TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Bolton’s Mustache Marches On: Would U.S. invade Cuba, Haiti, and Venezuela?

Episode Date: July 12, 2021

Today on TruNews, Edward Szall and the team respond to unrest taking place in Cuba, as promised by former Ambassador John Bolton as part of the Troika of Tyranny. Haiti is also the focus, as more inf...ormation on the 28 man hit team sent to kill the island’s president comes to light. Rick Wiles draws on his twenty plus year career as a citizen journalist to share the real reason for the US involvement in Cuba and Haiti. Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Lauren Witzke, Doc Burkhart, Kerry Kinsey. Airdate (7/12/21)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit www, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll. Revolutions are brewing in Cuba, Haiti, and Venezuela, and U.S. leaders are mustering support for U.S. News 2021, I'm Edward Zoll. Revolutions are brewing in Cuba, Haiti, and Venezuela, and U.S. leaders are mustering support for U.S. intervention. We'll discuss the significance of these uprisings against communism and chaos in Central and South America, and who stands to gain in just a moment. And later, we have a shocking whistleblower statement about a purge of patriots in the U.S. military, accomplished through mandating
Starting point is 00:01:05 COVID vaccination. But first, here is Kerry Kinsey with today's True News Headlines. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. Zero Hedge says a federal judge is hammering a D.C. jail for not providing evidence to a defendant who was arrested for allegedly being involved in the January 6 Capitol incident. Officials say Jordan Mink used a baseball bat to smash windows at the Capitol and pass furniture through it. He's been in jail since January. Judge Randolph Moss says, I can't allow someone to sit in prison for this long without access to material. Times of Israel reporting that Yoshi Cohen, who retired as head of the Mossad last month, will be the director of the Israeli operations for Japanese billionaire Masa-san's SoftBank.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Now, the group invests in companies operating in the technology, energy and financial sectors. Cohen, who's 59 years old, was recruited by Mossad at the age of 22 when studying overseas in London. He then rose through the ranks. He has said he doesn't rule out one day being the prime minister of Israel. For more information on this story and more, visit our companion website. It's a good one. It's called I-24 News reporting that Israel's Supreme Court cleared the way for same-sex couples to have children through surrogate mothers. The court ruled in 2020 that a surrogacy law which had expanded access to single women but excluded gay couples harmed
Starting point is 00:02:47 the right to equality and the right to parenthood and was unlawful. The new law takes effect in six months. A Jordanian court convicted a former top aide to King Abdullah II and a member of the royal family for plotting a coup. The two men were also sentenced to 15 years in prison. They were arrested in April over the allegations they collaborated with Abdullah's half-brother, Prince Hamza, to stir up unrest. Wall Street Journal reporting it's going to be tricky getting Joe Biden's global tax agreement through Congress. The plan, which is aimed at limiting corporate tax avoidance, would revamp longstanding international rules. It is crucial to the president's plan to raise corporate taxes. That's a look at True News headlines.
Starting point is 00:03:39 Let's toss it back to Edward now. And thanks for watching. Thank you, Kerry. Well, I'll introduce the panel this time. Doc Burkhart, Lorne Witzke, and of course, our president and CEO, Rick Walz. RICK WALZ, C.C.: Hey, Edward. EDWARD WRIGHT, C.C.: Hello, Edward. RICK WALZ, C.C.: Lorne, Doc, good to be here. And we got some interesting things to talk about today.
Starting point is 00:04:02 EDWARD WRIGHT, C.C.: Yes. Just when we thought the intervention in Central and South America was going to be gone with the rhinos in the Trump administration, now it doesn't look like that's the case, at least in part. Rick, a lot of our audience will remember during the Trump administration, I was covering the constant calls for intervention, whether it be in Venezuela, Cuba, various Middle Eastern countries with oil, but specifically in our own hemisphere. Do you remember John Bolton's speech at the Bay of Pigs Association? I sure do. It's right here south of us in Miami. And he ticked off a list of countries that we were going to invade. He had a wish list.
Starting point is 00:04:44 A wish list. And we were sitting there to invade. He had a wish list. A wish list. And we were sitting there that day. What year was that, 2019? 2018 and 2019. The speech is 2019, but he first published his draft in 2018. Yeah, his hit list, you know. And I remember that True News episode. We were like, is this for real?
Starting point is 00:05:03 He just gave a speech and said, these are the countries we're going to attack. But I give President Trump credit, even though he appointed John Bolton, on the other hand- And disappointed him. Yes, and disappointed him. But on the other hand, the president fired John Bolton and prevented the Bolton wars from taking place. We have to give credit to that. Yes, but what did Donald Trump think he was going to get when he put John Bolton in the job? To give him, maybe if I give him some credit, he might have thought that he was putting an opposing voice, someone who is so bloodthirsty, so big of an advocate of war that it juxtaposes and counterbalances a peaceful member of his cabinet. But I just don't know who that peaceful member was. It certainly wasn't his
Starting point is 00:05:52 daughter, Ivanka. Yeah. Well, my view is there was always somebody whispering in Donald Trump's ear to appoint certain people. And those people always ended up biting the president. And for some reason, the president never stopped to figure out that he was taking the advice of somebody who was getting him in trouble. Yes. And perhaps that person was so close to him that he had a blind spot. Possible. But he went four years letting one person, I mean, maybe two or three, convince him to keep appointing and hiring the wrong people. They always turned around and betrayed him, bit him, tried to take him down. John Bolton was another one. But the president did block John Bolton from starting these wars.
Starting point is 00:06:48 So it was you mentioned 2018. That's when he gave his axis of evil speech. Yes, it became a stump speech. This was a speech about the enemy nations in Latin America. He detailed it at the time was Cuba, Venezuela. He mentioned Nicaragua. Now, Nicaragua is still maintained. Manuel Ortega, I believe, is the president currently. He survived the onslaught of the last three years. But that isn't the country we're talking about today. Haiti appears to have replaced Nicaragua in this list. But John Bolton's speech was then brought to the Bay of Pigs Association.
Starting point is 00:07:24 Now, these are the survivors of the failed attempt to invade Cuba with the backing of the CIA. This was in the Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables, Florida. We actually have a soundbite of what we shared on True News in April of 2019. Here's John Bolton. As the president said in February, the twilight hour of socialism has arrived in our hemisphere. The troika of tyranny, Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua is beginning to crumble. Gracias. Socialism, Maduro, Ortega, and Diaz-Canal can forever fight against the will of their citizens. The people began this movement in Cuba 58 years ago, and the people are going to finish it. Across this hemisphere, the righteous flame of freedom will burn brightly again because of them and because of you.
