TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Coach Dave: The Fight for Faith in American Schools and Society
Episode Date: September 23, 2024Rick Wiles first talked to today’s guest a long time ago. Perhaps late 1999 or early 2000. Rick read a newspaper article about an Ohio high school football coach who was sued by the ACLU for praying... with his high school football team before and after games.  He battled the ACLU in court for two years, but finally obtained an out of court settlement. After the conclusion of the legal proceedings, Coach Dave Daubenmire heard the call from Heaven to leave football coaching and transition into coaching the saints. From that call from the Holy Spirit, Pass the Salt was born. He is the host of the weekday talk show Coach Dave Live.  You can access his program at Wiles, Coach Dave. Airdate 09/20/2024Join the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!       It’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!
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this special anniversary deal today. American owned, American made, American Reserves. Well, welcome back to True News.
I first talked to today's guest a long time ago.
I don't remember the exact date.
It could have been late 1999, early 2000.
I just remember I read a newspaper article about an Ohio high school football coach who was sued by the ACLU for praying with his high school football team before and after games.
And so I called and we did interviews and I lost track of how many interviews we did over the years.
He battled the ACLU in court for about two years and he finally obtained an out-of-court settlement. And after the conclusion
of the legal proceedings, Coach Dave Dobbenmeier heard the call from heaven to leave football
coaching and transition into coaching the saints of God. And from that call, from the Holy Spirit,
past assault ministry was born. Now, Coach Dave is the host of the weekday talk show, Coach Dave Live,
and you can access his program at His friends know him as Coach Dave,
and he's here with me today, Coach Dave Dobbenmauer. Hey, Coach.
Rick, that seems like a lifetime ago. I've been great, and like I said, it's been like a lifetime ago you know it has been i've been i've been great and like i said
it's been like been like a lifetime ago rick and you know i was i was noticing yesterday when 9-1-1
that uh if you were 24 years old you don't even remember 9-1-1 that's how fast life is moving
isn't it it's hard to hard to believe yeah so when i when i tell people I was sued back in 1997, it would have been like me when I was in high school talking about the Great Depression.
So the average person that we're talking to today really has no understanding of what it is that we're dealing with.
They don't.
So I appreciate you having me on.
We've been pumping hard here at Coach Dave Live Past Assault Ministries, and we believe in expanding the gospel of the kingdom of God, no matter what it looks like around us.
That's right.
Coach, I think I was one of the first radio talk show hosts to interview you when you were having your legal problems.
Yes, sir.
And again, it's been a long, long time ago.
Yes, sir.
That's when it started?
1997, yeah. That's a it started? 1997, yeah.
That's a while ago.
Well, this program didn't start until 99.
So I must have interviewed you at the end as you were wrapping up your settlement and you had to leave coaching.
But anyhow, I...
I chose to leave coaching.
I know you chose to leave.
You chose to leave.
I chose to leave, yes, sir.
And you were a guest here on this program for a number of times over the years.
It's been at least a decade since I've talked to you.
I can't believe it.
A decade.
It's like, you know, you're busy, I'm busy, and we don't realize that 10 years have passed.
But at least we've been busy in the fields, in the harvest
fields, working for the Lord. So let's talk about reality, 2024. It's really strange.
What's going on right now in this country, in the United States of America,
if you and I would never have believed 20 some years ago in our first conversations,
this stuff would be going on today.
It just, we could not believe that the church would tolerate it, that the American patriots
would tolerate it.
We tried to warn them, right?
I tell everybody when I started to pass the salt ministries, my final year of teaching
and coaching was 1999. And I thought if I can just,
if I can just get out of here and go tell the pastors what's going on and
wake them up,
we'll be able to push back and fight against this stuff.
And that was one of the greatest disappointments of my life,
to find out they didn't really care.
To be honest with you,
they didn't really care.
That was when I started to pass
assault ministries. That's what, that's really was the most shocking thing. I thought they were
just misinformed. I found out they didn't really want to know. A lot of it eschatological, right?
End times, it's only going to get worse. What can we do? God's in control. All of that baloney that
they say over and over. And I'm an old football coach.
I don't care what it looks like.
Get in the huddle.
Somebody call play.
Let's go do something.
That's right.
And until the buzzer rings, the game's still on.
And that's my attitude.
Occupy till I come.
Occupy till I come.
And you know that word, that instruction from Jesus means engage in business.
Engage in business until I come.
So, you know, the King James translated it as occupy, but it actually means engage in business.
In other words, be actively engaged in the business of the kingdom.
