TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - CULT OF COVID: The Witch Hunt of Christians
Episode Date: July 29, 2021Today on TruNews, we address the cult that has formed around COVID vaccination and the manifesto of mayhem being carried out by politicians, doctors, and “journalists”, committed to building a New... World Order through the deception variant. Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Lauren Witzke, Kerry Kinsey. Airdate (7/29/21)
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Welcome to True News, I'm Edward Zoll.
Today we're going to have a very interesting discussion about how the enemy, the world at large, sees Christians and those who won't be vaccinated as members of a cult, ready to be dehumanized and potentially put away.
We also have Matt Scow on the program, our in-house documentarian.
We have some very interesting things to share
about Christianity and how those who have chosen
to get vaccinated are pushing that not a miracle drug
onto the rest of congregations around the world.
We also will share a very troubling story
about those who are not paying attention,
even when people are shot right in front of them.
But for now, here is Kerry Kinsey, today's True News Headlines.
Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey.
Sounds like Texas Congressman Chip Roy has been watching our shows
because Breitbart says he delivered a passionate speech on the
House floor on Wednesday. Can you tell he's not a fan of the new House rules bringing back
mask requirements? And we have people infected with COVID coming across our southern border
into Texas, and you all put masks, masks up front here, here on the people's house.
We got to go around and see, okay, we can't come to the floor.
I can't execute my constitutional duty unless I wear a mask.
Which is it, vaccines or masks?
The vaccines work or they don't work?
Do the masks work so they don't work?
I'd like to know which it is.
I'd like Dr. Fauci to come down and answer a single question about natural immunity.
You've been infected with a virus. Do you have immunity? Or are they just going to go around
poking people saying you must take a vaccine? Oh, but sorry, the vaccine doesn't work. You must
wear a mask. This institution is a sham and we should adjourn and shut this place down.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is handing out fines for House members
who won't wear a mask on the House floor. Roy was fined $2,500. For information on this story
and more, please visit our companion website. It's The American Postal Workers
Union says while the leadership continues to encourage postal workers to voluntarily get the jab,
it's not the role of the federal government to mandate vaccinations for the employees we represent.
Stars and Stripes says the Pentagon will once again require face coverings when indoors at Defense Department facilities
in locations deemed high risk by the feds for the spread of the coronavirus.
Indoor mask mandates start Friday at Disneyland Resort and Disney California Adventure Park.
L.A. Weekly says both the CDC and the California Department of Public Health recommend that masks be worn in public indoor areas regardless of vaccination status.
Daily Beast says Geraldo Rivera of Fox News pushed for vaccine mandates while labeling
Americans who refuse to get stuck as selfish and arrogant.
But check him out here as he also threatens co-host Greg Gutfeld.
I think less of people who are not vaccinated.
I think that it is an arrogant, selfish, reckless act.
And I have five grandchildren, all under the age of 12, who are susceptible to someone
sneezing on them.
Too bad.
See, that's my point.
You don't care.
You come into my grandchildren's house and you're not vaccinated, I'm going to kick you in the ass. No, don't. It's your house.
Don't let them in. So when you're trying to sit here and crap on Americans because it makes you
feel good, you're not going to come into my house. We don't want to go to your house, okay? We just
want to live our lives. I'm not going to invite you. And because of that, I'm not going to invite
you. All right, we got to go. We got to go.
Just for the record, Geraldo is 78 years old. Let's look at True News headlines.
Thank you for watching.
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Welcome back to True News. In this segment, we're going to discuss a cult that has formed.
A cult run by the pro-vaccination elite, commentators, journalists and lawmakers, but they have a target now.
Instead of coming to some kind of self-realization that they themselves are crazy, are bewitched,
they are trying to characterize us, those who are skeptical, and rightfully so,
as being members of a cult. Oh, Edward, you can feel it. It's getting tenser every day. Is that a word,
tenser? It is now. That's one of the great things about aging. You can just make up words.
Kind of like Joe Biden. He makes up his resume. He's driving 18 wheelers now, you know. But you can feel the tension increasing.
The vaccine cult is becoming angry and frustrated
that a lot of people won't join their cult.
And they're starting to vent their anger and their frustration.
They don't know what to do.
Oh, by the way, hey, the reason that Doc's not here,
Doc is away for several days.
He'll be back on Tuesday.
Doc will be, I think, tomorrow participating
in his graduation ceremony at a Bible college.
He's going to be a real doctor.
He's getting his doctorate degree tomorrow.
So he finished his studies months ago, but the graduation is tomorrow.
So he really, really will be Dr. Doc when he comes back.
We're going to have to call him Dr. Doc?
Yeah, we've got to call him Dr. Doc.
Dr. Doc.
So we're very proud of Doc.
He's been working very hard on that.
Yes, he has.
We're very proud of him because I don't know where he found the time
to complete his studies because I know how many hours he works here. I just don't know how
he did it, but he did it and he deserves credit and respect and we're very proud of him.
Well, Doc, rather, Rick, he, in my eyes, he's more of a doctor than Dr. Fauci.
We're discussing the cult of COVID today, Rick. I'm not sure if you saw the story today,
but records have come out now showing it's far worse than we even reported. Dr. Fauci
and his overarching agency, the National Institute of Health, have dumped millions, actually 46 million, into 100 different Chinese institutions since 2012.
Rick, as the days progress, we're going to find out that Dr. Fauci hand-carried the bioweapon from Wuhan.
Why is that scoundrel still walking around free?
He should have been picked up years ago.
Yeah, he deserves Guantanamo Bay for what he's done to the American people.
Actually what he's done to the globe with his research and lots.
Yet he's going to get away with it because we have a corrupt government and a corrupt
system. But he's up to his eyeballs in collusion with the Chinese communists,
and he should be held accountable for it.
And I have absolutely no plan whatsoever to let that rascal skate away free
without somebody holding him accountable and demanding answers out of him.
Look, you know, I know we're going to be talking today here about a major story.
I think the front page of the Times of London today, editorial, I guess, very scathing attack on people who are refusing to accept the vaccines for COVID.
The title is Anti-Vaxxers Are in Danger of Be becoming a cult. But before we go into this and talk about this editorial,
this op-ed piece, and the writer,
I want to just, I'm going to go,
we're not going to show the headlines on the screen.
I just put them on my laptop.
I'm just going to go through a couple of things I looked at
just minutes ago before coming out here in the studio.
So first one is The Independent, a newspaper in London, headline,
How Anti-Vaxxers Triggered Another Deadly COVID Wave in the U.S.
So those of us who refuse to allow this experimental drugs, which I don't think are really experimental.
I think I said they work.
They know what they're doing.
Those of us who say we're just not going to allow it be put in our body.
It's our choice.
We don't want it.
So we're now accused of spreading this covid wave.
But is that really the truth?
Let's look at the next one.
So the next one is the USA Today, July 1st, fact-checked.
Oh, USA Today, they like to check those facts.
They want everybody that sees their newspaper to know
they check the facts. They want everybody that sees their newspaper to know they check the facts. Delta
variant, not vaccine shedding behind surge in new COVID-19 cases. It's the Delta variant.
Now, is there such a thing out there as the Delta variant? I doubt it. But USA said it's the Delta variant virus, not vaccine shedding
that's behind the surge in new COVID-19 cases. What are they referring to with vaccine shedding?
That vaccinated people shed the virus. Spike proteins. Yes, they have spike proteins. They shed the virus for
several days, maybe a week, and pass it to others that they can have no symptoms,
and yet they're contagious, and they're infecting the people who are around them.
And yet they're walking around confidently that, hey, I got vaccinated. I can't get sick.
Nothing's going to happen to me.
And they don't even realize they're spreading the virus to their families and coworkers, which that's what's happening here.
But USA Today said it's this Delta variant, not vaccine shedding behind the surge in America's cases.
OK, so this is July 1stst so what's today the 29th
yeah 29th 29th okay so 28 days ago okay so now we go to the guardian new u.s mass guidance
prompted by evidence vaccinated can spread delta well which one's the fact? Who's checking which facts here?
Is the Guardian newspaper guilty of spreading medical misinformation?
Or did the USA Today
spread medical misinformation?
They're opposite headlines.
Go ahead, Laura.
I was going to say,
this is a tactic that they use.
You're supposed to be confused. You're not supposed to know what the rules are to keep you off your game.
Exactly. And you're like, okay, well, why is the CDC releasing numbers saying that we can
transmit the disease if we're vaccinated, but the plague is with the unvaccinated? We have a problem
with the unvaccinated. It's because they want you confused. They want you to be disoriented and not know what
the truth is. That's the whole point in the tactic of what they're doing. Lauren, do you now presently
know or have you in the past known a chronic serial liar? I have. Hey, I have plenty of years
in drugs. You know, there's people that are incapable of telling the truth. It's called
the spin zone. They call it the spin zone. And what, they call it the spin zone.
So what do they do?
They lie today, tomorrow, they tell another lie that contradicts the lie that they told yesterday.
And they can't keep track of their lies because, you know,
you never have to remember what you said if you always tell the truth.
That's right.
And that's the truth.
But a chronic liar, a chronic liar is changing
his or her story every day that's what the vexers are doing yes they're
changing their story they're lying so much they can't keep up with their own
lives and a characteristic of a chronic liar is that also manipulator it's
witchcraft is what they're engaged in. Well, wait a minute. Witchcraft, manipulation.
What is the pharmaceutical company?
It's pharmacia.
What is pharmacia?
Aren't we dealing with the same spirit of witchcraft?
Pharmacia, potions, witchcraft, pharmacia, pharmaceuticals, lying, deception.
Well, that's what the devil does.
He is incapable of telling the truth.
So he takes the truth and he spins it just enough to make it sound like it could possibly be true.
That's right.
So one month ago, less than one month ago, July 1st, USA Today says, it's those anti-vaxxers
that are spreading the Delta variant.
