TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Curse Of Zion: Facebook Raptures Mike Evans Propaganda Account As Israel Loses PR War

Episode Date: May 20, 2021

Today on TRUNEWS, host Edward Szall provides the latest national headlines from the Biden administration’s precrime initiative to drag queens recruiting kids, all paid for with government tax dollar...s. The team also addresses the recent proposed cease fire in Israel and Gaza, and also looks at Mike Evans, and his Friends of Zion organization losing their Jerusalem Prayer Team Facebook page of 77 million followers. Finally, has China patience with Israel come to and end? Edward Szall, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 5/20/21.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help,, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll. President Biden has announced plans to launch a pre-crime prevention agency operating through the Department of Homeland Security. Now, this Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships will be tasked with identifying and tracking so-called domestic extremists. Patriot lists will be created utilizing the already deployed spy grid from the NSA, turning your cell phone into a snitch, and putting the full horsepower of AI keylog bots to work, analyzing, cataloging, and scoring every record of your daily life. To end the wrong political rally? That's a mark. Yelling pork flew subway into a cell phone?
Starting point is 00:01:20 You're marked. Seriously, those are keywords which will get you flagged. And forget about sharing any disagreement with the government, the FBI, or the new protected class of the week, pink-haired, polka-dot skirt-wearing transsexuals. You're banned and you're marked. Worst of all, this new program will incorporate analysis of body movement, including fidgeting, blinking excessively, coughing because of pollen. You see, the government interprets that activity, especially when it's done by someone who likes to talk about Jesus and God-given rights, as keys to spotting a terrorist. Oh, and not to be outdone by the DHS, the Pentagon has their own project to complement
Starting point is 00:02:00 this tyranny. The Countering Extremism Working Group, staffed by the unwavering truth-tellers at the Southern Poverty Law Center. They will advise Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on how to counter the terrorists next door. You know, the ones who carry Bibles around and head to church on Sunday. And they will have help from the communist Chinese. There's always an angle here with the communist Chinese. Advocates of the Chinese government, such as the ACLU's Director of National Security Projects, Hina Shamazi,
Starting point is 00:02:35 who fought to stop President Trump from banning Chinese spy apps like TikTok and WeChat, she's going to be involved. And also the ADL. They're helping out. And I'm sure there'll be enough bands of flags to ground, especially if you dislike murdering of Palestinian kids. In addition to the pre-crime and Pentagon purge projects,
Starting point is 00:02:55 Congress has moved to permanently fortify the Capitol. Today, the House representative narrowly passed a $1.9 billion bill to defend the seat of democracy and fund an intelligence agency for inside the Capitol Police. The $2 billion bill also creates a quick reaction military force out of the D.C. National Guard, with almost $200 million allocated to place a permanent garrison at the Capitol. And this complements the new 9-11 commission that Republicans and Democrats on the Hill came together to ink into existence. But instead of covering up for the Bushes and the CIA's Saudi princes, this commission will immortalize the events of January 6th and
Starting point is 00:03:37 continue the railroading of anyone who dared to express their First Amendment rights in earshot of the untouchable political class. Not being investigated, funded, or talked about, however, are simple things like former FBI Director Louis Freeh gifting $100,000 in 2016 to a private trust for President Biden's grandkids. It's probably just a coincidence that he told the then-Vice President he'd like to explore some future work options. And to Hunter president he'd like to explore some future work options. And to Hunter, he was delighted to work together. Now, something that has delighted most average Americans has been the volatility in the crypto market. It's been so riveting that
Starting point is 00:04:17 most haven't even made a stink about Elon Musk pumping and dumping Doge and Bitcoin, as long as the average Joe is able to ride the rollercoaster with him. Well, Biden's Treasury Department hates rollercoasters and financial freedom, and now wants to require that any transfers of $10,000 worth of crypto have to be reported to the IRS. The U.S. Treasury said the Biden administration's proposal to strengthen tax compliance includes a requirement for transfers of at least $10,000 of cryptocurrency to be reported to the IRS. This includes cash transactions by businesses,
Starting point is 00:04:52 something I'm sure will spur a surge of audits. Well, speaking of audits, Arizona's 2020 election audit appears to be coming to a close. After announcing the audit had found missing adjudicated ballots, the Cyber Ninja investigators now say they made a technical mistake and the database was never deleted. As for Michigan, Antrim County Judge Kevin Elzeheimer has dismissed the Trump-cheered
Starting point is 00:05:17 Dominion election fraud suit, saying there's no reason to do a recount twice, even if experts can show the software can change votes and hide the fingerprints. But the Republicans will scream about this injustice, right? They may, if they aren't preoccupied by killing efforts in Texas to shut down bills which seek to outlaw child sex change surgeries. You know, the kind that produce lost souls like this. The truth is, Republicans, like Democrats, are pro-drag queen. And the freedoms of people like Little Miss Hot Mess are more important to them than you and I. Will this be the entertainment of the next year's RNC convention?
Starting point is 00:06:06 We are going to sing and dance it out. So get your singing voices ready. And we're going to start with our hips. The hips on the drag queen go swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish. The hips on the drag queen go swish, swish, swish, swish, the hips on the drag queen go. Swish, swish, swish, all through the town. The hair on the drag queen goes up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up. The hair on the drag queen goes up, up, up, all through the town. The shoes on the drag queen go stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp. Let me hear it. Stomp, stomp, stomp. The shoes on the drag queen go stomp, stomp, stomp, all through the town. The jewels on the drag queen go bling, bling, bling. Bling, bling, bling.
Starting point is 00:07:06 Bling, bling, bling. Well, that's the latest from the war at home. Let's discuss the ongoing war overseas. Joining me is my co-host, Doc Burkhardt. Well, you need a big transition out of that. Let's swish, swish, swish right along from that. That's wild, Doc. That's happening here, And you're right.
Starting point is 00:07:25 Both Republicans and Democrats are pro-drag queen. That's probably their policy as they're moving forward. But yes, Edward, lots of news in the opening, of course. Lots of things happening. It's hard to decide some days what is the lead story and what's the most important thing that's going on out there. Breaking news right now, though, it appears that Israel and Hamas have come to some sort of terms of a possible ceasefire. Yes, this is from the office of Benjamin Netanyahu. He was going to convene an Israeli cabinet meeting to discuss a ceasefire. But this is right from AP and Reuters.
Starting point is 00:08:01 There has been a ceasefire that has been reached with Hamas. It'll be one thing to see if it's actually in force. It's supposed to go into effect at 2 a.m. local time on Friday. So tomorrow morning, actually coming up on the difference of seven hours, right, between us and Israel. So we're coming up on it. It's hours away. But we are going to discuss a couple of things that are transpired in addition to the ceasefire. It's great news if it happens. Yes, because I want... End of the bloodshed. Yeah, I want Palestinians to stop dying. And so...
