TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Democrats Still Searching for the ‘Biden Exit’ as Pressure Increases on ‘Covid Joe’
Episode Date: July 18, 2024Welcome to Trunews for July 18, 2024, I’m Doc Burkhart. Rick Wiles has outside commitments today, but the news of the world goes on, and we are providing the latest analysis and commentary. We w...ill have more disturbing updates to the attempt to murder Donald Trump in a few moments. Adam Schiff and Chuck Schumer say President Biden should step aside. President Biden says he'll drop out if a ‘Medical Condition’ emerged. President Biden announced he has COVID and will "self-isolate", just before boarding a plane with people... and no mask... Wait... didn't he say he couldn't get COVID if you were vaccinated? And he has been vaccinated SEVEN times as of today. Here’s Joe Biden and various world leaders telling us during the pandemic, get your clot shot and you won’t get COVID. Doc Burkhart. Airdate 07/18/2024Watch this FULL show exclusively on Faith & Values the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.faithandvalues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves! Now is the time to protect your assets with physical gold & silver. Contact Genesis Gold Today! It’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!
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I'm Jake, but my friends call me Moose Jaw.
I'm a blacksmith and I like to work with my hands.
I watch and trust true news.
Two things are clear to me.
World War III has started and the USA is very unstable.
I have faith in God, but He expects us to use our brains and our hands to prepare for trouble.
There are two things we need.
Food and water.
That's why I buy supplies from
American Reserves offers easy-to-prepare chicken and beef meals,
pastas, soups, and vegetables that only need boiling water.
You can purchase the world-famous British Burkefield gravity-fed water filters
equipped with Dalton ceramic handles and other emergency supplies at My family's security is critical to me. Something big is coming. Procrastination could be costly.
Act today before a crisis suddenly appears. Be ready. Be wise. Go to Well, welcome to True News for July 18th, 2024. I'm Doc Burkhart. Rick Wiles has outside
commitments today, but the news of the world goes on and we are providing the latest analysis and
We'll have more disturbing updates on the attempt to murder Donald Trump in a few moments.
Adam Schiff and Chuck Schumer say President Biden should step aside. President Biden says he'll
drop out if a medical condition emerges, and President Biden announced he has COVID and will self-isolate just before boarding
a plane with people and no mask. Well, wait, didn't he say he couldn't get COVID if he was
vaccinated? And he has been vaccinated seven times as of today. Here's Joe Biden and various
world leaders telling us during the pandemic, get your clot shot and you won't get COVID.
You're OK. You're not going to you're not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.
Hey, folks, guess you heard this morning I tested positive for COVID.
And when people are vaccinated, they can feel safe that they are not going to get infected.
Dr. Fauci says he has COVID again.
If you've done the right thing and gotten vaccinated, you deserve the freedom to be safe from COVID-19.
And this morning, I learned I tested positive for COVID-19 as well.
There are three doses that you can prevent, not just from serious illness, but from getting this virus, this Omicron variant, and therefore giving it to others.
Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews is in quarantine for seven days after testing positive to COVID.
So I'm fully vaccinated. It gives me some comfort.
Anthony Albanese has just tested positive for coronavirus.
Having received two doses of AstraZeneca, it's a very effective vaccine
protection from symptomatic illness and therefore risk of transmission to others.
Well, that's just a sample of the world leaders as they were trying to force
the vaccination on so many people. But President Biden has been, according to the reports,
has been diagnosed with COVID once again. This is his third round at COVID. ABC News is reporting that Joe Biden has tested positive for COVID-19.
This broke yesterday, of course.
President Joe Biden has tested positive for COVID-19
and is experiencing mild symptoms.
Now, this was following his first event in Las Vegas,
according to the White House.
This is the third time, as I mentioned, that the 81-year-old has been diagnosed with COVID.
He is vaccinated and boosted, and he's experiencing mild symptoms, the White House said in a
He'll be returning to Delaware, where he will self-isolate and will continue to carry out
all of his duties fully during that time.
The White House said it will provide regular updates on the president's status as he continues to carry out the full duties of the office while in isolation.
Now, the White House also shared a note from Biden's doctor who said the president had
upper respiratory symptoms, including a running nose and cough, and general malaise Wednesday
afternoon. He felt okay for his first event of the day Wednesday, but given that he was
not feeling better, point-of-care testing for COVID-19 was conducted and the results were
positive for the COVID-19 virus, his doctor said, according to the White House. Now, we have some
video of Joe Biden departing Las Vegas yesterday afternoon, heading back to D.C. and then on to Delaware.
So I want you to look at this.
Just some questions I have here for folks.
Why isn't he wearing a mask if he's been diagnosed with COVID?
And for that matter, why isn't everybody wearing a mask?
I mean, COVID's contagious, right?
Isn't that what we're told?
Why is this man moving so slow? Why? Why is he moving so slow? Why did he take the
short stares on Air Force One instead of the regular stares? Inquiring minds want to know.
