TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Covid Accords: World leaders call for global pandemic treaty
Episode Date: March 31, 2021Today on TRUNEWS, we discuss the latest efforts by globalists to ensure the full vaccination of planet Earth, by instituting post-World War 2 style ‘COVID Accords.’ Vaccine passports are soon, with US states and the White House leading the charge. Is this the beginning of the Mark of the Beast? Finally, we show evidence that the Western church has capitulated to the Coronavirus plan. Edward Szall, Rick Wiles, Matt Skow. Airdate (3/30/21)
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I'm Edward Zoll.
World leaders from Europe to Asia have called for a World War II-style COVID accord
to achieve salvation from the pandemic.
In a letter signed by 24 leaders and the director of the WHO,
the proposed treaty would establish a global system to govern how to restrict freedoms,
implement lockdowns, and enforce vaccinations.
Joining me to plunge into this story and more are True News founder Rick Wallace and Doc Burkhart.
Hey, Edward.
Hey, Edward. Well, here we are. We're now talking about a global COVID treaty.
We warned about this months ago.
They've now finally got together and they've proposed that it's based on the WHO's constitution.
Yes, they're going to institutionalize lockdowns, mandatory mask mandates,
social distancing. It's going to become a treaty signed by many nations. We had today,
I think the leaders of 23 nations signed the letter. And of course, there will be many more by the time this thing is is
ratified but where they're going is establishing a written legal treaty that
will obligate nations right to meet certain protocols, standards to standards to implement specific restrictions,
because the politicians in various countries will will tell their people, we don't like doing this, but we signed a treaty.
We signed a treaty. The president, the president before me signed a treaty.
The prime minister before me signed that treaty.
I didn't do it.
He did it.
She did it.
And we're part of a global community now.
And when we make a commitment, we've got to stick with it.
That's right.
So if this treaty is ratified by most of the nations in the world,
you've got to think about five years from now, 10 years from now, 15 years from now,
what they will be able to implement worldwide instantly
because they'll simply announce.
Now, we have few details on this treaty.
Obviously, they haven't released the actual wording.
But the fact that it comes from the World Health Organization.
And they're comparing it to World War II stuff.
It's global.
It's alliance against an axis power.
In this case, COVID or a disease is the enemy.
Or maybe the enemies are those they would consider to be obstructing the pandemic lockdowns in the world.
So you hit it. They're referring to World War II, which means that they're going to codify into this treaty war power acts.
Right. You're going to have war powers against future viruses. And the terminology will be warlike. It'll be state of war, state of emergency.
And certain things will go into effect the moment the World Health Organization declares a pandemic.
Every nation that is a signatory to this proposed treaty will be obligated to implement the terms of the treaty. If the World Health Organization is the driving force of this treaty, I guarantee to you right
now I know the identity of two other people and forces that are involved, China and Bill
Yes. Yes. Bill Gates supplies about one fourth of the
funding to the World Health Organization. And Dr. Tedros is a communist who answers to Beijing.
Yes. But you just named the top two funders of the WHO. And it's really influenced how the WHO
has responded to coronavirus over the last year.
They refuse to address the concerns that it came from a bioweapons lab in Wuhan. Actually,
this week, Rick, the WHO is the author of the rebuttal to any claim in that. So they're saying
it absolutely likely. They always have to put likely in there. Came from an animal, came from a bat. Yes, inside the lab.
We agree on that part.
But the bat was inside the Wuhan lab.
And it was funded by the NIH because Dr. Fauci is up to his ears in complicity in the study
of coronavirus and bats. And nobody in this country has had the backbone to challenge Fauci
and demand accountability from him.
We know that as in all treaties, and especially treaties that came out of World War II,
there were global standards that were set.
There were the U.S. monetary policy and standards of know, standards of travel, things like that.
As we move forward, are we likely to see standards being set up for things like, you know, maybe a global vaccine passport of some kind?
Sure. What the World Health Organization is going to become out of this treaty is the Global Department of Health.
Right. It's going to become a government, a global government agency.
Oh, you got to know they're licking their chops for that, aren't they?
Rick, we showed on the program a couple weeks ago an example of one of these COVID passports, the vaccine passport.
I believe it was the EU's.
That was the model that ties directly into a pharmacy.
That's the COVID passport that will tie into the local Walgreens or whatever you have
in Spain or other countries around the world. And it is that pharmacy that reports on your status
to the world. I believe it's the passport that's tied in with the airlines. Remember that?
Yes. So that passport, if we're getting this model, they are now finding a way to get it
down to the local level using corporations to enforce the fascism on the
corporations are the driving force on the on the immunity passport it's not the governments
right the corporations are are pushing forward saying we will we will organize it we will fund
it we will create the the passport and we'll just present it to the government to say it's done it's
finished right and the governments will just nod and say, OK, let's go with it.
But we now have global governance by corporations working hand in hand with communist China to implement a new world order,
which is a blend of communism, fascism, different isms.
And it's creating an ism that the world has never seen before.
