TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Coronavirus Censorship – One Year Later: The Truth is Still Out There
Episode Date: June 1, 2021Godcast title 06/01/21: (ZYPE, FACEBOOK, SPREAKER, TWITTER, GAB, PARLER, RUMBLE):Coronavirus Censorship – One Year Later: The Truth is Still Out ThereToday on TruNews, host Edward Szall revisits an... interview conducted one year ago with Dr. Judy Mikovits, the same doctor that blew the whistle on Anthony Fauci. Paying a price by being shunned by the medical community, Dr. Mikovits is unstoppable in her scientific attacks on the diabolical origins of the COVID virus. Airdate 06/01/21.Hashtags: (SPREAKER, TWITTER, GAB, PARLOR, RUMBLE)#TruNews #AfterLifeMatters #FinalDayTags: (ZYPE, FACEBOOK, SPREAKER)trunews, true, news, Christian, Jesus, Christ, Salvation, USS, Liberty, President, biden, kamala, harris, hunter, Trump, Donald, rick, wiles, final, day, book, second, coming, of, end, times, wuhan, china, coronavirus, pandemic, virus, emergency, flu, test, positive, prepare, mask, quarantine, world, spread, shutdown, israel, infect, lockdown, test, 5g, fauci, surveillance, covid, 19, gates, foundation, soros, unemployment, great, depression, tracing, closed, plandemic, riots, antifa, warzone, protest, depression, police, civil, unrest, riot, mandate, terrorists, election, court, vaccine, fraud, vaccine, stimulus, capital, maga, impeachment
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This is True News for Tuesday, June 1st, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll.
It's been more than a year since the beginning of a pandemic which locked down the globe and
created a new world order, rife with vaccine mandates, segregated services, and all-powerful health czars.
This time last year, True News was at the forefront of investigating this nefarious phenomena,
and we knew that something was amiss with the extraordinary Dr. Anthony Fauci.
As part of our inquiry into his past, we reached out to one of his former employees, Dr. Judy Meikiewicz. She worked with the shark back in the 80s as he was rising to prominence
through his self-proclaimed discovery and pioneering research on HIV.
That interview was so packed with information,
I don't think we even realized the true extent of what she was claiming.
Well, the beauty of the Internet is that we can all go down memory lane together.
And Rick thought it would be a good idea to re-air our interview with Dr.
With the shared experience of a year's worth of escalating triage tyranny,
communist censorship, and bureaucratic bullying,
I think we're all going to derive new insight from this very important interview.
Here's Rick in our interview with Dr. Judy
Mikevitz. This is True News. I'm Rick Wiles.
The coronavirus pandemic has forced social media thought police to remove their mask and reveal their true agenda. The first shot was
fired by Twitter in early February when popular financial news site Zero Hedge published an
article that suggested the virus was the result of engineered bioweapons research in Wuhan, China. Jack Dorsey's Twitter social media company
accused Zero Hedge of aggressive and deceptive behavior that misled others. As the coronavirus
spread from Asia to the USA, American citizens questioned the official narrative. In particular,
millions of citizens wanted to know the origin of the virus. They questioned the official narrative. In particular, millions of citizens wanted to know the origin
of the virus. They questioned the official narrative and doubted the story that the virus
got into the human population through infected animals in an open meat market in Wuhan.
People demanded to know whether Chinese scientists were experimenting with the virus and bats
inside a top-secret research lab in the city of Wuhan.
Was the virus accidentally leaked into the city, or was it deliberately released?
Well, furthermore, citizens have also been alarmed by the Nazi-like lockdown restrictions on personal freedoms that
have been imposed on hundreds of millions of Americans. Americans suspect that something
sinister is underway in our republic. Simply questioning the coronavirus narrative is prohibited by social media platforms and the news media.
Anybody who asks questions or presents new information is immediately smeared as a
conspiracy theorist. My view is that the biggest conspiracy theory in this pandemic is the one told by the news media that coronavirus was caused by Chinese people eating bat soup.
How dumb do you think we are? freaked out by people opening openly thinking and talking that outfits such as YouTube are even
banning educated medical doctors who dare to question official numbers. For example,
YouTube immediately deleted the videos of two California doctors in Bakersfield who said they had been told by other doctors that they were
pressured to write COVID-19 on death certificates as the cause of death for patients who died from
other medical and natural causes. Now, I personally know what it's like to be censored and banned. The thought police have harassed me for over a year.
YouTube banned the True News channel hours after we streamed a fact-filled news program
about the stated desire of many billionaires and scientists to reduce the world's population, even if it means
deliberately releasing a deadly virus. Weeks ago, the news media bullies smeared me, Rick Wiles,
as a lunatic for revealing and opposing Bill Gates's scheme to vaccinate the entire human population
with a quantum dot technology to track people and monitor their health status. Yes,
I was called a lunatic. And I'm such a lunatic that I, I'm such a lunatic that I was capable of writing and publishing a
book about the last days and about the mark of the beast.
The book is Final Day, 10 Characteristics of the Lord's Second Coming, the second coming
of Jesus Christ.
The book is only available at
So if you've ever wondered what it would be like
to read a book written by a lunatic, here's your book. But that's what they say about anybody who
questions their narrative. They immediately smear you. You're a lunatic. You're a bigot.
You're a conspiracy theorist. All you have to do is say, I don't believe your narrative.
And immediately they come after you. We're living in a Nazi takeover of America. Well, my newscast
was, I'm talking about the one that got me kicked off of YouTube. My newscast was loaded with factual evidence and quotes that clearly substantiate
the view that some members of the ruling class truly want to drastically reduce the number of
people living on the planet. Now, what is the latest target of the social media thought police? Well, the Nazi censors at Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo and Twitter are playing a digital game of whack-a-mole in a frantic effort to suppress viewership of a trailer promoting an upcoming film about the coronavirus.
Yes, you heard me right. Social media platforms are even censoring
a film trailer to prevent you and me from knowing anything about the film. The film is entitled
Plandemic. The video claims the coronavirus was created to make profits off vaccines.
I neither endorse nor criticize the movie.
I do, however, endorse free speech.
And I would never censor anybody from expressing their views on any subject. So in the interest of free speech, True News will host the Plandemic
video, the trailer, and it will be here on for the next 25 minutes or so.
You will be able to watch Plandemic, the trailer, without censorship, and you can form your own opinion about the views expressed and
the claims made in the video. After the Plandemic trailer, True News correspondent Edward Zoll
will interview Dr. Judy Mikovits regarding her explosive claims against Dr. Anthony Fauci and other scientists.
Here's the video that YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Vimeo say you are not allowed to watch.
To say we are living in an incredible age is an understatement.
A global plague has paralyzed the world. A death angel of fear and tyranny has emerged in its wake.
