TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Bye-Bye Biden: Dems Scramble for Election 2024 Reset With or Without VP Harris

Episode Date: July 22, 2024

This is TruNews for July 22, 2024, I’m Doc Burkhart, sitting in for TruNews host and founder Rick Wiles.  Election 2024 got even more wild, and more crazy as President Joe Biden announced that he w...ould be dropping out of the presidential race.  Biden is out, and Kamala is in. Don't be deceived: the policies will remain the same. Just as Biden wasn't the decision-maker, Kamala Harris won't be either. She is now the new front for the deep state and a loyal follower of Hillary Clinton, the leader of a group of warmongers. Their agenda to plunge the world into conflict and erode our freedoms will persist. There are now growing calls that if President Biden is unfit to run, then he is unfit to serve in the Oval Office.   Bibi Netanyahu is coming to America, and will be speaking to President Joe Biden and a joint session of Congress later this week.  We will provide updates on that upcoming visit.  Before we provide our analysis and commentary of those breaking items, let’s first look at the latest information on the attempted murder plot to eliminate Donald Trump. Doc Burkhart. Airdate 07/22/2024You can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!    Now is the time to protect your assets with physical gold & silver. Contact Genesis Gold Today!             It’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm Jake, but my friends call me Moose Jaw. I'm a blacksmith, and I like to work with my hands. I watch True News, and it's apparent to me that we are in World War III, and the U.S. is very unstable. I have faith in God, but He expects us to use our brains and our hands to prepare for troubled times. There are two things we need, food and water. That's why I buy my supplies from American Reserves offers easy to prepare chicken and beef meals, pastas, soups and vegetables that only need boiling water. You can purchase
Starting point is 00:00:38 the world famous British Burkefield gravity fed water filters equipped with Dalton ceramic candles and other emergency supplies at My family's security is critical to me. Something big is coming. Procrastination could be costly. Act today before a crisis suddenly appears. Be ready. Be wise.
Starting point is 00:00:58 Go to this is true news for monday july 22nd 2024 i'm doc burkhart sitting in for true news host and founder rick wiles election 2024 got even more wild and more crazy as President Joe Biden announced that he would be dropping out of the presidential race. Biden is out and Kamala is in for now. Don't be deceived. The policies will remain the same. Just as Joe Biden wasn't the decision maker,
Starting point is 00:01:42 Kamala Harris won't be either. She is now the new front for the deep state and a loyal follower of Hillary Clinton, the leader of a group of warmongers. Their agenda is to plunge the world into conflict and erode our freedoms, and that will persist. There are now growing calls that if President Biden is unfit to run, then he is unfit to serve in the Oval Office. We'll be talking about that later in the program. Bibi Netanyahu is coming to America and will be speaking to President Joe Biden and a joint session of Congress later this week. We'll provide updates on that upcoming visit.
Starting point is 00:02:17 Before we provide our analysis and commentary of those breaking items, let's look first at the latest information on the attempted murder plot to eliminate Donald Trump. This is a story coming out of CNN here. Secret Service Director to testify agency failed during the Trump shooting. And she's actually testifying before Congress even as we speak right now. The question I would ask her is, if this is a failure, what does success look like? So that's the question that I have. The United States Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheadle is expected to testify before the House Oversight Committee today
Starting point is 00:02:59 that her agency failed in its mission during the attempted assassination of Donald Trump earlier this month. The article from CNN goes on to say the Secret Service's solemn mission is to protect our nation's leaders. On July 13th, we failed. The director is expected to tell lawmakers, which she did, as the director of the United States Secret Service, I take full responsibility for any security lapse. The agency, Cheadle, is expected to say, must learn what happened,
Starting point is 00:03:32 and I will move heaven and earth to ensure an incident like July 13th does not happen again. Thinking about what we should have done differently is never far from my thoughts. House Oversight Chairman James Comer on Sunday promised the hearing would be extensive and detailed. Cheadle is going to have about a six hour hearing and she's going to have hundreds of questions that she's going to have to answer, Comer said. So that's ongoing today. We'll have updates on her testimony tomorrow here on the Tuesday edition of True News. Now, yesterday on Sunday mornings with Maria Bartiroma, she had the opportunity to interview Senator Ron Johnson. And Ron Johnson had some questions of his own about what happened on that fateful day on July 13th and the murder plot to assassinate Donald Trump.
Starting point is 00:04:30 First of all, let's take a look at this, the first clip here that we have from this interview with Maria Bartiroma, where Senator Ron Johnson, now this is the first time I've heard any public official say this, okay? So this is something new that's in the mix here. Senator Ron Johnson is suggesting that there was a second shooter. So that's not out on the conspiracy level anymore. That's reached Senate members. Let's watch. My staff immediately started reaching out to local law enforcement.
