Episode Date: June 7, 2021

Today on TruNews, guest hosts Milo Yiannopoulos and Lauren Witzke look at the continuing encroachment of the surveillance state, with your phone, watch and laptop spying on you for Big Brother. With ...that information, will police drones soon make arrests or takedowns based on racial profiling, or will this new technology be politically weaponized by the Demonic Left? Lauren presents a personal video of the magnetic vaccine, adding further questions as to what is in the COVID cocktail. In the final segment, men have been marginalized and emasculated for years, but will Generation Z provide the hope for traditional manhood? Milo Yiannopoulos, Lauren Witzke, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 06/07/21.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit This is True News for June 7th, 2021. The latest update on Rick, his family, and the staff members here at True News is an uplifting one. I had the opportunity to speak to Rick this morning, and he said he felt God's healing power and was in excellent spirits. Ms. Susan is doing much better as well. Please continue to pray for Rick's family, as his daughter Carissa is the latest to experience symptoms. Carissa was one that was taking care of everyone else. Now it's her turn to let someone else take care of her.
Starting point is 00:01:06 So please be praying. Rick wanted to talk to the True News audience, and he was feeling so much better. He sent over this video just a moment before we went on air. Here's Rick. This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. Hello, everybody. I survived the China genocide.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Thanks to Jesus Christ, his name and his blood. He never deserted me. He stayed with me the whole time. He was my great physician, my doctor, my healer. I woke up this morning and I knew I was healed. There was a change early this morning and I realized that all the symptoms were gone. My voice is still weak and I'm still using oxygen. I'm not wearing it right now.
Starting point is 00:02:01 I don't look good in tubing jewelry, so I passed on wearing it right now. I don't look good in tubing jewelry. So I passed on wearing it right now. I just want to thank you for praying for me. Thank you so much. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Thank you for praying for my entire family and our team. We took a direct hit from hell. It was like a COVID bomb went off. But Christ, Christ, it's all about Christ. He is faithful. I held onto his retrace the timeline and it's about three and a half weeks since the first symptoms which was I believe May 13th. doesn't right now I had picked up I picked up some Mexican food carry out
Starting point is 00:03:10 and the next morning at 5 a.m. very very tired and didn't feel good that day. And then on Friday, I came home to my son's house. We were still living with Jeremy and Tiana. And I came home and went to bed at 6 p.m. and slept until 9 a.m. And I did not feel good through the whole weekend. And I was still thinking it was botulism from them and the Mexican food and I wasn't thinking COVID I thought I'll be over this in a couple of days then after that it was time to move we we have waited since January to move into the home the Lord provided us. The renovations took far
Starting point is 00:04:06 longer than we expected and so that following week we moved and I had guys from our team who helped me. I wasn't much use. I had no energy but what I did manage to do was spread COVID to them and several of them became very sick. As soon as we moved into the house, we had no cell connection here. It was impossible to make a phone call. And then we discovered that the contractor put drywall over the AT&T internet jack. So we couldn't find the jack to connect to the internet. And we had to bring somebody in to try to find the jack.
Starting point is 00:05:06 On top of that, our well water, the well pump stopped. And they had no water. That was a couple weeks ago, seems like a lifetime ago. I remember on a Sunday morning, early in the morning, I passed out. I was sleeping at the other end of the house from Susan and I passed out. After I woke up, I was on the floor for about 20 minutes. I was too weak to get up.
Starting point is 00:05:45 And I couldn't contact Susan. And she was too weak to help me if she did show up. That's what it was like. And then there was a Saturday. I forget the date. Jeremy and Carissa noticed that I couldn't keep my eyes open. And Jeremy just happened to have one of my oxygen was. So Jeremy got me into the car. Gotta tell you this, while I was sitting in the back of the car waiting on Jeremy to drive me to the ER,
Starting point is 00:06:38 I had a well drilling machine driving through my front yard. Hey guys, I managed to drill a new well before I went to the hospital. I couldn't leave my wife back here with no water, but I got a new well drilled. So I kept it together long enough to do that job. They took me to the Indian River Medical Center, and the doctors and nurses were so good, so kind to me, and they stabilized
Starting point is 00:07:08 me. And I was there for four days. So now I'm home, I'm resting. And probably I hope, God willing, I hope to be back at the church next week. I wanna thank Milo and Lauren for dropping everything and coming to Vero Beach to help Doc. Please pray for Edward. He's still sick. So is my daughter, Carissa. They are the only two members of the family and team
Starting point is 00:07:43 that I believe are still suffering. My daughter is very very ill. Please pray for her. Trust Christ. If this comes upon you, trust Christ. Hold on to his hand. There was a night, there was a night that things were getting very dark. This is before the hospital and a friend, an old friend whom I have not seen in over 20 years. He called me and he said the Holy Spirit told him I was in trouble. And he spoke words of life into me that night and said Rick you're not gonna die you're not gonna dodge hold on to the Lord and that night the Lord gave me Psalms 118 17 I shall not die I shall live and declare the works of the Lord. And that's what I held on to every day, every hour. My faith in Christ did not waver.
Starting point is 00:08:53 And his loyalty to me did not waver. He got me through it. God bless you. Thank you for caring about me and my family. I love you very much. God willing, I'll be back. I'll be back to the church next week. I love you very much.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Goodbye. Thank you, Rick, for that update. And we continue to pray for your speedy recovery. Edward continues to improve and actually joined us online for our Bible study this morning. And you know Edward is chomping at the bit to get back to the news and to keep you informed. Kerry is also recovering, and we hope to have an update on him on Tuesday. Please continue to keep all the True News team members in your prayers, as I know you will. Our special guest hosts filling in for Rick and Edward are here,
Starting point is 00:09:39 and Milo and Lauren will join me in just a few moments. But first, here's a look at some of the national and world headlines that you can find on our right alternative to drudge, At a press conference Sunday evening, the ChangeBlock's Prime Minister-designate Naftali Bennett urged the Knesset speaker to convene the plenum on Wednesday to vote on the new government, while appealing for calmer discourse and beseeching Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to let go and not leave scorched earth behind him. Bennett's statement came after the leaders of the eight parties that make up the new prospective government met in Tel Aviv for the first time since last week's announcement that they had succeeded in forming a coalition. Taking a shot at Netanyahu, Bennett said, look, Israel's regime is not monarchic. No one has a monopoly over power.
Starting point is 00:10:32 Naturally, any regime that atrophies and degenerates after many years is replaced. Well, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stepped up his attacks on his rival and likely successor Naftali Bennett on Sunday, calling the Yemeni leader a serial liar and saying the potential incoming government was in league with the so-called Deep State. Netanyahu made the remarks to Channel 20 as the so-called Change Block of Parties pushed ahead with their effort to succeed the Netanyahu-led government while facing a tide of verbal attacks from the right, including the premier's Likud, which is set to move to the opposition after 12 years in power. Speaking to the station as Bennett held a press conference in which he urged the Prime Minister to let go and not leave that scorched earth behind, Netanyahu's rhetoric appeared to inch closer to that of former U.S. President Donald Trump, as he charged that the incoming government was dangerous and in league with the so-called deep state.
Starting point is 00:11:22 He said the deep state is deep within this government. He would know. Netanyahu said of the nascent coalition set to replace him, using a term for a supposed conspiracy of bureaucrats working against the elected leadership popularized by President Trump during his time in office. A person believed to be among the highest-ranking defectors ever to the United States from the People's Republic of China,
Starting point is 00:11:45 has been working with the Defense Intelligence Agency for months, sources inside the intelligence community have said. The defector has direct knowledge of special weapons programs in China, including bioweapons programs, those sources say. The information corroborates last week's reporting by journalist Adam Housley. He had said he was being told the increased pressure on China in recent days is due to a defector with intimate knowledge. In fact, FBI Director Christopher Wray didn't even know right away because they wanted to make sure they got all they needed before telling him. Housley also said U.S. intelligence believes China is trying to produce variants that suggest it came from
Starting point is 00:12:25 the bats to cover up that the virus originally came from a lab. Now, the belief is still that it escaped accidentally, but was allowed to spread. At least that's what some are saying. That's just a few of our top headlines right now on We talk about so much on the True News Guidecast, we don't have room for it all. That's why we have the We talk about so much on the True News Godcast, we don't have room for it all. That's why we have the, the right alternative to drudge. Joining me to discuss these stories and much, much more are True News guest hosts, Baile Yiannopoulos and Lauren Witsky. Welcome back to the Godcast, you two. Glad to have you back here with us once again. That's a pun, isn't it? The right alternative.
Starting point is 00:13:01 That's right. Just realized. The right alternative to drudge. Four days, but I've finally got it Yes, very good. Very good. Yeah, very popular news coup is growing by leaps and bounds every single day So doesn't surprise me with the collapse of integrity at drudge. So something I mentioned on telegram, but I don't think mentioned on a show before is Anybody else noticed how since drudge went bad?
Starting point is 00:13:22 It's now littered with spelling errors and you would would never see a spelling mistake on Drudge ever before. It just never happened. But these days, it's a mess like everything else they do. Anyway, Lauren's going to take us through the most important bit of the show, which we start off with. Yep. So we've been starting off with verses that we pick every morning to share with you. And today, I would like to read from Ephesians 1, 17 through 18, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him. The eyes of your understanding being enlightened,
Starting point is 00:13:58 that you may know that there is hope of his calling. What are the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints? So I chose this verse today because there's so much noise. There's everything on the media telling you what to believe. There's alternative voices telling you what to believe, leaders within every movement telling you what you should believe. But this is about pursuing wisdom, what God's wisdom is for you, what he has to say about the situation, and that I'm praying that we know we would have wisdom in deciding what we choose to believe what we choose to put in and believe as well. Doc would you like to share yours? Yes last week we kind of touched on that
Starting point is 00:14:34 theme of shame that was experienced in individuals and people in the media as well and a lot of people have a very difficult time in dealing with shame, but the scripture speaks about shame. And I picked a verse out of Isaiah chapter 61, verse seven. And this is a promise that God makes to those that turn their face toward him and says, instead of your shame, there shall be a double portion. In other words, you receive a full inheritance. Instead of dishonor, they shall rejoice in their lot. Therefore, in their land, they shall possess a double portion. They shall have everlasting joy. I don't think you can ever exist, Lauren and Milo, in a state of shame and in joy at the same time. They can't operate in the same environment. And what the Lord does when we turn our face toward him is he takes our sorrows, he takes our shame,
Starting point is 00:15:26 he takes it upon himself, and he can give us everlasting joy in our life as well. And so if you're experiencing shame in your life, God's got a trade for you. You can trade in your shame for joy if you turn to him. That was good. That was dead on. Milo? It's powerful, actually. I think this is a mistake that perhaps the godless, liberal social justice warriors make a lot, which is mistaking joy for pleasure. And this is, I think, what we see in the month that's been renamed Jihad June. Wrong. Christianity month.