So you encountered the same thing I did. I went into this, you know, 1999, 2000, 2001
on radio and shortwave. And then we were streaming in 99. And I thought the same thing.
If I can get the pastors to understand the scope of the danger that we're in, they will rally the church
and we will turn this country around.
And I ran into the same wall of apathy and indifference.
And, you know, I had people over the years would say,
well, why don't you get some pastors on your show?
I tried.
I gave up.
I gave up trying to get past. They won't come on
because they're afraid. A lot of them are just cowards. When you tell them,
I'm sorry. No, when you tell them what you say, Hey, I want you to talk about such and such topic.
They just back out. Oh, I don't want to do it. Okay, well, you've backed out so much that you've turned the country over to the pagans.
So here we are now, Dave.
The country is paganized.
The church is paganized.
That's where we're at, I think, for you and me and others like mine. What's left is to disciple the saints
who are still in the game.
That's it right now. Isaiah 56.10 says,
Israel's watchmen are blind. They're all dumb dogs,
loving to slumber, lying down, afraid to bark.
When I first got that scripture back in just probably about 2001, that first thing hit me,
and I began to look around and realize they are afraid to bark.
What the heck is going on when this war, as far as I know, the Bible says,
occupy till I come, go into all the world, teach them to observe all I've commanded you,
lo, I'm with you always, even into the end of the age. What is going on? And Rick, I don't know.
I remember my mind's going a thousand miles an hour. The old football coach at Ohio State,
John Cooper, said something when I was a young coach that I never forgot. He was talking about
the aggressiveness of a football player. He said this, if they don't
bite as puppies, they don't bite as dogs. It's your nature. And I think, Rick, our pulpits are
filled with men who didn't bite as a puppy, and they ain't going to bite as a dog.
That's where we're at. They lack the courage. And it also means they lack the commitment to the kingdom.
Because the more I study the words of Jesus, the more I realize the strict requirements he puts on disciples.
His membership, his requirements to be his disciple are really strict.
And those rules are not taught in the pulpits.
And I think many of the churches are filled with people who were not saved.
They've never been told the requirements of being a disciple for Christ.
Rick, I got, I'm not proud of this.
I got taken to the woodshed one day after a Bible study back in about 2001.
We're at a men's meeting.
Pastor was there.
He's talking about all the attributes of Jesus and yada, yada.
Rick, I wasn't trying to make trouble.
I just raised his hand. My hand said,
Pastor, we all understand why the qualities of Jesus and being Christ-like and all that.
But I said, Jesus said, of all those ever born unto a woman, none was greater than John the
Baptist. Aren't we supposed to emulate John the Baptist a little bit? Rick, I was in the woodshed 20 minutes later, right? Because we
understand what John the Baptist did, right? What made him so great? He spoke truth to power.
Yes. That's what we're supposed to do. The Lord put the Holy Spirit inside of us that we are to
be what? Salt of the earth, not sugar, not molasses, not honeycomb. We are required
to say those things that nobody wants to say. And Jesus said, if you do that, you're going to be
hated of all men. And it's just the exact opposite of much of the gospel that we see going on with
Joel Osteen and all those guys out there with that prosperity message and love everybody message.
Rick, we're in the middle of a war and we don't have anybody blowing the trumpet.
The Bible says if the trumpet blast is uncertain, who will go to war?
So that's what I try to do every day, blow the trumpet.
As far as America is concerned, I don't think we're in the middle of the war anymore.
I think the war is over.
We're occupied.
We are.
We're occupied.
We've been taken over.
The American people have surrendered their minds to occupiers, and they're unwilling to resist, and they're living in slavery, and they don't understand it.
You know, John the Baptist, what got him in trouble?
He called out the king's sin, his sexual sin. He called out the sexual sin of the king,
of Herod, and that got him executed. Several years ago, I made a number of trips to Jordan. And I got to tell you, the baptism site is just awesome.
The authentic baptism site, not the one that all the American tourists go to.
It's the authentic one on the Jordan side.
But the second place that moved my spirit was Makaras, which is this massive rock, this mountain out in the
wilderness. And on top of it was Herod's palace. And this is where the party was held. This is
where John the Baptist was beheaded. And to be there and to see the remains of Herod's palace
and to see looking down inside the structures
and seeing what could be cells, could be holding places.
There's also a cave there at the bottom of the mountain.
The locals said John was held in one particular cave. But coach,
I got to tell you, my first time there, I was so moved. I was almost speechless.
There was something so reverent about the place that I realized I am standing on the mountaintop where John the Baptist confronted Herod and where he lost his head.
