TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - CDC Admits Vaccinated Are shedding COVID virus to others
Episode Date: July 28, 2021Today on TruNews, Edward Szall and Rick Wiles discuss the push by the Biden administration to mandate all federal employees to get the jab. They also look at the self-confession of the CDC that the v...accinated are carrying and spreading the so-called Delta variant. Lauren Witzke joins the godcast to discuss the further escalation of upcoming conflict with China, and also talking about the impact of the China Virus to produce Post COVID Fatigue Syndrome, prompting the Biden Administration with an opportunity to provide millions with checks under federal disability. Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Lauren Witzke, Doc Burkhart, Kerry Kinsey. Airdate (7/28/21)
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Welcome to True News. I'm Edward Zoll.
Today we've got an action-packed show specifically focused on our president's mandate of vaccines for federal employees and an admission by the CDC that those who are vaccinated are shedding the COVID variant on the general population.
But first, here is Kerry Kensey with today's True News Headlines.
Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey.
The UK Daily Mail says a Minnesota woman who contracted COVID after getting the vaccine
had to have both of her legs amputated and will soon have her hands amputated too. Jumai Nashe is a medical
assistant from Minneapolis. She got the second dose on February 1st. A few days later, she went
to urgent care with chest pains. About a week later, she tested positive for COVID. Doctors
say she had arterial blood clots and multiple inflammatory syndrome. That's a condition where
many organs in the body become inflamed. For information on this story and more,
please visit our companion site. It's called UK Daily Mail says more than half
of people labeled as COVID hospital patients in England only tested positive after being admitted for a different reason.
The NHS England data suggests the pressure of the third wave on hospitals may be even less severe than the daily numbers show.
Now, experts slam the finding as misleading.
They say officials must do more to separate actual COVID admissions and
incidental cases. Two students at L.A.'s Loyola Marymount University have sued the school over
its requirement that they be vaccinated before coming to school this fall. They say the treatment Treatment is like apartheid. The two are Ryan Canthla Fixe and Riley O'Neill.
Canthla Fixe says the vaccine violates his religious principles
because cells from aborted fetuses were used in its development. says California National Guardsmen will have to get the jab by early August
or face regular testing.
The mandate comes despite the fact that the Defense Department does not have a vaccination requirement for the rest of the force.
California is going to require all state employees to be vaccinated or face weekly testing.
That will include the state's National Guard.
That's a look at True News headlines.
Thank you for watching.
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Welcome back to True News.
On this segment, we're going to be discussing the federal mandate that,
according to sources that spoke with CNN, is coming as soon as Thursday from Joe Biden.
Now, Rick, the president has said that everyone but the military in federal employment,
about 2 million employees, on Thursday will not have to face vaccination or weekly testing.
This mandate could easily be expanded past this,
but it sends quite a message
to private companies and organizations,
and maybe even a pressure,
a heads up to the churches in this country,
that a mandate could be on the horizon.
Well, it's obvious the heavy-handed
tactics are now kicking in. Yes. We've waited for since January when the vaccines were introduced.
When would the federal government start to use the hammer on people? So they're starting with
federal employees, federal contractors, and U.S. Postal Service workers.
Interesting that they won't say the U.S. military.
Why do you think that is, Rick?
I think they're afraid.
I think they're afraid that there will be mutiny, widespread mutiny among the troops.
I think they're very afraid of it, and they're not quite sure if they're going to do it.
So they're going to do it. So they're going to
do this incrementally, and they'll see what kind of pushback they get from postal workers, from,
I mean, just rank and file federal employees. That's everybody from secretaries working in
federal office buildings to park rangers to a patrol, to FBI, all of them.
Everybody's covered, plus the contractors.
The VA, was it Monday or Tuesday of this week that the VA mandated that all employees would have to be vaccinated?
Monday afternoon.
So you saw the first, they put their toe in the water Monday to kind of test the response and everything.
So now they're getting ready to go full out.
When do you expect they will mandate it for the military?
I don't know.
I think they're testing the waters to see what kind of reaction that they get.
This includes the contractors, which means if you work for a company that has a contract
with the federal government, you are now obligated to be vaccinated.
So if you are like a food service deliverer, let's say, you know, that supplies products
for cafeterias at the Pentagon, whatever, all your employees would have to be vaccinated
Well, it'd be interesting to see, is it only the employees that have direct contact with
federal agencies?
Or is it every employee of a contractor
that has a contract with the federal government?
I don't know how this is coming down,
but it's the first sign.
And we're also seeing some of the Democratic-led states,
New York, California, North Carolina, others, Illinois,
that are also starting to issue mandatory vaccination orders.
Orlando, too.
Orange County.
Enough here in Florida.
It's not doing it at state level, but there are cities.
There are cities.
Orange County being the county that is overarching over Orlando.
But the county itself went out.
Seeing this announcement from CNN about what Joe Biden's going to do tomorrow, they went ahead and announced yesterday they will be doing something very similar.
They're starting with health sector employees,
but also they said, the Atlanta one,
is actually more draconian than I even saw with New York
or many of the cities in California.
Because it's a Democrat-led county.
Yeah, and it's a Democrat-led county.
They're actually saying all employees of the county.
And there will be exemptions.
That's the thing I have seen,
is there will be religious exemptions. But they haven't really specified what that will entail, what we have to do to do this.
Do you remember a month or two ago, Fauci admitted that a third of his staff was not
vaccinated? I remember that, yes. Dr. Fauci's staff, a third. He couldn't convince the last
third to get vaccinated. They knew too much to go get it. They knew too much. They knew too much about Fauci, and they didn't trust him.
I heard today that in some hospitals, 30 to 50 percent of the doctors and nurses are not
Why is that?
Because they know too much.
So what is going to happen when every doctor and nurse is told you must be vaccinated or
you cannot come back to work.
Well, they're going to require weekly testing of them.
And of course, that weekly testing, they're not going to make it easy.
They're going to make it difficult.
They're going to make it a hurdle you have to go through every single week.
And they know they'll wear you down with it.
They know that eventually you're just going to say, I'd rather just get a shot in the arm than put up with this nonsense.
A certain percentage of it.
Of course, there will always be some that hold out. But my question is, can the federal government actually mandate
federal employees to be vaccinated? Can they do it? I mean, I don't know, Edward. Is that
something they can't actually do? They certainly think so. The Department of Justice actually
issued, let's see, it was a legal guidance. The official that is
named on a letter that came out just a few days ago. The initial policy, they had them look into
it beginning on the 6th of July, but on the 26th of July, they published a conclusion. The conclusion
was it is legal. And the official is Dawn Johnson. She's the acting assistant attorney general of the
legal counsel for the Department of Justice.
Now, they're saying that because there's access to COVID-19 vaccines and it's more commonplace
and that numerous educational institutions, employees and other entities across the United States
have said they want to require and will require, it turns out that they can actually mandate. They said vaccinating as a condition of employment is legal, according to the Department of Justice,
as in they won't stop employees from doing it.
And the federal government now is taking this as the green light to move ahead inside the federal government itself.
But the vaccines are still under emergency use authorization.
They're not really fully authorized by the FDA yet, Rick. And so it's
like, how can they mandate something that hasn't even been fully approved by the FDA?
I don't know. I think that they're open for lawsuits. And I think everybody who is opposed
to being forced to take a vaccine that you don't trust or for religious reasons, like
that they have aborted baby cells and the stem cells were derived from aborted babies
in the beginning of these vaccines, humanized mouse cells.
Look, those two things right there are enough for me to say, I don't want that in my
body. Absolutely. And you're not going to do that. You are. Hey, the the pro-abortion mantra
for decades has been my body, my choice. Right. What happened with this? This is my body, my
choice. If you're vaccinated and the vaccine is so wonderful and so super powerful, why are you bothered about me?
Why are you worked up about me having a vaccine?
Because they know that the vaccine isn't fully effective.
That's right. It isn't.
In fact, today, Dr. Scott Gottlieb, the former chief of the FDA, was on CNBC and he said, look, the vaccine does not make you impervious to the virus.
Then why get the vaccine?
And he's on the board of Pfizer. He knows. See, he's not going to lie for legal reasons.
They're not going to. He's on the board of directors of Pfizer. He can't come out here and
say, look, I'm telling you right now, this is the most awesome vaccine.
You get this Pfizer vaccine. You're never going to get COVID.
That's what Biden said two weeks ago. You'll never get infected.
You'll never go in an ICU. You'll never be hospitalized.
You know, I mean, Biden just lied. Yes. How would he know he's lying? He doesn't know. But Scott Gottlieb knows. And he clearly told CNBC to the shock of the host, the co-host.
When you get a former FDA commissioner sitting there saying, hey, look, I'm going to be honest with you.
The vaccine does not make you impervious to the virus. You can still be infected.
And to the current official, you know,
this is the former, he's not working for Pfizer, a current official, the CDC, the chief, Director
Walensky, she said today that the vaccines will not actually protect from future variants. And
we're already seeing Delta Plus, Epsilon, these are variants. The vaccine, in her eyes, was never actually created to address this.
She came up with several recommendations, including an omission that was pretty shocking.
She has since tried to walk this statement back. The omission was that those who are vaccinated
may also be carrying the Delta variant, which is something that, as you just laid out here,
no one who got vaccinated, the ones that just got it, they that, as you just laid out here, no one who got
vaccinated, the ones that just got it, they would, forgive me for saying the title, the sheep that
went out and just listened to the recommendations, they'd ever thought that they then would still be
able to carry the virus and infect others. But that's exactly what the CDC director said in her admission. Look, I'm a layman. I'm not a scientist. But I know my instinct, and I know when I can feel in my spirit that something is true,
that the establishment is telling you it's the opposite.
What they did yesterday, they finally admitted that what True News has been saying since
the beginning of the year is we were right.
But nobody's going to publish an article today that says True News was right all along.
No, they want us unpublished.
Yes, they still want us deplatformed because we were telling the truth from the beginning
of this pandemic back in February.
So what the CDC admitted yesterday is, yes, vaccinated people can spread coronavirus to other people.
It is possible. And, you know, we're seeing it really.
This is information on the Delta variant from several states and other countries indicate that in rare occasions here, it's always rare.
Some vaccinated people infected with a Delta variant may be contagious and spread the virus to others.
Then it's not a vaccine, then, is it? No, no. And it's proving what we were telling
you that the vaccine is spreading the virus. The reason that we're having this massive surge
in late July going into August, it's what was predicted many months ago by European
biologists who said this is insane what's being done. Vaccinating people in the
middle of a pandemic, this is going to end up in a global catastrophe and a sizable portion
of the human population is going to die. You had a British government think tank that told
the prime minister in the parliament in a report what was it 60 to 70 percent of the vaccinated
people may die by august i mean here we are now we're going in august and there's this massive
explosion it's not some delta variant that some mutation it's the vaccine it's the vaccine that's killing the people right now. And so yesterday, look, I'm not happy that we were
proven right. This is not something you want to boast about and go, hey, look, we were right.
