TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - China weaponized Covid to cause internal bleeding and neurological damage
Episode Date: April 16, 2021Today on TRUNEWS, host Edward Szall and the team lay out the chilling side effects of COVID vaccines. We feature numerous reports of fainting around the world, and tie that to the reports of blood cl...ots as a result of the vaccination. We also look at the latest efforts to bait Russia into a world war, and Putin’s threat to the US dollar and the SWIFT banking system. Edward Szall, Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate (04/15/21)
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The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you.
To find out how you can help, visit www, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll.
There have been several major developments in the World War III standoff between Russia and the West.
Early this morning, the Russian Navy closed the Kerch Strait, effectively blockading the major Ukrainian port of Maripol.
This also happens to be the port city defended by Ukraine's neo-Nazi Azov battalion and where NATO planned to supply their army for an invasion. In response, Ukraine's ambassador to Germany suggested Ukraine acquire nuclear weapons
to win the war if NATO can't help.
Meanwhile in Washington, U.S. President Joe Biden declared a Russia threat national emergency
and introduced new sanctions against Moscow, including expulsion of diplomats
and a full ban on U.S. banks purchasing Kremlin
Treasury bonds. We'll share more on this later in the Godcast. But first, we have stunning
information to share on the origins and mission of COVID-19. While U.S. spies still have no idea
when, where, or how the coronavirus came to ravage the world, a Chinese scientist turned
whistleblower may hold
the key. But for President Biden's Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, she testified
to Congress that it is absolutely accurate that her intelligence community, the same intelligence
community that is convinced of everyone but the Democrats and the Chinese hacking our election
system, that they do not know exactly where, when, or how the COVID-19 virus was transmitted initially.
Let's help her out.
Joining me to discuss these stories and more are True News founder Rick Walls and Doc Burkhart.
They have no idea, right? No idea at all, Rick.
They're dumbfounded.
Complete mystery.
Because all the information got deplatformed, right?
Let's hope the CIA watches True News tonight and will help them.
This is going to be stunning today.
There's a lot of information packed in today's True News.
Whether we get to to the Russia developments by the end of today's program, I don't know, because what we have to present today on coronavirus is shocking, that every
American, every person in the world should hear this program.
Because the evidence is building that the world has been attacked by a biological weapon
made by the China Communist Party.
And so, you know, the day started out bizarre in Denmark with, you know, with the press conference.
Well, first of all, you know, yesterday, Sweden and Denmark halted the Johnson and Johnson
And this was on the heels of Denmark outright banning the AstraZeneca vaccine,
which has ravaged Europe, has been linked to blood clots in the brain among, at least in Denmark and other countries.
Their head of the Medicines Agency, this is their version of Anthony Fauci,
she had a press conference and she wanted to kind of relay some peace and confidence back into the Danish people.
Something odd happened during that press conference.
She collapsed.
This is Tanja Eriksson.
She was holding a press conference announcing that the AstraZeneca vaccine will be banned
in her country and Johnson & Johnson will be stopped.
And she collapsed at the podium. This woman is equivalent to the chairperson of the American FDA, Food and Drug Administration.
So this would be the highest ranking health official in Denmark.
Let's watch the video. Where we need the vaccines and where the choice is ours.
Now, she was talking about the vaccines and everything at this time, right?
That was what the press conference was all about? Yes. No, we're not just talking about the vaccines and everything at this time, right? That was what the press conference was all about?
No, we're not just talking about it.
She's announcing that even though they have to stop the AstraZeneca shot and they're pausing the Johnson & Johnson, everything's OK.
Everything's fine.
She was going to do basically what every health official in the United States or around the world has done after There's been an announcement about an issue or side effect with a vaccine.
She was reassuring the public, but she didn't reassure anybody.
She collapsed at the podium.
She just shocked the world.
Watching this again here, when Rick showed this to me first thing this morning, I was just like, you've got to be kidding me.
We thought it might be fake.
Initially, there's no way this is real.
This is a press conference yesterday.
A couple of our staff have family members who are nurses and doctors.
And they pointed out that she looked like she might have had a seizure.
Her hand seized up around what appeared to be a glass in her right hand.
You see it on the ground now.
And then what they did is they rolled her on her side.
Now, one reason they may have done this is to stop her from choking on her tongue, which
is something that happens when you're having a seizure.
But officially what they told us, Rick, is that she apparently had a malaise.
A malaise?
A malaise.
Now, I had to look up what they might mean by this.
It means that you're feeling a sudden burst of discomfort and you feel ill
and you might have to withdraw yourself. I'm sorry, I didn't see a malaise there on screen.
Yeah, malaise sounds like, oh Lord, I have the vapors or something like that, right?
But when you're fainting, I mean, a dramatic faint like that too.
She hit hard.
Yes. I mean, she was out cold. And so this is international news, right, Edward?
Yes, but it'd be tough for you to watch it internationally,
especially from places like BBC. This is what BBC has up on their article.
The article talks about the head of Denmark's health
initiatives fainting, but for editorial reasons, they've removed
it. For editorial reasons?
For editorial reasons. I'm sure that's a nice, polite British way of saying,
we can't show you this because you might not trust the vaccines we have available in our country for
you. Well, you know, normally for editorial reasons, it would be for something that they
would say is not truthful or you're lacking complete information.
What information are we lacking here other than the information that we are not believing the vaccine story?
It would be that MI6 called the head of BBC and said you will not show that video.
You're going to cause a panic.
We're trying to vaccinate people in this country. And if they
see this video, they'll be terrified. They already have an issue in England because England has not
halted the AstraZeneca shots while the rest of Europe has. There are some countries warming up
to the idea of giving people the shot before the European Medicines Agency has finished their review.
But England has carried on because for them, the goal of vaccinating the whole nation
is more important than what Sweden and Denmark are doing, which are to investigate.
This Danish health official, her fainting today, her passing out on live television,
a press conference. The first thing I thought about was the Chattanooga, Tennessee nurse.
Tiffany Dover. Months ago, who passed out on live television back when they thought,
if we have live coverage of people being vaccinated,
that will be great public relations to kick off the mass vaccination plan.
But this nurse passed out on national TV and that ended the PR campaign.
Well, sure. And then we'll just we'll show you the video just to remind you.
But remember, what you're about to watch was called conspiratorial, was banned online, got many deplatformed from Twitter and other social media platforms because they said it was misleading.
Well, based off today's press conference, this is starting to look less misleading and
more truthful.
Did you know you were going to be receiving the vaccine?
I did, yes.
So, you know, all of my staff, we are excited to get the vaccine.
We are in the COVID unit, so therefore, you know, my team will be getting first chances to get the vaccine.
And I know that it's really,
I'm sorry, I'm feeling really dizzy.
I'm sorry. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Well, at least she went down much easier than the unfortunate woman in Denmark.
We pray Tanja Eriksson does not have a concussion after that fall.
But if you'll remember back to Tiffany Dover, the explanation was she's prone to feints.
She was lightheaded.
Nothing to do with the vaccine. She's a fainter. She's a fainter. Do you know people who are fainters? All lightheaded. Nothing to do with the vaccine.
She's a fainter.
She's a fainter.
Do you know people who are fainters?
All the time.
They're just fainting.
Out of the hundreds of people that you've met in your lifetime, Rick, from all walks
of life, have you ever met a fainter?
I've seen people faint.
I've seen people faint too, but I've never known.
Aunt Edna, she's a fainter.
I mean, I've never had that description of anyone that I've, and I've known people all over the world.
It's just another excuse that they're rolling out here.
You know, but that's not the only evidence that we have.
The media accuses us of misleading, but the people who are misleading is the media that denies what our eyes can see.
Don't believe your lying eyes.
That's right.
We see we're seeing it.
We're watching it.
We don't care what the news media says.
Don't care what Anthony Fauci says.
Don't care what label they put on me.
My eyes can see.
I saw the woman fall.
She's holding a press conference.
Yes. But the Danish woman was the highest ranking official in Denmark.
