TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Chinese PLA Peacekeepers Could be Deployed in Ukraine
Episode Date: February 19, 2025Rumors are swirling that Chinese PLA soldiers could be deployed in Ukraine as peacekeepers. More later today. First, however, TruNews will begin by looking at the slugfest between Ukraine’s Presiden...t Zelensky and President Donald Trump.Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 02/19/2025Join the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!       It’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!
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America-loving brand American Reserves for your emergency food supply needs. Rumors are swirling that Chinese PLA troops could be deployed in Ukraine as peacekeepers.
I'll tell you more later in today's program. First, however, we will begin by looking
at the slugfest between Ukraine's President Zelensky and America's President Donald Trump.
This is True News for Wednesday, February 19, 2025. Our first headline published by London's Telegraph, Zelensky could fall as the price of peace.
That is an understatement.
Mr. Zelensky's days are numbered.
He got in a name-calling contest today with Donald Trump,
which is the most foolish thing you could do.
And we see NBC News, Trump says Ukraine should never have started the war in Ukraine.
Well, that's what set off Zelensky.
That interview.
And Zelensky went ballistic on Donald Trump.
President Trump suggested, this is according to NBC News, President Trump
suggested that Ukraine was responsible for Russia's invasion of the country three years ago,
arguing that Kiev could have made a deal to avoid the conflict. And we've got a short video clip.
Let's watch. I think I have the power to end this war and I think it's going very well.
But today I heard, oh, we weren't invited.
Well, you've been there for three years.
You should have ended it three years.
You should have never started it.
You could have made a deal.
I could have made a deal for Ukraine that would have given them almost all of the land,
everything, almost all of the land.
And no people would have been killed and no city would have been demol, and not one dome would have been knocked down. But they chose
not to do it that way. And President Biden, in all fairness, he doesn't have a clue what
he — he was so bad for this. He was so bad, so pathetic, so sad.
He's telling the truth.
Right. If there had been intervention early in the war, it might have only just been two Ukrainian provinces, you know, the first two that Russia came to the defense of.
And that's what the reasoning was there.
But the Russians were trying desperately to prevent the outbreak of fighting.
We reported it month after month in the year before the fighting started.
That's right.
And then there came a place, you know, I would say in the fall of 2021, and I remember saying on this program, there's a change in the Russian leader's attitude.
And it was, DACI went into almost despondency.
I remember that feeling.
They're becoming despondent in the sense that you could tell that the Russian leaders
had come to the place where they realized America and NATO wanted a war.
Yes. And the Russians were like taking a deep breath going, oh, my, we're actually going to go to war.
You could feel it.
And then as you got into early 2022, the Russians, you know, January and early February, it was starting to become more almost desperate.
Like we're telling you, we're going to become more almost desperate, like we're telling
you, we're going to attack.
Do you understand?
We can stop this if you will just work out a peace settlement.
And then after the fighting started, sometime around April, there was the meeting between
the Ukrainians and the Russians, and they had a peace deal.
And Boris Johnson from London ran over there and told Zelensky, don't sign it.
We'll back you.
Keep fighting.
And that's when Zelensky made the really big blunder.
Because at that point, he lost his country.
That was it right there.
What was it going to cost
Boris Johnson?
He's sitting over in London.
He's not worried.
He's not bothered at all, but he kept that war going.
And then it got worse
and worse and worse.
Who knows?
Maybe two million men have died in this war?
If those numbers are accurate.
For what?
For what purpose?
So that American defense contractors could make trillions of dollars?
I mean, a lot of people got very rich from this war.
And they wanted the war to continue. And you had politicians like Lindsey Graham
and others
still wanting that war.
Did you see the other day they were meeting with
Zelensky? They gave him a standing
ovation. U.S.
treating Zelensky like a hero and telling him, we're with you, brother.
We're with you all the way.
Well, President Trump had a different label for him.
We'll talk about that later on today.
Wall Street Journal has this today.
It says Zelensky says Trump needs more truth after claims that Ukraine started the war.
Zelensky told the press, unfortunately, he is living in this disinformation space.
I want there to be more truth in Trump's team.
Sounds like he's calling President Trump a liar.
Or delusional or misinformed.
He's obviously not a diplomat.
And sometimes that's what's needed, a non-diplomat.
So what Dmitry Medvedev said today, and it's a long post, and I didn't bring it today. It's a real long post, but the bottom line is he called Zelinsky a pet that has rabies, a rabbit pet.
And he goes, what do you do when a rabbit pet bites your hand. You put it down.
You take its brain out and you do a biopsy to see if it has rabies.
And that's what he was saying about Zelensky.
Zelensky has rabies.
He just bit Trump's hand.
Trump's going to put him down and remove his brain.
And it's over for Zelensky. So, you know, imagine in the Kremlin, the laughter has got to be, you know, nonstop right now.
They're watching Zelensky destroy himself.
When your enemy is defeating himself, don't interfere.
So, go to Financial Times.
Zelensky accuses Donald Trump
of living in a disinformation bubble.
He said,
President Trump,
with all due respect for him
as the leader of a nation
that we respect greatly,
is living in this disinformation bubble.
Because is living in this disinformation bubble. Because Donald Trump is not pushing the narrative
that the European Union, NATO, and Washington, D.C. pushed for three years.
And if you don't...
The deep state war.
It's the deep state war.
And things have changed.
You have a director of national intelligence, Tulsi Gabbard, who doesn't believe the deep state war.
I mean, the whole environment in D.C. has changed, and in Europe.
And there's no appetite
to keep this war going.
The American people
had lost interest in this
a long time ago. Right.
And the Europeans are losing interest really
fast now. Because now
they have to do it on their own.
The European people, that is. The people?
I think they lost interest a long
time ago. But the European leaders are doubling down. The people. I think they lost interest a long time ago.
But the European leaders are doubling down.
Oh, yes.
They're going into Vietnam.
I don't know what it is that they're drinking, Rick, but boy, it's delusional.
They're setting themselves up for their own Vietnam.
I've got a video here of Mr. Zelensky talking.
He's speaking in Ukrainian.
Doc's going to read the English subtitles.
Unfortunately, President Trump, with all due respect for him as the leader of a nation that we really respect,
the American nation who supported us all the time,
unfortunately, he's living in this disinformation bubble.
You're not being told the truth, Donald Trump.
That's what Zelensky is saying. If he keeps it up, the U.S. government is going to indict him for theft of billions of dollars. If Biden had somehow miraculously gotten into the Oval Office, we'd see this war just continue until forever.
Now the brakes have been put on this war.
And this is one of the most dramatic political shifts I've seen, Rick, and maybe you share that same view, that they have basically—
It's like day and night.
I mean, was it just five weeks ago that we were heaping praise on Zelensky as a nation, as an administration?
We did everything but have a ticker tape parade for him.
This is, what, the 19th of February?
Just go back to late December, Christmas time.
And what was our attitude here?
Let's pray to God we get through Christmas without a nuclear war.
Folks, it's just two months ago that the fear that Biden would start a nuclear war
to prevent Donald Trump from getting in the White House.
And don't forget, in that latter part of December, they were actually considering giving Ukraine nuclear weapons.
Low-yield nuclear weapons.
That's right.
We were dangerously close to a nuclear war.
And it's changed in two months. The Independent in London. Zelensky and Trump trade insults as U.S. President launches blistering attack on, quote, modestly successful comedian.
We actually have this post from Truth Social here.
I'll read it.
Think of it. A modestly successful comedian, Volodymyr Zelensky, talked the United States of America into spending $350 billion to go into a war that couldn't be won, that never had to start, but a war that he, without the U.S. and Trump, will never be able to settle.
The U.S. has spent $200 billion more than Europe, and Europe's money is guaranteed.
While the United States will get nothing back.
Why didn't sleepy Joe Biden demand equalization
in that this war is far more important to Europe than it is to us?
We have a big, beautiful ocean of separation.
On top of this, Zelensky admits that half of the money we send him is missing.
He refuses to have elections, is very low in Ukrainian polls,
and the only thing he was good at was playing Biden like a fiddle.
Now, this is where all the hubbub is about now, Rick.
A dictator without elections, Zelensky better move fast or he's not going to have a country left.
In the meantime, we are successfully negotiating an end to the war with Russia,
something I'll admit only Trump and the Trump administration can do.
Biden never tried.
Europe has failed to bring peace, and Zelensky probably wants to keep the gravy train going.
I love Ukraine, but Zelensky has done a terrible job.
His country is shattered, and millions have unnecessarily died.
And so it continues.
There's several hints.
Called him a dictator.
Yes, but there's several hints in there about the country's almost gone.
Doc, I'm reading that as Mr. Trump saying, I might just give the country away.
I'm going to get a settlement in favor of the United States.
You might just lose your country.
Rick, I think that's what it's going to be when it's all said and done.
I really do.
Ukraine's going to return to being Russian territory.
At least a portion of it.
No, I'm now starting to think maybe all of it.
I still think in order to appease some in Europe, they'll give some of Ukraine to Europe, like to Poland.
And so, you know, but we'll see where everything lands here.
Well, that's interesting because the Polish leaders this week have started up again.
We want Fort Trump built
in Poland. Yes. And they're
appealing to Donald Trump's ego. Yes. We want a
U.S. military base here and we want to call it Fort Trump.
And let's put it in Western Ukraine.
Oh, that would be.
Doc, if you look, anything is possible right now.
We left reality a long time ago.