Starting point is 00:08:31 Yes. But there's lots of background that's going on with this. Jerusalem Post is reporting that Israel agreed as part of this transition to move to at least a temporary ceasefire through talks with Egypt. And of course we reported the other day about the deal that Egypt had made about investing half a billion dollars in building new infrastructure in the, just happened to be destroyed by Israel. So everybody wins on that deal. And obviously you have Iran trying to throw their weight into here. The Jerusalem Post is reporting that Iran's IRGC Quad Force chief, this is the force that was previously commanded by the assassinated General Soleimani.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Well, they said they're going to support Hamas against Israel, but it doesn't appear that that help is going to be needed. As we said, I do want to include that we're also hearing right now sirens are firing in southern Israel. It's almost as if both sides want to get as much killing in before they're no longer allowed to. Or this is another one of those false ceasefires that we've been told about. Well, in regard to some of the destruction, Doc, something I saw today is even a ceasefire from Benjamin Netanyahu, one agreed upon, one that he's saying enforced through his government, that may not even be enough. Because there are civil agencies and
Starting point is 00:09:51 unions in Israel, this is number 16 for control, the Times of Israel is reporting that an electric company union is refusing to repair power lines in Gaza. They're saying that they will not do any work until IDF soldiers that have reportedly been taken hostage by Hamas are returned. Well, they're going to be punishing the Palestinians for the acts of Israel's monster. And we covered this yesterday. The group that's being paid $30 million a month. Does that payment continue on in a ceasefire? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:26 That group has reportedly taken two soldiers hostage or killed them, has their remains. But the electricity won't be turned back on in Palestine until that has been returned. Yeah, one other news item that popped up today, and every time Benjamin Netanyahu gets an opportunity to show off a downed drone, he takes advantage of it.
Starting point is 00:10:47 This is the Times of Israel reporting. A drone downed by the IDF this week was armed and launched by Iran. Iran's involved in all this now, Edward. And so now they're ramping up the rhetoric toward Iran. Well, just keep in mind from yesterday's Godcast, Edward laid out the case about the payments that have been going from Benjamin Netanyahu to Hamas, $30 million a month.
Starting point is 00:11:14 That's an accusation by the former defense minister about that. This is Benjamin Netanyahu speaking to Germany's former minister, Maas. Iran flew an armed drone into Israeli territory. And, of course, he had to take the opportunity to show off that drone, too. He loves doing show and tells. Oh, yeah, he loves these. Every once in a while, he'll come out with a video. Look, here's a piece of a drone.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Now, of course, we don't know if it's a piece of a drone. We don't know if it's a piece of a drone. We don't know if it's a model airplane kit. We don't know anything other than it's Benjamin Netanyahu with a piece of broken equipment there. But it does make pretty good TV and pretty good rhetoric and pretty good opportunity for people to say, look, Israel's the victim in all of this. And I would probably be able to look past the ridiculous show and tell theater that Benjamin Netanyahu is so famous for. If the public at large would also pay attention to other big stories coming from his cabinet, coming from his own party. Right. As we talked about yesterday about maybe the secret reasons, the real reasons behind this very timely explosion, this war with Hamas as Israel has a
Starting point is 00:12:27 forthfailed election. According to the Jerusalem Post, it isn't a conspiracy theory to say that this war came as a way to keep Benjamin Netanyahu in power. Now, who's reporting this? The New York Times? This is the Jerusalem Post. They claim they have advisors, they have a senior political advisor they want to quote in this article. Also, other Likud party officials. Again, fellow Zionists who are saying that the reason why Benjamin Netanyahu started the operations in Gaza, the reason why Benjamin Netanyahu wants to continue killing in Gaza,
Starting point is 00:13:00 is because it allows him to stay in power. Now, would criticizing Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel, would that be considered anti-Semitic? And yet these are coming from Likud sources. So can Jewish sources be anti-Semitic? And once again, look where this story is from. It's from the Jerusalem Post. It used to be called the Palestine Post.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Well, another Israeli paper that has caught on to this too is Haratz. They said today that Benjamin Netanyahu and Hamas are working together to destroy Israel. Yeah, this opinion piece in Haratz, that means it got the approval of the editorial board of Haratz, Jewish news outlet, making the accusation, as we talked about yesterday and now carried through today, that Benjamin Netanyahu and Hamas are in collaboration. They both win in all of this. You understand that, right? Benjamin Netanyahu gets to stay in power, and Hamas gets a big paycheck.
Starting point is 00:13:58 The only people that really lose, that really, really lose, are the 300-plus Palestinians that are confirmed dead. Of course, they haven't found all the dead ones yet, Edward, because they haven't dug through all the rubble yet to find all the dead six-year-old Hamas commanders buried underneath the rubble. I've been surprised to not see the white helmets show up in Gaza. Oh, they would never let, Israel would never let the white helmets into Gaza. I guess they've all retired.
Starting point is 00:14:25 They've all retired. They have work to do other places. And so, but yes, so if the ceasefire is real, I pray for peace. I want peace. I want peace to be in the midst of the situation. But I also want the Prince of Peace in the middle of the situation too. So anyway, this whole conflict with Israel and Gaza has really stirred up some old political tensions here in the U.S. as well, right? And current propaganda agents.
Starting point is 00:14:59 I'd say that watching network TV most of the time will make you stupider. Rick has talked about this. Most of the network news shows are essentially just repeating government statements. They're not doing any independent journalism. They're not actually trying to investigate the statements. But interesting enough, Fox News as of late, I'm sure they've been doing this for decades, but it's really getting quite obvious. They are actively just pushing propaganda.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Okay. And there has been this ongoing, I guess, disagreement between two commentators, Dan Bongino, whose radio show is going to be taking Rush Limbaugh's spot on radio, and also Geraldo Rivera, which is not his name. Yeah, his real name is Jerry Rivers. Jerry Rivers. He changed it, Geraldo Rivera. He's Jewish.
Starting point is 00:15:47 It was better for covering, you know, conservative issues, maybe talking about the border, going at you. You seem like a more modern or current kind of reporter with a different name. We should have changed our names, Doc. But the reason I bring this up is during Sean Hannity's show last night, now we have to monitor what some of these establishment kind of billion-dollar networks do because they are now the propaganda mouthpieces
Starting point is 00:16:11 of the Republican Party and even the Biden administration. Last night, there was a fight. And it was over the Israeli-Palestine issue. And it wasn't even that they were having a fight about humanity. It was more about they wanted to brownbeat Geraldo Rivera into admitting that Palestinian lives don't matter. That's essentially it. So let's watch this clip. This was from Sean Hannity last night on Fox News.