So the question is, is this genuine? Is this real? We have no way of really knowing for sure,
other than we just take the reports as they're given out by the White House
and by the mainstream media. Now, this comes on the heels of an excerpt of an interview that he
did with BET Television, Black Entertainment Television. Just yesterday, an excerpt was
released where Biden was saying that a medical condition could prompt him to drop out of the race for the White House
if doctors came to me. Now, I'm just going to let you hear it in his own words here
during that interview excerpt that we have here from BET News. Watch this.
If there had some medical condition that emerged, if somebody, if the doctors came to me and said,
you got this problem, that problem. But I made a serious mistake in the whole debate. And look, when I originally ran,
you may remember it, I said I was going to be a transitional candidate. And I thought that I'd
be able to move from this, just pass it on to someone else. But I didn't anticipate things getting so, so, so divided. And quite frankly,
I think the only thing age brings a little bit of wisdom. And I think I've demonstrated that I know
how to get things done for the country in spite of the fact that we couldn't get it done. But
there's more to do. And I'm reluctant to walk away from that. So will COVID provide the Biden exit that Democrats, both the leaders in the Democratic
Party and Democratic donors, have been looking for in order to provide the opportunity to remove
Biden from the ticket? This is the latest from The Guardian in London. As President Biden faces
renewed pressure to step aside as Democrats rift widens.
This is reported today from The Guardian.
Pressure for Joe Biden to step aside as the Democrats presidential pick to face Donald Trump is easy since the Republicans survived an assassination attempt, but began to rise again Wednesday.
The tension rose as Biden was diagnosed with COVID and canceled events to self-isolate at
his home in Delaware. Adam Schiff, the influential U.S. representative from California who's running
for Senate out there, said publicly that Biden should quit. Adam Schiff becoming the most well-
known lawmaker to do so openly. ABC News also reported that Chuck Schumer, the Senate Majority
Leader and the most senior
Democrat in Congress, had told Biden in a meeting on Saturday it would be better for the country
and the Democratic Party if the president ended his re-election campaign. Now, a spokesman for
the Schumer office called the report idle speculation, but ABC News has several reports of
this. Unless ABC sources Senator Chuck Schumer or President Joe Biden, the reporting is idle speculation.
Leader Schumer conveyed the views of his caucus directly to President Biden on Saturday.
Also on Wednesday afternoon, David Axelrod, a former senior advisor to Barack Obama, often referred to as Obama's brain, increased his persistent pressure campaign on Biden as he his record, which I think will be honored more by history than it is by voters right now.
But it's a very hard case to make that anyone should be elected president in the United States at the age of 82, not for political reasons, but for actuarial reasons.
Axelrod spoke to The Guardian in Milwaukee.
Now, another name that's popping up here as speaking to Joe Biden
is Nancy Pelosi. We're told, and this was reported by CNN late yesterday, that former Speaker Nancy
Pelosi privately told Joe Biden polls show he cannot win and will take down the House. Biden
responded with defensiveness, CNN reports. And another rat that has jumped off the Democrat ship is Joe Scarborough.
Look at this.
I never dreamed I'd see this headline here this quickly this year.
Joe Scarborough backs push for Biden to drop out, says aides keeping him in race for financial reasons.
It's not going to end well.
Listen, when you've lost Joe Scarborough, you've probably lost the whole boat.
Semaphore is reporting here that one of the key decisions that's being made as far as Biden advancing any further in the election of 2024,
a big part of that has to do with money. Gentlemen, you're looking at there on the screen is Jeffrey Katzenberg, one of the biggest movers and shakers and Democratic donors in Hollywood.
And he comes out saying that donors cash is drying up.
And this was warned of Biden in a private meeting.
They've tried to back off on this, but several people have reported this. Joe Biden met privately in Las Vegas on Wednesday, yesterday, when he was diagnosed with COVID,
with Jeffrey Katzenberg, the film producer and top campaign advisor, who conveyed a warning.
The president's donors' patience is wearing thin, and their cash soon will, too.
Katzenberg, who is one of Biden's closest counselors and a conduit to moneyed circles in
media and finance, told the president that major donors doubtful of his ability to win in November
have all but stopped writing the kind of big checks that sustain campaigns in the homestretch.
People familiar with the meeting said one of the people said the donor warning came in a broader
discussion of other topics. After the story was published, Katzenberg said in a statement that it was a misread of a private meeting
and that he and Biden talked about everything from the convention to new ads.
And by the way, we will raise the money we need to run a winning campaign.
Well, we'll see where that goes with that statement.
Let's look at the latest polling as it relates to President Biden and former President Donald Trump.
If you look at that chart here, this is from AAP.
And the title of it, most Republicans want Trump to stay in the race,
while most Democrats say Biden should withdraw in favor of someone else.
So the top part of the chart has to do with Donald Trump.
Bottom part of the chart, Joe Biden.
Look at these significant numbers.
Just an overall, you know, polling here shows that if you just take the general population,
70 percent, 70 percent of people say Joe Biden should withdraw from the race and allow his party
to select a different candidate.
And if you look at Democrats at the bottom of the screen there, 65% of Democrats, two-thirds of Democrats want Joe Biden to step out of the race and let someone else come in.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is significant.
I've never seen anything like this in my lifetime, where the party in power has basically turned on its leader.