And you can't look at historical precedents right now and say this is what's going to happen because all bets are off on this.
The next one here.
Okay, so we.
It was a press conference that President Trump did yesterday, and he was asked a specific question about Ukraine.
And you could tell just in the way he responded to the question that he's done with Zelensky.
He is flat out done with him.
Let's watch.
We're hearing that Russia wants to force Ukraine to hold new elections
in order to sign any kind of a peace deal.
Is that something that the U.S. would ever support?
Well, we have a situation where we haven't had elections in Ukraine, where we have martial
law, essentially martial law in Ukraine, where the leader in Ukraine, I mean, I hate to say
it but he's down at 4% approval rating, and where our country has been blown to smithereens.
Most of the cities are laying on their sides.
The buildings are collapsed.
It looks like a massive demolition site.
The whole, I mean, so many of the cities.
I mean, they haven't done it in Kiev because I guess they don't want to shoot too many rockets in there.
They've done it 20 percent, but they haven't done it 100 percent.
If they wanted to do it 100 percent, it would probably happen very quickly.
But you have cities that are absolutely decimated. And yeah, I would say that, you know, when they want a seat at the table,
you could say the people have to, wouldn't the people of Ukraine have to say like,
you know, it's been a long time since we've had an election. That's not a Russia thing. That's
something coming from me and coming from many other countries also.
That's interesting. He's saying this is coming from me. Right. many other countries also that's interesting he's he's saying this
is coming from me right there needs a russian thing there needs to be new elections in ukraine
he's he had listen zielinski is done he's over it's over and he's not going to go back to being
a comedian he he has stolen enough money.
Come on, let's be real.
You know they've siphoned off.
That's where Doge needs to go, Ukraine.
Doc, I think what they will tell Zelensky is either you shut up and resign,
or we turn Doge loose on you.
And when we have the evidence of how much you have stolen, you go to prison.
That's what I think is going to be said behind the walls, behind the scenes.
All right?
They're not going to say it out in public until it gets so bad that they just say, he has stolen.
And if the Trump administration starts making accusations of massive fraud, now the blame is back on Biden.
And knowing Zelensky, the way his mouth runs, he'll just say, yeah, but I had to kick back 50% to the big man.
The big guy, yes.
Like Hunter.
Hunter told me.
Hunter said, I got to get 50% to the big guy.
We don't know where this is going to end up.
Well, Daily Mail today had posted this article about Vice President J.D. Vance. J.D. Vance warns Zelensky he will regret bad-mouthing
Trump and condemns his atrocious response to peace talks. It says in the article, and this is a quote
by Vance, Vice President Vance, sorry, the idea that Zelensky is going to change the president's
mind by bad-mouthing him in public media. Everyone who knows the president will tell you that is an atrocious way to deal
with this administration.
And, yeah, well, he's right.
I mean, once you've started bad-mouthing Donald Trump, he just writes the name on your
You're out.
And that's not cheerleading Trump.
I'm just telling you that's the way it is. If Mr. Zelensky had any wisdom and common sense, he would have discerned at the time of the American elections,
okay, it's going to change here really quick after January 20th.
He should have reached out to them and said, look, I know my days are up.
Whatever role I can play in bringing about a settlement for my country, I'll do that.
Yeah, he could have been given the Nobel Peace Prize.
They're not going to give it to Donald Trump this year.
But he should have found the exit door gracefully.
Because he was still, in the eyes of the West, a hero.
But now he's turning himself into a zero.
And that's putting the magnifying glass on him.
And so there are reports that he's being investigated for dodging military service.
We never heard that before, have we?
Yeah, when he was a young man, five times.
You have to think domestically.
He's afraid of his own Nazi army.
Yes. Domestically, he's afraid of his own Nazi army. Yes, because imagine you've been in this fight now for three years, right?
You're a member of the Nazi brigade, which that's what Azov is.
It's the Nazi brigade.
Imagine you've been fighting this for three years, giving your allegiance to Vladimir Zelensky.
And now you see the utter collapse.
Now, he has no juice anymore.
He has no way to negotiate.
No matter how many Zoom calls he does anymore, he's not going to raise any more money at this point. So how are they threatening him, the Nazis inside Ukraine?
They're going to be looking for a new leader.
That's what he's doing.
He's terrified that if he doesn't stand up to Donald Trump, they're going to do him in inside Ukraine.
If he stands up to Donald Trump, Donald Trump just chews him up and spits him out. If there's a reason to have international forces
in Ukraine, I believe
it would be for the Azov battalion
against the Kiev government itself.
Not the Russians.
And the Russians, they're going to
stick to
their denazification
The whole reason they went in there is that we're going to denazification agenda. Policy, yes.
The whole reason they went in there is that we're going to denazify Ukraine.
I had a story yesterday.
We ran out of time at the end.
London Telegraph.
Here's why Trump wants to make Ukraine a U.S. economic colony.
All right. It says, Donald Trump made no effort to disguise the potential threat to Ukraine if Zelensky refused to cough up for American protection.
The U.S. president told Fox News, quote, they may make a deal, they may not make a deal.
They may be Russian someday or they may not be Russian someday.
I see right there was a hint. I know when I first read it several days ago, I said,
they already got a plan in place to divide up Ukraine.
So the Telegraph goes on and says, as far as he is concerned, the U.S. has provided
close to $300 billion in aid for Kiev in its payback time. His price is an incredibly steep one.
The U.S. has demanded what amounts to economic colonization of Ukraine
with significant rights over its mineral resources,
oil and gas resources, ports, and other infrastructure.
The demands have caused panic in Kiev
and amount to far more than what officials are willing to agree to.
One bargaining chip Zelensky has proffered is access to $500 billion of Ukraine's natural resources,
including what Trump has called are tremendously valuable minerals scattered throughout the country's territories.
These minerals offer a tantalizing promise,
the ability for the United States to break its dependence on Chinese supplies of critical minerals.
They go into everything from wind turbines to iPhones and stealth fighter jets.
With Washington in a great power competition with Beijing,
Ukraine's resources, estimated at $15 trillion, may come in handy.
I just wanted to say that the strategic significance of Ukraine's mineral resources
cannot be overstated according to a publicly available NATO briefing.
Its vast reserves span more than 100 metals across 20,000 deposits, including several that have been identified as critically important by both the U.S. and Europe. They include graphite, lithium, uranium, as well as rare earth minerals.
Many are crucial for modern defense, green energy, airspace technologies.
But global supplies are dominated by China.
According to a copy of the U.S. demands revealed by the Telegraph on Monday,
Washington is demanding that it gets first refusal on all deposits within the country.
I'll let you take it from there, Doc.
The Linden Telegraph goes on to say this in an interview. I think this is going to go down
pretty badly in Europe, says Ian Bond, a former British diplomat who's deputy director of the
London-based Center for European Reform. President Trump basically appears to be acting as though the
Americans have the right to seize Ukraine's national assets in return for the assistance
that they've given so far. Now, he's making a petty criminal's
play, like coming into a shop and saying, nice little business you got here. Be a shame if
something happened to it. It's an administration which is behaving like an organized crime
syndicate. Now, the U.S. and the EU are facing a looming conflict over those resources in Ukraine because of their strategic significance.
And both are engaged in ex-China supply diversification, meaning they're trying to cut off those supplies coming from China.
Brian Bill of Benchmark Mineral Intelligence had this to say, As with the European Union, the United States and other geopolitical actors are looking for ex-China supply of critical minerals
and looking to secure deals with partners that could in the future supply them.
It's about finding new resources to break China's dominance, which is going to be challenging.
Well, Rick, what's happened here is Trump has beat them to it.
He has beat them.
They were wanting that at the end of the war.
They were wanting that at the end of the war.
Donald Trump has beat them to it, and they don't like it.
Just like he beat Netanyahu to Gaza.
Now, I want to put a map of Ukraine.
Now, this was leaked out.
Somebody linked it out.
This is a proposed line of demarcation in a settlement with Russia. The way I understand this map is that it shows you the location of the deposits of minerals.
And the darker the blue, the more minerals.
Well, guess what?
Where's the darkest blue?
In eastern Ukraine.
And those are the provinces that Russia seized.
We have a problem here.
We have a problem.
If Mr. Trump wants the minerals,
most of the minerals are in the areas that Russia claims.
So, if you were Donald Trump and you were negotiating the deal of the century, and you're determined to come out on top, you're going to have a win-win deal for the United States.
But you're going to end the war. The country that you're negotiating with is militarily in control of the richest deposits of the country of Ukraine.
Now do you understand what the war was about?
Okay, so how does he, what does that deal look like?
How does he get his hands on the minerals?
If the minerals are in the region, Russia says, we now, we've annexed it.
That's us.
We're not giving up this territory Russia never said they wanted
minerals they just said
these are Russian speaking people living here
we're there to protect them
and we were defending democracy on our side
right but now we
know both sides were after minerals
so how does
alright I'm going to throw something out you may as well say it because So, how does he... Wow. All right.
I'm going to throw something out.
You may as well say it because it probably happened here by the end of the week.
He's going to give all of Ukraine to Russia.
All of it?
Oh, that's bold.
And Russia and the United States split the minerals 50-50.
You know, at this point,
it wouldn't shock me now.
Now that I've heard it.
Who's going to stop it?
Who's going to stop it?
Olaf Schultz?
Boris Johnson?
Who's going to stop it?
They're going to jump up and down.