Starting point is 00:08:46 And as the freedom fighters of Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela carry on your noble legacy, I promise you today the United States will be with them 100 percent, just as we have been with them from day one of this administration. So as you heard, go ahead, Rick. No, I was going to ask, so why are we starting today's True News with John Bolton talking about knocking off three countries in the Caribbean and South America? Well, it turns out that two of the countries that John Bolton mentioned would be up in the flames of righteousness
Starting point is 00:09:25 as democracy seeps in. Well, they're now actually seeing flames in their streets. One of the countries, Cuba, over the weekend, Rick, there have been what they call spontaneous. They refer to them as spontaneous uprisings on the outskirts of Havana and into the center of the capital city. There are Cubans calling for freedom and, in the United States, American Cubans calling for support. That's interesting. This happened kind of unexpectedly in Cuba. They're either spontaneous or they're arranged by other outside forces. But I kind of lean towards that they're spontaneous.
Starting point is 00:10:15 I mean, you've got people that have been living under communism since the late 50s. And, you know, look at these. These are young people. They don't want to be communists. They don't want to live under what their parents and grandparents endured. And I think it's spontaneous. I think it's just they've reached a point
Starting point is 00:10:40 where people say, you know what? We're tired of driving 1948 cars. Having food shortages. Yeah. Being paid $40 a month. No Wi-Fi. Yeah, and it says they have no place to live, but they have plenty of money. They keep building hotels while they're starving with no homes, no roof over their heads.
Starting point is 00:10:57 So it's your feeling, Rick, that this is truly spontaneous? It could, I mean, not instigated by the u.s government in any way i i think it would be hard to get it instigated that fast i i think it's just frustration boiling over i'm kind of surprised it hasn't happened earlier in cuba well in the past it would have been a major crackdown on any kind of riots or protests in Cuba. When the Castro brothers were still in power. Right. So it's a different regime now. What does that kind of tell you? And you get young people saying, shouting, we're not afraid. And dictatorial governments don't know what to do with that, because the only way that they can
Starting point is 00:11:42 maintain power is to make you afraid. To make you think they have more power, more weapons, more ability to crush you than what the people have. I mean, what did Joe Biden say? We have F-16s and nukes. He sure did. That was only a couple weeks ago.
Starting point is 00:12:02 The American people are not going to protest against us. All right. Yeah. So now you've got to threaten us with. But the bottom line, what I'm trying to say is governments, when they're losing control, the only thing the only thing that they have going for them is fear. And when people start saying we're not afraid, that's when the governments collapse. We saw it in Eastern Europe back when communism fell. And suddenly, it was the church people that went out in the streets with candles at night. Yes. They weren't afraid anymore. Defeated the propaganda with this.
Starting point is 00:12:39 Yes. Yeah. So you don't think that John Bolton's prediction about the Troika tyranny, about Cuba being part of that and everything, you don't think the U.S. may have set some things in motion that's creating this situation? Because that's what the president of Cuba is saying, that the U.S. is behind it. The U.S. has been working since the 60s to bring down the Castro revolution. They've always been undermining it. I'm just saying it.
Starting point is 00:13:11 They may have undermined it so much over decades that you don't even need to do anything. It's just toppling on its own. It's weak. The government's unable to take care of the people. There's no opportunity. Colonies in shambles. Yeah, there's no opportunity.
Starting point is 00:13:31 Would you like to be 20 years old in Cuba? What are you going to do? What's the rest of your life? You don't have anything. And I don't know how much Internet access the Cuban people have, but if they have any and they're seeing how the rest of the world, the civilized world is living, and the standard of living, and the freedom of mobility, and, you know, they're looking at that going,
Starting point is 00:13:56 why don't we have it here? Oh, we have communism. This was supposed to be the great solution. And so, now, if you get to Venezuela, I would say there's a more active U.S. presence there on Venezuela. But, hey, is John Bolton's, as our title today, John Bolton's mustache marching on today? I don't know, Doc. It's...
Starting point is 00:14:25 His sanctions are. Because after the Troika speech, the Axis of Evil speech, the Trump administration was able to put sanctions, pretty crippling sanctions, on the Cuban economy. That could have led, again, to organic frustrations. It's three years of food shortages, famine, economic depression. The one thing I found interesting was how Western media has been covering, specifically Cuba. Because I think they might have gotten most of it right.
Starting point is 00:14:50 It's tough to get good information out of Cuba. I'm in the video that has been recorded by places like CNN that have correspondence on the ground. But Rick, one of the things they claim protesters were demanding was vaccination. They were out in the street. Yeah. I have to see an actual protest to scream for that. I've been told for 30 years that Cuba has the best health care system in the Western
Starting point is 00:15:13 hemisphere. And they just, you remember that line? Oh, yeah. Oh, now the Cubans, they have the best health care, almost as good as Canada. And now you see both communist Canada and communist Cuba. But you're saying they're protesting. They don't have vaccines? I'm saying that the Marxist media in America is claiming
Starting point is 00:15:32 that's among the calls on the street. I have to see a confirmation of that one. You're not going to sell me that one. I would say that's the Marxist media's invention in the United States. You know, when you don't have food and the basic necessities of life, the last thing you're thinking about is a Pfizer vaccine. Right. Can't eat a needle.
Starting point is 00:15:54 Yeah. So that's CNN propaganda. As Doc mentioned, the president of Cuba, the replacement for the Castros, Miguel Diaz-Canel, he made a statement yesterday. It was in the morning. He made this from the streets. He said, there's a group of counter-revolutionaries, mercenary people, paid by the U.S. government, paid indirectly through agencies of the North American government to assemble these types of demonstrations. We are calling on all the revolutionaries in the country, all the communists, to hit the streets wherever there is an effort to produce
Starting point is 00:16:28 these provocations. The order to fight has been given into the street, revolutionaries. This is a statement again for the president of Cuba. Well, we'll see how many of the old Castro communist revolutionaries want to fight. The original guys, they're in their 80s and 90s. Right. I doubt if they're willing or even able to manage any kind of counter-protest. And the guys
Starting point is 00:16:57 that are young enough to fight don't want communism. They would be fighting to get rid of it. I hope, look, whether the communism. Yes. All right? Communism is terrible. They would be fighting to get rid of it. I hope, look, whether the U.S. is involved in it or not, I hope the communist regime collapses in Cuba. It's our same prayer for China. Whether they are involved or not,
Starting point is 00:17:20 there are demands to get us involved. The Miami mayor has been calling for a US intervention in Cuba, this is number eight for control. And so over the past few days, of course there's large Cuban American population in South Florida. Really it's almost, we call it little Cuba almost. And so, but the Miami mayor has been outspoken about calling for the United States to get involved.
Starting point is 00:17:49 By the way, Doc, I think he's the next governor of Florida after Governor DeSantis' next term. I can see that. Yeah, he's a very popular mayor. He's very forward thinking. He was the mayor we spoke at at the Bitcoin conference. He's very technology minded. And so but whether or not the U.S. has been behind the current protests advancing, there are calls for the U.S. to be involved. And, of course, we've been involved in Cuba many times before.
