960s I went to st. Kitts this is the Caribbean island and he said he was on
Starting point is 02:26:45 the radio well that was the actually TBN didn't own that radio station at that time it was a Baptist station radio paradise and he said he went there and held a an evangelistic meeting and said, it just seemed like the entire island came out every night for, well, that's not hard because there's only 40,000 people on the island, okay? He said, it just seemed like the whole island came out every night. But he said, one night he saw this deaf interpreter talking to children and teenagers and he said there
Starting point is 02:27:34 was a large group of them there at the meeting. And after the meeting he asked someone, he said uh who who were all those children uh there was a deaf interpreter talking to him and they said oh brother schaumbach that was the entire school for the saint kids school for the deaf so the next night they were there and he brought all the children and young teenagers up on the stage, and he rebuked the spirit of deafness. And every single child was healed of deafness. And he said they had to shut down the school for the deaf because there weren't any students. Praise God. And, Doc, I went online.
Starting point is 02:28:25 To this day, there's no school for the deaf in St. Kitts. So Schombach just wiped out deafness. He wiped it out. Just wiped it off the island. Okay. Praise God. Jesus is still healing today. He's still healing today.
Starting point is 02:28:46 His healing power didn't go away. It didn't dry up. It, you know, he didn't say, man, I wish when back when I was young, I could heal like I used to. He didn't talk like that. He's the same today. He's still healing people today. He's the same today. He's still healing people today. He's still delivering people.
Starting point is 02:29:10 He's still doing miracles, signs and wonders. It's our faith that's dried up. Amen. That's right. Our faith has dried up. So let's release it this week. All right. I got to go.
Starting point is 02:29:21 I got to get to work. God bless everyone. We'll see you on the next edition of Morning Man. And be sure to message me. God bless everyone. We'll see you on the next edition of morning man and be sure to message me God bless you

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