TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Covid Crackdown: RCMP rings GraceLife Church with fencing and armed thugs
Episode Date: April 8, 2021Today on TRUNEWS, host Edward Szall presents the aggressive tactics by Canadian Covid cops to shut down GraceLife church in Edmonton, Alberta. The team provides exclusive footage of the church being ...fenced in and locked down. Edward Szall, Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate (04/07/21)
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The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you.
To find out how you can help, visit This is True News for Wednesday, April 7th, 2021.
I'm Edward Zoll.
Canada has gone full commie and has seized Grace Life Church in Edmonton.
Local officers, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and the COVID commissars from Alberta Health Services
showed up at the church early this morning to change the locks and surround the church
with a double iron fence and armed thugs.
AHS said in a statement they did it for the congregation's own good
and will keep the church locked up until they submit to restrictions, including not meeting
anymore. Pastor Coates has refused to comply. Joining me to discuss this shocking story and
more are True News founder Rick Wallace and Doc Burkhart.
Sad day for Canada. Sad day for the body of Christ in Canada.
Justin Trudeau now goes down in history as the first Canadian prime minister to persecute the Christian Church of Canada.
What the Canadian government did today is outrageous.
It's indefensible. It is something that you would read about in
newspapers, something that happened in China.
Or the Soviet Union.
Yeah, the old Soviet Union or North Korea.
No, this was North America.
We now know, we now have a better picture of what has happened to China.
Over the past 22 years, I have watched the Chinese infiltration of China on the West Coast of China.
Excuse me, the Chinese infiltration of Canada on the West Coast of Canada.
And this has been underway for over 20 years.
We now see the impact of the Chinese infiltration of Canada. They've reached a point of power
that they can now shut down Christian churches in Canada.
A country that officially is Christian
under the Church of England,
the Anglican Church,
with the Queen as the head of the church, The Church of England. Yes. The Anglican Church.
With the Queen as the head of the church.
Well, dear Queen, what are you going to do about your runagade?
Your runagade province that is now acting like communists in China, in North Korea.
It's outrageous.
It's a sad day.
We are now at the place that Christians,
let me tell you what's going to happen.
Christians are going to die.
We're approaching the time that in North America,
the United States and Canada,
Christians are going to die.
That's where we're at.
They're going to die in defense of the faith.
We're rushing towards this confrontation with evil.
And some of us are going to go to our graves standing for Christ.
That's a fact.
That's where we're at.
We don't have a choice. there's no choice in this matter when when the government says it has the power to come into a church and put padlocks on
the door put a fence around the church and put armed guards around the church property.
All those things they did today.
Do you understand?
In Canada, in Alberta, near the city of Edmonton, the police raided the church.
They changed the locks on the church.
They built an iron fence around the church and they stationed armed guards on the church
property to shoot any church member who enters the church and they stationed armed guards on the church property to shoot any church
member who enters the church they said one thing that prompted this is the church dared to gather
for resurrection weekend they dared to gather to worship the resurrection of jesus christ let me
tell you i'll tell the royal canadianed Police and the Alberta Health Service,
you can't stop us from gathering to worship the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
We will die before we allow you to stop us.
You see, they think the church is a building.
It's not.
It's a body.
A body.
And we will not be told by communists that we cannot worship the Lord Jesus Christ.
I'd rather be dead than red.
And it's now come to North America.
And we have these cowardly preachers in America.
Like Bob Jeffress and Franklin Graham and T.D. Jakes. And they've become deep state temple prostitutes promoting pharmacia, telling the church members to get vaccinated.
And then in Canada, how many pastors are going to come to the defense of Grace Life Church. How many men in that city are willing to go to that church tomorrow
and physically rip down the wall? How many are you willing? How many men in Canada are willing
to do it and be shot by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police? It's time to prove you're a Christian.
Either you're a Christian or a coward. Pick one.
Pastor Franklin Graham said that he would feel responsible
if someone didn't go and get a COVID vaccine,
didn't comply, didn't submit to the health restrictions.
I wonder if Pastor Graham feels the same
when it comes to this church,
this church now that's ringed with iron.
Let Franklin Graham go to Grace Church and hold a revival.
Come on, Franklin Graham, go up there.
You know, use your Graham clout.
Go to Edmonton and hold a revival meeting inside that church.
Tell them to tear down this wall.
Dare you.
It's time.
It's not going to happen.
Look, the fight
has been brought to our
now. Our doorstep.
It's now in our property.
It used to be
in China,
North Korea.