Starting point is 00:18:16 So we'll talk about some of Cuban descent is calling for U.S. intervention. There's a huge population of Cubans in Miami and Fort Lauderdale, and they are some of the best people you want to meet. They're great Americans. Brothers and sisters in Christ? I just have the utmost respect and love for Cuban Americans. We met one here a few weeks ago. Remember that we had a gentleman that was visiting alongside of a businessman who was here. And one of his managers came along and he was a Cuban and I asked him, you know,
Starting point is 00:19:13 how long have you been in the United States? And he arrived here, was it at age? 11 or 12. 11 or 12, you know, he fled the revolution. His parents got him out first, got him here with an uncle. But look, they're brave and they love freedom. And the Cuban people in Florida are just, they're good people. It's just, you know, it's a great part of Florida. And they've been praying for a long time to see communism fall. Right. They want to return and see their families. Yes.
Starting point is 00:19:50 Well, I mean, you know how you said the younger generation of Cubans, they don't want communism. Same with the American generation, though. We don't want regime change wars. You know what I'm saying? Everybody's calling for intervention. You know, blood, American kids will die. That is the fact of the matter. Now, you have to choose.
Starting point is 00:20:07 I mean, do we intervene? I'm a non-interventionalist. You know, I definitely hope that they win. You know, I hope that these young kids are able to take their country back. However, you know. On their own. On their own, yes. But I do not think one more American kid needs to be sent for a regime change war to be slaughtered. You know,
Starting point is 00:20:26 I don't want it. I don't want it. And I think that, you know, I understand why this mayor, you know, it could be a political strategy, too. And the problem also with this, we have to think long term, too. Regime change wars means refugees. Those refugees are going to end up in Florida. Nine out of 10 of them vote Democrat. It's just a demographic. It's the truth. You know, they come to red states, they place them in red states, and it becomes an electoral strategy. So we have to think long-term to protect ourselves also,
Starting point is 00:20:51 but also can stand in solidarity with people trying to take their country back as well. That's right. But they make great sandwiches and great coffee. They do make great sandwiches. They do. They've added a lot to America. They do.
Starting point is 00:21:04 Speaking of sandwiches, Rick, I was just looking inside that Daily Mail article. There are many of our leadership in the Republican Party that have spoken out on this subject. I think it's obviously got people like Steve Scalise, Republican representative. Governor Kristi Noem, Kevin McCarthy, a GOP minority leader. Marco Rubio, senator here in Florida. Calling for troops to be sent? They're calling to stand with the Cuban people. It kind of, I'd say it deviates in the extent of support.
Starting point is 00:21:32 Obviously, you've got people like Marco Rubio that say now the military must defend the people, not the Communist Party. In part, he's talking about the Cuban military, but that statement much stronger than, let's say, the statement of Kevin McCarthy. But here's what I'll do with these statements. If you look at these statements and you take out Cuba and you instead think of it about America, why aren't we hearing this every day about the communists in our own country? Well, that's what I was thinking. I want to see communism fall in the United States. Yeah, we're anti-communists.
Starting point is 00:22:03 Okay, we've got it here. Yeah, we're anti-communists. Okay, we've got it here. Yeah, we're locking up dissidents. They're going door to door trying to vaccinate us. They're spying on us. They're spying on our journalists. Critical race theory being called in. They're brainwashing our kids. What are they going to do, bring to Cuba transgender bathrooms?
Starting point is 00:22:20 It's like we have issues here that we have to fix. We have a communist Bolshevik revolution going on right here in the United States of America today. But do you think that they have transgender restrooms in Cuba? I don't think so. But they will. They will if America gets involved. They'll see to it. No, because the Cuban people would never tolerate it.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Yeah. They don't have it in China. I know. never tolerate it yeah they don't have it in china it's the marxists in america have used this this tactic something that would not work in other countries they've used it here to break down what christianity yes the family it was to break down the family and uh but the communists would never permit it. And when they get total control, they're not going to tolerate a lot of stuff the left is getting away with right now. They won't tolerate the left. They won't need them anymore. But going back to the Caribbean, it's not only unrest going on in Cuba, but next door in the Caribbean, there's another big development.
Starting point is 00:23:36 It started last week with the assassination of the president of Haiti, which, you know, was shocking. You know, I woke up in the morning and, you know, heard the news that gunmen had stormed his home and shot the president of Haiti, shot his wife. Gouged out his eye. That detail came out later. We didn't know that for days, that they gouged out his left eye.
Starting point is 00:24:01 Now, I don't know. I mean, to me, that sounds like something a drug cartel would do, mafia, Freemasons, voodoo, pick one. I mean, gouging out a victim's eye is pretty extreme. And you even had a really, an even more far out possibility of why they took his eye. Yes. Look, it's 2021. We can share theories because this has been a crazy year. I thought immediately about all the lost money, billions of dollars that have been sent to
Starting point is 00:24:36 Haiti and obviously we accused corrupt politicians. Well, let's say the president, current president, was at least until his assassination, had access to a bank account, maybe in a country like Switzerland or somewhere else. And access to that bank account or a vault was based on his ability to do a biometric scan of his eye.
Starting point is 00:24:58 That's not crazy. That's not a crazy thing. Okay, I don't have any proof of that. It does make you think, though, why would a hit team take an eye? One eye. One eye, the left eye. It was intentional. It wasn't like think, though, why would a hit team take an eye? One eye. One eye. The left eye.
Starting point is 00:25:06 It was intentional. It wasn't like they gouged out both eyes. They intentionally took the left eye. So I'm certainly, you know, I believe it. It's 2021. Anything's possible. It's definitely possible. Not the alternative, obviously, is voodoo.
Starting point is 00:25:18 Or it could be a cartel message of some kind. But the point is, the eye was gouged out. He was shot to death, and a 28-man hit team was sent to do this in what's essentially a third-world country. Why did it take 28 hitmen
Starting point is 00:25:34 to kill one man at his house? And them claiming their DEA. It doesn't make sense. Because, again, it was essentially two or three of them who were actually shot. That was their cover story in the beginning that they did their DEA. It doesn't make sense because, again, it was essentially two or three of them who were actually shot. That was their cover story in the beginning that they were DEA. I mean, even though one of them had a DEA hat, I mean, but, you know, you could get a hat, you know, from anybody. So the Times is reporting that out of this group of 28, 26 of them were Colombians. Two of them were
Starting point is 00:26:05 Haitian Americans. And they now claim the two Haitian Americans, that they turned themselves in. Okay? Listen, if you're accused of killing the president, it's probably not a good idea to turn yourself in. So that story right there smells. But they were supposed to have been brought on as translators, they said. Why didn't they have an escape plan? Why were they hanging out in Haiti after they just carried out an assassination? One thing I wonder about that is if the group, because I don't think it just as limited as 28, what if this was part of a much bigger attempt to overthrow the government
Starting point is 00:26:44 and that they, in their mind, didn't need an exfil plan or a way to retreat because the assassination was going to then lead to them taking over the government? Now, obviously, it takes more than 28 people. And you're going to need a sit-in president. You're going to need to have a government of some form. You have to have a plan. And I do think it's possible there are more, still more than just 20. I think there is possible there's more operatives that are still free in Haiti. Well, the photographs I've seen of these men, they don't look like people who would run a
Starting point is 00:27:15 government if they overthrew the government. They just look like foot soldiers. Going back to your eyeball theory, that they needed his eyeball to access a bank account. The deceased president, is it Moise? Moise? Moise. He was embroiled in a scandal known as the Petro-Caribbe scandal. So this was Hugo Chavez and then Mr. Maduro. They had set up a mechanism for Venezuelan oil to be supplied to Haiti. This was back before, when Venezuela was prospering, before the sanctions came in and everything.