The vaccine's killing people. But the news media lied, lied and lied and lied. And the lefties tried to get us deplatformed.
We were taken off Facebook for spreading medical misinformation.
We cared about people's lives.
We're trying to inform people.
All right.
So let me show you something here.
Let me see if I can pull these up.
Here's USA Today newspaper, May 7.
Fact check.
COVID-19 vaccinated people don't shed viral particles from the vaccine.
USA Today.
Fact check.
It's a fact.
It's a fact.
Because the USA Today said it's a fact.
They said vaccinated people do not shed viral
particles from the vaccine. Do not listen to these people like Robert Kennedy Jr. Don't listen to
Sherry Tenpenny. Don't listen to True News. They don't know what they're talking about. They're
spreading medical disinformation. We need to take them down off the Internet they're killing people joe biden said they're killing people this is
horrible okay i want you to watch what abc news reported last night abc news they had to admit
that we were right even though they didn't say our name watch this put the masks back on when
you're out in public and going indoors when you're in an area of substantial or high cases of rates of COVID or in areas with low vaccination rates. Essentially,
what they're seeing that is the difference based on new data involving this Delta variant
is that those who are fully vaccinated, that it is possible for you to infect others
with the virus. That is something that's become clear just in recent days.
And she pointed to new data, Dr. Walensky. She said the science is related to this Delta variant.
It has outsmarted us again. It's trying to find ways to continue to survive among the
unvaccinated in this country. And apparently, given this new data, they now believe that
although the risk is still small if you're fully vaccinated to get this and to have symptoms, it is possible that even if you're fully vaccinated,
you can then shed the virus and transmit the virus to others. So out of an abundance of caution,
they're now saying in areas of high risk or in areas with very low vaccination rates that if
you're vaccinated, you should wear masks back in public places,
indoors, large gatherings to try to avoid any risk of giving the virus to others
if you happen to become one of those breakthrough cases.
So May 17th, May 7th, USA Today, it's not possible for a vaccinated person to shed the virus and infect others.
That's a fact.
Yesterday, ABC News, this just in.
Vaccinated people are shedding the virus and infecting others.
Citing the CDC director.
Could somebody apologize to True News for the attacks, the smears, the lies against us. Or to that Minnesota woman, the one that Kerry included in his headlines that had to have
her legs amputated after getting the second dose of the vaccine.
Hundreds, hundreds of thousands have been impacted by these vaccines.
Yet the propagandists, they're not punished.
No, they're not at all.
Look, what's happening right now, and this is horrific,
what's taking place worldwide because of the vaccines.
One of two things.
Either the pharmaceutical companies, the medical community,
and the media and the government are so extremely incompetent
that they have created a worldwide catastrophe
that will result in the deaths of millions of people.
That's option one.
Option number two is they designed it this way.
And I lean toward option two.
I do too.
Because of human nature.
Also based on the conferences and the statements and the books these elite have written.
Again, remember the 2009 meeting in Manhattan between Oprah, Bloomberg, Bill Gates, George Soros.
How to reduce the population.
That was literally the topic of the conference.
Should we just take them at their word?
That's what they want to do.
To them, we're the little people. We're the ants. We're taking up resources.
They want the whole planet to themselves. Edward, as long as I've been doing this
news program since 1999, I've had guests on this program who have talked about the
New World Order plan to depopulate the human population,
reduce the human population on the planet.
That's always been dismissed as a wild conspiracy theory.
But many of us have known for decades,
these insane new Nazis are going to attempt it someday.
And I honestly believe we're witnessing it right now.
They have unleashed their first attempt
to kill off a substantial portion of the human population.
And they want to get that number down to around 600 million,
if I recall right, from the Georgia Guidestones.
From the world?
And so they've got a lot of work ahead of them.
But we're living through something. This is biblical.
It's something that has never, ever happened in the history.
And cataclysmic would be a fair use. That word applies here.
It's going to hit the whole population.
For example, most of the governments are in lockstep because they're getting guidance from the WHO for even the
variants, the data we're getting about it. It's centralized data. So Canada, just north of us,
their goal is higher even than America. They want to get 80 to 90 percent vaccinated. If they get
what they want, and let's say it's only 10% of the population has side effects. In America,
we're talking about 20 million, 30 million who are either injured or dead. Worse than any war.
We're even going back to World War II for our losses. But that's the mindset. They want mass
vaccination, even though they're telling us today that those who get vaccinated will not be protected
against this variant, the Delta, Delta Plus, or future variants.
I mean, I think the thing they realized, they really messed up with this gaslighting they released the last couple of days,
was someone who still has brain cells hears a report like that and says, there is no reason for me to get the vaccine.
Actually, you're saying if I get the vaccine, I might actually infect others.
Is that the converse of those who are getting vaccinated may be carrying it?
And I shouldn't get the vaccine. And there's a possibility I could have adverse reactions to
the vaccine itself. As we've seen other people, they've had heart problems. They've had other
issues that have come up. And notice how this number keeps moving upward, that it was 60 percent.
We just get 60 percent of the population vaccinated. We're good.
Then 65, then 70, 75. Now Canada is talking 80 to 90 percent of the population.
Their goal is 100 percent. It is absolutely 100 percent.
And they're frustrated with the with the resistance and the facts are coming out and it's so bad that
yesterday they had to admit that the anti-covid vaccine advocates were right about the shedding
they had to admit it it's so bad they had to admit it but they got to keep the propaganda going
they got to convince you.
Yes, these bad things are happening with the vaccine, but that's even more why you should be vaccinated.
Doesn't make sense.
Of course it doesn't.
We were talking about the human, the population reduction.
Jesus, when he was asked about the end of the age and his second return, he said, for then shall be great tribulation.
And notice he didn't say there should be seven years of great tribulation.
He didn't say the great tribulation of seven years will start.
Nowhere did Jesus Christ ever say tribulation will last seven years. He didn't qualify it. That is a John Nelson
Darby, Cyrus Schofield invention.
Okay. I know how they did it. They took scriptures from
the Old Testament, scriptures from the New Testament. They taped them together and they said seven years.
Fuzzy math. Yeah, fuzzy math. But Jesus, how about Jesus?
Did Jesus say there would be time of tribulation?
Did he say the great tribulation, seven years?
No, he did not.
It's another thing that the Darbyite evangelicals made up.
They just created this thing.
And so a lot of Christians in America are thinking, well, we're getting close to
the start of the seven-year tribulation. You've got to get that out of your head.
There is no seven-year tribulation. The time of great tribulation could last a year, it could last a hundred years. We don't know. Get that
seven years out of your head. And the other lie that the Darbyites tell is you don't have to
worry about the tribulation because Jesus is going to sneak in to the earth's atmosphere. Nobody's going to see him except Southern Baptists,
Charismatics, Pentecostals, Hebrew Roots, and Messianic Jews.
That's it.
They'll see him, and they're going to go up,
and then there's going to be chaos.
People are going to wonder what happened.
Planes falling out of the sky, cars going off over passes.
Yeah, dad's coming home, empty house,
because mom and the kids disappeared.
Jesus never said anything like that.
They ask him, what's the signs of your coming?
The end of the age.
He didn't say anything like that.
But the teaching is he will come back, snatch the Southern Baptists and the Charismatics.
Then there's seven years of tribulation.
Then he comes back again to wrap things up.
A third coming.
Because he had to wait a while to finish things up.
Need a breather.
What I'm trying to say is we may very well be in the time of great tribulation right now.
Absolutely, yes.
We very well could be. Let me finish the statement.
You know it, Doc.
Jesus said, for then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time.
No, nor ever shall be.
And except those days should be shortened.
There should no flesh be saved.
But for the elect's sake, those days shall be shortened.
Whatever these Luciferian devil-worshiping demoniacs who are in charge of the world right now,
whatever they have planned, it is so bad.
It will bring suffering and death on a level that nobody has ever seen since the garden
of eden and god himself will say i have to cut it short i got to end the days of mankind because if
i don't not one human will survive this is no flesh that animals. No life will survive. This is what these people are unleashing
on this planet. And clearly watching mass vaccination, you have to wonder, could they
accomplish it through this? Or could they accomplish it through a vaccine passport,
a separation of services? We know that in some of the states that are going ahead with
these segregations,
these vaccine segregations, restaurants, going to restaurants, going to public places,
no vax, no service has become the new mantra. I'm okay with that. Obviously, you don't need money.
You don't want my money? I don't care. Does it bother you, Doc?
Doesn't bother me at all. I know where to eat. I know how to fix food.
I can make my own food.
He's the one who needs me to come in his restaurant.
He doesn't like money. But it goes even further than that, Rick, because this story out of the Daily Bulletin out in California, in Montclair, California, they want vaccinated employees to put stickers on their IDs.
you know, why don't we just have them wear armbands or something like that?
Get a tattoo.
So, or do something along that line. So we can easily identify the unvaccinated from the
vaccinated. Why not just do that?
Aren't we marking people?
That's exactly what we're doing. We're marking people. We're marking their IDs. And the next
thing, we're going to put a dot on their head or a mark on their hand,
something to identify those evil people who would not submit to the system.
We can't trust the government is going to carry out a health procedure for our best interests.
I know that that even sounds like a naive statement you'd have to address,
but there are people in our country that think the government is just making mistakes.
Hey, they just made a couple mistakes here. They do have our best interests at heart. The problem is going to come to that to do any of the things that they've already promised,
for example, just vaccinating federal employees, they have to have a means to hold that accountable.
They have to have a means to check. That's where a piece of paper, documentation, an app, a tattoo, something implanted in you, some way you can't cheat it.
And that's the direction their mind goes. They've already discussed this in California, specifically for an app or a vaccine passport,
that they won't call a vaccine passport because they know a lot of the public has been educated now about the perils of a vaccine passport and what that
might bring. But they are still going in the direction of digitizing us, putting us in a
beast census. That's what they want to do. I don't know if it's going to go down as easy as they think
it's going to go down. I think there's going to be a tremendous amount of resistance. The more
that they push, the more pressure that they put on people,
the more resistance that there will be, and the more evidence that comes out, just like yesterday,
they had to admit vaccinated people are spreading the virus. The more that comes out, more people
are going, oh, wait a minute, you lied to me. You told me that's not true. You told me that's a
conspiracy theory. You're a liar. So it's going to be more difficult for them to carry out the full
force of their plan. And hopefully it's going to collapse their plan. But unfortunately,
I think millions are going to die before they collapse.