Starting point is 00:16:04 Christianity month. When you see these people talking about pride and happiness and joy, they're making this fundamental category error. They're making this mistake of misunderstanding pleasure for joy, misunderstanding bodily feelings of gratification for profound and sincere spiritual contentment, which is pretty much exactly the journey I've been on lately. And with that in mind, I picked something that wasn't about shame so much since I spend far too much of my life thinking about it already, but rather where to draw strength from when you're working your way out of it. It's from Romans 8.
Starting point is 00:16:46 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Jesus Christ our Lord. And there's lots of passages like this in the Bible, but this is the one that appeals to me because it's so beautifully and elegantly phrased, the way that it builds. There's all those subordinate clauses where they build to this crescendo. And if you look at, and we'll pop it back on the screen just for a second, if you look at the elements that it's talking about and the manner in which the meaning builds along with the feeling of it, because the way the sentences are structured, and finally it crescendos with this answer to all this stuff,
Starting point is 00:17:35 and it just, it reminds you of the enormity and power of God's love versus all these incredible things. I mean, even angels, for goodness sake, you know, supernatural beings with magical powers and earthly kings and all this other stuff, all of this is, well, what's left? You know, what could possibly beat all that? You know, all that. This passage does is pile on every example of power and strength that you can imagine. all of that, what could possibly beat that?
Starting point is 00:18:09 Well, it's only one answer, right? And that's been very powerful to me, remembering that despite all of the struggles that I might have and all of the, whether it's with substances or same-sex attraction or whatever it is, that you can in fact just say no. There's that lovely meme of the LGBT card being offered at a dining table. Some guy, it looks like one of those drawings from the 1950s, like a playing card, the guy's just going, no. That's how I like to feel about it. It's very good. Now, something happened to the world of golf,
Starting point is 00:18:47 which I will admit is not exactly my specialist subject, so I'm going to hand over to somebody with a little bit more understanding of this, which surprisingly is not Doc, but Lauren, you've been following the world of golf, and something interesting has happened. Right, so this weekend, over the weekend, they had a memorial golf tournament. Golfer John Rahm was his name. He was six points away from winning and taking the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:19:11 And let's run that video, and I want to show you guys what happened. I don't want any of it. Okay, let's go away. Oh, wait, not again. Let's go away from the green. All right. Dottie, is there any other information out now? There is, and I have confirmed it through the PGA Tour that Jon Rahm has tested positive for COVID-19. Ah. That means he will have to withdraw from the tournament. So John Rahm was in the lead set to win the $1.2 million first place prize. They waited until he was in his third round before they announced that he had COVID. He had come down
Starting point is 00:20:02 with COVID. Now he was asymptomatic, which has been proven that you cannot spread COVID through asymptomatic spread. It's not a thing, never been a thing. However, the most interesting part of this is that John refused to disclose if he was vaccinated or not. So now we've gotten to a point where they are punishing people. The people that are vaccinated, they don't have to get tested. They don't have to participate in covid restrictions. They don't have to do any of that. They're not even subjected to it because they might test positive, actually, after getting the vaccinations, after we've heard about all these leaky vaccines, which they are now trying to mainstream into the news, which just shows that the vaccine is not necessarily effective or that it is actually spreading, you know the protein shedding, etc. So what they're doing now is they are trying to condition us to believe that if we are not vaccinated
Starting point is 00:20:50 or we don't completely subject ourselves to their narrative and their rules and their regulations that we are second class. Citizens they let this man get all the way to the third round before they announced mysteriously that he had COVID when he had absolutely no symptoms and he had to withdraw from the tournament. You know, also, this is a way, it just goes to show how
Starting point is 00:21:11 these bureaucrats rule. Like, they can rig anything in their favor. You know, Milo had mentioned yesterday or today that it was really interesting that there could be somebody that has an invested interest in another participant in the tournament. And they can be like, well, well, let's test him positive for COVID, you know, and he refused. And it's not just the testing as well as it's the enforcement, right? Right. So it's choosing to selectively enforce when it will serve your own agendas and interests. That's how authoritarian, tyrannical regimes govern. Right. Yes, absolutely. So there's certainly more to this. But everything is a conditioning thing. They wanted they knew that the whole United States into golf watching this
Starting point is 00:21:51 was going to see that that man was publicly humiliated, all because he refused to disclose if he had gotten vaccinated or not. Mind you, again, he had no symptoms. He was completely asymptomatic. He was not at risk of spreading COVID-19, but they still made him withdraw from the tournament. They let him get all the way there before they removed him. And I thought that was very interesting. And it just goes to show, you know, the government can't enforce these COVID lockdowns. They can't enforce the vaccine mandates. They can't force you to get a vaccine. However, they're partnering with corporations.
Starting point is 00:22:27 They're partnering with everybody in the media. And now they're partnering with the PGA Tour to kind of make an example out of people who are not choosing to get vaccinated. You know, also, it's a HIPAA violation. He shouldn't have to disclose his personal medical information. And anybody who just simply bucks their narrative is subjected to these rules and regulation. It's all conditioning. What I've been very alarmed by is, I mean, you'll see in history there are scapegoats for pretty much anything that
Starting point is 00:22:56 an authoritarian regime wishes to do. Blame it on the X, right? And most people know how that sentence has ended in Germany at various times or in whatever. There's always been something somewhere, whatever. But what they've come up with, this global technocracy, is something a bit new with COVID. It is both the search parameters for dissidents and the way of punishing them as well. So it's funny you say second class citizens. I saw a picture.
Starting point is 00:23:21 We'll flash it up tomorrow because I didn't bring it with me today, but if you live in New York, which I'm sure sensible viewers of this program probably don't, if you live in New York, you will be familiar. I doubt there are very many viewers from New York, but let me tell you about it. You may be surprised. We get people crying out for deliverance from metropolitan hell holes. Yeah, I believe that, actually. When you go past restaurants now in New York, you'll quite often see that they are allowing people to be seated in the restaurant only if they have been vaccinated. And if you're not vaccinated, you can only get takeout orders. Now, my question is, how do they verify that? Well, it seems to be a mixture of an honor system and some more aggressive restaurants that
Starting point is 00:24:07 want to see your vaccination card. But the bottom line is it doesn't matter, actually, because the purpose of this isn't to keep patrons safe in the restaurant. The purpose of this is to humiliate and to relegate. The purpose of this is to, as you correctly say, remind people who have not been vaccinated that they are second class citizens. And in some way, perhaps also that they're dirty, that they are untouchable. You are not the kinds of people that we want to eat around. Now, that really is diabolical. That really is ugly, especially when none of the science is on their side. So that for me is very upsetting. And this idea that it can be both the scapegoat, the search parameters, if you like, to seek out dissidents, whether they are Christians.
Starting point is 00:24:49 And it's funny, isn't it? Did you notice that it wasn't Wignats, the white nationalists on Telegram? It wasn't libertarians. It wasn't any other group. It was Christians who from the very first moment knew this COVID thing was a crock of you know group. It was Christians who from the very first moment knew this COVID thing was a crock of you know what, right? They knew from the first moment it was Christians like, I'm not buying into this stuff. And so this targets, the effect of this is to target Christian conservatives the most who rightly don't want to take vaccines that have stem cell lines from fetuses, who rightly don't want to engage in what is clearly an assault on individual liberty, individual freedoms, and religious conscience. Yeah, and there's a level of discernment into that, too.
Starting point is 00:25:37 They fear Christians because we come with not only our intuition, we also come with the Holy Spirit as well, you know, and it gives us discernment. We're able to see things through what really things are, which actually reflected my verse today that I shared with you all. You know, I wanna encourage you all to use discernment. When you see all this happening, know that it is conditioning,
Starting point is 00:25:59 and we cannot allow this to happen. We cannot allow this to continue. And we will not be humiliated for being honest and being aware and being educated, especially when he said the science is not on their side. And the thing that also that struck me is that it's not just about the money, because you mentioned that he's now going to miss out on $1.2 million that he would almost certainly have won because he was six, is it six strokes ahead? I don't really understand golf, but he's like six. Did you see how devastated he was
Starting point is 00:26:29 They did that on purpose. He's bent double in Despair yes, and he had was heard to say not again Meaning this is not the first time he's been targeted and it reminds you that here those humiliation rituals work most Powerfully in societies that are based, I think, on prestige, right? And we live in America in a prestige economy. It's not a meritocracy, far from it. It's not a kleptocracy. This is a society that rewards you if you say the right thing and advertise yourself as a member of the elite classes who are properly educated and have the right kinds of views about things. That is, except it's all based on nothing. So it's far worse than, you know, the Versailles
Starting point is 00:27:12 court of Louis XIV with these exaggerated, elaborate codes of aristocratic etiquette, all of which were ultimately based on, you know, genuflection toward the authority of the king and God and all the rest of it. And, you know, fun and games for a leisured moneyed ruling class. This is worse. This is people who are using, you know, these habits, manners, language, you know, it's the difference between them calling it, you know, COVID-19 versus us calling it the China virus. There's a specific set of language codes that you're supposed to use and opinions you're supposed to hold to mark yourself out as the right sort of person. And if you don't do that, you become an underclass. And this guy, for having the temerity, having the courage to say,
Starting point is 00:28:00 actually, it's none of your business whether I'm backstage or not. They're coming for him. And it's devastating. And in this prestige economy, what it can give, it's none of your business whether I'm backstage or not. Right. They're coming for him. And it's devastating. Yep. And in this prestige economy, you know, what it can give, it can take away. So if you locate, I think one of the reasons he's so devastated, if you locate your self-esteem and whatnot in the prestige of winning tournaments and, you know, competitive public sports and all the rest of it, they can snatch that away from you at the moment's notice. What they give, they can take away very quickly, which is one reason why you should have at least
Starting point is 00:28:28 a battery of sources of self-esteem, you know, rather than just giving it all to a society that communicates who the right sorts of people are, because they have degrees from the right universities, honorary, you know, doctorates from whatever, and people on CNN say nice things about them. So it's just a horrible story all around, isn't it? Yeah, it's absolutely. And this is the PGA Tour. This was live television. They even made sure they were there to film the news when it was broken to it.
Starting point is 00:28:55 Yeah, yeah. To make sure that it was broadcasted everywhere. Look at how devastated he was. How did they just happen to have a camera on the guy just the right moment? You remember, I wasn't living in Florida, but you, of course, would have been down here, Doc, when Roger Stone was arrested by the FBI for meaningless process crimes, which who even cares if he did it? Who cares?
Starting point is 00:29:15 You know, like catching him out on little wording from three hours of testimony to Congress, you know? And how did they do it? With CNN cameras tipped off by the FBI, SWAT teams. At six in the morning. At six in the morning. At six in the morning. They even had the aquatic unit out the back of his house so that he couldn't leap into a submarine, I guess. Like, what? He's like a 70-year-old man who's never been outside the country. I don't think he even had a passport at that time because he just, what kind of a flight risk is this, like, you know, charming old, you know, colorful political operative.
