TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Canada Church Seizure: Has Great Tribulation Started?

Episode Date: April 9, 2021

Today on TRUNEWS, host Edward Szall provides an update on the latest from GraceLife Church in Alberta, Canada, and then the team looks at the Communist connections tying Justin Trudeau to Fidel Castro..., and how they share the common goal of cracking down on Christian churches….and more. Edward Szall, Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate (04/08/21)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit This is True News for Thursday, April 8th, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll. Yesterday in Canada, maple leaf thugs seized Grace Life Church for gathering to worship Jesus Christ on Resurrection Weekend. The province of Alberta deployed a gang of police, roll mounties, and mercenary private security to ring the church with a double chain-linked fence. Today, they added another. Lawyers for Pastor James Coates says the fight has just begun for the survival of
Starting point is 00:01:05 religious freedom in North America. The Alberta government moved to delay their trial of Pastor Coates and his congregation due to a lack of evidence to justify their tyranny. As for Pastor Coates, he says he's willing to lay down his life to fulfill the Great Commission. We have a Lord that we are to submit to and follow, and we are committed to obeying Him all the way to the grave. And insofar as that puts us in this position whereby we are now given this visibility, well, we're going to have to be faithful in this arena as well. But it's not a statement. We're not political revolutionaries. We are followers of Christ.
Starting point is 00:01:49 And insofar as we are committed to follow him and love our neighbor, we are here to take the stand that we are. You know, ultimately, the only hope that we have is in Christ. He is the King of kings, and he is the Lord of lords. And our call is to be obedient and faithful until he comes or calls us home. And so I would say, walk in obedience to Christ, stand up for his honor and glory, uphold his lordship over all of life, and serve his headship over the church. And we'll just continue to hope and pray that as his people stand up as the salt of the earth, that he might turn the tide and allow us to see
Starting point is 00:02:26 human flourishing here in our country go on for another decade or two or longer. And so may God bless this country and may he bless it on account of us, his people, who are standing for him in his honor and glory. Joining me to discuss this story and Justin Trudeau's communist daddy, our True News founder, Rick Walsh and Doc Burkhardt. Hey, Edward. Edward, sad day for Canada, for the Christian faith in North America. state state government in canada has made itself an enemy of christ and has dared to say that the state has the authority to seize a church and to shut down a church and to prevent men and women and children from worshiping God, which is their purpose for living.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Yes. Your purpose for living is to worship God. You have no other purpose, no other higher purpose to be alive, to have breath, to have a soul, than to worship God, to glorify God. That is the purpose of humans on the earth, to worship God, to glorify God. That is the purpose of humans on the earth, to worship God. And the Alberta Health Service says it has more authority, more power than Almighty God.
Starting point is 00:03:56 And it can order human beings not to worship the creator. Alberta Health Service is on a fast track to a collision with Almighty God. And there doesn't appear to be that many, at least, leaders out there standing up for the church at all. In fact, I hear nothing but crickets. We'll talk more about the opposition that's coming, surprisingly, from other churches and religious organizations in Canada and here in the U.S. Well, this raid didn't happen overnight.
Starting point is 00:04:27 It definitely wasn't planned overnight. Rick, they had contracts ready, a fencing company. They had their paladin security service ready to come in. And they had the media, a train of them, ready to record this act yesterday. We're now learning that a third fence has been put up. The church, they've been rather mum on a statement, other than what we saw with Pastor Coates there, saying that he's definitely not submitting. They have said they're planning to meet this Sunday.
Starting point is 00:04:54 This is a leak from a congregation member. They're saying they're going to meet on the outskirts of the church. It's actually in the field south of the church there in Spruce Grove, Alberta. And they're going to worship with Grace Life Church and the chain link fence in the background. Well, I applaud them. I think they have to go farther than that than standing in a farm field. The Alberta Health Service is a trespasser. They have illegally seized private property, not only private property, but sacred property. It's not just private property. It's not
Starting point is 00:05:32 just somebody's home or somebody's farm. It's land set aside for the worship of Almighty God. Consecrated land. It is consecrated land and the Atlanta Health Service has chosen to defy God. Now, Doc, you said not many church leaders in Alberta are stepping up to defend the church. That's not a surprise. Most of them are cowards, but they don't need hundreds and thousands of pastors. One man and God make a majority. I absolutely agree with you on that.
Starting point is 00:06:12 One man and God equal a majority. Hallelujah. Almighty God himself will fight for Pastor Coates. If he doesn't give in, if he doesn't surrender, if his faith doesn't buckle and he caves in, God will stand with him. Even if God has to shake Alberta, physically shake Alberta. I believe that with all my heart. I believe it with you, Rick.