And you're seeing that happen right now. We want to give you some updates on the
murder attempt on Donald Trump this past weekend. And I was watching Jesse Waters last night,
and he had some significant questions to ask and some additional insight that was
revealed late yesterday. I wanted to share this with you. Here's Jesse Waters reporting from the
Republican National Convention last night, giving you an update on the assassination attempt of
Donald Trump. Tonight, we're learning that the gunman was on law enforcement's radar for three hours and the Secret Service designated Crooks a threat 10 minutes before Trump took the stage.
And the Secret Service never said, Mr. President, don't go out there.
They let Trump take the stage anyway.
And eight minutes later, he was shot.
Crooks first aroused suspicion at around three on Saturday when security saw him with a rangefinder passing through the metal detectors.
Police say they had an eye on him until he disappeared.
Crooks was later spotted for a second time, this time by a sniper looking up at the roof, observing the building that he scaled and shot from.
This was radioed into the command center.
At one point, a sniper saw Crooks sit down and start scrolling through his phone.
And investigators believe he may have actually had two phones.
More on that later.
This is when Crooks looked so suspicious that a local sniper team took this picture of him an hour before he opened fire.
All of this information was being sent to the Secret Service command team at the rally.
A Trump supporter in the crowd then caught him on camera lurking around. Watch this.
If you take a closer look, you'll notice someone in the background. The timestamp is 5.06 and the
video appears to show 20-year-old Thomas Crooks lurking near a building just past the secure
parameters of the event itself.
As the video pans to the crowd, you'll notice law enforcement vehicles stationed in the area as well.
As the camera moves back towards the building, Crooks appears to be seen again.
Blink and you may miss it, but it likely shows Crooks was in the area for more than an hour before the shots were fired.
Another local sniper team later saw the shooter return to the building again,
this time with a backpack.
Again, the locals alerted the Secret Service command post,
who still hadn't done anything.
Then at that point, Crooks climbed up an AC unit and hoisted himself atop the building.
Once he was on the roof, the Secret Service was alerted
that there was a designated threat on the roof. Again, the locals had to take the lead. And that's a key phrase there. The locals
had to take the lead because the narrative over the past several days has been, at least from the
federal government and from the federal allies and from the Secret Service is that that area where the shooter was
was under the domain of local law enforcement.
Even as late as Tuesday afternoon after testifying before Congress,
Secret Service Director Cheadle held to that story, held to that position,
that the responsibility of the building where the shooter was located
was the responsibility of local law enforcement.
Listen to this.
You said that local law enforcement was responsible for that building.
What did you mean by that?
So Secret Service respects local law enforcement,
and we could not do our job either investigatively or on our protective mission without them.
In Pennsylvania, in fact, on that same day,
they were also working the
First Lady trip and a vice presidential trip. So I understand the constraints that they're
under and, as I said earlier, we couldn't do our job without them. At that particular
site, we divided up areas of responsibility, but the Secret Service is solely responsible
for the design and the implementation and the execution of the site. And that's what
I was trying to stress, was that we just divided up of the site. And that's what I was trying to
stress was that we just divided up areas of responsibility and they provided support to
those areas of responsibility. And you mentioned the first ladies also vetting Pittsburgh. You
guys have a lot of areas to cover. Were any assets diverted from the former president's
rally to her detail? No, there were no assets from the Secret Service that were diverted at all.
Okay. So no one swapped out any of the posts, for example?
CNN, of course, has reporting that the Secret Service increased security for former President
Trump because of a credible threat from Iran.
You know, I've spoken with several people who look at the perimeter, hearing that news,
look at the perimeter, and say how, knowing that there was a credible threat against the
former president, how could that perimeter be so small that it excluded a building just 150 yards away from the podium?
I can't get into the specifics of any threats, but obviously with all of our protectees, we're constantly monitoring the threats that are out there.
And we design our security plan based on that, also depending on the venue and the environment that we're in.
And on that particular day, a full advance had been completed.
But this is also why we are doing an internal review,
and we look forward to the external review as well.
And obviously, if there are things that we need to change about our policies
or our procedures or our methods, we are certainly going to do so.
Was that perimeter too small?
The perimeter encompassed the area that we needed to secure for the event that we had on that day.
What happened is a terrible incident and should never happen.
And we are obviously going to make sure that moving forward, we take whatever lessons that come out of this and adjust accordingly.
Let me translate that for you.
Blah, blah, blah.
Blame local law enforcement.
Butler County, Pennsylvania is pushing back on this narrative in a big, big way.
I have a couple of videos I want to share with you.
The first one is an interview with the Butler Township Commissioner with Fox News,
pushing back and flat out saying that that woman that you just saw there, the Secret Service Director,
is flat out lying about what occurred that day.
Watch this. What prompted me to post on the social media platform last night,
and of course obviously talk to you today,
is that our local Butler Township Police,
their duties that were assigned to them,
and we have an operational plan that details all that,
were strictly traffic detailed.
They were not required or not detailed to any security detail related to the event.
It's strictly traffic to, obviously, to help people coming in and out of the event.
If there is an emergency, those type of things.
We saw the number of people, the number of cars at the event.
