TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Covid passports linked to 1933 sanitary treaty and 1944 travel certificates

Episode Date: April 27, 2021

Today on TRUNEWS, host Edward Szall reports on how the CDC is doling out freedom on a piecemeal basis as the American population submits to the vaccination mandates. As preschoolers are masked and ja...bbed, there is a an awakening of individuals who refuse to give in to the Covid plan. The team also digs into the Chinese communist origins of the World Health Organization. Edward Szall, Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate (04/27/21)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit This is True News for Tuesday, April 27th, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll. The CDC has delivered an Emancipation Proclamation for the vaccinated of this nation. I'm Edward Zoll. freedom back. No more lockdowns. No more masks. You can walk, talk, go see a state-approved movie, and sing in a choir. But if you're not vaccinated, it's still too dangerous for you to remove that face diaper, let alone worship Jesus in a packed building with your brothers and sisters in Christ. Remember, in the new America, war is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength. Joining me to unmask this madness, and it's linked to a little-known globalist treaty in 1933,
Starting point is 00:01:30 our two news founders Rick Wallace and Doc Burkhart. Hey, Edward. Hey, Edward. Every day gets weirder. It's just, we live in la-la land. And you have to struggle to remain sane because everything around you is moving in the direction of insanity. Yes. And, you know, thank God there are millions of people in this country and I think in many countries
Starting point is 00:01:59 simply have refused to drink the Kool-Aid. They refuse to believe the propaganda. And they're holding on to their sanity. And they're not being swept away by the COVID mania. So we got a dose of it today with the CDC saying, we, the CDC, shall give you some freedom. What authority does the CDC have? None. Very little. Very, very little. It's not a government agency that has regulatory powers.
Starting point is 00:02:36 It certainly, in the past year, has acted far beyond anything that it has legal authority to do. And to give you an example, the moratorium on eviction from homes, failure to pay rent. Right. Okay, so, you know, we heard about this last year. And I don't know about you, I just assumed that it was something that was worked out by governors and banks and that it was a cooperative thing.
Starting point is 00:03:17 That's how I imagined it in my mind. Well, I just found out that it was issued by the CDC. Just by fiat? Just put it out there and say... The CDC director issued a decree and said no landlord shall evict
Starting point is 00:03:37 a renter because of failure to pay the rent during the COVID pandemic. Weren't there consequences of you not doing that? They threatened fines up to $100,000. Does the CDC have authority to fine anybody? None. None whatsoever. Do they send the CDC agent out to collect the fine?
Starting point is 00:04:02 No, but Doc, I think that they were assuming that law enforcement would simply carry out their dictates. And they have. And so far, it's working. They make an advisement, but people take it as an edict. People take it as a direct order.
Starting point is 00:04:19 We see school systems closed. Well, because of the CDC, the schools are closed. Well, the CDC doesn't have any authority over local school systems closed. Well, because of the CDC, the schools are closed. Well, the CDC doesn't have any authority over local school systems. They can make recommendations. A year ago this month, the CDC was recommending that we don't wear a mask. That's right. So which is it, CDC?
Starting point is 00:04:39 Which version of the CDC? Because it can change from week to week. Like last week, you weren't supposed to be outside without a mask. This week, hey, you can take your mask off outside this week. Doc, I've seen churches here in Florida that, I mean, there hasn't been any state closures of churches. Right. Thank God for Governor DeSantis. And we have no state mask mandate. That's right. We have no state social distancing mandate. None of that stuff in the
Starting point is 00:05:13 state of Florida. Some of the counties tried it, but Governor DeSantis stripped them of their enforcement. They can't find anybody. They can't arrest anybody. So what's the purpose of having it? But I've seen churches here in Florida to this day that have signs up on their church or on their website that says, this church is adhering to CDC regulations. That's God's house. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:05:45 It's the CDC's house. And first of all, the CDC can't issue regulations, right? Precisely. They can't. Advisements. But the public has just accepted that the CDC has godlike authority and powers. In a lot of ways, the CDC is like the Federal Reserve. It's private, and yet it's associated with the government. But like the Federal Reserve. It's private and yet it's associated with
Starting point is 00:06:06 the government, but like the Federal Reserve, it's neither federal nor a reserve. Do you know who started the CDC? The former CEO of Coca-Cola. Yeah, it wasn't like it started out as a malaria farm or something like that. Right. That's why it's in Atlanta, because Coca-Cola's headquartered in Atlanta. Right. You know, the plantation was having a lot of mosquito-related deaths. Yeah, and causing malaria and everything. And so they set up...
Starting point is 00:06:32 A found, basically, a medical foundation to try to figure out what was going on. Which, all that's a good thing. Right. I mean, there's nothing wrong with that. But now it's manned by military officers, naval officers at the CDC. So it's been militarized. That's right. They wear uniforms.
Starting point is 00:06:47 And they have ranks. A lot of them are admirals, the ones we were hearing from, especially the African-American man that was giving advisement last year under President Trump. He's an admiral. OK. The point with this is that the CDC is not an executive branch. It's not a law enforcement agency. Yet we take advice from them as if they are the local sheriff.
Starting point is 00:07:08 Yes. Well, we're going to show some things here today related to the CDC, but in particular, the origin of the World Health Organization. And because the WHO is actually over, in the pecking order, it's over the CDC. Right. And now for me today, this stuff's starting to make sense. I'm getting this down in my mind. What is going on in the world and in this country? So, Edward, the CDC said today, if you are fully vaccinated, you now have limited freedoms granted to you. Yes, you can do a slew of things here. We're actually going to zoom in to show you.
Starting point is 00:07:53 This is a graphic that the CDC spent much of this month producing, but they want to make it clear. You know what freedoms you're allowed here. On the left, the unvaccinated people. On the right, the fully vaccinated people. Look at the activities you're allowed here. On the left, the unvaccinated people. On the right, the fully vaccinated people. Look at the activities you can do outdoors. Walk, run, bike. You can be with members of your household. Both sides get to do that.
Starting point is 00:08:12 You also get to attend outdoor gatherings with other fully vaccinated family and friends. Attend small outdoor gatherings. But where it starts to get an issue, first of all, dining. You can't have a picnic. You can't eat outdoors at a restaurant. If you're unvaccinated,
Starting point is 00:08:26 vaccinated, you're good. Wait a minute. The CDC says I can't have a picnic if I'm not vaccinated. That's right. They said it's less safe. It's yellow. You got to be careful. Better pause on that one. Now, they also have a couple of guidance for vaccinated people. You start to wear a mask if you're vaccinated. If you attend a crowded outdoor event like a live performance, a parade or a sports event. Well, why don't if you're fully vaccinated, why do you have to wear a mask? It's still a little risky. Why is it risky? The vaccine is what saves you from COVID, right?
Starting point is 00:09:00 Not a vaccine. Oh, sorry. You're admitting actually what you just said there, Doc, in this. Yes. In that, look, unvaccinated people, it's least safe, very dangerous, red light, stop. But for fully vaccinated people, still, you have to wear the mask. You have to wonder here, what's the deal with that? Indoor activities, this is where the segregation really takes place.
Starting point is 00:09:21 You can't visit a barber, hair salon, go uncrowded and shopping center. They're still wearing a mask. Yes. So all the vaccine people, you can do it, but you have to wear your mask. The unvaccinated, this is where your restrictions, this is where you're sent away. You're ostracized from society. But if you look at their little comical chart, you're no better off being vaccinated than I am being unvaccinated. Yes, the announcement today by the CDC was a little misleading because they made it sound like, hey, hey, you don't have to wear a mask anymore. That's just not true, according to the CDC's own brochure for this tyranny. Now, for riding public transportation, both sides have to wear masks,
Starting point is 00:10:02 but the unvaccinated, you better pause on that. You also better pause with gathering with other fully vaccinated people indoor. So outdoors, you're allowed a little bit of freedom, but indoors still you can't gather. You certainly can't go see a movie. You can't go to church. You can't be an indoor choir. You can't eat indoors and you can't participate in high-intensity exercises. Well, this is a high-intensity exercise in really lunacy, okay? But as you see there, the ones on the right are the vaccinated individuals of society. They have to wear their mask, Rick, but they're green. They're good to go. Can we go back to the top here? Let's go back, yeah, please. Up to the top
Starting point is 00:10:42 of the graphic here and see the limited freedom that you have if you're fully vaccinated. Really, the only thing you get to do with vaccination that you don't get to do if you're unvaccinated is dine in an outdoor restaurant or have a picnic. That's about it. Otherwise, there'd be no motivation to get a vaccine, would there? Because everything is almost the same. And the reason why is because you can still transmit coronavirus cooties and everything if you have a mask. Okay, so if we buy into the CDC propaganda and we pretend that we believe it. So look at indoors.