And now the basic freedoms which define America, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and sovereignty of the body God made us, are being threatened. One of the skirmish lines for this battle for control of the new century is being fought by our doctors, our scientists, our
temples of knowledge with the high priests of wisdom and power, empowered by
a stolen mandate to dictate our reality. Doctors are playing a powerful role in
crafting that reality. Some embrace their role as guardians at the gates to eternity, treating and at times ministering
to those entering this world and those shortly departing it.
Others appear to be willful participants in what some are calling the hoax of the century,
a dangerous lie repeated by those in control.
Also shaping our reality are the men and women serving in the labs, universities and government
offices researching COVID-19 and using the scientific method to provide wise counsel
and verified facts to society.
Many know these people, like President Trump's Coronavirus Task Force leaders, Dr. Deborah
Birx and Dr. Anthony
Their predictions of mass death were wrong, and we now know paid for by the Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundation, the same organization with employees using Lucifer 13 as their password
to their emails.
Dr. Fauci did, however, make one prediction that came true. Back in 2017,
in a speech at Georgetown University on the subject of pandemic preparedness in the next
administration, Dr. Fauci said there is no question there will be a surprise viral outbreak
in the near future. The idea that we are now a few days away from a new administration
obviously prompted the really extraordinary, very enjoyable—and I'm really pleased
I had the opportunity to listen to the panel, both of Amy and Ron, as well as Bill and Dr.
Jafari, which really, I think, set the stage for so many of the things that we are going
to be dealing with over the coming years.
Given, as you heard from the introduction, that I have been around for a while and have had the opportunity and the privilege and the pleasure of serving in five administrations,
I thought I would bring that perspective to the topic today is the issue of pandemic preparedness.
And if there's one message that I want to leave with you today based on my experience, and you'll see that in a moment, is that there is no question that there will be a challenge to the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases, both chronic infectious diseases
in the sense of already ongoing disease, and we have certainly a large burden of that,
but also there will be a surprise outbreak. The thing we're extraordinarily confident about
is that we are going to see this in the next few years. Thank you.
How can our scientists so accurately predict a pandemic while so inaccurately project doom
and gloom?
One 40-year veteran from the scientific community who has some answers to that incredibly important
question is biomedical research scientist Dr. Judy Michovitz.
Dr. Judy Michovitz has been called one of the greatest minds of her generation and a brave
whistleblower against corruption and dangerous science.
Her critics say she's discredited, not credible, has no evidence to back up her claims that
Dr. Fauci lied and people died.
What the devils in the crowd don't mention is that she has detailed her claims in a new
book titled Plague of Corruption, where she speaks about her time at the National Institute
of Health working under Dr. Fauci and how she personally witnessed the cover-up of critical
research which could have saved lives during the HIV-AIDS crisis and may have been weaponized
to create this current pandemic.
Last week, she told True News as much.
Here's a segment from that interview.
I feel absolutely horrible.
That's why we memorialized all of this in two books over the last decade since this happened.
And all of it is on tape, and every word of it is provable,
and they've never said a word about it, because after they published that fraudulent study
in October of 2012, Dr. Fauci awarded Ian Lipkin, the senior—the director of the study,
who participated in this commission fraud, $34 million grant to start the Center for Discovery
and Diagnostic.
And parts of that money went to Dr. Barak's lab at North Carolina to literally, you know,
and a paper was published about the epigenetics of the coronavirus and all of the disease signatures.
It's not a coronavirus. It's the retroviruses, and they're covering it up. He's not a hero.
It's the retroviruses. Coronaviruses don't do what the clinical data say they're doing.
And it's my belief that they're destroying the evidence, calling everything COVID-19,
making sure they vaccinate everybody.
And they will kill the people that they've injured with these vaccines for four decades.
They will kill the HIV positive.
They will kill the people, the children.
They will kill the old people who are harboring these viruses and these horrible diseases,
chronic diseases, 32 of which,
you know, cancer, cancer, cancer, autoimmune disease, all associated with the retrovirus,
the animal retroviruses. This is the true zoonosis that is jumping into people. So out of pigs,
out of cows, out of dogs, out of—you know, just like the coronavirus came directly
from Fort Detrick.
Tony Fauci funded it when those studies were illegal in this country.
Ian Lipkin funded it when—so, how I feel is, unless we do something fast—these men
have committed crimes against humanity for now, as you say, almost 40 years, delayed
testing, delayed drugs, exactly the tactics that they're using in COVID-19.
And my response is simply that COVID-19 is a plague of corruption.
It's not a coronavirus.
Since this interview, Dr. Michvitz's story has gone viral.
A preview of a documentary, including an interview with her and other doctors challenging the official story and the ruinous lockdown being enforced by governments around the world,
was released and garnered millions of views before an order was put out across all the social media platforms to censor it. We believe in free speech here at True News and the right for you, the viewer, our family,
to have access to information to be able to make your own decisions.
Because of that principle, we have decided to release the full 25-minute trailer for
the Plandemic movie.
Here it is.
Dr. Judy Michovitz has been called one of the most accomplished scientists of her generation.
Her 1991 doctoral thesis revolutionized the treatment of HIV AIDS. At the height of her career, Dr. Michalowicz published a blockbuster article in the journal
Science. The controversial article sent shockwaves through the scientific community
as it revealed that the common use of animal and human fetal tissues were unleashing devastating
plagues of chronic diseases. For exposing their deadly secrets, the minions of Big Pharma waged war on Dr.
Michalowicz, destroying her good name, career, and personal life. Now, as the fate of nations
hang in the balance, Dr. Michalowicz is naming names of those behind the plague of corruption
that places all human life in danger.
So you made a discovery that conflicted with the agreed-upon narrative.
And for that, they did everything in their powers to destroy your life.
You were arrested.
And then you were put under a gag order.
For five years, if I went on social media, if I said anything at all, they would find new evidence and put me back in jail.
And it was one of the few times I cried.
And it was because I knew there was no evidence the first time. When you can unleash that kind of force to force someone into bankruptcy with a perfect
credit score, and so that I couldn't bring my 97 witnesses, which included the heads of
Tony Fauci, you know, Ian Lipkin, the heads of the public health and HHS, who would have
had to testify that we did absolutely nothing wrong.
And so what did they charge you with?
But you were in jail.
I was held in jail with no charges.
I was called a fugitive from justice.
No warrant.
Literally drug me out of the house.
Our neighbors are looking at what's going on here.
They searched my house without a warrant.
They literally terrorized my husband for five days.
They said, if you don't find the notebooks, if you don't find
the material, which was not in my possession, but planted in my house. As if you took intellectual
property from the laboratory. Is that correct? Yes. It was intended to appear as if I took
confidential material names and intellectual property from the laboratory. And I could prove beyond a shadow of
a doubt that I didn't. Heads of our entire HHS colluded and destroyed my reputation,
and the Department of Justice and the FBI sat on it and kept that case under seal,
which means you can't say there's a case or your lawyers are held in contempt of
court. So you can't even get a lawyer to defend you. So every single due process right was taken
away from me and to this day remains the same. I have no constitutional freedoms or rights.
