TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Covert Covid Wars? Did Western Intel Agencies Attack China’s Manufacturing Hub?

Episode Date: June 21, 2021

Godcast title 06/21/21: (ZYPE, FACEBOOK, SPREAKER, TWITTER, GAB, PARLER, RUMBLE):Covert Covid Wars? Did Western Intel Agencies Attack China’s Manufacturing Hub? Today on TruNews, Edward, Rick and Do...c examine the unseen battle that is going on behind the scenes as nations battle against nation in retaliation over Coronavirus. Have recent disruptions in Chinese shipping being perpetrated by Western intelligence agencies. In our final segment, will COVID and its variants, and the vaccine response, cause the release of a dreaded Black Fungus? Edward Szall, Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate (6/21/21)Hashtags: (SPREAKER, TWITTER, GAB, PARLOR, RUMBLE)#TruNews #AfterLifeMatters #FinalDayTags: (ZYPE, FACEBOOK, SPREAKER)trunews, true, news, Christian, Jesus, Christ, Salvation, USS, Liberty, President, biden, kamala, harris, hunter, Trump, Donald, rick, wiles, final, day, book, second, coming, of, end, times, wuhan, china, coronavirus, pandemic, virus, emergency, flu, test, positive, prepare, mask, quarantine, world, spread, shutdown, israel, infect, lockdown, test, 5g, fauci, surveillance, covid, 19, gates, foundation, soros, unemployment, great, depression, tracing, closed, plandemic, riots, antifa, warzone, protest, depression, police, civil, unrest, riot, mandate, terrorists, election, court, vaccine, fraud, vaccine, stimulus, capital, maga, impeachment, gay, lgbt, pedophile

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit This is True News for Monday, June 21st, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll. Is a covert COVID war underway between America and China as retaliation for the bioweapon they crippled the world with last year? There sure are some weird things happening in China, including mysterious COVID outbreaks in the center of China's industrial regions and Chinese nuclear scientists falling to their death from buildings. And in America, a retired Green Beret master sergeant has confirmed the fears of many, that our government has been completely infiltrated with Chinese communist agents.
Starting point is 00:01:13 There is also the emergence of a black fungus epidemic in India, which is causing victims to go blind. All this and more in segment one with Rick and Doc, and later we'll discuss the beginning of the political tussle for who will succeed President Trump as the GOP nominee in 2024. And we have some news to share on cryptocurrency, as $1 trillion has been wiped out of the market in June, as it looks like Bitcoin will be the only cryptocurrency to survive the bubble and coming taxation. But for now,
Starting point is 00:01:42 here is Kerry Kenzie, today's headlines. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. Fox News says the gun-toting St. Louis lawyer who pleaded guilty to pulling a rifle on protesters from Black Lives Matter is showing off his new rifle. Mark McCloskey picked up a brand new AR-15 after giving up his old one last week as part of a plea deal with prosecutors. Checking out my new AR, he tweeted, along with two pictures, one with McCloskey at a gun store with the owner
Starting point is 00:02:17 and another with him and his wife, Patricia. They're looking all fit and trim these days. He tells us why he's running for the U.S. Senate. I've always been a Republican, but I've never been a politician. But, you know, God came knocking on my door last summer disguised as an angry mob. And it really did wake me up. And as I campaigned for the president last fall and as we've continued to do rallies and events supporting our constitutional rights, what I've learned is that the people out there in this country are just sick and tired of cancel culture and the poison
Starting point is 00:02:52 of critical race theory and the big lie of systemic racism all backed up by the threat of mob violence and people are just sick of it speaking of guns says Democrats are getting ready to vote on a cut down guns bill. They want more background checks for people who buy firearms. The goal is to unite the party and pick up some Republican votes, but their effort appears headed towards the same fate as previous proposals. The operative word here is doomed. CNBC says Miami's mayor says the city is open to Bitcoin miners in China who are scrambling to find a new home. This after Beijing made it clear that their days are numbered.
Starting point is 00:03:41 Francis Suarez says the lure is the city's essentially unlimited supply of cheap nuclear energy. Mining is the energy intensive process which creates new coins and updates the digital ledger of all transactions of existing tokens. The Times of Israel says a rabbi wants U.S. Jews to be more involved in boardroom battles for social justice. Rachel Contraster is part of the campaign targeting Wendy's. She's the executive vice president of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility. The U.K. Daily Mail claims President Biden's Veterans Affairs Secretary told a Pride event that the government will pay for free gender reassignment for surgery for up to 4,000 transgender vets. Dennis McDonough at a Pride event in Orlando said that the move
Starting point is 00:04:41 was the right thing to do. Australia says New Zealand weightlifter Laurel Hubbard will be the first openly transgender athlete to compete at the Olympic Games. Kiwi officials named him to the squad for Tokyo next month. New Zealand Olympic officials say Hubbard, who is 43 years old, was born male, but claims to have transitioned to female in his 30s. They say Hubbard met all the qualifications criteria for transgender athletes. That's a look at True News headlines. For more information on these stories and more, visit our companion website, Now let's get reaction from Rick, Edward, and Doc.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Thank you, Kerry. Welcome back to the program, Rick. Hey, Edward. It is good to be here. It's good to be alive. Yes. It's good to be anywhere. It's good to be anywhere.
Starting point is 00:05:39 It's good to be anywhere. Hey, Doc. Good to see you. Good to see you, sir. Glad to be back. I was here all last week. Yes. But with Lauren and Milo here, it's too crowded for one more person to be out here.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Yeah. And besides, it allowed me, it gave me another week to regain my strength and give my voice a rest and also to catch up on a lot of projects that I needed to get done. You sound so much better this week than you did last week. That's a big difference. I feel better. I feel better. I've been getting a lot of sleep. It's been weeks since I've gotten up at 4 a.m.
Starting point is 00:06:20 But I did wake up at 2.30 this morning and did a little bit of prayer. I know the Lord woke me up and did some praying for a couple of hours. But I feel good. How about you? How are you doing? I'm doing good, Rick. I'm the same boat as you, just trying to take it easy. When I get home, I spend time with my wife.
Starting point is 00:06:40 I clean up the house, but I'm not doing anything too crazy. And I can't. I don't want to get sick again. But really, to be honest with you, this whole experience just brought me close to the Lord. And that's what's important. I mean, my wife and I, brand new relationship, brand new attempt to kind of get close to the Lord. That's good. I feel great, by the way, in case anyone wants to know.
Starting point is 00:07:00 People wonder how you escaped this, Doc. Hey, the last, let me tell you, you don't need a near-death experience, okay? It is a wake-up call. And again, I give my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ all the praise and glory and the honor for responding to my pleas. And, you know, I never was afraid of dying, although I knew I could. And it was the night before the hospital, I was aware that, hey, I'm starting to go the wrong direction. I'm very weak.
Starting point is 00:07:35 And my breath, my breathing was becoming very shallow. But I was at peace. And the reason I was at peace was because my sins are forgiven. Praise God. My name is written in the book was because my sins were forgiven. Praise God. My name is written in the book of life. I'm living a right life. I don't have secret sins. I don't have a double life.
Starting point is 00:07:54 I'm living upright before the Lord. And so there's no conflict, no worry. Amen. And I prayed that night. I said, Lord, if you take me, I'm at peace. I'm ready. But I hope you're not. You know, I'm not, you know, spiritually I'm ready.
Starting point is 00:08:12 But I believe you've given me a lot of work to do. And I don't think this is my time. I really don't want to die of COVID. You know, I just would like, well, my top wish is to be alive when the Lord comes. That's my number one wish. But I will be alive when he comes. Yeah, I was about to say, we all get to see that one. Even if I die before, you'll still be alive.
Starting point is 00:08:36 You'll still be out of the grave. That's right. You know, I'm going to be out of the grave. Every eye. Every eye is going to see him. And so, you know, it's a humbling experience. But there are so many people praying for me today. Stan Johnson from Prophecy Club called me today.
Starting point is 00:08:55 The National Religious Broadcasters Convention is going on. I've not talked to Stan in years. And he called to tell me that the moment he heard that I was sick and in the hospital, he told his church and, you know, a whole network of thousands of people around the world with Prophecy Club began praying and interceding for me. And I've heard this same testimony many times from people. And God was good. He answered my prayers. But I held the peg that I held on to was the scripture, I shall not die. I shall live.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Praise God. And I will declare the glories of your works. Yes. And that was the anchor scripture that I held on to. And I'm grateful that everybody made it. Pray for our friend Dennis Kelly in Michigan. He's home. He's still in oxygen.
