TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Covid Crusade: Franklin Graham preaches Vaccine Gospel for Deep State

Episode Date: May 17, 2021

Today on TRUNEWS, host Edward Szall explores how leading evangelicals are now pushing the vaccine agenda full throttle, as names such as Franklin Graham and Robert Jeffress double down on COVID. Blas...phemy reigns over Brazil, as the Christ the Redeemer statue is marked with Coronavirus propaganda. Eric Clapton says that the vaccine nearly killed him, and Mike Pompeo agrees with TRUNEWS: the virus came from the Wuhan lab. Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate (05/17/21)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help,, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll. The stage has been set for the Supreme Court to overturn the hallmark abortion decision, vote Roe v. Wade. On Monday, the high court agreed to hear a challenge to a law in Mississippi which bans abortion at 15 weeks. Because this case deals with the viability of the unborn child, it directly challenges abortion as a right versus an act of infanticide. Because if a child is viable at 15 weeks, it's viable at one day.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Pro-life organizations have cheered the surprise announcement with Students for Life Action President, Kristen Hawkins, saying a historic opportunity now exists to eliminate the legal shield, which has allowed the butchering of 62 million Americans since 1973. But as for evangelical leaders,
Starting point is 00:01:24 they're focused on a different crusade. Forget the womb, pick up the needle. Reverend Franklin Graham has pledged to abort vaccine hesitancy and has offered to be an evangelist for vaccination to Christians. You say you believe the science, and yet when President Trump was in office, one of his strategies was to tell his followers not to believe anyone but him, not to believe the media, not to believe other things they were reading or seeing. Is some of that now coming home to roost?
Starting point is 00:01:56 Well, I don't know. But the whole world now has adopted this lockdown policy. Almost every country in the world is practicing that. And I think it's going to produce great harm eventually. And do you think it's the skepticism about the, or opposition to the lockdown policy, the crazy politicization of masks? Do you think that that's influencing how they feel about the vaccine? There's some people just don't like being told what to do, all right? And that informed the shutdown
Starting point is 00:02:26 on the masks, for sure. Yeah, for sure. But the vaccine is a personal decision because this is going to affect your life, whether you like it or not. If you don't take it,
Starting point is 00:02:38 you could get COVID and really be sick and could really regret not having that vaccine. If there's someone's voice besides yours that you think would make a difference with Christians on getting the vaccine, who would it be? I would encourage all pastors to inform their congregations as to where they can get a vaccine. We are leaders in a community, and we have a responsibility to inform them of the truth.
Starting point is 00:03:08 Has the Biden administration reached out to you about reaching Christians? No. And would you be willing to work with them, help them if they asked you? Absolutely. Of course. I would work with the Biden administration. I would work with the CDC.
Starting point is 00:03:24 I would work with all of them to try to help save life. Anything to save life. Don't let me discuss Franklin Graham's new job, the sex scandals in D.C., and the ongoing massacre in Palestine. Our True News founder, Rick Walls, and Doc Burkhart. Edward. Edward, good to see you. Franklin Graham has lost all credibility in the evangelical church world.
Starting point is 00:03:48 I am sure there's some evangelicals like John Hagee and Robert Jeffress who are pied pipers for the deep state. But for millions of evangelical Christians who, like myself up until a few months ago, greatly respected Franklin Graham. That respect is gone. It'll never come back. I will never believe anything that comes out of that man's mouth. When you put his vaccine advocacy up with his friendship with two high-level Scientologists, Greta Van Susteren and her husband, I don't trust anything that comes out of the mouth of Franklin Graham now. I've written him off, completely written him off,
Starting point is 00:04:38 as a credible spokesman for Jesus Christ. I'm done. I don't know about you, Doc, but Franklin Graham is no longer somebody I want to look up to as a Christian leader. Well, as president of a health advocacy organization like Samaritan's Purse, he should know that the, quote, vaccine, unquote, does not prevent you from getting COVID. You can have both doses of the so-called vaccine and still get COVID. Yes, they call it a breakthrough. Yes. So the vaccines aren't truly vaccines.
Starting point is 00:05:18 They're symptom suppressants. You can still test positive for COVID even after two, three, or a dozen doses of so-called vaccine. Apparently, Franklin Graham doesn't care about blood clots. He doesn't care about instant death, paralysis, facial paralysis. He doesn't care about this. If he did, he would be telling church leaders, you need to be very careful telling your congregation to get these experimental vaccines. They are experimental vaccines. But he doesn't seem to be concerned about that. For some reason, Franklin Graham has a mission that he must carry out. I don't know who
Starting point is 00:06:02 he works for. Don't know who is pulling his strings. But the real Franklin Graham has come out in recent months. So has the real Robert Jeffress. Yes. Another person that I have no interest in listening to anything that comes out of his Masonic mouth. Is that how you really feel about it? Yes, that's how I really feel about it? Yes, that's how I really feel about it. I'm tired of Freemasons masquerading as churchmen.
Starting point is 00:06:31 And that's exactly what they're doing. Yes, out them. It's time to out the Masons. Well, they're outing themselves. Right, they're making it very clear where they stand. And they're dividing the church. By making a statement that Franklin Graham made on Axios, on HBO. He's telling congregations, you need to be afraid of those who are not
Starting point is 00:06:52 vaccinated. You need to separate the congregation from those who have not been vaccinated. Actually, you need to be afraid of the people who are vaccinated. First of all, they're stupid. And you shouldn't be that close to that people that stupid. I mean, the thing that's contagious is the stupidity. The other thing is they they can be contagious with the virus after they've been vaccinated. That's right. I mean, people people are getting vaccinated and then testing positive and they're going, I wonder how that happened. Because they vaccinated you with the virus.
Starting point is 00:07:27 Yes. And you're spreading it to other people. And then they go, there's a fourth wave of infections. No, it's the virus, the vaccine that's spreading the virus. They're putting the virus in people. And those people are now contagious. And they're not wearing their masks now because they've been vaccinated. What do you really have going on? The vaccinated are becoming super spreaders. It's a very devilish plan. I don't know where Franklin Graham, how much
Starting point is 00:07:59 knowledge he has of it. Maybe he's just totally uneducated about it. I mean, he doesn't seem to have knowledge about Scientology, cults. I mean, I don't know what the guy has knowledge in, but I don't want to hear his mouth. I'm just done. I'm really, I've written off these guys. I've written off the whole evangelical church world And they have no credibility in my mind anymore. You tell me you're an evangelical church leader and I'm walking away. There's nothing I want to hear. So what else are we going to talk about here today?
