TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Covid Crazy: One-third coronavirus victims developed neurological-psychiatric illnesses
Episode Date: April 10, 2021Today on TRUNEWS, host Edward Szall and the team share information that nearly a third of those that receive the COVID vaccine experience some form of mental illness. Also, we examine how YouTube has... shuttered the Florida governor from questioning masks for kids, while a New Hampshire track coach stands defiant against mandates. Edward Szall, Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate (04/09/21)
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The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you.
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I'm Edward Zoll.
Today, two major events happened.
Prince Philip died and a Caribbean volcano erupted.
Both events by themselves probably won't impact you, but what overshadows them will.
The great pandemic of our time is changing everything in the world,
from how we remember the dead to how we save the fleeing.
The death of Prince Philip came after both he and the Queen got vaccinated,
a step they and millions are taking to prolong their lives.
He died peacefully at Windsor Castle with the love of his life at his side.
But it's not exactly how some are remembering the longest serving Freemason from the United Grand Lodge of England.
An infamous quote has again resurfaced today, where Prince Philip in 1988 said, in the event that I am reincarnated,
I would like to return as a deadly virus to contribute something to solving overpopulation.
Let's hope it's a clothes casket and buried 30 feet underground. The British government has
already announced the funeral and military procession will be severely curtailed due to
COVID. Now to the Caribbean, where the La Sofuer volcano on St.
Vincent Island has begun erupting. More than 7,000 people are being ordered to evacuate,
and the cruise ship industry has volunteered to ferry them from the fire. But wait, there's one
catch. You have to wear your mask as you're fleeing the lava, and you need to be vaccinated
before you board the ship. Carnival at least thought that might be a little too extreme, so they're not going to
require it, but they will do their best to make sure it happens.
Both major events, both involving death, both dominated by the invisible pandemic and the
tyrannical lockdowns, which seem to be worse than the virus.
Join me to discuss how the great crazy pandemic has changed the world and more.
Our True News founder, Rick Wiles and Doc Burkhart.
Hey, Edward.
Edward, Doc.
Interesting note, it's noteworthy that Prince Philip died
at a time of a global pandemic.
Yes. And he will be remembered for that bizarre preface he wrote in a book years ago.
I have that book in my library.
Oh, yes.
I remember we did our program on it.
I have that book.
Just to prove to people he really did say it.
It was actually written, I think it was like a children's book about animals.
A foreign for children.
I thought it was some tome about world government
or something like that.
If I recall, it's kind of a harmless book about...
Who writes that kind of a foreign for our kids book?
A Freemason.
I wish I would come back with the virus.
A Freemason at the United Lodge.
But that's what that was his wish.
He wanted to come back.
He wanted to be reincarnated as a virus and kill, what, 90 percent of the human population.
Yeah, the majority of the world.
You know, the last time we talked about it, the last time we showed that quote, and I
brought that quote up several numerous times over the years, but the last time we did it, we devoted an entire True News episode
to the statements and the activities of the global elite in promoting depopulation of the planet. That, listen to me, that was our last episode on YouTube.
We went out with a bang.
We put that true news episode out that night, and in the morning, there was no true news.
That's true.
Now, they tried to say, you know, the Zionists said, well, YouTube banned him because Rick
Wiles said bad things about the Zionists.
That rhymed.
That rhymed, yes.
Two words that rhymed.
That's not really why.
That's not the reason YouTube took us down.
YouTube deplatformed us because we showed the evidence that the global elite, like Prince Philip, like Bill Gates,
and others have promoted depopulation of the planet.
Now, what happened to us a week or two ago?
Now, those were Zionists who were in it.
We did three programs in one week.
Jonathan Pollard.
Jonathan Pollard.
Did we make up anything about Jonathan Pollard?
Right from the Jerusalem Post. We read his own words. And then we talked about Matt Gaetz,
and we showed the Zionist connection to the sex scandal involving Matt Gaetz.
And lo and behold, Facebook removed us. But I'm bringing that up because of this quote by Prince Philip, that he wanted to
be reincarnated as a virus. And I just think it's noteworthy that he died during a pandemic.
And it's how someone remembered for this. Right. It's like it's like an exclamation mark,
an underline to his life. Remember what this man desired. He wanted to kill billions of people.
