TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - CLAIM: China’s Chief Spy Catcher is Sharing Terabytes of Treason With DIA
Episode Date: June 21, 2021Today on TruNews, Edward, Lauren and Doc share the latest on the highest-level Chinese defector, who is exposing money trails, lab leak information, names of bought off politicians, and even copies of... Hunter’s hard drive. Edward and Lauren have the opportunity to speak to Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers, who provides the latest on the election audit taking place in the state. Milo and Lauren share their stories of how they came to TRUNEWS, and their experience of being part of the team for the past several weeks. Edward Szall, Milo Yiannopoulos, Lauren Witzke, Doc Burkhart, Kerry Kinsey. Airdate 06/18/21
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The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you.
To find out how you can help,, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll.
The highest-ranking Chinese defector in history may have just handed the West the holy grail of espionage.
According to industry spies, China's chief of counterintelligence, Dong Jingwei, fled to America in February, along with his adult daughter, and began singing like a melodious laughing thrush to the Defense Intelligence Agency.
That's the Pentagon.
That's the military intelligence for our government.
We'll have more on this story in just a moment.
And later, with Milo and Lauren,
we have an exclusive interview
with Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers,
who threatened to arrest Attorney General Merrick Garland
if he dares to interfere in the Maricopa audit.
Today is also Milo's straightiversary.
He has a message he'll be sharing later.
But right now, we have today's headlines with Kerry Kinsey.
Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. Former White House Dr. Ronny Jackson says
Joe Biden is not physically or cognitively fit to be our president. Congressman Jackson and 13 GOP representatives have sent the president a letter urging him
to take a mental test.
You know, after this most recent embarrassing performance overseas, I thought it was time
to come out.
We can't sit on this any longer.
I've been saying this for a year and a half, Sean.
I took care of three presidents over 15 years in the White House, including being the physician to the president for both Barack Obama and Donald J. Trump. And, you
know, I know what the rigors of this job are, both physically and cognitively. It's demanding.
And after this performance, and we've been seeing this for a year and a half now, I've
been saying that Joe Biden is not he's not physically or cognitively fit to be our president
right now. And I just think that he's not inspiring confidence in the American people.
Now, the letter cites the president's mental decline and forgetfulness. It also notes several
of his gaffes and urges the White House to publish the test results immediately.
The riot control team at the Portland Police Department has quit en masse after another cop was indicted for slugging a photographer last summer.
All 50 of them are calling it quits.
Here's video of that incident.
Officers are taking lawful action.
Stay on the sidewalk.
Well, Portland Police Officer Corey Budworth is charged with misdemeanor fourth degree assault
for hitting photographer Terry Jacobs during a riot on August 18th, 2020. There's Officer Budworth.
The Portland Police Association says,
unfortunately, this decorated public servant
has been caught in the crossfire of agenda-driven city leaders
and a politicized criminal justice system.
The fate of that St. Louis couple trying to protect their home
from thugs with their firearms last summer has been decided.
Mark and Patricia McCloskey pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges and agreed to forfeit the guns they used while confronting protesters last June. in their 60s were charged after a swarm of protesters from Black Lives Matter broke down
an iron gate and ignored a no trespassing sign on their private street. The couple said they felt
threatened and armed themselves before heading outside to warn off the crowd, which was on its
way to the former mayor's home. Mark McCloskey says the good news is we're not in front of charges now, so I don't have any
problem getting myself another AR. Documents kept in the Israeli prime minister's safe were
shredded Sunday, just before Prime Minister Naftali Bennett took office. That according
to Haaretz. Clerks in the office told the paper that the legal destruction of the documents was performed at the instruction of former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
That's a look at Trudeau's headlines.
Now, let's get reaction from Edward, Doc and Lorne.
Thank you, Kerry.
Welcome to the program today, guys. It's been a it's been a good week yes but not a good week for china no uh the story we're about to cover here i was looking
today for a historical comparison i think this will make history the highest level chinese
defector had not just his uh title and resume to come with him in fleeing
to the West.
He has brought the information I think every single one of us has been screaming for in
the last couple of years.
He has dossiers of government officials who have been working for China against our country.
Now, of course, the article here in Spy Talk,
Red State is reporting that these rumors have been confirmed.
And so that the name and everything that you're seeing there on the screen
is supposedly confirmed that this is the highest level defector from China
and really highest level defector of any kind from any nation. But Edward, kind of
walk us through this, because this is really an unusual defection, because there are certain
elements even within our own government that have not been privy to some of the information
regarding this defector. Is that correct? Yes. So as the reporting has stated, it is a DIA asset.
The Defense Intelligence Agency has both received and kind of shepherded this man.
Now, why is that alone significant?
Well, they didn't trust other aspects of our government.
So we're saying the CIA, the FBI, other...
The State Department.
State Department, even the White House.
If you think about this
he and his daughter are reported to have fled to the united states in february so this is
biden administration uh era um you have to think the first place you would go
may be the fbi may be the state department maybe even be the u.s embassy yeah the
simplest place but the fact that he went to the military intelligence,
I mean, this is considered to be the most reliable of all the branches.
I'd say the most loyal in the sense that they're soldiers that are working inside the DIA.
They've sworn an oath to the country.
They are active service members.
It's also the agency that General Michael Flynn headed. And I think
that this man's decision, and it's no small decision, because I think he has the biggest
target in the world on him right now, the fact that he handed over what's being reported
as terabytes of information. He handed it over early, got it in the hands of the DIA,
got it out of his hands, may be a saving grace to him. I'm sure, again, these rumors, as you said,
Red State has confirmed that these reports are true.
This man's already in witness protection of some kind.
He's got round-the-clock protection.
This is Red State.
They're confirming the reports from Spytalk.
The Chinese defector's identity is confirmed as a top counterintelligence official.
Now, this man, Dong Jiangwei, he is the chief of counterintelligence in China.
Now, what this means, his job is to find other countries' spies.
His job is to catch them trying to bribe, in this case, Chinese officials.
His job is to stop American, British, any other country and their agents from operating in his country.
That's his job.
Well, at least was his job before he decided at the beginning of this year to betray China and come over to the United States with his adult daughter.
And with him, according to the Red State article, he brought these things.
First, he has China's early pathogenic studies of COVID, including models predicting its spread and damage to the U.S. and the world.
Now, specifically, he has documents from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
This by itself would have been a huge story. This man claims to be bringing over documents which prove the gain-of-function research story,
which we've been reporting on exhaustively here because it's the biggest story of the century.
This man may have actually just brought the proof behind all of that.
That alone would have been enough, but there's a lot more, right?
Yes, and in addition to that, it's reported he brought financial records showing who funded the bioweapons research.
I'm sure Peter Daszak and Dr. Anthony Fauci are quite worried right now,
because it's one thing for True News and these other conservative outlets to attack Dr. Fauci,
or really actually reveal in detail the work and their association with the Wuhan Bioweapons Lab.
But it's another thing for their involvement to be published everywhere, given to our government,
I'm hoping they publish it, I'm hoping they make it available, on communist stationery.
Can you imagine what this looks like?
I mean, this is the hard proof that Dr.
Fauci was involved in treason, that he was involved in the deaths of Americans and others around the
globe. Financial records, money changing hands. Well, in addition to that, they also have the
names of U.S. citizens who provide intel to China, names of Chinese spies working in the U.S. or
attending U.S. universities, financial records showing U.S. businessmen and public officials who've received money from the Chinese government,
details of meetings U.S. government officials had with Chinese spies,
how the Chinese government gained access to a CIA communication system.
Think about that.
And here's the big one, one of the big ones, in my opinion. He also provided the Defense Intelligence Agency with copies of the contents of Hunter Biden's hard drive,
showing the information the Chinese government has about Hunter's pornography problem and about his business dealings with Chinese entities.
How is it that seems like everybody has copies of Hunter Biden's hard drive, but no one knows what's on it? Well, I think, one, people are afraid to go through it. Two, there have been
copies of the hard drive that people in conservative media have got their hands on and they've been
able to pass around. I know the Daily Mail has a copy. They claim they've been able to put it
through a verification process with a former FBI forensic analyst.
But I think to the heart of your question, Doc, no one wants to touch it because then you'd have to act upon it.
What I mean by this is if you have a copy as a law enforcement agency or as a government agency,
you know, Lauren, you covered this story last year, you paid attention to this.