Starting point is 00:04:59 We've gathered a fair amount of information. Again, we're just scratching the surface. But a couple of things that we found out, for example, the Secret Service did not even attend the 9 o'clock security meeting with local law enforcement. Pretty well put in charge the Butler County law enforcement to coordinate things. Law enforcement wasn't even on the same channel. The SWAT and sniper teams weren't. Just to be clear, Senator, that was a 9 a.m. meeting on July 13th, the day of the shooting. Correct. Secret Service wasn't there. Secret Service had been there for site visits, weren't even there. You know, kind of turned over some of the outer perimeter stuff to local law enforcement. They weren't even on the same security channel. So the sniper and SWAT teams weren't on the same channel as the patrol officers, and they weren't on the same channel as Secret Service.
Starting point is 00:05:45 So they had to relay things. One of the things we found out is that we've got a more detailed timeline. This picture is now on the Internet, but a picture was taken by the local sniper team in the AGR building at 514 of Crooks. So, again, we had pictures of this guy. Why was he intercepted? There's so many unanswered questions here. The pictures were taken at 514, and he was shot at 611.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Correct. Okay. And again, we've got a more... So I'm going to be issuing a preliminary report. Again, it's preliminary. It's just scratching the surface. We're primarily going to release that report to solicit more eyewitness testimony. If you took video, save it, make a backup copy. We can glean things in terms of audio and in terms of where the shots came from. Was it one rifle? Was it more than one? I've seen some pretty interesting video on the internet by experts that certainly
Starting point is 00:06:46 calls into question what the FBI is telling us about a single shooter. All right. So what do we glean from that one clip there? First of all, the Secret Service did not attend a security briefing at the 9 a.m. on July 13th, where law enforcement officials were given the rundown on security features. The Secret Service did not attend that meeting. So that's number one. Second, the various law enforcement agencies weren't even coordinated on a single channel. So you had different law enforcement agencies operating on different channels with no one
Starting point is 00:07:22 able to coordinate that. Did you hear what Mr. Johnson said about the sniper team that was in the building actually got a photo of Crooks at 5.14 p.m., nearly an hour before he attempted to assassinate Donald Trump? And then, of course, at the end of this clip, and this is the first time I've heard a member of Congress even bring this up, was there a second shooter? Folks, just a couple days ago, that would have been called wild conspiracy theories. Now we have senators, sitting senators in the U.S. Senate suggesting this. There was additional information that he brought up regarding a mystery ATF agent
Starting point is 00:08:06 that was on scene. And rather than go into it and explain it beforehand, let's hear what Senator Johnson has to say about it. After the shooter was taken down by Secret Service, the local law enforcement, and I know this from some of your preliminary comments, your preliminary findings, started taking pictures of the dead body, right? Can you tell us what happened then? Correct. So that sniper team that was in the AGR building, they're the first ones that went up on the roof. They were the first to encounter the dead assassin at that point in time. Later on, other people joined them, and somebody told them to send the pictures they had taken to an ATF agent, which I think is very strange.
Starting point is 00:08:48 And we called up that ATF agent. That individual said that he was with ATF, and now he's gone dark. We've also reached out to the Secret Service agents in charge on the ground. All we're getting there is the runaround. So we are getting information from local law enforcement, and we appreciate that. But unfortunately, federal law enforcement agents, they're just saying, well, go through your congressional liaison. Again, that's going to be unacceptable. I wish I could rely and have faith in the FBI and the Secret Service to do a truthful accounting of this.
Starting point is 00:09:19 But that's not been my experience with the Russian collusion hoax. And for years, dealing with federal law enforcement, we need completely separate and independent investigations. And it has to start now. So there's a mystery ATF agent that was on site that was encouraging local law enforcement to send photos of them. They were initially able to identify the ATF agent. They haven't identified them publicly. And then that ATF agent, if he really was one, went dark. And so we'll have more updates on this as the story develops.
Starting point is 00:09:52 The big story, of course, over the weekend is President Joe Biden announced that he would not be seeking the Democrat nomination for president. He listed a number of different reasons for it, but basically we know that he was forced out. One of the first things that occurred in the fallout of that announcement is this. This is from the Daily Caller here. Hunter Biden drops his Fox News lawsuit, and that actually appeared overnight and into this morning. So we are already seeing the repercussions of Joe Biden's announcement that he's stepping down for the Democratic dais and everything. So Hunter Biden drops his lawsuit against Fox News on Sunday, hours after his father, President Joe Biden, announced his decision to stop his reelection campaign. Hunter Biden had filed this lawsuit against Fox in late June for damages pursuant to their Fox Nation program, the trial of Hunter Biden. That same day, Joe Biden announced he was pulling out of the 2024 election. Hunter Biden's legal team
Starting point is 00:10:58 submitted a notice of voluntary dismissal to the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. And so that's one of the first things to fall out. I want to show you a couple of brief images here. This is the Time magazine cover from back on June 28th. And of course, the implication there is that there was a real mess when it came to the debate. But here's the latest cover of Time magazine. You see Joe Biden walking off the tablet of time and Kamala Harris walking into the center. And so a lot of messages being delivered there. And so that was from yesterday's release of the Time magazine cover. So Kamala Harris is the one that is taking the reins for now. Jerusalem Post is reporting that Jewish Democratic group endorses Kamala and commends Biden for passing the torch.