And I was so frustrated and, quite frankly, hit my limit again last night when I saw, again,
Secret Service says it was the responsibility of the local police department.
That's absolutely not correct.
Yeah, the local police department is not the entity in charge of the safety and protection
of a president or a former president.
But once this started to happen, once the shootings began
to unfold, the local officers did then try to assist, try to see if they could do anything,
right? That is absolutely correct. All right. So that's the first of the Butler County leadership
there that is pushing back on it. Tom Knights, who is the Butler County, Pennsylvania
manager, he also disputes the Secret Service narrative in account of responsibility for
the outer perimeter of the fairgrounds there that particular day. Let's listen to Tom Knights here
as he responds to the Secret Service director as well. I Did in fact see an individual on the roof with a
weapon? He saw the shooter. He did. Your officers are on patrol. They hear that there is a suspicious
person on the rooftop. What did your officers do? So our officers in the area started to converge
on the building. My understanding is they did a full perimeter walk of the building. Weren't able
to see up on the roof. Two of the officers went to what appeared to be the lowest point from ground to roof.
One of the officers actually boosted the second officer up high enough for him to grab hold
of the roof.
When he was able to pull his head up over the roof, he did in fact see an individual
on the roof with a weapon.
He saw the shooter?
He did.
And what did the shooter do?
Turned towards him, had the barrel of his weapon pointed at the officer. At that point,
the officer's hanging on to the side of the roof? Yes. Unable to pull a gun out? Unable to.
Unable to defend himself? Unable to reach his radio? Any of that. Yeah. Yeah. Strictly
defensive movement for him to lower his head, duck, lost his own grip, right?
Fell approximately eight feet to the ground.
That's a steep drop.
That's a good drop, yes.
Did he get hurt?
He did.
In that moment, did they realize there's a threat right now to the former president?
They did. So both the boosting officer and the officer that fell were both on the radio,
indicating that there was an individual on the roof that did, in fact, have a weapon. Who did they radio? So there was a blanket tactical channel
being used. Everyone heard it? Everyone who was on that tactical channel heard it, yes.
How much time between that radio communication and the gun being fired at the former president?
I don't have that information.
So you're learning a lot more new information here as we gather through. Now, the official statement from Butler County, Pennsylvania was issued, and this was late yesterday,
actually late Tuesday, excuse me. It says during the July 13th, 2024 Trump rally,
the Butler Township Police was tasked with traffic control along
Meridian Road, which involved clearing five intersections upon the motorcade's arrival
and six intersections during departure.
Upon former President Trump's arrival, a call went out for a suspicious mail near the
AGR building, and several officers broke free from their traffic intersections of responsibility
and responded to the area in the search.
Now, this is after the individual had been spotted.
A search was conducted around the AGR building,
and the person of interest was not located, and no ladder was discovered.
A Butler Township officer attempted to gain access to the roof
by being hoisted up by an assisting officer.
The officer was pulling himself up to the roof
when he made visual contact with an individual who pointed a rifle at him. The officer was in a defenseless
position. There was no way that he could engage the actor while holding onto the roof edge.
The officer let go and fell to the ground. It goes on to say Butler Township in its entirety
has been and will continue cooperating with the investigating agencies and will not be committing
further until the investigation report is complete and made public. And that is from Tom Knights,
who you just saw there. So there are more details that are emerging regarding this. I came across a
story yesterday evening that had some shocking information. I hope we can get to all of this here. I saw this
headline on Space Coast Daily. This iconic Secret Service sniper team photo does not show the agents
who actually shot the would-be assassin. I'm going to tell you some information here today
you've not heard anywhere else. The widely circulated photograph showing a pair of U.S. Secret Service
counter snipers on a rooftop overlooking the Saturday Trump rally does not show the agents
who actually neutralized the threat. There were four counter sniper teams overlooking the event.
This is coming from Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi, speaking to Fox News Digital.
Two from the Secret Service and two from local teams.
This photo shows the second team, he said, which did not, did not fire the fatal shot.
The Secret Service took down Matthew Crooks, the 20-year-old would-be assassin,
after he killed a spectator and critically wounded two others after his attempt on President Trump.
Now, the article goes on.
You have not heard this before either.
You ready?
A local marksman also engaged the suspect but did not fire the fatal shot, Butler County officials have confirmed. Butler County District Attorney Richard Goldinger told Fox News
that that officer had been placed on routine administrative leave,
standard procedure for all police-involved shootings.
So what did we learn from this particular article?
The sniper team you saw on TV did not take out the would-be assassin.
We didn't hear this before today.
There were actually four counter-sniper teams overlooking the event,
two Secret Service and two local teams.
Four of them, folks, four counter-sniper teams.
There was a local marksman who also engaged the subject.
So there was a fifth counter-sniper, if you will.
That person did not kill Crooks.
Now that marksman, now we learn from this article,
was actually a Butler County
And that officer is currently on administrative
leave. Folks,
it just gets weirder and weirder
and weirder and weirder
And so
all this week, of course, the Republican National Convention has been going on.
And it has been quite the event.
Last night, J.D. Vance spoke and brought the House down and several others that have made direct appeals to the delegates that are at the convention.