They're going to pull their hair out.
They're going to scream and say all kinds of things.
But at the end of the day,
who's going to stop it?
You're going to have two powerful men
sit down and
divide up a country.
And then toast
and drink to the new
world order.
They're going to, goodbye Ukraine.
Country 404.
It's country 404.
Medvedev told us for three years
it's country 404. It doesnev told us for three years this country 404 doesn't exist.
Now, the question is,
what do they do with the Nazis?
What do you do with Nazis, Rick?
From the Russian point of view...
You kill them.
What did the Americans do with them?
We made them part of the company over here.
True, but the fighting Nazis.
This is going to be interesting to see
because Russia's going to say,
I mean, first of all,
the deal is,
how are you going to implement the deal?
If everything's rosy between the United States and Russia, it's just wonderful.
But you've got Nazis that are armed with American weapons.
How do you disarm them?
What do you do?
Well, you can't negotiate with them.
The only thing you've got to do is blow them up.
That's the only option.
So does that mean the United States goes to war against Ukraine on the side of Russia?
At this point, Rick, would it shock you now?
No. Or do we just both, or does Russia and the United States, does the Wagner group come in and one of our private military groups go in on the U.S. side?
Is that what we're going to do?
Well, imagine being an American mercenary there right now, and we know they're there.
Imagine you're there now.
If you get caught by the Russians, they'll kill you, right?
But now the Ukrainians hate you too because you're American.
So it's a tough line of work for some folks.
But if you're fighting for money, you just switch to the ones that pay the most.
Pay the most, yes.
So is the war going to continue?
But now it's the United States and Russia against the remains of the Ukrainian Nazi army?
And that's the way we would have to brand them, too.
Because right now they're not branded that.
Europe comes and hugs them.
Because Mr. Trump's going to have to tell the American people,
look, we have all these minerals,
and every time we start mining them, these Nazis shoot us.
So we've decided we're going to shoot them back.
I don't know.
I don't know how he enforces it without – somebody's got to kill the Nazis unless they buy in.
Do they get Kiev?
That's what Nevedev said.
There would be a Kiev Republic, basically the province around Kiev right now.
Is that why the Russians never bombed it?
Now, that's a good observation there.
They were saving us?
Say, here, we'd already decided a long time ago, this is what you guys get.
But you have to surrender your weapons?
Just like Israel made the Palestinians
surrender their weapons.
That's why the Palestinians,
they're defenseless.
Because the Israeli Jews
practice gun control.
Yeah, they believe in gun control.
They confiscated the guns of the Palestinians
a long time ago.
And then they shot kids who have thrown rocks.
But anyhow, that map, I looked at that map yesterday and I said, you know, wait a minute.
Most of the minerals are in the section of Ukraine that Russia annexed.
How do you come up with a deal?
Putin knows that Trump's after the minerals.
He knows that because Trump said it.
He's out in the open saying,
this is what I'm after.
Putin's never said it. He's out in the open saying, this is what I'm after. Putin's never said it.
But we know that the Russians are thinking it.
Of course.
Of course.
obviously Putin wants to end the war
Donald Trump wants to end the war because he wants to move on to other things.
He doesn't want to be bogged down.
That's Biden's war.
Let's get out of it.
It's Biden's war.
But he's licking his chops over the minerals.
And Lindsey Graham's there saying, don't you dare give them to the Russians.
You take it for us. But Putin's there like, well, you dare give them to the Russians. You take it for us.
But Putin's there like, well, what are you going to do with us?
You want to fight?
We'll fight.
I mean, the Russians could just say, you want to fight?
Well, you know, we'll continue the war.
You want to come in and fight?
We're in a fighting mood right now.
You know, today we launched
an ICBM from Vandenberg
we're having peace talks with the Russians
but we're launching ICBM missiles
Russian jets flying near Alaska
that's how precarious
these things could be.
On the edge of peace is the edge of war.
Chinese ships sailing near, warships sailing near Australia.
Did you see the Chinese helicopter that came by?
Oh, yeah.
We had that yesterday.
We didn't show it yesterday.
That was amazingly close.
Lee, if you can find that from yesterday's elements that we had,
it was a Chinese helicopter, military helicopter,
that flew right up to the wing of a commercial aircraft.
I mean, it was within feet.
I've never seen anything that close.
But all this is still going on behind the scenes, and the public doesn't know about it.
But all the countries are—see, we're in World War III, and so they're letting you know that they're prepared to continue fighting.
So I want to go on to the next one.
Let's see.
This is Mirror from Great Britain.
Oh, there we go.
This is the – yeah, watch this.
There's the Chinese helicopter.
Chinese PLA helicopter.
Watch how close it comes into the wing of this airliner.
Well, that was actually a Philippine Coast Guard plane.
Oh, it's the Coast Guard?
The plane is the Philippine Coast Guard, but the helicopter is the PLA, Chinese PLA Navy plane.
Now, it looks pretty close right there, but this is how close they got.
Look at the wing.
We're talking feet, within feet of the plane.
These are the kinds of encounters where there may be peace,
but you know you're on the edge of war.
China was sending a message to the Philippines with that flight,
and then all the encounters they're doing in the South China Sea.
We need to spend some time and just kind of unravel some of that
because that's going to be the next area of conflict right there.
Oh, yeah, it's going to be the next era of conflict right there. Oh, yeah, it's going.
This war is wrapping up.
This part of the Eastern European theater of World War III is wrapping up.
We're going to be transitioning World War III in Asia.
I want to go back.
This is number 13, the Mirror newspaper.
Ukraine ready to be carved up by Trump and Putin.
We've got this right, Doc.
This is like, they got a big old turkey there named Ukraine.
And they got the carving knife.
It says Ukraine is ready to be carved up by Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin as the crucial meeting between the top officials shows where the power lies, an expert has said.
The head of the Department of International Politics at Citi, University of London, Professor Interjeet Parma.
Very good.
I had to practice it.
Did you?
Believes the meeting between the U.S. and Russia officials shows where the power lies,
as the countries look to strike a deal which benefits them economically.
And he says that given that Ukraine, NATO, and the EU has been excluded from the U.S.-Russia meeting in Riyadh,
indicates where the power lies.
President Trump is after material gains for the U.S., especially Ukraine's mineral resources,
such as uranium, lithium, titanium, and rare earth deposits.
Currently, China dominates those supply chains, and China is the U.S.'s ultimate target within a global context.
It says that President Trump says he wants at least $500 billion worth of Ukraine's rare earth deposits,
around half of which actually lie in territories currently occupied by Russia.
In return, Trump offers Ukraine security, hence the talks with Russia to try and do a deal.
So, Rick, you're as smart as a professor at the University of London in the city of London.
Because you had this, you put that out days ago.
And it's not just the city, it is the city.
The city of London.
The city that's in the city.
The Rosh Chant city.
So, he sees it also. That
half of the minerals in Ukraine are
in the territories that Russia controls. Half of
them. So that's
Putin's bargaining chip i'm militarily in control of 50 of all the minerals
in ukraine right and you want a half billion i mean a half trillion dollars worth of minerals
well i have them or at least half of them i got of them. I got the ones that are easy to get to.
All right?
The ones that you don't have to dig that deep.
You won't have to mine that much.
So let's make a deal.
I mean, I think Putin's going to ask for all of Ukraine.
But I still think Trump's going to counter and say, yes, I'll give you all of Ukraine if you take the Palestinians.
Which I think is a unique idea.
You bring that in?
Listen, just because I think it's a unique idea doesn't mean I like it.
But it does solve problems.
But then Putin's going to come back and say, I'll take the Palestinians, but I get half of Gaza.
These are two powerful men. so if if the russians get half of the building contracts in
in gaza they get half the hotels half the beachfront properties
then all the middle eastern countries would be, why didn't we get in on this?
And the United States and Russia, 50-50, own the gas reserve in the sea off the coast of Gaza.
Oh, that's true.
Called the Marine Field.
That's true.
Look, we're going to go into... Wow.
Donald Trump is going to do partnership deals.
We're going to get Greenland.
He's going to do a deal with Denmark.
We'll take Greenland and we'll give you 50% of the money we make there.
You just give us ownership of the island and we'll pay you 50% of the money we make there. You just give us ownership of the island,
and we'll pay you a royalty.
Countries used to do that.
He's going to offer the same thing to Canada.
Maybe give us half of Canada.
So what he's really after in Canada is what?
The resources.
And to build a fort.
But it's, first of all, the resources.
We can't get to asteroids yet.
But this is going to become the model.
I believe you're right.
This will become the model.
And a lot of places that are vassal states right now held by European countries, they're up for grabs right now.
They're negotiable. If you're a small country and you've got islands,
what are we getting with these islands right now?
Trump will give us 50%.
I mean, we can get something
out of it. Yeah, that's a good point.
It's a fast way
to expand the empire. Yes.
I still think he's going to
take Israel.
That's my wildest prediction, but I think he's going to take Israel.
And I think the folks that support Donald Trump will love that idea.
Of course they will.
We become Israel that way.
And when all the Palestinians are gone, then you can tear down the Al-Asqa Mosque.
Because there's no Muslims there
that's right so now you can build the Trumpel
the Trumpel
is the Trump Temple
it will be a
shrine to all religions
of the world
we're really close to the second coming
of Christ
really close and Donald Trump gets of Christ. Really close.
And Donald Trump gets 50% of the gate fee?
He probably would.