We'd hear the stories, read the stories of Christians dying.
But that was far away, Rick.
That was under those communists, Rick.
Communism has come home here.
And we would be raptured and taken away before it comes to America.
That's right.
Because America is the righteous, North America, the righteous place.
Where's the secret rapture?
Where's the secret rapture for the Christians at Grace Life Church in Edmonton?
The secret rapture is in the imagination of the dispensationalist pastors.
Well, Edward, I know we have some videos and photographs of what happened today.
Yes, there was a citizen reporter named the Angry Albertan. That was actually as soon as he'd heard that the church had been seized and that their police were swarming the building.
He ran out there, got in his car, showed up and started a live stream.
We were able to take some clips from this man's live stream.
He's not affiliated with the Grace Life Church, but what you're about to see are the events which took place just north of us.
Here we are at Grace Life Church.
RCMP are here.
Fencing off the church. What are you doing here?
Yeah, what are you doing?
You're helping AHS.
Doing their bidding, obviously.
Doesn't this make you feel a little sick to your stomach?
You feel fine shutting down a church?
I know you guys are just doing orders, following orders, but this is pretty pathetic, guys.
I can't believe you would actually take part in something like this.
You realize actions like this are really making people lose faith in organizations like the RCMP.
Like, you kind of see where this is pushing.
Doesn't that scare you?
Doesn't that scare you?
You know, Rick, you said it best.
Last year, as all this started ramping up, we're all Palestinians now.
We're there.
The occupation has been globalized.
And the communists have used COVID as the cover to implement global communism.
And always when the communists make their move to take over, the first thing they do is shut down the churches.
Yes, you're seeing it happen right now, right in front of your very eyes.
And no one's upset about it.
Including a lot of the pastors.
No one's really upset about it at all, Rick.
Oh, they're unmoved.
And as you saw in that video, you saw the RCMP, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, but also private security services.
There was a truck that had the sign Paladin Security.
That's a private security firm in Edmonton.
They brought in mercenaries to help the police persecute the church.
Hard guns, yes.
Now this carried on.
You're going to see more of the scenes that that congregation of believers,
our brothers and sisters in Christ, experienced this morning.
They got an eight-foot fence all around that church right now.
Eight-foot fence.
This is your tax dollars being spent here.
Guess they think they're saving lives.
I don't think this is saving any lives.
This ain't saving anybody's life.
This is just pushing this society over the edge.
That's all this is doing.
Look at that.
Look at all those police vehicles lined up there.
All those unmarked.
Got Paladin security. They got private security here now.
They've actually got two lines of fencing.
So they've got a fence around the parking lot and a secondary fence around the building.
And that inner fence is being covered with fabric
so that you can't even see what's going on
on the other side of that fence.
This is your new dystopian future, Canada. When are you going to stand up
and say enough? When are you going to stand up and say enough?
I'm going to say something very shocking, very harsh.
The members of that church, you need to gather men, women, and children, grandparents.
You need to enter the property.
It's your property.
It's the Lord's house.
You need to, no weapons, no weapons.
Go unarmed.
Tear down the fence
and begin worshiping the Lord
and let the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
shoot you.
Let the whole world see Canada shoot Christians.
Let the whole world see it.
Force their hand.
Tear down the fence.
Worship the Lord and force them to shoot you.
For the sake of the gospel.
This is where we're at now.
If it happened to this church, that's what I would do.
I would be shot.
Because I would tear down the fence and worship the Lord.
And I'd let the whole world see them shoot me in the back. Let the world see the
Royal Canadian Mounted Police shooting women
and children and grandparents.
Let the whole world see it.
They're no different than the Chinese communists.
You allowed the Chinese communists to take over your country.
Now you're paying the price for it.
They've infiltrated their way throughout your
government. They're now taking over Canada. And we have the same thing happening here in the United
States of America. We have any more video? Yes. We have two more clips here, Rick.
People have to understand that if that can happen in Edmonton, it can happen in Vera Beach.
It can happen in Ohio.
It can happen anywhere in the country.
Not just Canada, anywhere in the West.
Nowhere is safe.
That could be your church.
An empty building is too dangerous.
Think about that.
No one was in that building.
But the fact of the matter is, Edward, that it's not most churches.
Most churches have given in already.
They've already capitulated.
That's a church that wouldn't give in.
That's a church that would not give in, that would not give up.
And they're making a stand.
What other churches are making a stand?
Which ones?
The reason why this one stands out is it's a lone voice in the wilderness.