Starting point is 00:08:42 Well, you mentioned Pastor Jeffress. Like Franklin Graham, he's hosting vaccine clinics. Because like Franklin Graham, he sees the biggest push right now, the biggest mission, is not to share the gospel, but to facilitate Joe Biden's vaccination rate. And obviously this doesn't just affect the United States, but a lot of countries look toward what we're doing here and our response, especially our Christian leaders, the ones that are claiming this. First Baptist Dallas has now become a site you can go, not to get a Bible, not to get a tract, but to get a jab right in your arm.
Starting point is 00:09:19 Why wouldn't? The church started in a Masonic lodge. W.A. Criswell was their senior pastor for decades, a 33rd degree Freemason. Started right there in the Masonic Hall years ago. Why would I be surprised that First Baptist Dallas is a COVID vaccination site? Well, this past Sunday, they had their first vaccination brouhaha, I guess you'd call it. What is that? Excuse me. What is that?
Starting point is 00:09:52 Is that a picture of the church? Yes. I was about to say this. What is that? It's a very unusual. Oh, it kind of looks like a Masonic phallus symbol. No, it's a ziggurat just with smooth edges. It is.
Starting point is 00:10:08 It is. It's a ziggurat. Yeah. So, but they had their first vaccine clinic or whatever you want to call it yesterday. The report we're about to see was from a couple of days ago, right before the event. Here is WFAA in Dallas telling us about the upcoming COVID clinic at First Baptist Dallas. First Baptist Dallas is 14,000 members strong. It's pastor one of the most influential in the country and he wanted his congregation to hear this. I'm not a doctor but I trust the
Starting point is 00:10:41 Christian doctors in our church who are very enthusiastic about this vaccine. Because he is enthusiastic to First Baptist will hold a COVID-19 vaccination clinic this Sunday at the request of Dallas County. By having their trusted leaders in the faith community work with us to get the message out, we've got a great chance of helping those people make the choice to get vaccinated. Jeffress is also featured on a website called Christians and the Vaccine, which tries to combat vaccine hesitancy among evangelicals. It's where Jeffress announced his trip to get vaccinated in January, briefly interrupted by a call from then President Trump. So excited, almost missed my exit
Starting point is 00:11:22 to the vaccine site. But what I'm not sympathetic with are those who try to politicize this vaccine. I see these vaccines in many ways as an answer from God to help us get through this time so that we can be back together in every part of our life, including worship. Take all hands on deck. Pastor Richie Butler welcomed First Baptist to the effort he and other Black pastors have been active in for months now. Project Unity has held more than a dozen vaccine drives at churches and other locations to fight hesitancy in minority communities. Another vaccine event scheduled this Friday. We all know that if we want people in our in our pews and for people to feel safe, we need to ensure that people are getting vaccinated
Starting point is 00:12:06 god's answer sometimes involves science we want people in our pews we want unity unity around what vaccination that's not what the book of ephesians teaches us we're unity in christ but what they're selling there is they're missing out on tithes. They're missing out on people witnessing. Pastor Jeffress said, I'm not a doctor, but I got lots of doctors telling me this is a great idea. But what you brought out is the important part. It's that what about the side effects? What about those who have died? Did that not matter?
Starting point is 00:12:40 They're pushing an agenda. Right. They know what they're doing. They're pushing an agenda. Right. They know what they're doing. They're not dumb. And these evangelical leaders know they have a problem because there are many Christians who refuse to submit to the vaccine. Good for you. You're watching true news. It means you're not dumb.
Starting point is 00:12:56 That's right. And so, but obviously they realize that they have not done a very good job in selling it to folks who are smart enough not to receive it. Christianity Today had this article. You know, of course, Christianity Today is leaning on the left on the evangelical side. Why do evangelical pastors hesitate to preach vaccines? Well, there's a reason why some of them are hesitant. It's because they don't trust it.
Starting point is 00:13:23 They don't believe in it. And really, it's a disingenuous title because the biggest block of Christians who will not submit to vaccines, Rick, are black Christians. And they have been, I don't know if you've noticed, had it in that spot from WFAA, but in other media outlets too, the big push in the black community and the Hispanic community. And a lot of those efforts are funded from donations or even from government resources trying to pierce into the black community or Hispanic community. But even those communities of believers are not buying this. And so- Hey, Fauci said recently that COVID has exposed the racism of our society. The racism.
Starting point is 00:14:10 The racism. COVID. COVID. COVID is racist. COVID exposed that we're racist. So the way to prove that we're not racist is to vaccinate every black person, which is what the population control people want to do. So please, my dear black brothers and sisters, do not line up for depopulation.
Starting point is 00:14:39 This is global genocide. I'm going to say it. It's global genocide. The most wicked diabolical plan in the giving everybody a vaccine but they believe in population reduction yes so which side of the lie do we believe do we believe they want to save lives or reduce population you know what they're doing absolutely this is this is about reducing the human population. And Christians are resisting it because their Holy Spirit is speaking to them and warning them that a satanic operation is underway in the world. I think the vaccine is laying the first layer, first foundation. In a year or two, there'll be another virus that is built on top of the vaccine.
Starting point is 00:15:56 There'll be mass die-off of the people that have been vaccinated. But they will say it's another virus. And it was brought here by the people who were not vaccinated the first time. Right. And so the people who got vaccinated will die off, and then there'll be immense pressure on the unvaccinated to get the next vaccine for the next virus. Right. Because look at all the people dying. Yes.
Starting point is 00:16:24 That's the argument. And you caused it because you didn't get vaccinated. Yeah. Yeah, but all the people dying. Yes. That's the argument. You caused it because you didn't get vaccinated. Yeah. But what about if I'm not sick, how did I cause it? And if the vaccine works, why did they die? You can't ask questions like that, Rick. That makes way too much sense. And so New York Times had an opinion piece that came out. This is titled, Our Fellow Evangelicals Need to Get Vaccinated. This is written in part as an op-ed by a fellow by the name of Curtis Chang. He runs an outfit. I don't want to call it a ministry called Redeeming Babel. I don't want to redeem that babble, but that's what he leads.