I think you're right, Rick. I think seeing the hypocrisy of government is very clear,
more so even when you see the governor of California.
He clearly knows more than he lets on. He's actually taking actions in his own life.
To the point where he pulled his son out of a summer camp over masks.
His kid wasn't even wearing a mask at summer camp. He's telling other people's kids they have to wear masks,
not just a summer camp, but in their bedrooms, at home, when they're around their parents, because the kids might die.
They might get COVID.
They might be part of this unvaccinated wave.
And the only reason he pulled his son out of summer camp, Rick, is he got caught.
Yeah, he got caught at it.
Just like he got caught having dinner.
At that French Laundry restaurant.
French Laundry, $1,000 a place.
They're such fakes.
They're just fake hypocrites.
They're just fake hypocrites. They're just fake.
And they get caught at it, and people are, you know, they're on to their game.
They know it.
And I think they're on to themselves.
I think that they have to live with their lying selves, their lying souls.
They know that these things are lies.
And it's coming out through Fortean slips. And after the break, we're going to discuss some more Fortean slips
in regard to the crisis of the border with infected migrants.
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morals, family structure.
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and watch what happens to your finances and then let us know about it.
Welcome back to True News. Before the break, we were discussing the gaslighting and the huge
admissions by our government. Now we're going to be shifting our discussion to talk about what's
happening on the border, specifically in relation to migrants who have been allowed to come to the country without health passports,
without a vaccination status update, and presumably are also bringing more than just their happy souls with them.
They're bringing viruses, maybe the bubonic plague.
But the question now is, are they bringing COVID with them?
Yes, they're definitely bringing COVID with them.
That's not even debatable. It's known. The question now is, are they bringing COVID with them? Yes, they're definitely bringing COVID with them.
That's not even debatable.
It's known.
This report right here, South Texas Police Department issues public health announcement after COVID-stricken migrants seen coughing and sneezing at a Whataburger food outlet.
Police officer went over and asked them, hey, we noticed
you're coughing and sneezing, everybody at the table.
And they said, yeah, we have COVID.
They admitted to it?
And they said, we're migrants, you know, we just came across
the border, we're staying across the street in a hotel, and the
rooms are being paid for by a Catholic relief
agency, and they told us just to wait until there's a vehicle to transport them to their
destination, meaning the U.S. government is paying the Catholic relief agencies, there's also a
Baptist group, there's a number of them, to transport the illegals to various states and cities and just drop them off right
in the middle of the town square to say, good luck. You're on your own. You got COVID and
hope things work out. The Biden administration is doing this. It's a continuation of what the Obama administration did.
It's not an accident.
It's not a crisis.
It's a plan.
Yes, and logical people, smart people, people using common sense are never going to listen to a word that comes out of the Biden administration, the CDC, or any of these vaccine manufacturers while we're watching a million unvaccinated.
Because they don't get the vaccines down there in Mexico. Remember, Mexico was asking us for the AstraZeneca vaccine,
among others. They're not going to listen to the government while they're watching this stream of
people trafficking viruses and other things into our country.
Think about this, Edward. In the seven months that Biden has been in the White House, over one million illegal immigrants were allowed to cross the border.
They weren't harassed.
There was no reports on CNN.
There was no browbeating from the podium at the White House.
No, they said, we're being good neighbors, Rick.
That's why we're helping.
The U.S. government wasn't handing out masks.
They weren't giving them free vaccinations.
But they're going to order you. They're going to order you to be vaccinated.
Now, I'll add insult to injury on this. These individuals that were at Whataburger.
Whataburger is a great place. I love Whataburger. But now I'm scared to go to Whataburger now after all that but these individuals had actually already been picked up by border patrol
and had been confirmed covid positive by the border patrol and then released
so our government was fully aware you had covid positive individuals that were coming across the
border confirmed that and still released them. Yes.
It's the Obama-Biden Democratic Party, George Soros plan to destroy the United States of America.
Think of it, this is like a new iteration of Fast and Furious. But this time it's with biowarfare.
Fast and Furious, a scandal during the Obama administration where weapons were brought in, handed off to cartels.
This case, we're bringing in weaponized illegals. Those who could bring a virus to Chicago, to St. Louis, even to
Florida, parts of California. And the policy is actually congruent. If you think about this,
the current policy is the administration wants to vaccinate people. We learned last segment,
those vaccinated people can infect people and are infecting people. Well, it's actually congruent for them.
It's in line with the policy to bring physical people,
illegal immigrants across our border, and then ship them to different places.
They're no different in this case than a vaccinated person who might have the Delta variant.
What would happen, Edward, if the Biden administration
ordered every illegal immigrant to be vaccinated. Do you think the flow
of illegals would slow down if word got out, hey, you get to the border, they're going to
vaccinate you? No, I think the other the opposite would occur, Rick, that there would be civil rights
groups here in the US that would say you're violating the rights of these individuals that have snuck across the border.
And they would fight tooth and toenail not to get them vaccinated.
And filing lawsuits.
The great USA Today newspaper that told us that you can't shed the virus if you're vaccinated,
they published a story, a quote quote we didn't take a break border patrol agents face
covet 19 crisis as biden considers relaxing border rules he's going to relax the rules at the border
even though the border patrol agents say we got a crisis down here with COVID. And then another one, this is NBC News. Whistleblowers say
they were told to downplay COVID outbreak among migrant kids at shelter. If you're wondering,
yes, that was a dog that walked by. Yes. Because it's a... Ditter hates the lightning. It's
thundering here right now. Come here, buddy. Say hi.
You haven't done a cameo appearance for a long time.
Look up here.
Tell everybody how you feel.
He's going to crawl under the table.
He's a good spot.
We're the only program that has a dog in the studio.
He's been here with me for 22 years.
I'm not going to kick him out in his old age. But to pick up on your story there, Rick, about so many migrants that are coming across.
They're not migrants. They're illegal.
Actually, he hasn't been here 22 years because he's only 22.
He's the senior employee.
Their Duke was here before him.
But now even our own Border Patrol agents are having to suffer the blunt end of the stick when it comes to coronavirus as well.
Here's a story out of the El Paso Times.
This is number 17 for control.
Here's a border patrol agent, Rick and Edward, agent Freddy Vasquez, who died of COVID-19 as a
result of contracting COVID-19 at work. Okay. So, and the reason why is we're allowing undocumented
aliens to come into the United States. We require U.S. citizens.
We're going to require U.S. citizens to get the jab.
But people that sneak in don't have to, Rick.
Nor wear a mask.
And in a lot of ways, we're copying what was done in Germany.
I'm talking about under Merkel about six years ago.
Remember, people trying to make sense of why the Germans and other European countries were just letting a free flow of migrants come in.
In this case, it was refugees.
Because Soros told her to do it.
Yes, and they knew the balkanization.
They knew that it was going to overflow, destroy the government.
The government would be able to pay for housing, give out welfare.
It was going to bankrupt the system and change society.
They know what they're doing here.
They're not stupid.
Again, this is an incompetence.
This is, it's insidious. It's nefarious. They have a plan. And they at times admit it to us.
And we can't forget that. We know they're gaslighting us with the vaccine, but they're
doing more than that. The policy at the border in itself is gaslighting. Because Joe Biden,
he criticized President Trump over building a wall, said it was xenophobic.
Oh, my goodness.
The president hates Mexicans, hates South Americans, Central Mex.
The president knew about the cartels.
But he also said at the time that those migrants are bringing diseases with them.
That's a fact.
Other countries allowed to have a migration policy.
We're not.
In this case, they're killing border agents through the transmission of COVID.
That's not even talking about the deaths which occur from the cartels, which are skinning people
and putting them up, hanging them from cranes. But we have to look now at the challenges this
creates for the border states, which are red. Because think about it, doesn't this now help
them make their argument that, oh, Republican Texas, because they're refusing to get vaccinated, it's because they're not getting vaccinated.
No, it's the migrants.
So where are the explosions of virus cases right now? It's the southern states.
The border states.
Yes. California, Texas, across the south, because the migrants are coming up through California or Arizona or Texas and then spreading out to the southern states.
That's the U.S. government is doing it on purpose. Guys, look, I when I started this program, Bill Clinton was in the White House. I talked about the border, the U.S. border, the migrants.
Then George W. Bush was there for eight years.
For eight years, we talked about the border.
Then we had eight years of Barack Obama.
We talked about the border.
Then we had four years of Trump.
We talked about the border.
Now we have Biden.
It's worse than ever.
This is a deliberate plan.
Both parties are in on it.
Over decades.
Both parties are in on this destruction of America.
This is not an accident.
It's not incompetence.
It is deliberate destruction of the United States of America.
But for me, oh, I'm sorry, Edward.
No, go ahead, Doug.
Well, for me, and this has been a consistent problem all the way back to the Reagan years and even before that.
But really, all the way through the George Bush senior, all the way through Bill Clinton and everything.
But this today, it proves more than anything to me that the real response to the so-called coronavirus crisis is all fake.
Because if they really believed, seriously, Rick, if they really believed that coronavirus was doing what it says it's doing to people around the world, they would shut the border down.
But they don't believe it.
Or they're complicit in its spread.
One of the two. They'll shut down are you going to shut down a town? Or they're complicit in its spread. One of the two.
They'll shut down businesses.
They'll shut down schools.
They'll shut you down.
They'll shut me down.
They'll shut churches.
But they won't shut the border.
Eric, I bet you a migrant can own a Twitter account, a Facebook account, YouTube.
They're not deproformed, right?
They have more rights than the very Americans that live in our country.
And if they get to a democratic state, they can vote without being a citizen.
Thanks to the bad guys.
So it's all by design.
It is for the destruction of the constitutional republic of the United States of America.
Rick, you mentioned the involvement of Catholic organizations, Roman Catholic organizations on the border that are helping to resituate and facilitate.
And Baptists.
And Baptists.
Leave out the Baptists.
They got their hands in the cookie jar.
We did find a report that spoke about this.
It's one of those things that it's known, but very few will bother even including it or they're involved in the cover-up of this fact.
We saw a lot of this during the last surge in the United States.
Remember the caravans President Trump was trying to get halted. That's number 19. We saw a lot of this during the last surge in the United States. Remember the
caravans President Trump was trying to get halted. That's number 19. We can draw off if we haven't. is reporting that the DHS continues releasing overflow of illegal immigrants
into border states. Now buried in this article is a quote speaking about a woman named Sister Norma
Pimento. She's the executive director of Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley.
Now, they run what's called a respite center.
