TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Covid Communism: Canadian pastor remains in jail for preaching in church

Episode Date: March 23, 2021

Today on TRUNEWS, the team exposes 'Evangelical' church leaders and their current endorsement of pro-abortion COVID vaccines. In particular, TRUNEWS looks directly at the comments of Franklin Graham ...saying that Jesus would endorse the Coronavirus jab. We also look at the Samaritan's Purse connection to prominent members of the Church of Scientology. Edward Szall, Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate (3/22/21)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit This is True News for Monday, March 22, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll. Vaccine maker AstraZeneca has announced they are pursuing emergency approval in the U.S. for their COVID shot that causes deadly blood clots. This follows a late-stage trial in the U.S. of 32,449 citizens over the age of 18, which found the AstraZeneca vaccine to be 79% effective, even though 141 fell ill with COVID. AstraZeneca says there were no reported occurrences of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, or CVST,
Starting point is 00:01:16 which is tough to say and killed a few in Europe who got it. If approved by President Biden's FDA, the shot could be legal and available to plunge into the arms of the elderly, pregnant and poor by mid-April. Meanwhile in Europe, where the AstraZeneca shot has been halted, researchers in Germany have solved the brain blood clot mystery. Though the details of the discovery have not yet been published, the breakthrough occurred after working with doctors in Austria using the case of a nurse in that country who died from brain blood clots after getting the AstraZeneca shot. Are these shots safe and are they a miracle from God?
Starting point is 00:01:52 Join me to discuss this story and more. Our True News founder Rick Walls and Doc Burkhart. Hello, Edward. Hey, Edward. Good to be here. So it's getting weird. So AstraZeneca funded their own study and said it's safe. It doesn't produce blood clots. But in Germany, researchers said they found how to treat people who are suffering with blood clots caused by AstraZeneca. Right. So which is it, Rick? Well, if you fund your own study and say everything's fine, well, I mean, what do you expect the outcome to be?
Starting point is 00:02:30 Well, what do the headlines say today? AstraZeneca vaccine is safe. Yes. Coming to the U.S. will be widely distributed. 20 million shots available soon. You think about the economy here. Are the people in Europe that much different than us? I mean, just say again that confirmed there have been cases of deadly
Starting point is 00:02:50 blood clots in the brain, killed people in Europe, yet there's no chance of that happening here in America. It is utter lunacy. It is, but it's really just propaganda, pharmaceutical propaganda. And it is almost illegal now in the United States to speak ill of pharmaceutical companies. Right. And to speak candidly about vaccines. Vaccines have become a protected species. You are not allowed to talk about it. And pharmaceuticals are pharmaceutical companies have immunity.
Starting point is 00:03:33 They can't be sued. If they cause injury or death, they can't be sued. They have protection. They've been elevated to a supreme level in our society. And anybody that speaks against them incurs the wrath of the medical science industry, the pharmaceutical industry, the news media, the political left. And now we're going to find today not only the political right, but also the religious right. Absolutely, Rick. And we're going to share some shocking information with you today.
Starting point is 00:04:09 If you haven't heard a couple of these stories, hang on, folks. You're in for quite a ride today. But we do have an update. Yes. So on Friday's program, we shared a story about Pastor James Coates, the pastor in Edmonton, Canada, that was being held in prison. We have heard just moments ago that he is being processed for release. I just spoke to Associate Pastor Spence, the man that we shared an interview with on Friday.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Grace Life's pastor will have to pay a $1,500 fine for the violation that the Canadian government is holding him for, but he will be allowed to leave the jail, which he's been held up going up to his trial in May. He'll be able to preach as soon as this Sunday. True News is going to pay that fine for him. Hallelujah. You let him know tomorrow. We'll wire it to him tomorrow. We're not going to let him have to come up with $1,500.
Starting point is 00:05:03 Praise the Lord. That's great, Rick. We're going to do it. You hear that, folks? That's the kind of things we do here. They're brothers. They're going through persecution right now. They're our brothers and sisters.
Starting point is 00:05:14 They're being persecuted, and we're going to stand with them. Well, that's not how all churches in the country are treating Pastor Coates' situation or even the subject of coronavirus vaccines. Rick, there is a growing movement right now, not just to enlist members of the charismatic, evangelical or even Catholic church, but to actually make them evangelists and recruiters for people to go out, including their congregations, to get these shots. I know. I'm seeing more news stories appearing almost every day now about churches becoming vaccination sites. Right. All over the country.
Starting point is 00:05:55 I mean, here in Florida, there are a number of vaccination sites at churches just within miles of where we're at today. And so this is becoming the trend in red and blue states. And it's crossing denominational lines. Absolutely. The big push of late has been among African-American and Hispanic churches. But as we'll get into the stories here today, now we have some high level people within the evangelical movement as a whole that are now speaking and endorsing the vaccine. I think the most troubling development is the change of language.
Starting point is 00:06:29 What's now being done, and it's evident actually by a report that was put out by ABC News just days ago, they titled it Blessing by Way of Medicine. These pastors preach COVID-19 vaccinations as God's healing power. Rick, they're starting to use church language, language that we would use talking about just some things like we're praying for someone who's sick, we're praying for those in harm's way. They're now saying that the vaccine is our answer to prayer. And the first one who said it, and we're going to talk about him in a few minutes,
Starting point is 00:07:05 was Pastor Bob Jeffress. He said it's a gift from God. Right. So they picked up on Bob Jeffress' words. Somebody in a public relations firm said, oh, let's develop that concept. Bob Jeffress says it's a gift from God. A vaccine is a gift from God. Yes. Do you remember months ago? It probably was fall of 2020.
