TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - China PLA plotted in 2015 to weaponize coronavirus to crash U.S. medical system
Episode Date: May 10, 2021Today on TRUNEWS, host Edward Szall investigates how China had plans to weaponize SARS/COVID years ago, in an effort to overwhelm the health system in the US and abroad. The team also looks at the im...pact of the hack of the Colonial Pipeline, and the impact of on the fuel supply across seventeen states. Flames have erupted on the Temple Mount, and the custodial keys to the AL-Aqsa Mosque are now in the hands of the IDF in the midst of unrest in Jerusalem. Edward Szall, Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate (05/10/21)
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The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you.
To find out how you can help,, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll.
America is bracing for gas shortages after a cyber attack on Friday shut down our biggest oil pipeline.
The Colonial Pipeline, which runs fuel from oil refineries in Texas to gas stations in New Jersey,
went offline after critical IT systems were breached and taken over by sophisticated ransomware.
Forty-five percent of the East Coast fuel has been cut off,
state of emergencies have been declared, and a Russian hacking group has been blamed.
Right as most Americans were planning their summer vacations in the maskless South.
Joining me to discuss this story and more are True News founder Rick Walls and Doc Burkhart.
Hello, Edward.
This is going to be a powerful True News.
We've got a lot of major stories to cover today on a Monday.
And so we saw over the weekend what Monday was going to be like.
It was like a preview of the disasters around the world.
And we had other stories, the burning of the mosque in Jerusalem,
China weaponizing coronavirus to crash our medical system,
Bill Gates linked to Jeffrey Epstein. That's all in one show for today.
So chock full today.
It's full.
It is full. It is full. But this one, this pipeline hacking has immediate repercussions,
especially if you live on the East Coast. And we're already seeing it here in Florida today.
Right. In fact, a local gas station nearby here, their pumps were closed for a time last night,
and I saw again this morning. And so so and this is a busy station and so
they used to usually stay pretty well supplied but we saw that today we're going to see a lot
more of that probably over the next few days as well. When I uh when I was got the message uh
Saturday about the hacking that was the first thing I did I began texting relatives family
members and friends throw your gas tank up tonight.
There's going to be shortages very, very soon.
And I went out at lunchtime to get gas and just,
you know, within one mile of True News,
every single fuel station was packed and some of the pumps closed.
So it's already happening.
And, you know, they're saying that they're going to be able to restart it by the end of the week.
The end of the week.
So that's, you know, that's a number of days out.
And the way most people operate is they don't operate on a full tank of gas anyway.
And, you know, because we think gas is plentiful, we've got it everywhere.
And when we saw this happen on Friday, what was our first thought to do?
Get gas.
And so if you were smart and you saw this story the other day, you would have went out and got gas.
I'm one of these guys that I don't let my tank go under a half tank.
That's a good policy anyway.
I've just been that way my whole life.
I don't like to risk it.
I like to know that the tank is full because I don't know what's going to happen during the night, in the morning.
That there's a crisis.
You have to leave town.
You have to get out.
You have to flee.
And we've seen it here in Florida with hurricanes, how quickly the gasoline stations are out of fuel.
And people are stranded and they can't evacuate.
And, you know, it's just wise.
It doesn't matter where you live.
It's just wise to keep your gas tank full and be prepared at any time. But, Edward, what are the states that are under a current state of emergency?
Well, Alabama, Arkansas, the state of District Columbia, not state there, but Delaware, Alabama, Arkansas, the state of the District of Columbia, not state there, but
Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Missouri, New Jersey, New York,
North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia.
These are 17 states and the District of Columbia that have a regional state of emergency that's declared, specifically
in regard to the supply of gasoline and jet fuel, other
petroleum products. This isn't just cars that are affected by it, trucks affected
by it. This is also going to affect the shipment through the
airline industry. Mississippi, I think you said Missouri, but it's Mississippi.
That's 17 states and I guess if you count the District of Columbia. So
that's the entire eastern seaboard and a good portion of the south there. So
this is a major area. This is about, they said, impacted 45% of the gas
supply, is that correct? Yes, actually 47, 47% of the fuel for the East Coast.
So it's going to have major impact if they cannot restart it.
I mentioned a minute ago, they're saying that they're going to restart it.
It's the Colonial Pipeline, CNBC, saying aims to restore service by the end of this week.
One of the biggest issues, you can't just restart a pipeline that's been shuttered.
There's issues you have to check to make sure the pipeline itself is cleared.
They're going to have to do this across the 5,500 miles that is the Colonial Pipeline.
In addition to this, it's the IT infrastructure that has been breached, not the pipeline itself.
So there's been discussion, will Colonial Pipeline pay a ransom?
Have they been negotiating a ransom?
Jen Psaki, the White House press secretary, is weighed in, and she's confirmed that they don't know if Colonial Pipeline will pay the very people who have claimed to hack it.
That group is called DarkSide.
They have claimed this isn't a Russian
government group. They're independent hackers, according to the media reports on this. But
Cyber Reason, which is housed by Israeli Mossad alumni and UNIT 1800 alumni, they've claimed that
DarkSide is the evil twin of a Silicon Valley startup.
They're like the Robin Hood, Rick of hackers.
They go after big companies, but they're not doing it for politics, at least they claim.
They're doing it just to make money.
So they shut down the pipeline and then said, pay us the ransom or we don't turn your pipeline back on. Yes. And that happened all in a weekend.
You mentioned the Russians.
That was my first thought.
I said, oh, here we go.
Putin's going to be blamed for the oil pipeline shutdown.
And we've got a NATO exercise underway.
And I can see where this is going.
What has the White House said?
I know you said that they've talked about it,
but they don't see that Russia officially as a government has been involved?
They've said there's no evidence right now proving the Russian government has done this,
that they're responsible for it. But the FBI has confirmed that a Russian hacking group named DarkSide is behind the ransomware attack.
Now, this is the group itself has claimed on their own website that they did this.
FBI is claiming that this cyber group has done it.
But ultimately, we don't know.
And we also don't know what the response is going to be.
We're four days into this right now.
And overnight, we woke up and found out one of the primary pipelines for our gas in the South was shut down.
Well, CNN alleges that Russia did it.
That's right.
I'm surprised they haven't blamed it on Donald Trump.
Right. So this is the headline that the Russians are looking at today in TASS.