Starting point is 00:12:01 And you're going to hear a lot of that. You're going to hear about his legacy, how he did everything except save puppies from burning buildings. Probably will do that, too. But here for Kamala Harris, endorsements and money are the key thing moving forward for her. So the Jewish Democratic Council of America announced its endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris on Sunday evening, just hours after President Biden announced his withdrawal. The group said it is proud to endorse Harris's historic candidacy for president and remains deeply committed to ensuring Democrats hold the White House, win back the House, and defend the Democratic majority in the Senate. The Jewish Democratic Council of America's CEO, Haley Seufer, served as Harris's national security advisor when she was in the Senate and described Harris as a deeply committed and principled public servant who will continue to advance the policy priorities of
Starting point is 00:13:00 all Americans, including Jewish Americans, building on the strong record of the Biden-Harris administration. Seufer said in 2017 she traveled with then-Senator Harris and second gentleman Inhofe to Israel and witnessed their deep commitment to Israel's security and strong ties to the Jewish community. So folks, no matter who you vote for, you're going to get a Zionist once again. So Fox News is reporting that President Obama offered a statement of support after President Biden dropped out, calling Biden a patriot of the highest order. He released that statement Sunday afternoon, praising President Biden after he dropped out of the race.
Starting point is 00:13:45 Obama referred to Biden as a dear friend and partner, as well as a patriot of the highest order. Sixteen years ago, when I began my search for a vice president, I knew about Joe's remarkable career in public service. But what I came to admire even more was his character, his deep empathy and hard-earned resilience, his fundamental decency and belief that everyone counts, President Obama said. And President Obama stressed that everything that the Democratic Party stands for will be at risk if we allow Donald Trump back in the White House and give Republicans control of Congress. I also know Joe has never backed down from a fight, and for him to look at the political landscape and decide that he should pass the torch to a new nominee is surely one of the toughest in his life. But I know he wouldn't make this decision unless he believed it was right for America. Obama continued, I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party, now listen to what Barack Obama says here. I have the extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges.
Starting point is 00:14:52 Listen to what he said there. I believe that Joe Biden's vision of a generous, prosperous and united America that provides opportunity for everyone will be on full display at the Democratic Convention in August. I want to read that first line again, if you don't mind going back. I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges. So, folks, there already is a process within the Democratic Party. What they're looking for is another process. And to me, this is a signal that there is maybe a handful of movers and shakers within the Democratic Party that are not quite
Starting point is 00:15:33 confident about Kamala Harris as a possible candidate against Donald Trump. Because that same article went on to say, noticeably absent from Obama's statement was any mention of a candidate to replace Joe Biden. Now, President Biden himself endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as president, but notice Barack Obama did not. I will say this, that after the announcement and the endorsement by President Joe Biden of Kamala Harris, Fox News reported that Kamala Harris's presidential campaign raised nearly $50 million since the Biden endorsement. And so that was quite the bubble, quite the bump that the campaign actually was able to garner just within a few hours. I'm not sure what the updated total is right now. But there's already a proposed attack underway to question whether or not Kamala Harris actually has access to those donation dollars.
Starting point is 00:16:39 This is coming from The Washington Post here. The headline says GOPI's legal challenges as Harris assumes control of Biden's war chest. So as President Biden bowed out of the presidential race Sunday and endorsed VP Harris to be the party's nominee, he immediately dashed off a social media post asking his backers to show their support by giving to the Biden-Harris campaign committee. So the article goes on to say, if you're with us, donate to her campaign here, he wrote, posting a link to an ActBlue page accepting contributions for the Biden for President campaign. But as Biden tries to hand over the committee's millions in remaining cash to Harris,
Starting point is 00:17:22 Republican lawyers and operatives are saying not so fast. For weeks, Democratic lawyers and operatives who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal party deliberations had argued that elevating Harris to be the Democratic nominee was the easiest solution for the party. Now, rather than encouraging an array of candidates to compete in an open convention and setting off a scramble for financial support, they reasoned that anointing Harris would prevent a lot of legal headaches because her name is already on the paperwork filed with the Federal Election Commission that organized the Biden campaign committee. Within hours of Biden announcing his decision, the committee tried to make the handoff to Harris' official, submitting an eminent filing to the FEC, changing its name to Harris for president. But this is where the problems kick in. Several campaign finance lawyers aligned with Republicans argue that the campaign does not have legal authority to do that and that the maneuver is all but certain to be challenged
Starting point is 00:18:25 before the FEC or in a court of law. Charlie Spives, a prominent GOP campaign finance lawyer, said that both Biden and Harris would have to have been officially nominated by the Democratic Party at its convention next month before any kind of handoff could occur. He said in that situation, a provision in campaign finance law allows a vice president of the nominee to take control of the campaign's depository if the presidential nominee withdraws. Now, Biden can't transfer his money to Harris because it was raised under his own name. And there is no legal mechanism for it to have been raised jointly with Harris before they were the party's nominees, said Spies. So here's where the problem is.
