Episode Date: July 20, 2021Today on TruNews, Edward Szall and Lauren Witzke examine how Communist China is demanding a WHO-led investigation of the U.S. bioweapons lab at Fort Detrick, Maryland. According to Xi, that’s the t...rue origin of COVID. And according to Fauci, the lab leak theory is not so crazy after all. Could they be setting the stage for a bait-n-switch on who’s to blame for the pandemic? Edward Szall, Lauren Witzke, Doc Burkhart, Kerry Kinsey. Airdate (7/20/21)
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I'm Edward Zoll.
Communist China is demanding a WHO-led investigation of the U.S.
bioweapons lab at Fort Detrick, Maryland. According to Xi, that's the true origin of COVID. And
according to Fauci, the lab leak theory is not so crazy after all. Could they be setting the stage
for a bait and switch on who's to blame for the pandemic? We'll discuss that in just a moment,
and the memo that went out at Fox News calling for vaccination records. But first, here is Kerry Kinsey with the True
News Headlines. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. CNN Business says Fox News
has started its own version of a vaccine passport while its top personalities attack the idea.
CNN says they got their hands on an email, and here's one courtesy of The Hill.
It's from Fox's HR department, which shows Fox has developed a secure, voluntary way for employees to self-attest their vaccination status. CNN reporting that the system known internally as Fox ClearPass
allows for employees to self-report to Fox the dates the shots were administered
and which vaccines were used.
CNN says Tucker Carlson has called the idea of vaccine passports
the medical equivalent of Jim Crow laws.
Former Fox News correspondent Carl Cameron claims vaccine passports the medical equivalent of jim crow laws former fox news correspondent
carl cameron claims tucker is spreading disinformation about the covet 19 vaccines
why are hosts like tucker carlson doing this it's about ratings just money and ratings ultimately
become revenue and that's the name of the game. Whoever gets the most clicks on social media makes the most money, gets the most fame, gets the most attention. And that type of activity is not journalism. It's not news. It visit our companion website. It's called
Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene is out of Twitter jail now.
She was in there for 12 hours on Monday for this tweet.
The first one posted Sunday night responded to a post from surgeon Dr. David Samadi
about coronavirus hospitalizations in the UK.
He tweeted, in the United Kingdom, 47% of new COVID-19 cases are vaccinated people.
Green responded, this is why no entity should force non-FDA approved vaccines or masks.
Instead, help people protect their health by defeating obesity,
which will protect them from COVID complications and death and many
other health problems.
We should invest in health, not human experimentation.
The second tweet posted Monday morning read, the controversial COVID-19 vaccines should
not be forced on our military for a virus that is not dangerous for non-obese people and those under 65.
With 6,000 vax-related deaths and many concerning side effects reported, the vax should be a choice,
not a mandate for everyone. Both of Twitter's notices identified the tweets as misleading
and invited users to access information about the safety of the vaccines.
Let's look at True News headlines. Let's toss it back to Edward now.
Thanks for watching.
Thank you, Carrie. Doc, Lauren, they're now censoring Marjorie Taylor Greene for daring to suggest that obesity might be causing an exaggerated version of COVID and crisis.
That's the new variant.
But censorship probably is actually the real new variant, and it's expanding.
And it's that long arm that is reaching out, trying to stifle truth and trying to just opinion.
OK, I'm all for free speech. I want to hear other people's opinions I want them to talk you know how what the reason
I can find out if they're stupid or not okay if they keep their mouths shut I don't know if they're
stupid or not but if they talk they identify themselves easily that's a pretty good test
yes so you practice this is in practice? Yes, it is in practice.
Okay, good, good. I'm listening every day, Edward. Oh boy, that's a new level of pressure, isn't it?
Well, you know who else is listening? The whistleblowers at Fox. That was an interesting
story Kerry had in his headlines. Reading through this initials, pretty shocked. Apparently in June,
Fox started running their own version of a vaccine passport. Yep.
So this is the network that, you know, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity,
and Laura Ingraham and others, you know, especially Tucker and Laura,
they've been railing against vaccine passports.
And rightfully so.
They've been comparing the practice of having some kind of pass to Nazi Germany
or Jim Crow laws in the South after the Civil War.
But it looks like the corporate level at Fox, the overarching owner of this news network,
they've already gone ahead with their own version.
Maybe they tested it for the Biden administration.
Well, and according to the article, I mean, it's from Rupert Murdoch all the way down.
So does that mean that, and of course, this has posed a question on Twitter and everything.
Does that mean that people like Laura Ingraham and Tucker Carlson have been vaccinated and no one's answering those questions, are they?
No, they're not. And I think at a minimum, it means that Laura Ingraham and Tucker Carlson had to report their vaccination status, at least internally.
Though this claims that it's still voluntary inside Fox News.
It's not a mandatory effect.
You don't have to go get the vaccine.
But they make it very inconvenient.
Yes, you don't get all your rights back inside.
You can't come back into the office because I haven't opened it back up.
They're opening it back up in about a month now.
You have to go through weekly screenings, probably get that Q-tip stuck all the way up your nose
every week. What they do is they make it as inconvenient as possible
if you're not vaccinated. So if you show up for work at Fox,
you walk in the door and everything, is there like a notice of some kind or is there
some warning that they give you about your vaccination status?
What we have right now is something that was hung up at Fox News.
Fox News specifically, a reporter with The Hill named Ryan Grimm got a picture sent to him.
This is from inside the offices of the Fox Corporation, apparently.
It's a printout of an email.
OK, this kind of spanged out version looks like it was hung up.
It looks like obviously it was bent a little bit.
But this is from the Fox Human Resources
Department. You're clear to work.
And they're thanking their employee who
provided this for
enrolling in this Fox system.
We have to assume that most of the networks have this
now. They have a version of a
office passport
system, which again
you have to wonder if this will be the norm
for most companies
in our country and other countries around the world soon.
This is more like a hall pass, not a passport. I mean, is there something else more substantial
than this that Fox is floating around at corporate?
Well, they have a memo. And that's the other thing that was obtained by The Hill when they
first reported on this. This is the memo explaining the Fox Clear Pass.
That's the catchy name they're giving this.
So you see here, new policies at Fox, which are effective immediately.
Fully vaccinated employees who have uploaded their vaccination status into Workday.
This is apparently the internal software system they have.
Well, the fully vaccinated individuals who have entered their vaccination information are
not required to wear a mask or to
socially distance. Employees are
fully considered, are
considered fully vaccinated, rather, two weeks
after their second dose, and
Fox employees must continue
to adhere to the rules and the processes.
It also says at the bottom that
employees who may be fully vaccinated
who have not entered their vaccination information will be considered unvaccinated on the company policy.
So here they have a separate process.
I'd say even a tiered class.
They're separating their employees who are vaccinated, unvaccinated.
And you have to now wonder, will there be firings?
Will there be other things, especially once the FDA approves this as more than just an emergency vaccination?
So in order to continue working at Fox, you have to put your vaccination status or lack of it
somewhere in their HR system. And if you are an unvaccinated outcast within Fox, I guess, you have to social distance and you have to wear a
mask. So everyone's going to know your vaccine status, even though your health information is
not supposed to be readily available to anyone. If you're wearing a mask at Fox, they're going to
know that you're not vaccinated. Isn't that the case? That is. And they've made it very easy now to get rid of anchors and staff. They no longer have to go after the advertisers for a
certain program or to make a big national scandal about commentary or a take of one of their anchors.