Starting point is 00:17:02 In this particular article, Rickick he goes into the reasons that evangelicals are hesitant about the vaccine their conservative media has fed them a line politicians both christian and non-christians have been using the vaccine as a political tool. And so he's making. Who's using it as a political tool? Trump's for it. He says it's the Trump scene. Absolutely. Yeah. All the Republicans are for it. Who's using it as a political tool? I can't think of a single Republican politician out there. Who's against it. That's against it. So how is that the case? Including Rand Paul. None of them are against it. Right. And so this whole idea that there's some movement of political leaders on the right that is fighting the vaccine. Where are these politicians?
Starting point is 00:17:54 Where are they lined up at? Because they certainly abandoned that ship a year ago. It's the most bipartisan thing we've seen in decades. Yes. I mean, they all are promoting it and Trump's the cheerleader. He wants it to be named for himself, the Trump scene. Robert Jeffers, pastor of First Baptist Dallas, when he made his big announcement of the upcoming COVID clinic at his church, he did that on the Redeeming Babel site, Christians and the Vaccine. And this has become kind of the go-to
Starting point is 00:18:26 place for a clearinghouse, if you will, for those that are, you know, wanting to push the idea of the vaccine for people. Of course, one of the biggest things for a lot of Christians, Rick, that are opposed to the idea of vaccines is its association with abortion, the development of the vaccines and the testing of the vaccines. And so they've realized, these leftist new age evangelicals realize that they've told them pro-life, pro-life, pro-life for four decades, right? And then they're faced with a situation now with the vaccines. Well, you told us, you know, we're against abortion, right? And then they're faced with a situation now with the vaccines. Well, you told us, you know,
Starting point is 00:19:07 we're against abortion, right? But not in this case. They really weren't pro-life. No, they weren't. Because they didn't do anything to stop abortion. Right. Look how quickly they bounced together on the crusade for vaccination.
Starting point is 00:19:20 It didn't take them but a year to gather a full spectrum of the world's most renowned pastors to push vaccination. Yet we couldn't confront abortion. Right now, out of nowhere, the Supreme Court's picking up a Roe v. Wade case, but not thanks to any work by any pastor in America. Right. Now, the gentleman on the left of the screen, that's Curtis Chang, who somehow in the past year has become the go-to guy within New Age evangelicalism on Christians and the vaccine. And all the Christian leaders are touching base with this guy.
Starting point is 00:19:51 Never heard of the guy. Right. Just like he appeared out of the blue. We have a sound bite from him. And in this sound bite- Kind of like Chinese propaganda. In this sound bite, you're going to hear him explain, you know, all your concerns about vaccines and the abortion issue are totally unfounded. Finally, it is important to emphasize that none of the COVID vaccines encourage more
Starting point is 00:20:16 abortions for medical research. The fact that HEK-293 has been so widely studied and used for decades means that most researchers rely on it and other long-established cell lines. They are not motivated to obtain new, unproven cell lines from new fetuses. And government regulations strongly discourage any researcher trying to do so, especially from aborted fetuses. This point is key to the difference between impact and guilt because it means that current vaccine research, while it has been impacted by past abortion, is not guilty of promoting current abortions. All of these facts have led to a consensus among the leading Christian bioethicists. The consensus is that Christians, including pro-life Christians, are encouraged to take the COVID vaccine. lie. How do you know? I watched his eyes. And if I could play, I'm not going to play it again, but watch his eyes after he made a statement, he blinked his eyes three times in a row. He lied. He knew he was lying. He knew he was lying. He was telling a lie because what he was
Starting point is 00:21:33 basically saying is that, or what he was trying to make the argument there was that don't worry about if abortions were the source of the vaccine. It's not causing new abortions now. So it's, you know, you don't need to feel bad about that. I'm telling you, there is a push here. It was never, Rick, I don't know if any Republican really believes in the pro-life issue. No. No Republican. I don't believe any Republican politician truly believes in the pro-life issue, because if they did, they'd be against the vaccines.
Starting point is 00:22:05 The current Republican position on abortion is I'm against post-birth abortion. That proves that I am pro-life. I wouldn't kill a baby after it was born. That's the new conservative position. Right. And the dumb, idiotic evangelical leaders go for it. Yeah. And they vote for these people. He's pro-life. She's pro-life. No. She just said, I wouldn't kill them after they're born. Well, what about before they're born? Oh, no, stop buying this stuff.
Starting point is 00:22:47 Just stop buying into it and stop promoting the very people that are lying to us and deceiving us. I mean, just call it out for what it is. A lie. A lie. All right. We get more pastors in Canada being arrested. We have more churches in Canada being shut down. Yes. The most conservative province in Canada, Alberta, is leading the way in shutting down churches.
Starting point is 00:23:17 Their new rule, Rick, is that it's not 15 percent of the congregation that can't show up. It's 15 total. Now, Pastor Tim Steffens of Fairview Baptist Church, this is outside Calgary, said, I'm not following that. That's basically my worship team, me and maybe a couple family members. He said, I'm going to hold service. And the police showed up right after service to arrest him. They didn't go into the church. He came out to meet the police and handed himself over to the authorities. He'll be facing the same trial that Pastor Coates in Edmonton is facing. Rick, this is North America. Okay. Are all these arrests of pastors and church seizures, are they all happening in the same
Starting point is 00:24:01 Canadian province? Yes, Alberta. Yes. and so the province, the provincial health minister is Chinese. Am I correct? Yes. That's correct. Do you think maybe she was put there by the China Communist Party? Wow, that would be conspiratorial, wouldn't it? Imagine communists plotting and actually spending years getting their people in position like within the evangelical movement or within the health
Starting point is 00:24:33 departments in the US and in Canada influencing policy or you know encouraging adherence to insane policies which is what's going on here. This is tragic, Rick. But, Rick, you talked about this years ago. I mean, you said there'd come a day where we'd see pastors hauled off to jail. Now it's happening, and people are just yawning. Yeah, they don't really care about it. Well, maybe Franklin Graham's going to come out and speak against it.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Why would he? He's for the vaccine. Come on, Frankie. Come on out, old Frankie, and defend those pastors. Oh, I was going to say, he did speak out. Show us what you're made of, Franklin Graham. He thinks those pastors are part of the problem. Yes, he does.
Starting point is 00:25:18 Yes. You understand that Franklin Graham thinks those pastors should be arrested. Robert Jeffress thinks those pastors should be arrested. Robert Jeffress thinks those pastors should be arrested. That's where we're at now, Doc. Right. Who will turn against us in the last days? The religious. The religious will turn against the remnant, the saints.