A global system of tyranny.
One thing that we've learned over the past several years
going to all the different tech conferences, gentlemen,
is that there's a great move afoot to identify every single person on the planet,
to somehow number them, to somehow mark them,
to somehow find some way to ID every single person on the planet.
The vaccine passport scheme is the first real opportunity
to really get the foot in the door on a global level in order to get people identified.
The digital identity movement. Right. Because those that get vaccinated are identified
by the fact that they've been vaccinated. And those that choose not to get the vaccine are
now also identified and they can be marked separately as well. And the pressure is on them
to get vaccinated because they will be
ostracized and kept out of much of society. Right. Is there any, do we have any kind of,
you know, clues or evidence of what these future vaccine passports might look like?
Well, here in the United States, New York is proud to announce that they are the first
state in the United States to develop a COVID vaccine passport.
Now, they're calling it the Excelsior Pass, and they say it's similar to a mobile airline boarding pass.
Clearly, it's far bigger reaching than this in that it's putting not just your health information on a digital identification,
but this will be your freedom pass. This will be
your ability to use the highways, your ability to fly, your ability to enter the state.
It's now regulated. They can regulate it at a centralized location.
I'm sorry, I can't look at his picture and not say, here's a man who has been accused of
multiple sexual assaults against women.
It's up to 30 now.
And he's still governor.
It's what a country.
And he has the nerve to push a vaccine passport as though nobody's paying attention to the accusations against him.
They just there's they have no shame.
They just keep going. So on this particular
vaccine passport, and they're not calling it that, but most media outlets are calling it a vaccine
passport, including USA Today. In the vaccine passport, either you have to show that you've
been vaccinated or that you have a negative COVID test, which means you're in the system one way or another. So if I board a plane to fly to New York City, am I prohibited from stepping foot on New York
state soil if I don't have a vaccination? I think that's where they're headed with this, Rick.
Really. But the Constitution gives me the right of travel in the United States.
The Constitution, Rick.
Don't bring that whole thing up.
But you're right.
Written by racists and bigots and, you know, all those other names that they put on the founding fathers.
One of the foundational principles of the United States is we're a commonwealth of states that we interact with each other.
We have trade with one another
we're able to freely travel without checkpoints and everything between states are we now going
to go backwards in time to a time you know in the colonial days where we had to check in when on the
on the toll booth you know on the pennsylvania turnpike enter a state. Let's just go back to a more recent time.
Let's go back to World War II and in Germany,
because this pass, Rick, is developed in partnership with IBM.
Now, I want to quote the inventor of the tabulator.
Will they put my pass, tattoo it on my arm so I can travel into New York State?
What Doc is talking about.
That would be a unique identifier idea, wouldn't it?
That would be.
The same company.
IBM, the International Business Machines.
This was detailed by Edwin Black.
Miller liked him.
He loved him.
IBM and the Holocaust, the strategic alliance between Nazi Germany and America's most powerful corporation. In this book, the investigative journalist Edwin Black said and proved they used
punch cards based on a national census that were developed by
IBM. Isn't this just the latest iteration of a punch card?
I've got that book in my office. It's an excellent book to read.
But it's not just New York State that's pushing the vaccine passports at this time.
The White House now is also hot on the trail of this.
White House leaves vaccine passports to the private sector.
But let's face facts here.
It's going to be the White House that's going to be pushing and encouraging the private sector to establish vaccine passports because this is what they want.
They want everyone to be marked one way or another.
They should those that submit and those that don't submit.
This title should read the White House realizes they can implement the vaccine passport easier
by handing it off and empowering private sector. That's what's happened here.
So if all 50 states of the United States develop their own immunity passport. Are we entering a period of time in this country
that Floridians will be permitted to enter one state
and banned from another state?
Texans can go to one state, but they can't go to this state?
Oh, absolutely. Remember during the summer last year?
We're not a nation anymore.
The summer last year, weren't they restricting travel
from Florida specifically into New
York, into New Jersey?
They already opened this door.
This will codify that separation.
You know, I...
Yeah, this is the way to enforce what they tried to do last year.
I see a parallel here.
I've traveled over the past several days helping family move.
That's why I wasn't here.
And here in Florida, we have what's called EasyPass. It
gets you on the turnpike and everything so you can travel. Well, right now, EasyPass has it where
you can travel up in 18 different states now with your EasyPass because it trades information back
and forth. So if you hit a toll road in Alabama or Texas, it automatically rolls over into your E-ZPass system.
What if at some point in time that, you know, in order for me to qualify for my E-ZPass here, I have to show proof of negative COVID test or a vaccine?
Well, it sure makes it easy to snitch on you because this pass could say, well, you've entered New York.
That's one way to keep me from traveling. New York's one of the states that is in reciprocal agreement on the E-ZPass.
Well, you can see that they will have their own COVID version of the E-ZPass.
Right. So they're doing it now. The technology exists now for them to be able to do it
in a very simple thing that you're already using on a day-to-day basis.