Starting point is 00:06:39 And this battlefield they're fighting on right now, it is the front line. Yesterday, Satanists showed up. People from the Church of the front line. Yesterday, Satanists showed up. People from the Church of Satan showed up to Christ. No, Satanists showed up with the fence. They were there at 8 a.m. Yeah, they were there with the fence. The second wave came and began berating those who came out in the winds and the cold weather to protest this disgusting act by the government of Alberta.
Starting point is 00:07:02 We grabbed a clip from an exchange that happened yesterday outside Grace Life Church. You're out here. You seem like you're against what's going on here. Well, yeah, COVID seems to be an issue, and these guys are going to try and steal my stuff off my back of my truck. Can you catch that, please?
Starting point is 00:07:19 That's theft and vandalism. No, no, no, leave it on. Oh, that's different. They can just... Can you please not kill just... Touch my sign. That's theft and vandalism. I'll have them take you in, okay? Okay, fine, fine.
Starting point is 00:07:32 It's just funny because you like to just harass everybody around here. Really? You're a Satanist, okay? No, actually, I'm a pagan. Oh, you're a pagan. I live right over there. Oh, really? So you say you're a Satanist, though?
Starting point is 00:07:43 No. Go to, okay? Anybody that looks like you, I wouldn'tist though? No. Go to, okay? Anybody that looks like you, I wouldn't want to be with. Go to You better lose some weight. Is that all you got? Is that all you got? Fuck off.
Starting point is 00:07:54 You're fat! Wow! Is that all you got? Is that all you have? Well, you know, you believe in a God, but not a virus? Go figure. Just because you can't see it? That's a way to go about life. You know there's a thing called science, okay? Yeah there is. Read a medical journal outside of your little book there. Yeah okay Jack. Yeah. Yeah. Brainwashed. Brainwashed? I'm
Starting point is 00:08:15 brainwashed. You're the cultist my friend. And you know what? I do believe that COVID is a thing. It's been scienced. I'm here just as you guys are here to protest. Do you realize it's a 99% recovery rate? Okay, so what's the infection rate? What is it? You tell me. 10%, almost 10%. We're just under right now.
Starting point is 00:08:32 Have you been tied? So you're a doctor? No, I read a medical journal. How about you? You watch TV, CNN? I educated myself. How about you? What are you part of?
Starting point is 00:08:41 QAnon? Are you following QAnon and all that stuff? Is that what your group's all about? Rick, the Church of Satan complies with the mask and vaccination orders. That should tell you enough right there. You know what the mortality rate is for that virus, that prognosis? That's 100% eternal death. That's sad. And that is the front line, Rick. You don't hear anybody in the united states talking about this story but this story has direct implications for us here in america what is what's the reaction of uh religious leaders in canada they've come out against
Starting point is 00:09:18 grace life they're actually against the church against the church and for the state they believe the state did the right thing there's a a local pastor that was quoted as saying that he believes that Grace Life now has time to reflect on the decisions they've made. They've actually interviewed heads of synagogues, heads of mosques, but the ones that really stung were the heads of so-called Christian churches in the area. One church specifically was very, very vocal. This church is considered to be a homosexual-friendly church. It's Knox United Church in Calgary, Alberta. Then it's not a Christian church. No such thing. It's like the Church of Satan. It's a church, a congregation of apostates.
Starting point is 00:10:05 What they said was, this is good news. The bad news is that it took so long for the AHS to act. They, of course, tried to quote Romans 13 as justification for the shutdown, the attack on the congregation there at Grace Life. But they said this church ignored orders arrogantly, flagrantly. Thus, the government had no choice but to wring their church in iron. The government has no authority to tell people that they cannot gather to worship Almighty God. End of discussion. I absolutely agree with you. I don't care who you are. I don't care what
Starting point is 00:10:44 government you are. You do not have the authority to tell human beings that they cannot gather to worship their creator. That authority does not exist. They want to talk about separation of church and state? Okay, then separate. Right. Get out of the church. Because Alberta Health Service obviously doesn't believe in
Starting point is 00:11:06 separation church and state. Well, they have their own religion. They've got the religion of COVID, the religion of tyranny, the original lockdowns. Is that not a religion? You think about the way they're zealously enforcing this to recruit officers, to recruit officials, and in this case, recruiting other religious leaders to criticize Grace Life. It's become a cult. That's the real cult, not the church, not the confessing church who stood up there. Well, social media has been on a rampage against the church there at Grace Life. Here's some examples here. We'll show you just a sampling of some of the responses. Wrong with members of a death cult. that's what they're calling it,
Starting point is 00:11:48 gather together to become infected. That affects all citizens and essential care resources. Next one. What gives a segment of the population the right to continually feel exempt from following health regulations during a virus outbreak that has resulted in sickness and death? Another example. They're violating public health orders that the Alberta government has mandated and putting hundreds of people at risk
Starting point is 00:12:09 as people who claim to follow God. They should be trying to assist their fellow man, not create super spreader events. Andy said, as an evangelical, don't you think that the Christian church should set an example of obedience? They are not being prevented from preaching the gospel, but to gather if necessary, whatever numbers allowed and using appropriate protocols from one of your constituents. Another example here. I can't believe people are this brainwashed. This cult literally did this to themselves.