Starting point is 00:28:14 And so they were sending oil to Haiti. In fact, Venezuela was supplying oil all over the Caribbean. I was offered an opportunity to open up a fuel station on a Caribbean island, and they told me, they said, Venezuela will finance it. What you have to do is just say you want to sell Venezuelan oil. They'll give you the money. They'll build it for you. Good thing you're not for sale.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Yeah, I didn't do it, you know. But anyhow, going back to Haiti, $2 billion is missing. $2 billion? $2 billion. $2 billion is missing. Maybe they do need his eyeball. Maybe. Okay, I'll point on this.
Starting point is 00:29:11 The president's wife was flown on private jet to America. Look, I could see a donor or somebody jumping in, and she needed medical care. She was flown into Miami. Everything's been paid for. We haven't really been much talk about how all this has been paid for. The assumption is the government of Haiti is paying for it. But we all know how poor Haiti is. And a private jet, that's interesting to begin with.
Starting point is 00:29:35 It's a huge property. Not that we are to accuse the late president or his family of the property, but there's questions. There's good questions. It's a humanitarian act. And I mean, I could see the White House State Department making arrangements to pick up the dead president's wife and get her to Miami for emergency surgery and so forth. So it's hard to go down that trail. But the missing money, then there's a trail you can go down because a lot of people have been trying to find the money. Right.
Starting point is 00:30:08 And, you know, he wasn't talking very much about it. But the current, I don't think he's acting president. I would say the prime minister who's running the country right now, he asked President Biden for American troops. Yes, and the UN. He asked both for intervention because he said the infrastructure of the country is at threat. He believes that there's... They don't have any infrastructure.
Starting point is 00:30:37 What infrastructure do they do have? The power lines, the infrastructure. You mean all the infrastructure that the Clinton Foundation built. Right. You said actual infrastructure. Yeah. The only infrastructure they have still from the earthquake in 2010 You mean all the infrastructure that the Clinton Foundation built. Right. You said actual infrastructure. Yeah. The only infrastructure they have still from the earthquake in 2010 is rubble, basically.
Starting point is 00:30:51 Yeah. Because there's been hundreds of millions of dollars have been sent to Haiti for rubble cleanup, which has never been cleaned up. The money is gone. But just think about what the Clinton Foundation did. That was money from the Clinton Foundation. That's just it. And so it went into a hole in the ground. Really? No.
Starting point is 00:31:10 We could go a long way on the Clinton Foundation, its involvement in Haiti. And I know that's something you've followed for a number of years. But in fact, Hillary Clinton once called Haiti a laboratory for economic development. That's what she called it. Well, here you see the results. It was for the Clinton family. It was. Absolutely was.
Starting point is 00:31:29 Economic development for them. But the prime minister has asked President Biden for American troops, and President Biden declined the invitation to send American troops there. Now, maybe that is his policy. I hope so. But it could also be this is stage one. Right. And what you need is civil unrest in Haiti and a second request to the White House whereby now the president can say, well, the situation has changed. Right. He needs the public
Starting point is 00:32:03 support, American public support. We need to see riots and everything getting out of control there for him to be like, OK, we're going to go settle this. Because right now he has no support. Nobody's going to support him sending troops to Haiti. But, yeah, I yeah, there's no support. You're absolutely right. OK, some of the effort I know you've been following this since the assassination. There's a lot of unexplained circumstances, some really mysterious connections and people that just really makes you raise your eyebrow. Who was involved in the killing of this man? Yes, the first part of it is the Americans,
Starting point is 00:32:49 the U.S. citizens, U.S. Haitian citizens, who were captured and paraded in front of the press. Clearly, they didn't organize this by themselves. The question has been, who paid for the weapons? Who paid for the lives of these men? Well, the Miami Herald has come out with some answers on this. First of all, we're learning now that the Americans who were captured were in country, they were in Haiti, since January. They were being paid $3,000 a month by an unknown person
Starting point is 00:33:16 at this point, but we know, according to their admissions to the Haitians, $3,000 a month. In addition to this, they were in charge to recruit Colombian ex-military. They were given a specific directive. We need Colombian ex-military. We need them to be foot soldiers for you, more than just translators. They actually didn't start coming in until a little after, let's say, April. There's reports that the bulk of them were actually starting to come in that country about June. But there's specifically a named VIP in the scandal now.
Starting point is 00:33:49 Before you give the VIP, didn't you tell me that the new American director of CIA under Joe Biden recently made a secret, well, a fact that people know about. He went to Colombia. That's not a secret, but his mission in Colombia was a secret, well, a fact that people know about. He went to Colombia. That's not a secret, but his mission in Colombia was a secret, according to his own words. Yes, yes. It's William Burns is his name. I'm going to have an article pull up for you. You won't find this anywhere in American news.
Starting point is 00:34:19 I had to dig through Spanish media to find confirmation of this. But it was reported by our ambassador in Colombia that William Burns, the CIA director, confirmed for the Biden administration, last week led a, quote, sensitive mission of security to the country. That's a different story. That's from Maduro.
Starting point is 00:34:40 This is the Venezuelan president. He's claiming the United States is seeking to kill him. But number 23 for control, the claim is that William Burns, with an attachment of top CIA officials, State Department attached, that they traveled into Colombia. It wasn't announced publicly. You won't find anything in our media about it. But in their media, they knew he arrived because a huge delegation of security
Starting point is 00:35:05 arrived to meet with him and were basically escorting him throughout the capital city. This is interesting. And they never said what the mission was. They just simply said that it was a sensitive mission of security. Well, could the mission of security be related to the assassination of the Haitian president? Could it have been related to the uprising in Cuba? Or could, again, it be related to Venezuela, where there's now protests to the street and gun battles between, quote, gangs and the police? We don't know. But you're right.
Starting point is 00:35:38 The CIA director was, not in America, not at Langley, but over in Colombia when this went down. And it could just be unfortunate timing for him. Right. It could be just a coincidence. You know, he goes to Colombia and the next week the president of Haiti is murdered by a bunch of Colombians. It could just be a coincidence. It happens, you know, just like that. Yeah. Stuff like that happens. We're not going to say that they had involvement in it um haiti um what else could be in haiti uh let's take a look at number 13. this is a january 2010
Starting point is 00:36:18 article from world world 2010 ha Haiti could have larger oil reserves than Venezuela. And Venezuela has an insane amount of oil, enough to export it not just to the rest of the Caribbean, but even to do trade with China, big countries. I heard this in 2010 when I was in Haiti after the earthquake, and I was told by various American business people that there was a vast amount of oil and other minerals in Haiti. Wow. So... That could be a big motivation for individuals or entities or countries to play a major role in the shaping of that country.