Starting point is 00:11:31 Unvaccinated people cannot visit a barber or a hair salon. Unless they have a mask on. Unless they're wearing a mask. And it's still less safe. It's still yellow. They can't go to an uncrowded indoor shopping center or museum. They can't ride public transport. They can't attend a small indoor gathering.
Starting point is 00:11:54 Of fully vaccinated people. Of fully vaccinated people. Well, how could an unvaccinated person get sick if everybody else is vaccinated? Because the vaccinated people can still transmit the virus. So then we get to the red area. Unvaccinated people can't go to a movie theater. They can't attend a church service, full capacity church service. They can't sing in a choir.
Starting point is 00:12:22 They can't eat in an indoor restaurant or pub. They can't participate in indoor high intensity exercise class. So at what point does the unconstitutional CDC decree that every business in America must prohibit unvaccinated people. According to that chart, I mean, if they can decree landlords, you know, have to let renters stay. And then they did. And they did do it, Doc. And they can certainly tell every business in America that they have to have some sort of vaccine checkpoint. Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of landlords did obey the CDC and they didn't have to. You had people who stayed in their homes, in their apartments for six months, a year without paying rent, without paying their electricity bill.
Starting point is 00:13:22 And and the landlords didn't do anything about it because the CDC told them they couldn't evict them. And on that story, a lot of people were saying, well, I don't want people to get evicted. That wasn't necessarily what was taking place. There were some cases of abuse where landlords were trying to get people out and get new tenants in at a higher cost. But the majority of the case, landlords were giving grace, giving mercy. And they were saying, well, you're getting a stimulus check. You're getting all these other forms of aid from the government, but you're not paying me. You're not paying rent. I have to pay a mortgage on this apartment building. And property taxes. And in a lot of places, the landlord is
Starting point is 00:13:58 responsible for the utilities. Utilities, that's right. If the tenant doesn't pay the utilities, the owner of the property has to pay the utilities. But anyhow, that's right. If the tenant doesn't pay the utilities, the owner of the property has to pay the utilities. Yes. But anyhow, the CDC decreed what was going to be a law, you know, in the pandemic, which again, they have no authority to do so. So where I'm going with this is based on this new pronouncement by the CDC.
Starting point is 00:14:30 At what point this year does the CDC tell business owners, you may no longer accept unvaccinated people in your business? Will it be next week? Will it be next month? When will it be? It's coming. Are they going to tell churches you cannot allow unvaccinated church members to attend? Yes.
Starting point is 00:14:49 I mean, they'll. They have the framework for it now. The local health departments will say it's CDC guidelines. They'll send over the fire marshal and close the place down for violating CDC regulations. The fire marshal. Yes. Because in most cases, most areas around the country, you know, if you don't match up to building codes, they'll just send the fire marshal over. If you don't listen to the building, it's not going to burn down because people aren't wearing a mask. Right.
Starting point is 00:15:16 But they're going to use a fire marshal to close you down. I mean, this is tyranny. And the public is accepting it because they're uneducated about their constitutional rights and their liberties. And they're just going along with the propaganda that's being fed to them. What about children? Well, for children, there's laws being passed throughout the country right now to attempt, I say laws, advisements. In Michigan, for example, is one case, two to four year olds have to wear masks. But for unvaccinated kids, you're going to have to, regardless of your age, stay away from people. All right. Michigan, in this case here, said it's important outdoors and in parks and in playgrounds that you mask up your kid, even though there's no
Starting point is 00:16:06 documented evidence that the children are even more susceptible or even to this point, even widely affected. I mean, there hasn't been mass death of children, yet Michigan has moved ahead without even a CDC mandate to push this on the kids. But Rick, people around the world, and specifically in this country, are not taking this laying down. In Georgia, there was a very passionate mother of three. Her name was Courtney Ann Taylor. She decided to take her grievances to a Gwinnett County Board of Education meeting. And she let the elected officials and people paid by tax dollars know that she is absolutely done with abusing her kid
Starting point is 00:16:46 and abusing the kid by making them wear a mask that's not actually providing any protection to her child. Every month I come here and I hear the same thing, social emotional health. If you truly mean that, you would end the mask requirement tonight. Tonight. This is not March 2020 anymore. We have three vaccines. Every adult in the state of Georgia that wants that vaccine is eligible to get it right now. And every one of us knows that young children are not affected by this virus.
Starting point is 00:17:19 They're not. And that's a blessing. But as the adults, what have we done with that blessing? We've shoved it to the side and we've said, we don't care. You're still going to wear a mask on your face every day, five and six year olds. You still can't play together on the playground like normal children, seven and eight year olds. We don't care. We're still going to force you to carry a burden that was never yours to carry. Shame on us. My six year old looks at me every month before I come here and she says, are you going to tell them tonight? Tell them I don't want to wear this anymore. And I say,
Starting point is 00:17:51 baby, it's not time to fight that battle yet. I try to explain that there's so many things, but it's April 15th, 2021, and it's time. Take these masks off of my child. And I know what I'm going to be met with. But Ms. Taylor, the CDC, we did not vote for people at the CDC. We did elect leaders who do create policy. We elected the five of you. We chose you to make difficult decisions for our children. We chose you to make decisions that would be in our children's best interest and forcing five, six, seven, eight, and nine-year-old little children to cover their noses and their mouths where they breathe for seven hours a day every day for the last nine months for a virus that you know doesn't affect them. That is not in their best interest. And this has to stop. Defend our
Starting point is 00:18:48 children. My six-year-old can't come up here and say this. It has to stop. Take these off of our children. Mom, take the mask off. Yes, there's no one stopping you from taking the mask off. Don't send your children to school with the mask. Right. You do it. Why won't Americans just be free? They're afraid, Rick. Okay, then you're not an American anymore. You're conquered.
Starting point is 00:19:20 You're conquered. And your point is? Your point is the country's given up its freedom. It has. It has given it up. Just stop putting the mask on your children. Look what, for a six-year-old in the first grade, they've been wearing a mask for over a year. Proportionally in the lifespan of a six-year-old.
Starting point is 00:19:44 What does that represent? One year of a six-year-old. What does that represent? One year of a six-year-old. One-sixth of their life. They've been masked. And they think it's normal now. They hate it. They think it's normal. They've been told it's normal.
Starting point is 00:19:56 They've been told it's normal. They've been yelled at. Put your mask on. Yeah. You know, little school Nazis have yelled at them. I just heard one the other day from a mom talking about a school bus driver. The school bus drivers are being turned into little COVID Nazi stormtroopers, you know, screaming at the kids, pulling the bus over to the side of the road, yelling at the kids about their mask.
Starting point is 00:20:27 I mean, what are we doing? What are we doing to these little children? So you've put fear in these children, fear that they might die if they don't have a mask on. Right. Fear that they may be sent to COVID jail if the mask falls down below their nose. You know, they're going to get sent to the principal's office. Who knows what's going to happen? Then you have the psychological damage that's being inflicted on these children.
Starting point is 00:20:58 And then you have the linguistic impairment because children learn to speak by watching adults. Yes. They're reading their lips. They're watching facial expressions. And so we're muting a generation of children. Yes.
Starting point is 00:21:15 Is basically what we're doing. Even when the masks come off, if they ever come off. Impairing their development because they need, they need to see facial expressions. They need to see lips, how the mouths are being formed to make words. I mean, this is cruel.