Starting point is 00:12:41 This is a self-inflicted persecution. No sympathy. This thread stated that there are consequences for not following rules. There's nothing wrong with having your religious service over a YouTube channel or television. To this, Josiah from Canada said, it's what my church has been doing. I've been editing the video for them and putting it online. We have in-person services that are limited to 50 people, socially distanced, mass, mandatory provisional regulations. It's really not that hard. Okay. Another example here. This is Michelle. So much for protecting Albertans' health and safety during a deadly escalating pandemic.
Starting point is 00:13:17 Do harm to others is the best way forward. Political gain comes first. Tiffany said, No, it's not tyrannical. Grace Life Church disregarded all measures, believing themselves above the law under the guise of religious liberty. They are finding out that they are indeed not above the law. This is not religious persecution either. This is consequences for actions. Well, I would say Alberta is going to discover that its law is not above God. That's what this is coming down to.
Starting point is 00:13:50 He's the supreme authority. And you'll have the last word here. They talked about the regulations, the protocols. It says obey the law. There is no law. That's right. There is no law passed by the Canadian Parliament ordering churches to shut down. There's no law. There are mandates issued by bureaucrats, unelected bureaucrats.
Starting point is 00:14:15 The mandate says a Canadian church, at least in the province of Alberta, cannot have more than 15 percent of its congregation present for a meeting. 15%. So which 15% gets to come to church, Rick? So 85% not allowed to worship God. So Alberta Health Services, 85% of a church congregation is not permitted to worship God. Who gives them that power? And if the health services can lock you out of your building, out of your own building, then who owns that building?
Starting point is 00:14:51 The Canadian Health Service. That's exactly right. They trespassed on private property, not only private property, but sacred property. They trespassed. They stole the property. They put a fence around it and they defied almighty god these wimpy spineless church members that are chiming in from other churches if they belong to churches but obviously they don't know about the prophet daniel Because there was a law passed there by the king,
Starting point is 00:15:26 the king's decree, that no one could pray out loud. Yes. Daniel said, oh, really? I'm going to go home, and I'm going to open the windows and the doors, and I'm going to pray really loud. Wow. Well, Rick, didn't he read Romans 13? No, he had neighbors who snitched on him.
Starting point is 00:15:48 That's right. He had neighbors who snitched on him and reported to the king that Daniel was in his house praying aloud. He was thrown into the lion's den, but the lions did need him. And in the morning, when the king discovered that Daniel was alive and the lions were sleeping in his lap, the king realized what he had done was wrong. And the king rounded up the bureaucrats that convinced him to sign that decree. And he threw them into the lion's den and the lions ate them. And I pray in the name of almighty God, in the name of Jesus Christ, that Dr. Yu of the Alberta Health Service will come face to face with the power of Almighty God. In whatever manner the sovereign God of the universe chooses to display his power and glory to her. She is an arrogant woman.
Starting point is 00:16:49 And I personally believe we may be witnessing a Chinese communist infiltration of health departments in Canada and the United States. We're witnessing, this is a communist takeover, and it's not just of Canada. This is a communist takeover of the world. China is running a global takeover. They use COVID. They created COVID in a laboratory. They released COVID. They are destroying nations. They create a COVID in a laboratory. They release COVID. They are destroying nations.