And now the Guardian says, it's the vaccinated who are spreading the delta variant and now the guardian says it's the vaccinated
who are spreading the delta variant which is what we were saying the whole time yes and they but we
were called conspiracy theorists right and they use that as slander they they libel us in this
matter because to actually talk about the facts as you noted yesterday there can be no discussion
about covert about discussing a bioweapon without discussing the origins of it. In order to
address any of that, they'll just dismiss us at our conclusions, which come from much research,
hours of it. But you see these outlets, the problem they have is that they are mouthpieces
of the state. They will repeat whatever they're told, like little parrots. And the problem with that, when you don't have God to be accountable to,
and you're literally just repeating whatever you're told to repeat,
well, now you have the issue of contradictions.
You look stupid.
And that's how this looks.
You read through these titles, they don't make any sense.
The headlines themselves are incongruent.
The authors of them, they look schizophrenic,
because they've said one thing, which is the Delta variant has come.
We're going to name a variant. This is now leading to a big spread.
Oh, we need you to get vaccinated as a solution.
But now we have those with the vaccination and Delta spreading it to the unvaccinated.
That's right. A sizable portion of the population is on to their lies.
They know that they're lying, they're deceiving.
And and so the crowd that's doing a lie are they're starting to get panicked.
They don't know what to do because they realize this is not working.
We're getting caught. Now, this this article is from the Houston Chronicle.
Well, it's written, the article's from the Washington Post.
I mean, you can't become any more.
They launder the propaganda.
Yeah, you can't be any more far left of a newspaper than the Washington Post,
owned by Jeff Bezos.
So it says, experts asked to see data behind the new policy,
talking about the new CDC policy.
Washington Post said, new recommendations from federal health officials this week on when vaccinated Americans should
don face masks came with a startling bolt of news. People who have had their shots and become
infected with the Delta variant of coronavirus can harbor large amounts of virus,
just like unvaccinated people. This is a startling bolt of news, not if you've been watching true
news. No, and they had to add that second part to the statement. Initially, when the story broke,
people were taking it as saying, and I believe that is what the CDC meant, which is that
those who'd been vaccinated had a higher level of the Delta variant or whatever it is inside the
body than the unvaccinated. People pointed that out immediately and said, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
The unvaccinated who became infected with COVID. So the vaccinated had more virus in them
than unvaccinated people who were infected with COVID.
And how could that be?
I mean, they keep saying we're using science.
Well, let's use observational science here.
We're going to look at what's happened, what's changed in society.
We've had a mass vaccination drive with an experimental vaccine that we're told doesn't
have the virus in it.
It's an mRNA technology vaccine, right?
Well, I'm not a scientist, not a doctor, but that's what's changed, right?
You and I, we didn't go on a world trip.
We didn't go to India.
We didn't go to China.
We didn't go to New York City.
How did we get this virus?
Well, at the time you and I got infected, there was a mass vaccination campaign in Florida.
Not only all around us were getting the shot, and it could have just taken one person to come in contact with us.
That's my personal view that my own infection came from me coming in contact with a recently
vaccinated person. And that person was oozing with the virus, shedding it out, and I got infected.
So going back to this Washington Post article, it says that means they, meaning the vaccinated,
could become spreaders of the disease
and should return
to wearing masks indoors.
See, this is the reason
I saw something on Fox News
last night and they were,
you know, bashing the CDC
and the Democrats
and politicizing the mask.
Because they better defend
the vaccine because it came
from President Trump. That's right. Because they've got to defend the vaccine because it came from President Trump.
That's right.
Fox News has got to defend the vaccines.
Now, the reason the CDC is now telling the vaccinated
to wear masks is the CDC is freaking out
that the vaccinated people are now infected
and spreading it to more people,
which, again, is what we told people,
other people, Dale Bigtree, Dr. Tenpenny Ten, I mean this is, Dr. McCullough,
we've been telling people this for a long, long time,
and we were called all kinds of names.
We were deplatformed.
We were taken off Facebook, accused of medical
Well, then they ought to be taking these newspapers off of
Facebook for medical misinformation.
So it says, but the Centers for Deception.
No, no.
The Centers for Disease Control.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention did not publish the new research. And this article by the Post goes on to talk about how the CDC is now covering up the number of people who are vaccinated and have become infected.
And many of them have died.
The CDC will not publish the numbers.
I thought we're supposed to follow the science.
Well, numbers are science. I mean, numbers the numbers. I thought we're supposed to follow the science. Well, numbers are science.
I mean, numbers are numbers. It's data. Give me the data. But the CDC said, no,
if we give you the data, that will only help you anti-vaxxers because you have evidence to prove that you're right.
So the people are dying of COVID and also dying from side effects,
suffering from neurological disorders, from heart inflammation.
There's many cases.
You're seeing them all over the internet if they keep them up,
like people having side effects from these vaccines. So they've become weaponized and deadly.
Well, think about this.
They've created a real pandemic. Yes.
We didn't see mass death last year, not to say that there wasn't something spreading around. I
think the truth is a bioweapon was released and it affected some. But now they have actually
created what could turn out to be like the 1918 Spanish flu. I mean, the numbers we're talking
about here, you're talking about here,
you're talking about a real impact on society.
The kind of impact wars have on society,
death of men, women, children.
This is doing it, but it isn't COVID
and isn't the unvaccinated.
What are our own institutions with their 14 slips
and maybe there's modest people in these institutions.
Maybe that's why this is coming out now in little drips,
that it is the vaccine itself, the campaign that has created this Delta, Epsilon, or the
Gaslight variant. That's right. But here's Bloomberg, owned by billionaire Michael Bloomberg.
Anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers are deadly. No, vaccinated people are deadly.
I'm not afraid to be around a person who's not vaccinated.
I'm afraid to be around a person who is vaccinated.
Because we're learning that they could be radioactive.
They could be spreaders.
There was all this talk about super spreaders last year, typhoid marries keeping them at home.
Now, just off what we're learning from the CDC, it's those who have been vaccinated who are harboring the disease and spreading it.
I want to show you how they're taking the hate campaign.
They are haters.
This next one, USA Today, the toxic alliance. Referring to us. Yes. Right.
Yes. Listen to this. The toxic alliance, how anti-vaxxers and anti-Semites
fuel each other's conspiracies. Oh, they had to bring it in now.
If you are against the COVID vaccine,
you hate Jews.
Where did you come up with that line?
But this is the standard smear campaign.
If nothing else works,
accuse them of hating Jews.
Oh my gosh.
I got to get a mask on and get vaccinated because they're going to call me a Jew hater.
Where did this come from?
This is part of the gaslighting, the propaganda.
Nothing else is working.
Man, we're going to smear you.
But, hey, if being anti-Jewish doesn't slow you down, all right, if that doesn't make you stop, here's the next story.
The inherent racism of the anti-vax movement.
If you're anti-vaccine, you are a white bigot who wants black people to die.
What? You know why they're
saying they're saying because the anti-vaxxers are are spreading misinformation among black
communities in America. And this is causing this is causing black people not to be vaccinated.
And they're getting covid and they're dying. And that's what these that's what these white
bigots wanted them to do.
This is crazy tough what these people are putting out here.
They're forgetting.
Okay, so they're realizing that not all the anti-vaxxers are conservatives.
We have liberal, holistic people.
And then they're like, okay, well, we can't get the liberals to get vaccinated,
whether they're vegan or have strong beliefs against the vaccines in general. So we'll call them racist or anti-Semitic in order to try and
pressure them to get the vaccine because they hate being called names. So that is what their
pressuring tactic, because they didn't take into account that there would be a lot of Democrats
and liberals who were anti-vaccine as well. They understand, and I think they've tried to
at least keep this part, their fear secret. They understand
how strong the coalition against mass vaccination, not just mass, mandatory vaccination is. They know
they have to take these tactics, whether you accuse those who are against an experimental
drug to be antisemetic or to be a collaborator in the death of African Americans. I mean,
it's crazy. They do this to divide.
They're trying to balkanize a movement that is gaining momentum.
We've already won the argument on mandatory vaccination.
The proof of this is the slowdown in the vaccination rates.
Those who wanted to get the vaccine,
saw it as a salvation from these perils and fears they were facing in society,
they got it.
They got it right away.
Those who haven't got it are either aware or they know they have enough gut feeling
that it's not worth the gamble. I suspect that in the months to come,
a lot of people who are vaccinated are going to deeply requite that they allowed it to be done to them. We haven't seen the beginning of what this vaccine is going to do to people.
Psychiatric Times, a publication for who? Psychiatrists.
I mean, if you read the Psychiatric Times, right, wouldn't you? You'd be a psychiatrist.
Right. So here's their article. Anti-vaxxers and water witches.
Water witches?
You know what a water witch is?
Oh, okay.
Do you know what a water witch is?
I have no idea.
What's a water witch?
I've never heard the term.
How many out there you know what a water witch is?
So look.
Is it a witch you've drowned?
No, no.
I saw water witches in action when I was a kid.
I haven't seen one for a long, long time.
So water witch is a person that has a, what they call divining fork.
It's a branch, two branches that come together into one branch.
Okay. that come together into one branch. Yes, okay. Okay, and the water witch has an inner energy field
that he or she can detect bodies of water underground.
So in the old days, people would call in a water witch
to know where to drill a well.
This is for real.
This is really interesting.
I didn't know about this.
Oh, yeah.
I'd seen those tuning forks, but I mean, I hadn't seen, I don't know, they're called the water witches.
Look, country people are superstitious, too.
They had their own superstitions.
It's Appalachia voodoo.
Voodoo that red're right next to.
I remember it as a kid.
I remember hearing farmers talking about bringing in a water witch.
What's the correlation they're trying to make?
Well, they're saying if you're an anti-vaxxer, you're as crazy as a water witch.
This is psychiatric times. See, they're saying, hey, a water witch and an
anti-vaxxer both need psychiatric treatment. That's what they're saying.
They're setting the field to do a 25th Amendment on the president. They're trying to do that
on the mass population.
I mean, these are experts, right? This is someone who they've read the ADM.
They know what a crazy person believes in. Right.