Starting point is 00:16:40 Geraldo Rivera and Dan Bongino appearing with him. Geraldo, your reaction to that policy and more broadly to Biden's weakness abroad? Biden, Biden's going to lecture Israel when Israel's got thousands of rockets fired right into their cities to destroy the people of Israel with a stated charter that says and calls for the destruction of Israel. You don't support that, Geraldo, do you? You know, Sean, it is shocking and outrageous to me that in all the discussions of what's happening in Israel, the fact that Palestinians are being killed at the rate of 15 or 20 times the death toll among the Israelis, including children, is absolutely— Geraldo, Geraldo, let me stop you.
Starting point is 00:17:30 It is abhorrent to me. The Palestinians are digging themselves out from under the collapse of their buildings. How about the terrorist organization Hamas stop firing those rockets from hospitals and schools and heavily densely populated areas Why don't we know no? Because they're the ones that fired first if American city got hurt it would be all America all hands on deck and if innocent people die you blame the people that that start the war. There are dozens of Palestinian children dead. There are dozens of Palestinian children dead.
Starting point is 00:18:08 And whose fault is that? Whose fault is that? With ammunition provided to Israel by the United States without even a demand for a ceasefire. Whose fault is that? I demand a ceasefire. I demand my president to demand a ceasefire. Israel needs to win the war against terrorism and terrorists that are firing rockets at their people.
Starting point is 00:18:29 Dan Bongino. Let's kill all these children. Dan. Peraldo, you do this every time. This is such garbage, and I'm really getting sick of it. You play this emotional game with the audience and use your position of responsibility to put out misinformation and BS. You know, stop attacking me, punk. Address the issue. Do you have the guts to address the issue
Starting point is 00:18:50 and not address it? You can't control yourself, can you? You didn't come on this show to attack me. You came on the show to talk about the issue. Do you have a point about the issue? You're using your position of authority here to say things that are absolutely outrageous.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Geraldo, let him talk. You're an uncontrolled lunatic. Geraldo, let him talk. Because you can't go on the air. I'm an out of control lunatic. Can you calm down? Yeah. You really need to calm down.
Starting point is 00:19:15 I'm a ten-time Emmy winner with deep experience in the Middle East. Have you ever even been there? Geraldo, I've covered every war since 1973. When he stops talking. Geraldo, let him talk. When he stops talking, I do have a point. If your point is about me, I'm not going to stop. If your point is going to be about me, I'm not going to stop. Geraldo Rivera does not understand that Hamas doesn't believe in Israel's right to exist.
Starting point is 00:19:39 Hamas wants the Jews dead. And what does he do? The same thing with the police issue. He makes this an emotional thing, and he says the Jews dead. And what does he do? The same thing with the police issue. He makes this an emotional thing, and he says, the Palestinian children. Of course we care about Palestinian children. You know the way we save Palestinian children? I haven't heard you say it. We incentivize the terror group Hamas to not fire rockets indiscriminately into Israel,
Starting point is 00:20:02 and it would stop immediately. Your debate on you are so misinformed on this it's pathetic it's a bloodthirsty let me calm the waters here let me calm the waters here Geraldo who started this war who started firing the rockets and who's firing you want to go back to the 1948, 1967, 1973, you want to go back to the 48 peace partition the 67, 73 war and yes I've been to Israel I've been to you know what I've been to uh the border with Gaza every war since 1973 until 2012 kids can't play in an outdoor playground because they can't get in a bunker.
Starting point is 00:20:48 They play in indoor bunker playgrounds. I've seen the rockets, 10,000 in one city in 10 years. A Palestinian life is exactly equal to an Israeli life or an American life. Who do you blame for firing the rockets first? Who do you blame for firing it from densely populated areas and hospitals and schools? This current chapter of this ongoing violence started when Israeli cops raided the Aqsa Mosque in the old city of Jerusalem. Get out of here. You're just lying. It is one of the most sacred places. You don't know what you're
Starting point is 00:21:25 talking about. It is one of the most sacred places in the world. Listen to this guy. This guy doesn't, he's, have you ever been, have you been at war? I've been there many times. Have you? I'm showing video of me there. No, but you haven't either. That's the interesting thing. I have been there multiple times. That tunnel right there, that was built with Israeli and American money and cement. And that cement was meant for hospitals and schools, guys. That cement right there, 60 feet underground tunnels so that these terrorists can sneak in the dark of the night and kill Israelis. Why don't you ever show the dead Palestinian children? Why don't you ever show the video of the dead Palestinian children?
Starting point is 00:22:06 Because if I ever step foot in Gaza, I'd be dead. They don't count. You don't even understand the history. This is embarrassing. Demand to cease fire. I demand to cease fire. I demand to cease fire.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Who controlled that Palestinian area from 48 to 67? The Jordanians who seized fire so they can kill more Jews? Are you nuts? Demand a ceasefire. All right, we'll leave it there. Demand a right so they can rearm and kill more Jews. This is great.
Starting point is 00:22:39 All right, all right, all right, enough. That's right. My goodness. Three Zionists arguing about who killed the most Jews. Who killed the most people, enough. That's right. My goodness. Three Zionists arguing about who killed the most Jews. Who killed the most people, yeah. Again, it's about the kids, but there's a lot in there. One of the first things, Hannity says he demands that Israel win the war. Is Sean Hannity, did he enlist?
Starting point is 00:22:56 Yeah, are we at war? Yes, it's a war now. Are you a commander now? I guess maybe you've always been a commander with those CIA pins. You notice how quickly Sean Handy put the brakes on the discussion as soon as Geraldo started talking about kids getting killed. And, you know, that had to change immediately. You can't talk about kids getting killed. You can't talk about six-year-old Hamas commanders dying. And so there's so much to unpack in this conversation here.
Starting point is 00:23:25 Sean Handy was wearing how many pins? I'm wearing two. Two CIA pins. But I don't have CIA pins. And so, but the idea, of course, is that the argument that's going on here between both sides of this issue, and there's not a winner in this, okay, because it's never meant to be a win in this. The only losers, think about this, the only losers are the Palestinian people. That's it. Yes. Palestinian people didn't fire rockets. Six-year-old kids
Starting point is 00:23:59 didn't fire rockets. They're just looking for food. Did I hear Mr. Hannity right when he said that Hamas was hiding out in tunnels that the U.S. built with U.S. concrete and with U.S. money? Oh, not just any tunnels. The tunnels that Sean Hannity went to. How would a CIA, yeah, now I know the connection. That's what he said. He said the tunnels that he went to go see, the tunnels were made with Israeli and American paid for concrete. Well, those are the tunnels that Hamas keeps using to bring arms and munitions and sneak in to the Israeli territories to attack the Jews. I mean, first of all, that whole segment, it looked like a schoolyard brawl, not professional journalists, adults speaking about a very serious subject, which is a war to build greater Israel. If we will break down what is the point
Starting point is 00:24:54 of Gaza? What is the mission for Gaza? We covered this years ago. They want to build an exclusionary zone. They spoke about this. They want to build the new Suez Canal. That's what Israel's goal is. And I will just remind our viewers and listeners, about a year and a half back, we talked about some of the particulars of the Jared Kushner plan. And part of that plan was to rebuild Gaza and to rebuild the West Bank. Well, it's a lot easier to rebuild something if you've already completely destroyed the infrastructure and anything that might stand in your way from rebuilding. And wouldn't?