Starting point is 00:25:46 Who betrayed Jesus? Judas. The religious, Judas, okay? The Sanhedrin, the religious leaders, made an alliance with the Roman government. The same thing's going to happen here. The pseudo-Christian leaders will make an alliance with the new Roman government. And they'll think they're doing God a favor. Yes. I mean, we wanted the gospel to get out, didn't we?
Starting point is 00:26:21 Their gospel. Yeah. So we have to quiet these guys down or they're going to rock the boat for everybody and ruin it for everybody. Well, the next one, guys, this one shocked me. I saw this early this morning. I was, oh. I saw it last night. I was like, wow.
Starting point is 00:26:38 This is, if anyone's ever traveled to South America, to Brazil, one of the most beautiful scenes you can see is the Christ the Redeemer statue looking over the city of Rio. I mean, it's wonderful, but this is what they did yesterday. It's blasphemous. I absolutely agree. It's blasphemous.
Starting point is 00:27:02 Jesus saves Jesus, nobody else but Jesus. You're a blasphemer to imply that the vaccine is saving people and to put a vaccine saves over the image of Jesus Christ. You are a blasphemer. I think we have a little bit of video too here showing this. And so this is some footage. I mean, just it frustrates me to no end to see this. I mean, why it doesn't shock me anymore.
Starting point is 00:27:35 But it just once again to see it and know the blasphemy that exists right here. Just ignore Jesus. He's just a billboard. Well, Franklin Graham would think this is wonderful. Yes. Robert Jeffress would think this is awesome. Do you hear Jeffress and Graham condemning it? No, because they believe in the vaccine, Rick. So they're blasphemous. And was that a howl Hitler? Yes. yes, they did a little howl Hitler. Yes, they did. I saw that.
Starting point is 00:28:11 Well, this is the tragedy. We'll watch the howl Hitler again. So, there we go. There we go. Look at that. Oh, Hitler. The new Nazism. Well, not only was this blasphemy taking place,
Starting point is 00:28:36 but this was also a vaccine site as well, Rick. We have a little bit of video here. Down at the base of the statue there they were actually lining people up so you can get the jab so instead of honoring the lord instead of worshiping the lord there at the christ redeemer statue we don't want to politicize it rick we don't want to make the vaccine a political idea or anything. No, we don't want to do that at all. But you just did by doing this. I can't stop people from being stupid. I came to that conclusion years ago. And they're more stupid than I ever realized. I said today in our Bible study
Starting point is 00:29:26 that the closer we get to the second coming of Jesus Christ, you will see humanity stampeding towards hell. Stampeding. There will be a stampede of unsaved humans racing to get to hell. The closer we get to the second coming of Jesus Christ, you won't be able to stop it, Doc. You will not be able to stand in their way. They will run over you.
Starting point is 00:29:59 It'll be like a herd of wildebeest. They will run over you on their way to hell. That's where we're headed. That's where the human race is going right now. If you're unsaved, I love you with all my heart. And I'm so glad that you're watching me. And I hope you just keep watching me. I received a message today from a former atheist in the UK, Paul. His name is Paul. And he's no longer a former atheist. He's been watching True News. And
Starting point is 00:30:38 he's recently baptized. And it just made me so happy. I need those messages. Please feed them to me. Feed them. I need those messages. But if you're unsaved and you're watching this program, I hope that statue of Jesus Christ over Brazil and for someone to write
Starting point is 00:31:07 the blasphemous words vaccine saves. Jesus saves. There's no other name by which men can be saved. Amen. No other name. As Satan mocking Jesus,
Starting point is 00:31:23 I will put this instrument of death, vaccine, I will put this instrument of death vaccine, I will put it on the image of Jesus Christ, and I will claim that the vaccine is saving them. Satan's laughing at lost humanity. But if you're unsaved, you haven't become a Christian yet, I hope you see that these images that we're showing you, I hope it just pricks your conscience that you understand, that you perceive that we're so close to the second
Starting point is 00:31:52 coming of Jesus Christ, the final day, the last day of mankind. It's coming. People are doing things I've never imagined I would see in my lifetime. Prominent evangelical pastors. They rolled over so quickly, didn't they? Roll over. They did more than roll over, Doc. They're cheerleading. They didn't roll over. They're they're marching in front of the of the parade.
Starting point is 00:32:19 They're telling church members, come follow me to the vaccination center. When the mark of the beast is brought forth, these evangelical leaders are going to tell you to be chipped. I'm telling you, they're going to tell you it's a good thing. They'll say it's not the mark. They'll say you can repent from it. Yes, it's not the mark because we haven't been raptured. They're going to deceive you. They're deceiving you now. They're going to deceive you. They're deceiving you now.
Starting point is 00:32:46 They're going to deceive you tomorrow. How long are you going to follow them? How long are you going to respect them? How long are you going to give them some slack and say, well, Rick, you got a difference of opinion with Franklin Graham. You should go in and talk to him personally, Rick, and correct him. Yeah, oh yeah. We get those emails too. Call him out.
Starting point is 00:33:11 It's time. Put your big boy pants on. Deal with reality. This is what's going on in America right now. The church leaders have deserted the church. I think what they're doing, they're exposing themselves that they never were followers of Jesus Christ. Yes, that's what it's always wolves, always wolves.
Starting point is 00:33:32 They're just coming out now and saying it's safe to be a wolf now. It's fashionable to be a wolf now. That's where we're at. So if you're unsaved, I hope and pray that you recognize that these things are happening. You see it. I pray for the Lord to open your eyes. The fact that you're watching us means that God is dealing with your soul. You wouldn't be watching me if God wasn't dealing with your soul, including the people who are paid to write stuff about me.
Starting point is 00:34:09 God's dealing with your soul too. Well who are paid to write stuff about me god's dealing with your soul too well rick you mentioned earlier that there are those that are saying that the vaccine is racist but the director of the world health organization is saying it's also promoting apartheid too and basically what he's saying is that you know all these poor countries around the world they're not dying quick enough because they don't have the vaccines available to them. Okay. And who's this little? Tedros Ghebreyesus. Oh, Dr. Tedros. And what is Dr. Tedros?