They're saying with our expert authority, this is something someone who's crazy, someone's a lunatic, someone who's going to hurt people believes in.
Here's the next one. Washington Post. Stop pleading with anti-vaxxers and start mandating vaccinations.
OK, we're done messing with them.
We're just going to hold them down and jab them.
We're not going to we're not going to put up with this anymore.
See, they're getting frustrated.
But the facts are coming out that the more people who that the highest explosion of Delta variant is in the states with the highest number of vaccinated people?
There's a correlation. Can they even test for the Delta variant?
You just have to believe that there is a Delta variant. There is no Delta variant. It is the vaccine. That's what it is. They gave it a name to cover up the origin. It's the vaccine.
But where the so-called Delta variant is exploding is in the communities, in the counties, in the states, the cities that have the highest rate of vaccination. How can that be?
How can those same communities that are highly vaccinated have the highest rates of autism and other neurological disorders?
These have been asked for years, but we're not supposed to ask these questions, right, Rick?
Because the experts are telling us you don't need to be inquisitive.
You don't need to be able to read.
You need to be submissive.
That's right. That's what this is about. It's about submitting to authority.
There's another one, anti-vaccine. Congratulations. You've put the rest of us at risk.
How did we put you at risk if you're vaccinated and the vaccine works?
We're placing at risk their illusion dissipating.
Yes, but if they're vaccinated and they believe the vaccine works, how am I
unvaccinated endangering you? Who am I endangering according to your logic? I'm endangering myself,
right? If you're vaccinated, you shouldn't worry whatsoever about me being unvaccinated. See,
their logic doesn't make sense. There is no logic to it.
Then, I got one more here.
Maybe I don't.
It's kind of like if you were inside a burning building,
and you've maybe got some fire retardant things on to keep you from burning,
but you're in that building, and you're looking out.
There's someone who's on accident in this case.
It's the person who's not on fire, not wearing anything,
and you're yelling at them, you're causing the fire. You're on fire.
No, I'm standing outside the building watching the dumpster fire. Okay, I'm watching this building go up. The vaccinated people, I think it's mass psychosis, right? And look, again, the way it's
being framed is that if you dare to think about this in a logical manner,
you're part of a cult. And after the break, we're going to come back and discuss how Rupert Murdoch's
Times of London has framed this for the world already. He's taking these building blocks of
lockdown and camps, because they're going to want to put us away if we're dangerous, right? He's
taken that, and they've started to say we must put
those away who are unvaccinated because they're part of a cult, a dangerous cult. We're back in
just a moment. The culture warriors in this country are breaking down traditions, morals,
family structure. They've been doing this for decades,
and they are aiming their guns at young men.
They want to feminize them.
They want to demonize them.
They want to criminalize them
so that they will not act like the men
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Rick, there seems to be a movement to arrest and to confine and to lock down,
not those with COVID, but those who defy the COVID orders. And this is
actually seeped into the halls of Congress today. The Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi,
she came out with her pin on her shoulder. Her Roman rule. Her Roman rule. And she said,
if you don't have a mask, I decree that you will be arrested.
She's lost her mind.
She never had it.
You can't lose something you never had.
They should have a no drinking order on the floor.
Yeah, they're going wacky.
Fox News is reporting right now,
Capitol Police ordered to arrest staff and visitors not wearing masks after new house mandate.
And so they're not going to arrest the members of Congress.
They're going to give them a five hundred dollar fine.
But but Emperor Pelosi has decreed that the Capitol Police.
I didn't think she ran the Capitol Police.
That's right.
She is shirking off that responsibility. We were told about January 6th.
It wasn't her fault.
She had no control over the Capitol Police.
She couldn't have ordered to.
Now she's ordered them to arrest people.
What is she?
Well, she is a liar, if this is true.
Or she's confused.
Either way, she's not fit.
Or she's drunk.
Or she's drunk. All of three. She shouldn't be the House Speaker.
So her decree today is that she will have the Capitol Police arrest
the staff members of the House and any visitor that comes into the Capitol Building if you're
not wearing a mask. Are we even allowed to have, are they allowed to have visitors right now?
Because as far as I knew, it was still locked off to the public. These people are terrified of being confronted
on their way to the bathroom or anything about all the. Yeah. So who is this supposed to apply
for? A lobbyist. Yeah. Yes. Lobbyist. Yeah, sure. That's probably why elite visitors. So
OK, look, the Republicans, of course, are are protesting.
But I want you to see where this is going. Don't fall into this trap.
Don't fall into the Democrat versus Republican trap.
It's a paradigm and a false paradigm is that this is a this is a fake argument.
Here's the way it's going to be presented. Pelosi and the Democrats are pro-mask.
McCarthy and the Republicans are pro-vaccine.
Oh, goodness. Yes.
Mask versus vaccine.
See, Pelosi's going to be saying,
you have to wear a mask.
The Republicans say, no, we don't.
We were vaccinated.
They're going to force, the plan is to force people to choose sides, mask or vaccine.
Problem, reaction, solution. Do you want to be shot or stabbed?
I mean, both these options are terrible. Do you know how the problem, reaction, solution formula works?
They create the problem. They anticipate your reaction, and then they offer you the
solution they want you to make. You don't have a choice.
So an example of this, the problem.
They created a problem with migrants. They excited immigration. They wanted
people to come across the border. Come into cities. We'll give you welfare. The reaction?
We're very angry about it. We wanted a wall built. We got really angry. We didn't want our neighbors not to
be documented. Solution, give them citizenship. Let everybody who's come in now be considered
on par with you. Sometimes more rights because they're not even getting checked at the border
for COVID. Well, if you take that analogy about immigrants, okay, so for 20-some years, we've been on this program
speaking out against a national ID card, any kind of national identification. Bill Clinton
tried it. Way back in the 90s, he tried to start a national ID card.
This is nothing new.
Right. So this is, Bush tried to do it, All right. So this fight has been going on for for a long, long time.
So what do you do? How do you get those patriot conservatives, those rural state citizens?
How do you get them to accept a national I.D. card by flooding the country with illegals and then letting them vote.
You can be begging for it because you've got to have identification to vote, right?
So what's the fight about right now between the Democrats and Republicans?
Identification at the polls.
And they've got the Republicans to back identification.
And so the Republicans are going to say, OK, here's the solution.
Everybody has to have a national ID card.
Done. Problem, reaction, here's the solution. Everybody has to have a national ID card. Done. Problem, reaction,
solution. Both the Democrats and the Republicans were in on it from the get-go.
So this little fight right now today between Nancy Pelosi and Kevin McCarthy, it's fake.
It's truth here. Pelosi for masks, McCarthy for the vaccine. Oh, we got to get upset. We have to post nasty things on social media. We have to get really worked up about it. No. How about if I just
ignore you? How about if I opt out and just laugh at you people? Because I've got your game down.
I know what you're doing. They want you to be outraged.
No, I'm not going to be outraged. I'm not in it anymore. It helps sell ads. Think about it. Where
much of this comes from is either from the mouths of these politicians or from the media outlets
that profit from views. And there are commentators who are spewing these talking points, often fed
to them by people like Frank Luntz,
you know, think tank folks that know better than all of us.
They feed them that because they're the glue between the ads.
Yeah, I think I think they're going to Nancy will arrest a few people because that will really get the debate going.
A couple of people get locked up and taken away. Boy, CNN and Fox News, they'll be going at it.
By the way, let me let me break it down here for you with Fox News owned by Rupert Murdoch.
They are if you watch their shows, they are doing a good cop, bad cop routine.
They'll have several Fox News hosts together. One is pro-vaccine, one is anti-vaccine,
and the one in the middle is, I don't know, I could go either way. All right. It's a deliberate
strategy. I can't see every show. I've seen a number where that's the format. Okay, so they want you to see, regardless of your position, if you're pro-vaccine, you think, oh, Fox is pro-vaccine.
If you're anti-vaccine, you think Fox is anti-vaccine.
But none of those people really are.
And if you're not really sure, you say, they're not sure, like me, because they're covering all three sides.
I see. But all of them, the reality of it is all of them have been vaccinated.
That's my understanding.
So even if they're giving the argument that they're anti-vax or from an anti-vax perspective,
which is not even really a strong argument, they're not even representing the viewers
who happen to have their questions about the truth of the vaccine.
And they happen to oppose these mandates, actually oppose the whole idea of presenting a vaccine
or forcing a vaccine on people with a disease that has a 99 percent survival rate.
You know, so it's like we have no representation.
But it's what did you what is it you always say, Edward, about the propaganda bird?
Well, it's an example. I think Rick actually came up originally.
It's the Phoenix, the Phoenix, which comes from a front cover from The Economist, owned by the Rothschilds, back in the 80s.
89, is that right, Rick?
The cover showed a phoenix, a bird on fire, standing over a pile of cash from many different countries.
One of the currencies, by the way, looking maybe like Bitcoin, well before Bitcoin was a thing. But the phoenix is over it. And it's burned. It's gone. Around its neck is a
medallion. This medallion had the date, was it 2019? 2018. A one world currency. And we use this
example because the phoenix has two wings, a left wing and a right wing. The left wing is the liberal,
though in this case, the person who's pro-vaccine.
The right wing is the person who's allegedly against vaccines.
But they're all part of the same bird.
The phoenix has got America and other nations with its talons, and it's flying to Babylon.
And it has a right wing and a left wing. But it's flying to Babylon. And it has a right wing and a left wing.
But it's going to Babylon.
And if you get into that right wing, left wing,
Republican, Democrat, liberal, conservative,
if you get into that paradigm,
you're just going to be deceived and carried away to Babylon.
Hey, we're supposed to talk about this editorial, this op-ed piece
that was in the Times of London.
Well, you addressed it up front. And the piece you're talking about, again, is
the op-ed by a man by the name of David Aronovich.
David Aronovich. Aronovich. David Aronovich. By his own admission, is a Marxist.
He grew up with the faith of Marxism.
And he's half Jewish.