Starting point is 00:25:29 You know what? The Egyptians are standing by with half a billion dollars ready to pay for developing infrastructure that Egypt and Israel will get to take advantage of. But guess who won't get to take advantage of that, Edward? The Palestinian people, unless, of course, they're waiters and servers or running shoeshine stands in what is left of Gaza and the West Bank. Well, certainly, and not to be outdone by the U.S. propagandists, the Israeli media is having a field day. The ones... Oh, yeah, they're almost giddy with the light.
Starting point is 00:25:59 I didn't believe this until I read some of the translations of what's being said on Israeli TV. Yeah, look at this, folks. Channel 7 in Israel, the founder of it is a man named Kobe Finkler. Now, a man named David Sheen, he's done a great job as a journalist, a Jewish man that obviously can speak Hebrew, and he basically has made a career out of exposing Zionism, statements of it. So there is a reporter, that's Kobe Finkler, on site at a location where missiles are coming in.
Starting point is 00:26:27 In this regard, he's reporting for Channel 20. A missile has just landed near him, and it's in northern Israel. And he says, oh, but there's no non-Jewish citizens of Israel here. It's a big regret. It's a big regret. It did not result in scores of dead here. Right. That's something he actually said on TV, cheering the attacks on. We're not playing the audio because he's speaking Klingon and you won't be able to understand it. So that's why we've got the English translation up here.
Starting point is 00:26:56 But he really did say that he, and he not only said it once, he said it twice. Oh, sure. Yeah. In a second report, he said that a missile that fell near the town of Shefa Mar, that it was a shame, an absolute shame that it did not result in the massacre of non-Jews. And that's what he said on his live report. He's sad. He's angry. He wants to punch someone because people weren't killed by fire that was coming in.
Starting point is 00:27:25 He wants the land to be cleared so that settlers can come in. Again, Mr. Bongino, if you knew your history, if you were paying attention to what was happening in the Middle East, you'd know that's what started this latest round of conflict. Well, it's in the U.S. media, too, as you saw with Fox. But what they're doing here, Doc, is they're finding academics. They're finding professors who, you know, they're really smart. They get paid to think. They're getting them to write justifications for the war.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Yeah, and this is just crazy talk here now. So Government Propaganda Outlet Newsweek is reporting, giving some of the academics a chance. Think about this. It used to be give peace a chance. Now let's give war a chance. You've got liberal outlets, liberal outlets arguing for war in the Middle East. Oh, certainly. And they have quite the stable of puppets to quote from.
Starting point is 00:28:28 In this case, they quoted from the University of Cincinnati professor, emeritus Abraham Miller. My understanding is when you're emeritus, that means that they no longer want you to show up anymore. Well, not only that, you still get a paycheck. You still get paid, yes. Okay. So he became, he's obviously a vocal supporter of Israel.
Starting point is 00:28:44 He became famous attacking Bernie Sanders, actually. He said that Bernie Sanders is only nominally Jewish, and he's a self-hating Jew because he's criticized Israel. In this op-ed, this is what Professor Miller said. He said, destroyed, the cost of war must be so great that Hamas will not be able to repeat its periodic foray of violence, its continual mobilization of wars of attrition. If the dog is to survive, then the fleas must be destroyed in their earliest stages. Think about that statement there. So the Israelis are the dogs and he's calling the Palestinians, the kids really, the ones
Starting point is 00:29:24 who've died, he's calling them fleas. Yes, they must be destroyed in the earliest stages. He wants to abort Palestinian kids. Right. We don't want to say there's no giving peace yet another chance. For Israel, only war will solve its problem with an intractable enemy hell-bent on its destruction. It's time for Israel to ignore the international community that will rebuild Hamas' military capacity and give war a chance. Wow. That guy probably should
Starting point is 00:29:52 not be allowed to print articles anymore. The idea here, of course, is the left has always been in favor of war. Oh, sure. They've never been anti-war because the left knows where the hogs get their slop. Well, Zionism is bipartisan. That's right. And we know that. Zionism is bipartisan.
Starting point is 00:30:11 And there's no greater example of that than Florida, Congressman. Yes, I was shocked to see this. I was shocked to see this today. I didn't know this. Representative Brian Mast, just south of us here, Congressman, he tweeted this. He said, I lost two legs fighting terrorists in the Middle East. All right, now let's hold it right there. He did lose two legs fighting terrorists in the Middle East.
Starting point is 00:30:34 But it's this second statement in here that got my attention, Edward. And then volunteered alongside the IDF in Israel. But Twitter says, I don't have a clue. Got it. Basically, he was being called out because of his support for Israel in all of this situation. And that mass didn't understand the whole situation, the whole dynamics. And as Edward pointed out, I mean, you know, we were told he lost his two legs fighting terrorists. And so, but then he volunteered to work alongside, fight alongside the IDF.
Starting point is 00:31:10 That's Israel's army, a foreign army. A sitting congressman, his retort to the people criticizing his position, maybe even supporting, sending millions of dollars of weapons to the Israelis so they can bomb more Palestinians. His retort to that is, no, no, no, I know exactly what I'm talking about. I fought with those people that are shooting the bombs. I mean, think how ridiculous that would be.
Starting point is 00:31:33 There's a terrorist like, oh, I volunteer with Hamas. I volunteer with ISIS. I volunteered with the German brown shirts before they became an official army. Yeah, that would be the equivalent of that. Well, I think I can, I'm starting to understand why there is an actual grassroots movement that's rising up against this stuff. I think it is really happening. It's going into something we mentioned yesterday. There's a movement within Google, for example.
Starting point is 00:31:57 Google, about 250 employees are calling themselves the Jewish diaspora in tech. Well, they said something interesting yesterday. It's in the letter they published. They said they want to terminate all contracts with the Israeli military. Did you know Google had military contracts with the Israeli military? Yes. Really? So, again, kind of the revolt with inside the left-wing Zionists, right-wing Zionists, the groups,
Starting point is 00:32:25 they're starting to expose facts that we didn't know before. We didn't know Brian Mass served with the IDF. We didn't know that Google was actually helping the Israeli military. We have to wonder, what were they doing for the Israeli military? For the Chinese, they have Project Maven, which is a surveillance drone operation, surveillance technology operation. Is that what they're doing for the IDF? I think it's interesting.
Starting point is 00:32:47 You look at this image from the Jerusalem Post here. Now if we had created that image, we'd be anti-Semitic, of course. The Jerusalem, or excuse me, the Palestine Post can do it and put that up. But there is a movement even among Jews right now that are getting fed up with the impact of Zionism upon their families, upon their own neighbors, upon their own friends, upon their own status as a people. And so, and once again I'll point out that the only reason why the gospel is withheld in Israel and Gaza and the West Bank is because of Zionism. Yes.