By the way, while you're talking about traveling
from state to state, this is off the topic,
but our new Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg,
he had a really queer idea the other day on taxation.
How queer was it?
It was a queer idea.
He said, well, his people were floating the idea
of taxing Americans by the miles that they drive.
Now, this is this idea has been around for 20 years. I talked about it.
It sounds very socialistic, very French, very German. Yes.
And so they they floated a trial balloon and then they they withdrew the idea.
And so that's a carbon emissions tax, is it not? Sure.
But the main thing is to punish Americans for driving,
restrict us so that we're not going anywhere.
And you can be sure they're not going to eliminate the gasoline tax.
They're going to add a tax.
Because you've got to pay for the administration.
Because the purpose is to force people out of automobiles and trucks.
Well, this queer idea that he had really is a tax on rural America, because they're the ones that do the biggest driving, right?
If you're in the city, you're not driving that much.
But if you're, you know, let's say you live out in, you know, Burger Hall or Arkansas and you have to travel to Little Rock.
That's a two or three hour drive. You know, you're paying more.
Well, the the Honorable Pete Buttigieg should study what happened in France when they tried to invent something like this.
Started the Yellow Vest protests, something that almost shut down France for an entire year.
Hey, going back to states implementing COVID passports, I am so glad
I live in the state of Florida. Governor DeSantis has done a good job. Our governor is not going to
implement a COVID passport. He's on record saying Florida will not do it. In fact, he's saying that
his office itself will take executive action
against vaccine passports. Folks, there's plenty of land here in Florida. Come on down, move here.
Don't bring your New York or California ideas here, but there's still plenty of land available,
plenty of houses for sale. Come on down here because this is the governor of Florida and what
he says he's going to do about vaccine passports.
We still have freedom in Florida.
And if we had free elections, I'd say this guy has a chance to win in 2024
if there was a free election, fair and not rigged.
But the elections are rigged, so why are we even talking about the elections in 2024?
But he's doing a good job. So you can be certain that Ron DeSantis is enemy number one of the U.S. Democratic Party?
Yes. And the two things that Ron DeSantis is doing, in addition to an executive action, one, he is going to put in a place that private companies can't enforce requirements.
That's big. The White House plan is to empower private companies. He is going to attempt to block that. The second thing is... You mean that Florida is going to prohibit
employers in the state from requiring vaccinations? Vaccinations, but also passports for employment.
Because according to the White House, their plan was to get the big corporations
to adopt these policies. And then the big cities in the
country will be forced to do it. And thus you've enforced a federal mandate through the private
industry. Well, let's see how many of these Republican governors and Republican state
legislatures do it. It's going to be a real calling sign to see where their true intentions
lie. I mean, look what happened today in South Dakota. Yes.
Kristi Noem vetoed the transgender bill.
You're right. She was afraid of a lobby for sports, for the NCAA.
Think about it.
She's not going to block grown men from participating in female sports in college.
Even at the high school level.
Because she's afraid of the sports lobby.
I had some hope for Kristi Noem and now she's at the bottom of the list.
But what's it matter?
It doesn't matter.
The elections are rigged.
So why are we even talking about it?
We have soundbite of Governor DeSantis talking about no passports in the state of Florida.
You want the fox to guard the hen house?
I mean, give me a break.
I think this is something that has huge privacy implications.
It is not necessary to do.
You know, we're going to have hit three and a half million seniors that have gotten shots sometime this week, likely 75 percent of seniors.
It's important to be able to do it. But at the same time,
we are not going to have you provide proof of this just to be able to live your life normally.
And I'm going to be taking some action
in an executive function,
emergency function here very shortly.
Does the governor travel with a band?
We believe he's at a church.
Oh, okay.
All right.
Well, another video that's been pretty hot today or the past couple days that is now it's called the trend on Twitter.
One of the things trending on Twitter today, Rick, believe it or not, is Mark of the Beast.
And one of the reasons why is because, well, here's some examples here of, you know.
The activity.
So earlier today, I don't know if it's still the case, but a lot of tweets were out there talking about the mark of the beast.
So why is that the case?
Well, Marjorie Taylor Greene, the representative from Colorado that has been making a lot of waves, you know, in the House of Representatives on Capitol
Hill. She came out with a video asking the question, is everything that's going on related
to the vaccine and coronavirus and all that, is it Biden's mark of the beast? Here's that video.
They want you to be required to have something called a COVID passport. And this would mandate your ability to be able to travel,
your ability to be able to go to events,
your ability to be able to buy and sell.
And I asked the question earlier today,
is this something like Biden's mark of the beast?
Because that is really disturbing and not good.
Oh, if you're gonna come into the football game
or the baseball game or the concert,
you need your vaccine passport because we're trying to do a good job to keep everyone safe.
This is what the Biden administration is trying to talk to these private companies into doing.
Well, let's analyze that. You see, it's still the same thing. It's still fascism or communism,
whatever you want to call it.
But it's in it's coming from private companies. So I have a term for that. I call it corporate communism.