Starting point is 00:09:57 He's recovering. But it's a little bit slower for him. But I told him, in fact, I don't have my phone with me. The other evening, I copied the text that I sent to my family on the morning. It was a Monday morning, I wanna say June 7th, like at 7.42 a.m.
Starting point is 00:10:20 I said, I'm healed. Hallelujah, thank you, Jesus. I woke up and I knew, I'm healed. Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus. I woke up and I knew I'm healed. I just, the moment I woke up, it's like, it's gone. Now, I didn't have my full energy back. I, you know, I didn't have all my- Still recovering, yes. Yeah. But I knew the disease was gone. Praise God. I knew it. Jesus had removed it during the night. And he's my great physician. So don't fear. Don't fear COVID. Only fear the Lord. COVID is serious and it does kill people. In fact, my daughter, Carissa, the church that they attend in Florida,
Starting point is 00:11:08 they don't live, they're about an hour away from us. And their pastor got COVID. Yes. His parents got COVID. Now, this is the same time you and I were sick. Oh, man. Okay. His father died.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Yes, I remember you telling me that. All right. So it's very serious. And the older you are, the more vulnerable you are to this disease. We got some stuff that we're going to tell you today and later in the program. This black fungus. Yes. That's now spreading through India. And it's attacking the people who survived COVID.
Starting point is 00:11:46 Yes. So think about it. Fascinating story. You survived COVID and now you get black fungus and you go blind. We'll tell you more about it later in today's program. Yes. So to start out, Rick, you mentioned all eyes. We'll get to see Jesus Christ upon his return.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Well, here in 2020, all eyes are on Dr. Fauci. All eyes are on Dr. Fauci and his connection to gain of function, to the Chinese Wuhan virus lab. And in the national polls today, it turns out that Dr. Fauci's boss, the Christian who was serving in this scientific infrastructure, Dr. Francis Collins, he signed a memorandum this scientific infrastructure. Dr. Francis Collins. Dr. Francis Collins. Yes. He signed a memorandum to work with the Chinese communist military
Starting point is 00:12:31 to build gain-of-function viruses. This is coming out through the National Pulse, a memorandum. It's an official document inside the National Institute of Health. According to National Pulse, Dr. Francis personally signed off on a multi-year partnership to go to Wuhan to work with the Virology Institute and specifically
Starting point is 00:12:54 was aware. Because you don't just sign a document saying you want to work in partnership without knowing what you're going to be partnering with. Do we know whether Dr. Collins himself personally went to Wuhan? We don't know if he personally went, but we do know that he at least signed what would be the opening of the door so employees now could go from the NIH. Have we found out yet whether Dr. Fauci was ever in Wuhan? We haven't, but Peter Daszak has been. We know for a fact that Dr. Fauci's very close ally and the
Starting point is 00:13:27 CEO of EcoHealth Alliance, the company Dr. Fauci funded. Where the money, it was the- The funneling mechanism. The money laundering center. So the U.S. taxpayer money from the NIH went to this, what was called Eco- EcoHealth Alliance. EcoHealth Alliance. And then that went to the People's Liberation Army Wuhan lab. And that way, Dr. Fauci could say, I never sent money to China.
Starting point is 00:13:55 That was his cover. Well, according to the National Pulse article, Rick, up to 34 joint projects were funded. So not just a single one, 34 joint projects. And as you mentioned at the beginning, Dr. Francis Collins is the token evangelical that they trot out on Fox News and all the different outlets trying to convince Christian leaders that they need to get their churches all vaccinated, get everybody lined up, get the jab in the arm and everything, because after all, he's an evangelical Christian. He's a scientist. And now it appears that he also is compromised in this area with this memorandum of understanding that directly funds the Wuhan lab.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Doc, why would any right thinking American patriot sign a deal to cooperate with the Chinese Communist Party military. Under any circumstance. Under any circumstances. I have to assume they're not right. I wouldn't have a Valentine's Day party with them. Why?
Starting point is 00:15:00 Why? This is so bizarre. You can only come to two conclusions. They're boneheaded stupid. Which scares you right there. Yes. Or they're complicit with the China Communist Party. Which one is it?
Starting point is 00:15:20 Well, I'd say that the partnership on his face means they're complicit. They're working with the Chinese military. And I can't give these officials a pass. You don't become the director of the NIH for being stupid or incompetent. There's no excuse there. You have to be held responsible. And on top of that, you don't send a delegation of your staff, which did take place in 2010 after this was signed, to go to Beijing and do a tour of the very facilities and projects that you were going to fund. I have to start to wonder, in addition to the Communist Party's own vision
Starting point is 00:15:55 laid out by their defense minister, Chi-Hao Tian, if the NIH didn't have their own vision for the creation of bioweapons in conjunction with the communists. Now, we've been asked this question for a couple of years now, Rick. How were the communists in this country going to overthrow the government if they hate guns? They don't have a foot soldier army because most of their younglings, all they can do is break windows after dark. Well, I think we're starting to see that the communists in this country are looking to the communists overseas to be that invasion force, to be the force that overthrows our government. That's right. And my view in the past year, particularly the last few months, has been
Starting point is 00:16:39 China figured this out decades ago, that they could not invade America. First, they'd have to deal with the American military. If they got past the American military, they got to deal with tens of millions of armed American men. And they figured this out. We're going to spray them like bugs. We're going to treat them like cockroaches.
Starting point is 00:17:06 They'll be laying there sick, weak. Unable to hold a gun. Yes. I want to tell you again, from my experience, and I know you experienced it, my daughter experienced it, my son-in-law experienced it. The most extreme weakness I have ever felt in my life. Okay, that's what I experienced, extreme weakness. Now, in my case, weakness plus very shallow breathing. Others had nausea, vomiting, extreme pain.
Starting point is 00:17:44 The bottom line is you're lying in a bed and you can't move. Others had nausea, vomiting, extreme pain. The bottom line is you're lying in a bed and you can't move. Especially can't fight off someone coming in trying to hurt you or your family. When a second biological attack from China hits America and tens of millions of people are simultaneously immobilized in bed. And I'm talking about the best of the fighting men of this country. There's, say, a third of the country, 100 million people, are simultaneously immobilized. They're laying in bed. They can't move. Health care systems, overwhelmed. How do you stop a land invasion?
Starting point is 00:18:22 You can't. Yeah, Doc's right. You can't. You wake up in your bedroom and there's a Chinese PLA soldier standing over you with a bayonet. And you can't even, you don't have enough strength to pick up your gun and shoot the guy. Okay. That's what COVID does to you. I believe that they have stronger strains. And Senator Paul.
Starting point is 00:18:44 And different, different weapons. And different weapons. We just experienced one of these gain-of-function monstrosities. And I say the biggest mistake they made was sending the weakest one they had. Because they've woken up America. Yes, but they also, I think they sent the weakest one as a trial run. They tested us. They've gained an enormous amount of data on how the American people.
Starting point is 00:19:12 Intel, more Intel than Intel. On how the American people, our institutions, our government, how we will respond to a biological attack. They now know how to tweak the next attack. And what if the next attack or the third attack is not biological, but it's chemical? What if it's a neurological agent? And now instead of lying in a bed, weak and unable to breathe,
Starting point is 00:19:38 now you're on the floor twitching, violently twitching. This is what biological chemical warfare looks like in china the china not the chinese people the china communist party is the enemy of mankind yes dangerous godless control it is dangerous and it must be stopped i reckon we we know that they consider what they did to be a success because they're now handing out awards. Yes. According to the Global Times, the Wuhan Bioweapons Lab is listed as a candidate for outstanding science and technology achievement. There's a prize they give out every year. The Wuhan Institute of Virology has been placed on this list.
Starting point is 00:20:23 They're happy with the results, as you noted. They've gotten data, but I think more so, they know America to rely on China for all the mechanisms of PPE. The bat woman, Dr. Bat, whatever, I forget her name, the Chinese mad scientist, she's been nominated for a Nobel Prize. A Nobel's War Prize? No, in science. Oh, of course.