You would have to go after Hunter Biden for maybe potentially being a pedophile, maybe being in possession of child pornography or espionage to a further extent.
Yes, espionage. The hundreds of dealings which are detailed through communications with Hunter
Biden and the named whistleblower, Tony Blubelinski, who was willing to testify.
Isn't that crazy? If you're a prosecutor, you have a witness involved in the conspiracy
that's willing to testify against your primary target. But apparently no one wants to act on
that. If they had a copy, and the DIA now has an official copy given from the Chinese. But Doug,
that in itself, think about that for a second. Why did the Chinese intelligence have a copy of
Hunter Biden's laptop, which was based in the United States?
Were the Chinese keeping it for blackmail?
Oh, I absolutely believe that.
But to me, the biggest aspect of the story, of course, it is big that you have this high-level defector with amazing amounts of information.
But, Lauren, I'd like to get your thoughts on this. I think a significant, the biggest significant portion of this is that the DIA has kept this
defector cordoned off from the rest of the entities in government, cordoned off from
the CIA, cordoned off from the FBI, cordoned off from the State Department, even the White
I mean, they, we've been kind of following the story for weeks that there was a possible defector.
Now it's confirmed.
Now the information is getting out there.
But for me, the biggest aspect of the story is how we have a group of people within the Pentagon
that felt like this defector was so important that we didn't even trust aspects of our own government with the
information. Your thoughts on that? Yeah, well, we have to remember that the FBI has had possession
of Hunter Biden's laptop since November of 2019. Actually, the Mac store owner who had Hunter
Biden's laptop turned it over and they did nothing with it. So, you know, there's certainly he turned
all his information over. He came over here from China and delivered it to the FBI.
It's necessary for them to not trust it.
You know what I'm saying?
Like they have proven that they mishandle things
and they don't know how to handle things.
And that's concerning.
You know, it's like, can we trust our own government
in different sectors of our government?
So, you know, that's my opinion on it.
Not a lot of trust within the government
Well, it's certainly a trust issue. And I think that one of the interesting parts of
this is that apparently the discussion of this man's defection was brought up at the
Alaska summit.
Oh, yeah, to Tony Blinken.
To Tony Blinken, our secretary of state.
The Chinese asked for him back.
Yeah, not just asked for him back.
Yeah, not just asked for him back, it was demanding that this be part of the negotiation.
I wonder if Tony Blinken was sitting there and going, who is this guy they're talking about?
If he was even informed about it by that time.
That's a good point, because maybe he wasn't informed of it.
You're not getting him back. Who are they talking about over there?
But it was one of the demands. So you think of this high profile summit at the beginning of the Biden administration, this defector, Dong Jingwei, it was the centerpiece and someone we didn't really know about.
But for four months, they've kept him secret. In addition to the fact that this man has brought over names of U.S. citizens and government officials that have been betraying our country,
specifically for the Communist Party.
This report also appears to have nudged Joe Biden into that mysterious announcement
where he said, I want the intelligence agencies to investigate the origin of COVID.
This was only a couple of weeks ago.
We looked at this, wow, did President Biden grow a spine?
Did President Biden decide it was too much? There was too much information about gain of function, too much inquiry that he was providing that forced the president of the
United States to order a report to be written up. And I'm guessing in this case, a report specifically
on the claims of China's defector. Right. Well, what are they going to do? Investigate themselves?
You know, like it's like one of those things where they can only hide it so much. You know,
this whole thing has been non-transparent.
Nobody has had any clue what's going on.
There's been information thrown here and there.
And that was a flex by Joe Biden to kind of prove like, OK, I'm going to do something about this.
You know, and all the conspiracy theorists who were called that for the last year.
Surprise, surprise. It turns out that we may have been right.
Well, that can't happen, right?
Absolutely not. The people that bother reading
daily, staying up on current events and using their brain. No, we can't allow those people to
get credibility. Which intelligence agencies do you think that the president asked to investigate
it? Probably not the DIA, right? Well, he is technically in charge of the DIA.
I know. It's a weird dichotomy because as president of the United States, he does have the power
to order the DIA to at least brief him. I actually, Doug, I wonder, I wonder if the DIA
is preparing a report according to the request of Joe Biden, but maybe they were preparing that
report prior to Joe Biden's order.
And maybe that report is going to be very embarrassing
because how could the report not include the conflicts of interest
with the Biden family and China
if it has Hunter Biden's laptop amongst the evidence?
The Hunter Biden laptop scandal is centered on China.
It's also centered on disgusting images that Joe Biden's son appears to have an addiction toward.
But serious people, people that care about the future of the country, have focused on the laptop because of the compromising material.
The story is that Joe Biden is leveraged, that he That he's blackmailable. Blackmail, yep. And already blackmailed.
That he will never stand up
to the Communist Party,
the party that just released
a bioweapon on the world.
Yeah, it's true.
And remember when Rudy Giuliani
had his house raided?
He tried to give the hard drives,
the Hunter Biden hard drives
to the FBI.
Oh, yes, he did.
We don't want it.
We don't want it.
They've had it,
and they did nothing with it.
You know, I know for a fact
that that Mac store owner handed it over to the FBI, waited months, and they did nothing with it. You know, I know for a fact that that Mac store owner handed it over to the FBI, waited months and they did nothing with it.
And that's when he called Giuliani. You know, so it's like, what are these people?
Who are these people going to investigate? Who are they going to hold accountable?
Like who's going to hold who accountable? And that raises questions.
You know, we're allowed to ask these questions of our U.S. government.
Well, among the list of officials that this Chinese defector has, apparently he also has
officials in the Chinese university system who've come over to pretend to be students
in America.
Now, we've discussed the Thousand Talents program that Dr. Charles Lieber from Harvard,
this professor who was arrested about two years ago now, actually. This man
was part of a program that was going to facilitate Chinese influence building in America. They were
trying to get information about U.S. research, but also develop spies that they could use.
This defector has a list of every single student who's involved in that. Now, I'm hoping that the
Republicans, they will respond
in such, at least, but pressure. We have got news today that Senators Tom Cotton, Bill Hagerty,
Marsha Blackburn, and Tim Scott have moved to try to protect colleges from CCP influence. Their
goal is actually specifically to disclose financial ties between the Chinese Communist Party and colleges in our country.
I hope this adds to the fur. We have to get the information out to begin with.
What do you think the over-under is on the DIA or the government just burying this whole story? Well, it's yet to be seen. I'm hopeful that there might still yet be a group of patriots
within the Pentagon there that is holding out for and keeping this defector from accidentally
having a radio in his bathtub or falling down the stairs or anything else like that,
which tends to happen to defectors when they get, you know, in a disadvantaged place.
But this particular bill that you were talking about, Edward,
we did stories last year about the amount of money that's flowing from China
into the U.S. university system.
Folks, it's in the billions of dollars.
And so what this bill is meant to do is to close down those loopholes to, you know, cut down on that money coming in,
including the Biden school up at the University of Pennsylvania, the money that's poured into the University of Delaware,
both influenced by Joe Biden, which we were able on this program to track back and say, look, this money sourced
from China.
So hopefully they can cut down these loopholes.
But you know what?
I don't have much hope in Republicans either.
So maybe there's still some patriots in the Pentagon that are really trying to get some
information out there.
And it's interesting that this defector went straight to the military.
Because he's military himself.
Yes, yes.
He didn't even trust the deep state here.
Well, it makes you wonder because his whole context, his pretext, this whole thing is
that the government, our government, is wholly infiltrated.
And if his information proves to be correct, the DIA may have to arrest members of our government.
Have you considered that?
That if his list includes sitting congressmen and senators and his list has proven to be
plausible, is credible, how could the DIA not launch their own investigation into members
of Congress?
Well, we'll continue to cover this story.
But for now, we're going to go to our second headline segment from Kerry Kinsey.
Welcome to True News Headlines.
I'm Kerry Kinsey.
With the stroke of his pen Thursday, President Biden signed legislation giving millions of
federal employees Friday off to celebrate Saturday's new federal holiday, Juneteenth.
This makes 44 paid days off for the average federal employee every year.
That is nearly nine full weeks of paid time off each year.
Juneteenth is celebrated on June 19th to commemorate the end of slavery in this country.