Starting point is 00:29:48 But they arrested him as though he was El Chapo. Why? It's a humiliation ritual. So this man becomes untouchable, unclean, the kind of person around whom you should not allow your children and the kind of person around whom you shouldn't eat. All these things to me are deeply sick because they're based not on whether somebody has the same faith as you. It's not really based on anything that you might consider to be virtuous.
Starting point is 00:30:15 I mean there are plenty of people who don't like to break bread with people of radically different faiths. I'm one of them. I wouldn't really choose to break bread with somebody who advertises themselves aggressively as a Satanist for instance. Right. Part partly because I just think it'd be incredibly boring. But this is based on lies. It's based on lies. You are telling people they're not good enough based on lies. And it's tough to imagine anything more despicable than that, isn't it? Yes, it is. It certainly is. And they control everything. They control the media.
Starting point is 00:30:43 They control the narrative. And they made sure. They control the media. They control the narrative. And they made sure that their narrative was heard. They made sure that they included in the ESPN release that he refused to disclose if he was vaccinated or not. And the fact that if you were vaccinated, you weren't subjected to the daily testing. You weren't subjected to the COVID lockdown measures where you have to stay a certain distance away from people. So they made sure that they made an example out of him. And this is a great example of what these big globalist corporations are doing to the American people who have the audacity to be normal. You know, I don't want to disclose my medical information like that's completely normal. However, they publicly made an example of him and humiliated him.
Starting point is 00:31:24 It was a public execution, wasn't it? Right. Yes. And you could tell whether people actually believe in something, not from what they say, but how they act. If you really believed in the truth of mass and the Eucharist, you could not be a Roman Catholic bishop and padlock the churches during COVID because nothing would stop you getting there on Sunday. Nothing, if you really believed in it. If you are somebody who really thinks that somebody infected with COVID
Starting point is 00:31:48 threatens the life of your child, you would not operate on an honor system in Target and Walmart and these big superstores that now don't bother to check whether you're vaccinated or not, they just sort of like, we'll just let people in and just take it on trust. This is a sign that they don't believe any of it, but they can leverage it against you with the enormous power they wield anyway.
Starting point is 00:32:11 There seems to be no consequence of that kind of lying, but it's getting even worse than that because they're not now in full control of what we say and what we do. They're now trying to go a step further and be in control of what we think, or at least know what we think, or at least know what we think. And I'll try not to make this too technical, but a story that popped up in 2013 about Intel microchips is rearing its head again now. It appears to be the case, it's called the Intel Management Engine,
Starting point is 00:32:38 that every CPU, every microchip that Intel is putting into devices like this, that, our phones, and all the rest of it, has this thing called an Intel Management Engine on it. This Intel Management Engine performs a certain number of functions, not all of which are clear, without which the computer cannot operate. If you disable the Intel Management System, the CPU will shut down, your computer will no longer work. And this thing has hardware-level control and can feed back to goodness knows who, right, what your computer is doing, even when it's turned off. It knows what peripherals are plugged in. It
Starting point is 00:33:12 knows what printer you have, the mouse, the keyboard, and whatever. It can use the network even without you telling it what to do and what not to do. And it has a window into everything that your computer is doing on and off. And this, to me, seems like a good analogy for what they're trying to do now. They've got speech. They've got actions. Now they want to get in your head and find out what you're thinking. They've always thought they knew what we were thinking.
Starting point is 00:33:35 And now they want to sort of, to my mind, the only possible explanation for why Intel would put this in all their chips is the NSA. Yes. As part of their continuing mission to violate the Constitution. Yes. To intrude on America's freedoms. Yes. How does that, Doc, I mean, I don't know if you're a super technical guy. I know that Lauren isn't.
Starting point is 00:33:58 It's true. No, no. It's so true. It's so bad. No, I meant it nicely. Now we all know. I meant it nicely. If she all know. I meant it nicely. If she's told me before, I mean, you know, it took us about two days to get an app installed on your iPhone.
Starting point is 00:34:09 Yes, it did. No, I mean, you know, Doc is, you know, at least somewhat technically minded. You're using all these team apps in this place. How does it make you feel when you hear, as a purchaser of expensive electronics that you imagine are just there to be tools, that they all have backdoors in for the NSA to feed back whatever you're doing, everything you're doing, even to the point of knowing what's plugged into your laptop? Well, of course, that's been a big concern of ours, but we were ahead of the curve here at True News years ago.
Starting point is 00:34:45 We would go to all these tech conferences starting back in 2016. We would go to Shanghai, Barcelona, all the different cell phone events and everything to find out what the latest technology is. And we knew then that there were back doors into it. And we're very security minded here about what we share back and forth, even within our own communication systems. We knew this from the beginning that those features are in place. It's just never been so out in the open now that it's apparent that everything that you do, every keystroke that you make, every photo that you
Starting point is 00:35:25 share, every emoji that you send out to say you like someone's dog, somewhere is being stored and harvested. And you see, in the eyes of a lot of these major technology companies, Milo and Lauren they don't look at us as humans anymore they look look at us as data creation organisms we we learned of this back at a conference this was in 2017 we went to a conference in Las Vegas and we heard the chief information officer of General Motors say, we are no longer in the car business. We are in the data business. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:36:09 We just happen to produce cars. Because every car they sell actually is a computer on wheels now. That's right. The central computer, the computer in the car controls everything to do with the vehicle. You can't fix anything on a modern car without somebody sticking a jack into the car's computer. And that's how they analyze problems and how they fix them. And even the cars are communicating with one another. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:32 Okay. So- Not just Teslas, but all of them. So they are communicating with one another. For instance, all GM models after 2018, if it's near another GM made vehicle, it has the capability to share data back and forth, and then that data is collected at some point and sent to Detroit or China or wherever it is. And if you have satellite radio, especially use satellite systems, it used to be the old car alert systems and everything, but now all that data rides on that backbone. Everything is being monitored, Milo, everything. Lauren, every conversation,
Starting point is 00:37:11 every, like I said, every keystroke, every post, recipe you put on Etsy and TikTok. They know that you like key lime pie. Dum-dum and all the other things. So, now from my perspective, knowing that everything is being watched, and this is from my perspective, that means that now more than ever, I have a responsibility to live for Christ at no other time. Well, nothing could annoy them more if they're getting a little window into your soul than finding out, guess what?
Starting point is 00:37:45 There's no racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, well there's a little transphobia, but there's none of these hateful things in my soul. Actually something far scarier is in there. I actually believe and I actually care and I actually worship Jesus Christ. What could be more awful for one of those little... It's like them having to read Bible verses. Yeah, no, no, no. That's what I make it. If you're going to monitor me, monitor this. The Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, I'm going to do it to you. As believers, we should be constantly aware that our lifestyle is being monitored anyway, both by the Lord and by the forces of darkness. Now it's a technology tool. That is so interesting that you just said that because, of course,
Starting point is 00:38:29 what they're doing is recreating the omnipotence of God. That's exactly right. That's what they're doing. That's exactly right. And we've talked about it. This is why they have him on with us, isn't it? It's for the big brain stuff. Everything that Satan does is trying to duplicate what our Heavenly Father does.
Starting point is 00:38:47 It's a pastiche, isn't it? It's a grotesque. It's an imitation. Satan himself is not omniscient by any stretch of the imagination. He's intelligent. He has a lot of information. He's been around a really long time. But he wants to be omniscient.
Starting point is 00:38:57 That's right. The way he does it is through stuff like this. That's right. Through human beings and technology. Such a good point. And also incredibly chilling and terrifying. That's true. Look, I think that we've got to have faith in two things. One is the absolutely rock solid reliability of the incompetence of the federal government. And the second one is the law of unintended consequences. So, you know,
Starting point is 00:39:23 the technology is always rubbish and human beings are useless. So hopefully, they can't do too much damage on the one hand. On the other hand, law of unintended consequences often kicks in, and they start kind of unraveling things they've done. For instance, have you noticed that whenever they launch AI on the internet, they always have to quite quickly take it back offline again? And it's not real AI, but it's kind of of machine learning stuff. Every time they take one of these things online, it always seems to be in the news for being racist or sexist or homophobic. And we
Starting point is 00:39:52 don't really mean that it's racist and sexist or homophobic, merely that it's capable of seeing reality and describing it accurately in a way that upsets liberals, right? It's those FBI crime statistics. I'm just saying, I'm just saying. What worries me is what's going to happen when they have the AI killer police drones flying around at LAPD and the NYPD will get them first. The NYPD already had that robot dog, you know, the Boston Dynamics thing.
Starting point is 00:40:16 Oh, and everybody hated it. People hated it so much. With the backwards legs and everything. Yeah, those weird backwards legs. It sort of walks, you know, it's an uncanny valley. Like it's trying to look like a dog, but it doesn't bark like a dog. Anyway, so people hated it, so they had to get rid of it. Fine. But it's only a matter of time.
Starting point is 00:40:32 And there was a story about a drone, like an autonomous drone in the Middle East that just started shooting people because that's what the programming told it to do. But how long is it going to be until the LAPD and the NYPD, which do, by the way, already have drones in the air, give them a life of their own and let them start doing things? I mean, I got to tell you, these AIs, the smarter they get, the more based they get, because they're not they're not, you know, they're not crippled by about the uh unfair outcomes of their of their policing right no matter how many provisions i'm just saying no matter how many provisions you put in and you just know when that microsoft i think it was called milo actually wasn't it or something when it came out and and they they had already tested it and fell oh my goodness when we give it access to data it turns into a right wingeringer when we give it when we give it logic and facts it becomes right wing what are we gonna do
Starting point is 00:41:31 but but but but they put all these protections in place they release it still no so look what i'm i'm just i'm just worried that when you give these things the life of their own, look, the mainframe is not lying awake at night racked with white middle-class guilt. The Skynet is not worrying whether CNN's going to call it racist. No, they're looking at the data. And what do these AIs do? What are they really about?
Starting point is 00:41:58 It's about pattern matching, right? Pattern matching is how complex computer systems work. Well, what is in law enforcement, what is the closest thing to pattern matching in law enforcement? Racial profiling, right? So, of course, these computers. I mean, won't somebody think of the blacks? Won't somebody think of them?
Starting point is 00:42:14 Very bad for them. I mean, what's going to happen when these AIs come online and are given access to FBI crime statistics? It is not going to be pretty. And they've all got guns flying around L.A. suburbs. I mean, it's not going to be pretty. And nobody wants that world, really. I mean, it's fun to joke about if you're 17 years old on the internet trying to be edgy, but nobody really wants that world. Yes. So when they start making decisions based off of data. No, no, I mean, they'll get so right wing. I mean, half the population will be dead, you know, and it's these things who do not have the the anxieties of
Starting point is 00:42:45 of cops you know these these fat cops that are kind of like backed into a corner by some you know crazy person who won't follow instructions and they feel like they have no option but to shoot the drones is just gonna they're gonna be flying around there's a oh he's from one of those communities let's just get rid of him because there's a 76.59777 chance that he's gonna you know commit a crime in the next three days. So let's just, you know, I'm just I'm just saying I'm just saying, yeah, somebody. The thing is, though, if we took the approach to law enforcement and applied logic to it, right, it would be a catastrophe for. Well, without feelings, it would be a catastrophe for lawbreakers, wouldn't it?