Starting point is 00:21:33 It's child abuse. And millions of parents are tolerating it. That's the part I don't get. You're tolerating it. That's the part I don't get. You're tolerating it. You're opposed to the mask, and this is the one that gets me, Rick. There are people out there that are opposed to the mask, that don't wear their mask, and yet they mask up their kids for school. Yes, because they're told they have to. And who said they have to? The CDC. And the school board's sitting there. They've surrendered their rights. They've surrendered sitting there. They've surrendered their rights.
Starting point is 00:22:05 They've surrendered their authority. They've surrendered their responsibility. And some faceless bureaucrats in Washington are telling thousands of school boards, this is what you have to do. And the CDC has absolutely no jurisdiction over these school systems whatsoever. And they will never give it up now. They will never give it up. Why would they?
Starting point is 00:22:32 Once they have power, they never give it up. So besides pandemics, where will be the next area that the CDC will declare its health authority? It won't be just limited to pandemics. They will intrude into public schools, into the family, into the home under health guidelines. Well, they'll say things like, well, certain kinds of speech are a mental health issue. Possibly. Well, the CDC has already done that. And it could come down to the schools as well. With this right, the CDC might become CPS. If they really want to take this to the full extent, they'll say the parents that are fighting
Starting point is 00:23:16 are the ones that are the issue. They're abusing their kids by not enforcing the rules. This isn't just here in America. And again, a lot of these parents are waiting for judges to act or someone else to act on their behalf. Well, there was a judge that acted. This was in Germany. And he was met with a raid at his house. So in the Weimar district, it was in central Germany, a judge by the name of Christian Detmer.
Starting point is 00:23:39 This is according to the American's Frontline Doctors. This wasn't widely reported in Germany, but a raid happened this past week because he issued a ruling about kids having to wear masks in the school. He said that it wasn't required. It was actually abusive. This is a direct quote from a ruling delivered by Judge Detmer on April 8th.
Starting point is 00:24:00 He said, The children are not endangered in their mental, Not only endangered. Not only endangered in their mental, physical, and spiritual well-being, being by the obligation to wear face masks He said, rights of the children and their parents under the law, the constitution and international conventions. This applies in particular to the right to free development of the personality and to physical integrity for an article two of the basic law that's in Germany, it's in the constitution, as well as to the right from article six of the basic law to upbringing and care by the parents, also regard to measures for preventative health care
Starting point is 00:24:45 and objects to be carried by children. Now, this was specifically addressing two schools that were trying to enforce a mask mandate. His injunction meant they didn't have to do it anymore. That was until police showed up at his house. The police raided the home of a judge. Of a judge. Of a sitting judge.
Starting point is 00:25:03 So the police have more authority than the judge. Yes. That's what they showed, which is completely backwards. Who sent the police? Who ordered the police to arrest a judge? Probably the German CDC. That's where I'm going with this. You have a dictatorship. You have a health dictatorship now. You have doctors like Fauci becoming overlords over hundreds of millions of people. And Fauci is the one who should be in prison. Instead, he's the highest paid American government employee. Plus a million dollars from Israel.
Starting point is 00:25:43 Well, Tucker Carlson addressed this on the show last night. I know we've had some issues with Tucker Carlson in the past, but he appears to be making a stand on masks. And what he said is what we've been saying for months. Parents need to stand up and you need to get on the offensive. If someone's wearing a mask near you, tell them they're the one with the issue, not you. We did give in. This grotesque version of Halloween went on for more than a year, and it's still going on. Not even Tony Fauci still pretends that masks are medically necessary.
Starting point is 00:26:15 Instead, masks are purely a sign of political obedience, like Kim Il-sung pins in Pyongyang. We wear them because we have to. The only people who wear masks voluntarily outside are zealots and neurotics. How neurotic are they? Well, we know. A Pew survey from last March found that 64 percent of white Americans who classify themselves as liberal or very liberal have been diagnosed with an actual mental health condition. And you see them everywhere when you walk down the street in any major city.
Starting point is 00:26:48 If you dare to go on foot from Union Station to the Capitol, for example, in Washington without wearing a mask, angry Biden voters will snort at you in judgment. How could you? They're saying from behind the gauze. How could you? That's the question we should be asking of them in return. The rest of us should be snorting at them first. They're the aggressors. It's our job to brush them back and restore the society we were born in. So the next time you see someone in a mask on the sidewalk or on the bike path, do not hesitate. Ask politely but firmly, would you please take off your mask? Science shows there is no reason for you to be wearing it. Your mask is making me uncomfortable. We should do that and we should keep doing it until wearing a mask
Starting point is 00:27:25 outside is roughly as socially accepted as lighting a marble in an elevator. It's repulsive. Don't do it around other people. That's the message we should send because it's true. As for forcing children to wear masks outside, that should be illegal. Your response when you see children wearing masks as they play should be no different from your response to seeing someone beat a kid in Walmart. Call the police immediately. Contact Child Protective Services. Keep calling until someone arrives. What you're looking at is abuse.
Starting point is 00:27:54 It's child abuse, and you are morally obligated to attempt to prevent it. If it's your own children being abused, then act accordingly. Let's say your kid's school emailed you to announce that every day after lunch, your sixth grader was going to get punched in the face by a teacher. How would you respond to that? That's precisely how you should respond when they tell you that your kids have to wear masks on the soccer field. That is unacceptable. It is dangerous, and we should act like it because it is. But too few of us have responded like that. Good for Mr. Croson. You know, he's public enemy number one right now among the leftists.
Starting point is 00:28:48 The ADL is gunning for him. The political left is gunning for him. And I'm glad he continues to speak out. But he's telling the truth. Look at what the left has done to our culture. And that is we're being compelled to outshame each other. When you shame me, now I got to shame you. Right, so if I'm not wearing a mask then you have to shame me. Now Tucker is saying well now I have to shame you for wearing a mask. But that's the culture that we live in now. Well Maxine Waters, if you see them you get up in their face. Yes. No justice, no peace. This is the mantra, the chants of the left. We're going to make everybody else's lives miserable until they submit to the left.
Starting point is 00:29:33 And they made mask wearing a political statement. It's become a line in the sand. It's divided the country, even if we don't know it yet. And again, if they move to enforce these rules more than just simply advising it, more than just having us put signs up, they actually send police to houses like it happened in Germany.
Starting point is 00:29:51 They might start a civil war over this. That's right. Hey, I would like a challenge to any mask idiot that's watching me right now. Would you take the box of masks that you have in your home and would you cut out a piece of that box and mail it to me? I want the I want the section of the of the packaging that says these masks are guaranteed to protect you from COVID-19. Oh, that's on there? No, what's on the boxes, it says, these masks will not protect you from COVID-19.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Will not. That's what's on the packaging. Just look. Just look. Take a picture. Get take a just pick up any package of mask in a store and read the fine print. The packages say these masks will not protect you from COVID-19. Why are they putting that on the packaging? Liability. Liability. Because the mask manufacturers, insurance companies'm safe because the CDC told me I'm safe, Fauci told me I'm safe, CNN told me I'm safe, and then I get infected with coronavirus,
Starting point is 00:31:32 but I'm wearing my mask, well, who am I going to sue? Because in America, we sue everybody. So you're going to sue the mask company for a faulty mask. So the mask manufacturers are stating on their packaging, there's no protection for wearing this mask. And while you're right, look at the usage. It's saying that you're not supposed to wear it for more than two hours. I'm talking about the basic mask everyone is wearing, everyone's using. That's not the cloth, the colored cloth that you've bought, so you can look cool when you're outside.
Starting point is 00:32:05 That has no protection. You're supposed to use up to three to four different masks a day, and you have to clean them, or in this case, dispose of those masks. That's right. And look at any parking lot out there, Home Depot, Walmart, wherever it is. Count how many masks you find laying on the ground. All right. All right. If we're in the world's worst pandemic since the bubonic plague and we're throwing viral infected mask on the ground, we don't believe it. We know it's a lie and we're going along with it. You know, we, why that pays the bills. One of the things that we've talked about, you know, the restricting of oxygen for the kids and everything.