And, you know,
all the sales of religious...
Icons, merchandise, coins.
Mike Waltz, the national security advisor,
said that the time of endless war is over.
This was on Fox News.
Just to unpack that a bit, just not everyone has gotten the message that the era of an
endless grinding war with death and destruction on all sides costing hundreds of billions
and costing hundreds of thousands, if not millions of lives.
That era is over.
President Trump has been very clear.
He intends to bring this war to an end.
That all sides need to be bought into that. Frustration has really stemmed just in the last week from this bizarre pushback and escalation of rhetoric over a presentation of what we see as an absolute opportunity.
And that's to have the United States invest in Ukrainian infrastructure, to have them grow both their minerals, their natural resources, their oil and gas.
And I have to tell you,
a part of a much bigger pie is certainly better than where it stands today. And then,
you know, just as an important subtext to that is that, you know, we look at the type of aid the Europeans are providing, and it's often in the form of loans. It's being repaid with the
interest on seized Russian assets. We believe the American taxpayer deserves to recoup much of their investment.
All of that's an opportunity for Ukraine.
They need to see that for what it is.
And instead, we had this kind of escalating rhetoric and pushback, and the president's
not going to tolerate it.
The president's not going to tolerate it. But he spoke about the economic opportunity that's there. And in this next one, which is also
with Mr. Walts, he said... And this was several days ago. Yes. Yeah. The first one that we saw
today was today. And then the other one is he said that Mr. Zelensky would be very wise to enter into this agreement with the United States.
OK, so there are talks about, you know, talks starting this week. You are reportedly part of
that team that's going to be in Saudi Arabia talking with the Russians. But there are questions
about Ukraine's role. Here's what Senator Adam Schiff says. The president's inability to even
identify Ukraine as an equal bargaining power after all the blood Ukraine
has shed. It's just a shocking surrender of American values and interests. Now, President
Zelensky says he's not going to be bound by any deal that's negotiated between Russia and the U.S.
Are the Ukrainians going to have a seat at the table for those talks this week?
Well, what Secretary Besson, our Secretary of Treasury, was talking to Zelensky about and then follow on with talks with Secretary Rubio and the vice president was entering into a partnership with the United States. economy. And I can't think of any better security guarantee than being co-invested with President
Trump, with the American people going forward and having those investments as a protection
in and of itself, number one. But number two, the American people deserve to be recouped,
deserve to have some type of payback for the billions that they have invested in this war.
And then further, Shannon, you Shannon, I can't think of anything
that would make the American people more comfortable with future investments
than if we were able to be in a partnership and have the American people made whole.
And I'll point out, much of the European aid is actually in the form of a loan that is repaid.
It's repaid with interest on Russian assets.
So President Trump is rethinking the entire dynamic here.
That has some people uncomfortable.
But I think Zelensky would be very wise to enter into this agreement with the United
There's no better way to secure them going forward.
And further, there was a question of whether Putin would come to the table. He has now done so
under President Trump's leadership. And we're going to continue those talks in the coming
weeks at President Trump's direction. Now, you know, I watched that video clip
yesterday. Right. But I heard things in it today that I didn't hear clip yesterday. Right.
But I heard things in it today that I didn't hear it the first time. Right, because once you start thinking through what they may be already talking through, then you hear these other clues.
So he said there would be future investments.
That's right.
The American people would be comfortable with future investments. That's right. The American people will be comfortable with future investments.
Is that going to be the operandi moving forward here? We're going to spend more money in Ukraine with the promise that we're going to get it back because the future investments will be
done by an American sovereign wealth fund. Well, what I heard in that was that there's other areas in the world we may do this to as well.
That's what I heard.
So this is the new pattern.
There's going to be a U.S. sovereign wealth fund that's going to hold title to assets, resources around the world.
Sort of like the modern East India Company. Yes. have hold title to assets, resources around the world.
So like the modern East India Company.
There's nothing new under the sun.
That's what Solomon said.
Everything has been done before.
You just do it in a new way.
Oh, my goodness.
He said that the American people deserve some type of payback.
Right. That means the minerals.
We're getting our money.
But while he was talking, I was thinking, he did mention the loans.
The European Union didn't give money to Ukraine.
They loaned it.
President Biden gave money.
And that was one thing that Mr. Trump said.
Hey, we didn't even do it
as a loan.
We just gave it away.
The Europeans get their money back.
They were all loans.
However, the other thing is,
remember the West,
the U.S. and the European Union,
they're holding
hundreds of billions of dollars
of Russian money.
Bank accounts, stocks.
Money that was in Western banks that they seized.
That has to be negotiated.
I mean, Putin's not going to walk away from that.
He's not going to say, okay, we lost that money.
No, this is all going to be part of it.
So my guess, Doc, is the money that they're holding is going to pay off the EU loans.
And Putin and Trump are going to split the minerals.
I've got to get a drink of water.
So, well, that's an intriguing thought there. And that really the conflict, and I think it's, you know, becoming apparent now that the administration, this is going to be their new way of doing business in the world.
Not governance, but business in the world.
They're treating this like the Trump organization.
And now they've gone global with this.
And I think they've hit on a pattern that they believe is a winner for them.
And if it'll work here, it'll work anywhere.
I think they're going to go global.
Oh, no, they're going to go universal.
Asteroids, the moon. Moon, planets, yes.
This is the new way moving forward.
I'm going to go through some headlines quickly because I want to end here in about seven to ten minutes.
Financial Times.
EU agrees to new Russia sanctions in face of U.S. push to end the war.
If you're digging your grave, just keep
digging. The European Union is
going to put new sanctions on
as though nothing has
They're digging their hole.
The United
States and Russia are going to
settle the war.
We're going to lift sanctions on Russia.
Now, a few minutes ago, I said there may be a way to pay off the EU loans.
None of this continues.
Because they're just going to say, well, just let Ukraine default on the loans.
If it's country 404, they're bankrupt.
There is no country.
Russia doesn't know that money.
And who is, which country is actually in physical control of the Russian money?
I was suspected it's the United States.
Remember when they were talking about
spending it and
there were central bankers saying, well,
I don't know, there's a legal,
there are legal problems here. We don't want to get
involved in this, okay?
So which country
is in physical control
of the money? So what you're suggesting
is the EU has no say? They might not
have anything. That's why they're not invited. That's why they're not invited to the money. So what you're suggesting is the EU has no say? They might not have anything. That's why they're not
invited to the
They weren't smart
enough to get this stuff
locked down.
And they're starting to realize it.
So they're digging a hole.
And they're like, we're going to continue
with this war.
And look at the next one.
This is London Times.
Germans must bite the bullet and bring back conscription.
The draft.
We're going to go to war with Russia.
They pumped out their propaganda so much that they believed their own propaganda.
They're still in this mindset.
We're going to war with Russia.
Russia's going to invade Europe.
Will you keep acting like this?
And they will.
They weren't thinking like this three years ago.
No, not at all. And yet, Schultz walked out of a meeting with Starmer when Starmer suggested that we put German troops in Ukraine.
So what if Putin and Trump decide, let's just split up Europe?
And that may be, I mean, really, when you get down to it, that's where we're going to end up.
Because you're going to have European countries that say, hey, I don't want any part of this
at all.
We're sitting this out.
We'll align ourselves with the U.S., with Russia, whoever.
We just don't want to be in this fight.
And then you're going to have some that we've got to fight, like France and the U.K. and
Because their economies depend on it.
Yeah, but what if Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin decide,
let's just split up those countries? Maybe you had
the right idea at the Soviet Union.
The Soviet Union will have the American Union.
Would you put anything out of possibility at this point
in the game? No.
Nothing at all.
You're at a history-changing point here. The world has changed.
It has absolutely changed in the most dramatic way.
The Times said Germany must return to conscription
and more than double its regular military spending to avert a Russian attack
on NATO in as little as four years, says German's defense minister.
In an interview with the Times, Boris Pistorius said his country should bite the bullet and
take a giant leap forward to revive its stagnant economy by borrowing money on a large scale to invest in military.
Well, you guys just keep going like stupid.
It's just sprouting in his brain.
You just keep driving down that road.
Why is your economy stagnant?
Because you started this stupid war with Russia.
And you lost.
And so now what are you going to do?
You're going to borrow money on a large scale to go up against Russia head to head.
Pistorius said a return to some form of compulsory military service was essential.
He said we need an honest debate about the fact that we must incur debt now to ensure our security.
This is an investment in our future and our children's future because ultimately security is the foundation for everything else.
Our prosperity, our society, our European way of life.
Now, this last quote of his was interesting.
And just listen to the blanket statements.
Putin despises Western societies and independent minds, he said.
He wants to change the international order and considers himself at war with the West.
Even with a potential peace in Ukraine, this threat will prevail.
Our military experts estimate that within four to seven years, Putin will be able to
launch an attack on NATO territory.
Seven years?
What year is that?
The book I just wrote is called Mega War 2032.
These guys are going to keep it up, Doc.
World War III.
What I'm saying right now is that World War III,
we just had a major alteration in World War III.
The United States is signing a peace treaty with Russia.
However, Europe is not going to sign that treaty. They're going to stay at treaty with Russia. However, Europe is not going to sign that treaty.
They're going to stay at war with Russia.
And they will clash in 2032.
But the United States will clash with China.
But Russia will not be on the side of China.
Russia will be on the side of the United States.
This is wild.
2032, and then you got an asteroid coming in in 2032.