Starting point is 00:07:32 There was a there was a report. I forget who did the study. I want to see Bill Gates was involved in it. There were like seven different propaganda tactics to take to persuade somebody to get vaccinated. Like they had divided the, you know, the body of a whole, the people who were opposed or skeptical about being vaccinated. How do we achieve manager? So I think they divided it up in like seven categories. For this group, use this technique. For the second group, here's a technique. And so they have clearly identified that conservative Christians,
Starting point is 00:08:17 especially white evangelical men, and Latino and black Christians, both male and female, are very skeptical about being vaccinated. And so they're going after them. Because it's a concern for our eternity. It's that we are seeing a system being set up, which could lead to us not being able to buy or sell. You're trying to mandate we put something in our body, produced on the fly by the government from a pharmaceutical company that had immunity. And you're telling us that this is nothing to be worried about.
Starting point is 00:08:54 There is an eternal concern, I think, from many Christians. You better believe it, because I've never seen anything in my lifetime where something has been discussed openly. We're going to implement this idea this year. Right. If you do not receive this into your body, you will not be able to travel. You will not be able to hold a job.
Starting point is 00:09:17 You will not be able to enter a building. You may not be able to go to church. Yes. And we'll get to the point that you can't go to church. Right. Unless you have your COVID passport to go to church. Yes. And we'll get to the point that you can't go to church. Right. Unless you have your COVID passport to go to church. Nothing ever has been proposed like this. And we're seeing this rush in 2021 to implement this system.
Starting point is 00:09:37 And I'm not saying this is the mark of the beast, but this surely is a precursor to test the waters, to condition the people to accept something into their body in return for freedom to do what they used to do without that substance in their body. It's a field test of submission right now. It may not be the mark of the beast, but it has all the earmarks of the mark of the beast. It does. It's a trial run, Doc. And the latest effort by the Vaccine Brigade is to enlist the help of the evangelical leaders
Starting point is 00:10:18 around the world, and especially here in the U.S. And they're doing a pretty good job at it. So stay with us. Don't get confused about our title today. We are not endorsing Jesus getting the vaccine. What we're saying is Franklin Graham, you saw our title. Jesus would be vaccinated for COVID-19. Oh, you certainly know.
Starting point is 00:10:39 I hope people are not thinking that's what our mess. No, absolutely not. They're quoting Franklin Graham. And where Franklin Graham was actually quoted in is in a new report, Rick, where there apparently is a new gospel. We've heard of all these ridiculous gospels, everything but the gospel of the kingdom that Jesus spoke about. They're now saying that pastors must preach the gospel of COVID-19 vaccines.
Starting point is 00:11:04 That was actually uttered in an ABC News report. What I did is I took this report and I've grabbed a segment of it. Just sit on your seat for this one. It is pretty wild. ABC News said pastors must preach the gospel of a COVID vaccine? Yes. Yes. I don't know what gospel that is, what book that's in.
Starting point is 00:11:26 Obviously not in the Bible that we follow. But they are preaching it. They are preaching that gospel. And recruiting other Christians to follow that same path. Houses of worship across the country have been offering up their sanctuaries as vaccination sites as vaccination rates have risen to nearly 2.4 million a day. But it's not just the brick and mortar endorsement of vaccine acceptance. Faith leaders across the country have been preaching the gospel of the COVID-19 vaccine, both in favor and against. ABC's Terry Moran brings us this report on the debate between faith
Starting point is 00:12:00 and science. You must love one another as I have loved you. On Sunday mornings, you'll find Father Paul Abernathy preaching the gospel at St. Moses the Black Orthodox Church. But the rest of the week, he's walking the streets of Pittsburgh, sporting a fedora and preaching a different gospel, the gospel of vaccine acceptance. I've just heard so much
Starting point is 00:12:25 about the COVID vaccine, and I'm not too sure about it. Let me ask you this. Would you be open to receiving some information about the vaccine? The ancient conflict, science versus religion, and here it is again in our time. A 2021 Pew Center report found that vaccine hesitancy in America is highest among black Protestants and white evangelicals. Many Catholics might be wondering whether or not they should take this coronavirus vaccine. Sometimes when we pray, he gives us blessing by way of medicine, by way of vaccines. When I receive the vaccine, it means I have one more day to praise God on this earth. Where in the Bible does it say, don't get a vaccine?
Starting point is 00:13:12 1 Corinthians 6.19, 1 Corinthians 3.16. What? No, you're not, that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost? The Lord dwelleth not in temples made with hands. It's not a building. But the Spirit of the Lord dwelleth in us. Don't defile that temple.