She's the point person for vaccines in that country.
She is the Anthony Fauci of Denmark. And she was holding a press conference
about the vaccine and fell on the floor like a sack of potatoes.
She's a fainter. Yes, she's a fain potatoes. She's a fainter.
Yes, she's a fainter.
She's a Danish fainter.
She shouldn't be in the health position if she's a fainter.
I mean, if you're prone to that.
Does she have a driver's license?
That's a great question.
I mean, if she's a fainter, she shouldn't be allowed to drive.
That's right.
Well, that's not the only evidence that we have here.
We've got some other cases that we're going to be showing you here.
This is a trend.
These aren't isolated cases that we're talking about here.
With regard to Tanja Eriksson, the Danish Medicines Agency was very quick to put out a public statement to reassure.
They said that she is conscious again and is okay under the circumstances,
but for safety's sake, she would take a trip by ambulance to the emergency room to be checked.
Conscious again would indicate that she was fully out.
And I noticed her title there, the head of pharmacovigilance.
I've never heard that.
Yes, I looked this up today.
In Europe, they use this term for some of the senior health officials
because they're in charge of the health response using drugs.
So if you have a question as a politician in government in Denmark about what drug we should use to fight a disease that's ravaging the country, you would go to the pharma congolese head.
But they said, she's fine.
She's OK.
But we rushed her to the hospital, to the emergency room, just in case, in an ambulance.
Well, there certainly seems to be some people questioning this who haven't lost their mind.
One man, Dr. Scott McLachlan.
I've reached out to this man for an interview.
He is serving as a research assistant of postdoctoral at the University of London. Now, why this is important
is he's been doing a specific research project into VAERS. Now, VAERS is the Vaccine Awareness
Emergency Research Database. This is something that whenever there's a side effect, anything
that's gone wrong with a vaccine in the United States, the data is collected by this HHS sub-agency.
Now, what Dr. Scott McClellan said is that he was commenting on the fainting of Denmark's head of medical medicine and medicines agency.
He said the medical term for this is SYNCOPE, to faint or pass out. In the VAERS data set, one in every 17 vaccine reactions starts with
fainting, and one in every 13 dead people fainted or collapsed just prior to their death. It is one
of the most common and consistent symptoms. You don't want to be a fainter. No. If you're a fainter,
then maybe the vaccine just isn't right for you.
Or maybe it's not right for anybody.
How about that?
Now, we've talked about the head of pharmacovigilance there in Denmark.
We've talked about Tiffany Dover.
Are there other examples of this trend going on around the country. When I started searching it, Edward came into my office and said,
look, this is happening in other places.
And I did a quick search online of just vaccine fainting
and was just stunned by how many news articles I quickly found
all over the United States of people who
passed out shortly after being vaccinated. So some examples of this, I mean, what are we
talking about? One place is Atlanta. A young woman by the name of Sarah Moore, we have a news report
from CBS 46. She didn't just pass out once, but multiple times. And she's one of eight.
This is the only one they've spoken to so far. She's a serial fainter. She didn't just pass out once, but multiple times. And she's one of eight.
This is the only one they've spoken to so far.
She's a serial fainter.
She's not just a fainter.
She does it all the time.
They think we're dumb.
I'm not making fun of this woman.
I'm very concerned about this. But the medical establishment and the politicians and the media think that
the people are stupid.
And we're not stupid.
We see what's going on, and we're not going to be convinced by your lies and your propaganda.
They're trying to gaslight us, right?
Yes, they're gaslighting, but they're lying to us.
They're telling us what you're seeing and reading and hearing about isn't real.
We're the experts. We'll tell you if it's real.
Don't worry about the feigning. They're just feigners.
Well, this woman in Georgia is speaking up and is questioning her adverse reaction to the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
One of eight people with severe reactions from the Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine
right here in our area and opening up only to CBS 46.
And tonight, Georgia has halted giving the Johnson & Johnson vaccine incoming.
And our state isn't alone.
CBS 46's Jamie Kennedy speaking exclusively to one woman who suffered side effects.
My limbs started going numb.
My face went numb.
Sarah Moore says she's still processing
the last few days being bedridden
after having a frightening reaction
to the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
It's scary because passing out once is not my concern.
It's passing out multiple times
and then having 103.5 degree fever for the remaining, like, two days after that.
She is one of eight people who had an adverse reaction on the same day
at the same DPH site at the Cumming Fairgrounds.
Within two to three minutes, I knew that I was going to pass out.
My vision was going out, my hearing was going out.
The DPH paused Johnson & Johnson vaccines at the coming site.
DPH Commissioner Dr Kathleen Toomey says they are looking at
what may have caused the reactions, including the conditions at the fairgrounds,
such as heat and the ability to keep the site cool.
Heat, Sarah says, has nothing to do with it.
It was not hot out.
It was not even 70 degrees, I don't think. I was in a hoodie and jeans and felt very comfortable,
not hot. Sarah says after initially passing out, she awoke lying across three chairs and saw
another person feeling extremely ill. There was a girl about 15 feet away from me and she was getting transported
out on the stretcher. Colorado, Iowa and North Carolina also suspended Johnson & Johnson vaccines
at at least one site because of reactions. The CDC responding tonight with this statement saying
the CDC performed vaccine lot analysis and has not found any reason for concern. Right now, they are not recommending
health departments stop administering any lots of the COVID-19 vaccine. Now, Sarah tells me she
passed out a total of three times during her ordeal and that she doesn't have any previous
or underlying health conditions. She said if she had her time over, she would consider another vaccine or waiting
for more research to come out. Three times. Obviously, that TV 46 news report was produced
last week or earlier because the CDC said they're not recommending that states halt
the use of Johnson and Johnson vaccine. Right. What did they do this week?
They halted it.
So they were lying last week.
Well, it's the same with the mask, isn't it?
You shouldn't wear it back in January through mid of 2020,
but now you must wear it, not just one, but 10.
So they knew people were passing out.
They knew that there was extreme adverse reactions.
But internally, inside the CDC, they were debating, how long do we let this go before we say something?
When it becomes obvious.
But in the meantime, we'll just continue to tell the people it's safe.
And then suddenly, it's not safe.
But last week, I'm a conspiracy theorist for saying that it's not safe.
But this week, I'm still a conspiracy theorist. Because you said it wasn't safe. Because I said before they did.
You're a concerned citizen, a journalist, and rightfully so, because we don't even know about the person who came out on the stretcher.
Do you hear that in there? It wasn't just that fainter.
Someone came out worse than that person.
They were on a stretcher.
Can we have a discussion about why healthy people are going into these buildings for vaccines
and coming out on a stretcher?
Well, now there are people starting to connect the dots.
That's what we do really well here on True News is connect dots.
But there are other people that have some dot connectors. Up in North Carolina, University
of North Carolina, Dr. David Wohl, he is responding to questions. What causes, what's causing people,
Rick, what's causing people to faint after getting a COVID vaccine? It can't be the vaccine, can it? Well, let's see what the doctor has to say.
We know of several places where you can sign up for a shot this week.
Cape Fear Valley has more than 2,000 first-dose appointments available.
North Carolina Central University in Durham is giving out the Johnson & Johnson vaccine on Wednesday.
And Duke Health still has appointments for tomorrow in Raleigh and in Morrisville as
well. You can find links to schedule an appointment on our website. Some vaccine providers are
changing the way they give shots. This comes after UNC and Wake County temporarily paused
distributing Johnson & Johnson vaccines last week when several people experienced adverse reactions.
Many of those people fainted or felt faint. But what causes
people to faint when getting a shot? CBS 17's Maggie Newland is getting answers and joins us
live tonight. Maggie, what have you found out? Well, Angela, I think we all know someone who
feels a little lightheaded even at the sight of a needle. So doctors say it's not surprising that
some people are fainting after getting their COVID shot, but they are also working to prevent that.
It can happen as soon as the needle goes in.
I saw people literally just fall out from their chair.