Starting point is 00:34:35 What is his political leaning? He's a communist. He's a communist. And the number one funder of the World Health Organization last year was the nation of communist China. And who also donated hundreds of millions of dollars? Bill Gates, friends of Jeffrey Epstein. Why do I care what that guy says? He's a communist propaganda
Starting point is 00:35:05 promoter. The WHO was started by the communists at the very beginning of the United Nations. And that's the truth. That is exactly where they started. China's always been
Starting point is 00:35:23 the leader of the WHO from the WHL from the beginning, from the late 1940s. They used it as a PR campaign for Mao. Well if that wasn't enough, the Department of Homeland Security is warning us now that vaccine you know rollouts are going on, now that there have been an easing to all these lockdowns, Rick, You know what we got to be worried about now? What do I need to fear? You need to be fearing violent extremists now. They could exploit the easing. You mean the lockdown is over and the extremists can now come out? Yes. Because they were locked down for the past year? Right. Those extremists,
Starting point is 00:36:02 they were obeying the lockdown. And now they're coming out. So they can do violent things now. Oh, I'm so afraid. I'm so afraid. It's one fear after another. Now, did they happen to mention, Edward, by chance, any particular religious viewpoint of these violent extremists or any particular racial profile of these violent extremists? Well, they kept that very close to the bottom. They don't want to tip their hand of what they may or may not be planning in the near future. They said they don't know any specific plots, but they do know that these domestic extremists want to attack church buildings. Right.
Starting point is 00:36:44 Want to attack commercial centers. They have this penchant to go after vaccination sites just because now they're free to leave their homes. Now, they say domestic extremists. Domestic extremists. So these aren't foreign terrorists. These are domestic terrorists. USA.
Starting point is 00:37:00 Now, once again, they're saying this, but they also go in this article from U.S. News and World Report. They say authorities are not aware, however, of any specific plot. Of course. And the warning was part of just a summary of terrorism threats. We're just telling you it could happen. Yeah, it could happen. If it could happen, you better watch out. Because the article said the easing of capacity limits.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Yes. Going back to normal. That might encourage extremists to come out with bombs and blow people up. Yeah. I was in a lockdown. I couldn't blow up anything. But now the lockdowns are up. Hey, I got freedom.
Starting point is 00:37:37 I can't get around now. I would just set off a bomb in an empty building. You know, only 15% capacity. Right. What would be the point of wasting a good bomb, right? So Homeland Security wants us to believe this latest lie. Yes. And they seem to be so obsessed with the hypothetical that they haven't made any real headway in finding who placed the pipe bombs at the RNC and DNC headquarters on January 6th.
Starting point is 00:38:01 But hey, that date is coming past, right? So no one's worrying about that anymore. Well, somebody that has had a second thought about the vaccine is rock star Eric Clapton. Yes, he almost lost his ability to play music. Now, this is in a post that he made over the weekend. He said that when he took the AstraZeneca jab, his hands and feet became paralyzed. He wasn't even sure if he ought to play music again. This is a reaction that a rock star had. But it's not only happening to the rock star. It's not happening to the average mom and pop children in church congregations or people around the country. I wonder if he'll redo the old song of his, Cocaine, and make it Vaccine. Well, look what he said. He blasted the vaccine safety propaganda.
Starting point is 00:38:47 Right. In other words, I believe the propaganda and I almost died. Yes. He said, he called it specifically a bunch of BS. Right. And that's what he said. And that he's sorry that he believed it. He said, where have all the rebels gone?
Starting point is 00:39:04 He said that. That was a quote of his. Where have all the rebels gone? He said that, that was a quote of his. Where have all the rebels gone? They've gone to True News. They believed the propaganda. They're at They're watching right now. This is where the rebels are. We're standing against the vaccine.
Starting point is 00:39:18 In addition to this, Eric Clapton is being joined, I think, by many who are trying to make sense of the lockdown and are angry about side effects they've received. Well, in England, England had to respond to some of this. They've decided to ease some of the pain and suffering of the English people. You can now hug your grandma, but you have to do it according to the BBC's rules. Now, their rules include being very selective who you hug. You have to make sure you hug only the ones that are that close to you. You have to make it quick.
Starting point is 00:39:52 Don't look them in the eye because you might transmit COVID. I haven't figured that part out. Why can't you look your grandma in the eye? Because that's eye-to-eye contact. It's face-to-face contact. Does the virus jump out of your eyeball? She might know she's not alone. And again, if it isn't more than a couple seconds,
Starting point is 00:40:10 you have to make sure you get tested afterwards. Oh, and you have to hug Granny outside. Yes, you have to do it outside. And then you have to immediately be tested after you hugged your grandma. Yes, every hug. You know what's really... It's crazy enough that the BBC and other outfits like the BBC are putting this ridiculous stuff out to the public.
Starting point is 00:40:33 But what's even crazier is that millions of people are doing it. Yes, that's the crazy part. That's really crazy. I saw an article yesterday, I forgot to bring it for us today. I think it was The Guardian. We got to get a look at this tomorrow. A it was it was an article about how people in the UK do not want to stop wearing masks, even if COVID was 100% gone, they like wearing the mask because they can hide their identity. They can hide their facial reactions. They said, if I don't want to be nice, I don't have to be nice. I'm wearing a mask. Yes. If I don't want to be free, I don't have to be free.
Starting point is 00:41:22 I'm wearing a mask. They like the idea that that they their their faces covered would just become a Muslim in Saudi Arabia. And and what gets me is Walmart over the weekend made the announcement that no more mask for employees or customers. Any other stores around the country. Right. So go to Walmart Sunday. Still, Walmart stopped masks in all stores? Yes. Yeah, they made the announcement Saturday. And then so Sunday, go to Walmart. But Friday, I could have gotten COVID there.
Starting point is 00:41:54 I guess so. But Saturday, they said, hey. But Sunday, I went there, and it was like, you know, there's a sign at the door that says masks are no longer necessary. But people were still wearing them. People are still wearing them outside. I don't understand. The CDC said you don't need to wear them.
Starting point is 00:42:13 You don't need them. I saw one. I was in Firehouse Subs picking up sandwich. And so I'm just sitting there watching the covid crazies okay there i mean i'm the only person not wearing a mask okay there's no mask mandate in florida right none none but the covid crazies are wearing their masks it's part of the uniform now. Yes. And this woman came in by herself and she had a big bottle of disinfectant hanging from a chain from her purse. And she sprays the table down. She gets napkins and she's doing her own sanitation and everything. She's got her mask on. She's sanitizing the table before she sits down.