This is not Joe Biden's idea. It's Bill Gates's idea. A year ago, we were talking about Bill Gates pushing for a passport.
Right. Bill Gates is behind this scheme.
In March, I believe, actually.
March and April, early in the pandemic.
We were locked down.
We were in our homes doing the program from our homes.
And Bill Gates was promoting the idea we're going to need immunity passports.
He was asked, what is the country going to have to look like before we get our freedoms back?
That was part of it.
The other one was turning our bodies into a vaccine factory.
Marjorie Taylor Greene,
by the way,
is a congresswoman from Georgia.
not Colorado.
She has.
She's a congresswoman.
And it started a trend today,
a troubling trend,
I think for any American that you would wake up one day to see the mark of the beast trending.
Right. And this is, this is important. It's not a joke.
And it's actually good. It's actually to me good.
I mean, something in the Bible about the last days is now trending on the lips of a lot of people.
But a lot of people were making fun of Marjorie Taylor Greene and the vaccine.
And for instance, here's an example here of someone got my first
mark of the beast. As you see there on that video, here's someone else. Yeah, boy, got the first half
of the mark of the beast today. And here's another one. Kind of weird. The woman who gave me the shot
kept chanting something. Now my Latin is rusty, but it roughly translates to,
Hail, hail, great Satan.
Another one takes the mark of the beast.
And another one here,
I either got a vaccine or the mark of the beast slash micro-shipped
depends on what church you go to.
So these are just some examples of people mocking the whole idea of being mocked.
What did Apostle Peter say about mockers and scoffers in the last days?
They'll get their reward, Rick.
But he said they will be here.
That spirit will be prominent in the world.
People mocking, scoffing at the word of God.
But it just shows you, I mean, even though they're mocking,
it shows you how open people are to receiving the mark of the beast.
I think the beast system, when it fully rolls out and everything,
people line up for it.
They will.
And not only that.
You'll be proud of it.
Got my mark of the beast today.
The governments will actually be able to say,
this is the biblical mark of the beast.
And the people will rush to get it.
There won't be any hiding of it.
You know, we used to think that people would do it being deceived.
No, Doc, I really believe now they could openly say this is the mark of the beast as in the Bible,
and millions would rush to get it.
The spirit of Antichrist is that strong in the world right now.
And some people we thought to be brothers would take the mark and become eternally damned.
It's a terrible thing to joke about.
It's certainly not something that you should cheer jokingly or seriously.
We don't know the temperament of some of these people tweeting about this. Now, I think it just shows
a trend there, Edward and Rick, about how Satan has become entertainment to us now. The devil and
hell and anything relating to judgment, anything like that at all has now become something that
entertains us. Oh, look at that. Those Christians, they believe in hell.
They believe in the mark of the beast.
They believe in a literal Satan.
The darling of the right, Fox, their entertainment division, they produce the show Lucifer.
This has been a thing for a couple of years now, be fun and on edge to poke fun or to
try to make an entertainment or sitcom out of Satan being evil. No, folks, Satan wants to kill you. Okay, so guys,
our country, I don't even know if I want to call it my
country anymore, this place I live in.
We crossed the line this week.
We went to a new level of depravity. Yes.
With a music video that was released
in which the musician had sex with Lucifer
in the music video.
We're not going to show the video
because it is so vile and raunchy
and nasty and demonic.
I don't want you to have the video images in your mind.
You shouldn't even, I almost don't even want to show this part.
We're talking about a man having anal sex with Lucifer.
That's American entertainment today.
Now, it's one thing for someone to be so demented
that they wrote such a song.
But because we're involved in video production and media,
we know what it takes to produce something.
A whole team and a couple million dollars.
Yes, a lot of money.
A lot of planning.
A lot of effort.
Months ago they planned this.
A lot of money went into that video.
Who is it?
Who funded it?
Who's behind that video?
And it truly does glorify satan i i watched the video didn't want to but i had to you know so i could be able to talk about it i have i'm not going to
watch it not that i'm going to the other thing is like he takes the crown he becomes a prince
of darkness the whole idea is that uh it starts out in the Garden of Eden.
The musician is tempted by a serpent, a dragon.
So they know the Bible, don't they?
Yeah, so they take it through.
And then towards the end, it kind of has some, you know, images of Dante's Inferno and stuff like that,
where the musician slides down a stripper pole to hell, okay,
and dances, entertains before Satan, before his throne, does more than give a lap dance.
Let me just say that.
But then afterwards, the main character of this kills Satan, kills him, removes his crown,
and then he puts the crown on and sits on Satan's
throne, supposedly in hell. And so the message of this video is that mankind will become
synonymous with Lucifer and indeed actually become more wicked than Lucifer. Right.
That's the message, right?
That's the message I got out of it, that we are occupying Satan's throne.
Well, in addition to that debauchery, the other part of this story is that the artist,
his name is Little Nos X.
I'm sure that's not his name.
This is the name he's chosen for himself as a musician.