That's why. Well, it's become lone voice in the wilderness. Yes. That's why. Let's
become a loud voice. Here's more.
Let's keep following those orders guys.
What's next? Concentration camps? You know what? This would actually make a pretty
good little concentration camp. You're gonna lock people like me in there?
You're just gonna commandeer the church,
turn it into a little concentration camp,
little quarantine facility?
What's the plan here, boys?
I don't know what's coming next.
I just can't even believe this is happening.
Man, and you dudes building the fence, man.
You just got your
30 pieces of silver, hey?
That's cool.
30 pieces of silver.
Those cops ought to be
ashamed of themselves.
If you're a police officer, you will have to make a decision.
Will you enforce illegal, unconstitutional, ungodly orders to persecute the people of God?
Will you, as a police officer, carry out those orders?
You will be held responsible by Almighty God if you do it.
Those police officers ought to be ashamed of themselves. I don't know how they go home
tonight and sleep knowing that they participated in the lock up of a church in Canada.
Don't they realize that it's the prayers of those Christians that keep them safe?
It's the prayers of those Christians that keep government functioning. That area would be an
anarchy, but it wasn't for the Christians living there. Who were the founding patriots of Canada
who went to Edmonton before there was a city? Who went to Alberta before there was a province?
The pastors, the missionaries who went out there and established churches in the wilderness, in the frontier.
There'd be no cities in Western Canada if it wasn't for the pastors and missionaries that went and built churches out in the middle of nowhere.
And then the cities popped up around that.
Christianity influenced Canada right from the very beginning.
Now, they've decided to take Christianity out of Canada and replace it with communism.
And the young man recording the video here made a good point.
That'd make a nice quarantine center, wouldn't it?
Nice concentration camp.
Nice place to hole up people at this point.
What did the communists do in Mexico in the 1920 revolution?
The Cristeros.
Well, those were the fighters.
The fighters.
The fighters.
But the communists went to the churches and ordered the Christians to be vaccinated.
Before they could leave the church.
They couldn't leave the church without being vaccinated.
There's nothing new under the sun.
We've got the same play happening again. Communism, plague,
vaccination, persecution. It worked for them in the past. It's working for them again right now. But Christians, you have to be prepared to give up your life. And if you're in Canada,
look, every Canadian man who says he loves Jesus Christ,
I believe you're obligated to go to Edmonton and die for Christ.
That's what I think you have to do. You have to go. You have to take a stand. You have to show
the Royal Canadian Mounted Police that the men of Canada are willing to be shot and die. Let the blood flow on the land
of that church. Don't take a weapon. Let them kill unarmed men. Let the whole world see what Justin
Trudeau presides over. Let Canada be ashamed of its behavior.
We have any more video?
We have one more clip, but I think it would be important to move past that,
because what you just said is very important.
If you are in Canada, you go.
If you can't go, you should call.
Now, the agency that's behind this is the Alberta Health Service.
And there is the phone number in Canada, 40313-8824. Ask for Sabrina Atwal. Again, the phone number
780-613-8824. Call her. Ask her why she shut down a Christian church.
Ask her what authority she has to shut down a Christian church.
Ask her if she is more powerful than Almighty God.
Ask her if she has the authority to prevent people from worshiping the Lord Jesus Christ.
Can I call her right now?
Yes, you can.
Let's call her.
Let's see if she's still in her office.
We're going to try to connect with her right now
and see if we can't get a live real call folks
Hello you've reached Sabrina
at Alberta Health Services
I'm currently away from the office
if you have any media inquiries or require assistance,
please contact Carrie Williamson at 780-613-8822
or via email at carrie.williamson at
Thank you.
After leaving a message, you can hang up or press pound for more options.
Miss Atwal, this is Rick Wiles from True News in Vero Beach, Florida.
And I would like to interview you about your persecution of Grace Life Church.
We would like you to explain why you think you have the authority to shut down a church.
We would like to know if you consider yourself more powerful than Almighty God.
And we would like to know where you get your authority
to prevent people from worshiping the Lord Jesus Christ.
So I will be calling you back tomorrow
to set up the interview.
We also have another number.
We're going to try the contact she just named.
We're going to see if we can get someone at the AHS.
You'd figure they'd be right by the phone.
We have some issues that we'd like to address.
All right, so this is a live call.
We're calling now.
It's the AHS.
It's the number she just said.
Who am I asking for?
Sabrina or her assistant. Forwarded to a voicemail system. However, the mailbox of the person at 38822. Sounds like the mailbox is full.
Okay, let's move on from them.