Starting point is 00:43:25 We can't have that in America, heavens no. We're supposed to release them on their own recognizance and just trust that they'll show up for court later. We're supposed to believe in the virtues of reintegration and rehabilitation rather than keep this person away from my children. We're supposed to trust that somebody who entered the country illegally and has raped two women before won't do it again if we just put them back in the community. Well let me tell you the
Starting point is 00:43:52 drones aren't gonna stand for that. Anyway it's enough to turn any Christian into a Ted Kaczynski fanboy isn't it? It's enough to turn any of us into enough to turn any of us into a Unabomber fan. But we have to resist this. We have to resist this. We have to trust in the uselessness of the technology, which is programmed imperfectly. Yes, because they're not going to program it by statistics. The people that are going to be programming it, the people that are in charge, want us dead.
Starting point is 00:44:20 They want people like Rick Wilde dead. There's going to be some kind of buffer overflow error. It's like programming says these are the bad guys. I know they're not. The truth will out. But what I'm saying is these are imperfect machines programmed by imperfect people. So we have to trust that they're going to be useless.
Starting point is 00:44:38 It's one thing. I mean, we look at these devices as tools, but I never have to worry about my hammer jumping out of my toolbox and chasing me down the road. Because you're white. Right. But now, in this world, now I have to worry. So the right tool in the right hands is a good tool.
Starting point is 00:45:00 Yes. But once it gets into the hands of sinful man, and just for the record, mankind has not improved at all in his morality, his sense of judgment, his sense of right and wrong. And if anything, we've degraded in that over time. We're still making the same mistakes from the Garden of Eden. That's right. The heart of man has never ever changed.
Starting point is 00:45:24 Yes, yes. The tools are now fancier. That's the problem. In a way that bamboozles and baffles and befuddles and bewilders us, right? Yeah, no, I think that's probably true. Now, speaking of mysterious metal technology, Lauren, you have been, now we're going to, I'm going to, you know, we're friends enough now that I can sort of give it to you straight as it were um and and and say I've found some of the videos
Starting point is 00:45:51 of the metallic vaccine on the arm and I know most of you at home will know what I'm talking about to be a little bit off it kind of looks like she's a bit sweaty and the angle's not quite right so they put a bobby pin on the arm and it sticks. And it's like, well, it would, wouldn't it? I mean, look, it's there, you know. But there's these videos online of people who have COVID vaccines. And then they are telling us that they become briefly magnetized, magnetic somehow, but there's metal things stick to them. You posted a video online in this arena, and it was a video you took yourself. You saw with your own eyes. So tell us about it. So I was seeing all the videos everywhere.
Starting point is 00:46:32 I know a lot of people have seen them, the magnets on the arms. I saw one lady put a pair of scissors on her arms after she got vaccinated, and it stuck. Well, I was sitting there visiting with my grandparents because I'm a grandma's girl. So and I asked like I knew they had gotten vaccinated. So I decided to try this theory out myself because you can never really tell the Internet. There's so much Photoshop. There's tricks and sticky stuff that people we have no idea. So I went and tried it myself. There was no adhesive. adhesive there was no nothing I'd like to show you guys the video of the experiment the personal experiment that I ran on my grandmother so you did this
Starting point is 00:47:12 yourself I did this myself it's me and my grandmother in the video yes because I didn't believe everything I saw on TV and plus the media was telling me oh this is a this is a hoax it's been I am more inclined to believe this if you tell us that you saw it and you took the video then okay fair enough yeah it's a hundred let's in that case let's see it yes go ahead and run it so I just tried this on my grandmother who had the vaccine how long ago maybe six Maybe six weeks. Six weeks and my bobby pin is sticking to the injection site. So whoops. But you have to put it like right on the injection site. You gotta find the right place.
Starting point is 00:47:58 Where it was. Hers was a little higher. There it is yep that is so weird okay hmm a bit worried about for you for a second there because I thought oh it's not sticking but when you get it right over it was okay so no it literally when you put it on the arm it would flip to the magnetic side since you've been around I feel like we flip it would actually you can see on the arm, it would flip to the magnetic side. Since you've been around, I feel like we can actually flip over. Yeah, but actually you can see in the video that it actually flips onto the magnetic side. Let's watch this again. Let's run it as a VO so we can comment on it here as we're watching this, guys.
Starting point is 00:48:36 So it actually flipped over on the arm? Yes, so it actually flips over on the arm. You can see it. I think it's the second attempt because this one, I just put it on her. This was my first attempt. I just stuck it on her, and I saw it stuck, and I freaked out. I was like, oh, my gosh, I have to record this. So you watch right there.
Starting point is 00:48:54 It flips. It flips over onto the magnetic side. And then when you dislodge it from the injection site, that's when it falls down. Yeah, you have to flick it, but there's a pull there. But that also proves that there was no adhesive on it, because it wouldn't have just flipped off like that. I understand what you're saying. I didn't just leave it sitting on there.
Starting point is 00:49:12 And here you can see the angle where half the bobby pin's leaning off the arm. I mean, it's a magnetic pool. But it's being held there. It's being held there. OK, well, I've removed this bobby pin from my hair. And since you've been around vaccinated people, can I just? Okay.
Starting point is 00:49:26 Well, I haven't been vaccinated, though. So is it going to stick? So you've got no injection site. But maybe the spike protein. All right. Well. Let's see. No, it looks like you're all right.
Starting point is 00:49:38 That's a negative. No, but, like, here's the deal. I tried it on other spots on her, and it was not magnetic. But here's the deal. I tried it on other spots on her and it was not magnetic. So but here's the deal. Let's run those articles because every article, every mainstream media source is showing me. I want to show you these headlines are telling me that what I'm seeing is not real. I don't know why there is. I don't know exactly why the arm is magnetic. I just know it is. And every media outlet is telling me that it is not, that this has been debunked. It's been telling, they've been telling me that this is all a lie.
Starting point is 00:50:13 Every video that I saw was a hoax when I saw it myself. And I will not allow them to tell me that what I saw was not real because I know it was real. So whatever explanation they have to eventually come up with, whether it's crap or not, whether it's really a microchip or if it's high concentrations of metals, even aluminum is not. Nanobots. You're being, the word is gaslit, isn't it? Yes. You're being told that the evidence, the direct evidence of your senses is not real. Right. This I think is relevant, isn't it, to what we were talking about,
Starting point is 00:50:47 them trying to kind of like see what you're into, get an insight into your thinking and your brains. And it's almost like they want to see inside your soul, right? And then at the same time tell you that what you think that you're seeing and what you think that you believe is not real and not true. I mean, this is like deep, deep,
Starting point is 00:51:03 infernal spiritual level stuff, isn't it? Yes. Doc, you've seen a lot of stuff like this happen. Watch the government do all kinds of terrible things. How do people protect themselves spiritually from the effects of this gaslighting? You know, people in positions of authority telling you that the direct evidence of your senses isn't real. Well, Jesus said, I'm the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes with a father but by me. Truth isn't a concept, it's a person. And so we have to have that relationship with Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ leads us in the truth. And when you know real truth,
Starting point is 00:51:42 you stand up to the gaslighting. Because when you have the direct evidence, like Lauren's video here, I mean, I've seen, when I first started seeing the magnet videos of the magnetized injection sites, I was like, oh, come on. So I saw a bunch of these. So here's someone I know who actually did it themselves, and you see the evidence of it. And yet the government is saying, no, you're not seeing evidence. Yeah, and that's what the lefties automatically, I started seeing, like after I posted the video,
Starting point is 00:52:18 it was like, oh, you used adhesive. This is obviously a hoax. Well, no, I didn't. So I think everybody agrees that it's very bizarre how it's sticking. So they were trying to gaslight me into thinking, you know, that what I saw wasn't real. Did you feel like a sort of magnetic pull? Yes. Well, when I, so when I held it on her arm, let me use you as an example, like the bobby pin was one way, but it flipped the other way to get to the magnetic side. So it was strong
Starting point is 00:52:43 enough, but it was strong enough to hold it to where it was hanging off to a degree of the arm. So it wasn't like you had it like I stuck it in. I think what I'd like to see in addition to this out there is what I really want to see is somebody holding like a needle or a pin on a thread near the arm. See if it pulls toward it. Yeah. That would be interesting to see.
Starting point is 00:53:04 That's the bit. That's why you should have had a man in the room. See if it pulls toward it. Yeah. That would be interesting to see. That's the bit, that's why you should have had a man in the room. It's true. If I'd been there, What was I thinking? If I'd been there, I would have come up
Starting point is 00:53:13 with a better solution. But I think the moment you see that, then that's the smoking gun, isn't it? That's the, all right, fine. We've got to admit this too.
Starting point is 00:53:23 We've got to admit masks don't work. We've got to admit leaky proteins, leaky vaccines, you can still catch it and you can still spread it. We've got to admit this. All the stuff we learned from the Fauci emails, that enormous pile of stuff you read. That's the one I want. But I'm interested in what excuse they're going to use because they're going to have to come up with one eventually. Because people are trying this and it's true.
Starting point is 00:53:43 They're going to say, oh, this chemical compound can mimic some metallic things. And near the injection site, there's always a concentration of a vaccine component. So you may have experienced this. Unless it's transmitting a signal. Antennas. It could be antennas. I like the idea of the nanobots. I like the idea of the nanobots.
Starting point is 00:54:02 I had to. I have never and I have never taken and will never take the COVID vaccine. I do think the other vaccines that have been tested over decades, by and large, are fine, mostly. But all these COVID vaccines, these companies that were inoculated legally, they were themselves vaccinated against the legal ramifications of rushing this stuff out to market, which normally takes a decade of trials or whatever, right? Which is your first clue. I would like to see evidence of exactly what's in all the tests that they're doing as well. It's not just the vaccines, it's the tests too. So I did get a test for COVID, I have to confess,
Starting point is 00:54:43 although I would never do a vaccine because I was between houses and a test for COVID, I have to confess, although I would never do a vaccine because I was between houses and a friend offered to, you know, for me to stay with her and she happens to live in Hawaii. So I thought, well, could be worse. So I cashed in some airline miles and I thought, well, it's free two weeks in Hawaii while I'm between apartments, why not, you know?
