TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Deep State launches new attack on Trump as tax probe flounders

Episode Date: July 15, 2021

Today on TruNews, Edward Szall and the team delve into the drive by the Marxist Left to accuse Donald Trump of a coup against the 2020 election. Nancy Pelosi says the former president may have wanted... to use nukes. General Millie turns out to be a key player in this effort, mirroring the triumphant coup by the Communists last November. Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Lauren Witzke, Doc Burkhart, Kerry Kinsey. Airdate (7/15/21)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help,, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll. The U.S. military trained the Colombian assassins involved in the killing of Haiti's president. Fifty-nine of the phones assigned to Robert Mueller's investigation into President Trump have gone missing. And a new book claims General Milley was the mastermind behind a counter-coup to save the republic from Republicans. We'll discuss all this in just a moment, but first, here is Kerry Kenzie with today's True News Headlines. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey.
Starting point is 00:01:13 BBC News reporting that the South African government is deploying 25,000 troops after days of widespread looting and violence. We have some dramatic video. Watch this mother drop her baby from a burning building in Durban. The building was allegedly set on fire by looters. 72 people have died and more than 1,700 have been arrested in South Africa's worst unrest in years. The military deployment designed to counter riots sparked by the jailing of former President Jacob Zuma on contempt of court charges. Hundreds of shops and businesses have been looted, and the government says it's acting to prevent food shortages. People are arming themselves and forming vigilante groups to protect their property from the rampage. More than 200 incidents of looting and vandalism were recorded just on Wednesday.
Starting point is 00:02:06 For more information on this story and more, visit our companion website. It's called New York Post says a dozen Republican members of Congress want the White House to turn over information related to the business interests of President Biden's family. They want information on trips that Biden took with son Hunter to China in 2013 and Mexico in 2016. They also want documents and communications regarding Hunter Biden's artwork. Richard Painter, an ethics lawyer for George W. Bush, says somebody needs to come clean on who's buying this stuff. Well, somebody is going to be paying this kind of money for artwork. They're very likely to hang it on the wall in the living room.
Starting point is 00:02:53 They're not going to put it in the closet. And then people have parties and invite other people over. And as I say, it could be purchased by some foreign dignitary and be on their walls. And then they invite over the American ambassador. Oh, you've got an original Hunter Biden. Oh, this is really great. And I can't imagine that word isn't going to get out who purchased the artwork. That doesn't seem to make sense.
Starting point is 00:03:17 So it will get out. It's just the American people won't know. But some people will know. And that's exactly where we don't want to be in this situation. The Jerusalem Post says Republicans and others are calling Mark Zuckerberg Zuckerbox. The Anti-Defamation League wants that to stop. They claim the term suggests that rich Jews are controlling levers of power. Here's Representative Lauren Boebert. It's our Facebook overlords sending hundreds of millions of dollars to overwhelmingly Democrat
Starting point is 00:03:54 precincts to increase voter turnout, to get out the vote. They're called Zuckerbucks and they're screwing with our elections by funneling private dollars in a partisan way to government agencies. We're all here today to call bullcrap. But we aren't the only ones. State legislatures with Republicans and Democrat governors have passed legislation to ban this practice. But sadly, many partisans in Democrat states aren't restricting this dangerous practice. So I'm proud to stand with my colleagues to say no.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Billionaires from Silicon Valley won't be allowed to select our commander in chief. Another post reporting that ADL CEO, Jonathan Greenblatt told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency that the term Zuckerbox perpetuates an age-old anti-Semitic stereotype, claiming that rich Jews use their money to exercise inordinate control over governments. Let's look at True News headlines. Let's toss it back to Edward now. is for real. That is for real. There's a picture of him. He blows paint with a crack pipe. Well, I'm sure he doesn't call it a crack pipe.
Starting point is 00:05:30 He calls it an artistic tool. It's art now, though, so it's okay. But we're not talking about the laptop. No, no. Republicans aren't demanding investigation into his laptop. No. You want to talk about his art? Yes.
Starting point is 00:05:43 That's to keep everybody placated. Oh, the Republicans are cracking down on Hunter Biden. Cracking down on Hunter's crack pipe. His crack pipe. And then South Africa with the looting. Did you see all the white supremacists there? Oh, sure. I saw lots of white supremacists out there looking and looting for necessities like sofas.
Starting point is 00:06:04 No white supremacists there causing those riots. And then Zuckerbucks, the ADL has worked out there. They don't want people to think that rich Jews are controlling the world. Well, they love to make headlines, I'll tell you that. But Zuckerberg is censoring people. But don't say he's a rich Jew controlling the world. Yeah, he just happens to be a billionaire. He censors people.
Starting point is 00:06:35 He censors people and influences elections. Yes, okay. But don't say it. Don't say it. Okay, that's the end of today's show. Thanks for joining us. It would be quite more than most are getting from the Marxist media. But Rick, so to start out, before we get into this new deep state attack on President Trump,
Starting point is 00:06:56 it's come out, it's been confirmed from the Pentagon that the assassins in Haiti, a good portion of them, were trained here in the United States. Well, shut my mouth. It turns out we have a series of death camps. I would say death dealer kind of soldier camps. We train Colombian forces, other South American forces. And in this case, we actually trained those ex-Colombian military officials who were involved with the hit team. But they just went bad, didn't they?
Starting point is 00:07:26 I wonder, did we train them to remove eyeballs? Is that where they got that training at? Did they get it from the Pentagon? Or is that something they just picked up along the way? It's funny you mention that, Doc, because you also have to wonder, did we train those people or others to cut up bodies? Because it came out last month that the United States, specifically the CIA, trained the assassin team that went into Turkey to carve up Jamal Khashoggi.
Starting point is 00:07:51 Oh, really? So another one of those odd situations. They got U.S. training. Then they later went out and committed a brutal assassination. Man, we train pretty well, don't we? Yes, but we only but the Pentagon only trains. The people that they train never carry out the training because that would be a conspiracy theory. Oh, I see.
Starting point is 00:08:26 If you actually believe that killers trained by the United States military and the CIA went around the world killing people. That means you're a conspiracy theorist. Take the country off of it. If a country was harboring training camps that were teaching individuals how to murder other people, how to do brutal acts, and then those individuals went to other countries and killed people, what would we be saying? A rogue state, a terrorist state. How are these not terrorist training camps? They are. I mean, that's what they are.
Starting point is 00:08:53 We train the best terrorists, Rick. Our terrorists are A number one. They are. And our government is responsible for the murder of many people around the world, and God condemns murder. And you've got people in the U.S. government who authorize the murder of people. I don't know how they go home at night and have dinner and talk to their wife and kids knowing that during the
Starting point is 00:09:25 business day they authorized the assassination of human beings. I don't know how you do that. Well, I'm pretty sure it's demonic possession, because there's no way you can go home and feel nothing. I don't think there's any humanity left in these people who give the orders to murder people that do nothing and look away when there's human trafficking of children. There's no humanity left in these people who give the orders to murder people that do nothing and look away when there's human trafficking of children. You know, there's no humanity left in these people. There's the only answer that I can give is demonic, complete demonic oppression.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Yeah, I don't think they were demon possessed before they issued the first kill order, but I think every time they killed another person, and that's both the official who signed off on the murder and the assassin who carried out the murder, I believe each time they killed another person, more and more demons came into them until they have legions. There's so many demons in them that you can't count them. And yet they're respectable people in high positions throughout the government agencies. I mean, look at the way President Trump, he was very proud that he ordered a killing of General Soleimani. Oh, sure, sure. Of Iran. And yet they set him up.
Starting point is 00:10:49 They baited him to come, planning to kill him. As a murder. Do you remember he served chocolate cake with President Xi at the Mar-a-Lago? While he was bombing Syria. Yeah, that's right. So, look, there will be people who get very upset with me and say, don't you understand that our leaders have to kill these people? I don't understand. I'm going by the Bible. It's murder.
Starting point is 00:11:17 It's murder. We're not talking about an invasion where a country has come into your country and planning to conquer you. And you're trying to defend your home. Yes, that's different. We're going into other people's countries, killing their leaders. Regime change. And this has been going on ever since the CIA was created in the late 40s after World War II. It was the OSS, and then it became, look, one of the first persons that they killed,
Starting point is 00:11:51 I'm talking about the CIA, one of the first victims of the CIA hit team was General Patton. They killed our own general. They had him knocked off. Because General Patton was going to come back to the United States and tell the American people what he saw happening in post-war Germany. Such as Operation Paperclip. Which was this OSS flying the Nazis to America by the thousands. Yes.
Starting point is 00:12:24 And they were afraid that General Patton was going to run for president in 1948 against Harry Truman. Oh, boy, he would have won. So they killed him. Oh, yes, he would have won. And they killed him. How do I know? Because I interviewed the man who wrote the book,
Starting point is 00:12:38 Target Patton, and he interviewed the hitman on his deathbed. All right. So our government, we've had an evil presence. There's something inside our government that is evil and wicked. And it's not the entire government, but there is a shadow secret government. And it came out of the shadows in 2020 um really in 2017 after the election of president trump it came out of the shadows you really saw its existence and that's what we're going to talk about here today so we've got the pentagon admitted today uh yeah we did train some of the assassins um but they just, you know, they went through our training program. We taught them how to kill.
Starting point is 00:13:29 We didn't know they were actually going to implement our techniques. Yes. They went rogue. They went rogue. We didn't have anything to do with it. And another story regarding the Haitian president's assassination. This is NBC Channel 8, Florida. Florida security firm faces questions in Haiti assassination.