Starting point is 00:19:16 You haven't had the convention yet. You haven't confirmed President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic candidates up to this point. President Joe Biden has dropped out. And now it's possible and it's going to be legally challenged that Vice President Harris will not have access to funds raised through the Biden-Harris campaign. Now, knowing Democrats, they find loopholes in everything. So we'll see how this story develops here. But I bet they're going to find money somewhere. Regarding President Biden and his announcement about his inability to continue running for president,
Starting point is 00:19:57 he cited health concerns along with other reasons, the inability to defeat Donald Trump in the fall. But the folks on the Republican side, they were out in full force saying if he's unfit to run for reelection, then he's unfit to run the Oval Office. Here's the first one. This Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders, not fit to run for president, not fit to serve as president. Biden should resign immediately. Another one, Senator Mike Braun. If President Biden is incapable of serving as his party's nominee, he's incapable of serving as our commander in chief for the next six months. He should resign effective immediately as a matter of national security. Senator Mike Lee, if Joe Biden is unfit to run for reelection, he's unfit to remain president.
Starting point is 00:20:52 He should resign. Senator Tommy Tuberville here. President Biden should resign immediately. For three and a half years, the corrupt media and the deep state bureaucracy have lied to the American people. Joe Biden was never mentally fit to be president. And I joined my colleagues in demanding that President Biden resign effective immediately. And the vice presidential candidate for the Republicans, J.D. Vance, had this to say. Everyone calling on Joe Biden to stop running without also calling on him to resign the presidency is engaged in an absurd
Starting point is 00:21:25 level of cynicism. If you can't run, you can't serve, he should resign now. And then, of course, Speaker Mike Johnson, the current House Speaker, calls on Biden to resign after the president announced he wouldn't seek re-election. If Joe Biden is not fit to run for president, this is 1684 control, he is not fit to serve as president. He must resign the office immediately, Johnson said in a statement Sunday afternoon. Now, it goes on to say, having invalidated the votes of more than 14 million Americans who selected Joe Biden to be the Democrat nominee for president. The self-proclaimed party of democracy has proven exactly the opposite, Johnson said. The White House said that Biden is looking forward to finishing his term when asked about some congressional Republicans who are calling on President Biden to step down from the office.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Fox News is reporting that Mr. Trump says Biden is not fit to serve. Who's going to be running the country for the next five months? Former President Trump said President Biden was not fit to run and never was. The Republican presidential nominee was reacting to Biden's announcement. He said he is the worst president in the history of our country. Donald Trump told Fox News Digital in a phone interview Sunday afternoon, there has never been a president so bad. He is not fit to serve. And I ask who is going to actually be running the country for the next five months. The former president also reportedly told CNN on Sunday that he believes Vice President Kamala Harris would be easier to defeat in November's election. And so that's some of the latest information that we have on the election of 2024 and so many factors to consider here as we move forward.
Starting point is 00:23:20 We've got a guest coming to America later this week. It's none other than Prime Minister Bibi the Baby Killer, Bibi the Butcher Netanyahu coming to the U.S. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu actually departed for the U.S. earlier today ahead of his upcoming speech at Congress and meeting with U.S. President Joe Biden. He said, I'm making an important visit to the U.S. because Israel is fighting on seven fronts and at a time of great political uncertainty in Washington. Netanyahu referred to Biden's withdrawal from the race saying, I'm supposed to meet with President Biden, President Joe Biden, who I've known for over 40 years.
Starting point is 00:24:00 This will be an opportunity to thank him for the things he did for Israel, both during the war and during his years as senator, as vice president, and as president. This visit is the fourth time I am speaking to both houses of Congress as prime minister of Israel. Fourth time. In my speech, I'll emphasize the importance of bipartisan support for Israel, and I will address our friends on both sides and tell them that regardless of who will be elected to lead the American people, Israel is the most important ally of the United States and in the Middle East, an irreplaceable ally. And so Bibi is coming to town here in just a few short hours, and we'll be smoothing along in Washington, D.C., looking forward to his speech before both houses of Congress on Friday. Over the weekend, there was a report from Anthony Blinken.
Starting point is 00:24:56 This is from Times of Israel. Our Secretary of State said that Iran is one to two weeks away from producing enough material for a nuclear weapon. It's just one or two weeks away from producing enough material for a nuclear weapon. It's just one or two weeks away, folks. It's right here. It's right on us here. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Friday warned that Iran can produce the necessary fissile material for an atomic bomb in as little as a week or two, but has yet taken steps to assemble a weapon.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Speaking at the Aspen Security Forum, Mr. Blinken indicated he was not optimistic about the chances for reform in Iran, despite the recent election of a relatively more moderate candidate as Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is still the one who calls the shots. When this administration came in, we tried to pursue again nuclear diplomacy with Iran because if you could at least take one problem off the board, which is Iran potentially with a nuclear weapon, that's inherently a good thing. So Mr. Blinken blasted Donald Trump's withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal, which the former president defended in his speech to the Republican National Convention Thursday night, saying Tehran was broke when he was in office,
Starting point is 00:26:10 was now very close to having a nuclear weapon. Mr. Blinken, however, seemed to argue that it was Trump's approach that led to Iran being on the cusp of nuclear breakout capabilities. Instead of being at least a year away from having that breakout capacity of producing fissile material for a nuclear weapon, it is now probably one or two weeks away from doing that. He said, clarifying that Iran has not yet produced a weapon itself, which would take far more time. Well, that's the latest update on news and commentary and analysis here around the world.