Now, they spoke to Border Report and Sister Pintel said that her organization has rallied by getting additional local hotels to take in and help isolate migrants infected with COVID-19.
And it backfired because a hotel that agreed to help house migrants in the town of La Joya
reportedly did not contain them inside their rooms.
Now, this actually is the town with the Whataburger.
This is the town, and they had a group of about 20 to 30 of them,
which if I'm to take Sister Pintel correctly and what you just said was in that report, those 20 to 30 of them, which if I'm to take Sister Pintel correctly, and what you just
said was in that report, those 20 to 30 had COVID. It wasn't just one or two. The whole group were a
super spreader group. And that means that the Department of Health and Human Services knew
that they had COVID, released them to the hotel. The hotel is basically saying if we knew they had
COVID, they wouldn't be staying here. But the fact is that DHS did allow Catholic charities to take them and put them in their hotel.
But listen to what they said, that they didn't keep them in their rooms.
All right.
If you've got somebody locked in a room and they can't leave, guess what that is called?
That's called a jail.
So are these people confined or not?
Well, obviously they're not confined because if they were confined, they wouldn't be coming across the border for that, would they?
Or they wouldn't be eating at Whataburger.
That's right.
If COVID, they're illegal and are walking around in the towns along the border, mingling with the Americans and infecting them.
And Joe Biden doesn't care. The Democrats don't care. The news media don't care because it's all
part of the plan. I hate to be so pessimistic, but I wonder if this is what's going on.
We wondered who would go door to door. How would the government enforce their policies? Who would
they hire? Would they find Americans to do this? Could the balkanization policy, could this mass migration policy, could those just be
recruitment drives by the government?
Could we see in the future that the same migrants that are coming across the border end up finding
themselves into government employment and then being those health professionals, those
community enforcers to help bring about the mandates, the draconian laws
that the government has already said they won't put in place.
I don't know. What do you think?
I think that's exactly where we're headed here. I mean, that's got to be the place where we're going.
So they're going to mandate this. They're going to mandate the vaccine for Americans,
but they're going to allow the flood of illegal aliens into this nation
that they don't require. Infected aliens. Because they know it's all fake. It's all fake, Rick.
Say it again. It's a plan. The plan has been underway for a long, long time to destroy the United States of America
because we were a Christian nation
and we were the bastion of freedom and liberty
in this country.
Our freedom and liberty originated
because we were a Christian nation.
We weren't a Christian nation because we had a constitution.
We had a constitution that gave us liberty and freedom
because we were a Christian nation.
And it wasn't freedom to sin.
It was freedom to worship God.
Without persecution.
That's the reason we have our freedom.
And so there has been a desire for many, many decades
to eliminate the United States of America.
When I say eliminate, to bring it down, to flatten it, to literally take us down to a third world status.
You know, I joke for years I used to think, man, that would be fun to just move to a third world nation, just experience it for a number of years.
Be in a country where elections fail, power goes out.
Yeah, you know.
Sure sounds like fun.
Yeah, I know.
My daughter did it.
It wasn't fun, you know.
I was living in a second world country, and it was challenging.
But, you know, why spend the money and move?
Just stay here in America.
Yeah, because they're going to drive it down to third world states.
That's where we're going you know uh they've talked about the uh the various variants that
are out there right the delta variant that's the one we're really supposed to be scared about right
now they've been talking about the lambda variant well uh now we have to be worried about things
like the brazilian variant or the colombian variant now so it's a story out of Local 10 here in Florida. Rick, look out.
Here it comes.
Here it comes now.
The Colombian COVID variant.
Do you think it came over the border?
Maybe it snuck across the border along with somebody.
Every country has a variant now?
Well, according to the new cases that are popping up,
at least here in Florida,
about 10% are of the Colombian variety now.
On this story, I think the reason for introducing
30 different variants, and if you're hearing jingling, that's another dog.
It's Doc's dog has now joined us on the set. We love pets here. They're God's creation too.
But I think the intent of creating about 30 different
variants is the mRNA technology.
The mindset behind it was that they would be able to apply that technology against any future virus.
It's not just going to be the COVID-19 virus.
They've talked about doing it to the flu.
But what I can see them doing here, they can say, well, we have a Colombian variant now.
We now need to make a line of vaccines
using mRNA. We just need a little bit of the Colombian variant, the Columbia virus,
put it with mRNA technology, and boom, you now have a specific vaccine. And the part which
doesn't make sense with this, do you know how much money that's going to cost? How confusing
that's going to get? We're going to be so inundated with requests to get the specific
vaccine, the specific booster, the long COVID
solution that you will eventually raise the vaccination rate, but also leave so many
unprotected if we're to buy their narrative. And that's why we shouldn't buy their narrative.
It's a lie to begin with. And they're already talking about long COVID. What's long COVID?
I mean, we had short COVID. Now it's long COVID. I mean, they're talking about
these various variants and everything when it's all, you know, it's all a lie. It all is a lie.
We have a variety of variants because we have a variety of vaccines.
We got to move that product, don't we? So each vaccine is producing its own variant.
And the government is making us pay for
it. That's the part to this too. Or they're making our kids and our future kids pay for it through
debt. Because you think about this solution they've come up with, quote unquote, the miracle
shots. They've bankrupt the country by doing this. And now there's an incentive even from the
Manchurians, the worker bees, to say, well, we're having vaccines that might expire.
But again, they're so concerned about keeping coronavirus out of our country that they are making sure we go out and get shots.
But they're not setting up vaccination clinics on the border.
Their system doesn't make any sense.
And, Edward, we've just spent 56 minutes talking about COVID and the vaccines and the plan.
And we have not one time reminded the audience that all this is happening because China produced a bioweapon in a laboratory that Anthony Fauci helped fund, that the French government helped design and build.
And here we are today.
Our lives are being totally messed up.
Many people have died.
Many people injured,
all because of what these evil men did,
and they're not held accountable.
I don't understand why people aren't furious at these people.
All of them.
I'm talking about from the Chinese communists
to the governments that helped fund it,
the whole mess.
They got away with it.
And innocent people are dying and suffering.
Look, my three weeks with COVID,
it was the worst thing that happened in my life.
It was horrible.
And I think about the people that didn't make it.
They died.
There ought to be an outrage, a fury,
that this has been unleashed on the people.
And we can get caught up talking about all these things,
but let's keep it focused. Somebody created this virus. This was done on purpose.
You're absolutely right, Rick. We need to keep it in frame.
Did you know that we only know about the specifics of the Delta variant because the Chinese have
given us the molecular structure of it? Think about that. They're controlling this. We weren't talking
about it directly, but we are talking about China when we talk about these ridiculous variants
of the effects on our border. These are things that destabilize our country. What does China
want? China wants global domination. They want the United States to fall. And also,
they want to suppress the Christian population in their country. They will accomplish that
if they're able to silence one of the only countries left with the ability to condemn communism, condemn the atheism in that country.
And the left, the global warming crowd, has wanted the U.S. economy to be cut down substantially.
And they found a way to do it.
We're going to head to break, but after the break we'll have Lauren with us and we will
discuss China and their recent war drill to invade Taiwan.
You've been here with True News.
Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge.
But he who hates correction is stupid. A man is not established by wickedness, but the root of the righteous cannot be moved.
An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, but she who causes shame is like rottenness in
his bones. The thoughts of the righteous are right, but the counsels of the wicked are deceitful.
The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but he who heeds counsel is wise.
A fool's wrath is known at once, but a prudent man covers shame.
Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who deal truthfully are his delight.
Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey.
A Southern California restaurant wants people who dine there to show proof that they haven't been vaccinated.
Wow, that's a switch for sure. We get more from Fox 11 L.A.
In Huntington Beach, the infamous Basilico's Pasta y Vino is making headlines again.
This time, the owner, Tony Roman, put up a sign outside of his restaurant
saying customers must show proof they aren't vaccinated to dine there.
The announcement is sparking mixed reactions,
with some vowing to never dine at the establishment.
Others say they still support Basilico's.
The food is amazing. The owner,
the management, everything is absolutely great. Roman, who didn't want to go on camera,
wouldn't directly say whether or not vaccinated customers would be turned away at the door
or how someone would prove they aren't vaccinated. It's just their opinion and was probably just a joke. But it is no joke, so says owner Tony Roman of the sign.
He says if they can't understand that, I need to put up another sign saying they're too
stupid to enter.
The Haitian Times says authorities in Haiti have issued an arrest warrant on murder charges
for a former Supreme Court judge in connection with the assassination of President Jovenel Moise.
Judge Wendell Cokthelo was among about two dozen people that Moise said tried to overthrow him last February 7th.
The police say Cokthelo is dangerous and armed.
U.S. News says Reuters is reporting that a top security official of President Moise
was arrested for being part of that assassination plot. This after another aide's account of the
event was leaked on social media. Presidential Security Coordinator Jean-Laguerre Saville
was arrested on Monday. Well, jurors have found former Obama and Clinton donor Ed Buck
guilty on multiple charges linked to drug overdose deaths of two men in his West Hollywood,
California apartment. The jury deliberated for four and a half hours before finding Buck guilty
on nine counts he was facing. Prosecutors say that Buck caused the deaths of Jamel Moore and
Timothy Dean as a result of his fetish for injecting men with doses of methamphetamine
until they became comatose. The South China Morning Post reporting that the Chinese military
has conducted yet another drill featuring assault landing and island control exercises
designed to get them ready in case the action starts in the Taiwan Strait. Wow. The Post says China has conducted 20 naval exercises involving elements of
island capture in just the first half of this year alone. Now, that exceeds the 13 such
exercises carried out last year. That's a look at True News headlines. Thank you for watching.
Welcome back to True News. Kerry mentioned at the end there that the Chinese have conducted
20 separate drills practicing an invasion. Now, we just discussed in this last part of the show
about the only invasion we have in this country.
Migrants are flooding across our borders.
But at the same time, we have this growing threat.
China has distracted us with their bioweapon release and the further variants.
But, Doc, clearly the Chinese will attempt an invasion sometime soon. They wouldn't be doing these practice drills if it wasn't a possibility, right?
Of course not. And I believe the Chinese are getting ready for an invasion sometime soon. They wouldn't be doing these practice drills if it wasn't a possibility, right? Of course not. And they're, you know, I believe the Chinese are getting ready for
an invasion of Taiwan. I think our administration knows that there is an invasion imminent.
You know, wars really don't catch nations by surprise. Even Pearl Harbor, it was a surprise
attack. Well, there was so much that was leading up to the attack on Pearl
Harbor. All the warning signs were there. The Japanese in the region. Right. The Japanese were
basically telegraphing. We're going to invade Pearl Harbor. We're going to do it. And so likewise,
the Chinese are doing the same thing. They're telling us what they're going to do.