Starting point is 00:20:51 Okay. They're going to reward her for her creation of a biological agent. Why not award them? They were successful. Give them an award, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:02 But it's all part of the Chinese propaganda campaign that's going on right now Like stop talking about us attacking you look we're getting a Nobel Prize We're peaceful we're good people It's part of China is doing a massive propaganda campaign across the world right now, because a growing number of people are starting to ask questions. Hard questions. And they're, to accomplish this mass propaganda campaign, they're bringing to bear
Starting point is 00:21:33 their network of agents around the world, both inside the United States government, inside media, inside the military. Now, we covered this last week, Rick. It's becoming a very interesting story for those who are paying attention. There is a high-level defector, at least the rumor of such, that has come to the United States and is in the custody of the Defense Intelligence Agency. And we now know his name. I know Friday the name was released. But what I found fascinating, I was in my office. I was like, I wanted to yell, hey, say this. His daughter was attending college in California. Right.
Starting point is 00:22:11 Wait a minute. Did anybody do any research on this student from China? And see, what does your dad do for a living? Oh, he's in charge of of counterintelligence for the Chinese government. That's all. I was reading last week that a lot of people are starting to realize that they're descendants from Mao, they're ahead. Actually, to come to the United States and go to college,
Starting point is 00:22:36 you have to know someone to begin with. It's not a small thing for a Chinese student to come to our country, transfer resources to be able to come here. So most of the time, they are the kids of the Communist, they are the kids of the Communist Party, of the elite. That's right, which means if you're of the Chinese elite, you are a communist.
Starting point is 00:22:51 Yes, there's no ifs, ands, or buts. You have to be a party member to be an elite. But who signed off on the Chinese counter intelligence chief's daughter attending college in America? Well, according to our defector, there is a slew of agents in our government. I'm sure that maybe the dean of that university or someone else in the pipeline of the State Department
Starting point is 00:23:12 was given the mission, you need to get this person in. Now, we see that she has defected along with her father. I was reading specifically about Dong Yang, that's the daughter, that she actually was married to one of the head CEOs at Alibaba. But based on the timeline, she's very young. She's in her 20s, if I understand this correctly. That's an interesting partnership, because the CEO, the one that I'm looking at that she was married to, is in his late 60s. So another interesting connection. She defected with him. I have to wonder if she's brought secrets about what's happening to Jack Ma, for example. But more importantly, her father is the top agent for counterintelligence. So if these rumors,
Starting point is 00:23:58 these reports are true, and the fact that they have a name now adds validity to it and that he brought with him a large amount of documents terabytes on hair on hard drives including the names of American influential Americans who are on the payroll of the Chinese government please please publish the list. Yes. Please publish the list. All right. Will we ever see the names? If they try to do it for the government, I fear not. I mean, do you think Joe Biden's going to release these names? Joe Biden's going to do first. The number one, the number one, the number one thing that's on Joe Biden's name on his mind is, is his name and Hunter's name on the, on the documents. So that
Starting point is 00:24:51 leads to a very difficult situation. We know the DIA has all of this information and it seems to be apparent they have not turned over this information. At least we don't think they have to the CIA, the FBI, or anyone else outside of the FBI. For what reason? They don't trust them. And they don't trust them because of what? They're infiltrated. According to the report.
Starting point is 00:25:12 They're infiltrated. Because they're infiltrated. Yes, of Chinese spies in the FBI. So what happens then, Rick? I mean, let's say that, you know, it's wartime and you've got to think of this as a COVID war. Okay. I mean, that's what we're in. So if we're in a COVID war and military intelligence, which is what the DIA is, has direct evidence list of traitors in the U.S., but those traitors are in the other intelligence communities within government.
Starting point is 00:25:46 Protecting the enemy. Right. So how, what do you do? I mean, what, I can't even play out. You have a military coup to restore the Constitution. That's what you do. But can you even trust? It's not a coup. An internal military action to restore the constitutional republic that has been overthrown by the China Communist Party.
Starting point is 00:26:11 But can you even trust the greater military, though? I mean, you've got the DIA in the core of the Pentagon. But you've got people like Secretary Austin, General Milley, all these guys that have capitulated to the demonic left. You can't trust them. So what? I mean, this is a very scary scenario. But those patriots inside the D.I.A. and other defense agencies know if these stories are true about the defector and they see the documents and they see that the depth that China has penetrated U.S. government institutions, you can only come to one or two conclusions. We stop it now by whatever means is necessary, or we watch the complete takeover of the United States of America over the next four to five years.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Those are your two conclusions. You purge them or they purge us. Yes. That's it. Who gets purged? You can't just sit on the sidelines on this. And again, the fact that this high-level defector arranged to go to the DIA, because think about the timing of this.
Starting point is 00:27:21 They claim that Dong Jingwei defected in February of this year, right after the inauguration, the change of government. He didn't just come over here. I would gander to say that this was being arranged prior to the change of the administration. And I think someone should ask Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, formerly Secretary of State at least, the former CIA director, if this is why prior to the end of the Trump administration, his actions were solely focused on putting as many policies, many protocols, and many executive orders through President Trump on the table to hold China accountable and to investigate origin. That's what he's focused on the last two months of the administration. I have to wonder again if this was in the works even in December, maybe November. Probably was. Probably was. But
Starting point is 00:28:13 I'm not going to comment about Mike Pompeo or the others. I mean, who knows who has information about this defector. I want to commend Red State for the excellent reporting that they're doing, and also National Pulse, two organizations that are doing fantastic reporting on the Chinese infiltration and the alliance between China and high-level Americans. And I hope that they continue with their work. Gorton Chang had some things to say to Newsmax. Yes, he believes that this defector could bring down the Communist Party, specifically by the embarrassment to Beijing for their loss of their spy network,
Starting point is 00:29:06 but more, this could be the arch for America to finally, at least in essence, declare war and cut diplomatic ties with the Chinese. And this is something that we have to pay attention to. This is a soundbite from Gordon Chang. He's the highest level defector from the People's Republic to the United States. Also, the information he brings, if true, is explosive. He talks about a lab leak. He talks about Chinese military research into bioweapons, which would be a violation of China's obligations under the Biological Weapons Convention. This is so explosive, it could lead to a chain of events
Starting point is 00:29:45 which would sever relations between China and the United States. It could even lead to the fall of the Communist Party. So you can see why Beijing right now looks to be in a panic. Dong is talking to the Defense Intelligence Agency, and the DIA actually did not share this with other intelligence units in the U.S. because Dong was said they had been penetrated by Chinese Ministry of State security agents, which I actually think is true because China has been overwhelming us with its spies and with its agents and others. So at this particular time,
Starting point is 00:30:19 I'd have to say that that appears certainly to be a credible report that China has penetrated most units of the U.S. government, indeed state governments as well. Well, he is or was China's top spy catcher. So he's head of counterintelligence. He is close to Xi Jinping, the ruler of China, and he would have access to substantial information. This is really important because really what this does, would it blow open the Chinese political system? Because somebody, and perhaps Xi Jinping would be blamed, if Xi Jinping is blamed, there could be a new ruler overnight. So this could cause the Communist Party to lose the stability that apparently
Starting point is 00:31:03 people think it has. But we know there's been a lot of turmoil at the top of the Chinese political system, and this would just add to it. If we could see the collapse of the China Communist Party without bloodshed, that would be the best that we could hope for apart from that, the alternative is nuclear war with China. You can't know that a country attacked you with bioweapons and not respond. It's considered a weapon of mass destruction. Yes, but I think it's what Mr. Chiang is talking about, the possible collapse of the Communist Party. I'm now thinking about the possible collapse of the United States.
Starting point is 00:31:52 If you've got hundreds, maybe even thousands of people within the administration that are sold out to the Chinese, what do you do? It did collapse last year. The takeover happened last year. There was a Mao Zedue cultural revolution in 2020. They destroyed the statues. They destroyed the cities. We told our audience throughout 2020, this is a communist revolution. It happened. They did win. Now what's left of the patriot military, what's left of it, must make a decision. This is it for the country.
Starting point is 00:32:25 This is it. What a difficult decision. This is it. There's nothing else left. Forget your pension. You don't get a pension. Yeah, forget your pension. It's save the country or we all perish.
Starting point is 00:32:40 And as I said weeks ago, worst case scenario is none of us are alive in four to five years. That there will be repeated biological chemical attacks on the American people and very few people will be alive four to five years from now. I mean, maybe I say no way. I mean, a third or fourth of the nation. But how you don't have a nation at that point. Right. You can't defend it. You can't operate. I mean, the nation's gone.