Starting point is 00:33:24 Zionism keeps the gospel from being preached. And people that partner with Zionism. They literally outlawed God TV. Yes. Anyway, there's a lot of interesting things that are happening. Facebook, we touched on this a little bit yesterday as well. We talked about them setting up a special operations center to monitor content on Gaza and the West Bank. It appears, Edward, that someone has received the brunt of this special operations center.
Starting point is 00:33:58 Yes, and it wasn't us for once. It actually were the Zionists. The most prominent Christian Zionists at that, Friends of Zion President Michael Evans. Mike Evans, his Jerusalem prayer team Facebook page was, I thought it was yesterday it was taken down, but apparently it was several days ago that it was shut down. On Friday. Friday and reporting on it. He was holding out and really making a big stink about it, yelling about it until this week because he was hoping to get the page back right now. He had 77 million followers, supposedly had 77 million followers. By the way, that's up seven million from a year ago, which I do not believe for one moment are real followers,
Starting point is 00:34:47 but that's another discussion we can have here. But apparently there was a lot of reaction on the Jerusalem prayer team Facebook page over the past, well, since all the bombing has been going on in Gaza. And Mike Evans says that there was a cyber attack upon his Facebook page by radical Islamists. That's it. It was radical Islamists that brought his Facebook page down. He's literally saying that cyber terrorism took place. And he's been calling anybody who will listen, including Jared Kushner. That's his own claim.
Starting point is 00:35:28 He called Jared Kushner, he called Mike Pompeo. He's even tried to work with the Israeli foreign ministry. Not President Biden's Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken. No, working with the Israeli foreign ministry. And in addition to this, he is saying that this is an example of persecution against Christians. What's interesting about this, Doc, is that Mike Evans and others were absolutely silent when we were being banned. Actually, they were the ones advocating for us to be banned, us to be censored.
Starting point is 00:36:03 Because we were saying bad things. We were saying mean things. We were actually accusing the Zionists in Israel of doing the things they were actually doing. And so now Mike Evans is on the other side of the fence on this now as his Jerusalem prayer page, 77 million followers supposedly. CBN did an interview with Mike Evans earlier this week, talked with him about what is going on.
Starting point is 00:36:30 Let's hear what Mike Evans had to say about this. And it's his son. Oh, I'm sorry. It's Mike Evans' son. You're right. And had a lot to say about this. So listen into this. Let's listen to this explanation.
Starting point is 00:36:43 During this conflict between Israel and Hamas, we've been praying for peace. We've been praying for God to protect Israel. We've been praying for peace in Jerusalem. We've been praying for blessing over the Jewish people, protection over the Jewish people. We've been praying for protection over Arab Israelis. We've been praying for protection over the Christian Gentiles there in Israel for everyone. And we've been praying for an end to the bloodshed there in Israel. You know, it's crazy to me how most of the attacks against Israel and people that would support Israel are rooted. The foundation of those attacks is in anti-Semitism.
Starting point is 00:37:39 It's in hatred. And it's anti-Semitism that draws its line all the way to the Nazis. You know, you had the first Palestinian leader, the Moteef of Jerusalem, that moved to Berlin to be an ally of Hitler. You know, it's anti-Semitism that goes all the way back to Haman. You know, it, it's, it's, and one thing that I tell people when we pray about anti-Semitism, pray against anti-Semitism, because that's the only thing that we pray against. I pray four things. There's one thing that I pray against. And the one thing that I pray against is that attitude, that spirit of anti-Semitism. And, you know, I tell people it's not just a bad idea. It's evil. You know, it's an attack on people who are fearfully and wonderfully made in God's image. And, you know, it's crazy that the, I believe, the root, the foundation of all of this, the foundation of the attacks on Israel, the foundation of the attacks on us
Starting point is 00:38:48 for praying on our prayers is rooted in anti-Semitism. Well, I'd like to remind Mike Evans Jr. that the Palestinians are a Semitic people too, and they've been facing anti-Semitism here, and it's been very practical. They've been dying. And so they've been facing the brunt end of anti-Semitism from Israel itself in all of this. And as we've made the connection before, the connection with Hamas and Benjamin Netanyahu earlier this week, that adds a lot more fuel to the fire. Now, we mentioned that Mike Evans' Jerusalem prayer team Facebook page had 77 million followers.
Starting point is 00:39:31 When we did a story, I believe it was about two years ago now on Mike Evans, there was a big Christian media event going on in Israel with all the big names and everything. At that time, they had 65, 70 million followers on Facebook. And that number just did not feel right. And apparently there are some questions about how Jerusalem prayer team achieved so many followers. Yes, before the banning of the page, this would be about
Starting point is 00:40:08 a week and a half ago, there was a Pakistani news outlet that kind of raised attention to what's up with Jerusalem Prayer Team automatically getting followers. What I mean by this is there were individuals that were noticing that when they logged on to Facebook, they had their own account, that they would be automatically signed up as a follower for the Jerusalem prayer team. That's kind of odd. An auto-follow have hit a switch. They might have had something turned on, which made it so people did not know that they were falling to the stage. But that didn't stop
Starting point is 00:40:51 people like Mike Evans from touting that number as if it were the gospel. Yeah, let's keep this image up for just a moment here, because it's always been my feeling since I first heard that number, that first of all, I believe that a lot of those followers that are on there aren't really followers at all. They're imaginary. After all, Mike Evans has boasted about his ties with Israeli intelligence. Yes. And they have, Israeli intelligence has already admitted to creating millions of fake Facebook accounts.