Now they just have to say, well, you haven't updated your status or you're not getting the
vaccination. You're not adhering to policies. We can't even bring you into studio anymore. Now, you would think watching CNN. Well,
if you're thinking you're not watching CNN anyway, you would think watching CNN or MSNBC
or listening to the administration that Fox is anti-vaccine, that the Fox network,
that's all they talk about. They're talking about the vaccine is a bad thing
and vaccines are wrong,
but nothing could be further from the truth, right?
Right, well, I found it interesting that that CNN host
or whoever was on there was saying that it's propaganda
because they put out propaganda because COVID sells.
So the fact that Fox isn't even upholding the same standard that they tell
the people, like, it's like, what do they believe in? Do they not practice what they preach? They
obviously don't because it's right here. And he's not entirely wrong about that. You know,
they know that their listener base or their watcher base will eat that stuff alive. You know,
so it's like, it's kind of like a ratings thing, but at the same time, they're not practicing what
they preach. So it's false.
But the hosts themselves are endorsing vaccination.
Yes, there apparently was a memo that went out last night.
Though looking into this further, there were other indicators that the Fox hosts,
especially for one program, Fox and Friends, had long ago acquiesced, submitted to this experimental vaccine and this system.
But Sean Hannity last night read a very interesting public service announcement.
And he was actually urging his viewers, you know, those that still tune in for his CIA driven commentary.
He was urging them to get vaccinated. He said that this is the way to end the pandemic.
This is something that needs to be taken very seriously.
And it makes you wonder if he himself has taken it seriously enough to get the shot.
And what is even more ironic about this, we're going to watch what addressed to the audience was immediately following a segment where he talked about the vaccine requirement.
I forget what university it is out on the left coast, but that one of the universities out there requiring all faculty, all students.
If you want to be on campus, you must be vaccinated by the University of California. And so they were just talking about that, had was interviewing a student from out there about choosing a different school and everything else.
And then he goes into what you're about to watch.
Just like we've been saying, please take covid seriously.
I can't say it enough. Enough people have died.
We don't need
any more death. Research like crazy. Talk to your doctor, your doctors, medical professionals
you trust based on your unique medical history, your current medical condition,
and you and your doctor make a very important decision for your own safety. Take it seriously.
You also have a right to medical privacy. Doctor patient company confidentiality is also important. And it
absolutely makes sense for many Americans to get vaccinated. I believe in science. I believe in
the science of vaccination. Some can look at that, obviously, as a submission. Others, maybe
Sean is just trying to be honest. You know, he's trying to give his opinion about what he believes
about vaccination. He feels a little guilty, maybe for down honest. You know, he's trying to give his opinion about what he believes about vaccination.
He feels a little guilty maybe for downplaying.
I mean, we believe obviously that a variant of COVID is real
and that it can be very serious if you get infected.
But the premise of this is that
this is part of an overarching narrative
telling you that the cure,
the salvation from this scourge is a vaccination, is a vaccine
derived from research with aborted fetus cells, is a vaccine that is so perfect, so wonderful
that it's causing heart inflammation, causing blood clots in the brain, causing death, more
death than 9-11.
But we're told it's the solution.
And if you don't get it, you're not listening to the science.
And so I believe in science, too.
And the science is telling me that people that have been receiving the vaccine, Lauren,
they've been having heart issues.
They've been having blood clots.
They've been dying.
And so and that's a very bad thing.
And once again, the true science says these things aren't vaccines.
They're experimental drug therapies.
That's technically not approved by the FDA, still not approved by the FDA.
And so the idea that, you know, that we can truly endorse these as a solution is far from it.
And then I have the ethical concerns as well.
But I tell you what that sounded to me like Edward,
that was what we back home would call CYB,
cover your backside, you know, legalese,
although they use more colloquial language back home.
A different acronym.
And so it sounded to me like someone sent out a piece of paper to all
the hosts and all the employees and said, if anyone asks you about COVID and vaccines, this is what
you say. Yes. And it was the night after the story basically leaked about the Fox Clear Pass. So
maybe what it was is that, hey, the cat's out of the bag. We have to now come out with what our real position on vaccination is.
Again, watching any of these shows, you have to wonder if they're covering the subject just to get views in the moment.
Because now you have to wonder when you watch it, do they really even believe what they're talking about?
Do they actually care about what their guest is sharing?
This was maybe the most honest broadcast that Sean Haney's
ever done. Well, as we talked about this, and he's not the only host at Fox News that kind of flipped
the script. There was actually something back in May that we found. As of yesterday, the Fox and
Friends cast, including Steve Doocy, came out with a full-throated defense of vaccines, endorsement of taking them.
But it wasn't just yesterday, though.
It turns out back in May.
The entire cast of Fox and Friends.
I call them a cast because it is a show.
It's a true show in entertainment, not real news.
Yeah, it was the first time they'd been back on set since everything had kind of broken down in civilization.
So they were back
on set for the first time on the big round chair except they were all sitting
squished together like they used to you know with the traffic out on the New
York streets and everything totally different reimagining but we found this
clip of Steve Ducey and the rest of the cast of Clowns in the morning there at Fox and Fiends.
And so watch this.
This is for May of this year.
Listen carefully to some of the things that Mr. Ducey says.
Well, this is very exciting.
The big reveal.
For the first time in, what, a year and a half, we are back on some semblance of a curvy couch.
We are six feet apart, and we're all vaccinated.
We are indeed.
So it's kind of the couch, but then you've
got these occasional tables.
Occasionally, they're a table.
Occasionally, they're part of the couch.
Gradually, we're going to get people back in studio
as things get back and back to normal.
And finally, I might go back to Broadway September 14th.
So I'm going to be working at night for a while.
You mean in the audience.
Oh, yeah, that's what I mean.
September 14th.
Of 88.
And speaking of beautiful days, look, we're back on the couch.
We've all been vaccinated and we're six feet apart.
Ainsley demanded to see my vaccination card.
Here it is right here.
Are you happy?
That's the only way I would sit next to you.
I needed to see that.
Right. And we had tape measures out where we're separated apart.
Although it's just three feet now, right?
I believe.
They're all vaccinated. Here's my vaccination card.
Here's my vaccination card.
Carrying around their little passport.
He almost picked up his pass.
I mean, you think about this. A lot of Americans, a lot of conservatives, a lot of Christians will start their day watching these three. And a variation of the anchors they bring on and other journalists,
this is considered to be one of the main sources of information. A lot of churchgoers in this
country, a lot of voters in this country. And how many knew that their favorite anchors,
the source of information, had already made the decision to get vaccinated, regardless of the concerns.
But if you listen to the other media outlets out there, they would say that if you watch Fox and Fiends in the morning, that they're spouting conspiracy theories.
They're talking bad about the vaccine.
They should be saying they're agreeing with the science and the talk of Fauci and others.
When you really start to understand, people people that it's all one media,
one media. It's not left wing, right wing, you know, left foot, right foot. It is one media,
just different versions of the same message that's going out. So we, on this side of the aisle,
those that have been, that tend more toward right-leaning ideas, correct, really leaning ideas,
tend to be influenced by outlets like Fox.
And so, but they're spouting the very same, you could say the same thing on CNN or MSNBC or any of the outlets that they just said, right?
Oh, absolutely. It's interchangeable.
The only difference is the small logos they present
or the size of the salary they pay.