Well, this is news. It's almost like TASS.
It's in TASS. Well, this is news. It's almost like TASS. It's in number eight.
So, but hackers attacking Colonial Pipeline are linked to Russia, CNN alleges.
Well, it's linked in the sense that DarkSide has operated in Russia, but there's no proof.
And the White House even said this today.
There's no proof that the Russian government is behind this at all.
But just to be clear, DarkSide is what they call
ransomware as a service, okay?
Basically, you can hire to hack, hire a hacker.
Doc, sophisticated hackers can make it appear
that somebody's in a country that they're not in.
And intelligence agencies can do that too.
And we've confirmed that back in the 2016 election.
I'm always, always cautious.
Whatever country gets blamed first,
I just don't accept it at first glance.
You need to wait and see if there's any evidence of it
because it's easy to make it appear that the
hackers are operating from a specific country that you want to blame. Maybe the Russians did do it.
I can't. I mean, I don't see Putin getting up in the morning and saying, hey, let's shut down a
big pipeline. Right. But then what did Joe Biden do? Well, Joe Biden actually promised, this is only two months ago,
he promised to promptly attack Russia with cyber attacks,
specifically against critical infrastructure like pipelines.
Like pipelines.
But the U.S. can do it because we're the U.S.
And, you know, if Russia was behind it,
remember just the other day,
gentlemen, that Nord Stream 2 has been basically held back now. And so what would be an appropriate
response? Maybe the Russians did it. So these things, you know, they have an impact. The choices
that we make, the decisions that we make, we impact Russia, Russia's going to
impact us. One thing's for sure, no one knows what's going on except that gas prices are going
up quickly here over the next few days. So you always need to be prepared in situations like
this, always to plan ahead, because you never know what tomorrow's going to bring.
And it happens at the time of the annual Russian military parade in Moscow.
Yes, the president, Vladimir Putin, he spoke at this parade
and specifically said that Russia has defeated the Nazis once
and will again if they need to.
I saw that.
He made reference to the Nazis.
Yes, we beat them once.
And he said that there are Nazis at work today.
This is not the first time Vladimir Putin has made references to Nazis.
Now, Rick, where did all the Nazis go after World War II?
Did they stay in Germany?
No, they were transported to America by the CIA. And basically the American government
absorbed the Nazis. Yeah, we put them to work. We gave them a paycheck, didn't we?
You guys were so effective at what you did. Or, or, Doc, they put us to work and gave us paychecks. Right. Well, not only was the Independence Day or Victory Day parade going on in Russia,
they also had the opportunity to show off some of the nuclear bombers and ICBMs in the Victory Day parade.
And this Victory Day parade is the celebration by Russia of the defeat of the Nazis.
And we do owe that to Russia because they lost, I-
Thirty million.
Yes, 30 million people.
Thirty million people.
Yeah, I looked this up last night and it kind of boggles me.
Do you know that combined both the United States and Britain lost about a million?
Now that's a lot of people, right?
We lost a lot and nothing to take away from the veteran sacrifices during the war.
But the Russians lost 30 million.
Yet we demonize the Russians.
We don't even share the celebration with them about defeating the Nazis.
They lost 30 million of their people.
No, we have military bases in Germany that fought the United States and Russia.
So this is some of the military hardware that's on display at the Victory Day parade.
They're making it very clear that they're able to respond in their own way to any kind
of threats that might be going on against Russia.
That's the Black Jack nuclear bomber right there. They just had the bear bomber flying.
This is Moscow. They had nuclear bombers flying over the capital.
Not too subtle message.
Well, and that's what's happening in Russia. But Russia's not the only corner
of the world where things are happening, as we hinted in the opening here, that new information is coming out that the Chinese military scientists
discussed weaponizing the SARS virus, the SARS COVID virus, in 2015 to shut down the
West medical system.
So this is being reported across several different outlets today.
This is from The Sun here.
The Sun, okay.
The Sun is picking up the Australian. The Australian newspaper published the blockbuster report.
They obtained copies of Australian government documents.
And Doc, it is very shocking.
If these documents are accurate, it is shocking what the Chinese PLA generals
were talking about doing. And this was in 2015. Genetic biological warfare agents.
And with the purpose of breaking down the entire healthcare system in the United States,
and they pretty much almost did that. We see a reflection of that happening in India right now too, by the way.
India's healthcare system is completely overwhelmed right now in their response to coronavirus
and the vaccines and everything else going on with that.
So Rick, in your assessment here, was China successful in actually sending a cyber, I mean a biological attack against the United States?
And were we able to defend ourselves?
It's what we've been saying for over one year.
We've been attacked by China.
A biological weapon was released on the United States of America.
And some high-level American officials are complicit in that attack.
And that demands the most rigorous investigation to know who was involved with China.
And I'm not going to say names, because I am talking about complicit cooperation with China in developing a weapon against us.
And every American should be furious.
We should be demanding an investigation. I don't know how many agencies and how many sectors of our society,
science, health, maybe the military, maybe intelligence agencies, news media,
colleges, universities, research labs,
who had a hand in working with the Chinese to carry out a biological attack on us?
Because the weaponized coronavirus is one thing produced in the Wuhan lab.
But it's the coordinated propaganda campaign that started in this country that was no accident.
It just didn't happen.
I'm talking about the lockdowns.
I'm talking about the mandatory face masks.
I'm talking about the...
The shutting of churches.
Yes, shutting of churches, the confiscation of our rights.
That was not by accident.
That was a planned attack.
Right out of the China playbook.
The Black Lives Matter riots, the Antifa riots, the violence in our cities, the attack on
the integrity of our elections, the millions of fake ballots that were mailed in. This was a coordinated attack by Beijing,
and it required the active participation of high-level Americans for this plan to succeed.
And I just don't understand why there is not outrage by the American people. I mean,
this is the kind of stuff you get pitchforks and torches in March.
Because the bioweapons attack was effective.
It wasn't meant to kill people with a virus.
It killed their brain.
It did do that.
It's the stupid virus.
And it put us against each other.
Fauci said yesterday,
we may have to wear masks forever.
He said the people have gotten used to wearing masks.
Not me.
But you see where it's going?
And we forecasted this before.
It's not going to be a week or a month or even a year.
They're going to be saying it's years to wear a mask.
You're going to be wearing masks everywhere you go, the ball game to picnics, everywhere, any place outside.