Starting point is 00:13:35 Any man that defiled that temple, him will I destroy. If the vaccine defiles my body, if the medical advisors that we have say, better beware. We're not going to do your vaccines. We're not going to do your vaccines. We're not going to wear your mask. If they were wrong a year ago on our assembly, they're wrong today. The FDA has authorized three COVID vaccines so far, and those vaccines were tested with over 100,000 volunteers before the agency gave them the green light. In approving them, the FDA noted that the vaccines are highly effective at preventing severe illness and death and that side effects are rare. But Pastor Spell's message is still being heard
Starting point is 00:14:13 in his church and some members may be following his lead. I do not plan to get the vaccine. We believe here that God is the ultimate healer. I mean, with God, he can cure anything, everything. It doesn't have to be either we love God or receive the vaccine, but really, there can be the two coming together in the church. Do you make headway with people who rely on the Bible, on Scripture for their life and don't want to get the vaccine because they look at it and they say, it tells me not to. It's a different faith than what I am familiar with.
Starting point is 00:14:47 I pray that we can all come together and that our views certainly can be reconciled. And I pray that whenever we preach our faith, we preach it in a way that truly does value human life. And that is why, for me, this work is of utmost importance. These same preachers that are out here preaching a gospel of vaccine acceptance are the same preachers who will not condemn abortion, will not condemn homosexual marriage. Not a peep out of them. They don't grieve. They say nothing. They don't say anything about child pornography, nothing. But suddenly they're out going door to door promoting a vaccine. Right. What motivated them, Doc? Well, so I got to them. Somebody don't threaten or they believe
Starting point is 00:15:40 this in the first place. Or they get some walking around money. You know, maybe there's some COVID relief funds for pastor. I'm not, I'm very serious. In that COVID bill that was passed, maybe there's some money allocated for community leaders. You know, the old political campaign walking around money. Here's some cash, walk around your district, knock on doors and talk up the mayor. Right. So are they getting some COVID relief funds to the pastor to walk around in his neighborhood and knock on doors and tell people to get vaccinated? Well, at a minimum, they're double dipping because the Lord, they're on the Lord's time. They're showing up at these doors as men of the cloth, as men of
Starting point is 00:16:25 God. And instead of preaching the gospel, you heard that. That was absolutely blasphemous. The gospel of vaccine acceptance. What gospel is that? Okay, that doesn't get you the entry to the kingdom. Fauci's gospel. So Fauci is the apostle, Apostle Fauci. And this is his gospel that he once preached in churches around the world. They have resistance. There's a sizable number of people who say, I don't want this vaccine. Yeah, because they've heard information about it. My own position is each one of the four major vaccines are being touted
Starting point is 00:17:05 right now were either developed using aborted fetal cell lines or tested using aborted cells. There is no doubt about that. There is no question about that. That is, even Snopes confirms that, if you guys believe in Snopes. But even they confirm that, that all four of the major vaccines were developed with that. I have a very deep ethical problem with that. How can you justify using a product of any kind that someone had to be sacrificed to do it? How? An innocent child, an unborn baby was sacrificed at the altar of the pharmaceutical companies. And how could that ever heal you? How could that ever be a good thing?
Starting point is 00:17:50 We're talking about the products of a child blood sacrifice. If you put this aside, just the aborted stem cells, if you notice closely, when the media talks about the vaccines, they do not say the vaccines protect you, prevent you from getting coronavirus. That's very true. They do not say it.
Starting point is 00:18:21 The vaccines do not prevent you from getting coronavirus. And there are a lot of misinformed people out there who've been vaccinated who erroneously believe because I got vaccinated, I can't get infected now. That's not what they're saying. You know, one of the phrases they are saying is that the symptoms, it says you're still going to get coronavirus, but the symptoms are going to be less. Therefore, it's not a vaccine. No, it's not a vaccine.
Starting point is 00:18:51 But they've told you it is, so you're going to repeat it, right? It just says that when you get sick, you won't be as sick as somebody without the vaccine. Well, Rick, this topic is unique because it blends both the eternal issue of abortion and the practice here in this country with, again, the medical ethics of mandatory vaccination. The subject of COVID-19 has uniquely brought both. And this actually came up in that interview with ABC News. And they actually addressed this with each of the pastors from the various denominations. It was shocking to hear the response. Beyond the belief in divine intervention,
Starting point is 00:19:30 there are moral concerns about the vaccines as well. I believe it's genocide. I believe it's infanticide. When you take a fetus from a mother's womb, the safest place in the world, and you take that baby and you use those stem cells to inject into somebody's bicep to keep them from dying from a virus, I don't trust you. Okay, but there's no stem cells from fetal tissue in those vaccines. They were not made with those at all. Some companies don't use stem cells. All right, it's a synthetic vaccine. Irregardless, we're not taking the vaccine. The quick rollout of the vaccines has reignited the debate over the relationship between modern medicine and stem cells from abortions. For the COVID-19 vaccines, those fetal cell lines
Starting point is 00:20:14 came from elective abortions in the 1970s and 1980s, and they are then replicated over time. Fetal cell lines are not the same as fetal tissue. From one aborted fetus, you could have millions of fetal cell lines that allow for vaccines to be able to be replicated and made. These differences in vaccine development have led some religious leaders to prefer one vaccine over another. I would be concerned about something that we used fetal cells from a murdered child. But Moderna and Pfizer, we've been told from the scientists that the way they produced that vaccine, these things were not used. The religious community is concerned that the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is morally compromised because it's used fetal cell lines in development, as well
Starting point is 00:21:07 as testing and production. The reason why they're partial to the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines is because Moderna and Pfizer only use fetal cell lines in testing. In the Catholic Church, the debate has caused a rift among church leaders. Many U.S. diocese across the country have now declared the Johnson & Johnson vaccine morally compromised. But those statements put them at odds with the Vatican itself. The Holy See, Rome, has issued a statement and declared that the vaccines are morally and ethically acceptable. They involve the hard work of a lot of very competent people. So would you say for people who are wondering that the vaccines are part of God's plan? Well, insofar as human knowledge is part of God's plan? Yes. Whenever we can give good example to our people
Starting point is 00:22:07 as public figures, as leaders in the community, we should do so. And then by the example of Pope Francis, Pope Benedict, I've had the vaccine. We're trying to tell our people, we want you to follow our good example. Well, so when they were lighting up Christians in Rome, Rick, during the reign of Emperor Nero, we could say, well, at least they were providing light in the dark, right? So therefore, it's part of God's plan. There's again, they're using Christian lingo. So we're being told the vaccines are part of God's plan. Now, I've been a Christian since 1978.