Yeah, they've chosen to get the vaccine,
but something has happened here this week
where now there's a bigger push within the Fox host community
to tell the audience you must get vaccinated.
One of the biggest proponents of this has been,
as you saw
in that video, Mr. Ducey. But yesterday, he had a much more, I guess, forward demand that people
be vaccinated, right? Yes, he was joined by other hosts at Fox News to come out with Sean Hannity.
Steve Doocy was also known as Bill Hemmer, a veteran, and not just of the network, but of the U.S. Army.
I think that the core of what they were trying to explain to people is not only do they believe in the vaccine, they've gotten it, but they also agree with the Biden administration.
They believe, I think they found actually what will be one of the predominant talking points in later on for this year, beginning of next year.
They found a way to both support a new Trump candidacy, but also be supportive of President Trump's biggest gem, which is Operation Warp Speed.
The Fox News hosts are preparing.
They've made the pivot.
They're not just urging their viewers to get vaccinated, but they're also urging them to support President Trump
when he makes vaccination
and the Biden administration's failure, for example,
in their mind to get 70, 80% of the country
vaccinated by July 4th.
They'll make that the talking point,
that President Trump,
he'll be the one to bring it to 100% if need be.
We have a soundbite from the statements by Steve Doocy.
Again, remember, if they can flip this quickly on vaccines,
they'll do it on other issues too.
I think it's back to the future,
as now we're hearing in Las Vegas, in Los Angeles County,
it's time to wear a mask.
Jerome Adams comes out and says we'll wear a mask.
We remember vividly him saying masks don't work. Then he told us the only reason he told us not to wear a mask. Jerome Adams comes out and says we'll wear a mask. We remember vividly him saying masks don't work. Then he told us the only reason he told us not to wear a mask is because we didn't
have enough. Then Dr. Fauci said the same thing. So the problem with that is it's inaccurate,
not to the point. And when you stop telling people the truth or acknowledging when you did things,
when you said things that were wrong, like Dr. Fauci always does, that's when people get
distrustful. When people like Mitt Romney come out and say it's moronic to have any questions about the vaccine,
people get a little ticked off when they're put down.
And then when you don't bring up the fact that there can be after effects of it,
and you hear especially with kids with this swelling of the heart, and we've had people on here,
that's not misinformation that I want Facebook to take down.
That actually happens sometimes.
And when people don't acknowledge that in power, that makes the average American who cherishes freedom say, I'll make my own decision.
Thank you.
Well, here's the thing.
And one of the CDC officials said yesterday, look, the pandemic right now is really just with people who have not been vaccinated.
Thank you.
Ninety nine percent of the people who have died have not been vaccinated.
And so what they're trying to do is they're trying to make sure that all the people who have not been vaccinated get vaccinated.
And unfortunately, and this is one of the reasons apparently the Joe Biden administration came out last week.
The administration's been very, very frustrated. They have not been able to get Facebook to get rid of some of the disinformation.
The disinformation is online.
The vaccine is killing lots and lots of people, or it changes your DNA, or they're little
None of that is true.
And so that's why you have in Washington this continuous message, misinformation, misinformation.
And the Surgeon General, I didn't know this, he said that he lost 10 people in his family
from COVID-19.
And he says Facebook is not doing enough.
But then when you ask Facebook, they say we have followed all the eight plans, all the eight recommendations that they gave us.
We've listened to them and we've done our jobs.
58% of the folks that are getting that are getting COVID that have COVID now that are not vaccinated. 58 percent of them
have the Delta variant. So that's the one that's so contagious and it's spreading throughout the
country. But it's not more dangerous. Also, they said that if you had COVID last year,
you're not protected from this. It's like every year the flu changes. Who said that?
The CDC, because they have not proven that the antibodies disappear when they get in your T
cells. They have not shown that people who have the natural immunity aren't even better protected
than those with the vaccine. You still have the natural immunity to the first COVID. This is the
Delta. This is the fourth version. This is the Delta version. So that's the worry is all the
people who have not gotten vaccinated. And there are some people who have a reason they can't get vaccinated.
I've got a friend who, when she gets the flu shot, is paralyzed for a week or two.
That kind of person does not get it.
People who are pregnant are reluctant to get it before the baby comes.
And so there are people.
But everybody else, if you have the chance, get the shot.
But if you save your life.
Well, but this way, it's you know, you make your own decision.
It's available to everyone. We're not doctors, but you could say that we got it. But I'm not going to go there and say I'm going to give you other medical advice. If you have flat feet,
do you want to wear arches? It might make you more of a bounce in your step. But but a couple
of things. People are making their own decisions and stop with the mask mandates because we don't
need a mask if we've been vaccinated unless you're not telling us
the truth again.
You know, what's interesting there
is Brian Kilmeade
ended up being the one
on that panel
that somewhat fought back about it.
I think he and his wife...
But he's vaccinated.
He's vaccinated.
And in the past
has been the one
to actually endorse war
on the morning program.
But in that case,
I think he was trying
to find his footing.
You saw most of the time
he's sitting there
kind of shaking his head, looking back. He doesn't really agree, at least maybe
that's part of the show, with what is being said about the Delta variant and the talking points
that are basically mirroring the Biden administration. But I think he realized,
maybe as a veteran in media, how stupid this sounds compared to past commentary.
For example, that segment, they endorse censorship.
They're not disagreeing with the Biden administration's position that the misinformation agents and the bad data and the bad posts online,
that they're killing people.
They just endorse that in that segment.
I'm curious what memo came out all of a sudden,
because it's been all of a sudden within the last 24 hours,
I see, bam, you have to go get vaccinated. Bam, we've been vaccinated. We're not pushing out
disinformation, blah, blah, blah, that kind of thing. So they're obviously, you know, I've been
told that they have to approve things through lawyers before they air things on Fox News. So
whatever memo they recently got is telling them we have to push for vaccination. And, you know,
I thought it was really interesting what you said yesterday when you were talking about if we had Donald Trump, we could
potentially be like have a military rollout of mandatory vaccines. You know, so this is something
we certainly need to keep an eye on. You know, you can watch the media and kind of get a tell
tale sign of what is coming and what they're up to. Well, I think it's it's a it's really a preview
of of how Fox and Friends would cover, for example,
a Chinese invasion of the West Coast. How Fox and Friends would cover a second bi-weapons attack.
How Fox and Friends may even endorse the communist revolution when they finally break into the studio
there, as long as they have their Fox clear pass to get through the front door. But it's not just
their main hosts. Obviously, their correspondent hosts, too. through the front door. But it's not just their main hosts.
Obviously, their correspondent hosts, too, Geraldo Rivera.
He said it's crazy, crazy to talk about not being vaccinated.
And specifically, he's not presenting this new idea that he has a constitutional right,
like those who claim they have a constitutional right not to be vaccinated.
He has a constitutional right to not be around those who have made that decision for themselves,
those that have talked to their doctor, that have done research.
I think the odd part about Geraldo Rivera is that Geraldo Rivera doesn't realize that
these programs, these government-backed programs, we suspect, don't exist without an audience. I mean, the government can pay for
them. The government can help. The pharmaceutical industry can especially help pay for them with
the ads. But without an audience, Geraldo Rivera is just a high paid actor. I mean, honestly,
he is an actor. What's this man's worth other than to tell us what my constitutional right is?
He's always been an actor from the time he opened up Al Capone's vault back in the 80s.
By the way, Lauren.
I don't even know who this is.
You don't know who Geraldo Rivera is?