Starting point is 00:43:06 Right. Okay. She used it as a condiment too. Is that what you're about to tell us? No, no, no. So, so I watch, I watch this whole process. I'm just sitting there laughing, watching this woman sanitize this table, which she's, you know, like I said, she's carrying a big bottle of sanitizer. It's on a chain hanging from her purse. You don't want anyone stealing it, Rick, you know, like I said, she's carrying a big bottle of sanitizer. It's on a chain hanging from her purse. We don't want anyone stealing it, Rick. I know, but that tells you how much sanitizer she's carrying around, okay? Wow. Okay, so she goes through this whole process.
Starting point is 00:43:34 She's got her mask on. And then after she sanitized the table, she goes over to the rack of potato chips. And she's picking up this brand. I don't like it. She puts it back. She picks up another brand, picks it up, throws it back. She went through a bunch of bags of potato chips.
Starting point is 00:43:50 Touching them. Yes. I want it so much. I didn't do it. I was like, Rick, just be quiet. Just watch. I wanted to say, hey, lady, you over there with the mask,
Starting point is 00:44:01 the one that wiped down the table, get your hands off the potato chips. You think I want to go over there and pick them up? If you're that sick that you had to sanitize everything and wear your mask, what are you doing touching this stuff? It's food products. Get your stinking fingers off of it. But I didn't say it. I just said it.
Starting point is 00:44:19 You didn't? I didn't. I just sat there and watched it. Because they're crazy. They're mentally gone. They're wiped out. They're not going to come back. They're walking crazy. They're mentally gone. They're wiped out. They're not going to come back. They're walking dead.
Starting point is 00:44:28 They're not coming back. They're gone. These people are gone. And 18 months ago, if someone had done that. Oh, yeah. It would have been like that person is totally out of their mind. Now it's not shocking. And that's why stories like this from the BBC, it's like we buy it. It's brought out into the open the extent of
Starting point is 00:44:46 the mental illness of society. The mentally ill people, they're in control now. It's fashionable to be mentally ill now. They've been told this is the solution, especially for those paranoid about health. That story, I found it from The Guardian it noted that the individuals, they don't want to be nice to people, that's part of the whole notion is they have liked the masks because it meant that they can be complete jerks to those around them, they'd be jerks to the waitresses, jerks to the other patrons
Starting point is 00:45:16 but it allowed them to change and I think the biggest impact from this last year even if we don't see mass death from vaccination, we have seen a death of civility. The society itself has happily transitioned into the fourth industrial revolution, and the UBI and everything. Did you see the video of the school teacher yelling at the school employee? He was fully vaccinated, all right? That's his own stupid thing. But he was not
Starting point is 00:45:43 wearing a mask because he said,'m fully vaccinated right the school teacher I mean he's an employee also The school teacher who's wearing her mask. She probably had like five masks on the way it look She's yelling at the guy calling him names Say, you know, you were an idiot you you gotta wear a mask and he's like i'm vaccinated right i mean i'm telling you these people have lost their minds right you cannot you can't reason with them they're not coming back covet was their green light to be crazy and and crazy they are they got it in spades don't and they're not they're not coming back. They're not coming back. They're only going to
Starting point is 00:46:25 get crazier. You haven't seen crazy yet. You haven't seen crazy yet. It's going to get really weird. This is just the first act of craziness. Society has lost their minds. They're divorced from God. They've rejected truth. They've chosen to believe a lie. And God has turned them over to a reprobate mind. He's sending a delusion on them. Yes, he is sending a delusion on them because they they have consciously chosen. Not to believe truth, but to believe lies. Now, that wasn't just one time. This is over many years. They've been believing lies for years. Their brain is now totally fried with lies, deception. They can't discern truth anymore.
Starting point is 00:47:17 Right. And if you're in a place in your life where you're doing something like that at Firehouse Subs, doing something that crazy, or you're afraid to go hug your grandmother, don't leave the house. Okay? Please stay inside. Don't bother the rest of us that want freedom in the world.
Starting point is 00:47:32 Okay? Please, if you're that scared, they'll deliver food to you. Okay? We'll find a way to feed you. Please don't leave your house. If you're that scared, stay indoors. But the fact of the matter is people aren't dropping dead on the street from COVID. It's not happening.
Starting point is 00:47:52 But they are dropping dead from the vaccine. They are dropping dead from the vaccine. But you're not allowed to talk about that. That would make you an anti-vaxxer. Right. And that's a bad thing. They are having blood clots. They're having facial paralysis. Oh, I hope my friends don't mind me sharing this. I'm not going to give names, nor their state of residence.
Starting point is 00:48:19 All right. It was something they shared with me. There's a couple that owns a home care business providing around-the-clock care of elderly people in their homes. Right. In their homes. Since the vaccine has been rolled out, five of their clients have died within two weeks
Starting point is 00:48:52 of being vaccinated. Five. All five had the same symptoms after being vaccinated. Immediately went into dementia. Didn't have dementia before the vaccine. Didn't have any neurological problems before the vaccine. Didn't have any problem communicating before the vaccine. Within two weeks, dementia, neurological problems,
Starting point is 00:49:19 not talking, not eating, death within two weeks. Five since the vaccine started. I asked, how many of your unvaccinated elderly clients have died? None. None. None. That's a pretty good percentage. None.
Starting point is 00:49:37 Zero. All their clients are elderly. All require care in their homes. No unvaccinated elderly care patient has died since the vaccine was brought out. Five of the vaccinated have died. What does that tell you? If you're old, don't get vaccinated. Why are you vaccinating a 90-year-old person? They're going to die soon anyhow. For heaven's sakes, what are you doing to your grandma? Your grandma's living at home, 90 years old,
Starting point is 00:50:15 and you're forcing her to be vaccinated. She ain't going nowhere. She's happy living in her house. Listen, I know of families that are forcing their elderly parents and grandparents to be vaccinated. Forcing them against their will. So they can see their kids, their grandkids. Even if you don't, that's not even being
Starting point is 00:50:34 brought in. It's just you've got to get it. You have to be vaccinated. It's like some kind of euthanasia movement. And it is euthanasia. They're killing off the elderly. They are killing off the elderly. They're wisdom with them. Families forcing their elderly parents and grandparents to be vaccinated against their,
Starting point is 00:50:57 and you're right. Many of them are saying, you're not going to see, you're not going to see your children. You're not going to see your grandchildren. I was just told one of these over the weekend. I'm trying to remember who it was. It was one of these stories like if you don't get vaccinated. Oh, I know. It was in my family. It was in my family. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:20 So one of my relatives back in the East Coast, where there's a large concentration of crazy dumb people, the East Coast. Thankfully, you escaped. I did. I did. But they're like really intense on the East Coast and the West Coast. Oh, it's a cluster of dumb, stupid people. And so one of my dumb, stupid people. All right. And so one of my dumb, stupid relatives had a baby.