Starting point is 00:33:11 And China, the China Communist Party nurse told me, said, Mr. Wiles, you're the only person in the COVID ward who has COVID without being vaccinated. The only one? The only one. What do you mean? She goes, all the other patients in the COVID ward are fully vaccinated. Double jabbed. Double jabbed. Double jabbed. Yet they're hospitalized.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Yes. Wow. And then another nurse told me, my husband got the vaccination, and days later he had a heart attack. This is happening all over the country, not just this country, around the world. The vaccines are killing more people than COVID right now. And so the next wave of death is coming from the vaccines. Yes. This is the next wave.
Starting point is 00:34:18 And then there'll be another biological weapon released. The actual COVID is gone. What we're dealing with now are variants, new strains that are coming from the vaccinated people. Yes. The vaccine we produced, our response to this bioweapon release in the country. So what happens if 2022, 2023, another virus is released?
Starting point is 00:34:43 There's not COVID at all. Totally different. And now they take out another segment of the American population. They shut down the economy again. This is China's plan to bring us to our knees. And the last people alive will just be, they'll just be sprayed as cockroaches. They're going to eliminate. I mean, General Hao Tian said, we found a way to solve the American problem. just be they'll just be sprayed as cockroaches they're going to eliminate i mean general haotian
Starting point is 00:35:05 said we found a way to solve the american problem we're not going to use nuclear weapons we're going to use biological weapons we're going to remove the american people from the land and we're going to transfer the chinese people to america so he clearly stated the strategy. We're now witnessing it. We're experiencing it in real time. I got a dose of it myself. I know what it's like. A second virus? I don't want to go through it.
Starting point is 00:35:38 No, and hundreds of thousands of Americans don't want to either. We're talking about millions. If you're not being designated as public enemy one by the Biden administration for your political beliefs, you have to also now see the threat of a virus, a bioweapon released by the Chinese. Well, Rick, during this time, I think the best thing you can do is keep your head on top of your shoulders, keep common sense alive. Obviously, propaganda is rife. There's much propaganda. And it looks like the Chinese haven't ignored the fact that much of the West
Starting point is 00:36:12 is starting to realize there's been a defector. Their position, Rick, is that their head of counterintelligence never defected and actually just gave a conference in Beijing on how to catch a spy. That's right. That's in the Daily Telegraph in Australia. This story came out today.
Starting point is 00:36:28 Yes. And most of the article is pretty much a recap of what Red State and other websites have put out in recent days. But there are two quotes in this Australian Daily Telegraph article that I think our audience should see. Yes, the first one is also adding to the intrigue of reports from China that Mr. Dong hosted a national security meeting on June 18th aimed at catching spies and traitors. However, a convincing photo of him at the meeting has not yet surfaced, sparking disbelief that he ever attended the event. The local reports have actually fired up the rumor mill even more with a photo from the alleged security meeting showing a man who many believe is not actually Mai Jing Wei. It goes on to say this is not a picture. This is actually comments of users who are looking at the picture.
Starting point is 00:37:25 We're going to show you the picture right now real quick. Let's go right to 11. This is the picture they're referring to. All right. That man is reportedly the head of China's counterintelligence. The man wearing the vest with a number on it. Not very convincing. And they were 20 users.
Starting point is 00:37:41 And he's speaking at a conference. Yes. Very, very odd. Rick, I don't know about you, but every time I've seen top level Chinese officials, they're wearing suits. Not what could be a bus jacket or a prisoner jacket. That's what I first thought it was. So the article went on to say, that is not a picture of Dong Zhengwei. If Dong Zhengwei has not defected, why won't Beijing show him off in public? That'd
Starting point is 00:38:06 be pretty simple, right? Since no one, not even the MSS, head of counterintelligence, can be in two places, much less two continents at the same time, someone's lying. That's a very smart Twitter user. And a hashtag's going around right now, Rick. Where's Dong Zhengwei today? Well, I have to wonder if Beijing's unable to present him. They may have actually, in the most ridiculous way possible, confirmed the reporting from Red State and Spy Talk and China expert Gordon Chang that we do indeed possess their top man of spy catching. Well, let's hope our patriots in the Defense Intelligence Agency have the courage and the wisdom to do the right thing and that they are not tricked or set up by traitors inside the State Department
Starting point is 00:39:03 or the CIA or the FBI or any other agency, because we get some really low-level snakes in these government agencies. Not only are top Chinese counterintelligence agents disappearing, but high-level Chinese nuclear scientists, at least one of them, are falling off high buildings. We've seen this before. Yes, and it's not being investigated as a homicide, wildly. I think the first thing you do if you saw your top nuclear scientist laying dead on the ground in front of a building, you want to investigate this, unless you're involved. But this is Zhang Zijian. He is the vice president of Harbin Engineering
Starting point is 00:39:51 University. This is an inner China province. This man is one of the top nuclear experts in their country. And the odd part, Rick, is that this happened right as China was embarrassed by their own, I say, pre-Trenoble. They've had a nuclear reactor that has been leaking. It's been considered to be a certain threat. It's dangerous. They're saying that it's leaking chemicals that can harm people. Is it the same nuclear power plant that Hunter Biden invested in? It is the same nuclear power plant that Hunter Biden invested in, this company at least that Hunter Biden was working with. So he sold them a defective nuclear plant? Yes, and he might have actually led to the death of this man if he was scapegoated or killed to protect Beijing. Other than, I mean, there's
Starting point is 00:40:37 always the possibility he went up on the top of a skyscraper on the roof and slipped. Rick, who does that? I don't think I've met anyone who does that. You've got to give. You've got to assume. Maybe he just went sightseeing. There's a slight possibility he just wanted to see the skyline. He wanted to see over the smog. That's what he was doing.
Starting point is 00:40:54 Through the smog. Through the smog. But then there are other more sinister possibilities. One, maybe he was going to defect. And so he got a fast ride up the elevator to the top floor. What happened in Israel last month with one of their intelligence officers in the army? They killed him in their own. The Israelis killed an Israeli military intelligence officer.
Starting point is 00:41:28 They tortured him to death. Yes. Okay. And then published about it. Yeah. And said, yeah, we did it. Yeah. We had him.
Starting point is 00:41:35 Yeah. He was going to do something bad and we killed him. All right. Nothing's going to happen. Maybe China, maybe the Chinese. All right., obviously they know they just lost their counterintelligence, bro.
Starting point is 00:41:50 Maybe somebody, maybe this scientist was a CIA asset. Perhaps. As late as last year, he was considered their top nuclear scientist, though. I mean, he was not,
Starting point is 00:42:08 you know, just the top one., he was considered their top nuclear scientist, though. I mean, he was not just a nuclear, but the top one. Maybe he was getting a second paycheck from the West. Maybe they found out about it. Maybe he caused what happened at the reactor as an espionage. There's a lot of questions about it. Or he helped somebody gain access to the facility. Or maybe he's the one to put the thumb drive in the computer. Well, the fact that they're saying it's not being investigated as a homicide tells you what? It's a homicide. It's a homicide. The South China Morning Post story goes on to say he was two years away from retirement.
Starting point is 00:42:37 And as a general rule, you're not likely to commit suicide if you're heading toward retirement. Also, he was bypassed for a promotion here recently. It was just a couple of days before that another, he was destined to lead this new department at Harving University. He was passed over by someone else, which coincidentally, I thought this was interesting. His name was Ying Zhenwei as well. That's very similar to the defectors name. Yeah, but it's the Zhenwei is a first name. And so, but it was just weird, a weird coincidence.
Starting point is 00:43:13 And so, but this is a very interesting story. You guys mentioned the nuclear reactor and there South China Morning Post is reporting that China's nuclear safety is being queried over the Taishan reactor. And yet somehow it wants to build, lead the world in nuclear power by the year 2050. Do you know they're building 10 new nuclear plants a year? Yeah, Hunter knows that too. And so they are rapidly expanding their nuclear capabilities, nuclear power capabilities. And many of these are probably cover for nuclear weapons development too.
Starting point is 00:43:53 Yes. But China has a substantial nuclear arsenal already. In the opening, you mentioned a retired Green Beret. Yes. There was a man that came forward a couple months ago who claimed that the FBI tried to recruit him to infiltrate Patriot Moves. This man is a retired master sergeant in the U.S. Special Forces. His name is Jeremy Brown. Well, he's given actually his first official interview. And what he spoke about was less about the infiltration and more about who's been doing the infiltration of the government. And specifically, he says that China has complete control over America. And the Hunter Biden scandal, the Clinton scandal and every other scandal that has not been investigated by the government is proof of who's in control.