At Christmas.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.
Precious Jesus, come home for your children.
This next one's from U.S. military.
NATO's Steadfast Dart 2025, Europe's largest military exercise held without U.S. participation.
That's the important part.
Do you see this?
NATO exercise, Europe's largest exercise, is being held right now.
But the United States military is not there.
We are withdrawing from NATO.
We are not going to defend Europe.
I think you're right.
Russia is going to get Germany.
It's going to make up for Leningrad.
Germany is who carried out the Holocaust in Leningrad.
When this war is over, Russia's going to own Germany.
Might not be until 2032.
But they're going to take Germany.
I got a couple of videos
here. This is the NATO.
These are official NATO videos.
Let's watch.
Yes. La France est prête! Nije nešto needivim!
Smogar je kutov!
Å ta je pre parada?
Slovenski bojaki smo pripravljeni! Well, you get the message Europe is ready for war. Yes.
They're getting in that mindset.
They're telling you now and they're telling Russia, we're ready for war.
The next one, this is a British Army video and their participation in this drill.
Welcome to your 60-second update for February 2025 from the British Army.
The first ever deployment exercise for NATO's Allied Reaction Force will be conducted in Romania in February.
Exercise Steadfast Dart will be NATO's most visible live exercise in 2025 Bydd y cychwyn ar gyfer arwain yn ystod y dde, a fydd yn cynnwys dros 2,600 o bersonel yr Ardd Gwlad Cymru a 730 o gyrffau sy'n gweithio gyda nain o wladau NATO eraill.
Yn ddiwedd-febrwri, mae'r cyfarchiad Cyfarchi Cyfartal Ddefensol yn cychwyn gyda dros 1,000 o fwyaf o hyfforddwyr cymdeithasol digidol o amgylch y Ddefens,
nidiynau eraill a phwyllgor sy'n cael eu testio mewn sennariadau bywydol er mwyn helpu i ddychmygu atagwadau cyfartal ar gyfer ein gweithwyr. other nations and industry being tested in real-world scenarios to help stop potential cyber attacks against our forces.
Finally, Team 25 is the 5th of February with the theme being Stronger Together.
The aim is to create team environments which increase fighting power. Further
details are on Defence Connect.
And that's your 60-second update for February 2025.
Yes, this is how we're going to drill.
We're going to have team-building exercises at every session.
Yes, so that we all feel.
At the end, that's what that was about, teamwork 2025.
We're going to be very happy working together.
The last one, this is another NATO Army promotional film.
And this is produced by NATO, by the way.
This is supposed to be inspiring everyone to get involved with this conflict and with this training.
We're training because we've got to fight Russia soon.
So you see them preparing.
And the Russians are saying, what are you people
Yeah, and we say, imagine
you're a Russian, you're sitting there and you're
watching that. What's going to be
your response now?
You've got to build up your forces.
Well, yeah, but they're thinking, you people are crazy.
You just lost in Ukraine. You want to keep
this fight going for seven more years?
Yeah, they do, Rick.
They're going to do it.
I'm convinced, Doc, the Europeans are going to keep going.
We're going to be reporting news of Russia preparing for war with Europe.
The United States is going to be out of it.
Our attention is China.
Turkey, a NATO member, withdrew some of their forces from this drill.
They got in a fight with Greece over who controls the Aegean Sea.
And so you got two NATO members arguing during a drill,
and Turkey packed up their stuff and said, we're out of here.
We're leaving.
Actually, it had to do just with wording of an area.
That's what I mean.
Not even the presence of anything, just words.
Just the words.
Oh, we're not going to participate if you're going to call it that.
So, wow.
And that's NATOo for you folks meanwhile over at russia uh they deployed nuclear capable
yards intercontinental missile missiles uh in an exercise today yes and um
the uh there as you see the video right there this this is the Yars ICBM.
And they did that for the benefit of the Europeans who are talking about going to war with Russia.
The Europeans, well, France has some ICBMs and Great Britain has some nuclear-armed submarines.
Other than that...
That's it.
They don't have anything.
And they're going to go to war with Russia.
I think they're crazy.
And they're expecting a ground war.
You guys don't have any nukes.
You're going to have a ground war with Russia?
Why would Russia bother with a ground war?
In 15 seconds, you're done.
Why let it linger?
I mean, that's going to be the Russian thinking.
Mr. Lavrov said today that Russia and the United States will have to clean up after Joe Biden, meaning, well, he's made a big mess.
And the two countries are going to have a lot to clean up if they're going to get normal relations.
Now, the next one is what I want you to see.
South China Morning Post.
China could play a substantial peace role in Ukraine.
This is a Hong Kong newspaper.
China could play a substantial peace role in Ukraine as the United States seeks a quick deal.
This is in the South China Morning Post.
So what that implies is, see, as the United States seeks a quick deal.
Meaning the European Union, they're all mouth.
They're not going to come up with any troops.
Russia doesn't want any EU troops there, but they might allow Chinese.
To keep the peace.
Just to keep the peace.
And maybe kill some Nazis.
So what if China gets cut in on the deal?
I don't know about that one.
I don't think so.
Mr. Trump wants to go to war with them.
So China could send peacekeeping troops to Ukraine to help preserve any negotiated ceasefire in a war with Russia.
As long as they work with non-NATO countries like India, a former Chinese colonel has suggested.
In an interview at the Munich Security Conference last week, Zhao Bo, a senior fellow at the Center for International Security and Strategy in China,
said that China has sufficient troops and military strength to contribute to an international post-war effort.
He said, however, if peacekeeping operations are conducted along with European countries, Russia might see it as another form of NATO presence, wouldn't they?
Zhao said.
Now, when asked if China could play a major role in securing an end to the war, former Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavel Klimkin said,
My short answer is yes. It's going to be a game changer for Europe, the U.S., and China.
It's going to be the first time ever for China to start creatively and seriously talking about
the European security architecture, about an eventual Chinese role in upholding it. Upholding what? European security architecture, he said.
Now, I could see the Chinese being a peacekeeping force in Ukraine as a proposition.
Putting that out there.
No European nations there.
No NATO presence there.
But you've got to have some presence there.
It's not going to be the U.S.
And it can't be Russia.
Unless you bring the Palestinians and then the Arab countries provide the troops.
You have Egyptian troops there.
So this could be an interesting twist in all of this that hasn't been pulled out of the hat yet.
I've got one more.
I'll save some of these others for tomorrow.
But I'm going to jump down to number 32, ABC News.
You know the Christmas asteroid we've been telling you about?
Guess what?
They just revised the numbers again.
This is the second time this month.
Actually, it's the third time.
Third time?
Third time, yes.
It started off at, remember, like 2.1%. Yes. Then a few
days ago, I saw a story that was
back to 2.4%.
Yes. And now... 3.1%.
That's right. Likelihood of
striking the Earth in
2032, at Christmas 2032.
you know,
you know, every
year at Christmastime, I always tell you about, I get a little antsy because back around 2010, 11 and 12, myself and members of my family and some friends, we had a series of dreams.
And they were like end time dreams.
And the common denominator in them, two common denominators, fire and Christmas.
These dreams always seemed to revolve around Christmas and they had fire in them.
And I always assumed it was war.
I never thought about an asteroid coming in at Christmas. Remember the one dream my daughter had?
We were all running, looking
for a hole to get into to
escape the fire. That's right.
happens to be the year
I'm expecting the grand
finale of World War III.
It sounds like something out of the Book of Revelation, doesn't it?
It sounds like a movie.
You could create a movie.
A whole series of movies.
A whole series of movies, yeah, about the second coming of Jesus Christ.
I hope you're ready for it, and I hope you're excited about it.
I'm not excited about all the bad stuff that's going to happen.
I'm excited about what's going to happen
after it happens.
Which is endless good stuff.
Endless, Doc.
Endless good stuff.
Eternity with Jesus Christ.
And if you're not ready for it,
you can be
by making a decision
to believe on the name of Jesus Christ,
believe in his name as the Savior, the Messiah,
the one who came to earth, God, in human flesh,
to die for your sins, who was resurrected from the dead,
who ascended back to heaven,
and is seated by God's right hand right now,
and coming back in glory.
He's going to put an end to this madness.
Revelation says he comes back to destroy those who are destroying his earth.
How are they destroying his earth?
Massive warfare.
He comes back to destroy those who are destroying his earth.
It's in the book of Revelation.
So get ready for it and get ready by believing in his name and being baptized in water and living a life that's sanctified, holy before the Lord, preparing for this day.
I don't know.
I'm not saying 2032 is the day that the Lord's coming back.
I never will say that.
But I do believe 2032 is going to be a monumental year.
Could be 2031.
Could be 2033.
All these things that we keep seeing keep pointing to 2032.
I mean, they just said, you know, the German defense minister said,
we're going to be at war with Russia in seven years.
That's right.
That's 2032.
NASA says, hey, there's an increased likelihood we're going to get hit by an asteroid in 2032.
Okay. Wow. All that an asteroid in 2032. Okay?
All that stuff's in the Bible.
It's all there.
All right?
Get ready.
Get your soul ready and get your family ready and prepare.
I don't know how long the world continues after these things I just know that I'm going to stay in the game
as long as the Lord keeps me alive
because He wants people to know about His Son
and I want to encourage you to join this ministry
we are about, this ministry is about to go
we are about to go.
We are about to take a rocket ride, Doc.
I feel it in my spirit.
There's something new, something about to happen with this ministry.