Starting point is 00:32:40 One thing that still persistently bothers me is the people driving with a mask on. I know. You are oxygen deprived. In fact, the CDC, all right, if you're going to take the CDC's word for it, the CDC says do not wear a mask while driving. D-U-N. Because you'll pass out. It's no different than you driving drunk. It's dangerous. Driving under mask influence. That's dumb. That's good. I like that. Like, all right, so this, here's a guy wearing an N95 mask. New Jersey. He passes out, crashes his car, okay? This is just one. We've seen an increase in car accidents in the past year, a substantial increase in car accidents. I believe one day we're going to find out that it's directly attributable to people wearing masks while driving. But I see it all the time.
Starting point is 00:33:26 And here in Vero, where we have a slightly older population out there on the streets, everybody in their car is wearing a mask. That's a great point, Doc. I can attest to that. I passed out during the Ghislaine Maxwell hearing. I happened to wear that mask for an entire day. That was six, seven months ago. I passed out.
Starting point is 00:33:44 Did you really? Yeah. Matt had to poke me. He's like, I had carbon dioxide poisoning. I'd take it out. I was like, well, I immediately woke up and took the mask off. So we go back to the children. Look what we're doing to the children. Suffocating them., any place, politely challenge the manager. Would you, sir or ma'am, would you go get your mask packaging and read to me that the mask that you're wearing protects me from you. You could have COVID, and you're wearing a mask that the manufacturer says does not stop COVID. Would you please go get the packaging where you obtained your mask, and show me that this mask is protecting us from COVID?
Starting point is 00:34:44 They can't do it. They can't from COVID. They can't do it. They can't do it. They can't do it. Because really the purpose of the mask or the way it used to be was to prevent you from spring droplets out of your mouth. I mean, having lived in Asia and everything in several winters, everybody, you know, if you're sick with a cold or something like that, everybody wears a mask in the wintertime. Sick people wear masks. Sick people do. Well, in America, sick people wear masks too.
Starting point is 00:35:10 Mentally sick people. Joe Biden, of course, obviously he wants everybody to be vaccinated, but a lot of Americans have just walked away from the vaccine. And President Joe says employers should give their employees paid leave to be vaccinated. Well, how many days does it take to be vaccinated? That's what I was going to ask. How long does it take? In his announcement, the reason why he said they might need some leave is to deal with potential side effects after they get vaccinated.
Starting point is 00:35:46 Oh, you mean they're too sick to come back to work? Yes. Oh, so Joe didn't explain it that way. I thought they just needed five or six days off to be vaccinated. But it's that they're going to be so sick that they can't come back to work. They might have a, you know, a blood clot. So if they have some sort of reaction to the vaccine that they took, then the employer should give them leave. Yes. Paid leave. Because they're going to be shaking,
Starting point is 00:36:19 vibrating, facial paralysis, blood clots, just minor stuff. Let me get this straight. So the vaccination makes you feel better, right? In a sense, mentally. Hey, I got the vaccination. I feel safer. So now the employee has to pay for you to feel better while you're at home, not working. How is this any different than showing up drunk to work?
Starting point is 00:36:43 Or being sent home and having your employer pay for you because you have a hangover? It doesn't make any sense. It's because the government's got a lot of vaccine on their hands and they can't get rid of it. Yeah. In fact, since they couldn't get AstraZeneca approved here in the U.S., they're shipping it all off to India. And we'll be talking about that later on in the Godcast today too. In some states, some more draconian states, states like California, they're actually going to require employees and students to have vaccinations to attend on-campus classes this fall.
Starting point is 00:37:20 This was the first major university system. It's a million students and staff. No small thing that UC and Cal State system are requiring it. And this will be, again, in the next couple months. The fall semester is not that far away. Now, how are they going to enforce that? Well, if you don't have a vaccine passport to show, you can't be on campus. Then you can't even enroll. That's where it's going to be enforced. I mean, it's not a matter. They're going to have somebody standing at the door and show me your vaccine card. Although in California, that wouldn't shock me at all.
Starting point is 00:37:51 But if you can't prove that you've been vaccinated, you won't even be able to enroll in classes or you won't even be able to get your paycheck. If you're an employee of the school system, let the education system collapse. It's time to remake society. Especially education. I'm learning more outside of school than I ever learned. I'm starting to have a positive view of all this. Let the existing system collapse. It's time to remake society. They've given the excuse to do it now. Let's just remake it. I'm reimagining everything, Doc. Harmonizing society. I am. I'm reimagining everything, Doc. Harmonizing society. I am. I'm reimagining everything. I'm imagining a world without leftists.
Starting point is 00:38:30 I'm imagining a world without stupidity. I'm reimagining everything. Democrats put that idea in my head, to reimagine policing. So now I'm starting to reimagine education and a lot of things. And so we're at the place, let's just remake the society. Let's start over. Because what we've got doesn't work anymore. It's collapsing.
Starting point is 00:38:54 By the way, California universities might want to think about this because the voters are so fed up, they're getting rid of their governor. That's right. Yes, recall went through. They got enough votes. They got enough signatures. Signatures, that's right. Not votes because the election itself will be coming up in the next couple months here.
Starting point is 00:39:12 But it has happened. The Secretary of State's been forced to put it forward. And even if he survives, I'm talking about Governor Gavin Newsom, he's not going to face transitioning to a campaign against Caitlyn Jenner. Oh, he beat me. Caitlyn, who's that? Oh, you mean Bruce Jenner.
Starting point is 00:39:30 Bruce Jenner, the Olympian, has decided to run as a Republican with the help of Richard Grinnell. But California's got a lot of issues. Let's leave it at that. That's right. The University of California and Cal State aren't the only colleges. CNBC said more than 30 colleges say COVID vaccines will be mandatory this year. And I think that number is actually kind of low. I mean, those are just the ones that Publica announced it. I mean, we're talking names like Yale, Georgetown, Stanford, Wesleyan University, Rick, Grinnell College. Just walk away from it. Just walk away.
Starting point is 00:40:08 It is time for tens of millions of people to walk away from the society. And they did during the pandemic. Just walk away. Just continue to walk away. 25% of students walked away from virtual learning. They said this wasn't worth our time. Why would I pay a teacher or university the same amount to learn through my computer when I have Google?
Starting point is 00:40:27 We have books. A lot of people walked away from the Oscars. Oh, yes. They only had 9.6 million watch the Oscars last night. That's back in 2011, I think it was. They had nearly 50 million people watching. Nobody cares. Guess what, Hollywood?
Starting point is 00:40:42 Nobody wants to watch. Guess what, Hollywood? Nobody cares anymore. You're done with the rap. You're tired of your leftist garbage. Every time Hollywood people get in front of the camera, they have to lecture the American people. Guess what?
Starting point is 00:40:57 The American people aren't watching you anymore. You're going to have to practice your narcissism in front of a mirror. Nobody cares. It's a good sign. There are good things that are happening. In the midst of all the negative things that are taking place, there are good things happening, just like the people who walked away from the Oscars, not watching it.
Starting point is 00:41:23 They're just tuning it out. They need to do the same thing with anybody that's trying to do a mandatory mask mandate, mandatory vaccination. Just walk away. Stop participating in it. And. Like I said, if you if you get confronted in a store about wearing a mask, politely challenge the general manager to go get the packaging that he got his mask from and show you that that mask is guaranteed. Say, hey, I'll wear it if your package says it protects you. I'll put it on. You go get me your package. Let me see it.
Starting point is 00:42:04 I'm telling you what, if we start start doing this a lot of people are going to They're gonna be forced to rethink what they're doing They're gonna have to go home and talk to their family. You know what I read stupid package. It doesn't protect us Well, in fact, it specifically says it doesn't. Right. So what are we doing here? Let's see, one of you guys told me today about one of the big radio station owners, that they're doing mandatory vaccination. Yes, this isn't exclusive to the left. The tyranny virus has also infected the right. Cumulus Media, which is the third largest owner and operator of radio stations in America, this is the platform that Rush Limbaugh used.