Starting point is 00:44:41 We actually have a segment from that interview. Let's in control. We actually have a segment from that interview. Yes, why? Well, I mean, of course. I mean, look, our entire federal government is compromised at every level. I mean, you take a look at the Hunter laptop situation. Yeah. I mean, complete ignoring it. Or the Hillary Clinton emails. Completely ignoring it.
Starting point is 00:45:02 I mean, blatant violations of law. I mean, it's even come out. Here's the sad part is that organizations like yours and some of the other, and not even necessarily right-wing organizations that have released some of the more tame stuff, which is clearly criminal in itself, they've restrained themselves because they don't want to publish child pornography to get a point across right right but that's how bad it is like literally we're showing you the least of the criminal activity that is all very criminal
Starting point is 00:45:38 activity and they won't even move on it i mean mean, that right there tells you that the gig is up. I mean, there is obviously one-sided prosecution. But, I mean, this only ties into the fact that the Communist Party of China has complete control of our government agencies at every level. It certainly feels that way, doesn't it? Right, I mean, all the evidence points to it. I mean, what law enforcement is happening in this country right now?
Starting point is 00:46:09 Rick, I've been frustrated reporting on these scandals over the past year. Over the past couple years. There's never anything done. No. But you know what? The explanation of it is pretty simple. It is our very agencies that are supposed to do the investigating. They're in control by another government.
Starting point is 00:46:25 That's why they're not serving us. Go back to the Bill Clinton days. Briefcases of nuclear secrets. You're going to talk about rockets, rocket secrets. Clinton sold American rocket secrets to China. And at that time, China couldn't fly a rocket in a straight line. They did not have the technology to get a rocket to go in a straight line. Bill Clinton gave it to them. Now they're shooting satellites out of the air. Yes. And practicing to sink our carriers.
Starting point is 00:46:59 Bill Clinton is a communist. Look, he toured the Soviet Union when he was a college student. Yes. Does that. Back in the 70s. Who goes on vacation to a communist dictatorship? Besides Bernie Sanders, who went on his honeymoon. Other communists. He did his honeymoon there. Okay. Communists. His wife, Hillary, she devoted, I mean, she was a protege of one of the most radical communist trainers in this country, Saul Alinsky.
Starting point is 00:47:36 Yes. She had a copy of his manuscript before he published the book. She was in college. She had the manuscript before Saul Alinsky published Rules for Radicals. How do you do that? She probably helped write it too. She's on the inside of the Communist Party. And she's part of the global party of communism.
Starting point is 00:47:56 They believe the same thing the Chinese do. I remember when Hillary went to Beijing to a UN summit and wore her red dress. You say, oh, come on. You're going to make fun of me. No American in their right mind would wear anything red to a red communist country. Unless you're in agreeance. Unless you're sending a signal, I'm part of it. But that's minor.
Starting point is 00:48:33 That's minor compared to the mountain of evidence that Bill Clinton was paid off by the Chinese during his eight years. Treason. Yes. Treason. And nothing was done. Nothing. They came up with the Monica Lewinsky scandal to blow smoke over the real scandal. Clinton sold our national military secrets to China.
Starting point is 00:48:55 You talk today, what was this big scandal the Clinton years? Monica Lewinsky. Right. Does anybody remember China? No. And while everyone was focused on a blue dress, they were missing the red flag. Yes. Yes. So, well, is it possible that forces within the West, within the United States military maybe are fighting back, maybe are pushing back on this?
Starting point is 00:49:14 I mean, is it possible? I hope so. Well, the fact that a master sergeant, he may be retired, but he's recently retired, a master sergeant in special forces is speaking out against this. I have to believe there's thousands of men like him. And again, I pray that those generals who signed that letter, 50 some generals, recently retired, some still active, who said America has to stand up now against communism, I have to pray that they're actually making progress. Because if they're not,
Starting point is 00:49:43 all we have, all we've ever had is Christ. But that's it. We have to pray that they're actually making progress because if they're not, all we have, we've all we've ever had is Christ. But that's it. We have to make a decision maybe in the near future to leave this country or fight. I'd like to see tanks roll down Constitution Avenue and go to the White House and the Congress and the Supreme Court and arrest all the Chinese traitors. That's what I'd like to see. They've betrayed their oath. I wouldn't. No, look, I'm not calling for people to be arrested because of their political views. I'm talking about people that are on the payroll of the China Communist Party. It's either that or we're going to see Chinese tanks. Yes. Which one do you want? D.C. Whose tanks do you want? So the left can get all. Why does the left get worried and upset about me? Because I am calling them out. You see them for what they are. They're agents of the China Communist Party.
Starting point is 00:50:30 The people that attack me are agents of the China Communist Party. They're doing the propaganda work. So Beijing Biden, is he going to call China out and demand accountability? No, of course not. In fact, you know, this is from Summit News here. This is the headline. This answer is all you need to know, Rick. Biden's security advisor refuses to say how China will be punished for non-cooperation with COVID investigations. So they're not even picking things up there.
Starting point is 00:51:07 So is the Biden administration going to do anything? Not as long as they have, China has Hunter's laptop. Speaking of Hunter's laptop, if the stories are correct about the defector, then what does China have? China has copies of Hunter's laptop and he brought a copy with him to the DIA. They have blackmail to influence the president of the United States of America. According to these stories, the defector brought a copy of Hunter Biden's laptop to the Defense Intelligence Agency to prove China had Hunter's laptop. And he also brought documentation that directly linked the Bidens to Hemings Automotive and their stealth technology program and Avic Auto. The big story we did last year. Supposedly he's got those documents as well. So this, will the Biden administration do anything?
Starting point is 00:52:00 Of course not. That's why the DIA. The real question is, will the U.S. military do something about traitors in the White House? And do it before the next bioweapons attack. There's no time to waste on this. The DIA is under pressure. They have to act. But our nation has to take this seriously because we've all experienced an attack from the Chinese. And it was that bioweapon last year. Well, we're going to go into this a little bit further, especially in regard to the manufacturing and the black fungus in India. But first, let's listen to Kerry Kinsey with our second headlines.
Starting point is 00:52:38 Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. The Associated Press says Governor Gavin Newsom claims California will pay off all of the past due rent that added up because of the fallout from the pandemic. It's a promise to make landlords whole while giving renters a clean slate. AP says left unsettled is whether California continues to ban evictions for unpaid rent beyond June 30th. Now, that was a pandemic-related order that was meant to be temporary, but is proving difficult to undo. Federal eviction protections also are set to expire on June 30th. California had passed its own protections that applied to more people.
Starting point is 00:53:26 says Swiss voters rejected a key climate change measure. Now, it was a referendum that saw voters narrowly reject the government's plan for a car fuel levy and a tax on air tickets. It was designed to help Switzerland meet targets under the Paris Agreement on climate change. Many voters are worried about the impact on the economy as the country tries to recover from COVID-19. WIO News explains what this means for Switzerland. It will be extremely difficult to cut carbon emissions in order to reach the 2030 deadline and to become net neutral on emissions by 2050. The government would now have to impose duty on fuel importers to invest in climate protection projects, which means that
Starting point is 00:54:19 it will have to chalk out a fresh consensus with the population on climate policies. Remember, this is one of the three referendums scrapped by the country's system of direct democracy. Switzerland has rejected another legislation which would have made it the first European nation to impose a blanket ban on artificial pesticides. Now, opponents point out that Switzerland is responsible for only 0.1 percent of global emissions. They doubt that such policies would help the environment. Now, the vote under Switzerland's system of direct democracy went 51 against, 49 in favor. And the Jerusalem Post says vaccinated tourists and children from birth to six years old will be allowed into Israel starting July 1st. That's when that will happen.
Starting point is 00:55:10 Those who have not gotten the jab who are going to Israel will need to enter quarantine. That's a look at True News headlines. For information on these stories and more, how about visiting our companion website? It's called Now, let's get a reaction from Rick, Edward, and Doc. Thank you, Kerry. We're back to discuss the other end of the COVID war. Rick, before the break, before Kerry's headlines, we were laying out the mysterious circumstances taking place between the Chinese and the Americans. We've got a dead nuclear scientist. We've also gotten a high-level defector. But there is something else happening in China, and it's a slowdown of that amazing economy they built during our pandemic.
Starting point is 00:56:04 Now, specifically, their industrial centers are being slowed down. They're being shut down due to a COVID outbreak. Some mysterious disease is making its way through their industrial workers. One area is Guangzhou. This is from Radio Free Asia. Guangzhou, Rick, is an industrial center outside Hong Kong. It is also where flat screen TVs, microchip devices, many electronics are built here. Guangdong.