I have no idea who this is.
Oh, my gosh.
To be young again.
I'm assuming he's a famous actor.
No, he's actually a longtime reporter for various outlets and everything.
Been around for a while.
His real name is Jerry Rivers.
He changed it to Geraldo Rivera to gain the Hispanic audience out there somehow.
Is that what the mustache was for today?
Yeah, that's true.
And so Geraldo Rivera, his claim to fame was he opened up Al Capone's vault back in the 80s.
But he would go sometimes to war zones and stuff like that and do reports and everything.
But now in this latest, and he gets a paycheck from Fox right now, too.
So he's on there a lot, usually causing trouble, as he always has. But in this particular article from
The Hill, Geraldo Rivera is making the case that vaccinated people have rights. We have the right
to be protected from you unvaccinated people. Now, that's Jerry Rivers saying that, not me.
I thought it was inherent when you get vaccinated. It's not so much a right. It's inherent that you
are now protected. Isn't that how that is supposed to work?
It's sort of like, you know,
if Jerry Rivers has an umbrella,
you're mad at this guy over here
because he doesn't have an umbrella.
You're afraid you're going to get wet
because he doesn't have an umbrella.
But basically what Jerry Rivers
is making the case is that
we should basically force you to get vaccinated because as vaccinated people, we have rights not to be in danger by you.
I'm curious who's going to protect me from the vaccinated and their protein shedding all over me.
How about that? I mean, that's where we're at right now, that now the vaccinated are going to say we have the right to demand that you get vaccinated because you're endangering us.
You're endangering us vaccinated people.
As I said, it's sort of like someone standing there in an umbrella getting mad that they're going to get wet because you're in the rain.
OK, so I don't trust Jerry Rivers as far as, and I don't like his mustache either.
So anyway, so that's enough about Fox.
We bashed on them.
The reason why we shared that is that it's a clue they're about to sell.
There's another wave, another lockdown coming.
I think this was the indication.
You know, you'd expect this again again from MSNBC and CNN, but Fox News, the one that is supposed to be the conservative call
sign, the one you go to in the morning when you're eating your cereal, they're doing this
because they're prepping the audience for a new lockdown. And another part of this that
will be a clue is, Doc, that there's actually been another super spreader event in D.C. Yes. So this broke in the afternoon today. You have to watch it. I'll explain the story just
a moment. First, when you saw the story, you have to wonder if it was either propaganda or if this
is just reality in Washington, D.C. as they live through this pandemonium. At the White House and
Nancy Pelosi's office, there was an outbreak of COVID.
And it turns out it was the officials, according to the official story right now,
that met with the Texas Democrats who fled to break a quorum in their attempt to restrict voting,
or at least bring maybe integrity to that state.
According to Axios, a White House official and Nancy Pelosi's spokesperson, we've heard, aid. They're
infected. They're being quarantined. And it could be more. And what's the common denominator for
these two individuals in D.C.? They met with the group that includes now six Democrats who are
tested positive, infected, quarantining. You have the beginnings of another outbreak, another dangerous attempt
to overthrow our government. Maybe we should hold COVID in some kind of solitary confinement in D.C.
Now, if it had been a group of Republicans that had gone to Washington, D.C., and they had been
diagnosed with COVID, and then officials in the administration had gotten infected as well,
what do you think the response would have been?
It would have been outrage.
But here's the thing.
You know, these people have been vaccinated.
And what I find very interesting is they wouldn't let us know if they didn't want us to know.
So something is up.
Something is very wrong because they are pushing the narrative
that people that are getting vaccinated are still coming up positive for COVID.
And that is something you need to keep an eye out on.
And because I don't know why, you know, because they could have hidden it.
They would have if they wanted to.
But they wanted us to know that these people were vaccinated.
So they're up to something.
Well, I'm almost left off from an important part of that story is that they're all vaccinated.
That's the main thing.
Again, these are vaccinated officials, the first to get vaccinated,
the first line of defense for government officials.
It clearly hasn't worked. Right. That the intent was to stop people from getting infected.
They're not going to hospitalization and die, but they're getting infected still.
And they met with a bunch of vaccinated Texas Democrats, too.
You can bet every one of those Democrats on that maskless plane flight from Texas to D.C.,
every one of them were vaccinated.
They had freedom.
Well, they have more than freedom, Doc.
According to our vice president, they also have the essence of biblical teaching.
Oh, really?
Kamala Harris gave a speech in Michigan last week.
So few watch the speeches and the proclamations
by our elected leaders now
that this kind of passed
over the heads of many.
But in the speech,
she actually made an argument
that if you love your neighbor,
the thing to do,
according to the Bible,
according to Jesus,
is to go out and get vaccinated
or be the one administering them.
Wow, I got to see this.
The act of getting vaccinated, the act of administering the vaccinations, well, these
acts are the very essence of what the Bible and so many faiths tell us about the importance
of our role and our power when we say, love thy neighbor.
And I truly believe in the power of that.
Okay. So I have a question for Kabbalah Harris there, and that is, all right, love your neighbor.
So who is my neighbor? Is it, I can say my neighbor is Lauren. I can say my neighbor is Edward. These are people I see. What about unborn children?
Are they my neighbor?
Are they?
Are people who have not yet been born yet, but they are conceived and existing in the womb, are they my neighbor?
If they are my neighbor, then I have a responsibility to protect them as well. And by participating in the vaccine madness, I am perpetrating a crime against humanity by utilizing fetal stem cell lines,
aborted baby cell lines, either to produce or to test the current vaccines that are out there.
So who's my neighbor? My neighbor is someone is the innocent person that can't be defended.
And that's the unborn. That's my neighbor. But Kabbalah Harris and others like her,
they don't talk about the unborn children being their neighbor because they don't exist.
They're fodder. They're a clump of cells. They're an option. They're in the way of a career. They're, you know,
the price I paid for sexual lust out of control. That's the truth of the matter.
I do love my neighbor. That's why I don't participate in the vaccine madness.
Amen. So, well, look, I wish she would open up the Bible these officials
they love to try to score political points
by vaguely
quoting or
citing, referencing biblical teachings
but the truth is
they are as ignorant as a one year old
child when it comes to scripture and if that's
not the case they're actually directly in opposition
and lying which
I saw a video of RFK Jr.
the very famous environmental lawyer, activist now on the subject of informed consent. His position is he was brought up under
the notion that elected officials, people in government lie, and they lie a lot. And you
should always assume that when they're opening their mouth, unless they're, in the case of Sean Hannity, maybe doing a PSA,
they're probably not telling the truth, or at least only telling part of the truth.
The part I find most egregious about Kamala Harris doing what she did
is that she did that only because she was speaking to African-American leaders.
She was speaking to people who maybe attend a church congregation in Detroit.
They are believers.
But she also added in all the faiths.
I guess for Kamala Harris, who's gone from being Indian to Caribbean to being part Jewish because of her marriage.
She's like a chameleon.
Isn't that the truth?
Chameleon Kamala.
Yeah, chameleon Kamala.
I think that in 2016, they failed to get a witch in the White House,
and it appears in 2020 they succeeded.
Even the devil can quote scripture,
and she'll say whatever out of her slithering tongue she can
to try to deceive the masses
into believing this is the Christian thing to do.
Injecting yourself with aborted fetus cells
is not the Christian thing to do, period.
Well, it seems like a good opportunity to share that we are the antidote to that nonsense
and that heresy.