Starting point is 00:13:50 What is this about, Edward? So this is about a Miami-based company called CTU Security. Now, the owner of it, Tony Entriago, has been accused by the Haitian police of actually helping to plan the assassination. This is because it was his company that hired and basically answered the call for a contract to work security in Haiti. That's at least his explanation. He said, I didn't ask for many details. It just said, you need to hire Colombians. Specifically, they're asking for ex-Colombian military. They need to come in armed, and they're going to be doing security in the country. Something important here, Rick, there are many Americans who've lost access to bank accounts. We have one sitting here at the table with us today. You've been debanked.
Starting point is 00:14:33 What would you say if I told you this mercenary firm operating out of Florida happily is able to use the credit card system, actually use credit to buy the plane tickets, to send the assassins to Haiti? Lauren, there's no report that they've actually lost this account or lost the ability to use our banking system, or they can still fly too. How does that make you feel? Is it Wells Fargo? Probably. Well, you see, I'm the face of domestic terrorism in this country now, apparently, because I'm a Christian, because I'm conservative, and real assassins and terrorists can have bank accounts.
Starting point is 00:15:09 Illegal aliens can have bank accounts. But I can't have a bank account because of my—I think the wrong way or I believe the wrong way because I love Jesus. I become—you know, which, I mean, they should be afraid, you know, of—you know, I carry a greater weapon, Jesus Christ, through me. So, you know, the evil, satanic regime should be afraid of You know, I carry a greater weapon, Jesus Christ, through me. So, you know, the evil satanic regime should be afraid of me. You know, they tremble at his name. They do.
Starting point is 00:15:31 But it's a very sad commentary on America that people like you have had your bank accounts closed and assassins have no problem doing business, doing death business, but they're on the right side of the regime. They're the foot soldiers of the big satanic regime. They're not going to shut down their bank accounts or make it hard for them to fly. Just the ones that oppose, you know, this satanic, it really is a satanic rule over this nation.
Starting point is 00:16:02 You had mentioned that there's something like hovering over our nation that's so evil. You know, we were founded like by Freemasonry. Is that correct? Like years ago, we were initially founded by Christians. Yeah, the leadership, you know, and that links back years. And that's still here. And that's something that we have failed to cut off from our, you know, our nation. Earlier in the introduction, Edward, you mentioned the molar probe
Starting point is 00:16:28 and that 59 of the 96 phones, mobile phones that were used by prosecutors and investigators who were investigating Donald Trump to prove that he was a stooge of the Russians. The phones are missing. These phones are government property. Oh, they're sure. And they've already been transferred from Robert Mueller's team to the Department of Justice. This took place in 2019.
Starting point is 00:16:57 Then at that point, there were already some phones which were unaccounted for. Oh, I see what you're saying. Only able to find about 79 of them. And now the reigning amount the Department of Justice had, and Rick, they specifically took them in to catalog the text messages, catalog the emails. Because remember, remember Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, the two who were carrying on an illicit relationship, who were fantasizing about destroying President Trump and the Republicans who dared to vote for him.
Starting point is 00:17:24 Well, now, Rick, they just seem to have misplaced them all. It's just like the laptop, the laptop that was found, you know, taken from Trump Tower outside, the FBI laptop, Anthony Weiner's laptop, too. How about Hillary Clinton's phones and her computers and her files? Where's her emails? I mean, the FBI allowed Hillary Clinton to take hammers and beat the Blackberries. The Blackberries. Yes.
Starting point is 00:17:50 They allowed her to do it. And then they allowed her to use a software. Remember Bleachbit? Yes. They actually physically destroyed evidence. Well, I guess you can do that when you're on the dark side. I understand the story a little bit better now. I knew early on when they first were doing the investigation on the phones that some I understand the story a little bit better now. I knew early on after when they
Starting point is 00:18:05 first were doing the investigation on the phones that some of the phones were missing. And I assume that this number here meant from the beginning. But what you're saying is there were some that were missing at the beginning of the investigation. And now, as the investigation has progressed, even more are missing that were in the hands of those that were investigating. Yeah. Well, the investigation, the Mueller investigation is over. Well, what I'm saying is, but after they collected the phones, some of those phones went missing.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Oh, okay. So. What would be on the phones that they want to hide? Incriminating text messages? You could only imagine. Phone call. Evidence that hasn't yet been destroyed? A history of phone calls, like to reporters.
Starting point is 00:18:53 Lawmakers? Now, here in our organization, we're very, you know, I'm trying to think of the right word here. We're very security-minded, okay? We take our computer equipment seriously. We take all of our internal equipment seriously. We take our phones very seriously. What if I came in one day, Rick, and I said, hey, Rick, I've got some bad news for you. Two thirds of our phones are missing. I mean, what would your reaction be?
Starting point is 00:19:27 Can't say it here. Cameras are running. Of course. No, I would be. You'd be asking, what do you mean missing? I said, they're just gone. I walked out the door. I would call an immediate meeting of the staff, and I would demand answers.
Starting point is 00:19:47 And I would want a statement from everybody who's missing equipment. I mean, same thing. If you told me 20 computers in this building are missing, I'd be saying, well, we've been robbed. And this is theft. This is Grand Larson. He called the police. But we're talking about the Department of Justice. Right.
Starting point is 00:20:08 The same Department of Justice that couldn't keep Jeffrey Epstein alive in his cell. That's right. So they're corrupt. There is no justice in America anymore, which is leading us to the theme of today's program. And that is there is a major operation underway today to smear Donald Trump. And it's so obvious what they're doing. It's coming at him from multiple directions. They've opened up fire simultaneously. We saw it happen numerous times during the investigation.
Starting point is 00:20:44 There would just be a flood of damaging stories over a day or two. Leaked phone calls. How's he going to survive this? He's going to have to resign. This is devastating. Well, the man's not in office. Yes.
Starting point is 00:21:01 But they're still attacking him because they're afraid he's going to run again. They're terrified of an ex-president. And so we're seeing that, you know, yesterday, today, various major news organizations have published exclusive reports, or when they say exclusive, eh? Yeah, stop the presses. It's very important. Oh, yeah. That means the intelligence agencies said... Only gave it to them.
Starting point is 00:21:30 You get to use this. You're the first to run with this story. And so the first one, and we're going to show you the various hits that have come out in the past 24 hours against President Donald Trump. The first one is about a book, I Alone Can Fix It. And this is making a lot of news today. What is the... So, Edward, has this book actually...
Starting point is 00:22:01 Is it on the market right now? Is it available to buy, or is this something that's going to be released in the coming weeks? The pre-sale is open, so they're selling a lot of copies thanks to these stories, but it's not going to be available to the general public until January. But an exclusive version of this book was given to CNN and I'm guessing also a couple other outlets in January. That's a long time away. It gives a lot of time to edit it between now and then, too. Yes. So the book is clearly about the last year of President Trump's presidency, specifically looking forward to the time period before the election, right after the election,
Starting point is 00:22:39 going into the inauguration of Joe Biden. Now, CNN is very happy about this book. They focused, obviously, on the man on the screen there, General Milley. General Milley is the chairman, the joint chief of staff. So we have a couple of quotes from this book. One of the first hits they've done is that President Trump was planning a coup. This is the big report. He was planning a coup, and General Milley report. He was planning a coup and General Milley,
Starting point is 00:23:06 the one that has launched this new woke attack in the military, this change in our country, our flag and our ethos, that he saved the republic, that he intervened, that he worked against the president. He recruited the CIA director, the FBI director, other generals, even brought in Mike Pompeo, the Secretary of State, to ensure a smooth transition and also to make sure that nukes didn't go off, to start a war, to stop a change of government. Oh, yeah. This clearly shows that General Milley was deeply involved in the resistance of Donald Trump.
Starting point is 00:23:44 And the book paints General Milley as the hero in all this. Of course. You know, if it wasn't for General Milley, Donald Trump would be nuking everybody and going after everything. Well, I mean, we're talking about a general that reads the writings of Mao Zedong and... Lenin? Yeah, Lenin. No, Karl Marx.
Starting point is 00:24:03 Karl Marx, yeah. Yeah, I mean, of course he's brilliant. No, Karl Marx. Karl Marx, yeah. Yeah, I mean, of course he's brilliant. Of course he's a hero here, Doc. I mean, we have a Marxist reading general running the Pentagon right now. And so he opposed Donald Trump privately, in the shadows, consistently for years. And now they're bragging about it. Now they're coming out in the open and saying,
Starting point is 00:24:29 look, look how smart we are. Look how heroic we are. We stood up to Trump. We defeated Trump. We pushed him out. And now we're going to crush him and his supporters. So this is the first attack today that we're seeing. And I know, Edward, you've got some of the quotes from from the story.
Starting point is 00:24:56 So, yes. So the first story in CNN led with the country's top military officer was so convinced that then President Donald Trump would attempt a coup after his election loss to Joe Biden that he and other senior generals made plans to stop him. General Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and his deputies, reportedly pledged to resign en masse if they were given an order by President Trump that was illegal or unconstitutional. Quoting Milley, according to the sources for this book, they may try, but they're not going to succeed. Obviously, there's an expletive that General Milley reportedly used. Milley was watching the election returns from his home at Fort Myer in Arlington, Virginia.