Starting point is 00:41:21 They admitted this two years ago to doing that. Also, we also know that there are entities out there, some intelligence entities that go out and harvest names and information from people and then do automatic lights. They use bots to do that. Our government's thinking about doing this, right? Right. And if they're thinking about doing it, it means they've already done it. Rick, when we were talking to Rick last night about this particular issue, he has always questioned that that number of 70 plus million, now 77 million followers,
Starting point is 00:41:56 giving you the impression that there's just this huge army out there that is, you know, following this particular Facebook page. And he wasn't buying it. And I don't think any of our viewers and listeners should buy it either. Well, he was using it. I'm talking about Mike Evans. I've watched how this has been used, that number. Let's say it's legit. It's questionable if it's legitimate or not, because if you go to the website, and I think you can go to Facebook, the page before it was gone, the interaction levels don't match with something that a group that would have that many followers. You wouldn't have only a couple hundred comments, only a couple hundred likes on something. You'd have, let's say, a million interactions on this. Yeah, when we had a Facebook page
Starting point is 00:42:39 before Facebook banned us, we would post something on there. We'd get hundreds of comments from our viewers and listeners. When the Jerusalem prayer team would post something, they may get a few dozen. Occasionally, they'd get a few hundred on a post. It just, it didn't, it wasn't kosher. Something wasn't right about it. And what wasn't kosher was how we would use that. He would tell prospective marks. Like he'd want to meet with us, certainly. He'd want to have a picture with
Starting point is 00:43:09 President Trump. He'd want to be able to be seen with people of influence so he can fundraise off that, so he can say, we're having success. It's kind of a catch-22, a full circle operation where you're successful because you're able to get in the presence of other people that people perceive to be successful. Remember that big media event he put on where he's saying, we're going to build this anti-Semitism spy center over here in Israel and with the big compound. And he said, and we're going to utilize the resources of our 70 million Facebook followers in order to activate this global army against anti-Semitism. Oh, against the anti-Semitic devils, I believe. Yes. Actually, I have that footage. Oh,
Starting point is 00:43:51 you do? Yeah. So what do you know? That's why we were paying attention to him years ago, because we knew this would be useful. If Control, if you wouldn't mind jumping down to number 38, I want to show you, first of all, this is the promo that Mike Evans created to tout how he weaponizes that 77 million man following even though it's not real or not. The new wars of the 21st century are media wars ideological wars and economic wars. Israel cannot win them alone and Fahs will stand with her. So it's a full spectrum war. They're going to help fight that war. Mind you, they aren't able to fight that war on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:44:29 Apparently the following hasn't made it to Twitter. They only have about 5,000 people following them on Twitter. Of the 77 million they somehow were able to accumulate on Facebook, I guess maybe those same people didn't get a Twitter account. But in addition to this, this is what the Friends of Zion has said about creating a cyber terror network using that army. Our FOC operation is building a cyber terror network
Starting point is 00:45:01 in which we identify these evil devils and we don't allow them to attack a synagogue. We go to the law enforcement. We can do that from Israel, by the way, but we can't do it from the United States. Doug, I don't know about you, but I don't need a fake cyber terror network to identify devils. I just use the Holy Spirit. Maybe he doesn't have access to that. In addition to those two initiatives, he also has created this program where he brings in the evangelical leaders, the ones that we've spoken about on this program, the ambassadors for Zion, brings them in and they get to meet with the Mossad agents who will be their handlers. In 2018, Friends of Zion has continued to mobilize and activate more than 54 million
Starting point is 00:45:54 Bible-believing Christians worldwide to fight anti-Semitism and strengthen the State of Israel. The Friends of Zion team, based in the Fahz Heritage Center, Think Tank, Communication Center, and Museum in Jerusalem, has been working in 2018 on its mission to educate and activate our 54 million followers to support the State of Israel and Jewish people. Our diplomatic team conducted numerous meetings with world leaders in four continents and strengthened the bond with world leaders with a mission to fight anti-Semitism.
Starting point is 00:46:31 FAZ has hosted, educated and mobilized hundreds of ambassadors and diplomats from five continents. We mobilized thousands of religious leaders from five continents. One of the groups we hosted in Israel was 21 of President Trump's evangelical advisors and exposed to them issues relating to Israel. Fahz organized meetings of these global leaders with Prime Minister Netanyahu, top start- startup nation companies, ex-deputy head of Mossad, and intelligence experts.
Starting point is 00:47:10 A mega project with huge success. Fahs welcomed hundreds of media leaders from all over the world, resulting in tens of millions of viewers being educated and motivated to support the State of israel and jewish people well i don't think we'll be getting the friends of zion award for our coverage today in all this but that's one thing that's all we did though yeah but muhammad bin salman did in fact that's
Starting point is 00:47:35 something uh mike evans throws out a friends of zion award like trainers at a throwing candy at a parade and so whenever he finds somebody he wants to give a Friends of Zion award to, he does. Well, Doc, there's another group that won't be receiving Friends of Zion awards, and that would be the Palestinian kids who've been murdered, been killed, that have been massacred, like this young boy. He won't be getting a Friends of Zion award. That's a Hamas commander, right? That's right. That's what we're told. That's a little demon. That's a little devil. That's a Hamas commander, right? That's right.
Starting point is 00:48:05 That's what we're told. That's a little demon. That's a little devil. That's a little devil. We've got to eliminate these. That's a little devil, according to Mike Evans. Are these the ones he's praying for?
Starting point is 00:48:15 They live in Israel, at least the occupied part of Israel. Right. So this is the question I have for Mike Evans and his 77 million followers. You know, these kids have names. They were trying to, they'll never grow up to see, to be married, to have their own kids, never to have their dreams achieved.
Starting point is 00:48:37 But you know what is even more tragic? They'll never grow up to know Jesus Christ either. They'll never have that opportunity because evangelical Zionists have been so caught up in the political aspects of trying to advance the cause of Zionism in the Middle East that they've lost the gospel, that the gospel is not preached,
Starting point is 00:48:58 that the gospel is not shared. If all the resources that have been devoted to building up cyber terror networks and to do all the build all these different playgrounds and everything like that, instead, we're being used to preach the gospel, not just in Israel, but in Gaza and the West Bank. But no, it's a lot easier to do the political thing instead of doing the hard thing. And that is preaching the gospel. You mentioned that, and by the way, I don't know if you noticed in that video or not, that was from 2019, it said 54 million followers. And so he's picked up another 23 million in the past two years.
Starting point is 00:49:38 So once again, something just doesn't gel right there. And you saw in that video too, 21 of President Trump's evangelical advisory team. And they were meeting, you know, with the head of Mossad, former intelligence agents, because, you know, Israel's under attack and they aren't attacking others. And so, but it is quite disturbing at times to watch this and think of all the lost opportunities that we've had to present the gospel message in Israel to the Jewish people. Jews need Jesus. The Muslims need Jesus. And instead, what we do as evangelical Christians, and I don't want to put myself in that category anymore.
Starting point is 00:50:23 What evangelical Christians do is they help war. Because really, Edward, in this whole situation, isn't the solution just to get rid of the Palestinians? Wouldn't that be best? It's absolutely the thing. Shouldn't the Palestinians just give up? Shouldn't they just give in? Shouldn't they just say, well, you know, if we don't do something, they're going to wipe us completely out.
Starting point is 00:50:47 I mean, that's the only two options I have, death or submission. That's it. It's worse in the minds, I think, of the Christian Zionists because it's not like they are getting in front of an initiative to have the Palestinians move to America, give an asylum, give their own land, their own mini-state here, something. Maybe just given the opportunity to work here, to live here. No, the goal of the Christian Zionists is for the Palestinians to become slaves to the Israelis. To find jobs and, let's say, working in the new condos, the new ports, the new hotels. That's their vision for them. They want the Palestinians serving them iced tea when they get their condo in the West Bank or Gaza.