He also- What's his name?
What's he go by?
Little Nos X. Do you... What's his name? What's he go by? Little Nos X.
Do you know who this guy is? I've never heard his music. From my understanding, he lives a homosexual life.
He's relatively new on the scene, 21 years old.
I think it's another iteration of that Garbage Auto tune.
How popular is this video?
It's very popular. It's been seen by millions.
And additionally he's launched a product with it.
He's launched a shoe, 666 pairs, and it has a drop of human blood in it.
We know this because of one of the founders of the company producing one of the 600, all the 666 shoes in this case, MSCHF, Mischief.
It's a company based in Brooklyn.
The company's founder, Daniel Greenberg, told the New York Times.
What's his name?
Daniel Greenberg.
Daniel Greenberg is the owner of this company selling these satanic shoes with human blood.
He said to the New York Times that this shoe is another example of a product they've rolled out.
But he said there's not much blood actually was collected.
Not much.
About six of us on the team gave.
So the team there in mischief is putting their own blood in this shoe.
And they're selling it now for approximately $1,000.
I'm sure some people's stimulus checks went to this.
That's the man.
That's the little Nas X.
That's his satanic shoe.
And that's the problem right now with American culture.
Do you know if Mr. Greenberg is involved in the production of the video?
Because how much money is he going to make with 666 pairs of shoes?
Well, the whole idea is the publicity that comes from these shoes.
I understand. So where's his money? Well, he's being is the publicity that comes from these shoes. I understand.
So where's his money?
Well, he's being sued right now by Nike.
Where is he making his money?
Where is Greenberg making his money?
That's a very, very good point.
He's not going to make any money off these shoes.
Is it on the music?
Is he the investor in the music?
Yeah, we don't know if he's a solid investor in the music, but you're right.
He's not going to make any money off these shoes.
$666,000, a little bit higher than that.
There are things you sell, things you advertise, things that you make money on.
Or maybe he's trying to get favor, dark influence.
Maybe this, again, was a ritual.
By the way, there was a scripture verse on there that makes it legit that way, right?
Scripture verse said, I beheld Satan fall like lightning from heaven.
So this is the idea here.
So this is where we're at now in our nation,
where we're putting blood in tennis shoes
and basically worshiping Satan.
And watching videos of a man having sexual,
anal sex with Lucifer.
That's American society right now.
God bless America, right?
No, God's not blessing America.
God judge America.
It's going to be God judges America.
And I think we're past any hope of saving the country,
reversing the country.
The only thing you can do right now
is make sure your personal life is right with God. Yes. And your family members, the people that you love,
your friends, your family members, do everything you can to make sure that they are born again
and baptized, brought into the holy church of Jesus Christ, and that they live a clean,
righteous life with the help of the Holy Spirit to the best of their ability
there's nothing else left to do nothing you can prepare your family
is according to time you can be arrested taking a stand against this debauchery
and as usual this is becoming the new
the new norm
in America Satan's becoming the new norm it doesn't't shock anymore, does it? It doesn't shock.
He's becoming a founding father of this new America.
And something else that doesn't shock is the invasion of idolatry that's come
into the school systems around our country here.
This is an example right here. This is from the Latin Post out in California.
California's Education Department proposes
curriculum with chants to Aztec gods.
You can't have Bible study.
You can't have prayer at the beginning of the day
in public school,
but you can have chance to satanic gods.
Mandated by the state.
Endorsed by the state.
Probably funded by the state, too.
Well, if it's curriculum from the Department of Education, it is funded by the state too. Well, if it's curriculum from the Department of Education,
it is funded by the state.
Doc, you know where this leads spiritually.
If you've ever read the Bible,
from Genesis to Revelation,
you know where this will lead.
The country is going to, let's just say, a calamity is awaiting America.
A calamity. And I don't know if this calamity is going to purge the country and burn off this vile, raunchy stench
and that there's a remnant left that survives and rebuilds
or whether this completely obliterates the country.
And there's one other possibility.
It's the possibility that God lets this thing go
until Christ comes back. And that we can't even imagine how decadent American
society will become in the next several decades. It's possible. It may just keep going. And and that we surpass Sodom and Gomorrah,
that we surpass all of the societies
in the history of the human race
that became decadent and defiled
and did just the most heinous crimes
against mankind and against God.
He may just let this go until the very end.
I don't know.
I don't know.
The return of Christ may be so close.
Doc, I mean, we talk about, we say this all the time about if I said a year ago, but Doc, when you were in Bible college, if one of your professors said, Doc, there's going to be a day in your ministry that a music video is going to be seen by millions in one weekend. It's going to be a man
having anal sex with Lucifer. I would have said, you got to be out of your mind.
And he's going to be wearing Nike shoes that have human blood in them. They're going to sell
666 pairs of them. And that's just going to be normal. And if you say something about
it, you're going to be the crackpot. And there's going to be a global system that's going to block
buying and selling. There's going to be pastors that are going to endorse a vaccine, which
are also going to require their churches to get vaccination, require this very pass, a global pass.