Starting point is 00:25:39 The book claims that he memorialized the night by keeping his own scorecard of states in his journal as results were coming in. Milley also told associates that he believed Trump was the classic authoritarian leader with nothing to lose, which he actually compared in a sense to Hitler. He made a note of President Trump using the gospel of the Fuhrer. Milley is portrayed in the book as the key figure, and he stood between President Trump and the overthrow of the government. But the core of this, Rick, is that I suspect that this book
Starting point is 00:26:15 was largely sourced through General Milley. As this first quote noted, President Trump is the villain. General Milley is the hero. There's also a series of very specific quotes about what General Milley said. Now, they claim his aides said this. Maybe it could be a chief of staff. But Rick, in this book, there's reportedly quotes from a conversation, a one-on-one conversation between General Milley and Mike Pompeo at General Milley's house. Okay, so how would you get those quotes? Unless
Starting point is 00:26:51 Mike Pompeo is the source, or probably more likely here, General Milley. So General Milley is claiming that he prevented Donald Trump from overthrowing the government. But the truth is General Milley participated in a coup to overthrow the president. Yes. It's a classic case of projection. This is what they do. They accuse you of the things they're guilty of like themselves every single time. You know, and Milley's been getting a lot of heat lately for his recent press, like,
Starting point is 00:27:26 I guess he did a press conference talking about his biggest focus is white rage and all this stuff. He's been getting a lot of heat. And this was released. The timing is perfect, you know, but it's certainly projection with all the edit, like the audit, election results coming out. It's like, no, no, no. We saved you from a coup when really it was them from the beginning. If he thinks this helps him, well, it helps him with the leftist base, but it doesn't help him with the other half of the country because it only solidifies our view that Milley was an active participant, a long running participant in the resist Trump movement,
Starting point is 00:28:08 and that he committed really mutiny against the president of the United States by it was sedition. Milley is guilty of sedition. He should resign. Biden is not going to fire him because Obama won't let him. Oh, he invited him to the state of the union, remember? He was one of the few. Lawmakers were cut out, but General Milley was a special guest. Milley should resign. He's an embarrassment to the U.S. military. And for the first time, for the first time in my lifetime, middle- class patriotic Americans who make up the heart and soul of this country are now feeling like the U.S. military has betrayed them and can no longer be trusted. And that the military has turned left.
Starting point is 00:29:07 Military was always neutral through every election until Milley. Yes. Milley has weaponized the military, politically weaponized the military. And physically. Milley should resign. And physically, if this quote is correct, General Milley was actually briefing police, other generals, and senior members in Congress, the American people, the people showing up in part to protest, some just to attend the rally that President Trump was organizing in the Capitol. They are Nazis. They're akin to the enemies we fought and defeated in World War II.
Starting point is 00:29:43 This is a quote from... Well, in that case, he'd be willing to turn loose soldiers to shoot and kill them. Absolutely. The enemies. He's literally saying they're enemies. Enemies of America. Enemies of the country. Enemies of freedom. They're enemies of the communist revolution of which Milley is part of. I didn't say he reads Marx and Mao. He said it. I mean, what does that make you? If you're spending your time studying two of the biggest
Starting point is 00:30:15 communist butchers in the history of the world, I mean, do you have a lot of free time to study the writings of killers? No, I don't have that much time in my schedule, Rick, to be honest with you. But obviously General Milley does. Yes. And he wanted to talk about it. And he also likes to read Marxist propaganda on the critical race theory, which he's introduced now into the military to indoctrinate American soldiers to hate America, to despise white people in this country, and so discord and distrust. I'm telling you, Milley's got to go. He's got to resign from the military.
Starting point is 00:31:02 There has to be pressure to force that man out. And this isn't a recent seditious hobby of his to start reading and enacting Marxist doctrine. Rick, what would you say if I told you that prior to joining the U.S. Army, General Milley's thesis, this is in college back at Princeton, was actually on organizing guerrilla revolutions? First of all, he didn't go to West Point. No, he didn't. He graduated from Princeton. But yes, his senior thesis while at Princeton was on organizing a guerrilla revolution. He knows a lot about critical race theory, at least being critical
Starting point is 00:31:43 of these kind of ideas, because he actually named this thesis the Critical Analysis of Revolutionary Guerrilla Organizations in Theory and Practice. Okay, you can't make up this stuff. No. You have a guy that in college wrote a thesis on how to organize a communist... Look, when you say guerrilla revolution, you're talking about a communist revolution. And now he's the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and he says, I read the writings of Mao Zedong and Karl Marx,
Starting point is 00:32:14 and I'm introducing Marxism into the military, and I organized an internal resistance to the sitting commander in chief. What do you call this guy? A communist. A communist. He's Marxist Millie. And this wasn't some light reading like a 10-page paper or something like that that you turn in.
Starting point is 00:32:37 This was 185 pages. This was a detailed work, you know, that he laid out. I mean, that's close to 100,000 words. So he's an expert on how to organize a communist revolution. And now he's put it into practice. He's been putting it into practice for a long, long time. He's worked his way up, worked his way in to the military. But this is where we're at now in this country.
Starting point is 00:33:05 They have one of their revolutionaries inside the military, at the very top. Yes, and you mentioned attacks. Another quote in this article was that General Milley met one-on-one with Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House. He actually reassured her that President Trump wouldn't be able to use the nuclear weapons. That Nancy Pelosi said President Trump might use a nuclear weapon to start a war, stop a change of guard, change of power. And General Milley said, no, no, we have protocols in place. I'm making sure personally there will be no war. There'll be no nukes. There'll be nothing because I'm in control, not the commander in chief. Well, and yeah, I remember that story with Pelosi because we're like, what?
Starting point is 00:33:50 What are you talking about? Donald Trump's not talking about nuking anybody. But what they were doing. One thing I can say about him is he loves America. He's not going to nuke us. That was never a thought in my mind. As soon as she said it, I was like, wacky. What else was going on at that time? Discussion ofth amendment they were saying he's crazy he's out of his mind he might
Starting point is 00:34:13 he might start a nuclear war but there was a president that uh did mention about using nukes against americans right and that was president joe. That's true. And not nuking enemies, nuking the American people if they dared to threaten the regime's power. So where's the 25th Amendment on Joe Biden? They're not going to use it because he's not the president. Barack Hussein Obama is the president. So that's another case of projection, again, where they accuse Donald Trump of using the nukes when it's actually the Biden administration and the Marxists that currently run this country who are willing to nuke Americans in a heartbeat. I mean, they even threatened it. So I'm just noticing that that seems to be something they're really good at, is projecting the same things that they're guilty of onto us.
Starting point is 00:35:02 What else has General Milley done in his career? Well, after joining the military, Rick, he went off to invade Panama. He was involved in the evasion and occupation of Haiti in 1991. Invaded Yugoslavia. He'll know how to find his way to Haiti then. Oh, yeah. He's an expert of this doctrine. He also was involved several times with occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Starting point is 00:35:28 But he really came to prominence here. And this photo is from the moment I'm about to share. When Barack Hussein Obama was making a major push toward gun control, prior to the end of his second term, 2014, General Milley was the commanding officer, the commanding general of Fort Hood. Now if you remember, there was a shooting that took place on the military base of Fort Hood. Unarmed soldiers were being massacred by unarmed soldier gone nuts. Three killed, 16 injured. But this was used by
Starting point is 00:36:00 President Obama to push for gun control. And in all places, Texas, okay? General Milley was in charge. And just after this, Barack Obama decided to pick him, elevate him above his peers. He was not next in line by any means to become the Army's chief of staff, which then put him in position to eventually be promoted by President Trump to become the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Are they doing the secret communist handshake there, Rick? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:36:29 Because you've got a picture there of basically two communists. They sure are bonding in the picture. We know Obama is a hardcore communist. That's no secret. And we're learning more about Milley that even in college he was an expert on communist revolutions. So have they known each other for a long time? I say, I'm a believer that these people are part of one vast network, and they've known each other. It's just like talking about Millie's thesis in college on revolution. Hillary Clinton's thesis was on rules for radicals.
Starting point is 00:37:20 Yes. And the book had not even been published. That's right. She had an advanced copy of the manuscript. How is that possible? Saul Alinsky was her mentor. It's all the same network. So she was his little protege, and he gave her an advanced copy of his communist manual, and little Hillary Clinton wrote her thesis on it.
Starting point is 00:37:45 These people know each other. They're part of a network. They believe the same thing. Yes. They have the same idols, and it's not Jesus Christ. And the same agenda. So then we come forward into recent years, and in the last year of President Trump's presidency, you had the Black Lives Matter and Antifa surrounding the White House, a massive mob there night after night.
Starting point is 00:38:19 And it was very obvious that if they got a chance to storm the White House, to jump the fence, they would have gone into the White House and pulled the president and his family out and killed them. There's no doubt in my mind. Guillotined them. No doubt in my mind they would. It would have been like the Romanovs. We would have had a situation just like when the Bolsheviks killed the Romanovs in Russia. And, you know, President Trump had to have been extremely nervous, worried in the White House, looking out the windows at the mob.
Starting point is 00:39:02 I'll tell you when he became extremely nervous, when he realized that General Milley and Secretary of Defense Esper betrayed him. Yes. And would not defend him. I'll never forget that day. I was in my office when I read the story. I walked through that door right over here, people can't see, in our studio, and I was emotionally upset, and my voice was elevated, and I said to some staff members, the country has collapsed. The republic has fallen. And they're like, what are you talking about? And I said, the military just stood down and said, we will not defend the President of the United States. I said, it's over. It's done. The revolution has won. And I was so upset that day. I could hardly record True News. We were over on the other side of the building in the studio,
Starting point is 00:39:59 and I could hardly conduct the program because I was so emotionally distraught knowing that Milley and Esper had committed sedition against the president of the United States and had sided with the revolutionaries. That was the scary thing. Oh, my gosh. The top military command just sided. It's over. When the military chooses sides in a revolution, it's over.
Starting point is 00:40:29 And that's exactly what happened. The military chose sides. Milley pushed the U.S. military to the side of the communist revolution. Now they've got a problem. A lot of the rank-and-file soldiers in the military are not communists. They're patriots. By definition. So they've got to get rid of them.
Starting point is 00:40:50 They're not competitive. They cannot work inside a country. The country is a constitutional republic. So they have to get rid of them. They have to get rid of them. And what are they going to do? They're hunting them down as white nationalists, as domestic terrorists, members of the U.S. military.
Starting point is 00:41:06 Then they're going to do a vaccination campaign, mandatory vaccination. They know those men will quit, walk out, or stand up and refuse the order and refuse to quit. Now you've got a problem. What do you have now? I mean, if you have hundreds of thousands of uniformed soldiers telling their officers, no, I'm not going to do it.