This is all things that he identifies himself as.
But for this column, the role he played was he was the targeter.
He was the person to characterize those who won't get vaccinated as cult members. And in this piece, Rick, I think it was Aronovich himself that maybe spewed some what would be considered
anti-Semitic tropes. He found a way to bundle in on the anti-vax tent the protocols of the
elders of Zion, conspiracy theories about 9-11, and the problems we have with populism. He said this big tent is an example of a
modern day cult, a cult that's dangerous, a cult that is violent, a cult that must be dealt with,
or it's going to overthrow society. And people like him, they know what's best.
All right. So you mentioned a little bit about David Aronovich. He is
one of the most well-known, most read news journalists in Great Britain.
He works for the Times of London, owned by Rupert Murdoch. David Aronovich, as you said, his father was Jewish.
His father was Samuel Aronovich, who was a British manager for a communist candidate who was elected to the London City Council.
So Abramovich comes from a long family line of Jewish communists.
Let's just lay it out what it is.
He's a Jewish communist.
David Abramovich, who works for Rupert Murdoch, is to this day a hardcore Marxist communist.
He's memorized the internationally, which is their anthem. So why does the owner of Fox News, oh, Fox News is conservative. Fox News is Republican. Oh, give me a break.
Fox News is the right wing of the Phoenix taking America to Babylon. Come on, folks.
Get out of that. Get out of that stuff. OK, why does Rupert Murdoch, why does he have
a Marxist communist on his payroll? If you believed in freedom and free enterprise, you'd fire that guy.
Unless you think I'd have a communist on my payroll here.
That's not going to happen. Just not going to happen. So what does that tell you about
Rupert Murdoch?
He agrees with David Aronovich.
Yes. Yes.
And we've seen the views of his sons. I'm talking about Rupert Murdoch.
Clearly, it's been this walking hypocrisy that Rupert Murdoch owns the very outlets which tell
us how to be concerned, how to be Republican, how to fight the power, fight the system that is
seeking to oppress us. But in this case, the manifesto that was published in the Times of London has laid out the framework, the steps toward the end goal, which is how do you criminalize opposing vaccination?
And past that, how do you criminalize opposing authoritarianism?
Because what they've defined here is it's not just about vaccination.
That's the paradigm.
It's about anything in regard
to being free, being sovereign, being Christian. Because if you could criminalize a belief that
you don't want to have vaccines, you could also criminalize a belief that you're saved by God,
by Jesus Christ, that you believe in something that the state can't control.
Okay. Aronovich, the guy who wrote this story for Rupert Murdoch,
openly boasts that his father, Samuel Aronovich, was an atheist Jew,
a Jew who denies the existence of God.
That's an oxymoron.
How can you be a Jew and an atheist at the same time?
How can you deny the faith of Abraham? How?
It's an oxymoron. Right. But he brags that his father was an atheist Jew and that his father's faith was in Marxism, not religion. That's the man we're talking about here. He wrote a book called Voodoo Histories, The Role of
Conspiracy Theory in Shaping Modern History. Now, really what he's talking about here is
the work of people to rewrite history to undo the lies that the Marxist, communist, New World Order
propagandists have put into the history books. Because Lauren, whoever
pays the historians, whoever writes their paychecks, they write history. They
determine what history we read. Do you know who is the most influential history writer in the world right now?
I don't.
That's right.
That is...
They're rewriting history.
And the owner came out against his own website.
The co-founder.
Yeah, the co-founder said it's been hijacked.
You can't trust a thing you see on Wikipedia, but it's the first
thing that pops up when you use the Google
search engine. Right. It is now
the number one
source for history.
And it's ran and written
by some liberal interns.
Not liberal.
Leftist, Marxist,
atheist, communist.
They're rewriting history.
So when Aronovich wrote his book, Voodoo History,
and he tried to disprove all these conspiracy theories,
like, what was one of them in his book?
Oh, that intelligence agencies were behind the death of Princess Diana.
That was a conspiracy theory.
Yeah, right.
She believed it.
She believed they were after her.
Oh, that the Twin Towers were imploded.
That's another conspiracy theory.
Now, Mr. Aronovich is a propagandist for the people who have committed these crimes.
He's a professional gaslighter.
So what are some of the stunning quotes that he has in here?
So the first one is that, so he's talking about the protests surrounding the pandemic.
He said they're borrowing from American conspiracy.
So all this has come from the American spirit.
Threatening to turn violent.
Just over 10 years ago, at the end of the pre-social media age, he talks about the book he wrote about the psychology of conspiracy theories. He said he analyzed them. He looked at
them. Princess Diana's death. But he goes on to say that the mega theories that overarch all of
this, these are the most dangerous. The first one, malign actors are seeking world domination
and are active in almost everything.
These would encompass notions about the Illuminati, the New World Order,
the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission.
Most of those, Mr. Aronovich said, would involve the Rothschilds, and at their very least would suggest a degree of Jewish involvement.
Yes, you're absolutely right, Mr. Aronovich.
You're absolutely right.
He knows it.
He majored in it.
He said he majored in looking to each of these theories.
Oh, I'm sure he did major in it.
His expertise is to muddy the waters, confuse people so that people do not come to the conclusion of who the shadow government is in this world.
He capstoned his manifesto with this statement.
So the most serious threats from this new movement are widespread disinformation and violence. A determined culture of countering disinformation, as embraced by BBC and by this
newspaper in employing specialist data journalists, these are the fact checkers, is more useful even
than social media takedowns. That's the deplatforming. It just needs to be spread.
The violence I don't have an easy answer for. Certainly we should be intolerant of language
that incites hatred.
And we have to hope the police and security services have their eye on this new ball.
What the world is he talking about?
Where have you seen anybody who is opposed to the COVID vaccine being violent?
We mostly just want to be left alone.
We just don't want to be drug out of our houses,
dragged out of our houses and have a needle stuck in our arm. But this is a classic case of projection. They're trying to label us
a cult because they're the ones guilty of a cult. COVID vaccination has become a religion.
And if you oppose their religion, they're coming for you. They're going to label us as terrorists.
They're going to label us as a cult and they're going to come and try and take our rights away.
And this is what this Marxist is preparing the way for. He is the propagandist paving the way to normalize
conversations like this. They can't mind their own business. They have to meddle in everybody
else's affairs. They're not satisfied to just run their own lives. They have to run your life,
and your life, and my life. They want to run everybody's life.
They just meddle and interfere, not only in individual lives,
but they have to interfere in every part of society.
They have to interfere in nations to disrupt, to divide.
Regime change.
There's something about them that's just inherently divisive and, that they are always doing the work of Satan.
They know they're a walking contradiction. They look at people living righteous lives. They look
at people serving God, and they say to themselves, even in a quiet voice, I'm on the wrong side of
this. But they're committed, and they're committed to their father, Satan. And if they're committed,
that means they have to be on the offense against truth.
And that's what this man is endorsing.
Not just endorsing that, he's endorsing arresting,
and if I read this correctly with the security services,
potentially killing those that disagree with the propaganda.
So the violent hate mongers are the people who want to live in their homes peacefully
and mind their own business. You've got it. In this crazy mindset. They're crazy. That's craziness
if they believe that. He would send somebody to my house to physically drag me out and hold me down
and vaccinate me because I am potentially violent.
That's love to him because that's how his father treats him.
I'm talking about his spiritual father.
We covered this the other day in a Bible study here where the Jews stirred up a mob to go to,
this is in the book of Acts, to Jason's house to get Paul to beat him up.
And so the mob accused Paul of disturbing the peace.
No, he's sitting in Jason's house, quiet, minding his own business. But the Jews stirred up a mob
to accuse him of disturbing the peace. Who was disturbing the peace? The Jews that paid the mob.
This is what's going on right now. The Jews are paying mobs to go after peaceful, law-abiding people who
just want to be left alone. They've been doing it since the beginning
of time. And that's what we've learned. After
this break, we'll have Matt Scowl with us and we'll discuss this more, but specifically
the response to it and
what you can do to file for a
religious exemption if they still keep that
this has been True News
whoever loves instruction
loves knowledge
but he who hates correction
is stupid
a man is not established by wickedness, but the root of the righteous cannot be moved.
An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, but she who causes shame is like rottenness in his bones.
The thoughts of the righteous are right, but the counsels of the wicked
are deceitful. The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but he who heeds counsel
is wise. A fool's wrath is known at once, but a prudent man covers shame. lying lips are an abomination to the lord but those who deal truthfully are his delight
welcome to true news headlines i'm cary. Stars and Stripes says the global drug trade could eventually bust up the heroin industry in Afghanistan.
According to a new study by the Rand Corporation, drug producers like a cheaper narcotic such as fentanyl.
Lower operating costs and higher potency are two reasons why fentanyl is becoming the new drug of choice in Afghanistan.
Fentanyl can be churned out in laboratories from cheap chemicals,
and that means quicker turnarounds than harvesting the poppies that are key to the Afghan trade.
The Daily Star says Germany is set to block Pornhub and Xhamster after the site's failure
to implement age verification checks that stop kids
from looking at porn. The move is part of a campaign set on making all porn websites in
Germany create age confirmation checks. For information on this story and more,
visit our companion website. It's New York Post says reporting that a woman stabbed her daughter
five times after the mom refused to say the Santeria. That's an Afro-Cuban religious prayer.
Police say 33-year-old Jacqueline Cordero grabbed a butcher knife and stabbed her mom once in the
stomach and then four more times. The wounded mother is expected to
recover from her wounds. WRAL-TV says Billy Graham's grandson is out of intensive care after
being admitted in critical condition with COVID. Jonathan Lotz is the founder of a ministry based
in Clemens, North Carolina. Christian author and preacher Max
Licato says he recently tested positive for COVID-19 despite getting the jab. Licato says
there's a message of hope in the face of the coronavirus. God says I'm still in control.
Come on now. God says I've walked this world and i've walked my people through crisis
after crisis and what appears to be a chaos is simply an opportunity for god to show up amen
when we see uh the world out of control uh god says i'm still in control of his suffering with
covid lakato says though miserable the misery would have been worse with no vaccination.