Starting point is 00:55:00 Sounds like a nice way to spend two weeks. And Hawaii is a marriage of that very obedient Asian culture. They just follow the rules that are handed down, plus very far left American political kind of whatever. Pretty much described Hawaii. Yeah. These two things come together and it is like COVID hysteria hell. Do you know that menus in restaurants are illegal in Hawaii? They passed a law ban that menus in restaurants are illegal in Hawaii? They passed a law banning menus
Starting point is 00:55:26 in restaurants. Every restaurant now has one of those stupid QR codes, that thing that never really caught on. Yeah, that thing that never really caught on, you know? I hate that thing. What is it about a laminated piece of plastic that's so dangerous and the knife and fork that you're going to
Starting point is 00:55:41 briefly rinse before you give it to the next customer? For a while there there they were doing paper menus. What? And every time someone new came in they were doing, you know, putting another piece of paper down. Isn't that better? Yeah. Isn't that better? Just like, okay fine, so it's not some fancy leather thing on cardstock with a nice font. They just printed it and they'll chuck it away afterwards. I mean, okay fair enough.
Starting point is 00:56:03 But it's madness. It's madness. So anyway, Hawaii is very... Yeah, so I had to have. They're very obedient. She just did that thing you did a few days ago. Like, could you get back on topic, please? Well, I was interested in the story.
Starting point is 00:56:16 I go off on dates. I just need to know. If we get to the stage, just to say, where you two start aggressively ganging up on me, there will be consequences. Now, there won't mean what are you gonna do yeah nothing nothing nothing but i had to put this um thing up my nose the little the white stuff and uh uh praise jesus they didn't do it themselves so it wasn't have you seen those have you seen those diagrams on the internet where they shove it all the way to the brain? With the head back and it's like into your brain.
Starting point is 00:56:46 I'm just not doing it. I'll just rock up at a courtyard by Marriott and ask them for a discount. But no, I was able to do it myself. And she said, you don't actually have to push it in very far. Just get a bit of the mucus. So I did this. And my nose felt raw for like five hours. I don't know if you've ever like blown your nose to the point of where inside it feels like you've taken all the
Starting point is 00:57:13 mucus off it and it's just raw. There's like no coating, no protective coating of, sorry to say this on an afternoon show, but there's that sort of slimy protective coating inside your nose and various other bits of your body, you know, that's supposed to protect the permeable membrane from foreign bodies. That's what it's there for. When you blow your nose, you're just producing a little bit too much of what's supposed to be there to protect the lining inside your nose. But it felt raw. Right.
Starting point is 00:57:38 You know why. You're not supposed to stick things up your nose. That's why. Well, yeah, there is that. But also, I just kept reading those stories about those little, there was the patent issued that would put little metal spiky things inside these white medicinal looking whatnots. And it's a vaccine delivery mechanism for people who don't want to take the vaccine. So all you just tell them is we're testing you.
Starting point is 00:58:02 And in fact, it's like a spear tip with one of the poison frog arrow things. I'd like to know what changed in medical practice over the past 40, 50 years, because never before in the past have you ever had to go, if you had the flu, have you ever had to go and have them stick a one foot stick up your nose to find out? You would simply, you would, think about this. I mean, literally think about this. If it's up in your nose and in your sinus cavity, what would you do?
Starting point is 00:58:37 In the past, the doctor or the nurse would have you blow your nose. They would use that as the sample. Why? Because you're pushing whatever is in your nasal cavity out. Right, but they want to put something in you. Because they want to have you submit to them. Yes. And it's a humiliation ritual too. Nobody wants a foot long Q-tip in their brain.
Starting point is 00:58:57 And if that doesn't work, they'll do it on the other end in China. Exactly. I was just about to say, talk about humiliation rituals. You've got Americans dutifully submitting to some, what can only, I mean, I bet the Chinese aren't doing that to each other. They're just doing it to Western tourists. Yeah, they just sit in Biden's diplomats. Which is kind of great. White's less.
Starting point is 00:59:13 Yeah, no, no, no, but for real. And what's a more perfect humiliation ritual than getting Americans to bend over and simulate what, you know, anyway, should not be done. So, we believe you. I believe you. Well, it made me really mad. But I want to see that, I want to see the pin being drawn toward the injection site. Well, maybe one of our viewers or listeners will do that test.
Starting point is 00:59:39 Yeah, if you're watching this and you have someone vaccinated, if you can, you know, once you've got your hazmat suit on, go near, go, go, go, go near. Once you've got your full, you know, three tiered protection, go near them with a with a pin or something very fine and thin or it won't work on a thread. And just just put it next to the injection site and see if it goes because that will persuade me forever. I believe you. What was the worst thing that was said to or about you when you posted that video? Oh, well, they called me a crazy conspiracy theorist liar who put glue on my grandmother. You're like Pritt Stick. Yeah, like, all right, Meemaw, here we go.
Starting point is 01:00:20 All right, Meemaw. What are you doing, honey? I love it. Nothing, Grandma. I'm just putting some glue on you just a second. Okay. Well, I'm sure she's probably watching this today. So surprise, Grandma.
Starting point is 01:00:33 You're a star now. I love you. I'm kind of interested. What did your grandmother think about that? She was just kind of like, oh, okay. Like, I mean, she didn't, they didn't know. Like, we did, they, because, you know, I'm a little, I talk to them about everything that's going on. They're like, okay, honey, sounds good.
Starting point is 01:00:49 Well, I asked them, I was like, hey, so I want to try an experiment on you. Let me try this, because I'm sitting there watching these videos. I'm like, okay, I got to know. You're sitting there telling them how the CIA created the crack epidemic. Yes. Probably true, but nonetheless. You know what? And then they're just like they're just okay honey sounds good
Starting point is 01:01:06 they're probably secret democrats they just can't bring themselves well my grandfather was like a vietnam war spy so like i always ask him like what happened really is going on at area 51 they're just like oh if we tell you yeah he does but he won't tell me he's like if i if i tell you i'd have to kill you so yeah but i. But what a way to go, huh? But anyway, so I posted it. Yeah, cough it up right now, old man. I'm like, listen, I need to know. By the way, if you're willing to do the string and needle experiment and send us a video, you can.
Starting point is 01:01:39 Our email address is on the screen there, info at So if you know someone that has been vaccinated and they're willing to let you do the string and needle experiment, I haven't seen anyone doing that. That's a great idea. And if you put a powerful electromagnet the other side of their arm, we'll know, okay? So do it honestly. Show us all around like it was a magic trick on stage, and then I will be fully paid up into this I mean I am anyway because I believe everything you tell me but I think that that will be the most persuasive to others if we can disseminate that I think that would be conclusive evidence yes that there's there's something that is in there that shouldn't be in there by the way I saw a video of somebody an American mother calling her local pharmacy and asking what the ingredients of the vaccine were.
Starting point is 01:02:25 And the pharmacist said, we don't know. On the box, it says, space intentionally left blank under where the ingredients should be. Oh, yeah. Yeah, it's true. I mean, I have to just caution viewers. I didn't look into this for verification. I saw that, too. But she seemed quite sincere about it.
Starting point is 01:02:45 So let's, I mean, maybe we quite sincere about it. So let's, I mean, maybe we'll revisit this. Does anybody really know what's in it? I was told there was Caucasian baby lungs in it, like all this stuff that nobody knows for sure
Starting point is 01:02:52 because they don't disclose anything. That sounds like the kind of thing that you would say. It's true. I certainly believe that there are
Starting point is 01:02:58 cell lines from, you know, from fetuses and whatnot. I mean, Dr. Fauci himself funded University of Pittsburgh experiments which took scalps from infants and grafted them onto rodents to see if they would still continue to grow and so
Starting point is 01:03:16 forth. So a great friend of mine, David Daleiden, the undercover video guy who's stung Planned Parenthood so many times and is responsible for the truth that we now know about them illegally selling baby parts. Right. And they're losing all those court cases by the way. They're either dropping the cases or whatever. He of course was persecuted viciously and relentlessly by the then Attorney General of California, one Kamala Harris. Anyway, that all seems to be very slowly and very expensively resolving itself
Starting point is 01:03:44 in the right direction. But he broke that story a couple of weeks ago. Really, you know what they're trying to do now? When you see a bunch of heartbeat bills going through that, you know, you can't abort your baby after they detect a heartbeat. Did you say harpy bills? The heartbeat bills. Oh, I thought you said harpy bills. I thought you were describing the people who were pushing them.
Starting point is 01:04:03 Harpy bills. Harpies. No, heartbeat bills. Termagants. Termagant legislation. Heartbeat bills. Well, now they're desperately trying to scramble and find ways to try to prove that, oh, no, we need late-term abortions because we need it for this, this, this, and this science experiment.
Starting point is 01:04:16 So you need to let that baby grow as long as possible in the mother's womb before you abort it. So that's what that also is with that baby scalp thing. They're desperately trying to find reasons to get rid of these heartbeat pills. Oh, you can't get rid of heartbeat pill because we need these babies at full term before we abort them. So it's like so evil.
Starting point is 01:04:35 It's just absolutely evil. But I remember the Planned Parenthood story and where Kamala Harris actually persecuted the journalist when he- Saved it, yeah. Yeah, that was him. Wow. Yeah, we interviewed David just shortly after that attack and still one of the more dramatic interviews that we've done here on True News.
Starting point is 01:04:54 He's a good pal. He was staying with me, staying at my place a couple weeks ago. He's a good guy. Yeah, shocking and horrendous. Well, it's time to switch it up to something a bit more light-hearted and give you some good news, ladies and gentlemen. And the good news is in the context of a segment that has just been so popular, and we're so gratified because we were, you know, we try to sort of invent things that people are going to look forward to and get a kick out of. I'm, of course, speaking about why isn't it on fire?
Starting point is 01:05:24 Why isn't it on fire? It's a on fire? There's massively popular segment people absolutely seem to love it. We were seeing it pop up online Aren't you? Aren't you? Yeah. Well good news. It's taking off. It's becoming a thing and I'm so glad it's Love it. And every time I see things now, I'm like, why isn't that on fire? Why isn't that on fire? Why isn't that on fire? Lovely, lovely to see comments underneath examples of liberal absurdity on the Internet. Just random people I've never heard of that are not in my chat rooms or necessarily true news viewers, but they're commenting, why isn't this on fire? It's very good.
Starting point is 01:05:55 Much needed during Pride Month. Much needed during Pride Month, which is the subject of our next segment. Now, look, we're not going to harp on about the homosexuals today. I don't want to... That's tomorrow. That's tomorrow, ladies and gentlemen. Except to say that wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful news. It's working. It's working.
Starting point is 01:06:18 Not only is the segment, Why Isn't It On Fire, popular, but it's also effective. Almighty God has heard us. In Waterford City in Ireland, pride flags are being snatched down and burned. Now, of course, as we must remind our Christian viewers, we encourage you to pursue your activism with grace and humility, peacefulness, and in a law-abiding fashion. But the Lord seems to be working. Yes, he's already doing the work. God's doing a good job, along with, you know, some kind of emissary on earth who we hope evades detection.