Starting point is 00:37:09 Well, has it ever been developed? Has it ever been? No, it's like sitting in a bank right now, isn't it? It is. It's just sitting there. Eleven years later. But Haiti has more than oil. The next story is two years later, July 2012, from, $20 billion untouched of mineral wealth that could help the country out of poverty. I'm sorry. That title is both funny and very depressing because there is no intention of that money ever. That money is not going to feed those children. No.
Starting point is 00:37:49 It's going to go into the bank accounts of America's oligarchs. Yep, exactly. That's exactly right. They will not see a dime. They will continue starving while they benefit off of the mineral wealth that they have there while their people starve because that's just the way well you know as i was going through these articles lauren i started strolling down memory lane you know you start remembering things about haiti and you know who came to my mind oh
Starting point is 00:38:20 hillary shocker didn't see that one coming. Everybody thinks of the Clinton name. Yes. If you think about corruption in Haiti, you think about the Clintons. And here's a Washington Post article from 2015. Role of Hillary Clinton's brother in Haiti's gold mine raises eyebrows. Now, you would think if Haiti had a gold mine that there'd be some people who would benefit from that, right? Well, not the people of Haiti. They certainly haven't benefited from it. But Tony Rodham was involved in this particular mine, and it's just another one of those outreaches
Starting point is 00:39:04 that the Clinton Global Initiative brokered. Rather, here was their plan, Rick, after the earthquake, right? So instead of sending aid to Haiti, what the Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative did is they did investments. So while people are starving to death death living in tents after the earthquake, not getting houses built, not getting help, not getting fed, people are setting up factories and mines there to provide for the people of Haiti. And a lot of that was brokered through the Clinton Global Initiative. In fact, remember when Bill Clinton was appointed as special envoy by the United Nations? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:49 And the nickname the Haitians gave him was Le Governor, you know, so like he was the pro de facto. Pro-council. Yeah, pro-council for Haiti. And so, you know, this story about Haiti is bringing back all those Clinton memories and everything for you as well. The company, what was it? I want to say VCS. VCS Mining. VCS. VCS. Of Delaware. Yes. Oh, really? Delaware based. Your hometown. home state. So the Clinton family was connected to a Delaware-based gold mining company that planned to get that gold. And I don't know if they ever, ever did any mining at all.
Starting point is 00:40:42 Clinton's brother, I think, has passed away, didn't he? He passed away last year in 2019, I think so. But again, it's just, the point is, Haiti's president was murdered in his home. His eyeball was cut out of his socket. 28 men were involved in the hit, most of them former soldiers from Colombia, two of them from the United States. And you have all this American oligarch connection in recent years to Haiti, wanting to extract the natural resources,
Starting point is 00:41:32 the minerals, the oil, the gold out of Haiti. The people. Yes. in the Petro-Caribbe scandal. You know, it's like, did he not pay up his, did he not share with certain people? Did he get greedy? Did he not hold his end of the bargain on something for one way or another? Did he keep back some of that money? It's quite impossible. Did the Clintons want to know, hey, where's the rest of the money? Right.
Starting point is 00:42:02 And you know what happens when you hang out with the Clintons. You go. Bye-bye. Yeah, you end up in a grave, you know. So you got all this stuff happening. But it's not new. It's not new to the. Sorry, I just knocked over a bottle of water.
Starting point is 00:42:19 It's not new to the people of Haiti. America's oligarchs have been periodically invading and occupying Haiti. And taking the resources out of Haiti for a long time. The first one that I know is 1915. President Woodrow Wilson sent U.S. Marines to Haiti. And the U.S. had military occupation under, the island was under martial law. From 1915 to 1933, Franklin Roosevelt ended the military occupation. I found an interesting quote in this article. I want to read it to our audience here. It
Starting point is 00:43:01 says, the United States began its military occupation of Haiti a century ago, sending an armed force ashore on July 28th, 1915, just south of Port Prince. Now it says a bit earlier, a raiding party of US Marines had stolen Haiti's gold reserve of about $500,000 and turned it over to First National City Bank in New York, now City Bank. That's worth about $13 million now, and so. thousand dollars and turned it over to first national city bank in new york now city bank that's worth about 13 million dollars now and so i'm sure jamie dimon has haiti's gold segregated right you know set aside set aside so that he can return it to the people of haiti but isn't that a
Starting point is 00:43:40 pattern for the u.s military and in no matter what country we go in, we go to gold. We rob the banks first. Exactly. We saw it in Libya, Iraq. In each country they go in. And what do we do? What is the United States doing right now in Syria? We're going for the oil.
Starting point is 00:44:01 We're stealing their oil. And Donald Trump is the one who did it. He let Axon in. Remember, he said, oh, don't worry, we're going to the oil. We're stealing their oil. And Donald Trump is the one who did it. He let Axon in. Remember, he said, oh, don't worry, we're going to profit from this. I read over the weekend that there was an attack on U.S. forces from the air in Syria. But it said in the Conoco region. Did you know that Syria has a Conoco region? Has an Exxon region, a Conoco region?
Starting point is 00:44:29 Yes. Oh, my. The oil companies literally have divided up the country. They've named the provinces after oil companies. After the oil companies. It is shameful. It is so shameful. It's as if.
Starting point is 00:44:42 The way the oligarchs in this country have been allowed to rob and pillage and rape the world. Somebody should stop them. But the problem is every time there is a populace who rises up to stop them, he gets stopped. Well, it's interesting that you talk about populists and everything, because one of the people that was involved in that initial raid in 1915 was a name that we've talked about here on the program in the past. And that's, he was a major then, but General Smedley Butler. And that's been an individual you focused a lot of attention on, a lot of research on. He wrote the book, War is a Racket. Right. And then there's, when he was a major, that's a picture of Smedley Butler when he was a
Starting point is 00:45:28 major, eventually became a general, but later in life wrote a book called War is a Racket. And to give you an example, we occupied, I didn't know this until today, I didn't realize the United States actually occupied Haiti from 1915- To 1933. Until 1933. Under military rule. And as a legal agreement, Haiti agreed to a 20-year occupation by the United States. That's why when that story came up about that we were,
Starting point is 00:45:55 you know, that we were looking to have troops back in Haiti, I thought we're going to go into another 20-year, you know, agreement with them. How long have you been in Afghanistan? I know we've pulled out fully now. Well, no, not really. But 20 years. It was a 20-year agreement.
Starting point is 00:46:11 If you're the political leader who's just been put into power, and there's an army rifle at your head, and a document is put in front of you, and somebody says, you should sign this you don't want to die of lead poisoning right malaria lead poisoning the u.s military killed thousands of haitians yes during that occupation thousands this is not the first. The American people didn't invade Haiti. America's oligarchs did it. They wanted to rob the resources of the country.