The world's largest container line, MaersERS, warns of congestion at the Chinese
port Shenzhen. They say that will disrupt operations worse than the Suez Canal crisis.
A blistering heat wave lingering over the western part of the U.S. has smashed record temperatures
in multiple U.S. states. Triple-digit highs were felt in Arizona, Utah, Colorado, and Nevada.
Nevada as well as in California.
That's where Governor Newsom signed an emergency proclamation on Thursday over concerns regarding energy grid capacity.
Look at this forecast for Death Valley, California.
125 degrees and only 5% humidity.
Also, a hydropower plant at California's drought-stricken Lake Oroville could shut down for the first time since 1967.
Hoover Dam has seen record low water levels, a significant and scary development with major implications for water in the entire
American Southwest. Amid drought conditions, Lake Mead's levels last week reached an all-time low
of 1,071 feet above sea level. That leaves it just 37 percent full. You know, when I worked at Fox 5
in Las Vegas, we probably went out to Lake Mead
about 100 times and checked those water levels, but I have never seen them that low. So let's
pray for our friends out in the Southwest. That's a look at True News headlines. Let's get reaction
from Edward, Milo and Lauren. Thank you, Kerry.
Welcome back to True News. I'm Edward Zoll.
Politicians with a backbone and a brain are hard to find in this age,
especially elected leaders who are willing to stand up against big government tyranny.
Well, we found one.
In just a moment, I'll be welcoming Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers.
You know, the official who threatened to have Biden's attorney general arrested if he illegally interfered in the Maricopa County audit. But first, let me introduce
my co-hosts, Lauren Witzke and Milo Yiannopoulos. Thank you. It seems to be getting worse.
It got better. Yiannopoulos. Yiannopoulos. Yiannopoulos. There we go. There we go.
Mr. Yiannopoulos, what's going on on this table?
Well, thank you, love.
Lauren has brought me.
I think you have to put your hat on.
It is.
It is.
Come on.
Come on.
You've got to do it.
It is my.
It's my straightiversary.
Oh, congratulations, Milo.
I've been praying for you.
I don't know what you're looking like that for.
You brought the hat.
I know, I did.
Once I blow this, I can blow that out.
Is that right?
Yeah, sure.
What are these things called?
All right, well, happy street-iversary, Milo.
He was worried about the fire.
Well, guys, guys, we have on the line Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers.
Oh, we should probably.
Yes, yes, yes.
We should get going on this.
We don't want to keep her waiting.
Yes, thank you, Milo.
Way to go, Milo.
There is no way.
Getting us in trouble with Edward.
Milo Yiannopoulos, I tell you.
Oh, control.
Is that correct?
Do I have Senator Rogers on the line?
Oh, there she is.
Hi, Wendy.
Or Senator.
Hey, I'm back.
Hi, Senator.
Thanks so much for coming on.
Senator Rogers.
So we saw that you took a stand.
I love seeing state senators take a stand.
The federal government only has as many rights as the state allows them to.
Attorney General Merrick Garland tried to interfere.
It's trying to interfere in the Arizona audits.
And you told him that he could face time in Arizona prison should he choose to do that.
And that was really heroic.
And we're all really big fans here.
And thank you for fighting for us.
Edward, I want to introduce you to Edward.
Edward is awesome.
And we are just so grateful to have you here today.
We wanted to get an update possibly on the Arizona audits.
I know that you toured the facility recently.
And it is one of the most secure audits ever in United States history.
I wanted to first ask you about, you know, there's been leaks that are coming out.
People are having rumors and leaks. But can you confirm that this is a legitimate, secure audit?
I know you toured it.
Thanks for having me on.
I'm broadcasting to you from my home up in the pines of Flagstaff, 7,000 feet elevation here in northern Arizona.
Everyone tends to think of Arizona as desert and cactus. A good third of the state is at a very
high elevation. I'm here in Flagstaff. I actually represent northern Arizona, which cuts across four
counties. Yes, I've been very involved at the audit.
We have the state Senate, the Arizona Senate, which is charged with leading this effort
constitutionally as the state legislature and specifically as the state Senate. And we have
kind of a precarious Republican-Democrat dynamic here.
We have 16 Republicans, 14 Democrats.
So we basically have a one-vote margin that enabled us to carry out this audit, which is of 2.1 million ballots covering all of Maricopa County, which is the county that Phoenix is in.
And you're right, it's an in-depth cyber forensic audit. Nothing of this magnitude has ever been
done before. It involves more than one contractor, expert firm, and I can get into that in a minute,
to not only count the ballots, but to then closely,
forensically examine the ballots microscopically. Oh, wow. That's awesome. Yeah. So nothing in U.S.
history has ever been done before like this. And I understand that other delegates from other
states came in toward the facility. Are we potentially looking at other audits happening in other states such as Georgia? Very likely, very hopefully. Let's see, I hosted several states. Pennsylvania was my first
delegation to host. Colonel Doug Mastriano, who's also a parachutist qualified as I am,
I'm a retired Air Force pilot. And he and I really sort of clicked and bonded over this.
He brought two other state legislators out with him. I spent a lot of time with folks from
Washington State, from Michigan, from Virginia, and Nevada, Utah, Wyoming. It was my honor. I had no idea that it would sort of
evolve into this day-by-day hosting of other states, but it became very patently clear to me
that these states want to be able to package and take home this capability should they be able to prevail
with their state constitution vis-a-vis whatever their state legislature makeup is in order to
pursue it. Well, Senator Rogers, hi, I'm Edward Zoll. We spoke earlier. I really appreciate you
connecting with us today. And our audience is very well informed when it comes to the activities
of the audits, you know, politics in general. And one of the questions we've been getting barraged
by is what result can we expect from these? The audience is on the side. That's what we're hoping
for. What is the truth from this? And why didn't this audit take place in December before the question of certification was being literally battled over when it got to the federal level?
But why didn't this audit happen in December?
Well, there are a few reasons.
Number one, it takes several weeks to conduct. conduct, we are finishing up the physical aspect of handling the ballots and using the
floor of the Phoenix Coliseum at the state fairgrounds.
That will all conclude on the 30th of June, and then several weeks will be required to
compile the data points and render an exhaustive set of findings of report. So it's a very painstaking process.
Timing-wise, it has taken months to take on, shall we say,
all of the roadblocks that have been put up in front of us along the way.
We have overcome many attempts to thwart this attempt, both by the county board of supervisors, the left in general, and the media.
And so this has been a long winding road, if you will.
And we will get to the bottom of it.
We will get to the truth.
And that's what I can guarantee you.
How much quantifiably will
there be? We don't know. And I would be presumptuous to predict. Of course, of course. And Senator,
I want to thank you for your service. And I was looking at your military resume. It's very
extensive. I mean, I'd be scared if I was any of these Democrats or media officials who are obstructing you.
But on the subject of the findings and the report, I'm telling you, the entire country, maybe even people outside this country,
I certainly think there are parties and there are our patriots and just people who are interested about what happened in 2020 that want the findings.
They want a conclusive report.
Now, the question of results, you can't obviously tell me what you could do in this case because you're an elected official.
But let's say the audit does show enough votes were either misplaced, were fraudulently cast, were incorrect due to human error, these
other things.
Enough votes were in this category that President Trump actually carried the state.
What then?
Because you know what people are going to say.
This is going to be a clarion call throughout the country to say, look at Arizona. He actually
won the state, yet we certified. That's a great question. We deliberate about that daily. I was
in a meeting this morning via Zoom where that came up. To be honest with you, we are in uncharted territory. I can guarantee you this, that the state senate will fulfill its duty
and will follow through. We don't really know what that looks like yet. And so you just have to
please allow me to reassure you that we will get to the truth. And when it comes out, we will do our duty.
Well, I trust you. And I'm looking forward to the report. I hope it's made,
at least a version that's made public so that we can cover it on this program,
we can explain it to our audience. Senator, there's been other updates in the country,
I think, of significance. Many people who are worried about election integrity,
many are paying attention to Maricopa. They face the separate attack from, in this case,
our Department of Justice. Those who are concerned about election integrity, those who are concerned
about the country being run by Joe Biden and the Democrats with their own agenda,
are being considered to be terrorists, domestic terrorists.
I mean, our attorney general had a very important speech this week that I think many are still trying to decipher.