Starting point is 00:22:54 I have never, today's the very first time I've ever heard somebody say vaccines are part of God's plan. I've been preaching the gospel a long time. Yes, you have. I've never declared vaccines are part of God's plan. I've been preaching the gospel a long time. Yes, you have. I've never declared vaccines are part of God's plan. It's part of his divine purpose on earth. This has been introduced into the church in America this week. The vaccines aren't a creation of God.
Starting point is 00:23:20 They're a creation of man. And that guy that was on there from ABC, I don't know who the reporter is. He's been fed his propaganda lines. Yes. There have been clearly people from the government and from the Gates Foundation and other entities have... Prepared him. Yeah, somebody has prepared him. Somebody has given him the words. Approved talking points.
Starting point is 00:23:56 Yes, you know, here's how we're going to introduce concepts into the minds of millions of Christians that these concepts weren't there yesterday. We're going to use words and phrases that they're comfortable with. So, I mean, Hitler. Hitler did the same thing in Germany. Hitler invaded. He invaded the churches with warped ideas.
Starting point is 00:24:20 He gaslighted. He didn't go into the churches with guns. He went into the German churches with weaponized ideas and got the churches, not every church, because there was a group of churches called the confessing churches that refused to go along with the Nazi propaganda. Like Bonhoeffer. Yeah, Bonhoeffer was the leader of it. But a lot of the churches succumbed to the Nazi propaganda. And Hitler actually created his own association of churches. He was creating his own doctrine. And he was Nazifying Christianity in Germany. And Bonhoeffer and some courageous pastors, many of them lost their lives, said,
Starting point is 00:25:09 we will not submit. We will not compromise the gospel. We would rather die than to compromise the gospel. What we're seeing in America right now are pastors who are being nazified. Right. And they're introducing this twisted gospel, this fake gospel into their churches.
Starting point is 00:25:30 And what their motives are, only God knows. To conform. That's what their motives are. To conform. But their state is the same. They're deceived. Yes, it is. You look at the extent of this.
Starting point is 00:25:41 There's Pastor T.D. Jakes, the senior pastor at Potter's House in Dallas. Bishop Jakes, he did an op-ed for, published an op-ed with the Wall Street Journal back in February. What was interesting about this is he titled it, Prayer and Science Led Me to the Vaccine. In a statement in this op-ed, T.D. Jakes said, the vaccine has been proven to diminish chances of people like me getting the virus. Now, there you go. There's the talking points
Starting point is 00:26:09 we were discussing. Someone has told him that African-Americans are more susceptible. Goes on to say, to date, the vaccine's side effects have been minimal or non-existent. I wonder if Bishop Jakes
Starting point is 00:26:20 knows about what's happening in Europe, where it's certainly not non-existent. People have died due to side effects from the AstraZeneca vaccine. It's true that no one knows anything about potential long-term side effects, but here's what we do know. The virus has killed more than 500,000 people in this country alone, but the vaccine has yet to kill a single person. Read this, Pastor Jakes. Just read it just like this. No one's died from the vaccine. Now, there have been some people that have had some heart conditions,
Starting point is 00:26:52 and, you know, maybe. Come on. People who just died hours or days after being vaccinated, but it had nothing to do with the vaccine. Either T.D. Jakes is either greatly misinformed or he is willfully misinforming others for whatever purposes. Going back to, I know I want to, we've got some more on T.D. Jakes, but Franklin Graham in that ABC interview, there's one thing he said that was not true. He said that
Starting point is 00:27:25 that aborted baby cells were not used in the vaccines. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines is the two specific. And he has taken the vaccine. He admits that. Franklin Graham? Franklin Graham has. He's been vaccinated with it? He's been vaccinated. And he claims those two don't have any ethical compromise to them in regard to infanticide, the killing of the unborn.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Aborted fetal cells may not have been used inside those vaccines, but they were used to test the vaccines. That's the fact, Jack. That's true. All four of the major vaccines either contain aborted fetal stem cells or they were tested using aborted fetal stem cells all four of them and for some of them doc the way that they're parsing the words is that they can say well there are no aborted no stem cells in the vaccine from aborted babies but what they don't tell you is they got second-generation stem cells that came from aborted babies. Right.
Starting point is 00:28:27 It's a line of stem cells that originated with aborted babies. And I'll tell you, that's somewhat worse. It's bad enough that you would generate this research and the product through the killing of children. But now we're talking about generational reassemblance of those same cells and reapplying that data. It's almost as if it's a multi-generational genocide vaccine. You know, the problem I have with TDJs and Franklin Graham, they make statements that are not true. And so if you give them some leeway and you say, well, they're misinformed. Well, you shouldn't be running your mouth if you're misinformed.