Of course, True News viewers know that he has no way of knowing that.
That's a look at True News headlines. Thank you for watching.
Thank you, Kerry. That last story is very interesting.
I think that it's not just Max
Lakedo who is vaccinated. I think it may also be the grandson of Billy Graham. Well, we have here
with us the, should I say famous or is it infamous, Matt? The famous Matt Scowl, our documentarian.
He's been very busy with several projects, but one specific project the greatest reset do you want
to share a little bit yeah so it's good to be back there's a new face yeah I
haven't been on with you it's good to have you here because we needed that
fresh a woman's perspective it's good it's it's good. It's something we needed, you know,
and so good to have you here.
Finally, somebody appreciates my opinion.
Just kidding.
You say it every segment, okay.
Thank you, Lauren.
Just kidding.
So, yeah, it's been a while, and we've been busy.
Well, me and, so when we did Sacrifice and Liberty,
you helped a little bit, but mainly it was just me and my gear and go off and make it,
and it almost killed me.
It really did.
It was very hard.
It was great.
So I had to get some reinforcements.
We found a young filmmaker, Nick Stumphauser.
He joined the crew.
So a vibrant young filmmaker joined,
and we are heading set to make the greatest reset,
the counter to Klaus Schwab's great reset.
Yes, it's a reset for Christ, right?
Well, the great reset in their mind is a reordering of the norm, as you have it,
and a reordering of to what they want us to live under without our saying it.
It's a forced like the forced vaccinations. And you're going to have to own nothing and be happy.
That's their motto. Well, that's not something I want to live in.
But you know what? It might be a reality. It might be.
We might have to live under this, but we don't have to be part of it necessarily.
You know, so what the greatest reset is, is we're kind of pulling the cover of who are the players in this.
Klaus Schwab writes a book called COVID-19, The Great Reset.
And then, you know, that came out in June and it was like a 400 page book.
It takes a while to write, publish, edit.
He knew it was coming.
Event 201.
It was a planned think tank with the pharmaceutical companies, the CDC of China, America.
And we're learning the Chinese had their own wardrobe in Wuhan at the same time.
So event 201 was good.
So event 201, it takes place in September and right before the pandemic hit, one month before it totally started, you know, taking its spread across the world.
Just coincidentally, all the players, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, you know, Pfizer, all the big players were there and they they kind of war-gamed what would happen. You don't usually have an outbreak of a really viral outbreak at a mixer that you hold, a party you hold?
It's just like they want us to accept that they are a benefactor.
They're looking out for us.
We're here for you guys.
What we're doing is we know more than you.
We're higher at level than you we're going to
help facilitate whatever needs to be done uh because we don't want you to die from this
pandemic or whatever it is so we're kind of seeing who the players were but this goes far deeper than
uh 2020 2019 this has been going on since the beginning of time when they had that great divide between Satan, his plan and Christ's plan.
And it's been wow. It's been eye opening.
I've learned some things that has stunned me.
And I cannot wait to show share it with our true news audience because they're part of this.
Like they always are. They're they're support, they're just as much producing this film as we are.
And we have some really exciting things to share.
Well, Matt, before I fall at my seat, can you show us the trailer?
Yeah, we have multiple trailers that we have produced.
What we're going to show you is kind of one of my favorite ones.
It kind of encapsulates the big picture.
Look, we talk about, I mean, the vaccine's a big thing.
COVID's a big thing.
What they're doing with weather manipulation, that's a big thing.
You see chemtrails, and they try to say, oh, that's conspiracy theories.
There's something going on with our weather.
You see it.
You actually see it's just like how the vaccine, they want to pretend like they're not the ones spreading
the virus with their vaccines. It's always you guys who aren't conforming to us. It's your fault.
Well, we're we touch the press. How does this lie propagate itself? Well, through the press,
the press has been has it been maybe manufactured?
You think of it as a right. It's one of our First Amendment rights, right? But is it a free press
or isn't it? So let's watch this and we'll talk about it.
In Noah's day, no one believed him. The rain began in the middle of the day when
the sun was shining.
I wouldn't use the term angry. I am in a perpetual state of controlled rage.
And why wouldn't I be?
I would tell the people watching this in 50 years, 2020 was the year the world changed.
Global crisis requires global response, and that justifies global governance. The world is
off its axis. There are no rules anymore. This is about survival. This is about
taking care of our family and our friends. Everything is off now. The goal
quite clearly appears to be reordering a new society,
a greatly reset society,
that is ordered after the image of man,
not the image of God.
All of the evil societies in human history
went evil precisely by building a city of man. There has always been an impulse
in humanity that we could call evil. Cecil Rhodes's biographer wrote an article called
Government by Journalism and for them journalism meant propaganda. It didn't mean truth. They're
told what to believe by the mainstream media, and they believe it.
They hook, line, and sinker.
People believe that journalists, all journalists are honorable.
I mean, at this point, we're living in a virtual asylum of people that seem willing to believe whatever they're told
if it somehow provides them a false sense of security.
And I would argue, again, there is no security hiding in your cabin on the Titanic.
The ship is going down.
What you're watching now is the truth of what happened.
From people talking about it who don't have an agenda.
This whole crisis, the whole thing, the Great Reset, behind all of it is a spiritual battle.
Our enemy is Satan.
This is an apocalyptic battle between good and evil.
There's no better side to stand on than the side of truth,
and the side of justice, and the side of honesty.
The stakes are higher than they've ever been.
It's like an existential crisis for the species.
I thought to myself, God is blessing me
to be on the front lines of this,
and I get to go into battle against these people.
So when you talk about what they're
trying to do to this world, I've seen something different.
I've seen God move when we thought it was impossible.
Matt, in your trailer you have men praying. You have scenes from churches.
Again, the response to the globalist world agenda is not going to be surrender.
Clearly, the church is fighting this.
They're rising against it.
That's what the greatest reset in part is.
But really, it's a reset to Christ.
The thing is, look, I'm going to break something to you guys.
Everybody dies.
It's a thing.
Everybody's going to die.
But we know the end of the story, right?
So death is not as scary.
That's what they use for the fear and control, right?
You're going to die of the virus.
You're going to die of this.
Like, okay, we get it.
But the ones who don't have comfort in where they're going will be that it's a good scare tactic for them.
Right. We know how the story ends, which is a benefit for us.
We know that the war against the saints is going to be true. That's going to happen.
How do we stand strong during this? How do we stand bold during this? This war
between the church has gone on since as long as there's been breath in human beings. Okay. But
there is going to be persecution. There is going to be a struggle. And how do we stand strong and tall through this? We can push back. We can
not just let them do what they want with us. It's our mission to be strong when we face a crisis.
Yes, stand for Christ. Stand for what truly brings eternal life. And the beginning of the church,
Jesus's ministry, they referred to those who are saved, Christians like us, as the people of the way.
What we've seen in this past year has really been a cohort of the people of the falling away.
Pastors, people like Franklin Graham, comparing the vaccine to something Jesus Christ himself would have taken to fight what we're facing.
Look, again, this is scripture.
It says there will be a great apostate, a great falling away.
Well, what does that look like?
The greatest reset is this.
What does the world look like when the son of perdition comes to take his position as a world leader?
Well, there will be an economy.
There will be a government. What I used to think was it was them, the 1%, the Bilderbergs,
the Trilateral Commission, whatever the they was. But it's more binary. It's just binary. It's a an evil entity, Satan, using his dominion over his flock, just like Christians, like a Catholic, a Protestant.
We're not we're not talking to each other on the phone.
What we are, we're being used by the Holy Spirit.
All plugged into the same entity.
As a one bride. Right. And we're used in different purposes for God's sovereignty.
Well, on the opposite side, you have people who hate God and they're being used, maybe
collectively, maybe not, but they are still being used for that agenda.
You're serving somebody.
Even if you don't think you're serving one of the sides, you're already defaulting, serving
So we're looking at this more binary now.
Who are the players on that side? What are they doing? You're already defaultly serving Satan. Exactly. So we're looking at this more binary now.
Who are the players on that side?
What are they doing?
And we see what they want to do.
They want to control, and they want to take God out of everything.
Going through the research, it kind of blew my mind.
There's a guy named Rudolf Steiner. He's kind of an esoteric, early 1900s kind of philosopher.
He, on one of his speeches, said they are going to put a vaccine.
I have it right here. They said they're going to develop a vaccine that will separate man from God
and man's soul from his body.
1917, they're talking about this.
Using pharmakia to enforce their religion. Do you remember the AstraZeneca where that person said, during the trial,
I can no longer feel God, I can't feel my soul. What I've also seen, these guys who
are starting or who have planned this, these are hundred year old plans. Now, why would someone
who hates God, might not even believe in God, care about something that happens way after he's dead?
Well, he's being used, right? Something in him is being used. This documentary is, I've had the
honor to, Omo Child was an amazing documentary a life-changing
documentary uh uh Sacrifice Liberty same thing this one right here this one this is going to put
the pieces in play like what side are you going to stand on and uh do we start holding people
accountable I mean these people are not elected.
Bill Gates thinks he can put a kind of,
spray the atmosphere with a cloud to protect us
or stab kids in Kenya with some kind of polio vaccine.
It's like, when do we stand up and say,
we're not going to allow these people to dictate so many people's lives.
Hold them accountable.
Well, the first step at a microcosmic level has been to deny the vaccine, to say you're
not going, no matter what is threatened against you, you're not going to go and get the jab.
You're not going to submit to a mandate, an order, a recommendation from the center of
distortion, from deception and control. And something we've seen
is obviously the call right now that federal agencies need to have their employees through
pressure, through threats, and sometimes incentives, get them vaccinated first so they can
create another schism in society, division among neighbors. And even today, I think the proof that this, even something as small as that,
it's not small to the average person who wakes up every day, goes to work,
has their kids dropped off at a public school.