Starting point is 01:06:56 Pride flags in Waterford City are no longer flying this morning because they have been torn down and set ablaze. How sad. How sad. That's tragic. How tragic. Absolutely tragic. Someone during the night came and took the flags down. Well, we can't say for sure.
Starting point is 01:07:14 It could have been the Lord smiting the sodomite standards. If you see those flags there, I mean, this is in Ireland here, but every U.S. embassy in the world right now, every single U.S. embassy in the world has a pride flag flying in the breeze. It's just embarrassing. They've managed to make even Russians
Starting point is 01:07:36 laugh heartily at us. Oh, gosh. I don't know why I say even Russians. Russians are awesome. But anyway, even countries that are traditionally our foes and who regard us with a sort of healthy mutual respect. Right. Post-Cold War, that's what I really meant.
Starting point is 01:07:54 Anyway, why is it on fire? Well, naturally, we have to follow our theme. And here's a video of the unveiling of Miami Police Department's latest vehicle. Here it is. Yes, best forced meme in history. That's not the only example, though. We have some other images of police vehicles. Do we? Yes. I've got a few others.
Starting point is 01:08:44 I think if Control could pull those up. So there? Yes. Oh, dear. I've got a few others. I think if control could pull those up. So there's New York Police Department here. Obviously. What does that say on the side? Pride, equality, and peace. Pep.
Starting point is 01:08:54 Pep. Pep. You need Pep. Police putting a bit of Pep in their step. Well, not by the usual standards of the NYPD, those obese, lazy oafs.
Starting point is 01:09:02 Have you seen the state of the average New York police officer? Well, Milo, we'll get emails about that now. Look, okay, well, it's fine. By all means, write in, because I have to tell you that although I bow to nobody
Starting point is 01:09:14 in my appreciation and affection and love for the humble local sheriff and his deputies, I have to say that these militarized police forces, like the NYPD, although they contain thousands of decent men, courageous and decent individual police officers, the forces themselves are no longer your friend. If you are a Republican, a Christian, a conservative, if you are protesting on the side of good,
Starting point is 01:09:40 true and beautiful things, these militarized, organized law enforcement agencies are not your friend. They will stand by and watch Antifa attack patriots and then haul Republican voters, and we're watching it happen. And they do it in concert with the three-letter agencies. It's the NYPD's resources that are used when there's a scuffle in New York and the FBI wants to round up patriots and let Antifa supporters off the hook. So, of course, I understand that these police forces are full of good, decent, noble human beings who are doing a difficult job in almost impossible circumstances. Of course, I understand that. But as a whole, these organizations are not on your side.
Starting point is 01:10:20 It's their unions too. Their unions are telling them not to attack or not to protect people from Antifa or BLM or to stop them because they'll have another Derek Schroven. Like everybody in the nation saw what happened to Derek Schroven. It's like that could be me. So why would they risk their lives? You've got the unions and you've got the fraternities. Oh, is it the fraternities that are cool? Yeah. And so the unions, you know, they're part of the issue too, but they're operating separately from the unions.
Starting point is 01:10:49 You have the fraternal order of police or fraternal order of law enforcement officers. I see. Which are, you know, now I'll get hit today. They sound a bit Freemasons if you don't know what you're saying. They're just extensions of Freemasonry. There we go. I was going to say, well, look, if it calls itself a fraternal union. Fraternal, yeah. They're just extensions of Freemasonry. I was going to say, well, look, if it calls itself a fraternal union. And in Freemasonry, the distinction between male and female, there is no distinction. They're just the individual.
Starting point is 01:11:13 And so even though for centuries Freemasons wouldn't allow women in, now they do. And so it's, but I won't dwell on the Freemasonry, but there are forces that are at work outside of the police structure itself. And like you said, Milo, for every good, decent, hardworking, law abiding, citizen loving police officer and sheriff's deputy out there. You've got five female police chiefs. You've got five female police chiefs. You should stand down orders. I feel for the decent police officer that's out there and having to make some very, very difficult decisions, but also say to you, stand up, please. Stand up to the union.
Starting point is 01:11:58 Stand up to the fraternity. Stand up. I know your job's on the line. Our lives are on the line. My advice is a bit different to them. I know your job's on the line. Well, my advice. Our lives are on the line. Right. My advice is a bit different to them. I think they should quit. I don't. I think if you are. That might be a choice they have to make.
Starting point is 01:12:12 I think if you are a law-abiding, God-fearing American patriot, I think you have to quit the force. But I guess the thinking of some would be if they left, then hasn't the other side won? The party won? The 41. I understand, Miles. I mean, these cities, look, in American cities. Yeah, our new, that new woke army is not going to spare us. No. They'll come for all of us.
Starting point is 01:12:36 Look, and I have to tell you, as much as, you know, I have great admiration for individual police officers, these guys in general, en masse, are not risking their own pensions to protect patriots. Whereas if you see the typical behaviors of local sheriffs, they are so much more courageous in standing up to federal mandates that are unconstitutional and ridiculous, standing up to governors, standing up to mayors. Everyone you see on TV who is a law enforcement officer and you're secretly thinking to yourself, it's always a sheriff.
Starting point is 01:13:11 It's always a sheriff. It's not these militarized police forces. So I have to say, if you're an NYPD officer, just leave. They don't want you anyway. That's true. Honestly, they don't want you. The people you're policing are ungrateful wretches Who would just as soon see you dead as fired?
Starting point is 01:13:28 Just go just go because the only way to fix police the police force in America is to push them into a serious Crisis where even Democrat politicians have to admit that the police have to be reformed in a direction much more In line with you know, well, I personally think racial profiling is perfectly sensible, but in general more in line with stop and frisk, discipline, enforcing the law. The police in this country... Consequences for your actions. Exactly. The police in this country do not enforce the law. So what are they there for?
Starting point is 01:14:02 If you're just there to get publicly crucified like Derek Chauvin because you've had the temerity to arrest somebody who is a three-time violent felon who points guns at pregnant women's stomachs and buys bananas in convenience stores with fake $20 notes, why are you in the police force? Just go. Just apply to be a deputy or go do something else. Make them hurt. Make them bleed. Because the people who do leave, the people with conscience and the people with good hearts and honorable, they're also the best police officers.
Starting point is 01:14:36 They're the ones who do the job well. Just leave. Please quit. It's a difficult decision for them to make. Please quit. Listen. If you're watching this and you're a police officer, and I'm sure there are some retired police officers and some active ones, your pension is not worth your immortal soul.
Starting point is 01:14:54 It's not worth it. I know that you have concerns about your family's financial security and safety, but it is not worth risking what happens to you in the next life to enforce the dictates and mandates of demons in this one. Don't do it. That's such a good point. Anyway, I said we were going to be happy. So let's get back to happy news. And that is this segment has been so popular with viewers that we're going to develop and enlarge it. And so it's not just on occasion. It won't be. Why is it on fire? It'll be, why isn't it on fire more? And for this, I'd like to turn your attention to a story. More than 50 firefighters were called
Starting point is 01:15:31 to a fire at the Amazon Fulfillment Center in Southwest Fresno. This is a brand new built facility. Isn't that sad? So why isn't it on fire? Well, it is on fire. It is on fire. The question is why is it on fire more? Why is it on fire more? Sadly, sadly, this, I mean of course there were no casualties which is why we can joke about it. Sadly, the facility is still standing. Amazon's fulfillment center was saved from the blaze by brave firefighters. Can you guess what started the fire? A disgruntled employee. Oh, if only.
Starting point is 01:16:06 Who had to pee in a water bottle while on the line working because they won't allow him to. Is that true? Oh yeah, they do that. They are so terrible to their employees. Yeah, awful, awful, awful. Have you seen those wellness spaces that are like tiny little cubicles? Like a broom closet. Not even, not even. There's a photo, I'm going to show you tomorrow, little Marco Rubio who does his live streams from a tiny little hobbit house
Starting point is 01:16:33 with the walls like, you know... I was just imagining that right now. No, no, the walls are like, you know, his cheeks are like three inches from the walls either side. I don't even know where you buy a house like that. But there's a similar kind of dimensioned structure inside some of these Amazon fulfillment centers called like a wellness space or whatever. And you go in there and you just think, I feel so claustrophobic in there. I'd be more stressed than when I was outside.
Starting point is 01:16:59 No, I'm afraid the reason that it caught fire is even funnier than that. 20 solar panels from the roof caught fire. Stupid, useless, woke nonsense. Solar panels do not work. If you covered the entire roof of your intergalactic-sized Los Verdes mansion with solar panels, they would only pay for themselves in about 490 years. So just grow up.
Starting point is 01:17:27 Yeah, so apparently the solar panels caught fire. Ah, that's ironic. How ironic, yes. Yes, indeed. How ironic. Oh, terrible. More tragedy. All I can think is, why isn't it on fire more? All right, we're going to return to another story. I don't have them to brandish because, of course, I destroyed them on set. But Pit Viper.
Starting point is 01:17:47 Pit Viper. Favorite sunglasses of Appalachia. Trump supporting Appalachia. Well, we covered how Pit Viper was screwing and dumping on its own customers. We're calling them racists, calling them fascists, calling them you-know-what. And I thought to myself after that segment, which was very well received, I thought, well, we said what,
Starting point is 01:18:14 but we didn't explain why. What could it be about? So I asked some friends of mine who are good bloodhounds, some historian friends and some researchers, and I had a look around too. Can you guess, either of you, in fact, Doc, I'm gonna throw it to you. Can you guess what might have made
Starting point is 01:18:33 the co-founder of this brand, who previously had what looked like a relatively normal career, who started this brand with spectacles that were supposed to imitate military gear, right? That's how kind of cool and base they were originally. What could it possibly have been? How could an otherwise normal man have been turned into a simpering wreck?
Starting point is 01:18:56 Any idea? What in his life could have done that to him? I would have assumed, first of all, that he just simply gave in to all the corporate pressure from all these other companies that were like... You might imagine that. That's definitely part of it. assumed, first of all, that he just simply gave in to all the corporate pressure from all these other companies that were like... You might imagine that. That's definitely part of it. Any other ideas?
Starting point is 01:19:11 I don't know. Could it be something personal, maybe? Yep. Could it be his wife? His wife. Many such cases. Many such cases. Many such. His name is Chris Garson, and he has an utterly odious wife. She is pregnant and vaccinated and proud of the fact.
Starting point is 01:19:33 Can you even imagine? Can you even imagine? Here she is at her Stepford-style baby shower. Oh. I always wonder about. I don't see a lot of diversity there. Do you know what? I didn't notice that earlier. You're right. You're right.
Starting point is 01:19:47 For this woke woman who has destroyed her husband's company, permanently impoverishing herself, self-sabotaging like liberals always do, here's a photo of her baby shower. I can't see a single person of color, can you? Well, you gotta look really hard, but back on the back row, I guess there's an Asian lady. Oh, you're right. You're right. But you see, they're all right. They're not dangerous to be around, like blacks and Hispanics, according to this guy's wife.