Starting point is 00:17:26 They're destroying civilization. And this is a planned operation from the top levels of the Chinese Communist Party. The Chinese Communist Party needs to be designated the enemy of the world. It must be designated the enemy of mankind. And it must be destroyed. In the strongest manner, destroyed. The China Communist Party must be destroyed. It is an enemy of mankind. To the West following the religion of COVID, Rick,
Starting point is 00:17:58 the real enemy, apparently, in their eyes, is white evangelicals. This is the New York Times. They say white evangelicals. This is the New York Times. They say white evangelical resistance is an obstacle in vaccination efforts. Now, this is in spite of the truth, Rick, which the truth is 55 to 60 percent of white evangelicals support the vaccine. They absolutely are in favor of it. There's a block that are somewhat open to it, and then there's a block that's resisting. That's the ones they're worried about,
Starting point is 00:18:34 the 20% that are resisting of white evangelicals out there. What do you do to an obstacle? Well, Rick, the purpose of an obstacle is to, I mean, to block. If it's in your way, you've got to remove that obstacle. You either destroy the obstacle or you remove the obstacle. One of the two. So the New York Times, part of the anti-Christian propaganda it spews out every week, is declaring white evangelical Christians in America as an obstacle to public health policy.
Starting point is 00:19:05 That's right. Which makes, they're saying white Christians are dangerous to society. That's the propaganda that's being put into the minds of people. The good news is fewer and fewer people read the New York Times. That's the good news is fewer and fewer people read the New York Times. That's the good news. Yeah, and we read it for you so you don't have to infect your mind with it. Well, we have another one. This is from a website called The Conversation.
Starting point is 00:19:36 So what they've done here is they're starting to try to tie this resistance to wearing masks, resistance to socially distance, to what they're calling Christian nationalism. What is Christian nationalism? Christians love America. Is that what Christian nationalism is? Or they're clearly trying to say it's a terrorist thing. They just don't love America, Rick. Christians love white America. They make that connection in this article. So black Christians don't love America. Is that what they're saying?
Starting point is 00:20:02 Yeah, that's basically it. No, what they're doing is they're blaming white Christians, white Christians for all the ills of society, all the problems of society and the current pandemic and the resistance to the vaccine. All right, because we'll go back to the New York Times headline. White evangelicals. Yes.
Starting point is 00:20:24 They're stirring hatred against white Christians. The plan is to eliminate white Christians. I've said this for years. They have a plan of genocide in mind. We're witnessing the formation of a genocidal policy against white Christians. If you're a white Christian who loves America, you have been targeted for elimination. You're an obstacle. That's where they're taking us. Well, the man chosen to carry this out in Canada is the Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau. And he had this message to share of a resurrection weekend. He said, it's the start of a long weekend.
Starting point is 00:21:20 I know that means you'd normally be getting together with your entire family for a few days of fun. But with the number of COVID cases rising across the country, we're all going to have to do things differently again this year. A little, Justin, let me tell you about Resurrection Weekend. We don't get together for days of fun. We get together to remember and to rejoice in the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, who was crucified by the Jews, put to death. Who bore in his body all the sins of mankind. It's not a couple of days of fun. It's it's worship, the worship that you are prohibiting. Right.
Starting point is 00:22:01 Let's be real about this. Your government seeks to prohibit Christians from worshiping the risen Savior, Jesus Christ. But Justin Trudeau, you're a communist. And you notice in that tweet that he sent out, Rick, he had no mention of Resurrection Sunday, had no mention of Jesus Christ, why there's a long weekend, anything like that. Just days of fun. Right, just days of fun. It's just, you know, a vacation. You know, it's a four-day weekend that we do. Forget about the reason why we do it, but we just have it. Because he won't acknowledge that. Because why, Edward? Well, because he sees Christians as the threat, as the problem, actually the worst of Canadian society.
Starting point is 00:22:49 This is the Christian Post in 2018. There's a quote in this article from Pastor Steve Long. He's a Canadian Baptist minister. He said, I have met Justin Trudeau three times. Sadly, my last meeting with him in his office was very disappointing. He told me that evangelical Christians were the worst part of Canadian society. Oh, white evangelical Christians are the worst part of the Canadian society. That came out of the mouth of Justin Trudeau.
Starting point is 00:23:27 Now, this came at a time when he was working to make sure that no Christians, no pro-life groups could get federal funding unless they supported abortion. He also was coming off the heels of mocking the Last Supper, mocking divine appointment, divine intervention in the world. Justin Trudeau has channeled a spirit of the Antichrist throughout his prime ministership. And we're starting to realize that he may have adopted this not just from his mocking of God, his own upbringing, but more so maybe a communistic leaning that starts going back all the way to his father. Well, and don't forget that just late last year, he had Chinese troops in Canada doing war drills in Canada. China, PLA soldiers in Canada.