And then I look around today and I think, who in the American church would do the same thing as John the Baptist?
They won't call out the sexual perversion in America. They're
afraid. They're terrified to do it. They're afraid the local newspaper will write a news article
about them. They're afraid the local TV station will come out and do a report about a hate speech
bigoted church. They're terrified. They're afraid they'll lose their tax-exempt status.
Well, John lost his head.
And these guys are afraid they're going to lose their reputation.
You know what, Rick?
When they did throw John the Baptist in prison, and by the way, Jesus didn't even go visit him, right?
He didn't even go visit him.
And John's in prison.
He's saying, I can't believe it.
I did all this work for him. He doesn't even show up. And so Jesus sends a messenger, right? He says, you go tell him
that the lame walk, the blind see. He did his job. Keep going, baby. We got more to do than this.
Because why? Greater love has no man than this, including Rick Wiles and Coach Dave Dobbenmeier,
then we would lay down our lives for
our friends. That was the model that Jesus Christ himself provided for us, Rick. You die to yourself.
You lay down your life for your friends. And so you look around. By the way, we're really,
really active at Coach Dave Live. One of the things that we do, Rick, is we're raising up
these pockets of men in local communities that are
standing up and speaking up at school board meetings, at city council meetings, at county
commissioner meetings that are finally beginning to push back against the forces of darkness,
which we believe that is what the church has been called to do. And we look around at everything
that's going on, teaching transgenderism to cutting off the appendages of little children.
All of it, Rick, being done with approval of the local pastors and with the tax dollars of Christians.
They pay more in tax dollars than they do tithes to their church, Rick.
And so if we don't stand up and push back against this darkness as what?
Followers of Jesus Christ.
We expect the Republicans to do it?
Lindsey Graham?
Come on, man.
So we're the salt of the earth, right?
We're the light of the world.
We got to stand up and push back now.
And I'm with you, Rick, in that things really, really look bad. But I believe this, that we think in a linear fashion, right?
1950, 1960, 1970.
I think God thinks in cycles.
Sun up, sun down, right?
Winter, spring, summer, fall.
I believe, Rick, that we are at the end of a very, very dark cycle.
You and I are about the same age, man.
We go back to the Beatles, tune in, turn out,
Jimi Hendrix, make love, not war. That was the elevation of a very, very, very dark period
in America, in the world, really. And Rick, I think the sun's coming up. But listen,
it's not going to be a pleasurable sun coming up because the sun's going to expose everything that is around us.
And now we are in the process of what?
Man, we've got to try to rebuild and pluck down and pull out and do all of that.
See, I don't argue over theology, Rick.
I don't care if somebody believes in a rapture.
It doesn't matter to me.
I say, listen, I've got today and tomorrow, whatever day, and I'm going to work while the sun's shining,
and I'll be daggone as an old football coach.
Can I play a football game watching the scoreboard?
And that's what's going on with so many Christians.
We're watching the scoreboard.
We think the game's about over when there's a lot of work still to be done.
That's a very good point.
So you mentioned cycles, and I definitely believe that there are natural cycles in the universe, in the world, in man's civilization.
There was a book written back in the 90s called Fourth Turning, and it was written by two sociologists.
One of them passed away.
I interviewed the other sociologists several times. He told me that I asked him when the next spiritual revival would be. I asked him this question maybe
10 years ago. And I was hoping he was going to say, oh, you know, maybe around 2018.
And he said, Rick, sometime in the 2040s.
And I go, no, no, not the 2040s.
He goes, according to the cycles I've studied, I'm going back 500 years, the next spiritual awakening is in the 2040s.
And he said, there's no guarantee it's a Christian awakening.
It's just a spiritual awakening,
some kind of spiritual movement. But he said, there are things that have to play out until
there's a generation that's yearning for something spiritual, and that isn't going to show up until
the 2040s. I'm telling you that, Coach, because back in January, I had a dream.
I'm not going to talk about the dream right now.
I prayed about the dream.
I asked the Lord to talk to me about it.
And I've had three dreams in January, in consecutive Januaries. And all three of these dreams have told me,
Rick, your time on earth is limited.
You've got work to do.
Get it done.
And so, you know, at our age, you take that seriously.
And I knew what the Lord, yes, sir, I get it.
You know, he was just saying,
get busy, get focused on what I've called you to do. Anyhow, as I sought the Lord about the
meaning of the dream, it had to do with writing. And I love to write and I don't write enough.
And that's one of the things that bothers me. But what he gave me in interpretation of the dream was,
I want you to write books for your grandchildren.