Dr. David Wohl says fainting after a shot isn't unusual.
We see this with the flu shot. We see this with all different types of vaccines.
Fainting is a physical reaction to anxiety, pain, or emotional stress.
It can happen with various medical pain, or emotional stress. It can happen
with various medical procedures, usually involving needles. Your heart rate, instead of speeding up
as your blood pressure drops, slows down. Every day, there's people who faint when giving blood,
faint when they're getting their blood drawn for a blood test. That just is very, very human.
Anxiety plays a role. I can't tell you 100%. That's all of it. But the majority of what we've seen here is really related to just real understandable anxiety.
He says one of the reasons we likely saw fainting with the Johnson & Johnson shot recently
is that it appeals to younger people and those with anxiety about needles.
Young people are more prone to fainting, and seeing others get shots or having a reaction can raise anxiety.
The power of suggestion could be pretty significant. But at a mass event in an arena
or something like that where you're seeing lots of people getting injected, you're waiting on line,
you're standing there, that's a setup. At UNC, people prone to fainting can now get their shots
in a special area in a reclining chair. That has really helped tremendously. And if you're
concerned. Hydrate. Make sure you have enough, you know, volume of blood, which is made up mostly of water. So you want to drink, eat,
feel comfortable. And Dr. Wohl says if you do have a history of fainting, you definitely want to tell
your vaccine provider. They can probably do some things to help make you feel comfortable and
probably prevent you from passing out. All right. Is that holding you down? I like the one where they said, we provide you a recliner
to get the injection. So when you faint, you can go right to sleep. He didn't faint. He's taking a nap.
So if I understood the doctor correctly, there is a mass insanity or anxiety among the youth.
And because the youth, people my age are more scared, I guess, than the older generation,
we're just getting freaked out by needles.
That's it.
It's an epidemic of fear of needles.
And Rick, does it concern you a little bit that they have these drive-up injections now,
knowing that people are fainting?
Fainting, yeah.
I mean, they're driving up.
Do they go park after? They're getting injected.
You know, they're going up. Well, if the doctor is right,
he should tell the police. But you know what? Hey, but.
Officer, you got to watch these people because they're fainters.
But Rick. It's a VUI.
You know, and, and you've experienced this yourself. Have you noticed an increase in car
accidents? Oh yes.
Oh, hadn't even thought about it. Oh, yes. Oh. Hadn't even thought about that.
There is a legitimate number out there
that shows that there's been an increase
in car accidents since the pandemic
has started.
It's interesting because
my daily driving on I-95.
That already gets your heart rate up.
That's a dangerous highway.
But I am seeing, to me,
it just seems like a
growing number of
Serious accidents on I-95 saw one last night
Helicopter medevac there. He's terrible. It's almost a weekly occurrence now. No, it's it's I would I'm seeing
two to three
serious accidents per week.
Driving on I-95.
And, you know, I don't know if that's regular activity out there.
Well, first of all, people shouldn't be driving with masks on
because you're not getting, you're not being fully alert
by breathing in enough oxygen.
And now you start throwing in, hey, there's fainters out there,
and that this is a common thing,
and one out of 17 people are prone to fainting, right?
We're seeing these reports all over the country.
Nothing to be concerned about.
So it's happening on the West Coast also in Oregon.
They're getting proactive.
They're saying we recognize there's a trend, but there's
nothing to worry about. Actually, to fix the trend, you should go out and get your vaccine.
I'm not kidding. That's exactly the way the reporters are treating you.
When are they going to blame anti-vaxxers for instilling fear in vaxxers?
I think it's begun. You heard Dr. Wall. He said
that you don't know what you read,
you get a little fear going, and then everyone around
you is afraid. He's talking about those who are raising
questions and criticism against
the safety of these vaccines.
At some point they're going to say, well, these people who
are spreading conspiracy
theories about the
vaccine, the Trump scene,
they're making people afraid when they go
to get the vaccine. They have subconscious fears in them and they pass out. So people that are
opposed to the vaccine are creating anxiety in people who are for the vaccine. How are health
officials in the state of Oregon handling this, Edward? As I said, they're getting out in front
of it and they're dismissing any of the concerns. They say that the trend is less about vaccination and more about that anxiety
issue. Let's watch this. Deschutes County Health has noticed an increase in people fainting after
getting the COVID-19 vaccine. It says there's no reason to worry. It's a relatively normal
occurrence with any injection. Noah Chast has more.
More Central Oregonians are now getting their vaccines and more are fainting.
Morgan Emerson with the Chutes County Health Services says there are similarities with the people fainting.
We've seen that with younger adults and people who are coming for their vaccine without having eaten or been very well hydrated.
Emerson says this is completely normal.
This is nothing to be
concerned about. We're not seeing anything more than what we would typically expect. The CDC
states that fainting after a vaccine is most common with adolescents. They say that fainting
is often reported after HPV, meningitis, and tetanus injections. The CDC states because the
ingredients of these three vaccines are different, yet fainting is seen with all of them, scientists think that fainting is due to the vaccination process and not due to the
vaccines themselves. Anderson agrees. We know that with vaccines and injections, fainting is a common
occurrence and we haven't seen an increase with any specific manufacturer. Ann Kilty, a nurse
practitioner with Deschutes County Health, says fainting is relatively common, but they are prepared for everything.
At the Mass Vaccine Clinic, we are fully staffed with a variety of medical providers, and we're ready for a number of medical situations.
Emerson says most of the people who have fainted at the fairgrounds reported themselves that they did not eat or drink beforehand.
We encourage anyone who's coming to get their vaccine to stay hydrated, eat a full meal beforehand and tell someone if you don't feel well.
You need more than a full meal if you're about to hit the ground after collapsing.
So it's your fault, Rick.
You didn't eat lunch.
Two things that I noticed in these local TV reports, and they're spread out by thousands of miles, TV stations.
They all have the same propaganda.
Fainting is normal. Somebody's
sending those talking points out to the TV stations and to the local
health officials. Just go out there and say fainting
is normal. The other thing that I see in these reports is
they don't interview the fainters.
That's the story.
It's a rare story if they do.
Let's hear from the fainters.
Are you a serial fainter?
Do you pass out every time you go in the doctor's office?
Because apparently there's a lot of you out there that are serial fainters.
But you know what? We're getting a lot of comments online out there that are serial fainters. And so, but you know what?
We're getting a lot of comments online from people that are in the health industry from
They can't stay at the keyboard.
But we're getting messages from health professionals out there and said, don't buy this line.
There aren't people dropping out, fainting all the time for, you know, come and get a
shot for a flu shot or something like
that or, you know, a testosterone shot, whatever it might be. People aren't just dropping out.
It's rare. It's a rare occurrence.
Well, not at the vaccine sites, according to these outlets across the country. And this
is no joking matter. There are people that have passed away and the public has not been
given any explanation for it. One that caught my eye is an odd case.
It's the New York Post.
There was a CNN and MSNBC legal analyst named Midwin Charles, 47.
Well, she's dead.
Now, she was one of those influencers who used their social media account to brag about getting a COVID shot. I believe she got Pfizer because a picture she posted to her social media
showed her mother in New York getting the Pfizer shot.
She also said in a post that she had read up on the Pfizer shot before getting the shot.
Why bring this to your attention?
So first of all, the family has not announced a cause of death.
It's odd.
47-year-olds don't just die.
Who is in the public eye.
Who are in the public eye, too. This is someone who has reported on many of death. Odd. 47-year-olds don't just die. Who is in the public eye. Who are in the
public eye, too. This is someone who has reported on many of the lies CNN has covered over the years,
but she's a mainstay on network TV shows. She's gone now, and we don't know why. But what's
interesting is a few weeks before her death, she was posting that she was not feeling well. She was
having what I would consider to be
side effects similar to others would have been reported by the Pfizer recipients of the shot.
Something that caught my eye was on her March 1st, and under the story, by the way,
she would have been due at the time of her death on April 6th for the second Pfizer jab. Doesn't say she got it. It's just she mysteriously died.