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We're going to be back in just a moment with further discussion about the bait and switch,
specifically the bait and switch China is starting in regard to the origins of coronavirus.
But first, here is Kerry Kinsey with some more True News headlines.
Welcome to True News headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey.
Senate Democrats want to rewrite the military draft laws aimed at requiring women to register for the Selective Service System.
That according to a draft authored by Senate Armed Services Chair Jack Reed and obtained by Politico, the changes could be attached to a defense policy bill
that's considered by Congress a must-pass. The move would again fire up that debate
over whether women should be required to register for the draft.
For information on this story and more, visit our companion website. It's
Politico says China is buying up American farms and that Washington wants to crack down.
Bipartisan pressure is building to stop foreign nationals from buying American farm operations and getting taxpayer subsidies.
Former Vice President Mike Pence says this country cannot let the Chinese decide what we put on our dinner table every night.
Chinese investors now own nearly 200,000 acres of prime American farmland.
America cannot allow China to control our food supply.
And the president and the Congress should end all farm subsidies for land owned by foreign nationals.
And Politico says House lawmakers are warning that China's presence in the American food system poses a national security risk.
Another church goes up in Canada, up in flames, that is. The Vancouver Sun says an arsonist started a fire that burned down Surrey's St. George Coptic Orthodox Church in British Columbia.
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police say the fire is being treated as suspicious.
The same church was also the target of an attempted arson just last Wednesday.
Here's the suspect in the July 14th incident.
CBN News says 17 of 45 church buildings in Canada which have been attacked
have suffered fire damage or been completely burned to the ground. says a New Jersey teen guided a small plane for a safe emergency landing Monday afternoon on a bridge in Ocean City, New Jersey.
18-year-old Landon Lucas, the pilot of the single-engine aircraft, was not injured after touching down on the four-lane State Highway 52 bridge over Rainbow Channel.
Rolling Stone says the DGs, a.k.a. the Foo Fighters, BG's tribute band, have announced
Hail Satin. It's an album that came out July 17th. Not bad for a tribute band.
The 10-track LP features the band's take on five classics from the Brothers Gibb from My Generation,
including You Should Be Dancing, Night Fever, Tragedy, and More Than a Woman.
That's a look at True News headlines.
Let's toss it back to Edward now.
Thanks for watching.
Thank you, Kerry.
You know, that last story, when I first read that headline, I thought it said Hail Satan. And knowing David
Grohl, he did that on purpose. Yeah, I mean, that probably
was their intent, Hail Satan. But you look at this, this is the same
band that we spoke about yesterday, that banned
unvaccinated people from showing up at the concert, and then it turns out likely the lead
singer has now tested positive for COVID.
I have to say, you have to wonder if that CD itself, you get that vinyl, you get that record,
if that will actually double as a vaccine passport.
The direction of this band is gone, but I don't know.
Foo Fighters, it seems kind of foo to me.
Well, we have something very interesting to talk about in this segment.
And it's going to start out with Dr. Fauci.
He seems to have come back out from his retreat.
He's been staying out of limelight for a while.
He crawled out of his slimy little hole and he's back.
Yes, and he has endorsed a call by a pediatric union, the American Academy of Pediatrics, to get two-year-olds to wear masks.
Now, it's regardless if the two-year-old has been vaccinated.
I'd hope most parents have not vaccinated their two-year-olds
or anyone above that age.
There doesn't seem to be any reason to,
especially with the mortality rate among that group,
to be well into the 99 point,
rather the survival rate, if you do get it, is well into the 99 point uh you know the rather the survival rate if you do get
it uh is well into 99.99999 percent very few children have died other than those who have
been exposed to vaccinated mothers according to varus but this uh this pediatric uh union has
actually got the eye of our our lauded czar for covid and he is now backing it he thinks it's a
great idea.
If you want to send your kids to school,
it doesn't matter if they're vaccinated.
They've got to be masked again.
Yeah, well, like they did with Fox News, that whole segment,
it makes it as inconvenient as possible for you not to be unvaccinated. Have you tried to put a mask on a two-year-old?
It's literally impossible.
Or a three-year-old or a kinderg literally impossible, or a three-year-old,
or a kindergartner. They're trying to make it as difficult as possible so parents cave and get
their kids vaccinated with no support from the science whatsoever. And I find it interesting
that he crawled out of his hole long enough to start giving his opinion on what parents should
do with their children. We've spoken before about the impact to the development of children, especially when it comes to learning how to speak, learning how to be sociable,
just learning simple functions as human beings. We look at the facial expressions of those around
us. This generation of children who've grown up this past year, especially those two-year-olds
are going to be subjected to this if Fauci gets his way, what's the impact on them 10 years from now?
We're going to have an entire generation of autistic-like children, people who don't have
sociable skills, are going to have problems and don't want to be around each other because that's
what they're seeing. They're seeing their parents do this. And as you noted, kids have been kicked
off planes because they weren't able to
keep the mask off them, didn't understand why they're being forced to do it. But this is the
new initiative. And again, I think they're doing this because they're getting prepared for another
lockdown, another wave of them in the West. Don't you think if there was a massive wave
of COVID going on among kids, they would be harping on that every night on all the fake channels.
Every night they would. Kids are dying of COVID everywhere. They're dropping dead. They're walking
down the street. You're dead. A dead kid on the street. If that was really happening, they would
be blasting that out and they would be pushing the vaccine harder and harder than ever. The truth of the matter is kids aren't
getting COVID. They're not getting sick with it. Why vaccinate them? Why are we plunging
needles in their arm? And why are we masking up the kids? The American Association of Pediatrics
in the letter that Dr. Fauci is referring to said that the AAP recommends universal masking because
a significant portion of the student population is not yet eligible for
vaccines. Okay, now notice they're not they haven't received a vaccine but
they're not getting sick either and masking according to them is proven to
reduce transmission of the virus and to protect those who are not vaccinated.
Well, how does that work?
If kids aren't getting coronavirus, they're not transmitting the virus. Well, Guck, it's because it's the new uniform of submission.
Absolutely. You're right.
They're doing this because the children, they can't grow up,
they especially can't attend preschool, thinking that they actually control their own lives.
This is the mindset of the elite in this country, the mindset of foot soldiers or generals in this case,
of people like Dr. Fauci, that these children are the future voters.
They are the future, I guess, minions maybe of the NIH and the other branches enforcing this.
And this is what the kids are being taught.
They're taught that you can go to Walmart without a mask.
You can go everywhere else without a mask.
But when you come to school, guess what you have to do?
You have to put on your mask.
What is that telling the kids?
Don't talk to each other.
That's right.
It's telling the kids that we have to stay six feet apart from each other. Right. We can't talk to each other. That's right. It's telling the kids that we have to stay six feet apart from each other. We can't talk to each other.
We can't breathe on each other.
But if I go somewhere else, I'm okay.
Yeah, well, they don't want, that's the whole point.
They don't want you to understand what the rules are.
They want you constantly confused.
Like for example-
That's right.
That's another form of gaslighting.
I can't fly properly.
I mean, I can fly kind of, but I can't rent a car.
You know, the kind of thing where it's like, okay, so I have to wear a mask here, but I don't here.
It's to keep you confused is what they want you to do so you don't know exactly what the rules are.
And it's because these people are sick.
This is what they do.
They play games with the populace and their heads.