Yeah. Imagine, yeah. So your professor in Bible college said,
and Doc, let me tell you,
here's going to be the sign for you to watch
of when this age is coming.
The son of Billy Graham is going to act like he's a Scientologist.
He's going to talk like a Scientologist
and walk like a Scientologist.
His closest friends will be Scientologists.
And the son of Billy Graham will actually run vaccination centers in his ministry.
He'll be vaccinating people in his ministry sites around the world.
That's the sign to watch for. And the most prominent Southern Baptist preacher is going to say that this vaccine is going to be developed and it's a gift from God.
Yeah. The redemption. These are the signs.
And it's OK to kill babies to make a vaccine.
It's OK to use baby cells in a vaccine if somebody else
killed the baby earlier.
That's the sign to watch for.
And they'll arrest you
if you stand against them.
I would say that the signs are scary,
almost as scary as
what's to come after that.
What would you think
of a country like that?
I would say it's fallen from God.
It has no sense of God.
Would you want to live there?
Absolutely not.
What are you doing here?
That's a question I'm asking everybody.
What are we doing here?
Because they're arresting people standing here.
What are we doing here?
If we believe in Jesus Christ, what are we doing here?
We're here for the remaining people who are not saved,
who haven't heard the gospel.
Well, some people better get up and get moving.
And get them saved. You better get up and get moving. Yes. And get them saved.
You better get up and get moving.
Because this thing is coming to a close.
We're on a super slide to hell right now as a nation.
I mean, this thing's greased.
I don't even want to imagine what could be evil than what we're seeing right now.
That's where the point, right?
We're past the red line a long time ago on weirdness, on debauchery.
I can't imagine what tomorrow's news will be.
This story seemed outlandish even a year ago.
I wonder if our dear friends over at Right Wing Watch, what do you think about this?
What do you think about a video of the man having sex with Lucifer?
You want to make fun of me?
Why don't you write a story and make fun of me?
Why don't you mock me?
Go ahead, right-wing watch, mock me.
Go ahead and do it.
In your heart, are you not convicted that we're evil?
The nation has become evil and wicked?
In your heart, does this not bother you?
Or are you so callous?
You folks over at Right Wing Watch,
are you so callous and cold and indifferent
that you can't even be troubled
by a video of a man having sex with the devil?
Wearing shoes with human blood?
Mr. Mantegna, he knows.
He watches every single episode.
He knows.
You've heard the gospel.
You've heard the gospel.
You have no excuse not to be saved.
There's a day coming you're going to take your last breath.
And when that happens,
your fate will be decided on that last breath.
You better get saved now.
You consider me your enemy, but I don't consider you my enemy.
I pray for you.
I pray for your soul.
You know who I'm talking to.
I pray for your soul.
You're lost. You know who I'm talking to. I pray for your soul. You're lost.
You need Jesus Christ.
I'm not.
You're not my enemy.
You're lost.
This nation is lost.
I'm here for one reason.
There's still some souls left that can be saved.
I'm not here for any other reason.
Nobody in their right mind would stay in this country.
Maybe Lot's wife.
She looked back.
You know why she looked back?
She missed it.
Missed the lifestyle.
Yeah, she missed it.
That's the reason she looked back.
Her heart missed the luxurious lifestyle.
The comfort. The comfort.
The excitement of living in that wretched city.
And it cost her. of living in that wretched city in a cluster.
And I don't know how many Americans grieve over this society. I don't know how many American Christians grieve.
If you're not grieving over this sin in America,
then I have to question whether you know God.
And that is a strong, hard statement.
But if you're not grieving over it, if it doesn't grip you, sadden you, trouble you,
keep you awake, if it doesn't bother you, I have to question whether you know God.
That's a hard statement. But you can't live in a society this wicked
No, if somebody's gonna email me say well rip. There's places worse than America
But you're here you're living American you're living this show me another country
That's making videos of a man having sex with Satan show me another country
Where is it?
Show me another country. Where is it? Show me. We're the most wicked nation on earth right now. On the entire planet, the United States of America is the most wicked nation
on the planet. And God is completely justified if he burned it away in the next five minutes.
He doesn't have to say anything to anybody. He's completely justified
in doing that. It's his mercy that allows this thing
to continue. But children, I don't know how long
he's going to allow us to defile the children.
It's one thing that the adults are defiled.
But America's It's one thing that the adults are defiled, but America, the elite of this country, with their billions of dollars, their media, their music industry, their entertainment industry, they're hell-bent on defiling children.
Yes, they want to raise up a generation of depraved minions.
Who will have no chance of being saved.
Because by the time they reach 18, they will be reprobates.
It's tough being a parent right now.
I'll tell you, friends I have with kids,
just keeping your kids away from these things.
Some parents have turned to the TV or an iPad to raise their kids because they get tired or have to work two jobs.
You can't you can't even you have to be so careful with your kids.
Plus, we hand over our children to the state. Yes, we do educate them in your culture.