Starting point is 00:29:10 It's as simple as that. You're commanded to know what you're talking about when you open your mouth, especially. When you have that kind of clout that T.D. Jakes and Franklin Graham has, and millions of people look up to you and listen to you, you shouldn't be out there saying things when you're not informed. So has T.D. Jakes and Franklin Graham done any research? They did enough to take the vaccine. They did enough for the interview, you mean.
Starting point is 00:29:38 That's what they did. But I'm saying that they actually, if we can take them at their word, they actually injected this substance into them. So you think about this, is that the minimal amount of information you need to have to be able to put something like that in your own body? Well, they're not alone though. And those who have taken the vaccine, Pastor Hagee has taken the vaccine. That's according to his ministry spokesperson, Ari Morgenstern. Now he said to the ABC News, Pastor Hagee himself is taking the vaccine, as in he's taking more than just one dose. Pastor Hagee believes in both the power of prayer and modern medicine. These are not mutually exclusive. All right, so Pastor Hagee was infected with
Starting point is 00:30:17 coronavirus. Did he get the virus before or after he was vaccinated? From what I understand, he got the virus before he was vaccinated. That's my understanding. Well, then why did he get vaccinated? Because he's already been infected with the disease. Because now they're telling people, even if you've been infected, you need to get the vaccine so you don't get it again. You know why?
Starting point is 00:30:43 Because you will get it again. That's right. I mean, you can possibly get it again because the vaccine is not. Everybody's going to get it. The vaccine is not a vaccine. It is a, it is a, is it a drug? What do you call it? It's a pharmaceutical that simply reduces the symptoms. A cocktail.
Starting point is 00:31:00 It's a cocktail that reduces the symptoms of the disease. It does not prevent you from getting the disease. Just like if you take an antihistamine to help reduce the symptoms of allergies. Yes. You still have the allergies. You still have the allergies. You're just reducing the symptoms of it. That's all these so-called vaccines are doing.
Starting point is 00:31:19 They're suppressing the symptoms. By the way, I noticed there Pastor Hagee's spokesman, his name is Ari Morgenstern. That's right. Now, that's his official spokesperson. And he is a senior director of policy and communication at the Christians United, excuse me, for Israel. So is Ari Morgan Stern a born-again, Bible-believing, spirit-filled Christian? Based upon our research, no, Rick. We know that he's worked at the Israeli embassy in Washington, D.C. We know he's volunteered with the Israeli police in the past. What other information we have, Edward?
Starting point is 00:32:09 Well, he's served in the private sector. As you noted, serving at the embassy is no small thing. He's serving as the senior director of policy and communications for CUFI. So not just at Pastor Hagee's ministries, but also at CUufi, the volunteering at the police station in Israel, that really caught our attention. What exactly does that entail? You love to shoot the Palestinians in the knees so much that you'll do it for free. That you'll come in on the weekends. Or maybe he's just bringing in donuts and coffee for the police officers in Israel. But how do you get a job representing an evangelical pastor as his press spokesman?
Starting point is 00:32:49 You know, the press spokesman, are you telling the pastor what to say? Or are you the handler? Well, I guess you would be the handler in that scenario. He's the handler. But if you look at who surrounds John Hagee, you will have to search a long time to find a born again, Bible believing, spirit filled believer in Jesus Christ. Because they simply don't exist on the pay. There may be a few token Christians on the payroll of Christians United for Israel.
Starting point is 00:33:23 But it's not Christians United. It's not... Zionists United. Yeah, it's Zionists United. So we call it Zufi. It should be. But if you look at the payroll, I would like Pastor Hagee to tell us
Starting point is 00:33:37 how many born-again, Bible-believing, Spirit-filled Christ disciples are on the payroll of Kufi. And while we're at it, let's also get an answer for if the Israeli government paid Kufi or Hagy Ministries to attack fellow Christians in America. That would be an interesting thing. The vaccine. And so the first person who uttered this blasphemy that the coronavirus vaccine is from God. Right. The first one was Pastor Bob Jeffress. Yes. First Baptist Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas. And that was several months ago. December before Lou Dobbs was canceled. That's right. So far, so long ago, Lou Dobbs was canceled. That's right.
Starting point is 00:34:29 So far, so long ago, Lou Dobbs was still working for Fox. Let's play that, Edward, and just remind our audience what Bob Jeffress said last December. This is Bob Jeffress on December 18th. The vaccine, we're hearing that millions of doses have been discovered that we didn't know that they were really available. This is nothing but great news so far. Your thoughts on it? Absolutely, Lou. You know, the Bible teaches that God created government to protect its citizens.