They know that they're facing right now the chance that they might not be able to leave their home.
For example, if you live in Australia or the Philippines,
there's talk right now of the military being used to make sure you stay inside your home.
Not if you have COVID, because that'll be already part of the lockdown, but if you haven't been vaccinated.
But for the average person, let's say a Christian, the average Christian going to church right now is seeing the impact of the vaccination agenda, the assimilation to this system that you're describing, Matt.
What is it building?
What is it building?
It's building us to get closer to that mark of the beast acceptance.
Come on.
This is a precursor.
I don't believe the COVID vaccine was the mark of the beast.
However, the way they're setting everything up, they are
preparing us and conditioning the global population to receive the mark of the beast because that
comes next. So that is, and what is it? The vaccine? It's neither a safe nor effective as
one of our great doctors, Dr. McCullough says in our film, it doesn't protect you from the virus. You still get it. So if it's that
easy for like a five-year-old to see, then what is their ulterior motive here? It's not safety.
If we went in a plane and we're going to jump out, I don't have to coerce you to put a parachute on,
do I? Well, they're telling us, hey, get that vaccine and we'll give you a lottery ticket, a hundred dollars, a donut.
Or if they tell you the plane's going down, you got to jump.
You know what I'm saying?
Because I normally wouldn't jump.
If it's like the vaccine will help you from not dying.
I want to not die right now from a disease. But if the vaccine doesn't cause me to be, you know, not get the disease or I still
can get it and spread it, what's the point? There's something they're not telling us.
Well, there's been speculation that the vaccine might change you, might change your DNA. Even
Mark Zuckerberg, in a call to all the staff at Facebook, had that suspicion, had that kind of gut feeling.
And he says he asked and he got an answer.
But the problem with it is that he never truly was being transparent with the public.
He would always push that information up.
He shared it on his platform, even when he was wondering it.
But the ulterior motive, could it also be submission?
I think so.
If you're willing to take a shot, an experimental one at that from the government,
you're willing to do a lot of other things.
You might be willing to fight a war for them.
You might be willing to give up one of your limbs.
You might be willing to take a tattoo.
Well, it reminds me of after 9-11.
Everybody was like, I want to back the USA and get my bald eagle out and fight.
Let's go.
But then you started seeing, like, you couldn't even criticize nor ask a question where that
Building 7 looked a little strange.
It just fell by itself.
Oh, and the BBC said it fell before.
You couldn't even talk about Building 7.
You couldn't even talk about it.
We learned from Mr. Aronovich in the first segment of this program that that's just a
conspiracy theory. Matt,
someone that who is dangerous to society at risk of becoming violent.
If you think about these things,
you're part of that tent of,
of a cult.
where do we see after,
after nine 11,
conspiracy tinfoil hat,
all these,
you know,
ad hominems thrown at you.
Like you were this person because you can see things obvious.
It's like they're gaslighting you because they want you to question your own sanity.
They even had engineers and architects questioning their own sanity watching the videotapes.
And that's how good they are.
But it took brave people who are brave scientists to come out and say,
you know what, I'm going to risk my reputation, just like a lot of good doctors have done.
A lot of doctors that we've interviewed, leading physicians who are putting their practice on a hold because they see the danger.
Dr. McCullough, who's now making his rounds on Fox News, good that it's kind of getting out there.
For a doctor to tell me that this is satanic a doctor now he didn't mix
words he said he saw doctors for the first time not allowed to treat patients
okay what is going on where they are allowing them to die this this this
virus that is real we've all been affected by it somehow, is very treatable, extremely treatable.
And they were watching patients not being able to be treated by physicians.
With like hydroxychloroquine or alternative methods that were proving to work?
They were not allowed to treat them.
They were just supposed to let them die.
We have a clip if you want to play it, another trailer, if we have time.
Let's go and watch that.
Let's put this up.
I have two physicians here who call this a genocide.
Like, this is not crackpot.
Like, you know, just you find them, like, running around town screaming, you know, aliens.
They're not conspiracy theorists. These are are reputable men and I think this is an
important clip and we should watch this we have almost forgotten that we are in
a great mortal combat the battle of the forces of good and the forces of evil.
We're in an incredibly dark time and it's cast over the earth.
Whether this is a biblical plague, whether this is as you described it, there is a tension between good and evil.
We're in a crisis of compassion.
So for the first time in my career, doctors are turning their shoulders away from patients.
They are denying patients care. So this is very, very important.
What does that mean? They're killing them?
They're killing them.
They're killing them.
That's an understatement. That's why I'm picking on the academic fraudsters that literally gave the
academic basis to kill people.
On behalf of the Center for Health Security, the Bill and Linda Gates Foundation, and the
World Economic Forum, welcome to Event 201.
The goal of the Event 201 exercise is to illustrate the potential consequences of a pandemic and
the kinds of societal and economic challenges it would pose.
Is this anthropogenic? Is it man-made? Because one can really readily see that a dark winter
or a crisis. We're about to go into a dark winter. A dark winter. We are in for a long
dark winter. 2020 would be the darkest winter in modern history.
Enables vast planning leverage.
It gives you wide bandwidth to do what you wanted to do
all along, which was to centrally plan other human beings
and to corral them into the city of man,
which almost self-evidently is what they're doing.
Why would something that's experimental,
that's investigational, it's not fully FDA approved,
it's not safe or effective,
why would this be the basis for the very quick announcements
for rights to travel, keeping your job, going to school.
When you think about how many, where we're going, needing upwards of 250 million Americans at least
to finally be vaccinated to get herd immunity, are you frustrated at the pace of this? Do we
need to pick it up? The vaccine is neither safe nor effective. This is very important.
And you asked about motive.
What could motivate a stakeholder?
The stakeholder concept of stakeholder capitalism.
To want to enact a worldwide mass vaccination program
of a vaccine itself,
which scientifically and medically
is neither effective nor safe,
that has no proven outcomes, and want to vaccinate individuals of which the disease doesn't cause
any problems.
So there is a goal and stated goal to vaccinate children down to six months old.
Wait a minute.
This isn't a disease for six months old. It's not even a
disease for 20-year-olds. The bottom line is this is an innocuous disease that has an incredible
age dependence to it. So what started out with this idea that maybe a vaccine could be good and
will just vaccinate nursing home workers and seniors and protect people and get through became this ever encroaching, ever expanding
mass vaccination program that has now raised all of our concerns because there's a concern
that this isn't about COVID at all. Almost four months into the vaccination effort,
providers are beginning to run out of people who want to be euthanized, immunized.
There were significant obstacles created to suppress access to life-saving information
and life-saving medications that work incredibly well.
My estimate is 85% of the deaths could have been avoidable.
Well, I think this is genocide and a crime against humanity and mass murder.
Through this vaccine program that we basically have set up exactly what you said, genocide.
So no one was a conspiracy theorist until it started raining. The Event 201 scenario is fictional, but it's based on public health principles, epidemiologic
modeling, and assessment of past outbreaks.
In other words, we've created a pandemic that could realistically occur. I got bad thoughts that make my mind scared. Hold me hostage and they don't fight fair.
Who gonna pray for me and wipe off my tears?
Who gonna save me if you not right here?
Move this darkness and make my sight clear.
Take me away cause I don't like here.
Ghosts of my past, they feelin' the night air.
Wake me up, I'm trapped in my nightmares.
Eastern Orthodox writer Dostoevsky taught suffering is beautiful
and it unites us to
Christ on the cross and we should not flee from suffering.
As hard as it is to go through at the time, it's worth it.
The only thing that makes sense is that this is Satan.
This is demonic.
And God has chosen some to have their eyes opened. powerful powerful we're living through this this is real life the greatest reset is happening right
now like it's crazy like biblical things are happening, and we're recording it, and this is the time for us to stand strong.
Like, those enclips, those are people.
Remember Coach, Pastor Coach?
Pastor Goode, Grace Life Church.
They shut them down.
Like, you're done.
Stop preaching.
They arrested them.
Arrested them.
And those people were standing up and not taking it.
There's going to come a point where we're going to have to draw a line.
And unfortunately, a lot of men in the powerful positions in the church,
they are not backing what is correct.
They are falling in line with this new world order.
They're spewing propaganda from the pulpit.
Again, these are the pastors of the falling away.
They are not fulfilling their mandate from God and serving
that position, but we're
going to fulfill it. We are going to
fulfill it. We are the people of the way. We're the
true church, and it is our
time to stand up for what's right,
but more so stand up for what
God stands for.
In the next segment, we're going to discuss the religious exemptions and things that you've actually found today in your research,
but also a very interesting story about a church that has come about out of a strip club.
A strip club was destroyed, a place where dreams were just dashed. This has now been rebuilt as a church.
It's a wonderful story.
We'll have this in the next segment.
This is True News.
The culture warriors in this country
are breaking down traditions,
morals, family structure.
They've been doing this for decades,
and they are aiming their guns at young men.
They want to feminize them.
They want to demonize them.
They want to criminalize them
so that they will not act like the men that God created them to be.
God Tribe is a social media educational platform, digital platform for young men and to give young men a place to congregate where they feel safe.
Its mission is to build better men. to congregate with other Christian men and communicate with each other, fellowship, encourage each other,
building up each other to be better men for Jesus Christ. That's the purpose. Since the beginning of 2021, tens of thousands of people have discovered true news.
If you are among the new members of the True News Tribe, you probably don't know much about our history.
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Welcome to True News. Welcome back from the break.
And before the break, we were discussing the falling away,
the leaders in that movement. I just want to remind the audience, if you don't remember from
just a few months ago, one of the leaders in the evangelical movement in this country
compared sanctification and steps toward it to the vaccine. Franklin Graham urged people to get vaccinated, urged congregations specifically,
and said Jesus would have used them too. Now, this is part of this movement of blasphemy. I mean,
you talk about where the cult is. It's this thinking that is indicative of a cult.
Well, in addition to that, I was surprised that some of our staff hadn't seen this clip.
And I was trying to remind myself of what some of the pastors of the falling away have said.