The core aspect of it is patriotism is being criminalized and criminalized by the Department of Justice.
Now, I wanted first just to clarify, I've read that at one point in time that you were
a member of the Oath Keepers. Not a terrible thing. So the Oath Keepers were named by the
Department of Justice as a group that are considered now to be domestic terrorists.
If the government wants to fall for this, they could arrest you, Senator Rogers. What recourse do you have against this?
And what would you say to them?
Because they've said this now.
They put a line in the sand that any patriot groups are a threat against our country.
I will stand firm.
I am a member of the Oath Keepers.
In our case, it is a disaster preparedness group in Prescott, Arizona.
And they actually were showcased
on 60 Minutes. So I have every confidence that who we are and what we represent is absolutely
wonderful and necessary and a good thing. As far as the federal government interfering in our state,
we have warned them that they will be legally dealt with if they interfere with our audit. And I tell my other patriots out there that you have to stand
firm. You cannot bend. And Arizona is not bending. And we took an oath as military to support and
defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies,
foreign and domestic. And so to that point, the federal government needs to do its job
and go down to the border and defend us against drug traffickers and human traffickers
the way they're supposed to do. And in the meantime, we have to stand firm, do our duty
as state legislators here in Arizona and across the country,
because that is our constitutional duty to get to the bottom of what happened in 2020 for truth's sake,
and then to also be able to cure everything so that we can have a free and fair 2022.
Well, I think there are millions of Americans that are standing by and standing
with you on the subject of the border. I know that we Floridians are standing with you in Arizona.
Yes, thank you very much. Yes, it's my governor. It's my governor, Ron DeSantis. He's the one that
has sent our officers. And I'll tell you that this subject is infuriating. I don't know how many more years we have to keep talking about the border not being secured
before we get at least a unified support behind this.
A question I have for you, Senator, is this move was very unorthodox.
Some were saying that it was potentially not even constitutional.
I'm not going to go there per se, but what I will say is the state of Florida has come to the aid of the state of Arizona without the federal government
stepping in. Is this the beginning of a new trend? Will the states now, patriotic states,
Republican states, states that care about border security, will that be the new avenue of resolution?
We won't look to the federal government, but instead look to one another.
And what impact will that have on the country?
Well, I think it's wonderful, number one.
And thank you, thank you, Governor DeSantis, number two.
And I am of the opinion that we need to do whatever it takes to defend ourselves.
And I have fellow Arizonans on the border, ranchers, who say that these people
coming across now have become absolutely brazen in terms of destroying their property and
threatening lives. And so we have to do whatever we have to do to protect ourselves if the federal
government isn't going to do it. Well, Senator Rogers, I want to be fair with your time.
I appreciate you giving this time on a Friday.
Is there anything else you'd like to tell Americans,
especially those that are interested about the audits,
but more so interested about truth
and a defeat of corruption in this country?
Well, we have to defeat corruption.
And it's our job to wake up and sally forth and represent ourselves capably.
All of you would be so proud of the level of scrutiny and in-depth inquiry of this audit.
For example, when they examine these ballots, they microscopically determine if the bubble, the oval, was filled in by a human or not. They can look at the water
marks. They can look at the cross-hatch print on the ballot to see if it aligns properly.
They can determine the fibers of the ballot. Every time that a box of ballots changes hands,
it is signed off. I interviewed numerous people on the floor,
and one of them was a fellow Air Force pilot, retired general, who said, Wendy,
I've never seen procedures like this since I was in strategic air command. And they're even tighter
than those nuclear handoff procedures. This is the level of scrutiny that you can be proud of, accountability and chain
of custody. So you need to tune into what is really happening here to save our country. In
fact, you can follow live with the feed of nine cameras on the floor at, az and i also invite you to come to my website wendy wendy like
the hamburgers rogers like mr sign up where it says join us and then i'll give you up
to the minute uh email uh inputs you can also follow me on Facebook. I haven't been kicked off yet. I have backups to that inevitability, but we have over 52,000 people now nationally who follow my Facebook, Wendy Rogers AZ, and my Twitter, Wendy Rogers AZ. We will get the truth out. We will defend Arizona and we will do it because it's the right thing to do.
We have to do it and we do it as a beacon and a gold standard for the rest of the country.
Well, thank you so much for your time, Senator Rogers, and thank you for your courage.
I look forward to speaking to you again and following the updates on this.
I think that they're going to have a pretty big fight on
their hands here in keeping this quiet, because I know you're not going to stay quiet on the results
of this audit. Well, thank you again, Senator. That's correct. God bless you. Thank you. God bless.
Well, that is very interesting. She's pretty cool. Microscopic. She's great. She's my favorite.
She's my favorite state legislator. Like, she really is, because she bought for that seat, she got that seat,
and she is actually representing the people that she was elected to serve, like their interests.
You know how people get to office.
She's doing her job as an elected official.
I confess to deep skepticism as to whether the results of this recount will result in anything transformative nationally,
but it is always heartening to see, especially local politicians,
because it is typically these days only local politicians, with a little bit of gumption.
Well, I think your skepticism is healthy, but I'll tell you from the conversations I've had,
you could back me up on this, Lauren, I'll tell you, there are people throughout the nation,
MAGA mums, as we've detailed them, that are waiting for this report.
And I'll tell you, clearly no one is going to silence Senator Rogers.
We've got a state elected official that has put her career on the line on this story.
Because, again, you don't threaten to arrest the attorney general of the United States unless you believe that this is worth it.
She's put her flag down on this one.
And I think specifically something that people are going to be looking for is the physical
evidence of fraud.
Obviously, the report is going to have to detail that.
The other part is the numbers.
If it turns out that enough votes were fraudulent, that President Trump would have taken the state
and they stole certified?
I would like to know some of the information
that maybe she isn't comfortable to share yet
about why the certification was forced through.
Obviously, they didn't know maybe it was fraudulent.
They must basically know what happened by now.
I suspect they do.
And we've got little bits of it, haven't we?
Like 15% or 20 percent of
them don't have chain of custody. So there's a lot of room for sabotage still available, isn't there?
Because there's always the possibility that somebody somewhere will say, well, we're not
going to count this fraudulent. In fact, we're just not going to count them at all. And the result
kind of just goes, but doesn't change too much. Well, no, in a week and a half, at least partly because the audit ends, the lease on the dome
that the Arizona Senate has leased.
They're getting evicted too, along with the rest of America.
Yes, they are getting evicted.
This is the 30th.
They have to be done.
They claim they're making quite a lot of progress.
They're staying on track with both the phases.
I guess one of the phases was the counting.
The second was examining of ballots.
Third would be examining of forensic data.
Again, I would be very disappointed
if we don't get a thorough report,
but let's take Senator Rogers' other words for now.
She said a report will be forthcoming,
and again, if it shows fraud,
this is going to have implications throughout the country.
I was interested to hear some of these states
that have come to visit. Clearly
they're visiting, not just as tourists.
They're visiting because if
Arizona is able to prove this, they may
replicate the very process that Arizona
carried out in their own state.
Let's wait to see the information,
the proof, because that's what's important.
I'm happy to be an island of pessimism.
Yeah, he's such a pessimist.
Skeptic, pessimistic. I have joy's such a pessimist. No, I'm not. Skeptic.
I have joy, optimism, and hope in my heart.
Just not about politics.
Well, that's actually very healthy.
I think our joy should be centered on Christ.
We should be driving our hope through our Lord and Savior.
Our job is to discern and analyze the headlines, especially the news that is on people's minds.
I think if we were to ask someone why they think our country is corrupt, they would point to the 2020 election.
If that's the only thing they can think of, they would point to the 2020 election.
But today is, or I say tomorrow, is another day people might point to.
A very special day in the calendar, folks. To say that we are corrupt corrupt or crazy do you want me to take this one yes what's tomorrow myla
i'm afraid to tell you it's juneteenth juneteenth now look
you already know don't you pumpkin now look critical race theory, I mean, we were guffawed at, chunted, guffawed, giggled.
You pick your tittering comedy verb of choice. We were all laughed at for suggesting the critical
race theory, this batty idea from the universities that only white people can be racist and that
racism is not in fact holding in your heart some kind of animosity towards another race, but rather
describes a structure of privilege that helps to entrench certain... I won't even bore you with it.