Starting point is 00:41:33 I'm not going to be vaccinated. What do you have now? I mean, you're on the verge of civil war. But these guys, they want it. They want it. They want the opportunity to kill the opponents of the revolution. Bill Ayers, in the 70s, told an FBI informant who I interviewed, and he said, Bill Ayers told them,
Starting point is 00:42:01 we know that we will have to kill 24 million resistors when we take power. This is Obama's friend. When we take power, we know we will have to execute 24 million resistors. Yes. They're at this stage right now. They fully anticipate executing millions of people in this country. Well, they already, you know, people like Milley already see us as extremists. We're disposable people.
Starting point is 00:42:33 You know, they don't even see us as human. They see us as terrorists. Just start calling it Milley's the extremists. And they're already digitally executing people. Oh, yes. They're already doing it digitally. Financially. Financially. They're already doing it digitally. Financially. Financially.
Starting point is 00:42:45 They're removing them from media platforms. They're removing them from access to the finances. So the purge is underway. The digital execution is underway right now. Well, two can play this game. Let's go to number 13. This is when the radicals, they had set fire to St. John's Church. And the president had made the decision to come out of his underground bunker and walk with his entire cabinet, including Attorney General William Barr.
Starting point is 00:43:25 But see on the right there, General Milley. And this really spurred, I think, in General Milley's mind, at least publicly, the first rebuke of President Trump. He came out against the president, along with Secretary Esper, the defense secretary. You see him walking with the president here, too. They said the U.S. military has no role in U.S. politics. This was the position last June. But he's in U.S. politics.
Starting point is 00:43:53 Yes. That was his major in college. He's got a degree in it. But we had a White House under siege. The Insurrection Act was being discussed to be invoked by President Trump and well within his right to do so. But General Milley used that as the way to market the coup, market the sedition to other generals and other cabinet level officials. And what offended Milley about the president walking over to a historic church in the nation's capital that the communists attempted to burn down? Why was he offended?
Starting point is 00:44:25 I'll tell you why. Because President Trump held up the Holy Bible. Yes. He didn't hold up a book by Marx. He didn't hold up a communist manifesto. He held up the Holy Bible. Milley was offended and then apologized for walking to the church with the president. That's the day President Trump should have kicked him out that day.
Starting point is 00:44:53 But Donald Trump put him in that position. Once again, Donald Trump got bit by a snake that he brought into his house. You know, somebody that tells that snake story, you'd think by now he'd know what a snake looks like. But over and over and over, Donald Trump invited snakes to come into his house. They'd bite him and he'd get another snake. He would. I mean, and it was right there.
Starting point is 00:45:21 And he still didn't fire Milley. You know, and it's kind of at a point now where it's like you can't make excuses. Afraid of what? I mean, they were literally right there. And he still didn't fire Milley. No. You know, and it's kind of at a point now where it's like you can't make excuses. Afraid of what? I mean, they were literally subverting his administration. He was afraid of a military coup against him. Doesn't he realize? He was afraid of a military coup against him.
Starting point is 00:45:36 Because Milley had already gotten most of the top generals on his side. And he said that in that CNN article that we were quoting from earlier. He said, we've got the guns. We've got the generals. We've got the FBI and CIA on our side. And we're the ones with the guns. Yes. Okay. Does that not sound like the talk of a communist leading an insurrection against the sitting president of the United States? We've got the guns. It's true. And they're all Nazis. So if something happens to them, they deserve what they get. President Trump, I believe, was afraid to do something. I think he feared that the military was going to come in and remove him. And the CIA and the I mean,
Starting point is 00:46:21 he already knew that the FBI was crooked and was working against him. So I think he was afraid to take a stand. But he's the one who appointed him. He's the one who appointed Esper. He's the one who appointed Bill Barr. Hey, little snake, you want to come in and serve in my cabinet? I see you hissing over there. Come over and get in my cabinet. I mean, why? Why did he keep doing it? If I could have five minutes with Donald Trump and I could ask him one question, that's the question I would say. Mr. President, I did my best to support you, but I can't figure out, could never figure out why you appointed so many snakes who bit you over and over and over.
Starting point is 00:47:10 Because this doesn't even mention the attempt to try to bring the troops home. Every time he tried to bring the troops out of Syria, out of our bases around the world, the generals stopped him. Same with the transsexual movement inside the military. But Biden brought the troops out and the generals didn't stop him. No. Because they're a part of, they're on the right side. They're a part of the satanic regime, so what they say goes. And if President Trump suggested it, absolutely not.
Starting point is 00:47:34 We're going to oppose him every step of the way because he's a Nazi. It wasn't just the military and the FBI that General Milley was corralling. We now know, according to this book that we were correct when we reported this last year, General Milley was also corralling. We now know, according to this book, that we were correct when we reported this last year. General Milley was also corralling the media. We didn't quite know what to make of this story when it broke last year. This is November 2020. Axios claimed that General Milley held a private meeting with news anchors, a briefing, to promise no military role in the election. Now, in this story, it says that there were two other four-star generals.
Starting point is 00:48:09 It was the U.S. Cyber Command, the commander here, Paul Nakasome. Who now is running the NSA. Yes. Yes. Who Tucker Carlson accuses of spying on him. One and the same. Paul Nakasome was on this call. And the head of the National Guard, Daniel Hawkinson. Now, he briefed the top anchors, and this includes ABC's.
Starting point is 00:48:30 There's Stephanopoulos, who was Michael Dukakis' campaign manager. And, of course, Bill and Hillary Clinton's big guy, too, in the war room. Yeah, CBS's Norah O'Donnell, NBC's Lester Hall. He ran one of the debates. CNN's Jim Scudio and Fox's Martha McCallum. Even Fox News got briefed in this. Now, the generals talked about military efforts to secure key infrastructure. Again, they're talking to the Marxist media.
Starting point is 00:48:57 They're not talking to soldiers here. Or maybe they are. They also confirmed that foreign actors have tried to influence this election. But none have positioned themselves to change the votes. This was right before Election Day. This broke, actually, on Election Day. Astounding. Milley, behind the scenes, was meddling in the election.
Starting point is 00:49:26 And he's proud of it. And they're bragging about it now. He was literally sitting there on election night, tallying up his victory as it watched it come in. Memorializing. Yeah, the fake election that they set up. He was like, you know, that was his legacy. That's what he lived for.
Starting point is 00:49:40 He lived for that moment to subvert an administration and take over our country. It's interesting that quote that you put up there, Edward, where General Milley talks about the cyber attacks. That means this happened just a couple of days before that big November super cyber attack, Rick. Remember the cyber attack of all cyber attacks? The one that's just gone away. Yeah, the one that shut down everything, right? Yes.
Starting point is 00:50:07 Everything was hacked. 185 different departments of the federal government were hacked. He was so busy resisting Donald Trump, he didn't have time to protect our infrastructure. And who else did you have? You had Cyber Command General. And this was days before that cyber attack as well. And so so they weren't even on their job then unless they really were on their job and they knew it was coming. So let's jump down to number 19. This is the February 2021 story of a time magazine.
Starting point is 00:50:41 The secret history of the shadow campaign that saved the 2020 election. Look at that. They actually brought out the word shadow. Oh, they're very proud of this. When this came out in February. The shadow government campaign. Oh, they even called it a cabal. They were, I would say, too honest in this.
Starting point is 00:51:01 We covered this story back in February, but this is burned into our memory because much like what Milley is now doing in this new book, they did back in February to really be proud, to cement that they are the patriots now. They're the new patriots. In this article, Rick, just to remind the audience, the campaign to take down President Trump didn't start in 2020 in the summer. Now, that's at least where we saw public intervention by the military. According to this article, it happened in the fall of 2019. And the man that was the mastermind of this from the civil end, Mike Podhorza, he knew the key would be to get mass mail-in voting. That was the key. Now, he is the senior advisor to one of the
Starting point is 00:51:48 biggest trade unions in the country, the AFL-CIO union. This is a major player in U.S. politics. But he knew he had to marshal resources, and they were considered to be a wizard behind some of the biggest political advances in technology. Now, this man knows how to use election machines. There's a specific quote in this article that it's a lot to just keep bringing back. A former associate of Barack Obama's White House, he was a counsel, Ian
Starting point is 00:52:15 Bassett, he worked for Barack Obama. He's quoted here as saying every attempt to interfere with the proper outcome of the election was defeated. The proper outcome. But it's massively important for the country to understand that it didn't happen accidentally. The system didn't work magically. Democracy is not self-executing.
Starting point is 00:52:36 Even though it sounds like a paranoid fever dream, a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, Is that the first time you've seen this? No, I remember when this first came out and it was just amazing how confident and mocking they are. You know, we were defeated. We had just lost. You know, the election had been stolen
Starting point is 00:53:14 and then they put out and say, oh, you know those things we called you a conspiracy theorist for, you know, the entire time? We actually did it. Yes, there is a cabal. Yes, we did set it up. But the interesting thing is
Starting point is 00:53:24 they did it 100% legally. They went down on the state level. They funded all these nonprofits and they were able to ballot harvest and do all this stuff to make it a legal. But they said they changed laws and rules. Yes. They went down on the state level. They attacked the state legislator like it's what they did. You know, they in combination with the COVID control of the big, the big tech censorship, you know, we had Zuckerberg with his Zuckerbucks controlling elections and the flow of information, you know, it was a misinformation campaign, and they set it up and they they're proud of it. They brag about it.
Starting point is 00:53:56 Let's put that still back of that quote. Let's go through one by one. He said that they had to assure the proper outcome of the election. The proper outcome is the one in which they win, not the actual true vote tally. That's not an election. But the one that they win. Remember what Joe Biden said yesterday, the most important thing now is who counts the votes to assure the proper outcome of the election.