His legacy.
And yet the man by himself was funny. I thought he was a very funny man. A lot of people thought
he was rude and arrogant. But I thought the guy was funny. I mean, I say he was funny. I used to,
you know, I read the London papers.
He would speak his mind. He was not he should have had his own podcast. I mean, the guy said some wild, outrageous things like I want
to come back as a virus and kill everybody. But so he's gone. And and and the queen now is is alone in the castle.
And I don't think Charles is going to become the king.
I think you're right.
I think they're going to pass over him to his son, Prince William.
I don't know what deal she's going to make,
but this really puts the heat on now because she knows her day is coming really soon.
But I think there's going to be a deal. I don't know what she gives Charles out of the assets of the firm and says, I will turn this
over to you if you agree not to become the king when I die and let William become the king. But you know, there's a strong demand
among the young in Great Britain. They want Harry. There was a poll this week in Great
Britain and under 30 want Harry. Right. Because he's the rebel. He's the outsider now. Well, anyhow. In that, in Edward's opening, he mentioned that cruise, the cruise line down off St. Vincent, the island where the volcano is.
The prime minister is the one that actually announced, Rick, that it would be the requirement to be vaccinated to get on the cruise ships.
And to wear the mask.
That wasn't a joke. They're actually saying as you're evacuating, as you're fleeing,
lava, hot magma, you have to be masked.
It's not an option.
They will have police making sure that you're masked.
You know, I might be willing to do that simply so I don't breathe the dust.
Now that makes sense.
But the vaccination part of things, so you've got a choice. You can
stay on the island with a volcano or you can get vaccinated and get on the ship that takes you away
from the volcano. So the government of St. Vincent is requiring its citizens to be vaccinated before
they can be rescued. Yes. And Rick, I think we have to pay attention to this one specifically
because I think this is going to be a template for all natural disasters moving forward.
It doesn't matter if it's a fire, a hurricane.
You can't enter, like here in Florida.
I mean, it'll be anything.
Yeah, so like here in Florida, you have hurricane centers that open up shelters,
hurricane shelters, so you won't be able to go into the hurricane shelter without being vaccinated.
You can't go into Georgia, if we're using Florida as an example,
unless you've been vaccinated.
I'll present your proof of vaccination.
It's coming, folks.
It's coming.
Well, I'll just write it out.
Not going to do it.
I've already made up my mind. Not going to do it. We've already made up my mind.
Not going to do it.
We get into the main part of the program.
You wanted to address today with the audience about the segments.
Oh, yeah, yeah.
So this past, well, obviously, we've made some changes in recent weeks.
I've stepped aside to let Edward begin moving into the role of leading True News.
The reason is I'm not retiring.
Some people said, I've had people call me and say, I heard you retired.
No, I didn't retire.
He's working harder now than ever.
Bigger, better projects.
No, I didn't retire.
I'm working on other projects, and those things are going to be visible very, very soon.
But the other changes that we made in recent days is that we shortened the program to one
hour because we were creeping up into the 90-minute, two-hour length many times.
But the other thing that we implemented last week is that we started doing two separate
30-minute segments so that we could focus on one theme and then also make it easier
for people to share that one segment with their friends so that people don't have to
scroll through an entire program trying to find the segment where we talked about that topic. What I'd like to know from our audience is, do you like the changes or do you
want us to go back to what we were doing? Because we're doing this for you. We're not doing this for
us. We're doing it for you. It's your God cast. Yeah. Yeah. We're doing this for your benefit.
So tell us. I felt yesterday that we were really rushed. That was my feeling.
Like I had things I wanted to say and I didn't get a chance to say it. And I know you guys did
because we were watching the clock and we're trying to move to keep on schedule. And we were
trying to get through things as quickly as possible. I felt yesterday that I was rushed.
And we're curious to know what our audience thinks about it.
Let us know.
Send emails to info at
Info at
And we will go through your comments.
We want to know.
Just tell us. We honestly want
to know. We want to know what you desire, what you need out of True News. What is it that you're
looking for? And another question, I guess, that we need to ask is what do you like about either
the shorter or the longer format? Is it, you know, that we go through headlines or the commentary on the headlines?
What is it? Yes. Do you want the information or the commentary? What's more important? Right.