We're about to take a rocket ride.
And we're not coming down until Christ comes back.
Praise God. And we're going to have one focus, and it is to proclaim the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Why don't you join us on this ride?
Become a partner with us and let God get involved in your life and take care of you and your family in these turbulent days that we're living in.
Got to go.
Love you very much.
We'll be back here tomorrow.
Take care.
God bless you.
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Good morning, everybody.
Welcome to Morning Manna.
Today is Wednesday, and we are looking at Romans 5, verses 11 through 15.
Let's pray, and we will begin the Bible study immediately.
Father, almighty God in heaven, our heavenly Father,
thank you for this beautiful day, Father.
Thank you for life.
We give you glory and honor and praise.
Father, your sons and daughters are gathered here from many nations in this this Bible study and to make us into great disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ.
In his name, Jesus, we pray. Amen.
Amen. And open up your Bibles here to Romans chapter 5 today.
Romans chapter 5 is where we'll continue our study here in our daily study of Romans.
And we appreciate you being here this morning, taking time out of your schedule to be with us live.
And if you're catching us on the repeat, we welcome you as well.
And we invite you to join us when you can, live weekday mornings, 8 a.m. on
Starting at verse 11 this morning, reading from the King James,
not only so, but we also joy in God
through our Lord Jesus Christ,
by whom we have now received the atonement.
Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world,
and death by sin,
and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned. For until
the law, sin was in the world, but sin is not imputed when there is no law. Nevertheless,
death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him
that was to come. But not as the offense, so also is the free gift. For if through the offense of
one many be dead, much more the grace of God and the gift by grace, which is by one man,
Jesus Christ hath abounded unto many.
God bless the reading of his word today.
This is going to be a good one today, folks.
Oh, it is.
So, you know, Monday I divided up.
Romans 5 has 20 verses, and I divided them up into four segments for Monday through Thursday,
five verses each, but I really should have included
verse 11 in yesterday's lesson because it's the conclusion of Paul's statement.
And so it's kind of a stringer sentence here at the end of his statement.
You know, he in the preceding verses, Paul, you we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received the reconciliation.
King James says, receive the atonement.
I'll talk about that in a moment. So the phrase, not only so, that's marking the culmination of Paul's argument, his reasoning.
It's kind of like saying, in conclusion, let me say this, not only so, so it's not just a repetition of the prior points that he made,
but it's an extension that shifts the focus to the believer's joy in God himself.
And so Paul is now, we've reached this climactic moment where he's introducing a personal, relational dimension that is in the truth of this letter to the Roman church.
The shift from being subjects of wrath to participants in divine joy
and think about how radical a concept that that was rick joy joy in we call it religion but joy
in you know think of all the religions in the world. And there are thousands of religions.
Which one is the happy religion?
Which one?
Which one can you identify and say brings joy?
And there's only one.
And that's Christianity.
That's right.
And even then, we struggle with people finding joy and
yet Paul here is saying we also joy in God and you've got to really think about
this this is the first century they they were never taught about joy in religion
you go to the temple you make a sacrifice you you follow the law you
know and and everything else. But where was
the joy in it? Now there's joy in God through Christ. This is a radical concept. It is. And
Doc, you asked what religion. Okay. So you have a lot of joyless Christians today because they are in the religion of Christianity.
And what Paul is teaching here, it's not a religion.
It's a relationship.
Praise God.
You shouldn't be in the Christian religion.
You should be in a relationship with Christ.
Religion will bring no joy.
So this shift, he takes people from wrath to joy.
And what he's doing is he's magnifying the greatness of God's grace.
This phrase, not only so,
it's a signal that the believers rejoicing is the natural result
of recognizing their secure standing in Christ.
And so there's a logical progression in Paul's thinking.
If reconciliation occurred while believers were enemies of God, then the present reality of this reconciliation guarantees both current present day joy
and ultimate joy in salvation for eternity.
In other words, we don't have to wait for the joy.
The joy has already started.
All the other religions say,
well, when you're dead, you'll be happy.
I don't want to wait until I'm dead.
I want it now.
That's right.
And that's what Christ offers.
Joy unspeakable.
Full of glory.
And full glory.
Full of glory.
So the joy that's mentioned here is not merely the joy in the benefit of salvation.
Your sins are forgiven.
You've been promised eternal life.
The joy is in God himself.
The joy is directed at his character, his love, his faithfulness, his grace,
and at a restored relationship which you now enjoy.
Again, we go back to the Garden of Eden.
Man was separated from his maker.
And everything God has been doing
for thousands of years
it is not to set up
the state of Israel. It is to
reconcile with humans.
Praise God.
That thing with Israel was
for a brief time
and that time ended 2,000 years
You know, if he probably could talk directly to the Father,
he'd say, y'all still talking about Israel?
My, 2,000 years have gone by.
He'd be like, why aren't you excited about
my son?
Praise God.
Why aren't you excited about me?
You're going to live with
me forever. Aren't you excited?
it's a personal relationship. it's about more than what believers have
received which is the reconciliation but it's now about who they know they know
God their maker as a loving father and a faithful covenant keeper.
And so now this joy, it results from a profound shift in the believer status,
once alienated and under wrath, now reconciled and free to rejoice in the presence of God.
And that will make you happy.
It'll make you joyful.
This joy and this reconciliation
are through our Lord Jesus Christ, as Paul wrote.
Christ is the one through whom believers receive reconciliation.
His role as mediator is central, as it is in his life, his death, his resurrection,
that restored the relationship between god and men and women
no other mediator no other method no other religion could achieve this joy
this reconciliation that brings the joy is uniquely tied to the work of Christ.
So it makes him the focal point in the believer's worship and gratitude and praise.
The reconciliation is not a future hope.
It's a present day reality.
You are reconciled to God now.
He doesn't have
a controversy with you.
Hallelujah. He's dropped
the lawsuit. He's dropped
the lawsuit against you.
The charges have been dropped.
Heaven's sheriff's not looking for you
You're in the family praise god the believer has as paul said now received it yes now receive it now whether you feel it or not
it's not based on feeling.
It's based on His Word.
And how can we say we have now received it?
Because on the cross, Jesus said,
it is finished.
The reconciliation is finished.
The work of Christ is complete.
He doesn't have more work to do.
There's not a second cross.
He got it done.
He did it all.
this present day reconciliation
with God is our
foundation for our assurance of salvation.
And because this reconciliation is already accomplished, it's a done fact.
It's finished.
We can rest in a secure relationship with God, our maker.
Praise God.
And that gives us joy.
People who confess to being Christians who have no joy do not rest in God.
It's just that simple.
They've not entered into the rest.
They're allowing something to prevent them from resting.
When I read the scripture,
I said the King James uses atonement. A lot of Bible translations use reconciliation.
So it signifies the removal of the enmity between God and man
and the establishment of peace.
So the sacrifice of Christ on the cross
not only atones for sin,
but restores harmony
between God and humans.
So it's beyond atonement.
It's reconciliation. You have to have the atonement. It's reconciliation.
You have to have the atonement to be reconciled.
But there's something beyond atonement.
There's the reuniting of father and children.
There's a change from enmity to fellowship.
A restored peace.
And that restored peace is the foundation of your joy
because you now live in a state of harmony with God.
Doc, I just think that a lot of people in this class that quietly daily are not
not aware that all is well between them and God
and you're not resting in it. And the Father is today speaking to you, saying,
I don't have anything against you.
I want you to be joyful.
I want you to be happy.
All is well.
Let me be your Father.
Let me show you what I can do as your father.
So, yeah, there are people here today that need that reassurance
that everything's all right between them and the Father God.
Maybe they're bringing along some baggage from their own earthly
relationships maybe they were taught wrong maybe they who knows what the
situation is but there's been no joy in their walk with God and you know that
Jesus said that he wanted he he wanted our joy to be full. How much fuller can it be knowing that things are all right between us and the Father God?
That it's okay.
God has reconciled things.
By faith, you receive that.
And then joy should follow after that.
So I encourage you.
If you're experiencing a lack of joy, then spend some time with the Word of God, praying the Word of God, talking to the Father.
The more you do that, the more that joy is going to be built up in your life, and it's going to start to overflow out of you.
So I encourage you, you don't have to be a joyless believer.
You don't have to be a joyless believer.
Before I move on to verse 12,
I just want to say that
there's a dual reality of our salvation.
There is a already Already but not yet.
That we should consider.
Is a past event.
With present.
While the full.
Realization of salvation.
Is a.
Future certainty.
And so this dual perspective offers us a deep well of confidence and hope.
The reconciliation has already happened.
The full salvation.
You were saved. You're being saved. You You were saved.
You're being saved.
You shall be saved.
The full salvation is when Christ returns.
And how is that full salvation going to be manifest? By the resurrection of our bodies.
That's the ultimate salvation.
Because salvation wasn't just for our bodies. That's the ultimate salvation because salvation wasn't just for
our spirits
and souls, although that's important,
but we have the promise that even these
will be resurrected
in joy.
Adam and Eve's
bodies were not meant to
age, decay, and die.
They aged and decayed and died because of sin.
As I said yesterday, God is going to get the last word.
When this is all over, he's going to say
I've got my children back
and I've got them back
in the bodies I originally
designed for them
bodies that will live forever
you're going to have a
glorified physical body
a glorified physical body.
A glorified physical body.
You're not going to be a ghost.
You're not going to be a spirit.