Now, this report in The Australian was interesting for a couple of reasons. First,
it was based on documents leaked to The Australian owned by News Corp, Rupert Murdoch's paper,
by the U.S. State Department. A 263-page report was leaked to The Australian.
On top of this, this same report was actually referenced by Mike Pompeo in February
in a Wall Street Journal op-ed.
The telltale sign is that both The Australian and the Wall Street Journal op-ed
spoke about the SARS epidemic in China in 2003, and that the Chinese, their military
at the time, had considered it to have been a bioweapons attack against them.
Yes, them.
That's right.
They took that.
This is not the first time I've read that the Chinese suspected that SARS was a biological
attack on them.
Remember those reports? That SARS was a biological attack on them. Right this seems to be and and it makes me
Because I keep seeing this appearing in Asian reports. I have to wonder is
Payback payback for what somebody did to them
Well, the interesting part about this is that the planning done by Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates for Event 201 made references to the Asian people being more susceptible to avian flus, to things like SARS-CoV-2.
And they use this as justification for their war game planning, again, of the pandemic before the pandemic happened. But in this 263-page document that was leaked to The Australian that
they're reporting on, they specifically noted this launched a decades-long mission, a Manhattan
project for man-made viruses, where they were trying to figure out how to create the most
effective bioweapons and then release them on America, not just to kill Americans, but to overload our economy, our medical system, our hospitals.
This report, I think, is either propaganda or is a revelation of what the Chinese have been planning for two decades.
What's interesting is that this article says that the reports first released by the Australian were obtained by the U.S. State Department.
All right. So is the Biden administration leaking these documents?
I think Mike Pompeo leaked them.
Yes. Or did they come from Mike Pompeo?
There's been a slew of very powerful reports in Australian media that would have required an insider from the State Department. This isn't the first time
the Australian and others like Sky News Australia, for example, has been able to report very
aggressively on the coronavirus pandemic, but from a perspective that they had an insider from
the government, someone like Mike Pompeo, maybe, or his staff. The core of the message is that
China did this to us. It wasn't a mistake, and it did come from the lab.
That's been the messaging from Mike Pompeo.
Well, it says Chinese scientists describe SARS coronavirus, which this, our coronavirus,
no, it's SARS.
They describe SARS coronavirus as presenting a new era of genetic weapons.
The People's Liberation Army papers referenced,
seemed to fantasize that a bioweapon attack could cause an enemy's medical system to collapse.
And it referenced SARS, which hit China in 2003,
that it could have been a man-made bioweapon deliberately unleashed by terrorists.
By terrorists.
By terrorists on China.
The PLA document boasted that the viruses could be artificially manipulated
into an emerging human disease virus,
then weaponized and unleashed in a way never seen before.
Now, I wonder, is Twitter going to deplatform
any newspaper that publishes this article?
No. Why would they do that, Rick?
Why would they deplatform them?
Because they deplatformed Zero Hedge a year ago for saying these things.
That's right.
They sure did.
Any of us who spoke out, we got censored, deplatformed, vilified, smeared, mocked, laughed at.
I mean, I had, what's that outfit?
The news cops.
You know, they called me a couple months ago.
And they wanted me to retract or comment on crazy things I've said about coronavirus.
We're writing a report about you, Mr. Wiles.
We're going to send it out to all schools and universities and everybody.
They're going to get the report.
You say crazy things, Mr. Wiles.
We're giving you an opportunity to retract or explain yourself.
It was about this kind of stuff.
About me saying it was a Chinese bioweapon attack.
Well, I wonder if NewsGuard is going to say I'm right.
No, they're not going to.
They're not going to.
Why is it?
Why are there powerful people in organizations defending the Chinese Communist Party and attacking Americans
who are trying to warn the American people
that World War III has started.
We have people in this country
with money and power and influence
who are attacking people like me
and Zero Hedge and Tucker Carlson,
anybody who questions the narrative of coronavirus.
Why is it?
Because we are in World War III,
and it's a biological war, and it's an information war.
Yes, it's a mind war.
A propaganda war.
And so that's the war that we're in.
We are in World War III right now,
and we have been for a while.
So when you see a Fauci, when a Fauci comes out on CNBC
and says, it looks like we're
going to have to wear masks forever. People have gotten
used to it. He said, this is a way
to combat flu.
We can just
eradicate flu if people just wear masks forever.
All right.
You need
to seriously question
Anthony Fauci's motives and loyalties.
That's all I'm going to say.
So we wear masks because it gets rid of the flu, but the reason why COVID's spreading is because people aren't wearing masks.
But the flu's not spreading.
That's double speak.
Just so we're clear on that.
Well, there's other news happening in the world as well, and in the midst of World War III,
and, of course, the big news that broke last week was the announcement about the divorce of Bill and Melinda Gates.
And so, in addition to Bill Gates trying to block out the sun and send genetically modified mosquitoes all over the world. And buy up all the farmland.
Buy all the farmland, and I forget all the other things that he's involved with.
Universal vaccination.
Oh, that's true, too.
Eliminate the population.
But apparently, Melinda Gates began seeking divorce back in 2019.
And so this is nearly two years now. Gates began seeking divorce back in 2019.
And so this is nearly two years now, and part of that has been the concerns about his relationship
to Jeffrey Epstein.
Now this is hitting mainstream media outlets now, The Wall Street Journal, The Daily Beast,
and others, making this connection between Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein.
We made these connections more than a year ago, but no one seemed to care then when we were making these connections.
Rick, what has changed?
What's happening now that they are making these connections? One possible thing
Bill Gates, there is a
somebody is about
to come forward
point a finger at Bill Gates
and the news media is running.
Oh, you know, the news media,
hey, we knew he was guilty we knew you know
we we turned on him two days ago you know i mean i tried to expose him right in the last 24 hours
you know so that's one possibility that somebody is coming forward who is going to specifically name Bill Gates. I'm talking about a young woman.
Or there are documents.
What has been released through the, just Lynn Maxwell.
Remember all the documents that the court released?
Is Bill Gates' name in it?
That's a possibility. He is going to be, I'm it. That's a possibility.
He is going to be, I'm just saying there's a possibility he is going to be clearly linked to Jeffrey Epstein
and sex with teenage girls.
That's one possibility.
There's another possibility, and that is that Epstein
enticed Bill Gates to be part of his breeding farm.