Starting point is 00:56:33 Guangdong, yes. Yes. This is one of three areas right now in China that are being shut down. Now, in addition to Guangdong, you also have flights being canceled in Shenzhen. And these are two of the biggest industrial Silicon Valley and slash industrial hubs of China. Now, this is in addition to the Chinese touting out that they vaccinated more than a billion people. We vaccinated more than a billion people. And yet they're having these outbreaks in major industrial areas. So not in not in rural areas, not in just average Chinese cities.
Starting point is 00:57:14 Two of the biggest economic hubs of China where they produce products that they sell to the world. Okay, so if China attacked America and other nations, Australia, India, Great Britain, Philippines, if China attacked us last year and shut down our economy, and the China economy was the only economy in the world. That grew. That grew during 2020. 20%. So if they had such amazing economic results from planting a bioweapon in their enemy's countries. Would somebody in one of those countries,
Starting point is 00:58:05 in an intelligence agency, a military commando group, would they say, well, what would happen if we released a different strain of coronavirus in their industrial hubs? And now we will shut down the Chinese economy. So do you think that's what's happening here in this particular scenario? Yes.
Starting point is 00:58:31 It sure started to look like revenge. We've got COVID wars. We're in World War III. And it's a biological war. Right now, it's a biological war. It's going to go to a chemical war. Then it's going to go to a nuclear war. Then it's going to go to a scale or a weapons war.
Starting point is 00:58:47 It gets worse beyond nuclear. We're here to discuss the robotics angle of it, because the next war will certainly be fought with drones. And robotic soldiers. Robotic soldiers that may consume the soldiers who are dead on the battlefield. A horrific future. In addition to those two centers, Rick, there's also a third. The shipping hub for China. Yan Tian Port.
Starting point is 00:59:12 Now, what's happening here is there's been an outbreak of COVID again. They said it was a COVID-related outbreak. But the ships cannot be unloaded. And they can also not be loaded to sent out. Now, this is Maersk. The CEO of Maersk was warning this in Sea Trade Maritime News about a week ago, saying that Maersk is unable to book ships. They're unable to get their ships that are currently in the harbor to get them loaded, get them unloaded. They're not going to be setting and paying for any future ships for the time being until this is handled.
Starting point is 00:59:46 The congestion has become a traffic jam, which they said will become worse, a much bigger disruption than the Suez Canal closure. And we all know how bad that was just months ago. So what's the explanation for three unusual, mysterious outbreaks of COVID in three important industrial economic shipping hubs? In the most vaccinated country in the world. In the most vaccinated country in the world. You have to start looking at the clandestine angle of this because they haven't given any reasonable explanation to this. Retaliation. Yeah. For them to say it's the COVID outbreak, I mean, called it a variant.
Starting point is 01:00:32 They haven't called it anything of this other than mentioning that these regions, because of their industrial base, they were the first to get vaccinated. But you have to look at what's happening in America. I certainly think if there are agents who are patriots who want to respond, that this is how you would do it. You'd knock out the three major industrial centers. It's going to have an impact on the global economy. And I think that's something that has yet to really be felt yet. But C-Trade is noting that the unceasing congestion will become global. In addition to this, the sailing, the blank sailing, which means the canceling of ship orders, the actual canceling of them being able to go to ports and being chartered, is up 300% now. These are the goods that most Americans and others around the world rely on.
Starting point is 01:01:16 So you know what that means? Shortages and inflation. Right. One of the things about blank sailings, too too is now- What is blank sailings? Well, blank sailings are where they- It's a shipping term. They'll actually bypass a port. So now, because Jantien Harbor and port are so congested now, boats that were destined to go to the port, they're saying, just skip it completely.
Starting point is 01:01:43 Just go to the next port. Or cancel it altogether. Right. Because it's the bulk company, the company that actually books this ship to be used for shipping, is the one that eats the cost. And they also eat the cost
Starting point is 01:01:53 while the ship is sitting in harbor waiting to be unloaded. The United States is going into extreme inflation in the coming months. And 2022 is going to be a year of inflation. Disruptions like this to China is going to cause greater inflation as shortages grip the marketplace
Starting point is 01:02:19 and products are unavailable and people start paying premium prices to get what products are unavailable, and people start paying premium prices to get what products are available. And to give you some idea here, we had the same thing happen to us here in the U.S. on the shipping issues. Remember Los Angeles and Long Beach last year? They had all this congestion because of COVID
Starting point is 01:02:42 and because they couldn't unload boats. And so they were also having blank sailings where they were just bypassing LA and Long Beach and just going to the next port. That impacted it. It impacted our entire supply chain. Same thing's happening to the Chinese. My question is, wouldn't this have just, I mean, as China impacted the world economically with the attack they did, wouldn't a counterattack likewise have a global impact as well? It will. It will. But the main thing is to cripple the Chinese economy. Ours is already crippled. Are we willing to cripple most of the world so we can really cripple the Chinese? I think somebody is. I think somebody is.
Starting point is 01:03:26 The question is, who's doing it? I don't know who's doing it. If it is a biological retaliation in China, I don't know which agency, which country has done it. It doesn't mean it's the United States. No, it doesn't. You have to wonder if it's the British. It could be Australia. It could be British.
Starting point is 01:03:40 It could be a number of countries. And then the other issue is if it is the United States, who's making the decision? Because I can't see Joe Biden saying, let's take out the Chinese economy. Right. That's going to hurt his paycheck. It's going to hurt his retirement fund. He's not going to take out. He's a puppet for China. He's not going to retaliate against China.
Starting point is 01:04:06 So who's making the decision? I don't know. If it's coming from the United States, is it deep inside the Pentagon? Is it rogue? Are we seeing actions by rogue patriot intelligence officers, commandos, saying we're going to do it ourselves, we're going to take care of this? How many people would it take to bring a vial of a bioweapon to this port, to that shipping district, or to the Shenzhen airport? It takes one person. Yeah, it takes one person.
Starting point is 01:04:40 So the rogue theory, I think that's plausible. If the DIA has had this defector, and we've just laid out the problems with the DIA trying to work through a government that is compromised, it is possible the DIA themselves are carrying out their own response. Well, Bloomberg is reporting that they're forecasting years of response in container shipping. Years. But you have to dig down in the story to see what it really, really says. The real impact, though, that they're forecasting is on the Chinese. Because right now, Rick, it costs eight times as much money to ship a container from, let's say, from Shanghai to New York than it does from New York to Shanghai,
Starting point is 01:05:25 the other direction. It could cost as much as $10,000 per container. And we were talking even a year ago, container rates less than $500. And then in recent months, the price of unused, I mean of used containers here in Florida skyrocketed. Yes, right. Because the economy was starting to pick up again, and they were grabbing, people were grabbing every container that they could find.
Starting point is 01:05:51 But now we're back to... A container glut. A container glut and chaos. Are we seeing outbreaks of the virus in other countries? Yes, one of them is Australia. According to the Sydney Morning Herald, they're starting to wonder where the source of a Delta outbreak
Starting point is 01:06:11 is in their country. This is referring to the strain, the variant of coronavirus that has brought India into their own version of a lockdown and is spread outside India now. The Australians are starting to wonder. They don't know where this virus entered through. I don't know if an individual brought it to the country, but
Starting point is 01:06:31 they're experiencing the backlash from it. It remains a mystery. It remains a mystery, but it has impacted at least 15 people, including children. There's a cluster. I get two possibilities to solve the mystery. Number one, China introduced it into Australia to punish the Australians for their resistance to the Chinese domination of Asia. Remember, it wasn't the Chinese, sorry, the Australian generals who were preparing to fight China, specifically over Taiwan. That's right. Or number two, the vaccines. Right. And the vaccinated people are producing the Delta variant. Rick, I'm flabbergasted at the thinking people's conclusion on this. A lot of them, they dismiss this outright. What is new in society?
Starting point is 01:07:17 The last, let's say, six months. We didn't come up with a new brand of food. We didn't really change our system or our culture that much other than with the transgender lifters. We've introduced a new chemical substance in the form of a series of branded vaccines with mRNA technology in them. And we said, well, this is going to help you against coronavirus. This is the mystery rogue agent that's entered. It's a variable. No one wants to confront it, though.