Yet you sit here. I think a lot of people would probably have just taken the retirement out early, laid low.
But you have decided to come forth when your gag order has been released to write a book called Plague of Corruption, Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science.
And you are naming names.
Apparently, their attempt to silence you has failed.
And I have to ask, how do you sit here with confidence to call out these great forces
and not fear for your life as you leave this building?
Because if we don't stop this now, we can not only forget our republic and our freedom,
but we can forget humanity, because we'll be killed by this agenda.
So Anthony Fauci.
My name is Dr. Tony Fauci. I'm the director.
The man who was heading the pandemic task force was involved in a cover-up.
He directed the cover-up. And in fact, everybody else was paid off and paid off big time, millions of dollars in funding from Tony Fauci, Tony Fauci's
organization, National Institute of Allergy Infectious Disease. These investigators that
committed the fraud continue to this day to be paid big time by the NIAID. And the whole world
is listening to his advice for how to handle this current pandemic. How do we know that what he's saying is what we need to be learning?
What he's saying is absolute propaganda and the same kind of propaganda that he's perpetrated to kill millions since 1984.
We know from this study quite clearly that there will be a delay in progression significantly greater than for individuals who do not take the drug.
It started really when I was 25 years old.
I was part of the team that isolated HIV from the saliva and blood of the patients from France,
where Luc Montagnier had originally isolated the virus.
I think there is a whole research to be done at this level that is neglected.
This was a confirmatory study, but Tony Fauci and Robert Gallo were working together then
to spin the story in a different way.
At that time, Dr. Rossetti was out of town, and Tony Fauci says, you know, we understand
that you have a paper in press, and we want a copy of it.
And I said, yes, there's a paper in press and it's confidential.
And no, I will not give you a copy of it.
He started screaming at me.
Then he said, give us the paper right now or you'll be fired for insubordination.
And I just said, I'm sure when Dr. Rossetti gets back, you can have the conversation.
And so Frank comes back, you know, several weeks later and is really bullied into giving Fauci the paper.
Fauci holds up the publication of the paper for several months while Robert Gallo writes his own paper and takes all the credit, and of course patents
are involved, this delay of the confirmation, you know, literally led to spreading the virus around,
you know, killing millions.
Perhaps no one expressed the anguish of AIDS better than New York writer Larry Kramer.
But he was even more angry at the federal government and the pharmaceutical industry.
One person who felt Kramer's fury was NIH doctor Anthony Fauci.
ANTHONY FAUCI, It's still been crushing to me to think that I didn't know my work in 1999 was something
that had been avoided.
From 83 and 82, when the virus was isolated, the virus didn't have to wait until 84 to
be confirmed.
Think of how many people, the entire continent of Africa, you know, lost a generation as
that virus was spread through because of the arrogance of a group of people.
And it includes Robert Redfield, who's now the head of the CDC, right along with Tony
They were working together to take credit and make money, and they had the patents on it and tailored them to IL-2
therapy, which was absolutely the wrong therapy. And had that not happened, millions wouldn't have
died from HIV. How can a man who's giving, any person who's giving global advice for health,
own a patent in the solution in the vaccine. Isn't that a
conflict of interest or shouldn't it be? It is a conflict of interest. And in fact,
this is one of the things that I've been saying and would like to say to President Trump,
repeal the Bayh-Dole Act. Bayh-Dole fundamentally changed the way universities approach technology
transfer. And you can see that best in the statistics universities obtained sixteen times as many patents
as they did in nineteen eighty now everybody's getting more patents but
still university share of all patents in the united states is more than five
times greater than it was before by dole
the situation has gotten so bad
uh... that one uh... information technology industry official has publicly referred to
universities as quote crack addicts unquote driven by quote small-minded
tech transfer offices addicted to patent royalties that act gave government
workers the right to patent their discoveries so so to claim intellectual property for discoveries that the taxpayer
paid for.
Ever since that happened in the early 80s, it destroyed science.
And this allowed the development of those conflicts of interest.
And this is the crime behind letting somebody like Bill Gates, billions of dollars. Nobody elected him.
He has no medical background.
He has no expertise.
But we let people like that have a voice in this country while we destroy the lives of
millions of people.
JOHN KERRY, Normalcy only returns when we've largely vaccinated the entire
global population.
DAVID BESSER, If we activate mandatory vaccines globally,
I imagine these people stand to make hundreds of billions of dollars
that own the vaccines.
And they'll kill millions, as they already have with their vaccines.
There is no vaccine currently on the schedule
for any RNA virus that works.
So I have to ask you, are you anti-vaccine?
Oh, absolutely not.
In fact, vaccine is immune therapy,
just like interferon-alpha is immune therapy.
So I'm not anti-vaccine.
My job is to develop immune therapies.
That's what vaccines are.
Do you believe that this virus was created in a laboratory?
I wouldn't use the word created, but you can't say naturally occurring if it was
by way of the laboratory.
So it's very clear this virus was manipulated, this family of viruses was manipulated and
studied in a laboratory where the animals were taken into the laboratory,
and this is what was released, whether deliberate or not. That cannot be naturally occurring.
Somebody didn't go to a market, get a bat. The virus didn't jump directly to humans. That's not
how it works. That's accelerated viral evolution. If it was a natural occurrence,
it would take it up to 800 years to occur. This occurred from SARS-1 within a decade.
That's not naturally occurring. And do you have any ideas of where this occurred?
Oh, yeah. I'm sure it occurred between the North Carolina laboratories, Fort Detrick,
the U.S. Army Research Institute of Infectious Disease, and the Wuhan laboratory.
$3.7 million flowed from the National Institutes of Health here in the U.S. to the Wuhan lab in China,
the same lab where many people have said that this coronavirus infection first originated.
We also now know that NIAID, the department associated with the National Institutes of
Health of which Dr. Anthony Fauci is in control, had already been conducting experiments with
the Wuhan lab in the past in regard to coronavirus.
If Dr. Anthony Fauci cannot be honest with the public about his connection to this lab,
then Fauci has to go.
In 1999, I was working in Fort Detrick in USAMRID there,
and my job was to teach Ebola how to infect human cells without killing them.
Ebola couldn't infect human cells until we took it in the laboratories and taught them.
It's hard to ignore the death tolls.
People have been dying.
They are dying from this in quite alarming numbers.
How do you reconcile that?
It's pretty easy for me when you see what the government has done,
and that is that they took, quoting Dr.
Birx, a very liberal approach to mortality. If my husband were to die, who has COPD,
his lungs have fibrosis. His lungs would look exactly like somebody with COVID-19 theoretically, but he has no evidence of infection. So if you're not
testing and you don't have evidence of infection, and if you walked in there today, you know,
they'd call it COVID-19. And we hear this from the doctors and nurses who are upset.
I've seen so many doctors online that have made their own webcam videos,
just perplexed by the protocol that the CDC had given them.
Well, last Friday, I received a seven page document that sort of told me that if I had an 86 year old patient that had pneumonia but was never tested for COVID-19.