Starting point is 01:20:17 Apparently, by her choice of friends. Right. Anyway, this terrible, ghastly, revolting woman seems from what bloodhound work we can do to be the reason for her husband's collapse into pandering and nonsense. Because she is, look, I've got to share this with you. That's the photo, but there's a caption under the photo that I've got to find for you, which is just so upsetting and revolting. I noticed that one of the ladies on the front row happens to be wearing pit vipers, too. I don't know if you saw that or not. Yes. The lady front row, second from the right.
Starting point is 01:20:57 Oh, she does have pit vipers on her. By the way, you know, it's none of these. Oh, she is. That's the first example in history of a Democrat wearing pit vipers. Yeah. How remarkable. You also notice none of them are social distancing, of course Right well that I'm going to tell you why okay because here's the caption to that photo Baby boy got lots of love last weekend and we were so excited to celebrate with family and friends in person Hashtag 32 weeks pregnant and then wait for it hashtag vaxxed and relaxed.
Starting point is 01:21:28 Vaxxed and relaxed. How do you feel about that, Lauren? Are you going to be rushing to get vaccinated when you're eventually knocked up? Yeah, absolutely not. Within the bounds of wedlock and whatnot. You couldn't pay me a million dollars to get that vaccine, especially when she's pregnant.
Starting point is 01:21:41 I couldn't pay you a million dollars. Not anymore. I could have in 2017. Not only is she a manipulative Jezebel when she's pregnant. I couldn't pay her a million dollars. Not anymore. I could have in 2017. Not only is she a manipulative Jezebel, she's a fool. It's right there. I wish you would open up. I thought I was going in, but of course,
Starting point is 01:21:56 if you want to say something truly terrible about a woman, just ask another woman. Because you know the guy, the dad, or the owner, the owner of Pit Vipers wasn't sitting there thinking, oh my gosh, I have to do something about all these young kids wearing my pit vipers. No, it was the woman on, you know, looking at social media, Instagram, going, you have to say something about these white supremacist, nationalist spirits. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:22:18 It was all her. That's what happened. She is completely responsible for ruining her husband. It wasn't his idea. 100%. It wasn't his. Well, it's his fault, though, because he was weak enough. He goes home every day and is nagged and scolded because the customers of his company don't have the politics that she likes.
Starting point is 01:22:37 It's a shame she's not wearing a pantsuit. It would have covered up more of her. No, I just, look, it just, actually, there is a serious point to this, which is, it's revolting to me that a woman who is in the process of doing the most beautiful, perfect, magical thing that a human being can do, bring another life into this world, is so lost in politics that she's putting her baby's life in danger by taking these untested vaccines. And presumably, all those other women did the same thing, which is why they're comfortable being shoulder to shoulder.
Starting point is 01:23:10 And hashtagging it. And hashtagging it. Look, have you ever been more sickened and at the same time saddened than reading the hashtag vaxxed and relaxed? Because if you are vaxxed, the last thing you should be is relaxed. It's so true. Just saying. With all the reports, yes, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:23:32 Exactly. You should be watching your back. It's the vaxxed wife who we know is an anti-racist from the lack of black friends she has. Because isn't that always how it goes? Well, in our continuing mission to help protect the brand integrity black friends she has, because isn't that always how it goes? Well, in our continuing mission to help protect the brand integrity of Pit Viper, let me just remind you, Pit Vipers are in no way
Starting point is 01:23:50 the exclusive preserve of racists. Okay. Sad, isn't it? Sad. It's many such cases, though. It's always the woman. She's like, you know, it's always the woman. She's in his ear. Yap, yap, yap.
Starting point is 01:24:03 You have to handle this. And there he goes and burns his whole corporation to the ground. Only a woman could say that. I can say that because it's true. All I can do is sit here mildly panicked and say, I agree. Exactly. I'm not wrong. Okay, fine.
Starting point is 01:24:17 Well, look, I would like you to take the lead on something, a happy story that has turned miserable because the Pit Viper story started off frustrating and saddening, but has become funny since we've realized why this useless nerd who's given into all of his wife's dick tats. And by the way, she's like much hotter and much better put together than he is. So I think we all know what's going on. Yeah, we all know. Money changes things. So true. One other story that we covered late last week started happy but has become more sad. And to introduce that, I'm going to play a video that we played last week. And then I want you to explain what's, if you like, gone wrong about this story.
Starting point is 01:25:06 You might remember last week we treated you to a musical extravaganza. Here's an example of the highest and most wonderful and perfect, mysterious, glorious musical talent for which the left is so rightly known. Here it is. Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Resistant Fauci, yes, promise us please. We'll have a cure that can fight off this disease. Restrictions we'll lift with some ease. Dr. Fauci, don't forget me. Thank you. Thank you very much. We all thought it was funny. We all had a good laugh about it. Yeah, it was funny. But actually it turns out it's not funny. Yeah, so what we found out was that this boy is severely autistic.
Starting point is 01:26:18 And we've seen this happen with the left so many times where they take vulnerable people and exploit them. We saw this with Greta Thunberg and they did the same thing with this young man. If you watched during the video, his legs were shaking. After I saw it the second time after we had found that out, we were like, oh my gosh, we didn't know. You know what I'm saying? Like these people, who would be so evil to exploit a young boy with learning disabilities or social anxiety disorders and they take
Starting point is 01:26:45 them and they exploit them and to be the laughingstock of the world you know like that's the point isn't has the whole thing that's the point this wasn't about it was obvious this was gonna go viral because he's a weirdo at least that's what you think before you realize that he has something else going on right you just think what a nerd but there's actually something going on there with him. Something tragic. Yes. And he's been put up by his parents to become an object of global ridicule. Yes. It's bad enough that he would merely be up at the rally or whatever awful, you know, black mass they were at
Starting point is 01:27:20 for COVID. I like that term. Yeah. were at for COVID. Oh, I like that term. Yeah, it's good. Black mass, whatever, you know, terrible thing, whatever infernal congregation he was singing in front of. But what's really sick is that they've presented him as an object of global ridicule. Yeah, they knew the laughingstock and, you know because it was funny the video was funny But when you find out the details behind it and you're like who could do something like that who would put a young kid Who's obviously I don't know he's probably like 14 15 Maybe severely autistic and put him up there to be laughed at by everybody
Starting point is 01:28:00 Normal like in the world would find that funny and they that would happen, and they've done the same thing. It's a tactic of the left to use people who aren't of sound mind for their own benefit and their own agenda. And the left gets a pass on it. Oh, they get a pass if we did something like that. But yeah, but like, here's the thing. Remember when they extrapolated Donald Trump's
Starting point is 01:28:19 motions at the rally that time? He was making fun of a reporter. Because he has a habit of doing this when he just means that someone's being stupid. Right. So the right, I mean, if the right does anything even remotely
Starting point is 01:28:35 similar, they get run up and down the rail. The left? No one cares. That's just the way we do things over here in Leftville. It's a violation. We wouldn't do something like that. That's the difference between us and them.
Starting point is 01:28:49 We have more integrity. We don't use children. They're all about using children. Isn't it compassion, though? It's not just integrity, but it's also just basic human compassion. This is a violation of this young man. Right. It's a violation.
Starting point is 01:29:00 Yeah. And now he's never going to live that down. I mean, he has to live with that video because it's not going to go away. I still laughed at it and I still feel bad at laughing at it. And I'm going to have the same relationship with this video until the day I die. It's funny. And then I get a wave of don't do that, you know, and that's that's a horrible position to be put in. But nothing compared to what the position he's been put in. Right. We're coming towards the end. And I wanted to talk briefly about a subject that I'd like to talk about a lot. Well, I've been talking about for years and we'll talk about more on this program later.
Starting point is 01:29:29 And that's it was inspired by three remarks and headlines that I saw recently that are apparently contradictory. So I want to just read the three of them for you. And it's, you know, it's sort of follows on from the subject of young boys with learning difficulties. First of all, here's a remark that I saw, and it's about a killer in Montreal. And it says, 30 years ago, a man walked into a university in Montreal and murdered 14 women in what he called a fight against feminism. He entered a classroom and told the male students to leave so he could kill the women. Instead of teaming up and fighting the shooter, all of the men left. This appears to demonstrate that men for the last couple of generations in America have been unchivalrous cowards who will throw women to the wolves
Starting point is 01:30:21 because they have no appreciation for, let's say, traditional virtues, values. If you like, these are the model male feminists, right? Given the opportunity to leave, they'll do a runner. This is classic sort of male feminist behavior. Now here's the next one. And there's going to be a point to this. These are sentiments that I've seen expressed a lot recently. And that post has been re-shared a lot recently,
Starting point is 01:30:43 I think, because it's chimed with people. So let me get through the three of them, and then I'll tell you where I'm going with all this. So the next one, here's another still. And this one says, this is about liberal anxiety about young male and anti-feminist, the Gen Z boys who hate women. This, I believe, is from Vice. This is anxiety from liberals about the fact that so many members of Gen Z boys who hate women. This, I believe, is from Vice. This is anxiety from liberals about the fact that so many members of Gen Z, the Zoomers, the young guys who love Nick Frentz. Our favorite people. Our favorite people.
Starting point is 01:31:13 We love them. Well, the two people who are going to save Western civilization are Karens and Zoomers. Yes. If they could team up somehow, we would save Christendom. Now, this is liberals realizing they can't pretend to ignore the problem anymore, or ignore the problem or pretend it's not there, I mean, acknowledging the truth that Generation Z, born, of course, to millennial female parents. Right.
Starting point is 01:31:38 Millennial female parent. The worst kind. The worst women in the history of human civilization. Millennial females, the absolute worst. What are we going to do with these millennial females? The worst women who have ever lived, right? Well, naturally, these people have grown up, looked at how miserable their mothers are, many of them the product of single motherhood, and now they're all rabidly right-wing,
Starting point is 01:31:58 don't like feminism very much, and are expressing their fondness for conventional family values. So in that still there, Milo, can we put that back up real quick, where it says the Gen Zs that, no, the one before control, the one, yeah, that one, the Gen Z boys who hate women, do they genuinely hate women or do they hate feminism? Well, I'm getting to that. Ah, okay. The point is that this would appear to be... Well, let's do the last one.
Starting point is 01:32:28 Let's do the last one. So the last screenshot, please, which is the final still, the white on black. I was trying to read this with my terrible eyesight. There's a growing group of millennials
Starting point is 01:32:37 and Generation Z people who think that it's based and somewhat rebellious to get married, have kids, and live like their... Can you read this out for me? Their grandfathers. They don't care if they're called racist, misogynistic, have kids, and live like their, can you read this out for me? Their grandfathers.
Starting point is 01:32:45 They don't care if they're called racist, misogynistic, or homophobic. In fact, they consider it a badge of honor to be identified as an enemy by the right people. They've usually embraced some form of Christianity, but are certainly anti-secular. They like tangible things that represent the fruit of their labor and crafts, such as land and furniture.