The information or the commentary. So tell us, I think we'll put together an online survey and
get it out. It'll be about probably two weeks till I get it together and get it out to everybody in
email. But right now you it out to everybody and email.
But right now, you can just go ahead and email us.
And something else I wanna know,
would like to know,
do you watch True News or do you listen to True News?
And when we say listen,
do you run the video but you're really not watching it,
you're listening to it? You're doing other things, you're driving but you're really not watching it? You're listening to it.
You're doing other things.
You're driving.
You're doing something else.
Would True News work better for you as maybe a more audio version for you?
How important is the video portion of True News to you versus audio?
We'd like to know that.
Do you really sit and watch
an hour, two hours of video?
Or are you just running the program
and listening to it
while you do other things?
Because for many years,
I mean, we were all audio
and that's the way people
accessed us.
That's important to us
because we spend a lot of money
on bandwidth for video
and I need to know if
if I find out that
Overwhelming number of people are just listening then we don't need to do video bandwidth
Sure, and when our change would be will make the audio better quality beat the reports
I mean more timely because we have to take many steps to present information in a video, a visual format versus the audible format.
That's right.
So anyhow.
And we do listen to you.
It was a survey that we did of our donors just several years back when we were on various radio stations, TV stations around the country, where we asked the question, how do you listen to us?
And we found out that most of our audience, most of our donors were listening to us online.
And so we made the decision, well, why are we on radio then? found out that most of our audience, most of our donors were listening to us online.
And so we made the decision, well, why are we on radio then? Why are we spending all this money to give to radio stations when the majority,
the overwhelming, I mean, 90 plus percent of our audience was listening to us online.
Were listening to us online or on air?
Right. And so these are important questions.
I know that a lot of folks over the pandemic were listening or watching us so that they could stave off the insanity.
It was a wild last year. It's going to continue to be a wild decade.
But, Rick, there's been a study now that shows those who've got coronavirus are themselves becoming crazy. One third of approximately 236,000 U.S. patients who were surveyed and looked at,
34% of them were diagnosed with mental or neurological conditions within six months of their infection.
You might want to say that again for our audience. 34%?
Yes. I found this article last night in Hong Kong's South China Morning Post. It was shocking.
34% of the people who were examined, 236,000 people, 34% of those 236,000 developed mental, psychiatric, or neurological illnesses within six months of their infection.
Now, these aren't just people saying, well, I'm a little sad or down.
They're talking about actually being able to diagnose a neurological or psychiatric problem. Yes.
34% within six months of the vaccination.
There's a reason it's easy to explain. This is a man-made virus.
This was made by the Chinese communists to destroy human life.
It was a man-made virus made to remake man.
Yes. And to kill a lot of people.
The vaccine will kill more people than the virus.
The virus won't get into everybody.
The plan is to get the vaccine into everybody.
And the impacts from the lockdowns.
How many of the elderly have died over the last year?
Those that, you know, they had 10 years left in them,
but the stress or
the implementation of lockdowns or the vaccine itself were what really killed them.
You know, in that-
But here, this guy's, I mean, what is in this virus is causing people to go crazy?
Have strokes.
Yes. And that was in the article too, that 7% of everyone that takes the vaccine within six months
suffers a stroke. 7%?
Okay. Those are pretty high numbers right there. I mean, even if that was the only thing to come
out of that story, that would be shocking right there. So why do we question the vaccines? Why do
we question the coronavirus diagnosis? This is the reason why right here. Some people would say, well, Doc, the fact that one-third of the people get infected,
developmental problems, that's why you should be vaccinated so you don't get infected.
But it doesn't stop an infection.
That's just it.
And they tell you that.
You can still get the vaccine. It's not a vaccine, but a vaccine. That's just it. And they tell you that you can still get the vaccine.
It's not a vaccine, but a vaccine. It's a symptom suppressor. That's what it is.
Because they still require you to wear a mask and to social distance because you can still transmit
coronavirus even with the magic dose that they give you. Well, you think that with all these
magic doses and societal changing policies that the country's? Well, you think that with all these magic doses and societal changing
policies that the country's gotten better, right? Well, according to Pew Research, and this is
obvious for anyone who's been paying attention over the last year, the entire country has changed
generally for the worst. Some silver linings that were reported are that life is simpler
because you don't have to deal with so many freedoms. That was something in here.