Now, on her first tweet about the vaccination, Ms. Widman said she just got vaccinated at a
FEMA center. And she said that she was happy about the process, but she brought her EpiPen with her
when she got vaccinated. She said she did this because she has a death-causing allergy to peanuts.
Very interesting that she said this,
and now we have to contend with
why she's no longer with us.
Are there peanuts in the vaccine?
She certainly might have thought,
so why else would you bring an EpiPen?
Why would you bring your EpiPen with you?
It's very odd.
So we're talking about these news anchors,
many of which we've seen in these news program packages we share on the program.
This would have been a media influencer, someone who was an anchor, who took the vaccine and is now dead.
Did she have a reason to believe that people who are vaccinated have trouble breathing?
Or that they would go into anaphylaxis shock?
I mean, she would have.
If she was well-read, she would have.
Because there was a case in Boston in December of 2020.
This is when the first vaccine shots were going around.
A doctor at Boston Medical Center, Dr. Hossain Sadraza,
he actually had in front of his staff an anaphylactic shock,
a seizure. According to his testimony to this, it didn't happen on video like with Tiffany Dover,
but this is from the Boston Globe. He said within moments of being vaccinated at the hospital,
his heart began racing. At first, he figured it was just stress or anxiety. But within
minutes, he noticed his tongue and throat were tingling and beginning to go numb. He began
sweating profusely, went pale and was very cold. He described it as the worst allergic reaction
he had experienced since he was 11. The doctor came prepared, though. He brought his personal
EpiPen with him to the vaccine
appointment and used it after the allergic reaction began. Now this now
once is a weird story twice all right now you see something happening. Did Miss
Charles the CNN MSNBC legal analyst, did she die after this doctor died?
Yes, yes.
The doctor didn't die, rather.
The doctor in Boston.
I mean, after he had.
So she most likely was aware of that incident.
I would imagine, or I'd love to ask her family why she brought an EpiPen with her.
Because he did.
So are we saying.
I'm saying that she probably, as a news journalist,
she was aware of what happened with with the doctor. So are people experiencing allergic
reactions to these vaccines and they're preparing for that? Well, this doctor certainly prepared for
it, didn't he? And Miss Charles obviously was prepared for it. Maybe the elite, those in the know, are given some survival tips.
That in case you faint or in case you pass out.
Or can't breathe.
Bring your EpiPen with you. This is really, really weird. Rick, the other day, you know,
not only the side effects of fainting and death are a big problem,
but you brought up a story the other day that you saw that one in three COVID survivors
suffer neurological or mental disorders.
This was a shocking story.
This is a shocking story. A shocking story, Doc. A study of people who have survived coronavirus.
One third of the people develop neurological or psychiatric disorders.
That's a huge number.
A third of the population. In your lifetime, have you ever heard of a sickness that
those who recover have mental problems?
No, not at all. I've never heard of such
a thing in my lifetime. One third of the people
that recover, that survive, one third of the
people that survive infection.
Are damaged for life.
Are damaged. Neurological, brain, nervous system, neurological problems, or psychiatric
mental problems.
Are you saying that as we move into the future, that a third of the United States population
is off balance?
Well, we were already at that stage years ago. But I mean, in medical terms, we're mentally off balance.
That's 100 million plus.
And these are driving cars and working.
How about they're in the U.S. military?
You take out the U.S. military. One. You take out the U.S. military.
One-third of the...
Let's just say one-third...
It's about two million soldiers.
Let's just say, okay, because
you can't say one-third of the soldiers.
But of the soldiers
who become infected,
a third
of them develop neurological
or mental problems.
You could take out a nation's military.
You could take out their political leadership.
You could take out their entire society.
Because if you run this out over five years,
how many people are going to be...
Depilitated mentally.
Physically, mentally, neurologically impaired.
And it's not just America, of course.
This study studied American health records, but if it's true, it's for the entire world.
Anyone in the world who's gotten coronavirus, you have a one in three chance of developing a neurological disorder after it. You know, even people, you know, if you go in the military, the percentage of those that
go into combat, Rick, that suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder in combat, that's only 5%.
That's if people actually go into combat, the numbers are only between 5% and 6% that
suffer, you know, post-traumatic stress disorder that will
impair their ability to function in the future. We're saying that COVID and the subsequent
vaccination, although this is focusing strictly on COVID here, one-third of the population is now
vulnerable to mental disorders? That's frightening.
Well, and there's been more studies than just the one in the Lancet Psychiatry.
There was also a study that was published about last month, end of March, that specifically in children.
Now, this is done out of Boston Children's Hospital.
22% of children and adolescents who got COVID, had an acute case of COVID-19, it was diagnosed,
they started developing symptoms of fatigue, headache, confusion, difficulty walking or crawling, loss of taste and smell.
It said one in eight of these children developed a severe neurological disorder.
Some of them life-threatening conditions such as stroke,
anaphylapsis, and Guillain-Barre syndrome.
This is very serious.
This is extremely serious.
And the evidence is building that we have been attacked with a man-made biological weapon.
Not a flu.
And World War III has started.
And I believe that most national leaders across the world know that China did it.
So is what they're calling the vaccine a response to the biological weapon?
And is it as deadly as the weapon itself?
Obviously, if the highest officials in national governments know that it was a man-made biological weapon, then the vaccine had to be manufactured to counter a man-made biological weapon, which
means that you had to use the same virus in the vaccine.
Now, they called a vaccine.
It's not a vaccine.
It is a symptom suppressor.
Yes, that's right.
Which means that you still can get COVID and you have a one in three chance of, you know, encountering mental illness in your life permanently.
So we don't know. We don't know what's in the vaccine.
We don't know what's in the virus.
We don't know. We don't know what China put in the virus.
And we don't know what the pharmaceutical companies have put in the vaccine to counter the man-made virus.
So if you get the virus, you have inside your body a biological weapon made by China,
which it's starting to appear that it is designed to make you go crazy, To make you become mentally impaired.
Psychologically imbalanced.
Attack your neurological system.
That's the purpose of the virus.
So you're at risk.
That's a new form of biological warfare.
It's like psychological warfare blended with biological warfare.
So you're at risk of being infected by the virus,
but you're also at risk if the government pressures you
or your employer pressures you to be vaccinated
against this man-made biological weapon.
Because we have no idea what we're putting into our bodies.
Yeah, there's a reason why this is only approved by emergency approval right now.
And as Rick stated earlier, up until last week, the Johnson & Johnson vaccine was perfectly safe.
It was A-OK. You could take that J&J jab and put it in your arm, no problem at all.
This week, oh man, now we have to pull it off the shelves.
Doc, listen to this.
This is out in the Wall Street Journal today.
A study by the University of Oxford
found the risk of rare
but sometimes deadly blood clotting
is roughly eight to 10 times greater
in COVID-19 sufferers
than among people who have received any of the first three Western developed vaccines widely available. It's interesting that this
article is out today because one of the things that have been associated with the vaccine over
the past several weeks has been the blood clotting issue. I mean, first we started seeing it pop up in Europe and then here.
What's unique about this, Doc?
Go ahead.
Okay, no.
What the Wall Street Journal just reported today, this isn't about blood clotting caused by the vaccines.
Yeah, I understand.
It's caused by the virus itself.
It's saying the virus itself.
The survivors have increased.
So, again, what did the pharmaceutical companies,
how did they design these pseudo-vaccines
to counter what they already know
was designed by China to cause blood clots.
If you're trying to counter blood clotting, you're saying that what's happening inside people's bodies,
they're having immense bleeding. Is that correct?
That would be logical, right? If you're trying to create blood clotting,
these vaccines, each of them are saying that they've produced this.
So we have doctors and nurses watching us right now.
What do you do if the patient is bleeding?
You've got to add a clotting agent of some kind to slow down the bleeding.
And so the vaccine is acting as a clotting agent?
Or the virus.
The virus was designed to cause blood clots.