You have a physical body, but it will be glorified.
The way it was with Adam and Eve before sin so what Paul's talking about here in verse 11 it is that our joy is not generated from within ourselves but it comes from an
ongoing relationship with Almighty God through his son, Jesus Christ.
And that this joy grows as we deepen our understanding of God's character and grace.
You should be more joyful every day, especially if you go to a Bible class every day.
If we're not more joyful after morning manna,
we're missing something in this study.
Verse 12, Romans 5, 12.
Wherefore, as by one man,
sin entered into the world, and death by sin.
And so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.
So now Paul makes a pivotal shift,
and he transitions from the theme of justification by faith,
and now he starts to drill down deeper into humanity's condition in Adam
and the hope that's provided through faith in Christ.
And now he introduces the concept of original sin.
So Adam's single act of disobedience is when sin entered the human experience.
It wasn't an isolated incident, but it was a paradigm shift. It fundamentally changed the relationship between God, the maker, and humans, the made.
You couldn't go back after that.
It changed the relationship.
Adam and Eve were pure. God could walk in the cool of the day with them in the garden and talk with them. But once sin entered, he couldn't do that anymore sin can't be in the presence of God
so it fundamentally changed the relationship
between God the maker
and Adam and Eve who were made
so Adam's sin
introduced a pervasive
virus that entered the human humanity and society.
And once introduced, sin did not remain confined to the garden,
but it spread throughout the world.
It infected and affected
Adam's descendants
and it's been passed down ever since
how is it passed
where is it in our DNA our genes where is the sin
I mean times DNA or genes, where is the sin?
I mean, times I've said to God,
I wish you would just identify it.
Show me, I'll get a knife and cut it out.
Where is it?
Where is the sin? Where does it reside in us?
But it's passed down from one generation to the next.
And so the foundation, foundational act of disobedience,
established sin as a universal condition of mankind,
not just a failing of two people.
A lot of Bible scholars, they use the phrase federal headship, talking about Adam's position as the representative of humanity.
It's the theological way of saying it's his fault right it all stems from Adam and it is it does and so there was an
atom he sinned what was the? The law was the tree.
He had one
commandment. One law.
He couldn't
keep one.
So Adam's
disobedience was not
merely personal
but representative.
It had consequences that extended to all who followed him and Eve.
And so what Paul is establishing here is the theological groundwork
for why Jesus Christ, as the last Adam. Can.
Serve as the representative.
Who brings life.
And justification back to.
The Bible does not call.
Adam or Christ.
The second Adam.
Calls him the last Adam.
If there's a second. If there's's a second there could be a third
if there's a second Adam there could be a third and a fourth
there's the first Adam and the last Adam
and nobody in between
and nobody afterward
because Jesus did it all.
He did it all on the cross, and it is finished.
So the death resulting from Adam's sin
is both physical and spiritual.
Physical death became universal of all humanity.
Everybody's body died.
Spiritual death was brought about by separation from God,
a rupture in the intimate relationship humanity was created to enjoy.
Paul said, death passed to all men
that underscores that adam's sin introduced a condition that would affect every human being without exception the reality of death its certainty
its universality
is the evidence
of the pervasive reach of sin
so the presence
of death in the world
in every human
is the marker
of of sin's power.
That not one human can escape death.
So in Paul's argument, death is not a natural or inevitable part of creation.
It is the judicial consequence of sin.
So he's shifting the view of death from being an ordinary biological process
to being the direct result of the fall of humanity.
He said, for that all have sinned
well this is the linchpin of paul's argument
um there are different interpretations, okay? And actually, both are correct because it refers to both individual acts.
Some theologians focus on the fact that, okay, so every individual has sin,
and others focus on the broad universal scope of it,
that all humanity has sinned.
It's the same.
The Bible says all have sinned. All have sinned.
So Adam's sin became the source of a fallen condition
that's been passed down
to every generation
it's only been one
person born of a woman's
who was sinless
and that was the Christ child
now you understand the significance of the virgin And that was the Christ child.
Now you understand the significance of the virgin birth.
See, another Adam had to come out of the womb of a human woman.
But this Adam had to live without sin and lead the way for the rest of us to follow him
back to God to be reconciled with our maker.
Do you understand now this reconciliation?
This is God's dream.
It's what motivates him to be reconciled with everybody. Amen. He sent his son. His son
was, I mean, before him in heaven, before the angels, there's the Son of God. And then this moment, he disappears, and in a split second, he ends up,
he's an embryo on earth in a young woman in Palestine named Mary.
Amazing story.
I just, every time I think about it
I'm astounded
but he was born
he grew up
spent his years as
in his ministry as Messiah
he went to the cross
he was resurrected
he that was all for the purpose of of being the leader saying follow
me i am i am the last adam your your maker has sent me to be adam follow me i'm going to take you to the throne room
to be reconciled with your maker
follow me
you know when you go to
when you go on a tour
or you're at a convention
you know they'll have tour guides
and they have a big stick with a flag on it and you're at a convention. You know, they'll have tour guides, and they have a big stick with a flag on it.
And you're told, hey, just watch that orange flag or blue flag or whatever.
You know, that's your group.
Wherever you see that flag, you just follow that flag.
That's taking you on the tour.
Well, Christ is holding up the cross.
Follow me. Follow the tour. Well, Christ is holding up the cross. Follow me.
Follow the cross. Keep your eyes
on the cross. We're going home to the Father.
This tour ends
in heaven.
That's what this
is all about.
He's leading humanity
to reconciliation with their maker.
And once you get this down inside of you,
the whole thing becomes so easy to understand.
It's not complicated.
So, this introduction of Adam's role, it lays the groundwork for the contrast that Paul will later draw between Adam and Christ. Just as Adam's disobedience led to sin and death for all,
Christ's obedience makes the way, the means for life and justification.
And we'll get to this later in Romans. But Adam's universal impact
speaks of
the universal desperate need
for redemption.
Because without
the means to reverse the curse,
humans remain in a state of alienation from God.
If there had been no Jesus,
if there had been no cross,
no resurrection,
all of us would be lost today.
Who knows if the world would even be here.
We may have already destroyed it by now.
Let's go to verse 13.
For until the law, sin was in the world.
But sin is not imputed when there is no law.
So, by highlighting sin's existence prior to the law of Moses.
Paul is emphasizing that sin's impact, especially death,
did not depend upon the written code of Moses.
Sin existed from Adam to Moses,
long before the law of Moses was introduced.
The law was introduced because sin had already become pervasive.
So sin is not tied solely to the codified law.
It is a universal condition that stems from Adam's disobedience.
The presence of physical death
between Adam and Moses
speaks of the power of sin.
And that there was a law in place.
It may not have been a written law.
But there was a law that was in place.
In the garden, it was one.
After the garden, we have to assume that God had given a command to Adam
after he left the garden that was a law.
So, who came first,raham or moses abraham well the bible
says abraham kept the commandments yes so what were those commandments were they written in stone
not that we see in the scripture but obviously some sort of commandments had been given to Abraham, maybe
Abraham's daddy or granddaddy, maybe to Manoah, and so, and what about the time between Adam and Noah?
Was there no law? Was there no commandment there? I believe that there was, because you can't have
sin if there's no law, so there had to be a law of some kind. Now, it might not have been, you know,
all 634 elements of the Mosaic law,
but it was a law nonetheless.
Because there is no law.
There is no transgression.
There is no sin.
That's right.
I imagine that on Mount Sinai,
God said to Moses,
look, I'm going to write this down
you know i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna sketch this into stone you take it down there and you tell
them this is the last time god did the Zig Ziglar close you know we all agree
on the terms but let's write it down
so we don't forget
no I think
I think people knew
the code
they knew what was right and wrong
and when
you get to Moses that's what happened
God said I'm going to write it down
I'm going to put it in stone.
To this day, we say, well, it's not written in stone.
And what is that referring to?
The commandments.
So the period between Adam and Moses, it's crucial for understanding that sins affects death, separation from God, are not contingent on having a formal legal Jewish system.
That's right.
Sin existed before that.
That's right.
And faith existed.
Praise God, yes.
Abraham had faith before Moses.
So sin's corrupting power is inherent.
It's pervasive.
And all humanity has suffered because
of it. Now, the Mosaic
Law did not
create sin, but made the
sin explicit.
Now it's written. Now you know
upsets the Lord.
So the law clarified what was already known.
It was turning an implicit moral failing
into a formally recognized transgression and so the law
increased humanity's awareness of guilt
so sin predated the law rather than introducing sin the law was the lens that that sharpened the
focus of humans on their falling condition amen and and and the law had the inability to deal with sin,
and so that pointed to the need for a Messiah, a Savior.
The law made sinfulness undeniable,
but it could not provide a remedy.
Only the blood of the Son of God
could provide for the redemption of fallen man.
And so who is it?
Jesus is the last Adam.
Jesus' obedience
paid the price for
Adam's disobedience.
Paul said,
not impute it where there is no law.
You want to take a stab at this, Doc?
Well, as we were saying
before, the only, you know,
if there's no speed limit sign,
you can drive as fast as you want.
But if there's a speed limit sign,
it says 65 is the limit,
and you go 66,
you've broken the law.
Therefore, it is imputed to you at that point.
So there has to be a law in place for sin to be, if you will, transferred to your balance sheet or to your debt sheet, as may be the case.