Saying to Gates, you're a genius.
You know, all of us geniuses, we need to come together, you know,
and we're going to eliminate the population of the world,
and then we're going to reseed the planet with our babies.
With our geniuses.
We're geniuses, and we'll never, it'll be 5,000 years
until the world becomes this dumb again.
Now, for those of you who are new to the program or aren't up to what we're talking about,
Jeffrey Epstein actually had a plan in place to basically create a breeding farm.
And he was meeting with scientists, high IQ people, inviting them to become breeders.
Yes, donors, yes.
So they needed little girls to breed.
That's another possibility.
Well, it's interesting, that one right there,
we were told that he met with most of these celebrities,
most of these high, powerful people for philanthropy.
What do you do with philanthropy, with charities?
You donate to them.
We don't know that that wasn't just a key word or
a secret turn of phrase for the ultimate project, which was a transhumanist futuristic breeding
operation of Zorro Ranch in New Mexico. That's right. Now, here's another possibility. This is
not mine. I had dinner over the weekend with a brilliant man who is very knowledgeable about world affairs.
And his opinion is that the Jeffrey Epstein story is a ruse. It's just a cover that Bill and Melinda Gates are orchestrating their divorce in order to split up assets and make them disappear without disrupting the markets.
And I presently, what are you thinking? He goes, perhaps they want to move everything out of the United States.
Perhaps they think the U.S. is on the verge of collapse.
A divorce is the way wealthy people make wealth disappear.
I lost it in the divorce.
That's interesting. Yes. Hadn't considered that. I hadn't either the divorce. That's interesting.
Hadn't considered that.
I hadn't either.
It's not my idea, but it did make me think about it.
So I just threw it out there.
I'm not taking credit for that idea.
Well, I think there's some wisdom in that analysis because when you look at the reports
in front of you, the two big
ones have been the Daily Beast and the Wall Street Journal. One of the reports is that
Melinda and Bill were present at a meeting in September 2013. This is after Jeffrey Epstein
had come out of jail, convicted pedophile. Jeffrey Epstein doing horrible things down
in Palm Beach is now hosting a meeting in his New York sex mansion with Bill and Melinda Gates.
She was there too.
The Wall Street Journal is claiming that October 2019, roughly around that time, the fall of
2019, because Bill Gates's name got brought up by the media, that he had once attended,
not her, but him, had attended a meeting at the sex mansion, that was enough now for
her to consult a lawyer.
So it wasn't that Melinda Gates had some kind of a change of heart,
or had a conscience that said, well, wow, we're talking to a pedophile.
One of the reports had been, well, Melinda Gates was not comfortable
with meeting around this convicted pedophile.
It made her feel weird, made her feel dirty.
It wasn't dirty enough for her to come forward in the past. You think about this, this is only coming out now after he's dead.
But they've been negotiating this divorce for two years.
Yes. According to unnamed sources in the Wall Street Journal, which I think all this leans
most toward Rick's theory about this being maybe a cover. It doesn't benefit them to be associated
with Jeffrey Epstein, but they already were associated. This way you can get rid of some Rick's theory about this being maybe a cover. It doesn't benefit them to be associated with
Jeffrey Epstein, but they already were associated. This way you can get rid of some assets potentially.
Did we, I don't know, did we show the Daily Beast article? I wasn't making a case. We have. So,
okay. Yeah. So supposedly Melinda Gates warned her husband, Bill, in 2019,
stay away from that creep Jeffrey Epstein.
Now, if that's true, I give credit to Melinda Gates that she had enough discernment to know
that Epstein was a pervert.
But it makes you wonder, why did Billy Boy, why was he attracted to Gates?
Why did his wife have to step in and say,
get away from that pervert?
You hang out with people that you like, right?
Birds of a feather flock together.
That's what my grandmother said.
She heard that from somebody.
Passed down for years.
It's an old saying, but it's the truth.
Maria Farmer, one of the first Epstein victims,
she said to us that Bill Gates had a longtime business relationship with Jeffrey Epstein,
going into the beginning of the 90s. This is way back. She claims to have heard Ghislaine Maxwell
and Jeffrey Epstein discussing while they're watching Bill Gates on TV in an interview,
saying, hey, wow, yeah, Bill, I love Bill. We hang out with Bill. We do things with Bill.
That's for Maria Farmer. Maybe the Evening Standard Report. Maybe Bill Gates
was getting secret funding in his early days. And that wouldn't
be beyond the realm of possibility because Jeffrey Epstein funneled a lot of money
to research projects, to startups, things
that he liked, things they showed favoritism.
I mean, but it was still money that he had control over and everything that he was funneling
towards special research problems.
He didn't even have control over the money.
Jeffrey Epstein was hired to play the role of a billionaire.
I agree with you.
That's it.
But he was a real life pedophile.
Yes, that was the perks that he got.
That was his day job.
Yes, yes.
But he had no money, and he had no control of the money.
He was simply to play the role of a billionaire.
And the question is, who were the money men?
Wasn't just one.
Who were the money men who financed Jeffrey Epstein?
And where did all the video go?
The tens of thousands of hours of video recorded
of American, influential, powerful American men
raping little girls.
Where did the video go?
Because his mansions had video rooms,
and inside the video rooms,
there were control rooms.
Like we have a control room here.
Yeah, that Wexner had installed.
They had employees sitting behind video monitors
recording the sex acts that were taking place
in various rooms of Epstein mansions.
The bedrooms and bathrooms.
Where did the video go?
Where was it fed?
What country got it?
Where is it?
If you find the video, you'll find the money.
Now, they could sit there and say that, oh, we lost the video and everything.
Why were you recording it? But one thing they did report when they searched the mansion in New York is they hauled away
hundreds, they said hundreds of DVDs with images of girls on them.
Thousands of photographs.
Thousands of photographs.
My question is, where are all these girls?
Where are they?
They're dead.
Where are they at? Where are all these girls? Where are they? They're dead. Where are they at?
Where are these girls at?
Hundreds of them, maybe even thousands of them.
Where are they?
No one asked those questions.
Why isn't anyone asking just that one question right there?
But yes, the New York mansion. Why did he have a high-powered carpet shredder and tile cruncher in his mansion that he flew from one state or one country to another?
What's the purpose of it?
Is it to grind bones?