Maybe what they can't say, I don't know, maybe what they can't say about the vaccines is,
hey, it's not the vaccines that's causing the blood clots, it's the China communist virus.
Boy, you think about this for a second.
They're creating something to block blood clotting, not to prevent symptoms, not
to prevent a sniffle of nose or respiratory problems, as many of the beginning reports
of coronavirus.
Wasn't it where you had the virus stuck in your lungs, right?
And that's why they had to put people in respirators, ventilators.
They're saying that they're having to actually counter something that is a clear characteristic
of a bioweapon to cause an intense, not small, intense internal bleeding.
Neurological impact, blood impact, that sounds just like a nerve agent, doesn't it?
We have been attacked by China.
World War III started last year, officially started.
Biological warfare attack by China
on the Western world.
And governments know it.
The pharmaceutical companies know it.
I believe some of the top corporate executives know it.
And there is a secret agreement among those leaders not to inform the public because the public will
panic and the public will demand retribution, which means we bomb China.
Go to war.
Get the public distracted. If China has created a virus and deliberately released it on people that causes neurological and psychiatric disorders in children, innocent children, why should not the civilized world pulverize Beijing?
They should, because it's a first
strike on us, wouldn't it be? It is a first strike.
It would have been a first strike. They would have already
attacked us. If they've launched
a biological weapon
that will slowly
take out the West
over the next five years. Think of
By the year 2025,
according to Deagle,
America only has a population
of 99 million people.
If that's correct,
we may see 200 million people
die in the next four years.
That's what we're staring at right now.
And the government officials, the military, and the intelligence agencies are terrified
that the public's going to figure this out.
And what will they do?
They'll lie to us.
They'll deceive us.
Like they're doing right now.
I'm sure even with Johnson & Johnson, they're having to admit deaths.
They're having to admit blood clotting issues.
That's why it was paused.
But in their statement, the FDA and CDC, they're admitting even more side effects and things that are happening to people.
It's becoming hard to put a clamp on this.
Obviously, Dr. Fauci's response was, well, Rick, it's one in a million.
Why care? It's just one in a million. Why care?
It's just one in a million. It's not that widespread. You have a larger chance of maybe getting hit by lightning than being harmed by one of the vaccines that I've pushed through
emergency approval and developed through the Wuhan Institute of Virology. But it's not
effective. Because I'll tell you, Sky News in Australia, they've done a pretty good job
as of late. And they've actually started interviewing doctors. Somehow they're able
to not get deplatformed on their networks. But they've been able to interview quite a few
doctors and WHO advisors. I find this interesting. Sky News is owned by Rupert Murdoch, who owns Fox News. But when we watch
Sky News, we're seeing Sky News journalists saying things that would absolutely not be
permitted in America.
Oh, yes, you're absolutely correct. Deplatform immediately for saying much of what's been
said there. So Rupert Murdoch and Fox News are censoring themselves.
In other parts of the world.
In here, in the United States.
They're censoring themselves.
But over in Australia, Sky News, Rupert Murdoch is telling the Australian people
what they can't say to the Fox News audience here in America.
You know, we better be careful what we're saying
because True News could get deplatformed by Facebook and YouTube for this show.
Well, Rick, our audience should know this.
That's sarcasm, right?
Well, no, I'm addressing this.
Our audience should know this, but we should remind them
this could be our last show.
Every single time we come out here and talk about these subjects in America, in Florida,
we risk the next day.
It's not just YouTube.
We're gone.
I think about it.
I think about that German doctor who was doing a live podcast and a SWAT team.
A SWAT team came in.
Came into his home.
On live video streaming and arrested a doctor for doing a live stream talking about COVID in the vaccine.
I think about that all the time.
I mean, we're now, look, Canada has seized the first church.
I mean, this is, well, we'll get off topic here because we've got some information here about what is in the coronavirus itself, not the vaccine, the virus.
Let's look at the Sky News report from Australia.
One of the things that we need to make clear is that the entity that did this investigation was not the World Health Organization. It was a joint study of an
independent advisory committee, albeit to the World Health Organization and their Chinese
government counterparts. On top of that, four members of the international team had prior
working relationships with the Wuhan Institute of Virology, And one of them, Peter Daszak, had actually been a funder
of gain-of-function research at that institute. That is a clear conflict of interest that should
have precluded him from participation in this process. So this was not an investigation.
It was not capable of examining all of the possible hypotheses.
And I don't think that we should see this report as authoritative in any way.
We know that the backbone virus in SARS-CoV-2 is a horseshoe bat coronavirus.
Those horseshoe bats live in southern China.
Wuhan is well beyond their range.
Wuhan doesn't have horseshoe bats.
This pandemic began in the middle of winter.
But what Wuhan does have is China's only level four
virology institute with the world's largest collection
of bat coronaviruses that was doing aggressive
gain of function research,
including to make those highly pathogenic viruses
more transmissible to human cells. We know that when
the outbreak began, the SARS-CoV-2 virus was almost perfectly adapted for transmission to humans.
I can't say for sure that SARS-CoV-2 began with an accidental lab leak, but the circumstantial evidence is overwhelming. On top
of that, from day one, China began a massive cover-up that involved destroying samples,
hiding databases and other records, imprisoning journalists, and placing a universal gag order
preventing any Chinese scientist from speaking or writing about the origins of the pandemic. This raises
very serious questions that at least must be thoroughly investigated. There is no doubt
that the National Institutes of Health and the Defense Department and USAID funded some of the
work that was being carried out at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. And that needs to be thoroughly investigated.
I'm not deeply concerned about Dr. Fauci's conflict
because Dr. Fauci is not involved in the investigation.
The reason why there's such a problem with Peter Daszak
and the EcoHealth Alliance isn't that it was involved
with funding gain of function research
at the Wuhan Institute
of Virology. It's that Peter Daszak is part of the international team that has been tasked
with looking into the origins of the pandemic. That's where the conflict is.
A lot of information in that particular segment there. I'm sure you've got some comments,
but based on what he was laying out there, for people that aren't aware of what's going on,
there's an investigation going on as to the source
of where COVID and coronavirus came from,
and it's being trotted out as if it's a,
you know, some sort of aspect of the WHO
doing the investigation, but that's not the case at all.
It's actually independent of the WHO.
It's being funded and coordinated by the Chinese.
They're doing the investigating.
So it's not independent.
That's right.
And so what Mr. Metzl there,
and he is on the WHO advisory committee on this
and has observed this and says,
listen, this investigating committee, this joint committee,
they couldn't even go into China unless the committee agreed to certain parameters,
that they could only look at the animal to human jump, that they were not allowed to look at the possibility of the coronavirus coming from the Wuhan lab or any other possibility.
They were restricted to just animal to human bat virus.
Doc, what jumped out in that video for me was that he admitted that the U.S.
government helped fund the development of a of the study of coronavirus in bats
in the Wuhan China laboratory. He admitted it. He mentioned three different departments involved in it.
He mentioned National Institutes of Health, the U.S. Military, and USAID.
Which is State Department.
So the U.S. Military was involved.
He mentions that.
Well, then General Milley.
And he would know he's on the WHO advisory committee.
So does General Milley need to be waterboarded too?
Well, remember, one of the things that the U.S. thoroughly dismissed
was that the Chinese were claiming the U.S. military had some involvement
when they came to Wuhan for the pseudo-military Olympic Games.
But that means the U.S. military was...
He's tying direct funding
from the military to the
Wuhan lab. Why would the U.S.
military fund a Chinese
biological research
lab? Now, I've been looking today
to try to find that military
funding link to the
Wuhan lab. I have not found it yet.
Edward's a better investigator than I am.
And same thing with the State Department, too.
I was looking for that today to try to find that link.
But he knows.
He's on the committee.
He knows.
The World Health Organization man.
So he knows.
He's got inside information on it.
And he's putting his reputation on it.
He can't just sit out there and lie about it.
He would know.
But he wanted to give Fauci a pass.