Tonight is the last night of the Republican National Convention.
Of course, Donald Trump will be speaking.
That will be the main highlight, and he'll be accepting the nomination
from the Republican National Convention for President of the United States.
But also speaking tonight is none other than WWE superstar Hulk Hogan.
Yes, that's right, folks. Hulk Hogan is going to be speaking at the RNC tonight before Donald Trump
accepts the nomination. And this will be quite the event. And listen, if the RNC doesn't get
this entrance right, then you've missed a wonderful opportunity.
I can imagine looking something like this. And from Tennessee, California, The Mortal Hogan! I am a real American. I am a real American.
I am a real American.
I am a real American.
That's worth watching the RNC, folks.
This is the compressed edition of True News today.
You're getting a high power volume.
Morning Manor is up next.
We encourage you to join us here and learn the Word of God together.
God bless you.
I'm Jake, but my friends call me Moose Jaw.
I'm a blacksmith, and I like to work with my hands.
I watch and trust True News.
Two things are clear to me.
World War III has started and the USA is very unstable.
I have faith in God, but He expects us to use our brains
and our hands to prepare for trouble.
There are two things we need, food and water.
That's why I buy supplies from
American Reserves offers easy to prepare chicken and beef meals, pastas, soups and vegetables
that only need boiling water. You can purchase the world famous British Burkefield gravity
fed water filters equipped with Dalton ceramic handles and other emergency supplies at
My family's security is critical to me. Something big is coming.
Procrastination could be costly.
Act today before a crisis suddenly appears.
Be ready. Be wise.
Go to
You're listening to WWCR International Shortwave Radio.
You can find true news on frequency 12.160 from 12 p.m. to 4
p.m. Eastern and on frequency 4.840 from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Eastern. Connect with us on Rumble,
Facebook, X, and Getter. Good morning. Welcome to Morning Manna. My name is Doc Burkhart,
and I'll be your host here for Morning Manage today.
Rick Walls has some obligations that are outside of the ministry today,
and so he will not be able to be with us today.
And so I thank you for your faithfulness and your willingness to be here.
Over a dozen countries have already checked in today, and we appreciate that so very, very much. What we're going to do is we're going to focus today on Matthew chapter 15, continue our study, and look at verses 21 through 28.
And I'll read that here in just a moment, but let's open our time together in prayer
and ask the Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth.
Will you pray with me right now?
All right.
Heavenly Father, in Jesus' name,
thank you for this glorious opportunity to teach from your word.
Lord, just ask today that your Holy Spirit would be here in a very real way
and that the Holy Spirit would guide us into all truth.
Lord, we love you very much,
and we thank you, Lord, for every person
that's here today that you have drawn them here to feed on your word. Thank you, Lord, for the
privilege to be able to fellowship with them and to be a servant at the banquet table. In Jesus' name,
amen and amen. As I mentioned before, today's passage is focused on Matthew chapter 15. I'm going to read
verses 21 through 28 here today. This is a fascinating story. I don't know if we'll get
through all of our passage today, but we'll start working through it. Let's read together. This is
Matthew 15, starting at verse 21. It says, Then Jesus went thence and departed into the coast of Tyre and Sidon.
And behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coast and cried unto him, saying,
Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou son of David.
My daughter is grievously vexed with the devil.
But he answered her not a word.
And his disciples came and besought him, saying,
Send her away, for she crieth after us.
But he answered and said,
I am not sent, but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me.
But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children's bread
and cast it to the dogs.
And actually, that should be translated little dogs, right?
And she said, Truth, Lord, yet the little dogs eat of the crumbs
which fall from their master's table. Then Jesus answered and said, Truth, Lord, yet the little dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their master's table.
Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith, be it unto thee, even as thou wilt.
And her daughter was made whole that very selfsame hour.
Praise God.
The Lord's Word is wonderful, isn't it?
And just reading the Word, now let me ask you this.
Just reading the Word this morning, just reading that passage, just reading it.
We haven't even studied it yet, but just reading that passage,
do you feel the power of the Word of God as it lifts up your spirit internally?
Just reading the Word does that, doesn't it?
And I encourage you.
I know a lot of people set aside time for
Bible study and Bible reading, but I would encourage you each and every day to set aside
a period of time to read the word of God out loud, to actually speak the word of God. Now,
I don't believe in the power of manifestation of voice and witchcraft and all that,
but there is something powerful about speaking the Word of God in the believers life that get that
gives them the sense of power I tell people if you want to hear God speak to
you read the Word of God out loud so I encourage you in that today so that's
that was free you didn't have to pay any extra for that today. Okay? All right.
So we're going to focus today on this story of the Canaanite woman.
It's a fascinating story.
And let's just dive right into it here.
Beginning at verse number 21.
Then Jesus went thence into the coast of Tyre and Sidon.
Now it's interesting that we have these two cities that are mentioned,
and we're going to dig into it a little bit here,
because if you recall, there was actually Tyre and Sidon were mentioned before in Matthew.
And it's found over in Matthew chapter 11.
I'm going to hop over there just briefly so we can tie in this previous mention of Tyre and Sidon to today's study.