Well, some of those bones are pretty tough to break down, Rick.
Why did he have dental chairs in all of his mansions. To remove the teeth of children
so that
forensic investigators
couldn't identify the corpse.
I mean, this is the mind, the thinking
of a
But he was a well-paid,
well-connected psychopath
who was employed to do these things for some group of people with enormous wealth and power.
And it's been alleged that he was blackmailing those people with enormous amounts of power that were pictured or video.
Of course they were.
That was the whole purpose of it.
So what we have to look at here is not just a gossip story with Bill Gates having a relationship with Jeffrey Epstein.
But you have to think now past that.
Was Bill Gates being leveraged?
You have to now question every investment Bill Gates has made over the last three decades, especially big ones like the WHO, like with China.
And we remember Ghislaine Maxwell.
She had her own international project, the Ocean Passport, the Ocean Citizen Project.
It was being done through the UN, being done through the World Economic Forum.
Was Bill Gates made a billionaire?
Was the secret cabal funding him the whole time?
Were they the source of the investment capital he needed to build Microsoft?
I don't know. But I didn't know that Gates had business relationships with Epstein
back to the 1990s. That's right. You're getting to the early days of Microsoft.
Right. And that was reported in the Evening Standard. A very small little note about
Jeffrey Epstein saying one of his business partners was Bill Gates. Let's move on to higher topics. Liz Cheney. That's a higher topic, huh? Yes.
Well, it turns out she organized a military coup against Donald Trump.
She did two things, according to The New Yorker.
This is a story about the wonders
of Liz Cheney and her
patriotism. They wrote this in a manner that she's
a hero. But what they admitted
in this piece
is that Liz Cheney
not only organized all
living former defense secretaries
to write the infamous January
3rd op-ed for the Washington Post, the one that claimed that President Trump was about to use the
military inappropriately, was about to himself launch a military coup.
You remember this?
But she also circulated a memo to every member of the Republican Party in the House and the
Senate, do not support this.
Do not support this because you will be pulled into the conspiracy.
She worked behind the scenes to defeat President Trump. in the House and the Senate. Do not support this. Do not support this because you will be pulled
into the conspiracy.
She worked behind the scenes to defeat President Trump.
Do not support the allegations that the 2020 election
was rigged.
That's the message she sent out.
Now, keep in mind, this article is from January 3rd. What happened three days later?
Oh, he stole me the Capitol.
Yeah, he had the mob at the Capitol.
And so these things aren't coincidental, folks.
They set these stories up to be released at certain times in order to prime the American public, to prime the American populace for things that might happen. So you have all the living defense secretaries come out on a Saturday saying, well, you know, we we don't want to interfere with elections and everything.
And then three days later, on a Tuesday, you have, quote, an uprising, which wasn't an uprising. So what she was doing, Doc and Edward, is she was she was part just part of.
The the group that managed the public reaction to the election, remember, what was the
remember the story? Yes. You talk about from Time magazine where they boasted that there was a
there was a propaganda operation that that managed and controlled how the American people thought about the
election, responded to allegations of election fraud, and it was all coordinated.
And they boasted in an article in Time magazine, they boasted that they did it.
They'd been working it for months.
That's why.
John Pothauser said he began in 2019. Yes. And that's why Donald Trump was deplatformed. That was preplanned. He was deplatformed because it was preplanned to cut him off so that he could
not communicate with the American people. So Liz Cheney was part of that operation and what she did is that she she
Former secretaries of defense to say there was no election fraud
Including her dad
Well, who do you think was telling who do you think was running the operation?
Darth Vader himself.
So Darth Vader had his daughter, Liz Vader.
Liz Vader.
I like that.
I'm writing that one down.
Liz Vader.
To call all the secretaries, get them on
board. Why? Because
they didn't want
the rank and file military
to say,
oh my gosh, we've had a coup in the country.
just overthrew us.
The elections were
rigged. They didn't want the
military to, in January, stand up and go, whoa, wait a minute.
There has to be an investigation.
The country's been overthrown.
A fake election.
So Liz Vader Cheney, she played her role in organizing that part of the choreographed propaganda operation.
But it shows high-level Republicans that they had an involvement, I believe, the entire
four years Donald Trump was in office, yet high-level Republicans who were actively working
to take down Donald Trump.
And it began before he was elected.
They were opposing him in the primaries.
They opposed him during the campaign.
They opposed him as soon as he won.
They began the Russia hacked the election hoax.
And then four years later is nobody hacked the election.
That's a hoax.
Think about how they flipped it around.
Four years ago, the election was rigged.
Four years later, only an idiot would think the election was rigged.
But this one's not rigged.
Well, think about this for a second.
And only an idiot would think it wasn't rigged.
We're being told that
one of the most important pipelines in the
country is hackable.
It can be breached by a
sophisticated independent group.
But not the voting machines. Not the elections.
Not the voting machines. No, that can never be hacked.
That's way too protected.
And that's a good point to bring out because
pipelines, that's part of the vital
infrastructure of this nation.
Directly protected. I mean, it should be, you know, it should be protected, you know,
like, you know, the highways or the water supply, anything like that. If that can't be protected,
then how can you say voting machines are protected? And could we have like, this is what this did,
Liz Cheney stopped a national discussion about Antrim County, for example, of many.
Let's just talk specifically about Antrim County.
Over the weekend, I read one of the reports about an audit was done in Antrim County.
Did you know they officially found that 2000 votes by error were moved from President Trump to Joe Biden?
They claimed, well, luckily we found it before the certification.
The certification being the election results certified in Michigan,
then sent to the Senate for their certification.
That happened. They claimed it was done by mistake.
Why the Democrats in Maricopa County, Arizona,
today refusing to obey an order
of the state legislature
to surrender
the voting machines to the
auditors. Why?
If there's no fraud,
what are the Democrats afraid of?
The truth. That's what they're afraid of, Rick.
So, Liz Cheney
is part of it.
That's not a shock to any of us.
She's a daughter of Dick Cheney.
Dick Cheney, look, you go back to...
The Iraq War, even before that.
Go back to...
Continuity of government.
Continuity of government.
The wise men.
Dick Cheney helped craft...
Donald Rumsfeld.
Yes, Rumsfeld and Cheney designed the continuity and government plan back in the 80s.
Who would take over the U.S. government during a time of disaster?
A group of wise men.