Not their age now.
Write books that they will receive in their hearts when they are adults.
And I started doing the math and I thought,
they're going to be adults in the 2040s.
And I realized what the Lord was saying.
I want you to write books about sound theology,
about discipleship, service of Christ,
and probably nobody now will even bother to read them.
But there'll be a generation in the 2040s that will be young adults
and they will discover these books and it will be like a goldmine to them.
So I'm with you.
I believe that there is going to be.
A wise man leaves an inheritance to his children's children.
Children, right?
So the inheritance is the wisdom that's right let me let me dive into theology a little bit because i think we're
we're at a real breaking point rick and i was raised catholic i got radically born again
in 1978 i was raised i was a good little catholic boy there was really no end time theology in the Catholic church. And, and, you know, my wife and I both received Christ in, in 1907, changed our, I did for me what a
phone booth did for Clark Kent. That's what I, that's what I tell everybody, right? But at the
same time, we're, we're coming, I got into the, I got into the church and started to hear about
the rapture and end times prophecy and late great planet earth and
Hal Lindsey and all that, just inundated with all that stuff. You know what I'm talking about?
And Rick, I'm not making fun of it. I'm not saying anything, but it has stolen the heart
right out of the Christian man. It's like if I'm a football guy and I'm coaching my football team
and it's late in the game and I say, oh, well, we win in the end. I'm going to throw that guy off of the daggone football field because that's when we need him the most. So here's what
I think is going on as to where we are. If the sky splits tonight and Jesus returns, dude, I'm out
of here. Praise the Lord. Honored to go. Rick, what if it doesn't happen? What if in the very midst of us, we see, dare I say it, this is almost like a cuss word.
What if we were to see the destruction of Israel?
What would that do to theological America, Rick, if that were to happen?
If Israel got nuked, I'm not praying for it, folks.
I'm not saying it is.
But if Israel got nuked, where's our theology all of a sudden, Rick?
They would be devastated.
Because Israel has become
their idol. It has.
And look, I don't know. I don't know. I know what I read.
Rick, there's 44,000 different denominations.
None of them believe the same thing.
Well, some of them do.
You understand.
You've been at this longer than me.
But Rick, what are we, what's Rick Wiles and Coach Dave and others like us going to do?
How are we going to pick up the pieces if Israel disappears and we're still here. So if the rapture theology, the late great planet Earth,
Hal Lindsey, all the Christian Zionism and so forth,
since the 1970s, if it has rocked the church to sleep,
then who's behind it?
Ultimately, who's behind it?
The wicked one.
The wicked one gently put the church to sleep
by feeding them a false doctrine
that made them have a false sense of security.
And that's the same thing I've run into.
People have said,
well, Rick, if you're right, it doesn't matter
because I'm going to be raptured and taken out of here.
I don't have to worry about this.
Well, the stuff I'm reading and what I've read every day coming out of Russia,
it tells me the Russians think that we have gone totally satanic.
They believe that we have lost our minds and that we are dangerous
and that we're demoniacs with nuclear weapons. That's how the Russians see us.
Amen. And we're supposed to think that the world sees Joe Biden as a Christian? Really? Do we
really think that that's the way that the world views America? Rick, I get
in trouble all the time because I say to people, I think Putin is more Christian than Biden.
That's open for debate, isn't it? I mean, you look at the things that they're not allowing in
Russia, they're not allowing homosexuality and trans, all that stuff that we're piping
into our kids' education.
You can't do that stuff over in Russia.
In fact, the Russians, their attitude is we're at war with the West because the West is determined to make us give up our Christianity and embrace their paganism.
And so, Rick, we've made this big mistake.
We think the Russian government is the
Russian people. And here we are in America, we know that the American government isn't the American
people. That's right. And we're looking at the same thing going on in both places. They're trying
to pit the Russian people, God-fearing Russian Christians against God-fearing American Christians, while the two
governments go at it. And so, once again, the question is, ultimately, who's behind that
strategy? That's right. That's right. Right? What it says in 2 Thessalonians, that the Lord,
because we rejected the truth, the Lord would send a strong delusion that we would believe a lie. Rick, the Lord is
sending the strong delusion as a form of judgment. That's what I think is going on.
I am in absolute agreement with you. Coach, we got about five, seven minutes here.
One of the frustrations I've had over the years is the group of people in America that identify themselves as
patriots. Okay. God bless them. Good people. All right. Good people. And they've tried to
save this country through politics. Yeah. What do you think has been their greatest failure their greatest weakness
um well first of all there's a lot of them uh 25 percent of christeners don't even vote rick
they don't even vote and i think from my standpoint it's the idea that it doesn't matter
what we do god's in. We win in the end.