But sometime after she came down with pneumonia, we learned that she had been exposed to her son,
who had no symptoms, but later on was identified with COVID-19,
that it would be appropriate to diagnose on the death certificate COVID-19.
When I'm writing up my death report, I'm being pressured to add COVID.
Why is that?
Why are we being pressured to add COVID to maybe increase the numbers
and make it look a little bit worse than it is?
I think so.
Why would they want to skew the number of deaths due to COVID-19?
Well, fear is a great way to control people.
And sometimes people's ability to think for themselves is paralyzed if they're frightened enough.
And that's not where I want people to be.
I want people to say, we're going to get through this. I'm going to use my head. I'm going to go
to different sources. I'm going to listen to different sources. And I'm going to think for
myself because that's what America is about. If someone dies with COVID-19, we are counting that
as a COVID-19 death. You don't die with an infection.
You die from an infection.
I've talked with doctors who have admitted that they are being incentivized to list patients
that are sick or have died with COVID-19.
Yeah, $13,000 for Medicare, if you call it COVID-19.
Right now, Medicare has determined that if you have a COVID-19 admission to the hospital,
you'll get paid $13,000.
If that COVID-19 patient goes on a ventilator, you get $39,000, three times as much.
And you've killed them with the ventilator because you gave them the wrong treatment.
All the things that just don't make sense, the patients I'm seeing in front of me,
the lungs I'm trying to improve, have led me to believe that we are operating under a medical
paradigm that is untrue.
And I fear that this misguided treatment will lead to a tremendous amount of harm to a great
number of people in a very short time.
My next question is about Italy.
I want to know why Italy was hit so hard.
Italy has a very old population. They're very sick with inflammatory
disorders. They got, at the beginning of 2019, an untested new form of influenza vaccine that had
four different strains of influenza, including the highly pathogenic h1n1 that vaccine
was grown in a cell line a dog cell line dogs have lots of coronaviruses and
that's why they're not testing there you could just say oh it was that as the
country begins emerging from the worst of the coronavirus epidemic one question
remains what happened to all the hydroxychloroquine?
We know that hydrochloroquine and zinc are working great for patients. And then Fauci
comes out and says, well, there's no double-blind controlled placebo study, which by the way,
Dr. Fauci, is there going to be a double-blind controlled placebo study of your vaccine?
Is there? In a survey polling nearly 2,300 doctors in some 30 countries,
hydroxychloroquine was ranked as the most effective medication to treat the virus.
The AMA was saying, you know, doctors will lose their license if they use hydroxychloroquine,
the anti-malarial drug that's been on the list of essential medicine worldwide for 70 years.
Dr. Fauci calls that anecdotal data.
It's not storytelling if we have thousands of pages of data saying it's effective against these
families of viruses. This is essential medicine, and they keep it from the people. Not only now,
but back in autism with our discovery, there was an old antiviral drug, 100-year-old drug called
Suriman on the WHO list of essential medicine. It literally gave kids with autism a voice,
a life. What did Bayer and Monsanto do? They took it away from everybody. You couldn't get it to
save your life right now, and we tried, believe me, every way we could. So when you take away a medicine, and not just the WHO, not just the WHO, the FDA, the
CDC, Tony Fauci, close everything.
Just end it all, and we've got a healthy world again.
And we got tons of money, because we can take all that money they're making on their patents,
and we can give it to the victims of this plague of corruption.
Is it safe to say that anything that cannot be
patented has been shut down intentionally because there's no way to profit from it,
all these natural remedies that we have had forever? Absolutely, that's fair to say,
and that's exactly what's going on in COVID-19. The game is to prevent the therapies till everyone is infected and push the vaccines,
knowing that the flu vaccines increase the odds by 36% of getting COVID-19.
Where does that data come from?
A publication last year where the military who had been vaccinated with influenza were more susceptible to coronaviruses.
Coronaviruses are in every animal.
So if you've ever had a flu vaccine, you were injected with coronaviruses.
And then to put on a mask.
This doesn't make any sense.
We wear a mask in an acute setting to protect us.
We're not wearing masks.
Why is that?
Because we understand microbiology,
we understand immunology, and we want strong immune systems. Our immune system is used to
touching. We share bacteria, staphylococcus, streptococcal bacteria, viruses. We develop
an immune response daily to this stuff. When you take that away from me, my immune system drops.
As I shelter in place, my immune system drops.
You keep me there for months, it drops more. And now I'm at home hand washing vigorously,
washing the counters, worried about things that are indeed what I need to survive.
You're not immunodeficient and you're not elderly. You should be able to go out without any gloves
and without a mask. I think if you are those things, you should either shelter in place or wear a mask and gloves.
I don't think everybody needs to wear a mask and gloves because it reduces your bacterial flora.
It doesn't allow you to interact with society.
And your bacteria, flora, and your viruses, your friends that protect you from other diseases, end up going away.
And now you're more likely to get opportunistic
infections, infections that are hoping you don't have your good bugs fighting for you,
if that makes sense. And then as we all come out of shelter in place with a lower immune system
and start trading viruses, bacteria, what do you think is going to happen? Disease is going to
spike. I guarantee when we reopen, there's going to be a huge, huge amount of illness that's going to be rampant. The building
blocks of your immune system is virus and bacteria. End of story. Wearing the mask literally
activates your own virus. You're getting sick from your own reactivated coronavirus expressions.
And if it happens to be SARS-CoV-2, then you've got a big problem. You're not the first virologist who has told me
that we're doing the exact opposite
of what we should be doing to contain
and to create immunity from this virus.
Why would you close the beach?
You've got sequences in the soil, in the sand.
You've got healing microbes in the ocean, in the salt water.
That's insanity.
These institutions that are polluting our environment
and our bodies, there was a time when they actually
had to fight their own battles.
But they've done such a great job at manipulating the masses that it's other people shutting down other
citizens and the big tech platforms follow suit and they shut everything down.
There is no dissenting voices allowed anymore in this free country, which is something I
never thought I would live to see.
Nor would I accept what I've experienced since 2011.
It's beyond comprehension how a society can be so fooled that the types of propaganda
continue to where they're just driving us to hate each other.
You want to go to work?
And get this disease?
I think the medical profession know what they're talking about.
They've been wrong so far, ma'am. They've been wrong.
Hopefully this is the wake-up call of all America to realize this makes no sense and we win
because we'll take down the whole program with information like this.
And for me, it's the great news that the doctors are waking up and saying,
wait a minute, you, you doctors that are watching this. And I see a lot of you right here. Why are
you not getting loud? I'm here to defend you. I'm here to defend my freedoms. I'm here to defend my
family's freedoms, my patient's rights to choose what to do with their life. I'm just blown away.
And I'm blown away why there are not more doctors like me talking about this all over
the place.
We should be banding together right now.
You need to wake up, because your liberties are getting taken away from you all because
of fake news that's out there.
This is wrong.
People should be going to jail for this stuff.