Starting point is 00:26:46 And so I want to encourage you to prayerfully consider supporting this ministry on a regular basis. It's very easy to support this ministry. We make it as easy as possible. You can help underwrite the production and the reporting and everything else that we do here at True News by simply going to That's the easiest way to do it.
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Starting point is 00:27:37 Remember, folks, keep the faith. The Lord is sovereign and still in charge. Even though the world's in turmoil, your place in heaven is not in turmoil. Morning Man is up next here. Let's get into the word of God here on Morning Man. I'm Jake, but my friends call me Moose Jaw. I'm a blacksmith and I like to work with my hands. I watch and trust true news.
Starting point is 00:28:04 Two things are clear to me. World War III has started, and the USA is very unstable. I have faith in God, but he expects us to use our brains and our hands to prepare for trouble. There are two things we need, food and water. That's why I buy supplies from American Reserves offers easy-to- easy to prepare chicken and beef meals, pastas, soups, and vegetables that only need boiling water. You can purchase the world famous British Birkfield gravity fed water filters
Starting point is 00:28:35 equipped with Dalton ceramic handles and other emergency supplies at My family's security is critical to me. Something big is coming. Procrastination could be costly. Act today before a crisis suddenly appears. Be ready. Be wise. Go to American Reserves dot com. You're listening to WWCR International Shortwave Radio. You can find true news on frequency 12.160 from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern and on frequency 4.840 from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Eastern. Connect with us on Rumble, Facebook, X, and Getter. Welcome to Morning Manna. This is our daily Bible study that we conduct every morning at 8 a.m.
Starting point is 00:29:22 Eastern time on I'm Dr. Burkhart. Rick is away from the morning man of death this morning, but he'll be joining us hopefully later this week. But in the meantime, we carry on and study the Word of God. We've got a great passage that is like a goldmine with things that we find in it. And so I'm very excited to get even further along. I'm going to open up our time together in a word of prayer,
Starting point is 00:29:47 and then we'll read our passage. Our passage today is Matthew 15, verses 21 through 28. We're going to continue in that, continue to glean information from that. So let's pray, and then we will get started in our study today. Heavenly Father, in Jesus' name, thank you for this glorious day which you've granted us. This is the day that you have made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. Lord, we make the choice to rejoice today. We ask that your Holy Spirit's presence would bless us and be here with us.
Starting point is 00:30:19 And Lord, we just ask for the anointing of the Holy Ghost on us today. In Jesus' name, amen and amen. All right, well, welcome to Morning Manna once again. We are going to read our passage here. Now, we've already been studying this two previous Morning Mannas, but there's just so much in this particular passage that I want to continue in it here this morning. So, I'm reading from Matthew chapter 15, verses 21 through 28. So, if've got your Bible, you can read along with me. I'm in the KJV this morning. Then Jesus went thence and departed into the coast of Tyre and Sidon.
Starting point is 00:30:53 And behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coast and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou son of David. My daughter is grievously vexed with the devil. But he answered her not a word, and his disciples came and besought him, saying, Send her away, for she crieth after us. But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me. But he answered and said, It is not meat to take the children's bread and to cast it to dogs.