Starting point is 00:35:05 And sure, human nature has corrupted government, but it still does some good things. And this vaccine is a great example of that. We are grateful for President Trump, whose leadership forged a relationship with private business, and they've created this vaccine, which will bring healing to millions of Americans. And I really believe we ought to view these vaccines as early Christmas gifts from God, not some tool of the Antichrist, as some conspirators are suggesting. This is great news for America. And we've heard some pastors are saying to their congregations not to take the vaccine. Very quickly, a thought for those pastors well some of them I know but I would say two words utter stupidity I mean this is a gift from God God promotes healing and if you value life you'll take these vaccines
Starting point is 00:35:57 I would utter one word Freemason utter right, because First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas, was started in a Masonic lodge, right? It sure was. Don't believe us. That's First Baptist Church stationary, the history of First Baptist Church of Dallas. And read that. In July of that year, eight women and three men banded together
Starting point is 00:36:23 to form a fledging fellowship following a two-week revival led by Evangelist W.W. Harris in the Masonic Lodge at Lamar Street and Ross Avenue. There you go. That's 1868. So Pastor Jeffress, his church was founded inside a Masonic Lodge in Dallas, Texas. And now they're calling the COVID-19 vaccine a miracle. And Pastor Jeffers, I'd like to know how killing babies is a gift from God.
Starting point is 00:36:51 I really would like to know that. Well, he's not the only one speaking positively of the baby killing vaccine. And the big one has been Franklin Graham. This one, I think, shocked a lot of Christians in the country. Not enough to cause Franklin Graham to make any kind of correction to this when he said this on the 17th. But Franklin Graham, in an interview with ABC News, absolutely told them that he believes Jesus Christ himself would have used a COVID vaccine had he been alive during the pandemic. Oh, go ahead. No, this statement was so shocking to us last Friday.
Starting point is 00:37:29 We had already made plans to cover the Canadian pastor's crisis so that we didn't talk about it on Friday. But this is absolutely shocking that Franklin Graham, number one, is promoting the coronavirus vaccine with erroneous statements. But to say that Jesus Christ, the son of God, the Messiah, the savior of the world would have been vaccinated himself and Jesus would have promoted it. It shows that Franklin Graham does not know the gospel. He does not understand the divinity of Jesus Christ. Jesus is God in human flesh.
Starting point is 00:38:17 How could Franklin Graham come up with the idea that that God would give himself a vaccine. Franklin Graham, do you not understand the blood of Christ is perfect, is pure? Do you understand the blood of Jesus? That Jesus could not and cannot. He could not and cannot, he could not then, he cannot now, be infected with any virus or germ or disease. He's pure life. He's Zoe. Pure life. There's no death in him.
Starting point is 00:38:59 Franklin Graham, do you really believe Jesus would be afraid of a virus? Do you think that on the way to Calvary, he stopped by at the vaccination center so he wouldn't get coronavirus and die before he got to the cross? That's how bizarre your thinking is. Where did he come up with this, Doc? All these guys appear to be compromised. Here's what he said exactly. Just so there's no question about it. This is his words exactly.
Starting point is 00:39:33 I would hope that the pastors in the pulpit would tell people how they can be saved from God's judgment. And that's through faith in Jesus Christ. Okay. So far, so good. I think for a pastor to tell someone not to take the vaccine is problematic because what would happen if that person got coronavirus and died? Then is the pastor responsible? See, throwing the guilt trip on. I would feel responsible. Anytime there was a vaccine or something that could help protect you,
Starting point is 00:39:58 he, referring to Jesus, was an advocate for, he took it. I think if there were vaccines available in the time of Christ, Jesus would have made reference to them and used them. When he was referring to he took it. His father. I think he's talking about his father. Stop his father. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:21 Thank you for the direction there. He was referring that his father, Billy Graham, was an advocate of vaccines. But then he follows that up saying, I think if there were vaccines available in the time of Christ, Jesus would have made reference to them and used them. Well, he didn't, Pastor Graham, and my goodness, do you even realize the words that are coming out of your mouth? Well, once again, Franklin Graham is in a position of high leadership in the churches in America. The most senior. It shows that he does not understand the gospel. Right. It's it's one thing for him to have his own personal opinion about vaccines. If he wants to be vaccinated, that's his business. And I understand he has been vaccinated.
Starting point is 00:41:07 That's his business. But to make an utterly ridiculous and blasphemous statement that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, would be vaccinated, the statement is so shocking that I can't even comprehend that somebody like Franklin Graham would say it because again, it says that he does not understand who Jesus Christ is. And if you don't understand who Jesus Christ is, what have you been preaching for the last 40 years. I have to go back and now re-examine everything you've said because I now know you don't know who Jesus Christ is. That's what's so shocking to me. I have to re-examine everything Franklin Graham has said. And everyone he's associated
Starting point is 00:41:59 himself with. Because you think of Franklin Graham, we just think of his father's crusades and even the crusades that Franklin Graham has launched in the state capitals. But we've never really looked at who Franklin Graham has been spending a lot of his time with and also who he has promoted to positions of authority in his ministry. Well, I think now with this examination of Franklin Graham, he's always had this position, like his father,
Starting point is 00:42:32 that you shouldn't ask questions about Franklin Graham. Right. You should just take him at his word. He's Franklin Graham. He's the son of Billy Graham. But no more, not now. Not after what you said, Mr. Graham. That because the Bible says that whoever denies that Jesus Christ has come as God in human flesh,