Well, unfortunately, we were right. And we're now seeing social justice, progressivism, critical race theory, which is all really a sort of, it's a bogus pseudo-academic form of anti-white, anti-Christian, anti-Western, anti-European hatred codified, cloaked in the language of academia, entrench itself in national institutions.
As if America were not lazy enough,
and I mean, if I worked for the federal government,
I'd probably be quite glad of the 44 days a year they have off.
But as somebody who pays taxes here, I confess I am not.
And the 44th national holiday now for anybody who's on the government, the 14th, which sounds, of course, like it is a perfectly respectable and reasonable thing to celebrate, the end of slavery.
Who could possibly argue with that?
That's not really what any of this is about.
This is really about entrenching in the architecture of America endless pageantry, not to remind us of the glory and wonder of those eternal ideals that uphold
the Constitution, not to remind us even of Christmas or Easter, perish the thought,
but rather instead to constantly remind everybody to hate each other.
It's become a holiday of shame.
Exactly. Constantly remind everyone to hate each other. Blacks on whites, whites on blacks,
and all the concomitant ripple effects that come out from that.
So this is yet another holiday that just is designed to remind us all how different we are.
That's it. And that shows that we're all equal under the cross.
I mean, Christians run this country and get to run the thought behind some of these bills.
I think we've codified this in the system. I wouldn't want a holiday. I want to change the minds of some of these ideologues. But clearly,
their intent on this is to remind us yearly that we're separate, we're different, we're
on one end, one group has hurt another. And Milo, in one sense, this is a form of reparations.
If they can't get it through a national treasury note handed to the descendants
of every African-American who may have been a slave or at least been persecuted in this country,
they've now gone it through a holiday. But it's meaningless. It's meaningless. This does nothing
for African-Americans, absolutely nothing at all, and probably only stokes up resentment. I mean,
if anything, it's probably, like everything else they do,
hurts African-Americans the most.
Look, this is actually personal for me in a way that most people perhaps don't know.
I have two adopted black stepsons, you know, my whole family in America.
You're a father.
Well, kind of.
I've got two, you know, two boys that I'm going to be putting through college, right?
I'm going to be in their lives for a long time,
even if, you know, my relationship has changed with their dad.
But I have black family in this country.
In fact, I have only black family in this country.
And it matters to me what happens to black America.
I care about it.
And I like to tell edgy jokes.
And sometimes people at home are sort of,
hmm, that man's got some funny opinions about things.
But when all's said and done truthfully, it really matters personally to me what happens to black America.
And whether it's through Democrat malevolence or Republican inaction,
this is not the way to improve the lot of a group of people in this country who have been serially abused,
not to say they don't have serious problems they need to fix themselves.
There are extraordinary things that only black people could fix for themselves,
which would solve most of their problems. But you can't ignore the consequences of decades
of Democrat social engineering designed to impoverish and immiserate the black community, to rip apart the family, to educate poorly, to institute
racial grievance, to provide these ready-made explanations for everything that's wrong with
every black person's life in America. It's the white man. I mean, it's sickening because what
it does is, and really the only effect of it, is to rip the races apart and to keep the black man down.
And this matters to me because I've got a vested interest in the success of the two young men who
I've taken responsibility for. And I don't want to see them enter into their 20s in a world
where every American is constantly reminded of what separates us, which when all said
and done is a lot more trivial and insubstantial and unimportant than what unites us, which
is whether it's our faith, whether it's believing in the Constitution or whatever,
or whether it's just being ordinary, compassionate human beings who have love in their hearts for others, right?
Which is how most people, I insist on believing, do feel about their fellow man, right?
And this breaks my heart in a way because what it shows is the complete victory of divisive and poisonous race baiting, even over the Republican Party.
What was it, 18 Republicans didn't sign on for this and all the rest of them dutifully said, yes, yes, I'm a bad white man, I'll sign.
It's awful. It's pathetic. It's shameful. It's disgraceful.
And the fact that the Republican Party has been manipulated and maneuvered into, if you say it's for the blacks, or you say it's for the Hispanics, or you say it's for whatever,
they'll just kind of sign so they don't get mean tweets about them online. It is disgusting and
deplorable and pathetic, and it makes black people's lives worse. Well, clearly the kowtowing
isn't out of ignorance. So what I'll say to our elected officials is your constituency doesn't consider
you to be racist. You don't have to sign a bill, and every bill that comes before you,
you virtue signaling that you're not a white supremacist, a Nazi, or anything that your
enemies are labeling you as. And when signing these bills, you mentioned the Republicans that signed it. You have to identify the fact that to make a holiday, to remember the horror of slavery in the 1860s,
because in this case it was the abolishment of slavery in Texas.
That's the basis of this holiday.
That itself, you think that an African-American who actually was hurt by their family,
was involved in this, and generational pain, if we're going to believe
that came through. You think that a holiday
is going to make
that better? Heal the wound?
I'll tell you what we'll do. It's ridiculous. I'll tell you what we'll do.
It's like giving someone who's been shot
a cupcake. I'll tell you what we'll do. We'll make
the federal government on which you rely
because we have made sure that
you and your family have no education, no prospects,
no ability to join the... But you get a holiday. education, no prospects, no ability to join the work...
But you get a holiday.
No, no, no. We'll make the federal government on which we have insisted that your community will rely
even less efficient and even less able to serve you and even less able...
Because they'll be shut down.
Working two jobs and it's like, oh, this is the only day I can get to the DMV.
Oh my, it's Juneteenth.
You know, how does this help ordinary people?
I mean, if I want to go for a visa report in the DMV,
my lawyer will phone up and make an appointment
and I'll, you know, be ushered into some private room
and get it all done, all the rest of it.
And it's all fine because I'm some privileged.
Yeah, fine.
He's all high and mighty because it's his straight adversity.
I'm just saying.
No, look, with, you know, blessed and all the rest of it.
But this hurts people who don't have those kinds of privileges and that sort of access
and can't pick up the phone to anybody who are working two jobs who, by the way,
if they get a boyfriend, get their house taken away because that's how demented
and depraved the welfare system is in this country.
If you're a young black mother and you want to do the best possible thing for your kids
by getting into a monogamous relationship with a new guy. I mean, I know this is not ideal
and all the rest of it, but real life is real life. You want to get into another guy, provide
them with a father figure. You lose your house. You lose your flat. You lose your benefit. I mean,
what kind of a system does this to human beings? The American one. And on the one day off,
oh no, the NBA is closed again. It's just making the system that they rely on even worse.
That's all it does.
Well, I think the most challenging thing about these holidays,
first of all, you force the establishment media,
I don't know, you have to force them, per se,
if I correct that, to say you give them the opportunity
to make an entire week of coverage about this wonderful day.
It's like a Martin Luther King day
How long till Kwanzaa? Oh boy, how long till Kwanzaa?
The point is that they're telling yeah, I've talked to like black Americans and they're like, I don't even think it's a real holiday
Like they don't even celebrate it. They're like, I don't know what it is
Holidays are not for them. It's for the establishment. It's for the deep state
If we really wanted to set aside time, maybe something productive instead of putting a holiday,
is set aside time to actually attempt to address the fatherless epidemic among African-Americans,
the gang culture, the notion that welfare will solve all our issues in the urban cities.
And you think about this too. What's with all the Planned Parenthood clinics that are being placed in the vicinity of African American communities?
They're not taking Juneteenth off. They're still merrily murdering black babies. But how nice,
how nice for the FBI in between their busy schedule of agitation, incitement, infiltration,
and recruiting informants to gin up social unrest,
further undermining the harmony and unity of the country.
How nice they get extra day off.
Are you kidding me?
No, I tell you, there are issues.
There are issues.
Obviously violence.
I'll say one.
I have to say there are issues.
One of the issues is the violence. There have been countless videos, which we've just hated to watch, of elderly minorities.
People being cold-clocked in New York, Atlanta, Chicago.
That's when someone comes up to you, like this man's doing right here.
This punches you in the face, knocks you out.
You get knocked out, Milo.
The punch isn't even the damage.
It's the fall that hurts you.
That's called cold clocking.
Well, in this sense, this man
bullying. Look at this threatener.
Bullying, threatening, and then
stealing. This man took
an elderly man's walker.
An 82-year-old man who just went into Manhattan
to get... What would you get on the street for a walker?