So if you'll turn in your Bibles with me over to Matthew chapter 11, and we'll look here.
It's verse 21, but let me start at verse 20 here.
Then he began, this is Matthew 11, starting at verse 20.
Then began he to upbraid the cities wherein most of his mighty works were done,
because they repented not.
And Jesus is saying,
Woe unto thee, Chorazin, woe unto thee, Bethsaida,
for if the mighty works which were done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented in sackcloth and ashes. And then he goes on to read the right act to Capernaum.
He says, And thou, Capernaum, which are exalted into heaven,
shall be brought down to hell.
For if the mighty works had been done in thee,
which had been done in thee, had been done in Sodom,
it would have remained until this day.
But I say unto you that it shall be more tolerable
for the land of Sodom in the day of judgment than for thee.
Now, I wanted to bring this passage in
because Jesus was, back in Matthew chapter 11,
was condemning Chorazin and Bethsaida and Capernaum because the mighty works of God had been done among what we would basically call Jewish cities,
among the Jewish people.
And yet there was the pushback, there was the resistance, even the denial of the mighty works of God that Jesus was doing.
And Jesus was saying, listen, you Jewish cities of Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum,
if these works that you were doing, that I did in your cities,
had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented.
All right, so let's talk about Tyre and Sidon here just a minute.
All right?
First of all, Tyre and Sidon were Gentile cities.
So this is important to understand.
Verse 21, let's read it again here.
Then Jesus went thence and parted into the coast
of Tyre and Sidon. Jesus made a purposeful trip to go to Gentile cities.
Jesus made a purposeful visit to go to Gentile cities, And this is a foreshadowing of Jesus' later command
to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. And then it's reaffirmed
throughout the New Testament that this gospel message is not limited to a so-called chosen
people, but to a people of faith, whether they're Jew or Gentile, black, white, purple, whatever they are.
So Jesus made an effort to go to the region of Tyre and Sidon
and make it very clear that Tyre and Sidon were Gentile cities, and this is very important.
Now, the location of Tyre and Sidon is actually over
in what we would consider Lebanon today, right on the Mediterranean coast. These are very
ancient cities, especially Sidon. Most Bible archaeologists believe that it had been around since about 2000 BC, with
Tyre being just a little bit younger.
If you go back into the Old Testament, you have numerous references to Tyre and Sidon.
They're usually paired together because they were both in the same region.
A couple of times it's mentioned in the Old Testament,
one where Sidon is mentioned,
that it was one of the cities that the Israelites did not conquer.
And this is found in Judges chapter 1.
Judges chapter 1, verse 31. It says, Asher did not drive out the inhabitants of Ako, or the inhabitants of Zidon, or of Aleb, or of
Agzib, or of Helba, or of Aphek, or of Rehob. And so it was one of the cities that the Israelites
did not conquer. They were condemned several times because
of the worship of their gods, and the Zidonians' worship of their gods drew away some Israelites
to worship false gods as well. And yet later on, hundreds of years later, after the Israelites went into Canaan,
hundreds of years later, when David and Solomon were making preparation for the building of the
temple, they got a lot of their building materials from Sidon and Tyre. That's a very
forested area and everything, so you have the cedars, and you have the tall cedars and everything.
And so David actually started accumulating building materials for the temple
when he was still alive, and that carried over to Solomon's day as well.
The king Hiram of Tyre provided most of the furnishings of the temple.
And this is found in 1 Kings chapter 7.
And so it's a long passage about the decoration of the temple
and the furniture in the temple,
but it was the area of Tyre, King Hiram in particular,
that provided the furnishings for the temple.
So, we read later on in the scriptures that the Tyrians, I guess Tyrians, and the Sidonians
actually helped Ezra and Nehemiah in rebuilding the temple when they came back from
exile. It's interesting that here you had Gentiles willing to work with Ezra and Nehemiah to rebuild
the temple, and there were Jews in the land that refused to participate. But that's a whole other message there.
Another interesting thing to note about Zidon is that Jezebel,
yes, that Jezebel,
was from Sidon.
She was from that region.
It says in 1 Kings 16, 31,
And as it had been a light thing for him to walk
in the sins of Jeroboam, the son of Nebat,
he took for his wife Jezebel, the daughter of Ethbal, king of the Zidonians, and went and
served Baha'u'llah and worshipped him. Of course, this was many years after the temple and everything.
One other mention of Zidon in the Old Testament, far as uh stories that we're familiar with it was in the
zionian city of zarephath the gentile city where there was a widow that took care of the prophet
elijah and she was the one that provided the oil and flour for uh through through the famine. And also the same widow whose son became ill,
and Elijah raised him from the dead.
Now, in the major prophets of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Joel, Amos, Zechariah,
Tyre and Zidon are mentioned many, many times throughout there,
mainly in prophetic utterances from those prophets
about the destruction of Tyre and Sidon.
So there's a lot in verse 21 here to unlock,
and already here we're just about a quarter of an hour into our discussion.
We haven't really gotten into the meat of the verse.