So it's not the scientists who are in any way dishonest. They're listening to people who for more than 40
years have controlled who gets funded, what gets published. And I'm sorry to say many, many people
will simply take the money and the fame and that support, things that absolutely aren't true.
What do you say to the medical professionals that are just beginning to get
a glimpse of the depth to which they have been misled and steered away from their oath to do no
harm? I say forgive yourselves. It's the hardest thing to realize for all of us is that with all
the best intention, we studied, we learned what we thought was the truth.
We had no idea that the data that we were being told was true was not true.
We've been taught now in our schools a very different science.
You don't get funded if you don't speak the party line.
You don't get published. That was probably the hardest thing for me to take, is understanding
that scientific journals would would twist the discovery that should have
healed all. Will the scientific community have the courage to answer the question
of whether these diseases might have been of their own creation.
Thank you. So what we did pretty much ever since I got out of jail, we started
an education company. We wake up doctors and it's very difficult, but every doctor
who realized they may have been part of the problem has now turned that around
to march toward a better
society and restore faith in the promise of medicine.
That's all we can do.
Well, Dr. Michovitz, thank you so much for your time.
It's been a real honor to sit here with you, and particularly thank you for your courage.
Thank you, Mickey. I appreciate it a lot. The idea that we are now a few days away from a
new administration, given, as you heard from the introduction, that I have been around for a while
and have had the opportunity of serving in five administrations, I thought I would bring that perspective to the topic today is the issue of pandemic preparedness and if there's one message that I want to
leave with you today is that there is no question that there will be a surprise
outbreak. The thing we're extraordinarily confident about is that we are going to
see this in the next few years.
Thank you.
Incredible information.
And just a side note, the end of the documentary featured a soundbite from Dr. Fauci.
It was selectively edited without a proper transition.
We consider it to be an ethical standard in the media industry.
The full version of the soundbite was played at the beginning of this Godcast,
so the viewer can hear the clear and unmistakable statement by Dr. Fauci
predicting a pandemic during President Trump's first term in office.
Well, as you saw, Dr. Mikevitz laid out what every person in the world should be asking.
Is this a pandemic or a plandemic orchestrated to enslave society into a new post-pandemic
world order?
Joining me to discuss this and much more is Dr. Judy Mikevitz.
Welcome to True News, Dr. Mikevitz.
Thank you, Ed. It's nice to be back.
So it goes without saying, you're really putting everything on the line here,
Dr. Mikevitz. There was some incredible statements in that video. Can you start by expanding on what
you said about the flu vaccine being given to the U.S. military and making our soldiers
more susceptible to coronavirus?
Yes, this was a publication from—it actually was published in early 2020, and the paper
was—the work was done in 2017 and 18, and they simply looked at the military and people who had received the flu vaccines those years
and asked if they were more susceptible or if the flu vaccine would actually prevent
It's a, you know, viral interference.
Would it prevent them from being infected by the coronaviruses?
And what that paper unmistakably showed was that it did not prevent that the flu
vaccine, if given, gave a 36% increase in the ability to be infected with coronaviruses,
saying it could literally drive the disease.
Did you have the name of that paper or where some of our audience might be able to find it?
The paper was published.
The author on that paper was Dr. Wolf, W-O-L-F-F.
I can look on my computer right now and pull up the paper and see exactly what journal it was published in and when. So, it was 2020,
and the paper is called Influenza Vaccination and Respiratory Virus Interference Among the
Department of Defense Personnel During 2017 and 2018 Influenza Season. It's in a journal called Vaccine, issue number 38,
published 2020 on page 350 through 354. And the data are clear.
That's incredible. Dr. Mikevitz, also in that pandemic movie preview,
you mentioned your work with HIV and AIDS, you know, dating
back to the 1980s, the beginning, really, of Dr. Fauci's rise to prominence in this country.
If it's okay, I'd like to share an interesting piece of footage we discovered for 1994
of a Florida doctor named Robert Wilner. Now, he was injecting himself with HIV live on TV,
and then after, reportedly tested negative
for the virus.
Now, Dr. Wilner authored the book Deadly Deception, the proof that sex and HIV absolutely do not
cause AIDS.
Now, he died six months after doing this of a heart attack.
I'm sure you're aware of this event, you know, and it's the story.
I just learned about this today watching this.
I'd like to share the footage and hear your take on this.
You can tell I don't like doing this.
Never have.
Now, we want to get a lot of blood.
There we go.
There we go.
Now, I'm wiping this needle thoroughly in this blood.
And I say to my friends Fauci and Gottlieb and Galpin and Gallo and all the rest of those criminals,
that this is for the sake of humanity and no other reason. And believe me, it hurts.
And this is in the hope that it will save the lives of millions of individuals who will
die because of the greatest lie ever told.
NICK SCHIFRIN Are you aware of this event, Dr. Mikevitz?
I was not.
1994, I was doing my postgraduate studies there in molecular virology at Fort Detrick,
and I was actually working with Ebola.
So I was not aware of that event.
What do you think?
He mentioned Dr. Fauci.
He mentioned Scott Gutlieb.
Mr. Gallo, that you've noted, was the man that Dr. Fauci gave your research to back
in 1983 and basically was able to hijack the HIV and AIDS narrative through a published
paper which mirrored the research that you had already done with your mentor.
Now, the doctor there, he did die of a heart attack about six months after this,
and he said he was doing that.
He was injecting himself with HIV, did not kill him.
A heart attack did.
He said he was doing that for the sake of humanity.
What do you think about that?
Well, at the time, I mean, I think it's heroic. And actually, in 2009 and 10, when I was under attack for the XMRVs, I thought about similar
And we know the, you know, that if it satisfies Koch's postulates, if you can cause AIDS with, you know, by injecting the
agent into your body.
And that's the last thing that's true.
Can you take it out of an infected person and put it into yourself and die of AIDS?
So again, they were saying at the time HIV caused AIDS.
In fact, my PhD thesis showed it did not.
And what I mean by that is you can have HIV and never get AIDS.
And so he died of something else.
So nobody put AIDS on his certificate.
And yet the government was saying HIV caused AIDS, and all those people he named and pushing vaccine programs and drug programs
that were themselves killing the people, just as we're learning here the same patterns,
the same behavior here in COVID-19.
The coronavirus, the SARS-CoV-2, does not cause COVID-19, because for it to cause the disease, every single person who's infected
would have to have the disease.
And we absolutely know that Dr. Birx and Dr. Fauci and everyone is saying, oh, they're
asymptomatic carriers.
No, they're healthy.
They're healthy people.
SARS-CoV-2 does not cause COVID-19 and the plague of corruption, this cover-up,
this corrupt old boys network that has been doing it since, you know, since 1984 or earlier,
the early 80s, are in fact killing millions today and calling it COVID-19.
What you just said there, Dr. Mikevitz, is just incredible.
I mean, just even referring back to HIV and AIDS,
that's what I was taught in school, that there was a correlation.