I think it was probably
the fact that he fought back.
He took what he could take.
And now this man has no way to get home.
But this is something that happened.
This is the NYPD asking for information.
They're offering a $3,500 reward for this case.
The reason why we have animosity and friction in the cities, it's not based on racism.
It's based on the fear that this is gonna happen to my grandparents
It's gonna happen to you and me and you have to ask why is it happening?
Why would some do that to another human being as these are the real issues?
I think we face as a country American citizens are being taught to hate each other on the basis of gender sexual orientation skin color
they are being
Signaled that it is open season
on other groups, most specifically
on straight white male Christians particularly,
but everybody really, you're up for it too.
And sent messages through sham trials
like the Derek Chauvin trial and the Roger Stone trial
that there is a two-track, a two-tier justice system. We've kind of known that since the O Stone trial, that there is a two-track, a two-tier justice system.
We've kind of known that since the OJ trial, but it is becoming so odiously and unavoidably explicit now.
Well, the police were still policing before, during, and after the OJ trial.
The issue I think we face now is police departments, as Kerry covered, in Oregon,
you know, Portland's one of these places that the police are saying, I'm not going to show up to work anymore.
You want a crowd control unit? Why would I serve on this? You're prosecuting one of the members for doing his job.
Look, when these riots or these mobs gather, you know, know obviously after dark it's not even considered
to be a crime now under our attorney general but to the average citizen who might want to go to
work in san francisco yeah anything under 950 they won't even prosecute which of course is great for
big corporations walmart loves that because they have insurance what's the long term if yeah of
course they've got insurance what's the long-term effect all the independents get put out of business
walmart loves this i mean of course they're going gonna close the stores because it's just too much hassle
They don't want the insurance, you know the employee the employee claims and whatnot
but overall Walmart must love that and all this stuff is there are of course some idiots and
Paid for operatives who are in support of all this stuff outside merely of the House of Representatives and the Senate
You brought to our attention, sweetheart,
the tweet from one such bought-and-paid-for activist.
Tell us about this little row that's been kicking off on Twitter.
Oh, well, the black Americans in the right,
they have different opinions about Juneteenth and what it means.
This morning there was a little tiff between...
I love watching them fight, you know? I love it.
I take no pleasure in the misery of black America, but I take...
Well, let me rephrase that. Trying to be a better person.
I try not to take too much pleasure, though, you know, Heavenly Father, forgive me,
I cannot entirely erase the joy of watching miserable people whose opinions are entirely bought and paid for,
tearing chunks out of each other, making themselves a ridiculous spectacle.
Right. Well, I'm team Candace, though. I like her overall.
This morning, I think we pulled up the tweet.
She was not so happy about it.
She said, about Juneteenth.
About Juneteenth. Sometimes I wonder when, if ever, black America
will wake up to the psychological warfare and perpetual brainwash to believe everything is
racist. Like you said, Milo, like when China starts talking about Black Lives Matter, how is
it not obvious that we are political pawns? You know, it is, everything's like, seems to be a
political just agenda to hate, make people hate each other and divide us.
You know, I'm team Candace on this.
She said what she said.
I don't mind Candace either.
I wish she read a book once in a while, and I think she wanders into a lot of unforced
But I think the general effect of Candace Owens is undeniably positive.
Yes, I think so too.
Well, one person had a little problem with what she had to say.
You don't like her, I like her!
I am not a Kim Klasick.
I think she is a foxy little firecracker.
Who is this? Kimberly Klasick?
Kim Klasick.
Kim Klasick.
She was the one in Baltimore that had the viral video with the red dress.
She said, believe it or not, many in black America are very aware the fight is classism rather than racism.
Which is true to a degree. It is.
Yeah, she's not wrong about that.
It is. Unfortunately, the loudest mouths with the largest platforms misrepresent the majority.
This may come as a shock to you because of your lack of engagement with black people.
Now, I have to tell you, not a lot of people know this, but I know this directly and for
a fact to be true, that whole Blexit thing is just fake.
They had to, when Candace was getting speakers on stage to talk about how
black America was having
this uprising
against the Democrats,
They had to bus people in
from Atlanta,
to Atlanta I think,
from surrounding areas
just so it wasn't
an entirely white audience.
Candace Owens has
a black audience of zero
except for people
who hate Watcher.
And one of my favorite,
I have to say,
I do like Candace.
I do,
I wish she, you know,
wasn't so ostentatiously and unapologetically thick.
But I do think she's basically a good thing.
Anyone who annoys as many rappers as she does can't be entirely bad.
And it's better, it's better.
I like how she's canceled.
Better her than Tommy Lahren, right?
Because Tommy Lahren, you know, it was obvious.
All she wanted to do was, you know,
get a little slice
of the rapist
that she was annoying.
But with Candice,
she's just good
at getting under the skin.
You shouldn't be spending
your straight-aversary
talking about
the odious people.
I really think
it would be important.
Should we scroll on?
Should we scroll on?
I think the audience
would be at a...
I could talk forever.
I could talk forever
if you don't get to talk about your straight-aversary.
Thank you.
The fact that you're here is because of this aversary.
Let's talk about that holiday.
It's a holiday, isn't it?
If you're going to say it, we're going to have to put the hats back on.
I'll buy it.
Yeah, I'll buy it.
Let's put it back on.
Look, we can be a bit silly on the show
because I've got something to show you that is the opposite of silly.
You don't want me to say you want to wear a proper video. A little bit too like a devil horn on you.
Okay, no, no, we don't want that.
We don't want any of that.
It looks nice.
It's quite a fetching color for you.
Tell me about the straight-aversary.
All right, I could talk forever about the paid horrors of Turning Point USA and the corrupt monstrosities of The Daily Wire.
But we won't do that.
Instead, when you first heard of me on this program,
it was because I'd come in to talk to Rick about a journey that I've been on recently.
Now, since Laura and I have been here sort of filling in and helping out,
this is our last day of our little run
of giving a helping hand to the team down here.
It's very squish, squish, very tearful,
tearful moments all around.
I've greatly enjoyed.
Yeah, yeah.
And he's not miserable for one minute.
Oh, not for you.
I got my show back.
I got my show back.
Nasty, catty British man at the end.
Listen, listen.
Straight anniversary. Tell me about it. Listen, listen. Straight adversary.
Tell me about it.
Sorry, I'm just trying to avoid this subject
because I got quite choked up earlier recording this video.
You could sort of hear it at the beginning
and I kind of like don't want to talk about it anymore
because I'm like, ah.
I have my sincere moment for the day earlier
and I'm trying to avoid the subject desperately now.
Anyway, I first arrived because I came to tell Rick, give my
testimony to you guys about the journey that I'd been through recently. And Lauren, in a very
powerful segment, I think on episode three or four that we did a couple of weeks back, gave you hers
too. And today is indeed my straightiversary. It's a year since I decided to put my old life behind me. And although I still
may be working on striking out some of the mannerisms and verbal tics and possibly even
hairstyles of my former community, I am pleased to say that with one minor slip up, I am now a year
into my journey. Yes! Congratulations. Not condescending at all.
I knew this was a mistake. Anyway, so I put a video together, thanks to the True News team,
addressed really at people who haven't yet got as far in the journey.
And so if you're watching this, and the sad tragedy of America is almost everybody at home
knows somebody who describes
themselves as gay, lesbian, trans or something. So far has the cancer
metastasized. So I made a video today addressed to those people and I'd like
to run it for you now. It's a couple of minutes long and then perhaps we'll
just talk briefly about it afterwards but but as little as possible. And when we come back, we can remove the hats, I think.
Anyway, here it is.
Today is my one-year straightiversary.
It's a year from the day I said I was going to put sodomy and lust behind me
and live more closely according to God's wishes for me.
And since I did that, everything in my life has begun to get better.
I didn't wake up today especially celebratory, but rather prayerful, because I am aware that I have a responsibility to share this gift with others.
I have only managed to get where I am, to do this, well, for two reasons, really. One is prayer,
appealing to our Heavenly Father for the strength to resist urges.
And the other is thanks to you guys, the viewers, the listeners, both mine and here the True News family as well.
It's also been thanks to the haters, the skeptics, the deniers. It's the scorn and doubt poured upon this,
just as much in a sense as the love that has made it a pleasure to prove people wrong.