And so this, first of all, implies that there is a law that exists prior to the Mosaic law, which we've talked about, and that death came because of transgression of the law. actually and here's what really gets you because paul gets into this in a couple later verses is
that even if you never sinned you're still guilty even if you never sinned you're still guilty
because you carry the way to sin with you because of adam's transgression
and so in ways we are imputed for Adam's transgression as well.
Adam's disobedience introduced sin and death to all his descendants.
And because he is, as the scholars say, the federal head of humanity,
that means his actions had universal consequences for all mankind.
And so that sets up the framework to understand why Jesus Christ, the last Adam,
can offer a universal solution. So by demonstrating
that sin and death were universal
long before the law,
Paul is preparing the readers of his letter
to see that the redemptive work of Jesus Christ
is applicable worldwide.
Because the obedience and the atoning sacrifice of Jesus is needed to address the consequences of Adam's disobedience
and the universal sign of death.
There's not one.
What Paul was saying is there's not one country you can go to, not one island.
There's no place on the planet where people don't die.
So people had come to the place where they just thought, and most people today still, they don't equate sin with death.
You know, to be accurate,
every death certificate should say the cause of death was sin.
You know, coroners put heart attack, cancer, whatever.
No, how about sin?
That's the real cause of death.
Mankind is in a fallen state.
And so, you know, the Jews at that time,
I guess they had lost sight of where death came from,
and they just assumed, hey, death is normal.
That's the way it works.
You get old, you get frail and weak, and you die.
It happens to everybody.
It happens to everybody.
So Paul is
he's setting
the stage
to show that
the work of Christ
transcends the law
that the law exposed
the sinfulness of mankind
but the law can't cure it
we get to verse 14.
Nevertheless, death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come modern English nevertheless death reigned from Adam until Moses even
over those whose sins weren't like Adams disobedience who is a foreshadowing of
him who was to come so death reigned as Paul, as Paul said,
from Adam to Moses,
all right,
without the law.
And the reign of death is the evidence of this inherited guilt and corruption
from Adam's disobedience.
The fact that people died from the time of Adam to Moses.
Without the law.
Without the written law.
And without committing the same sin that Adam committed.
I'm going to toss out a question, but I'm not going to answer it right now
because it would take hours to teach on it.
And it's loaded, and it can cause the creation of denominations.
What about infants?
What about babies who had not committed any willful acts of sin,
and they die as an infant?
Boy, that's been a question that has raged for centuries
and has resulted in splits of churches
and the formation of new denominations and doctrines.
We'll save that for another time.
So what I'm asking here,
so little infants are born.
They've not committed an act of sin themselves,
but they're born with a fallen nature.
What happens to them when they die as a child? See, that question is why
a lot of churches baptize infants. Right. And, you know, you hear the phrase, oh, well, he's stuck in limbo.
What is limbo?
Limbo is a Roman Catholic term
for where the souls of children go
who were not children of saved Christians.
That's what I'm saying. I don't want to go down this road right Right. Okay? That's what I'm saying.
I don't want to go down this road right now.
I rest in the belief
that God's mercy and grace
and love covers
the babies that are born
and die in infancy.
And, you know, we just have to trust.
Just believe.
Just rest in the Lord.
And not deal with that issue.
There's a scriptural response,
but it would take too long today
to walk everybody through it.
It would take too long this week.
So he said,
not after the similitude of Adam's transgression.
That's emphasizing that death affected those who had not personally sinned
in the exact manner of Adam's direct disobedience.
What it says is that humanity shares guilt in Adam rather than individual
Goes back to this role of Adam as the head of humanity.
That his actions had universal consequences
sin and death for everybody
adam is described here as a a type or figure of Christ. But it's for the purpose of showing that
Adam's disobedience brought death to all.
But the true Christ,
the last Adam,
his obedience brings life and
reconciliation and justification
to all who believe in him.
single act of disobedience,
as we said,
has introduced sin and death.
The single act of obedience
by Jesus Christ
introduced justification and life.
What was that single act?
He went to the cross.
That's right.
Going to the cross
was the single act of obedience.
Remember him wrestling
in the
garden of all
places, in the garden.
Where did that wrestling come where where did that take place in the garden
of Gethsemane in the garden not there's
meaning to that amen it was in the
garden that Jesus said not my will but
thy will.
It was in the garden that he said, if it be possible, take this from me.
In the garden.
Maybe, I don't know.
Maybe the garden of Gethsemane was really where the original Garden of Eden was located.
Could be.
There's been some that have speculated that.
I could make a good argument for that.
So we're setting the stage for Paul's later arguments about the superiority of grace over sin and life over death.
What Paul's saying is that even before the Mosaic Law,
sin was present and its consequence was present, death,
and it was universally experienced. One more verse, verse 15, but not as the offense so also is the free gift.
For if through the offense of one many be dead, much more the grace of God and the gift by grace
which is by one man
Jesus Christ
hath abounded unto many
modern English says
but the free gift isn't like the trespass
for if by the trespass of the one
the many died
much more did the grace of God
and the gift by the grace of the one man Jesus Christ abound to the many died, much more did the grace of God and the gift by the grace of the one
man, Jesus Christ, abound to the many.
So in verse 15, Paul is contrasting between the destructive consequences of Adam's transgressions and the restorative power
of the grace offered through Jesus Christ.
He's saying, look at the contrast.
Look at what these two Adams did.
Which one do you want?
Because there's a fundamental
distinction between the two
the first Adam
his single act of
single act
Adam only sinned one time
that's right
one time
Adam's single act.
Go ahead.
But then again, Jesus only had to die one time, too.
That's right.
So you have a single act of disobedience and a single act of obedience.
Adam's single act of disobedience brought death and condemnation. The single act of obedience
from Jesus brought
justification and life and
grace, reconciliation.
because we were in Adam,
we participated in
the curse that Adam is.
Now that we're in Christ,
by that
same principle, it is imputed to us righteousness.
Paul says much more.
Much more.
Much more.
Much more.
He's emphasizing that while Adam's sin profoundly impacted humanity. The grace brought by Christ
is even more powerful.
Much more.
Okay, think about that.
How devastating
are the consequences
of Adam's disobedience?
Look at what he brought sickness, death, decay.
Look how great it is.
Look how pervasive it is, how powerful it is.
You can't escape it.
But Paul said,
the grace that Jesus brought
is more,
much more.
We ought to be
swimming in it.
So the benefit of the work
of Christ on the cross
surpasses the destructive consequences of Adam's sin.
He said the many.
That's encompassing all humanity.
Adam's sin brought death to all.
But the gift of grace is universally available it's available to the many because Adam and Christ are both
representatives of humankind and they each have profound impacts on their descendants.
Not just sufficient
grace. But abundant.
Abundant grace.
God didn't say here's just
enough grace to get you through this
mess. Hallelujah. There we go God didn't say here's just enough grace To get you through this mess
There we go again
The vats and tubs
Of grace
Come on in
Get yourself some
Get a lot of it
Fill up every
Bucket you've got
Take all you want
And if you run out come back and get some more.
Abundant grace.
It's not limited.
It's not rationed.
Praise God.
There's never a sign like eggs
limited to two cartons.
It's take all you want.
It's free.
It's free.
Come and get it.
It's unearned.
Whereas Adam's penalty was earned.
But the grace that we're given is unearned.
This is the unmerited nature of grace.
Which, it reveals God's mercy.
And the depth, the magnitude of His love for us.
This one man, the one man, Jesus Christ,
He is the soul-only conduit for God's grace. God's not dispensing grace through anybody else.
That's right.
It's his son.
Take him or leave him.
It's his son.
The grace is free.
Salvation is free.
Joy is free.
But you're going to do it through his son.
And the doors are wide open in heaven.
So the free gift of grace is not just about countering the effects of Adam's sin.
It prepares us.
It prepares us for eternal life.
It sets in motion the process that results in a healthy,
restored relationship with your maker.
And that, again, is the ultimate goal of
God right trying to get you to come back come back into the family come back into
fellowship let him let him be a father to you let him bless you today. If there's anything for today, I hope you
have that image
of Christ
leading the tour, holding
the cross up, saying,
keep your eyes on the cross, follow me.
He's taking us home.
He's taking us home.
Keep your eyes on the cross.
He'll lift it up above all the commotion of the world.
Keep your eyes on the cross, and he will lead you through.
Because if you've ever been in a tour group in a foreign country,
in a vast crowd or at a convention with 100,000 people there,
you can get lost really quickly.
But if you're keeping your eye on the flag, the tour leader,
you're not going to get lost.
And he'll stop at certain places to rest and to show you things
and teach you things.
And that's the way it is in life.
Keep your eyes on the cross.
He'll take you places to rest.
He'll take you places to teach you.
But the ultimate destination is the father's house.
Praise God.
Great lesson today,
So we're going to finish up
Roman chapter 5 tomorrow,
verses 16 through 20.
So if you want to read ahead
and study a little bit,
we encourage you to do so
and be back here tomorrow morning,
eight o'clock on the Thursday edition
of Morning Manna
here on
And we had close to 400 people today and so we have we're encouraged by that and we
pray that this continues to be a blessing in your life and that you're sharing it with others
any uh final words before we sign off today rick no sir all right be blessed be happy amen
and be praying yes be praying for us
God will multiply our efforts
and multiply time
and give us the tools that we need
in order to present the gospel. Amen?
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, we'll see you on the
Thursday edition of Morning Manor.
God bless you. We love you very much.
Love you. See you tomorrow.