They're preparing for it and they're testing our reaction. They don't see us reacting to it. They're preparing for it, and they're testing our reaction. They don't see us reacting
to it. They don't see us taking their threats of an invasion of Taiwan seriously. In China's mind,
Taiwan belongs to them. In their mind, Taiwan never left China, never became an independent
entity or anything like that. To them, it is just simply we're reclaiming territory that is rightfully ours.
That's from their perspective. Well, certainly. And it's really important that you bring up Pearl
Harbor because, again, the way it's being pictured to the public, especially in America, is that we
must sacrifice blood, American boys and girls, because girls are now in the military. We're
going to draft them. We must do this to protect Taiwan as if it was a Pearl Harbor, as if it was New York, that we do have a, we have a treaty obligation. But
to be honest with you, I don't know how you feel. Maybe Lauren, you want to weigh in on this.
I don't feel a need to defend Taiwan. We have too many issues at home to deal with,
let alone start another war. Right. And I'm personally a non-interventionalist. If it's going to possibly
cost American lives, I don't want to be a part of it. You know, I believe that the U.S. military
should be for national defense. That's it. We have a war on the southern border right now,
as you can see, an invasion going on. I don't think we should be worried about other countries
or other places like Cuba or Taiwan, you know, unless it's going to directly affect the United States of America and our safety,
you know, I take a hard, non-interventionalist stance on this.
And, you know, the Chinese military manuals, the doctrines that have been leaked,
they speak about creating a Pearl Harbor, a second Pearl Harbor,
something that hit America so hard, whether it be, let's say,
a nuclear device in the harbor of New York,
a strike out in Los Angeles, or maybe even a bioweapon attack that hits our country.
They see significance in a Pearl Harbor.
Before we go further into discussion of war and the rumors of wars,
if anyone knows any Pearl Harbor survivors, we would be very interested in interviewing them.
And I want to share something real quick about a survivor that a friend of mine spoke to. He had a firsthand account. Now,
did you know the first 20 minutes of Pearl Harbor, some of the gunners on the ships were shooting
blanks? No, I didn't know that. My friend this weekend spoke with, this is a veteran from
Pearl Harbor. He was there that day. He was on one of the anti-aircraft guns as the Japanese
Zeros are coming through the harbor. And they were shooting blanks for the first 20 minutes.
It took that long to switch in live ammunition. Clearly, in this drill we showed from the Chinese,
they're not going to be shooting blanks when they take their military action, whether it be against
Taiwan or the shores of Miami. But the subject of false flags, the lying to the public, this is in the sense
very similar to the lies we're hearing, the gaslighting over COVID, right? Because we're
often lied into actions which don't benefit us, the individual, the citizen. We don't have a
representative government. We have an authoritarian dictator who lies to us. They're like a terrible
parent. They get drunk every night. Do you remember the weapons of mass destruction?
Did we ever find those, by the way?
How many people died in search of these,
this alleged presence of weapons of mass destruction?
You know, they continuously,
they compulsively lie to us to get us in there.
Forever wars, these neocons and neoliberals
who run and rule and reign over the people,
they want to send American kids to die.
They have no problem doing that on behalf of whatever their agenda is in these different
countries. Well, clearly, we have a policy in place, and our policy is we won't flinch.
That is according to our defense secretary, the woke former general Lloyd Austin. His response
to this, he actually was spending some time in Singapore meeting with regional allies. He said
the United States will not flinch
though we are not trying to
get drug into a
confrontation with China.
They did not flinch. I'm not sure the direction
that's going to go. Though we
are selling them defense equipment
Doc. The response
right now is we'll sell them a few turrets.
We'll sell them some
anti-aircraft equipment, some M-16s, maybe give them some F-16s to try to fly against the hundreds
of Chinese jets which will be coming into Taiwan in the event of an invasion. Doc, the regional
powers, I think, in this case, I'm talking about Japan and Australia. To them, I actually think they see the Taiwan conflict as a saving line.
They see it as basically a saving rope thrown over the bridge of the USS Hope.
Because for them, their countries are currently plagued with the COVID lockdowns, the breaking of their economy, debt.
Japan right now, they're trying to host the Olympics and they can't seem to keep COVID off the streets
or keep the people happy.
You know, when they protest in Japan, Doc,
it's not like France.
I mean, you've been seeing the protests
in the streets of Paris and you've seen it in London.
They actually have policemen that escort their protesters
in the streets and then they stop at traffic lights.
That was one of the protests this weekend.
But we're discussing this because
we're in a cycle right now. We discuss war in this program because there is a war and revolution
cycle. This was described in Neil Howe's book, The Fourth Turning. And we have to pay attention to
these, not just because of Neil Howe, but because of what the Bible tells us about the end times.
In a sense, Doc, when we see stories about war, especially the preparations for it,
how can you not think about what we've been told about the signs and wonders and specifically the
wars and rumors of wars? We will see before Jesus' second coming. Well, first of all, I approach the
idea of all these different political affairs and everything, the geopolitical situation,
always from the position of man and his nature,
the sinful nature of man.
We have had wars since Cain slew Abel.
That was a war.
You know, there was only so many people available
to fight a war at that time, but that was it, okay?
Someone had something.
In this case, Abel had access to God and Cain didn't.
And so he had to slay his brother to somehow think he could gain access too.
And so there's that mindset of somebody has something else and I want it.
And that's human nature.
And that's the way it's going to be until Christ has to evaporate this current earth and this current heaven.
He evaporates heaven too, burns it up, it says, like a scroll,
rolls it up like a scroll.
It's eliminated, and he has to establish a brand-new heaven,
a brand-new earth that has a whole different set of rules,
a whole different paradigm, that we do not have this conflict anymore.
There won't be nations anymore after that.
There will just be one nation, one nation under Christ at that point. ANYMORE AFTER THAT. THERE WOULD JUST BE ONE NATION, ONE NATION UNDER CHRIST AT THAT POINT.
OR I'LL JUST PUT IT IN MISSOURIESE, IN THIS WORLD, YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TROUBLE. IT'S GONNA BE TOUGH. of that kingdom. And in this world, you will have tribulation. Or I'll just put it in Missouriese, in this world, you're going to have trouble.
It's going to be tough.
It's going to be trouble. Because man is sinful.
And nations are made up of sinful men.
And looking at this, this last segment, this last hour, we just discussed the
focus of America right now.
It's clearly the pandemic.
Everyone, you can talk to anyone on the street.
Go to the local gas station.
You're likely to see a sign.
You're probably going to see a heckler, depending on what state you're in.
But you're going to be told the clear and present danger to you is COVID and the variant they've come up with.
But that's just not true.
The clear and present danger has always been Satan stealing you,
keeping you actually in his current possession.
He stole you at birth.
But when a war breaks out and young men die,
because that's who goes and fights in wars,
young men, some of them not saved, the devil gets a harvest.
And in the sense of Japan, Australia, and these other regional powers who seem to not be checking the United States in our bluster,
they want to maintain the line that somehow we're going to deploy a fleet the size of the fleet we had to deploy to defeat the Japanese in World War II,
or a troop deployment the size that we had to defeat the Nazis in World War II.
That's just not going to happen.
But in their mind, this is a way to release the valve a little bit.
Rick discussed,
why are people not more angry?
I would say there are quite a few
angry individuals younger.
Guys my age,
we can have nothing but to be angry.
Angry about the lockdowns,
angry about the lies.
When a war breaks out,
all that seems to just disappear
or get sucked into the devotion
toward winning this war, winning the
conflict, standing for your nation. Nationalism in this sense actually serves as a very strategic,
a very smart decoy. What do you think about that? Well, I believe that the ultimate goal for
political power here is a global government, and they're going to achieve that one way or another.
It's a move away from nationalism. Nationalism serves the purpose of moving us toward global government,
because you have to stamp down nationalism at some point. You have to eliminate it. That requires
war. War requires human blood, and all war is blood sacrifice. And so in this particular case,
we are going to go to war with China.
That's going to happen.
They've got it planned.
They know it's going to happen.
Our military leaders know it.
The Chinese military leaders know it.
It's just a matter of time.
In my heart, I feel like it will happen sometime between now and 2030.
That's with me.
And it's going to radically change the shape of political government in the
world. Now, that's just me as a preacher and understanding human nature, not as a political
expert, but just based on human nature, because we want a war. We want a bloody war. We want to
see blood spilled because we're a bloodthirsty people, the human race is. And the only thing that really is going to bring peace to us
now is the Prince of Peace.
And even he doesn't bring peace to the world.
And he has to destroy the world to bring a peaceful world in.
So the only thing he can do at this point
is to bring peace to us as individuals.
And when we observe the news, when we look at the news
and the conflicts that's going on in the news,
Jesus himself said in the gospels,
you know what, there's gonna be wars and rumors of wars.
Because human nature, Lauren, has not changed since the garden.
I had this theory back in, like I thought of this before,
you know, what if we use the U.S.
military for national defense, and instead of sending troops over to war, we sent troops to
protect missionaries? What if we stopped sending war to other countries and instead sent them the
Prince of Peace? You know, I guess that's optimistic thinking. But could you imagine,
you know, like if we had people, Christians bold enough in the United States to go overseas and spread the gospel. And, you know, I think that
we'd have a lot less bloodshed. And, you know, of course I could just be being an over-optimist,
but I thought I had this theory that that could work. That could work. You know, if you brought
everybody Jesus and replaced it with this malicious, bloodthirsty, I want war, I want to kill, you know, it could really change.
Something to keep in mind, though, Lauren, is you've got to understand what the gospel does.
Yes, the gospel does bring peace, but the gospel also brings a sword as well.
Now, not that the gospel does the sword wielding, but that it does create a division. Because Satan is not going to easily give up his present status
and his control over the human race and upon the human civilization.
He is not going to go down without a fight.
When the gospel is preached, it creates a division.
Some respond to that message, but then others push back against it
and are more aggressive.
And that's where the
division is. We, you know, we do a daily Bible study here each morning as we start off our day.
And right now we're going through the book of Acts and we see here, Paul and Silas and others
are, they're preaching the gospel and, and you know, in cities and they're preaching peace. But what's the reaction of the people?
The reaction is some respond.
Some respond.
Praise God.
I now know Jesus as my Savior.
But in many cases, it brought about a division because people cannot give up their systems.
They cannot give up their religion.
They cannot give up their temples.
They cannot give up their sexual sin.
They cannot give up their religious. They cannot give up their sexual sin. They cannot give up their religious systems
that are in place.
They cannot give up their control that they have
over people's lives.