And what we've detailed here, what you've detailed in your book,
is that it was propaganda that I was taught in an American school,
spent much of my life believing, and it was perpetuated by,
as you know, the medical
establishment in this country, those that I was taught to trust, others were told to
You mentioned coronavirus.
We have to dig into this.
We've got a lot of feedback since our previous interview, and obviously many in America are
now discussing what you've raised.
What's the proof of that claim, that there is not a correlation between
the two, other than the obvious in front of us, that we're not able to actually prove a
correlation between the coronavirus being in the body and an actual positive infection?
Yeah. And actually, it's correlation. It's important to understand. There was a correlation with HIV crippling the immune system, but other infections, herpes
viruses, Kaposi sarcoma virus, molds, mycoplasma, TB, thrush, things like that, there were other
things crippling the immune system.
So the correlation with HIV was certainly true. And we, again, our
work confirmed Luc Montagnier's isolation of that virus in a certain kind of destruction
of the immune system. But other things have to happen for you to get AIDS. So, correlation
is not causation. So, there are correlations with the coronavirus, but clearly there are other agents involved.
There are other viruses from animals, and—'cause the causation is absolutely not true, because,
again, it satisfies none of Koch's postulates.
And that's what that doctor was showing you, that correlation is not causation. And to take all programs and mandate
things and keep the drugs that would prevent you from ever developing the disease because you keep
the viruses from being expressed. You allow a healthy immune system to clear them. And we know
how to do that now. And that's why, you—you know, where did HIV-AIDS go to?
Oh, all of a sudden, we used the right treatments that weren't targeted toward Dr. Fauci and
others' patents.
You know, Dr. Birx and Dr. Redfield lied about a vaccine, told people the vaccine worked
and would prevent illness at a time when this was the most feared thing.
We were watching healthy young men drop like flies, not realizing they'd had these infections
for decades and you would die with HIV but not of AIDS, as that doctor did.
Well, you mentioned Dr. Redford, the current head of the CDC.
It's incredible that he, along with Dr. Fauci, were intricately
involved with the HIV-AIDS response and were involved in this industry during that time
And in the samba we played, there was also mention of Scott Gottlieb, the former FDA
czar, the head of the FDA under President Trump for a short period of time.
Did you ever run in with him?
Did you ever meet him?
Because he was actually—he would have been around that same class, I suppose, of students
or master's students going into this very niche and smart academic field.
Yeah, no, I never ran into him again.
I was a kid and a technician until my Ph.D PhD from 80 to 91. I was just a technician.
I did all of the studies. So I didn't run into the corrupt old boys network. I was isolated in
Frederick with Dr. Rossetti, just working hard and doing our work. So I did not run into him,
but it's clear the FDA is part of the plague of corruption, the CDC with Robert Redfield all the way back
And we talked about the military at the top earlier in the show.
And what we know is that Robert Redfield was part of corruption with Deborah Birx saying
a vaccine worked, and again, perpetrating it on the military.
Can't tell you how many people called me after our first book, Plague, came out.
And when people can get their genetics, like, through companies like 23andMe, they would
call me and say, Dr. Mikevitz, you know, my son wasn't gay.
His life was ruined.
He got HIV through the vaccines, I'm sure of it,
and here's his genetics. And I looked at it, and she said there was a sequence in there called
PNL43, and that's a plasmid with the N terminus of HIV that came out of laboratories. So the
vaccines were contaminated that they were giving, and
they were saying were preventing disease. And, in fact, they prevented nothing, and
they caused, they destroyed—these are the men and women of our military. They destroyed
their lives. And, of course, we know that retroviruses, you know, can cause disease and can pass through
So their children are born sick.
Their families are destroyed.
The PTSD, the autism, this is what we found.
The plague of the chronic disease is a result, a direct result of 40 years of a plague of corruption by these individuals that headed the CDC, the FDA, and, of course, the NIAID.
That's incredible.
I love speaking with you, Dr. Mikevitz, because you have such a wealth of knowledge.
We're in this PNL3 virus, this isolated cell that was found.
Is there a patent on it?
Because I remember hearing that basically a lot of these viruses, especially those that
we produce vaccines against, they're patented first.
Can you talk about that?
Well, the PNL43 is an infectious molecular clone.
It's, again, the N means it's the N-terminus.
So it's the envelope region that is being expressed.
And I honestly don't know if there are patents on it.
I assume there are, because, again, these individuals have the patents on.
And, in fact, I have to look and see what Dr. Fauci has patented, because that's the
segment that would be produced that is now said to be the HIV sequences Nobel laureate Professor Luc Montagnier
and our longtime colleague found in some strains of the coronaviruses now. So, he's got your
therapeutic targets, you know, which is how the virus enters the cell, giving it expanded host
range. He's got all of this. And he's, in fact, yes, he holds the patents for what the
vaccine will be made and the drug products. I thought patents were for protecting intellectual
property, not organisms made by God. Why do scientists working for the government
own patents on viruses? Well, again, this is a synthetic virus, so it's not made by God, so that you do the pieces
in the parts.
And, you know, government scientists were never people funded by the government in universities
anywhere, particularly at NIH, which is called intramural program.
So everything they get is funded.
They don't ever have to write a grantor.
And it's funded by the taxpayer to turn on the lights in these buildings.
So in the early 80s, Senator Bayh from Utah, B-A-Y-H, and Bob Dole, Senator Dole, wrote
the Bayh- Dole Act. And I believe then-President Ronald Reagan signed that
into law shortly before he removed all liability from pharmaceutical companies for vaccines
in 1986 under threat by Tony Fauci. That's called the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Act.
Hold on this. Real quick. What did you just, you said that all liability has basically been
removed from the vaccine industry, the ones producing these drugs, these therapeutics,
these treatments, these vaccines, it's all been removed.
And Dr. Fauci played a role in passing that, basically allowing the vaccine industry to
hold no responsibility for the side effects
of their franken-drugs?
The DTP shot, which had a lot of wholesale material—and all of this is detailed in
our book, Plague of Corruption—that shot was injuring, maiming, killing millions of
And the pharmaceutical companies knew it was because of the cellular debris, you know,
the Mises pieces, the pieces of tissue that were left in from culturing these organisms
and making these vaccines.
So they—you know, then President Reagan signed this act, because, again, what did
Tony Fauci say?
We're not going to protect you.
We're not going to make vaccines to prevent—vaccines are unavoidably unsafe.
And President Reagan signed it, then called it unconstitutional, because you can't mandate
a thing that will kill some people more than others.
So the Bayh-Dole Act removed, allowed scientists to patent their research before
the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Act was signed into law, declared at that time to be
unconstitutional. And the stage was set for now 35 years of pandemics, plandemics. They were planned.
And the work was being done, and they knew the result.
And when any scientist or doctor like me uncovered what was going on, they simply destroyed your
lives, your credibility, as you said, and made sure you didn't have a voice anymore.
And so what's being taught to our doctors is not the truth.