Cheney wrote that plan.
Cheney is not to be trusted
it looks like the House Republicans are going to vote
her out of her position
maybe today or tomorrow
she really has
but she's been out it
and Bill Gates has been out it.
And, you know, Bill Gates has been out it as a friend of Jeffrey Epstein.
There's a lot of stuff happening right now.
Yeah, I mean, a lot of shaking up.
The Chinese POA has been out it.
So, true news is right.
True news is right.
True news is right.
All right, let's see if we're right
about something else, too.
There's some breaking news coming out of Israel today.
Here's rockets. Rockets are hitting Israel from Gaza.
Sirens sounded in Jerusalem.
This is getting all the press today, sucking all the air out of the media.
It's been a lot of violent incidents back and forth between Israeli troops and police and Palestinians.
And over the weekend, it erupted.
It just became a bar fight.
With attacks at the Temple Mount.
And, you know, Rick, what's really started this, it goes back to the elections,
the failed elections in Israel, because Benjamin Netanyahu, as one of his ploys for re-election,
actually trying to achieve victory versus a failed election, was to get his most zealous base,
the Orthodox Jewish groups that believe that Palestinians' homes are not Palestinian homes.
The Chabad Lupovichers.
The Chabad Lupovichers.. The Chabad Lupavichers.
The Kabbalahites.
Benjamin Netanyahu told them, if you help me, I will give you all the West Bank.
I will push all the Palestinians out.
And you know what?
You can start.
Go ahead.
Start building settlements, steel houses.
When he gave that green light, the Zionists took to the streets.
They started attacking homes, raiding homes in the middle, the Zionists took to the streets. They started attacking
homes, raiding homes in the middle of the night.
There were women screaming, children screaming.
There were Zionists with molotovs.
And this past week, obviously you have
Ramadan happening, so a lot of Muslims
started heading to the Al-As Mosque.
Well, this past week,
you've had attacks in the streets.
It culminated with Israeli
special forces going into the Temple Mount itself and throwing stun grenades.
300 Palestinians injured, 21 cops said to be hurt, and the rocks thrown back at them as well.
Palestinians are running from smoke.
This is the capital of Israel right now. And Rick, breaking news out from Israel is that about 100 rockets have been fired into
the vicinity of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv. But also, the Israelis
have begun bombing everything moving in Gaza.
Yes. One Israeli paper said
today that the Israeli cabinet approved,
gave authority to the IDF to begin a massive aerial
bombardment of Gaza. Where people live, where civilians live. This isn't a military occupied
fortress. But you have a politically wounded, desperate politician, Bibi Netanyahu, who has no moral values whatsoever.
And an heir to the, I mean, he's the Likud party leader,
which is the heir to the fascist party.
The Zionist fascist party that Albert Einstein warned Harry Truman in 1948,
stay away from these people, Menachem Begin.
These people are Nazi fascists that are in Palestine.
And he was a Jewish man and he was warning.
They're from the Nazi.
How could you have Jewish leaders
associated with the Nazis?
Well, that's a topic that's too deep for me to explain in 10 to 15 minutes.
But there is an explanation to it.
And Albert Einstein was a Jewish man who was warning.
There's a faction of people in the Jewish world
who are aligned with the
Nazis. Stay away from these people.
The Likud party is that
That's who Bibi Netanyahu
represents. He is the heir
apparent of that Nazi party.
And so all these
religious evangelical Zionists in America,
John Hagee and so forth.
Oh, and they're out in full force today.
Oh, sure they are.
Do they know that they're giving religious cover to a Nazi party?
Do they understand that?
I don't know.
Do they understand that I don't know do they understand it
that they're
they're preaching
in churches that Christians are
obligated to support a party
in Israel Likud
which was born from
and I hope right wing watch
please write an article about it
Likud was born from Nazism.
I'd love to do an entire show about it.
Please give me an opportunity to talk about it.
It's a part of history that they don't want talked about.
How about Ergun, a Jewish terrorist group?
Freedom fighters became the idea. Oh, yes. So when Turkish President Erdogan
yesterday called Israel a terrorist state,
he's referring to Ergun. He knows
how they started. They were a terrorist state.
Ergun were a bunch of Zionist
thugs who killed Arabs.
Along with Haganah and the Stern Gang.
This is Erdogan.
He said, we strongly condemn Israel's heinous attacks against our first Kabbalah al-Aqsa Mosque,
which unfortunately take place every Ramadan,
as Turkey will continue to stand by our Palestinian brothers and sisters in all circumstances.
So this is President Erdogan of Turkey with his response.
Okay, look at, what is this Kabbalah mosque?
So President Erdogan, he made the statement in a speech and then in two tweets.
He did one tweet in Hebrew.
Is that a mistranslation?
It could be, or maybe he was trying to send a message in Hebrew to those who were reading it in Hebrew. Is that a mistranslation? It could be or maybe he was trying to send a message in Hebrew to those who were reading
it in Hebrew.
Double check the translation, even past Google translate using authenticated translations.
They're using the word for Kabbalah in front of Allah's mosque.
In the Arabic version, Erdogan said it's the first kiss mosque.
Now what's interesting here with Erdogan is I think he's
given the most, the strongest, most robust statement from the Arabic world. Many have
been silent. Who translated it Kabbalah mosque? Well, it would be the translation from Hebrew.
It's the exact word. They posted it in Hebrew. Posted it in Hebrew. And then no matter what software you use, it pulls the word Kabbalah out.
All right.
So could the software companies be the electronic software interpretation services?
Are they inserting Kabbalah?
It's the word for Kabbalah is what I'm saying.
He posted it in Hebrew and you take that. That is the word for Kabbalah. It's the word for kabbalah is what I'm saying. He posted it in Hebrew and you take that, that is the word for kabbalah.
Now he didn't use that same word for the Arabic version.
But did you get that statement from a Turkish paper or a Jewish paper?
From Twitter.
He tweeted from his official Twitter account in Hebrew.
And then he did another one in Arabic.
So he knew exactly what was being,
or someone close to him, knew exactly
what they were writing there.
So that's what makes this even more of a mystery,
why they would use the Hebrew word for Kabbalah.
That could be a mistranslation.
Maybe somebody in his office
said something about Kabbalah.
Well, maybe somebody watching us, you can help us
understand why did
President Erdogan refer to the Mosque as the Kabbalah Mosque.