And they are constantly changing their personal scripts. And the perfect example of that is Dr. Anthony Fauci,
who we have witnessed has gone through at least three or four different permutations of Dr. Fauci,
where he went from, we absolutely don't need masks.
Remember that last year, early last year, 60 minutes, we don't need those masks.
Masks don't help in a situation like this.
In fact, they probably cause more problems too. Let's mask up need those masks. Masks don't help in a situation like this. In fact, they probably
cause more problems too. Let's mask up all those kids in school. Let's put masks on two-year-olds.
Let's mask them all up. And now Dr. Fauci, you know, last year, I forget, it was a month,
month and a half ago, he had a run-in with Senator Rand Paul in the Senate.
Well, they've had Ron too.
Yeah. And Rand Paul ran him up the flagpole and back down again at the previous meeting.
And Dr. Fauci this time thought that he would try to be a bit more aggressive and stand up to Rand Paul.
We're not buying it, Tony.
Lorne, you got a chance to watch this hearing in front of the Senate Health Committee. It did appear that Dr.
Fauci, I would say, was a little more prepared, but had actually been practicing some talking
points. Right. How did this exchange turn out? Right. So he had no rebuttal. So everything was,
OK, what can I cause to go viral on Twitter? Fauci stands up to Rand Paul. However,
he was caught blatantly lying during this Senate
hearing about things that are really important that Americans need to know.
Check out this clip.
Creates a felony and a five-year penalty for lying to
Congress. On your last trip to our committee on May 11th, you stated that
the NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
And yet, gain-of-function research was done entirely in the Wuhan Institute by Dr. Shi and was funded by the NIH.
I'd like to ask unanimous consent to insert into the record the Wuhan Virology paper entitled
Discovery of a Rich Gene Pool of Bat of bat SARS related coronaviruses. Please deliver a copy of the journal article
to Dr. Fauci. In this paper Dr. Shi credits the NIH and lists the actual
number of the grant that she was given by the NIH. In this paper she took two
bat coronavirus genes, spike genes, and combined them with a SARS-related backbone to create new viruses that are not found in nature.
These lab-created viruses were then shown to replicate in humans. genetic information from different coronaviruses that infect animals but not humans to create novel
artificial viruses able to infect human cells. Viruses that in nature only infect animals were
manipulated in the Wuhan lab to gain the function of infecting humans. I want everyone to understand
that if you look at those viruses, and that's judged by qualified virologists and evolutionary biologists, those viruses are molecularly impossible to result in SARS-CoV-2.
No one's saying those viruses caused the pandemic.
Senator Paul.
We're saying they are gain-of-function viruses because they were animal viruses that became more transmissible in human, and you funded it.
And you. You can't you funded it. And you...
You won't admit the truth.
And you implying...
Senator Paul, your time has expired, and I will allow witnesses who come before this committee to respond.
And you are implying that what we did was responsible for the deaths of individuals?
I totally resent that.
And it could have been.
And if anybody is lying here, Senator, it is you.
So there we have it.
Classic case of projection, which is all they know how to do.
Blame those for the things we're guilty of ourselves is what he did.
And he knew that if he said that, the whole left-wing Twitter world would say, oh, Fauci
stood up to Rand Paul.
He destroyed Rand Paul.
And that's what people were saying.
But the truth of the matter is, it's right there.
Fauci blatantly lied during a Senate hearing discussing the origins of COVID.
If you go on and watch this a little further, he even does a double finger point at Rand Paul to double his point at home. point out in the extended segment there was saying that money did change hands to the Wuhan lab that
promoted gain-of-function research. And what Rand Paul did is he read back to Dr. Tony Fauci,
Fauci's definition of gain-of-function, read it to him and said, gain of function research is any kind of viral
research that talks about the transmissibility, increased transmissibility from one mammal to
another mammal. Read that back to Dr. Fauci. And then Dr. Fauci said, that's not true.
Yes. He was doing the Bill Clinton defense. Yes. The Bill Clinton defense in the impeachment is
what's the definition of is? Dr. Fauci was trying to say, what's the definition of gain of function?
Even though he defined it before. Sure. And Dr. Fauci, he understands this. I'd hope so.
Otherwise, he needs to be fired. He probably should have been held in contempt at this
hearing, not just for lying, but just treating a sitting senator, an actual elected official,
the way he was treating him.
But the premise here is, you're absolutely right, he lied.
We have the paper, which Rand Paul is quoting.
We could sit here for half an hour and show you each segment of the lies that Dr. Fauci made. The paper that he was given, even had his buddy, Peter Daszak, the head of EcoHealth Alliance,
which is the way he's able to craft that Bill Clinton spin, because the NIH funded his friend, EcoHealth Alliance, which is the way he's able to craft that Bill Clinton spin, because the NIH
funded his friend, EcoHealth, which then did the research in Wuhan. So Dr. Fauci's like, well,
funded? What's the definition of funded? Maybe funneled? If you said funneled, that may be right.
And gain a function. Well, our intent wasn't to create a bioweapon. Our intent, that's what you're
really trying to get at, isn't it, Senator Paul? No, Senator Paul is asking you a very simple question, a question I think that any member
of the public would want.
And I think we want more than just that.
I actually was surprised I didn't hear more questions about the VAERS database, for example,
during this hearing.
You had both the CDC director there and Dr. Fauci and others who have been saying for
months that regardless of the side effects, minimal,
very rare as they are, it's still worth it to get the vaccine.
Why not discuss during a hearing like this the damage against the country and potentially
the damage to come if Dr. Fauci, working for communist China, as we suspect, is about to
do the spin of the century and spin this
whole thing back on the United States. Well, I'll tell you the reason why is because people can't
understand that aspect of it, Edward. The senators don't even understand that aspect of it. They
can't question it. They can't deliver it because they don't take the time to read the material and
get into it and figure out what it's actually saying,
like we have to have to do on a regular basis and then be able to sell that to the American people.
However, Dr. Fauci, he's the face of vaccines.
He's the face of he's our savior.
Actually, he's our Messiah, isn't he?
I mean, he's going to save us all.
I mean, he's going to save us all, Dr. Fauci and the vaccine.
All you need to know about Dr. Fauci is this number, one million.
That's all you need to know about him.
What's that number, Edward?
Well, that's expected dead, right?
No, that's the amount of money of the check he got from Israel.
And so one million dollars. That's all you need to know about Dr he got from Israel. And so $1 million.
That's all you need to know about Dr. Fauci is that number $1 million.
He got a check for $1 million from Israel this past year for his great advances in COVID.
You know, and last year I was ready.
We all did our part.
When they first shut down the country, we all, two weeks to flatten the curve, we were all on board.
I was listening to Dr. Fauci when he was saying things like, you can't wear a mask because I remember him specifically saying you touch your face and it causes more. I was ready to listen to him and
give credit where credit was due. But it turns out, they're lying facts. But he hadn't gotten
the check yet. He hadn't gotten the check yet. That's true. But he got it. He earned it. He got
the check. I bet that check cleared too. Well, something else that has been cleared by Dr. Fauci is now that you can now admit that it's possible, not a conspiracy theory, but it's possible that COVID came from a bioweapons lab.
And a very, I say it didn't get a lot of attention, but an interview Dr. Fauci gave on Saturday before this hearing that we just saw with Dr. Rand Paul, he spoke to CNN.
He said for the first time that the theory that the coronavirus, the bioweapon that we
suspect it is, came from a lab, that is something you need to keep your mind open to.