Starting point is 00:42:49 OK, Cumulus is the backer. They are requiring, starting May 1st, 100 percent vaccination among their employees. If they want to return to work, they have to come with a mask. They have to come with a vaccine and they have to stay six feet away from each other or they won't be employed anymore. And if they lie about it, they're fired. I don't think legally I do not think an employer can require vaccination to keep your job. Especially an experimental vaccine. It's not even it's not even approved by the FDA.
Starting point is 00:43:22 That's right. I don't think if anybody would challenge this, it's not going to hold up. And you're probably right, Rick. There'll be a slew of legal decisions on this. In the Daily Well article on this, they got a copy of the memo. According to the lawyers that spoke to Cumulus on this, as long as they don't discriminate against religious or people with medical conditions, and they don't make it, say, a mandate for employment pass you lying about it, they can do it.
Starting point is 00:43:50 Now, the question will be if it's legal. Says who? Says who? The lawyers who've weighed in on this. They say that it's not discriminatory. But I can show you the Federal Employment EEOC where they say they're not sure if companies have authority to mandate. That's a great question. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:12 I agree with you, but at some point, if even the right companies are doing it. But don't think Cumulus is a right wing. No, it's not. It's money wing. Money wing. It's just money wing. That's all. They only had Rush Limbaugh there
Starting point is 00:44:26 because he made money. No other reason. But the one thing I see out of that, Doc, I see something good in it. I see talented employees at Cumulus Radio needing a job. Come and see us. Come and see us. We're hiring and we don't require
Starting point is 00:44:42 masks or vaccinations. So if you work at Cumulus and you want to get out of there, please, please come and see us. And we'll look to see if we have a position for you. We're looking for people who think, who are free, who have talent. We don't need any zombies here. You know, why would I want to hire a zombie? So I encourage them to zombies here. You know, why would I want to hire a zombie? So encourage them to come here.
Starting point is 00:45:09 Hospitals. Houston Methodist. It's going to fire hospital workers who refuse to be vaccinated. Now this is a touchy topic here because now you have to, if you're in the healthcare industry,
Starting point is 00:45:24 you have to weigh whether you want in the healthcare industry, you have to weigh whether you want to retain your job or look somewhere else. I would look somewhere else. That's 26,000 people who might have to make that decision. Oh, what's a blood clot worth to you? To me, what's your freedom worth to you? I mean, that's even bigger than the health concerns associated with it. Well, but a blood clot.
Starting point is 00:45:50 But a blood clot would be the kicker. But a lot of hospitals are mandating the vaccine. In Europe, Doc, the European Union is going to require preschool children, three and four year old children to be vaccinated. It's so crazy. It's abuse. Why?
Starting point is 00:46:16 Why? They're not getting COVID. Kids aren't getting COVID. There's an agenda. That's why. Here in Florida, a Miami private school will not employ vaccinated teachers. Now, this is kind of flipping things on its head a little bit here. Instead of won't employ unvaccinated teachers, this is a school that's standing up and saying,
Starting point is 00:46:41 if you've got vaccinated, we don't want you. Oh, wait a minute. Oh, I read that wrong. Yes. Miami private school won't employ vaccinated teachers. That's right. So this is a school that's kind of turning things on its head a little bit. Oh, and look what NBC New York says.
Starting point is 00:46:59 It says the school cited debunked COVID myths. Yes. You know what we do here at True News? We debunk NBC propaganda. That's right. That's what we do. We debunk media propaganda. And the director of the school,
Starting point is 00:47:18 I mean, they had a legitimate statement, Rick. They said, we are not 100% sure the COVID injections are safe, and there are too many unknown variables for us to feel comfortable at this current time. And there's nothing she said there that's wrong. No. There's nothing she said there that's incorrect at all. And they also said, hey, you know, we've seen reports of people having heart problems, blood clots, women having either menstrual changes or having problems with their pregnancy. We don't know. So, therefore, it appears those who have received the injections may be transmitting something from their bodies to those with whom they come in contact. Well, you know, to go after those debunked
Starting point is 00:48:08 COVID conspiracy theories, they're going to have to up their game because more people are waking up. And they're using technology to do it. Past Facebook, past the tech giants, the Los Alamos laboratory in New Mexico, the one responsible for the Manhattan project. They've got a new project in hand. They're going to track, trace, and ban COVID conspiracies. Things they say are too dangerous for the public to believe. Among them are that Bill and Melinda Gates knew about the pandemic before it happened, that they profited, had paired vaccines. Another one is that the vaccines themselves were pre-cooked, were ready to go. That part is actually true. The mRNA
Starting point is 00:48:52 technology was debuted in the vaccines. It was developed at least 30 years ago. You can't even question the origin of the vaccine under this new algorithm. If you dare say or question it might have come from China, an AI algorithm, someone you didn't elect, something you didn't program, will ban you. That's what our top nuclear lab is researching. Well, and that's connected to this law that, or the bill that was passed by the US Senate last week on- The misinformation law, the anti-Asia bill. Yeah, you know, Asian hate hate crimes bill.
Starting point is 00:49:27 But if I'm reading the bill correctly, if you attribute the origin of coronavirus to a geographic region, to a race of people, that is now hate speech. And so they're going to make it illegal for us to even say this came from China, that it was a bioweapon developed in a laboratory. That will become a federal hate crime if this bill passes the House and is signed by Beijing jail. And they won't stop there, Rick. They want to tie this vaccination, this submission, this control of speech to your other rights, including gun licenses. Now, David Frum, an advisor to George W. Bush, he thinks a great expansion on a vaccine passport, the certificate you get after you get vaccinated, it should be a precondition for gun licenses and carry permits.
Starting point is 00:50:28 Oh, Mr. Fromm, he's been around for quite some time. He's on the board of directors of the Republican-Jewish coalition. He's also connected to the British think tank, Policy Exchange. Great. He can go back there. Yes. Yeah. They don't have guns over there anymore, Mr.
Starting point is 00:50:47 Fromm. But look at this. He wants to make vaccination a precondition to have a concealed carry permit. So it's going to make vaccination a requirement of my second amendment rights. Right. Good luck with that, Mr. Frum.
Starting point is 00:51:08 Rick, you remember that pastor here a couple weeks ago, Pastor Arthur Pawlowski? He was the guy that ran the health Nazi. Get out, Gestapo. Get out, Gestapo. Get out, Nazis. Remember that? Well, it turns out that they came back. Canadian police returned with a SWAT team.
Starting point is 00:51:31 A SWAT team. A SWAT team for a pastor. And officers. To the local church run by Arthur Pawlowski. And so this was the second time they showed up to disrupt church services in order to carry out what's called tyrannical interference. And so I like this guy a lot. I do too. Do we have any video this time of the SWAT team?
Starting point is 00:51:52 Yes. Yes, we do. This is past week. Pastor Pulaski pushed them out the same way he pushed out the first time. But it's getting very eerie in our northern friends up north. Well, friends, we have a SWAT team in our church again, coming, authorities. So I'm going to go out and see what they want.
Starting point is 00:52:22 Yes, hello, Walter. Hi, Arthur. I wonder if I could just give you a couple of keys and a card holder. This is for you. It basically outlines that we have the right to enter today. What I would really... Please, you don't have to get into my personal space. Well, you're in my personal space, so... Can I explain to you, space so I'm not really interested in what you have to say I'm reading this is so you have a wrong
Starting point is 00:52:57 this is not Street Church this is not Street. You have a wrong... Both things are actually on there. Both? Both churches are detailed on there. So if we could come and... The Cave of Adullam is not a registered organization. And this is not street church. So you have a wrong... You got to do your homework first before you come, okay?
Starting point is 00:53:22 You have a wrong... You have a wrong organization. That is for you, Arthur. I will send it to you by email, too, if you'd like. I just wanted to be able to come today and then at least explain the order, serve the order, and then we can stand at the back. No, you can contact. No, no, no, no, no, no. You can contact my lawyer, okay?