Starting point is 00:46:52 And they were upset. The New York international bankers were upset that Haiti was not paying back the debts that they had to the banks. That's why they went in and stole the gold. For the railroads and the plantations. But why should U.S. Marines collect for banks in New York? They shouldn't. Who has the power to do that? Who has the power to tell the President of the United States,
Starting point is 00:47:19 you're going to send in the Marines, you're going to raid the bank, and you're going to bring the gold to our bank in New York City. Who has that power? That's so interesting because now we're seeing banks flex their power that they've apparently always had over, you know, the leadership here in the United States. Now they're shutting down the bank accounts of conservatives, people like Andrew Torba, business owners, people like that, people like me, people that had the audacity to run for office. So it's really interesting that this has been going on for decades. And now, you know, we're seeing it in real time, but they always had the option to make the phone call and go steal money, you know, go take money, what they believe is theirs. And that's so, you know, it applies today.
Starting point is 00:48:02 Lauren, have you heard of Major General Smedley Butler before today? I have not. And I've asked a couple of people in the office, you know, younger. They haven't, Ray. It's almost as if, again, this was a two-time Medal of Honor winner. One of the most decorated U.S. soldiers, kind of like what happened with USS Liberty, the most decorated warship in U.S. history from a single encounter. White from history.
Starting point is 00:48:24 So is Smedley Butler and a lot of in U.S. history from a single encounter, white from history, so is Smedley Butler and a lot of his statements. Lauren, I think it would be apt, we actually have a quote from War is a Racket. Would you mind reading this? Sure. All right, so War is a Racket. A racket is best described, I believe,
Starting point is 00:48:37 as something that is not what it seems to the majority of people. Only a small inside group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the masses. I believe in adequate defense at the coastline and nothing else. If a nation comes here to fight, then we'll fight. The trouble with America is that when the dollar only earns 6% over here, then it gets restless and goes overseas to get 100%.
Starting point is 00:49:02 So true. Then the flag follows the dollar, and the soldiers follow the flag. I wouldn't go to war again, as I have done to protect some lousy investment of the bankers. There are only two things we should fight for. One is the defense of our homes, and the other is the Bill of Rights.
Starting point is 00:49:19 War, for any other reason, is simply a racket. There isn't a trick in the racketeering bag that the military gang is blind to. It has its fingermen to point out enemies, its musclemen to destroy enemies, its brainmen to plan war preparations, and a big boss, super-nationalistic capitalism. It may seem odd for me, a military man, to adopt such a comparison. Truthfulness compels me to. I spent 33 years and four months in active military service as a member of this country's most agile military force, the Marine Corps. I served in all commission ranks from second lieutenant to major general.
Starting point is 00:49:59 And during that period, I spent most of my time being a high class muscle man for big business, for Wall Street and for the bankers. In short, I was a rackete time being a high-class muscle man for big business, for Wall Street and for the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I suspected I was just part of the racket at the time. Now I am sure of it. Like all the members of the military profession, I never had a thought of my own until I left the service. My mental faculties remained in suspended animation while I obeyed the orders of the higher ups. This is typical with everyone in the military service. I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico,
Starting point is 00:50:34 safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the national city bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefits of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1909 through 1912. Where have I heard that name before? I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916.
Starting point is 00:51:07 In China, I helped to see that it was standard oil went its way unmolested. During those years, I had, as the boys in the back room would say, a swell racket. Looking back on it, I feel that I could have given Al Capone a few hints. The rest he could do was operate his racket in three districts. I operated in three continents. That's a 1933. I like this guy. I like him a lot. Speaking of populace, you know, I mean, everything we were just talking about, about how he basically served in the U.S. military, but he was the racketeer. You know, he was the foot soldier
Starting point is 00:51:43 for the olivarchy. But, Rick, we need to inform Lauren what happened to General Butler, Major General Butler. He was actually recruited basically to have an uprising here in the United States. Yes, to overthrow the government and remove Franklin Roosevelt from the White House. Actually, I think the plan was they were going to let Roosevelt stay in the White House as a puppet, but he would have absolutely no authority, no power. He spilled the beans. He went public and shocked the nation, was testified before the U.S. Congress and said that a group
Starting point is 00:52:27 of wealthy businessmen had asked him to overthrow Franklin Roosevelt. Because he had done the same thing many times before. In other countries. In other countries. So he knew how to do it. What did they want to instill? A fascist regime? Like, what was their, why would they want him to overthrow the U.S.?
Starting point is 00:52:44 Well, you think about it, in the 30s, fascism was on the rise. Right. So it was communism. Yeah. Right? And, well, depending on your opinion of Franklin Roosevelt, I mean, he was America's first socialist president. Right.
Starting point is 00:52:58 Considering, I mean, it looks pretty mild compared to today, but if you were a patriot in 1933, you would have thought Franklin Roosevelt was a cousin to, you know, Lenin. I mean, he was an extreme far-left politician, but he had a Great Depression brought on by the newly formed Federal Reserve Bank. Yes.
Starting point is 00:53:29 Right? They created the Depression. They were raping the American people, sucked their wealth out, stole their farms. Just like they had done in other countries. Countries which we're now being told are potential revolutionary hotspots. But what happened just a few decades before, you know, really, less than 15 years before the Great Depression, the international banksters had persuaded the U.S. Congress
Starting point is 00:54:02 to form the Federal Reserve, which is a privately owned bank. We turned our monetary policy over to a private consortium of banks, all right, owned by a consortium of banks. We gave our monetary policy to them. The Constitution says Congress shall coin money. Congress is in charge of the monetary policy of the country. And we created this monster called the Federal Reserve Bank. It's just a group of international banks that took control. So then after they got the Federal Reserve created, what's the next thing they did? They got a constitutional amendment passed. There's a lot of stories, a lot of stuff. I don't want to go into it about whether the amendment was legally ratified by the states, I would just say that there, in my mind, there is sufficient doubt that the constitutional amendment was truly ratified. There's some real shady things that
Starting point is 00:55:15 happened in some of the state legislatures. What did that constitutional amendment give us? The income tax. Yes. A plank in the Marxist Manifesto. In the Communist Manifesto, we got the income tax. Who in their mind would vote in favor of being taxed from your hard-earned money? International banksters and communists. And then after you get the income tax, what's the third thing you need? This monster's got three heads. This is a three-headed dragon. The third thing is the IRS.
Starting point is 00:55:49 You've got to have somebody collect those taxes. That's the mafia that comes after you to get the income. So you had a U.S. senator back then who said the income tax will never exceed 1%. It might have been 2%, he said. That's how it was sold. It never. Just a penny on the dollar. So we're almost at the point now with all the taxes in the country that people are paying
Starting point is 00:56:18 almost 50% of their income. Easily, yep. And so they're sucking the money out. And yet Wall Street's just getting bigger. The stock market keeps going up. The oligarchs are getting wealthier and wealthier. The middle class is getting poor and smaller. And you see that this goes back.
Starting point is 00:56:43 Smedley Butler was saying in the 30s, I was a thug for the banks. I invaded countries for sugar corporations, for banana corporations, for banks. For oil companies. For oil companies. I went in and I cracked skulls for them. That's what the U.S. military is for. The U.S. military is still doing the same thing today. We're in Syria, stealing the oil of the Syrian people.