The interesting part of this interview, though, covered by Rolling Stone,
is that he didn't say which lab. That's true. Very interesting thing here. He did not say Wuhan.
He did not say the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Again, everyone is almost an expert on the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the PLA's work through this lab and the funding through Dr. Fauci and
his friends. But Dr. Fauci was very pointed, like the WHO director Tedros Ghebreyesus.
He also said it's possible now that it did come from a lab.
They've gone from a lab.
Didn't say which lab, but a lab.
They've gone from it being a ridiculous conspiracy theory.
They only hear on the sound waves or the disinformation waves right now, according to the White House, it's a possibility. And the WHO recently announced an investigation
into the origins of coronavirus. Didn't say where they would do the investigation, did they?
That's correct. Now, this is where we're going with this, because you have to wonder where they
got the talking point for that one. Well, if I can throw some... Yeah, go ahead.
The WHO also had announced last week that they expect... They had received word that China planned to fully cooperate with this new investigation.
Which some thought, oh, does that mean they're going to cooperate with the
Wuhan Bioweapons Lab investigation?
They're going to go to Wuhan.
But again, they never said the city.
They never said the country.
Yes. But again, they never said the city. They never said the country.
Now we've got a little glimpse about what might have been the direction.
Now, before I show you this, there has been a few actions by a certain country, a certain communist party that resulted to cannibalism to come to power.
First of all, did you know the communist Chinese are now against mandatory vaccination?
They decided watching, I guess, the spin status of Fox News, their ability to flip the script completely.
Well, China's flipped the script.
They are now for informed consent.
They're now for voluntary status for vaccination.
This is from the Global Times, the state-backed piece.
They also are using this talk. Obviously, they're doing this in a way to try to score points. But they're also now saying that it wasn't
their fault. According to the South China Morning Post, and this was first
published in the Global Times, China believes
the coronavirus came from Fort Detrick, the bioweapons lab in
Frederick, Maryland.
OK, so help us out with this, Edward. Walk us through this. How is this working now?
Well, the Chinese, knowing that the discussion or by their own intent, their own mission,
driving it in this direction, they have to explain a lab leak theory.
They got to come up with a lab it came from. Well, the Chinese have now gone with the campaign, the strategy of finding a different lab, a lab in America, a lab
that has been clouded in mystery, a lab that many suspect could have had leaks in the past, could
have been doing certain bioweapons research, and was shut down before the beginning of the pandemic. Well, the Chinese are now saying not only is Fort Detrick to blame, needs to be opened up,
needs to be investigated, need to send WHO investigators with likely Chinese advisors
tied with the government, tied with the PLA to go into this lab. But they are also saying that this lab is, let's say, the origin, is the emphasis.
They want this lab to become the primary point of blame.
The American bioweapons lab, not the Chinese one, and the many others, the 20 labs the
Chinese have pointed out around the world producing bioweapons. Yeah, there's an article by the Global Times with this title
that there's half a million Chinese netizens signed joint letter to the WHO
demanding a probe into the U.S. Fort Detrick lab.
Now, I don't know how they verify those signatures and everything,
but you see where this is starting to lead now.
Well, it's all digital now. They just have to get a social credit score for those.
So you have the WHO announcing an investigation into a lab.
Now you say Dr. Fauci is saying it's a lab leak without directly saying it's Wuhan, leaving
the door open to a lab leak.
Then you see something like the communist outlet, the Global Times, where it says
clearly suspect number one, why Fort Detrick lab should be investigated for global COVID-19 origins
tracing. That's number 23 for control, if you guys want to grab it there real quick. And so
obviously the propaganda is in motion right now.
Not only is the propaganda in motion from China, but now, Lauren, you begin to see it filtering in to some of the media here with Dr. Fauci and a few others.
Edward, is there any case to be made?
Is it a possibility? I'm just asking, is it a possibility that
coronavirus could have come from Fort Detrick? Well, I'll never make the case for the godless
Chinese, but something that was intriguing in their report is the lab did indeed shut down
in autumn of 2019. Now, the lab shutdown was itself clouded in a lot of denials,
a lot of misdirection. But a report that was published in January of that year, there were
some scientists and other officials that essentially had to leak out a little bit more
information about the shutdown. Reports are it was actually due to several serious protocol violations.
Now, these are described as not having employees wear the proper protective material
going into certain areas of the lab, not treating the areas which had, let's say, things like coronavirus.
If they were studying those, no record of that.
But you have to wonder. It's a germ lab. It's one of our premier bioweapons facilities.
They were saying that those areas were not properly secured.
Like the buildings themselves weren't properly built, properly secured, properly maintained.
The emphasis of this was it was enough to shut it down.
And this is August, presumably, in autumn.
They're talking about the end of 2019,
before the pandemic really was ramped up around the world. But this was around the time you were
seeing cases in China, too. So the Chinese, I think, they may be taking advantage of a plausible
alternative. We are not accusing Fort Detrick of being the origin, but the Chinese are.
And you may see people like Dr. Fauci even maybe point the finger there or at least step aside as a WHO investigation launches into this new theory.
Now, from what I understand, the CDC shut down the Army's lab.
That's the Army's bioweapons lab, for a number of serious violations,
including you had lab workers there, Lauren,
that weren't wearing gloves,
weren't handling toxic material and infectious material.
They weren't disposing of materials properly.
They weren't wearing proper safety equipment
at other times,
and they didn't maintain proper inventories.
There were some things that were missing.
All right, now listen, I understand that we have to, you know,
this is the real world that they have to have these kind of facilities.
I regret that, but that's how evil we are.
But if we're going to do that, I want the highest level of security and safety possible.
I don't want anything getting out of a bioweapons lab.
And these are just the ones we know about.
These don't count the ones that we don't know about.
Rick has made the case, and we've had a guest
on the program in the past, Lauren, that we can trace Lyme disease back to Fort Detrick.
And one of the examples that CDC shut Fort Detrick down on was that they were ramping
up testing on the Ebola virus at the time. And they were testing a new brand of the Ebola virus on rhesus monkeys.
One of the monkeys was missing.
How do you miss a monkey?
How does a monkey go missing?
Well, they even had one of the observations from video review
was that a door was being propped open by an employee
in one of the biosafety level three sections of the lab.
Again, these are all things that people pointed out at Wuhan, that Wuhan, the bioweapons lab there, were not following proper procedures.
And obviously the big theory has been it's been a leak, an accidental leak out of Wuhan.
We suspect maybe it may be much more nefarious than that, especially since it comes from a country that has just this past week threatened to continuously nuke another country
until they're wiped off the face of the earth.
We shared this yesterday.
This is from The Express.
The Chinese produced a propaganda film
saying they would nuke the Japanese to death continuously.
So I look at this.
We have to take their spin on this about Fort Detrick
with a grain of salt.
But, but, be prepared that a week from now, two weeks from now,
as the Marxist media catches up or gets their own memo from Beijing,
that this becomes the narrative that there was a leak, but it wasn't in Wuhan, it was in Maryland.
At Fort Detrick. And I could see them making that case.
And we touched on that possibility, if I remember right, the beginning of 2020,
because we made the correlation between, in the fall of 2019, Lauren,
they had what was called the military games in China.
And so you had all the different, sort of like the Olympics for armed forces, right?
So you had all these different representatives it was sort of like the Olympics for armed forces, right? So you had all these different representatives
from different militaries around the world.
Our own US military was there at that event.
And it was just shortly after our presence there
that we started seeing the first cases of coronavirus
start popping up in the media.