But I say all this to you to get an understanding
that in the minds of his audience,
when Jesus was addressing various audiences and everything,
when he mentioned Tyre and Sidon,
the reaction of the Jewish people to Tyre and Sidon is,
oh, those are condemned cities.
Those are Gentile cities.
After all, the prophet Isaiah and Elijah and Joel and Amos said,
God's finger of destruction is on Tyre and Sidon.
So think about in their mindset here.
In the Jewish mindset of Jesus' day, that Tyre and Sidon represented to a lot of Jewish minds, Jewish leaders,
the definition of destruction for sin.
Okay? And yet Jesus, Matthew 11, says if the mighty works that he had done had been done
in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented, opening the door to cause his disciples and those
that followed Jesus to consider that God loves the Gentiles too.
And I wanted to bring all that out because I wanted you to understand. I'm trying to think of a comparison in our own world today that comes close to it.
And the only thing I can think of is Las Vegas, okay?
Maybe it's not exact, but what is the tagline for Las Vegas?
Sin City, right?
And when you think about it, there could be no redemption for Sin City.
That would be kind of the same mindset.
Not exactly, but it's the closest thing I can make a comparison with.
Can the gospel be preached in Vegas?
Of course it can.
The gospel can overcome sin.
But here's Jesus now. He's been ministering among the Jews in all the Jewish regions and everything. Now, he has encountered
Gentiles before, but Jesus has not gone out to the Gentiles. Gentiles previously had come to him.
Well, why do I say that?
Well, if you remember the centurion,
that was a Gentile that came to him.
You know, so, you know,
but this instance in verse 21
is Jesus making an effort to go to the Gentile area.
So that's verse 21.
So you probably know more about Tyre and Sidon today than you ever cared to know.
But I need you to know that this was a Gentile region.
This was a region that was considered under the judgment of God,
prophetic judgment of God, and yet Jesus is going there.
Jesus is going there.
And so that's just, we could spend another half hour just on verse 21 here,
but our time is limited today.
So verse 22,
Behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coast
and cried unto him, saying,
Have mercy on me, Lord, thou son of David.
My daughter is grievously vexed with a devil.
So this is a Canaanite woman,
a Canaanite woman.
And Matthew makes an effort to bring this out and to say it's a woman of Canaan.
And this is an old term.
He makes sure that the audience that's receiving the gospel of Matthew
as it's written does not forget her ancestry.
It's important because what Matthew is trying to convey here in verse 22
is that a descendant of the ancient enemies of Israel,
here's a woman, a descendant of Israel's ancient enemies, coming to the Jewish
Messiah for a blessing. Called him, Lord, thou son of David, recognizing not only who he is,
but that he is the Messiah this is a Gentile woman now
you've got to understand this is a really important here that Jesus made
the effort to go to a Gentile region the same general region where Elijah was fed by the widow woman, okay?
And the Canaanites were ancient enemies of Israel.
And yet our Lord Messiah showed compassion by going to them.
Now, our dialogue here seems like he's being mean to her.
But we'll get into that here in just a moment, okay?
So the idea is that Jesus made the effort to have an encounter with this woman.
And it's not just any woman.
It's a woman of faith.
How do I know she's a woman of faith?
Behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the coast.
So obviously she heard the news that Jesus was in the area.
She came out.
She came pursuing Jesus and cried unto him.
It wasn't a casual encounter. It wasn't the Canaanite woman sending over a text message and saying,
hey, have you got a few minutes?
No, it was the Canaanite woman crying.
It says, crying unto the Lord, saying what?
Have mercy on me.
Remember, this is a Canaanite woman, a Gentile woman, and yet she recognized within Jesus
his ability to display mercy in her situation.
You have to understand that in her mind, she did not deserve this.
You see, mercy is never deserved, ladies and gentlemen. Mercy is never deserved.
Mercy is granted by the mercy giver.
He makes the choice to grant mercy out there.
Aren't you glad that he made a choice to grant you mercy as well?
When you cried out, Lord, have mercy on me.
Have mercy on me, O Lord.
So she recognized that he was the mercy giver.
Praise God.
I'm glad I know the mercy giver.
And that's the place she started from.
She recognized that there was a place of mercy.
And my friend, son or daughter, friend, brother or sister,
I'm telling you there is a mercy place.
There is a mercy place for you.
You may be feeling like there is no way out in your sinful situation.
You may have been told that God is unable to forgive,
that God is unable to show mercy in your life.
That's a lie from the pits of hell.
The mercy giver, ladies and gentlemen, is here right now,
and he walks among us, and he's looking for people that want mercy.
The mercy giver is here, and he's walking among the crowd, he's walking among the people,
and he's keeping his eyes open, and he's just looking for the one that wants mercy.
So let me ask you this today.
Have you been seeking the mercy giver today?
Because this Gentile Canaanite woman, an ancient enemy of Israel,
sought mercy from the Lord.
O Lord, thou son of David.
And so not only did she seek mercy,
but she also had to have some understanding of the word of God to recognize that Jesus was the son of David.
Remember, this is a Gentile woman.
She's a Canaanite, an enemy of Israel, if you will.
And yet she knows enough about the word of God to recognize that Jesus is the Jewish Messiah. Think about that just a minute.