Starting point is 00:31:24 And that should be more cast it to dogs. And that should be more perfectly translated little dogs. But he answered and said, It is not meat to take the children's bread and to cast it to the little dogs. And she said, Truth, Lord, yet the dogs eat of the crumbs that fall from their master's table. Then Jesus answered and said unto her, A woman great as thy faith be unto thee, even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour. God bless the reading of his word today. Now on Friday, we talked about some of the different aspects about the Canaanite woman,
Starting point is 00:32:02 where the Canaanites were mentioned in the Old Testament. They were considered like the long-term enemies of Israel. And so they actually had a curse on them. The Canaanites did, back from Genesis chapter 21. So they were considered the one
Starting point is 00:32:20 people that Israel had persisted, along with the Philistines, had persisted conflicts with the Philistines had persisted conflicts with. But Jesus and his disciples made an effort to go over to the region of Tyre and Sidon. And this is an interesting passage, as we mentioned the other day, that it's not enough that Jesus went over there. But after he went over and encountered the Canaanite woman, the Canaanite woman, his response when she said to Jesus,
Starting point is 00:32:52 my daughter has the devil, and he didn't answer a word, didn't even respond to her. His disciples came and besought him, saying, send her away, for she cried back to us. But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Now, who did he say that to? Did he say that to the Canaanite woman, or did he say it to his disciples, that phrase? Well, according to the context here, he said those words to his disciples, not to the woman. Now, she might have been a bystander there. She might have been just
Starting point is 00:33:33 hanging out. I don't know. But what we do know is Jesus is responding to his disciples' request to send her away. And then he says, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. So this begs the question once again, why did Jesus come to the region of Tyre and Sidon? Because if he was sent unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel, which he just stated here, then why Tyre and Sidrant side those are gentile cities um and even and in the first century they weren't known to really have much of a jewish
Starting point is 00:34:14 population at all so this is the real question here if he was sent to the lost sheep of house house of israel why did he go looking for him in tyrant sidon think about that for just a few minutes if his mission as he explained to his disciples was to where he was sent unto the lost sheep of the house of israel why did he go to tyrant side because he was looking for lost sheep i'm of the opinion and the conton because he was looking for lost sheep. I'm of the opinion and the contention that he was looking for those future lost sheep that would be part of the kingdom of God that would respond to the gospel. So this response that Jesus said about him being sent to the house, children of house of Israel, lost sheep of the house of Israel. That was his response to the disciples,
Starting point is 00:35:05 not to the widow woman. Next, we have this. This is verse 25. Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me. So the initial request from the Canaanite woman, back up in verse 22, she cried out, have mercy on me, or Lord, thou son son of david my son my daughter is grievously vexed with the devil and i laid out the suggestion that she at some point in time had been ministered to by the word by the word of god don't know whether she hung out with some maybe a local jewish synagogue who knows i don't know but i do know know that she recognized Jesus as the son of David. That's important. Because why would a Gentile wouldn't recognize anyone as the son of David
Starting point is 00:35:55 unless they knew the word of God. So back to verse 25. Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me. And so now it's moved from the point of her recognizing that Jesus is the Messiah, that Jesus has the ability to heal her daughter. Now she worships him. She worships him. This Gentile woman is worshipping Jesus.
Starting point is 00:36:24 I'll say it again. This Gentile woman is worshiping Jesus. I'll say it again. This Gentile woman is worshiping Jesus. That's where her faith took her. Whoever ministered this gift of faith in her life, whoever spoke the word of God into her life,
Starting point is 00:36:40 brought her from the point of recognizing as a Gentile, Jesus as Messiah, Jesus as a miracle worker, and Jesus as God. Because Jesus did not prevent the woman from worshiping him. If you look at other instances, especially in the New Testament, where you see attempts to worship angelic beings or like apostles or anything like that, they are always told, no, don't worship us. But Jesus accepted the woman's worship.
Starting point is 00:37:12 Now think about that for just a moment, if you will. Jesus accepted this Gentile woman's worship. Now remember that as we go through the context of this particular passage here, especially verse 26, where Jesus says, and it appears to be a harsh statement, says, not good
Starting point is 00:37:35 to take the children's bread, this is his response to her, and cast it to the little dogs. Now, most times when this is translated, I don't know where your translation lands as far as this verse is concerned. They usually just use the word dogs. And for many Jewish people, the Canaanites were nothing but dogs.
Starting point is 00:38:00 And not the good kind, but wild dogs. But here we have Jesus responding, it is not neat to take the children's bread and cast it to the little dogs or puppies. Now, the other day I mentioned that dogs weren't generally part of a Jewish household. So, it's not like this was meant to be a jewish response okay it was meant to be a gentile response by jesus that she could relate to that message and notice that in the original
Starting point is 00:38:40 text it doesn't say dogs or wild dogs but little dogs he could have just called her you know you're just a wild dog but no he said you know even you know the little dogs don't get a part of the children's bread now it's interesting where uh this response by Jesus takes this woman's faith. We can learn a lot from this passage, ladies and gentlemen. We can learn a tremendous amount of information from this particular passage. Okay? So the little dogs that we're talking about here are the dogs like your own. If you have a dog that lives in the house with you that's what we're talking about not a wild dog that comes in off the street but a a pet if you will that is a member of the family and yet doesn't even rank up to the status of child you understand that that if you consider the child the chosen ones let's say the jewish people if you consider the jewish people the
Starting point is 00:39:49 children of the master's table and the little dogs well they're part of the family but they're not you know they're not family right but she responded to that. Anyone else might have been discouraged by that, except faith kicked in here. Faith kicked in. She said, truth, Lord. Now, interesting, she understood exactly what Jesus was saying. Truth, Lord. Yes, Lord, I understand that.
Starting point is 00:40:24 I get it. I grasp this Lord truth Lord yet even the dogs the little dogs eat the crumbs which fall from their master's table it was if she said, I understand that the focus of your ministry is to the Jewish people. I understand that they have a special place in God's redemptive plan. Yet I also understand that your ministry extends far beyond the Jewish people. I want to be a part of that extended blessing. So there is so much that this woman understands here.