Pastor Robert Jeffress.
Okay, this is a man you see often on Fox.
He's brought in as a spiritual advisor, was a spiritual advisor to President Trump.
Do you guys remember what he said about the crucifixion and Jesus and the vaccine?
Oh, yeah. Yeah. Let's watch this clip. We'll discuss in just a moment.
I don't want to discourage anybody from taking the vaccines because we've got to stop this
pandemic. But there is concern among some Catholic bishops and some evangelicals as well that the
cell lines that were used to develop certain vaccines, particularly Johnson & Johnson, came from aborted feces, came from aborted babies.
Let's just say it out loud. So what what exactly is your answer to that?
I mean, there are people that don't want any any connection there with with abortion and vaccines.
Well, look, first of all, we would never abort babies to provide a vaccine. I think
Francis Collins has denied that linkage, and he is a strong Christian himself. But David,
if we're talking about something from babies that were already aborted, I would just remind people
the whole Christian message is that Christ, who was innocent, died for us and brought something good out of that unjust death.
And I think if lives can be saved,
even from the unrighteous killing of a baby,
that there's something to be gained there.
So I would not refuse the vaccine on that point alone.
On that point alone,
like on those babies that were, you know, done,
killed in a good cause for your vaccine.
Like, what are you talking about?
That was the faith advisor to President Trump.
No wonder he failed.
No wonder he failed.
Abortion, outlaw.
Think about that.
That man was advising him.
And the argument he made here that, oh, well, if you do an unrighteous act, such as kill a baby or kill another human being, kill Matt.
As long as you find a way to use his organs after he's dead.
Well, that's a net win.
No, that's a net loss.
That's a net condemnation.
Well, it's just the epitome of hypocrisy.
Like, you can't say, well, you're against abortion, but since they're aborted, let's make some vaccines out of them.
What is this? They're already dead, so we can bring some good, let's make some vaccines out of them. Yeah. What is this?
They're already dead.
So we can bring some good about with it.
I just can't believe it.
I cannot believe it.
And that was in the White House advising our president on faith issues, issues of faith.
And that's just.
Well, these same leaders are absolutely quiet right now as our president, Joe Biden, teases mandates, both in the military and
federal employees and potentially at large, the population of America, those who are not vaccinated
in this crazy world with cult minds controlling the laws and the narratives that could lead to
mass vaccination, a man showing up at your doorstep, a door-to-door
vaccination campaign. Any of these things are possible, but those leaders you just heard from,
Franklin Graham and Mr. Jeffress, I dare not call him a pastor anymore for recommendations like that,
but the thing they're not telling us about is how to file for exemptions from it. Not that you should
have to. The fact that anything passing, no, I'm not doing this,
is required in this day and age is beyond me. But Lauren, you were looking into this today.
What is required for a religious exemption, at least from the legal standpoint, when it comes
to fighting against this? Right. So President Biden earlier this week announced that he was
going to mandate vaccines for federal workers. That was earlier this week announced that he was going to mandate federal vaccines for federal workers.
That was earlier this week. He's supposed to be announcing it today.
I'm not sure if he's speaking while we're speaking.
And we don't know if he's going through with it or not.
However, I did see a lot of backlash yesterday, especially from the U.S. Postal Union.
So the post office workers do not want mandatory vaccines. But also I saw as corporations like Facebook and Google are now requiring vaccines in order to come back to work.
And so I want to spread the virus.
Continue shedding, continue, continue shedding on other people because they're all as long as you have it.
Yeah. So, you know, what this is a way of doing is it's a way of purging dissent from the federal government, from these corporations, because you can't have people working at Facebook who are controlling the narrative if they oppose getting a vaccine.
You know, they don't want them having a job there. So here we as Christians have options. We have a choice. If you are a Christian, you are actually religiously exempt from taking
this vaccine because they try to say, oh, it doesn't contain baby parts because it was an
MNRA vaccine. It is still made with the process of aborted fetal cells as in the process of the
creation of the vaccine. And they cannot guarantee that there are not still parts of leftover
abortion fetus cells in the vaccine. They can't guarantee that.
We don't even know what's really in it, but the process...
I don't trust the government is telling us
the truth. Exactly. As a simple enough statement,
I don't trust they've told us everything
that's in this experimental drug.
But you can... What if you looked at the insert
and saw the ingredients? Oh, wait, it's
blank. Oh, it's blank. There's nothing there.
Darn it, they forgot to print it. Exactly.
And if you notice that none of these big talking heads are telling you, oh, it's not made with
aborted fetal cells.
They know it is.
And they know they have no stance on that.
And if they trick Christians into partaking of aborted fetal cells and injecting them
into their body, they will be eventually in huge trouble when it does come out, the
So we do know that it was involved in the creation of the COVID-19 vaccine. But you have rights as a worker, as an American
providing for your family, you have rights as a Christian to be religiously exempt from taking
the COVID-19 vaccine. They cannot make you do it. Here on number 21, if you don't mind pulling that up,
your right to religious exemption from COVID-19
in the workplace by Prince Long Law Firm.
They give a great walkthrough on how to address this issue
when mandatory vaccines come to your workplace.
Number 22, please.
Under Title VII of the Civil, or Title XII of the Civil Rights of 1964,
individuals have the right to be free from discrimination on the basis of religion.
Religion is very broadly defined and encompasses not only organized religion, but also informal
beliefs such as veganism. Say you're vegan. That is a deeply held belief and you do not have to
violate your own rights under that. Religion under the law
can also encompass non-theistic and moral beliefs. Number 23, once an employer determines that a true
religious exemption exists, the employer must make an accommodation for the employee. So if it
violates your religious rights, that your employer has to accommodate you. Such accommodations may
include reducing a mask requirement,
modifying work duties to comply with social distancing,
adjusting an employee's schedule, or allowing an employee to work from home.
So they have to accommodate you because it is your religious freedom
and your choice to take the vaccine or not.
They cannot force you to do it or fire you.
And this is legal opinion and advisory from an actual law firm, Prince Law Firm,
being the firm that has put this together.
And it's been effective, right?
They've actually used this for clients in lawsuits already.
And this is something, again, any Christian watching this program,
even non-Christians,
maybe if there ever was a reason for you to rethink where you stand and where you're going
when you die, maybe it is that you can qualify for an exemption from this madness.
Yes, absolutely.
But you have to be careful.
You know, you need to be saved.
You know, if Jesus Christ isn't your Lord and Savior, make him your Savior today.
You absolutely can.
And it's that easy.
Here's an example, actually, on Prince's Law Firm, their website, where there was an instance where if an employer can establish, number 24, please,
if an employer can establish that the employee is seeking an exemption for non-religious reasons, the employer may deny the employee's request. In a case from the Third
Circuit Fallon v. Mercy Catholic Medical Center, the court denied an employee's request for
exemption, finding that the employee's concerns were really about health effects of the flu vaccine,
meaning they were actually medical rather than religious. You don't have to lie. Make Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior.
Believe in it. Believe in his word. Give your life over to him and be religiously exempt from
this vaccine because they do find out. Yeah, I'm going to hey, I'm going to use this to bring as
many people into the kingdom as I can. But see here, they actually the issue was that they were
concerned about the side effects of the vaccine and they denied they turned them down because it turns out it wasn't a religious request.
So, you know, if you are filing a religious exemption, it needs to be for religious reasons because they will turn you down.
Well, there was a story actually today in this framework that part of the government's initiative, their campaign, their mindset,
is they're also going to apply a religious test to your exemption. There was a case out in Colorado. Now, this kind of mirrored the same
incident with the bakery, where a gay couple were trying to get married, and they were trying to
force onto this bakery that they produce the wedding cake. And of course, this went to the
Supreme Court. The ruling went against the bakery, the issue was again it became a protected class. You can't discriminate
from a gay couple. Thank you Barack Obama for that rule. And if you don't do this you're
akin to a bigot who is discriminating against African Americans. Well there was a case in
Colorado that caught my eye where there was a Christian woman who's a web designer. That's number 25 for control.
According to law and crime the federal appeals court has decided she will have to make wedding
videos for same-sex couples.
Now in this article the appellant court applied a religious test to her own beliefs.
They said do you really believe in Jesus Christ? Do you truly hold a
belief in Christianity? And is it congruent through your life? Well, they decided that the test,
the results of it, the finding was that she did not. And they claimed she did not because she was
still willing to provide services, other services. She won't make a wedding page. She won't help them
with videos about their wedding, but she will provide other marketing services where they have
a business, where they have some kind of initiative there they want carried out. If she's willing to
make a video for that, but she's not willing to make it for the wedding, she has incongruent
beliefs according to the government's religious test.
Well, guess what the litmus test, what the mark of the beast is?
Is your head or the mark?
That's how it's going to be.
That's how they'll know if you're a Christian or not.
Are you willing to have your head chopped off?
Well, truly.
That's where we're going.
Beginning of the beast system here.
You're getting the first beast-style religious test.
Well, they're not alone.
This woman is not alone in the attack.
You also have farmers that are being attacked for their beliefs.
This couple has been attacked because of their views on marriage.
Clearly, they see marriage between a man and a woman.
That belief set is being considered now to be a cult mindset, right?
If we're to take the advisement, the manifesto from David Aronovich and others that we discussed in this program,
that's a cult mindset that has to be banned.
Someone who might believe that marriage between a man and a woman,
you might get violent if you're told that this is not the new norm or the future of the country and society.
Well, another example of the changes in society, and Matt, you have a child.
You've seen a little bit of this.
Yes, of course.
Beautiful children.
Oh, thank you.
Blame my wife for the kids.
Oh, okay.
I blame your wife.
I love when we get to see your young boy and then your young girl.
You know from your son, at least,
that electronics have had a great impact
on the next generation.
That's right.
If we are to believe the studies,
the initial ones at that,
it could be as detrimental as heroin.
It could be as detrimental as a drug,
any other addiction.
The electronic devices are changing us,
and they're changing our brains.
They're changing the way we interact with society.