She knew, I doubt if she had the Septuagint memorized, okay? She probably couldn't even read,
and yet she knew enough of the Word of God to call Jesus the son of David.
Ladies and gentlemen, I want to encourage you about the Word of God today.
I encourage you every day to get into the Word.
I'm glad that there are so many people here today on Morning Manna.
We have about 300 people here joining us for our Bible study today. I am so glad
that there are so many people that are seeking the Word of God on a regular basis. And I encourage
you, get the Word into you. Get the Word into you, because the more of the Word that you have in you,
the more ammunition that you have when the attacks come, when the persecution comes,
when just the general troubles of life come,
you are loaded for bear if you've got the Word of God in you.
And the perfect example of this is this Canaanite woman here in Matthew chapter 15.
It's unlikely that she ever darkened the doors of a synagogue. It's unlikely that she
had access to scrolls. It's unlikely, okay? She might have, I don't know, but it's unlikely.
And yet somewhere, somehow, enough of the Word of God got to her. I don't know how.
Maybe someone, you know, maybe she was standing outside the window of God got to her. I don't know how. Maybe she was standing outside the window of
the synagogue every week. I don't know. But enough of the word of God got into her
in order for her to recognize that Jesus was the Messiah. In fact, I believe just based on this verse, verse 22, not only did she believe
that Jesus was the Jewish Messiah, she believed that Jesus was her Messiah.
And that's all you need to start with, folks, is to believe the Word of God
and to believe that Jesus is the Messiah. That's a
great place to start. Where did she learn this? I don't know, but somewhere along the way,
the Word of God got into her enough that when she heard Jesus was, you know, out on the beach at Tyre and Sidon that she ran.
I got to get to Jesus.
I got to get to Jesus.
My daughter is grievously vexed with the devil,
and he's the only one with the solution.
And so I want to encourage you. And this is something I've thought about on and off through the years.
Before I came to know the Lord when I was 15 years old,
I went to various churches and things like that. Everybody goes to church camps or
vacation Bible school and things like that. Along the way, before I even made a confession of faith
in Christ, the Word of God was getting into me by going to vacation Bible school,
by going to church camp.
I had a grandmother.
My grandmother could barely read.
I mean, barely read.
And yet she'd read the Word of God.
And she had a limited understanding of even what she was reading,
but she believed enough to read it.
And my grandmother would sit in the living room of her mobile home
and read the Bible out loud, much to the consternation of my grandfather.
But she would read the Bible out loud.
And that's one of the reasons why I encourage you to do that.
But the reason why she read it out loud is she that's one of the reasons why I encourage you to do that, but the reason why she
read it out loud is she couldn't read it internally. She had a problem with reading to herself,
and there are a lot of people like that, by the way. In fact, I forget who it was. It was
one of the church fathers, I think around 300 AD, who actually got called on the
carpet because he said he was reading the Word of God to himself in his head, and they condemned
him for it. No, you can't do that. You can't read to yourself, but my grandmother would read the
Word of God out loud. That word would get into me. I had an aunt that came out of the Catholic church and
started following Jesus, and every time she'd get her hands on me, she'd tell me something
out of the Bible that she learned. And that word of God got into me so that when I was 15 years old,
Thanksgiving Day, 1979, Thanksgiving night,
that I confessed Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.
And that was based on what the Word of God had already done in me in the past.
I didn't recognize that then, but the seeds of the gospel through the Word of God
had been planted in me that when the perfect opportunity came to confess Christ,
Thanksgiving night, 1979, in Carrollton, Missouri, I came to know the Lord.
And the same thing has happened with this Canaanite woman.
She's got a child that's possessed with the devil.
She can't get answers anywhere else, but she heard Jesus was there,
and she had enough of the Word of God inside of her.
All you needed, just enough of the Word, folks.
She had just enough of the Word to know who had the answer, and that was Jesus.
Lord, thou son of David, my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil.
She knew who had the solution, even though she was a rejected Canaanite woman.
And even though it is out of character for Jesus to get in a boat and go to a Gentile city,
and even stresses in this dialogue, and we're not going to be able
to get to it today, he stresses in this dialogue, I'm sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
But where did he go? He went to the Gentile coast. We'll talk more about this passage tomorrow,
especially this part, where Jesus goes to the Gentile coast
and yet says that I'm sent to the lost sheep
of the house of Israel.
Really think about that just a minute, okay?
I'm saying that Jesus was not only sent
to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, he was only sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel
he was also sent to the lost sheep in Tyre
and Sidon and all the regions around
so this is really a fascinating passage here
today and I really encourage you
between today and tomorrow read this passage a couple times.
I ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and direct you and to lead you into all truth related to this.
We have a shortened version of Morning Manor today because of Rick's schedule.
And so we are only going to be here with you here for a half hour today.
And so I appreciate you tuning in and blessing us with
your presence. And I pray the Word of God has been a blessing to you today as you seek after Him.
God bless you. Thank you for tuning in to Morning Manor. Tomorrow, Friday edition of Morning Manor,
we will be having communion, so don't miss out on that. God bless you, and we'll see you on the
Friday edition of Morning Manor.
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