Starting point is 00:54:31 Now, let's go to the next part of that quote. Even though it sounds like a paranoid fever dream or conspiracy theory, right? A well-funded cabal. A cabal. Cabal comes from Kabbalah. Yes. So you could say a well-funded secret group of Kabbalah's Jewish powerful people. If you want to use that word, Kabbalah. That's where Kabbalah comes from, Kabbalah. Ranging across industries and ideologies,
Starting point is 00:55:03 working together behind the scenes. In other words, conspiring, colluding, plotting. Secretly. Secretly. To do what? Influence perceptions. That's witchcraft. Manipulation.
Starting point is 00:55:20 Manipulation. Change the rules and laws. That's one of the things the Antichrist does. Changes laws and times. That's true. Steer media coverage. In other words, they control the news media. They gave the news media the script, the outline, this is what we talk
Starting point is 00:55:47 about, these are things we don't talk about. Continuously reiterate President Trump may not accept the outcome of the election. Make voters doubt that he would leave the White House if he lost. Which they knew he was going to do because they were also involved in the process of making sure Joe Biden would win. Remember, that is the chosen outcome. They're they that's influencing perceptions. They planted thoughts in the minds of people. And there are lies. And then control the flow of information.
Starting point is 00:56:30 That's Twitter, Facebook, YouTube. That's the deplatforming of people. That's also gaslighting in there, too. And gaslighting. Control the flow of information. We were not rigging the election. Really. We were fortifying it. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:56:52 Who do you think is behind this well-funded cabal that was responsible for this? I mean, we know that there's, you know, these big billionaires who funnel money onto the state level, into the nonprofits, you know, like George Soros, you know, a lot of these nonprofits were involved on the state level that helped influence the, like the election law. You know, they lobbied against the state legislators saying, you have to do this, putting pressure on them, saying you have to do this because of COVID. Because if you don't push mail-in ballots,
Starting point is 00:57:21 you're a murderer. If people come out to vote, you're going to be a murderer, you know, that kind of thing. So I'm curious who you think, do you think it was Obama, like his henchmen, his foot soldiers? Obama's just a thug. He's just, he's the general manager of the operation. He's not, he's not an executive, he's a general manager. Yeah, the CEO is the devil. Yeah, he's out there, yeah, you got it. Chairman of the board is Satan. These people are Luciferian. They're enemies of the republic. And they're dangerous. They're powerful. They need to be defunded. I still think the thing to do at this point, you know, all's fair in love and war.
Starting point is 00:58:06 And we are at war with this cabal. And so somebody should run for president who just promises to seize their wealth and nationalize their assets and turn it over to the poor. And I think we ought to teach them a lesson. They want communism. Let's give them a dose of communism only for them. Yeah, redistribute their wealth. Communism for the rich. I like that.
Starting point is 00:58:33 If I ran, that would be my platform. Communism for the rich. Freedom for everybody else. Communism for the rich. We're going to confiscate everything you have and give it to the poor. You want communism? We're going to confiscate everything you have and give it to the poor. You want communism? We're going to give it to you, baby.
Starting point is 00:58:48 We're going to take it all from you and strip you down to nothing. You won't have any power, no money. You'll be broke. But the American people are merciful and we'll give you food stamps. I'd like to see Zuckerberg on food
Starting point is 00:59:04 stamps. Yeah, I'd like to see Zuckerberg on food stamps. I'd like to see Jack Dorsey receiving welfare payments. We ought to be in public housing. We ought to be merciful to them. After we take everything from them, just strip them down and nationalize their platforms, turn it over to the people, let free speech and freedom ring out again in this country, put down the communists, put them down so hard. I mean, put them down so hard they can't get up for 100 years. That's what ought to be done. But you just saw, how could such a person run in 2024? That's the, that, that cabal, cabal of cabal, they're going to use the same tactics. Right. But Christian populism is the
Starting point is 00:59:53 future. It is. It's rising up. There's a whole movement of Christian populism, you know, people that love Jesus. And that's the only thing that can defeat this satanic regime. You know, there's a greater is he that is in all of us than this cabal of world leaders, this wealthy. There's not enough money in the world that can take down a God-fearing Christian who believes in Jesus Christ that is called, you know, to run for office, to run for president of the United States and put these satanic regime communists down. Well, I pray that those Christian populists keep in mind that it's not about elections. It's about the elect. And we're not going to fix this country through a political process. There's no salvation through that.
Starting point is 01:00:35 No. The church has not done its job in the past 50 years of preaching the gospel in this country. And it shows. The communists were effective in preaching their gospel. It shows. They went there too. And so the real solution is a turning back to Christian values, to people turning to Christ,
Starting point is 01:01:02 letting Christ come into their heart and change them. When enough people are living for Jesus Christ, these Kabbalists have nothing. Right now, they have gained power because the church in America has become weak. Christ isn't weak, but the people who call themselves by his name are acting weak because they don't know who they are. Well, I don't want to say they don't know who they are. They're not really sold out to Jesus Christ as King and his kingdom. That's what it's really about. They really aren't that committed to Jesus Christ's kingdom. Because if you are, you can't tolerate this stuff.
Starting point is 01:01:53 You can't watch this kind of evil proliferate in a society. Now, look, at the beginning of the program, we said that this cabal today has launched a three-pronged attack against Donald Trump. It's happened today. So this book is the first one. So the story came out, Donald Trump, General Milley is the hero. General Milley said he had to organize resistance to Donald Trump. Donald Trump is a Hitler. He's going to overthrow the country. He's a madman. He's going to nuke us.
Starting point is 01:02:26 That's the second one. That's the second attack. So old Nancy Pelosi's back in the news again with her. Trump was going to nuke somebody. So they've resurrected that story. And so we have
Starting point is 01:02:41 Oh yeah, here it is. This is from the president today. The president responded to this claim that he planned a false flag and that he was planning a coup to stay in power. And President Trump said, "'Nancy Pelosi is a known nut job.' Her enraged quotes that she was afraid
Starting point is 01:03:04 that I would use nuclear weapons is just more the same. In fact, I was the one that got us out of wars, not into wars. And I was the one who got respect for our country again. Not like now, when the leaders of the entire world are laughing at us, they didn't laugh when I was there. So that's attack number two. Pelosi, this claim that Pelosi was afraid that Donald Trump was going to use a nuclear weapon somewhere to establish his coup. Now, I mean, honestly- I'm trying to walk through that thinking there. A MAGA mushroom cloud. Yeah, I'm going to nuke Indianapolis.
Starting point is 01:03:49 You know, what was he going to nuke? Right. I think she was thinking he was going to nuke another country, throw us into a crisis, and then say, I have to stay in the White House. Well, then who would we nuke? I mean, in her mind, who is it that we were going to nuke? If we nuked Russia, I think they'd probably be happy about it, right? They would have loved that. A third attempt.
Starting point is 01:04:16 Wait a minute. She wanted to ask me a question. What was it? I was going to ask, do you really think Nancy Pelosi believed that he was going to nuke or just because they were trying to use the 25th amendment? They were, they changed perceptions. Yes. They were trying to create the impression that Donald Trump was mentally unstable. They were going to have to remove him. They were talking, they were talking about removing him after the election and before the inauguration. Right. Yes. They wanted Michael Pence to remove Donald Trump.
Starting point is 01:04:48 I mean, even during those two months after they stole the election, they still tried to find a way to get him out of the White House because they were afraid that there was going to be an uprising. That's what they were worried about. Hey, people know we stole the election. They might get mad. But, Rick, so there's two of those. Is there a third? There's a third one. This came out today. The Guardian in London, an old communist newspaper, Old Red is what she's known as. That's what she's known as. Really? Oh, yes. That's where the communists work. Old Red is what she's known as. That's what she's known as. Really? Oh, yes. That's where the communists work.
Starting point is 01:05:25 Old Red. That's what they promote. The Guardian. Kremlin papers appear to show Putin's plot to put Trump in the White House. Now, somehow, the Old Red communist newspaper in London obtained top secret classified papers that came out of Vladimir Putin's office in the Kremlin. In a secret meeting back in January of 2020. And he said. Or 2016, right. And he said to his intelligence chief, you make Trump win. That's what, hey, if you read the documents, that's what they said. Just like that.
Starting point is 01:06:06 You make Trump win. So they want you to believe this stuff. This is so stupid. It's ridiculous. Okay, Guardian, tell me how you got these papers out of the Kremlin office of the president. You're telling me that somebody in Putin's office dared to give you these papers? Oh, come on.
Starting point is 01:06:31 No, you made it up just like you made up the dossier, just like you made up every false accusation in charge. You made it up. I suspect that the Guardian got these documents from MI6. Sort of like those documents that they found, the files they found in the puddle by the bus stop on
Starting point is 01:06:54 the... I think those were real. That one I think was real. I think somebody sloppily was carrying it under their arm and it fell out. But this... You are not going to convince me that papers got out of the Kremlin, out of Putin's office, with Putin's top secret command to overthrow the election. And how was Putin going to tell, wait a minute.
Starting point is 01:07:23 What was he going to do? Wait a minute. How was Putin going to tell? Wait a minute. What was he going to do? Wait a minute. How was Putin going to get Trump elected? Was he going to hack the voting machines? That's impossible. That's impossible. He can't hack voting machines. He can't hack them.
Starting point is 01:07:34 Maybe he was going to buy Facebook ads. Maybe that's the plan. Wait a minute. Maybe. I got an idea here, if I can find it. Maybe, just maybe, maybe Putin told his intelligence operatives to work behind the scenes to influence perceptions, to change the rules and the laws, to steer media coverage and control the flow of information. That sounds like some of those pesky Russians would do, especially Vladimir Putin, except.