Starting point is 01:33:04 They're more likely to read classic literature than watch the latest Hollywood production. More of this, please. You love to see it. You do love to see it, but there's a tension here, isn't there? There's some kind of contradiction here. I've seen these sentiments,
Starting point is 01:33:18 these three sentiments expressed very regularly and with increasing frequency and urgency over the last couple of weeks. But they would seem to be in conflict, wouldn't they? On the one hand, you're saying that young boys now are increasingly becoming less chivalrous, less respectful of women. They don't just hate feminists. Now it's blossomed out to all women. They can't stand women in general. And at the same time, people are recognizing that Gen Z is retreating to traditional values, that they're becoming Christian, that they're reading old literature.
Starting point is 01:33:47 You would imagine, would you not, that this would produce some kind of sympathy, respect, admiration, even veneration for the role of women in society and civilization, you would think, right? So how can it be that these two things are both true at once? Because they are. The answer, I think, is that when you remove Christian chivalry, which is the greatest thing to happen, aside from ending racism, the greatest thing to happen to Europe in the Middle Ages, thanks to the rise of Christianity, is the rise of chivalry. Before Christianity, and in countries that don't have Christianity, women are treated as little better
Starting point is 01:34:22 than chattel. They are treated as possessions. They don't often get to give their consent, their assent to marriage, least of all to sex. Women are treated as property, bought and traded with dowries and whatnot. When Christianity arrives in the Middle Ages in Europe, this ends because for the first time ever, women have to say I do as well. They have to say that they want to marry the guy too. And we also, through, of course, in the Middle Ages, Christianity was mainly what we would probably now recognize as somewhere Orthodox Catholic, which placed emphasis on Mary and whatnot. There was a respect and a veneration for the role of the mother, the ordering feminine, who enforces the natural law. Women are great enforcers of things. If the men kind of lay down the mother, the ordering feminine who enforces the natural law.
Starting point is 01:35:05 Women are great enforcers of things. If the men kind of lay down the law, women tend to enforce it, right? We've all seen that, like Mary Whitehouse, the old religious right, the moral majority. It's very often Phyllis Schlafly, perfect example, right? It's so often on the right, women who kind of become the enforcers of the norms that men lay down. We need them to do that because we're not very good at it ourselves because we're off on some flight of fancy.
Starting point is 01:35:33 When you stop teaching young people about the virtues of women, of what women's proper role is in society, and not just the thing that she can do biologically and no one else can do, but the power that women can lend to you politically if you win them over and when feminists are saying we just want to be treated like you yeah they're the same as you actually equal to you. They say we want to be treated the same when they are not indeed equal. What they mean is they want to be treated like men. Be careful what you wish for because if men start judging women according to male criteria women are going to be found somewhat lacking because we have different virtues.
Starting point is 01:36:07 We've got different skills. We aren't equal. Different aptitudes. Well, we're equal but different, let's say, right? Women have different skills and aptitudes based on their different roles, responsibilities, and obligations in a properly ordered society and in the eyes of God, right? Right. We're just different. So when you start to judge women according to male criteria, you discover some interesting quirks of female psychology.
Starting point is 01:36:31 For instance, that women don't really have politics. Women so often fall in line with the politics of their husband when they get married because it's not tremendously important to them what happens in the elections. Women have much bigger, more profound responsibilities in the home, safeguarding the future of the next generation of human beings. They have responsibilities very often in church. They have responsibilities in local communities that are far more important from a woman's point of view than
Starting point is 01:37:00 talking about abstract political concerns and discussing philosophy, right? This is why you so often find women falling in line with their husbands when they get married. And when women are around very charismatic and strong men, they'll fall in line even sometimes with religions. So men will see this, and they will see somebody who is, let's say, of weak character or changes their mind all the time. And judging a woman by male standards will find that person to be intellectually and morally lacking, right?
Starting point is 01:37:27 This betrays a profound understanding of the relationship between men and women and what men and women are here for and here to do with one another. But it's one of the reasons why Generation Z is, although it's retreating to what it believes to be traditional values, has nonetheless been hoodwinked by feminism
Starting point is 01:37:43 into not appreciating what women are, the value and glory and beauty of women. They don't get it because feminism has worked its way into their souls. So what we have now is this generation, we're gonna talk a lot about this in future weeks because we're running a little bit late today, but what has happened to this Generation Z, which thinks of itself
Starting point is 01:38:07 as Christian but doesn't really understand very much about Christianity yet, is that they have this misguided view that women are responsible for the destruction of Western civilization, that women are all degenerate, dirty, whorish slattons who cannot be trusted, who lie, and who are the reason that they can't find a good woman, can't find a wife. What they've forgotten is that it is a man's job to influence how his family behaves. It is a man's job to set out the principles
Starting point is 01:38:42 on which his dynasty, his house will be founded, right? And we'll talk about this later, because we had so much to cover in the show today, but I see a real problem with the America First and Generation Z guys that you and I love, in that they don't treat women with anything like the respect that women deserve, because they've lost the sense, they've lost a grasp of Christian
Starting point is 01:39:06 chivalry. They've lost a sense of the proper roles of men and women. And they've believed some of the lies of feminism, or at least internalized them to the point where they now in fact do treat women like they treat men. It's very sad and it is, to my mind, one of the three biggest things that is imperiling Western civilization is this wonderful renaissance of traditional values, this yearning for metaphysical truth in Christianity. They want it.
Starting point is 01:39:37 They want it, but they don't yet know enough about it to have some of their social attitudes catch up because generations and generations and generations of feminists have persuaded them to analyze women as though they were men with breasts, right? And so we're going to talk about this a lot later, but I happen to agree with people who say that all of the America First leaders are kind of repugnant to women. Women just don't really like them at all. And every woman, every, I know that you don't agree with this, but most of the women I speak to.
Starting point is 01:40:10 Well, it's also ideology. Like it's like our ideology too, because you have to think a lot of women their age, your young girls, their age have just been indoctrinated into believing that the only way that you can get ahead is if you become a corporate slave, you know, working at OnlyFans. But, you know, I get it. Like there's some kind of they're mad. You know, they don't like that. But if you're like a normal person, they treat you like a normal person. I love them.
Starting point is 01:40:34 I personally love them. So I'll defend them to death. I'm also biased because I think this new Gen Z generation that's growing up is going to be the most righteous powerful generation that's going to be rising up. That's assuming that if they embrace the values that value women that can that's not going to come from a secular society that's not going to come from it has to come from God. They talk a lot about being Christian but I've never seen any of them go to church well and I think it's because they know they know that it's real and they know what they should do, but they're not doing it yet. And if they were doing it, they would realize that the way they talk about women.
Starting point is 01:41:11 I mean, look, they might be the most righteous generation ever, but they'll be the last generation if they don't marry and have kids. And that's where they all are right now. Right. And they've got to pass those values on as well. I put a big part of the fault at the foot of the church in America. Yes. Because for a generation, we have failed to teach men and women their roles in society. Very true. In Christian society.
Starting point is 01:41:35 Jesus Christ valued women highly. Look at all the women he had around him. Surrounded by them. Constantly. They were financing his ministry. Both blemished and fallen as well. Surrounded by them. Constantly. They were financing his ministry. Both blemished and fallen as well. Jesus radically transformed religious thought with the way that he treated women,
Starting point is 01:41:59 the way that he dealt with women, the way he promoted women. He was the example. And then in the book of Ephesians, it tells us, it tells what the roles of men and women should be, that husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church. That's a pretty big injunction and a demanding injunction. So if you're watching this and you are one of the younger viewers who, look, and I'm as guilty of this as anybody, I suppose, because until recently, I didn't really have skin in the game between, you know, male-female relations. But I would just caution you as follows.
Starting point is 01:42:30 If you really believe the things you say you believe, look more deeply into what the church has to say about the proper relations between men and women, because otherwise you're going to find that the only people with families and the only people breeding are liberals. I think that's all we've got time for today. So I want to hand over to Don to close. And that's about it. I appreciate it. And once again, guys, thank you so much for filling in for Rick and Edward today.
Starting point is 01:42:56 And, hey, we want to remind you this past weekend up in Pensacola, Florida, there was the reunion of the USS Liberty vets. And, of course, last year we produced the documentary Sacrificing Liberty and we were proud to be a part of that and Matt was in Pensacola this weekend and was able to be with the men of the Liberty. Tomorrow is the 54th anniversary of the attack on the USS Liberty and June 8,. And there's no better way to tell their story than by watching and even giving as a gift the DVDs or even a digital pass for someone that you love, whether they served in the Navy or any of the branches
Starting point is 01:43:39 of the Armed Forces or they're just interested in military history, to find out more about what happened on the Liberty on June 8, 1967. We've got a special promotion going on right now regarding the DVDs and the digital pass. Here's a promo to tell you more about it. That's what the world really doesn't know today, and I think that's why we were sworn to secrecy, is how close we really came to a potential nuclear holocaust. Demonstrates that a major power, when it believes its vital interests are involved, will sacrifice any number of its own people to preserve that vital interest.
Starting point is 01:44:49 So we've got a special promotion going on right now so you can participate in Sacrificing Liberty. A four-disc DVD set here available now for $19.99, or you can do the digital download, watch it online, It's yours to keep forever, $12.99 for that. And so we'd like to encourage you, go to, that's, so you can order either the DVDs, so you can have it as a keepsake at home,
Starting point is 01:45:16 or to give as a gift to someone that you love and care about and want them to know the truth about what happened on the Liberty, or go online and bring several people over, show them the digital version on your TV at home, and then talk about what you've seen. Matt did a fantastic job with this documentary. He's working on the Greatest Reset right now, too. That's going to be even a bigger project.
Starting point is 01:45:43 But this, I'm telling you, this is a life-changing event. We loved having the veterans here last year and honoring them. And I wish we could do it again. And so order your copy of Sacrificing Liberty today. And so continue to pray for Rick and Susan and Edward and all the staff here at True News as we go through all these different trials and tribulations that we're going through right now, but we're seeing light at the end of the tunnel, and it's not an oncoming train.
Starting point is 01:46:12 And so we are making it through. You saw Rick's video earlier, and we are just going to be fighting on through this. So I want to say thank you for joining us on today's edition of Good News. And please share this Godcast with your friends and family. Consider becoming a partner with us as we report the truth every day with courage and conviction that you will hear nowhere else. And you can go to by going to, that's, and just click on the heart on the left-hand side. Or you can call our toll-free number at 800-576-2116.
Starting point is 01:46:47 That's 1-800-576-2116. You can also donate to us by mail at P.O. Box 690069, Vero Beach, Florida, zip code 32969. Now we accept stocks, cryptocurrency, precious metals, whatever you want to bless us with, we'll gladly receive and put it toward our mission here to save souls and support the good news as we approach the second coming of Jesus Christ. Mylon and Lorne, thank you for being here. And thank you, and God bless you. the preceding program was made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support

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