Starting point is 00:51:33 But, Doc, we've looked at a lot of the news this week, and what's been obvious is that from a PR perspective, public relations, this has turned on Israel. They may have won, at least in casualty count and the amount of bombs he succeeded in dropping in Gaza. They may have won from a war perspective. They have certainly not won, and not for a long time, in regard to the public image of Israel. They've been called an apartheid state. They've been called colonizers. They've been lambasted for murdering children. Along the same lines as someone like the president of Syria. There are countries in the West that said Bashar al-Assad was a butcher because he oversaw the chemical
Starting point is 00:52:16 attack of a village. Never got proven, but that was what was said. Because of the use of white phosphorus, because of the skunk weapons, because of the surveillance, because of the actual killing, Israel's being put on the same level as that. And they can't shed that. And they especially can't get a lot of the media to go along with their respective. Mike Evans himself has lost one of his main organs for discussion. You pointed something out, Doc, that this might actually be a curse. Yes.
Starting point is 00:52:51 Well, and, you know, there are a lot of people within the evangelical community, and they'll quote Genesis 12, verse 3. And if you're familiar with it, it's just simply, I will bless those that bless thee, I'll curse those that curse thee. And it's often used in relationship to Israel. So in that passage of Scripture, first of all, the promise was to Abraham and to his seed. And then Paul reveals in Galatians who that seed is, and that seed is Christ. And so if you are in Christ, then you are Abraham's seed is what the New Testament teaches.
Starting point is 00:53:27 You are the heir of Abraham's promises because you are in Christ. Okay. But for those that wonder, are we under a curse? Because, you know, we say we bless those that bless thee, curse those that curse thee. We trot that Genesis 12, 3 out. I got another scripture verse for you. It's found in 2 John 1, verses 7 through 11. So it says this, for many deceivers are entered into the world who confess not that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh. Think about that for just a minute. This is a deceiver and
Starting point is 00:53:59 an antichrist. Look to yourselves that we lose not those things which we have wrought, but that we receive a full reward. Whosoever transgresses and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ hath not God. He that abided in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. If there come any unto you and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God's speed or blessing. For him that biddeth him Godspeed or blessing is a partaker of his evil deeds. So I'll keep that verse up for just a minute because I want you to see a couple things. Who
Starting point is 00:54:35 is it in the world that denies Jesus Christ is come in the flesh? There is one group, there is one nation that does in a great measure, and that is Israel. They are Antichrist. They are Antichrist. You go and try to preach Christ in Israel. They consider child abuse. And see how Antichrist they are. Go and preach Jesus Christ in Israel. Attempt to do that. to teach about the Messiah,
Starting point is 00:55:08 and you will get a quick understanding about how anti-Christ they are. And yet in that same passage there, Edward, look at that final passage there. It says, if there be any that bring not this doctrine, don't receive them into your house, neither bid him blessing. And so it goes back to that idea, I will bless those that bless thee, I'll curse those that curse thee.
Starting point is 00:55:33 What this is saying here, Edward, is that if we are blessing those that are antichrist, we are receivers of the same judgment and judgment as the antichrist, we are receivers of the same judgment and judgment as the antichrist himself. For he that a bid of him blessing is a partaker of his evil deeds. It's like you held the gun. That's right. So all these evangelical Zionists that are out there
Starting point is 00:55:59 that are speaking blessing towards Israel, in spite of everything that they do, in spite of their rejection of Jesus Christ as a nation, in spite of their actions. I say this all the time. Everybody in Israel is not sitting on the banks of the Jordan singing the songs of Moses. In fact, the overwhelming majority of the people in the nation of Israel are atheists. They don't believe in anything, much less Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:56:28 But Jesus Christ, they really don't like a lot. And this passage out of 2 John makes it very clear. God will curse those that bless evil. God will curse those that bless evil. God will curse those that bless evil. We're told that the reason why God is blessing America is because we've blessed Israel. Well, let me ask you something. What blessing do we have on America right now?
Starting point is 00:56:56 What blessing is there that comes from blessing Israel? Are we blessed with lower abortion rates? No, it's more than ever. We're being spied on like the Palestinians are being spied on. Are we being blessed with the reduction of pornography? No, it's not. It's growing faster than ever. Are we being blessed with a reduction in sexual perversion, homosexuality, all these different things in our nation. No, on the contrary, it's growing faster than ever.
Starting point is 00:57:30 I would say that America is under a curse. Maybe we're under a curse because we are blessing so-called Antichrist Israel. Just a thought. See, there's more than one verse in the Bible besides Genesis 12.3. There's 31,106 other verses in the Bible. And you've got to read them all to get a full understanding of what's happening here. We have to ask ourselves the question, is the curse that is on this nation? And I think viewers and listeners right now would have to agree that this nation is under a curse. And judgment is waiting in the wings.
Starting point is 00:58:08 Are we willing to stand up for righteousness and for the word of God and lay aside our blind, hypnotic support of the Zionist state. I want Jews to come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. I want Muslims to come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Not a knowledge of Him, but to know Him as Savior and Lord and God Almighty. What's stopping that from happening?
Starting point is 00:58:40 Zionism. At least in the current conflict. So once again, I apologize. I went on a rant today. No, it's wisdom. It's wisdom that we need. Often we look at these stories, Doc, and we're trying to figure out what's the importance? What's the message? Ultimately for us, the saved, our message is always looking for how this story will impact us fulfilling
Starting point is 00:59:05 the Great Commission in the subject of Israel, even our own domestic politics. Our politicians are obsessed with this subject. Yes. We love our politicians. I'm talking about the Republicans, the conservatives, the Christians who've gone into politics. We'd love for them to advocate for us getting rid of abortion. We'd love for them to get the drag queens out of our schools. Yes. We'd love for them to advocate for us getting rid of abortion. We'd love for them to get the drag queens out of our schools. Yes.
Starting point is 00:59:27 We'd love for an end to war. I mean, I think I've just laid out a three-point plan for any politician that wants the votes from Christians. But at the same time, our election system seems to be corrupt. Our education system seems to be corrupt. Our government is openly bragging and funding spy operations against us. They're trying to curtail our ability to generate wealth. The new measures against cryptocurrency, they have nothing to say about the measures when people try to inflate currencies or even try to do the stocks. You don't get in trouble for that.
Starting point is 01:00:00 But an average person who's decided to start trading with Robinhood or these other assets, whether it be stocks or even cryptocurrency, no, you're a criminal now. You have to be regulated. But back to this, the curse aspect of this, I think is very intriguing. And I think it's compelling. I think it is what is taking place. And for Israel, it's affecting their own foreign policy. Israel was developing a relationship with China. They probably still have a decent relationship with China in the sense that the diplomatic relations, especially the studying of the Talmud, for example, by Chinese leadership, it's a revered book in China. But China cares about money.