Starting point is 01:07:46 Yet, they are at least saying, well, there's some rare conditions like heart inflammation among kids that we've seen. Oh, by the way, you might have a heart attack. You might have brain problems. But they won't confront the mass impact on society. If, for example, society became addicted to
Starting point is 01:08:02 a new alcohol, a new drug, we would say, look, maybe that is negatively affecting us. But we don't touch this because of the scientific infrastructure paid by China. Yes, and the propaganda machine that China has in the news media and the tech companies and the social media companies, they have a massive propaganda presence in this country. Well, you did mention there's a change in the variables here and now we have yet another variable that is impacting it's starting in India and you guys had kind of touched on earlier in the God cast and that's this black
Starting point is 01:08:37 fungus yeah this is bizarre India is another this I don't want to say enemy of China, rival of China. They share a border. They have little military battles every few months. They kill, they shoot each other's soldiers. I mean, that's pretty serious when you have two countries. I mean, imagine if every several months Canada and the United States, we shot each other. Had to shoot it out, yeah. Had to shoot it out and killed 10, 15 soldiers on each side.
Starting point is 01:09:04 I mean, that's serious. That's what happens between China and India. And both countries have nuclear arsenals. The first major nuclear war could be between China and India, not China and the United States. By the way, Rick, I don't know if you saw this, but right now Pakistan and China are doing joint military drills too. So Pakistan, a longtime enemy of India. They're making a military alliance with China. They said, if the war starts, here's whose side we're on.
Starting point is 01:09:34 Okay, so India, clearly a rival of China, militarily and politically. With its massive population and the Indian market, the Indian economy has been vibrant and challenging. A lot of companies have moved their plants from China to India. Right. So it's draining factories and jobs out of China. They're moving to India. Right. So it's draining factories and jobs out of China. They're moving to India. So India is a huge rival to communist China, and they've been hit very hard by coronavirus. Of course, they've also vaccinated just about everybody in the country, and they're having a surge of COVID cases now, and they're trying to figure out this Delta variant.
Starting point is 01:10:30 Where did it come from? Either China or the vaccine. Those are your two choices. But the strange thing now is that people who survive coronavirus are now developing what's called black fungus. Yes. This is really scary. Yes. I mean, do you survive it?
Starting point is 01:10:52 Yeah, you survive the Delta variant, which has a higher mortality rate than what we've experienced here in the West with our variant. And then you have to deal with something called black fungus, another respiratory infection that they don't have an explanation for, Rick, past saying it's in our soil. That's where it's come from. It started to sound a lot like the bat soup explanation for coronavirus. Okay, so why is it affecting only the people who survive COVID? Because when you're going through the process of, I guess, receiving medication and everything in the COVID environment,
Starting point is 01:11:26 a lot of them are using steroid drugs. And in the steroid drugs, it weakens some functions of the immune system on your part, makes you more susceptible, in particular to black fungus. So that's one of the possible explanations that they're trying to come up with at this point. And they were giving me steroids in the hospital. Right. So watch for your nose to turn black or anything. If that happens, I'm not believing for that. I'm opting out. What do we know about black fungus? I mean, today's the first time I've heard of it. Black fungus, we know that the cases are up 150 percent in the past three weeks. You know,
Starting point is 01:12:08 about 31,000 cases total, about 2,100 dead, according to NDTV in India. We also know that this has gotten the attention of the prime minister of India, Narendra Modi. He's looking much different nowadays. The pandemic has been stressful. He's not looking as well kept. He's also not looking like he looked when he was standing with President Trump in Texas. But according to NDTV, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has termed the unseen and shifting enemy. This is referring to the black fungus, a new challenge, said in recent days, we have a new challenge of black fungus. That's from the Prime Minister. Now, the government has actually presented a rival explanation for this. They have their own PSA specifically on black fungus. And we grabbed that before the program. This is it.
Starting point is 01:13:15 Infection by the black fungus has become a big cause of concern in the current era. It's important for us to understand that what we call black fungus is caused by a fungus known as mucormycosis. It was very occasionally seen in patients whose immunity was low, for example, diabetics with poor control, those who were on chemotherapy because of cancers, or those who were post-transplant patients. In them, one was seeing occasionally both in the sinuses and in the lungs now this fungus is seen in the environment it's seen in the soil and it can be present in healthy people normally at times in their nose for some time but the body's immune system is strong enough to prevent the infection
Starting point is 01:14:00 from happening and therefore nothing happens to these people even if they inhale the fungal spores. The disease is much easier to control and treat if patients present to us early. Early symptoms are nasal discharge, which can at times be bloodstained, nasal blockage, pain and numbness in and around the areas of nose and face. Sometimes the patient can have persistent headache and can also present with loosening or pain around tooth region. Swelling and redness of eyeball, protrusion of eyeball and blindness indicate that disease has spread to eye. If the disease goes beyond eye and sinuses into the brain then that is
Starting point is 01:14:45 usually a late presentation and patient can have seizures or loss of consciousness. And this is predominantly because of three main factors. One is the infection itself. COVID is a viral infection but it affects our immune system in a way that it predisposes us to getting the fungal infection secondly is underlying diabetes and if you have diabetes which is with poor control the sugars are high then that also serves as a medium for the fungus to grow the third important factor is the use of steroids. Steroids are very useful in moderate to severe COVID. What do steroids do? Two things. One is,
Starting point is 01:15:35 in a diabetic, use of steroids will lead to blood sugars going up. So clearly here they're saying that the individuals, especially the COVID patients who are getting this, is their immune systems have been destroyed. And that's what's made them susceptible. They said that the black fungal spores are present in regular society. They're from the soil. Most of the time, it doesn't cause someone to require hospitalization or even risk death. But because the patients, the COVID victims, their immune systems have been compromised. They are now susceptible to something that wouldn't have harmed us. But you have to wonder again around the world, will we be seeing a return of many of the viruses that don't seem to kill anymore, don't seem to harm because we've either been exposed
Starting point is 01:16:18 to COVID or a rogue vaccination? That's a good observation, Edward, because as the doctor was saying there, this black fungus is in the environment now. Your normal immune system can fight it off without any problem whatsoever. But now that you have diminished immune system, and think of the millions of people around the world now who have diminished immune system
Starting point is 01:16:42 or suppressed immune system because they've had the vaccine. Would that make them more susceptible to a host of different viruses and germicides and everything else that's going on out there? Doc, Edward, for the body of Christ, for those of you who know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior I would say to you we're entering a time of plagues and
Starting point is 01:17:16 warfare that mankind has never seen we've entered the time of a woe that Jesus said was coming. And it's not going to get away. It's going to get worse. If God in his sovereign wisdom has chosen that you and I go through this time and stay alive. That is his will. Others, I think through his mercy, will take them home. I think he's going to take some Christians home out of an act of mercy, just say, sweetheart, you don't need to see this.
Starting point is 01:18:01 Right. Dear son, I don't want you to go through this. All right. Others, he's going to say, I need you. I have an assignment for you. I have work for you. So don't question why certain Christians pass away. It may be God's mercy.
Starting point is 01:18:20 I'm just saying, you've served me long enough. You've been faithful. I don't want you to experience what's coming. We'll see them again. Yeah, we're going to see them. But for those of us who are living through this time, the two most important things I would say to you is on the spiritual side, get yourself spiritually fit. Get yourself spiritually fit. Yes. Turn off the world. Get yourself spiritually fit.
Starting point is 01:18:46 Turn off the world. Disconnect from the world. Stop consuming. Satan's word. Satan's, yeah, his propaganda messages. Disconnect from the media. Disconnect from social media. Just, you know, I'm not saying never use it.
Starting point is 01:19:04 That's not what I'm saying. mean i'm here we are we're using media but use it in a don't let it use you don't let it use you spend more if you're going to use media spend more time reading and listening to the word of god or somebody talking about the word of god than you are about satan's people talking about their world. Amen. That's a good word, Rick. I mean, whose world is more important to you, the kingdom of Jesus or the kingdom of darkness, okay? So spend more time reading or listening or watching material about the kingdom of God. Get yourself spiritually fit. I mean, this is a no brainer.
Starting point is 01:19:46 If there is sin in your life, stop it. Stop it. God sees it all. Just stop it. I mean, just flat out, stop it. If you're actively engaged in sin, I mean, you need to stop it. You're crippling yourself. Look, if you're living with someone who's not your spouse, you're in sin, I mean, you need to stop it. You're crippling yourself. Look, if you're living with someone who's not your spouse, you're in sin.