Starting point is 00:51:48 Okay. And the husband and wife told all the relatives, if you don't get vaccinated, you cannot hold our baby. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:04 I just heard this over the weekend. Do they make them get tested for STDs? Do they make them wash their hands before they touch me? No, it's going to be vaccinated. And this couple is an evangelical Christian couple. And the wife, I don't know if she still is, she was employed in a ministry. You don't get vaccinated, you can't touch her baby.
Starting point is 00:52:29 If the government says that you must do blood sacrifices to stay safe. Keep your baby to yourself then. If the government mandates blood sacrifices for safety in this country, will people do it? Yeah. Seriously, you didn't even have to tell them. They'll have bloodletting services so you ain't seeing crazy yet you wonder how civilization this is gonna get really sacrificing humans this is what we're doing we're a mindset you're right we're gone we're not even
Starting point is 00:52:54 thinking before christ comes it's going to be so bizarre you your biggest challenge is going to be to maintain your sanity before christ comes back because there's going to be to maintain your sanity before Christ comes back. Because there's going to be such insanity that you're going to think you're insane because the whole world is acting crazy. And they're going to be telling you you're the one that's crazy. I'm serious.
Starting point is 00:53:18 It's going to be a challenge to hold on to your sanity. It's a really weird paradigm we're in, Rick. Again, we've gotten to the point where the other side is unconvincible. They're lost. And our side is definitely not going to get the vaccine. We have this uneasy standoff right now
Starting point is 00:53:34 where the government wants the side that can't be convinced to become foot soldiers for the propaganda, to force you and I to take a vaccine that could kill us. And we're sitting here saying, well, what is our red line? We have to change our red line every single day as they're turning Christ the Redeemer statue, killing kids. I mean, what is a red line anymore when half of society has lost their mind? I don't know, Edward. Hey, I know I heard today that former Secretary of State Pompeo is now starting to more strongly insinuate that COVID came from Wuhan, a laboratory. Yes, he can't cite anything he learned in the government.
Starting point is 00:54:19 He's citing what he's now seeing in the media, but he says that evidence suggests coronavirus originated from the spy weapons lab, something that was considered a conspiracy theory under the Trump administration, so much so that media outlets are being deplatformed from Twitter over it. Okay, so he said he can't cite things that he saw in the government. That means he's sworn to secrecy and he would violate the oath that he took to maintain confidentiality on national security secrets that he saw. That's what that means translated. He saw the evidence. Okay. But he can't cite that evidence because of national.
Starting point is 00:54:58 And he didn't act on it. But he can tell you it's his personal opinion that it came from Wuhan. Now, when we expressed our opinion that coronavirus came from a lab in Wuhan, they took us off YouTube. And Facebook. Yeah, and so, but Secretary of State Mike Pompeo can do this. We have a clip. On YouTube they took us off the night that we did the show on depopulation. Right. But they didn't cite depopulation, they just took us off the night that we did the show on depopulation. Right. But they didn't cite depopulation.
Starting point is 00:55:27 They just took us off. But Facebook said we spread medical disinformation. And because we are saying what Mike Pompeo just said over the weekend here. Here he is on the Sunday morning talking head shows, talking about his reasons for evidence. We worked to get every bit of evidence that we could. We tried to deliver this. The CDC tried to work with the Chinese. They covered it up terribly. But every piece of evidence that we saw throughout the entire time I was there suggested that this originated in that laboratory at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. I haven't seen a shred of evidence that suggests anything to the contrary.
Starting point is 00:56:06 That evidence continues to accumulate, in spite of the fact that the Chinese Communist Party will not permit anyone to get any access to the laboratory, to the original materials, to the doctors that were working there. The list of the cover-up efforts is staggering. And the combination of the circumstantial evidence that we have, combined with the intense effort to deny us information about that lab suggests to me strongly that this is where it originated. And as I think Devin said, the risk that something like this happens again from that laboratory or another Chinese laboratory is very real. They're operating and conducting activities that are inconsistent with their capacity to secure those facilities.
Starting point is 00:56:43 And the risk of bioweapons and bioterror emanating from this region is very real. Rick, can I say, I don't trust Mike Pompeo. Why? Because he said that when he was at the CIA, he lied and cheated. We steal. And taught people how to do it. Right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:02 Don't hold that against him, Doc. You're being judgmental. I am being judgmental. He's a spiritual judge of all things, the Bible says. And so, but in this particular case, I think it's disingenuous of Mike Pompeo now
Starting point is 00:57:15 to suddenly be an evangelist about the Wuhan lab. Why? It just, the timing is off. He wasn't vocal about it when he was Secretary of State. It's not time for the war. But the impact of the war is already coming. They're leading you incrementally.
Starting point is 00:57:34 And he wasn't running for president then. He wasn't running for president. He's saving this for his presidential campaign. He'll roll out the truth in the 2024 primaries. You're not ready for the truth, Doc. Okay. You're not ready for it. I'm not ready for it.
Starting point is 00:57:52 Republican members of the House Intelligence Committee sent a letter to the Director of National Intelligence, Haynes? Haynes, yes. All right. Is it Mr. or Mrs. Haynes? Haynes, yes. All right. Who is, is it Mr. or Mrs. Haynes? I don't even know anymore. Mrs., I believe.
Starting point is 00:58:10 Mrs. Haynes? Okay, I don't know. Asking for more information about the COVID lab leak. There was about a year late. I think they're trying to find things to get us to get excited. You know, they didn't want to do anything about this when it was destroying the economy and was putting us on that brink to war. But now they're looking into it at a time that they don't even necessarily have the
Starting point is 00:58:35 majority in the committees, which are now requesting this information. It's like they can't do anything about it. They don't even have time to do anything about it. So now you're going to act like you're, I'm outraged. Outraged, I say, Doc. I'm outraged like you're, I'm outraged. Outraged, I'll say, Doc. I'm outraged. Devin Nunes is outraged. Outraged.