And so they have to go against those that preach the gospel.
And so it is a conflict that we're going to continue to see.
China is going to continue to encroach
upon the nations throughout Southeast Asia. They're going to continue to encroach upon the nations throughout Southeast Asia.
They're going to continue to dominate the South China Sea.
There is going to be a conflict over Taiwan.
In my heart, I think it's going to be around 2025, 2026 that we're going to see that actual conflict that takes place.
It will be after the next general election.
That's not a prophetic word, okay?
That's just an opinion.
That's if we don't count the release of the bioweapon on the world.
That's right.
A lot would consider that to be an act of war.
By the way, you don't hear of lockdowns in China right now, do you?
They're prospering.
A preface is because you are hearing about outbreaks in port cities.
One of the core hubs, for example, for shipping out of China.
About two weeks ago, they had an outbreak, reportedly,
and it caused a log jam, a big backlog of ships trying to load up.
They didn't have any workers, apparently, to load the tchotchkes,
the plastic things that we just throw away here in America,
onto ships to bring to America, out of China.
But you have that, but you didn't have lack of payments, though.
And again, we've learned.
And their GDP is up.
Their GDP is up at least, what, 25%?
A ridiculous amount from just last year.
They profited from this period, which leans again toward this has been a great period,
even maybe an entering of a golden era for China.
And we often forget in America that most of the world's population is in the east.
All right, we have here in our hemisphere, I would say about a billion people.
If we count up everyone in Central and South America and North America, we have about a
billion, maybe another billion and a half if we include Europe.
And then maybe if you take that up to about two billion, that would include Africa.
The majority of the world's population of seven plus billion people live in the East,
considered to be Asia, East Asia.
They're wondering right now, Doc, watching these drills that the Chinese have been doing.
If you live in that region, you probably have gotten used to the thundering
of jets, bombers.
If you're a fisherman, you've
gotten used to seeing Chinese
naval drills, including testing
of weaponry up to the point of
maybe nuclear weapons. We don't know
the extent of the Chinese testing.
We do know that they've been testing hypersonic
missiles. Hypersonic missiles which
can defeat what America claims to be our most valuable asset in war, an aircraft carrier.
We do know that they've been testing drones.
And I'm not talking about the fun go-lucky drones which are made in China and then you give to your son on his 10th birthday here.
No, I'm talking about military drones.
Drones that when they fly in a swarm of 20,000, one will attach to you and explode,
killing you, killing soldiers. It's not going to be World War II. But for those that could be
listening or maybe those you want to reach, because you mentioned missionaries, I think that
during these turbulent times, it's very easy to get caught up in the politics, caught up even in
picking a side. Doc, maybe you could speak to this.
Often when war is being discussed, I think as Christians,
we have to remember that we're not warriors in that sense.
We're not physical warriors.
We're ambassadors of peace.
And the gospel must still be preached during those times.
It would be wonderful if the government had a policy which helped us do that.
But I fear the truth is that we actually need missionaries
to come to America.
Yeah, true.
Yes, I agree with you on that.
We need missionaries everywhere.
Every believer should be a missionary, every believer.
Don't get so caught up in all the political mumbo-jumbo.
You know, things haven't changed in the world.
The tools have changed, the toys have changed,
but people's hearts haven't changed.
Nations have been fighting against nations since Cain slew Abel.
I mean, that's the nature of human nature, that we're going to continue to move in conflict
through that time.
In fact, we're going to take it all the way up to a final conflict where Jesus Christ
Himself has to say, it's over, it's done. That's it. We're done. That's it.
Now is the final day.
This is it.
It's complete.
And Lauren, it's so bad at the end that Jesus has to not only destroy earth, he has to destroy heaven as well.
Because, yes, it says we get a new heaven and a new earth and a new heaven.
New Jerusalem.
A new earth and a new heaven.
So sin and its stench from this world has so infected the very soil of the ground
that its stench has gone all the way up to heaven,
and its stench has invaded heaven.
And Jesus has to not only eliminate earth,
he has to eliminate heaven as well and establish a new heavens and a new earth.
Now, I will say this to people that are watching today,
that you can be a citizen of that new heaven
and new earth now.
And that is by confessing Jesus Christ
as your Lord and Savior,
being baptized in water according to the scriptures,
in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
and become a citizen of that new kingdom, forsaking your sin,
getting away from it, and living as a citizen of that new heaven and new earth
that's coming soon on the final day.
By the way, Rick wrote a whole book about it.
It's my chance to pitch Rick's book.
This is Final Day.
I encourage you.
Get your copy of Final Day.
Go on to the website,, and you. Get your copy of Final Day. Go on to the website,,
and you can get your copy of Final Day.
Actually, Rick is working on a very special project
regarding Final Day.
He's going to be telling you about it
here over the next few weeks.
I'd like to tell you more about it,
but you've got to stay tuned for it, okay?
He's got a big announcement coming up about it.
But in the meantime,
if you haven't got your copy of Final Day,
make sure you do it, okay?
So just want to encourage you in that.
There is a final day coming, Lauren, and Jesus is going to overturn the tables for the last time.
He's going to overturn the tables of the world.
I'm curious, though.
You know how when God flooded the earth with Noah?
How, and I'm looking at the world around me today, and I'm wondering how bad was it back then
that even now we haven't quite reached that point
where he hasn't decided to flood or come back, you know,
well, he promised he'd never flood again,
but or destroy the whole earth or Sodom and Gomorrah,
you know, because I look around me
and I see how wicked and evil man has become.
And I'm just curious, like how much longer do you think,
how much more do you think how much more do you think god
is going to take god is going to take only as much until he has that final soul that has entered into
the kingdom there's going to come a day where god's going to turn to the angels and say this
is it this is this is the moment you know what la, he might be waiting for that one that's watching or listening today
to make a decision for Jesus Christ.
And you might be that one person, that last one that enters the gate, the very last one.
And then the Lord turns to you and says, you just made it.
You just made it.
And so it's only God's grace that has allowed things to go on as long as they have, Lauren.
God is granting an opportunity.
He doesn't have to do this.
In the sense of a just God, he doesn't have to allow sin to continue.
He doesn't have to at all.
It is only his grace, his mercy that is allowing individuals,
maybe an individual watching today to enter through that door and make a confession in jesus christ as lord and savior
and at that moment of time there's going to be one last soul that enters into eternity there's going
to be one last soul and then that's going to be it. That's the end of the line. There will be no more.
And then there will be judgment.
There will be that final day.
And so we look at all the different things that have occurred in the scriptures,
Lauren, and throughout history, and we say to ourselves,
why does God allow evil to continue in the world?
Why does God allow the wars and all these things to happen is only his grace and mercy and his great love
for people. It's hard to believe that as wicked and evil as man can be, that he still loves us
and wants to see us brought into the kingdom. And he's doing everything. You realize God is
doing everything to bring Edward Zoll into the kingdom. He he's doing everything. You realize God is doing everything to bring Edward Zoll into the kingdom.
He is doing everything he can.
He is exerting every effort
to bring Loren Witsky into the kingdom.
He is giving his very best
to bring Doc Burkhart into the kingdom.
You know what his very best was?
He sent his son, Jesus Christ,
to die in our place.
So we don't have to suffer in eternity.
But there's going to come a day where that justice, that sense of justice will overcome the grace and mercy that's been extended.
And there will be no more time.
There will be no more opportunity.
There will be no more second chances, there will only be eternity with God or eternity in the lake of fire looking
over into eternity with God.
So there's no purgatory or anything.
You don't get a second chance.
When he comes back, that's it.
That's it.
This is it.
This is the life.
You've had your chance on earth.
You've had the opportunity to choose life.
And that's what, you know, Jesus gave his life so we could have life.
And so when we talk about wars that are happening and, you know, and the possibility of us going to
war with China, I seriously believe that's going to happen. And that's not a prophetic word. Okay.
I just look at it, read history books. Okay. I'm telling you, we're headed toward war sometime probably around 25, 26, okay?
Several years from now.
But even if that's not the case, today is the day of salvation.
Yes, and just like the Lord is doing everything to make sure we make it across the finish line,
His mercy is the only reason it hasn't come yet.
And His timing, He gets to pick.
There's no way to fast forward the holy DVR.
But just like he is doing everything he can do, the devil is also doing everything he can do.
I mean, it's not much because he's a failure.
He lost.
He was defeated at Calvary.
But that's what the wars are.
That's what the fervor is, the conflict, the chaos.
It comes from the devil.
And the devil, honestly, when you have that mindset,
you fail a lot of things.
And according to our Joint Chiefs of Staff, Doc,
you keep mentioning the upcoming war with China.
Our military brass, you know, General Milley's folks,
the generals are at the top of the line.
Doc, they don't think we can even win it.
They ran a war game this past week.
And what did they find out?
They found out that within moments of the war breaking out, network systems went down.
There was a cyber attack, a successful one, knocked out most of the targeting systems for our military.
And by their own words, it failed miserably.
And a miserable failure when it comes to war is possibly hundreds of thousands dying.
Can you imagine D-Day failing?
That's what they just said.
They said that our version of a prevention of D-Day, in this sense, we're the Germans defending the beach.
It failed.
And the Chinese delivered a shocking defeat, worse than a Pearl Harbor, to America.
Who knew woke virtue signaling didn't win wars? I'm sure he was
shocked. Well, maybe it's because they put transgendered troops on the front lines. Maybe
that's why we lost. Or who knows what the reason. Well, I tell you the reason why, and it should be
a warning to us about this war game scenario that you talked about, is that we need to realize
America is not invulnerable.
We are not the Superman of the world.
We have great weaknesses.
First of all, our pride is going to kill us.
Just look what Dr. Fauci did to our country.
He didn't even fire a shot.
Right, and so we're proudful, we're arrogant,
we think we rule the world, we think that the world can't live
without America, and I'm telling you,
WHICH I DON'T BELIEVE AMERICA WILL REPENT, run freely is going to be our downfall. And unless America repents, which I don't believe America
will repent, that there will be some redemption.
But there can be redemption for individuals.
Judgment's coming to America.
Judgment's coming to America.
Judgment is coming to this nation.
You know, Doug, they're very wise words,
and I think that we won't win a war until we defeat the sin inside of us.
We can't have a strong army if we're dedicated to the devil.
And in the next segment we'll be discussing the effect on the country of a demented mindset,
a delivery from this is what will really save America.
It won't be a new President Trump.
It will not be a new nationalistic movement.
It will only be salvation for our Lord and Savior,
Jesus Christ.
We'll be back in a moment.
The culture warriors in this country
are breaking down traditions, morals, family structure.
They've been doing this for decades,
and they are aiming their guns at young men.