It's not your doctor's fault. They're not taught about vaccines. They don't make drugs
like I have in my life. They don't, you know, they just use what they're told, and they
trust the heads of our public health service. We trust them to do what's right for the constituents, for the public. And
clearly, nothing is right about the public health, what they've instituted, the governors
wearing masks that will kill the very vulnerable, you know, and the first will be the vaccine
injured. So it's very clear that everything that's been said, again, the FDA under Dr. Gottlieb
preventing essential medicines of more than 70 years, like hydroxychloroquine, the FDA
literally stopped the production of the type 1 interferons that would have prevented, that
were used in animal feed to prevent coronaviruses from jumping
from animals.
And so, all of these things happened, and they started in the 80s, and there's just
been a continuous march.
And you know, and with $4 billion paid out of taxpayers' money, there's a fund that goes
into the compensation program, the result of that 1986 act, which has paid out
more than $4 billion, and only 1 percent of the injuries are ever reported, because that
court, that system, that so-called vaccine court, is, in all my experience, as I said
in the book, the most corrupt thing I've ever been involved with, and I serve as an expert witness
in those cases.
So the taxpayer is not just paying for bioweapons research around the world, from Wuhan to North
Carolina to even Winnipeg and any other biosafety level four lab in the world.
We're also fitting the bill for the collateral damage that these vaccine manufacturers have
produced, it's inconstrable.
It's inconstrable, Dr. Mikevitz.
You mentioned animal DNA, animal RNA, you know, the viruses that come out of animals.
These are in vaccines and other therapeutics.
What do they do to the human body?
Well, we're seeing the injury.
So, in that clip you showed up, Dr. Fauci, the explosion of chronic diseases.
We never had cancers.
Well, we never had the level of cancers, neuroimmune diseases, Lou Gehrig's diseases.
We have bucket challenges now, autoimmunity, autoimmunity.
What does your immune system do?
It has to determine self from non-self.
Well, if you've injected parts of cow blood, dog kidney cells, fetal monkey, fetal tissue,
monkey cells, the very cells that the coronaviruses are grown in, birds, avian, you know, lots
and lots and lots of viruses, MMR. I mean, I can't even tell you
how much animal tissue is in the vaccines. And clearly, we give before a child is five years old
55 shots. And the polio vaccine is amongst the worst. Three times before an infant is six months old, you get IPV, which means injected
polio. It's grown in the viromonkey, the monkey kidney cells, that the coronavirus is. So where
are the viruses coming from? They're not coming from people spreading between people. They're
coming from within. And when you wear the mask, you will activate the expression.
And of course, you will turn up positive.
But it's from within.
It was injected and not infected.
It's incredible what you just laid out here.
I have a wife that was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder.
And we can't live in a bubble.
We live our lives as safely as we can.
But we know we cannot live in a bubble.
Society can't function in a bubble.
You know, these closures, the lockdown that have taken place around the world, especially here in
America. I heard you address this, but can you expand on the health impact, for example, of
closing beaches to the public? Well, I mean, we walk in the sunshine, we get vitamin D. You have the sea, ocean.
There's lots of sequences in the sand.
So you get natural immune boosting through the skin, through walking.
What can be the benefit of closing a beach, of closing public restrooms?
How did we clean up diseases?
It was sanitation.
It was, you know, clean air, healthy food, you know,
and now that's outlawed. So none of the measures that are taken, walking down a beach in a mask,
exercising in a mask, all you're doing is immune suppressing yourself. And you're not preventing
anything from going through like, like molds and things that are naturally in the air. And in the beach,
the nice beach air and wind is actually the most healing thing you can get. Natural antigens. Yes,
we can't live in a bubble. We're supposed to be responding every day to our environment.
So the immune suppression, the depression, the, I mean, I'm quite concerned about my family, my husband.
It is those people who are already the most susceptible that have these, that are in their
80s or elderly, have had these other diseases like your wife.
They're the most susceptible, and it will activate and make them sicker.
So we need to be out in the sun.
We need to be exercising. We need human touch.
That's how we interact with our families so that we develop what we call our microbiome so that we
know the difference between self and non-self. That's the only thing, that's the primary thing
your immune system says. That's me. That's, you know, my husband. We need to, you know, the, the, the, I can't even
tell you the immune suppression, the depression when we don't touch anybody, the anxiety,
the lack of sleep, all of that will drive us into disease and actually kill us.
That sounds like it's the building block of humanity itself. Dr. Mikevitz, I won't insult
you and the millions of families who have a family that
are suffering from neurological or autoimmune disorders such as autism by asking you point
blank, do you know a cure?
But the question is often raised to me by families with children who have been diagnosed
with that debilitating disease.
And they're wondering.
They're looking, really, for hope.
Is there anything you want to share with them, something for them to look into, something
for them to look toward if they have already been damaged by this vaccine industry?
There are cures.
And it's not me.
It's many other people who have been working.
There are simple cures and therapies out there. And one comes to mind specifically, and it's another one of the WHO's essential medicine.
It's a drug called suramin.
And that drug, S-U-R-A-M-I-N, that drug was shown in the film there, the plandemic.
It is on the World Health Organization's list of essential medicines,
been used for more than 100 years. I did a lot of research on it in the early days because
we thought it could be used as an antiretroviral for HIV. And it turned out to be a much better
antiretroviral for the mouse, the gamma retroviruses, the monkey, the gamma retroviruses that we
isolated from the sick people.
And so a double-blind, placebo-controlled study was done in 2015 in San Diego.
And the kids started talking again, very, very low dose of CIRM.
And the kids started interacting again.
They woke up. Not everybody. No, we can't
fix all of the damage, but the very first thing you do is stop injecting them. Never again,
never a vaccine for anyone with autoimmune disease, for your wife, for anybody, because
the next shot could be the straw that breaks the camel's back, where it becomes much more
difficult to treat. But this Sermon drug,
after that small trial was done, what's normally done in a double-blind placebo-controlled
study, like let's just say a cancer drug, which I made for 40 years, cancer and AIDS drug,
if the group, they're blinded, if a group responds extremely, extremely well, they stop the study
and give everyone the drug. They're like, whoa, that works. And it's inhumane not to.
So they unblinded, they give everyone the drug, and they make it part of a protocol and do further
research. In this case, Monsanto Bayer owned the drug, Bayer, before they merged with Monsanto.
They took the drug away from everyone.
And nobody can buy it for any reason.
And I said that before.
And we have tried.
So how unethical.
What is the cover-up?
Well, the cover-up is when you cure something, you know what did or didn't cause it, going
to the top of your show and what they did.
When you use a therapy that suggests the expression of those viruses are at the heart of the disease
and those viruses were injected in biologicals most prominently in vaccines,
then you know what caused the disease.
So it's the smoking gun, and they don't want those experiments done.
Well, those, they have a set of rules.
They say that you and I can't even use that word.
Dare we say cure?
And I have to say, because of that, we don't know, nor are we recommending this drug.