Starting point is 00:53:39 My lawyer takes care of this. I'm not interested to listen to any word you have to say. I do not cooperate with Gestapo. I'm not interested to listen to any word you have to say. I do not cooperate with Gestapo. I do not talk to the Nazis. You came in your uniforms like thugs. That's what you are. Brown shirts of Adolf Hitler. You are Nazi, Gestapo, communist, fascist. I do not cooperate with Nazis. Talk to my lawyer. You're not allowed allowed here You're not welcomed here, and I'm not going to cooperate with Gestapo like you okay, so is that fair enough for you talk to my lawyer I'm not interested
Starting point is 00:54:19 I'm not interested in talking you see you see this is what the Gestapo is doing you're coming to you're coming to the place of worship to intimidate and to harass so you can make an appointment lady listen to me you can make an appointment another day you gestapo another day Another day. Not this day. Not this day. Not during the church. You understand? Make an appointment. Okay. So go. See you later. Have a good day.
Starting point is 00:54:58 You are sick. That's what you are. And rightfully so, you change your uniforms to black because you're exactly acting like the Gestapo of old. Wow. Praise the Lord. I wish he would get angry. Yes. Now there's a man of God. Amen. There's somebody that will not be intimidated by the communists. Congratulations.
Starting point is 00:55:28 No king but Jesus. This is what we've got to do. And he's at risk. He's standing there in front of armed police officers and they back down again. They backed down again. They're armed. They could arrest him. They could tas're armed. They could arrest him. They could taser him.
Starting point is 00:55:48 They could shoot him. But he's fearless. And he is drawn the line. And he said, you're on church property. Get out. And then he just tells them who and what they are. You're Nazis. You're brown shirts.
Starting point is 00:56:04 Go, leave. And then did you see the way the little health officer she just i gotta get out of here i mean and then the cops they start backing up they walked backwards and so yeah um i mean but that's an example how we need to stand up. We do have rights. We have rights. There is no way the Constitution allows for any church in America to be closed. None. You have the right to assembly. It's a God-given right, not even a right given by the Constitution. It's a right given by God. There's a pastor in Jamaica that's also in trouble. Yes. And they're even threatening to take away the broadcasting license that he has for his Christian station. Radio station? Yes.
Starting point is 00:56:55 The biggest in the area, Reverend Jeffrey Shuttleworth. I spoke to his lawyer last week. He's a pastor of Tarrant Baptist Church. They're coming after him for questioning the safety of a recent vaccine drive in Jamaica. Now, the issue has been that the vaccine drive was happening right as the United States was halting the giving of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine and the questioning of AstraZeneca over in Europe. He said, how do we know that this is actually safe? And I'm not going to advise my congregation to use this. He said this how do we know that this is actually safe? And I'm not going to advise my congregation to use this. He said this on air. So not only are they coming after him for his church,
Starting point is 00:57:31 not following the guidelines, but now they're saying they might have to revoke his license because he's been illegally commingling his ministry and his broadcast. What they're saying is you can't have a platform as a pastor, as a Christian, to preach truth to violence here. In Jamaica. In Jamaica. Right. And we really have to watch this because this is the slope that Canada went down and they're broadcasting too. You know, don't assume that we always have the freedoms that we do here in America. Canada, you can't speak out against gay marriage. You probably can't speak out against vaccinations on Christian radio, I would assume there as well. And don't think that
Starting point is 00:58:11 just because it happens in Canada or Jamaica, it can't happen here. They will. I mean, the government will say you have to shut down. I mean, talk, the corporations, the tech corporations are shutting them down. Yes. We've been deplatformed. Yes. Yeah, it doesn't even require the government to do it, just the fascist government to do it. Yeah, but the corporate government is doing it.
Starting point is 00:58:42 They're shutting down preachers who will not submit to their authority. And so we don't need a government here to do it. And Canada is the government. But here, the government is Silicon Valley and the far left political activists that are acting like Nazis. In Great Britain, there was a massive outpouring over the weekend against lockdowns. 500,000, they say, were in the streets of London. They had signs such as no vaccine passports and hands off our children. Now, this is just in England, a place that most of the population has submitted in part to some of the lockdowns. It's gotten warm enough now.
Starting point is 00:59:20 They're saying we are done and we are awake and growing. That's a big deal. Half a million people show up in London and growing? That's a big deal. Half a million people show up in London for protests. That's a big deal. Something's happening. Boris Johnson is in trouble. All of them. You know, all of the political establishment is in trouble, including the monarchy.
Starting point is 00:59:41 Yes. The monarchy could fall right now. It's in a very weakened condition right now. You know, Prince Philip died. The queen is, you know, very elderly. You know, Harry has gone bonkers. Charles is old. Nobody wants him as the king.
Starting point is 01:00:06 I mean, we could actually see the monarchy collapse right now. There's an interesting story, the National Pulse, about who are the advisors paid by the government to put our country into this lockdown we're rebelling against. Well, one of them is a professor named Susan Michie. Now, Susan Michie is known as Stalin's nurse and Stalin's, I'm serious, Stalin's nanny. The reason for this is that she's so much of a communist, a 40-year communist at that, that even the hardcore Marxists, when she goes to conferences, when she was a young mother, they actually searched her buggy where her child was in to make sure she wasn't bringing in the most hardcore of Marxist propaganda. Well, the Marxist propaganda in this sense, the stuff that she's advising the British government, is that they need to have draconian lockdowns, not just small lockdowns, Chinese style maximum lockdowns.
Starting point is 01:01:14 Is she actually an advisor to the British government? Yes, she's a senior member of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies. This advises multiple ministries inside Boris Johnson's cabinet. She's also considered to be the top COVID policy advisor. When England was looking at both the lockdown and a vaccine passport, they went to Stalin's Nancy. But wait a minute. Boris Johnson is a Tory, a conservative. He's a conservative communist now. See? This is in every one of these countries, whether it's America, the Republicans and the Democrats
Starting point is 01:01:50 in Canada. Conservative, liberal, yes. In Great Britain. There's no such thing as conservatives and liberals. They're just different kinds of horses. They're just all part of the same agenda, the same ruling class.
Starting point is 01:02:06 And the people have got to understand. They've got to have an awakening and realize they've been played as fools. Boris Johnson, if he were truly a conservative, would fire this communist. That's just like Donald Trump should have fired Fauci. Donald Trump should not have been promoting the vaccine. You know, to this very day, Trump is telling his supporters, get vaccinated. And I don't understand why Trump supporters refuse to call him on it. Well, he doesn't really mean it.
Starting point is 01:02:43 Yes, he does mean it. Yeah, he meant it so much he sent an email out last week. He's trolling us, Doc. He made fun of those who are making the decision to not get vaccinated. Well, Rick, you talk about people waking up, and I think in part they are, especially when they hear news anchors having little Freudian slips while on television. Now, Wichita, Kansas, one such Freudian slip was caught. And we were able to track down the video.
Starting point is 01:03:08 This past week, an anchor actually said on TV that the vaccine is for euthanasia. What? Yeah, listen to this. Some Kansas counties are rejecting new COVID vaccine shipments or reducing their orders because of a drop in demand. And that is worrying health officials who call mass vaccinations the only path to a return to normalcy. Almost four months into the vaccination effort, providers are beginning to run out of people who want to be euthanized, immunized. Did you hear that? He did say euthanasia. He said euthanasia. Why would he be even thinking about euthanasia? I don't know, there's some people who maybe says to slip. No, you don't just slip and say euthanasia. He said euthanasia. Why would he be even thinking about euthanasia?
Starting point is 01:03:45 I don't know. There's some people who maybe says to slip. No, you don't just slip and say euthanasia. I want to hear that again. Some Kansas counties are rejecting new COVID vaccine shipments or reducing their orders because of a drop in demand. And that is worrying health officials who call mass vaccinations the only path to a return to normalcy. Almost four months into the vaccination effort,
Starting point is 01:04:07 providers are beginning to run out of people who want to be euthanized, immunized. Whoops. Euthanized. No, I don't want to be euthanized. Well, they did it in the nursing homes. They euthanized them. Governor Cuomo murdered 15,000 senior citizens.