Starting point is 00:41:10 She understands him being Messiah, understands his power as a miracle worker, understands that he is divine in some manner there. And she also understands that God has a plan for his chosen people i'm just so convinced
Starting point is 00:41:31 the more i study this passage at some point in time this woman was ministered the word of god because she understands more theology this canaanite woman understands more theology in these eight verses than a lot of people sitting in pews today. She is operating in the realm of faith. That even when her seeking, her pursuit seemed to be rejected, she continued to pursue she didn't let an answer from a negative answer from the Lord stop her from seeking a blessing those two words in there yet even yet even she accepted Jesus as a description and continued to ask for mercy in spite of it. Or maybe because of it. She would not give over,
Starting point is 00:42:35 even though she'd been rejected three times. This reminds me of the story of Jacob, where he wrestled with God. You remember that story? he wrestled with God. You remember that story? Jacob wrestled with God and then toward the end of the fight, God touched his hip. He had a limp for the rest of his life
Starting point is 00:42:57 and renamed him as Israel. Jacob did not let go. It says, I will not go unless you bless me. I will not go unless you bless me. That is from Jacob. And she, the Canaanite woman here, had made up her mind, yet even, Lord, I will not go unless you bless me. Praise God. Now, maybe someone in the past has whispered something in your ear. Suppose you're not really saved.
Starting point is 00:43:48 Maybe someone said, well, you don't really know the Lord. But have you ever had to stand up and defend that? Now, I want you to know something here this woman did not battle with truth she doesn't even raise a question about it she doesn't say something like
Starting point is 00:44:16 well you bless the Jews won't you bless the Gentiles no she recognized Jesus' response truth Lord truth ladies and gentlemen No, she recognized Jesus' response. Truth, Lord. Truth. Ladies and gentlemen, the Word of God declares, you shall know the truth, and the truth will do what? It will set you free.
Starting point is 00:44:39 And so this woman acknowledges the truth of the Lord's statement that Jesus was sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, that even the blessings that were for the children aren't meant for the little puppies. She understood all that. But she said, even the little puppies, even the little puppies eat the crumbs which fall from their master's table isn't that something isn't that something because what you're going to see next is mind-blowing
Starting point is 00:45:20 it's absolutely mind-blowing when it comes to this walk of faith that we're in. You may be asking the question, it's not right to take bread from the children and toss it to the dogs. Once again, this was a response to a Gentile mindset that Jesus gave because Jews generally didn't have dogs. So this was a Gentile response, as I said earlier. But the little dogs are part of the household,
Starting point is 00:45:51 but they're not family. You understand? And it wouldn't be right if you gave the children's plate to the dogs. In other words, there was a reward for being a child of the master. They were treated with special food that was just for them. It wasn't meant for puppies, right? But the puppies still
Starting point is 00:46:14 had an overflow, a trickle-down blessing by the fact that they were there at the master's table and could receive blessing. And that's where this canaanite woman sees herself she she recognizes that she's just a little dog at the master's table and yet even the little dogs were granted crumbs because a crumb of faith just a crumb of faith is all you need for your miracle. You don't need a whole plate full. You don't need the full plate of faith in order to receive God's blessing. You just need a crumb to fall from the table. Because all it takes is a crumb.
Starting point is 00:47:01 That's it. That's all it takes is a crumb. Because listen to what Jesus says here in verse 28. Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith, be it unto thee as thy
Starting point is 00:47:17 will. Now, I think it's significant to note here that in all four gospelsels, all four Gospels, the only person that Jesus had said directly to that they had great faith was this woman right here, a Gentile woman. Now, you may say, well, what about the Roman centurion back over in Matthew chapter 8? Jesus said he had great faith, but he was speaking it to the crowd that day. This passage here in chapter 15, verse 28,
Starting point is 00:47:58 is the only place where Jesus commended an individual for their great faith. The only place. The only place. The only place. He never said this to another person. It's significant that in the other passage in Matthew 8, where it's the centurion, even though he didn't say it to him directly, both of these, he uses the phrase, you know, great is your faith for both of
Starting point is 00:48:26 them they were both gentiles both of them were gentiles one sought jesus out the other jesus out what can we learn from this well great faith can be found in unexpected places not merely among gentiles all right but a centurion and a woman just a crumb is all we need. Sometimes great faith is measured by the challenge involved or its disadvantages. Now, think about this. Both the centurion and this Canaanite woman were likely not raised in Judaism. The centurion, even though he financed the synagogue in Capernaum, could not sit in the pews or the seating inside the very synagogue he helped pay for. This Gentile woman, this Canaanite woman, where she learned this faith, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:49:47 But she had it as a Gentile. Faith can often be found in unexpected places. But these two individuals, the centurion and the Canaanite woman, did not have to be raised up in Judaism in order to be blessed by the Lord. Amen? raised up in Judaism in order to be blessed by the Lord amen now there are those today that want to have you believe that you have to take on Jewish practices and a Jewish faith do Jewish moons and feasts and all these other things these Gentiles didn't have to do it, and yet God rewarded their faith. Amen? He didn't say to the centurion,
Starting point is 00:50:28 well, I'll bless you, but you've got to become Jewish first. And he didn't say to the Canaanite woman, well, I would bless you, and I am just sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, but you can't have anything unless you become a Jew. My friend, faith is often great in our life when it's challenged. So I'm going to read this, verses 27 and 28 again here. And she said,
Starting point is 00:51:05 Truth, Lord, yet the dogs eat of the crumbs would fall from their master's table then jesus answered and said unto her a woman great is thy faith your faith be it unto thee even as thou wilt now one other thing to point out here and her daughter was made whole from that very hour one other thing to point out here is jesus didn't go to her house he didn't need to he didn't have to it wasn't necessary at all for him to go to the canaanite woman's house he just said, your faith, your faith, be it unto thee even as thou wilt. Praise God. This woman had crumb faith. Yet crumb faith was enough faith to heal her little daughter. Even a crumb.