Yes, a brief pass because we've got
to exalt Dr. Fauci. But he wasn't afraid to dump on Equal Health Alliance, which we made the case
earlier this week, has been really the funnel for a lot of money. All right. So things are,
we're going to crank it up a few notches right now. We've got more shocking information that we're going to reveal to you about the Chinese biological warfare weapon.
So there is a retired colonel from the U.S. Army Reserve named Dr. Lawrence Sellin.
Dr. Lawrence Sellin became famous for challenging General Petraeus in Afghanistan, saying we're losing the war.
He's come out in the last decade at times with explosive information about what's happening politically.
He came out against Ted Cruz in 2015 about his citizenship.
And he has now come out really out of a concern for his country that we're being lied to about the coronavirus.
Specifically, it's tied to China.
Dr. Lawrence Sellin has been very active on Twitter.
And something he said this week has gone over many people's heads, did not go over ours.
Dr. Sellin is claiming that there was a study done by Hong Kong University in 2002 to 2004.
And there was a certain amino acid.
This is part of a DNA structure. This
amino acid is also present in COVID-19. And why he says this matters is it's an amino acid
specifically that goes to your brain and neurological system. He is claiming, and he's
citing, a whistleblower that we covered on the program last year, Dr. Li Mengyan. He is claiming, and he's citing a whistleblower that we covered on the
program last year, Dr. Li Mengyan. He's claiming that in a research paper that she's published
just this last month, she has hit it on the mark that there is a specific component of COVID-19
that was engineered to attack the nervous system, the brain, the nerve system,
and cause, in this case, the uncontrollable bleeding
that some of the vaccines and the virus itself might be trying to counteract.
So China deliberately put something into the virus that causes uncontrollable bleeding.
Are you talking internal bleeding?
Internal bleeding.
And an attack on the victim's neurological system.
Yes, something built into the virus itself.
This, again, Lawrence Sullen is saying this is a bioweapon, but more than that.
Okay, so if the virus was engineered, bioengineered to cause massive internal bleeding
in a victim, then
a doctor who's
treating somebody who's in severe condition in the hospital
and they know this person has internal bleeding, what would that doctor
Which would be the purpose of doing what?
To create clotting in the blood, to thicken the blood.
And we have people dying of blood clots.
There's something really evil in this story.
It's wicked. It's evil.
And we haven't even seen the tip of the suffering that is going to be unleashed on the world.
Because I just have a feeling that vaccines are doing as much or more damage than the world. Because I just, I have a feeling that vaccines are doing as much or more damage
than the virus. And we've yet to see the full impact of their damage.
It's stuck as much as we've seen the government and health officials and pharmaceutical companies
deceive the public week after week after week.
It's safe.
It's safe.
It's safe.
It's safe.
Don't use it.
It's safe.
It's safe.
It's safe.
It's safe.
Don't use it.
Then with that pattern,
what are we going to hear a year from now?
what admission are they going to make?
Or two years from now, we need to inform the public
that anybody vaccinated in the year 2021
most likely will develop whatever.
There's a reason why these companies got immunity, Rick.
That was the first thing they asked for.
They didn't say, how do we develop a vaccine?
They said, no, can we get immunity first?
Then we will develop your rushed vaccine therapeutics.
They wanted immunity before they could guarantee immunity for others.
But the point I'm making is that they all know it's a biological weapon.
They're desperately trying.
Look, I'm not faulting the pharmaceutical companies.
I'm saying that there is panic inside the pharmaceutical companies.
There's panic inside the highest levels of research agencies in this country.
There's panic. A biological weapon has been unleashed on the public.
And I think that they're frantically trying to stop mass death.
But they won't tell the public what happened.
Out of fear of causing a panic.
And so they, yes, so they rushed to production.
Operation Warp Speed to bring out the Trump scene.
All right. Rapid production of the vaccine. Why? For political reasons?
No, because the country had been attacked by a biological weapon.
And and so I think Donald Trump told everybody in his administration, I don't care what you got to do.
We've got to get something out there as quickly as possible because we're going to have mass death in this country.
That's a complete different story than what we've been told.
And it appears that this story has been publicly published by a Chinese whistleblower.
Because this is exactly what Dr. Li Mengyan is saying.
Her papers, I think very few have actually read through them.
But in this paper, she's published three now.
But the one I'm referencing, especially with Lawrence Sellen, is exactly what you're saying, Ray. Really?
So I'm not going to read all of it, but I'm going to read specific parts.
We'll stop in between these just to comment.
She published a paper on the 31st of March. And this is what Dr. Li Mengyan looks like.
She says clearly, we've had 127 million people who've been infected, 2.78 have died.
But she says that what has come with this is a massive misinformation campaign. And it's been undertaken by the Chinese Communist Party, the government,
the CCP, to cover up the true origin of SARS-CoV-2. This is the scientific name for COVID-19.
She says they involved destroying data, samples, publishing fabricated viruses on top of scientific
journals and controlling the narrative of the origin.
Isn't this what we've talked about here?
This is the response.
We're looking into the U.S. intelligence, looking into the origin.
They've done this through bribing top scientists and organizations,
amplifying the falsified natural origin theory through media control,
labeling all other origin theories as conspiracy theories and defaming individuals who revealed the truth is it's been weaponized.
It's a weaponized nature.
She goes on to say,
Because of the CCP's long-term planning, which includes pre-installing scientific fabrications and pre-establishing relationships with certain
Western experts, organizations, journals, and media. The unrestricted bio-warfare that took
off conveniently around the globe and yet was sufficiently covered up, it is important to
realize the bioweapon could carry designed and added functions, which naturally occurring pathogens of the same kind may not have.
Before I carry on, Rick, is there anything you wanted to say to what I've just read?
No, I'm just stunned at what we're reading right now.
I came across this section you're seeing on the screen here.
This was odd and very, it shook me.
Because what he is talking about
here in this segment... Read that line
neurological damage.
So she said
aspects of the unrestricted
bio-warfare first are
neurological damage. Many COVID-19
patients also experience neurological
damage. The reason for which is not
known and has to be studied carefully.
Interestingly, the template viruses ZC45 and ZXC21, these are viruses she did research
on when she was working for the PLA before fleeing to America, said upon their discovery
were shown by the PLL scientists to cause brain infections and inflammation in suckling rats.
Coincidentally, or not, the E-protein, this is what Colonel Lawrence Sellers was talking about,
which is associated to the neurotoxicity in coronavirus infections,
was kept 100% identical between that virus and the virus we're facing right now with COVID-19.
She's making a direct connection that the work that they've done in the past,
that she actually worked on,
she's saying, I am observing the very same patterns in that virus as in the current virus.
And Rick, she added that also it's causing the internal bleeding.
That's what coagulopathy is.
So incredible.
She has just said what we covered in the show,
what we're showing you examples of,
that Chinese military was preparing to create a virus
with these capabilities
when she was working for the Chinese government.
We are among our true news audience.
I know that there are still people who think that COVID itself is a hoax, that there's no such virus, that the whole thing is a hoax.
I'm telling you, it is not a hoax.
It is not a hoax. It is not a hoax. It is a man-made, bioengineered weapon designed to destroy us.
Now, what is the hoax is the response. As you've said many times, Doc, the virus is real, the response is fake. The communist sympathizers in America,
there are politicians, scientists,
news media officials,
government officials who are
China Communist Party dupes.
They are working to implement
a destruction of American society, of Western
society, Great Britain, Germany, Europe, Europe.
They're working in conjunction with the China Communist Party to bring down Western civilization
using COVID as the justification. implement lockdowns, social credit scores,
all types of draconian police state, locking up churches, putting fences around churches.
This is totally a communist operation. But don't allow that strategy,
that agenda to convince you
that the virus is not real.
Look, all of us who have made it a year
without being infected,
I give all glory and honor to Jesus Christ, my my savior and my healer and my physician and my protector.
You're going to need the blood of Christ on your life and on your family.
This is this is not going to go away.