Here, Aztec chants at school.
Gallup poll says. U.S. church membership falls below 50% for the first time.
And I would say out of that 49% that's left, 95% of that is apostate.
There's only a remnant left, folks.
There's only a small part left.
Very small part.
Only a small part.
Hey, Everett, I understand we have a good report about Pastor Coates in Canada.
Yes, he's free.
He's awaiting trial still in May, but he's free.
He was released from jail before Sunday of this past week.
And he's given his first interview about not just what it was like inside prison,
but the ministry he set up inside prison.
He actually, Rick, you know,
we've been doing a Bible study in-house on the book of John?
That's what he was teaching inmates.
He started a Bible study, he left,
and the inmates were shaking the bars
as he was leaving in respect to him.
Yes, and in addition,
he's got a report he's going to share
about the police in Canada
coming back to the church this week.
They're coming back for him.
And again, he is awaiting trial next month.
Do we have a video clip from Rebel?
Yes, Rebel News has a stringer who's part of the congregation in Edmonton.
And they were able to sit down with Pastor Coates and discuss again his stay in jail.
I'm trying to figure out how I'm doing.
I don't know that I've quite gotten my feet on the ground as yet.
I think I'm still adjusting to just everything that's happened since my imprisonment
and don't really have a clear handle on just what kind of world I'm stepping into at this point in time.
I'm obviously out of the rhythm of my routine, and a big part of that routine is preaching.
And so I look forward to that.
It's been a blessing to be here and to reconnect with our people and express my love for them
and to have them express their love for me.
But I'm adjusting, and I can't quite put my finger on what the adjustment is or why.
I'm feeling it's an adjustment, but it's
an adjustment. And I'm thankful to be out and I'm thankful to be here and looking forward to just
putting one foot in front of the next and taking it one day at a time. Once I got into GP, which
is general public, I would have guys often come to my door and want to speak with me and would share difficulties in
their life with me and I would share the gospel with them I mean we'd be talking
through a door to each other but I would share the gospel with them so that
happened often where guys would just come to me there was a gentleman next
door to me and he wanted me to do a Bible study so I went down to the floor
I was on tier three and so we went to the floor where there's tables and sat down, he and I, within about 60
seconds, three or four of the guys sat down with us and there we are in the gospel of John having
a Bible study. And yeah, I had lots of opportunities to share the gospel. I didn't get a lot of
opportunities with the guards because you're at a bit of a
distance away from the guards, but in terms of being able to speak to the guys in the remand,
lots of opportunities. And just to kind of show the affection that we had for each other,
in the moment that I was leaving, I turned around. I was at the exit entrance to the whole pod.
I turned around and I lifted up my hand to wave.
And the doors of the pod began to shake as the men in their cells just banged on their doors as a sign of support, love, affection.
And I was with the chaplain actually when that happened,
and he's emailed me since then and just shared with me that he'll never forget that moment.
And it was precious to me as well. And so, um, that just gives you a little bit of a picture
of the way that they thought toward me and treated me. Now, the police were here today. They wanted to come into the church.
My question, I guess, is given that you've already been to jail for seven weeks and the
police were here today, would you do all of this all over again? Well, the answer is absolutely.
I couldn't do any different than I did. I was put in a position
that demanded a certain response for me to be obedient to Christ. And yeah, absolutely,
I would do the exact same thing again in a heartbeat. I couldn't do any differently than I
did. I've honored my word and my integrity and my conscience, and more
importantly, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the entire time. I think in our world, we are so
used to people doing things for vainglory. We are not used to seeing men, women of conviction that will take a principled stand based on real conviction,
tethered to reality as it is, because Jesus Christ is the King of kings and Lord of lords.
And so I get it. They don't know me. And so looking from afar, I can totally get it. I can totally understand it being suspicious,
just being, just thinking something that this is suspect on my end. I get that. But,
and I don't even know if I really care, to be honest with you. This is not about what other
people think. This is about the Lord Jesus Christ. And so I am here to please Him, honor Him, glorify Him. Where the chips fall
thereafter is out of my hands. And so I get it. I understand it. But they just don't know me
and don't know my heart and just can't understand what I'm doing because they've never seen anything
like this before. Now, I know every week that I've been here, your congregation prays for the people who have
participated in your incarceration. They pray for the RCMP officers. They pray for Alberta Health
Services. Do you have a message for the people who are involved in your incarceration? You know, I'm wrestling with what that message is
at this point in time.
To have the RCMP here today
and wanting to come into the facility
was difficult for me.
It is disruptive.
It affects my ability to carry out my responsibility to the Lord.
You know, in some ways, being in jail wasn't much of a difference
because I haven't been free for months.
With AHS and the RCMP breathing down my neck for months.
Going into jail was actually reprieve from that. And so I'm thankful to be out of jail,
but to be here today and to see them still wanting to enforce when this is in the court system? There's clearly a dispute.
The dispute needs to play out. Let's let the dispute play out.