We're simply talking about it.
If you want to look in this drug, obviously they can look it up through what you just
shared and speak with your doctor.
But the funny part is, is I start to wonder, because they've outlawed the word cure, do
some of these doctors even believe in it anymore?
Do they even believe that their system can bring a cure, a health success, a solution,
instead of there being a system of treatments. What do you think about that, Dr. Mike?
I mean, I use the word curative because there's no single agent. So the other thing that was
outlawed is medical cannabis. So since 1937, this campaign to culturally, it's a drug,
it's this and that. And since 2004, medical cannabis, which also combined with some of
these other things can really give these kids relief from pain, relief from seizures, relief
from the anxiety, the inability to sleep.
We call those comorbidities.
So can calm—it's actually—it's a valuable part of your immune system, of reducing neuroinflammation
in these cytokine storms.
Cannabis has been outlawed in this country.
We can't do the work.
It's censorship.
And yet, since 2004, the United States has held the patent.
So people are being put in jail for helping their children.
It's a Schedule I drug.
Nobody can do research on it in the United States unless they get the cannabis from one
source and they spray that source, use a drying agent called glyphosate or the active, you know,
toxic ingredient causes cancer from Roundup.
So this, the FDA, again, the FDA, the CDC, they're preventing many, many, many treatments
from getting to the people who they have injured.
And now this COVID-19 is really the detonate switch to kill them all now.
And those 50 million people who our work showed over the two years were infected by injection
in a contaminated blood supply, by injections, many.
Those people will—those 50 million will be the first to die if this—if we don't
stop this plague of corruption today.
That's an intriguing subject you brought up, Dr. Mike.
On the record, on cannabis, I don't use cannabis.
And you're obviously referring to concentrated, extracted cannabis, not the cannabis someone
might grow in a backyard or a field and then sell and use, basically, to fuel drugs.
We know the government's been involved in some of that industry, too, over the years.
But the interesting thing, I've read about cannabis.
Again, cannabis as a plant.
I believe God created all the plants and things in this world for us to use.
But at the same time, I also believe as a Christian, I'm not going to use something that impairs my mind.
I don't use those tools. What you just noted, though, is that the government owns the patent for cannabis.
They've actually scheduled—they've actually been able to put it on the Schedule 1.
It's a level one drug, considered basically a very severe drug, up there with cocaine
and other drugs.
And you know, they actually have stunted the research into this chemical compound, but
at the same time, even more dangerous substances are available, are legal, and there's apparently
an immunity been given to some of these companies to be able to research, develop products with
more dangerous, arguably, substances, substances that cause cancer. And that just boggles my mind, Dr. Mikevitz, that this is the situation you and I, Americans,
people around the world have to deal with.
It's incredible.
What is the answer to that?
Well, the answer to that is really we have to change everything.
So we are talking, as you said, about medical cannabis.
So heating up God's plant,
the acidic version in the plant is a food. That's not psychoactive. Heating it up and smoking,
it is not, we're not talking recreational and that's not what we're talking. As a natural
products chemist, my job is to make drugs out of plants and formulate them to be safe and effective. And we've done that with
many plants, and the FDA has outlawed them all. So what you make of that is they're promoting,
and yet they'll fast-track something that does. This has thousands of years of safety testing
in developing these plants as drugs, and none of those are made anymore,
only the dangerous ones with no safety testing and
no liability.
Oh, Dr. Mikevitz, there's a different tyranny we deal with, the tyranny of time.
Our society is overworked.
Our time is split 15 different ways.
You know, getting the average person to sit down and concentrate for five minutes, let alone 50, is a miracle
in this age of instant digital gratification, likes, dislikes, really a bondage to our social
media accounts.
If you had 40 seconds, a 40-second elevator ride with the average American, what would
you tell them?
What do they need to know today?
They need to know this is a plague of corruption.
And they need to simply look at everything the public health service is saying, the lie
that is in that commercial every night.
And it's a commercial.
The drug companies sponsor our major news networks. So if they look at the commercials and they see all the drug advertisements and they see
and they know that it's corrupt, they know they've heard this interview and they look
at it, and they say, well, why would these people recommend our president do something
that's going to kill me?
Why do we have to wait for a vaccine if you're immune?
So do your research.
Take five minutes and look at the ridiculous statements they're telling us and have for 40 years.
And when you do, then you'll never go back.
Thank you so much, Dr. Mikevitz.
And God bless you for having the courage to speak the truth.
God bless you too, Ed.
Appreciate it.
We shared a lot of information today on the God cast, and I implore you to share this with your friends and family and to pray
about what was said here. As Christians, we have been given an incredible power through the Holy
Spirit to be warriors for the kingdom of Jesus Christ. But to do so, we must equip ourselves with the right weapons and the correct armor.
Chapter 6 of the book of Ephesians details the armor of God that Christians must coat
themselves in order to wrestle against the rulers of the darkness of this world and against
the spiritual wickedness in high places.
God's word tells us to gird your waist with truth, put on the breastplate of
righteousness, shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Take the shield of faith
with which you'll be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one and take the helmet of
salvation and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God. Join me, brothers and sisters, in donning
your armor of God for the battle ahead, as we fulfill the Great Commission to
preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to every creature, for then the end will
come. Thank you for joining us today, and God bless you. I want to thank Dr. Judy Mikevitz for spending time with us again today on True News.
Appreciate Edward Zoll in that interview.
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Thank you so much for watching True News.
Don't forget the book.
Final day, you can get it at
Ten characteristics of the second coming of Jesus Christ.
This book is a truth bomb that will go off inside your head.
Wow, what a god cast.
Again, that was recorded just over a year ago, last May.
And the information in that show has proven to be true.
Look, for example, at this week's Atlantic magazine.
If the lab leak theory is right, what's next?
The author apparently finally convinced of what he could have learned last year to be true,
that there is undoubtedly a Fauci link to a bioweapons lab in Wuhan, China,
went on to say,
We know enough to acknowledge that the scenario is possible, and we should therefore act as though it's true.
Amen, brother.
But the key here is not to let fear and hysteria
control you. No bioweapon formed against me shall prosper, and by the blood of Jesus we shall be
safe. Let us be strengthened by God's promise of protection in Psalm 91. He who dwells in the
secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress.
My God, in Him I will trust.
Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence.
He shall cover you with His fevers, and under His wings you shall take refuge.
His truth shall be your shield and buckler.
You shall not be afraid of the terror of the night, nor of the arrow that flies by day,
nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.
A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand, but it shall not come near you.
Only with your eyes shall you look and see the reward of the wicked.
Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, even the Most High your dwelling place,
no evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling.
For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways. Verse 2. you shall trample underfoot, because he has set his love upon me. Therefore I will deliver him.
I will set him on high, because he has known my name. He shall call upon me, and I will answer
him. I will be with him in trouble. I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy
him and show him my salvation. Hallelujah.
Well, thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News.
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Thank you, and God bless you.
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