And so there was some-
Over there or over here? Over there. And so there were some,
and I remember right, it was a high level official early on that made the argument,
no, it was the U.S. military that brought the virus here, that it's their fault. And I can't,
I remember watching the videos. Someone in the foreign ministry. But he made that argument.
He made that argument. We reported on it.
But we have to face facts that we're living in a biological cold war right now.
That's what it is.
It's a biological, a bioweapons cold war, whereas we're not dropping bombs or anything like that, but we're escalating the level of defense
as it relates to the level of infection and also to the level of propaganda.
So we've got to, one side says it's this lab, the other side, no, no, it's this lab over
And then you have to sit back and wonder, well, what's the truth?
What's really going on about it?
And so, that's what we're here for What's really going on about it? And so,
and that's what we're here for. We're here to help sort out truth.
Right. In a whole world full of lies. I mean, I'm sitting here listening to you. I'm like,
well, could it have leaked from Maryland? You know, like, but I won't know because the news and journalism today is all about propaganda and pushing a narrative as opposed to digging out and
finding the truth.
You know, in a world full of lies,
Jesus Christ is the only truth we have.
Seek truth.
That's true.
In fact, Jesus went beyond truth as a concept.
He labeled truth as a person, and that was, he was truth.
He says, I am the way, the truth, and the life.
No one comes to the father,
but by me. So when you, in my approach and understanding of news, when we talk about
what truth is, I don't ask what is the truth? I ask who is the truth in it. And so even in the
midst of all these different stories that we've talked about today, I see the Lord at work because the who is truth is working in this
because he foretold of these things,
foretold about these days where pestilence would run rampant.
That's what, you know, coronavirus and the response and everything to it is.
It's a pestilence on us.
And that pestilence is a result of sins.
But the challenge that comes is sorting out lies.
You know, the Bible says in Proverbs 19, 5,
that a false witness will not go unpunished
and he who breathes out lies will not escape.
And that is a stern warning to all those
who want to continue to dish out the lies,
whether it's the lies about a
cobot or lies about the fake vaccine or the lies about well it came out here and
it came out there all these lies will be exposed understand that all these lies
will be exposed and you need to also understand that lies and all liars are of the devil John 8 44 says
that ye are of your father the devil and the lust of your father you will do he was a murderer from
the beginning and abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him when he speaks a lie
he speaks of his own for he is a liar and the father of it.
And so when you understand that all these folks that are spouting these lies
are nothing but children of Satan and children of the devil,
it makes understanding how things play out a little bit better.
But there is a judgment and a reward.
I wouldn't call it a reward, a punishment for those that continue in their lives.
And Revelation tells us about that too.
Revelation 21.8 says,
But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the abominable, the murderers, sexually immoral.
And by the way, that word immoral, they're sexually deviant.
Sorcerers, those who practice witchcraft, idolaters, and all liars.
Not some, not a few, all liars.
They're part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone,
which is the second death, and that's Revelation 21.8.
So if you're watching this today, and I hope you are,
if you're watching this today and you're lying,
you need to understand you've got already a destination planned by God for you. IF YOU'RE WATCHING THIS TODAY AND YOU'RE LYING, YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND YOU'VE GOT ALREADY A DESTINATION
AND SO I WOULD SAY ABANDON LIES. WHEN THERE COMES A POINT IN YOUR LIFE WHERE YOU SAY, in the life, and no one comes to the Father but by me. And so, I would say abandon lies.
When there comes a point in your life where you say goodbye
to the lies and hello to the truth, and the truth is a person,
it radically changes your life.
I want to see Sean Hannity tell the truth.
I want to see Steve Ducey tell the truth.
I want to see Dr. Fauci tell the truth THE TRUTH. I WANT TO SEE DR. FAUCI TELL THE TRUTH.
SO THAT'S MY FREE PLUG FOR IT THERE, SO. W way, New Zion Assembly, Sunday mornings at 1030. So that's my free plug for it there.
Well, thank you, Doc.
That certainly is wisdom for the ages.
And I think for anyone who's interested in politics, interested in news for that matter,
you need to take that to heart because you're not just reading stories.
I mean, if anything, you're equipping yourself, you're arming yourself with information.
Your discernment meter is going off when you're reading through these stories.
But you've got to use this.
You've got to be active.
You've got to participate in this.
And, Doc, we're looking for people with a good discernment meter, aren't we?
Yeah, absolutely.
Right now, we are actively seeking people to work alongside us here at True News.
Right now, we have several positions open,
especially within our video production department.
We had several resumes that came in yesterday.
We appreciate that, but we could sure use a lot more.
We're looking for people with broadcast experience,
broadcast video experience.
And so if that's you or you know someone who may qualify
to work alongside us, we would love to hear from you.
Visit forward slash careers.
That's forward slash careers.
As I mentioned, we're especially looking for video editors right now, but there are several other positions.
We're looking for a motion graphics designer and someone to help out in marketing and several other positions. And so, but my critical need right now here to help Rick out
and help this ministry out are video editors.
And we really, because we got some big projects coming up here in the fall.
Very exciting projects.
Very exciting projects.
And Rick will share more about that probably later this week.
But we need workers for the harvest field. And once again, we claim the Lord of the harvest. THAT PROBABLY LATER THIS WEEK. BUT WE NEED WORKERS FOR THE HARVEST FIELD.
AND I BELIEVE HE'S ALREADY GOT SOMEBODY IN MIND, MAYBE SOMEBODY WATCHING OR LISTENING, the harvest, send forth laborers into the harvest field. And I believe he's already got somebody in
mind, maybe somebody watching or listening even at this moment. If that's you, let us know,
visit forward slash curse. You know what? At one time, these two sitting here at the
table, you know, they applied and I had to encourage both of them to apply they had to apply and they did apply and
so I'm so glad they did and we have a application process we have very specific instructions that
you need to follow you don't follow those instructions we don't even consider you so
follow the instructions when you apply and we would love to hear from you. If you can follow the first test, and that's the instruction test,
then you probably qualify to work alongside us here.
So we're looking forward to hearing from you.
Well, thanks for reminding me of that, Doc.
I remember getting the email from the big cheese.
The big cheese.
That was my secret code word back then, code name back there, my spy name.
His spy name.
And so, but yeah,
I still remember. Do you have a CIA pin on like Sean Hannity does? Speak into it a little.
But yeah, I remember the first communicating with Edward and he was so green then. I mean,
it's amazing. I'm still green. I'm still learning my way. It's amazing how much Edward has matured over the years.
Of course, having Lauren on board and everything, this is a real treat.
And so proud of both of you guys and the work that you're doing.
And I hope that you pray for us in this ministry on a regular basis.
Pray for Edward.
Pray for Lauren.
If you don't mind, throw a prayer my way.
Always be praying for Rick and Susan, leadership of this ministry. And Rick will be here later
this week. And don't worry, he hasn't run off. He doesn't have COVID or anything like that. He's
working on a special project. And he had full confidence in knowing that Edward and Lauren
can take care of things. And so, and I think they're doing a great job. Don't you? And if you
do, say amen and let us know. Oh, thank you, Doc.
You bet.
Well, thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News.
We're here for you.
Whether it was Fort Detrick or Fort Wuhan that produced the bioweapon,
I know the universal cure for this virus, the great physician, King Jesus.
Believe on him and you will be saved.
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were inspired by the analysis of Christ-centered commentary,
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