I think that's been the most paralyzing.
Again, Rick, football coach, right?
I couldn't coach a football team like that.
You mean to tell me we're going to lay down in the fourth quarter,
but we'll crawl across the finish line?
We're going to win?
Brother, any football team I ever coached, they played hard
till the end. And especially when we were behind, right? I would get those guys in the huddle.
We're down two touchdowns. Time's running out on a clock. I'd get in the huddle. I said, listen,
I want you guys to know this. I'm going to watch this game film. And I'm watching this last two
minutes to see which one of you guys quit. If you quit on us now, you're never going to see the
field again. Rick, that has got to be our attitude, not submission. Fight till the end.
I absolutely agree. My personal view is that the greatest failure of the so-called patriots in
America, the groups that would be the MAGA movement or whatever,
is they have tried to save the country without God.
They pay lip service to God.
Oh yeah, I'm a Christian.
God bless America.
But their personal lives do not reflect discipleship.
They're porn addicts.
They're committing all kinds of sexual sins they're doing all kinds of
things contrary to the word of god and then they go to rallies they go to rallies and and say we're
christian patriots well jesus has a different standard for patriots of his nation amen you
better be a patriot in the kingdom of God.
Amen. Rick, here's what I'm sorry. Here's what I think it is. Here's the problem.
These guys in church, I don't know where they are spiritually, right? Not all
of them are born again. We certainly understand that. But they look at what's going on
outside the church and the pastor isn't talking about any
of it. He has no solution to it. And
they get in there and they're frustrated and their wife loves the service and she loved the music.
And the guy's sitting there biting his nails because his son's got tattoos coming out of his
ears. And so he's looking for someone to give him direction and the courage and the authority
to stand up and push back as a
Christian. Now, look, I'm not bragging about anything, Rick. We are finding those guys all
across America. And General Flynn told us this, told all of us this, local action, national impact.
We've taken our eyes off of Washington, D.C., buddy. We're focusing on city hall, school boards.
We're focusing right here where we can make a difference in our neighborhood on a search mission to find other like-minded Christians who really understand what's going on.
And I got to tell you, Rick, I'm optimistic.
I'm optimistic that we are really beginning to make a difference locally.
I love hearing that because that's the other side of the issue.
Too many churches are really oriented towards the female members and they don't offer the men anything.
And they're building and obviously you need men and women in church.
But a lot of the men are going to they go to the church with their wives.
They're like, this is pretty lame.
Can we talk about some real stuff that's going on right now?
Rick, I've often said this, right?
If you weren't a Christian and you were on the outside and you were looking in at the American Christian church and you were a man with some
testosterone and Budweiser on your elbow or shoulder, why would you want to be one of us?
What is there about the American Christian church that would draw you? In fact, I had a guy tell me
one time, he says, coach, I appreciate everything you do and all yada, yada, yada, but I'm not ready to give up my manhood.
That's sad, isn't it, Rick, to think that's what Christianity has become?
That the greatest man of all time willingly stood and faced the giants and laid down his life by choice.
Dude, that's manhood.
And we're getting the exact opposite message about Jesus.
The man didn't say to you, I'm unwilling to give up my sin. He said, I'm unwilling to give up my manhood and we're getting the exact opposite message about jesus the man didn't say to you i'm
unwilling to give up my sin he said i'm unwilling to give up my manhood because he saw that going
to church would neuter him yeah hey hey rick those pastors they go the other way when they see me
coming i mean i i don't i want to be friends with him, you understand? But I think, come on here, dude.
Come on here.
We've got some work to do.
We should send him into total shock and walk in together.
We need bodyguards, I'm afraid, brother.
You'd have to get smelling salts for these guys.
They'd be passed out in the aisles.
I've got to go.
Hey, Coach Dave, it is so good to talk to you again.
We've got to do this more often because you and I are right on the same wavelength.
And I've got some things I want to talk to you about privately.
I'll be getting in touch with you.
All right.
So Coach Dave Live, and it's
Every morning at 7 a.m., it's interactive.
It's awesome.
It's become like a big church, although I don't want to be another church, another pastor.
But, Rick, we talk about the issues of the day, what the Bible says about it, and what we need to do to correct it.
It's powerful, man.
We're waking people up all across America.
All right.
Coach Dave Live.
Coach Dave Dobbener.
Good to see you, Coach.
Take care.
I'll be back in a minute with closing remarks for True News.
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