Starting point is 00:52:10 That God lets fall from the master's table. And if you've had a dog. You know dogs love to sit around the table and everything. Just waiting for that. Being a sausage to drop off the table. Or something there right. That's part of the blessing of being in the household. This woman considered herself just part of the household,
Starting point is 00:52:35 but not even one that could sit at the table. Praise God. There's just so much in this, folks. Oh, woman, great is thy faith, be it under thee, even as I wilt. And her daughter was made whole this very same hour. So once again no one else in the gospels receives
Starting point is 00:52:54 this accolade. No one. The closest we come to it is another Gentile the centurion and Jesus doesn't even say that directly to him. He speaks to the crowd in that instance. So, O woman, great is thy faith. Let it be unto you as you desire.
Starting point is 00:53:17 So, what made her faith great? What made her faith so great that Jesus would say, look at this? Let's consider what makes her faith great. Her faith was great because, first of all, it was unlikely. No one might have expected a Gentile to trust Jesus so much. And it's interesting that Matthew brings out these two stories in a gospel that was written mainly for a Jewish audience. He puts these two Gentile faith people in the scriptures.
Starting point is 00:53:55 There's no accident about that, folks. He was telling, Matthew was telling his Jewish audience, this gospel is not limited to us anymore. Her faith was great because she worshipped Jesus even before she had an answer from him. Think about that. She worshipped Jesus even before she got an answer from him. Think about that.
Starting point is 00:54:28 How many times have you prayed, asked the Lord to do something in your own life, work a miracle in your life, and you just continue in the asking, but you never get into the worshiping? She worshipped Jesus
Starting point is 00:54:43 even before she got an answer from him. She worshiped Jesus even before she got an answer from him. She persisted in her faith. She persisted in her worship. Her faith was great because it had been severely tested as well. You know, it's hard to think of a greater test than a demon possessed child think about that it's hard to think of a greater test than a demon possessed child and yet this canaanite woman knew who had the answer
Starting point is 00:55:24 so her faith was initially tried by the fact that she had a demon-possessed daughter. But her faith continued to be tried as she sought out Jesus. Her faith continued to be tried as Jesus appeared to reject her request. But that rejection of her request only prompted her to become even more determined more persistent in seeking the Lord for an answer my friend
Starting point is 00:55:57 don't miss out on the opportunity to worship after you ask don't miss the opportunity to worship after you ask I'll also say that her faith was great because it was very clever she responded to Jesus same way Jesus had responded to her she turned jesus words inside out and made what might have been taken as an insult as a door open for faith her faith was great because it concerned a need right in front of her and a real need at that. She needed her daughter delivered. You know, sometimes we don't think that the Lord
Starting point is 00:56:55 will answer our request because we give up the first time through. You could say that this woman's faith conquered Jesus. That this woman's faith conquered Jesus. He not only healed her daughter without even going to the house, but he did so immediately. That same hour.
Starting point is 00:57:24 Something she hadn't even asked for the woman didn't ask for that did she she just asked uh have mercy on me the son of david never did she even ask that that her daughter be delivered it went on to say, Lord, help me. I'm of the opinion that maybe this woman knew that God was going to heal her daughter at some point, and yet she had not met the man with the answer until today. Until today. Now, as we finish up our passage here today, it's interesting to note that Jesus did nothing else in Tyre and Sidon. Didn't do a thing.
Starting point is 00:58:16 Did nothing else in Tyre and Sidon. They took a boat ride over the coast of Tyre and Sidon. They encountered this Canaanite woman. Jesus had this interchange, and they departed. Verse 29, they departed. That's what we're going to pick up tomorrow. Well, it was as if the only reason why Jesus went to Tyre and Sidon
Starting point is 00:58:42 was this divine appointment to meet the need of this woman and her afflicted daughter. Praise God. Well, we appreciate you tuning in to Morning Man. I hope and pray that it's been a blessing to you. Rick has some outside obligations this week, and so I'm flying a bit solo. But it's still a great opportunity to say the Word of God, and I hope you've been blessed today with this passage. On the Tuesday edition of Morning Manna, we are going to be looking at verses 29 through 31. And so if you'd like to read ahead and prepare
Starting point is 00:59:19 your hearts for that, I would appreciate it. God bless you, and we'll see you on the very next edition of Morning Manor. You can find True News on frequency 12.160 from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern and on frequency 4.840 from 10 p.m. to 2 p.m. Eastern. Connect with us on Rumble, Facebook, X, and Getter.

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