But what is important is our politics has gone off the rails.
The Pew Research Foundation absolutely impacted the 2020 election.
But other than that, it's impacted the kids.
Other than the elderly, many of which have passed during this time,
the kids have been impacted.
But they haven't been in school for a year.
That's been one of them. They haven't been in school for a year. That's been one of the, haven't been in school.
There's no tracking of it.
Kids who were on some kind of food assistance program have gone without food in some cases.
But the social impact, kids are changing.
Well, do you remember the stats that came out last month or so of how many children
are missing in the school system?
Inside the United States.
It was like 100 plus thousand here in Florida alone that they could not locate these kids.
Now, that's kind of a pretty big deal, isn't it?
I would think.
You can't find kids.
They're not showing up for the school day, online school day.
And nobody's alarmed over it, that these kids have disappeared?
Well, our governor here in Florida is, but Rick, you're not allowed to be alarmed.
You're not allowed to raise concern, because if you do, even a sitting governor will be censored.
YouTube today, Rick, decided to delete a video which involved both our governor and a series of well-known scientists,
actually Professor Atlas, who served the President Trump's administration. They were discussing the
problems with what's called basically the lockdown strategy for coronavirus. And they dared to talk
about masks. They dared to talk about schools. And for that crime, they were deleted, purged.
You know what?
Honestly, why are we still talking about YouTube?
Why are we talking about these people?
Just walk away from it.
Leave the palatation.
Laugh at them.
You want to really hurt the ruling elite?
Get out of their matrix.
Escape the matrix.
It's amazing how many people are in YouTube watching the stuff and complaining about the censorship.
On Facebook saying, did you hear that such and such was banned?
Just get off of it.
Delete the app. It was banned. Yes. Just get off of it. Delete the app.
Stop using it.
I mean, you really want to hurt them?
Stop using their control mechanisms.
I'm glad we got deplatformed.
I'm glad we're off of it.
If I'd had my way, I never would have gone on.
You guys know that.
I always said, this is a trap.
It's a trap.
We should spend our time and money building our own platform.
We're being baited to go on YouTube and Facebook.
We're going to get an audience.
We're going to build up a big audience.
And then we're going to lose it.
I said that four or five years ago.
You were right. But I think what's evident here, Rick, is you never submitted to them.
And many are making that decision even. Hopefully our governor pulls all of Florida's government agencies,
all the information we have off of that platform.
Well, let's see if he does it. Just do it.
People need to stop griping about YouTube and Facebook and Twitter and just stop using them.
Well, something we want to clarify there, the New York Post said that the government said that mask, you know, question mask and kid.
I mean, but made the statement about masks and kids. Actually, he questioned it.
He questioned it. It was actually a scientist on the panel that mentioned it.
And though YouTube has published this video,
I was able to find it and wanted to share it with our audience. This is what Governor DeSantis
banned on YouTube. I think that these prolonged school closures are going to have massive effects
for our society and places that have had, and some of the places have had the schools closed
for a year. They're not going back this spring at this point.
I mean, we know that that's just not going to happen. So then you're looking at the fall.
And then they're now saying, well, maybe not until the kid that they have to have all the kids vaccinated, too, which these vaccines aren't even approved for kids.
So it's conceivable you don't have some states until 2022, even, which is just absolutely unbelievable.
Dr. Gupta mentioned about, you know, not putting masks on kids.
It's not effective, not necessary.
Martin Calder, do you agree in school there's no need for them to be wearing face masks?
Children should not wear face masks, no.
They don't need it for their own protection, and they don't need it for protecting other people either.
I mean, I think schools, how do you teach a child
to read with face masks on Zoom? Or, you know, I think the children develop by watching other
people. And I think it's developmentally inappropriate, and it just doesn't help on
the disease spread. I think it's absolutely not the right thing to do.
One thing that gentleman said is absolutely correct.
Children learn by watching other people, and children are developing linguistic problems.
They're having trouble learning how to speak properly
because everybody's lips are covered.
Children watch the lips of adults to learn to speak.
Or maybe they don't want the children to learn to speak.
Maybe that's the goal, Rick.
Oh, I agree with that.