So I don't know what my message is. Obviously, I would want them to come to know Christ. I would
want them to turn from their sin and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. I have a heart that is full of forgiveness to anyone who's wronged me.
And so I harbor no unforgiveness toward anyone.
And so I guess that would be it at the end of the day,
is I would just love for them to be reconciled to God through His Son,
the Lord Jesus Christ.
I want to ask you what your message would be to other pastors like yourself. Their churches aren't open or they're complying with the Alberta Health Services
Code, and for that they're turning away members of their congregation. Do you have a message for them?
Well, that's difficult too, because just because a building has the title church on it doesn't mean it's a true church.
And to the extent that churches that aren't churches are closed, I can take some joy in that.
I don't want false churches to be open.
And so it's difficult.
I mean, I would need to speak with each individual pastor, understand their context, their situation, what they're going through in particular. It's the men that I'm in fellowship with, the men that I know are
preachers of the gospel who are approaching the pandemic differently. I don't know that I have
a message for them, but I would love to interact with them and see if I can't help them to see
things a little bit differently in terms of what we're going through and where we're at and what
the right response ought to be. But I recognize that we're going through and where we're at and what the right response ought to be.
But I recognize that we're going to see things differently at times, and that's okay.
And it's not a matter to break fellowship over with those men.
I love them and support them.
So it's difficult.
I don't think there's a one-size-fits-all message in this situation.
And so hopefully that gives some sense of what my mind and heart would be toward that.
Lastly, do you have a message for people around the world who supported you, supported Grace Life, supported your family during this time?
Just immensely grateful.
Received so many letters, emails.
The support that's poured in is just overwhelming.
And so I'm just, I'm thankful for the prayers, the well wishes, everything that has come to us in this time.
I want to be faithful to the Lord and to the extent that that blesses others.
I take an immense joy in that.
I really live for two reasons.
One, to see people saved.
And two, to see them sanctified.
And so to hear that the Lord has been using what's happening in my life to strengthen them and cause their spiritual growth and development.
It just makes everything worth it.
In terms of the sacrifice, it's been to me personally and my wife and our church.
And so I just a huge hearty thank you, express my love and gratitude to you
and pray for me that I'll continue to be faithful
and give you an example worthy of imitation.
I hope I have a heart like that and they come to arrest me.
Think about that.
He had the heart to run a Bible study,
had the heart to forgive those who persecuted him,
and coming out, he's not buckling.
That was his test.
That's right.
That's right.
To me, the most heartwarming part of his comments
was the response of the inmates when he was released.
The men who were still in jail were shaking the bars to say,
we love you, we support you, don't forget about us.
I have a feeling he's going to have a jail ministry.
But he's not the only pastor that's going to jail.
In the free West, this new alliance of countries
is supposed to fight communism, or at least in the free West, you know, this new alliance of countries is supposed to fight communism
or at least in the past did. Ireland.
Pastor Sean Cronin
of Open Gates Church in
Ballinham, he was arrested
on Sunday, speaking
in service of the Abundant Grace Church
in Ringsend. Now this
is again for violating their Health Act.
Another national
Health Act. Now we know that there's a global treaty to be put in place.
They won't have to cite a national law anymore.
It'll be the global accord that they're following.
That's right.
It's all you're going to need when this treaty goes through, if it's ratified,
is the World Health Organization declare a global pandemic and order all churches in the world to shut down.
Right. And this particular pastor, he was actually visiting this one church. He was a pastor of
another church. He was visiting this one church, and the local Gardai, the Irish police, came in
and arrested him for violating COVID regulations. That's where we're at here in the West.
Well, that pastor stood for the Lord.
And Rick, the Lord is working still in this world.
An amazing story I saw at Alabama this past week.
There were tornadoes and some died in these tornadoes.
A lot of damage was inflicted, but there was one church
that was left untouched.
This is a church in Alabama.
You see on the right, there is a church that was completely missed.
The town demolished.
But on the left there, that's in the back cemetery.
A tree got twisted, ripped by a tornado, and was formed in the shape of a cross.
The bark was stripped off.
Look at that.
And if the bark hadn't been stripped, you pointed this out to me,
you wouldn't have been able to tell clearly that this is a cross.
And it's in a cemetery.
Isn't it amazing how God is using signs and wonders in these days
in order to compel people, once again, I'm still here, I'm still active,
I'm still, I'm begging you. I love you so much. I want you to compel people. Once again, I'm still here. I'm still active. I'm still, I'm begging you.
I love you so much.
I want you to come to me.
Yeah, let's put that photo back up again.
Just look at this.
There's a sign.
There's a wonder.
Almighty God saying to the people of America,
come to the cross.
There's life.
There's life. There's eternal life. There's abundant life. Come to the cross. There's life. There's life. There's eternal life. There's abundant life. Come to the
cross. The storms are going to ravage your nation. Death is coming to your nation. Come to the cross.
You will meet your Savior there. His name is Jesus Christ. He is the only one who can save you.
Amen. Well, thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News.
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