Reality itself is shifting.
There was a story that I just stood back and I said, I can't believe this took place.
There was an incident in California.
And what occurred here is that a couple went to go see a movie, a terrible movie at that.
We've discussed this series before, The Purge.
You remember The Purge, Matt?
Well, there's a new iteration.
This is called The Forever Purge.
They've gone now from legalizing all crimes, all capital murders for, what was it, 24, 48 hours?
24 hours.
Now it's forever.
It's legalized.
You can kill people, take their organs. It's fair. It's
just. That's a new society. This movie, they're sitting there. This couple, they've gone to
watch this terrible movie. And a young man came into the movie theater, sat behind them,
shot the young girl in the head. Shot the young man.
And then everybody ran out of the movie theater?
No, he sat back and continued to watch the horror flick.
As he just committed the horror flick.
Were there other people in the theater with that?
Did they hear the noise?
Was there a voice?
They thought it was part of the movie.
They thought that what they were hearing,
the moans, the groans, the death gurgles
of both the girl and the young man,
the young man survived The young man survived.
Oh, my gosh.
But it wasn't the people that had come to watch this demonic movie that were able to call the police, raise attention, maybe even grab this terrible gunman.
No, it was the popcorn cleaner.
The man comes in after the movie to come in.
Let me get some of the popcorn. Let me clean up. Oh, hey, wake up.
Wake up. I know it was maybe a boring movie. You asleep? Oh, my goodness, you're dead.
Oh, my goodness, you're bleeding. Oh, we better call the police
right now. Think about how crazy this is. People were murdered.
One woman was murdered. Another almost killed. People were
completely oblivious to it.
Wow. That is insane. I've never heard that before. That is crazy.
It's the new norm, right?
But I mean, nothing shocks me anymore.
Nothing, I mean, but that is a crazy story.
It's because we've become so detached from reality.
Like you don't even notice things that are going on.
We become so absorbed with what's on the screen, or so absorbed with what's going on on social media that we
completely ignore murders going on right beside us. And, you know, I mean, I remember there was
there, this is common. There wasn't a shooting in a movie theater, not even, I think three years
ago. I mean, this is something common. This has become a haven for murderers
and getting away with it because it's dark.
But the thing that I found fascinating
is that they left them there.
The people walked out of the movie theater,
and you know they walked by them.
Gunshot as well.
I'm just surprised they didn't check
to see if they were vaccinated.
Seriously, the only thing that maybe
the patrons of this kind of a movie would care about at this point is making sure that those they were vaccinated. Seriously, the only thing that maybe that the patrons of this kind of a movie
would care about at this point
is making sure that those two were vaccinated.
But if they've been shot,
they just thought it was part of the ambience.
They've gotten so used to this fear porn.
They've gotten so used to this murder and violence.
And I think, again,
that the interaction between each other,
I mean, we as're, we as Christians,
we love to be together in the sense that we love to worship together.
We love to chat. We love to talk.
What has this pandemic done to us?
It separated us.
I mean, this would have never been possible.
Forget religious exemption.
We wouldn't have even gone along with the lockdowns
and the separations, the closures,
if we didn't have our electronic devices to sort of connect each closures. If we didn't have our electronic devices to connect each other with,
if we didn't have our cell phones, if we didn't have Netflix.
Germany is banning certain porn sites.
America, that was higher than ever.
The traffic to these sites went way past any rally, political rally,
any kind of educational platform.
We use the pandemic to go further into bondage.
Well, that's the point of it.
I mean, these people think multi-leveled.
I mean, the society they're creating is orchestrated before it's implemented.
Like, they know what they're doing with these devices.
The automation, there's a reason why there's going to have to be a drop in the population.
Automation is coming.
Internet of Things is here.
The fourth industrial revolution is upon us.
There are going to be too many people with not enough jobs for these people.
They know this.
This is why you have to guard yourself.
Be prepared because they want a future that does not involve you.
And your your religion is just another way that you can escape, get out of this. And they want to destroy that, too. And they want to force it upon our kids that God's not real through science
or fake science. And this is the world they're trying, they've been trying to build. And we are
in some amazing times right now. Right. Well, we're earlier, I found, I had never seen that
Franklin Graham quote where he said that Jesus would have used the vaccines too. Is he not the almighty God who heals? Like,
is he not? It's not just like what he does. It's who he is. You know, he's the healer. And you
know, it's, it's in our churches. It's in our society. It's in every American institution.
And they're coming for families and they're coming for children. The whole point is to influence
the most innocent of them among us. You know,
when it comes to pornography, when it comes to degeneracy, when it comes to transgenderism,
they target the children. It's always the end goal being the children.
The first marriage together, Satan destroyed. He wants to destroy the family. The two brothers,
the first ones they killed, one of them killed the other brother. It's always about killing and
destroying the family. That's what it is. So you need to pray with your family, guard against this, become
strong as a unit because they're coming after your kids. And if you let your kids off to their
devices or just don't have any thought of what they're seeing every day, they will be consumed
by this beast. Yes. This is the time to don the armor of God.
You have to have an honor to be vulnerable,
but more than just for your survival and spiritual protection,
this is a perfect time to be active as a Christian.
It may be dark.
There may be storm clouds that are gathering, but I'll tell you what,
there are harvests to be had, harvests of souls.
The devil's going to harvest his, or the Lord's going to harvest his.
And we are the ambassadors for the kingdom on this earth.
And we look for stories every day that show this.
It's tough some days, okay?
You're hearing about kids getting murdered in movie theaters. But we found a very interesting story today on this subject of Christians being active,
Christians being the ambassadors of light in this world.
In Alaska, who just survived a pretty large earthquake today,
8.2, right off their coast.
Yes, they had tsunami sirens going off.
But in Alaska, in Anchorage, there was a strip club that was
transformed into a Baptist church. Now, this church, open door Baptist church, came about
because of the young woman in the center. This woman is a real estate agent, a developer, Linda
Dunnegan. Now, she had a dream, and her dream was to right the wrong that was committed in her childhood.
Her mother, they immigrated from Vietnam, they didn't have a great upbringing.
Part of the upbringing was her mom was a stripper. That was what she did to make ends meet.
That's what she did to bring food home. It was a terrible job and she at times witnessed her mom doing this because they had to bring the child to work. It turned out that where her mom worked when coming into America was that strip club.
So she has been working since coming into her career as a realtor, a developer, to write this, to take over this building and turn it into a place where people can be saved, where the gospel can be preached.
I found an interview that she did with Alaska Public Media.
I want you to hear about Linda Dunnegan.
After some cajoling, she agreed to meet Gailey at the building.
They walked in to find dusky, cavernous rooms filled with catwalks and strip pools.
It was still decorated for Halloween from the day it closed over two years ago
after a lawsuit over unpaid wages and the loss of their liquor license.
It was dark except for the flashlights on their phones.
But Dunnigan turned to her realtor.
I said, do you know why I want to buy this place?
It's because my mother was a stripper.
Her mother, an immigrant from Vietnam, had stripped at clubs around Anchorage.
She's not sure, but says she thinks her mother may have worked at Fantasies. Dunnigan, who moved out of Vietnam as a child in the 70s, says when she was young,
she was ashamed of her mother's work. In my history, just a second, it was very hard for
me to see those strip poles. Dunnigan purchased the building, and things look different inside now.
There's clean imitation laminate flooring, dark glazed wooden crossbeams,
and a well-lit dais at the front of the room.
Through a side hallway, there's a smaller space that used to be a room for private strip shows.
It serves a much different purpose now.
Look how beautiful it is. Cribs, high chairs, fireplace.
This is an actual nursery.
But the building still didn't have a pastor.
2,000 miles away in Oregon, Kenny Menendez was living a normal, middle-class life,
working his day job and serving as a deacon at his church on Sundays.
I lived a comfortable, successful life.
I worked at an aerospace industry, doing purchasing there for the company,
and, you know, it had everything going for me.
But when COVID hit, he had some time to reflect.
We had to decide as a family what was important to us.
And to us, you know, what was important is church in general.
It was right around that time his pastor got a call from a woman in Anchorage.
It was Linda Dunnigan.
Within a few weeks, Menendez, his wife, and young kids were on a plane to Alaska
with their lives in tow. But it felt right. Within a few weeks, Menendez, his wife, and young kids were on a plane to Alaska with
their lives in tow.
But it felt right.
Yes, it is a fast change of life, but the things that are impossible with man are possible
with God.
And the Bible also says that without faith it's impossible to please Him.
So we took that leap of faith, if you will.
For Menendez and his wife, who plays piano at the church, the move to Anchorage seems providential, just like the rest of the story. The church now has
dozens of members. All right, good evening, everybody. Welcome to Open Door Baptist Church
Sunday night. Yes, yes. It's a redemption story for all of Anchorage, he says. For owner Linda
Dunnigan, though, it's also personal. So I think the redemption story is not for the public. It
was for me. Sitting in on services, she feels the redemption story is not for the public. It was for me.
Sitting in on services, she feels the redemption in her belief in God
and also in the building that's transformed around her.
Praise the Lord.
What a story.
That's some good stuff.
You know, that's some good stuff.
I wish we had more ordinary people doing extraordinary things,
like taking a strip club and turning it into, you know,
I'm an example of what God can do.
We're all white houses.
A drug addict, maybe a politician. You know, he's great. There's no limit to what he can do.
We know that we have to be active in these times. We don't know the time or the day when Jesus will
come back, but he can't find us sleeping. He can't find us doing nothing. There is a harvest to be had right now.
Everybody knows a broken building, a place of sin,
some place around town that the devil is active.
Do what Linda did.
Shed light on that place.
Go in there.
Because those people that are in bondage to the devil and to their sin,
they need you.
They need you to share the gospel, and they need you to help break those chains. Many are going to resist you, but it is
the job of Christians. It is the Great Commission. It's not to get people vaccinated. It's to get
people saved. Thank you for joining us today. This has been True News. The preceding program was made possible by the faithful prayers and financial