Starting point is 01:08:10 Because you know that if Putin did that, you know he could switch to the election and change the results. You might have just written a new report for them. Well, fortify the results. Yes. So the proper result comes through. So the proper. Now, Rick, you had some insight on this today. So you named three things that they're going after Donald Trump on.
Starting point is 01:08:31 Right. And the last one we just talked about, this is the most ridiculous. I mean, this is just made up trash. By the way, the president, Daily Mail today, the president gave an interview to the Daily Mail in London. And he said it's fiction, disgusting, fake news. They're doing this again. It's absolutely true. I agree with Donald Trump. This is another attack. He said this is disgusting. It's fake news, just like Russia, Russia, Russia was fake news. It's just the radical left crazies doing whatever they can to demean everybody on the right. They make this stuff up, but that's what the radical left crazies doing whatever they can to demean everybody on the right.
Starting point is 01:09:06 They make this stuff up, but that's what the communists do. All right, so that's number four there. Yeah. So my theory today, what I told Edward and Doc, and I think you were in the room when I said this in my office, is they're going nowhere. They're getting no mileage on the investigation into Donald Trump's taxes. It's going nowhere. Right.
Starting point is 01:09:36 They thought they had a slam dunk on that. They did. Right. And all they can do is get some expense report violations by his CFO. It's a pittance. They had everything. They had Trump Organization taxes.
Starting point is 01:09:49 They had other documents. They should have been able to find a slam dunk indictment. So now we're at the place in this country where you spend, prosecutors spend millions of dollars going over expense reports to see if you didn't pay your taxes on some perks, right? That's a civil matter for the IRS, okay? The IRS hasn't even looked at those things. So they're going nowhere. When they admitted that that's all they had on Mr. Weisselberg, that told me they have
Starting point is 01:10:24 gone through the Trump taxes and the taxes are clean. The tax returns are clean. I didn't even expect that. Honestly, I didn't. So I'm glad. But that says President Trump's corporate tax and his personal taxes, he's clean on it, all right? So they thought that they were going to get him. They thought this is the one. We'll put him in prison. We'll bankrupt him. We'll take him down.
Starting point is 01:10:54 They can't do it. So what are they doing now? They're back to the same old lying. If you can't find dirt on somebody, make it up. Right. Or bring in some old dirt. Yes. Make it up. And this stuff of Putin's document, they're making it up. Right. Or bring in some old dirt. Yes. Make it up. And this stuff of Putin's document,
Starting point is 01:11:08 they're making it up. Yeah. Yet again. I mean, they did it before. It's the same trick all over again. But I'm so curious why they're doing this today. Like today, it's four big hits. They're scared that Donald Trump is going to run again and
Starting point is 01:11:23 that his base is going to follow him. They've got the 2022 elections coming up. Look, they can't rig every congressional seat. Not yet. They're not at that point yet. Right, but the audits are coming out today. Like all the audit information, like they had a Senate hearing. Well, not all of it. They did a Senate hearing. For where? all of it. They did a Senate hearing. For where? In Arizona. In Arizona today. They're releasing it today? And then Georgia's pushing also, like they covered it and they were saying that, I mean, the ballot numbers didn't match. Like there's a ton of errors that happened and a lot of bad things that happened in Arizona. So we may discover how they fortified the election?
Starting point is 01:12:01 Yes. And that's why you see today Trump's getting hit. Or how they were hacked by bad people. Yes. Yeah. They said it was breached. It was breached. Well, if the truth ever comes out, the FBI director
Starting point is 01:12:14 is going to be caught up into it. And maybe the current FBI director, too, Ray. Ray Cristera. General Milley's going to be caught up into this. I mean, there's a long list of officials who's going to be caught up into this. I mean, there's a long list of officials who are going to be caught up in a massive scandal
Starting point is 01:12:32 to commit sedition against the President of the United States and to rig an election. And if that evidence is laid out, then the American people have no other alternative but to execute judgment, punishment on the criminals. And we're going to have to literally clean out the courthouses. I mean, you can't even have a fair trial with these people because their people are the judges. Yes. And if they aren't like their people per se, they get threatened, you know.
Starting point is 01:13:13 They launched the whole full power of the media on to put pressure on these judges to give the verdict that they want. We saw an example of that with the Derek Chauvin trial. You know, like we saw everything. You know, we knew it was going to be really, really, really bad. There was going to be rioting, looting, and cities would burn if Derek Chauvin was not found guilty. And that puts a lot of pressure on judges where they aren't able to even evaluate evidence clearly because they have families too. They're real people too. It goes all the way up to the Supreme Court. These people are real people too. And this does work on them all the way up to the Supreme Court. These people are real people, too. You know, and this does work on them.
Starting point is 01:13:47 Pressure works. Fear works. And the whole power of the media and public opinion, it matters. And the government knows that. They're building lists. And we're going to discuss a little bit of that after this short break. We have another set of headlines from Kerry Kinsey. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. WPTV-TV in West Palm Beach says Indian River County, Florida joins 44 other counties to declare itself
Starting point is 01:14:16 a Second Amendment sanctuary county. County commissioners on Tuesday passed a resolution that they say reaffirms they will not enforce any laws that they feel could threaten gun rights. Here's attorney and gun owner Paul Westcott. Florida is a very special place so can I say day-to-day? No. When I turn on the news and look at the national news I certainly do. But nationally advocates for the Second Amendment sanctuary say resolutions like these are becoming more popular from perceived threats that the federal government might change gun laws. We see that reflected in the economy. You know, guns, gun sales are off the chart. Our right to keep and bear arms is
Starting point is 01:14:59 constantly under assault. Lee Williams is a board member with Florida Carry Inc, a statewide group that says it teaches communities and lawmakers about the right to keep and bear arms. He says more than 50 percent of the country's counties have adopted similar sanctuary designations, calling it a grassroots movement. The municipality or the county or the state is not going to recognize or enforce any federal laws that infringe upon the Second Amendment. And in case you didn't know, our beautiful studios here at True News are in Indian River County, Florida. Mississippi State Department of Health is now blocking comments on its Facebook posts that relate to COVID-19 because of a rise of misinformation about the virus and vaccinations. That according to,
Starting point is 01:15:47 health department says allowing the misleading comments is directly contrary to the state's public health mission. For information on this story and more, visit our companion website. It's Page six says Kat Sadler got COVID despite being fully vaccinated. The former E host says the Delta variant is relentless. Fox News says Sadler revealed she contracted Delta while caring for an unvaccinated person who was sick with it, despite wearing a mask while in their presence. The BBC says Spain's top court ruled that last year's strict coronavirus lockdown was unconstitutional. That leaves the door open for people who were fined for breaking the rules to reclaim the money they paid.
Starting point is 01:16:35 The government declared a state of emergency in March of 2020. says a survey of U.S. Jewish voters polled after May's conflict between Israel and the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip finds that a quarter believe that Israel is an apartheid state. Also, 34% believe that Israel's treatment of Palestinians is similar to U.S. racism. And 22% believe that Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinians. The survey contacted 800 self-identified American Jewish voters. That's a look at True News headlines. Let's go back to Edward now. Thanks for watching. Thank you, Kerry. Wow, the Zionist lobby, they might be on the run.
Starting point is 01:17:26 ADL or APAC? ADL, APAC, any of the groups that are bleeding supporters. I mean, that last story Kerry covered. 25% of the Jews in America agree with me about Israel. Are they anti-Semitic? Well, it's quite a question. Of course they are. They are looking at this logically, looking at this humanly.
Starting point is 01:17:52 They are embarrassed. 43% said it's no different than the treatment of people like George Floyd or those in the street that get beaten up by cops. The IDF beating up Palestinians is the same as the attacks on minorities. Well, they're losing. The Zionists are losing. They've lost the young evangelicals. A recent Barna research poll showed that in the past two or three years, support among young evangelical Christians, support for Israel dropped from like 66% down to 32, 33%. One-fourth of the Jews in America believe that Israel is a racist, apartheid state. I mean, they're losing.
Starting point is 01:18:37 In both those polls, the Barner poll and in this particular poll, you do a two-year comparison. It's amazing the number swing that's happened in just two years time we've been more effective than we realize and we got beat up for telling the truth but the truth is getting out to the people right you know and um you know I believe I believe a lot of American Jews are embarrassed as Jews to hear these stories about how the Israeli Zionists are treating Palestinians like livestock. And it's embarrassing. I think they're realizing that rising anti-Jewish sentiment in America is related to how the Jews are brutally mistreating the Palestinians. And the more that the world finds out about how they're treating people, there's an anger building. And I think a lot of American Jews
Starting point is 01:19:48 are realizing, hey, man, we're catching flack for something we're not doing. Right. That's being done over in Israel, but people are blaming us. Well, you're getting blamed because we're told that to criticize Israel is to hate Jews. That's the big lie. Yes. It's not true. Oh, they'll destroy your life for it.
Starting point is 01:20:11 Oh, yes. They will come after you if you criticize Israel. Yeah. But that's one of the propaganda lies that they've told in this country. If you criticize Israel, that means you hate Jewish people. And it's not true at all. It simply means that you want the Israelis to treat Palestinians like human beings. And they don't like people hearing about that. I mean, tomorrow's Friday. That means most likely a Palestinian boy, 13, 14 years old, is going to get shot in the head.
Starting point is 01:20:46 At least one. At least one. Because they have protests down at the security fence between the West Bank and Israel, and an IDF soldier will shoot a kid. Now, maybe they're not doing it right now because the International Criminal Court. No, the International Criminal Court is investigating Israel on shooting boys in the head. War crimes. Yeah, so maybe they're laying low right now.
Starting point is 01:21:13 But up until that ICC investigation, it was common. I mean, every Friday I read story after story about IDF soldiers shooting boys in the chest and the head and the legs. I saw videos. I saw the murders. You know, this is normal. It's normal in Israel. On that template, it's being transplanted around the world. I mean, specifically here in America.