Starting point is 00:57:10 And Donald Trump got cheers from Republican voters for saying, we're stealing their oil. And the people clapped. Oh, yeah. Ain't that good? USA, USA, USA. It's embarrassing, shameful behavior. It's bloodlust. It is. It's just it. Why would you cheer for the oligarchs to steal another country's oil?
Starting point is 00:57:36 You know why? Because they think that it's coming back here and and somehow it's getting in your fuel tank. Right. No, the money's going into the bank accounts of the oligarchs. Yep. It's lining the pockets of our ruling elite. We won't see a dime yet. Before we continue the conversation, we actually have a second headline segment from Kerry. So let's watch that real quick. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey.
Starting point is 00:58:07 The Times of Israel says Representative Lauren Boebert compared federal COVID vaccination efforts to Nazism, tweeting that Joe Biden has deployed his needle Nazis to her Colorado district. She wrote, the people of my district are more than is blaming ideological rigidity as a deterrent to vaccination efforts in the U.S. He told CNN's Jake Tapper, I just don't get it. You know, Jake, it's an inexplicable pushing back on the part of some people about getting vaccinated. I heard it when you were talking just a while ago to the to the congressman about the idea of people saying that government is knocking on your door trying to force you to vaccinate. That is not the case at all. Mr. Fauci says, why are we having red states and places in the south that are very highly ideological in one way,
Starting point is 00:59:24 not wanting to get vaccinations. He says vaccinations have nothing to do with politics. The Economist reporting that a new poll finds that 40 percent of Brits want mask mandates to remain in place forever, while almost half think unvaccinated people should be permanently banned from foreign travel. Polling by a market research company shows that many Brits believe that a number of lockdown moves should stay in place forever, including nighttime curfews. Fox News reporting that a video of a child pulling an American flag from someone's front yard and throwing it on the ground has gone viral on social media. The original video shows the boy passing a small American flag in a front yard and trying to pull it from the ground.
Starting point is 01:00:14 Now, he misses on the first attempt, but gets off of his scooter and then successfully rips up the flag and throws it on the ground. The woman, possibly his mother, appears to give zero pushback on the boy. Since it was posted on Friday, the video has been viewed by more than 3 million viewers. A Twitter user commented on the video saying, children are being raised to desecrate the flag. That's a look at True News Headlines. Let's get back to Edward now. Thanks for watching.
Starting point is 01:00:50 Thank you, Kerry. As you just saw in that last video. A little Democratic Party voter. A little Marxist. The future of America. Ripping the American flag out, throwing it down. And the woman,
Starting point is 01:01:01 who might be his mother, it didn't confirm if it was his mother or not, looks on and it's a normal act. Yep, parents' fault. Notice and the woman, who might be his mother, it didn't confirm if it was his mother or not, looks on and, you know, it's a normal act. Yep, parents' fault. Notice in the video, you didn't see a daddy. You can tell a lot with kids that don't have a daddy around. They wouldn't be acting that way. Well, you know, I used to, I would agree with you there,
Starting point is 01:01:19 but now we're seeing the men have been radicalized into communism. We're seeing this now in America. You have to come to the realization that a sizable portion of the American public is now pro-communist. Yes. And I don't know how other people are getting raised now, but when I was a kid, we were raised not to dishonor the flag. I don't believe in worshiping the flag or anything like that, but I also don't believe in dishonoring, you know, what represents our nation. And so Edward and I were both in the military. We were drilled into us about respect for the flag. I was in the Boy Scouts when I was a kid,
Starting point is 01:02:09 and we were taught how to care for the flag. There are certain ways to even, you know, dispose of a flag that honors, you know, the flag itself and what it represents. And so, so to see, you know, a video like this and just happened to be picked up on someone's home security camera, they're not even telling the location of it. That's what I found interesting here.
Starting point is 01:02:32 But to see this, just the flag thrown down. But what really bothered me about that was the mom. She didn't say, Jimmy, pick that flag up. That's not right. You shouldn't even touch something in someone's yard. Was it her son or was she just passing through? Well, I have the impression that was his mom. But even if it was another adult, another adult.
Starting point is 01:02:59 There was no reaction. Right. It didn't shock them, didn't bother them at all. He has a right to his opinion. Hey, kid, you know, first of all, don't touch something in someone's yard. Second, you need to respect the flag. You know, Doc, you're absolutely right about respecting the flag. And there are two ways to disrespect the flag.
Starting point is 01:03:18 One is what that little boy did. It was to grab the flag. There's the video. There you go. So it is his mom. She stopped. See? And the way that he did this, I have to wonder if he was doing this throughout the entire neighborhood.
Starting point is 01:03:33 Yeah, so it was his mother. Because, you know, he was doing like a drive-by to pull it up. Yeah. And made sure it was pulled out of the ground. Yeah, so it was his mother. Okay, look at the little rip. Oh, I've got to watch my mouth here. No, it's okay.
Starting point is 01:03:44 I'm getting ready. It was an effort to take the flag out. Yes. It wasn't like, well, I'll just do kind of a drive by. It was actually an effort to pull the flag out. And the mom stopped and everything as if to approve. That's your leftists. That's an example of a political leftist in America. Aren't you, you leftists out there, aren't you proud of what you've done to the country? Aren't you, you leftists out there, aren't you proud of what you've done to the country? Aren't you proud? Oh yeah. You know, the truth is they are. They are proud. They are proud. And what that act says is that that child has been indoctrinated, radicalized
Starting point is 01:04:18 by his leftist mother and his leftist school teachers and every adult around him who is a leftist, he's been radicalized. That little boy is growing up believing that the flag is an evil object that needs to be destroyed. And the mother already believes it. Yes. Right. But it comes back to poor fathers in the home, whether he had a dad or not. DESTROYED. AND THE MOTHER ALREADY BELIEVES IT. YES. RIGHT. SO... BUT IT COMES BACK TO
Starting point is 01:05:09 family, Christian traditional values are the only thing that stands in the way of a full communist takeover. You know, so, you know, we need strong dads back in the home. Strong dads can prevent that and keep that from happening. Yes, which is a major reason why the Lord is taking me in a new direction this year in launching a ministry for men, because the communists have succeeded in just about destroying manhood in this country. It's been going on for decades. But the left, this is what they've done to the country. It's been going on for decades. But the left, this is what they've done to the country. Their political agenda is to overturn the revolution of 1776. Whether you're talking about critical race theory or whatever it is, or defunding the police or toppling the statues, whatever it is,
Starting point is 01:06:07 it's about overturning the revolution of 1776. They are implementing their own revolution. And I'm telling you, folks, if you don't take a very strong, active stand against it, in another year or two, you're not going to have any other choice but to live under it because they are gaining ground. And they're gaining ground
Starting point is 01:06:36 because the conservatives are... Well, they're not conservative anymore. They're not conservative anymore. Okay, that's it. And they're certainly, most of them are not Christians anymore. They're just Christian in name only. I was going back, what I said earlier about two ways to disrespect a flag. One is what that little boy did. Whether it's pulling it up like he did or burning it in the streets. That's one way. But the other way to disrespect a flag is what is happening like in Syria with the U.S. flag flying on Syrian territory as Conoco and Exxon
Starting point is 01:07:17 pump the oil out. You've dishonored the flag. You have dishonored the flag. You're no better than that boy that just pulled the flag up and threw dishonored the flag. You're no better than that boy that just pulled the flag up and threw it on the ground. It's shameful that our military is being used to steal the oil. You have dishonored the flag. Please take down the American flag. I'm embarrassed. I'm ashamed that the Syrian people see an American flag flying at these military compounds, which are oil pumping wells. And we've turned them into military fortified oil forts. Patriotic pumps. Patriotic pumps, yeah. But you're disrespecting the flag. Patriotic pumps. Patriotic pumps, yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:07 But you're disrespecting the flag. It's shameful. And more so than that, it's scarred a generation. A generation of men that have come back from a war that no one knows why we fought. You look at what's happening in Afghanistan, the very territory that American men spilled blood over, that don't necessarily know
Starting point is 01:08:22 why they were deployed there, is being taken back in lengths right away by the Taliban. And turned over to China. Yeah, literally turned over to China. The Taliban spokesperson said last week that we're happy to work with China. They're a welcome, a welcome friend to come in to rebuild the country and gain the mineral resources there. But think of the generation of fathers.