Rick, a big story developing today is there was a fire on the Temple Mount today.
And so we have some video here.
And by the way, Rick, these aren't Palestinians down here in the lower left-hand corner dancing.
We have dancing Israelis, Rick.
Imagine that.
So the Jews are dancing and celebrating that the mosque is on fire.
This is by the Wailing Wall, the cheering wall right now.
Now, this fire was reportedly.
That's almost like 9-11.
Here's another view of it here.
The Jews in New Jersey. Yeah, in the van. They now with the the jews in new jersey yeah the new jersey yeah
and the van they were dancing when the world trade center fell now they're not sure how the
fire started or who started there's been some accusations that idf itself started the fire
what they weren't saying what it was initially it might be a tree that's on fire, but there was obviously... This is Ramadan. Right. A fire set at the mosque on Ramadan?
You don't think there's not going to be an explosion of violence?
Another report that came out late this afternoon is that the caretaker of the mosque and the temple mount had his keys had his keys removed from him and he was forced out.
I've been looking for confirmation from that,
on that from a major outlet.
Is he the man who has the keys to all the churches,
the holy site,
the Christian,
you know,
the church,
the custodian,
the custodian.
That is a great question.
It didn't specify that.
It said the caretaker of the Aqsa Mosque and said his keys were taken from him.
There is a Muslim family that for 1,100 years has had the keys to the churches.
I hadn't considered the other aspect.
Remember when Mike Pence went to Jerusalem and he couldn't get in the church because they refused to open the door for him.
So you're saying that the Israeli defense force or the Israeli police confiscated the keys to the mosque?
There have been reports of that this afternoon.
Once again, I'm trying to find a major outlet that actually confirms that.
But if that's the case, I can imagine there'd be a lot of angry Muslims out there, you know,
asking why does Israel now have the keys to our most holy of sites?
Well, go to 24, this is a Jerusalem Post.
Jordan calls Israeli special forces raid on Jerusalem holy sites
barbaric. Edward, why is Jordan in this? Well, Jordan is the protector of the holy sites.
The king. The king of Jordan, being the heir to the
Hashemite empire. The line has pledged protection, not just of the Muslim sites, but the Christian
sites. All holy sites in Jerusalem fall under his jurisdiction, his power.
The king is being challenged here directly.
The keeper of the keys reports to King
Abdullah of Jordan. He appoints the keeper of the keys.
So the Israeli military confiscated the keys to the mosque.
Think of a story like this.
Germany, German forces confiscated the keys to the Vatican.
Well, that would be, that would just be wild.
The Pope couldn't get in, the Cardinals couldn't get in,
none of that access.
That's what we're talking about.
That's the level of outrage that we will see in the world, in the Islamic world, if this story is true,
that the Israelis are in possession of the keys to the mosque and and the Temple Mount is on fire.
You have to wonder where the Saudis are at in this, where the other Arabic countries
are at, because in the past, this is the kind of thing.
This is the exact scenario that the Muslim world has threatened a jihad against Israel.
And I'll tell you this, you'll see the so-called Christian Zionists in America cheering the
burning of the mosque.
They will cheer it.
They will applaud it. It'll be a fulfillment of the mosque. They will cheer it. They will applaud it.
It'll be a fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
God's judged the mosque.
They will be cheering it.
Just pay attention.
Watch what they do.
I'm talking everything from CBN, Charisma,
all the mouthpieces of the Zionists.
They will be applauding the violence.
They'll be applauding Israel bombing the Palestinians.
Is that the site where the Third Temple could be rebuilt?
That is where they're going.
They have to destroy the mosque.
The mosque is under attack right now.
The very mosque has to be removed for the Third Temple.
That's where I'm going with this.
They have to remove the mosque in order to rebuild the temple.
And who's going to rebuild the temple?
The Masons. And why? Kabbalah.
Is Erdogan, is he a Mason?
There were reports that he was part of a secret society, and that's how he rose
through being the head of Istanbul, the mayor of Istanbul, to now this long period as head of
Turkey. This secret society, there were reports, it does have a Freemason, kind of even a Chabad
tie-in, but the point with this is that that does seem to combine all the countries in the Middle
East. Even King Abdul has a Freemason insurrection in his country he's had to deal with the past
he spoke about it during his interview with the atlantic all right hey uh by the way uh dutch
well out of germany they've confirmed that story on the uh on the keys you have to scroll down
further into the uh article but they have uh confirmed that it says says in, Israeli security forces have confiscated
all the keys to the Aqsa Mosque after evacuating it, according to Palestinian
Authorities Information Center. So they're quoting the Palestinians.
Right. They're quoting the Palestinians. But this is So that's the first major outlet that has published that.
We had a number of other smaller outlets that had.
Sometimes when we sort through this information, folks,
we have to kind of judge it because some outlets we don't know anything about.
We don't have any way to verify it.
And now we've got DW coming in on this as well.
Okay, so we've got some other stories that I think are all tied together,
connected here in the month of May.
There's a report, Times of Israel,
that Israel helped Donald Trump
assassinate General Soleimani.
I'm shocked.
Is that a shock?
Shocked, I say, shocked.
You mean Donald Trump carried out
the assassination orders that came from Israel.
And this report is quoting a kind of a bragging story about the whole operation.
It was reported first out of Yahoo News.
And what it was is the Israelis from the get-go were working hand-in-hand with the CIA, the U.S. military, to assassinate a top general of a country they were claiming was planning to destroy them.
It turns out Israel was actually involved at the forefront of a destabilization activity.
Of course Israel was involved.
They attacked. This attack happened in Iraq.
The Zionist state has been nothing but trouble in the Middle East since its creation in 1948.
There's been unending trouble, conflict, violence, war, assassinations,
unending since the Zionist state came into existence in 1948.
Truly, it was a terrorist state.
And they are still terrorizing the region.
Rick, there was a key piece of information in this report,
and it is that the Israelis were working with Kurdish allies,
and they had one of their agents at the airport in Baghdad
have them dress up as a policeman.
He pretended to be a policeman, went up to the corpse of General Soleimani,
got a DNA sample, and fled the scene, heading back to get it proven it was Soleimani.
But they had a man on site.
Knowing where he was going to be killed.
Knowing where he was going to be killed, in disguise, an agent.
But they were using the Kurds to do this.