Starting point is 01:21:40 I think everyone paying attention, especially to what we've covered here today, you realize that we are also under occupation. We're also being segregated into a different tier of rights. Could it be the same spirit? The same anti-Christ spirit? The same people? The same kind of Palestinian children is here in America ruling and reigning and stealing elections? It is quite possible.
Starting point is 01:22:01 I told the Palestinian leaders when we had dinner with them in Bethlehem, what was it, 2018? Yes, 2018. And at the time, the current Palestinian ambassador to the United States was there. And I told them, the Zionists are going to take the occupation global. Yes. And they just looked at me like they didn't understand what i was saying i was trying to say to them look i have to stand with you as a brother because this zionist movement is going to globalize the occupation they're experimenting on the palestinians with
Starting point is 01:22:40 surveillance uh everything is surveilled in the West Bank. Every single thing, every conversation, every movement, they're watching everybody. They've experimented. Where did they get the technology? China and the United States, the American tech companies. So they're experimenting on how to set up a global surveillance system. But anyhow, let's get back. I know we got another, is it an election story?
Starting point is 01:23:14 It's right in line with this. You're talking about surveillance. You're talking about building up blacklists. I mean, the Palestinians are blacklisted in Israel. We're seeing that same blacklisting here. But specifically in Israel, they found ways to justify the treatment, the way they would justify it and say, well, those Palestinians are being radicalized. They have a relative maybe that is part of a group we consider to be terrorists. Well, according to the senior editor for Human Events, Jack Posobiec, the Biden administration is prepping something very close to this. According to Jack Posobiec, he says that the administration is planning to release a list of conservative social media influencers
Starting point is 01:23:56 that he claims were followed by January 6th defendants, those who've been arrested for either entering the Capitol or maybe posting something egregious. Their definition of egregious. And the claim is that these members will include members of Congress. You might have your people that made memes. He's saying the people made Pepe, Soyboy, Carpa, Donkta memes. These are just cartoons, maybe political cartoons. Josh Hawley. They're going to go after Senator Josh Hawley. They up to state level representatives too, but the lists are being
Starting point is 01:24:27 produced. And he said that they're using any bit of material they can find online. So otherwise, this will serve as a proof of radicalization. They have printed pages of Telegram or Discord conversations. They're listening to everything. YouTube comments. Anything you said, even dating back to September of 2019. The FBI director is the one that's behind this. He's helping the administration put this together. Director Wray, the same Director Wray that General Milley said was in line with him to work against President Trump in the election.
Starting point is 01:25:00 Now, who appointed Christopher Wray or who allowed him to take office? Was it Donald Trump? It was Donald Trump. Now, Attorney General... Hi, little snake! Come on in! Come in and bite me. I'm sorry. No, no, it's okay. Now we're paying the price. This is the venom. This is the side effect. This is the fruits of lack of action, lack of purging, lack of dreading the swamp. According to Jack Posobiec, the Attorney General is focusing on guns and hate crimes, so they're also looking for messages on that.
Starting point is 01:25:36 But it's going to be the way they take care of what he coined Trump terrorists that are behind January 6th. Now, while this is important, we're launching a commission out of the House of Representatives. Nancy Pelosi will be heading a commission looking into, much like the 9-11 commission, who's responsible for this egregious act on an attack on our democracy, attack on our capital. Well, in order to end this and put this to rest, they're going to have to hold someone accountable. See, the left actually does have a reckoning. They're producing lists because they're going to come after the leaders. And when I say come after, it's not going to be just jailing.
Starting point is 01:26:15 They have means to execute if they want. So they're developing a list of social media influencers, meaning basically podcasters, people who are hosting media shows that talk about current events. And so they're putting together a list of dissidents. Anybody who thought that maybe the election wasn't quite right, that something was a little off with the election, you're a radical. That's what they're going to do. You know, this story sounded awful familiar. And the reason why it sounded familiar is they attempted the very same thing back in
Starting point is 01:26:55 2016. Recall this? Mm-hmm. And they had a, remember the big list? Yeah, I remember that. Remember the big list that they put out? Washington Post put out? Washington Post said that True News worked for the Russians.
Starting point is 01:27:08 We were on the list. We're still waiting for that suitcase of money, by the way, and so it hasn't shown up yet. That's so weird. I haven't met any Russians here since I've been here, but I did just start. The Washington Post published a document that it obtained from some mysterious intelligence source of a list of podcasters and alternative media people. That they were monitored. Who were being monitored because they were propagandists for the Kremlin. And True News was on that list.
Starting point is 01:27:43 All right. So when pressure came on the Washington Post, well, give us the evidence. You just published a list that slandered a lot of people. They couldn't come up with any evidence. Let me tell you what this is. This is old-fashioned enemies list. We're going to make a list of our enemies, and we're going to go after them. That's all this is, the enemies list. I remember the Democrats wanted Richard Nixon impeached for having an enemies list. That's true. They made a lot of hay out of that.
Starting point is 01:28:20 They sure did. Now there's not just an enemies list, but a list of ideas that are illegal. You can't have, and if you even were to say it out loud, you're a terrorist now, which, according to our government, according to the war on terrorism, you can be drone struck right in this country. That is where we're at. We have gone so far left that a young Paul Harvey would be declared a domestic terrorist. Yes.
Starting point is 01:28:48 They're going after anybody to the right of Ben Shapiro. That's what they're going to do. If you are a little... Oh, dear. Yeah, so that's the truth. That's pretty much everyone there. Yeah, that's all of us. Hey, I asked Doc a question today.
Starting point is 01:28:58 I asked you, too, the same question. So in the 1950s, when the Soviet Union was powerful and Americans were very afraid of a communist takeover of the United States, and everybody was, you know, you had Joseph McCarthy outing the communists in Washington and so forth. I mean, every red-blooded American was against communism. Everybody except the communists. I mean, that was really what it came down to. A small number of communists in the country and everybody else anti-communist. So in the 1950s, if an American patriot said, if there's ever a communist revolution in this country, I will take up arms to fight it and stop it. Would that person, if he said that in the 1950s, would he have committed a criminal act
Starting point is 01:30:09 by saying that? I wouldn't think so. I think they'd be cheered. They would have been considered patriotic, love your country. Yeah. So if you say that in 2021, is that a criminal act? Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. So how far left have we gone? Oh, it's taken years, but that's where we're at. So they're in control. Yeah. I want everyone to think about this. If you say you will take up arms to fight and overthrow a communist revolution in America, if you say that in 2021, you have committed a criminal act. A terroristic threat. Yep. If you're a patriot and you say you will take up arms to stop communism in America, you are a criminal.
Starting point is 01:30:58 How far have we gone? We've gone to the point where we have to divorce. I'm saying there is no much further left, right, center we can go if you can't defend your own country anymore against people who are actively participating in the destruction of it. Well, that brings us up to something. So yesterday, it was yesterday we showed the Olympic Committee's flag. They've altered the American flag. And we'll put number 32 up.
Starting point is 01:31:28 There is the new American flag of the Olympic Committee with five stars. So instead of 50 states, we're down to five stars. Below it is the Communist China flag with what? Five stars. Is that a coincidence or are we being told we've taken your country from you and now we're changing your flag to identify with the communist flag? Well, then somebody there was a report out today, Edward, you have to tell me, somebody suggested that the United States should be broken up into five regions. Yes. So there's a platform, a blogging platform called Substack. On this, there's an outlet called the Y-Axis.
Starting point is 01:32:17 They do a lot of analysis on elections. The author of this article laid out that most Southern Republicans want to secede. It was an article about what will happen. How do we deal with political division? Inside this article was a very interesting map. Now, the author proposed that we already have five regions. The Pacific, the Mountain, Heartland, Northeast, and the South. And these already are regional unions that exist. They trade with each other. They already think the same. Five separate unions, five separate states even.
Starting point is 01:32:53 Five stars. The United States. Five stars. It's quite the coincidence, and I don't believe in coincidences here. I think that the deep state already have a plan in place. If we are to move forward without a civil war, maybe this is the result of a civil war and invasion. They already have their districts laid out. Florida, we would be in the South, the South that refuses to vaccinate, the South that is even helping its neighbors. Florida sent sheriffs to Texas, to Arizona.
Starting point is 01:33:26 I wonder here if what we're actually seeing is what's already been briefed. It took a year for us to learn what was really being said by General Milley. Though our discernment, the Holy Spirit was telling us this is what was occurring behind the scenes. It's confirmed now, right? It's just common news. We get to read it in a book that costs way too much and by reporters who are paid way too much to be propagandists. But we now know. So you're saying they want us to secede and just break down? But they're anticipating.
Starting point is 01:33:57 I'm talking about the ruling cabal in this country. That they know that they've run the course that the country can't remain right united and for them to remain in power they have to create the illusion that there's been a separation but they'll remain in power yes it's a single an empire this would be the last thing they would want is no they'll remain in power. Yeah, because they want an empire, so this would be the last thing they would want. No, they'll remain in power of all five regions. They'll make you think you got what you wanted. I see.
Starting point is 01:34:32 But they'll remain in power. I think that's where they're going with this. They know the end is coming. I'm trying to think if there's anyone having a senior moment. A renegade economist. Martin Armstrong. Martin Armstrong.
Starting point is 01:34:53 Martin is an expert on cycles. And Martin said years ago that there would be a new Constitution for the United States. I think the date was 2032. And he predicted this years ago. And he said that the 2020s would be the breakup of the union. And by the early 2030s, there would be a new constitution. He said, i don't know what the country's going to look like but they're going to have to change because historically you know by cycles that's when other empires have broken up and we're reaching that point by the early 2030s so i think they're already preparing for another country. Five countries.