I'm just saying the masks are causing children to have linguistic problems.
Everything about it is negative.
Yes, there is no benefit.
We haven't even discussed the chemicals which are in the mass, which obviously aren't good to continuously breathe.
But Rick, this story, I think, is directly tied to that first study we discussed.
I think the reason why you're seeing neurological problems in those who've had coronavirus,
even those who've been in lockdown, is because there's a form of solitary confinement that's produced when you separate people.
We don't talk to each other.
We don't spend time with each other.
We don't look at each other.
And especially changing the way we learn.
We can't even see each other's mouths.
This is causing mental decay and destroying the country's fabric.
We're not even Americans, neighbors anymore.
There was a track coach in, I think, New Hampshire.
Who was fired because he said he wasn't going to require his athletes to wear a mask.
So the school board fired him.
He said, how can students run on track and be trying to breathe through a mask while
they're exerting themselves on a racetrack.
So they fired him.
Rick, the craziest part about this story is that though his students loved him,
and he didn't wear a mask for this interview,
his favorite pupil, the kid that he's been actually kind of mentoring to
take to state. For the interview, he wore the mask for the reporter and then he ran in circles
to show that he's not losing any tears. He's a good little communist.
We've got a video report from New Hampshire. Yes, CBS Boston. Here's the report.
Our coach at Pembroke Academy says even though it cost him his job,
he is not backing down from his beliefs.
WBZ's Michael Cross spoke with him today.
I just think people haven't pushed back, and I decided it was time to push back.
Brad Keyes was fired this week as the track and field coach
at Pembroke Academy in Pembroke, New Hampshire,
and he has been outspoken about it online. I made my choice. He made his. PEMBROOK ACADEMY IN PEMBROOK, NEW HAMPSHIRE. AND HE HAS BEEN OUTSPOKEN ABOUT IT ONLINE.
YOUR MOUTH. HE'S ONE OF MY FAVORITE PEOPLE TO RUN WITH. JUNIOR DAVID TESTERMAN AGREES WITH HIS the mask back into your nose and your mouth. He's one of my favorite people to run with. Junior
David Tesserman agrees with his former coach and is concerned about running with a mask on this
spring. Gets you really tired especially on you know it's going to get up to 80 degrees soon
and it's going to be really hard for us to to keep doing what we like to do. The New Hampshire
Interscholastic Athletic Association's outdoor track guidelines recommend
that athletes wear a face covering during competition. So they'll be separated by a lane
which is about six feet. Key says the masks are okay while the team is on the bus but he does not
think they're necessary outdoors. Do you wear a mask yourself? I wear a mask where I have to.
I'll wear a mask when I go into stores or any
private business that wants me to. Based on what I read, honestly, I don't believe they do much good.
You're not allowed to even have a compromising view. He had his students wear him on the bus,
Rick, but that's not even enough. Look, I can show you many medical sources that would say you should not wear a mask while exercising, while exerting physical energy.
You should not wear a mask.
It is not healthy.
The school system makes sense.
It just makes sense.
But Doc, sense is out the window. Sense is out the window now.
It's out the window.
We've become a nation of zombies.
And, you know, don't worry about the zombie attack coming.
It's already here.
Yeah, the zombies are here.
Rick, while this is all going on, the buildup in Russian Ukraine is still happening.
I know people are going into the
weekend, but there's been a big development. A hundred thousand soldiers have been moved to the
border and the U.S. has flown nuclear bombers, B-1 bombers over the Aegean. We've also talked
about moving warships and we've named the ships that were moving into the Black Sea.
Putin moved a hundred thousand Russian troops to the border. We've also talked about moving warships. We've named the ships that are moving into the Black Sea.
Putin moved 100,000 Russian troops to the border.
Yes, I wanted to make sure the audience is aware of this.
Going into the weekend, be praying because they are on the brink of war.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
We're worried about masks though, Rick.
You won't hear this on CBS, ABC, or Fox.
You won't hear that.
But we are moments, days away from war.
We've been telling our audience, we've been showing the newspaper article from last week,
the Russian military analyst who said we're 30 days from World War.
We possibly could be 30 hours from World War.
This is happening.
They've moved 100,000 troops to the border.
Well, thank you for watching part one of today's Godcast.
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