Their cousins, the Kurds.
Do you think this is the first time
that they used another country
or pretended to be someone else
to do an operation like this?
No, it's their way.
It's their way.
The Iranian embassy in Iraq was set on fire?
Yes, there was another assassination in addition to Soleimani.
This was this past weekend.
It was an anti-Iranian journalist in Iraq.
Now, Kabbalah is South Kabbalah.
Not like Kabbalah in Israeli Talmud doctrine.
But this is south of Baghdad.
Why this is important is a mob formed of Iraqis
who were angry about a drive-by shooting, a dawn killing of a journalist, essentially an activist,
and they headed right for the Iranian consulate, the embassy, one of only two in the country.
And also some interesting stories in Syria about oil and explosions.
So this is an oil tanker off the coast of Syria.
It was hit as it was basically transiting the area, bringing oil to Syria.
Syria gets most of their oil from Iran. They reported an explosion,
but they also reported explosions at the refineries in vicinity of this tanker. Now,
there have been a couple weird ship attacks over the last couple of weeks. We've seen the Israelis,
through their own intelligence, claim responsibility for these attacks. But this
attack this weekend happened right as, if you think about it, we had our pipeline shut down.
Syria has been brought back into this.
But again, the oil from Iran.
There's a lot going on right now in the Middle East.
And still you see that there are mysterious spy attacks.
This appearing to be another one of them.
And who is stealing Syria's oil?
Well, the United States.
Israel was stealing wheat, too.
That was a report that came out this past week.
I think we're treating Syria the same way the United States is treating Ukraine, taking their soil.
The grain silos are being emptied and trucks hauling off the grain.
It's diabolical.
The Syrians are blaming the Americans for stealing their wheat.
I mean, what are we doing?
Look, this was Trump's policy, and Biden's just continuing Trump's policies.
But it's really Trump and Biden were carrying out Israel's policies.
That's really who wants Syria.
And we're back to the same set of terrorists that have upset the Middle East since 1948.
Hey, there's a- you told me a story today out of France about the continuing turmoil
in the French military.
So we previously reported that a score of French generals, top level,
from the Special Forces all the way to the regular, even nuclear command,
that they had written a letter threatening a military coup
and saying France was on the brink of a civil war.
Well, there's been an update to this story.
This time, 75,000 active-duty French soldiers have joined their generals
and have said a civil war is imminent if France doesn't change.
75,000 active duty soldiers.
Now, they signed this letter.
This was published by Valais Actualise.
This is the Values.
Current Values magazine.
Current Values magazine. Current Values magazine. And they published it anonymously, but each of these individuals were basically verified as an active duty soldier.
And it was being passed around offline.
The Values magazine decided to publish it.
They published this letter.
This has now set much of the French news media and the politicians alike because this is a direct front.
There actually really could be an overthrow of the
French government if this movement moves forward in the election cycle. Imagine if there was a
letter that was being distributed around the country by media outlets that had the signature
of 75,000 active duty soldiers and top generals, 300 top generals, you know, and military leaders.
Imagine if you had a letter circulating in the U.S. threatening a military coup.
I mean, what would the reaction be out there?
In the United States?
In the United States.
Probably nothing.
The American people are so saturated with fluoride and pharmaceuticals, I don't think
there'd be any reaction.
That's the sad point.
That's where we're at right now.
Nothing fires anyone up.
They're sedated.
The American people are sedated.
Nothing bothers them.
Now the French, they're different.
It doesn't take a lot to get the French upset.
So the French are upset.
Are they headed to civil war?
If you would have asked me this question a month ago,
I would have said, no civil war coming in France.
But in the past two weeks,
all I can think about is that years ago,
the Swiss army were doing war drills
on the possibility of France collapsing
and France invading Switzerland
to rob the gold out of the Swiss vaults.
Suddenly, it makes sense.
Suddenly, hey, that's a real possibility.
You actually could see a French invasion of Switzerland.
I guarantee the Swiss army is getting prepared quietly,
watching, looking over the Alps to see how many French troops are moving their way.
We're in crazy times right now.
Hey, we've got one last story out of Canada.
The Calgary pastor, Artur Pawlowski, the man who screamed for the Alberta health authorities
to leave his church, showed up with a SWAT.
He said, get lost, Nazi Gestapo.
Well, he has finally been arrested.
They arrested him on the side of a highway on Saturday.
This is after he had held the service against the requirements and dictates by...
Why is he out there in the middle of the road, Edward?
They pulled him over off the highway.
They were searching him down.
They had a warrant for his arrest.
They decided to do it right on the highway instead of waiting maybe until he showed up at his church.
Well, this was after church. This was after church.
He spends a lot of time at the church is what I'm trying to say. He was going to be back there on Sunday too.
They took him. He didn't go nicely. It looked to be another
one of the pastors. His brother was with him. He got arrested too, but a third passenger
recorded this for his pastor. He is now going to be
reprimanded and held in jail.
So that's happening in North America, folks,
not communist China,
not in Soviet,
not in Russia.
I mean, it's happening there too.
Communist Canada.
That had Chinese PLA troops
in Canada last year
doing exercises.
With the wardrobes. Led by a prime minister Chinese PLA troops in Canada last year doing exercises. Mr. Wardrill.
Led by a prime minister whose father was a Soviet communist.
You could say that Trudeau was a child of communism, couldn't you?
Yes, because he looks like Fidel Castro.
His baby pictures, he looks very much like Fidel Castro.
And there's actually rumors that Fidel Castro. His baby pictures, he looks very much like Fidel Castro. And there's actually rumors
that Fidel Castro was his father.
Is that enough for one day?
You don't have to worry about communism.
Communists, something back in the 50s.
Oh, yeah.
Back in the 50s,
there's no such thing as a communist agenda,
a communist, a global communist.
That's what your grandparents were afraid of. My grandparents believed that stuff. Okay. thing as a communist agenda, a communist, a global communist.
That's what your grandparents were afraid of.
My grandparents believed that stuff.
But everybody's wearing a mask right now.
Fauci says you're going to wear one forever.
Churches are closed.
Churches are closed.
And they're trying to create a, where are your pictures? People are pitching on one another.
But don't think that there's a global communist takeover.
Not at all.
What else do you want to talk about?
Do you want to add before we go?
I'm going to go home.
Well, we'll close on that.
All right, good.
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