Starting point is 01:04:28 You notice we're not talking about that anymore. No. We're not talking about all the women that he molested. We're not talking about that anymore.
Starting point is 01:04:35 Isn't that weird? And we're also not talking about Matt Gaetz. Yes. Yeah. It just went away, didn't it? So,
Starting point is 01:04:44 what's our next topic? You know, our title is about the WHO. And we have been speaking about the WHO's ideology, but something you found, Rick, was very interesting. The WHO didn't just come up with vaccine passports and mandates and even requirements and advisements to airlines this past year. This actually dates back to a treaty signed in 33. The WHO. The WHO. Actually, the treaty we're going to show you here is the precursor. The organization behind the treaty is the precursor to the World Health Organization. And they were thinking about tyranny long before you and I were born.
Starting point is 01:05:27 Now, we start this by talking about their latest inception. We thought this was new. They're calling for a new pandemic treaty for a World War II-style collaboration. This was only last month. The call was that they were going to come into an extrajudicial treaty. The United States being sucked into this, too, which would overpower local jurisdictions that were still putting up a fight. It was this ABC News story last month that got us thinking, what is the World Health Organization doing? What are you talking about? A new treaty, like World War II style collaboration for future global health emergencies. So that got us investigating the history of the World Health
Starting point is 01:06:15 Organization. And man, did we find some interesting things. And you just mentioned a treaty. That treaty in 1933, it's actually the culmination of a series of sanitation, sanitary conferences. Conferences that were being held among nations going back to around 1853, 1857, something like that. And so governments around the world were meeting to talk about sanitation. And then where it really started to pick up momentum is with the advent of commercial airline transportation. Right. And so you had people flying from one country
Starting point is 01:07:12 into another country, and some of them were sick. Now, there's a legitimate concern of governments. This has never happened before. I mean, you had ships, but ships move slow. And the captains of ships, you know, they knew who was sick on board. They had a system to quarantine sick people on the ships. And had for centuries. For centuries.
Starting point is 01:07:45 And when they arrived at a port, the captain informed local government officials, hey, I got two people locked up. They got typhoid or whatever it might be. They're sick. They're sick. All right. So there was a system in place. But with the arrival of commercial airline traffic in the 20th century, where somebody could leave one country and hours later be in another country, that changed everything. And so I understand why the governments were having these meetings. There's nothing conspiratorial.
Starting point is 01:08:14 They were trying to prevent disease from coming in to their country. It's very logical. So in 1933, there was a treaty. And that became the beginning of the World Health Organization. Yes, and it was signed at The Hague. It was called the International Sanitary Convention for Aerial Navigation. Now, there was an amendment to this. And that's one of the reasons we caught this. In 1944, the amendment allowed for the first vaccine passport. Now, what you're seeing on screen is the beginning part of the documentation for this amendment, but they
Starting point is 01:08:53 actually produced certificates, vaccine certificates that started to look a lot like the certificates the CDC was showing us just months ago. They just didn't have access to computers back then. This treaty, when you read through it, they refer to airports as aerodromes. Aerodromes. And each country was required to have one or more aerodromes set aside as a sanitation hub. So international flights had to go to that aerodrome, that airport.
Starting point is 01:09:39 And the treaty actually specified that each country would have medical staff, doctors, and so forth, supplies to deal with a health emergency from a passenger who arrived sick. OK, that makes sense. It all makes sense. But then it also set forth international travel certificates. Yes. And again, think about this. Before the pandemic, we did a program all about social distancing, a term we realized at the time, wow, this dates back to the beginning of people who were thinking about disease spreading,
Starting point is 01:10:09 thinking about virus pandemic, thinking about the spread of a killer virus. They were also thinking about certificates, passes, papers that would be mandated and templated from a global organization, a group of many different unelected bureaucrats, and then pushed through at the local level. Now, what's interesting about this, we're going to show a couple examples, is the United States did sign this. But Rick, they put a specific criteria, a little exemption at the bottom of their signature, saying that they still withheld the right to veto it if it infringed on the rights of
Starting point is 01:10:43 Americans. What you see here on the screen is the typhoid fever, the typhus fever certificate, the passport that was being given. They actually made a note on this one, Rick, that it wasn't valid. So you couldn't print this and try to use this right from the treaty. But this was a certificate. So the U.S. Senate ratified the treaty with reservations. Yes. Yes. President Franklin Roosevelt signed the treaty with reservations.
Starting point is 01:11:16 And the reservations being that if, you know, any aspect of that treaty violated the rights of Americans, we're out. Yes. That's a great out. We're just not doing that anymore, are we? No. The treaty nowadays has no reservations. Or not even getting approval from the Senate. Just a president agrees and everybody says. Like the Paris Climate Accords, like the Iran nuclear deal.
Starting point is 01:11:35 That was a treaty, but nobody wanted to call it a treaty. Anyhow, this is the beginning. Now, something else that was going on in the world at that time was the emergence of communism. Right. Karl Marx was, you know, in the 19th century, the Bolshevik, the Jewish Bolshevik revolution that overthrew the Romanovs. It was 19, the revolution 1917. I think the Romanovs were killed in 1918. And so the communist movement was new and fresh at this time. And I'm bringing this up because of the influence of communism on the birth of the World Health
Starting point is 01:12:22 Organization. There was a... A young doctor. Yes. When the communists overthrew China, the China government, and Mao Zedong was in control, one of the first things that he did is that he dispatched Chinese communist doctors around the world to represent the communist government, to advance the communist agenda.
Starting point is 01:12:58 There was a communist, Chinese communist doctor, Dr. Xi, I want to say... Xi Ming. Xi Ming. Xi. Xi. Xi Ming. Huh? Yeah, you were on the right track.
Starting point is 01:13:12 Okay, I'm on the right track. Xi. Xi Ming. Xi. Xi Ming? Yes. Okay. I'm trying to recall.
Starting point is 01:13:18 Anyhow, he had a conversation with none other than Alger Hiss. Can't make this up, Doc. Alger Hiss, one of the most famous communists from the United States of America, who was the first Secretary General of the United Nations. Wow. Both the United Nations and the WHO, founded by communists. Yes, yes. You know, close confidant of Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Alger Hiss,
Starting point is 01:13:55 his name represented communism. It gave birth to there's the doctor, yes, that's the Chinese doctor. And he's one, that's the Chinese doctor. And he's one of the, I guess, three people that were at the very inception of the World Health Organization. He suggested the name. The name itself, the World Health Organization, that came from his suggestion
Starting point is 01:14:17 in 1945. So he was an associate of Alger Hiss, a known communist who was the secretary general of the United Nations, a Soviet, basically a Soviet spy. Alger Hiss was a Soviet Union operative. China, China really gave birth to the World Health Organization. To this day, the World Health Organization is a Chinese Communist operation. Who is running the WHO today? Well, the Communists pay for it.
Starting point is 01:14:59 But who is it? Tedros. Tedros. And what is Tedros? A Communist. He's a Communist from Ethiopia. And what does Tedros, what has Tedros. And what is Tedros? A communist. And what has Tedros done? He's run guns to the communists in Ethiopia. Tedros is a communist revolutionary. And who put him in charge of the WHO? China. Who gave one fourth of the annual budget of the W.H.O. When Donald Trump withdrew the funds, cut American funds off, who stepped up and provided one fourth of the annual funding of the World Health Organization? than Bill Gates. Yes. Who was at Bill Gates' coronavirus scenario
Starting point is 01:15:47 in October 2019? The Chinese CDC director. Well, it's a small little world, isn't it? Chinese communists all revolving around the WHO, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, the CDC. What do we have? The CDC is implementing World Health Organization instructions. That's right. So it comes from the top communist organization for health, World Health Organization. Now it goes to the CDC run by a Zionist who then imposes these draconian rules and regulations on thousands of American communities. The China way. It's all coming from China.