But it's also those of you who've been keeping me accountable. I've always said on the show,
sometimes in strong language, sometimes in a way that offends people, that tough love is the love that matters.
And my readers and listeners have given me just that.
They've given me a lot of tough love.
And without that, I don't know if I'd be here today.
Now, as I mentioned, I woke up in more of a prayerful mood than a celebratory one.
Because I know that I have a responsibility,
a spiritual and moral obligation to make good to the people I've hurt,
and to reach minds that I haven't touched yet and offer them help, if I can, to embark on the same journey that I am currently engaged on. And this message today is for you.
If you're one of those people that thinks of themselves as gay,
but in the back of your mind,
something's always not quite been right about it.
You've sort of known that this is not really what you want.
Perhaps you've looked at gay pride as I have,
with a mix of consternation and horror, something twists in the pit of your stomach when you see it.
Well, if that does describe you, and even if it doesn't, I have good news for you, which is that
born this way is a lie.
It's propaganda.
It's not true.
You can get better.
You can change.
You can live as you were always supposed to. And when you do that, everything in your life will start to get better.
It has for me.
I've been very blessed in my life to have enjoyed enormous
success in various endeavors, some failures in others. And now I feel a compulsion to share
my journey and my message with others. A month or so ago, I tossed my engagement ring into the Pacific Ocean, and I moved to Florida.
I'm here partly to share my testimony here on True News, but also to open a center,
a clinic for other men who have been suffering from same-sex attractions. Now we started raising
money. Fundraising has begun. We, over summer, will be interviewing therapists and thinking
about where in Florida we should call home. So we're not quite open yet.
And therefore today, my message to you is, for now, merely one of hope.
This does not have to be your life.
It can be better than this.
Because I've been where you are now.
And I know what keeps you up at night.
I know what haunts and torments you.
And it doesn't have to be the end.
It doesn't have to just be this for you.
watch this space.
Try in whatever small way you can to make changes in your life.
Seek out advice of your priests.
Keep watching what we're doing here at True News
and follow what I'm up to.
And in the meantime,
I love you. And I'm going to do everything I can to provide you with the tools you need to get better. Because what you
feel at the moment is an inexorable and unavoidable sexuality is just a product of trauma that you might not even realize that you suffered, but you did.
And I'm going to help you. In the meantime, God bless you. And like I said, watch this space.
Thank you for sharing that, Milo. Really, I don't think you're going to know
on this planet, on this earth, in your time,
the impact of your decision.
How many of those caught in the lifestyle of homosexuality or even those caught in other
addictions are going to take your message and they're going to take a leap of faith.
I mean, for you, you did that.
It's not going to be easy.
As you've noted, it's been an arduous journey, to say
the least. But look, Milo, we're here for you. Okay? We're here for you.
I'm getting quite into the habit of giving away my own celebrations. I think a couple
of years ago, I was working for Breitbart. I decided that I had more than enough in my
life. I was going to give away my birthdays, 18th of October, and instead...
What do you mean, give them away?
I was going to stop celebrating my birthday, and I was instead, on my birthday,
going to institute a new international holiday called World Patriarchy Day.
And so I publish columns every year about the glories and wonders of patriarchy
and how great it is and how we should all be proud and wonderful.
It's becoming a habit with me.
I'm going to have to...
One anniversary I'm going to have to actually save for myself,
but not this one.
This one is too important.
No, I've got a long way to go myself
as people have been all too happy to write in and tell me.
Yes, I'll comment under this video today.
Your heart's in the right place.
I think that's the main message to the audience or anyone who has an issue with this.
I posted this video.
Heart's in the right place.
You need to clean that telegram feed up.
I'll tell you that.
You know, I'll tell you.
Look, I know I have a bit of a potty mouth.
And although I can give you a lecture about Augustine and Semo Humilis.
And explaining to people in the ordinary
demotic language that they will understand and be able to relate to, ministering to them
where they live and in the language they speak. I probably could dial down the cuss words a little
bit. I imagine. But I will pay tribute to myself for the extraordinary Discipline that I show in not not not using those kinds of words on air
Because I've been quite I've been quite good
Look if you had had worked at the Daily Telegraph in London for three years where the C word which is about the worst word
You can say especially in America was like every third word you too would be would be struggling
But I'm getting better every day in all kinds of things.
It becomes easier with time,
I'll tell you,
as being in the military.
Oh, you've got a similar thing.
Well, yeah,
every other word was a curse word.
You actually were,
you were considered
to not be communicating effectively.
Find a way to work in.
She's got a mouth on her as well.
Oh, yeah, the camera's stopped.
She sounds like an old fish wife.
Lauren's use of curse words is not why she's here.
No, it's also non-existent.
Well, yes.
Okay, good.
You lied about Lauren.
What's wrong with you?
No, it's not lying if you say psych.
It's not lying if you say psych.
I didn't hear the psych.
Were we not all born in the 80s?
The 80s?
Yes, late 80s. Children of the 90s. So we know if you say psych. Were we not all born in the 80s? Yes, we were in the 80s.
Children of the 90s, so we know if you say psych, it's not lying.
Well, what I would like to hear from Lauren is your reason for being here.
Now, our audience, we heard when we interviewed you, a little small,
I can't say it, a small sneak peek of your testimony,
why you've decided to follow Christ and not drug cartels or the conservative
beast of a model and these other things. You've dedicated your life to seeking for the salvation
of others to fulfill the Great Commission. And I wanted to use today. It's Friday. We're going
into the weekend. Many may watch this on Saturday and Sunday. Lauren, tell me why you chose Christ
as your mission.
Well, you know, something that I was thinking about all the time,
you know, how you have so many haters.
They're like, oh, he's such a liar.
This isn't true.
You know, and I knew right away.
I knew right away.
You've got haters too.
I was one of the first ones.
I was like, he's for real.
I knew it.
I knew it right away.
But the difference is his life was on full display.
His sin was on full display for the world to see for years. And that is why it is harder for people to understand. Like, you know, like
we do change. Jesus does change lives. He is radically picking people up and just placing
them where he wants them. Especially now in this time, I actually chose a verse for you. I put it
in your card, your anniversary card. Sorry, they don't have straight anniversary cards, but I wanted
to share it with you before I dig in. Can you believe Hallmark? Can you believe this stunning omission in the Hallmark lineup?
No straight-aversary cards. I think the message inside is what makes the card, isn't it?
I did write an excellent. You did. It's lovely. I won't share all of it,
but I would love for you to read out the verse that you picked.
Yes. So for you, I chose Jeremiah 29, 11, which reads,
for I know the thoughts that I think towards you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not evil to give you a future and a hope. And I truly believe like God has such big plans for you. Like they're
so big, you're going to change so many lives, you know, and Satan's going to hate you for it. You
know, he is. He didn't want to let me go without a fight. He definitely wouldn't. I do thank you for that heartfelt and beautiful tribute.
But I feel compelled to mention that it was a very elegant way of dodging the question.
So I'll talk about you since you talked about me.
Thank you.
We kind of encountered one another relatively recently, a long time after the worst of your struggles.
And I think what you were alluding to a moment ago was that many of your struggles
occurred in relative obscurity. You're not in public life yet. But when you saw Donald Trump
and many of the populist nationalist uprisings in the country, and you felt that this was a
critical time, that plus what you were going through drove you into where you are now.
And I have to say, I found your testament in that episode we did.
The first couple of episodes.
If you go back, if you're watching this, it's about two weeks, isn't it?
So gripping and powerful and moving.
You've become, as we've got to know one another over the last couple of weeks,
a real inspiration to me personally and a great support for me.
And she's a bit further along the road than I am.
And she's a, she's, I like to joke affectionately and call her a little firecracker.
She's, but she isn't, she isn't a firecracker.
She's a Moab.
She's a, she is, she is a neutron bomb.
You know, just, just, just, just, you know,
you're just waiting for somebody to push the button.
And now this button I feel feel like, is being depressed.
And you are exploding out into the world,
showering it with love and strength and inspiration to other people.
And you've certainly done that to me.
And I know that you've done that to many other people elsewhere as well.
So your journey to Christ and watching the path that you took
is one of the two or three people that I watch
very closely for help and for tips. So thank you and I love you.
Yeah, I love you too.
Except to say...
All right, well, I'll share a little bit.