In a couple of weeks or months, it's not going to go away in a couple weeks or months
it's not going to go away in years
there is a virus that's on the loose
man-made to cause brain damage
to cause neurological damage
this is the first wave of the attack
China has a second wave coming
another weapon
their plan is to finish us.
Their plan is to finish us off.
What was the general?
General Hao Tian?
He gave that speech
a decade ago
and said China had developed
biological weapons
to remove the American problem.
Purge the land.
And then once all the Americans
are dead, the Chinese people can move to North America and occupy the property.
Because they have population issues in China.
And he's very open about it.
And he said 2020, 2021 were the target years.
Yes. This is 2004.
In his retirement speech, he said he was targeting last year and this year.
And so we're watching it be played out in real time.
So spiritually, you have to be right with the Lord. You have to be ready at any time that you could be infected with this virus.
Your only protection is the blood of Christ.
Don't take this lightly.
I'm not walking around in fear.
I'm not afraid of it.
But I'm also not a fool. I'm aware that it's out there, but every day
I remind myself what Psalm 91 says. The plague shall not come nigh thee.
If you are living in the shadow of the Almighty, if you are hiding in Christ,
if you are in Christ, the plague will not come nigh you.
Not in politics, not in culture or society, in Christ.
In Christ, but not even the literal plague.
That's really what I want to get across to our viewers and listeners today.
Claim the promise of God.
Believe the promise of God.
Claim it.
Believe it.
And Jesus is the vaccine.
We don't have anything else.
We don't have anything else.
You have faith in God.
Or you're at the mercy of madmen who are trying to exterminate the American people. And I don't expect the government
of the United States to ever admit that we've been attacked, especially with Beijing Biden in the White House. Edward, I know you've got some more information on Mr. Sellen.
Yes. Dr. Lawrence Sellen has named those officials in government that he believes
are complicit in the U.S. government. So in his first post, he did bring up Dr. Fauci.
And Peter Daszak.
To Peter Daszak of EcoHealth.
That's the man running the contract for the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Then tied the money, U.S. taxpayer money, to a scientist named Shi Zheng.
Now, Shi Zheng is named in many of the papers that the NIH and the Chinese worked on to weaponize coronavirus and gain of function.
Ties this to the COVID vaccine, ties this to the COVID virus.
And then, of course, he says global pandemic, three million deaths.
Now, these next two, we personally do not know if these individuals are liable.
This is what Dr. Lawrence Sellin, with a resume, senior official, both in medicine and military in the United States,
he's put his reputation online to name Dr. Yusin Zhao, Dr. Shibo Jiang. He's saying these are two military-trained Chinese Communist Party scientists who are key
to the PLA and the CCP's virus research network, partially funded by the U.S.
He says the China Communist Party-trained scientists coordinating virus research network
inside the USA? Yes. And I've seen these names,
Zhao and Jiang, on the research papers, many of which we've covered on the program, specifically for gain-of-function research into coronavirus.
Officially, Dr. Fauci has said, we were doing this research to try to figure out how to defend America from it.
He hasn't explained the funding, hasn't explained the involvement. The last group that Mr. and I say Dr. Sellens, former colonel in U.S. Army,
said we need to pay attention to Peter Daszak, first of all, that's a Western scientist,
Trevor Bedford, Christian Anderson, Ralph Berrick, Stanley Perlman, Avarinda Shakvarati, Rita Colville, Linda Self.
These are all people that Dr. Lawrence Sellen says don't just need to be questioned.
They need to be put in front of a commission if we want to figure out what has happened.
And what is he accusing those men and women of doing?
He's accusing them of actually, if the two Chinese gentlemen that were listed there
are the offensive line, then this is the defensive line.
Their job is to suppress any connection
of the CCP to the virus.
That's their job.
So they put out the China Communist Party
propaganda line in the USA.
They helped to gaslight us.
So if, like when I say something like,
hey, Fauci ought to be waterboarded
until he talks, spits up the truth
about what he knows about China and COVID.
A Newsweek or another news organization
would call one of these people.
The fact checkers.
And say, what do you think about Rick Wiles?
That's their job?
Yes, basically, yes, to run the defensive line for China.
Amazing amount of information that we've put out here today
that the virus is causing bleeding, internal bleeding,
and neurological problems.
And it was designed to do it. It was made to do it. And this explains now why so many people
who have been vaccinated are suffering with blood clots, because there's something in
the vaccines that's designed to try to counteract what the virus is doing regarding bleeding
uh quickly i know edward we we got uh we're well actually we're no longer at a clockwork right yeah
that's right we don't have to break but you want to talk about the wars i think we should because
something big happened yesterday but if we're going to talk about that, there's breaking news from President Biden here within the past 10, 15 minutes.
What's that?
And he spoke about Russia and spoke about that, that says that President Biden is prepared to take further steps against Russia if it continues to interfere with our democracy.
Now, by further steps, he's referring back to the story of the
day in the beginning of the day, which was what the United States has placed sanctions on Russia.
Right. We're expelling diplomats, placing sanctions on 30 different entities,
and we're blocking the Russians from being able to sell sovereign bonds, the treasury bonds.
The funniest, the most hilarious thing I read today was that the Biden administration accused Russia of interfering in the 2020
presidential election.
And still blaming them for solar winds.
But does any truly, does any serious person believe that Russia intervened in the 2020
No, nobody believes that story.
If anybody should have sanctions put on them, it should be the Democratic Party.
You want to talk about somebody intervening, interfering
in the election? How about fake ballots?
How about John Podhauser's scheme, starting
in 2019, to push for the mail-in ballot
matrix, the system.
Let's call it that because through mail-in ballots,
the Democrats were to manufacture millions of votes, real or fake.
Put economic sanctions on the Democratic Party.
Russia did not interfere in the U.S. election.
I'm going to tell you what happened.
All right.
This is my, and I said it yesterday, all right. It's my own, it's just my
intuition, my gut feeling. The United States had two naval warships headed towards Ukraine.
The Black Sea. What was it? Was it the Roosevelt? I forget.
That's correct. The Cole was one of them. The second one, I believe, is the hunt. Okay.
Two Aegis crews.
The coal, huh?
So the U.S. was sending two warships to go through the strait.
And Mr. Putin called, most likely, Erdogan, President Erdogan of Turkey, and said, you stop it.
You block those warships or Istanbul is going to be renamed Constantinople.
And there will be Russian troops in Constantinople tonight.
Apparently, those two warships made a U-turn in the Bosphorus Strait.
I mean, that's a big deal.
Anthony Blinken blinked.
All the whole administration blinked.
Blinken, Blinken.
All right.
Joe Biden blinked.
And he's furious now.
Joe Biden.
Has been embarrassed.
Was humiliated yesterday.
The Russians, I think they said, we will sink your ship.
Now, truly, I think what they said was, we will sink your U.S. warships.
Turn them around or we're going to sink them.
They're going to go to the bottom of the Black Sea.
And Biden ordered the ships to be turned around. And then today he accused Russia of
interfering in the 2020 election. What a joke. Absolute laughable joke. It's retaliation for
the Russians defending their territory and ordering the U.S. to get its warships out of their waters.
As simple as that.
But it's cranked up the tension today worse than it was yesterday.
So they put economic sanctions on Russia.
Yes, and really political because there's expulsions.
We're deporting Russians.
We're going after diplomatic officials.
We're also going after Russia's ability to raise money through selling of sovereign debt, selling of bonds.
U.S. banks are barred from this.
Joe Biden has said he's going to expand this further, but this was the first step. But in addition to this, there's been quite a few
developments because for other than the turning round of the ships, we have the issue now that
Ukraine wants nukes. An offhand comment by an ambassador, still a representative of the Ukrainian
government, this is their representative serving in Germany as their ambassador. They said that
if NATO won't give them membership, which would give them Article 5 protection, then Ukraine is going to go out of the way to try to get nuclear weapons.
You wonder if a country like Israel might intervene in a black market deal.