Starting point is 00:58:48 He wants information about that Wuhan laboratory. He didn't want it last year. He wants it this year. I don't believe any of them. I got off the crazy train. The next one is Bi-Warfare Army Colonel Sellen. Yes, so we've discussed Colonel
Starting point is 00:59:10 Sellen before. Again, he has quite a resume from the Army. He was a colonel in the U.S. Army prior to leaving. He challenged Petraeus while he was in, and now he's challenging the current official story, which is that we have no idea where coronavirus came from. He believes he knows exactly where it came from. Again, the Wuhan lab keeps coming up, the Wuhan Institute
Starting point is 00:59:29 of Virology. And what he's doing is he's just digging through the Chinese websites now. One of the specific scientists he's honed in on, Dr. Shibo Yang, he was just placed through a Fauci grant, this is paid for by the NEH, on a board for microbiology in the United States. We're going to take advice from someone who was working his entire career on projects like the coronavirus, bat research in Wuhan. Now they're going to be advising Americans on microbiology. Wait a minute. A Chinese scientist who's linked to the PLA? Yes. Well, not just linked.
Starting point is 01:00:10 He graduated from the PLA's Military Medical Hospital. Oh. And university. And he got appointed to a U.S. board, a microbiology board. Yes, a microbiology board. They're very selective. It's a very, very tough process. And actually, they look through your entire career to see if you fit the role. And who helped him get on that board?
Starting point is 01:00:29 Dr. Anthony Fauci. Because if without Dr. Fauci, this man wouldn't have had any work in America to build up his resume. They didn't mention about his past as a PLA colonel. Dr. Anthony, let's invent AIDS Fauci? Yes, that's the same one. So, well, speaking of Dr. Fauci, here's the latest on Dr. Fauci as he tries to make the case for vaccinations and for everyone getting the jab whenever he can't even convince half of his own division of government to get vaccinated. This number 25 for control here. Epic Times is reporting this, that 40 to 50% of his agency's employees
Starting point is 01:01:09 are not vaccinated, Rick. He can't even sell it to his house. Order them to be vaccinated. Order them. They know what you did. That's why they won't take the vaccine. It's been available. It's absolutely been available to his staff. His staff
Starting point is 01:01:26 are on the front lines. Don't they believe in the vaccine? This is the church of vaccines. Well, has Fauci been vaccinated? That's a great question. I don't think he's answered that. But we know up to half of his staff is not vaccinated. They must be vaccine
Starting point is 01:01:41 hesitant. Maybe they're white evangelicals. We figured it out. They're white evangelicals working for Dr. Fauci. That's why they're vaccine hesitant. Well, Dr. Fauci tried to explain that hesitancy within his own department. Let's watch this. What percentage of the employees in your institute,
Starting point is 01:02:07 your center or your agency of your employees has been vaccinated? You know, I'm not 100 percent sure, Senator, but I think it's probably a little bit more than half, probably around 60%. Dr. Marks? I can't tell you the exact number, but it's probably in the same range. Some people vaccinated at our facility and others outside of the facility. Dr. Wenske? We're encouraging our employees to get vaccinated. We've been doing town halls and education seminars.
Starting point is 01:02:44 Our staff have the option to report their vaccination status, but as you understand, the federal government is not requiring it, so we do not know. Rick, I'm not a doctor. That lady runs the CDC. And her staff isn't vaccinated. Right. None of the, half the staff of all those agencies. Rick, I'm not a doctor, so I wouldn't want to make any assumptions here. But what is the medical logic behind putting the mask on, taking it off to give your statement to other congressmen and senators in this case? Because the virus has manners. Oh, it's a smart virus. It never attacks somebody that's speaking or eating.
Starting point is 01:03:22 Oh, how polite of it. It doesn't go into Applebee's. It goes in the lobby of Applebee's, but it doesn't go into the booth or at the bar when you're getting something. And so that's how polite the virus is. How smart it is. Smart virus, too.
Starting point is 01:03:37 My daughter had a confrontation. She just challenged the stupidity of a restaurant hostess who she walked into the foyer of the restaurant. And she was immediately told, put on your mask. Not welcome. Glad to have you here. Thank you for your money. Put on your mask. All right.
Starting point is 01:04:03 Oh, OK. OK. You cannot come in here without a mask. Oh. All these people over here at the tables, they don't have a mask on. You have to wear a mask. All right. OK.
Starting point is 01:04:18 This table right here is empty. I'm just it's 10 feet away. I'm just going to walk over here and sit down. No, you can't do that. you have to put your mask on Carissa said I have to put my mask on to walk 10 feet and sit down at this table and take my mask off yes if you refuse to put your mask on I will have you removed from the restaurant this is in Florida have you removed Removed Carissa? I would pay money to watch that show. It's a big factory that makes cheesecakes.
Starting point is 01:04:51 Okay? That's all they make there, cheesecakes. It's like a cheesecake factory place. I hope they look for eating their own cheesecake because no one else is going to want to go to such a horrid place. Yeah. So Carissa just backed out. I know which ones you're talking about. That's the same one I went to where they wouldn't let people sit outside. Yes. Yes that one in Palm Beach County
Starting point is 01:05:12 Right Jupiter yes somewhere, but I don't want to give it away I don't give it what they sell a lot of cheese a lot of it almost like a factory Yeah, but man don't go in there without your mask. Sounds like a factory propaganda. Jump down your throat, you know. But you can go over 10 feet and take your mask off. Perfectly safe.
Starting point is 01:05:35 COVID is very, very, the COVID virus is extremely. Courteous. Courteous. It has manners. It respects your territory. It respects your territories, respects your space. If you come into his space, the virus's space, which is the foyer, it's going to get you. Okay. But if you go over into the dining room, it'll stand back.
Starting point is 01:05:59 It knows you need to eat. Yes. But you leave that dining area, you don't have your mask on, it's going to get you. It's going to get you, I'm telling you. Well, they better get some Fauci bulldogs to protect that foyer. Well, Rick, we are coming up here on our time. We've got to get out of here. If you want to keep up with what's happening in Palestine,
Starting point is 01:06:21 We're covering that also. The Bill Gates scandal, many of them. He's admitted to various infidelities at this point. But the biggest thing to take away from today is that you're watching this, which means you're not crazy. Continue watching this. Continue to support us.
Starting point is 01:06:37 And again, thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News. By listening to this Godcast, you are part of a chosen generation of resistors, and you are preparing yourself spiritually for the battles ahead. Please help us continue in this mission by becoming a monthly partner with this ministry. You can support
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Starting point is 01:07:20 We accept stocks, cryptocurrency, and precious metals. Whatever you want to bless us with, we will gladly put toward our mission here to save souls and report the good news as we approach the second coming of Jesus Christ. Thank you, and God bless you. the preceding program was made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support

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