Starting point is 01:00:40 The funny thing about communists, they care about capitalism or a capitalist activity at least monopolistic activity at that China has found a way to interject themselves in the center's and in a major way China is actually not only criticizing Israel for the treatment of Palestinians, but they're now actually actively involved in the peace talks now they were trying to to be the lead figure of the Americans, which have always ended up leading and really directing the negotiations, especially on the President Trump. The negotiations excluded the Palestinians. That was at our direction. But it's affecting that relationship. And what's important here, obviously, this past week, we've had negotiations going, and now we hear about a confirmed truce. Well, we're also hearing that there is being money lost. I'd like to move down to 46.
Starting point is 01:01:35 Money lost both in political capital and in investments. The Jerusalem Post says that China has emerged as a leading critic of Israel, but they also, 47 for control, the Express is saying that the business relationship is breaking down. Billions of dollars of investment, in this case, a desalination plant, has been pulled out. The Chinese have been snubbed by Netanyahu, according to the Daily Express. But in addition to that, the port of Haifa has come up. We describe this port as being the predominant project between the Chinese and the Israelis. This is one of the things that was bringing those two countries together.
Starting point is 01:02:13 This is going to be a military port for both science and for ships from the PLA to DACA, as well as Chinese nuclear vessels and the Israeli nuclear vessels to operate out of. Well, unfortunately, it looks like that might be following through. Well, we're going to have to wait to see how this plays out because, like you said, the Chinese are more interested in money than they are communism. But if they can have both, they'll have both too.
Starting point is 01:02:40 And we already know that they were counting on Haifa as kind of being one of those key points along the Belt and Road Initiative for some point in the future. But China's not too worried. They play a very long game. Yes, thousand year plan. Yes. And so they've got a billion and a half people that they can march around the world any time that they want and build roads, build airports, and do all of this.
Starting point is 01:03:05 They move slow, but they are planning something big. And let us not forget the Zionist connections to the birth of Chinese communism. Yes. Sidney Rittenberg. Yes. Advised Mao. That's exactly right. And so you can't dismiss that. So I take these stories with a grain of salt
Starting point is 01:03:28 because I already know that Chinese communism came out of Zionism. And so Zionism plays both ends of the game. At least the Chinese, they know where the heart of it is. I will put this up real quick. Number 43 for control. According to the Jerusalem Post, I watched this report today. We're not going to play the report for you.
Starting point is 01:03:51 It is in there. The Chinese media, the CGTN, they actually reported that America is controlled by wealthy Jews. Well, the Chinese media is reporting the U.S. supports Israel because of wealthy Jews. It's actually accurate. English said this. Right. So this is the Jerusalem Post.
Starting point is 01:04:11 Of course, they're making a critical comment of Chinese media. But is it wrong? Is it wrong? Are they telling the truth? Well, I believe they are. The U.S. is supporting Israel because of wealthy Jews. They are. That's just the truth.
Starting point is 01:04:29 The fact that the Jerusalem Post repeated the headline and put it out there says a lot right there. But there's truth in that. Well, to the average American, break the shackles of this control. Step away from it. Don't let it control your life. And let the spirit stay alive, especially the spirit to fight, to fight injustice, to fight against those who want to hurt you. Doc, we've been doing good news story segments here on The Pro. We'd love to include them.
Starting point is 01:04:59 If you have any stories, especially from where you live or things you see, please send them to We'll happily cover these because we have to also stay sane and a little entertained, I think, in the crazy times. We're not going to entertain in the way the left wants us to with drag queens, but we're certainly going to want to keep our humor alive. Something I saw, an inspiring story out of Florida. Yes. There was an 11-year-old that fought off a kidnapper. Yes. Now, this young girl, Alyssa, a man ran up on her. He tried to take her by force.
Starting point is 01:05:34 A man in his 30s, he tried to ambush her, but she wasn't having any of it. She was playing with a blue slime. It's a toy, kind of, you know, any kids, if you have kids, you know about this. She was really quick on her feet. She watches Law and Order, special victims unit with her mom. And she used the slime to fight off the man, to get it on his arm, to push him away. She broke free. They've got this man now. Here's a report from NBC. Just hours after this disturbing kidnap attempt unfolded in Florida, deputies were able to find the man they say is responsible, all thanks to an unexpected clue. I was able to get the slime onto
Starting point is 01:06:20 his upper arm and I think a little bit onto his jaw. 11-year-old Alyssa told me she was mixing blue paint into some homemade slime Tuesday morning while waiting for the school bus to arrive. Shortly after, this shocking surveillance video released by authorities shows a white vehicle driving up to a nearby corner. A man suddenly jumps out and starts to charge Alyssa. The man got out of his seat, holding a knife, came towards me, and I tried to run, but he caught me. As Alyssa turns to run, the attacker grabs her and tries to drag her back towards the car. But she fought back, and both fell to the ground. The man quickly flees back to the SUV and speeds away.
Starting point is 01:07:08 Authorities say that man is 30-year-old Jared Paul Stanga, now charged with attempted kidnapping of a child under 13, along with aggravated assault and battery. He's being held on just over $1.5 million bond. Alyssa says she knew to get the blue slime on her attacker because of one of her favorite shows she watches with her mom. A little show called Law and Order SVU. But I knew that that might be better evidence or if the cops do find them. Turns out she was right. The victim at the time of the attempted abduction was playing with
Starting point is 01:07:46 blue slime. The suspect, when we caught him, had blue slime all over his own arms. Authorities praising Alyssa for her incredible bravery. I'm not so sure if she actually comprehends exactly what could have happened. And she fought like a trooper. How do you feel to be an example of how to fight back and not give in? What would Detective Olivia Benson say about you for such a good job? Probably you're brave and good job. Courage. We can keep it alive. She shows more courage than a lot of pastors do in speaking up for the right things. And so, you know, I wonder how many of these stories don't get the light of day, Edward. And so it's good to see that there is hope in the world and that there's an opportunity for some, you know, for you don't have to take it anymore.
Starting point is 01:08:42 You don't have to. So, you know, it's an incredible story. I'm just glad that the young girl is okay and that, you know, that man was not successful. You need to be careful in this day and age. There's a lot of crazy people out there. But honestly, if you're in Christ and you're a believer, you've got an angel protecting you. Amen. I believe that.
Starting point is 01:09:03 Well, thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News. We won't kidnap you. We're here to set you free, free from the propaganda, free from the lies. Help us shake more free by becoming a partner with this ministry as we report the truth every day with courage and conviction that you heard nowhere else. You can support True News by going to That is And click on the heart on the left hand side or the red button on the left. You can call our toll
Starting point is 01:09:31 free number at 1-800-576-2116. That is 1-800-576-2116. You can also donate to us by mail at P.O. Box 690069, Vera Beach, Florida, zip code 32969. We accept stocks, cryptocurrency, precious metals, and ammo. If you find it, whatever you want to bless us with, we will gladly receive and put toward our mission here to save souls and report the good news as we approach the second coming of Jesus Christ. Thank you and God bless you. The preceding program was made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit

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