But this is no small thing because the Russians have moved, as of last weekend, a scandal ballistic missile system to Sevastopol.
That's right. That's right.
Let's put 41 on the screen.
This is Daily Mail from London. Putin blocks all foreign warships from reaching Ukraine after Biden's Black Sea U-turn.
Russia closes the Kursh Strait after Joe sent two Navy battleships but then called them off. So yesterday, I was telling our audience about why the U.S. is fighting Russia in Ukraine.
And I said years ago, during the Obama regime, they were getting ready to launch a NATO attack on Syria.
And Putin called Obama.
And said, you want to do this?
You're going to have a fight tonight.
And Obama backed down.
And immediately they left Syria
and the United States troublemakers went to Ukraine.
So now we have little Joe Biden backing down.
Obama's weak puppet.
Obama's running the White House right now.
Joe Biden backed down last night, just like Obama backed down.
So what are they going to do?
We have this number 42.
This is Biden declares Russia a threat.
He declares the Russia threat a national emergency.
We went into a national emergency today, Doc.
Early this morning.
There's no national emergency down on the Texas border.
No, none.
But Russia is a national emergency.
These people are insane.
And Rick, they somehow found a way to connect this.
I think they all have COVID.
Oh, yeah.
All of them have COVID. They all have neurological problems.
They all have the brain busting COVID.
Rick, as part of the reasons for sanctions, they tried to bring up
alleged bounties that have been placed on U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan.
That's been discounted.
And the Russians have denied it.
Many in the media said we can't prove this, but hey, this is part of the reasons we're sanctioning.
State Department officials have disavowed it.
I don't understand how they can come back and do this again today.
Then they also in that executive order, Rick, President Biden blamed Russia for the SolarWinds hack.
They're still trying to do that, still trying to bring that up.
That was supposed to be the worst hack of all time.
Well, the Russians aren't playing around.
Maria Zakharova is a spokesperson for the Russian foreign ministry, the spokesperson for Sergey Lavrov.
She gave a press conference and was very clear.
She said the Russian Federation will decisively respond to the new sanctions imposed by the United States.
This was announced, again on Thursday, April 15th, at the Russian Foreign Ministry.
She said the department said the U.S. sanctions, of course, does not meet interests of the people of the countries.
Speaking about both the United States and Russia, she said such aggressive behavior will certainly be strongly rebuffed.
The response to sanctions will be inevitable.
Washington must realize that the degradation of bilateral relations will have to pay off.
Responsibility for what is happening entirely on the United States of America.
She said that the official representation of the Russian government will pick their time and place to
retaliate. It does appear their first response is to blockade and stop any NATO drills from taking
place in the Black Sea or the Sea of Azov. And specifically, there won't be any supply boats,
supply missions, and ship support for the war in Crimea.
This is what I want our audience to see and understand.
Russia closed the Kursk Strait.
Do we have a map of the Black Sea as number 39?
So down at the lower left-hand corner of the screen is Istanbul, and that's the Bosphorus Strait down there.
Basically, the only way into the Black Sea is right here, this small intersection, this
pathway through.
At the top of the screen, you have the Black Sea, okay? So two U.S. warships yesterday were going
into the Black Sea to participate in war drills, but they were turned back right there in the
Bostra Strait. Now, up at the upper right-hand corner of the screen where you have that red
dot there, that's the Kerch Strait. That's the strait that connects over to Crimea.
And above that is the Sea of Azov. So Crimea to the left, Sevastopol being the capital city.
Ukraine actually has territory. Their main port, Rick, is up in the Sea of Azov. No one can get
to it now. The Kerch Strait is controlled by Russia. And there is an agreement that has
been in place for many years, and Russia has honored it, which says if you notify the Russian
government that you want to sail through the Kursk Strait, if it's for commerce, if it's for
peaceful purposes, there's no reason why your ship would be denied. And there's the
Russians have never stopped anybody until last year, until last year when the U.S. encouraged
their puppets in Kiev to send military ships to the Kursk Strait to provoke the Russians.
The Russians stopped the military ships and boarded the ships and captured the sailors. So where we're at now is that the Russians last night closed the Kursk Strait.
Closed it.
So the Ukrainian ships that are in the Sea of Azov right now, they're not getting in or out.
Or any other ships that are in the Sea of Azov up there, they're not getting in or out.
So now Joe Biden has to make a decision.
Is he going to allow the Russians to close the Kerch Strait,
or is he going to run the blockade with U.S. warships?
And to run that blockade, he has to get through the Strait of Bosphorus too.
And so that's where they got turned around yesterday.
And Turkey, who is a NATO member,
Turkey said, we're neutral.
Without picking sides.
We're going to stay out of this fight.
But you're in NATO.
We're neutral.
We're not getting in this fight.
We want Istanbul to remain Istanbul
and not become Constantinople.
And so Joe Biden has a major problem, which he's created.
I mean, he hasn't been in office 100 days.
He's got disasters everywhere.
Yes, probably started, come on the brink of starting at least two wars.
Well, I reckon his administration is owning a lot of the pain caused by this.
The ambassador from the U.S., John Sullivan, he was swiftly, swiftly brought to the foreign ministry.
In Moscow.
In Moscow, summoned to answer for why his president was doing this.
On screen here, this is what Maria Zakharova said.
This will be, this won't be a pleasant meeting for him.
And it wasn't, Rick.
Reportedly, the meeting was very short.
And Mr. Sullivan was forced to leave out the side door with his tail between his legs.
The report is that his car was pulled up to the side, did not want to give any comment to the press that had gathered outside to hear.
What did the Russians say to you?
He departed not from the main entrance, but from the side door,
running back to the U.S. embassy to relay the message to Joe Biden.
Do we know if Mr. Lavrov delivered the message?
My understanding is that Sergey Lavrov was coming back from a trip to Egypt
and that I'm looking here that it was likely the ambassador
or a deputy official of the ministry,
the foreign ministry that gave the speech to Mr. Sullivan.
But certainly, Sergey Lavrov directed the message.
And I think the message was short and sweet.
OK, Mrs. Zakharova, the press spokeswoman for the Russian foreign ministry,
she said there will be a response. We will
choose the method, the place, the time for the response, but there will be a response.
We have our last article to show you what may be that response. It's out of the TASS
news agency. Diplomat warns United States placing the U.S.
dollar and the Western payment systems in jeopardy.
So that sounds like a warning to me. Does it to you?
Clearly a warning.
So what do you interpret by this, Rick? Do they have an alternate payment system already
ready to roll out?
Russia and China has been building it since 2008.
The Petro you want.
Well, that's part of it.
It's part of it.
The whole system.
Yeah, there's an entire system.
Replacement for Swift.
To replace, yes, the Swift bank wire system, to replace the World Bank, to replace the IMF.
Everything, the whole Bretton Woods infrastructure from post-World War II.
The Russians and the Chinese have been working since 2008 to build an alternative financial
system to replace the Western Bretton Woods system. That's what they're going to unveil.
And so one of the first ones that we know is a digital yuan, which is already active.
The Russians, I know, have created their own credit card system because they expect Visa,
MasterCard to de-platform them. Yes, they're prepared for it. The credit card transactions
are going to be shut off. And they've been stocking up on gold, too.
They've been doing that, I know, for 20 years.
Paying off the banks.
I have no idea how much gold Russia has in China.
All of ours?
I can't imagine as much left of Fort Knox if there was ever in the last 20 years.
So what is this all about?
Control the banking system, control the money system, control the world.
Who's pulling the strings on America and the West?
It's the Rothschild banking system.
But I can guarantee you, Rick, that if they somehow crash the SWIFT banking system, that the same people are involved in the other banking system.
They'll just, they'll do what Dr. Kissinger said.
They'll negotiate a settlement.
That's right.
And they'll share power and money until they can figure out how to overtake them.
That's the way the system works.
This is a full show.
We're back to 90 minutes.
Every day.
We have nothing but truth to share.
Or can you have the last word before we close on that?
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