You've got the number.
All right.
I implore you.
Also, if you are here in this show, here in this segment, later in the day, you can call them off hours too.
They have a cell phone number.
Any time of the day, you can-804-6469.
Any time of the day, you can call.
Call them day and night.
And if you're watching us online right now, take a screenshot of this.
Share it on your social media platforms, on Twitter, Gab, Fakebook, everywhere.
Share this information.
We need the body of Christ to be calling the AHS health services in Canada. I'm going to show you the photograph of the COVID communists who ran this
operation in Edmonton today. Dr. Verna Yu. Now, I wonder if she's Chinese. Well, she certainly
makes half a million dollars to do what she's doing. A half million dollars?
Half a million dollars is her salary.
$500,000 a year to run a state health department?
Yeah, she makes more than Dr. Fauci.
Well, there's Dr. Verna Yu.
She was the COVID communist in charge of the attack on Grace Life Church today. We'd like to have an interview with Dr. Yu and
find out why she thinks she's more powerful than Almighty God. Now, of course, the Royal Canadian
Mounted Police was involved in this shameful attack. Here's their phone number. I believe
this is Leduc, Alberta? Yes, that's correct.
And that's the closest town.
This is the closest barracks to the church.
And their phone number is 780-980-7200.
This is the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
You can call them.
Call them and ask them why they shamefully raided a church today.
Why don't we call them?
Yeah, let's call them right now.
So we're dialing.
This is a live call.
You've reached Leduc RCMP administration.
If this is an emergency, please hang up and dial 911. Please press 1 for RCMP administrative services.
Wait while I transfer your call.
Afternoon, this is RCMP.
Yes, my name is Rick Wiles.
I'm with True News in Vero Beach, Florida,
and we are a news service in the USA.
I would like to talk to your barracks commander about the raid on the Grace Life Church today.
Yeah, you would have to call Parkland.
That has nothing to do with Leduc.
I can give you their address.
Yes, please.
For the church?
Do you have their phone number for
It is
2000. Okay. Thank you very much.
Thanks. Bye-bye.
She's obviously been getting phone calls
too. Well, let's call Parkland.
We're dialing it up right now.
So we'll give you, if you didn't get that number, Parkland Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 825-220-2000.
We're ringing them right now.
The administrative line for the Parkland RCMP. If this is an emergency, please hang up
and dial 911. This phone line is only answered during the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 30 p.m. Monday
to Friday and is not checked for messages. If you have a complaint, please call the 24-hour line at 825-220-7267.
Je vous invite à détachement de la GRC de Parkland.
S'il s'agit d'une urgence, raccrochez maintenant et composez le 911.
Les renseignements généraux ne sont accessibles que le 19 novembre.
I did not recognize that as a valid entry.
You have reached the enemy's...
Looks like they're hiding, right?
Can't get a hold of anybody.
The police aren't answering.
You know, they're so busy today.
I'm glad no one's chasing you down the road,
you know, a bank robber or anything like that,
because you certainly couldn't get a hold of the police.
No, they're not answering the phone today.
Of course not.
They ought to be ashamed of themselves.
Police, you're going to lose the respect of law-abiding middle-class citizens.
You're going to lose the respect.
And then you're going to turn us into your enemy.
You start arresting pastors.
If you start shutting down churches, you're going to make us your enemy. You start arresting pastors, if you start shutting down churches, you're going
to make us your enemy. Don't do it. Don't do it. Please don't do it. The Nazis, they did what they
were told to do. They said, we just followed orders. And then there was the Nuremberg trials.
Don't follow these orders.
We need police officers who refuse to carry out these orders.
Just walk off.
What price for your soul?
30 pieces of silver for some.
We'll be back with part two of True News.
Thank you for watching this.
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Please share this program and call those numbers.
You can make a difference.
And you have already made a difference as a faithful believer in Jesus Christ.
We'll be back in just a moment for part two.
The documentary film you are about to see. You and the audience are part of the conflict. believer in Jesus Christ. We'll be back in just a moment for part two. to watch. The story isn't over. The Great Reset. The conspiracy. Less than 50 years after the Communists seized power in Russia, the conspiracy that is Communism is stronger, more determined than ever, growing in the image of its leaders.
We have to prepare for a more angry world.
Their target is us, our institutions, our religions, our families, our children.
It has not hesitated to use force wherever possible
to impose itself on unwilling people
and to hold them in abject subjugation.
What has happened so far,
what is happening now is far from encouraging. how we meet the communist challenge depends on you
the preceding program was made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support