They want to feminize them.
They want to demonize them.
They want to criminalize them
so that they will not act like the men that God created them to be.
God Tribe is a social media educational platform, digital platform, for young men and
to give young men a place to congregate where they feel safe. Its mission is to build better men.
It's a place for Christian men to congregate with other Christian men and communicate with each other,
fellowship, encourage each other, building up each other to be better men for Jesus Christ.
That's the purpose. Since the beginning of 2021, tens of thousands of people have discovered True News.
If you are among the new members of the True News tribe, you probably don't know much about our history.
But last May, we celebrated the anniversary of our first newscast, and we have now entered our 23rd year of continuous broadcasting and streaming.
Our original name was America's Hope.
We started on one AM radio station in Dallas, Fort Worth, Texas.
We were pioneers in audio streaming and audio on demand. We were podcasting
years before iPods and iPhones were invented. My first office was in a hallway between our kitchen
and garage in our home in Colleyville, Texas. Today, True News originates from our Flowing Streams Church facility in Vero Beach, Florida.
Our growth over two decades has been slow but steady.
This organization is rock solid because it is built upon the rock, our Lord Jesus Christ.
All of it has been made possible because Almighty God has blessed us with thousands of wonderful brethren
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If you like what you see and hear on True News, I personally invite you to join with tens of thousands of men and women just like you
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Welcome back to True News. Doc, I'm just continuously astounded by God's timing.
All we talk about in this segment, we have a potential genocide falling on the country through vaccination.
We have China, the United States, still, while we're talking about vaccinating our troops, starting a war against each other.
And at that same time, we have God tribe coming up.
A platform our enemies are very scared of.
We know you're scared because of your pieces, okay?
That is coming at a
great time. The best time, honestly.
And at a time when so many
are shaking in their boots
from PTSD related to COVID.
Did you know, Doc, that there is a
term that's been invented by
the gaslighters? It's called
long COVID. Long COVID. Long COVID.
It doesn't mean that you're going to have COVID for a long time. But the president has taken this
very seriously. He believes that to address long COVID, which according to their definition,
it's the long-term condition that some people suffer after contracting COVID-19.
It could be fatigue.
It could be other symptoms.
It could just be you're very angry after it.
It's a form of PTSD, COVID.
But the president is going to provide federal disabilities for those who are suffering through this.
I can't wait.
Post-COVID fatigue syndrome.
So, Lauren, COVID's not enough. We're going to have post-COVID fatigue syndrome. Yes. PT, CD. So, Lauren, COVID's not enough. We're going to have
post-COVID fatigue syndrome. I know I'm
having COVID fatigue syndrome right
now from all the lies that are being told
because of everything
that's going on in the world. Are you even
more excited to pay for it? Because
you wonder who's going to be paying for that.
That's going to be the people that get up
and go to work every day.
They're taking 40% and 50% of our paychecks. And the unborn kids. If we go into debt for it be the people that get up and go to work every day. That's right. And the unborn kids.
50% of our paychecks.
And the unborn kids, if we go into debt for it.
The ones that survive the womb from the plague of abortion that we have in this country.
Yeah, we're going to pay for it.
We're going to pay for free welfare for others.
And again, we're not against helping people.
We'd love to help people.
They're not talking about doing that.
They're talking about another form of UBIBI, a universal-based skin company.
That's right. That's what's being set up here.
So, Lauren, so the idea here is that, well, yeah, you've had COVID, but you're still experiencing symptoms, post-COVID symptoms.
And maybe you can't work as hard as you used to, or maybe your vision's a little blurry,
or maybe your hair stands up on your skin you know when you walk through uh in the rain
whatever it might be whatever they define as post-covid symptoms and everything uh they'll
just make something up and then you'll go in and you'll get uh uh you know qualified i i've got to
have my covid my covid benefits now my covid disability disability. My COVID disability. So you somehow have been disabled
by COVID. It's, I mean, it's so, I mean, it's so wicked how they suck you into the system.
Well, you know, they're going to require you to get vaccinated before you get something like this.
Yes. Right. Well, you're going to require part of monthly booster shots as well.
Maybe even work. Maybe part of this, just like we saw this great deal, the deal, the new deal for America
back before World War II under President Roosevelt, maybe that's how they recruit people to carry out
the draconian actions we pray that our police and our military won't carry out. But Lord, we were
talking about today about the long-lasting impact, the real impact. Let's just throw their propaganda, their gaslighting on the window.
There has been a long-lasting impact on the country from this pandemic.
It's among the children.
I mean, one statistic we've seen today is that for just elementary school kids,
they fell at least four to five months behind on their work.
That means they're learning less math,
the math that was still left, mind you,
from the gutting under the woke critical race theory
teachers and academics.
Our students are falling behind
while Chinese elementary kids are learning calculus.
There's been more than that, right?
There's been an impact on the health
and the mental stability
and even on the things that people have done to cope with the stresses of the pandemic.
Yeah. Well, if you look at last year's statistics, suicide rates were through the roof.
This is what happens when you take away a father's ability to feed his family.
You close down small businesses.
Last year, it was reported the CDC just released last
year's opioid epidemic. I call this the real pandemic. Over 92,000 people died last year
due to the opioid epidemic. Years before, we had done well to try and keep it. We had been making
progress on opioid overdose rates, on people getting treatment. Last year, the COVID lockdowns, it skyrocketed.
But you know what's interesting is that our elected officials
were warned that this was going to happen.
They said if you shut down small businesses,
if you take away parents' ability to feed their families,
if you keep people isolated, locked in their homes,
this is the result.
People became
depressed. They isolated themselves. We as humans desire community. We desire to be around each
other. They shut down our churches and opioid overdose rates skyrocketed. We were talking
earlier about the open borders. You know, our elected officials know where the drugs are coming
from and they were allowing them to come into the country and destroy American families and
American lives.
Well, yeah, we were locked away from our tribe.
I mean, our friends, our family.
We were locked away from our tribe by a tribe of tyrants, a group that wants to overlord
over us in society.
They want to change the very rules and, I guess, the contract we all kind of agreed
to, to live in harmony
with each other inside america i'm not very happy i don't know many people are very happy right now
in this country do you feel like you can prosper to the average american they've spent more time
worrying about how they might make their rent paycheck you know in this coming month and part
of that too is that you've got to you know disable people's what you've got to do to them. So if you don't disable them with COVID, let's
get them disabled with, you know, getting them addicted to drugs out there and get them completely
dependent upon every aspect of the government. And one of the things that Christ does in redeeming us, Lauren, is that he reestablishes our position in relationship to God,
that we have value, that we actually are worth something. Because if we're left to our own
devices, we're worthless. We may boast and say, then I'm great and everything, but we know it's
a lie. We know inside that we're weak, that we're made of mud. We're just dirt and spit and put together.
Glorified mud pies.
And so glorified mud pies with eyes, as Rick likes to say.
And so the idea here is that the only way to overcome,
the only way to achieve any kind of victory over these things
is the redemption of Jesus Christ invading a person's life. You
yourself experienced that in your own life, in your own testimony, how in the midst of
the collapse of your life as a result of drugs and everything that's involved,
Jesus Christ walked into the picture and offered something that the drugs could not offered an, uh, an alternative for
redemption that the drugs only, uh, ease the pain, but they didn't eliminate the pain. Jesus Christ
took the pain upon himself. The word of God says by his stripes, by his pain, we're healed. And
that's not just talking about physical healing, but that emotional healing, that psychological healing that we all need after we're redeemed.
So that redemption that takes place and to hear your own testimony, Lauren, and how God brought
you out of the drug culture in such a dramatic way, such a dramatic transformation in your life, should be a testimony
our audience should be very aware and very proud of to see that this young lady made
that transition in her life.
But without Christ, where were you?
Oh, I tried to do it without Christ multiple times.
I thought I had it handled.
I thought I could do it on my own.
But, you know, when he, you know,
there's a verse in the Bible where God talks about
where he goes after, he leaves the 99 to go after the one.
You know, he's always doing that.
He's always pursuing you.
And he pursued me.
And, you know, Edward, I wanted to ask you,
when you got sick with COVID,
was it pharmaceuticals or a vaccine or What saved you? What pulled you out of
that? It wasn't a vaccine. It wasn't steroids. It wasn't hydroxychloroquine. It was Jesus Christ.
That is how I was healed, that I would be dead. And to be honest with you, what would the life
be worth even if I'd live if I wasn't living for Christ. But it was Jesus Christ. That's the only person, the only thing,
the glorious entity that I credit with both my salvation
and my surviving of COVID.
But in regard to those who've struggled during this pandemic,
not everyone has had that eternal lifeline.
Either it has been offered them or they've rejected that of pride.
They try to figure out on their own.
They turn to drugs.
They turn to video games.
They turn to pornography.
They turn to the devil's own drugs, these addictions.
For you, I actually didn't even know this was an option.
The way you were able to conquer and through Christ conquer your addictions and set yourself free,
find salvation through Christ and him setting you free.
I didn't know you could do it through Teen Challenge.
The only time I've ever heard about Teen Challenge, Doc, was, you know, I've obviously heard of Mr. Wilkerson,
the very, very, very, very famous man among the saved.
But I didn't know that adults could go through the program.
I thought it was something that you did after school, you know, maybe a summer camp. Can you tell the audience
a little bit about Tina Jones? Right, sure. Yeah, I'd love to. Absolutely. Well, you know, I want to
share a little hope with everybody because, you know, it's very hard to find a family in the
United States of America who has not been affected by addiction in some way. You know, last year we
hit record highs of overdoses, but there is hope. And
it is only through Jesus Christ. Actually, a new study came out. I'm going to shamelessly
promote Teen Challenge because I love them. The program saved my life. But there is hope.
A recent study came out showing that Adult Teen Challenge, it's actually adult and Teen Challenge, it was originally founded for teens, I believe in 1964 by David Wilkerson,
and for gangs in New York.
But now the study came out and Teen Challenge surpasses secular rehabs
by 70% of the students that walk through the doors of Teen Challenge
walk out and never use again.
As opposed to secular rehabs, pharmaceutical solutions like methadone or suboxone, which have a 3% to 7% success rate.
What do you think the difference is between programs like Teen Challenge or secular rehabs, 28-day rehabs, and pharmaceutical solutions?
Well, I'd imagine that the margins are as far apart
as the margins of success with the vaccination programs.
But is it about a 30% difference, or what's the percentage?
Oh, no, we're talking about 70%.
70% more success rate.
And that's been consistent over several decades.
I mean, so they have a track record of success.
Now, not everyone goes through is a success.
It does.