Starting point is 00:24:13 That's not conspiracy theory. Canada has admitted to this now. Yeah, there was so much backlash. The defense minister had to come out and say, we have to end this. We're no longer going to train the Chinese in North America to fight in North America. But there wasn't, to lack of pushback from Justin Trudeau's government, Global Affairs, for example, the foreign ministry, they opposed this decision. They wanted to continue working with the Chinese. That's their Department of State.
Starting point is 00:24:42 So the Canadian Department of State said, no, no, don't end it. We want Chinese PLA troops in Canada. Why would their State Department want the Chinese in their country? Could it be that they have a Chinese agent already leading it? Or it could be they know China is going to take over North America and they want to be on China's good side when it happens. I'm going to go with Edward, that Justin Trudeau is a communist, just like his, well, his, either his real father or his, you know, alleged father, both were communists. Alleged father. Well, let's talk about, let's talk about a long running rumor about Justin Trudeau and who his real father may be. So you see in this, this 2000 footage is actually the funeral of one of Justin's fathers, Pierre Trudeau, who was an avowed communist who did tour Russia and China. This is Justin Trudeau at the funeral for his father, meeting Fidel Castro, reportedly for the first time.
Starting point is 00:25:48 Now, there's long been a rumor, Rick, that that's actually his father. It was a warm embrace by Commius Castro. Looks like he's sizing him up. Oh, you look strong. You look good. This is reportedly the first time they met, Rick. But the real odd part about this affair is that Justin Trudeau in 2016, when Fidel Castro passed away, was one of the only world leaders to give a eulogy for the communist dictator. At Fidel Castro's funeral. Yes.
Starting point is 00:26:22 He called him a legendary revolutionary and orator. He was actually criticized for his level of reverence toward the communist dictator, the man responsible for mass death. So you gentlemen are suggesting that Fidel Castro is Justin Trudeau's father. There are, that rumor has been out there for many years. And this doctor, Karen Lieberwitz. She's actually outright in her mind. She's convinced of this. I've looked at the evidence data It's a very interesting subject. So as you see on screen here today what we've done here Karen put together photos of Fidel Castro and
Starting point is 00:27:02 Justin Trudeau you see on the left there, the ones in color are Justin, the ones on the right are someone who might be his father. Well, I guarantee you, if you put a photograph of Pierre Trudeau, he absolutely does not look like Pierre Trudeau. Oh, it's a complete misnomer. He doesn't even look even close to it. Here, this is Pierre Trudeau, the man who's alleged to be Justin's father. Well, the thing about Justin Trudeau's father, Pierre, and his mother, Margaret, is they were notorious, notorious in the sense that they were cheating on each other often. Now, they actually had visited, very good friends with Fidel Castro, spent a lot of time with him.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Here's the photos in 1976, a trip. This is the first time they were meeting. Margaret in the top left there is hanging off Fidel's arm. Rick, the only thing I found today that might be of interest to this story, because the Canadian government has resoundingly denied this. Is it Fidel on the left? It's Fidel on the left. He's in black and white on the right.
Starting point is 00:27:58 He looks identical. Yes, it's very odd. It turns out, Rick, about nine and a half months before Justin's birth, his mom and dad went on a mysterious trip to the Caribbean. It was reported by the Ottawa Journal in 1971. Press weren't allowed to go. Again, eight and a half months later, this rendezvous reportedly produced Justin. Are you suggesting that Pierre Trudeau took his wife to communist Cuba to be impregnated by Fidel Castro? Boy, that would be quite the salacious turn of events.
Starting point is 00:28:37 Would explain the communist leanings and actions of the son now in persecuting the Church of Christ in Canada. Well, his father was a known communist. Yes. In 1952, Pierre Trudeau went to the Soviet Union. And that was a time when Westerners just didn't walk into the Soviet Union. But he went to the Soviet Union with four or six Canadian communists, and they went there for the purpose of studying economics in the Soviet Union. Yes, Rick.
Starting point is 00:29:13 I hope we get to address this again in another segment. The history is deep. He's definitely a communist, and you have to now wonder if his father has inspired his persecution of the church. Thank you for watching part one. We'll be back in just a moment. I can make no such promise for the picture you're about to watch. The story isn't over. It's a great reset. It's a conspiracy. Less than 50 years after the communists seized power in Russia,
Starting point is 00:29:55 the conspiracy that is communism is stronger, more determined than ever, growing in the image of its leaders. We have to prepare for a more angry world. Their target is us, our institutions, our religions, our families, our children. It has not hesitated to use force wherever possible to impose itself on unwilling people and to hold them in abject subjugation. What has happened so far, what is happening now is far from encouraging. how we meet the communist challenge depends on you the preceding program was made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit

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