Starting point is 00:42:53 that person is Antichrist. That's exactly right. So you've just denied that Jesus Christ came as God in human and human flesh. That's a spirit of Antichrist. So now we're taking a look at Franklin Graham. And we came across something today that's as shocking, maybe more shocking than what he said about the virus and Jesus being vaccinated. So let's take a look at who is one of Franklin Graham's closest longtime friends. One main figure that has spent at least the last decade very close to Franklin Graham and his organization, the Samaritan's Purse, is journalist Greta Van Sesteren. Now on its face, Greta Van Sesteren, just a reporter, someone that has been both a darling of the
Starting point is 00:43:45 right and the left. Her politics is certainly left wing, but she's always given the figures on the right, even President Trump, a fair shake. Tough, but a reporter. But as it turns out, this work, which in this case was actually an orphanage in Haiti, she was named the head of this. That was actually named after her. The orphanage that Franklin Graham's organization, Samaritan's Purse, created, named an orphanage
Starting point is 00:44:11 after Greta Van Sesteren and her husband, John School. So they welcome Greta and John. Who is John? John is her husband, very wealthy man, and he turns out to be a long-term Scientologist. So the man standing next to Greta is her husband, and you're saying that he is a Scientologist? He's a Scientologist, and she's a Scientologist. Greta Van Susteren. Greta Van Susteren, the reporter, the friend of Franklin Graham. Well, maybe she just met a Scientologist at an airport and said,
Starting point is 00:44:53 OK, I'll join, and didn't really know what it is. Well, according to interviews over the years, she's kept this quiet. And that's why this might be shocking to many who are hearing this right now. But I want to put 25 up on the screen for our audience. There was an article done by CBS News. It was titled, Celebrity Scientologists and Ex-Scientologists. Here you have the profile of Greta Van Sesteren. Here it quoted a People Magazine article in 1995. Very hard to find, but something very important in here. It stated that cable TV anchor Van Sestren, a Scientologist, is a strong advocate of their ethics. Here again in Palm Beach Post, May 2006, this is an article about Greta Van Sestren
Starting point is 00:45:36 at her home. This article, at home with Greta Van Sestren, Scientologist. Even back in 2006, she wasn't just, let's say, a small participant in this, but one of the primary advocates in media for this cult. When did she join the cult? The reports are that she joined in 1994. So since the mid-90s. Mid-90s. Okay. So now, just so we're back up a little bit here, the, the image that we saw of Greta
Starting point is 00:46:08 Van Susteren and her husband, uh, they're at, this is, I guess, in Haiti. Uh, there's a school and an orphanage in Haiti founded by Samaritan's purse named after a couple of Scientologists. Am I understanding this? Franklin Graham named the orphanage for a Scientologist. Greta Home and Academy, yes. So does Franklin Graham know that Greta Van Susteren is a Scientologist? Well, I sure hope he didn't have a lapse of discernment here because he spent a lot of time with both Greta and her husband, John Cole. Do you have just an estimate from just looking at articles and photographs, how long the Grahams have been hanging out with Greta Van Susteren and her husband?
Starting point is 00:46:57 To at least 2010. I suspect much earlier than that. But the article you're seeing right here on the screen, this is 2012. December 16, 2012 in Haiti. So that alone is nine years. But if you look at the meetings, specifically the role Greta Van Sesteren and Franklin Graham played during President Trump's presidency, they were always together, always counseling. Actually, here's a photo to just show you how close Franklin Graham has been with Van Sester and her husband, John Cole. They were invited to a Christian retreat. And this is out in Alaska. They basically spent the time there, both under tutelage from Pastor Graham, but also
Starting point is 00:47:40 right there with other Christian couples to learn alongside them, go hunting at a certain hunting lodge owned by Samaritan Purse, and obviously spent a lot of time next to Franklin Graham, who's there next to John Cole, Greta's husband. Here he is again on the tarmac. They're good friends. Look, they're not just... This isn't a case of Greta Van Susteren working at Fox News
Starting point is 00:48:09 doing a news report about Samaritan's Purse. No. Franklin Graham is a close personal friend of Greta Van Susteren and her husband, John. There are many photographs of them together over many years. Right. And Mr. Graham thinks enough about Greta Van Susteren and her husband.
Starting point is 00:48:32 They've named an orphanage in Haiti after her. They've named a school in Haiti after her. That Greta Van Susteren and her husband were featured prominently at a Samaritan's Purse event in Alaska. She has flown on the Samaritan's Purse jet several times that I know of. I would say that the relationship is close. It's very close.
Starting point is 00:48:57 So let's give Franklin Graham the Church of Scientology. Avid members. Not just avid, at the highest level. Yes. All right. She is at the top of the Church of Scientology. We know that. Actually, the top accountant.
Starting point is 00:49:21 Go ahead. Yes. But let's give Franklin some slack here. He doesn't know. He found out watching True News today. OK, what are you going to do about Mr. Graham? You're going to denounce her. You're going to separate yourself. Are you going to denounce Scientology? Are you going to take a Scientologist name off the orphanage in Haiti? Are you going to tell her that she needs to come out of the Church of Scientology and be delivered and believe on the name of Jesus Christ? What are you going to do with this information? Are you going to explain to the donors of Samaritan's Purse why you've been
Starting point is 00:49:59 hanging out with a high-level Scientologist? Why you named a ministry facility for that Scientologist? What are you going to do about it, Mr. Graham? Now, let's take a look at how close Greta Van Susteren is to the Church of Scientology. So prior to going into her media role now, which has landed her at Voice of America and really starting out at CNN. Greta Van Sesteren was a lawyer, is a lawyer, has maintained her bar certification. She actually, at the law firm she was working at, the top accountant is none other than the chief of the Scientology Church, David Miscavige. This is him right here. Well, he is the son of the accountant of her law firm.