Starting point is 01:08:41 Think of the generation of fighters. Logically, it makes no sense. We've sent them overseas while a communist revolution has been brewing at home. But we talk about the family. It was destroyed in America. And a generation was scarred by a war that made no sense, the same way Smedley Butler laid out in his prose in 1933. That's right. That's right. So at some point, the American people have to decide they're fed up with it. They're not going to tolerate it anymore. I don't know if there's enough people left in the country to do anything about it.
Starting point is 01:09:19 They all seem to be asleep and complacent. I think there is. And I think people are starting to wake up and realize that they can't be inactive anymore, especially the church. I'm noticing the church starting to wake up and realize, oh gosh, like we did nothing, we said nothing all these years and look what happens. You know, now they're going to brainwash my child in school. You know, they're going to teach them how to watch pornography in school. You know, and Christians I think are starting to wake up and realize that they have to get involved. We don't have a choice. We are losing our country. We only have a couple years left unless you step up. And that's the truth. You know, I think people are waking up. People
Starting point is 01:09:52 are called to different things. You were called to answer the call for young men, the desperate need for young men in our country to have male leadership. You know, they are lost. They don't have a majority of them don't have fathers. You know, America, the United States of America is the number one global leader in single parenthood in the globe. You know, that was intentional. They broke down our families. They came after our men. They propped up feminism. They propped up abortion and degeneracy, and they destroyed our nation. And enough is enough. You know, there are plenty of us left, but we cannot afford to not be involved anymore. We have to step up. We have to be involved. We have to stand for righteousness in Jesus Christ and answer the call that's needed now for your country.
Starting point is 01:10:34 I hope your optimism turns out to be correct, because I was sounding this warning 22 years ago and I couldn't get churches motivated. I couldn, and I couldn't get churches motivated. I couldn't get Christians motivated. They've been sitting on their rear ends for decades watching this happen, and they don't get involved. And that's why I don't have a lot of hope that right now they're going to get involved. I think they're going to go into captivity. I think they're already in captivity. Yes, we're already slaves to Babylon. Yes, and a lot of the conservatives and a lot of the Christians have been vaccinated
Starting point is 01:11:16 with the COVID vaccine. They're not using their brains. With all the information that's out there about the dangers of the vaccines they're still doing it oh you know the number of people that are still have a functioning brain is really dwindling I know and there's but I I'm an optimist I have a lot of hope for America you know I see it all burning around me and I want to believe that God is not going to fail us yet. Like, I think that he is going to. I'm hoping he does something, you know.
Starting point is 01:11:50 And, you know, there's people. We have to look at individual stories, too. It's not up to God whether he succeeds or fails. I mean, it's up to us to answer the call. And I'm praying, and I'm hoping that Americans answer the call. That's what it's about. Yes. God will respond the moment the American people
Starting point is 01:12:06 repent and call on his name. But it's not up to whether God succeeds or fails. He always succeeds. It's if we answer the call. But what's it take for them to call? But they've got to humble themselves. I mean, it's the thing right now. There are a lot of conservatives, a lot of young people that are frustrated, but they're listening to the worst voices. It's not a call to pick up arms. It's not a call to revolt or run into the Capitol building. No, it's a call to humble yourself and repent.
Starting point is 01:12:35 This is a spiritual fight. You cannot beat this system physically. You will fight the system and they'll mash you apart. That's right. You can only beat this through Christ, but through Christ, not picking up a sword, but through Christ in faith and repentance. And sharing the gospel with other people. You know, we need to constantly recruit. That's what we need to be doing. That is what we are called to do is be disciples,
Starting point is 01:13:00 bring people into the kingdom of heaven. If we truly are in the last days, which we could possibly be looking at the current events, we need to save as many souls as possible and recruit for, you know, God's army as well. You know, and that's answering the call. That is the only thing that will turn this thing around.
Starting point is 01:13:15 Because where we're at, Lauren, is that the tares now outnumber the wheat. It's just a simple matter of mathematics. A nation of tares. We used to be, we had more wheat. I know. And now the tares outnumber the wheat.
Starting point is 01:13:31 It's just mathematics. And the way that you fix the problem is that you've got to get the population of wheat to go up. And I think it's possible. It is possible. I could be coping, but I think it's possible. It's not through the Republican Party, and it's not through political rallies and all that kind of stuff. It's through preaching the real gospel. We can't vote our way to repentance.
Starting point is 01:13:57 No. Well, hey, that was a good way to end today's newscast. Oh, thank you. We'll share the story we previewed later in the week about the Navy veteran. But as you noted, Rick, this is a fight not physically in this world, but through Christ. And we have to, if we do pray, we need to pray for people to be humbled and repent. Any last word, Rick? Okay.
Starting point is 01:14:23 Well, thank you again for joining us for today's edition of True News. Those of you who watch and listen day in and day out you are the true heroes. You've chosen to be informed and equipped for the fight ahead while others keep up with the Kardashians and bury themselves in pornography. But to do this every day we got to pay for staff cameras and security. Please back us. You can support True News by going to That is T-R-U-N-E-W-S dot com. Just click on the heart on the left-hand side or the red donate button on the right. You can also call our toll-free number at 1-800-576-2116.
Starting point is 01:14:58 That is 1-800-576-2116. If you'd like to donate to us by mail or have a prayer request or a story you'd like us to investigate, our address is PO Box 690069, Vera Beach, Florida, ZIP Code 32969. We accept stocks, cryptocurrency, precious metals, and even clippers to shave off Bolton's bloodthirsty mustache. Whatever you want to bless us with, we will gladly receive and put toward our mission here to save souls and report the good news as we approach the second coming of Jesus Christ. Thank you and God bless you. the preceding program was made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support

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