Starting point is 01:16:40 And we literally are following their model. And that's what the British have figured out. The 500,000 in the street. Yet you can't get 2,000 to protest at a local level or in any city in the United States. We have to reject this now. They're coming after our kids. What baffles me, just stuns me, is I talk to conservatives. I talk to men and women who are Christians, who are conservatives, who call themselves patriots, all that stuff. And they don't get it. I tell them these things, and they say, well, I hope you're wrong.
Starting point is 01:17:11 They don't want to rock the boat, Rick. The same way they don't want to rock the boat with a boy. I hope you're wrong. That's what the man told me the other day. He goes, well, Rick, I hope you're wrong. I hope you're wrong. I hope it's not that bad. Well, what are you even listening for?
Starting point is 01:17:23 Why are you even watching? I don't understand it. No, no, he wasn't watching. It was a conversation I had with him. Oh, just a general conversation. It was a general conversation. And I realized he was a Christian man, a businessman, conservative, Republican, all that kind of stuff. And I'm talking about these things. And he says, I hope you're wrong. I don't think we're that far gone. Really? See, this is what I'm saying. They're falling for this stuff.
Starting point is 01:18:00 I know people that consider themselves very conservative Republican voters. They would call themselves Christians, all that. They're wearing a mask. They've been vaccinated. The whole thing. They have fallen for the entire thing. They haven't seen their own children for a year because they're afraid to leave their homes. That's why this connection you brought up is so important. If you take nothing away from this program other than that, the reason why people are running up to you and yelling at you about a mask is because of communism, because of China. Again, the Chinese doctors, the health care
Starting point is 01:18:32 providers, buried their way into the beginning of the WHO, which is advising the CDC, which is advising your state and local officials to make you wear a mask. And again, this is from doctors at the time who, while they were trying to advise the international community about the value of human life, they could care less about the millions who were butchered and eaten. They ate people during the Long March,
Starting point is 01:18:55 the revolution in China. Yet they want to advise the WHO they don't value human life. That's what you have to realize. What we're witnessing is a global, it is an attempted takeover of the world. I don't think there's an attempt. I think it's done. I think they've done it. We jar breath. Let's just say, Doc, they have gained a tremendous amount of ground.
Starting point is 01:19:26 Well, what's left? That's my question. Me? I haven't surrendered. You haven't surrendered. You haven't surrendered. There's still a lot of us that haven't surrendered. That's what's left.
Starting point is 01:19:39 We resist. We resist and we push back. How do we push back truth? You push back with truth. Communists are liars. They can't stand truth. You tell the truth. You do what Tucker Carlson said.
Starting point is 01:19:56 You confront people about their stupidity, about their mask. Why are you wearing a mask outside? You are making me feel uneasy. What are you doing out here in the outdoors wearing a mask outside? You are you're making me feel uneasy What are you doing out here in in the in the outdoors wearing a mask? You're making me feel uneasy. We you have to start see what the Communists did They they used their propaganda intimidation Tactics and they filtered it down through American society and Canada and Great Britain
Starting point is 01:20:26 and Europe. They knew exactly what to say. They had their network of people in place. They all began to repeat the Communist Party mantra. Truth had no bearing on it. That's right. It was all lies. All lies. They created the virus. They released the virus. They created the solution. They created the solution. Problem, reaction, solution.
Starting point is 01:20:51 They profited from the virus. Their economy grew 20% this past quarter. Yes. It's problem, reaction, solution. You create the problem. You anticipate the reaction. You offer the solution. That's how they move society down the path into accepting their way. It's time to draw the line and say, I'm not going your way.
Starting point is 01:21:14 You'll have to kill me. I'm not going to go. And people have to think like this. They have to talk like this. They have to resist. You got to do what the pastor did in Canada. Get out, Nazi. Get out. Get off my property. You have to do it. Yes. Parents, you have to take the mask off your children. Don't send them to school. If you send them to school without a mask and they say, come and get them, then go get them. Okay. Do what you have to do. If enough people do that, something will change. You have to do it. Because these leaders, city, county, state leaders are literally being brought into the Communist Party, whether they know it or not. They're being China-ized. To do it the China way. The China way.
Starting point is 01:22:07 That's it. We have been told for the past year to do it the China way. We're doing, you know, the payments. What do you call it? The UBI? Universal basic income. Yeah, universal basic income. Two years ago, we were almost joking, saying, do you think they're really going to try something like this?
Starting point is 01:22:33 Universal basic income is communism. Now, it's fact. They've done it. Millions of Americans have received payments from the government. For what? For doing nothing. A Republican president even wanted to sign the check. That's how crazy this was. They're arguing over who wanted to give away more money.
Starting point is 01:22:52 And yet I can show you business owners who are saying, a year later, I can't find anybody who wants to work. They want more checks. They just want more government checks they don't want to work they don't want to come back they've gotten used to the stimulus checks
Starting point is 01:23:12 which is precisely what the communists wanted, they wanted the American people to give up their freedom, their independence and millions of them did do it they wanted to drown the American spirit but they don't understand at the end of this road is a death camp.
Starting point is 01:23:30 The Chinese do not need you. If you don't die of coronavirus, if you don't die of one of their biological plagues, they've got to ban that for you. They don't need you. They did it to their own people. You think they have a reservation to do it to us? Of course they'll do it to us. Well, hey, our job is to debunk propaganda. That's why so many people hate us. And the people who hate us are the propagandists. Why is it surprising? The propagandists hate us. Liars hate truth. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:24:08 liars. Liars are hating us because we're not going along with the propaganda. We're helping people wake up. And I just hope people who are watching, please realize true news exists because people like you support us. We just talked for one and a half hours and gave you important information and analysis. More than anything else, we gave you analysis and commentary to help you process what's going on. And we sold nothing. We had no commercial breaks. We didn't plead for anything. We didn't try to push a product on you.
Starting point is 01:24:52 We simply trust that there are people who realize the lateness of the hour that we're in and that God, almighty God, has raised up true news for a time such as this. And it is by the grace of God that true news has existed for 22 years, has defied, has defied logic in the sense that this should not last. I mean, we don't have any ongoing fundraising drives. We don't have a department of finance here. We don't have a marketing department. We don't saturate people's mailboxes with desperate pleas for money. i don't send out you know 20 emails uh i don't send i don't call their phones i mean i my phone i get calls from ministries you know robocalls
Starting point is 01:25:55 you know please the ministry depends on you we need money today we don't do any of that for 22 years we've done it this way and we've had people try to shut us down try to attack us lie about us defame us do all these kind of things and yet we're here doc we're still here and we and we continue to grow you know why because there are people like you who say god's hand is on that ministry. The favor of God is on them. And I, I'm going to be part of it. I'm going to do something. And that's what I encourage you to do.
Starting point is 01:26:32 Become part of True News. Give a gift for the rest of this year. Give something every month. And know in your heart, you have contributed to an organization that has been used by God for 22 years, not only to broadcast the truth, but to lead thousands of people to the cross to meet Jesus Christ. I've yet to figure this out, Doc, how people get saved watching a news show.
Starting point is 01:27:01 And yet it does. Every week, people are getting saved watching a news show. You know why? Because they're watching three men who are not afraid, who are committed to Almighty God. A courage as a witness. Yes. And it's inspiring them. And they're coming to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Amen. Well, Rick, I hope that those watching don't become unsaved rebels. You fight against the system. You might want to make sure you fight for your eternal salvation.
Starting point is 01:27:32 Now, please share this Godcast with your friends. As Rick said, we can't do this alone. We need partners. Please consider becoming a partner with this ministry. You can donate to us by going to our website at That is T-R-U-N-E-W-S dot com. Just click on the red donate button on the right or the heart on the left hand side. Or you can call our toll-free number at 1-800-576-2116. That is 1-800-576-2116. You can also donate to us by mail at PO Box 69-0069, Vera Beach, Florida, zip code 32969.
Starting point is 01:28:06 We accept stocks, cryptocurrency and even precious metals. Please make sure you send that, package it properly. Thank you again for your time. And we'll be back here tomorrow to continue to report the good news as we approach the second coming of Jesus Christ. Thank you and God bless you. The preceding program was made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit

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