Just before that, I have to say she does try to sabotage me in little ways.
How's that?
It's supposed to be my straight adversary, so she buys me something called a fringed
squawker. This is called a fringed squawker. He was like, something called a fringed squawker. This
is called fringed squawker.
He was like, what is a fringed squawker? I was like, I don't know.
What's a fringed squawker?
I think they're just trying to be creative.
A fringed squawker. It doesn't sound very heterosexual. Anyway, thank you, and please,
you have the floor.
No, you're very welcome. It's a special day. It's a special day. I just wanted to, this
is our last day here at True News. We are so blessed to be a part, like we were able to be a part of this for the last two weeks.
This ministry is going places.
It's for real.
Amazing things are happening here.
As you saw where Wells Fargo specifically targeted me, shut down my bank account after they decided to have me on their show.
You know, I wanted to leave a message of hope to you guys.
I wanted to leave a message of hope with the viewers and those who are seeking hope.
I wanted to share a little bit about my story again.
You know, like I said before, Milo's story was on full display for everybody to see,
but mine was not.
You know, not a lot of people know what I went through.
I did go through years and years of addiction.
I worked for drug cartels. Yeah, actually actually Donald Trump's presidency was really important to me because
everything he was saying about the Mexican cartels was like, this guy's right. Yeah,
we do need a wall.
They're bringing in drug addicts and rapists.
Yeah, I was like, wait a second, that is where the drugs come from. Wait, these people are
terrible murderers and rapists. And I was like, oh my gosh, like the things that Donald
Trump said started to click with me. However, you know, it was an encounter with Jesus Christ that changed me. Like I,
like I said in the last thing, and like he met me on a dirty mattress. I wanted to show a picture
of me a couple, uh, this was maybe three years ago, four, four years ago. That was me when I
fell asleep at a stop sign. Look what Jesus can do. I mean, this wasn't that long ago. I ended
up going through a program called Teen Challenge. Uh, a year-long process. You can see there, I was out in the middle of the mountains,
out in the middle of nowhere. Recovery is certainly a process, and it changed my life.
You know, it wasn't just something that I wasn't able, I was just like, oh God, I'm healed right
away. But you know, we certainly... What a glow up. Yeah, I know. Look at her now. It's
completely different. That was in the middle of nowhere. That's where I went to rehab. I was like,
oh dear Lord. That's in Shenandoah Valley, Virginia. Wow. Yeah. And that is where I took
the time. That's where they write songs about the Shenandoah Valley. That's beautiful. That is where
I took the time to heal. It was a process. And that was before like God, God called me to politics,
like when I was still on drugs.
I knew I was going to.
I knew what I was called to do.
What year was that?
It was in 2015, 2016.
But I still kept using.
I was like, oh, yeah, I know.
But I never assumed that God would get me there.
I was like, there's no way you can take somebody like me,
somebody so dirty, somebody so addicted,
somebody whose life was just broken.
You know, I had lost everything on account of drugs and alcohol and partying and being with
the wrong people. But he's still like, I mean, I just had to submit myself to him. That year at
Teen Challenge was the hardest year of my life. Let me tell you, it is like Jesus boot camp,
but it works. I'm serious. And they are nationwide. Now, if you have a child that
struggles with addiction, look into Teen Challenge. You know, it's better, like, what is one year?
It's a year-long program, but what is one year compared to the rest of your life? Like, I
walked out of those doors and, you know, God saved me. And I'm never going to, God willing,
use again, you know? Do you remember the moment that you were humbled? The moment that really broke you to the point where you said, I need to get help?
I was laying on a jail cell floor, actually.
I got arrested, fell asleep at a stop sign with drugs and everything on me.
Thankfully, my charges ended up being dropped.
I think, I'm not really sure what happened there.
It was like some kind of technicality with it.
But they ended up letting me go. And and I also told them I was going to
rehab. And the whole judicial system there was really gracious enough to allow me to go. So that
is what I decided to do. You know, I was like, but I still didn't go right away. I kind of lied
at the time. You know, I was still using and I was like, maybe I don't need it right yet. I can
do this on my own. And it took months and months and months. And finally, I just came to the end
of myself and I was like, OK, and I gave my life to God and I was like, OK, God, like you have to
like you have to save me because I can't save myself. So I called the program, got myself into
it, locked myself away and just really dug into his word and everything that he had to say about
me as opposed to what the world had to say about me.
And, you know, this wasn't this wasn't long ago.
Like, you know, this isn't like I have like 10 years under my belt.
God's working really quickly.
Jesus works really quickly.
And anybody that's out there that's hopelessly addicted, like God can change your situation,
but only if you're willing to submit to him.
And that is what I did.
And I ended up.
Yeah. And now I'm here. I'm a co-host on a show helping out.
I ran for United States Senate.
The media had a field day with that, absolutely.
But you know, I never lied.
I never stopped telling everybody
everything that Jesus did for me.
And you know, the name of Jesus, it makes them shake.
It makes your enemies, They're terrified of it.
You know, there are many there aren't many right wing people like Republican people who are willing to say the name Jesus Christ.
And, you know, I think we need to bring that back because I believe that is ushering a new era of whatever God's bringing us into next.
It's going to be very important.
So, you know, thank you so much to the viewers for having me on.
I want to encourage you, you know, just cry out to Jesus, man.
He's so good.
He's so real and he's so good.
I'm just in love.
I love Jesus.
I love him.
I love you for that.
I love you for that.
Well, I hope this is the last time I'm sitting at the table with you two.
Look, it may or may not happen.
May or may not happen. It may or may not happen.
If you do want to see Witzkopolis back on True News, you know where to write.
Info at
Help tell the bosses out back that you really want us back.
And who knows?
It might happen sooner than you think.
Well, I'll be praying for, again, this not to be our last encounter together.
You're going to be relieved next week.
You're going to say, oh, praise the Lord.
They're gone.
But about four days after that,
four days after that,
do you think they'll miss us?
I know Rick has appreciated you.
I think they'll miss us.
I don't know if he'll miss us.
Well, maybe not him.
I think Doc will miss us.
Doc will miss us.
Witscopolis, how do you say your twin name?
Witscopolis is very pessimistic.
I don't like the together thing. I am not a Betty Brindown.. He's a Betty Bringdown.
I am not a Betty Bringdown.
I am not a Betty Bringdown.
Well, I try not to be a Betty Bringdown.
Anyway, info at
Don't lie on Christian television ever again.
I am not a Betty Bringdown.
He looks more like an energetic Edward.
Folks, good job there's one.
Just kidding, I'm kidding. Folks, good job there's one.
I'm just kidding.
I'm kidding.
I had to get one last one in.
I love you, and thank you for being so gracious and giving us so much time to be mischievous
and bringing in our sort of culture and entertainment angle.
What other day could you have gotten away with bringing these hats?
Well, not just the hats.
I'm not going to hear the end of it.
Not just the hats, but the fringed.
You almost set the table.
The fringed squawkers.
It was an important anniversary.
All right, look, thank you so much for making so much and clearing so much space for us to tell our stories and be here.
Info at if you'd like to see more of us.
Many thanks.
And thank you so much to all the team here who have been incredibly kind and gracious and sweet.
I came in here thinking, oh, are they even going to like me? I'm Catholic. Are they going to think
I'm some kind of like, you know, weird occultist or something? Do you follow Jesus? I'm going to
walk in. But I walk in here and they're like, please, we follow Jesus Christ and the good
Lord Almighty and the Holy Spirit and your brother and let's get on with this job. And I'm like, okay, good. And then every
single person I have met under this roof has been so kind and so good and so generous. And I just
want to thank Doc and Rick in particular and Edward for being trusting of us and being such
wonderful hosts, both on the show and hosts here in Florida.
And we're just really very grateful and happy.
And we hope that we get to see you a lot more.
It was our honor.
And we appreciate you stepping in.
That was good.
That was a good grovel.
That was sufficient.
That's my humility quote of a 2021.
We're changing it one day at a time.
Well, thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News.
It's been a great week, but a busy one.
Rick will be back on the Godcast on Monday and plans to appear every day next week.
We made it through this month with the faithful prayers of you, the viewer.
We plan to continue to report the hard truth and the unspoken facts for as long as the Lord sees fit.
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Thank you, and God bless you. the preceding program was made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support