But what makes Teen Challenge different than other rehabilitation programs and everything is the introduction of Christ into the solution.
That is the reason.
It's not just the teen meeting the challenge or the adult meeting the challenge and, you know, pulling themselves up by their bootstraps it's come to a point for the individual realize they don't even have bootstraps that they they are
totally helpless in their recovery they really can't do it other than to lean
into Christ and his ability to empower them to overcome would you say that's
the case absolutely you know and it is recovery is a process like a lot of
people are like, oh,
they use drugs to make them feel good for now. So I'm depressed. I just lost my job. I can't afford it. Like drugs are not a solution. They are a temporary fix to a serious problem. You know,
a lot of people have character issues. You know, they have issues with boundaries. They have issues
with poor relationship, codependency. You know, a lot of these things can, are part of character flaws that feed into addiction.
So sometimes addiction is just a, it's kind of what you see on the outside.
It's the result of something internal that people are dealing with.
And programs like Teen Challenge that rebuild your character from the inside out,
they actually rebuild you and establish a firm foundation on Jesus Christ for you to move forward.
I struggled with poor boundaries.
You know what I'm saying?
And we as Christians, like a lot of Christians, are deceived into thinking that they have to be over-the-top codependent
or generous and take care of people to the point that they are hurting themselves.
There's nothing wrong with having good boundaries with people.
You know, that is something that I had to work on in order for me to achieve my full recovery.
And that's something I learned on a biblical basis.
Like there's many cases in the Bible where people had to establish good boundaries with other people.
Well, I think that one of the themes that has kind of been throughout today's program is often as Americans, and especially as Christians living in America, we think that we can solve every issue with a policy, with some action that we're physically going to take ourselves, but also do it at the time when we won't give up the things that are hurting us.
Hurting our character, as you noted, whether it be something that's bringing into bondage. But more so, we live in such a level of rebellion in this country that we think we can conquer the world
and go into this physical crusade, whether it be a war or whether it be a vaccination drive.
But do it all without Christ, all without any mind to our eternal future.
And even the vaccination drive, we spoke of this beginning of the program,
the bioweapon and now the program. The bioweapon
and now the follow-on bioweapon through
These are all human interventions
that are trying to solve
a problem. A problem that's been
in existence since the beginning of time. Since the
rebellion in heaven by Lucifer.
That's the
mindset I think many have. They have that
Lucifer mindset that you can be like God.
You can make these changes in society.
I will be like the Most High.
And the biggest deception, Lauren and Edward, that we go through here in our nation,
and I love America.
I love the kingdom of God more than America, but I love America.
But I see that-
That's where God places.
We're citizens.
That's right.
I would love to see America saved, but America will not get saved.
And I tell you why.
Because its pride is greater than its desire to be good.
Its pride is greater than its desire to be good.
Pride was the sin of Satan.
It got him kicked out of heaven. He said,
I will be like the most high. And basically here as a nation, we said the same thing to God
as a nation. We will be the God of this world. We will determine the course of this world.
If anyone challenges us, we'll knock them down. It's pride that's at the root of our culture.
Pride is what, Lauren, fuels the pornography.
You know, the sin of pornography is so deep,
half the pastors in the United States are addicted to pornography.
In some form or another.
That's how deep the addiction is. It's probably higher than
that. Okay. The pride is so deep that we will kill a human life for not as a contraceptive,
but so that we can have a better life. We will kill someone. We'll kill an innocent life
so that we can make more money.
And then try to repurpose those organs, that blood, into a medicine, into a treatment.
Then we'll flush that blood down the drain, and then we'll recycle it and drink it.
We will endorse homosexuality.
We'll endorse marriage of homosexuals.
We'll do all of this.
But the reason why we do all that, Lauren,
is because we think we can get away with it.
That's where our pride is.
And pride goes before a fall.
America will fall.
America will fall.
There will be no redemption for this nation.
The only thing that we can do as believers in Jesus Christ
is preach the gospel message, redeem the souls that we can do as believers in Jesus Christ is preach the gospel message,
redeem the souls that we can in that time.
Can we change individuals?
Can we change families?
Can we change cities?
I absolutely believe that.
But America will not repent.
America has refused to repent.
Why would God have mercy on America
A CHRISTIAN NATION DOESN'T TEAR DOWN THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE CHURCH. We're not a Christian nation. A Christian nation doesn't mock God. A Christian nation doesn't tear down the foundations of the church.
A Christian nation doesn't take innocent lives and alter it,
offer it on the altar of money and time and convenience.
We abort 1.1 million babies a year in the United States.
We don't think anything about it.
Doesn't sound very Christian to me.
No, we flush them down the drain.
And then we drink that water, okay?
To me, Lauren and Edward, the most telling sin of our nation is the sin of pride.
And I love America.
I love this nation.
I believe that we can, we had the opportunity to be a good nation,
but we've thrown away that opportunity.
But I also believe that the Titanic was a great ship,
and it had a lot of great things on it.
The greatest ship of its time, right?
The greatest ship of its time.
Unsinkable, the Titanic, mind you.
The unsinkable Titanic.
But even as the Titanic was going down,
the orchestra continued to play,
continued to entertain, even while people were loading up the lifeboats, trying to scramble
themselves off and try to find some sort of salvation in the icy waters of the North Atlantic
back in those early years of the 1900s. The Titanic was lost, the greatest ship of its time, Warren.
It was lost on its maiden voyage.
And I'm of the opinion, and I hope I'm wrong,
I'm of the opinion that the iceberg has already struck our nation.
The hull has been breached.
We're taking water on board, and the result is it will sink to the bottom.
All right. I'm going to challenge you on this. I have another theory. So I believe that our nation
is very sick. Our nation is addicted, duped up, dependent. And I think that our nation
has to hit rock bottom. I see it in a recovery perspective, of course. So I see like,
okay, we're on our way to rock bottom. I'm looking at it happen all around me. But once you hit that
rock bottom, do you truly repent and look to the only way out, which is Jesus Christ? Okay. I think
that could be an option. That could be an option, but let me, you, since you have experience hitting
rock bottom yourself, you understand that there was redemption there.
But how many others that were like you hit rock bottom and never recovered?
Well, they died.
That's right.
That's what happened. They died.
So, like I said, I hope I'm wrong. I absolutely hope I'm wrong.
But history tells me I'm not. Human nature tells me I'm not.
The status of our nation tells me I'm not. Human nature tells me I'm not. The status of our nation tells me I'm not. Now,
I can be wrong, but as a preacher, I look at the Bible. I look at the opportunity that Israel had
throughout the Old Testament to seek redemption from God. God, tremendous grace to Israel, tremendous grace. So many opportunities for
Israel to repent. He would bring them back to the point and they would repent. And then they turn
right back to their wicked ways again and again and again and again. They would kill the prophets
that were sent to them. And if it sounds like I'm bashing Israel, don't interpret it that way.
That's not where I'm going with this.
But the opportunity has been given to our nation as well.
God has sent the prophets.
God has sent the voices to this nation.
God has sent the people to warn them.
We must turn from these things.
But just, if God did not have mercy,
Lauren, on Israel,
if He did not have mercy on Israel, why would he have mercy on us?
Well, if he didn't have mercy on us, I wouldn't have been saved.
I was saved in a time period, I would say,
we could really probably point back to the early 1900s
when America started going the wrong direction.
You could point to when prayer in school was removed.
You could point to the decision in the Supreme was removed. You could point to the decision
in the Supreme Court for Roe v. Wade in 1973.
He even pointed out maybe up until 2008
when we elected Barack
Obama, who may not even be a U.S.
citizen, but certainly
led this country down
a radical direction to change
the Constitution, change societal norms,
and introduce homosexual marriage as
a standard. But I was saved in 2012. Thank goodness the Lord did not exclude this nation and send his son back
in a glorious return before then, because I might have died not saved. I'd be in the lake of fire
for eternity. I think that both of you are correct. I mean, Doc, you're a historian,
you're a scholar, soon to be doctor.
You know, you're going to be a formal doctor.
We're going to have to... I actually graduate this weekend.
Can you believe it?
Medical expert.
It took nine months for me to have a graduation, but I'm actually graduating this weekend with my doctorate, finally.
I say this because you know how it ends.
We know.
We've been given the conclusion to this story, to this grand epic, the gospel.
We know that in the end, Jesus Christ comes back and the devil is defeated. And look, America,
Israel, Germany, the entire world burns up. We know that that's the end, right? But what I would
say, and maybe this give hope to those who watch this program, both for encouragement, information. I mean, our goal is to inspire, reveal, and inform, all right? We have to be busy up until that point.
I mean, it shouldn't change the daily job description of a Christian, of a believer.
Your job is not to join the crusade. It's not to go enlist in the army. It's also not
to be tied to any one political party.
You already have a king.
You don't need to elect another one.
You are the elect.
Yeah, and that's not to minimize Christians being involved in politics.
Lauren, I'm so proud of you that you had the wherewithal to run for the U.S. Senate
and ran it unashamedly as a Christian believer.
And I think people should be involved in politics. I think we need people in the U.S. Senate and ran it unashamedly as a Christian believer. And I think people should
be involved in politics. I think we need people in the military. I absolutely believe that.
But our primary mission is the gospel, and that's the sharing of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
You know, when we read in the book of Acts about the apostles, they weren't driving around on chariots with make Rome great again bumper stickers.
There was a different priority.
Their priority was the kingdom.
And that's where our priority needs to be.
And that's on the kingdom of Jesus Christ.
If we are a confessing believer in Jesus Christ, you are a member of that kingdom right now.
You are a member of that kingdom right now. You are a member of that kingdom. We have a king who's ruling at the right hand of God the Father right now,
ruling a kingdom that one day will be on a new heaven and new earth,
created just for those who have confessed Jesus Christ as Savior
and have followed his instructions and been baptized in water
in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.
That's what the scripture says.
But I could preach all day, Son, and the Holy Spirit. That's what the Scripture says. Right. And so,
but I could preach
all day, but I'm not going to. Edward,
why don't you take us home here, okay?
Well, for those who
watch this show, you're our family,
and we ask that
our family please send in
what you get from this
program. We want to know how you like
this new format, for example.
We're doing this, this two-hour blog.
We're getting a lot of true news now,
more than we were giving before, okay?
Presenting what we can to you,
but we want to know what you want.
Why do you come back here every day?
Why do you spend up to two hours with us?
I probably would get sick of looking at this log.
Please write to us at info at
Please write to us.
Tell us what you like about
the program what you expect every day and again please keep our ministry in prayer trust me the
enemy hates us because they're general the devil hates us because we're busy for the lord be busy
with us and again thank you for joining us today this was true Thank you. God bless you.
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