Starting point is 01:35:45 I mean, it's gotten so evil and everything, you know, I'm kind of like, I'm in support of a divorce, you know what I'm saying? Like, I don't want these oligarchs in D.C. deciding how I'm going to raise my family or, like, what I'm going to expose to my children, you know? It's a problem, reaction, solution. They gave us the problem.
Starting point is 01:36:03 They anticipated our reaction, and we would get sick of them. We would actually say, you know what? It's better to break up the country. Oh, that's their solution. You know, that's not such a bad idea after all. Here, we have a map. Look at this map. We've been thinking about this for 20 years.
Starting point is 01:36:18 Yeah, we've broken it up for you. Yes. It's the way they operate, Lauren. Problem, reaction, solution. So they were the one who gave that solution for the broken up? Okay. And they now know because of the Olympic Committee, because of this flag they've come up with, there really isn't that much pushback against this.
Starting point is 01:36:35 There's some Republicans who've said, hey, don't do this to my country. There's some congressmen who are angry about this. Don't do this to my country. But really, was there much pushback? The committee hasn't said they've turned this away, right? No. If anything, they now know. This will be accepted.
Starting point is 01:36:52 Yes, and that's the key. It will be accepted. No one resists. No one stands up to it. The NFL today said they're going to sing the black national anthem at all NFL games. Are we going to sing the white national anthem? I hope not. Do we have a national anthem?
Starting point is 01:37:10 The regular national anthem? Again, when did we develop two separate national anthems? It's two different nations. Because, again, they're deliberately splitting the nation. Yes. Vulcanizing it. They're telling black Americans, you cannot be an American. You have to be a black American.
Starting point is 01:37:29 Yes. You can't be an American. No, you have to just be black. That's right. They're splitting the country. They're using race as a way to divide us. Why not have a Hispanic national anthem in all the games? Don't give them any ideas.
Starting point is 01:37:45 No, I'm just saying. Well, you know there's going to be a homosexual anthem. There's going to be a transgender anthem. They'll never play football because they'll be singing. It'll be all marching band and no football. How about if we just have one anthem as a nation? Well, because we can't do that. That means we're one people.
Starting point is 01:38:09 One people under God. That's what they're breaking up. But God, two great words in the Bible, but God, if God's people would wake up and get up and do something, this would not happen. Those who are called by his name would humble themselves and repent. So balkanizing is surrender. Yes. The stance we're going to take on this. Okay.
Starting point is 01:38:34 They balkanized Europe. They balkanized the Middle East. Yes. I mean, balkanization works when you want to conquer an area. Okay. Because it's balkanization and the stripping of the resources. Because, again, if it's split up, we're not going to be given equal distribution of resources. That's right.
Starting point is 01:38:52 They've already taken everything. They're going to lead us to the debt. They're going to lead us with just the remains of what the country used to be. If they succeed in dividing America up into five regions, how long will the psychological shock remain in the American people? Because you're no longer American. We're still talking about the Civil War. Think about it. You get up in the morning. What are you?
Starting point is 01:39:21 You're not an American anymore. You're a Southern American. What are you? My family is in a anymore. You're a Southern American? What are you? My family is a different kind in a different country, essentially. Yes. Okay. Yeah. That's dangerous.
Starting point is 01:39:31 And you may not be able to visit them because... They're in a different country. Yes. And I won't be able to get a passport. That's where the cabal... You need a passport for Delaware. Yeah. That's where this cabal wants to go. They can destroy America
Starting point is 01:39:46 by breaking us up and they have separated us. Everything that the left is doing is to separate and divide. And we're watching this be played out. The only, the only force that can stop it is the church.
Starting point is 01:40:05 Hallelujah. It's it. And that's why I'm changing my focus. How much of this news do I need to give? At some point I've got to get out of here and and preach the gospel and we have to we have to win souls and the only way you can turn the country around is by winning souls you can't it's not about winning elections it's about the elect hey we have to go in search for the elect They need to be brought into the kingdom. And then the scales will tip in our favor, right? But this has nothing to do about countries. It's about a kingdom. And our country is imploding because we allowed the enemy to take our hearts away from God. They said, we will legalize your sin
Starting point is 01:41:09 if you give up your freedom. And we forgot our first love. Yes, we forgot our first love. So they said, you want pornography? We'll make it legal. You have all you want. We'll stream it directly to your home, to your hand. You want no-fault divorce?
Starting point is 01:41:26 We'll give it to you. You want to kill a baby that you don't want to raise? We'll make it legal. What sin do you want? We'll make it legal. You greedy? We'll kill a bunch of people and take their resources. But in return, America, you give up your freedom and liberty and independence
Starting point is 01:41:46 and we'll give you legalized sin. Now, Satan's brilliant at what he did because the American people, like Eve, said, I'll take it. Eve got kicked out of the garden and the American people are almost ready to be kicked out of America because we ate the wrong fruit in this country. And we're paying the price for it right now. The only way to stop it is the American people have to say to Satan, no, I don't want your sin. I want my freedom back. Oh, here's Satan.
Starting point is 01:42:29 Here's the pornography. Here's the abortion. Here's the divorces. Take your sin. Take your sin. Here are the drugs. Here's the legalized marijuana. See, look what we did.
Starting point is 01:42:43 Marijuana. We legalized it. Right. Okay what we did. Marijuana, we legalized it. Right. Okay, we're legalizing every vice in return for freedom. So if the American people really want their freedom and liberty, they have to give back to Satan the sins.
Starting point is 01:42:58 Well, in my case, you know, I gave my addiction to Jesus. I gave it to him. I submitted to him. And in exchange, he gave me freedom. So there's so much freedom that's out there. If we would just turn, you know, I liked my, I liked using drugs. You know, that's what I did was use drugs. It was familiar to me. It was comfortable to me. It made me not feel things. But when I finally submitted and came to the point
Starting point is 01:43:19 where I'm like, okay, Jesus, take this from me. I didn't realize in how much bondage I actually was in. Like you never realize it until you hand it over. And now I can say that I live in true freedom, you know, and I encourage other Americans to, you know, no matter your bondage, he's ready to take it from you and give you your true freedom back. But when the American people, Lauren, recognize it, they got hoodwinked. In the last 50 years, we got hoodwinked. Satan offered a deal. Here's legalized sin.
Starting point is 01:43:53 You give me freedom. And when we wake up as a people and realize, oh, my gosh, we gave up our heritage. We gave up our heritage. We gave up everything just for gratification. For a brief moment of pleasure. Yeah. Just like Esau gave up his birthright for bowls too. Yep. We're giving up our inheritance. A brief moment of just a brief moment of pleasure.
Starting point is 01:44:21 And that's what the American people have done. And they will not get their country back. Listen to me. I'm talking. I believe I'm talking with the authority of almighty God. You will not get your country back until you give back the sin to Satan. I believe that is a word from the Lord this very day. America, you will not receive back your freedom and liberty until you give back to Satan the sins that he gave to you
Starting point is 01:44:51 and said, here's the bargain. You're going to have to give up pornography and abortion and drugs and all of the other vices, the lying, the cheating, everything else that's going on, the adultery, the fornication. You got to give it up. If you're not willing to give it up, don't talk to me about you want your freedom back. I don't want to hear it. I don't want to hear it. Don't be practicing sin and then tell me you're a patriot and you want your freedom back. Don't tell me about your slavery and then say you want freedom. Yes. When you're still in bondage, you know, that is bondage.
Starting point is 01:45:30 Pornography addiction, that's bondage. Adultery, that's bondage and lies and sinfulness. You know, all of these things, like they seem like fun, true freedom, but it's the only end result is death. That's right. That's it. It's death. And how do you get that freedom?
Starting point is 01:45:46 You believe on the name of Jesus Christ. You repent of your sins. You tell your heavenly father, the creator of the universe, you tell him that you believe that his son, Jesus Christ, is the Messiah, the Savior. And you ask Jesus Christ to save your soul. And you will be born again. You must be baptized in water in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Starting point is 01:46:09 And you turn from your wicked ways and you allow the Holy Spirit to lead you through life. You're not going to be instantly perfect. I mean, it's going to... Sanctification is a lifelong process. Justification is instant.
Starting point is 01:46:26 You're justified the moment Christ comes into you. You're justified. Justification means your sins have been forgiven. You've been justified by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. You're saved. Justification is instant. Sanctification is progressive throughout your life. The Holy Spirit is always working inside of you to make you more Christ-like. And that process
Starting point is 01:46:57 never stops. As long as you're desiring God to have a greater say in your life, then sanctification is going to continue. So it's not an issue of whether you're instantly perfect. It's are you instantly justified, saved? Is your name written in the book of life? That's what is important. Make that decision. Believe on the name of Jesus Christ. Ask him to save you. There's no other name in heaven and earth by which men can be saved. Jesus, Jesus Christ, call on his name and ask him to save your soul today. Wise words, Rick. I think there's quite a few listeners who have done a spiritual audit themselves today.
Starting point is 01:47:46 Well, thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News. Every time we go live, the devil quakes in his hoose. We keep the pressure on him by telling the truth. If you learned something today or more importantly, were inspired to proudly proclaim the name of Jesus, please consider becoming a monthly partner with this ministry. You can support True News by going to That is T-R-U-N-E-W-S dot com. Just click on the heart on the left hand side or the red donate button on the right.
Starting point is 01:48:15 You can also call our toll free number at 1-800-576-2116. That is 1-800-576-2116. If you'd like to donate to us by mail or have a prayer request or a story you'd like us to investigate, our address is PO Box 690069, Bear Beach, Florida, ZIP code 32969. We accept stocks, cryptocurrency, precious metals, and even land. Whatever you want to bless us with, we will gladly receive and put toward our mission here to save souls and report the good news as we approach the second coming of Jesus Christ. Thank you and God bless you. the preceding program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support

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