Starting point is 00:50:53 Yes, the son, the top accountant. This is what the NMDB website said about Greta Van Sesteren. The top accountant at Van Sesteren's law firm is the mother of the Scientology Chief, David Miscavige. So the son of the mother. So, David Miscavige, so the son of the mother. So she has close connections to the highest levels of the Church of Scientology. David Miscavige is the grand poobah of Scientology. And his mother was the accountant at Greta Van Susteren's law firm.
Starting point is 00:51:22 That's how close. But Franklin Graham doesn't know any of this stuff. No. We've got to Franklin Graham doesn't know any of this stuff. No. We got to believe he doesn't know any of this. He just out there promoting vaccines and Jesus getting vaccinated. What's this tell you about Franklin Graham's discernment? He doesn't know the gospel. He doesn't have discernment. He partners with those who advocate Scientology. Not looking good right now. I'm starting to smell something.
Starting point is 00:51:52 I can tell you this. We only have a few minutes remaining. The Church of Scientology is, not only is it a cult, it is occult. Yes, O-C-C-U-L-T, occult. It was founded by L. Ron Hubbard. Some of you are old enough to remember Dianetics, which was his first book, his first church. There was a lawsuit over Dianetics.
Starting point is 00:52:21 He then switched over to Scientology. But Scientology and Freemasonry are joined at the hip. Yes. So once again, we're back to Freemasonry. But the Scientology church is deeply Masonic, even though they will deny it. But if you know the history of the founding of the Church of Scientology, and if you know the early history of Ron Hubbard, you will know that Ron Hubbard was connected with Freemasons and with Aleister Crowley. An Aleister Crowley connection. Yes. Church of Satan.
Starting point is 00:53:04 The Church of Satan. So Franklin Graham is hanging out as personal friends of a woman deeply involved in a cult organization whose founder was a close friend of Alistair Crowley. I'll tell you, it would be good for you to get this book, Final Day, because I wrote a chapter about the origin of the secret rapture doctrine. And it goes into Alistair Crowley and
Starting point is 00:53:37 John Nelson Darby and all this stuff about where the rapture doctrine comes from. And who are the promoters of the rapture doctrine? Some of the people that we're talking about right now. OK, Bob Jeffers, a big rapture guy. Franklin Graham, a big rapture guy. Right. Well, you know, the origin of it is Freemasonry.
Starting point is 00:54:02 So every day I've become more convinced that American evangelical Christianity is Masonic. It's Masonic. Yes. It's the true ecumenical force. I had to come out of it. I had to just separate and say I don't even want to try to reform evangelical Christianity in America. It's not Christianity. It's a Masonic perversion of the gospel.
Starting point is 00:54:31 And I'm now believing that the evangelical movement was Masonic from the get-go, from the very beginning. It's been a Masonic operation. And so we have Franklin Graham, who is palling around with Greta Van Susteren and her husband, who are both high-level influential members of Freemasonry.
Starting point is 00:54:55 And they fight to cover that up. It's very hard to find this information. And on top of that, too, Excuse me, I said Freemasonry. Church of Scientology. Church of Scientology. And it's easy to equivocate the two of you as we lay this out, because they all seem to follow the same tenets of following someone other than Jesus Christ our Lord.
Starting point is 00:55:12 And you look at this, Greta was even responsible for probably killing a deep investigation into the Church of Scientology back in the 90s when she was at CNN. But in this monophony, you're saying there's a connection to Alistair Crowley. So this was Ron L. Hubbard. You say he was a good friend of Alistair Crowley? Yes. So Hubbard was a friend with John Parson. John Parson, so this goes back to the mid-40s, early 50s. Parson was actually one of the, I would say,
Starting point is 00:55:46 the founder of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Yes. And they were both members of something called OTO, which was... The Order of the Temple of the East. Yes. Ordo Templa Orientis. Oriental Templars.
Starting point is 00:56:02 In Los Angeles. It was an occult lodge, and Alistair Crowley was a member of it. Yes. Thatental Templars. In Los Angeles. It was an occult lodge and Alistair Crowley was a member of it. Yes. That's the connection. So Franklin Graham, why are you connected to Van Susteren, who is a member, an influential member of Scientology? Okay, tell me, you've been witnessing the gospel to her. Yes. Is that what you've been doing? The last 10, 15 years, you've been sharing the gospel. Well, which gospel? The gospel of vaccines. Do you know that Jesus Christ is God in human flesh?
Starting point is 00:56:39 Is that what you're telling her? Tell me the reason you are hanging out with Scientologists, because something stinks at Samaritan's Purse. Something stinks in Franklin Graham's ministry and it needs to be exposed. The lid needs to come off. You're the one that came out and endorsed the vaccine. You're the one that said Jesus would be vaccinated. You opened the door for us to examine your life, your ministry, and you've been hanging out with a Scientologist. Yes. And every Christian in America and the world needs to know it. And anyone who's caught up in any of this, whether it be Freemasonry, whether it be Scientology, you got to repent from it and you got to turn from it. So what we'll ask Franklin Graham to turn from the occult, his association with those
Starting point is 00:57:33 who are in the occult and repent and come to Christ. Amen. Well, thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News. Please share this Godcast with your friends and family and consider becoming a partner with this ministry as we report the truth every day with courage and conviction that you will hear nowhere else. Thank you again for your time today. God bless you. The preceding program was made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit

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