Starting point is 01:20:10 It's amazing you even have to say that. Yes, I know. Look, there's no such thing as a Christian whore. Or a gay Christian. Or a gay Christian. And there's no such thing as a Christian whoremonger. Right? There's no such thing as a Christian whoremonger. Right? There's no such thing.
Starting point is 01:20:26 You might be saying, well, I'm dating a nice Christian woman, and yes, we have sex. No, she's not a Christian. And you're not either. Right. Okay? You have to live according to his word. You're a citizen of the kingdom. Clean up your act.
Starting point is 01:20:44 It's not God's responsibility to clean up your act. All right. You clean it up. Jesus said, go and sin no more. Yes. He'll forgive, but it's your responsibility to go and sin no more. If you're involved in pornography, stop it. Just that simple. Stop it. The Lord will give you grace. He'll give you grace to overcome the temptation. There's a simple formula. When temptation comes, submit to God, resist the tempter, the tempter will flee. It's one, two, three. Submit to God. Tell your heavenly father, I'm being tempted.
Starting point is 01:21:42 YOU'LL BE STRONGER FOR THAT NEXT TIME. YES, BUT, YES, HE you invite it to come back. Don't invite it to come back. Every time you resist, that temptation will become weaker. So the number one thing to do in this time of plagues is get yourself ready, spiritually fit. Many of you are preppers. That's a good thing. I'm a prepper. I don't talk a lot about it, but I, I I've got enough food probably the last several tribulations.
Starting point is 01:22:13 All right. Lots of tuna. Yeah. Um, I mean, we, Susan and I are well stocked. Okay. We didn't start this yesterday and We started this a long time ago. OK? We're well stocked. But my faith and trust is not in my preparation because I know when that time comes, I'm going to be giving a lot of food away because it's not for us. It's for others. So I'm going to be giving it away. But what I give away is going to be
Starting point is 01:22:46 multiplied. God can't multiply anything that you don't give away. I mean, it's just that simple. He can't multiply something that you don't give away. His miraculous power comes when you give things away. It all belongs to him anyway. Yes, but the act of giving and sharing with somebody else is what releases God's power to multiply that which you gave away. And you have more than you had before you gave it away. So be a prepper, but most of all, store the Word of God in your heart. You have beans and bouillon and bullets. And Bible.
Starting point is 01:23:30 Yes. But do you have the Bible in your heart? Have you stored the Word of God in your heart? The only way to do it is to actively read and study it. Yes. You have to do that. So get yourself spiritually ready. If there's somebody you have unforgiveness towards, bitterness, anger, get over it.
Starting point is 01:23:55 Forgive that person. Just get all of this stuff, the junk, out of your system. If you're still dealing with your daddy issue, well, my papa beat me 35 years ago. Okay, get over it. Because the Chinese are going to beat you too. Yeah, they're going to beat you silly. Okay, get over it.
Starting point is 01:24:14 If your papa's still alive, go see him and tell him you forgive him and get over it. If he's dead, go to his grave site and say, Dad, you know what? I forgive you. I'm done with this, okay? Get this junk out of your heart. That's my first thing.
Starting point is 01:24:28 Get yourself spiritually ready. Number two, get yourself physically ready. Get yourself physically ready. All of us need to work on our health, losing weight, getting in shape, our diet. Stop eating Babylon's food. Yes. Stop eating Babylon's food. That's right out of Daniel.
Starting point is 01:24:53 Yes. Yes. Stop eating their genetically modified food. Go to your farmer's market, get non-GMO food, drink lots of purified water, stop drinking the sodas, do whatever you got to do. Walk, take a walk every day. Do things to get your body strengthened. Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
Starting point is 01:25:26 We're responsible for the condition of our body. And I'm going to tell you right now, Susan and I, post-COVID, have changed. We are, not just me, but our entire family. I mean, the whole family, except Jeremy, got sick. And we, as a family, we're like, hey, we're taking care of each other. We're not eating certain types of food. We're not doing certain things. We are, as a family, we're going to take care of ourselves and we're going to encourage other family members to get healthy too. Okay. Again, I know what I went through with COVID. I want to be physically stronger. I want to be physically healthier when the second Chinese weapon comes. Because we're the frontline soldiers.
Starting point is 01:26:16 Yes. Spiritually and physically. Yes. So those are the two things I would recommend that you do. Spiritually fit and physically fit and do what you can to survive the COVID wars and the biological wars and the chemical wars that are coming. And only the grace of God can get us through this. There's no reason for any of us to die early because we weren't physically fit to survive the attack. That's our responsibility. That's not God's responsibility to make you physically fit. Right.
Starting point is 01:26:57 He will heal our physically unfit bodies out of mercy. But after he does that, he goes, now, it's your responsibility. Clean up your act. Okay? And that's something that all of us need to work on. I know, Doc, you've been doing awesome. This guy has lost so much weight in the past six months.
Starting point is 01:27:20 He's had to get a whole new wardrobe. Twice. That's impressive. I've lost about 100 pounds. It's so inspiring to see what Doc has done. You know what motivated me? What? I had viewers saying I was fat.
Starting point is 01:27:35 I did? Finally, one day it dawned on me, maybe I am fat. I never thought you were fat, Doc. No, in all seriousness, it convicted me. I tell you, well, it convicted me. I'll tell you why. I understand, but it convicted me because I don't want my weight to be an excuse to keep people from hearing the gospel. Okay, so and that trip, that breaker tripped in my head one day.
Starting point is 01:27:58 And it's like people are seeing my body and they're not seeing Jesus. And so that's what prompted me to make some radical changes over the past year. I'm still got a ways to go, but- But they were also getting you physically ready to survive things that are on the horizon. He convicted me of gluttony. There are other people that are dealing with pornography
Starting point is 01:28:21 and pride and all these other things. Mine was gluttony. And so it was, I had to say, yeah, I'm a glutton. I need Jesus. And so it's been quite the journey. I give him the glory. I really do, because I couldn't do it. Jesus actually brings gluttony into the second coming.
Starting point is 01:28:41 How's that? Well, I wrote about it in Final Day. But he talks about surfeiting. That's an old King James word. So he's talking about being ready for his return. Yes. And he says,
Starting point is 01:28:58 avoid these things, and one of them is surfeiting. Surfeiting, like to surfeit. But it really means to gorge on food and drink. Overindulge. Huh. Wow. Didn't know that.
Starting point is 01:29:12 Yes. But he brings that warning in while he's talking about his second coming. Yes. So the amount of food and beverage that we consume has an impact on us being ready for his glorious appearing. That was a shocker to me when I wrote the book. I remember when I read that in your book. When I wrote the book, I was like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I've never seen this before.
Starting point is 01:29:40 So all of us, I lost 20 pounds on the COVID diet. 20 or 20, I think maybe 20, 22 pounds on the COVID diet. All right. Which is lay in bed. You can't eat. You can't eat because you can't breathe either. Yeah. You can't eat because you can't get out of bed and it takes too much breath to get to the kitchen to get any food. So you just lay there for a couple of weeks. That's the COVID diet. I wouldn't recommend it, but it does work. But an easier thing to do is to lose the weight now and to exercise and to get in shape and get off. Just get Babylon's junk, all of Babylon. Get Babylon out of your system, out of your mind, out of your body, out of your mouth. Get Babylon out. Out of you.
Starting point is 01:30:27 And no, you're not doing it alone. Christ is with you. But everybody who has the wisdom to watch this program, take a step, any step, to improve your health, both spiritually and physically. And you'll be ready for the battle ahead. Rick, did you want to say anything to close? Okay. I said it. It's been a great program, Rick.
Starting point is 01:30:44 I'm glad to have you back here. Amen. Well, thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News. This is a God cast that exalts the name of Jesus Christ. If you know him, God bless you. If you don't, what are you waiting for? If you'd like to support our ministry, you can go to That is T-R-U-N-E-W-S dot com.
Starting point is 01:31:03 Just click on the heart on the left hand side or the red donate button on the right. You can call our toll-free number at 1-800-576-2116. That is 1-800-576-2116. If you prefer to donate to us by mail or write us a prayer request, our address is P.O. Box 690069, Vera Beach, Florida. Zip code 32969. We accept stocks, precious metals, even cattle. Whatever you want to bless us with,
Starting point is 01:31:31 we will gladly receive and put toward our mission here to save souls and report the good news to approach the second coming of Jesus Christ. Thank you, and God bless you. The preceding program was made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you.
Starting point is 01:32:04 To find out how you can help, visit

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